The Notes Of A Warrior Session 6 - Lostant - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] we thank you lord how you presenced yourself this morning with us [Music] we just thank you for continuation we are in you you are in us we love you you love us you loved us first we love you back we enjoy you lord we enjoy your glory we enjoy your presence [Music] when i was waiting on god concerning the conference before before the conference just getting ready for it and um sometimes i'll have things happen and i know they're not just for me i know that it's definitely for me but it's definitely also for you know where i'm going to be leading worship and so one morning i [Music] i woke up in my spirit to a loud knock like a loud knock and it was in my spirit it wasn't in the natural but it was so loud that i went like that and it just completely woke me up and what i felt was two things um the first thing i felt i heard the words knock it off meaning anything that's trying to hinder anything that's bringing you know fear anxiety any pieces you know like one knock one knock from from the mighty god and it was like knock it off [Music] and so it was just very powerful very very powerful um and so i just feel like i'm too that that wasn't just for me i'm to share that like just one knock from the mighty god and in in his authority right it's like knock it off whatever the enemy's trying to throw at us uh to discourage or to um you know take away our strength you know just kind of like knock it off the other thing i felt was revelation you know 320. he stands at the door and knocks and and it's like you know we just you know he only needs to knock once because man i want that door open right i want an open door policy right i want to be uh dining with him 24 7. and so one knock he knocks knocks off what the enemy wants to do and then he just dines with us we open that door and we say yes come in come in amen yes and so this is a song that's been on my heart than to do tonight kind of goes along with that it's called taking you higher so it's far above the fear far above the noise stay here by my side listen to my voice so that knock it off you know he he takes us higher above that fear above the noise the noise you know just everything that the enemy wants to throw at us and then when we you know dine with him we have fellowship with him we stay by his side we listen to his voice we're closer to his thoughts closer to his heart we soar above the clouds safely in his arms so this is taking you higher [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Applause] save me in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] that's what he's been doing all weekend he's been taking us higher amen i'm i'm gonna be different amen we're all gonna be different he's taking us all higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay [Applause] amen [Music] you're taking us higher let's speed it up a little bit [Applause] [Applause] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm [Applause] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] save me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my save me [Applause] [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] faith is yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] think about how god is let's think about how he's brought us higher just think to yourself right now how am i different and how is it how has he brought me higher this weekend i know i have mine this is him speaking i wrote this song [Music] for myself first and i always know when i write for myself it's not just for me but this is something the lord was doing for me he was taking me higher amen so let's just sing this part closer to my thoughts and just that's what the lord is saying to us right now he's just staying closer to my thoughts closer to my heart because his thoughts and his heart they're safe they're safe they're full of love soar above the clouds safely in my arms [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to my heart [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] save me [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're gonna claim this these words [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm [Applause] give me my praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen how many are going higher [Music] amen amen amen you're welcome [Music] he's taking us higher we thank you lord we thank you lord [Music] those same um there's one voice there's one voice i want to know amen there's one voice i'm gonna follow amen one voice this is a song that just came out of we were just worshiping and practice time [Music] in [Music] [Applause] to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] to egypt [Applause] [Music] my child was safe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] trees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] victory my voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus father jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] voices [Music] [Applause] [Music] he will [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] god is victory for sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] the word of the lord [Music] there's one voice [Music] [Music] [Applause] amen [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's sing that again [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] me living from eternity i'll trust with all of my heart [Music] my me just put your hands up jesus we love you [Music] father we thank you for the journey you've taken us on through this week i thank you that you have healed deep places within us and you've caused us to be vessels that don't have holes [Music] so when we go out on monday and tuesday it's not leaked out and all gone but the vessels that can hold the precious holy oil and the love of jesus [Music] holy spirit we honor you we're thankful for the gifts but we honor you you are so precious so precious and we ask you to touch our family right now wherever they're at i just feel to pray this lord those who have family in here that don't know you i'm asking you to visit them right now wherever they're at whatever they're doing no matter how far they've run your love can reach touch them bring in the harvest lord through us reach our family reach our neighbors reach our community jesus [Music] all authority has been given to me in heaven and earth go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you and lo i am with you even to the very end of the age and church that's why we say we have nothing to fear abba father beautiful jesus [Music] you've gone into our future and you created us to be winners to be conquerors greater is he that is in us than anything in this world since this is our last night we we we felt like we didn't want to take away the opportunity to sew one more time to warrior notes so if the ushers come you guys just kind of stay right there okay stay right there ushers if you want to come and just go ahead and pass it out that's all i'm going to say about the offering but when something so deep and so precious happens and i want you guys to really catch this in your hearts okay when something so deep and so precious happens i want you to make sure that you spend time this week looking at your notes looking at the things the holy spirit spoke to you take time to see all that god is doing and weaving and shifting things in your life so you fulfill your destiny and your purpose you know in the old testament they set up monuments they set up stone altars right and they would go back and they would teach their children this is what god did for us amen and so i want to encourage you if you're married spend time with your spouse unpack all that god's been doing in your heart share that pray together pray into your future pray into your destiny if you've got children that's exactly what i'm going to be doing this week i'm going to sit down with my children and i'm going to begin to share the things that holy spirit taught me and showed me because just like kevin has been saying the children are prophets they have the voice of the lord and they have so much so much of the holy spirit in them ushers you can just go ahead you can pass those and so this week this doesn't end tonight this might be the book end of a chapter but monday the pen and the whole and holy spirit are ready to start writing amen and so i'm going to put this last little plug in because it's so important you need to continue to grow you need to continue to eat the word to devour the word to drink of the holy spirit and i want to encourage you if you haven't i want you to join us at it's actually but warrior north school of ministry but i want you to join us we have a free class called heavenly visitation and you can continue the journey with us at warrior notes but part of those classes is more study guides and i know a lot of people that use those study guides to sit down with their families and to teach and go over things and to grow as a family and so if you're not a student heavenly visitation is of absolutely free course you cost you zero and so i would encourage you to do that this week because this week is awesome you've got freedom you got deliverance you got the power of god right but now it's go and make disciples it's go and change the world for jesus and that even it doesn't matter if you're a stay-at-home mom if you're a farmer if you're a ceo jesus has an amazing plan for your life and so i want to encourage you this is not this this is not the end this is the beginning of so much for you and jesus amen and so before um before dr zedd comes out let's just honor jesus for one more moment because guys it's all him it's all him every moment every breath every breath amen so let's just do that let's just take a moment jesus yes jesus jesus you are everything you are literally everything yes and we surrender to all that you have for us yes i'll say this one last thing some of you the lord is reminding you of dreams and envisions and things he spoke to you even years ago and he's reminding you that he's put giftings and talents and callings within you so holy spirit i just speak that you would begin to stir up the gifts in each and every person in this room i see creativity i see paintings i see books i see drawings i see new youtube channels where you're preaching the gospel i see people going and reaching out to the homeless and sharing the love of god because that's the church that jesus shed his blood for the perfect beautiful spotless bride and guess what that's you that's you just receive that that's you that blood was for you [Music] he loves you that much it's not over it's just beginning let's worship him we worship you jesus we worship you jesus [Music] thank you thank you for coming tonight thank you well i want to get right into because i have a quite an assignment tonight and uh that the things that i have to talk about are so important but but i need you to really be willing to receive the word and not and and try not to choke you know um everybody's got their choking point but but but uh what what jesus has for us is more than enough he's more than enough and uh one of the good good words that ministers should should tell people is is that what whatever they're believing for there's more and and talk about how how god is it cannot be exhausted and everything here in this realm they they will uh they will try to limit you in your mind so that you never reach the fullness of walking in the spirit down here and um just like if you saw what even elon musk he just announced he said just so you know 99.9 of the media is owned by the black government the shadow so satan wants to limit you down here and the thing about man living to be 300 years 600 years 900 years was is that they learned to walk with god and they were really unstoppable so adam lived 930 years but he he could have lived forever but at 900 years you can imagine what what kind of damage could be done to a dark kingdom these days for someone who walked with god that long okay and then you have you have this period of time now which i've announced that jesus explained to me he's going to start visiting people at night all over the world in their dreams first and then he's going to frame their world that way and then it's going to start to come back over into your physical day and i'm sure he wants me to get people ready for that no you don't you don't have to pray for this this is going to happen this is part of what has been written by joel and it will happen however as you as i as you as you could study just like i was asked to and i've been studying ever since my wife knew me uh you know when we got married i i study hours a day hours and hours i sleep very little and it's because you know i i discern the timings of the lord i have that issachar thing going on you know with me and you should too because you got issachar's no anointing too you don't have to fast and pray for it the spirit of god has given us that anointing of issachar to discern the times and seasons of the lord and essentially you know i don't have a study out on it because i just don't have the time to do these kind of things but you can you can find these things these studies perry stone did this i i found out that he actually came across this as well but the lord showed me he asked me one day and this is the kind of things that will start happening to you you wake up from dreams at night and then you'll start to study can you imagine that and then you'll start to meditate and you'll start to pray more during the day and then then you he's visiting you during the day and the night and it won't be long just a few months before the body of christ will start to be evident but one of the things that i was brought to my attention was is that the you know we like that breastplate that that the priest had you know he had the 12 tribes right there close to his heart and so you got 12 stones and so the lord asked me he asked me to take all those hebrew words for each one of those stones because you know no one really knows what those stones are so i mean some of them pretty obvious and then there are others where we're not sure what kind of stone that was because it's this hebrew word and you know you get it right there's there's some things that are just not clear okay so i took those hebrew words and he said now i want you to go and i want you to see the list of the stones that was in lucifer which in hebrew it's really interesting to me i got to talk to lucy about this because the lord i said lord i said uh i said wait a minute first of all you made you made that that cherub so it he he should have your name somewhere in there like danielle mike l gabriel l l did i say l did i say zinc because they took it out this morning did i say l i heard zinc works [Laughter] zinc l danielle let's see if ai can take that out oh no they're on to me okay so so i looked i remembered where lucifer is so i looked it up and lucifer is not there halel is i go you know and here i am i'm not even a expert i'm a pert and i look up a strong's number and lucifer is not in the text that's a babylonian god hello in hebrew is clearly there the bright and shining one of god i go you got to be kidding me i mean i only have like a bachelor degree level greek and hebrew do you hear me so then i said okay well there it is your name is in havel so i checked out all his breastplate you know all the stones are listed that are in him and there's three missing and guess what one of the three is issachar so did you so the lord said did you notice it that he has to get the astrologers to find out when jesus is born if they find him let him know through herod but this is what's so funny if you look he takes out all the kids two and three years on each side of it because he doesn't know when moses was really born jesus is really born or the last generation so for the last 40 years he took out the whole generation through abortion because he doesn't have the the issachar says the anointing of issachar was that they were able to interpret the times and the seasons of god are you listening to this i'm so excited i came okay so we can know of those times and seasons now i know so please don't run because it does say in the book of acts chapter 1 it says that the times and seasons are not for us but for the only the father but you know that is what jesus told me was he goes well to tell you the truth i don't even know when i'm coming back and he said i said that to the disciples he said i don't know the angels don't know only the father knows and i get all kinds of mail about that arguing with me about that that's not true i go well then uh just tell the nearly inspired version to take it out they'll do it okay so at what point do we start to catch the fact that we could be very close to the coming of the lord and that this is the time to shine because we could be promoted in a twinkling of an eye to quote a famous person see in a twinkling of an eye you can step over into that other realm which is the real realm and which is really your home and you're trying to make it down here and you weren't made for down here because this is broken but in your spirit you feel things moving and you're you're thinking i know god heard my prayer and i know he wants to answer my prayer and you can't figure out why it's not happening it's the daniel it's the daniel situation 21 days there's a delay because this realm is under warfare so you have this ability to know the times and the seasons so i this weekend have gone into things that i would never normally go into yet but i've i've told you things this morning that i felt uncomfortable doing but i'm getting you prepared for what's going to happen from september to christmas on and this is the time that you spend time with the lord you get let that angel that's been assigned to you tell you your your tasks and get you ready for what's about to happen and there'll be supernatural income come in so you don't have to stand in line for government jeez god already knew he didn't get caught by surprise with his he loves you okay so i i want to i want to make sure i cover a couple things before i get into what i'm going to say but he wants me to cover some of the things that i had in that five-hour visitation with him which really is profound to me because i'm feeling i'm sensing that there's some things that i have to tell you that he told me and i don't know when i'm coming back here i don't know when i'll be back and and to tell you the truth my wife knows this every time i preach it's as though i'm preaching my last time while i'm up here every single service you've ever seen me in all over the world anything i've ever spoken before i leave the pulpit i'll hesitate and what i say lord is if i never do it again did i do okay you know and if you would give me the grace to give me another chance to stand behind a pulpit somewhere and talk about you i'd appreciate it but i every i pour out my heart every time that's why i can't talk i can't have people around me i can't have people touch me i don't even people looking at me and then afterwards it's like withdrawals i have to go and be alone and it's it's not fun because i like to sit around enjoy people but i can't do that anymore if i want to be what you need i have to be able to go ahead of you a little bit and bring you with me and that's what paul did he said follow me as i follow christ it's not that i'm better than you it's just that that i was i was chosen to defend the faith during this time in this time in this dispensation i was i was inserted in i was born into this generation because the times and the seasons are going to be interpreted you're going to have answers because people are being sent back from the dead to talk to you about what's in heaven and about what's coming on the earth you're going to hear people talking like this so satan is out he does not get briefings he doesn't understand what's happening anymore that's why he had to mark the earth that's why if you draw lines between the pyramids and stonehenge and all that stuff that is not garbage he had to do that because he had to reverse and engineer the positions of the stars in order to determine what season we are in these fallen beings don't understand time they don't understand the dates and the seasons like we do i'll tell you something that'll offend everybody in here but paul said it not me he said listen women should have long hair and for the sake of the angels and then he just goes on nothing here just keep moving but see the angels can't discern if you're male or female they don't know what that is and you think that they're the ones that did the hybridization but they didn't they don't have the parts yeah so throw your dvd set away no they were part those fallen ones were part of getting someone else to do that for them it says that it it says that all in in those days the nephilim were on the earth and the sons of god went in to the daughters of men there's three things talked about there three separate entities the fall means fallen i aim is plural the fallen ones there's a group of them they're not the third that the dragon sweeps his tail and knocks them out of the air in revelation they're all incarcerated all those angels peter says are incarcerated in chains right now angels don't possess you the fallen ones got the sons of god to go into the daughters of man now i'm not going to stay long on this but i just want to tell you how much we really don't know this will really blow you away but moses wrote genesis but he didn't live during that time he got that the lord jesus told me that we gave that to him on the mountain verbatim the angels dictated to him the book of genesis that's how powerful that book is that was not from this realm do you hear me okay so moses stops using the word a dhamma and starts using the word ish right just common man and then adam had a son in his image not an image of god there's your answer so please don't write me and ask anymore what did he just say that's all you're getting that's what happened it was not permissible for the sons of god to go into the daughters of of common man because of the godly line they were so much like god that it caused a problem with fallen man at a certain point in the genetics help me pastor tony i'm on a tightrope i don't want to go any further right now but someday i will but you have you i think you're getting this that you've got to read everything in the bible as it's written because that genesis is a holy book just like all the more but genesis especially was supernaturally given to moses so for instance if someone you know you'll hear people say stuff like they're an authority and they know nothing like what that just said they would say yeah noah received that on the ark they don't even know what they're talking about because they they they don't even know what they're saying so you have to be careful you know everything you hear is not true if you read what it says there are three things there there are three different types of people there melchizedek is not a human being it says one likened unto jesus but it wasn't jesus okay so if we don't have the help of the lord in these days we're not going to understand what's going on so he asked me he told me you're going to lose a lot of friends most of them so it started this morning i started to talk about what jesus told me and you can feel it already i have people very upset with me just because i said that you were not going to do fair tunnels oh yeah so it's a carnival that you go to right you know you wait in line for your ride but see the thing that is is when you go out to your car is that going to help that devil that was assigned to your grandma and it's been transferred to your mother and now to you and you got to take that out and it's it's up to you now or your children are going to get it if you think that fair tunnel is good enough then let's do it but it's not one that gives a spirit it's not mentioned in the bible i don't care they gave me a list of people that are doing that that are way bigger than me but the lord said i'm pulling lampstands because they're not exalting me it says preach the word and the signs follow now if there's a fire tunnel behind me okay [Laughter] as long as it's following me okay so these signs shall follow those who believe but see you're supposed to preach the word and you're supposed to flow with what the spirit's saying okay so what he is saying is what jesus has always said but we have forgot we've gotten off so i have to talk to you about the five hour thing tonight so i hope you brought an extra meal and some water but i was told a story just a few weeks ago and i didn't understand like when i'm told stories by people that are way way bigger than me and they're they're but i know them then they're being told to tell it for a reason right so i've learned how to just yield despair tell them this tell them that tell them that i'm like oh you know you tell them i don't want to tell them that but you know like i get really nervous because it's like a piece of me leaves when i tell something personal but i have to be transparent so that you know that you can do this too you know i'm not trying to exalt myself because i really am not but here's the thing jesse duplantis told me a story a couple weeks ago and i thought i was like whoa but he told me a couple stories and and then it became apparent now why he told me that because he tells me stuff three months before it happens that's how cool this guy is he is it's amazing he says the lord just visit me and told me to tell you this he said he just told me to tell you this in the in the elevator i was in the elevator and he said this and then it happens but it doesn't look like it's going to happen so he said uh a couple of things he said when we uh we lived in the the swamp you know you call it a swamp to bayou but it's like jurassic park so his mom in order to get rid of the water moccasins when he would fish they would cut off the head of the fish and then set it right there on the dock and then take the fish to eat them and then his mom would sit there with a with a rifle from her house and as those water moccasins would come up and it starts smelling the fish heads and they go like this to grab them she would blow their heads off she was a perfect shot she's praying in tongues one day and she's in travail as she yells to jesse and all the brothers get in a car she grabs her she she grabs uh all them puts them in she goes to the levee she walks out on the levee and grabs a girl as she's ready to commit suicide and jump into the river because she just got pregnant and she's going to get beat by her dad she's afraid to go home so she's just going to kill herself she leads her to the lord jesse's sitting there's a little kid watching all this takes her in the truck gets the shotgun out and goes to her dad's house and says puts a shotgun at the guy it says you touch her and you're dead [Laughter] and drives off [Laughter] [Applause] so years and years later there's there's a family that is waiting with the pastor the pastor says i think you should meet this girl and he goes well i gotta go he goes now you need to meet her she goes i'm the woman this is my family i'm the woman that's your mom retrieved before i jumped this is my family this is the child that you your mom saved [Laughter] wow yeah yeah give the lord yeah the lord praise so this man jesse saw this kind of stuff growing up okay so they had to go to church in a swamp boat in order to get there it was a bayou assembly is a god i believe you're serious so i had to go on a boat well halfway halfway through that to the church he said these water monks since they're territorial so they want to get into the boat because you're trespassing so he comes up to get in the boat and his mom just takes her gun out and shoots it but then when they do she shoots the boat and i kid you not they the whole family had to swim the rest of the way to church and the pastors reaching out over the dock and pulling them out soaking wet and he's jessie's like mom shows while he's dead isn't he [Music] so i said all that to tell you something and i know why he told me these now it was for tonight is that there is an executive branch of our government and a legislation slate of branch and then there's a judicial branch jesus in the visitations of this this these this long visitation i just had he talked about the judicial branch because the other two were already established he was already he's already established what he's going to do in those two branches it's already written okay so there's no there is no there is no controversy like you think but he said he pulled a veil back and he showed me this guy with really cool round glasses his name was barr and he said this is the judicial branch is what you pray for because he said there are indictments coming and and in barr's hand was these stack of indictments that are coming down and that's why this is all happening because your your your legislation branch and your your uh all these branches are about the people are going to jail no they know this everybody knows that except you so that's why everybody's acting up right now and i was i was told to tell this you'll see this on sid roth because you know everybody's focusing i'm not going to even mention his name because they take stuff out when i say his name so but the executive branch of the government god has already established what he wants for that and with the legislative you know the ones that represent you they're they're they're already taken care of too that's all i'm going to say okay but the judicial branch jesus asked me if you would ask the body of christ to pray for attorney general barr and he's the one that he's protected okay are you following me are you getting the depth of it though because we there are certain things that god establishes because of the times and the seasons and even during the hebrides of revival he already established the president that we have right now because it was in the lineage of heberty's hebrides revival just check it out and trump does have a birth certificate okay so god is with with his people and he's about to do this amazing thing but what we do need is for people to go to jail we need in other words we need justice [Applause] in our system we need to come back so this is what i was told and i i hope you can contain yourself but literally literally heaven determined barr's name because he's setting the bar his name is set in heaven as bringing power back to the judicial branch so that we have justice in our nation in our system so you won't see people reelected past a certain amount you won't see them getting paid forever anymore you'll see all this stuff change and they they know that the playground is about to close permanently do you follow me does everybody follow me okay now lucifer does not know the times and the seasons so he is just doing this bizarre shooting in every direction hoping they hit something just like he's always done he doesn't determine he doesn't have that in him god purposely left him out of three different areas in his breastplate because of the fact that he became a liability and when he becomes a liability he doesn't have all the information god was keeping several things to himself okay but now he's revealing it to us so we need to pray for him so jesus asked me to pray that we would he pulled it back and he had a stack of indictments and i saw people that i can't mention their names but they're going to jail okay now here's where it gets really touchy because because because if you went to heaven and you saw how it really is and you came back you would be actually probably not as gracious as i'm being sure because you wouldn't you wouldn't accept ministry as it is as a standard right now okay so jesus believe it or not is the same way he is not really winking he is not looking away but he told me that he is done with lukewarmness and it is the leadership it is the leadership that needs to get hot and then teach the people how to to get hot and stay hot but see the thing that is it is within our nature and this is what i wanted to tell you jesus wants you to know when you're born again it is in your nature to be on fire period you should never get lukewarm ever but we're in a war down here right so you hear the word and it washes you it cleanses you right but if you don't preach the word in its fullness and its full power then what you have is you have a deficit in whatever areas were not preached so if you go to church to get a feel good message then you get that feel good message but see that's in your soul that's not eternal so it's a fix but what i hear in ministry is not enough to help you monday morning and you're waiting for tuesday prayer just so you can crawl in there and have you pray then pray for you because you hardly make it to tuesday based on the snack you're given on sunday no i'm not coming against anybody i'm just telling you what jesus said jesus jesus comes against people all the time because god is love but god is disciplined he loves those he disciplines that's still in the bible in the hebrews so he asked me to tell you this that he's going to start pulling lampstands so what that means is the grace the favor is going to start to leave and this is why because these people will be so mad they won't even want to know why but i'm going to tell them anyway right now the reason why is he said kevin he said they are not lifting me up so all men cannot be drawn to me unless i'm lifted up he said they're lifting themselves up and they're talking about current events they're using i'm just going to tell you what he said do you mind he said they're wasting precious time media time they cost money they're what they're they're wasting their resources their books their tv time on things that are not lifting him up so he said in 30 minutes you should have lifted me up to where the glory comes in on anything you do you should be talking about him he said i'm the answer and i got criticism for this by people that are way above me for what i just said because they said well you know you got to address the the issues of the day i go jesus didn't address the issues he didn't talk about the political problems and that rome was doing in jerusalem he didn't talk against anybody except the pharisees so he i'm allowed to come against religion which is what i do but i don't talk against i don't even spend any time talking about what's going on right now i i've never even mentioned the name of the virus ever on on a and i don't mention i you saw what happened i mentioned trump one time you saw what happened it got taken out live taken out so did i mention that it's halel and not lucifer and i heard that zinc works hello hello and there was danielle gabrielle that should work right israel that should pretty much bury it if you don't if you don't know how desperate satan is with this stuff just look at what happened with with michael arguing with satan on where they were going to bury moses [Music] because and i asked the lord about this because i asked him all this stuff he said lucifer knew that wherever they put his body he couldn't have that ground it would be too holy because of the power from him being on the mountain well you know what happens with eli elijah he died of a sickness but yet when that that soldier they didn't have time to bury the soldiers threw him in his tomb and he was resurrected right okay so you can understand like moses so they where they were going to bury him was probably strategic right right and so he was contesting that and that's why i get and i just want to tell people in the nicest way i can without being hurt but you have to understand everything i say i have a reason why but i just don't have time to go through all the scripture verses but i want to tell you something i'm being told that i cannot rebuke satan that i cannot come you know cast him out and things like that i'm like well then talk to jesus about that but they said because they said it because of that verse because michael said the lord rebuked you so that's that's what i i said no he gave me authority and the seventy came back said they they listened to to to us because we used his name see michael has a rank he's not he's not a human being so he has a rank and he's talking to another rank that has fallen but he still has respect i mean even if a president doesn't have a birth statement i'd still call him mr president right this is out of respect right he still got in didn't he and so i think you have hope for god giving you a miracle because that's a miracle in itself [Laughter] i couldn't even get married unless i had my birth certificate i couldn't get my social security number unless i have a person i want to ask you this why did our present leader go after that whole thing got it got the real stuff and then just dropped it okay why does everybody every president promise that they're going to release everything about ufos and they when they get in nothing here no i'm just asking you has come the amish aren't getting this out come they there's no cases among exactly okay here we go hello gabrielle zinke israel so this will all happen after we go through this very narrow way i'm even thinking just going well they they destroyed skylab though i was just thinking of going to skylab for three months but i don't think they had a space station though i guess i could take a trip up there and stay there for until this is all over but no we're gonna have to go through it okay since we're going through it the whole thing about the snake story was this all of this is happening so that the snakes pop their head up so that jesse's mom can take them out and that's why jesse told me that story and the lord just said this is what you're going to tell and i go why and then i saw it the thing of it is though is once they get into your boat you don't want to shoot your own boat [Applause] because you might have to swim to church [Laughter] so what she was doing was getting rid of them so that they wouldn't ever get into the boat so it's not survival of the fittest it's survival of the righteous it's it's it's the fact that we are kept by the word of god we're kept by the power of god and the gospel shall be preached and then the end shall come and prophecy teachers need to learn this verse that jesus said that we must preach the gospel and then the end will come and it's interesting to me all the false doctrine that's out there and just to shake the cage because i i want to get more i need there's there's thousands of either want to be my friend so i'm going to get rid of some people right now it's interesting to me how i can buy a telescope on amazon and i can look at the planets i can look i can i know where they're at you can find out where they're at and i point them i look through them and they're round but poor god made our earth flat bye-bye [Laughter] [Applause] the sun's round you know pluto was kicked out of the planetary system for a few months and then they said oh it's a mistake it is a planet see what it's trying i'm trying to show you something here why do you even listen to these experts so jesus started to tell me that he was gonna pull lampstands and he gave me some things that were signposts along the way and he said that you need to continue to do what you're doing but you need to now tell ministers to start preaching christ paul at the end of his life he said i know one thing and that's jesus christ and him crucified that was it that was right before he died so at the end of his life this is all he said he knew and i'm just really really tired of us reinventing something that paul and peter already wrote about and reinvent it somehow repackage it just so you can have your your media what about just preaching christ and letting god take care of you financially so he continued with me and he said i'm going to expose all this so that everything i was told that people that i can't mention are purposely leaving people in office so that they can find all their friends all the connections everything is being watched right now they don't want to pull somebody out and not get the whole nest okay hello gabrielle zink israel so the people that need that that need to know that are called to be in these positions they know what's going on but they they are in an amazing place that i would not want to be in so it's very important that all these indictments stick it involves hollywood it involves your legislative branch it involves everything that that i mean it's going to tear the fabric it's going to shake this nation do you realize how big it is no i'm gonna have to spell out these because i'm now i was told by my my my friends who know this stuff that i need to start spelling things like you do to your dog you don't say i think i'm gonna take him for a w-a-l-k what do you think yes should we bring an s-n-a-c-k with us and then you say yes we do because we got to go to the v-e-t tomorrow and you know what that's going to be like for him fluffy doesn't like the v-e-t [Laughter] because because he gets an s-h-o-t right so certain things are coming down and we have to pray for for attorney barr because he is the bar he is set very high standard and people are nervous because they know they know what is about to expose will expose our legislative branch and hollywood and it has to do with trafficking hello gabrielle trafficking okay it's gonna tear at the fabric do you understand now why those sectors are against what's happening because they're about to be exposed but it's been going on for years but we got people that we're going to testify and they end up dead okay okay so the lord asked me to let people know that during this time that we go through that it is just to expose so that you can see it in full color what is uh was about to happen to our nation if the the previous election did not go the way it did do you understand that okay and because we've already won we have to pray that we preserve the indictments so that's why you understand now i pray and all i prayed with you this week is lay the axe at the root of the of the evil because we've got to cut off the source okay all right so if you go through this again like like apostle tony told me he said this is this what you were saying this morning he he said something to me said the people need to understand that those angels want to implement that list of things into your life in the next few months so it's not a waste of time i'm going to write at least five or six books but this has to happen because it has been growing and prospering out of sight and they are so good at keeping it from us except a few people escape and they talk and then they they either disappear or their their doctored or their dissertation disappears their doctorate goes away all these different fraternities they they just nix you you know the doctors can't come against they can't come against doctor who h-o-w you remember that show yeah i'm talking about the show [Laughter] w-h-o hello hello gabriel but do you see what what what just happened the separation it just happened that is so historical and how n-a-t-o said we're you know we said we're not supporting you anymore and how that's gonna be a hard one to spell [Applause] well you know there are so many nations that are divided and not united hello gabrielle so do we have a united nation but can you believe that we don't want and we said bye bye come on now do the math why would an organization call the divided nations [Laughter] be told we don't want you anymore do you understand what has happened just in the last few months this is unheard of okay another one we don't want the c not d c to give us the information anymore we want to send directly to washington from the hospitals so c not d.c please don't send us any more mail did you hear about that yes that is unheard of so be encouraged what i just told you is a parable but you need to be encouraged [Applause] because the people that need to know know but the people that only have nine stones on their breastplate they are out okay i i i heard i heard i heard the devil go i'll get you my pretty and your little dog well i don't even have a dog you will believe the people that are already writing me and saying thanks for mentioning what you did this morning thank you for talking about those alien creatures and those discs he said we're having those outside our houses we're having people being harassed i go people just get ready because i already know do you know that the very elect it's it's really impossible for them to be deceived because they're elect right but jesus said that they could even be deceived on what's coming if that were possible right well what if on display they show you these things and that they are the ones that seated this earth like the new age says and they've been watching over us and now they're working with us to form a new world order it's not like up for your acceptance they're just saying this is what we decided we've been trying to hide this from because you knew we knew you couldn't handle it because you believe in god but this is our gods and look at this technology and they've been helping us and they're going to go through because i know the list of all the stuff that we use now in our house that was salvaged from wrecked craft that we didn't know where they came from we thought they were russian nothing here just moving along here halel gabriel but see lucifer was was angry about where they were going to put moses's body so what do you think it's like to have the body of christ on the earth right now alive [Applause] to where demons demons go back and they say we we can't do anything because these christians are praying for bar because it happens it happens it happens okay so your the information that you've been given is is so that you can pray and know that you win we win against this and i was shown that that my small part which is becoming a bigger part because when this happened at the end the lord said oh by the way you can call sid roth and give him this like oh what you got to be kidding me i said i'm going to talk about hearing god's voice he says well this is a good thing for the people to hear right now and so when sid heard it he goes my god he goes you're doing this i says yeah i'm giving you this exclusively and he said all i said also um you know i still want to talk about god's voice because it's very important at this time for people to hear god's voice that's why i wrote this book so i even held that for him you know you can get it at the book table but i'm talking like i in honor of him i i held it from amazon and and the same thing i will hold the i will hold certain things for a certain point of time because i but the thing is is millions of people need to hear this not the the thousands that i know millions that he knows needs to hear this so i told him this and he said well this needs to come out in the next couple weeks so he this is what he did he he has the ability to do this we had already filmed a show me and kathy that we're going to be on this fall or i mean actually this month and they're going to switch all that around they're going to switch everything around from what i'm because i haven't been notified about that show but i've been notified that this show is going to be as soon as possible when i was down there i asked so this is going to go out and what it'll do it will change the way things end up it'll change it'll be different than what it was see you can do that i can tell you something i can tell you something that you could do that would take care of it but you've been doing stuff for years and nothing works and then you could hear from god and it resolves it this happens to us all the time it resolves it immediately so the things that are hidden are going to be made made manifest and known and and the answers are going to be there now this is what's going to happen jesus said i'm going to visit my people there's going to be a habitation in your house see your house you see they haven't taken your house away they they have us in a in a mall but they can't take they can't they could they couldn't take they took the churches away even though they're separation of church and state but that only works if it works for them now all of a sudden now there is no separation did you hear what i just said you got to be kidding me you do your thing we do our thing and then all of a sudden no you do our thing now no they're in there with a six-foot measuring rod making sure that we're six feet apart you can't sing in california right now i mean the birds are picketing [Applause] so so when you when you you will you'll remember this night but when you see what happens to california you'll know why because they they have legislation to vote the bible out of the whole state so when they they are out there you know a little offshore nothing here just keep moving someday i saw phoenix being beach front property i did i saw that years ago right where the sea of cortez comes up it just kept going the whole way up so go ahead and vote god out but see what you just done is you've just ripped up your insurance policy you know the one where they say it's an act of god when bad stuff happens that's going to get ripped up see that's demonic you you this insurance covers everything except acts of god like in in their slandering god because god's not doing that i had a doctor i was sent to i had all these different things going on in my body for years and i just got tired of it so i said you know what i told my doctor i said listen he said there's nothing wrong with you we cannot find a thing wrong with you i said but you you would believe this stuff is happening to me and he i said you know what i i said i just want to clear it up i want to clear it up just one before i said i want every i want a cat scan pet scan elephant scan everything full body do-over whatever tri-color polish buff and shine i want the whole thing so they did every test every single thing to find cancer to find cholesterol to find anything so when they came back i had .01 cholesterol buildup in my body i had no cancer in my body whatsoever even though the devil told me every day i had cancer and i just started laughing i said you know we'll finish we'll fix this up we'll finish this up right now i'm going in yeah and you thought i'm the boy that comes back from heaven no you wouldn't believe satan goes well will you believe this how about this you have this okay you don't believe that what about this i wouldn't accept it but i have the the test now to show that there's nothing wrong with me but i had these terrible symptoms i mean terrible things going on and this is not that long ago right now this has been a few years but this guy so when i went in there i'm just going to be honest with you this isn't this isn't across the board but i'm just telling you when i went in there there were evil spirits in this place that i went not my doctor but he's a mormon he's not even christian like we are but he believes in jesus christ but he's mormon but the lord told me to go to him and now when we go visit him the power of god hits him he he actually starts crying and he has us pray for him with his stethoscope on i'm so drunk i can't even talk now so he said i got to send you this other guy so this guy i'm telling you what they were i saw the one the assistants the nurses that had demons in them and uh they took these tests and they were they said man your brain there's something wrong with your brain that's what they said they said there's all this activity and it's it's like it's crossed the other way or you did and they gave me tests to see if i was dyslexic and i'm not of course and um they said uh they said a whole bunch of stuff and i go no that's not true and they go you're in a lot of trouble i go no i'm not you're in a lot of trouble and and she was stomped out mad i never saw her again she told the doctor the doctor comes in and this is what he did this is what he did i kid you not he got that little hammer out a little hammer thing and he tapped my knee and then he tapped my other knee and he says breathe in and breathe out he goes uh yeah you definitely there's something wrong with you no he said i think you might you might have something a tumor or something you might have something in your brain there's something wrong with everything i go i already got the pet scan and the elephant scan [Laughter] in the camel the camel was free the camel scout was free i kid you not are you ready for this i never got the results back so i called my doctor who called that doctor and then i got a letter that doctor developed brain cancer and died oh i felt that did you feel the power of god when i said that you know you don't want to know why do you remember when uh do you remember when um i see you i see him but i'm so drunk thank you william brad william brannon he was standing here and he they had so many people that they just had letters on cards so they would have like everybody get a car but they would call out a number or a letter and then that group would come up but on the card on the back they would put their what what it is they have and but brandon wouldn't see that so when this guy was a reporter that was going to expose him as a fake had written down this this you know a death a deadly disease so they're like sitting in the audience watching to see you know so they can get brandon as a fake so when they get to him and this is on film and he says you know there's nothing wrong with you i don't see anything wrong with you he said what does it say on your card because you're gonna have that disease saith the lord you lied to the holy ghost and the guy died of that disease right am i right okay why is that hidden from us i've never heard that i had to research to find this stuff out i had to go and sit hours and hours of watching william brannon and you know what he said you know i i had to move to phoenix arizona and be their base when i could be in other cities that i loved and be with very very uh you know senior employees mature employees instead of the new ones that bounce off the walls that i have to watch all the time now if i flew with down there you know you got 20 and 30-year employees in dallas but no i go to phoenix brand new base okay so i'm out there and i mean kathy right we it was like constant warfare you flying saucers in the air at night during the day bizarre stuff all the time my dad said at night the military is flying stuff in and burrowing into the mountain beside us what do they build there i go i don't know i would say area 51 or s4 hillel gabriel and zick and then i came across a william branham film where he was speaking at the shriners auditorium for the full gospel businessmen and he got up and he said i just want to tell you something he said i just went out into the desert and i know where he walked because he described it and that's where we lived but it was all desert at the time and i would go out in the desert and have these amazing times of the lord but it was really hard in phoenix arizona and it's chosen as an end time and scenario thing that has to do with with stuff that's going to happen it's being built up right now for that okay but this is what brandon said he said i'm all over the world he said but satan fights me harder here in phoenix arizona than any other place in the world that's what he said and so we had to live there for 28 years and pray in tongues just we we've had listen we we would have to pray in tongues two hours just to go to church to be able to handle it and for a prayer meeting we had to pray an hour in tongues just to go the prayer meeting or to handle because it wouldn't happen like it was happening in our house but we were a standard can you imagine have to pray an hour just to go to church so you can handle it or just pray an hour just to go to a prayer meeting just to build yourself up enough to where see because you you have to learn how to operate in an adverse circumstance so that's what jesus visited me about he's getting us ready for that so i said if you are supposed to just stay at home a lot then that's what you do that is what you're supposed to do you don't have to go out and prove yourself but things are going to be exposed and you just let the military take care of it did you hear what i just said oh yeah it's already happening they're being deployed as i speak they have been for a couple weeks now but i saw this a year ago and even warned my employees i even warned my employees that a year from now to go to certain cities we're going to have to go to this airport the lord told me we're going to this airport and driving down we're not going into this city and now it's happening we had to come into a different airport to come here so that i'm not tracked hello gabrielle [Laughter] right so we're all being mapped we're all being traced and that's why the lord asked me and you'll hear it sids on the show the lord said give your phone vacations regularly skew the numbers the places you never shop start shopping there like walmart you have to give me 500 if i to go to walmart because i will not go you could take your phone right now if it's on and just say boy i would like to have one of those really cool massage chairs and then you're gonna have to fight off those advertisements everywhere you go hey 25 off right now your massage chair am i right has anybody ever had that happen okay so at what point do we take this information and realize that it's it's supernatural jesus appeared to me and he warned me that we are not to be part of this system remember petra beat the system remember de garmon key long distance runner i thought of another one it's not that secular but i think maybe this guy had some insight michael in the mechanics silent running we've got to make it through this period and get ready for the greatest harvest that's ever hit this earth okay now there's there's so many of you you've been waiting for this time when you're going to be moved into what god has for you but see god has given you some time to get ready and i i discerned it because i wasn't sent back to lose and i wasn't sent back to be to be hindered but i got hindered but i made it i made it my parade instead of a funeral you know i i owned it and i i started i mean immediately when you kick over an ant hill what is the first thing they do they start rebuilding right they don't even shake their fists at you they don't like come to your house with signs they don't paint stuff on your driveway they don't try to try to pull down your christopher columbus statue no they just start rebuilding again right not one peep out of them am i right okay what did solomon say consider the ant you see see satan can't steal your dreams because he didn't he doesn't have access to them whatever god gave you your vision i'm talking about your visions your dream was given to you by god it's a gift it's faith but it comes in different forms okay he can try to interrupt your dream state but i've i've addressed that this weekend and taught you how you need to renew your mind so that you can dream the right the right framework of dreams so that you can see your future all right so jesus he then um got real close to me he was sitting i'm building a top secret set right now that i can't talk about i can't i don't even have an acronym for it but he took me to that set and he sat with me most of the time there and he kept pulling back veils and the veils that he pulled back i saw the future i saw individuals i saw ministers that he would talk to me about he talked to me about all the different ministers and then he said here's what's going on and i'm going to have you talk to this one and then this one and then this one but these others he says i don't want you talking to them i don't want you to do anything about this and and he he said now it was interesting the ones that i was to talk to were the ones that were humble and that's what they she said he said they're retrievable because they're humble did you hear me and i don't even want to do this everybody else you know wants to do this and be it's like a competition like like there's not enough fish in the pond you know but i wasn't called to the fish in the pond jess i was called the ones that are in the ocean i'm called to the world so like i'm not coming to a church to mess up what they're doing i'm just coming to preach the gospel but if it gets cloudy then you know i have a whole ocean i can go to i can just rent a boat on my own and go fishing right okay this is the problem jesus said that they're not lifting me up and because they're not and it's interesting even with the music you know we're we're talking about god yeah and then it yeah and um so you don't have that okay so i feel like it's starting to come become like a forum you guys are starting to talk back at me [Laughter] i'll take some popcorn and a dish of nuts please okay next question no not you wolf blitzer you go back to the white house lawn i know no questions from you hello zinc znn see our mental our mentality is based a lot on what we we see and what we're told and we we trust people to say certain things but while the disciples were talking about the demons leaving people and they couldn't believe it because jesus wasn't with them but they came back and they said man the demons left us they obeyed us and he said i saw satan fall like lightning why did he interrupt them because see he wanted them not to focus on that derelict he said be thankful that your book your name is in the lamb's book of life i saw him fall like lightning okay now what he was saying you didn't catch us because i asked him what he was saying was is they they saw the demons leave people right jesus was up in them he goes well i saw him fall like a flash of light so he fell fast he fell and he hit the earth there was a judgment are you are you are you receiving this okay so jesus was saying i saw him go faster than that i saw him be thrown out of heaven like lightning coming down sons of thunder you do not know what spirit you're of so we called on fire on that city i me and my wife were sent to new orleans with a supernatural encounter we were both supernaturally uh told to go to new orleans which it's not even the last place on my list it's not even on my list okay so you know what happened to me i got sent there and it was just it's just beautiful what happened there you know it was meant to be with everything you know that's happened but it's just bizarre to have two alligators in your backyard and to have sodom and gomorrah within within 15-20 miles this is bizarre to me and i mean we have friends that come and visit us they run from their car to our front door because it's so bizarre they can't wait to get in our house to escape the oppression that's in the city i mean you know you know in the wizard of oz where the witch was on the broom flying around well just picture that like a hundred fold it's just bizarre and god sent us there and i said lord i understand what it was meant to be and i i we we've met the right people we've you know it's a perfect place i get it but why anyway just tell me what and this is what he said he said i trust you i trust you in this city because it is so profane and it's legal and and when jesse was called there because he grew up across the river so he would when he got saved he would just rent 18 wheeler flatbeds and set up these huge speakers that would blow people's wigs off and we would preach jesus in the parking lots [Laughter] with like the big stack that he used to do for his concerts where you didn't even need pledge or end dust you just need to turn the volume up and it would completely clean the dust off the city okay so they stopped that so then he would go down the down the streets during mardi gras when people are don't have any clothes on and doing all kinds of terrible things like in sodom and gomorrah right there on the streets and um he got punched so he went to his car and he said lord i can't believe you let me get punched he did he was like he was so hurt and so he he got the idea well what we'll do is we'll get my wife kathy duplantis to put the speaker in a baby carriage and then have a microphone and he'll walk beside her like this [Laughter] so he just walked down during the parades and then he just emerged with the mardi gras and he'd preach repent there's nothing there i just felt like i was gonna fall repent he would just call people to repentance and jesus was the way and they couldn't find the speaker it was in the baby carriage [Laughter] see god trusted him all right well i got to share some more things that's very uncomfortable for me but essentially ministry next year will not be the same as it is this year for for what you know what it what it's worth to you so if i were you there are certain people that are really really following what god is telling them to do and you know who they are you will by their fruit so you need to to support those ministries the ones that are preaching jesus and uh pray for them but um there's coming a time where uh you know like i said this morning the stats that i got from from my my spiritual parents were that there were over 1500 churches that we're going to close their doors because of financial problems and this will continue as satan puts chokeholds on the people then you know that follows through to the church for through the giving and uh this is this is the war we're going through but however i cannot really anywhere find where someone who preaches christ will be without because you weren't even supposed to take a second tunic with you you know and uh you know at what at what point do we really discern why we're here we're to display the glory of god so the glory of god is going to come in right now so get ready because this is what jesus said to me he said that the move of god has already started but satan has has is so desperate he has tried to stop it by what he's done and if you would look at the stats which i've had verified by people that if i mentioned their name you would you would say yeah that would they would know the the things that are going on now are are not the the numbers that are the true numbers so they're using this and i just want you to know that though people that are righteous know exactly what's going on i was told that however they want to wait until after the election because then it's going to be quite a ride on executive orders and indictments are you starting to catch a drift why it is what's happening is happening because this is the last ditch effort i saw that there was a whole party that'll disappear i did i saw it'll be named it'll be named the obvious name [Laughter] i did you see god doesn't look down and see the divisions we see what he sees is people he sees he sees that there are those who are grafted in and then he sees the seed of abraham the original abraham stalk and you know i'm not going to say anything but i want you to please right now look in your spirit let god talk to you because i can't say what i need to say i'm not allowed but this is what i was told but i cannot say it because i won't be allowed on anything anymore but i was shown this is all i'm going to say god said in his bible in his word he said this it's the only time that he claimed that something was actually his personally and that was israel that's his land so it's not even up for negotiation okay number one okay now do the math on what i'm saying because i can't tell you then he said this is my people. he said that abraham's seed would be all the seed of the earth eventually right okay but we were grafted in and according to paul we are to provoke the jews to jealousy but they're provoking us because we don't know how they get all their money while they have all the patents they have all the patents they have all the medical devices they have it you know they have cars that run on water they separate the hydrogen oxygen molecules and they run it off of the hydrogen did you notice that two years ago they came out with a cure for diabetes and it just kind of disappeared here in this country never came here right you see there's certain things about this system down here that they want you to be a permanent customer and it's not really in their interest to tell you what you can buy on amazon that can help you and it's not in their interest to actually get you well so one thing i found out is that they cannot patent something that's natural so they have to alter the natural yes no i'm serious you you go ahead you go to your pill box you open up that little thing that opens up into a whole world map size and you look at the molecular structure and if you can't don't worry about it but i do this kind of stuff and i look how they alter something natural so that they can make a pattern for it it's something god made but then it causes side effects because it's not it's not biologically competitive so it causes side effects is there anybody here can you believe what can you believe i'm just a flight attendant well then you can do this you just have to quit quick clicking your heels and saying there's no place like home you know you don't click your heels and want to go back to kansas because there's a flying disc in the air over your house you've got to do something about it when it first happened to me and i raised my hand to it and i said you foul line devils go in jesus name and things scooted away but the only thing was is the ufo reporting agency had multiple sightings and people that were reporting it from my area so it wasn't a vision it was hardware that disappeared in the thin air i watched it but it obeyed the name of jesus it was going 300 miles an hour over my head it did a right angle turn there's poor little creatures no they're not poor little creatures but you know you do you do you do the math on that how many g's that was a right hand right angle turn at 90 degrees at 300 knots because it was falling a delta 737 200 series that was departing out of phoenix sky harbor airport on the needles departure do you need any other information i'll give it to you they were at 18 000 feet at 300 knots i know because we do that departure to las vegas so behind it is this thing in broad daylight that is a sphere a metallic sphere that's brighter than the sun and it did a right angle turn when i addressed it because it was following this jet i heard the jet it had no sound it sat there and mocked me after it did the right angle turn i said i said go in jesus name bloop so where do you file that do you click your heels three times or do you say god where does this fit in and is this part of the deception of the end times i've seen angels that looked very handsome but they had black rings around their eyes and they came to me and i said you have not been in the presence of god for a long time and i am not talking to you that's what i did he came at me i literally had to jump so that it wouldn't hit me he came at me full force how do you explain that i don't know but i was wide awake i can't believe i'm telling all this stuff are you praying for me you see i i don't think people even know me you know i try to behave and just you know but i'm telling you i might not see you again for a while but you've got you've got to hear me the supernatural is all around you and in you and you need to let the lord explain these things to you instead of them being controversies you know you don't you don't have to watch all the youtube videos to find something out okay while we're at it why is it that the pilots are told when they file when they see a ufo why are they told they're asked are you sure you want to file that's what the controller says and when they do they're they the the report doesn't go to the to the proper it disappears it doesn't go i don't want to name them because i'm i'm already in trouble but they don't go there they they go away and then it goes to outside the government agency they're supposed to go to and then they're called in for a psychological evaluation and if you have more than one you're fired you cannot have two psychological evaluations in your file is there anybody here so how many of these will be reported but every pilot i've talked to has seen them and you think about 30 years and do the math it took me three years and when i was done with this i had no questions left i had exhausted what i felt like 110 books three years have they taken us off the internet yet no okay well i'm gonna go a little further hello israel so you're you're thinking i gotta wear a mask no you're thinking this okay this but this is this is nothing you what you have to do is you have to find out from the lord because it's just like on seinfeld when kramer went wear the ribbon remember that was in that walk for for breast cancer he says oh i'm not wearing that because no you have to wear the ribbon they beat him up cause he wouldn't wear the ribbon remember that seinfeld why are you not wearing the mask you have to wear the mask you know wearing a mess hey he's not wearing the mask and they have 1-800 numbers you can call to report people wake up people so i hope that i have brought you the place where you can handle what i'm about to tell you because i'd like to go home now listen jesus very sincerely he said we me and my father are not doing any of these things to people we have nothing to do with this it was taken by the god of this world satan and he is ruling this room he said we are not doing this we love people and we want you to tell people everywhere so he asked me to share this and say we love people we're not doing any of this he said we are being slandered will you tell the people that we are good and that we are not doing any of this and that you have at the time three months to get things set up so that people will be able to stay connected and so he gave me all these wonderful programs that we're going to implement in order for you to do that that's pretty that's pretty but maybe not now and the lukewarmness the lukewarmness is is the manifestation of our separation it's a manifestation of our separation with our father we're not we're not enjoying unity with our father god so i saw houses begin to light up as we get into the fall houses would be visited people would start getting together and having bible studies on their own and and people would be laid out in the living room for hours under the glory okay so this is what i'm asking you this is what i'm asking you to do is i want you to switch your frame of mind so that you're like the and if you can't go to church then bring the church to you and not only that start to to be ready to have things that you can help other people if they would be lacking certain things just have it ready you don't have to build a bomb shelter because they'll just when they go to martial law they'll use your house as a station because it's already set up that's what i was told by people that do this stuff so they said you know don't don't do their work for it for them be wise okay would you consider starting a bible study would you consider start just talking about the goodness of god and about the angels protecting us and start talking about psalms 91 and and really just encourage people and tell tell people that god is good and and don't allow fear to enter in to your house and and and do the things that you that you think back and say you know i'm glad i got those triple a's batteries i'm glad i got the double a i'm glad that that we had a way of communicating in case something happened you have that setup where you can still communicate with your loved ones and you start you just just because as we pray this through it might get worse it's the lord told me it's been cut in half a day or two ago when we were prayed but what i saw even the half it's got to expose all this evil so that they know what to take out and get rid of it's really deep okay so the the lord pleaded with me to let people know that he's they're good and they're not doing any of these things so there's a lot of work that you have to do within your own mindset you have to stop thinking that every time something bad happens that you've done something wrong you might have done something right and that you're being worn now ahead of time before the toilet paper runs out but it'll be something else you know i mean the killer hornets only lasted a week right well that didn't work let's see what else we have right so when this starts to happen in your house you might want to have a bible study you might want to connect with people either online or or in your neighborhood or whatever and then what will happen from that from the from that bible study then what will happen is that you have a network where you are in touch with people and you can help people and and uh what will happen is you'll have habitation in your house [Music] now i'm totally serious about this people people in the world are really open right now to hearing the gospel not everybody is related to your senator there are people there are people that are really in touch you know there are senators that are in touch but they're they're they're really being pressured their representatives are being pressured but not not everybody that represents you is really representing you and there are a huge amount of believers they just filled the brooklyn bridge with christians this weekend walking for jesus okay so you're going to start having visitations and just like jesse duplantis he he gave away his millions as a rock star and then he had nothing he had a little a little car you know little toyota and he would run out of gas because they wouldn't give him an offering so he'd just go to the next church because an angel the same angel would stop at night when he ran out of gas and fill his car up and then just drive off and the truck would disappear and in the winter time when he would he slid off the road and he he was in the ditch and he couldn't couldn't get the car out three two or three in the morning nobody is in nowhere in the snow a truck would appear pull him out was the same guy and then just disappear as he drove down the road just disappeared in the thin air he would uh he would station his his his route so that he knew where the 711s were where they're going to throw away the hot dogs that were burnt all day and the popcorn was burned all day they knew they're going to throw it out at 10 a 10 p.m and start a new one so he would just arrive there so he could get that that's how he would eat and so what happened was the devil started starving him out to make him want to go back to his old life where he could make money and after a couple weeks of not eating he would walk in the churches and the demons as soon as he stepped in the door anybody had a demon would start manifesting he told me this personally he said he walk over and pull people out of wheelchairs they go flying through the air and land like a cat on their feet and be healed so that anointing from a force fast caused him to walk in something that he was not walking so he said you know what what happened he said from that point on when he pulled that person out of the wheelchair he said when he would go back to his hotel room there'd be a nice hot plate of food the devil started feeding him he said there'd be supernatural food everywhere am i right honey i'm right right that he would walk into churches i mean i i've told you this you've heard this before but he's told me stories i've never heard him tell in public before but i feel like it's okay if not i'll find out when i get home but i told you about the pastor said we don't do that falling in the spirit stuff here like like that's something that that that we're supposed to be doing we're not it's not the pushing over it's a falling over so he doesn't he doesn't he's not really into that but the power of god comes in his meetings and people fall but he the pastor's saying that won't happen here and so he's up here and i think i told this already but he saw everybody was down but then all of a sudden these two large men come on each side and one of them he goes hey you're the one that took me to heaven he goes watch this and he went over to that pastor that the pastor fell through the wooden pews long ways and laid underneath him he fell through the wood the whole congregation fell with him through the pews this way and we're underneath the pews like like timber they fell through did i mention they fell through the wood and he sat up here for about 30 minutes and nobody moved so he went home that stuff like that has happened several times because he when he came back from heaven was was he had 15 minutes to get to the church and he came up and he said ladies and gentlemen i've been in the presence of god we said it the whole congregation fell out he waited about 40 minutes and he got his guy with his book table and they just went home nobody nobody moved and you think he's just funny but see this stuff is going to start happening in people's homes okay so what you want to do is you want to listen to what i've told you and and start to let the angels minister to you as we go into the fall let there they're with you right now and they visit you at night because they're trying to get through to you at night when your soul is is kind of in a different level where you don't resist now this is what the lord told me he said that's why you should get up and pray at night and that's why i wake you up at 3am because i wanted to know why it's right on the button it just it blows me away and then he wakes me up at one too and i have to pray all morning and sometimes all day can you imagine praying from 1am to 1pm you know do you know that i prayed for three days straight without food in tongues three days straight 24 7 for three days never stopped never ate and when at the end of that i confront i saw an angel came and helped me confront the demons from from the city of new orleans that were attacking me and my wife but i couldn't see them but then all of a sudden the angel came so this stuff is real so these angels have come to instruct you and you're behind you're behind on the implementation and you've only got a certain amount of time left because you're gonna have to decide are you gonna wear the ribbon or not wear the ribbon at what point has it gone too far and what can they do if everybody says no you know i see it's amazing i see cancer cells dying in people's bodies right now i see like they're trying to like group up hey hey can we meet and they start getting together to try to form like hey we got to get together so we form a tumor that's what i just saw i mean this is the way god speaks to me no no think about this i was in an iranian church no english the pastor was speaking farsi to them on what i was saying and this couple came up you know the bee people honey okay and every time i come they want me to pray over their business so they're like in tears they said we're under attack we've lost our we've lost a lot of our bees are gone we don't know what happened you know you prayed and we prospered and now something happened and it was i just feel like you know that that lady that said but lost her you know her son all is well what no tell me and resurrected him right well that's what it happened i said no no i know what's going on here so i laid my hands on these iranians and uh i went into an open vision just like i just did now with these cancer cells and i heard the queen bees they were in someone else's hive they had gone to another place and were there and i heard them talking to each other there were several there were three there were three colonies in this one place and they're really his bees but they left okay i heard the bees talking they said hey let's go back to those iranians we were so blessed there so i just said that to them do you know they all came back within how long did it take and now they have this huge bee thing so i'm having all kinds of visions like that so can you stick around for a little bit because i'm having this music okay okay um i'm seeing i'm seeing people taking their glasses off i've seen them taking their glasses off and i see that it's hilarious you're not going to believe this it's the shape of would this be the cornea it's the shape it's mis-shaped and it's not out of focus because it's nothing it's not de deter dead i'm drunk degeneration there's no place like home i heard zinc works so i see that it doesn't take much this is what i saw i'm just going to tell you what i saw i saw because of stress that their your cornea it was actually misshaped and it was just causing the the length to the back where the lens it was it was longer because of the way the shape it was and it was just out of focus so this could be resolved because the lord wants you to be at peace [Music] i feel like the healing power got coming in the room [Music] so i saw that we're going to pray for attorney general barr and he's going to be able to use his pen and i saw roe versus wade overturned jesus told me as a son zinc hello your boat is overturned [Laughter] this is actually getting fun do you want to try this [Applause] when i was a flight attendant i only worked up front so the businessmen sat up there because they were trained from other airlines that there was a first class but there was no class on southwest you just we just took you there and you got maybe peanuts you know but the businessmen they hovered there because that was what they're used to so the the only thing was is that if i had to lift you out of a wheelchair i wasn't going to carry you back to the middle of the plane i was going to set you right there in front okay and also the the unaccompanied miners like i would the parents would sign them over to me and then i would be in charge of them and get them to their destination which i really don't feel comfortable with being in charge i don't know why i did that but i was part of my job anyway so i had i was i became mr rogers and had to entertain the kids as well as help the businessmen who thought that they were in first class but it was really no class [Laughter] so i put this little girl beside this businessman she you know and he's like you know oh god you know because he he got first class you know but there is no class so he he actually went away from his house to get away from his kids to do on a business business trip okay so she's sitting there and he's all proper and he's got his laptop out so she decides well i'm just getting she gets her books out and her little pencil and she's just gonna you know be the same way i'm gonna be too busy to talk to you so she starts working you know and she's under my care and i hear her and i couldn't breathe she goes hey excuse me sir are you hooked on phonics [Laughter] [Applause] she had this little thing where she had this hooked on phonics thing and she was going to do her little lesson you know and she was inviting him to join so she thought that every businessman should you know have phonics you know hooked up so anyway that's what i feel like right now okay so with with habitation you you enjoy the moment of being with god and feeling his glory and his presence and you know it's it's pretty obvious that i didn't know what my ministry would be because i was used prophetically when i first got saved i would call anybody out i could read your mail anybody i touched fell people were healed of cancer like that and then that all just went away and i really can only get up here and teach until it gets so strong in here it's like the throne room and then i just i'm told to go home and that's my ministry i don't i don't i ca like i can't just fake it like a lot of people do if it's not there you know i'd have to push you over and i'd have to make up a word which i won't do because i got to answer to that but it's interesting how i saw that the body of christ was going to get caught up in the counsel of god so it's not just about the feeling of having someone who knows the holy spirit like benny han and he blows on you and you actually feel it and you can't stand you can't i know i i've spent time with him he really legitimately loves god and has the real thing but you saw the things that come against people and now like look look at what has happened but he's legitimate but see the thing was is after i left him he warned me about certain things in that hour conversation and all those things started to happen against me and they happened against him and you've seen the result of that okay but with me i took him at his word because he saved my life but that presence that you feel when you watch him on tv is the same when you're sitting with him on the couch so i have nothing bad to say about him but see what i felt there was what he walks in but when he i went away from him then i had to somehow replicate that somehow i had to find my way but do you know that it's taken this was in 1986. he said he said i'm just telling you i'm just going to give you my whole ministry he said i'm going to lay my hands on you and have everything i have on you and he laid his hands right there in the excelsior hotel in downtown tulsa which is now the doubletree so don't look it up because it's not excelsior anymore and it's probably been sold at least three times since then he said i have i i'm not going to even tell you what he said because you'll be mad at me but that's what he said he gave he gave it he put it on me hello he put it on me and i went through hell since 1986 because he said something about my future and he said you will have my ministry but look what you thought you felt in this service that's taken all the years since 1986 to start happening but see i don't have to blow on you or touch you because it would be a downgrade on what god is doing because the coming days it's all about getting caught up in the counsel of god so that when i'm not with you you can operate in this yourself the whole thing is is what i talked about the best thing i did for you is talk about centurion faith that you don't need to have hands laid on you no i know that some people need hands and it's biblical to do all that and you know what the far tunnels work but do they work monday morning when when you don't have a fire tunnel when you have the dragon's breath you have fire from a dragon breathing down your neck no i'm serious i'm just like you when i wake up tomorrow morning i'm going to have to laugh at the dog you're kidding that's it that's all you got you got to be kidding me but i had to wait since 1986 to feel what you feel in this room but i had i had to pull back when there was no word you know like when there was when i wasn't supposed to minister the healing i gave two words for two people and i handed the mic to him because i know where i am but how many people can do that this is this is my warrior note no it isn't warrior knows is tony kemp tony kemp's part of us so what does it matter whether he uses him or me or you right you know in azusa street i agree william seymour went into his little put his head in there and prayed but you know what happened they would wait for the holy spirit to choose who's going to speak that night did you know that yeah and then when they would get up they'd start talking and they would say shut up and sit down you don't got it can you imagine then your lip quivers and you're like you've been rejected you sit down and then the five-year-old that's sitting beside you gets up and starts speaking with fire they go that's it well can you handle that see so you don't need a fire tunnel you need a council of god you need to know god's personality well you only get that from the preaching of the word and the teaching well i'm using my gift it's not flamboyant but i've seen people get out of wheelchairs and you don't have to you don't have to take an offering or breathe on them you don't have to touch them because god comes in i would rather train you to be a warrior to where you don't need all that stuff you say no just speak the word and it'll be done so do you understand if i i actually rob you if i i backtrack right okay so you're gonna be this is the other thing the houses so you're gonna the houses you're gonna be in your houses angels are coming then you're going to do bible studies and then it's going to grow to where you get you're going to be laid out in the glory but see it doesn't end there because it's not a carnival ride then god's going to counsel you you're going to get caught up in the council of god and it's amazing because i know this man and so does tony kemp you know he when he was a little kid he was out on the street one day and this little this little old lady came up to and says god's gonna get you i know who you are right we know who this guy years later he got saved and was asked to go to a bible study so when they go to the bible said he goes in there and sits down and that lady comes out she goes gotcha it was the same lady right so he got to know her and she was wild she she would go to countries and come back with stuff from that country come back with changes of clothes do missions work right and this group the candlestick ladies right francis okay so when he would come in he would come early because he wanted to talk to her and there would always be these two nicely need dressed men that it was like not even real they were so perfect and when he would walk in to go up to talk to her they would stop talking and just turn and walk away on the side of him and leave and he goes who are they she goes you're not ready for that right am i right have i done good okay and there was this beautiful he thought it was a painting but it was this beautiful door right right on that wall that he would always see at these prayer meetings well when she passed away he went in to get some things that she had left or something like that and that was gone now whoa it was like it was never there and then he realized that was a real door into the other realm right am i right did i do okay or did i slice and dice it it was perfect okay so you come and you want to hear the word of god but the things i'm telling you i'm trying to show you that you you don't you haven't expanded far enough because you still have trouble with dinosaurs and ufos and nancy pelosi oh no no it's nacio palozzio nothing here we still on we still on yeah now how many have been in meetings because we have photos of it where i've almost disappeared as i've been standing up here have you seen those photos it's happened in australia it's happened all over the world okay now i all i feel is though i'm i'm with jesus in the in heaven while i'm talking i don't feel my body and i feel like like uh i feel this tingling like i did with the uh the water from the river of life it's so full of life that it actually like sizzles it fizzes or something it's got life in it and when you get it on you your flesh everything about you just starts to go back to where it should should go and so the river of life is pure liquid god it's pure life and jesus said that there was a living waters the river of life flowing out from your belly okay so you can't figure out ufos and dinosaurs but you can't figure out what i just told you about maloney because it's not baloney it's he's for real i've never even met him but you know him and i know him but i don't know him personally okay so i if i were you i would not focus on flying discs i would focus on what you don't know about your father and what you don't know may be hurting you but see what you know by eating of the tree of good and evil may not be good for you so why do you want to know what they're doing to all these what they're doing do you want to know what's going on with fake news or do you want to know what god is saying so even though i'm criticized for not focusing on the current events i'm telling you that with we are in this season to change the current events right i want everyone saved i'm feeling like i did this morning i feel the power's a coming age i just feel coming in this room again it's going to happen again so i don't know if you're available tony to minister okay because i'm i'm going to be i'm going to get to a place where i mean i i i have to look at my id to see who i am i'm serious i get to where i'm so taken over by his love that i can't talk to you anymore because i don't know how i'm going to tell you how much he loves you see jesus moved with compassion because he knew the plan for man and he knew what satan had done and he hated what was what happened to man so he told me when i reached out to touch people i was reaching out to correct it back for my father so whatever i saw all i did was reach out and say no we're not going to have this way and people would grow arms yeah and he said that he said that diseases would lead them and and that's what i feel inside of me and i'm just wanting that to manifest in my meetings what i feel inside of myself i want everybody to be healed the lord told me there would come a time where everyone in the meetings would be healed there would be no feeble one among you then we would leave egypt with with the gold and silver and there'd be no feeble among you so don't get mad at me because it's in the it's in the psalms talking about the exodus and i i saw his compassion during this five five hours and i saw that everybody thinks that god's doing these kind of things and he's judging america and he's doing other things but see he told me that the people that are not following him are under the judgment already because he said there's sheep and there's goats and he said there's tears in their wheat he told me there's jews and gentiles he said i see believers and unbelievers there's a separation coming he didn't see it like what satan is trying to do now to divide everybody he sees it that you're either in or you're out and the ones that are out he wants them in and so i'm called to get the people that are out that that are still sheep they're not goats but they they'll hear the word of god they're not resistant to bring them in so i don't want to divide the way that satan's dividing because then i become just like him but see that's what's happening in this nation we're being reduced to divisions that satan has designed do you get it so there's people in this room that the lord has already spoken to me about i will be sending you money you have nothing to worry about i'm telling you that right now he's already talked to me out of my own money and i don't know how it keeps filling up but it just keeps filling up and i get too much and i have to give it away and i don't know how but i'm not going to touch it with my thought life because it'll stop flowing someone has to become a distribution center okay so these houses will for your houses will fill up with the glory you want to stay in them just like when people come to our house they want to just stay in the house there's angels in our house there's angels in your house so when i talk to you i'm not talking to you so you can say wow look at kevin he went to heaven and look at all this stuff that has happened to me you know everything he does turns the goal it's like no i had to fight the devil to where he has literally no teeth left i beat the living daylights on you why because jesus did jesus made a show mobily he is that he's come to nothing he's destroyed what he's destroyed the works of the devil jesus said to go out and do likewise to do what he did so we're to continue to enforce this i have found that my favor has to do with that very thing that i go out and actively i'm not afraid of him i'm not afraid of the devil so do you hold back from your prayers because you're afraid you're going to be too loud do you hold back because people will tell you you know you need to call it a little bit do you do you uh do you realize that a prayer that satan would want to stop you utter it and there's nothing he can do about it that your children will never end up in jail they will never marry the wrong person just because you stood up and you acted a little crazy in your house and said you know we're not going to have it this way do you know how many i mean i'm just gonna be honest with them kathy we used to yell we used to speak to our checkbook we used to yell at our our our account numbers because me and her was all we had no children working full-time and we couldn't pay our bills something wrong with that and i told kathy i said you know i went to heaven i came back and i can't fail and you have given up so much you've been through it so much and we work all the time and you know what the lord told us to do he told us to do something some of you don't even believe in doing it once we did it twice we tried we tithed twice a month the lord told us we're just tithed off what you want to make and you don't even believe in the tithes so you know this doesn't apply to you but he told us to tithe off what you want to make so we were making 3 000 a month i started our southwest airlines at 10.99 and they told me in my contract i'll never make more than 25 an hour ever and i signed it because it's better than zero and i had college i had i had four years of college plus another year and then i had my two year above that so i had like seven years of college i had to pay for so i took the job now listen we started tithing 600 a month for 6 thousand and you know what happened in the next three years nothing right and then i as you know at 11 59 i was notified we're going on strike don't show up for work tomorrow and the president of the company said you know what these flight attendants are with the passenger more than anyone else they should get what they want pay them pay him double so i my salary doubled did you hear what i just said so now i'm making 6 000 a month and it didn't end there when i retired i was making 65 an hour i could only make 25. but i hardly ever got that 65 you wonder why because the lord would give me time and a half and double time all the time i would call it the right time it says well we'll give you double time if you can just show up at gate 8 right now there's passengers on board we have no flight tests i said i'll be there i said do i have to be fully dressed no i i mean in other words i have to have everything that i need you know this is no what do you need i said well i need i need an id i mean i have my idea i need my uh wings i need a jacket and a manual i don't have those with me because i'm on the road i said we'll have all for you and i did that for years so if you want to be caught up in the council of god he might tell you something that you don't even believe because it's old testament and it's interesting isn't it how you you quote fear not you know you you quote all these years of fear not but then you have an angel the lord come and you can't get up even when you do your little clicker thing i've fallen i can't get up and it doesn't even work you can't get up and the angel says fear not and all of a sudden it means something well didn't it mean something when when god wrote it in his word okay so do you understand that the most important thing you can do is caught up in the counsel of god where you know the word of god and you're hooked on it you're hooked on every word because i saw and you're going to see this you'll remember me telling you this did you know that in hebrew the text of the bible the whole bible in hebrew did you know i've even told you this i was shown that the spaces in between the hebrew letters is a whole another set of information another text you know the white spaces of all the hebrew letters those are another whole revelation of god that's hidden wow and that the text will be dimensional when you look at it it will be dimensional [Music] and when you see what the world looked like the earth when the when the continents were together you're going to be blown away what it's shaped as so i'm asking you not to worry about tomorrow because anything you lose you gain you really don't lose forgiveness is so that you don't get hooked and pulled down so you gotta forgive that's for your benefit the people do not get away with it you're releasing the file to the attorney in heaven like god it says it says make room for the lord i will repay it says make room for the lord what does that mean you got mail jesus you hand it over to him you hand your cares over to him then he has the case then from then on you don't say a word in the courtroom unless your attorney tells you to and he might get the case thrown out all right so now i'm going to address brain fog isn't this fun [Applause] there there are demons that are specifically leashed to do certain things jesus told me to tell the people that a horde he said a horde of demons had been unleashed against christians now i couldn't make this mistake because he's right there and this just happened in may he told me to tell the people that they're doing better than they think he said there was a horde of demons that were unleashed against christians to make them feel bad to make them feel rejected or inadequate this is not the time to yield to that so he told me to tell people that this is an attack now with that attack you will have this brain fog where you can't focus if you let the lord speak to you there will be things in your diet that you can change and then there's that demon that does not want you to be able to rightly divide and to discern and to focus and i'll tell you how you can fix it because i know what it is okay so the lord had instructed me he tested me he tested me a lot to see what's in me because he wants to trust me no he had told me that i was going to do a whole album on my soprano saxophone that kenny g gave me do the hymns a whole a whole album with hymns on it so i automatically thought that i'm supposed to bring that to fort mill last week and then here so i got it out got it ready and i thought well i'm gonna i'm just gonna i haven't played in a while i'm gonna go into the glory of god i'm going to play for a few hours get my lips back in to condition and then i'm going to come here and play for you with with 3 o'clock session which is now 24 7 session and i've just renamed you and i could not like inside of me i had heard the word of the lord but it was foggy and i couldn't understand and i felt like i was in that temptation with saul where i was waiting for samuel to come and i was getting impatient because it wasn't in me to practice i had so many other things that i needed to do before i came here and we only get a couple days off and we had house guests in between every one of these so we're never alone so i'm thinking you know and i couldn't understand why it was so foggy and then i realized if it's not strong in me i've learned now i'm almost 60 now and i've got the scars to prove that sometimes it's better not to push a bad position just to opt out so i left it i left all my instruments this time and this is my favorite group to play with and julie meyer last week is my favorite psalmist to play with and we're actually going to do an album together but i wasn't i was allowed to bring my flute for her but not my sex but see i've been told i'm going to do hymns and i got to get ready for that you know so i'm having to write out all of the transitions between hymns with the keys doing a whole medley the whole elmo flow in worship just with the soprano sax okay so that you can just worship with your oldies but goodies okay no words okay so it's not in me and then it's amazing how this morning when i woke up because i had been obedient the fog went away and i had this strong desire to play that saxophone but see when god speaks to you you have to be able to wait on him for his counsel and it has to be born of the spirit so you just don't do something just because you can do it you wait for god so kathy kathy asked me you know okay what are we gonna do for this person you know we're gonna give to this person like when we like i i was told i was gonna pay off several people's cars but that was months and months ago we just paid them off recently but i've had the money the whole time but i don't know i don't understand where it comes from but i keep looking at my accounts and there's too much in there this is hilarious isn't it but see i'm just like you i'm just a christian so i'm believing for this for you okay but then the word of the lord i knew i was going to do it but then the word of the lord says do it now and every time i've done it they say we were just sitting talking about what we're going to do and then you call it was right timing right we we received we received money to open offices in charlotte a year ago from these two right here they sewed into our well pastor mike here it's just starting to go to the to the working out the deal right right right now i just waited i'm not going to do a thing just like what happened with the jet i had that dream i walked away from all that stuff i had that dream in that dream it was so real that when i came back i brought the leather smell into our house it was through our house i couldn't explain it i said lord i don't know how you're going to do this and i don't i'm not asking for i've never asked for a jet i've had words about a jed but i have you know from other people but let them buy my jet then because i don't i don't i don't do anything until it comes inside of me and it's burning so five months later you heard the store we ended up in switzerland we ended up in that banker's house he lives in the town where those things are built there was four of them on the assembly line they weren't even out yet we within 45 minutes we're sitting in the exact jet that i had to dream about with the strong leather smell right okay and the banker said well you need this jet because you need to be able to rest and fly you know he's like we need to they want 250 000 down i said we're not doing a thing he goes no we need to put it down today and we're going to get you your jed you co you know i said no we're not doing a thing he goes you've had the dream you found yourself here i didn't he said i didn't know about this dream i just fell into it i the lord told me to invite you to my house and invite you to stands where the pilatus factory is he said it's obvious as god i go i ain't doing a thing he picked a fight god is picking a fight okay do you realize what a bigger fight it was because then i have the jacket that jesse duplantis gave me which has the jet that he's believing for on it falcon 7 x i have that on and i'm at the factory and the guy goes who owns a 7x i go well a friend of mine is wanting to get one i go have you ever seen one he said well they'd never come in here because this is just pilatus and i looked on final and there's a 7x on final to land at the airport behind him as he's telling me they'd never come here i said well then what's that he goes my god he goes well what are you going to do i said i'm not doing a thing so the salesman went away and then that all broke out against jesse see you don't know everything that was going on there huge stuff is happening in our personal lives to show us something and the picture you saw the four jets right beside is the starship enterprise those were all his jets and the starship enterprise they cut it off he owned all those jets they're all gone except for the one they cut the starship enterprise out of the picture and put it on the news feed said he owns four jets but they didn't include the starship enterprise because that's really fake news okay so god started this with me and i won't do anything about it do you hear me clearly okay so when god gives you something you've got to let it cook until it starts to form in you and then you start to let god perform now listen to me if you want to get married i totally get it but when i went to heaven i was 31 i had not been married there was nothing else i wanted on this earth was to be married and be in love but i wasn't allowed to date i was allowed to smoke or drink i had an angel appear to me when i was 10 years old said you're not going to drink you're not going to smoke and you're not going to date i got a woman for you i don't want your body to be polluted so now i'm made fun of because i'm a virgin okay so i go to heaven and i can care less i'm not married and i could care less now what happened i experienced something higher so when i came back you know what happened because i did i i experienced that i didn't want to be married the lord says you're going to seattle a month later he says you're going to seattle you're going to meet your wife and we were married we met we were married four months later we've been married 27 years okay so how you walk in the glory is you walk in with no agenda with all ears and you let god counsel you and you say you know what lord i'm willing to do whatever you ask and it doesn't matter what it costs i just want to sit at your feet i want to hear what comes from your lips i just want to adore you i just want to be your favorite child i tell them that all the time and when i do that i can feel this heat this from the glory because god just says you know i'm telling you you become irresistible to him and he cannot he cannot keep his hands off of you he wants to do everything for you i am not kidding you will you please listen to me will you please listen to me this five hour encounter has completely changed me i'm not the same and everybody around me notices it because i don't want to talk anymore i don't want to hang out anymore i'm completely undone because of the love that god has for us and this is what i found is that we become irresistible to him when we choose nothing but the very word that comes out of his mouth that's all we live for does it sound familiar because that's what jesus said man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of god and i found that why jesus said to the crowds the multitudes that were following him he said unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh you have no part of me why did he do that because he was showing the level of intimacy that was in the communion table see i can't believe i'm telling you this sid roth doesn't even know about this the lord told me that his favorite times on earth you're not going to believe what it was you'd think he was on the mountain with the father no he said my favorite times were sitting around the table with my disciples that's what he said he said he looked forward to that so i want to announce to you that you have become irresistible to god and so he's come into your house he's going to cause you to do bible studies and build people up and then you're going to be caught up in the council of god your house is going to be visited and be inhabited and then what's going to happen is is that you are going to start to sense the lord putting you in places and doing things that are unconventional in other words they're not going to follow making sense but it's about souls now what's going to happen is he's going to tell you his plan and you're going to prosper at it you're going to sow in famine and reap a hundredfold just like isaac did and that's old testament so you can imagine what the new testament is the math on that i don't know when you know the math on that for the new testament since we're dividing the bible up i'm just joking it's amazing how while everybody was criticizing about tithing we were enjoying the benefits of it so jesus told me to tell you this some people here they're believing for their mate and they don't understand why things have happened that have happened they don't understand why they haven't found the one or they found the one but it left uh they left it left no they left and um okay but see the thing of it is is god told me he said tell the people he says that some some people are single because i'm not going to let anyone touch them until they're ready so like he's saying he's being actually not letting you be married because no one has met the standard that he's chosen for you so he's not going to let it happen it's not your fault this happened do you know that happened to me did you know that i went to my undergraduate and there was a lot of cool girls there that i could have married and then i went to my grad my graduate my two year and there i mean there were 15 friends i had at least that i could have married any one of them i would have picked any one of them and the lord said no but i felt like i was supposed to meet her there it went on it went on for four years then went on for two more years and then i started getting jammed like you know i couldn't go to guatemala because i wasn't married so that that really puts salt on the wound huh a little pickle juice you know right so you i know what you're going through but but this is what happened so i i got so then i didn't go to guatemala so the lord said go to southwest airlines and i go okay good i'll be a pilot he goes no you're gonna be a flight attendant i'm like no i'm going to guatemala and i'm like no you're not you're i'm like what what have i done wrong it was so embarrassing my job it was so embarrassing to me but i loved the company i loved going there and doing what i did but it was just embarrassing to me that i could fly the plane but i wasn't you know so this is what happened i decided i'm going back i'm flying back to meet with the dean of students at rhema now he was he was a air force he actually worked for the cia the aic but he was he was he flew the sr-71 so he flew all at the edge of space with a space suit and he wasn't allowed to tell me how fast he goes but i found out it was a lot faster what he could tell me but he was going about 5 500 miles an hour and over a hundred thousand feet and he was flying over countries that didn't want him there but they couldn't hit him and so i thought he this is what happened they they he got the letter asking him them to be in the next project which was working with nasa so don't write me the earth is not flat so nasa asked him to be on this this project and it was classified at the time but they said it's going to be called the space shuttle and we want you to be the first commander on it for the space shuttle and the lord said you're going to rhema and be kenneth hagin's pilot so he left everything now if he tells you this he's in heaven now but he would just be he would just close the tears he gave up being the first shuttle pilot but he was doing what god asked me to do now so i went to see him because i think he would understand what i'm going through here because i gave up everything and now i can't get married or can't find the right woman or whatever you know and i'm 31 years old you know and all my my my friends from from high school married their sweethearts at 18 and been married years and if their kids have kids and i don't even have an animal you know like i don't have fluffy i don't even have a pet right okay so i go and i talk to him now listen to me very carefully because i know that i'm ministering to you by these stories and this is what i wanted to do because the lord has shown me what's going to happen in the near future and he has plans for us but you have to not look at what it looks like now you can't judge it by znn you have to judge it by what the spirit of god is telling you in the counsel so when i was sitting with him i was explaining this to him he goes well you know i had missiles the size of telephone poles coming at me all the time and he said i would just push this throttle up he said i had i had scripture on my knee on my spacesuit he said my meals i would stay up for 14 hours at a time just go down down to 30 000 feet to get the fuel fuel airplane the refuel then go back up to the edge of space and keep taking pictures over russia he said i filmed the whole yom kippur war gave them gave them to the president they were on his desk by ten that night of the build up the egyptian border everything he just went on he says he says i was actually sent from sacramento california one morning i went to the tanker after takeoff to get my fuel and then i went up to 100 000 feet pushed the throttle forward and he said in 21 minutes i was over a small island off the coast of florida photographing missiles coming off of a ship from russia in 21 minutes from california so he said i learned to deal with these things i was shot at every mission and he said there's a he says i don't know why you didn't meet your wife here and as soon as he said that i'm right in front of his desk in a chair he falls over and starts shaking now he's a colonel he never showed emotion ever he's crying i had him in class two years that guy that guy's been through so much he doesn't have any emotions anymore but he was crying and he he he starts yelling at me he's his face is in the desk and he's shaking he goes kevin he said jesus is behind me he has his hands on my shoulders and he's telling me to tell you it's not your fault you were supposed to meet your wife here but she's about to marry the wrong person and it's going to take her four years to get back on track and at the end of the four years don't listen when he says if she does not engage back in i have someone else for you can you believe that and then jesus walks out he gets up and he goes what just happened so i went home that was november of 88. so four years later the was right right after christmas right when did i meet you exactly january 10th right so that was actually four years and a couple months because it was november of 88 so four years plus a couple months and through christmas and then january the first the second week of january the lord tells me to go up and to seattle you're going to meet your wife now when i get there i meet her she had just gotten a divorce she had married the wrong person it took her four years she had an application to go to rhema but she never went is there anybody here wow do you all get that or i did i get over it do you need to spell it out syllable okay so see i'm unfolding things that you wouldn't understand unless i told you so god wants you to come into the secret place he wants to counsel you what he wants to tell you is things that you know not of and i know why you don't have more revelation coming to you than you do it's because you're you're not framed to receive it properly so that you can implement it you see i know the mighty beings that are beside you because i can see them right now there are many there there is three to one ratio right now of angels versus people there there are three times the angels are standing all around okay they they are never going to leave you because they're soldiers but they only hearken under the voice of their father and they wish you would too that's a good word okay i gotta start getting hot now because mind comes mind comes and now he's here and you're just gonna have to live with it and i always i always tell people don't criticize people you know all my everything i do i don't do it so that people can criticize it i just want to minister to people so i tell people if you want to criticize why don't you just start your own youtube channel and you can criticize yourself you just criticize yourself on your own channel make bad remarks you know and but i'm going to do what god told me to do i'm going to talk about angels i'm going to talk about visitation i'm going to talk about habitation i'm going to talk about the things to come to i'm going to tell you what god has done for me and my wife i'm going to tell you that tithing works older new testament because it the tithe i'm telling you when you get to heaven oh man you wouldn't believe it you wouldn't believe it but when i was in heaven i saw that the tithe was never ours it was never ours it's a test it helps a rich man get to heaven did you know that god created it the way it is so that we can handle wealth he had to do this checks and balances so that we would always remember to honor god with everything the increase of what he's given us do you hear me okay so father finds you irresistible when you sit his feet and you say you don't want to say anything you just tell him to talk to you you teach your children how to do this you teach your children to sit there i led when i got saved i went to all my brothers and sisters and led them to the lord all four of them then i led my mother to the lord and then eventually my father my father he came to the lord because i would tell him i would tell him what the lord was doing and saying and he would watch it happen god was manifest my life and he saw it he said there's no way he said you would tell me you would tell me what was going to happen you tell me what you're praying for and then you get it and he in tears right honey at the table he turned to my wife he said just you know i'm a christian today because of this man he pointed to me he's the real thing that's the biggest thing the biggest trophy you could get my father went to glory and it was because what he saw god doing in my life so let him manifest himself to you like right now i'm just going to be totally transparent i'm never like this the lord is constantly talking to me while i'm talking to you but you don't you know you don't know anything you only know a small portion of what he's saying to me but he just told me tell him he said tell them i'm really good i go i'm thinking i did i told him he says there's no tell him i'm really good he did that's what he just saw he says and tell him there's more okay so i leave everything i want to do because i'm called to be a prophet and i wait 40 years to walk in it this is the first year but see i understand the timing of god now i understand the timings of god i got the right person i'm married to the right person but it wasn't easy and i suffered she suffered but i suffered do you understand i suffered i had to wait longer i was called to be a prophet and i launched my ministry three years ago i was called to be a prophet in 1980. can you wait that long well we might not have that much time left but i want you to settle in to where just because god said something before you you don't do a thing i want you to get to where like no god's just picking a fight you started this lord and you're going to finish it can you do that when you're being persecuted when you're not getting fed at your church can you go can you just stay at home until you're so full of the holy ghost and you just go and start a fire and then leave can you can you just go just because god told you to to break that that's what we had to do we had to change the environment because the environment was trying to change us tony do you have something because i'm going to keep going because the lord's not releasing me but i i feel like i can't hold these people past a certain point do you have something you want to say like because you can do it no no no no no no i you you have to understand something about me i don't care about me but it hurts to have to be the way i am because i want to just hang out with you all and sit and talk but i can't i can't pray for you all i can't prophesy for you all i i all my students i want to meet them i want to meet my partners but if i'm to do what i'm supposed to do i have to stay within a certain track and i can't leave that here so i hire people to help me and so tony is one of these people that has been brought into my life and there's many more to come because warrior notes is going to be about a bunch of fighting people the fighting men and women of god and uh that i'm i'm going to i'm going to replicate what god's doing in everybody so that you all are going to do these bible studies all over the world we're going to have bible studies we have all kinds of things coming and and we're going to build ourselves up in the most holy of faith and in the state and love of god but then we're going to build others up and it's going to it's going to be huge so so it's starting as you hand out your books and things that you got from my table to other people then then jesse said that influences seven people so one person influences seven people so every person that i touch touches seven people and then those people touch seven people and it's exponential is seven squared forty-nine and it keeps getting squared and the devil can't stop this because you don't have to wear a mask in your house and you don't have to social distance in your house so the devil next year will release us back out because it's not working for him now how many of you have watched my spirit schools during this thing where every week i came on and did a whole like this for a whole weekend right thank you for watching but you have no idea like that was just like you wouldn't believe how hard that is to do that every week with no audience you know except you all were there but i you know i can't see you okay but what did i tell every time i said i said i'm going to keep doing this every week and until the devil lets off so finally after the ninth one he let off and then as soon as i let off he started up again so i said okay you want to play this way so i'm telling you all these dirty secrets that satan wants to do so that you can be ready and make it so uncomfortable for him that he says you can be one inch apart i don't care just get out of your house because why the glory's there can any of you in your spirit feel that i'm telling you the truth that your house you're going to start being visited at night [Music] amen tony do you want to share something please please calgon take me away remember remember hooked on phonics if you have to yes first stand to your feet and let's give kevin a big hand clap of appreciation and love come on and keep standing just for a moment um the key to your impartation is receiving the revelation of the word and putting it into application you don't need the hand of a man see god's hand in the revelation that comes out of his very lips look at somebody saying i'm getting an impartation right now see the father through jesus gives kevin the spirit of revelation and as you sit under the revelation of jesus you're getting an impartation of the spirit of revelation and then it will just begin to operate in your life but at a certain point you have to say i'm taking it look at somebody saying the name of jesus i take the spirit of revelation look at somebody say i take the spirit of revelation right now [Applause] the glory of god is over you are here and the spirit of revelation is coming out of that glory [Applause] and has fallen on you just like rain now can we take about 60 seconds and give god a praise close your eyes come on receive the glory receive the reign of revelation it is your inheritance it belongs to you keep praising him don't stop in fact you ought to praise god in tongues stir up the gift of revelation on the inside of you go ahead pray in tongues go ahead [Applause] that's it keep going [Applause] that's it let the river flow let the river flow it's a river of glory it's a river of revelation let it circulate through your spirit [Applause] come on lift it lift it lift it [Applause] [Music] let the glory saturate your spirit let the spirit of revelation saturate your life [Applause] let your glory fall father let your glory fall father let your glory fall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] listen keep going keep going [Applause] oh keep praying in tongues there's this transfer there's a transfer of anointing there's a transfer of glory there's a transfer of revelation [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's it close your eyes forget about everything forget about everybody except for the father and jesus [Applause] you're getting ready for downloads from heaven [Applause] [Music] downloads from heaven thank you father for downloads from heaven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] um [Applause] [Applause] come on pray [Applause] [Music] you're being taken into heavenly places new realms of heaven with jesus [Applause] uh [Applause] you're still receiving stay there stay there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] you know [Applause] come on just another two or three more minutes keep going press [Applause] [Applause] amazing [Applause] listen to me now remain standing but listen to me as kevin was leaving he said i saw chariots i have i never told kevin as michael van is michael here did he have to go okay some years ago i took a chariot right into the heavens if kevin saw chariots here chariots are for supernatural transportation into realms of heaven to be with jesus and the father that's the first reason for chariots the second reason listen to this is when the prophet was surrounded by the enemy he said to his servant who was afraid there are more with us than with them lord open his eyes and he looked at these all chariots of fire and horses of listen the very fact that the father has released chariots means that your enemy has already been defeated and it was while the man of god was in his house lift up your hands and begin to praise god because there's a release of supernatural activity come on come on [Applause] now i'm gonna ask you to be seated we're gonna do two more things one i want all the single people to stand up who want to get married [Laughter] you notice now listen when kevin was talking he was releasing an anointing for you and your mate to find each other did you catch that [Applause] look at somebody say it's gonna be good good good [Applause] i don't know if you're aware of this but sometimes the father releases angels to cause people to meet [Music] they are ministering spirits right and wouldn't it minister to you for you to find the one that the father so here's what i want you to do i want you to take 60 seconds to praise god that this that the father has released an angel for you and your mate to me go ahead give him glory 60 seconds 60 seconds 60 seconds hallelujah oh i wish the married people would praise the lord with the single people come on 30 more seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 92,101
Rating: 4.8716264 out of 5
Id: nymhgzJwrWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 39sec (13779 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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