When God Invades Your Space - Kevin Zadai

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and it's interesting because he said if i speak on my own then you know it's just me but he says i came on behalf of the father so everything that he said he said this he said listen whatever i say it's what the father's saying whatever i do that's the father working through me he said i don't speak on my own isn't that something the son of god handed his his badge over and came here became a servant and just yielded to god and everything he did he did as the son of man did you know that even the demons when they said we know who you are he said shut up he said you're the son of god he said shut up why because he was telling his disciples that one day he says you're going to do the same thing i'm doing it in fact you're going to do greater he couldn't do that he couldn't say that if he came as the son of god he had to be the son of man see he took our place so while you are all arguing about doing the works of jesus i'm going to argue about doing the greater works forget about arguing about can we do what jesus did don't you understand that in the desert the temptation is not what you think the temptation with the devil was if you are the son of god make this stone into bread well jesus is looking at a a fallen cherub that he created of course that cherub knows he's the son of god jesus is looking as i remember when i made you no the temptation was this he could not do something as the son of god as the son of man he says no man does does not live on bread alone man man man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of god that was a temptation the temptation was to do it as the son of god are you all getting this maybe we need to do another song huh do we need to do another song and then start over again now listen to me there's a bunch of stuff that the apostle paul tried to get over to us if we didn't have the apostle paul we wouldn't understand what jesus was doing behind the scenes in him all those in him scriptures that is paul we wouldn't know about in him if it wasn't for paul we know about him because we'd read john and matthew and mark and luke but paul he opened up the veil right so jesus didn't come to represent himself okay now listen jesus said i'm going to leave you but i'm not going to leave you fatherless i'm going to leave you an orphan he said i'm going to send one just like me who's going to be a friend just like me to you the spirit of god the spirit of truth and he's going to lead you into all truth but all ears now but he's not going to speak on his own either he's only going to say what the father says he's going to do the works of the father now think about this jesus or the spirit is not doing anything on their own they're in full submission to the father so what's your problem you're trying to do it on your own trying to walk on the water and you wonder why you're wet one nostril above right now just praying for a dollar so you can get some gum no you see if you come on your own you get yourself good luck with that one all right so paul was talking about the supremacy of christ but see jesus handed everything over and he came as a servant he considered being equal with god nothing he became a servant for you he did that for us okay so everything he did was not in vain even though if you'd read what happened to him if you were watching the chinese news network the fake news you think man this guy's a failure but see those powers that be fell right into his trap and he began he became the source of eternal salvation jesus christ see it's all about the blood it's all about the blood if you don't believe me ask a demon they'll tell you it's all about the blood hi i'm kevin zadai by the way all right in chapter chapter one of colossians i dare you to turn there the supremacy of christ in verse 15 says he is and by the way the name of this message is when god invades your space okay because it's really not your space it was his from the beginning because he made you he's just waiting for you to invite him in to his house that he made for himself you he is the divine portrait the true likeness of the invisible god and the firstborn heir of all creation whoa let's take a break man he's the firstborn heir that means he gets all creation and you're worried about shamu if he's going to go extinct he has more rights than i do so does the eagle i almost hit one last week when i was flying yeah he was in my space but he said i was in his space no you try to you try to eat an eagle egg i'll i'll write you in jail but they kill babies in the mother's womb but you can't touch an eagle egg you go to jail okay for for through the sun everything was created that means a baby in the womb that means you everything that was created was created through him right i'm talking about jesus christ the king the one who shed his blood for you okay both in the heavenly realm and on the earth all that is seen and all that is unseen he created everything period sounds like he's making the decisions about your life not the government every seat of power realm of government principality and authority it was all created through him and for his purpose amen he existed before anything was made and now everything finds completion in him period you don't have to go to the situat situation room with wolf blitzer it's right here he is the head of his body which is the church the ecclesia the called out ones not this building the called out ones means you're holy called out from the world be ye holy come out from among them paul said and be ye separate he's the head of his body which is church and since he is the beginning and firstborn heir in the resurrection he is the most exalted one holding first place in everything any questions for god is satisfied god is satisfied god is satisfied then why do you feel like you're in debt to him if god is satisfied he's satisfied in him to have all the fullness dwelling in christ and by the blood of his cross everything in heaven and in earth is brought back to himself including you back to its original intent wow restored to innocence again may i mention it again you're restored to innocence again so why do you feel guilty this morning either the blood was enough or it's not you know go out and sacrifice fluffy in the in the parking lot no we don't have to do that anymore fluffy can live another day we don't need to do that anymore we don't sacrifice animals we kill and eat beef okay so even though this is verse 21 and 22 even though you were distanced distant from him living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions he reconnected you back to himself he released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body the sin payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in his presence did i mention dwell in his presence i think i did so why are you outside wanting to come in come on now we're in christ we're actually hidden in him the devil's still looking for you you're hidden in him oh this is some new gospel no you know this was written a long time ago in fact paul said i was selected as an apostle before i was born so why are they rolling dice to get somebody to replace judas yeah casting lots casting lots in the book of acts chapter 1 they rolled the dice to see who was selected to replace judas it was not god paul said i was selected as the apostle since birth he just messed up for the first 30 years now listen to me you were that way too we were all that way we used to be separated from god paul had to find out he got arrested on the road to damascus he got de-masked he got arrested god jesus christ invaded his space and all of a sudden he found out that he was always selected that was his purpose is there anybody here you're not separated anymore somewhere in heaven it is known what your destiny is and don't you think that the books of heaven are read by the spirit of god that's within you don't you think that the spirit was sent to reveal what is written in heaven about you so what are you doing watching the fake news what are you doing judging your relationship with god by what happens to you every day it has nothing to do with it jesus didn't even visit john when he got thrown in jail he didn't go to his funeral he was too busy doing his father's business everyone in heaven right now is screaming preach it kevin because they have seen and they know that god is faithful and they can testify if they could be here today they would testify of his faithfulness every last one of them it would be lines of people myriads of people connie would be the first one because she knows he's good she knows he's able and she would want you to rejoice and do everything with reckless abandonment for god that's what she would want she would release you into the will of god and then abraham would be right behind her testify he is faithful i saw him who was invisible i was looking for a city whose builder and maker was god he kept his word to me that's what he would say hallelujah and now there is nothing between you and the father god it says continuing on with verse 22 for he sees you as holy flawless and restored so obviously it doesn't it's not based on feelings because you don't you might not feel wholly flawless and restored this morning maybe you just need to get a burger or something get your maybe you just need some nourishment get yourself up get sugar high huh no this is better this is revelation knowledge that paul is giving us right here if indeed you continue to advance in the faith oh wait a minute wait a minute i get all these goodies but it says if oh boy so verse 22 is great i'm going to read it again because this is the goodies he said he released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body and sin payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in his presence and now there is nothing nothing between you and the father god nothing did i mention nothing nothing for he sees you as holy flawless and restored but if you indeed continue to advance in the faith assured assured assured of a firm foundation to grow upon which all these men and women that are up there have built for you they built a foundation for you never be shaken never be shaken from hope of the gospel you have believed in and this is the glorious news i preach all over the world okay so this morning god's going to invade your space and and he's going to say you know what it isn't matthias because if you read about matthias you never hear about them again you hear about every other all the others so what have you put in the place because it was an empty space that might not be for that it might be reserved for the right thing the god thing what have you put have you rolled the dice and put matthias there because you had an empty space in your life are you going to wait for god's perfect will paul said i was ordained as an apostle since birth or before birth in some places he says he was always the 12th apostle come on come on what did paul do he wrote half the new testament what did matthias do man's way of taking care of a space good luck i don't even like saying that word luck because it's not in heaven but think about this in john i believe it's chapter 21. they're all upset because jesus just got crucified so what do they do it's just what we do when things get messed up we just go back to our old ways so they just went back to fishing fished all night nothing it's just like it's just like me and kathy we got tired of not being able to pay our bills so i said well that's it i'm doubling down i'm going to double tithe devil if you don't shut up we're going to triple top you know what happened we did that for three years we couldn't even do what we wanted to do because that money went to our church so we tithed we double tied off of what we thought we needed for the month which is six thousand dollars i feel the same way honey i'll be right there i feel the same way she thought she was speaking this morning i know i all right listen listen so we tied 600 a month man was so powerful you know what happened we did that after three years you know what happened nothing not a thing but all it takes is that extra little bit of pressure on the devil southwest airlines settled the contract and gave me a hundred and ten percent raise with back pay now i'm making six thousand a month or over but tithing doesn't work you know and that's old testament anyway but where else in the bible does it say test me in this it says it nowhere else only in malachi it says it test me in this and see if i won't open the floodgates of heaven and pour you out a blessing you won't even be able to withhold and he said i will rebuke the devourer for your sake you don't even have to rebuke the devourer god's gonna do it well i'd rather him do it okay so he's going to rebuke the devourer for your sake that means that hey jack six feet we're still social distancing here and he tells the devil you say you stay six feet back have you considered my servant job it doesn't say test me in this anywhere else in the bible so jesus will come and invade your space just like he did that morning they had been fishing all night without him how many times do we go back to our old ways and we get nothing why because we're fishing on the wrong side of the boat he said throw your nets on the right side of the boat we've been fishing all night who are you anyway they didn't even know it's jesus yet they were fishing on the wrong side of the boat fish on the right side of the boat your life's going to be changed this morning i can hear him in the spirit right now click click click and i'm not talking about clicking your heels three times and going to kansas i'm talking about there's a shift in the spirit there's a shift happening in this in this room listen to me listen to me when they brought that net in peter he got he got very wise he says my lord and my god right my lord and my god jumped in now listen it says there were 153 very large fish do you know how much money that would be that wasn't souls that was their income for probably a year large fish large fish not minnows not sardines large fish 153 of them well it's interesting because if you take 153 in hebrew and you add up the letter because you know in hebrew there are no numbers it's the numerical value of all the letters it spells out ani elohim which is i am god so all you have to do is fish on the right side of the boat and god is there he reveals himself but if you want to do your own thing just go ahead just give me a call in a year you'll be in the same place you were today but if you want to move on and be transformed it says here that if you indeed continue to advance in the faith it's as simple as this you may be lost until you're found until the gps coordinates are found they know exactly where you are as soon as they locate your position you're found but you have coordinates and god knows where you are but he also knows where you should be so there's a correction that happens and this is where everybody just leaves early and goes to lunch when you start talking correction and talking about obligation and accountability no now paul you know like you think oh man if paul was in town man he would we would have him here at antioch no you wouldn't because you'd have to change and please don't ask jesus to come because you're never going to be the same and you're going to be accountable now because if you see him you're accountable if he tells you something you don't do it guess what i ain't going to be there to apologize for you so paul said this listen i hear he said the corinthians he said i hear that there is sin in the church there that is beyond what the world does you have an individual that has taken his father's wife he said turn that man over to satan paul man man you need to go eat something you are low on sugar right now no he said he said when you gather together the next time in the presence of the lord and my spirit he says my spirit paul's spirit is with you he says and i am there in spirit he said turn that one over to satan for the destruction of the flesh so that his soul would be saved in the end first corinthians in second corinthians he goes hey you know that guy you turned over to satan bring him back in so that we don't get out by the devil he is repented okay this is the new testament church it's not rolling dice it's not fishing on the left side of the boat and it's certainly not doing sexual sin that only that's not even known in the world this is new testament and you're arguing about tithing and you've got a promise that is nowhere else in the bible test me in this and see test and see it is nowhere else in the bible i had a scholar look it up you see god comes into your life but he wants the space you're standing on he wants your real estate and once he has it history starts to happen and you'll never be the same right now right now now now okay right now see it's it's as soon as it just keeps ticking away but until you make that decision then everything is going to change in the spirit and then you just laugh at the devil every time he says something you're kidding that's it that's all you got that's what you have to do because now you have been obtained yes you're not your own anymore i mean you never were your own just like the tithe was never yours it was a test it is a test the tithe was never yours it's a test just watch willy wonka you'll get it what's he talking about just watch it he could not leave that factory with that he was told that when he handed it back he got the whole factory he was the heir it's his test it's the same way with your life you can do your own thing and fish off the left side of the boat or you could go ahead and do the right thing and you'll hear i am god you'll hear i am god i've come that's what jesus said before before abraham was i am that's the denomination i belong to the i am denomination the kingdom of heaven is advancing we were hidden in christ paul said and now it's been revealed and your plans and your purposes have now been erased and god has replaced him with his plans and purposes for you and then he supports everything that you do in him okay so if you've already been bought and you don't know it you'll be like saul who became paul if you've been designated as someone something then you're going to spend half your life doing your own thing thinking you're helping god and he thought he was doing god a favor he was very zealous and paul was killing christians thinking he was doing god a favor but jesus told his disciples three years prior he said listen he said there's come in a day when people will kill you thinking they're doing god a favor he said that so the lord loves you so much you're irresistible you might as well just give up because he's going to get his space because he bought that at a great price and i don't care what you think i don't even care what your story you probably can beat my story it's probably worse than mine but we all could beat each other if we want to get up here and testify what the devil's done we'd all be crying we'd all need a sugar high but see a testimony service is supposed to be about exalting jesus and god's faithfulness so he's supposed to testify of jesus christ now i saw him in his pre-existence state i encountered him as the son of god i was on mount zion i saw the spirits of righteous men made perfect on display on the city of david that's that slope right up to what you think is a temple mount the city of david is on the side of that mountain that is mount zion that's where the pavestones were that lucifer walked on oh i thought that was in heaven well it used to be heaven on earth it's going to be again but we're got a little hiccup in the little bump in the road here of a couple thousand years man sinned and blew it so we got six thousand years of delay god can make it all up to you this morning i met jesus christ i am fully convinced of him and his faithfulness but he wants all of you he does not want you to delay he does not want you to hesitate he wants everything he gave everything and he wants everything these men and women that stand on mount zion on display right now well i saw a photo and they're not there oh they're there because in the in the timeless realm your future has already happened oh yeah click click click you you can't you can't can't figure that one out but god is faithful to you he's already wrapped it up in jesus christ there is no clocks in heaven i'm preaching as though i'm in heaven right now i feel as though i don't have a body right now i have no body i have no pain i could care less about what the devil says i could care less about what cnn says wolf blitzer just needs to get saved and then everything turns see everybody needs to get saved they need the spirit of god to cause them to be born again because that's the only way that you can accept spiritual things you can't accept these things in your head you can't explain what the born-again's experience is jesus dealt with that with nicodemus he goes well you know it's like this look at the trees you don't see the wind but you see the effects of the wind in the trees because they move but you don't see the wind it's the same with the spirit of god you don't see the spirit of god but you see the effects of the movement of the spirit well you can't explain that to the chinese news network or anybody else you've been set free the church is the most powerful institution on the earth the body of christ is the most glorious the government should be coming to us and asking us what to do you see it's time to finish this up the right way you had a bad start okay it ain't over it's never over god himself came down and looked for adam and eve couldn't understand why they were hiding why because god does not judge you he's not judging you right now you're going to judge yourself as a christian judge yourself lest ye be judged so paul said now one day you're going to be judged but see the world is already judged that's what jesus said they've already received judgment so that's why we don't concern ourselves with all the stuff that happens what we concern ourselves is is that we need to get people into heaven we need to talk to them and change their mind about god we need to tell them the solution paul said we have a ministry all of us ministry of reconciliation chapter five second corinthians you know the verse 17 in there because you know he that we're the new creation in christ the oldest passed away but you ought to read the whole chapter because paul is saying to all of us that we're called to the ministry we're called to the ministry of reconciliation we're to go out and tell people the price has been paid that god is not angry with us anymore he doesn't judge us he judged his son but one day they will all stand before him and if they have not accepted the only way to salvation you can't listen to the pope he said there's many ways there's only one way jesus said i am the way the truth and the life he ought to listen to jesus no i'm serious if you shut your eyes and you listen you can hear the voice of the antichrist speaking and that that person goes to church oh it's it's so deceptive that even the very elect would be deceived that's what jesus said he said there's a deception coming that's so bad that even the very elect would be deceived that that were possible he even said when i come back will i find faith on the earth why would he say these things see what i'm saying i'm just going to walk on the water to jesus i'm not going to look down because that didn't turn out well but i learn from it right i'm just going to keep looking at jesus don't consider the waves and i'm going to finish right i'm going to pray in tongues more than you all i'm going to be paul because i started earlier 10 years earlier than him praying in tongues so i'm going to beat him i can't wait to meet him and tell him so i can get my plaque but you know what someone in here might say you know what i'm younger than kevin you might take my plaque away from me i would enjoy that i wish you all would speak in tongues i wish you all would prophesy then maybe we would be criticizing each other because we'd have no time he looked like a little squirrel that just found a whole bunch of nuts what are you doing i'm talking to god i'm talking to god what when when you pray in tongues you're not speaking to man first corinthians 14 2 speaking unto god mysteries i'm not talking to you i'm talking to god but see what happens is oh can you talk to god for me no you you talk to god bam and pray in tongues prophesy i don't have anything bad to say anybody i don't have time i don't spend all day criticizing people i'm too busy doing my father's business you have no time to criticize you build each other up ephesians chapter 4. now listen ephesians 4 is the plan of god for your life it's the plan of god for the fivefold ministry of the church the five full ministry church is strictly according to paul if you want to bring the bible into it the fifo ministry church is to build up the body into unity of the faith and maturity that's what the fivefold does so what are they doing prophesying against nations why do they have a staff in their hand and wearing animal skins the new testament prophet is supposed to be speaking and building people up speaking the ways in the word of god even if it doesn't come to pass you must speak the will of god because we're in a warfare paul said this to timothy he said listen wage war with those prophecies you received well if it was in stone like the new testament the old testament then they wouldn't need to wage war with it it's just going to happen but obviously obviously god is not in control of this world paul said that the god of this world small g is in in charge the prince of the power of the air that's who's in charge is there anybody here yeah i know you are i love you esther listen to me escuchan paul said you got to take those prophecies as you received and wage war with them what paul was saying was listen if you don't that ain't going to happen it's conditional because you're in authority in the new testament now you represent the kingdom of god on this earth you're the you're the authority you are an ambassador of christ that's what paul said if you want to bring the bible into it you are in charge if you don't pray it doesn't get done now come on now oh my god we are ambassadors we are representatives so i've walked on that sapphire floor up there those paved stones i've seen the angels fall at the throne and worship him who's worthy i've seen the saints every saint that ever lived and ever will live i've already seen them worshiping the lamb i've already been there so back here i'm going to proclaim i don't care what the devil does i'm going to proclaim god's will i'm going to call it as it is even if it's not and you know what eventually everybody's going to get on the same page but it's going to be a remnant there's a separation that has happened and now the true the true the five wise virgins are ready five are not it's what jesus said there's goats they they they they're not sheep i don't minister to goats i don't minister to unwise virgins i don't minister to tares i minister to wheat i call those things that are not as though they were because that's god's heart it doesn't matter what wolf blitzer says i know what god's will is i will always stay with god because i represent him you speak and you tell that car to go to the junkyard because you're going to get a new one you tell your body i am the healed of the lord i'm coming down with a healing i'm coming down with a healing now i remember this back back in 1989 i flew from phoenix arizona from scottsdale airport i flew to payson arizona it took two and a half hours by car i had to wear contacts and glass or glasses to see i would fly around and i could get there in a cessna in about 20 minutes by air two hours by car 20 30 minutes by by it's like a kite with a propeller on it and kathy and i we we took a jet with no contacts in because my eyes are healed the first time i've ever flown without my contacts because i don't need my contacts anymore and in that jet we climbed with one engine because i had to do a prove that i could fly it with one engine we climbed up to altitude and got to 330 miles an hour and was there in eight minutes and that's with one engine climbing to pass my test eight minutes that was always possible but i didn't know about it it was also possible for me to fly without contacts but i didn't know but now i know i mean oh i believe for my healing since 1983 when i took those contacts from that optometrist in tears because i didn't believe that i should have to wear contacts as a christian because i just got born again in 1980 and i believed that jesus could heal me and he wanted to heal me but it took until three years ago that i got healed i always said i'm coming down with a healing i'm not going to need these contacts it took all those years but it happened it took all those years i had car faith and then i had cessna faith and then i had jet faith all those things existed the whole time but i needed to advance in my faith i needed to mature i needed to prove myself that's what you need to do you just say you know what put me in school lord put me in school and cause me to know what you've given me the apostle paul did this for did this this in jail he wrote in jail you'd never know it he didn't talk about his problems he talked about his revelation in jesus christ i need to hear a little bit more out of you about your revelation of jesus christ i'm not going back to a cessna i don't even want to drive anymore because i've tasted and i've seen that a jet is good do you get it you have tasted of the heavenly gift you've encountered the powers of the age to come that's what that one says in hebrews you've tasted of all this the powers of the coming age what's that i'll tell you what it is it's a resurrection you have the resurrection power of jesus christ dwelling in your body and paul said because you have that power the same power the rose used from the dead in you it quickens your mortal body so you're the healed of the lord we used to pray just so we could pay our bills and then everything got paid off ain't going back i ain't going back into debt why because i've tasted and seen that debt free is good i ain't going back i ain't borrowing money for nothing it's pay cash or stay home think about this you all pay to go to hawaii when i flew for the airline it was cheaper to go to hawaii than stay home twenty five dollars each way when i got there the hotel that was right on the water was actually splashing up onto our porch was fifty percent off and i could bring 15 people with me for 25 dollars yeah no kidding okay so i never went to hawaii but you know what for 25 bucks we went three times a year because it was cheaper than you know i spent more at the restaurant i'm serious it was cheaper to go there than it was to you so your id everything is 50 off and the flights were pretty much free that was just a tax okay now see you wish you could go to hawaii or you've gone but you ain't going again because it was expensive but what it was 15 for a rental car a day you're kidding i okay so that was available to me what if i hadn't taken advantage of it well then i'd be without but i went nine we went nine times in three years to where the people the locals were like they knew us by name it's just like when we were in when i was in flight training in scottsdale last two weeks ago we went to fuddruckers to have a hamburger every day because that's my favorite place well the manager said well we'll see you tomorrow he knew all our names they knew he says you're gonna get the one pounder again i go yep yep he knew how i had it cooked and everything so it's not what you think it's what you know do you have a relationship with jesus christ do you know him because he knows you he's waiting for you the best thing you can do is go to the altar and never leave the best thing you can do is say yes and always say yes at the throne there is no no it's always yes there are no questions at the throne there's only answers you're there and it's all about him and not about you now why would you have to wait until you pass away to find this out you can just hear it by listening to the gospel it's never been about you it has been about you in god's heart but it's never been about you and having your own control never so adam and eve god's treating them like they hadn't sinned because god already saw jesus he even went to cain he says don't you know if you do right he became his coach his life coach he said don't you know if you do right it's going to go well with you but if not sin is lurking at the door and desires to have you if you do not master and he didn't think about this cain is in a fallen state outside the garden and god talks to him face to face still that is how far we've fallen cain in his fallen state could still talk to god now if we see the face of god we can't live by the time of moses god god said listen i know that you desire to see my face and see my glory but do you want to die you can't see me and live by the time of moses we had got so far away that we couldn't handle seeing the face of god if you would encounter the fullness of the holiness right now you would all be on your face you'd have the fear of god and you'd have the fear of god and i mean fear it's not some little bedtime story i'm talking about the fear of god i've encountered his holiness there is no adjective to describe it and it's not an awesome wonder it's like don't kill me i'm telling you the truth i feel like my flesh is going to come off my bones oh yeah why because he's holy but see he said be ye holy as he is holy be separate you have to be separate from the world you're not part of the world you don't fit how many will promise me that you're not going to try to fit into the world anymore in the system you're you're expelled from the world they've already rejected you they don't even count your vote have the car running if you see men in black i'm going out that door now listen to me what is it that you desire of the lord because it could be that god put that inside did you know that he sets it up for you he requires you to pray but he gave you the best prayer the holy spirit and if you'll yield to him he will pray prayers according to the will of god when you don't know what to pray or how to pray the spirit in in romans 8 26 says he comes in and picks you up with power super intercedes with you on behalf of the will of god for your life why would you not want to pray in the spirit why would you not want to be saved this morning if you're not saved why why would you not want to be there's only one way to heaven it's jesus christ now if there's anybody in here who wants to give their life to jesus christ get up here right now if there's anybody in here besides that once it gets filled with the spirit um i'm volunteering that kathy's gonna pray for you she gets she gets everybody filled with the holy spirit so anybody here wants to get saved it's what the world's coming to anyway you might as well just be early amen okay now this this part is very important every one of us in here wants to go on with god however you have to have the mindset of the spirit paul said in romans 8 he said the mindset of the spirit is against the mindset of the flesh he said in fact they're enemies and they war against each other he said if you have the mindset of the world and you yield to the flesh he said you cannot please god you're an enemy i've made a lot of people upset about that pastors by saying that but you ought to read the bible you're you you decide what side you're going to fish from i would choose the right side because god is there elohim is there i want to be where god is but he is in one place for you it might not be for me but he is where you need to be and if you're not there this morning it's time to make that adjustment it's a mindset i'm serious you needed to make a decision to receive jesus but you have to continually confirm according to peter it says confirm that which has been put in you confirm it with your actions james talks about this too make sh you're calling an election sure confirm it peter said you're a partaker of the divine nature that'll get you kicked out of churches talking about being a partaker of the divine nature who do you think you are well according to jesus i'm an heir of god in a joint hair of with jesus so i get everything that jesus got just talk to a lawyer they'll explain it better than some churches i get everything that jesus got for me that's why paul said i take hold of that which christ has taken hold of for me i take hold of that which christ has taken hold of for me there is a gift inside of you there is a destiny that's written before you were born this is what you need to concentrate on not on your neighbor you can't be your neighbor you might not want to be you have enough to focus on yourself now this church is going to 450 people and if i want your opinion i'll give it to you i'm calling those things that are not as those were everywhere we go i do not expect anything less than expansion i do not expect individually for you to stay poor much longer if the old testament people that that chose a two item menu either be blessed or cursed to item menu choose you this day it's not even like in and out burgers got three options one two or three this is two choose you this day he said he said this he said if you do this you're going to be the head not the tail you're going to you're going to give to many nations but you're not going to borrow from any of them he said they're going to come at you in in in one direction but they will scurry and scatter in seven he said i will put the fear of you on all the nations around you when's the last time the wolf blitzer was afraid of you i'm really careful when i say something don't you know that every man and woman was made in the image of god and james clearly said you don't use your tongue to speak against a person who is made in the image of god read it and weep that rudder is steering your whole life why are you talking about where you where you were or where you are i think i think that any good pilot would be putting the coordinates into where they're going who wants to get on an airplane when he puts the coordinates in for where you are i'd be getting off that airplane why would you pay 600 to go around the pattern at the airport okay we'll be landing soon it's like uh i can see my car in the parking lot well that's like some christians i used to be that way but i realized that the holy spirit wanted to take me from where i was to where i'm going and show me ahead of time jesus warned us listen when he comes he's going to remind you of everything that i've said but he's also going to show you things to come well he's shown you things to come yeah but it didn't work out yeah because you're in a war you know let the devil keep stealing from you you know there's plenty of money in this world it's in the wrong hands [Music] i've had bosses every day using the names of the lord in vain doing terrible things and then one day they touched me the wrong way poof fired the next day within one year dead i don't know how many times that's happened okay it's not just because i went to heaven and came back it's because you don't mess with god's people because the church is the glorious church the church is jesus christ body i don't want to be touching his body in the wrong way i don't want to even you know it says don't even touch a child you touch one of these little ones it'd be better that you just had a mil stone tied around your neck and thrown in the sea if you don't know what that means it's really bad because you're a submarine you're not coming up yeah but all this stuff is yeah but payday is coming whoever touched you in the wrong way whoever touched you with their tongue the wrong way payday is coming you might want to get some orange cones around that person some danger orange vests with security to keep people back because lightning comes i'm serious paul said hand this one over to satan and asa sapphira went to the 10 o'clock service pastor peter you know really bad mood that day no he said is this what you paid for is this the offering is this what you paid for the property go ahead and do song two got the ushers came and took the body away continued on with the service four hours later his wife comes in because she you know she takes a little longer to get ready so she comes in nobody nobody message messages her nobody posts the dead body on facebook [Laughter] peter doesn't even try to help her what a pastor no think about it you don't lie to the holy spirit this is what i'm talking about this is called transformation this is called being mature this is called going on you want to know why you don't know your future because you're not talking to the person who does know your future you're not cooperating with him you're not in partnership partakers partnership with the divine nature who do you think is the one that represents the divine nature it's the one that was given to you so you don't have to be an orphan anymore are you a victim you shouldn't be because there's a millstone going to be tied around someone's neck i mean oh don't write me because it's the bible this is the bible you see it doesn't fit into our american christian culture you can't even mention the word judgment anymore but see if you don't judge yourself you're going to be judged that's in the bible by the way the apostles that wrote the bible if they came to your church it wouldn't be pretty you'd probably give them an offering just to leave you see because they're fathers like paul you have you have so many teachers but you don't have many fathers he said i birthed you you're mine i'm jealous over you those people that were coming in and stealing his sheep he was a father but he said he said i couldn't come to you last year because satan hindered me can you believe the apostle paul got hindered by satan well don't feel bad jesus couldn't even preach in his own hometown he couldn't do any miracles in his own hometown because of unbelief so the son of god the son of man was hindered by unbelief paul was hindered by satan from doing what god told him to do so you're worried about it you're it's nothing new but paul was upset he said you know when i come to you i'm a little upset he said i might come to you with a whip is that what you want you want to you want a whoopin that's what he said to the corinthians and you'd run to your pastor hey don't have him back anymore i'm serious all of a sudden they're off the christian network oh yeah do you think the apostle paul would last long everywhere he went it turned the city upside down he ended up in jail and beaten up well what caused that it was spiritual warfare see if you're going to speak for god if you're going to walk with god then you're going to find yourself alone so you're going to have to find your tribe and you've got your tribe right here okay you've got to hang out with those people and you've got to build yourselves up each other up and could criticizing what color shirt they wear or what car they drive it doesn't matter when you get to heaven jesus can ask you what you did with what i gave you not what kind of car you drove whether you walked backwards through a blizzard or you flew it doesn't matter whether you had a hyundai or a jet what matters is did you do what god asked you to do that's what jesus that's what jesus did with me he said you've been faithful he said but can you go back so i got a second chance nobody gets that hardly ever how many people do you know they've passed away just in last year and they haven't come back i got a chance to do it right this time i'm telling you what i saw what i saw is what's in the bible everything that jesus told me is in red he spoke it in the word he spoke the red letters of the bible to me for 45 minutes he changed me and every day is a new experience in my journey with him but one thing i know is is that if you will look in in the spirit at yourself in the mirror you'll see rank on you you have rank you'll have badges on you you were predestined to walk in authority you were predestined to be mature so that you don't have to go to school when you get to heaven you're supposed to be down here getting it right you're not waiting for the white horse don't say there's not going to be another election because that white horse might not come and then you're going to have to do this because they've been doing this since first thessalonians and 60 a.d they were they thought jesus was coming back so they were quitting their jaws paul said if you don't work you don't eat he says this is how you're going to know when jesus is coming back and he gives them the whole layout and yet you still buy the 12 dvd set on when he's coming back in the whether in the seventh seal or the 12th bowl or whatever you're an ambassador down here you just you need to start swinging your sword you need to start speaking out of your mouth let the church arise come on everybody stand let the church arise and the end is the enemies be scattered come on let the church arise we're the glorious church jesus wrapped this up he is seated at the right hand of god and he's waiting for his enemies to become his footstool through the church that's us jesus is fully confident that he's done everything that he needed to do it is complete that's why he said telesty on the cross he said paid in full that's what tell us guys what they stamped when you paid your taxes when you went and you paid your taxes they stamped telesty paid in full it's it's cancelled your debt is canceled i'm telling you the truth i don't need your money i'm not doing this for money i'm not doing this for attention i don't need any attention i just want to play my cello in the dark in my room and sip tea at home did i mention at home i'm doing this because jesus christ wants you to know what i saw and what i saw was it's complete what are you going to do about it down here i'm not going to sit and wait for the white horse i'm going to take as many people to heaven with me as i can possibly take i'm going to do it because the lord is providing he has made a way so the first thing you do now is you go into the holy of holies because a new and living way has been made for us according to hebrews jesus has made a ways opened us to the holy of holies we can go in without shame without shame without shame it says not reserved you boldly did i mention boldly you boldly go before him that's the first thing you do what you do after that is you turn around and you watch the door shut behind you and lock because he who dwells not visits he who dwells in the secret place of the most high he who dwells not visits see we got visitation rights down here in the american church but god lives in you he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide in the shadow of the almighty that shadow is caused by the cherubim's wings that are about 30 feet on each side of him that covers his face the glory is so bright you can't directly look at it you cannot see the face of god those wings shadow so that that glory doesn't hit those angels and knock them out of the air and i'm telling you that glory is so strong that if you get up it's it's over here and over here a little shadow is cast it's not a shadow like you think because there is no shadows up there but the glory intensity from his face is is protected by those wings and so if you place yourself in the shadow of the almighty he god doesn't have wings he's not a big chicken or something it's the cherry bim's wings if you find yourself there stay there chain yourself to him and throw away the key never leave that place he said if you do this it says these things nothing shall by any means harm you nothing he said you're going to hear about the sickness arrows you're going to hear about all these things but it shall not come near you he said you'll have you'll have a thousand fall ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come near you he said he will give his angels special missions concerning you assignments to even pick you up so you won't even stub your toe this is why all of you are always filing claims because you're visiting is this too hard because you can't you can't just visit these all these goodies from verses 9 through 16 in psalms 91 are only for those who make the most high their dwelling place who experience a shadow you've got to be right there by the throne those cherry of them are huge and they their wings touch each other over god and they and the seraphim are above and there's angels everywhere and there's saints there's the twenty foot and there's there's 24 elders they're not men and they're not angels i i could tell you who they are they look like melchizedek they're big but they're not human and they're not angels something else well congratulations you don't know everything either do i i saw things in heaven he says you will not ever speak that you will not ever say that you will not talk about this i'm like i go what is that you didn't see that i'm serious i still my wife she she was like nailing it okay what i go i can't answer you i told her where to look this is going on right now as we're standing here so make a decision now you're going to make the most higher dwelling place okay you're going to you're not going you're not going out of that okay now after you've done that number three is this when you walk on this earth you have to remember you're visiting down here but you are in charge you really are it doesn't appear to be but paul said this when he comes you're going to see him like he is and we're going to be like him that's the truth now but the unveiling will happen on that day but i'm not waiting because i got a peek and i was allowed to come back and tell you we are his offspring you're not rejected okay i'm going to pray over you boy the power of god father i thank you that we've been accepted and that the spirit of adoption is in us crying abba father right now and we we just thank you father for the deliverance i command every evil spirit to let go of god's people right now i command you you devour to go in jesus name and i thank you lord that they are all going to tithe and you're going to rebuke the devourer for their sake i thank you lord that they're going to go into the holy of holies and they're going to lock the door behind them and never go out always stay in there and then number three that they are going to walk on this earth in full authority in jesus name now listen john 1 12 says those who embraced him and his teachings he gave them the power that word there is authority the authority to be sons of god oh yeah i said it he gave those people who embraced him and his teachings john said this he gave them the authority not not dunamis the word is authority like a police officer he gave them the authority to be the sons of god that's you i'm feeling i'm feeling a little bit out on me right now i can't remember what i was worried about i can't think of anything i need right now i'm in my father's house i'm around his people i am made complete in him you're made complete in him come on say it i've been made complete in him jesus didn't fail i'm proof i say that all the time i'm proof that jesus didn't fail i speak in tongues that's proof that he made it to the throne because he said if i go i'm going to send one back like me well he made it right because we got the holy spirit it's proof that he made it to the throne oh he's smiling right now see when you pray in tongues the spirit is talking you up he's bragging on you he's saying he's saying i can do all things through christ the spirit will cause you to say i can do all things i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i'm coming down with a healing right now i don't need what the world has to offer i'm not going to replace the 12th apostle by rolling the dice i'm not going to fish on the left side of the boat the wrong side you got it amen i love you all whoa who's called to the ministry i'm waiting for everybody to raise their hand okay you have a testimony the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy the minute you start to talk about him you you have the same spirit that prophesies through you just start talking about jesus and testify of him and i'm telling you the same spirit that you prophesy with is a spirit that you testify with the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy amen i mean if you want to bring revelation the book of revelation into it that's what it says okay now i don't have to warn you like jesus warned john about the seven churches but jesus warned them to repent christians jesus does not like lukewarm christians jesus told me he said i didn't hang on a cross for people to sit on the fence that's what he said but he showed me almost all the church at the fence and he had tears in his eyes and he said i didn't hang on the cross for for this he said i hung on the cross so that the christians could walk on the sapphire pavestone amen okay i'm going to impart father you know what to do and i release this impartation from heaven right now raise your hands and receive this this is this is god's this is god's business right now this is serious in the name of jesus all power on heaven and earth has been given in that name and by the name of jesus i break every hindrance and i am part heaven the spirit of reality right now that the eyes of your heart would be flooded with light and i command every evil spirit to desist in your maneuvers and i command you to go in jesus name be released into your future be released into your destiny right now no hindrance in the name of jesus by the blood and power of god yeah the same power that rose jesus from the dead fire fire it's complete father i've done your work and i thank you that i will have fruit that lasts that no one will go back that the doors behind every person in this room and all that are viewing all over the world that they will not go back shut the doors behind the lord seal them shut may we advance and be the glorious church in this last day in jesus name amen pastor ryan praise god before you leave let me just make it clear that this church and most of you are part of this church this church you know mike and i work for and work with kevin and kathy and the teachings that we receive the teachings that we live under uh in our and then our own life this is what is constantly and continually will be communicated through this church so though i may not preach it every sunday or a mike or whoever this is what we're after habitation we are after the presence of god to dwell here to stay here but not just in this house right here in this building or the building next door but right here that when you see it's the desire of our heart the leadership of this church is is the number one desire i will stop preaching here tomorrow if everybody got this that you understand that you carry within you because of the spirit of god everything that you need for life and godliness you don't have to be broke you don't have to be discouraged you don't have to be a complainer you don't have to be depressed you don't have to be oppressed you don't have to have devils harassing you every day you like like me you don't have to live like a victim anymore but see that's what we're going to keep preaching that we're going to keep teaching that because we're expecting all of us here myself include everybody to come up higher so there's no gap between hearing this kind of message and living it out every day because tomorrow morning you're going to face the same devils that you face every monday morning but now things are going to be different you're going to live victorious you're going to put your sword down you say you know what in in as a line in the sand i'm not doing that anymore i'm not living that way anymore i'm going to praise i'm going to worship i'm going to pray in tongues i'm going to run after god and guess what happens the devil comes after you even harder and you keep swinging that sword and you keep living in victory and he's going to get the point both ways right he's going to get the point that you're not playing games you're not going to let your marriage fall you're not going to let sickness destroy you you're not going to let your kids do drugs you're not going to let the devil steal any thing else from your life amen that's what antioch is all about that's the direction we're going to keep moving because we want to see soldiers men and women the army of god being raised up in this church amen amen just a quick reminder a quick reminder uh this wednesday night kevin will be back here and we're going to be doing global prayer a lot of prayer he may share for a little while and then sunday we'll put a sign on the door to remind but next sunday all of us are going to be at the embassy suites with all 1200 people there we're all going to be there and we're going to have some fun and i mean god is good if you're looking if you're local you're looking for a good church you know this we're here we're here every sunday so we love you make sure you hug some necks and high-five some people and we hug some next that means you know if you're older like me buddy that's what we said uh but love on people that's the point we'll see you next time god bless you you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 67,112
Rating: 4.9425726 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: jnjqO77YETs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 25sec (4945 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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