It's Time To Know The Secrets - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] yeah the spirit is praying through me and i heard him say i'm taking you into the heavenly realms tonight that's what he said to me i heard him i heard him say that i was praying in the spirit and i heard it in english the spirit says i'm taking you into the heavenly realms [Music] tonight tonight not tomorrow tonight right now come on let's get a little boldness about us at [Music] [Music] [Music] more lord more lord more lord more than enough more than enough more than enough more than enough for all of us [Music] of utterance doors of utterance doors of utterance thank you lord the reign of your glory lord your glory rain your glory reign yono save to face face to face face to face foshave more lord miracle signs and wonders lord your healing rain your healing rain be made whole healing lord ho ho ke nay [Music] [Music] father we thank you for pouring out the oil the water and the wine we thank you that there are crushed olives in our mitch that your anointing flows that your glory touches us in the highest realms tonight lord we thank you that there's open portals and that your spirit will rule supreme basher hey commandante shakimiyando and lord we thank you that this area will be opened it will be affected right now we've pushed back all territorial spirits and we speak the name of jesus over the continental united states that he rules hey he reigns and there's a revival coming to this nation that will make the hardest of sinners bow their knees [Music] glory to jesus within each person here tonight oh we thank you that we've come in [Music] in your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost [Laughter] oh thank you lord let your kingdom let your kingdom come let your will be done in this place tonight lord oh we thank you lord for taking us and giving us heavenly revelation as it is in heaven so be it here tonight open up our hearts open up our spirits to receive fully everything that god you have in store thank you lord that people are breaking free thank you lord that their freedom there's freedom here freedom to be all that god has called you to be rise up rise up you're coming to a new level a new level from glory to glory from glory to glory from faith to faith this is the greatest hour for you to be all that god has created you to be hello [Music] father we thank you as your body rises up in the name of jesus we will receive everything you have for us this weekend [Music] whom the sun sets free is free indeed [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i prophesy rivers are coming forth from your spirit right now come on let them out let them out let them out let it out [Music] let it go turn your mind off and let your spirit begin to soar right now fresh fire fresh fire [Music] my take the rocks out of your well take the rocks out of your well and let the river begin to come let it come let it come let it wash away the trauma let it wash away the pain let it wash away the fear oh let the joy come back [Music] foreign stir up the gift come on guys stir it up stir it up stir it up everybody now all in unity let's stir it up [Music] father you have everything we need there is fullness in you we seek you this more this afternoon father we seek [Music] i hear a beauty for ashes this weekend beauty for ashes come and trade them in come and lay them down receive the beauty of the lord [Music] just prophesy this week it will be a weekend of divine exchange where you're going to lay down the ashes you're going to lay down the past you're going to lay it down and you're going to receive destiny you're going to receive hope you're going to receive purpose i release it over you and in you and through you right now in the name of jesus your eyes will begin to see the goodness of the lord [Music] my [Music] oh he's worthy's [Music] worthy yes we give you all the praise we give you all the honor we give you all the glory thank you lord for your precious presence in this place tonight thank you lord for your move and in our midst lord whatever you desire that we are subject to listen and to obey lord i thank you lord that you have full freedom in this place tonight thank you lord that every need is met thank you father that every heart is touched and i thank you lord that every package that you have for every person here tonight they receive lord that this weekend they'll go home with their hands and their hearts full and i just thank you for god kisses in advance lord i thank you father that you know the efforts that everyone's made to get here lord and it's to lift you up lord to honor you to glorify you lord to put you first place in our lives above everything that we tell our flesh you will submit to the spirit man in the name of jesus we won't listen to the enemy we'll listen only to you precious holy spirit and lord i thank you that ears are open hearts are touched i thank you lord that you open the windows lords that every heart that's here tonight it's open to you lord jesus that you feel as only you can in in your precious name lord we just bind up every sickness we bind every demon and evil lord from receiving 100 from you lord and what you have for them we just take authority over it right now in the name of jesus we play the blood the blood that never loses its power over this place tonight i thank you lord for moving in a mighty way we give you all the honor all the glory lord all the praise for what's going to happen this weekend thank you for blessing kathy and kevin lord anointing them and filling them lord to overflowing in jesus name amen father we thank you for the glory lord we ask you to fill this whole hotel with your glory lord whatever is going on in this hotel lord i pray that every hotel room will experience the very touch of god in jesus name lord i thank you that every one of us are going to have an encounter with you we pray for the fire of god we pray for the fire of god to touch us now come on just call out for it lord send your fire send your fire god in the mighty name of jesus baptize us with fire lord we thank you for your presence we thank you for your fire we thank you for an open heaven lord we thank you lord lord you're pouring out your spirit we thank you you're pouring out your spirit god lord we thank you we thank you for the glory that we already feel uh feel in this place we thank you lord i'm asking you and believing for signs wonders and miracles you said that these signs shall follow them that believe lord we're your believing ones we believe that we're going to receive a miracle lord we thank you that you will heal bodies that you will restore hearts that you will just touch minds lord i thank you that husbands and wives that are struggling in their marriage will never be the same again i thank you lord that there will be a spirit of holiness and repentance in this place lord that we will run to you and not from you lord i thank you i see that highway we're running towards you that highway of holiness we're coming closer lord come on tell the lord you're going you're getting you're coming closer you're going closer lord we thank you for lord we thank you lord lord you said if we draw near to you you would draw near to us lord and we're believing for a fresh touch we're believing lord for a miracle lord and lord we thank you for your presence we thank you for your presence just to fill this place right now to overflowing don't let your heart be troubled let go of everything that happened today everything that happened this week everything that happened last year or the last decade give it to jesus come to him let him restore you lord we thank you for your presence so real this place right now so real if you are in this room and you are believing for a mighty touch from god this weekend say amen all right you may be seated thank you let's give the lord a handclap huh come on jesus come on jesus if you're wondering what this is behind us you'll see shortly we have a lot of fun things planned for this weekend my name is ryan bruss i pastor in this city so welcome to our home country even though i'm not originally from here as you could probably not hear an accent from this place but uh we passed here mike cohen and i who'll be coming up in a minute we pastor antioch community church here in concord north carolina so thank you for coming thank you for coming to this era we're believing god for great things and i'm just so excited are you i mean come on just read your manual it says lord help me understand myself that alone should set you free how many how many are seeking to understand themselves at this conference all right it's gonna happen it's gonna happen i'm so excited one of the things that i'm privileged to do with dr kevin zadai is help him with the warrior churches it is so powerful we have these warrior fellowships i should say all over the world we have over a thousand of them what that is is if you're a student in our school of ministry we give you the opportunity to host or facilitate excuse me a warrior fellowship and then you can invite your community for outreach and watch a video from kevin and kathy and uh you have notes and all that we have these little fellowships all over the world now we have them in india with all that's going on right there now we have them in india we have them in japan we have them in austria we have a couple of them in germany we have several in south africa we have them all over the united states in fact if you uh want to be a part of a warrior fellowship of course if you want to host you sign up for the school but if you want to join one hoping that there's one near you in most of the time because i'm a pastor we i pastor on sunday wednesday night most of the time all these fellowships happen on an off night so if you're looking for something else to do to run after god email kevin's ministry info and say hey send me the link of where i can find a warrior fellowship near me amen and we'll we'll help you with that and there are so many programs that dr zeidai has i mean we have we're developing you've heard this already we're developing developing our home school curriculum i mean come on with all that's going on out there you know from from i believe kindergarten up and if we can get earlier in that as soon as they come out of the womb oh lord god whatever we can do as soon as they come out of the womb we'll find a way to begin to reach them so you can touch your kids and but from home school all the way to an associate's degree and beyond uh you can get with kevin's ministry it's really in ministry it's powerful so make sure you mike colin's going to come in a minute and tell you a few more things it's there's so many things going on but kevin's heart and cathy it's all about discipleship now listen i have i have been saved for 40 over 42 years i know i don't look that old but i am i've been saved for over 42 years and the in the last four years that i've known dr zeida it has revolutionized revolutionized my thinking and understanding and revelation of how to run after god and and just say no to the devil say get away from me i'm going to keep running after god and so that's what this whole ministry is about is discipleship amen how many like free gifts all right well you're in the right place but before the free gifts i want to tell you something very important it just came in yesterday kevin's brand new book taking off the limitations you can't even imagine what god has in store for you that's what this title is these just came in uh the i don't think they've been sold anywhere else except amazon but you can get them cheaper here this is brand new nobody has this book really right now so make sure you stop by the book table for that how many want to receive from heaven mike would you help me we have uh kevin and kathy want to give away five of these receiving from heaven uh learning how to receive from heaven who wants to learn how to receive from heaven well mike went that way and he's only got four sir in the dark blue you can come grab this yeah and so another thing that is uh really on our heart thank you yeah uh thank kevin uh it's easy for me to give away somebody else's stuff the the other thing this book will challenge you and change you and if if you're still confused about how giving in the kingdom works and how it really means in the kingdom to be a giver uh in tithing supernatural finances will take care of all that so we need to be good givers in the kingdom we've heard a lot of bad teaching but this is so rock solid kevin wanted to donate five of these uh supernatural finances uh to anybody who who wants it there you go he says you're going the wrong way mike who said that you can have this one taking off the limitations taking off the limitations [Music] all right all right mike cowan maybe not okay there we go wow you guys look so good you guys look like you're ready to have an encounter with the living god i know that's what i came for so we are so excited to have you guys here we've just been anticipating what god is going to do in your life and in all of us and so i hope you're as hungry as i am because if not i'm going to eat the whole table so the whole trick is don't leave anything left on the table amen so we want to first all we want to thank our partners you know these conferences we're able to do this because of all the partners that dr zadai has and all over the world we've got people that are part of the warrior notes family and i know we've got a bunch here tonight so if you're a partner would you just raise your hand i want to see you guys whoa thank you guys so much you guys are amazing when you guys over this the next months and this year when you begin to hear all that is cooking in the kitchen i want you to know that you're a part of that there's so many things that that god is putting in uh kevin and kathy's heart for ministry to change lives and you guys are strategic and critical part of that so thank you so much for everything you guys do and it's also because of you guys that everybody got a free um study guide and cd today so enjoy and be blessed amen awesome now i've also had the privilege of of working with dr zaidai with the warrior notes school of ministry and it is his passion and his desire to disciple christians all over the world and that's really the heartbeat of warrior notes school of ministry and you'll hear me talk some more about it later this weekend but if you're not a student we have a spot reserved for you because the school is designed for you to be able to grow in the things of god because you have a call on your life you have a destiny on your life and whether you're on track or getting on track this weekend we believe that there are powerful tools that doctors adai has developed for you to be able to fulfill that call on your life and so if you're a student we're so excited to have you guys here today and if you're not we're hoping we'll come and join us but if you're a student let me see some hands on students well we're taking over the country i love it and i i hear some people online saying i'm a student too hello online we're so happy to have you guys man god's gonna do something so transformational in you this weekend so posture your heart and get ready amen all right [Music] if you want to stand let's worship the lord a little bit tonight and i've got my hymn book here right here just turn to revelation 4. here's our our hymn book for the weekend we all have one oh we love you jesus can you just tell him i love you i love you jesus and we sing out holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty can you sing that and holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty sing it out and holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty sing it out and holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty once again and holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty sing it out and holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty once again and holy holy holy is the lord god the almighty we worship you [Music] jesus [Music] come on we love you jesus we worship you we were [Music] jesus jesus hallelujah you can have a seat in the presence of the lord thank you dr zaid zeidai will be out here momentarily we want to give everybody opportunity to give we we like to take an offering friday night and saturday night and in this case sunday morning but we we have learned as christians that it's better to give than to receive there's something about where money doesn't have a hold on you it just feels free you know what i'm saying and um uh if if i could steal uh kevin's watching but if i could steal one of his lines that i'll never forget i believe the lord told him if you chase money it would always be three feet in front of you if you chase jesus it'll come and run you down and overtake you amen so that's that's what that's how we live and and it's such an honor to give and this is good uh uh soil this ministry to sow into this uh what you're sewing into home school you're sewing into single moms you're sewing into children how many have been in one of dr zeidai's meetings before i mean all he he loves to bless people and so you're when you give to this ministry and you've seen it with your own eyes it turns around and touches uh single moms and and our missions work that we do and and it helps us further the ministry so if you you should have had an envelope on your chair you can take that out and in there there's a place where you can actually text to give the text to gift number is on the envelope and it should be on the screen right now or just in a moment you can text to give we certainly appreciate that if you're making out a check make it out to warrior notes make it out to warrior notes and i feel i feel such an expectancy in here how about you huh i mean it just feels good and so we want to give you opportunity ushers if you come forward that'd be [Music] great [Music] father we thank you we thank you lord for all that you're doing in our lives and for the opportunity to give lord you love it when we give with a cheerful heart not forced or manipulated but joyfully we lay the gift at your feet lord it's one of the ways that we can bless you and bless others is to give lord i ask you to take this seed take this offering multiply it work miracles with this offering and everybody said amen amen go ahead usher thank you and worthy is the land worthy is the land and worthy is the lamb can you sing that with me [Music] is [Music] sing it out worthy [Music] the [Music] and reach out and wisdom and strength to receive all honor and glory [Music] amen hallelujah i must praise you hallelujah hallelujah we must praise you jesus we sing worldly worthy worthy land beautiful is the land excellent is the land you are worthy worthy our eyes are on you worthy worthy lamb of god hallelujah we must praise you we've gotta praise you we can't hold it in any longer hallelujah [Music] we must praise the lamb who is worthy [Music] we hallelujah praise you hallelujah you are worthy full of glory we must praise you hallelujah you are worthy full of glory we must praise the lamb raise your hands come on the king's here let's worship him hallelujah come on now he's worthy he is worthy oh lord hallelujah [Music] receive our praise receive our praise wow well thanks for coming tonight we'll see in the morning wow this is amazing see this is a sign that we're all on the same page we're in unity and he inhabits he inhabits us inhabits our praises amen well i got i got a surprise for you all [Music] you can see because you're going to be seated in a second anyway when you see this amen the lord had instructed me over a year ago actually a year tomorrow when he appeared to me and warned me about what's coming on america and some of the programs that i needed to do like home school and uh the social media we are so close we are going to be getting an email if you're a partner we're launching our own facebook it's called it's called warrior chat amen and so you can talk about jesus all you want and we'll just let our leadership fall upstairs going on to their name but we're going to talk about jesus amen okay so you've got warrior notes tv they can't censor me there we have warrior chat they can't censure me there we're going to get our own servers so they can't shut it down amen the warrior notes is just going to keep owning everything all right now one thing that is on my heart jesus at length said that the biggest deal for you is to get that homeschool get that homeschool going i had no idea what was going to happen okay now listen to me part of homeschooling is a kids program called warrior jet it's called the adventures of warrior jet it's a kids program that'll be coming out and we're going to be starting to film for that we've got the sets already made and we'll be filming the adventures of warrior jet it's about a group of kids that are special forces for god and we sit it we sit at a table and receive emails and we pray over them and then the lord tells us where to fly and go answer the prayer so there'll be some some some demonstration films coming out soon and the set is already done but i brought something that we're you're going to see at all our conferences from now on because on each show one of the kids gets to be my first officer my co-pilot and one person gets to be the flight attendant one gets to be the chef one gets to be the mechanic one gets to be the airplane cleaner and the ticket counter person and then we all go and we we minister to people all over the world in a make-believe and a make-believe set okay so if i could have my staff up here and i got i got to take my jacket off because i i got to put on my uniform you know all right all right so we're documenting all my training uh for the for the jet because i already had all my licenses but i got to check out in the jet so we've done that okay so we're going to be doing that but paralleling with that we started a program a young pilots program so we're going to actually scholarship for kids who are whatever stage they are we're going to give them 10 hours in a simulator as a scholarship now not only do i fly simulators but i build them i just happen to have one with me that i brought with me are you ready here's warrior jet [Applause] all right so in every conference on saturday we're going to have a kids spirit school for a session in the afternoon and the kids are going to be chosen and they're going to get to go in there and they're going to they're going to go through a couple of tests that i'm going to give them we're going to have class and then we're going to have this test and then if they pass their test they get a certificate that they've passed warrior jet training we're going to teach them godly principles it's going to be tied in with the tv program it's going to be tied in with the conference this can be tied in with the home school okay and don't worry about it's already paid for i'm not asking for money it's already paid for we got nine more being built right now we're gonna put them in different cities so when you come your kids are to go to kids school they're going to go to they're going to go to to uh training we're going to train them how to be accountable how to be responsible there's so many parallels in aviation to the bible into the spirit realm and we're this is this is what the lord's called me to do so i actually chose someone his name is caesar yeah and he is going to be my first trainee so so this is caesar hi caesar how are you doing i'm doing good you feeling good about this are you feeling good about this yes okay he's feeling good about this he's been training he's been studying not really it's i just dropped this on him okay he's going to go up in there and he's going to fly this thing and we're going to um we're going to uh you know we're going to do this online and you can watch this later to see the inside because i i don't want to move 450 pounds around right now with that simulator so it's completely it's completely like a real jet and and i'm the one that i have i can log my time so i have a bigger one than this though it's a nicer one but this is this is this is the mobile one okay see you ready you need to do some warm-ups or anything huh no you ready okay all right here we go all right start praying for him all right now andrew andrews is a tech he's going to help him he's going to get him in and uh this is what we're going to do for your kids so you bring your kids to to your sp the spirit school uh wherever we are at and um you'll get you'll sign your child up and we're gonna we're gonna teach them godly principles and we're gonna teach them how to fly is that okay with you oh did i mention it's free did i mention it's free that i mentioned is paid for i don't hear you praying in tongues this guy's going to need some help this is a high performance jet all right you got to start we're going to put them about three mistakes high over seattle three mistakes high means he can mess up three times and not die so three mistakes high how's he doing okay sure so right now he's flying over seattle and it's a one-to-one real time so it's exactly like if you were flying over seattle um he's got a bunch of different hardware in there that's just like a real plane and a real jet you got anything you want to say caesar i think he's enjoying it a little bit too much he's lost for words all right you gotta land now but um yeah we put this thing together it's a miracle and we've got a bunch more of them actually i drew the plans for this a month ago and it's only been a month and so i got three guys that worked all around the clock for this they're building the other nine right now and we're going to ship them to the different cities that you guys go to for your spirit school uh the lord is just calling me to grab this generation of kids and i'm telling you what what better way what a better way than a video game you know but we're going to teach them we're going to teach them how to fly we're going to teach them how to be responsible and then you'll you'll see when you watch the tv programs with warrior jet the avengers awards you'll see what i'm doing i'm training kids to be missionaries i'm training kids to be in the ministry and to pray in the holy ghost amen he's doing really good okay bring her on in that's enough fuel for tonight all right it feels expensive you know all right all right i think we got something for caesar too don't we in the back there pastor mike okay rach all right all right so we got a certificate of completion and it's signed by the chief pilot kevin zadai and the assistant chief pilot kathy zadai all right hope we spelled your name right is that pretty close oh yeah okay and then what we're going to do is we have uh we have right now we have over 26 departments within warrior notes they each have a badge they each have a coin you're gonna have a collectible coin the kids are as well a validation coin okay so he's he because he flew warrior jet he gets a warrior jet uh patch so he's already got one patch out of all these patches now all the kids will have to do certain things to get all their patches and then we've got a warrior nose patch too as well so there you go buddy now when you come to the studio and you fly and he flies with me then you get your wings so thank you buddy you did good man this guy's a professional all right [Applause] i wanted to share a testimony about caesar okay we met him at the last conference we had here and we did the bike giveaway where we gave away money for kids that didn't have bikes and he didn't know he didn't hear that part that it was for kids that didn't have bikes and so when he found out he was like oh no and so he asked pastor ryan if he could come back and meet us and he handed that money back to us and i knew that that was a seed and look what god did for him amen okay all right the lord had spoken to me uh there's an individual that i want i bought a violin for her and i know her name her name is emma could you come up here emma where's that violin there you are okay you got that violin there you go girl she she got she got sick in third grade and never picked the violin up again she was practicing all the time and she got sick and she never picked up again lord said buy her a violin amen there you go so that's from warrior knows amen this is so fun merry christmas in in okay is that it did i did i forget anything all right all right now if you can try to act normal we're going to do a teaching now but you can i'll just leave this on irritate people that'll be good um listen someone someone has to obey god and someone has to do something for this generation and there's no more spectators the chinese news what network is going down so you know they're not even in the airports anymore all right so we're not spectators but if you think about it you don't have to go die and go to heaven to find out that we are in a spectator mentality and it's gotten into the church and faith in its purest form in hebrew thought is the word trust trust to the point where god will call you by your new name and you aren't even a father yet but he'll call you the father of many nations when you're fatherless he'll change your name from abram to abraham from sarai to sarah he'll make you plural it's called multiplication but he speaks the things that are not as though they were this is the mentality that every christian should have but see i've stopped saying christian i'm just going to start saying believer because believers their mentality is is that they believe so much that they get passionate and they start to manifest and they start to put action to what they believe and you can tell they're a believer because they love each other there's a manifestation outwardly and you can see their faith i'm not so if you believe in prayer then you should pray a lot because you can't lose i don't pray unless i know i'm going to get it oh that really went oh okay did you feel that i got a little kick back here see i don't pray unless i know i'm going to get it this isn't a fact-finding mission i've got a whole manual that says what i can have and if david said that the lord's my shepherd i shall not want or desire anything and jesus said that or paul said that he meets our needs according to his riches in glory well that's needs and wants right there what's left nothing but jesus said listen if you are connected with me and i'm connected with you if my words dwell in you and you dwell in me you can ask whatever you will any five-year-old can look it up in a strong conchords it means whatever you desire whatever you want what you want he said he said i'm we're gonna my father will give it to you to bring glory to him and to make your joy full those are the two things is why he gives you your wants your desires is to bring glory to the father and to make your joy full makes you joyful so i'm not a spectator i don't talk about prayer i pray i don't talk about witnessing i witness i am a witness i don't have to witness i am a witness i i'm going somewhere to happen because my father is working through me just like he's working through you but he's not watching tv in other words he's not spectating okay so your mind goes into neutral when you watch tv and i'm not picking on tv i have one but i don't watch it i i listen to preachers preach all the time 24 like right now in my house one tv upstairs got kenneth hagin on and then there's another tv that has a cd player that has jesse on and he's screaming in my house all the time and one time i i had to take him home because his wife wanted to go shopping so i took him on my car and he goes who is that guy screaming i go that's you he goes that's me because it was when he was younger and i thought who else in the world could say that they got jesse to plant us in their car right now and we're listening to him on a cd player no i i have preachers preaching the word of god in our house i mean even when we're not there because the angels like to listen but see if you're not friends if you're not friends with with the other world if you don't have if you don't honor the angels then you know you're going to be out in the desert for a little longer until you learn that you don't grieve your angel just talk to the 40 people the 40 years of the people of israel they grieved their angel and they fell in the desert moses told them don't grieve that angel that's what god told him don't grieve him because he won't tolerate your sin he won't tolerate your rebellion now everything was okay for a while and then all of a sudden the spirit of god started saying you know what let's go pray and i'm in the middle of the nfl game and then i'm asked to pray at the altar after the service but i'm not the pastor but the the game starts in a half hour and and what happened was i had to start choosing my priorities it got hard so that's why i don't preach against stuff because the holy spirit will dictate to you how far you want to go i'll know how far you're going because i'll watch your life okay but if you haven't overcome the corruption that's in the world caused by lust i'm gonna know it on your face because people that overcome the corruption that's in the world caused by lust they're happy because they're free they're free you could tell you can see it on their face i watch i i mean even the people that come to my studio to to film i watched when they're preaching if they're happy or not or if they're talking about judgment all the time then they don't get to come because i already have all those dvds about the bowls of wrath and the seals and these creatures you know scorpion type weird things just let the covet kill no we're gonna go we're going to go into the next step with what god has which might be another move of god maybe the seven bowls and the seven seals maybe that's not not for what's happening now and it says in the book of acts god made sure it was in chapter one of acts to get it straight before the outpouring of the holy spirit came he said it is only known to the father it is only the father who knows the times and the seasons it's not for us to know some things but the things that are known and revealed or is what has been given to us well paul has given us the treasures and so that's what we're going to talk about tonight we're going to talk about the secrets i want it's time to reveal the secrets that's the name of this message and what it'll be is when the when your study guide turns into a book this will be the first chapter but your first chapter is different we're going to get into that tomorrow morning i want to add this chapter to the book that hasn't come out yet because i'm calling things that are not as though they were so your study guide there you're going to use that tomorrow morning but there's certain things that have been hidden for ages but they have been revealed now and it's interesting how we like it when people talk about the deep mysteries of the kingdom and then they never they never say what they are and then you come the next seminar and you you buy everything they have and then you they still haven't told you well that's that's a scam paul already solved this problem back in 60 a.d and even told the the thessalonians he said you've you know you guys quit because you think jesus is coming he ain't coming until all this stuff happens and he goes through step by step the signs which haven't happened yet he said so if you don't work you don't eat so get back to work they thought jesus was coming back in a few weeks if you watch the the chris that's the chinese christian chinese network so the chinese news network you'd think you think any it's going to be any hour now but it's not no the lord had this all has this all wrapped up in christ we're hidden in christ okay but there are certain things that are not mysteries anymore so if paul already revealed them to us in 60 a.d why do do most most believers not know about it and so the subject lord help me understand myself really has to do with what paul talks about because you can't understand yourself unless you understand your creator and you ought to check out your heavenly father because you're just you're a chip off the block you're just like him we're in a fallen world but listen when i was in heaven i saw that we were more like him than we than we would want to believe it disturbs me that things remain a mystery that have been revealed so if things have been revealed then they're not hidden anymore right okay so the spirit is always willing to reveal because that's what he does that's his job he's he's fine with talking about his father the father that's the subject he's it's not his father but i'm just saying they the father it was there was a misspoke so don't write me please all right so you got to frame your mindset right your mindset is is that you are a child of god but paul said it has not been revealed yet the fullness of that he said but one day we're gonna we're we're gonna see him as he is okay i saw him as he is and i didn't want to come back okay many people that come back don't want to come back many people that that didn't come back it's because they didn't want to come back nobody wants to come back why because they see him as he is and here is the secret that paul revealed to the corinthians he said and we shall be like him we'll see ourselves like him this is the mystery if you want to know how detrimental this is to the spirit of this world just go ahead and start talking about this and see how the spirits start to be disturbed when jesus did this he stirred up the bee's nest he said ye are elohim to whom the word of god was given and your law cannot be revoked it's already written oh that that really helped the situation pass another gallon of gas jesus yeah he's throwing gas on the fire the book of hebrews says that we haven't come to a mountain that's burning with fire we've come to mount zion where the spirits of righteous men made perfect are they're perfected they're perfected now in our spirit right now we are perfected and this would be a good time to leave i have an attitude about me tonight this would be a good time you can get right to the restaurant right away now listen paul said in second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 he said that the talking about the born again the new creation he talked about a new creation a new species he said the old has passed away behold all things have become new you're a new creation in christ the old has passed away well if the olds passed away the only thing that's left is you're new okay so what does that mean perfection okay so in your spirit you're as holy as you're gonna get you are as righteous as you're gonna get you are a new creation it means that there is never a species like this before you know jesus was the second adam but he was the firstborn from among the dead so he led the way and then we fall with him we we we die with him and then we're raised with him into new life that means the old has passed that means i don't know you by the past so that means i'm not a deep sea diver christian looking for your past that's not my job there's no record in heaven of your past you're not judged by your pastor if you are a christian and born again it does not exist now there are consequences down here that you deal with but god does not hold it against you there is no accusing voice against you there is no file in heaven the case against you is closed period okay now as i said that see it made it worth even coming here tonight because it's good news but see this is what jesus preached all the time he always preached good news he had a solution to everything he went around doing good not doing bad he went around doing good healing not making sick healing everyone not just a couple everyone that was oppressed of the devil not oppressed of the father the father wasn't making people sick so he can go around and undo it okay and that's what watching too much tv will do it'll get you to believe stupid things and then stupid does you know you you is and you do okay so it comes out you're a farmer you're just reaping what you sow a man a man is going to reap what he sows because god is not mocked in other words you can't say well i sowed corn but i got peace no god is not mocked a man shall reap what he sows so summon the lion it's that simple that even the children get it and the adults continue to stay outside knocking on the door while the children are inside the building playing you get it because the children will enter into this it's simple okay so i don't look at my circumstances and call it truth i look at my circumstances and call it facts but truth is higher than facts because truth is eternal righteousness and justice which god decides by his word it is determined in heaven before we were born truth is absolute and the king who sits on the throne where righteousness and justice and truth have layers in the throne according to psalms 89 his throne is lined with these different characteristics so as he sits and rules and reigns he speaks and he declares and that's why his word comes back to him and with the intention that he spoke so when he spoke your name and he wrote your book he did that knowing that you would return to him someday but because a free will you have a choice on how much of that fruit manifests in your life so you're going to have to give an account the reason you have to give an account for your life is because of your free will that's why you see people being blessed and in favor and then others who struggle all the time because favor has to do with getting god's attention in him smiling it has to do with you loving him passionately to the place where you actually obey him and if you don't obey him then he will hold you there until you obey him so you have to go back to the last time god spoke to you and you do that and it'll quickly accelerate to where you need to be this is the principle of the kingdom paul clearly showed us that these things have now been revealed okay so real quickly because the lord has asked me to do this in every meeting on a friday night i have to do this and you know it's going to change again because we're going to start doing an evangelistic night on thursdays where we go out into the city and hand out flyers and we we actually have an evangelistic meeting on thursday where the unsaved come and i share my experience in heaven and then we we throw out the net so we're gonna it's just gonna get bigger but friday nights the lord asked me to share two things the parable of the of the soils which is you know as a parable of the sower but it's not the parable of the sowers it's a it's a parable of the soils hey doctor how are you good to see you god bless you doctor and mrs thank you okay so the soil was the problem in the parable so i have to share this every single time the lord asked me to do this because the soil is the reason why you don't have a harvest so it's not the seed because the seed has everything it needs to reproduce itself it's it's it's not it's not the sower even though it's called the parable of the sower the sower it's like the sower so is the word the seed is the word the problem was the soils there were four soils only one produced and out of that only only um a portion of it was a hundred fold which is exponential by the way it's not multiplication it's exponential so it's it's it goes really really fast up high on your return so you actually start to i'm getting fields now my returns are fields not not another shock of grain for a seed no no no no we're i'm going after fields so i want countries okay so that's the way i think but see this is this is a can you help me with this please like do you remember tigger he said it's not good for us tiggers to be left alone and you always get in trouble so i gotta okay let's get this right here thank you okay okay so god's intention for you was already wrapped up you are a seed so god sent sent you to your mother's womb you're not an accident and it doesn't matter how that came about you got to get over that okay god spoke you into existence your spirit and put you in your mother's womb that was that was from him that you're his seed you you look like your parents but that's not what you look like in your glorified state you look like your heavenly father it's too late it's too late i already i've already seen it and i've got enough scripture to teach a class on it for a year without stopping so don't even approach me about that i look like my father in heaven now my body which is a five dollar costume that you can get at big lots that looks like my mom and my dad and all their relatives and they're crazy and some people before the flood looked a little bit like fluffy they had six toes you know and had a little bit of issues there because the the ladies at the nail shop they they charge for five toes and five fingers and they gotta choke we gotta charge extra for you sir you got extra toes and fingers there so that whole hybrid thing was not god's intention that satan slapping god in the face the dinosaur is the same thing slap god in the face trying to get the lizard back off his belly again well that didn't last too long because where are they even barney's not popular anymore you see the lizard wants to get off his belly the snake wants to get off his belly even guy coco wants to get off he walks on two feet just like the dinosaurs they want to get their belly off the ground it wasn't god's intention it's called rebellion okay so if you want to work with the kingdom jesus said listen now see jesus is my friend the reason he's my friend and the reason we get along is because i just do what he says and i don't have my own ministry i don't have my own way of doing things i don't have my own thoughts it's just in the word the word says jesus said to the disciples because they said listen man can you explain this to us you know they pulled them aside can you explain this to me it's in matthew 13. he said what i have just explained to you are you ready for this is the deep mysteries of the kingdom he said if you understand this you understand everything about the kingdom well we should be all ears so how did it become about money now money is in the word you can go without or you can have it's a two item menu it's in deuteronomy 28. do you want to be blessed or cursed do you want to be the head or the tail do you want to borrow or do you want to lend it's pretty clear and that's old covenant so god lays it out and he says this is the way it is now if you follow me and obey me he said the enemies will come at you in one way but they will flee from you in seven so if they're not fleeing in seven and i'm counting hey hey you all split up i need seven ways here no don't just show yourself out orderly i want to see screaming i want to see you you should understand this is old covenant you listen just try it talk to a jewish person there is no argument about god blessing them because they're the sons of abraham trust me they're prospering you want to know why because they're paying wholesale and you're paying retail and they're trying not to laugh no i'm serious the jewish people told me that that retails for the gentiles wholesales for the jew they i've already but you don't argue you don't have to argue about money with them it just happens why covenant sons of abraham okay doesn't it say that the new testament is based on better promises isn't jesus blood a lot more than the blood of fluffy see we got one person who gets it you see when you get it you get the joy because you realize what have i been doing now listen if you watch the tribulation dvds you'll be speaking chinese in no time but see that's not god's will for the church the glorious church in the end is supposed to stand up so that the gates of hell do not prevail against it is that did the nearly inspired version take that out yet is did jesus say to peter he said to peter he said listen what you just said that revelation that came out of your mouth that thou art the son of god he said that wasn't given to you by man that was given to you by my father he said upon this rock of revelation not again not a building on peter peter didn't even want to be crucified right side up he considered that dishonoring the lord so he said upside down please i don't deserve to be right side up okay so the revelation that he came that came out of his mouth was the was the the foundation of the church and upon this rock of revelation i shall build my church the son of god brought back humanity he was the firstborn from among the dead he was the second adam he did it right so in our spirits we've been made perfect we're new creatures okay so jesus said listen if you get this parable you get it all and this is what they said they they got it okay well why didn't you just tell the whole world the whole world needs to know this okay are you ready for this because jesus said it he said this hasn't been given to them it's been given to you so didn't he say that the way was narrow and few find it did he not say when i come back will i find faith on the earth did he not say that so there is a remnant there is a a one-fourth of all the soils there is a fourth that produced but in a group of people i can get it to be a hundred percent of all the soils and i i think i can get a hundred fold return on the word that i sow and this is how you do it jesus gave gave gave the answer he revealed it to us it's not hidden anymore he said you got to get rid of what the soil has in it that might be hindering your crop okay so he goes through that in detail you have hard ground so you don't have depth so when things come you're not able to deal with them because your roots don't go deep okay we have rocks we have the cares of life we have thorns we have the the love of money and jesus addressed these things you got to get rid of this you got to get rid of these things he labels them and then he says that out of the good soil came 30 60 and 100 fold and this is there's no deep mystery to this except that nobody gets it the only people that get it are the people that have overcome the corruption that's in the world caused by lust that means that if they start feeling corruption or lust they start to pray in tongues and it overcomes it there's an overthrow that happens like that and the devil goes well that didn't work so he returns home like man why are you back so early your shift doesn't end well i got i got knocked out already where were you oh that warrior knows place and so they put that up there then they send seven of their best so now you just get a whole staff that prays in tongues with fire and you pray together and then that you beat the living daylights out of them they go back and they go you know what we're taking that off the list and they go to something easier because they're on commission they have to have results or they get in trouble you know i know you're laughing but i'm not kidding you those devils they want results they want results they got to have results they get beat up they get punished i thoroughly enjoy that wrong address wrong address you just tell them wrong address that's it that's all you got come on now see he's escaping the corruption there's overthrow that happens in your spirit because you've already you're going to be on mount zion someday not on a burning mountain you're going to be on mount zion and you're going to be standing among righteous men who have been made perfect on display in the city of david on mount zion you're going to be on display in the mountain of god and when you pray in the spirit when you sow the word of god you expect a harvest you expect to be transformed you expect your your environment to start to change and you don't ever give up okay so that's the first thing the second thing that i have to teach on you is in second corinthians chapter nine and i'm going to do it in a very very fast fashion you've got to look it over it's the whole chapter and don't make me read it because i will paul said listen i'm coming to you now listen very carefully because some translations say have your seed ready your offering which ties it to the mind but i don't i don't do that with the parable the sower even though part of what the word is is prosperity it's also healing it's also deliverance it's also all the provision that god has for us in every area of our life it's it's that it's jubilee it's just that cancellation i i don't feel guilty about my past sins i don't have a past the reason i don't have a past is because when i met jesus i looked in his eyes he had no idea that i had ever sinned he has no access to the past because he took care of it he doesn't have any file to pull up you're going to be judged by what you did down here in the flesh based on what you were given and what you did with it so paul said listen i'm coming to you he said take the offering before i come because i don't want anyone to give out a compulsion you do it because you want to because god loves a cheerful giver so thank you for letting me share these two things with you because the lord asked me to do this every single spirit school is is that you determine in your heart what you do now it might be different it might be a different place it might be a different amount but the thing of it is you don't know what your neighbor's sowing so don't get mad when you see what they're reaping because you don't know so if i'm getting fields and you're getting a shock of grain or a little bundle just do the math because god is not mocked okay but you do it you do it because you want to paul said this is for to laid up to your account it's for your benefit he said i have everything i need but this is for your benefit amen and you know what what will happen is this last year the worst year i've ever seen on the earth for me completely the worst year well i'll just tell you what's happened in the last four weeks in the last four weeks we paid off four cars for people out of our own money not even warrior knows and next year i want to do houses okay why because god trusts to put it through me okay i'm only telling you this not to brag because i i don't want to do that i'm doing this because the lord wants you to know that if we can do this a a flight attendant a hairdresser you can do this but it's all about trust it's all about obedience so you do what god tells you to do and you're obedient that is faith faith is abraham being told it's time to leave he left er the keldes that was right there above kuwait south of baghdad in iraq he was told go and he goes okay uh siri what's the coordinates no god said i'll tell you when you get there so he was looking for a city whose builder and maker was god he saw him who was invisible all these people were commended as having great faith they saw him who was invisible they were looking for a city whose builder and maker was god i've seen that city it's better than your city if we're going to live forever we're eternal beings and we get to decide where we're going to live we're going to be eternal either way there's going to be a lot of grilling in one place and there's gonna be a lot of glory in the other place but you're gonna live forever okay you decide where you're gonna go okay but all of you have decided where you're going to go right you're not checking to see if you're saved are you okay if we've resolved that if if the second adam the was the firstborn from the dead and you're we're raised with him according to to paul then the life we live now is by faith in the son of god period that's it okay so if we're going to live forever and we're going to be together in heaven all of us because we will be it's so close you have no idea how close it is to happening okay we're all going to be there we're going to be like laughing and thinking we didn't even see how close we were we didn't even see how we could have done so much more with what we had even though we thought we didn't have enough okay that's gonna happen okay so why don't you resolve right now that i'm gonna do some butt kicking that you just you're just gonna pray a little longer in the spirit and when the devil says okay your 10 minutes is up you go well you know what now it's 20. if you keep talking i'm going a whole hour and you just keep extending out like this morning okay you think about this tomorrow i will be 60 years old i've walked with the lord almost 41 years listen i got up this morning and prayed six hours in tongues with my wife and i'm 60 years old i am already retired i feel the anointing even when i eat turkey all day but yet i will still pray six hours in tongues you know what because i'm praying out the mysteries because i'm i'm there's there's been this this this door there's this huge bright door before me it's been set before me and i'm going through it what is it i don't know i'll tell you when i get there but see i'm always taking hold of that which christ has taken hold of for me i am not going to let off i will preach on my deathbed me and my wife got up and prayed six hours in tongues because that's what we do because the spirit will take you further than you can go in your mind the spirit and the word agree so they're framing our worlds but it's by the absolute truth that's in heaven it's not by the facts so i'm always smashing facts i'm always walking through facts i'm always laughing at the facts because it's not the absolute truth the gavel in heaven is a lot bigger and a lot weightier and when that comes down my father makes my decisions for me not the chinese news network not someone in the situation room or on the white house lawn i don't fall up the stairs every step is intentional i plan to be obedient but i can't tell you what might be next okay so can i get into my lesson now so you remember when when you when you give you're giving because you the lord is telling you that this is for your benefit and you have that revelation see the money isn't yours anyway but you won't find that out till you get to heaven it was all a test it was all a test because he's going to trust you with great riches oh yeah you just wait to see what happens because right now your checkbook is talking louder than god is and that should not be okay the name that was a good introduction alrighty then all right session this session um is called it's time to know the secrets this is not in your study guide but you have your study guide thank the partners the partners got you the study guide you got your study guides amen all right thank you partners all right you got your cd okay all right now this is how you understand yourself you find out what has been revealed and then you start asking questions that's why there's pilots and then there's test pilots a pilot is not a test pilot a test pilot wears an a parachute a test pilot very frequently either walks home or gets a helicopter ride home because they are paid to take the plane to the parameters and beyond to find out what the parameters are but see if jesus went before us and did all this for us then all we have to do is read the manual everything's been tested we don't have to test we don't have to find the boundaries if they've already been given does everybody understand that because i had to learn this my christian walk was limited by me god has never limited me ever he has never limited me ever he took the limitations off i'm limited by the flesh that's why paul wrote romans 8. see you think you're living in romans 7 you identify with paul in romans 7 but that was that was before he was saved and some of you experienced that now as being saved because you haven't really got the revelation of what it's like to live in the spirit living in the spirit means you say no to the flesh you can't have it any other way it's not just saying i'm going to walk in the spirit and that's what we hear all the time we're going to walk in the spirit everything's fine until somebody looks at you wrong when things don't go your way then you have to make a decision are you going to stay down in your spirit with the holy spirit or are you going to manifest maturity is saying yes to god and no no to the flesh no to your own understanding you don't you don't yield to your own understanding we lean not unto our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge him and he shall direct our paths it's not enough to just listen to the spirit you've got to say no to the flesh because that is the limitation but the limitation is not god limiting you it's your fallen flesh that is not redeemed and just so you know it will it will not be redeemed until we are with him and this is left down here it's not redeemed death is the last enemy it is not jesus defeated death but it is our last enemy so we still die and because of free will we still can choose to not walk in god's best his perfect will for our lives so whatever you permit will be permitted whatever you allow will be allowed but whatever you you you bind is going to be bound you forbid or you permit i forbid certain things so it's just as much authority you have to forbid things as it is to permit things so you permit the spirit of the lord to minister to you but you also have to forbid the flesh and your own understanding dictating who you are and what you do now this is the absolute truth now you you think you think you can fly an airplane but see the airplane will do with what all the things that are working against it are doing if you do not get in command of that airplane it will take you where you don't want to go and these kind of jets will take you there very fast and you'll be way behind and you'll be crying like a baby and you'll hand it back to your instructor it'll take you where you don't want to go but if you are in command then you tell the airplane where to go you tell your body what to do you tell your mind what to think you give it your opinion you make it the law you discipline yourself if you're gonna set trust me if you set a time to pray then everything is locked up for that certain amount of time because all hell and some of your relatives will come against you it's going to happen if you are spoken to give to someone you're going to have financial difficulty the next week no i'm not prophesying that i'm just saying that that is the way the enemy works he's trying to talk you out of being obedient he's trying to condition you oh no don't do that again you know don't talk that faith stuff because all this bad happens this is not a good place to stand so when you pray in the spirit if you're gonna rouse some spirits up then you have to expect that repercussion and know that that's no it's okay it's just getting i'm get this is like this is so strong the power of god you i believe you're getting this you have to be fully convinced so the lord's laid out all these instructions paul saw all this okay so paul paul says this there is a divine mystery this is in colossians chapter 1 verse 26-29 it says there is a divine mystery a secret surprise that has been concealed from the world for generations but now but now it's been revealed unfolded and manifested for every holy for every holy believer to experience i thought it was just for the fivefold no every every single one of you should be experiencing your father should be experiencing your brother your prince your king groom jesus you should be experiencing the holy spirit every day because he is all we got down here he's my breath he's your breath he's a miracle worker he's a revealer he he's the one we got we should all be experiencing him he's been poured out you don't have to wait for him it's a local call dear lord it is see he's talking to me right now i didn't even have to dial one okay living within you is christ who floods you not just drops he floods you with the expectation of his glory see your hearts are burning right now i can feel it i can feel your i can see your your spirits burning right now like on the road to emmaus did not our hearts burn within us that's because he's here he's here right now oh yeah there's more than two here so he's here okay so this mystery of christ embedded within us becomes a heavenly treasure chest what's it say in the greek same thing a heavenly treasure chest of hope filled with the riches of glory for his people not for the fivefold and god wants everyone to know it god wants everyone to know god wants everyone to know it did i say everyone i kid you not i was in tulsa oklahoma going to school there i'm watching tv and the news comes on like you know it's really bad in a tornado area when they interrupt your program and the screen behind the guy okay i'm in the hotel i'm on an overnight with southwest airlines i'm looking out the window and as all this weird green lightning which is really bad means there's a tornado okay see this this guy's like tornado not watch warning which means they've spotted one okay it shows this tornado and i'm like i know that building i'm in that building i kid you and a lightning flash and it flashed outside and when it flashed outside i looked and there's that tornado and that's how we are when god reveals something to us we're right smack in the middle of it we don't even know it okay moving on trying to offend some people here it's become okay christ is our message we preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full full understanding of the truth not the facts the truth it has become my inspiration and passion in ministry to labor with a tireless intensity with his power flowing through me to present every believer the revelation of being his perfect one in jesus christ that was paul's goal and that's my goal and that's your goal everyone presented perfect his powers flowing through me to present every believer the revelation of being his perfect one so that's what we're doing right here okay all right so continuing on with this it's time to know the secrets so paul was chosen to reveal this that was his job but see really it was the holy spirit the holy spirit needed someone to do it okay so why they are trying to figure out hey 11 is not really a good number got to get it back up to 12. so let's roll the dice and let's let's see what happens because we got to get back to 12. judas messed up we got to have 12. 11 is a really bad number so they roll the dice to pick an apostle yeah they did they cast lots but paul said i was chosen as an apostle before i was born so while they're rolling the dice paul is coming to damascus he was chosen to bring this forth just anybody know what matthias did is there any record of what he did no he's a nice guy i'm sure but each one of you are named by a name that's written in heaven with a lot of information about you up there but it's not information about what you've done wrong it's information about what god predestined i used that word because paul did predestine the good works in christ before the foundation of the world all the good works that we were going to do we're predestined before the foundation of the world that's not calvinism that means that the book that was written about you was written before one of them came to pass to quote verse 16 of psalm 139 each day of your life was written before one of them came to pass i have gone to your future says the lord in verse 5 and have paved away he's standing on your future he knows the very words you're going to speak next if you read verses one through five you'll find this out okay this is predestination god writes your book as though you're actually going to do it that you're going to choose him that you're going to follow jesus right behind him he was the firstborn from the among the dead you're next and you're going to be risen with him to life and the life you live now is by faith in the son of god your body is not your own your life is not your own it's all written because god determined all the good works for everyone even people that are in hell right now it's their choice but god calls those things that are not as though they were because he wants everyone to go to heaven but it's our choice he wishes that everyone would come to repentance so even after we have repented and we come into christ and we're in the body then each day we make decisions based on that book that was predestined all the good works that we would do in christ and i do it so that you can prosper because each one of us are tied together and we hurt when someone hurts we feel the lack the need when someone doesn't do what they were called to do that's why we need deliverers that's why we need the fivefold that's why we need moves of god don't you think if god moves he could keep moving listen it's this imperfect world that causes me to need a minstrel to play behind me so that i can operate because of demonic oppression that's what happened you know the prophets did it call me a minstrel brought on the anointing why because we're in an imperfect world the god of this world small g is ruling and reigning down here god is not in control of this earth he is not in control of the world he's not even in control of countries just well unless you live in a cave the last year he's not in control so you have to decide all of you warriors you got to decide well he's going to be in control of my life but see there's going to be a definite separation there you're not going to trip going up the stairs and it's going to be clear that your steps are order of the lord right okay so god god was revealing himself through christ and this has all been given us all praise to god verse three verse three and this is i guess i should tell you this is ephesians chapter one ephesians chapter one and i'm starting with verse three all praise to god the father of our lord jesus christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing okay if he's blessed us with every spiritual blessing then there must be something wrong with the receiving end right no i mean i mean if we're going to bring the bible into this oh my dad said that when i was witness to him he goes oh don't bring the bible into it i go dad that's okay so every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished on us it's a love gift from our heavenly father okay he already sees us wrapped up in christ and you might feel terrible right now you might have pain in your body you might be the only one that believes in your family you might be a single parent and you got to do this all alone but see god still sees you wrapped up in him in christ okay so this is why we celebrate him with all our hearts okay even okay now this is this is verse 4 even before he made the world so i don't want to hear any sassing from anybody about predestination because calvin just misunderstood i was told that some people go to hell they're predestined to help someone go to heaven i'm told that so we don't witness to people because you might be changing god's word for their life i go uh i think he wishes that no one should perish but all should have eternal life um i think god so loved the world that he gave his only son so that that no one would perish i left that church he made the world so even before he made the world god loved us oh boy see now god's messing with that eternal thing but see that's the way he thinks he's already done it he's already set it up a certain way there is no suggestion box in heaven you cannot repeal this he's already decided he loves you it's what it says here he's already decided he loves you so why are you trying to get him to love you oh my gosh okay man i felt the powers of the coming age in this room it has never come into a service ever except one time in germany has ever come in this strong like the first night it's already here you're already on the same page that's a miracle because we have over a thousand people here no we have a thousand because that's what we're supposed to have but he also loves us but he it says here and he chose us so and's a conjunction so you add that to what i just said so he's already chosen to love us before the world was formed so and adds to it it's another benefit and this is what this is he chose us in christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes so why do you feel guilty i'm serious listen i don't even wanna i didn't even wanna come back and that's the attitude you're sensing right now i didn't even wanna come back to this because i saw the slate is clean i saw that god wants his people to be healed and to prosper and to hear his voice for themselves not have to go to somebody and give an offering to hear from god to get the anointing you have to pay you don't want to walk in this unless you pay to him what i paid i gave up everything can you give up everything because you're going to have it you can have it but it's going to cost you everything but see that's for every believer but one person a flight attendant prays in tongues does it with and marries a hairdresser that prays in tongues and all of a sudden it's like some new thing but it's not any new thing this is this is life this is life in the spirit but see we focus on the spiritual part of it but it says that through the spirit we put to death the misdeeds of the body and paul said we give no provision to the flesh that means we don't feed it and it's going to scream and you just say i can't hear you give me some chicken okay we're fasting dinner and breakfast tomorrow then all of a sudden there's whimpering i don't want to hear nothing see you have to rule you rule and reign in your own domain and then you're going to start to get countries but if you want to walk with god it's more about saying no to ungodliness and worldly passions than it is about waving your flag and praying in tongues early because i you can do that but when you go to the car and someone scratched it i'm gonna see how spiritual you are amen and when they get the the order wrong at the drive-through and they do it on purpose because they know they got you you see a spiritual person makes judgments about all things but they themselves are not subject to any man's judgment it's because they're self-ruled you judge yourself so you're not judged doctor am i saying anything wrong you're the professor here listen listen this is what paul preached to the new church and people dropped dead in the second service and in the first service because they lied to the holy spirit and that was just when you go out and get coffee and donuts in between services something's happening in here bodies are being taken out so are you ready for a move of god okay you might want to tell the truth about what you paid for your property and all the things that go with that okay so the foundation of the universe everything that was made god decided to love you before he did that and he chose you to be holy before he spoke the world into existence it says here before the foundation of the universe he ordained us to be holy and have unstained innocence in his sight he loves us that is the absolute truth now if you get a revelation of this you can walk in love if you minister to god's people god will minister to you he will take care of you so your eternity now when i look at you i might not have met you but when i look at you i see you as perfect in christ and i see you i can see sometimes what you're going to look like in heaven when i see you because i've been there and i can kind of figure it out we have been made in his image and and this body falls away the limitations will be taken off completely and we'll be free to be who we are and we're going to be validated but see i cheat now because it's been revealed i peek at the future because it's now now listen do you know what it's like to be in your future and be sent back you cannot fail we're all going to make it if you stay in him if you are diligent stay in there till the very end we're all going to be in heaven together but that's just the beginning because down here you were just qualifying you were qualifying for your next job you're on probation and i was told this by the lord i'm on probation down here so i pass my tests their tests their tests see you don't cease to exist so just keep walking up those steps and not tripping just keep your focus on jesus and know that you're loved but that you were already predestined to be in holiness to walk in that separateness okay so it's in your spirit so you have to yield to that but see the enemy the enemy is your untransformed soul it's your untransformed mind you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind that's what paul said transformed across the board changed so you go across you trans you travel across and you're changed you're formed you go into the light you're flooded with light of revelation from the spirit and you put to death the misdeeds of the body you go from romans 7 to romans 8 and then you lock the door to romans 7 and you get your contractor to seal it you never go back paul said therefore there is now no condemnation there's no accusing voice the case against you is closed okay all right so i know this is a little touchy that's why i'm excited to say it you really are a word your name is a word god spoke that he spoke that's why you go out and you go around and you come back and you fulfill the intent of that word you stand before him in the same spot where he spoke you into existence and you went to your mother's womb you stand before him and give an account for what you did in the flesh why because god does not expect his word to come back void to him it's impossible which means if you are cooperating it's impossible for you to get in the way if you're cooperating then you just let it fly like a boomerang because it's coming back that's why you don't criticize people because if you criticize people make sure you order your size because you're going to have to wear it oh yeah you don't want that telephone pole coming back at you it's not the little splinter that you sent out yeah you don't criticize those who are made in the image of god that's what james said you build up the body you build up the church i was reminded by someone who who was there and heard this and they reminded me brother hagin before he died he said if anything bad happens to the church in america it's it happens in america it's the church's fault but see if a minister starts talking about things like this where it takes the responsibility and puts it back on the believer then it makes them look like unbelievers so they become believing they become unbelieving believers which is really an ugly creature it's a hybrid race you cannot be a believer and be an unbelief because god did make a believer to unbelieve it's just not in our nature to be a doubter so your mind doubts but it's with your heart that you believe and then you confess it with your mouth and you shall be saved and then jesus said now in your lifestyle you speak to mountains and you believe that what that is that what you say with your mouth you believe in your heart that what you say with your mouth not believing your head you you can doubt in your head and believe in your heart and see a mountain removed if you doubt in your heart then you get talked about like peter but peter made it pretty far but when he considered the trough which was six feet because you got the crest and the trough it's three feet three foot waves but then you got three foot plus three foot and you're walking across everything's fine until he does the math and he's like he starts to anticipate the next trough and the crest he starts to calculate and what happens he gets in the flesh his understanding starts to work and he's not walking by the command of jesus which is not by faith then faith is god commands it and you do it if you do what he commands you can ask what you will and it will be done for you if you love him and you do what i command you can have anything he said it that's what jesus said the reason it doesn't work is because like peter you considered you started to consider and anticipate the next move when the whole thing had nothing to do with anticipation of the next move it had everything to do with i command you to show up before me it was a command jesus said i command you to appear before me now because peter said command me to come to you he said i command you i demand you to stand before me now oh yeah it's it's a little stronger a lot of things are a lot stronger in the bible than what we know jesus commanded him to come to him you were doing so well who stepped in and broke your momentum are you going to finish in the flesh would you start in a spirit that's what paul told the galatians who bewitched you who put a curse on you you were doing so well you see this is the time to shine this is the time to know that this is all set up we win we're going to live forever we're going to enjoy heaven together but while we're down here let's make some history amen let's make some history how you do that is you stay in your heart you stay in your spirit and you speak from there god breathed in the man and they became a speaking spirit so it doesn't matter your rap sheet it matters what you do right now okay and right now right now see because every second you have a chance to change course see i i i love you but i can't help you if you don't decide that you want help but see if you want to in if you love the negative attention well then just come up here and throw a tantrum one of these men will show you your new home if you want to be like the little child in the grocery store doesn't get the captain crunch you know the big 40 pound bag just throw a fit he works a crowd the child works the crowd leveraging the mom to get him what he wants leveraging the crowd just throw a fit he's trying not to laugh i'm going to work the people i'm going to work the crowd i'm going to get what i want is that what you want with god are you going to treat god like that no no no you aren't like that okay so what you do is say you know what i'm here to command what is your command i will do it i just need to know what you're saying what are you saying to me father what are you doing today first thing i said this morning what are you doing today i started praying in tongues and before you know it it's noon it's noon left my room and i'm retired i can do anything i want can i is do i really have a choice i i did until i chained myself to him and i threw away that key now i'm a bond servant now i've decided i'm going to renew this take my ear to the doorway with an awl and pierce my ear i've decided i love my master so much i'm just going to stay even though he's going to set me free i choose not to deliver myself i choose not to have my own way i've tasted and seen that he's good he's a good god he has plans and purposes for every one of us and each one of you have decided tonight that you're going to follow him but you're going to do it in a intricate close way now because you know that you were a word and that you've already been spoken for god decided now verse 5. now this is better than any drug right here are you ready this is better than any little thing you can smoke god decided in advance to adopt us you know what says in greek same thing he decided to adopt us into his own family by bringing us okay not even just inviting us and waiting to see if we're gonna do it he said he he's bringing us to himself through christ this is what he wanted to do and he it gave him great pleasure to do so he has poured this grace out on us and we belong to him so in the passion translation in the arabic it says it says it was always his perfect plan to adopt us as his delightful children his love cascades over us his unfolding plan brings him great pleasure this is the gospel of jesus christ paul picked this up learned it from jesus himself did not inquire of any man was caught up and given and he made it his lifestyle he made it his life message he wrote from jail i'm reading something that he wrote from jail he loves us but he has this revelation it's not longer hidden it's not a mystery any longer but it's a mystery because we can't fathom his love but it maybe we should just try to accept it you know you're going to be so surprised when you meet him he is going to love you so much you're going to think you're his favorite and you're going to think what have i been thinking and you're going to want to bring him back and take him to show and tell at school say can you just tell them what you just told me i'm serious when i was with him i thought i was his favorite he does that to everybody every single person he validates you okay verse seven he's so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom he already purchased it with his blood of the blood of his son and he forgave us of our sins so he's already done that that's why paul said in second corinthians 5 that we all have a ministry of reconciliation we all do we're to go out and announce that people's sin has been paid for and that all they have to do is acknowledge the person that did it for us his name is jesus when you announce his name and you confess him because you believe in your heart and you confess it with your mouth that he is lord you shall be saved i stand before you right now because of the hope of the resurrection i have a down payment a deposit inside of me that i'm going to get the full payment i am going to be raised from the dead and i'm going to live forevermore in the kingdom with him i have the deposit in me it's enough it's enough i'm going to get the rest of it i got enough to run a thousand years on right now because i feel the power that rhodes jesus from the dead in me it's kind of quickening me right now i'm kind of feeling like it's kind of bleeding over into my body and it's i'm getting quickened right now you know i'm like at spacex rocket the one that actually works i just need released i can do this i'll see you in orbit i know the power of the resurrection because his his power is in me okay is it still today yes okay he sh he showered his kindness on us along with all wisdom and understanding okay we're almost done he showered on us kindness okay along with along with in addition he did this kindness and then wisdom so if you pray for wisdom trust me you will get wisdom it's it's a guaranteed answer to prayer according to the book of james so with wisdom and understanding we we can develop a relationship that has experience so what i understand i can participate in so you feel outside until you understand it and then you become involved with it this is what the clouds without rain preach they have a form of godliness but they don't they deny the power well wisdom and revelation is experiential as well it's just not academic let's talk to paul he said i didn't come to you with enticing words of man's wisdom but in power and demonstration of the holy spirit see he believed that the spirit and the word agree just just that's what he said the spirit agrees with the word and the word agrees with the spirit they're the same sword and they divide between your spirit and your soul they they're the only ones that's the only thing that can divide to say this is you and this is god you know the word of god didn't originate with man holy men of old were moved upon by the holy spirit and wrote that's why we have the word but the word existed from the beginning he was a person he became flesh we beheld him and he's and this is what was said right there in john chapter 1 verse 12 it says that those who embraced him and his teachings he said he gave them the power to become sons of god that word there is authority he gave us the authority to be sons of god because we embraced him in his teaching we embrace the word but see we are a word because god spoke us if i call your name you're going to wave your hand especially if i have something free to give you okay all of a sudden you're fine but if the police officer calls your name you might want to i don't know what asking for a friend what do you need no you're going to want to know right you don't want to commit but see if god has already spoken about you then i want to know what he said okay so i don't have to ask questions about a manual i already have i should read the manual now if i have any other questions about parameters and boundaries then i can ask now i can tell i can tell if a student in music or in flying i can tell if they practiced or not so they were wasting my time if they didn't practice on their own because they come back we got to do it twice a week you got to do something twice a week to maintain to be a professional you got to do it six days a week and some every day but just to maintain a profession you got to do it twice a week and you're trying to pl to be professional golf player once a week you can't you can't maintain unless you play twice three just to have some improvement so you're wasting a a instructor's time if you show up and you haven't done anything on your own because the instructor is wanting to take you on to the next step so they're going to see your skill set and see if it's improved and if you haven't then they can't really i mean they'll take your money but really is it right for you to go on so the holy spirit wants to sign you off do you get it okay i know you do he wants to take you and he has to get some things across to you but peter said that peter said this we're supposed to be a partakers partakers of the divine nature okay he said but he said add to your faith these virtues and he listened he said if you do these things you cannot fail he said but if you don't he said these are the people that have forgotten that they're forgiven of their past sins so he says this check to see and make sure you're in christ okay so these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is faith no it's love he said add to your faith these virtues well it sounds like he's building something so it adds all these virtues self-control oh boy yeah but the devil made me do it oh did he or did he suggest it did he hijack you oh yeah i'm telling you if you heal the flesh you work for him and it says that those who live by the flesh cannot please god it says that the spirit and the flesh are enemies and you cannot please god if you yield to the flesh that is always going to be there paul said the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds and anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of god bringing into captivity every thought he's talking psychological here no i want to wrestle demons yeah this is warfare satan can't do anything unless you give him the power to do it you've got to let him in in order for him to do it oh what have i been doing for the last two hours so he needs to hijack you paul said to the galatians listen there's the works of the flesh and he lists witchcraft as one of the works of the flesh why because those demons need someone to do their physical thing in this realm they don't have a body they they lost their their chance they're disembodied okay so they seek embodiment because they ex they expression they want manifestation if you do not cooperate with them they go on they go on to someone weaker so you see what's happened here we've we've retreated into the remnant now there's just sheep now there's just wheat and now there's just five wise virgins we're in the cave of adol which means justice of god and david's in there and he said all those who were busted disgusted disappointed came there were 400 of them and he started his government but god started it a long time ago when the anointing was poured on him by samuel 400 men became his fighting men none of them qualified but the justice of god is where they met in the cave and david completed the extinction of the hybrid race those little sneaky things that got on the ark somehow and they popped up again after the flood he took them all out he extinguished them he became a friend of god he was chosen to do that just like you're chosen at this time busted and disgusted disappointed you're giant slayers do you get it he david trained 30 of those men to hit within a hair's breath with the sling just like he could he imparted to them jesus imparted to the twelve he imparted to the seventy the church with the spirit of god being outpoured increased thousands sometimes thousands a day so when he spoke your name he had already determined that you're going to finish notably a notable finish in heaven an expected end plans for you to prosper god has now revealed this to us verse 9 his mysterious will regarding christ which is to fulfill his own good plan verse 10 and this plan at that right time he will bring everything together under the authority of christ everything in heaven and earth verse 11. furthermore because we are united with him with christ we have received an inheritance that word can be translated as state he chose us in advance and he makes everything work out according to his plan it's right here in the bible and you're waiting for some new revelation i'm telling you we are the revelation it's it's we're hidden in christ but see in the end days you watch what happens jesus can't still inside of you he's got to bring glory to his father he's just wanting to manifest through you the goodness of the father god's purpose was that the jews who were the first to trust in christ would bring praise and glory to god and now that you gentiles have also heard the truth the good news and god saves you and when you believed in christ he identified you as his own by giving you the holy spirit see so he identified us as his own by giving us the holy spirit he promised long ago it's as though he gave us an engagement ring he already announced it to angels they already know they already know you're going to be their boss i'm serious the spirit is god's guarantee that he will give us the inheritance he promised and he has purchased us to be his own people he did this so that we would praise and glorify him he's pledged us he's given us an inheritance he's given us a engagement ring there's there's no one else in creation anywhere that is like us to him he loves us he's not coming back and die for anyone else he's not going to do that again he decided and put everything in us amen okay so in your spirit right now you have been escorted in to the royal palace of god and you are there and you can see that you're dressed in righteousness and holiness and that people will never down here treat you what your value is they're not going to discern who you are they're not going to treat you with the value that you have spiritual people can discern that but a carnal person can't make any judgments because they don't even understand the spirit of god you know isn't it funny that every service which has come to disturb the service and to make it so that i can't deliver the message and that you can't receive it and it's never succeeded ever and they usually come up and give their life to the lord and give up their invisible friends and so if you're in here and it hasn't worked and you'd like to give your life to jesus if there are any witches in here don't even go back and report just come up here and report to the head of the universe your master jesus christ and just repent if you're here and you're a witch and you're upset because i'm still alive and i'm still preaching for two hours and no one's left and you're upset that nothing's working well maybe you should just come up and turn all that stuff in and it's the same way with all of us we need to turn ourselves in right now now this is what's going to happen the lord has asked me to favor the children he's also asked me to favor the parents he's also asked me to favor worship coming so there's there's going to be a change in the format but the thing that's going to happen first is there's going to be deep repentance there's going to be deep repentance and what that means is is that all of us have been taken away our gaze has been stolen and we put our faith and trust in things that are not the lord jesus christ he's very jealous for us so like right now there is so much that god has for us that will happen tonight if we do it right i want you to make a decision in your heart i want you to turn your gaze back to jesus i want you to develop a steadfast relationship that no matter what happens you're going to stay in there no matter what you have eternal value you have eternal safety the angels have been assigned to you nothing's going to come near you that's what it says but it's those who make the most high their dwelling place not visiting not the drive-through window habitation you know what in the spirit i totally understand you you're like no one understands me i understand you so get over it there are people in here that understand you what has happened is you are identifying with this realm you have to identify with your heavenly father you have to identify with jesus and then you're going to understand yourself so the spirit of the lord is saying this demons demons come to talk you out of what you already have what did they what did what did what happened to eve she got talked out of something she already had where does this say that god came down and talked to the anointed chair of the covers he came down and talked to adam and eve even after they sinned god said adam where are you even when cain was outside the garden and was about to do something very stupid he came and tried to coach him god came face to face and said cain why are you downcast don't you know that if you do right you'll be accepted but sin does to have you and it is crouched at the door of your heart as a life but you must master it listen in the spirit i know who you are you are a child of the living god you have full authority and whatever you bind is bound whatever you lose is loosed angels have been assigned to you with special orders you're going to hear about disaster you're going to see a thousand fall ten thousand is your right hand but it shall not come near you that is the absolute truth this is who you are and i know i i i see my friends go to heaven but that does what i believe if someone gets sick and dies it doesn't change the healer it doesn't change safety if someone dies in a car accident i don't judge god by that i judge him by his is there a place in here i can stand when you've done everything to stand then stand right so let's do some authority let's do the authority thing here okay did you know that in the spirit the demons do not want you to ever realize who you are in christ they want you to do your little thing i gotta fast you know a couple days and then i gotta um i gotta be able to quote the whole book of isaiah and then um then i'm gonna take authority over these things because they're generational you know and um you could just look at one and they know you know and there says you know what i'll show myself out i'm serious they know when you know now what we've just read tonight is enough to last you until the millennium that's just 15 verses of chapter one of ephesians that has been not only in one bible in your house but all 12 of them it's always been there you're waiting for the big revelation to be unveiled or the next dvd set that comes out but yet it was hidden in christ but christ has been revealed and paul has been this person who has chosen to do that so let's do some authority here how many of you know you know because i know i know that there are generational things that work against me and i have had to put my foot down and i've listened to people that are way smarter than me tell me that that doesn't exist i've i've i mean i i've listened to people that that don't even believe in demons and they kind of look like one sometimes themselves they so you sticking your head in the sand is not going to make things go away the proof the proof of the good news of the gospel is is that god is a good god and that that goodness when it's revealed to you leads you into repentance that's what romans says that paul said okay so you should concentrate on the goodness of god and it leads you to repentance that is the move that is happening right now in the body of christ it's repentance what it is is you're having a revelation of god's goodness and you're putting your foot down and the first thing that has to go is generational the reason why is this they are masters at making you feel and think you are a certain way they're masters at it they've done it to your parents and your grandparents it's familiar spirits family spirits they're familiar they enforce the curse from generation to generation however you are a child of abraham and that curse has been broken however just like some of your pets they don't listen you need to enforce what the angels enforce the angels enforce the blessing the holy spirit is the enforcer he is an enforcer he's an advocate that enforces the blessing of the covenant he blesses you the holy spirit is speaking about you when you pray in the spirit he's talking you up into the other realm he's telling you what you are what you're going to do he's telling you the truth but it's too much for your mind that's why paul said when you speak in an unknown tongue you're not speaking to men you're speaking to god you're speaking forth mysteries in the spirit and this is what i know i'm looking at certain individuals in here you have no idea what's about to happen to you because god is about to get uncontrollable over his love for you things are going to start breaking out because you've accepted his love it's a it's a goodness i'm not going to start pulling people out because it'll be all night but i'm telling you you are known in heaven i don't need your approval to preach this message i don't need your money i don't need anything from you except one thing i want you to finish and i want jesus to know that it was worth everything that he went through because i met him and i know how he is he wants to he wants people to know how much the father loves you he wants people to know that he did this for the father the father did it for you but he did it in obedience to the father he wants you to know how much the father loves you okay can you accept that when you accept that when you do that then you walk in authority because see if you're under authority you walk in great authority and i remember because i'm there kathy i'm there right now when that prophet from brazil came to our church and we're standing up there and he comes over and the power of god he knows nothing power god hit us all knocked everybody over he fell on top of us and he's prophesied and everything that he's saying is happening right now and that was in 2012. he said you're going to walk in great authority on this earth because you're under great authority i went into a vision i saw myself getting boxed up and moving to new orleans i was told to sell everything you're going to new orleans a door will open and you're going into the ministry and you're never coming back you're never going back we sold everything we went to new orleans and you know the story but see someone released themselves into the other realm and god came through and spoke and it it changed everything and it's permanent you're standing i'm standing before you because a spirit was moving and wanting to reveal and i'm telling you right now you need to walk in your authority you need to say no and you need to say yes and you got to know the difference you got to know when okay so generational you put your foot down it's going to be the ride of your life because those demons they do not want to go into arid places they are influencing you they are masters at deception they cloak themselves they make it think that you're superstitious that you're crazy that you're being like overboard these coincidences it's not they're familiar spirits they're trying to seal you in i'm gonna break them right now over your life okay but you listen to what i do and then you do it because see jesus has already defeated them and even abraham has blessed you he's your father okay so even abraham is your father and we have the blessings of abraham because it's mentioned in galatians which is new testament all right you ready every familiar spirit every familiar spirit in a sign of my voice in the name of jesus christ i come by the the name the blood of jesus christ i break every generational spirit every familiar spirit in this place every person represent jesus christ has defeated you every single one of you you foul lying devils i break generational curses i command you to desist in your maneuvers against god's people i command you by the name and the blood of jesus full authority i break the power of every familiar spirit every lying devil there is no coincidence the word doesn't even exist in heaven i break the power of these now in jesus name you come in full submission to the word of god right now i mean it all right now your angels they can work with you all right so there are no familiar spirits allowed to work any longer they have been put to naught you will not yield any longer to the flesh you will not yield to lying signs and wonders you will not ask god for a sign any longer do you hear me he speaks to his children he can come to you himself he doesn't have to paint the bridge red to make you know if you're going to marry somebody the painter might do it anyway or he may not no god doesn't move that old testament way any longer we don't need to cast lots for matthias paul was chosen from the foundation is anybody here i don't get nervous i'll stand here all night because the power of god is so strong the what i feel right now i'm telling you people i have not felt this and this is not normal but i i mean if jesus shows up right now and we go to heaven it wouldn't even surprise me i feel like we could walk right over something is going on in this room let's worship now the foundation has already been laid by jesus christ he already sent his prophets he sent his apostles he built the foundation now we're building upon that but what we're building upon is unity and maturity in the faith okay so the five-fold is to minister to the body build them up in the maturity and unity so that just like god said about babel he said if i don't go down there and stop them anything they imagine they're going to be able to do well what if we have the truth and we have unity we're doing god's will well who can stop us i mean i mean if you're gonna bring the bible into it okay if god if we don't stop them they are messed up they're gonna do anything they can imagine well then what if we imagined that we're debt-free that we're healed that we actually are forgiven that you and your household are going to be saved [Music] where devils are like i hope they don't mention the name again i can hear this spear saying he's calling he's calling he's calling us to a higher place i could hear the spirit saying calling i can hear i can hear julie saying that i can hear say calling the new song i'm calling you to the place that i have destined for you i've made a space just for you it has your name on it i've called you by my name i'm calling just wrote a song thank you julie for taking it to the next level see she's not even nervous that's what the spirits say i'm calling you to a space i've reserved for you it has your name on it i'm calling you to a higher level [Music] i'm calling you i'm calling you i'm calling you i know your name i'm calling you [Music] i'm calling you come up higher to a place that i've reserved for you come up higher to a place that i've reserved i've [Music] i know your name i'm calling you to a higher place come up here i've made ways face to face with jesus face to face with jesus i'm calling you i know your name come up here to a higher place i've already made a way come see jesus face to face come see jesus face to face yes i'm calling you i know your name i'm calling you to a higher plane you see i've already made a way come speak with jesus face to face come see jesus face to face come speak with him face to face come see jesus face to fail if you close your eyes spirit will escort you to a higher place he's already he's already he's already he's made away he's made away the veil is torn the door is forever opened come see jesus face to face come and see his eyes of fire come see jesus face to face he's full of kindness full of grace and the lord says i'm calling you you see i know your name and i'm calling you come up to a higher place you see i've already made [Music] the door is open the invitation awaits you come see jesus face to face [Music] look into his eyes of fire hear his voice like many waters say his face that shines like the noon day sun he's looking at you and he wants you looking at him just look into those eyes of fire full of desire he's waiting he's calling he's called he's waiting he's waiting he's calling come up higher he's waiting he's calling he's waiting he's calling he's waiting he's calling come up higher the door is open come up higher see what john saw do you want to see what ezekiel saw do you want to see what i say i saw do you wanna see what john saw oh well the door is open now calling your name you see i've already made a way just come see jesus face to face come here jesus with your own ears just come see jesus face to face face to face with god face to face with jesus you can hear his voice you can hear his voice you can hear his voice says the lord you can hear his voice you can hear his voice what's he saying i know he's speaking to each one right here tonight tonight i know he's speaking to you right here right now with his voice like many waters his voice over the waters his voice like many waters he's speaking to you on the inside i feel like some of you are feeling this nudging it's from god i feel like some of you are hearing the voice of the spirit and he's leading you speaking to you and he says come up higher come up closer come up nearer i've made you my own come up higher come up closer oh come near i want you ever ever close come up high come up nearer come up closer i've made you my own through the blood of jesus and i call your name [Music] come up higher the invitation is yours from the front to the back from side to side it's not just for apostles and prophets it's for you from the front to the back from side to side i've made a way for you can you see yourself sitting there right beside the throne of god can you see yourself sitting there face to face with jesus face to face with jesus and he's calling you and he knows your name he's calling you he's made away he's calling you his voice ever loud saying come see jesus face to face come and hear his voice like waters or like many what it's the voice that you never have to wonder is it you it's that voice that you never have to wonder you never have to wonder is this god because you know that you know that you know that you know that you know the voice of a friend the voice of a father the voice of kindness the voice of your savior he's paid it all he made a way so come see jesus face to face just come see jesus face to face sometimes you just gotta close your eyes just meditate on the word of god like revelation 1 when john saw jesus and you just speak out those words and sing out those words and suddenly the spirit of the lord opens up your eyes he's doing it right now right now right now do you wonder am i really seeing you don't wander any longer he's made away the door is opened he's made awake and he's called your name he's made a way and he says come higher and come see jesus face to face come see jesus face to face [Music] suddenly i was in the spirit suddenly i was in the spirit suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly i was in the spirit i saw one seated on the throne i saw one seated on the throne i saw one he looked like a jasper and sardius stone just close your eyes and the spirit will lead you there he'll lead you there he'll lead you right there how do you know just trust just trust he's already invited you trust trust in the divine escort called the holy holy spirit and he says come up here he said oh come up here you see i know your name jesus made a way this door will never close this open door this invitation the door is open the invitation awaits your presence face to face with god face to face with jesus face to face with i'm jesus at him and he's looking at me and i'm looking at him and he's looking at me i'm looking at him i can see it so clearly his face it's shining like the sun the noonday shining like the sun it's it's full of grays and bright bright shining shining shining i can see the fire in his eyes the desire in his eyes that i'll say yes to his invitation yes i come up higher yes to his invitation face to face to face to face with jesus do you see him looking at your face do you hear him calling out your name do you see him looking in your eyes stirring up desire [Music] those eyes of fire jesus we're looking at you as you look right back at us i'm looking at you as you look right back at me i'll do this all night long even when i sleep i'll look at you there too jesus [Music] we wanna stay right here in this holy place we want to stay right here or just looking at your face we wanna stay right here in this holy place we wanna stay right here gazing on your face this face full of kindness his face is full of mercy his face full of love have you ever felt a gaze like this have you ever felt eyes like fire looking right at you strengthening you from the inside face to face face to face with jesus what is he saying what is he speaking to you what is [Music] face to face with the lord yes [Music] praise jesus you know the good news is you're a christian so you can take this bring it home bring it to your car bring it home and you can have this atmosphere in your own home just take it with you don't leave it here take it with you and i don't know about you but if you i was sitting there the lord was speaking to me if you feel a lightness how many feel like a lightness after two and a half hours you know why that familiar spirits are gone that's what you feel that's why things are different amen something's you're different you look you look different and uh it's just this atmosphere here so take this atmosphere we have to kind of begin to close it down for to get ready for tomorrow now kevin just told me that we're going to have prayer at 9 30. so it was it starts at 10 we're gonna have prayer at 9 30. so try to be that would be great we'll try to fix this microphone those of you online we'd love to see you again tomorrow watch us and please visit the book table god bless you we'll take this with you we'll see you again tomorrow [Music] oh by the way you can [Music] [Music] i am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this you glory [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 159,502
Rating: 4.9082747 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: dw1zP6xKpZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 10sec (12070 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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