The Agenda of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 1 The River of Waupun

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I'm used to preaching without Mike we were just in New Jersey and in the middle of the sermon the Lord told me to speak on holiness and so I started to talk about what the Lord had told me and the power went out so I finished my sermon an hour and ten minutes without power without lights so I I'm used to speaking without a microphone if I had to yell I found out that this city we were in is where George Whitefield used to preach to 10,000 people and so we went to his church the next day where he stood on the outside of the church and spoke to 10,000 people on that street and so it's all about the breath of God you know when God breathed into man we became a living soul it became alive and tonight God breathed on us again by his Spirit and he did that for a reason because he wants fellowship he wants to engage us and we engaged him and now he wants to engage us and so there's there's a bunch of questions that the Lord wants to answer for you tonight and I'm not in - there's a couple things I don't like to do I don't like to talk about myself and I don't like to take offerings and I don't like to drive I like to fly so if I'm flying I'm happy if someone else takes you offering I'm happy someone else talks about me but I you know as long as I don't hear it the Holy Spirit in South Africa one day I was I was talking I said I twice in a row and the Holy Spirit audibly said to me if you say I one more time I'm gonna leave and go over there and I'm gonna wait until you're done talking about yourself because I wasn't sent to talk about us sent to bring everybody to Jesus everybody to the Father I said well that won't happen again so I'm sorry for not formally introducing myself um me and my wife Kathy have been in ministry now almost two years 23 years I went it worked for a pastor a couple different pastors started a couple churches and they never knew that I had gone to heaven they never knew that this thing had happened because I never was allowed to talk about it and 20 23 years went by and finally the Lord appeared to me and said it's time to write that book so I wrote the book and I told my wife I said someday I want to be interviewed on TBN by Jesse Duplantis because he went to heaven and I said so if I ever get interviewed on TBN I want it to be that guy named Jesse Duplantis because he would understand some of the things I went through and so as a story goes I was on a tour of his ministry and he came out of his office and shook my hand and that's how it all started next thing you know I'm on TBN with him and he's interviewing me and then Sid Roth saw that interview and called me with the help of special people here on the front road Chuck and Mary Volm also helped me as well to get things going so me and my wife when we had careers we worked for 29 years at our career and she had a business and I worked for an airline and at the end of the 29 years the breath of God just started to move on us in a different way and that's kind of our story I had a visitation of the Lord back in 1992 and I wasn't allowed to talk about it for all these years and and then this is this this night that tonight is very special because God has shifted he shifted into the next phase and it's happened tonight as we were worshiping him but you know there's always things going on I mean you know you know you know that right you know that a lot of you are behind the curve and you know when I was in it when I was with Jesus I found out that he was waiting on me to mature and it had to do with Revelation it had to do with what Paul prayed in Ephesians chapter 1 verses 17 through 23 you know if you remember in the book of Acts the Ephesians were steeped in witchcraft and when they repented you know I said that word in church repent because Jesus explained to me that I that any time that I look away from him and focus on anything but him I need to repent I need to turn my face back and behold his face if I am NOT looking at him and my focus is not him then then I need to repent I need to turn 180 degrees I need it did you hear me so so repentance is coming back to the church or we're gonna apologize to Ananias and Sapphira one by one okay and in the altars the holy altars are coming back to the church humility and brokenness is coming back to the church do I need to go through all the ingredients that Jesus gave me for a revival you know I don't even like to use that word because if my heart's working fine I don't need somebody to put clampers on me and say clear if my heart's working good I don't need revived revivals for dead people and I don't know anybody in this room that's dead spiritually or physically now let me let me tell you where I'm going with this one day I are on a flight someone died and they don't know how long he had been dead they thought he was sleeping but he was coming he had no blood flowing through him he had no breath no heartbeat so I just laid him on the aisle floor and went to work no breath no heartbeat and um you know I've been to heaven so I look to the Y she just sobbing you know and and I can still hear her heart cry she just lost her husband and something happened to me I asked does anybody know what I'm talking about it's when you have to go from your limitations into God's realm and you have to reach beyond your own limitations it's called being a Christian a normal Christian it's when you you reach into the supernatural which is really your natural you're just being told it's supernatural because you know you're surprised when it happens you're surprised when God actually shows up or answers your prayer well that's what happened to me I should know better he is the resurrection in the life every time that he went to a funeral he ruined it because he's the resurrection in life if it's not a person's time he just reverses the curse which is what he did on the cross for us okay be getting back to the airplane I I you know I'm a minister you know and I shouldn't even be at this job because I'm a minister you know and I went through all the training and became an expert until I met Jesus then it became a little pert but this big when I came back I didn't even want to look at my degrees on my wall anymore I want to look at him because I thought he knows stuff that I don't know and did you know how much I said in 45 minutes that I was with him I said one thing I said you are the most misunderstand person on the earth you're nothing like what people say you are you're far above exceedingly above so I looked at his wife and I said are you Christian because I can see the glory of God on her and she said yes I said it is your husband she said yeah I said can I pray for him because well I couldn't get him breathing or a heartbeat so I'd gone beyond you know my certification in CPR but something else happened inside of me and I thought well you know it's not like my hand on his chest and I started it out in the soul I said father I just received this man into your arms you know the nice prayer that a minister would pray and out of my spirit came come back in the name of Jesus now what would what would do that the kingdom would do that the kingdom of God took over and I went beyond my ability and that man woke up not only that he got back in his seat and when we got there he wouldn't let the ambulance guys take him out on the gurney he wanted to walk and then I realized something when a demon leaves I think that that's easy but raising the dead that's hard until I met a man who was the resurrection in the life and he was inside of me and he said excuse me I'll take over from here because we're not having a funeral is there anybody here well something's shifted tonight and I learned something I have I have I have learned something from every person I have ever met I have never not learned something now sometimes 80% of the time I learn what not to do through other people but and I want to ask him have you been living in a cave you know because you know have you been raised by wolves you know why are you acting the way you do but no I learned something from everybody but there's a teacher inside of you he's this Holy Spirit and he's wanting to show you what he is doing in his realm and that's what Jesus did jesus said all authority he made you he made me he formed the universes and yet he never spoke anything while I was on this earth and unless his father told him to okay he understood Authority and then he said another one's coming just like me the Holy Spirit but he's not gonna speak on his own either he's only gonna be what the Father say so the works I do they're the father's that's what he said he didn't take credit for anything so is it really your ministry is it really you know because it's embarrassing that I was a minister and I wasn't operating in maturity in the spirit so Paul prayed for these people these Ephesians in Ephesians well in Ephesus in the book of Acts these people repented and fifty thousand pieces of silver is worth of these books there were satanic curse books you know witchcraft were burnt right there and Paul pray for them in first the first chapter of Ephesians he said I pray that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened I pray that you would have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him he said I pray that you would know the glorious inheritance it's in the Saints you see and on and on it goes about the power that rose Jesus from the dead that's what paul prayed for them and i got to the place just like you're gonna get to tonight there's a ship that happened now when this happens you have to go on because the door behind you just shut you can't go back now what do you want for this region it would be what God is doing in this region well he's saying some things he's busting it wide open in this region right now but he's doing it he's doing it everywhere you should see what's happening in in Switzerland in Germany and Italy it's a it's there's people everywhere that are just like you and God just needs four crazy friends to lower somebody down through a roof and there's more than four in here and we only need two so he the truth of it is is that your eyes have been enlightened because the Spirit of God he loves to do his thing but he needs you to yield now like I was saying last night to the secret meeting that most of you don't know about I was saying listen out of you is gonna flow rivers of living water but that is flowing out of you so you're not here to be a vacuum cleaner you're here to let the Spirit God flow out of you like you did in worship you do that during the service if you do that there's gonna be such a move of God tonight because it's not really about us it's about him and if we are crucified with him then we will live with him and this is what Jesus told me I mean help me out here he said everybody wants resurrection power they want to experience the power of God he said but nobody wants to die and even Smith Wigglesworth you know I mean I I I mean is documented I think I've heard in different numbers but let's just say 37 people raised from the dead but he said god mode over him until the Smith just disappeared he said he found himself in wit's end corner he said but you showed me a man in wit's end corner and I'll show you a man that God could use hmm so a couple months ago I met a man he's had 37 people raised from the dead he's he's alive right now and I'm I'm getting ready to film a program and then he's right after me he comes up to me I mean these guys like the Apostle Paul he looks in my eyes because I want to see if Jesus is in there he goes yep I go boy y'all better yield cuz you're gonna get full of joy here and just a couple set there's a couple saved he goes he goes all this stuff you guys are doing here this isn't real he says where I'm at is real he says I raised people from the dead and I'm surprised when they don't come back I go okay he says how many people have you had risen from the dead I go one because this isn't real he says what I'm doing is real and I'm thinking yeah but this is necessary - I thought you know anyway I did my show he's waiting for me when I come off the set because he's next and he said some amazing things to me but you know what he said to me and his son he said down there were we're at the churches we have to teach people to listen to their elders because the elders the people that are in their 90's close to 100 they don't want to be risen from the dead when they die and people are raising them from the dead he's trained his whole church to raise people from the dead so they have meetings and the elderly stand up and they tell the people I'm about to go do not reservoir he's trained he's replicated his ministry in others and that's why I was sent back I was sent back to replicate and then when I get the call and say that I'm not needed anymore I'll say fine because I can't wait we can't even take what the invites we'll never get to all the invites but here's the thing if Jesus really is the resurrection then there ought to be resurrection happening if he's really the healer then there ought to be some healing happening if he is the spirit of life and if his breath his very breath is spirit in his life then we ought to experience his life the Jesus I met he is very very careful about what he says because he gets everything he says so he doesn't say things he doesn't mean because he can create things by his words and he actually you know he actually wrote mark 11:23 and 24 it's because he he's already done all that I'm gonna fall over I am gonna fall over right now because the same person that spoke you into existence wrote a book about you signed it and now is waiting for his enemies to become his footstool he's sitting on his throne right now and he's waiting for us to wake up and engage now I'm just gonna speak by the spirit there's nothing else to do I hope you didn't come to hear me because I died if you want to know how to live you got to die you got to have turn away from your own agenda and your house will fill up with angels immediately they will be notified okay he's done he or she's done with themselves we can work with them though anybody that's ever been used of God has died to themself Jesus started it but he started it before he died he said if you if you are going to love me he said if you're gonna love me he said you are going to deny yourself you're gonna pick up a cross you're gonna follow me that takes passion that takes being convinced so he taught me how to turn a megachurch into a small Bible study so he said he said too many people were following him for the wrong reasons they were following him because they got fed and because they saw miracles and so Jesus turned them and said if you don't drink my blood or eat my flesh you have no part of me why did he do that he was thinning the herd well you know I think he had 12 left and these guys had left everything to follow him and he said are you gonna leave me too and he they said where would we go you have the words of life now what did they say about him they said he's not like the Pharisees he speaks with authority I see these these are things that Jesus obtained for us so the Spirit of God is saying some things tonight that's beyond my notes it's beyond even the books that I'm writing years from now I'm already starting 2020 I've already got 2019 done I got 2020 now that I'm writing because God's saying stuff but he's in your future and it says now and he has no problem with your future because he's staring at it right now I I was told it's because someone someone that was taking care of Albert Einstein she wanted to witness to him so she said I just want to know that you know God and you know Jesus and he said he was he was doing all these computations on on paper and he goes oh yeah I know him he said in fact I'm catching him at his work right now because he's doing stuff he's movement he was he was figuring out he said his prayer was God take me to where you sit so I can see the universe from your position famous quote of his see anybody anybody that's ever done anything from God has lost their own agenda now this there's a conference this conference is about angels on paper only because every angel I've ever met doesn't want to be talked about they don't want to be noticed they're like my special forces friends if they get if they if people know that they were in their country you know not their own someone else's they failed there are people that I know that are heroes it'll never be celebrated because their job was never to be known do you get that if they if they were not caught they succeeded and that's why they angels are but angels were created to serve God and to serve us did you know that they're sent to serve those organ inherit salvation they're ministering for us they're ministering to us the thing that would make Jesus so happy is if you would just get over yourself and engage the agenda of God for your life it's that simple who because you think two-day delivery of Amazon is amazing but have you had to our I've had one hour with Amazon my friend he came up and stayed with us in Seattle and he said man I forgot my shampoo and it's a special shampoo I'm thinking you're a guy [Laughter] you could use you could use dish soap no really you know what I mean guys could just use dish soap it's fine I said what's the name of it he goes why I go I'm gonna order for you he goes yeah but I need it now I said his is an hour okay he goes what I go I pulled out my phone and I went is this it he goes yeah I go click one hour delivery because I lived in Seattle and the place was like less than an hour away I kid you not in an hour the UPS Bing not UPS but it was some you know DHL whatever you know LDL I don't know but he like this is amazing but this guy this guy when he walked in our house he drove the whole way up from Phoenix to our house in Seattle now what he didn't know was we had we had had angel visitation in this house we had had the prayer time for our pastor where we spent hours and hours and hours interceding for our pastor in this one spot in front of the fireplace and anybody we've had several people visit us when they would walk through that spot they would fall and there was there was no there was no band playing there was no offering nobody waved their jacket nobody breathed into the mic no no seriously you know like we didn't get it like you know get a you know BAM so this guy this guy he comes in and he's like oh he's like looking around man what a house walks right through that BAM and he's just laying there there was nothing spiritual happening but something happened there before what happened there before heaven heaven was opened there and it didn't matter that that person wasn't aware of it now think about this Abraham built an altar in bethel isaac visited it his son and then jacob the third generation that always forgets god it's tired and so he just grabs a rock and falls asleep and he sees angels descending and ascending on on this ladder and he wakes up and this is what he says i did not know that god was in this place but he should have oh come on now he should have you see he had a heritage and an inheritance he had a covenant by default in his case but nonetheless it still happened anyway so i have to announce to you you're actually riding off of a previous generations prayers and boy is his next generation boy are they gonna they gonna encounter God like never before because of us because we're we're engaging him oh boy it's gonna get hot in here y'all better hold on you see you move into the place that was already made for you now when I was with Jesus he made this very clear his passion is his people he did this whole thing for the father he bought back God's family that's you now he gave us he said to those who believe he gave them the power to become children of God yeah it's in the Bible first John I mean John 1:12 he gave them the power to become sons of God ok that word there is Exodia it's not Dunamis which means Authority he gave them the authority to be something that doesn't have to do with feelings you know what I I stopped for a hundred and ten pound cop as much as I do for a 245-pound cop when he puts his hand up I stop why because it's the but it's the authority that that badge carries it's not as weight I could pick him up over my shoulder I'd spend the night in jail but I could do that do you understand what I'm saying okay it's the same with Jesus if Jesus said I want you to go forth I want you to preach the gospel I want you to heal the sick raise the dead all in the same breath he said that and drive out Devils then that's what we do we don't wait for the apostle to come to town we don't wait for the prophet to come to town we don't wait for our pastor to pray for us we engage God wherever wet and it's not based on feelings authority come on are you gonna get so I can go on please I got it I got notes to read here authority doesn't have anything to do with feelings what what what's your heart's desire what's your passion do you know there's a devil assigned to destroy that whatever it is that you're supposed to take out in this life it's I guarantee it's hounding you right now now I only have friends around me that do not limit me if I have to say shut up I say it and then we don't talk that much anymore come on now I was I thought I was a hot pilot when I had a Cessna 172 but in a dive that thing couldn't go over 140 and then I experienced five or six hundred miles an hour I couldn't believe it if I didn't watch it there are planes that at the end of the runway they're already going 450 knots at the end of the runway you have to have your gear up as soon as you leave the ground and f-16 because of 300 knots you overstressed the gear if it's still down so you have to put it up right away and at the end of the runway you're at 450 knots you can pitch up and go to 33,000 feet straight up and then you're gonna have to lane cuz you burn all your fuel but that's beside the point you should see it 16 thousand pounds per per minute so you got like five or six minutes then you go to the refuel or you you land but the performance that you're encountering is nothing compared to what Jesus bought for you you have to get to the place where you don't have to look for Devils they come looking for you and you have Authority which doesn't have to do with feeling and I'm serious I'm speaking by the spirit I'm helping you all out here when the devil says something to me which is very rarely anymore I go you're kidding that's it that's all you got that's what I say to him and he just sits there and blinks because he doesn't have a plan B is anybody listening to me do you want to talk about Noah's Ark in the fluffy animals and stuff like that or do you want to talk about if you want it what counts tomorrow morning when you wake up there's a devil know who you are I'm talking about Authority I'm talking about the kingdom of God no no be honest with me be honest with me if you were given like Jesus was given 40 extra days of ministry did you know that he died was risen from the dead and that says he ministered for forty days Jesus asked me he said you might want to take note of what I chose as a subject if I was given an extra 40 days so I in a book of Acts says he taught on the kingdom of God I said okay now we're getting somewhere oh man I'm gonna fall oh man y'all just need to jump in because we can just go back to worship I'm telling you by that the Spirit of God Jesus is trying to tell you something here he taught on us on the kingdom for 40 days I said Lord why were you given another 40 days he said the father was paying me back for the 40 days of temptation in the desert and he said you go back and you tell the people that for every day that they're harassed by the devil they get a day of power in the ministry so a lot of us have years isn't it time to be known in hell without going there isn't it time that the devil gets tormented oh you you know and you you that have had me you know you've heard me before but I used to be afraid of the devil and then one day the tables were turning I was no longer a victim oh I remember that day when the the poison that he had put before me I just spun the table around now hits it in front of him I go go ahead and drink and I he had to drink his own poison pulse Paul the Apostle the he's a big boy he's an apostle I'm a pert not even an expert anymore I'm a pert he said he said their powers of this age are coming to nothing Jesus made us show them openly Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil okay and he says be ye imitators of God his dearly loved children I mean okay let's see here and then Peter in 2nd Peter chapter 1 he said he said these precious promises that we've been given he said that we can we can we can escape the corruption that's in the world caused by lust and be partakers of the divine nature did you hear what I just said I mean there's people that have have been crucified for less than saying that but did you hear what Peter said he said we can be partakers of the divine nature what does that mean well let me tell you something when you get to heaven you're gonna remember every word I told you but you don't have to mess up you can get this and change history do you want to change history okay you can start right now you have to make an adjustment inside of you you are not a victim your enemy is the victim if not then why does he scream like a little girl when I'm about to cast him out of somebody why right now is he telling me don't tell them this because we're gonna lose them oh yeah when do you realize that you are born into this generation as a history maker when is your going to realize that nobody in heaven is eliminate you Jesus already bought you everything Jesus told me I'm not coming back and going through that again it's done I bought you out Kevin you're mine he handed me a blank check and he said you name your price and I will pay it you are worth it because see I have value in heaven you have value in heaven the two things that I came back here with that you need to know so that you don't find out because you might not have a second chance I get a second chance but I'm gonna make the devil's scream like a girl every day I felt value with Jesus he gave me value number two he gave me security I felt secure in his presence I felt value in his presence he loves me and you know what it took years to figure out I thought I was his favorite so four years after that I couldn't believe that people were treating me when I came back from heaven I couldn't believe that people were treating me the way they were because I'm God's favorite because that's the way Jesus made you feel in his presence so did you know that you know and I'm just being honest with you you know nobody did you notice and nobody wants to preach from first John anymore because it talks about not sinning in there at all we don't sin it says he said John said but if we do you know perchance is anybody here what happened the first John is not being talked about anymore I'll tell you why cuz it's a it's hard it's hard to grasp the fact that if you discern how much God loves you you won't sin I saw that my born-again spirit my human spirit born again one with God I've become one with him in spirit according to Paul he told the Corinthians he said if you join yourself the Lord you're one with him in spirit okay is there any Greek scholar in here they can destroy that you know okay if that's the case then then who I am as a person I'll get ready I can identify with God more than I can identify with the devil I identify with God because he's my father now you got to know help me out help me out I was in heaven and I only had one parent and he was sitting on a throne help me out here I don't have a mother in heaven I have a father my parents were my genetically they were biological they gave me my earth suit but my spirit came from God never heard anybody talk like this my spirit came from God he he thought of me Jesus how can I make a mistake he's right here three feet from me I looked in his eyes and he lets you walk into his eyes I walked into his eyes and I watched him think of me is anybody here he thought of me and then he breathed me out and my spirit went into my mother's womb so I wasn't an accident and you know there are some people didn't even know who my father was they didn't matter I didn't come from here I came from God and I was gonna go to hell in a church that never taught me to be born again I was going to hell and I didn't have to go to hell my spirit came from God no one in Hell should be in Hell jesus said that hell was made for the devil and his angels it wasn't meant for a man to go to hell okay am i okay alright so you got to hear this and you got to grasp this tonight because Authority is not a feeling authority is who you are because God made you that way and he gave you he deputized you he gave you his name so when the devil hears you speak by when you're speaking from down here in your spirit he hears God's voice if you're yielding to the spirit if not he laughs at you because I don't have to leave are you gonna yield to the spirit are you gonna walk in the spirit well then it's impossible for God to be mocked God's Word is always true it will always come to pass if it doesn't go look in the mirror because that's what I do I do not you know I was I was as close to him I will never tell him that he failed I will never tell him that it didn't work my prayers became this give me the ability to receive from you give me the ability to a grasp you to understand you to implement the truth that is from heaven into this body and into this mouth and walk as a person who's redeemed from death hell and the grave I'm redeemed I'm redeemed I'd listen death just get over death it's a promotion they didn't even tell me how I died it wasn't even told to me because it didn't matter and the things you're worried about right now a thousand years from now it's not going to matter what's gonna matter is did you take what's in your spirit your destiny your dream your vision that God gave you who you are as a person is for this generation and Jacob didn't discern it okay that was my introduction now about angels now listen Jacob wrestled with an angel but you don't have to do that you can grieve your angels just ask the one that God gave to Moses in the people of Israel he said he said I'm I can't be among them there's stiff-necked Moses says well hey I just want you to know if you're not gonna go with us then we're not going why cuz Moses is smart he knows he said you're okay and you're gonna be okay Moses but they are not going to be okay he said I'll send an angel he said but don't grieve him don't provoke him because he will not forgive your sin he will not tolerate know you're saying well that's Old Testament well what about Hebrews it talks about this and it latches it to you don't be like them who through unbelief did not enter in but fell in the desert that's New Testament they didn't enter in so tonight the biggest thing about Angel ministry and about any kind of ministry it has to do with you entering in well how do you enter in well God opens up the heavenlies to you see but he's already opened up the Holy of Holies to you a new and living way has been opened to you through Jesus Christ he's already gone in there made a way for you tore the veil and now you go in there and you can encounter God at that level that only a high priest could but so many people don't do that jesus said now this is what you're gonna find out Jesus said this he said the way is narrow and if you find it you won't hear that much anymore there's a lot you won't hear much anymore which is the reason why I'm working on a certain book talking about this right now and he'll be out in two years because the devil doesn't want you to say certain things he doesn't want you to believe certain things and so I'm gonna write a book about those things the things that he doesn't want you to know about there's a process of maturity you can yield to it or you can learn the hard way I don't need to watch people falling in the desert to figure it out I don't need to lose any more friends because they wanted to go a certain way and I did you know it's amazing my Minister friends most people I could name the colleges I can name the people a lot hundreds are not in the ministry they sat in the same classes I did we're told the same things I was told and they did everything they were told not to do I watched it does anybody else hear I just had a fossil apostle from Sri Lanka called me he was my prayer buddy in college and we were we were ridicule because we prayed too much I didn't know you could and we would get the prayer together and he's from Sri Lanka and we would pray we would pray and we couldn't stop praying and I'm I never saw him again you know he went back to Sri Lanka and and I went on to a you know my next level of college and um he just called me he called me two months ago and he he said all our buddies are out of the ministry I go what I go what are you doing he goes well he said right after we said goodbye after graduation he said I got a call from my pastor he said there's a family emergency I need you to take the church so when he got back to that church and had whittled down to 30 so he took it he said now it's 1,500 anyhow at 53 churches under me did you just hear what I decided okay so we prayed too much my roommate angel another roommate we prayed too much you know what happened one night Jesus walked into the room and we both fell sck and we screamed and we had an encounter changed my life forever the holiness that was on Jesus was so strong that that I was I was repenting of everything I could think of spear field minister because the holiness of God was so strong and I felt I felt my humanists I was repenting he was repenting when I was in heaven the holiness was so strong that there were places that I could hardly stand it and I wasn't even in my body there are things that Jesus told me that are impossible to happen but they happen anyway and so I tell you tonight were you will you please God by just believing the impossible will you please God you know without faith you cannot please God you must believe that he exists and you must believe that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him you know what happens when you dizzy Luther same all the time you don't change one of my professors he flew he flew an airplane at the edge of space for many years of and they didn't even believe it existed and when he was shot at he was going the speed of a 30.6 bullet and he said I just pushed up the throttle we'd outrun the missiles we stayed on course because we had the advantage well are we seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus or is is Ephesians 2:5 is that in your Bible still or do they take that outfit we're seated with him in the heavenly realms right far above see whatever is bothering you I mean I trust me I for 29 years it didn't matter where I took off when I reached well the first level is around 16,000 feet but what I got the 35 or 37,000 feet the Sun was shining all the time no matter what I took off in the Sun was always shining there is a way to encounter God every day but you have to allow the spirit to take you to that realm because this realm it has to do with a real cheap earth suit that you have that gives you trouble it's their body and you go in a mind that's not renewed because you don't spend enough time in the Word of God what did Paul say Romans 12:2 he said you have to be transformed by the renewing of your mind okay so you have you have your mind in your body that are having meetings without you at night and they're gonna vote you off the island your spirits born-again you're alive to God but your mind needs transformed your body needs to be dissin and Paul said listen I beat my body daily I discipline my body daily so that after I've preached Christ I myself am not disqualified or thrown away a castaway he was a big boy now he told the Corinthians he said I long to come to you but Satan hindered me so even Paul was hindered Jesus wanted to heal people in his own hometown but he was hindered can you believe that unbelief could hinder the Son of God so engage God and please him by by the things that you see that please God jesus said you ought to take note of those things that I marveled at they were they were Gentiles when was this the woman in Samaria and one what this one was the Centurion he said I haven't found this great of faith in Israel he marveled at the woman who said even even the the Masters dogs eat the crumbs and the Centurion said you don't have to come to my house just speak the word see that's authority to speak the word and they'll be healed okay so getting into your prayer life as a spirit wants me to talk about and and and the way that angels engage you in your prayer life they're waiting for you to agree with God because they already do so you want a one-hour delivery from Amazon don't seek those things seek God and all these things are going to be given unto you mark in Matthew 6:33 don't listen to me the spirits saying some things because he wants to help you I don't have enough time you're just as important I was at a church they had 31 thousand people in it in South Africa I speak the same way I'm speaking to you I speak in living rooms where there's 30 people I speak the same way because everybody's important but he who has ears to hear let him hear what the spirit say what did what did the spirits say what did Jesus tell John he who has ears to hear he said it every time after he gave a message to one of the seven churches he who has ears let him hear what the Spirit says jesus said listen there's some hard things they're hard but if you can accept it you should and anyways say this is hard and it wasn't this way from the beginning but it's because of the hardness of your hearts that God gave divorce you ought to listen to these things because it'll show you I'm telling you the Lord just told me that you're gonna go home and you are going to get in the saddle he just told me that you all are gonna you're all are gonna do this you're gonna engage God on his level he brought you up to his level are you an imitator of God I mean should be right what does that involve it involves being in this earth realm having a bellybutton because you're legally here so you know the devil doesn't have a bellybutton he illegally took your stuff he took your world he took the garden he took all your stuff and now you got a toil and you really this is embarrassing but I I found out that I was working for him and he has it rigged to where you can't win at his system of debt it's rigged I had to have Cathy and I had to have a supernatural event where someone paid off our house in order to get out of that system because it's got a death grip on it more mortgage Mort gage death grip and the Lord wants to take you out of these things he doesn't want you hooked on pharmaceutical drugs he wants you hooked on him now I know this god is intoxicating to me Jesus is intoxicating to me I'm I'm I'm drunk right now I am totally drunk in the spirit why because once you die you can do nothing but live you have to die to yourself now listen to me if you weren't afraid to die you would live you had totally change the way that you look at life if you couldn't fail you would totally live differently but see the last thing that Jesus told me when I was with him he sent me back he asked me if I'd come back and he said if you go back from me he said you will not fail it's gonna be extra credit that's what he told me and I did want to come back you want to know why because he let me turn and look back at the earth and I saw everything that you have questions about about the demonic I saw it all I go ok ain't going back to that I'm serious he showed me the origin he showed me the operation of the demonic and I saw how hard it is down here so I know what everybody's going through I'm I'm telling you that you got a switch it you got a switch the position to where the devil's working and you're not know that this is this there's there's two things I got to tell you when I came back I was capped I was taken up again and I heard an interview in an office in heaven I was in a waiting room and I heard someone complaining about somebody and I thought this isn't this is this is a devil this is the devil what's he doing he's complaining he's accusing a saint and Jesus was listening to this and there's there's just I couldn't I I mean I'm right there and I could hear it down the hallway I looked and there was he's just pacing back and forth complaining about accusing a saint and he said it's not fair it's all rigged in his favor he said you gave him that airline job and now he's going everywhere and he's telling everybody about you and I can't touch him he said he can't lose and it's not fair I can't touch him and Jesus interrupted this this ugly spirit and said you know what I've heard enough Kevin can do what he wants and I was ushered back to my room down here and I realized he's talking about me he said you got him that airline job and now he's telling everybody any and I thought wow it totally changed my job I stayed at my job 29 years because I realized that I had a purpose that I can change history I'm gonna discern my inheritance how about you are you gonna discern your inheritance you're going to discern that there are four fathers in your lineage someone prayed for you someone stood for you and what we're celebrating in this country is because of 200 people on a boat called the Mayflower that made a covenant with God is anybody here somebody made a covenant with God 200 people on the Mayflower made a compact with God and God is still keeping his word for those 200 people we have an inheritance we have a heritage and and there's nothing impossible if we'll believe now it's amazing how mark 9:23 you can quote it but how about if the head of the church tells you Kevin if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you and there's no asterik by that statement where you go down the bottom the page except if this happens or if this happens or if you don't feel like it that day so this is how your prayer life changes you say not my will but yours be done but see his will is far above anything you can ask or think so I was believing for a car and I was just been being humble and I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a car because I need a car no I wasn't believing for a new car but that's what I got for the same price this stuff kind of stuff has happened to me over and over again or you can't lose because you're not pursuing it so when you pray you yield to the spirit and the spirit what in Romans 8:26 the spirit takes hold of us in our weakness not in our strength in our weakness he comes in and he takes hold of us and he Gerdes us up and he gives us words to speak when we're praying a funeral prayer for somebody who's dead and out of our belly comes come back in the name of Jesus you just spoke the words of life from heaven did you know that that's what I learned in heaven about prayer I learned how to pray thy will be done on this earth as it already is in heaven the kingdom of God is doing fine it doesn't even need your offering it doesn't need it doesn't need you to do anything but believe but see the thing of it is it is believing there's no difference between action and believing it's the same thing whatever you believe you do oh come on didn't you start preaching and spitting at you because that's what these the revivalist did they said faith without works is dead you show me what you believe by what you do if there's no difference did you know in heaven there's no difference between you who you are as a person and your word they're the same you're known by your word it's who you are down here lease is always late not this Lisa but I just picked that I'll just take Mildred Mildred always late and anyway they say oh that's just her she's 20 minutes late that's what she no that's not her that's a manifestation of selfishness because while I'm waiting 20 minutes for her that's my time no listen to me I have waited a whole hour for people to come to dinner that I was going to pay for and when they showed up I got up and I said it the bills paid for I got to go I got another appointment in three minutes because my appointments are stacked like this we do 15 our days are is anybody here so it like you you were late but but it cost me so I pay for the bill and I got up and I said your bills paid for I got to go you you have to understand something that there's no difference between who you are as a person and your word know that that's why faith is is is not understood down here everybody you know take seminars on faith you buy the 12 DVD series and you listen to it over and over again and you're like I still you know why because first of all you don't understand a loving father and and and then God then then a loving father that actually says you you can you can do whatever you you can ask what you will and it shall be done for you if you abide in me and my words abide in you you can ask what you will the word there is desire there is no difference between who God is and his word they're the same so faith is based on a loving God that loves you that keeps his word he cannot fail so manifestation comes in this realm your prayer times get real fun because you're changing history every time you pray you're changing history you're changing the course that is set if you don't act if you don't act you're going to so go a certain way and nothing is gonna happen there's many Christians like that they finish their life and they only have what they were given they don't have any return to get back to God because they they were afraid to invest but I throw myself do you know how many years I've taken all the Christmas money I've had and I tell my wife this is going to that family of six in our church because they're not going to have Christmas I don't want anything for Christmas what are you what are you gonna spend on me this year I said write a check and give it to that to tech that family I'm not afraid to do that why because I cannot lose because they can't pay me back and what does what does Jesus say give to those who can't pay you back and when you do it don't tell anybody me don't even let you write in a hand left hand know why cuz you put God in a position where he is God to pay you back I just did it I just did it I just did it yesterday I just gave my Christmas away do you see me worried I can't lose no I mean I really can't if someone walked in here with a gun pointed at me I would walk right to them because I've already died this is gonna be interesting and I want him to get close to me because I'm gonna take it off of them because he's gonna be paralyzed I'm not a see do you have to get past fear you have to get past your limitations you your limitations are based in this physical realm but in in the spirit of God there is no limitation so your prayers become spirit-led when we don't know what we should pray for the spirit helps us pray with utterances that aren't even in intelligible speech so prayer becomes fun now listen to me I have not prayed for myself in 11 years now I have not prayed any prayers except Ephesians chapter 1 verses 17 through 23 and I pray John chapter 15 I don't ask for anything except those things but why is it now listen to me why is it that all these good things happen to me it's because God is good not me because God's Word is true you can't feel is this helping anybody I'm telling you this because I'm not this is not a positive uplifting message this is life in this world you're gonna have trouble but but it said be of good courage because I have overcome the world well when does that overcoming start to happen Paul said we are more in Romans chapter 8 that's another one I pray through that whole thing and the passion translation verse 1 says there is now therefore no accusing voice because your case is closed if your case is closed then what are you worried about it see this sounds too good to be true cuz that's what the gospel means it's too good to be true it's good news but it's really good news at the end that he said we are more than conquerors through him who loved us are you Christians you have to believe what God said but do you understand the implementation of this has to do with you believing but see your believers broken because you don't know what a loving father's like Psalms 139 5 it says in the air Meg it says you go to my future and prepare the way and then you come back around and you get behind me and you protect me from the hurt of my past that's verse 5 you ought to put that in your pipe and smoke it because you'll be as high as a kite when you get a revelation of what I just said you won't need drugs David said in Psalms 23 you know in Eromanga says this listen he said you know I will fear no evil for thou art with me you know even though I walk through the shadow of death you know the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me this is what it says in the passion translation it says it says fear will not conquer me because you already have so I ask you this because Jesus asked me this he goes Kevin you pursued me you have you have sought me you'll pay the price he said what if I let you catch me well that's what's happening right now as I've been talking he's gonna let you catch him and then he said and what if I start pursuing you oh man I'm feeling it so last week I woke up I've been waking up at 2:00 a.m. in the morning somebody has to pray and God will blow through all the people that were on that shift that haven't woken up so I have you know i've got the pager i'm on standby and you're wondering like why I have so many angel visitations well maybe it's because I answer my pager so I started praying and when I started praying I heard a scream I thought it was AI it sounded like it sounded like someone was was was in pain and I went like this to fill my wife to see if she was in bed and she was because it was a blood-curdling scream in my house and I said Lord what I said that was that in the other realm and he goes yeah that was the devil he felt he just found out you woke up I'm Suzy that's what he said to me don't be jealous cuz that's you too I say whoa right I said so I start praying in in that warfare towns you know put a little salt in the wound there you know a little pickle tooth and I and it's funny because the devil you you know I know this I know what you guys go through because I I've gone through this and I I want to help you turn it there's got a kind of time where the battle turns there has to come a time where you win there has to come a time where you you start to feel like you have leverage because the god I met Jesus I met he's not like how he's being preached down here he's not weak I mean when you're talking to him I wasn't allowed to use certain words like try there's not a word in heaven for try I was told that God has never tried anything he thinks about it he says it and then he does it and that's why it says that he does nothing except he speak to his prophets and tell his prophets first Soper becomes fun because the Angels have been sent to do God's agenda they have agenda that's God's agenda Jesus when he came here he didn't do anything except what his father was doing the works that I do they were my father's I don't speak the words I speak they're not my own okay so why should we be any different so I'm trying to expand you here a little bit I just used to were try now I'm gonna get in trouble but the process is this you have to get out of your own abilities in your own limitations and you have to let the Spirit of God speak through you Jesus has an amazing sharp edge about him everything he says is very very sharp and cutting and he wants you to be slim and trim so when he speaks he's trimming you he's getting you to your fighting weight and the Spirit of the Lord is upon you and he has anointed you to preach this gospel people need to hear this I had a president of my college he was a pastor he said I trained what what I'm talking about the reason I'm talking like this is because I I should have listened to him when he taught but I didn't so when I went to that and I met Jesus I found out that everything that's in the Bible is true can you imagine that and then I come back and I found out that if it doesn't work guess whose fault it is not God's this guy he trained the ladies in his church to pray on Mondays so on Sundays he would announce make sure you turn your prayer request in for the ladies are gonna be praying tomorrow for your prayer requests it got to the place where they got everything that was turned into them so he had to make an announcement say make sure that you want what you turn in are you hearing me no I this is not hearsay I I was within 15 feet when this guy told us he said I trained these ladies scripturally how to pray to where the people got their answer and he said if you don't want it don't turn it in make sure it's what you want in Azusa Street and all these divide I studied every revival every person you could name I studied them it took a long time I would fast for weeks and spend hours a day studying these people and one of the common things that I found was is that these people accidentally slipped into a realm called the spirit realm where everything was possible and they got what they call getting a hold of God to see God was getting a hold of them because they gave themselves over so there were meetings where the speaker was designated by the Holy Spirit and the people got up there and if you weren't speaking by the spirit they told you to sit down in the Old Testament if you prophesied and it was wrong you got killed you got stoned how many prophets would we have tomorrow Elijah List which just shut down because most of them aren't even operating a 40% in the Old Testament you are dead but I can tell you right now by the Spirit of God that there is a new sheriff in town and you've been deputized and I'm telling you by the Spirit of God that things I have turned and you are no longer a victim nobodies stand everybody stand on me listen to me if the power of God that rose Jesus from the dead is dwelling in you then the Bible says that it will quicken your mortal body now why is it it help me out here why is it that I was believing for my kidneys they were in failure why is it that I did not see my healing but yet one day someone spoke the word didn't touch me I didn't give $1,000 offering and I got healed and the person never touched me why is it that I woke up one morning and in 1982 when I had to go buy glasses in context I cried the whole way home to my dorm in Bible College because I'm a Christian and I don't believe that I should have to wear glasses and I was told I need glasses and I cried all night because I'm a Christian and Christians don't get sick they don't get they don't need glasses I don't believe this way God and now I gotta wear glasses I wore glasses from 1982 till last fall in September a year ago do you know many years that is but I woke up one morning and I went to the otama trous and he said your eye your right eye is almost completely perfect your left eye is almost there but you might need to wear one contact so the next morning when I went to put that one contact in the Holy Spirit said to me I wouldn't do that if I were you I go perhaps I'm healed and so I put it back in and I've never put one in sense know what no one pray for me no offering you know nothing I wasn't even watching TBN what happened what happened I'll tell you what happened the same power that rose Jesus from the dead that's dwelling in you it'll quicken your mortal body so what is it that's bothering you tonight you see the problem is by the Spirit of God he's already told me you can all go of tear but the problem is first of all you have separation anxiety you're separated separated from your father in heaven and your spirit wants to go together so you have anxiety right you're separated from your family in heaven keeping your down that's that's number one number two is this what you're encountering the war that you're encountering is because you are lethal in this generation now I don't have time to pull you all out but this is the word of the Lord trust me I ask the Lord I said how am I going to do this how might I go back and change the direction of this generation and he said you tell them of their value [Music] I go on listening he said each person I placed in them something that everyone else needs so you have an automatic demand placed on you from everyone on your gift inside of you that's your value is off the charts because you're in demand and you just don't know it so the war you've been going through is for this very thing I'm talking about the the books that are written in heaven are about the manifestation of the kingdom of God through you a relentless passion to fight for what is right and to believe God in impossible circumstances and see the world turned / what that was said about those that believed in the early church they turned the world upside down what you're going through what you're encountering it has to do with what's written about you in heaven you see your value has already been placed on you because there's a demand for those around you that indeed what you have inside of you you have to manifest that those gifts so what is it what's your destiny what is it that you have inside of me that must happen well it starts right now it starts with believing the impossible it starts with relinquishing your own will and allowing the Lord God to resurrect in power your dreams resurrect now as I'm praying in the spirit and now I've been praying all day in the spirit I have been praying I've been here at this church since 7:30 I have prayed in the spirit all day I have fought devils in that back room for you all what and I don't even have to do this [Music] I'm doing this for you and I'm telling you I broke the powers that you should be breaking but I broke them and there's a release it comes in this room right now as the Spirit of God comes in and the angels of the Lord come in you'll fill them they've come be they've come what what did they tell Daniel they said Daniel your prayers were heard the day that you prayed but we have encountered warfare but in answer to your prayers we've come it always happens did you know that when you pray it always happens you need to stand firm keep playing you need to stand firm at all now listen not letting you go until you agree with me I don't I didn't want to come back you got to understand something you can't take away what happened I don't care what you say I don't care what you do to me you cannot take this away Jesus Christ believes in you enough to send me back and they bring a message that's beyond your comprehension and that message is is that without me Kevin you could do nothing but with me you can do everything and that's for you now the prayer that comes from the Spirit is talking about the things that are not but you're speaking them as though they were he calls those things that are not as though they work I'm telling you all your needs are met according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus they really are what you need is understanding father in the name of Jesus I take authority over every foul line devil I break the powers and now Lord the spirit of wisdom and revelation in a knowledge of you is upon the people and now the Spirit of God is free raise your hand say Lord I acknowledge you in all my ways and you direct my paths my spiritual eyes are open by ears my spiritual ears are open open my book according to psalm 139:16 each one of my days was written in your book before one place your finger on today whatever it says Lord I agree with you may it be unto me as you're spoken [Music] the Lord's doing some worthless just stay still the horses I have loved you with an everlasting love there has never been a time where I have backed off I would love to and what I have for you is much more than you can comprehend but I want you to trust me right now give me your heart I yearn for your spirit I yearn for you to hand your heart over to me fully I want you fully whatever you're holding back come up here and give it to me whatever it is hand it over what has ever come between me and you says the Lord hand it over all my German friends get up here I said I see you hiding while my German friends from up there come on [Music] there you are you can hide these are my German friends I see them over in Germany and then they appear here Kathy c'mere okay [Music] thank you for the hungry touchdown understood nothing is going to be impossible [Music] yeah it's time for the next phase it's time to explain where I'm taking you there's no world Dorabella gossip inseparable addressed as a very rigid on the gay need Rasheeda elaborate ratio Cabrera drastically readers [Music] no Kimmy androgynous image the lore says you will not be denied you will not be continue to speak what you know is true [Music] you will anointing of the Lord will be upon you that greater major as you begin to minister all through Germany everywhere you go oh yeah it's gonna grow [Music] are the 14 Hashanah Monty no it's just beginning you watch what happens you watch what Oh make an even and rational Sita yeah the guilt breaking anointing the yoke break-in anointing dosa carrot risotto celebration dismissal Vata Pitta Kara the Furies get up here every theory in this house come up the right now funny because yes [Music] similar material Subaru Garrett Rasheeda Nicola I break every every demonic spirit this follow this family line in Jesus name I break that power in Jesus name free you're free that's your the machine is the protein Nick what about go ahead hahahaha daddy buried the rest of those together you know don't you that I here doesn't even address [Music] Olivetti betta yes well he constantly event that I'm you know Massimo said yes should those heated issue though yes it's very intricate but I'm meeting a guy [Music] it's all set up for you you just continue to be faithful and believe me not okay she'll know they buddy but things are moving out of the way for this family Saguna buried wretched a squishy toady ha ha ha Oh para tratar de toda para by Russian Lawson yeah Chris a token yeah increase increase naughty cosas de la Bonita II know Simon and Rosanna ajikko increase in the understanding any annoyed no teka teka party report Abuelita so Mary Anne Trujillo today Rebecca reporter I adore ya fear is gone in Jesus name no more voice you have nothing here [Music] da-da-da-da-da-da-da yeah because you've stood for your family and standing for you hahaha [ __ ] about evidence [Music] blessed are all of the economy national yeah the law says it's my economy it's Maya it's my economy thank you Father [Music] the Liberty addressed this issue transmission [Music] don't leave Sarah to stay there will be plenty medication to the participant [Music] so many many disabilities [Music] listen this is what the Lord said listen to me he said you don't take ground back that you've already got you don't take ground back a second time okay whatever you obtain here tonight you put a stop loss line it's not going back what you have achieved tonight you don't you don't go back there's witchcraft against them and this family [Music] and they're not taking back land that God already gave it they're going forward the Fiore's are going forward and God sent Sara here to live she cut my hair which only took like three minutes but she cut my hair in Germany and next thing you know she's here in Wisconsin God sent her here with her husband and then she brings friends from Germany okay because God's doing something but see Sara is called as a standard as a plumb line to her secret is she does hair that's her that's her cover but Jesus she's you the Lord says that you are a agent of me says the Lord and you are plumb line and so are you I'll remember in in Switzerland I called you out do you remember that well and I said second phase right now you're an American now can't believe this anniversary in second phase coming you thought you know you're not even the same person and now God says oh that's nothing what I'm about to do for you is amazing you're gonna get your dream you're gonna get your dream not occasional Taemin Amanda - OH the lore says don't do not take no for an answer you will not be denied hold on to that which I have taken hold up for you says aboard and taken hold of your future do not let go Fiori stand by stand by uh Nicole eminent Russian author oh yeah you just entered into the the realm where everything isn't is possible now the realm where possibility is commonplace because your faith has been tested and your past you've been promoted [Music] exceedingly above all you could ask her think is yours shadow minion that I should the Vaughn's to beer [Music] I'm on you I want you to break witchcraft if anybody knows what about witchcraft you know about what's right I want you to break witchcraft over these people right here are these Furies would you pray for them the Lord if the Lord is is setting you you're going to the next level you understand the spirit bro okay so be glib Brook Kathy pray with her and pray for the Furies break break this there's an assignment against this family and it's done it's about to be broken tonight you reinforce it okay to list them Melissa the bones listen over here these beasts this couple this couple has you know I wish they were my parents because they know how to fight the devil for their kids my parents were never trained that way [Music] these people I watch them fight for their children for their son [Music] and I want you to know that I got a revelation of the Father God through this couple that I had never had before they would call me say we need to pray for my son he's going to it was I was constantly engaged with what God was doing in this family from the phone and it touched my life forever so now the Lord says because you were stood you have stood Psalms 1 12 verse 3 says great and mighty so your offspring be on the earth [Music] and the Lord will reward you openly for what you have done in secret your days a reward are starting and now you shall see the fruit of your labor the enemy could not overcome and now it's time for him to pay now it's time for him to pay dearly as you drive him out constantly out of people's lives everywhere you go everything you do it's so anointed set apart I know what I'm saying and I know what I see there are angels that have been assigned to make sure that everything you do affects this generation [Music] nothing nothing's goes on notice and nothing shall fail the Lord is with you in a great and mighty way and the angel the lord encamps about you and things are gonna change things are gonna start to turn in a greater way because it's time the Lord is not going to stand back and be mocked by circumstances the fire the fire has begun the burn in your life the fire the fire the fire that consumes the holy fire [Music] no to colaborate Rashad ot baristas Caicedo Deborah drosera in köln androgynous Keisha Bonaparte Rosetta Sheshadri varied risotto de Vaca Pietra hahaha yes oh yeah you just wait you just wait and see what I do for you not okay
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 386,125
Rating: 4.8442049 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, Supernatural Finances, Teaching, Bible School., Life in the Spirit, Christian, School of the Spirit, Spirit School, Jesus, Conference, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, #theagendaofangels, Warrior Notes, It’s Supernatural, The Mystery Of The Power Words, #warriornotes, The Agenda of Angels, Holy Spirit, Kevin Zadai
Id: lS5CoeARhoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 1sec (6361 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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