You Are So Close Don't Stop Now!

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love you jesus you are so wonderful [Music] you are so wonderful oh we love you oh we love how we love how we love to love on you and pour out our hearts before how we love how we love to love you the beauty of your holiness the beauty of your homelessness come rest on us oh the beauty of your homelessness the beauty of your holiness come rest on us come rest on us come rest on us with the beauty of your holiness oh come rest on us come on us come rest on us with the beauty of your holiness oh it's all we want is you oh the beauty of your holiness to come and dwell in your presence come and dwell in your presence hidden in the shadows to come and dwell in your presence to come and dwell in your presence was hidden in the shadows [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] completely hidden completely hidden we're completely hidden in the shadow of these we're completely hidden in the shadow of his wings we're completely hidden in the shadow of your wings [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm completely [Music] hidden in the shadows [Music] you are my dwelling place [Music] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise we let our incidents arise [Applause] [Music] oh let our instance arise [Music] we let our incense [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] day and night and night and day we won't stop bringing plays [Applause] it's [Music] you will be glorified among every nation every tribe every tongan generation you will be glorified [Applause] you will be glorified you will be glorified you'll be glorified you'll be glorified you'll be glorified you and you alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your love soul intoxicating [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so powerful so glorious [Music] you are and so powerful so glorious so wonderful [Music] and so wonderful [Music] and so [Music] us [Music] and so wonderful you are to us oh it's who you are so powerful so glorious so wonderful you are to us with who you are so powerful so glorious so wonderful you are so wonderful [Music] [Applause] it's who you [Music] is [Music] we will never see the righteous forsaken it's just who you are it's just oh you're so good you're so good and it just keeps getting better you're so good and it just keeps getting better you're so good and it just keeps it just keeps getting better it just keeps getting better it just keeps getting better [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up it just keeps up [Music] it just keeps up it just keeps getting better yes it's [Applause] [Music] now [Music] it's only up from here [Applause] oh it's only up from here [Applause] [Music] from here [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] now [Music] bye [Music] completely overtaken [Music] completely swept away i'm completely swept away [Music] you prepared a place for me i will come and sit at the table foreign [Applause] so [Music] oh your love's so intoxicating [Applause] you're the greatest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i can't get enough i can't get enough i could never get enough [Music] you sing a song of love over me you're the greatest i can't get enough and i can't get enough i can't get enough and i can't get enough i can't get enough i can't get enough i can't get enough i can't get more [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] your face is [Music] your face is all i see [Music] through your face your beauty your face is all i see you're all i see [Music] your face is all lasting with such kindness such kindness such love blowing from your it's your face your face be holding your beard your face is all i see you're the one foreign oh i see your beauty changes everything [Music] your beauty changes everything you are [Music] oh it's you [Music] here [Music] you overtake us you overtake us with your beauty of love and you overtake us when you overtake us [Music] you us overtake us when you overtake and i am overtaken i am overtaken by [Music] i am overtaking by your beautiful and i am overtaken and i am overtaken by your beauty [Music] such beauty such beauty [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am overtaking i am overtaken [Music] i'm overtaken by your glory god i am overtaken [Music] i am overtaken your glory god [Music] by your glory by your glory wrapped in your glory [Music] oh yes hey foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh you hold me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] home [Music] you [Music] you [Music] know you [Music] know [Music] know [Music] forever [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] you holy [Music] you [Music] oh so come take me away come take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me come to me [Music] take me [Music] [Applause] [Music] take me come take take me [Music] come take me away [Music] [Applause] [Music] comes [Music] all i ever see yours all i am is yours [Music] come take me come take me take me [Music] i am is yours [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] take me [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we thank you we thank you lord you are good you are [Music] we love nearly so much lord we yield our hearts to you thank you for captivating us tonight thank you for being here thank you for walking among us thank you for filling us with your spirit lord we love you we thank you and lord we give you the rest of this night holy spirit do whatever you want to do just fill us to overflowing lord we want to be carriers of everything that we felt tonight in jesus name everybody said amen amen you may be seated as kevin gets ready to come here in a moment we just want to thank you on behalf of warrior notes thank you for coming thank you for being a part of of this ministry and a partner and we're just so glad you're here and uh if you're a student if you're a partner if you want to be a partner we're just glad you're here to be a part of this and uh on your seat you saw we're not going to take up an offering but on your seat you saw an offering envelope if the lord should touch your heart to give tonight there's a place that you can put that in the basket on the way out we certainly appreciate that but are you happy to be here tonight was this glorious or what i mean come on well if if you're excited and i'm excited i think we're ready to go let's welcome dr kevin zadai hello everyone welcome tampa [Laughter] well i'm excited about what the lord is doing in your life and um i know that he's moving but don't get left out how many people like to get be left out nobody right well god's included you in on his plan as we know and you know it's just time it's time to just relax and be yourself and let god use you in a mighty way in these last days how many want to be a history maker amen well stop trying and just do it um you know it it's not an emotional thing motions are to enjoy something after you've done the right thing without your emotions it's it's just an extra added thing that's added to your life because i don't judge things by my emotions because they they come and go just like people come and go say amen okay um thank you for for coming and i just want to honor the partners in every city we'll be going we'll be going back overseas here we're actually just had somebody go over and help us to secure a place in dubai and of course when switzerland opens up we'll be going back there in germany and uh there's a several other countries that i won't mention now but we've got partners over the world so we're going to be doing things like this partner-wise all over the world but we're still going to do our spirit schools every month and as you remember the lord put my heart to to stop doing them every week we were doing it every week and i wanted to go back to work so i could rest at southwest airlines i thought it was 13 hour days were bad but now it's 17 hour days so anyway the lord had put on my heart just to do one a month and that will quadruple so we we did that we we rented convention centers instead of churches and sure enough just like he said they're between 12 and 1800 people show up in our spirit schools now so every month so how many participate in our spirit schools okay well just so you know you partners your you really you really shine in that because because of your giving we actually provide the study guide that i write i write one every month just about that we teach out of that is provided by by the finances that you give monthly to support that so we we open it up to the public and we let anybody come we give them a study guide and a cd and then i teach out of it and it's the same with the youtube i provide that for the public and and you are the ones that are are supporting that so i don't charge for any of that stuff and i don't charge for my conferences and that was one of the problems i had is that some places where i would go they were charging you know 30 to up to i think some places were really high like 60 bucks i'm not worth that much you know 60 bucks a so i want to do it for free and i would tell people listen you know i ain't coming back if you're gonna charge just for people to see me and you'll hear me speak i you know we do it on youtube for free you know so anyway uh thank you partners for for everything you're doing and god is expanding us and as as it keeps growing and god provides the finance because i will not go into debt we pay cash for everything i said everything amen and so it doesn't it doesn't matter if god tells you to do something if he's really sincerely speaking to you then he is going to make pro-vision for your vision and in heaven i saw that he gives you and provides for you first it's there it's in a storehouse and then he gives you a vision so your provision is set before your vision comes to you because in heaven there are no clocks you're always on time and you can actually show up early in fact you could leave and show up be show up before you left and pass yourself on the way but of course some of us are so busy we actually do that every day anyway we pass ourselves in the hallway but in heaven god does things seemingly backwards so if you are getting hit by the devil if you had misfortune if you had things happen i mean i've been stolen from i don't like it i don't like to be mocked or lied about i don't i don't like any of those things that the devil does jesus said that the thief the devil comes to steal kill and destroy but i have come to give you life and life more abundantly right so is john 10 10 true okay is acts 10 38 true jesus went around doing good not doing bad he went around doing good and making people sick or healing all of those who were oppressed of the devil because why god was with him well of course he was with him he was the son of god okay so in john chapter 1 verse 12 i hope you're not nervous because i'm using scripture i mean my dad be my dad before he became a christian he would argue with me because i was i was not going to go to the air force academy because i got i felt called to the ministry well that didn't go over well and i wasn't my choice i'd rather be flying jets and oh that's right i am that's right but see what happens is is god already has things lined up for us but it's not in the same order that we would like it but my dad would argue with me before he became a christian and he was a professional sax player for 65 years and we could not afford for me to have a saxophone or anything and so i never got to play any instruments my dad was so talented and i loved him but he would argue with me and i would say yes but the bible says and he goes well don't bring that into it and he would argue with me about christianity but i wasn't allowed to use the bible and i said dad it's the whole foundation of what we believe in and after a while you know and my wife kathy she's here and she's going to come up and talk to you in a little bit but we were at thanksgiving right right be two years before he passed and he sat there at the table and and wept my dad never cries he's never told me he loved me oh that's right he did on a phone one time when i was in college he sat there and went he said i am a christian today because of this man he pointed to me and he told my wife he said he said god is with this man there's no way that he can do what he's doing unless god was with him i saw god work through this man he watched me pull a saxophone out of a box and play it when it took him a year to get a sound out of that sex not that particular one that one's brand new but he said you made an album with that saxophone and you never took a lesson and i watched you pull it out of the box and play it i go yeah i do that with a lot of instruments dad and i would tell him this is what i tell him i said dad i am believing i need a car for college when i went finished my bachelor degree i went for my two-year program i needed a car because i wasn't on campus so i said so i was talking to him and i said dad i said i i am believing for and i named the exact make a card the year and the amount i'm going to pay for it and within two weeks i had that car for that amount but it was interesting that the only reason i got that amount was because the person who was selling it forgot to add a zero in the newspaper so he had to sell it to me for that i feel bad if i ever find that man i will i will give him some more money i kind of feel bad but he was anyway god does things differently but he knows the end from the beginning he is the beginning and the end okay so because you encounter sickness or you encounter poverty or you encounter anything bondage mishaps misfortune if you want to call it that it's but see appointments are are things that are written or are established and you are going to make that appointment but if you have distance between you and your appointment it's called a disappointment if you have courage that you're going toward but there's distance between that and you're not experiencing courage it's called discouragement so there's distance between you and your appointment dis ease there is distance between you and ease is everybody following me so god does not have the same limitations as we do so he stands on where you're going and he says the weather's fine just come to me so jesus always wants us to come to him and seek him that's why it says seek the first the kingdom and all of its righteousness and all the other things shall be added unto you you will find in this life that what you really want is you want god and when you get god he has provision i'm telling you the truth you do not stare at things okay there's ease in the in the presence of god there's ease in the glory of god there's there's a piece about jesus and almost a grin because he knows more than you do imagine that and every time he spoke he said it's not me that speaks it's my father in heaven he is the one that is speaking through me i represent him and i've come and the pharisees who were the religious people of the day the established religion they had been given the law god gave ten commandments by that time they were done with it they had 613. oh yeah and jesus had to correct them many many times and of course they don't like being corrected but he said you know what man wasn't made for the sabbath the sabbath was made for man he said the tithe was not was was was not first man was first and the tithe was given to help man the sabbath was given to help man because we would work seven days a week and if we did not give a portion back to god we would not have control of our desire for more we would always think after a while that it was us the whole idea about the tree in the garden was is that that was the tithe god put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden and said do not touch this the reason he had to do that is because adam and eve were made in the image of god and they would start to think they were god but they were an image they were not god but they were so close and they experienced eternal life they experienced everything that god experienced except for one thing they could not handle knowing evil and still do good after they knew it because they were seducible they could not handle knowing evil they were not made to handle evil but god could know evil and still just do good he could not be seduced he could not be tempted does everybody understand that okay so now today we have the spirit inside of us and he is the one that has been given until the end of the age we will not be left as orphans jesus said until the end he will be with us actually forever but there is a dispensation that is ending and another one will begin but until that happens we have the holy spirit he's not in heaven he is here on the earth he's been given right okay so all of christianity which is not being emphasized and it's why the the pharisees of today are allowed to take advantage of you and i have to tell you don't listen to them anymore you're not under the law the law is written in your hearts the holy spirit is the enforcer of the covenant he is the one that convicts you he is the one that is supposed to rule you however the liability you know there's liabilities as well god's made him god made himself vulnerable when he gave us a free will it was a liability because we could actually say no to anything he said so when they were discussing making man the whole idea was that they would have to give man a free will in order to make them like them do you understand me does everybody understand that so they knew that the liability was there so jesus was slain the book of revelation says that jesus was slain from the foundation of the world which means it's rigged it was planned why because of liability he put him he didn't put money in the insurance account for you he put himself in the account for you he put himself preemptively and then they made man then they made the earth they made the earth they made man after jesus put himself up he posted himself and said okay we're good to go go ahead breathe away father make adam he could have made eve the same way he made adam but he didn't he took eve out of man that is the way that he wanted to do it that's the way it is okay so jesus invested in you before you were born before adam was formed out of the earth jesus had already posted himself in the account so god is self insured so the aflac duck you know he's he's not involved either is geico or the gecko or snoopy no insurance company god posted his son as baal essentially everything is set up now and then they made man but see they formed the earth they made the earth first they didn't make it for themselves they they already had everything they need heaven is a beautiful place it's much larger much more of everything but the earth was made and then man was placed in it so that god could come down and visit him every day and eve okay can you imagine god's intention for man never to be sick never die never to know about evil but he placed that tree in the garden so that man would always be reminded that they are not god and that that is god's that tree was never man's the knowledge of good and evil tree satan knew that if he got them to eat that that it would place a wedge between them and god and then he could take them away and take the earth away that is why paul said many times that the god of this world which is the evil one satan the prince of the power of the air right okay he is ruling over those who have no resistance to him because they have not experienced the new birth christians that are born again and believe in jesus christ and as john says in chapter 1 verse 12 he said those who embraced him he gave them the power to become the sons of god we were restored back to adam who was a son of god not the son of god but he was the first adam jesus was the second adam you all follow me i skipped the dinosaurs and ufos because i got to keep going here alright so at the end of the age the church is supposed to be the ruling class on the earth because jesus said that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church well then why did covet i'm just asking why why why do we get sick why why are we not having our provision well it's because we're in a war and things don't just come to you so these men and women who had faith they were noted in the bible as having faith because they saw him who was invisible they were looking for a city whose builder and maker was god it says so tonight it is time for you as christians to realize what has been invested in you and that it is set up for you to finish out with a beautiful display at the end of this age and i am brave enough to continue to preach the good news of the gospel until he comes back not in between diseases or anything else that happens come on i am still going to stand against disease i am going to still i mean we have people on our staff that have been miraculously healed and i'm not talking about petty little things i'm talking about they couldn't walk because they had ms tumors disappear okay it's not because of anyone's particular walk with god or they had a good day or a bad day whether they fasted or they had a biggie fry and a triple with cheese they had nothing to do with that it had everything to do with not taking no for an answer if it is stated that god is still on the earth doing miracles which he still is the the time will come when we reach perfection paul said there is coming a time where tongues will cease miracles will cease prophecy will cease because we will be perfect perfected in love i haven't met a perfect person yet except for jesus i don't think we're there to where all of this can cease so there is plenty no i'm trying to offend people here so i haven't offended everyone yet so there is plenty of money on the earth it's just in the wrong hands this is why i say that you can see i'm not going to use this tonight okay the earth is the lord's the fullness thereof he made earth he made it for man but he made it for adam and eve when they were walking with him and having fellowship with him the thing that happened now is the earth fell and guess what we fell with it fluffy fell with us all the animals fell everybody fell we're all groaning we're all under a curse we encounter sickness disease disappointment discouragement we we have mis mis mis uh missed chances but as long as i still have breath as long as i keep waking up every morning i am going to believe god i am going to believe god for miracles for you i'm going to believe that god's word is true because this earth and this world it was made for his people now the earth has fallen people have fallen and there's a bunch of crazy people out there and they don't want god but why should they spoil our party right okay so thank you but the celebration in heaven is is that jesus christ has accomplished everything that he had in his desire his heart the desires of the father were done now he is seated when he's seated that means very much going to happen except observe it says that he is waiting in the scripture says he's waiting for his enemies to become his footstool through the church who has the keys so i don't i don't i don't um think that god has keys because he said whatever you bind on the earth is bound in heaven whatever you permit on the earth is permitted in heaven whatever you forbid is forbidden he said even if you go and you say to a person that your sins are forgiven they shall be forgiven it's in the bible why is that because we have a ministry of reconciliation according to second corinthians chapter five we have a ministry of reconciliation which is the statement that paul makes is we are to go forth and announce that people's sins are forgiven that the price has been paid so jesus is seated he's not going to die again for anyone else he's not going to come back and die for aliens or any other race there there is no other race that is in the image of god except man jesus is seated and now he's waiting he is waiting for us to bring his enemies so he can put his foot on their head that's what the scripture says my dad is up there in glory all of my spiritual fathers all my my trainers every everybody that has dumped into me they're in heaven rooting me on everyone has gone forth that that made it to heaven is rooting you on because now they got the big picture and they see that there is plenty of finances on the earth it's just in the wrong hands god wants to give you an idea that you make it manifest and it's a patent there's a patent number by your name in heaven possibly my brother is an engineer he has patents he's a smart guy but don't you think that up in heaven the book that was written about him those patent numbers were listed before he was born mean if you want to bring scripture into it he wrote a book about us each day was written in a book before one of them came to pass okay psalms 139 16 in any translation even the nearly inspired version okay so when lazarus dies jesus does not react even when he got the news that he was sick he kept like just you know going around ministering and they're like you know yo your your friend is sick and he waited and waited and waited and jewish jewish scholars have told me that there was this idea that the human spirit stayed with the body three days and then on the fourth day it was impossible for a person to be revived so jesus went ahead and waited till the fourth day to make it impossible so what what why are you trying to figure out how god's gonna get you out of your pickle your situation so they run up to him and this is what they say this is this is what i want to talk about tonight you got to keep on going you cannot back off you got to keep going i know people who are millionaires because they decided by a unction of their spirit by the holy spirit to drill another 50 feet for oil when they were ready to cap it they went 50 feet down more and got a gusher now what if they would have kept it what if they had given up see you don't give up if you have breath you do not give up you praise god and you worship him and you talk about how great he is you tell him that he loves to hear it he loves to hear how good he is he loves to hear that you're nothing but he's everything he loves it when you say i'm not going anywhere unless you go with me i don't think about failure because god does not think about failure i believe that we are at the edge of something very beautiful but it has to do with you it has to do with discerning late why did jesus wait to come to help lazarus and they said oh if you had come lord you could have saved him and jesus said something profound he said just believe he's just asleep that's what he said he said lazarus has died and for your sake i'm glad that i was not there so that you may believe but let us go to him so thomas called thomas talk called the twins said to his fellow disciples let us go that we may die with him yes so this guy's this guy's been mentored by jesus for three and a half years i don't think he's going to pass his check ride lou that's what they said they said you know they they they had already threatened to stone him let me let me back up here um jesus he he dropped the big one a big bomb on him he said uh they picked up stones to to stone him in the previous paragraph period this is what he says it says my father who has given has given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hands i and the father are one and it says they went to pick up stones this is what just happened before they went to lazarus okay and so they picked up stones the pharisees did to stone him and he goes why are you gonna stone me because he goes because of the many works and they go no because you claim to be equal with god this is what he said oh isn't it written in your law i said ye are gods pointing to them which it does say ye are gods if they call them gods to whom the word of god came you know from moses on the mountain and the scripture cannot be broken you say of him whom the father consecrated and sent into this world you are blaspheming because i i called myself the son of god he said if i am not doing the works of my father then then do not believe me okay that's what just happened so when they said let's just go and die with them they had already threatened to stone him okay so going back to lazarus it says that jesus wept because they were all weeping and they thought you know the lord's really identifying with us here you see and they said oh see how he loved him and jesus you know really not in the original language but in english that is the shortest verse in the bible jesus wept but i want to show you something about jesus that you might you might want to consider jesus is about to die on a cross and go even deeper than where lazarus is and he knows that they are full of unbelief and he says i am the resurrection and the life and he said lazarus come forth and he did and i want to announce to you my beloved family and partners that the lord is announcing to you to come forth and live amen i have already been back 28 and a half years past the dead zone so 28 years is a gift to me and every day is a gift to me and i wake up every morning did it this morning and announced my wife yes because that's our covenant that's our deal whoever wakes up first yells out to the angels and yells out to god and says count me in yes i don't argue with god i don't give them my opinion i just say you know what whatever is on the roster whatever is written about me and my books me and my wife are going to do that i don't know everything i i actually just act like i do know what's going on and i just do it and the lord performs miracles before me it comes to pass because i actually do something i just get up and i breathe and i say yes and i wait on god and while i'm waiting on god i feed the poor i help people i go and i encourage people i have no bad news so people way above me way better than me way bigger than me that you see on tv they're way better than me and i'm fine with that they asked me well what's what's going on what's the lord saying what's the news i go i have no bad news right every week when we get the call that's what kathy we have no bad news everything's going wonderful very good at christmas time i said i i do have a problem and you know my spiritual father's like praying he's like okay let me have it what is it we have a problem we have too much money i did right did i with too much money the ministry has too much money now no minister is going to stand up to their partners and tell them we have too much money do you see me as scared or afraid do you see a stress crack here do you see ushers with buckets okay i said we have too much money and this is what i said the value of money in the bank is not worth as much as it is when it's in assets when it's being put to work and doing something it's just like a sidearm i was asked by my trainer they put a sidearm on the table and they he asked everyone is this dangerous and everybody said yes and he goes no it's not dangerous until someone who knows how to use it takes it puts it in their hand and the lord spoke to me this guy's not even a christian he actually guarded one of our presidents he said the lord spoke to me he said you listened to that man he was secret service you listen because he said it's the same with money money is not worth anything until it is in the right hands with someone who knows how to use it okay it's the same way with us if there is life in us if there is a part of us that lives forever if there is a born-again experience if of course there is if jesus was correct if the word of god is correct if god has exceedingly above what we could ask or think if he is going to provide for us not just our needs but our wants if the lord is my shepherd i shall not want that is not need that is want jesus said ask what you desire whatever you will and it shall be done for you not whatever you need and it's in the creek the hebrew and the hombrew whatever translation the provision you see god owned everything at one time he owns you you just don't know it he is actually using your body right now paul said it's no longer i that live but christ lives in me and the life i live now is by faith in the son of god one translation says it's as though jesus has borrowed my body and is doing his ministry through me well what would god do if he really had you well i'm going to sit and watch because i'm going to watch a display of his glory through people so you think oh that that person you know they must pray a lot you know and you try to figure out like okay you reverse engineer everything and you try to figure out okay how could i get that and what i found is you got to get over yourself because you really are your worst enemy sometimes who told you like like he said god said who told you you were naked he told emmy who told you that well he's told me he goes who told you you can't do that he goes i didn't i'm like yeah who did tell me i couldn't do that and so all of a sudden i forgot that i can't do things and i find myself doing them and everyone else is what like how did you just do that do what and i realized that we weren't made to be limited we're in a fallen world is broken okay that was a good introduction i'm so glad you all came but god wants to put things in your hand that are for someone else but can he trust you can he trust you there's plenty of provisions it's just in the wrong hands i want to be a distribution center i want to be trusted i know you do too okay so lazarus came forth now this is on the listen you gotta you gotta know what's gonna happen next as soon as the pharisees saw that lazarus was raised from the dead and jesus is standing there with lazarus they said they plotted it says the scripture says they plotted to kill him and the evidence lazarus they plotted to kill both of them they got to get rid of the evidence so listen if they can't get rid of you they will discredit you if they can't get rid of a witness you know people disappear you know they can't get rid of you they will discredit you the enemy this the devil is known as the slanderer you are bombarded all the time with doubt and fear and misinformation jesus said if you will believe nothing shall be impossible with you for you angels are sent to minister for you they are sent to do the will of god angels are here now they they are always with you they're always here if something bad happens to you it is not their fault they are not your cleanup crew you know a pastor in in in the 50s i read he got up and he kept telling they were all oil field workers and people were dying because it was a dangerous job with all that stuff with the rigs and all that you know and they were dying but then when he looked into you know so and so we lost so-and-so this week it all had to do listen safety issues safety issues they did not adhere to the rules of safety so it says on the sign do not pull this lever unless the mat is in place because you become part of the circuit when you pull this if the mat isn't there to stop it you became part of the wiring that's not good unless you want to be a christmas tree and people were dying i mean i could go on and on so but this is what he said it's my favorite statement he said but it was amazing how god didn't take people when they adhered to the safety rules god didn't take as many people they didn't die well did god really take them okay so how many times is it really our fault and we say okay if god wants me to live another day then i will so you're going to cheat with safety because then what happens is you're taking advantage of god's grace and the angels are not your cleanup crew they're not with you to keep you from being hit in a in an intersection when you go through a red light they can do that but maybe it's better just to stop just clean your dashboard or something for that one minute and 30 seconds you know it's you don't yellow to me means stop yellow means something is coming and it ain't green it's red okay so this is how people get hurt and die early okay it's the same thing with everything else i'll just apply this to every area of your life sometimes you have to control the outflow instead of the inflow and the lord showed me principles he said i i can cut your electric bills in half in your house i go i'm all for it i was in phoenix arizona i would go out running at night and it was still 101 that was the cool of the day okay so my air conditioner ran all the time i mean all the time i don't think it ever stopped except maybe christmas eve when it got down to 64. maybe i'm just kidding with you it actually got colder but the lord said okay he started showing me things in my house i did all that cost me under a thousand dollars to insulate my house did it myself just watch videos on youtube and my bills were cut in half you see it was it was leaving me it was escaping from me so sometimes it's not what's coming in are you being stolen from in the last one minute you have encountered thoughts that were not from you you've encountered feelings that weren't from you will you let those get you off course you know there is there is no real perfect scenario there's not really a perfect like in aviation there's not a perfect approach or landing because everything is different every time can you be flexible like gumby do you remember gumby or are you too young can you be flexible enough to handle like the the whole idea is to be able in life to to maintain your course and things that oppose you you don't focus on that you manage that you manage your emotions you manage these thoughts who told you that you can't do this who told you that you're not worth anything it wasn't god he already proved your worth something he placed his son in escrow before you were born before you messed up i get like this a couple times a month i get this edge about me because i love people but i'm telling you you're being robbed you're being stolen from right now the devil wants your dreams he wants your vision he wants your hearing in the spirit he wants you to do nothing he'd love for you to work for him like peter did with his mouth when he spoke and jesus said to talk to satan instead of his own disciple jesus had to address him as the devil he said get behind me satan peter's like oh i am in trouble now and he's like lord i'm you know like can you imagine like i don't know what got over me he goes jesus goes well you know i know what got all over you okay peter was with jesus for three and a half years left everything and yet had just failed why he yielded to a feeling and an idea that was not correct you see they all were waiting for a messiah that would come and push rome out jesus never spoke against rome he even told them to pay their taxes he said this is caesar's give to caesars what is caesar's and then he said give to god what is god's on the coin they thought that the messiah was going to place himself on a throne and rule over israel that's why the triumphal entry but the next day when he had not done that it just flipped the page in your bible from the triumphal entry you know palm branches and you know umberla drinks and everybody's really celebrating happy fireworks that night i'm sure and yet the next day they took jesus and they were going to put him over the brow of the hill they would throw him off the hill and kill him am i right one flip of the page peter the flip of the page he said jesus said who do you say that i am he said thou art the christ the son of the living god he said this hasn't been given to you by man this has been given to you by my father in heaven flip the page one page the lord says i'm gonna go to jerusalem i'm gonna be crucified at the hands of man i'm gonna die be buried and rose on the third day he tells them on the third day he's gonna ra be raised from the dead how many people were at the tomb on the third day waiting for him to come back zero but he announced it you could you could rewind the security tape he said it though you get my point though okay all right so he he had this all set up to go and die so when peter said no no because see no you're going to set yourself up and you're going to push rome out you're going to be our king do you follow me that's what the zealots were doing the zealots they had two of them on board as disciples they were part of this barabbas failed a coup you're just looking at me why do you think they asked you want jesus or do you want barabbas they thought we'll take barabbas we'll give them another try i'm serious see because people have this idea of what they want okay but god's intention is far greater and only through revelation jesus said upon this revelation peter i'm going to build my church he didn't say he's going to build his church on peter he said on this revelation this foundation this rock peter was not that good now either or we okay so the redemption is made complete you have been made complete in christ you are his workmanship you display his glory so jesus said if you ask anything in my name i will do it he said two things he said this is so that my father gets glory and so your joy may be full so looking at your faces i don't know if you're quite there are you full of joy yet okay you're getting there right why because you're asking and whatever you ask in my name it shall be given to you yeah but it didn't happen ask anything in my name and it shall be done well when is it going to happen ask anything in my name and it shall be given i am never given up i'm not going to be denied i believe that i would publish a book now i'm believing for a publishing company i'm i work for an airline now i want an airline it's a special plane that i want i want six of them they're really cool airplanes i feel like a little kid i was gonna get six toys i'm gonna like park them and play with them why because i have vision and the provision is already provided because of my the vision has been given to me it's the reverse of what you think you're like okay god gave me this vision now i got to believe for provision no no it doesn't work that way he invested in you before you were born now is this this is hard because it's cause and effect but cause and effect is observation i i walk off this platform i don't walk into the air 32 feet per second comes to meet me and it wins and unless i have something that can overcome that law well the law of the spirit of life paul said has defeated and overcome superseded the law of sin and death the law of the spirit is greater i'm quoting paul he he has put an end to sin in you he's put it to death but you through the spirit paul says through the spirit put to death the misdeeds of the body you he's taking care of the sin problem through the blood but you must put to death the misdeeds of the body you must put an end to debt you have to take your authority and say listen i'm turning the outflow i'm scaling it back i'm going to manage my life i'm going to manage not just my income but my outflow it's better to own than to borrow or to rent but your mindset it's become normal to be in debt it is not normal to owe anybody anything the old testament hebrew people they were told if you choose this day to obey the lord your god and do what is right these things are going to come to pass you will be the head not the tail you will lend to many nations but you will borrow from none what do you not understand about that in deuteronomy 15 4 it says there shall be no poor among you for i am the lord your god who has promised to take you into the land of canaan the land of plenty okay is that just a sunday school bible story or did that really happen okay that's old testament old covenant the disciples that are now apostles say that now this new covenant based on better promises through the blood of jesus better promises well peter said that through these promises we can be partakers of the divine nature partakers of the divine nature partakers of the divine nature the only thing that god needs to borrow is your body it it'll take your mind with you in in a package deal just take your mind and it'll take your body he has your spirit if you're a born again christian but you have to manage your body you have to manage your mind and you have been infiltrated with thoughts about what god's will is that is not true you're waiting for the messiah to set himself up as physical king and you're about to miss the whole thing and jesus stood the night before he passed away and went to hell to the belly of the earth and was risen on the third day he looked over jerusalem he said how i long to gather you together as a mother hen gathers her chicks he said but you wouldn't have it he said you did not discern your day of visitation he spoke to john on the aleppatmos and he warned them hear what the spirit is saying to the seven churches he who has ears to hear let him hear he who overcomes will sit with me victorious on a throne amen i wish that you were either hot or cold but because you're lukewarm i'm about to spit you out of my mouth that's still in the bible now listen i feel at times as though christians become like veggie tales where you encounter the people of jericho and they're throwing blueberry slushies at you from the wall and i think it's a little bit more than that but that's good for kids but when we grow up i don't have blueberry slushies coming at me because i would catch them and drink them but because what i have coming at me is you can't do that you're not going to succeed at that no one's going to believe you and i just let the devil keep talking and i go and i do it and he's not even finished yet and what he's doing is he's flipping through his heart okay will you believe this and he's telling you a bunch of trash will you believe this like no i don't believe that i don't believe anything you say why are you even here satan why do you even talk to me why was eve talking to him okay so as i have said every night in every city we've been to so far you are problem solvers you have a solution to a problem and you're going somewhere to give that solution to someone who has a problem you are the answer to someone's problem you your your value has gone through the roof because god has placed a demand on your gift he has placed a demand on something he put in you in all of us we there's a demand on your gift i need you i need what you have in you i need you to show up and i need you to do it in z formation i need you to have an attitude about it oh no we're not going to do that here it's a new sheriff in town you know i've done the research about this place and tampa is is all god's already got plans for tampa or wherever you're at god has plans i'm serious i i i thoroughly think that that airport is built so that i can land on it i i think it like the satellites everything that is made this microphone it was made no god knew that someday i would hold this microphone and talk to you so when this was being made by someone probably was speaking chinese or japanese and they were they were building it god was using that person to do something that was going to help someone else right every part has a serial number on it god knew that that serial number was going to be on that particular car or that particular jet and you were going to go in that particular vehicle to go and do god's will all i mean the even the fabric on what you're wearing everything about you god knew but he does not intervene unless we invite him because of free will ask and i shall do it you have to ask why if it's god's will and he's going to have his way then why does he even have us pray obviously it's not set everybody you know that's like that's just logic 101. if i'm not going to get an answer to prayer and i don't need to pray why would i do it if i don't need to work why would i go to work so if if god's not answering prayer today because he's he's not feeling well then why would we pray i i'll come back later you know when you're feeling better you're in a you know you i can feel there's a little bit of an edge about you lord i'll just wait till tomorrow you know not a good time no no no god is waiting for us to ask jesus said this ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened to you and you're waiting for the waiver you're waiting for the fine print in the next verse and there is none there's no asterisk where you go down to the bottom and the disclaimer sometimes god doesn't do it or sometimes he doesn't hear you and what you're going to find is that every day is an opportunity every day is a decision you make to either make history or sit on the sidelines and watch someone else do it i have the spirit of david on me and when i come to the battle line with food for my brothers and i see an uncircumcised philistine mocking and profaning the living god and the armies of the living god not circumcised which is a sign of covenant someone who is uncoveted and i see them defying the armies of the living god then i'm going to say something i'm going to say is anyone going to stand up and stop this thank you at least i got one person all of you have this in you you have a fight in you do not let up right now do not do not stop you're about to hit a gusher amen okay all right i want this cd this was really good so all right how are we doing on time here whoa man it's about time to worship again but i want to talk to you a little bit about the booklet i gave you this is the vision that the lord has given kathy and i and our staff and it has all the different uh the visions and the lord said write the vision out and just present it to the people and so now you have it we have plans and they're really big plans and it involves you because you are warrior notes you are warriors and i'm i'm gonna you know you're gonna see me go to the you know just like just like in the movie you know the the guy that just disappears because it was jason bourne and you know once he all he's here and then he's playing the sacks the next thing you know he's out the door and you don't know he's gone for two hours there's going to come a point where you're going to carry warrior notes i'm going to do what i'm called to do and lay the foundation but i want homeschooling i want grades kindergarten through bachelors and then on to your doctorate all right i want warrior chat so you can get off facebook space book and my face so i want you to be able to talk to people between yourselves and and talk to people about jesus i want you to be able to build each other up and it just goes on and on all the departments are in there we have warrior fellowships we started that in january so this is the sixth month and we started out the first month with 780 new house churches fellowships now we're up over a thousand and it'll just keep growing because we're meeting in need especially in other countries you know the foreign countries like california and no all over the world there are people that that's their church and the lord said just make it a bible study fellowship where people can invite their friends their bosses their their neighbors and just minister to them study the bible with us once a week like we do we provide we provide the lesson and the students at our school they they facilitated we have almost 20 000 students so we could potentially have 20 000 churches and we're just taking it slow and and we're letting it grow okay so there's all these outrages we started war warrior kids we started the the warrior jet program where kids can go and get simulator time at the conferences the next one will be in houston and we will sign the kids up and they will go through the simulator but they're going to have to go through a little spirit school and learn about god too before they can fly upside down they got to learn about god you're going to need that okay but we're going we're going to start a we're launching it because i want to get kids involved again with something that is is a parallel to what i saw in the spirit realm and get learn to teach them discipline and then i wanted to take them into the space program and i'm not talking about the space cadets that these weird people i'm talking about i have an astronaut friend who called me and says i want to join up with you i have space camp for kids i said it's perfect it's it's what i wanted i'd already asked the lord but i said i ain't doing nothing about just like everything i don't do nothing about about about anything when the lord speaks to me i go what do you want me to do and he goes nothing wait and sometimes i wait 40 years but it always comes to pass but this man called me an astronaut and said i want the lord told me i'm supposed to pair up with you i go you're right so he's already got all that set up for your kids to go for a week and and um learn they're going to even design airports he says i'm going to assign them to design airports for their city i'm going to teach them how to market and how to teach them creation i got moon rocks kevin he said i got my space suit can you believe this yeah you better okay so that's just the kids part of it okay so we have all other programs we have warrior health we've got health professionals that are going to help us to get back on track with our immune system amen okay that's just to name a few any other important ones that i should mention warrior music we haven't announced that yet have we well i guess we just did didn't we yeah we're going to do warrior music it's going to be a part of the two-year program which will turn into a four-year program we're going to train people kids big kids how to play instruments they'll get their lessons and then we're going to teach them how to form a group and we're going to have different groups that will will cycle through that'll be part of the worship so we're going to train people to do that yeah can you clap go ahead have fun so the same thing with evangel in the school of evangelism we're going to start i'm going to train you how to to uh evangelistically evangelize you know we're going to really we're going to get you out there we're starting the the food pantry pastor sixto here is has joined us and help us and susan yes and we're going to ship pallets of food ahead of time to wherever we're going and then we're going to hand out food and tell them that jesus loves them and and you might want to come to the meeting this weekend here's a burger here's you know and you know i'm not i'm not i'm not going to just do spiritual things that were the case i i wouldn't need transportation i would just be translated transported so it's spiritual and physical together and it's mental but not too much on the mental because there are a lot of mental people i want to get them balanced we're all going to be balanced okay so it's all about the christian all the all the christian life and about the marketplace we're going to do warrior marketplace we're going to teach people how to start a business and do god's business you know i'm telling you i'm trying to figure out why it's all right for the devils the devil's children to prosper people that you could care less why is it okay for the people that hate god why is it okay for them to prosper where does this say in the bible and i don't know when this happened i wasn't in the meeting when and i didn't vote for this but they made poverty one of the pillars in the church one of the well you can't sell the jews on that they go they get wholesale that's why they they give you retail but they get wholesale they're fine with the gentiles having retail yeah see see how it's the same with health you pay all that money for health care but what if what if you would change your diet what if you would start eating the word of god and you know don't do anything stupid my doctor i tell my doctor okay this is what we're working toward he goes okay we'll just keep doing blood tests and sure enough he's like okay man something's happening here i go you better believe it's happening i got to live to be 120. i got too much to do you know what my doctor did he's mormon you know what he said to me my wife can you pray for me and my wife my wife has had to ask to have surgery on her intestines i said sure we'll pray for you he held hands with us with a stethoscope and maskless and he touched us and he we prayed together right he believes in jesus and i don't agree with that that particular religion but he has faith in god enough to let us pray for him and he's watched me be healed like i don't know how many things i've been healed of where he's he's seen it he goes i've never heard of anything like i've never in my practice i've never heard of anyone getting healed of this he's and he's got the the data right there he's he one day he called me he says you're in kidney failure i go not for long he was you got to get to the hospital right now he said we just got your your test back you are in failure he said there's something wrong with your liver too i go is there anything else you want to get out of here you know you want anything else he goes you got to get to an emergency room i says no i'm i'm moving i'm getting on our plane right now and my future is in new orleans and i'm going and nothing's going to stop me if you want i will get a blood test as soon as i get there and everything's going to be fine but i am going to obey god so i went there and i got my blood test right we went and got the blood test it came back completely negative which is impossible and the urine test he said i don't know what happened but you don't have hashimoto's anymore and you don't have uh liver problems anymore and you don't have kidney problems anymore okay so what's left i said let's work on that so i never give up now kathy's right here she's going to come up and share a little bit and we're going we're going to start the worship again so we're gonna if you want to get ready but kathy you want to get here but she has watched all these things happen she's watched miracles happen she has miracles happen we want you to have miracles every day we want to be a part of the solution to whatever you're going through we're here to serve you we're doing this because we actually believe in god but we believe in you because god has already vouched for you and we're assigned to be together do you get it and so i would be excited right now because when you pray you're praying into your future which is god's now come on up kath i know last night the um we lost the microphone so i want to give it to you so just share for a little bit and then i'm gonna um i'm gonna get ready to worship okay okay well when um kevin did mention to me on the way over here that i was gonna share and it's something that i've never really shared before but i pray that it hits you like it hit me and i believe it is a word of the lord for all of us or somebody watching it was kind of woven through what kevin was ministering to us tonight it's about i'd say like the the main thing like when you hear the scriptures i read it's gonna there's gonna be some things about riches but the the what the lord's talking to us about his heart he really wants us closer to his heart and it talks in luke 16 about true riches but he says like if you can't be faithful in unrighteous mammon which is money how can you be faithful with the true riches and really what are the true riches the true riches are christ himself the father the holy spirit the things of the kingdom so it's like it's this tight place the lord has for us where he wants us to prosper but he also wants us to have the true riches and he wants us to be able to function in that he wants kevin mentioned it in that that we want to be found trustworthy and really the bottom line is is when god can trust you with riches and he knows it is not going to steal you away from him then he just like any of you in a relationship with somebody you want maybe to be closer to somebody but yet you're saying wait a minute i don't really know if i can trust them any closer than they are but then maybe over time you begin to see their true character and you start to feel safer and you bring that person in close and so although god already gave us jesus he laid it all on the line already but just like a parent is going to maybe like some of you have kids and you have already set up like an inheritance for them and you know things that are going to be theirs once they grow up but you don't give it to them all at once so um that's sort of like what the lord's wanting me to encourage us all is to excel financially get that part of your heart right and all of us can grow in that area it's a word for all of us he wants there's no like kevin said there's no lack of money it's just in the wrong hands but that doesn't mean it's going to automatically come to us because god although we might have all the principles of how to you know give so you know receive but yet if our heart still maybe has some issues he is going to wait for that harvest to come in so we want to be able to prosper because there are so many needs out there and we want to be able to be distribution centers but this this is really what hit me was in revelation and it's it's interesting because kevin mentioned about the lukewarm church but this just this scripture if you just listen to this um it's in 18 it's right after the um anyhow just listen to this so it's in revelation 3 18 and he says i counsel of the buy of me gold tried in the fire that you may be rich and raiment that thou white raiment that thou may be closed clothed like clothed like pure and white he wants us to invest and buy what's pure and true and if you're going through a fire in your life don't freak out embrace the fires say lord if this thing is not you know what's going on i don't like what i'm going through but lord i want to be purified and i'm not talking about false humility where you say like okay i'm suffering for jesus when is something he already paid for on the cross i'm just talking about things in our personality that maybe like we get pricked you know just let him work that out i don't it's just so strong to buy that pure gold that's been tried in the fire you know stuff um that you do for the lord i mean we you know i'm i don't want to take too much longer but we could do a million things like these guys they do a food pantry okay a lot of people do food pantries but they don't do it they just do it because they think that's what god wants them to do is what you're doing what god wants you to do are you standing on the um the pure sapphire stone like these guys they're gonna worship and they're gonna worship from the fire okay so when they i'm gonna step down as soon as i finish here they're gonna begin and you step on you just say lord if there's anything in me that's unclean unpure not of you i repent i don't want it i want the pure i want the true i want the fire in my life i want that holy fire let's just stand up father just cleanse us lord we repent we repent of anything that's taken our gaze off of you we repent we repent we thank you for that the blood of jesus we just receive that cleansing of the blood of jesus and we say lord we want that the pure gold tried and the fire we want our raiment we want our we want to be white shiny hot white hot fire white hot fire white hot fire white hot fire we want to stand before you lord spotless because you paid the price for us there's no excuse for us not to stand before you spotless on that day when you return and you are returning you're returning you are returning lord we thank you lord you are returning you are returning your your word is true thank you father thank you lord we just worship you lord i just gonna put this microphone down and just i want you guys to just enter in see yourself on the sapphire stone see yourself before him face to face nothing between you and him no distractions face to face in the holy place face to face in the holy place face to face to face to face to face to face in the holy place before his face no shame no blame no shame your glory reigned lord the reign of your glory reign hallelujah hallelujah thank you father you can grab your communion cup in just a moment as kathy said we're going to invite everybody who wants to come to the altar to worship but take your communion cup let's reverently hold it before the lord [Music] [Applause] take the bread together father we thank you that you sent your son who is the lamb of god that took away the sin of the world there is no sin that you didn't cover there's nothing that you did not take on your body that couldn't be healed and we thank you for the healing presence of the lord that's flowing through this room right now and all over the world we thank you for your healing presence driving out sickness and disease every bit of pain goes down in the name of jesus but lord we reverently hold up this wafer saying we remember we thank you lord for your body that was broken for us and we take it together in jesus name [Music] as kathy prayed with us we thank you for the opportunity to ask for mercy we repent before you you you said in your word in first john 1 9 if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness every single person that repents leaves here clean and pure before you lord we lay it at the altar we lay it at your feet we thank you for the blood we thank you for the blood that washes this white as snow thank you for having mercy thank you for captivating us lord lord we thank you for the blood of jesus right now let's partake together kevin and kathy want to invite you please don't come on the stage but please feel free to come up to the altar and just worship the lord with us [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] upon us [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] purified [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] god oh [Music] hello [Music] upon us tonight upon us tonight upon us tonight [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] it's purify here i am here i am here i am here i am [Music] here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am [Music] here i am here i am standing on the sapphire stone here i am here i am here i am here i am oh here i am here i am here i am god here i am right before you here i am standing on the sapphire here i am god here i am here i am [Music] [Applause] can still be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am and i won't be tonight i won't be denied i won't be denied i won't be denied oh here i am here i am [Music] here i am here i am here i am and i won't be denied [Music] [Applause] [Music] here i am here i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] here i am here i am here i am [Music] here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am here i am i won't be tonight here i am cause you're more than good enough you are the great i am you've always been in there [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] pull ourselves we have full access full access we won't be denied sweet words we whites we write [Music] cause we have flexes [Music] you are more than enough you are more than enough for every dream every vision you are more than enough god you are more than enough god you are more than enough for every dream every vision you are more than [Music] more than enough god you are more than enough taking off the limits taking off the limits taking off the limits taking off you everything is possible [Music] you will make you will make hey [Music] foreign [Music] this [Music] there's provision for your vision there's provision for your vision he will make he will make [Music] there's provision for your vision there's provision for your vision he will make a way he will make we believe there's provision for the vision there's provision for the vision there's provision for the vision he will make there's provision for the vision there's provision for the vision there's provision for the vision you'll break away cause god he is faithful our god he's faithful i got his faith [Music] [Applause] [Music] know no limits no limits your faithful father [Music] you are you are a faithful father you are a faithful father you [Music] every moment every moment of my day cause you are a faithful father you can be no other way but good and you are a faithful father [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Applause] every word [Music] every word you speak every word you say will say [Applause] [Music] father [Music] father i thank you so much for what you're doing we acknowledge you now by your spirit minister to us we've ministered to you now minister to us father touch us heal us father [Music] we don't want to hurt anymore we want to we want to forgive we want to let go of the hurt [Music] we lay it down right now we lay it down we lay down offense we lay down the hurt that's in our hearts the lord wants us to go on i forgive those who have trespassed against me i forgive i let offense drop father the prize that's set before us is much greater than the sin that tries to entangle us the offense that tries to slow us down we let it drop right now [Music] you're a good god you're a good god you're a good god you're a good god hallelujah lord as we're gathered together here just like it says in malachi it says that those who gather together and spoke well the lord a book of remembrance who has written about them that they had agreed that god is a good god and it spoke well [Music] and those people will be remembered forever lord said there'll be gems in my my crown forever i'll remember lord we're part of that we want to be known as those who did not back off [Music] come on now come on you can go another day come on you can go another day you can go another step you can breathe another breath you can love you can love one more time [Music] father by the authority of jesus christ i break the power of every demonic spirit working against your people right now i take authority in the name of jesus and by the blood of jesus i command every evil spirit to go now in jesus name i command you you foul lying devils go in jesus name [Music] stop harassing god's people i break your power [Music] jesus said we're going to trample on you trample on serpents and scorpions and we're going to have power over all the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm us come on now you're the redeemed of the lord let's say so come on hallelujah say so say so say so hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's putting you over [Music] up and over that wall [Music] we're gonna go a little further we're gonna dig a little deeper we're gonna go a little further we're gonna dig a little deeper we're gonna go a little further and we're gonna dig a little deeper and we're going to come face to face with you that's the name of this song we're going to dig a little deeper we're going to go a little further we're going to come face to [Applause] come a face further we're gonna come face to face face to face with you [Applause] we're gonna dig a little deeper we're gonna come a little further we'll come back to face and face to face with you we won't be stopped [Music] we're gonna dig a little [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're gonna come a little deeper we're gonna come a little further we're coming face to face and face to [Applause] [Music] face [Music] [Applause] your arm does not fall short your arm does not fall short we can reach our hand out to you and you reach it out to us it does not fall short it does not fall short it is full stretch our arm is fully stretched to grab your hand we want oh we're pressing in we want more we're reaching our arm out our hand is reaching out it does not fall short to reach out and grab your hand to press on to go further to go further to go further we're just reaching out and we're taking on we're grabbing by the raids we're pulling forward we're going the distance we are going we are going we are going oh [Music] you do not fall short you do not fall short of your glories you do not fall short of the mysteries that become [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] you never fall short or you reach out so we reach out to you you never for sure you never for sure you [Music] i saw the father's hand come down and i saw him digging in his treasure chest and there was the most beautiful jewels and i heard him saying i have this treasure in earthly vessels and he was looking at you was looking at you and he was looking at the father it was jesus he was saying look at my jewels look at the jewels and that's you that's you you're beautiful you're spotless the blood has made a way and i prophesy over you destiny i prophesy over you your purpose i declare you are being activated right now in the spirit in the name of jesus i release the fire over you i release fire over your gifting to your calling to your talents you will fulfill your destiny you will fulfill your purpose you will fulfill the call of god you will run without restraint every restraint is coming off of you right now in the name of jesus shake it off come on shake it off shake and let the world see the beauty within you that heaven has invested in you it's time it's time it's time [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] your fire lord your holy fire [Applause] open arms [Applause] [Music] open open [Music] we cry out to you in this place to see them abba we thank you for all things that you have done and all that you will do over our lives father your word has spoken tonight the word was spoken that we are the head and not the tale we are above and not beneath that you have all things already in linemen for us that we must always all we have to do is open mouth our mouths and say thank you thank you thank you thank you father lord you have a destiny in store for every single one of us there are mountains that we're going to climb and we're going to enjoy the valleys but we're going to climb and conquer mountains nothing is impossible for us nothing will be beheld from us father we thank you we thank you for the blessings that is upon our lives we thank you that you have always been faithful to us and us now in return we desire nothing more than to be faithful to you lord and we just thank you we thank you for all that you have given in jesus name in jesus name [Music] take territory take territory take territory you walk in the authority that he's giving you take territory in jesus name [Music] [Laughter] yes lord yes lord the lord is saying receive receive receive the kingdom of heaven is within you the kingdom of heaven is within you [Music] it's time to release time to release don't give up don't give up don't give up [Music] [Music] on [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord for touching your children oh god yes lord your fresh anointing your fresh anointing lord we thank you we thank you lord for divine destiny in you [Music] yeah hallelujah thank you lord thank you father thank you [Music] yeah deep [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] coming oh father we're just coming after you we're running after you this evening lord let this this that we're feeling right now this that is entered into us and this that we are carrying right now let it not diminish one hour from now 20 hours from now one day from now one week from now one month from now father we want this to increase over our lives we want this to become more and more tangible over our lives now we are convinced of what the word of god says about us we are not looking at the world or expecting anything for the world we are notifying the world that we are taking our territory we're notifying the world that we have the authority that's already been given us we're not looking for authority we already walk in authority and we thank you father for what you have given to us lord you told us that we are carriers of the divine nature of god father i ask right now for every person that is in this room lord that everyone will speak out loud right now i carry the divine nature of my heavenly father i am a conduit of my father's love to this world lord surge it through me i will not hold on to it i will allow it to flow freely because i need more and more and more every day of my life in jesus name in jesus name i mean in jesus name amen hallelujah father we thank you for everything that was said and done in this place tonight and lord as we leave and we go about the north south east and west let us be contagious to every person that we encounter lord let people just come near us and say what is it about you what are you carrying and lord they will come near and we will say come let me speak to you about my heavenly father let me show let me show you what he's done for me what he's doing for me come come the lord has called us [Music] to make disciples not decisions discipling is very simple what he has done for you you want to declare it to someone else and ask them if they would like to receive the same thing amen a decision is just a number but the most important thing after that decision is the discipleship kevin and kathy were talking about that's the most important thing about warrior notes is you are being discipled to become disciplers you're not going through a school just to learn some head knowledge this transformation is happening so you become disciplers amen we know that the lord is coming sooner than we expect and anticipate so we got to get busy about our father's business amen and so father i thank you for every person that is in this today with us and those that had to leave early lord i just ask your blessings be upon them and that the peace of god will always be about them and lord that you will shine your face upon them and grant them peace in all that they do thank you heavenly father in jesus name shalom the peace of god in jesus name amen amen well we thank you guys so much for being here and we know there are great things in store and please keep looking on the website keep in touch on facebook and we know more announcements to come and more details about the schools and different parts of warrior notes amen but we thank you all for being here god bless you all we know the angels will be about you guys in the north south east west as you travel home safely amen amen god bless
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 84,505
Rating: 4.9339933 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: LIX7-bKcIvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 33sec (11193 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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