Session 3 Holy Fire Spirt School Tampa Florida - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] oh [Music] he's strong and mighty and dressed for battle [Music] watching giants fall [Music] he's dressed for battle [Music] like a lion watching giants [Music] watch everyone come crashing down [Music] of oh he is [Music] glory [Music] watch everyone come crashing down [Music] sounds [Music] is our voice is cause our voice is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is everything we bring our prayers we bring our praise cause our praise changes everything yes our praise changes everything is our praise changes everything we bring our praise we bring our praise cause my praise changes everything as my praise changes everything changes is i bring my praise i bring my praise cause my praise changes everything yes my praise changes everything yes my praise changes everything i bring my praise i bring my praise cause my voice changes everything oh my voice changes everything yes my voice changes [Music] [Applause] [Music] changes [Music] changes [Music] changes everything i bring my dance i bring my dance i bring my dance before the king and i lift my praise before the king yes i lift my shout before oh it changes everything so i lift my praise i lift my praise i lift my praise i lift my praise [Music] changes everything my praise [Music] changes everything everything i bring my praise i bring my praise cause my voice shifts the atmosphere it's my voice [Music] my shifting shifting shifting is my voice [Music] so my voice changes everything see my voice changes everything [Music] yes my praise changes everything [Music] i is you i'll praise [Music] and you won't find me quiet [Music] and you won't find us quiet [Music] is you won't find [Music] changes us oh our praise changes everything i'll bring my praise i'll pray my [Music] praises [Music] changes everything yes my place changes everything oh my praise changes everything i'll bring my praise i'll bring my praise cause my praise changes everything yes my praise changes everything oh my praise changes everything i'll bring my praise i'll bring my praise cause my voice changes everything [Music] i'll bring my praise i'll bring my praise i'll bring my praise i'll bring my praise i'll bring my praise i'll bring my breaks i'll bring my praise i'll bring [Music] i'll bring my praise everything every time i'll always bring my praise before you i'll always bring my praise before you cause i have a reason to praise i have a reason to praise i'll always bring your praise i'll always bring you praise i'll always bring you praise i'll always bring you praise i'll always be raised i have a reason to give thanks and praise him [Music] amen amen you can be seated thank you for coming back wendy's will never be the same you know what are all these people doing here amen we we actually don't experience as much as the lord wants us to experience and the reason why is we we need some sort of validation or or some sort of encouragement to go where we should be going anyway and the reason why is is that we've been abused we've been abused by the religious system we've been abused by devils we've been abused by situations and a lot of the stuff that happens to us as people we don't know how to file it so we don't really resolve it and um i noticed something that might help you in in and this comes in the professional area when you're you're trained as a professional you're really trained as a leader and you're really trained to resolve so you you as a leader you you are to resolve and to be that person in any situation so if something happens you look to the leader and you watch their reaction you wait for a validation you wait for permission you look to jesus to see if how he reacts to something that's what they would do they watch but see the leader supposed to be able to solve a problem to to lead people in or through or around and god is really wanting us to get over some of the things that have happened to us he didn't do those things to you and that's what i just said is really the hardest part the hardest part of what i was sent back for is getting people to not think the same way anymore and how they think is we do this little jimmy thing it's just a it's called jerry rigging it it's like a use a paper clip or duct tape is good for anything but we fixed something but it's really not fixed but duct tape's amazing and i had there was this southwest airlines pilot and he looked familiar and i found out that he was on several space shuttle missions and he retired just wanted to fly slower than the speed of sound for a while before he just went home to you know so he he flew he was a commander on several space you know space shuttle missions and um it was really like like retirement to him to fly at 450 miles an hour rather than having to slow down from 16 800 entering into the earth's atmosphere and landing the 433 knots at a flare touched down to 200 you know this was easy to him compared to what he had to do because he was managing his whole thing from space it's in orbit at over 16 000 miles an hour and having to stop at edwards air force base or in florida or houston you know touching down from 16800 down to 200 knots when the nose gear came down and deployed the drag chute but i have a i have a photo of him at home from space several of them and it's interesting the calmness is about him but see it's because he experienced a lot more than we will ever experience and so things aren't you know and you'll notice this about people they don't get up tight but see that they're leaders okay but the photo i have it at home and i always laugh every time i see it because he's in space he's you can see the earth through the shuttle side window and by the way the earth is round and for all you flat earth pizza people out there but there's a roll of duct tape behind his head in the space shuttle he goes oh yeah that stuff's great see so there's certain things that we just fix just to get by but then what ends up happening is it ends up being a problem if you want to go on if you don't have that resolution and that you don't take care of that it doesn't just go away and so these meetings like this with the atmosphere being you know intense at times and the holiness being very strong and and things will be dislodged and things will be resolved but it can be abrupt and kind of like i mean the devil is violent he's a terrorist you know you don't don't be nice to him because he's not going to return the favor you know you can't compromise you can't you can't negotiate with a terrorist you know you just wait for a sniper one to take the shot the green light you don't you don't you don't mess by talking to the devil he's a liar anyway so you have to know you have to know that if you've tried to fix something on your own to deal with it that today is your you don't have to hurt anymore it's got to be resolved okay so this is the hardest thing for me was what i saw in heaven was that god did not do all these terrible things that have happened to people but yet i have acquaintances and friends and where they have been through trauma and every now and then they react out of that wound that's still there and it's not really them but it is them because their personality has become like that demonic entity that is housed for some reason allowed to to be in that area of their soul not their spirit as a christian but in the area of the soul were very complicated we were intricately very very finely made we're not made to be in a broken world so we don't function well when things don't happen correctly and so everybody wants to have a perfect everything because that's the way god made us now is that clear because this is very hard this is the hardest part of ministry is telling people that that the reason why you're frustrated is because you're actually having you're grieving because you have separation anxiety you're separated from your father not in spirit but in this body down here you have anxiety because you feel separated and ugly and yucky down here but you're not so you go to destin in panama city and then you think that every beach is like that you think every beach is sugar beach until you go to hawaii and it's black sand or you go to daytona and it's dirty well see you you touched something that was pure you got used to that and then anything else is not acceptable anymore now why would you get a triple hamburger without triple cheese why would you drink decaf when you can have the real thing okay so you get you you why why after you you've touched the armani suit why would you want to buy tough skins from sears do you see what i'm saying because you've touched you already know what the reel is like when i hugged herb kelleher i got the president's award when i was there for 18 years i got the president's award and he hugged me and he started southwest airlines with three airplanes when i retired he had like eleven hundred when i hugged him he said thank you and he gave me an award and i felt his suit i mean like i mean this guy is very wealthy i mean he had like i don't know how many shares of southwest stock when he retired and i remember that and i'm like nothing else is acceptable anymore in fact i think i'm gonna take this one off right now but do you see what i'm saying you tasted you tasted of the good and the real and see you tasted of the heavenly gift the holy spirit and your spirit is ignited and enlived unto god and you're trying to deal with with things that happen in your childhood why people that you trusted did what they did why your friends betrayed you why why people are speaking against you and and all you do is love people and you care about people and you would if they you you know and like the lord told me if people knew you they wouldn't they wouldn't hate you if they really knew you they wouldn't hate you but see when i met jesus he's talking to me and he's there was no social discipline so he was within he was closer than six feet and he didn't have a mask on and he didn't say hey jack six feet you know no he left we were talking but when we were talking i was looking at him i was watching him and looking in his eyes and i looked at his beard and i looked at his hairline in that three feet of hair i just wanted one more inch of his he had three feet and i was looking at how perfect he was you know the father had taken away his scars on his face and his back and and uh he didn't have those markings because he was beaten to where he wasn't recognizable and yet he was the most beautiful person i've ever met he's the kindest person i've ever met but i knew that he had destroyed my enemies by the cross he had made a show of them openly he had destroyed the works of the devil and i knew that there were people that did not have the experi experiential knowledge of that they were still dealing with the trauma of this fallen world and so i know like i would never mistreat you i would never speak against you i would never waste my saturday afternoon writing bad things on your youtube channel i would never like i don't even do that with satanists i don't go to their website and say you're going to hell they already know they're going to hell they're happy about it but i'm not going to waste i'm not going to do that to anybody because i love people okay i looked at jesus and i thought as he's talking to me who would ever pluck his beard out who would ever slap him he is the kindest person i've ever met and he loves people every person he designed he thought and and then he let me talk and i was talking and then he was doing the same thing to me i was watching him as i was talking he was like marveling and just smiling at me and he's kind of like doing his head like this and all of a sudden he interrupts me are you ready for this and he says i remember the day i thought of you and he said you turned out just like i thought he said you turn out just fine and i melted he let me go inside of him and i saw him forming me inside of him and then he spoke me out i came out from from a thought that became a reality inside of him that was hidden in him and then he breathed me out and i went to my mother's womb and he had already written a book about me and he was marveling at what he had created as i stood before him and i realized i realized that this whole thing to him is not a really long time this whole thing this everything and i was it was everything is so complicated down here and i had to stop trying to figure things out and let jesus at at the opportune time which could be this service to explain things to me and why things happened why but what i found was he doesn't stop everything there's a permissive will there's actually a permissive sense in the hebrew that's true it's not really transferred uh you know if you if you're if you do these studies there is a permissive sense to god where in the hebrew thought they thought okay if god allowed it then it must be his will but then we know that's not true but there is this permissive will where there's a permissive sense where god didn't do anything about it but that doesn't mean he did it but see in the hebrew thought they trusted god but yet they didn't understand redemption abraham understood faith but you understand that the people didn't understand when they were in the desert they didn't understand several things they missed some things when when jesus came they missed some things with him because they didn't discern their visitation they didn't discern in the desert what that was all about that it should have been a two-week tour not 40 days i mean 40 years but they didn't enter into the promised land because of their unbelief according to the book of hebrews which then makes it responsible for you because hebrews brings that story into the new testament says don't be like them who fell in the desert because of their unbelief okay so the problem is that there's a wrench in the gear because you haven't been able to process what has happened to you because why did god let that happen but to some people that understand the covenant even if those people did not encounter god relationally they did not go up to the mountain when they were asked to and god got upset because he wanted to meet with the people he wanted them to thank him personally for his faithfulness to abraham and joseph and promise to bring them out and that he did and he invited him up the mountain they wouldn't come they threw moses under the bus they said you go up whatever he says will do but they didn't think he was coming back because the mountain's on fire so they're secretly thinking he's not coming back which is explains the golden calf and all the weird stuff they threw them under the bus okay but god was upset right because he wanted relationship so you can't deal just with god with just with position you can't just it's just so the covenant is awesome and and they understood the covenant they weren't sick they weren't poor their clothes didn't wear out because you know the jew jewish people you don't have to explain that to them they don't pray for money they don't ask god for money because why they're sons of abraham they're under the abrahamic blessing so jewish people are surprised when they don't make money and so that's why they get it for wholesale and they sell it to the gentile for retail because to them retail is meant for the gentiles wholesale is for the jews they automatically think covenant okay but relationship is what jesus was seeking he said how i long to gather you together as a mother hen gathers her chicks but you would not have it it was the stiff-necked rebellious spirit that was in the desert that caused them to die was was what caused jesus to be turned over by the religious organization to the roman government it was the same spirit it was rebellion they didn't accept him he said you didn't discern your day of visitation he said that right before he went to the cross okay so if you discern his visitation even job says that that that his visitation restores his spirit that's me and uh pastor wayne's favorite verse 10 12 job so the visitation of his spirit renews or restores your spirit okay that's relational so that's why god will come and it'll seem random but there is no randomness but god will come some will be set free some will not and what it has to do with is you resolving in your heart that god is good he's a good god and that his goodness the revelation of his goodness leads us to repentance now if you check it out if you check out the disciples they did not preach the way that people preach today paul said it's the goodness of god that leads people to repentance he didn't say the fear of hell or the fear of flames or eternal torment will lead people to repentance okay this is something that's very deep you're actually probably going to be surprised that i could actually think this way but i'm still a pert not an expert but listen to me listen to me closely because the way people come to the lord really sets you on a path and if it's not resolved you never get into the relationship you stay in the position so if you got saved so you wouldn't go to hell well then congratulations you got your ticket to heaven but then it's it no no no well listen hear me out because i i i had to deal with 800 people a day for 30 years i listened to people i talked to people i realized that how people come in how they ha how they experience conversion is how they act they treat god the rest of their life and unless a transformation happens where there's an overthrow of the soul so if you came to the lord because of fear of being in hell then you you spend the rest of your life waiting for jesus to come back on a white horse and all you buy is dvds on armageddon and the book of revelation and you you feed on that constantly and every person that comes into leadership is the antichrist and you're storing up you do no i'm sorry because you're feeding on that but see the problem is this you came to christ because you didn't want to go to hell which is really a good thing however and hear me out think about yourself think about people you know that people then are waiting for something to happen but see paul told the thessalonians he said listen if you don't work you don't eat he's because they were quitting their jobs because jesus was coming back and he's saying he explains to them this is when jesus is coming back when this this and this and he explains the whole thing and he says actually he's being held back the antichrist is being held back right now and you know who that is that's what he says and it's not going to happen until this this and this happens so every generation since 60 a.d gets their dvds you know and they they're like which bowl of wrath are we on now and if you if you study you can see this has happened over all there's a cycle that happens but see satan pushes his position every every generation because he doesn't know if it's time yet but he's a horse in the starting gates kicking he just wants to do his thing and he he's overstepped his bounds so many times that the antichrist that he was grooming that is you know you can calculate his name there's been so many of them that had they add up to six six six it's a whole book in itself some of me don't even have birth certificates and and it never happens because there's not time smith wigglesworth told lester sumrall who was staying with him being mentored by him he said the nazis are coming and i you know you're going to have to go back to the united states i'm going to stay it looked like it was the end but you know world war ii came and went so relationship causes you to compel people to come in to tell people good news which is the gospel which causes them to repent the goodness of god leads people to repentance the gospel means good news jesus went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed by god no the devil that right there if you didn't have anything else if you had that one verse you can make it through life because it gives you everything you need did you know that acts 10 38 3x5 card a summary of your life that's your assignment you go around doing good and healing everyone that's oppressed of the devil that's what jesus did he only did what his father did right okay jesus ministry was his relationship with his father it was not his occupation everything he did was his father doing it through him it wasn't his occupation it wasn't position it was beyond that so jewish people operate under a covenant but have no relationship like we do right but how many believers because of not being able to reconcile with things that have happened they are we're at a standstill in our relationship right so you know like like when i worked worked for southwest airlines herb kelleher didn't call me every night and ask how things were going no i had my assignment and i did it but you know what's interesting in when he would see me he would remember my name and he would ask me what can we do to make your job better how can we serve the people better is there anything you're seeing that the passenger is not getting their needs met what can we do he'd go down and help the guys throw bags when he was on my flight he disappeared i'd see him down there throwing bags onto the airplane then he would serve my snacks on my airplane for me he said you just take care he would go by and shake everybody's hand and he could fly a private jet he said to me he said the secret here is i want permanent customers he says i want them to come back kevin i don't want them just to come i want them permanently he said so on the airplane you resolve it they cost 75 dollars to respond to a bad letter but if you take care of it on the airplane you can give them a free drink and it costs 35 cents or you can let them go the whole way with it and we know it's not your fault but you know they're gonna get it's going to cost us 75 bucks and then we're going to give him a voucher and he he said he said this he said america west airlines they were mad because we had dropped our fares to twenty nine dollars and the guy was on tv like mad at her call he says you're trying to put us out of business because i'm not competing against you herb said i'm competing against the car he said so we're going to nine bucks they went to 19 and then nine and i realized that when i've tasted and seen that the lord is good when i've tasted the powers of the coming age when i've encountered the goodness of god when i've encountered the power of the blood and the power of the name i realized that my relationship was going to take me beyond what i can do on my own whereas my position without relationship that there was no fulfillment in that and there was unresolved issues with me because i wondered why things were allowed to happen and then i found out this jesus told me he said well i had no part of that and you never invited me into that situation this is what he said it was really hard he told me to write a book called supernatural finances i had to write it i actually called the publisher i said put this book on hold this one's got to go in right now i go yeah but you know i go well they go it has to be done in 30 days and there's no way you can do it i go it's done start counting so i wrote in 30 days put it in and published it and this is what the lord said to me he said he said my people my people will not let me into their finances and he said it's obvious and i saw that the jewish old covenant was okay you work it this way you do this you obey this you you know you know in the pharisees they were so proud of themselves you know walk around with all the formality of you know i pray i gave this you know they make it they make it so it would sound the sound of the money would drop and make a noise and they they were all their their garb you know and they were holy men and jesus said you'll go twice you'll go around the world you'll go halfway around the world to find a convert when you find one you make him twice the son of hell that you are is what he said in any language it says that twice the son of hell that you are paul thought he was saul thought he was doing god's work jesus told disciples there's come in a day when people will kill you thinking they're doing god's work or god's favor and that's what saul did but see paul when he was converted he said i was called as an apostle since birth and i've wronged no man i found ladies and gentlemen i found because you're my family i found that i was working against god because i didn't know god that's why i was working against it i didn't know i was working against him paul saul didn't think he was working against god until he met the lord and he found out that if you're persecuting the children you're persecuting him whatever you do to those little ones you're doing to jesus so i saw that i was working against myself because i hadn't processed things because i blamed god and when i was in heaven i saw that it was not his fault that he was uninvited because of lack of understanding and i see this all the time you see if i say what the covenant says if i say what my relationship says it offends people because it sounds arrogant it sounds bold but i'm not going to die of any disease whether it's pandemic or scamdemoc or anything it doesn't matter because because my world now listen listen i know thank you but my world my world is framed by psalms 91. but see psalms 91 is not a covenant to me even though we we have we have covenant we have blood covenant psalms 91 is relationship to me because if i make the most high i if you make the most high your dwelling place it doesn't say visitation it doesn't say encounter it says dwelling it's it's habitation if you make the most high your dwellings if you if you turn if amazon delivers to the secret place that's where you live okay right that's your dwelling place that none of these things are going to touch you and i watched a thousand fall and ten thousand at my right hand but it didn't come near me but it bothered me that i lost friends i mean it bothers me it bothers me then in fear they get poked in the arm when what they need is a they need a boost in their immunity because that's what it is it preys on weakness sounds like the enemy to me i mean if you watch the lions if you watch the lions they don't they don't want the fastest gazelle they just want the slowest when we were before before i preached we went to south africa and it's like 25 hour flight so two flights had to go to dubai those devils are still talking about me and my wife being there we prayed in tongues for four hours on our ground time and i know those devils haven't gotten over that yet i mean we prayed in times we went we went into the executive lounge we ate their food we we prayed in tongues they were like please get on the plane and leave and now we're going to go back and do uh we're going to do a meeting there but then when we got there we went on a safari and it was interesting you know whole week there every day staying right there and you know having electric fences around us and you know and people with rifles and and we were out and about and i i s we got to see a lion but before i saw him i felt him and this is what happened all of a sudden there was no wildlife there was no bird singing nothing nothing and then the lion appeared and when i looked in his eyes and he just came up behind us and we just kept going and he kept walking and he just like looked to his side looked this way no one challenged him no one touched him he he walked as though he owned the place because he did okay he didn't have to say a thing and he was probably within 20 30 feet of us and we just kept moving and he kept walking and i looked into his eyes and he's you know i would say from here to to row four and i looked into his eyes and there was no fear there was no inhibition there was nothing from this realm that you would that we all encounter he owned the place and everybody knew it it was just so interesting that he was there but you couldn't see him but the manifestation of his presence had already shifted the whole safari you could feel it and when i looked into his eyes there was no fear that's what i saw in jesus's eyes but you know when i when we were looking at houses kathy wanted this one house and i went to the backyard and started praying in tongues and i walked up on a gator so i've already decided this is not our house but it's amazing the the alligators they'll look at you and they size you up and they think they determine if they can take you or not and if they start to back up then they've determined that they can't take you so i kind of like lifted my chest to make it you know a little more fluffy but he backed off and he just showed himself out but if he was a little bigger he wouldn't have and i started to see something about myself my relationship with god will take me further than even my own understanding and that faith really faith is trust and if you look at because i've done this i don't know how to say this so please forgive me but to me faith is i don't have to believe i have it it's beyond belief please don't take that wrong i know that i know that i know that's how angels are every time i've encountered an angel there's never like uh you know excuse me can i talk to you for a second no you're like face down and like thus saith the lord and if you're like thinking can i just crawl out of here no there's like no you know i know it's going to be a hard message so i'm sorry no they don't apologize they let it fly right okay the things that i encounter on the other side we're like that the word of god to me i encounter the word of god that way so if god has determined this is the way it is then i don't i don't put in a amendment request i don't see if i can stack i'm not going to say all those words but i'm not going to stack the people that represent me i'm not going to stack the judicial system so that it favors no you can't you can't amend it because absolute truth is higher than facts now hear what i'm saying because i'm trying to show you something here what faith is faith is not facts faith is absolute truth that is part of the layers of god's throne in psalms 89 there are layers in his throne one of them is righteousness and justice and he sits on that throne and makes judgments and that's it he doesn't invite you to discuss it he's done that and wrote a book about you before you were born and he didn't even invite you to that meeting he doesn't have a suggestion box he gave the seraphim six wings he never asked us he doesn't care if we know why but see we're we're we're still bothered why why god let the anointed chair of the covers eden why he let him do what he did but see trust would have said why am i talking to a serpent about theology when god is coming down like he does every day and walking with me i could talk to him i don't need to be talking to him so was it god's fault you see what happened there is beyond our understanding but i'm gonna i'm gonna give it to you anyway and you're gonna like it brought you here to have a good time you're gonna have a good time like like like guido says if i want your opinion i'll give it to you there are certain things about god that are not amendable the relationship that adam and eve had did not require any other conversation about it because god was not keeping anything from them he was protecting them the tree was placed in the garden so that man and woman who were so close to being god that they had to be reminded that they were not so a tree was placed the tithe it was god's it was not theirs it was never there that tree was never theirs just like the tenth is not yours it was never yours it's a test we need to take an intermission because you're going to take at least a year to think about what i just said but the tree was placed there and god ate from it in front of them he did that whole thing because we were created like him and because we weren't god we were an image we would think that we were god especially if we hang out with him so there had to be a check and balance to remind us we cannot handle knowing evil we can't handle that god can god can sit and watch it and not change it doesn't he's not tempted but we if we have a choice we can't make the right choice the usb port is the perfect example of that there's only two ways it fits but i guarantee you try three times before you get it that is mathematically impossible try it they they were developing algorithms for trading platforms and it's really about it's all algorithms it's all it's all appears to be random but it's really not that's why you should never go to vegas unless you just want to eat their free food then you win but see it's set up so that you don't win but someone will but they've already made millions between because it's all set up okay so it's set up that way so they what they did was they proved they proved the the the the trading platforms like like a wall street they instead of picking stocks they literally taught a monkey to throw darts at a wall street journal section where all the stocks are listed just massive amounts of stocks they put it on the wall and they had a monkey throw darts at it they took those stocks that it landed on where the the point was and they invested in that and it did better than the professionals he went to space he went to space went to orbit no though i'm trying to show you something here you don't want there is no randomness you see you have to come in line and get healed and allow yourself to accept the fact that god walked by moses in the cleft of the rock and revealed himself to him but moses barely lived through it and when he asked when he kept because he was having this conversation you know god when in the conversations you don't pick it up unless you really study you have to study exodus you have to start and read all those chapters in the 20s and up to 32 you have to read exodus and you have to really do word studies because what happens is is as god's talking to moses moses notices that god starts calling the people moses people instead of his people and moses catches it he goes oh wait a minute wait a minute no you're not going to put this on me if if you don't go with us we're not going because he knew he knew he understood what god i understand you're having a bad day but you can't kill them so he said i can't be among them i can't hang them out with him in the green room he said so moses had to like say well you can't kill them because then he said i just want to make you a nation i'll make you a nation well they all ended up dying anyway right but he said okay i'll send an angel but he won't tolerate their sin either and of course he didn't they all fell dead okay then god said a profound thing are you ready to catch this he said moses we're fine my presence shall go with you we're fine but he used the word presence which this is going to flip you out and all you scholars you'll know what i'm talking about there is no word for presence the word is is actually panime which it should be pinnai but it's plural its faces instead of face my faces shall go with you panayim not panai my penis shall go with you the idea is is that god is looking toward us we've caught his attention if he smiles his glory comes from his face and we have favor can you can you let's just go right now we can break i'm about ready to have a breakdown here in the glory okay if you catch god's attention because of faith like the centurion now let's be honest with that jesus said there i haven't seen this in israel he said this great of faith he marveled okay but what did the centurion equate faith to understanding authority so if jesus says that i got it i'm not going to pray a miss because i'm praying out the mysteries in the spirit i'm not going to ask a miss because the spirit's not going to work against himself but as that reality comes up in me i catch the attention of god with my faith because it's formed within me and i got it and then my words match what's inside of me and it comes to me i don't even have to leave my house i don't have to beg that's why i give things away instead of charge because i'm being chased down right now by goodness and mercy i'm being tackled from behind i've been sacked i've fallen and i can't get up because i'm overcome by his goodness it was that wave that got me from behind i didn't see it coming but you know what it's very predictable moses said no not panayim kabode i want to see your kabode see nobody catches that i want to see your glory and god said you want to die you can't see my face and live why because i can look at jesus all day in the presence but i guarantee you if he walks into that father's glory i can't look at his face i couldn't look at the father's face the lord jesus wouldn't let me he said you cannot see the father's face because you wouldn't be able to return to your body your body's fallen it would not handle your spirit seeing your face of your father i cannot live in my body if i see the face of my father so i wasn't allowed to see his face because i wouldn't be here talking to you but there was only one time that jesus appeared to me and my roommate walked into my room unannounced and the glory was coming from his face and the bed frames bent from the glory we were pleading for our lives we were repenting as spirit-filled ministers we were repenting of everything i felt as though it was easier to die than to live in that but see i can't say that in public so i don't because everybody's like what did he just say i'm telling you i i've experienced this the holiness of god the the glory of god to where i was fearful it wasn't that god loved me less it's just that he always veils himself so that we can handle him you think you've seen everything you haven't seen nothing you can't handle the truth it's not just for gautana magde you know so god compromises to show a part of him that he doesn't show and when he did that now moses is accountable now when god says the second time i want you to speak to the rock he was held at a higher accountability because of the relationship and paul told the corinthians that the rock followed the children of israel in the desert and provided water paul says that and he says that rock was christ paul says that okay so hebrews says that once you have tasted of the heavenly gift and the powers of the coming age to trample underfoot the blood of jesus as an unholy thing there is no repentance for sin that sin you can't come back it's unpardonable why because you can't strike christ twice he struck once and then you speak to him the second time you kiss the son lest he be angry you get it right on the way with your accuser you judge yourself lest you be judged you can't put christ up on the cross again so moses being the law will strike christ again but now we speak to the son he has been struck once he cannot be crucified again he will not come back and be crucified again not even for aliens he will never return and be crucified again for another race okay so you want to see jesus you want to have angel visitation you want to encounter the glory do you know what you're asking because then which is going to happen but you you have to capture the lord's his attention in the presence and he has to smile at you and favor you not in position but in relationship i'm not worried about whether i'm going to heaven or not i want to take as many people with me as i possibly can and i want to stay here as long as i can to give the devil a headache i want to get in his way and stop him and prevent him i want to be part of the of the the body that keeps him from manifesting the son of perdition and so moses had a relationship with god and god took him further but then moses was held accountable and at the end of his life because he had struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it the second time like he was told he was not allowed to enter because the law cannot enter the promised land moses can't take you in joshua can't joshua in in is it's right there in the in the bible it's amazing joshua's name is jesus jesus joshua could take them in the law could not but joshua had faith he said we can take this land and him and caleb had to spend the next 40 years with that bunch now i want to show you something that you probably have not thought about but moses because of that saturation of being with the lord that many days at least twice 40 days without food or water his face had transformed back to the original adam by being that close to god his face started to take on the person that he spent time with and then when he went down he did not know that his face was beaming and this is without hillsong in bethel and earbuds and andrew womack he didn't have any of those things but he had relationship and he talked with god face to face and something happened to him that caused his countenance to become like gods and like adam and eve before they fell but he didn't know it because it became normal when he came down the people didn't think it was normal and they were afraid of him it says they were afraid they said beams were coming out of his face if you read some of the translations and do those studies you'll find that he was being transfigured is this too much i'll back off okay so the peoples made him cover his face and it wasn't because of a scam gimmick okay so so he was being transformed in the old covenant because the old covenant could not resolve the sin problem but it did delay it and teach us that that we had a problem that's what the law was for that we it shows the problem we have in the weakness but it couldn't fulfill the righteous requirements that god had it had to be through blood okay now now in the new testament moses i guarantee it when he appeared with elijah and jesus on the mount transfiguration he did not know that he wasn't on mount sinai because jesus is i am and up there on that mountain there was no time oh yeah click click click so god says it's time to die come with me moses full health 120 nothing wrong with him and god has to tell him to die because he won't die adam and eve couldn't die until he took them out of the garden and stopped them eating from the tree of life they would have lived forever in sin he went no think about it outside the garden god came to cain and said hey why are you downcast he noticed his countenance was downcast he said don't you know that if you do right things are going to go well with you but if not sin is crouching at your temple door as a lion it desires to have you but you must master it you must master it did i mention you must master it god visited him face to face now listen face to face in sin and coached him knowing full well what he's about to do because sin requires a sacrifice and if if cain had done the right thing abel still be alive no not today but you are some said think about it blood has a voice god heard abel's voice crying out to him the blood jesus voice has a blood as a voice jesus blood has a voice it's speaking okay so moses dies before the lord because god had already told him and he had already made the announcement that he can't strive with man their day shall be 120 years this was because men was man was so evil that god couldn't put up with him any longer than that but if you walk with god why is it that in iran you can look it up it's on the internet it must be true but there's paper clippings where people in iran muslims live to be 147 there's one that lived to be 151 okay they um not the same okay do they eat more fiber or what no what's going on there okay i'm asking you this because i'm trying to show you something god limited those those to those years because he would not strive with man because it says that their hearts were evil they were wicked all their thoughts and intents were wicked so he put an end to it so moses lives to be 120 but he can't go into the promised land so god takes him up and says it's time to die and moses is like no i'm fine right okay you've forced me to go further new testament peter you know pastor peter apostle peter sunday afternoon during the service they're taking offerings people were selling things so that they can support the church it was growing you know it was a five thousand i think at the time was like two or three thousand and it would just it was just going up up up up is this what you paid for it yeah how dare you lie to the holy spirit boom okay uh cut the youtube feed we got a situation here people's like what just happened nothing here keep walking [Music] no no church service offering new testament did i mention new testament okay who killed them look at everybody see i'm not afraid to ask the hard questions because that does not go away just because we ignore it even the nearly inspired version still has it in its bible now we got fifty we got we got 1700 1800 signed up we've got about 1500 1400 here if someone drops dead and their their wife is still alive how long do you think your android will stay inactive or your apple if you dare to have an apple no i'm just kidding how long will they stay inactive before you text sapphira and say hey you might want to get your story straight right you start a you start at like a a group a prayer group and you like tag all your friends if you see safari do not let her come to church without getting her story correct that she did not pay that price for that property right but it was hours later she shows up comes up peter doesn't you know being the loving pastor he is he doesn't say hey can i talk to you a second what lack of love i mean peter wasn't walking in love he didn't even help her is this what you paid for it he's already motioned him for the ushers to come to gather the bodies up you know no no think about this is this am i have i stretched this at all okay this is new testament this is before aatrax but it is new testament so can you really really get rid of some of the things about the personality of god just because i don't know i don't know what else to say you get my point so there's this part of of jesus when he walked into the room my my roommate started screaming like a little girl and we hit the deck now i'd had jesus appear to me before but not like this i couldn't look at his face because the glory was coming out of his face but in the presence you can handle it but when that glory comes from his face you can't look at him you can't look at the father with that glory coming out of his face but see that's his normal that's how we were made at one time adam and eve could handle it even outside after they sin god still came down to have fellowship with them and wanted to know where they were who killed at who killed ananias and sapphira did they actually make the wrong decision and run in to the wall and kill themselves if moses was said you know what god i can handle it just go ahead i want the full bore i want the full platinum package no veil and he stands there like this he's telling aaron make sure you get this on film no he wouldn't be alive it wouldn't matter it wouldn't have mattered right he wouldn't we would never we just wouldn't have known they would never came back from the mountain okay so there are certain things about god that we cannot handle and he's god and we're not so when you're in heaven it never occurs to you on who made it and who didn't you have no reference point if someone did not make it to heaven you have no reference point to look for them it's not spoken there was no way for me in heaven to go and access my past the earth was a speck of dust that was in a history book that had dust on it it is as though it was not real i didn't think about my parents i didn't think about the fact that i never got married or that i left that kit kat half eaten on my desk it didn't matter anymore it was so far away but yet the throne was so close and my home was where i was i was never part of this earth i never fit in i wasn't supposed to fit in i was supposed to be a plumb line a battle axe a measuring rod a anointed voice which all of you are too why do we put this on the five-fold the five-fold is called according to scripture if you want to bring the bible into it paul said the fivefold is to build up the body in the maturity and unity until we reach maturity and unity so i look at the responsibility of fivefold if we're not in unity and we're not mature well then we know what's going on so that's why i am called to build up the body so i don't have anything bad to say to you i have no criticism for you i just have truth but see my the truth that i'm giving you is absolute truth from heaven it's not facts you know i don't care if you change the color of your hair at least you have hair i'm not going to criticize you i don't care if you walk backwards with a hot potato in your pocket to keep warm in snow or if you flew here it doesn't matter you are obedient to come i'm not going to criticize you for what you wear i'm glad you have something on but i'm not going to criticize you in any of that if but the thing of it is is that what is important though is that we all agree and everything that is in scripture we should agree upon and it's really there are not 29 interpretations of jesus in a small town so we resolved it i told i called him i said i said the lord's going to put you on the head of that board for that because they all meet on a forum all pastors meet have breakfast and so i prayed i said this is what the lord wants so thus saith or this is his desire if this is the way it's going to be then i want him on the board as the head of all those and i want him to have preference in the prisons not some guy who's going to put feathers chicken blood on you you know what i'm saying so because he is in charge then what happens is the bar is risen to the place of not facts but truth and then everyone should get a dose of that truth and make a decision on if they're going to embrace jesus on that level and if not they'll just be judged for that everybody's judged according to what they know but god gives you the chance to know and then allows you to make the decision so the things that you go through in your life it's really about what you understood at the time and what you did not understand you whatever you permitted was allowed now this i share this with you just because it just happened but this stuff happens every day is that to me the reality is psalms 91 but see i didn't get there overnight i have scars to prove that i was not in the secret place but there had to come that time where i got smart and i thought you know what i might not want to do that again i made a judgment based on truth not on facts i didn't think well you know maybe i can get away with it again well it's a risk but what if there was no risk what if believing what god has already said what if that's real faith what if it's trust that there's a higher level of reality which paul talks about to the colossians in chapter three he said set your sights or your affection on things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god which would that is the place that you're supposed to set yourself your your your vision and your emotions everything your passion is set there not on earthly things paul says so jesus told me that most people are so carnally minded that they're no earthly good and the devil used to tell me through people that i'm so spiritually minded i'm no earthly good but every generation rejects the voice for that generation but then they celebrate them as a hero in the next but they kill them jesus said i sent people to you and you killed them he said you're going to do the same to me he said you celebrate them as your heroes but you killed them that's exactly what he said so being a friend of god is knowing that you're not going to fit in because that's your job that's your calling so god's personality starts to rub off on you and then people don't like you they didn't like moses they didn't like paul i know that most churches couldn't handle paul i know most churches couldn't handle jesus showing up and preaching because one circle said well just show us a miracle one would say you know we need fed make some bread and and some fish you got others or like you know can you just talk to us about finances can you just talk to us about marriage he's going to say before marriage was i am and you realize wait a minute he's talking from another realm because he is another realm he didn't come from another realm he is a realm he's a level of reality that causes us to get over ourselves and then all of a sudden we can't remember what was bothering us i don't blame my parents i don't blame my teachers i don't blame anyone for where i am i stopped blaming everyone and i said lord if if chase bank knows where i am in the world because of the chip in my card then you do too they wouldn't pay my employees while we're in france because we're supposed to be in switzerland but they didn't have any hotels because we were in we were in geneva and they were having the u.n meeting there so we had to go to france to get a hotel and then come back every meeting and so my wife is buying me a suit in france while i'm trying to pay my employees and they blocked it so i called them and i go hey do you see how many comments and zeros are in my account what are you doing do you want to lose me i need to pay my employees well mr zeta you know you're you're in france i go oh so you know where i'm at oh yeah mr zeta your wife is at this store she's she purchased this and then here you are in another country and you just did this and so there's a discriminate no discrepancy it's cleared up right now oh no it's not that easy and it went on and on it went on for four hours i finally had to call my local bank and they hung up on me not because i was rude it's just like can you just call them and tell them well we need your driver's license you i said you already have that how do we know this is you you knew i was in france okay so god so god knows where we're at and with so he can locate you right now and walk you out of the woods but what you have to do is this you have to let go of the hurt of the past and the discrepancy of what happened to you you know i i find out when i find out what happens to people and i find out what's being what's what's going on in people's lives that are my friends or my family and i find out what people have done to them i go i just need an address and just turn the other way i just want to take care of it the things that people have done to my wife before i met her it just saves the court some money why because i want people to be treated right okay so don't you think that your heavenly father wants that okay don't you think he wants you to prosper to where you have more than enough that you can help others okay so why would you resist him in trying to help you it's because you're damaged you're hurt because this is a broken world so as we close this session i want you to resolve in your heart that we were not made to operate in a broken world we're very very finely and intricately made like i've said and because of that we don't function with delay or discrepancy or disappointment or discouragement we we only know in our spirit courage and appointments we know that when we pray there is no there is no time god has heard our prayer and he's working right now but we expect it we expect it because our spirits are made like god and god keeps his word but then when things don't happen when people people are stealing killing and destroying and you're misrepresented you're all misrepresented and there are people that are representing you that really aren't representing you and things are stolen and you just stand there thinking there's no place like home and you're clicking your heels thinking it's all going to go away but see that's what the devil does he steals kills and destroys but jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly so you wonder when the justice is going to come you wonder when the recompense the when it when it turns you're in your spirit you're grieved because there's a there's a discrepancy on what you know in your spirit is right and what's really happening and it's hard to deal with that i i even have trouble breathing every day i don't watch the chinese network news network i can't quote any of those people on what they're saying because there's a higher level that's being spoken from heaven i'm setting my affections on things above where christ is see at the right hand of god and i only hear my commander i only hear my shepherd okay he's speaking healing to me so getting back to what i didn't finish on the soccer thing remember the soccer team so the balls you know they're doing their thing the score is like three to one i'm keeping track of every time they hit my door with the ball okay so i put my headsets in because if i am delayed eight hours i don't get to fly with my crew i don't get home when i'm supposed to because i don't have enough rest so i'm not gonna tell anybody i'm just gonna suffer tomorrow but i thought if i put my headsets in and listen to the word of god i put it on the book of hebrews and i listen to that over and over again for years now i put it and i listen to hebrews and ephesians and colossians over and over and the book of john over and over again never the book of revelation because i'm actually preventing that from happening i'm in chapter three where it talks about lukewarmness in chapter two that's where i st i'm camped right now because jesus told me he's done with lukewarmness he appeared to me and said he's done with lukewarmness last may he said the church is not ready for what's about to happen they're not going to pass their test so you need to warn them this is what my will is but if they don't repent and pray for this nation it's not going to happen well that went over well and it's going over well now not but see the thing of it is it was all up to the church kenneth hagin before he died he said if anything bad happens to america it's the church's fault it's interesting because i always wanted to meet billy brim and one day she was she told someone to give her her number to me so i waited three months prayed and then the lord said call her and when i called her my whole life changed because she's the one that wrote brother hagin's books helped him write she knew him very well and we had a conversation me and my wife for about two hours not that long ago like a month a month or two ago changed my life i've always wanted to meet her but i wasn't going to do anything about it but i found out some things through that conversation that gave me understanding that i wouldn't have gotten unless i had had the other side of brother hagin the other side of her and you know why that happened you know why that all happened because one day at a church that we were attending she was she had spoken and we were leaving down through the atrium the other way she was down there and they had left her alone she's standing there alone waiting for her ride no one was there to attend to her and i told the lord at that point if i ever have a ministry a minister that comes is going to be taken care of they will never be left alone i will put and that's if you come and speak for me if you come to my studios you have a person assigned to you 24 hours a day to make sure that you because of her but see i so i said that because of what happened and i got to meet her but she changed my life by what she said i got it back and this is what happened i fell asleep in that hotel it sounds random but i'm pulling stones out of your soil soccer team i couldn't hear them anymore i could hear the word of god and i fell asleep at midnight i woke up and i can hear someone talking and i thought they're still up and there was someone in my room i go there's not somebody in my room so i took my headset off and i could hear i'm half asleep i could hear someone speaking very loudly in my room so i'm looking around and i turned a light on there's no one there there's no one in the hallway and i realized that it was coming out of my mouth and i the lord said don't get up here let it go so for an hour and ten minutes i timed it says watch and pray i prophesied the spirit was talking about kevin the spirit was talking and you'd be jealous if you heard what he was saying he the spirit of god this is be when i was just a stewardess being abused by a soccer team i thought someone was in my room and it was my voice but because i had the headsets on i didn't know that my that it was coming out of my spirit and i was speaking at the top of my lungs when i pulled it off i heard out of my own mouth kevin shall succeed in his mission he shall go throughout the earth as a flame of fire lighting fires everywhere he goes and no one will be able to stop him because i have placed my anointing on him and he has my word in him and there's nothing that's going to stop him he will not fail and it went on for an hour and a half okay this is what's going on inside of you all the time i'm not i'm not i'm not because i'm no more special than you are i just passed my test once you pass your test you're going to be up here and i'm going to be sitting there listening to you and i'll be glad for it i'm tired i want to go back to work so i can rest i heard the spirit say so many beautiful things about me and i realized that i was formed and fashioned intricately i was fearfully and wonderfully made and god was speaking things through his spirit about me through me and i didn't know it it happened by accident i stumbled into it and i realized if i can prophesy like this all the time i would just say what the tension of the lord is and if people mix it with faith it'll happen but see prophecy in the new testament is conditional that's a quote from brother hagin you have to mix it with faith we're in the new testament now malachi is retired okay now all that word is still the word of god it shall not pass away however there's better promises and a better covenant and in the new testament you mix with faith the word of god or it doesn't happen you know many of the fathers that would i could name finney and and all the you know the the methodist brothers you know they notice it seems like god only moves when people pray and think about this the past the pastor in texas during the oil field days he would tell people listen you got to obey the safety regulations at your job because people were saying his church man god's taken a lot of people this year so he told them he said listen if it says don't touch this when your feet are wet then you might not want to do that and and and don't touch that red knob don't be like a little kid that's the first thing they do if you tell them not to and this is what the pastor said to brother hagin he said it was amazing how god didn't take as many people the next year when they followed the safety regulations so spirits saying things that are way too good for you to help to have in your mind right now that's exceedingly above but he's saying them to you and i had only done 35 percent of what god had slated for me to do when i went to heaven i had an audit as i stood before him and he said well done when he said well done everything flashed before me everything in my life everything went i saw all the opportunities that were there that i didn't discern what i could have done and i didn't and i received rewards for 35 of that and i said to the lord i would have done so much more for you if i would have known and the fact was i could have known but i didn't dig deep into the word i didn't discern it was habitation it was where i dwelt nothing could harm me angels are assigned with special assignments to keep me in all my ways arrows are going to fly demonic arrows by day and by night but there'll be people dropping thousand at my side ten thousand in my right hand but it shall not come near me and so my my it's not that i'm better than anyone else i i think i think i'm just more aware of what we all have but i don't like to do this alone we're all the body there if moses had to be told to die then what about us in the new testament it's so much higher than what we're living at at what point do you all see disease stop and don't come into your house when do you see tumors just drop off your body because there has to come that point where nothing is impossible okay well all i want is 300 people that know how to drink water in war i just want 300 gideon army that that make sure they're looking what they're drinking i just need 300 sober-minded people at what point do you go into this place called the secret place and you live there you throw away the key i'm telling you my wife knows this my staff knows they see miracles every day i don't talk about it but i think about what just happened one of my staff members he watched it happen at his house i'm walking because i'm i have to go the restroom so you know i got to go pretty bad so i'm not walking at a short a soft pace and i look and that that sliding glass door is open but it's not open it's just really clean and i'm walking up he watched it happen and i heard the audible voice of god say stop now and turn to your left and that's why my nose is still on my face i kid you not any and he could come up here he's very busy right now but he could come up here and testify he came up to me goes the lord just spared you i watched the whole thing happen he said he spoke to you didn't you you were about to plow into that i go yeah see i've learned i don't like argue with them why why do i have to stop i got to go to the bathroom okay it's relationship it's trust the lord told me one day when fifty thousand dollars was a whole year's salary he told me give fifty thousand dollars to someone who didn't even like me i said well okay i'll do it if you tell my wife so i said hey kathy i said she was on the treadmill i said pray about this you know how much i didn't tell her how much said you know this this person so she prays in tongues and she's doing her treadmill and she gets off she goes yeah you're supposed to get 50 000 dollars a whole year's wages so i did it see i passed my fifty thousand dollar test that person thinks i hear from god now i started out with a dollar and the lord built me up do you know how many people they started out in the healing ministry and the people they prayed for died that didn't stop them because they're not the healer they're the one that prays we lay hands on the sick he recovers them we we cast out devils they leave but they see who's behind us that's who they're afraid of the disease has to go they can't resist jesus at what point do we get there do you look inside yourself right now you feel the shifting going on you see your reality shifting because your environment is his total immersion your reality is shifting but you're starting to see that you've been shortchanged if the word of god says it the lord has already been to our future and has paved a way to it then all you have to do is look at what it says in both psalms and in in proverbs where both solomon and david said the steps of a righteous men are ordered of the lord the steps of the righteous are ordered they're numbered they have a number just go to the next number they have an assignment how do i get you out of the way the thought the misconception that god's random he's not random this world's fallen and it appears to be random that's how the devil works but it's not random with you it's intentional if i don't obey god then it doesn't happen he goes to someone else you take the opportunity because you know one day you're going to be audited and you're going to see that that was your opportunity and you didn't take it see you're you're not down here surviving you're down here thriving you're down here being being led by the spirit opportunities will appear if god has to create one for you if he doesn't have what you're asking for he'll create it listen there's a difference between god forming something out of something that already exists and ex nihilo which means he takes something out of nothing god forms but he also creates neither is hard for him it takes the same to raise the dead or cast out the devil it's like okay who's going to raise the dead over here who's going to cast out those everybody goes over and cast out the devil so because it's easier no it's not any easier it's not any harder see when you raise the dead you're going and taking a person's spirit and and you're you're commanding them to come back jesus commanded lazarus to come back come forth he took his spirit put him back pulled him back why it wasn't time yet he raised people from the dead because it wasn't their time now i've had people that have said i want to go i've had situations where this lord says they don't want to come back and we're mad because they weren't raised but it was because they didn't want to come back and trust me none of you want to come back it's a walmart without doors down here you can go in but you never leave it's like you you're trapped you want to leave walmart but there's no doors so people keep running into you with their carts and running ahead of you and getting that last tube of toothpaste that was 67 cents they run ahead of you you don't want to come back and the conversations that i've had with close people they they i talk to them i've never i and it's the last conversation i have even though i know i don't know that but they're talking from the other realm my father he got healed of cancer and it came back but he called me before we knew and he was speaking from the other realm he was prophesying he doesn't even believe that way the things he said to me were profound not spirit-filled baby christian didn't understand healing but in tears he told my wife i'm a christian today because of that man he pointed to me because he showed me he showed me what being a christian is he showed me by his faith that's what my dad said i'm a christian because of kevin i watched him believe god and i watched god come through for him over and over again he was crying he said i'm a christian because of that man i see god in that man so no i wasn't just his son i've had so many people before they died call me and prophesy from the other realm just happened last week actually this week that was last week when i got the call the lord said call this person right now it's the last conversation i had with them they said it's really hard i don't know if i want to stay and i said well we need you down here you're our head intercessor they this person prays for all the prepare requests to come in which is a huge amount so a couple months ago if that she was ready to leave i got the call i was with jesse to plant us we went into his garage we held huns and said i said jesse i can't i can't let go of her i need her he says yeah it's not her time let's let's pray so we agreed in the garage the next morning we got a call she was up and about she said she said i i went and in heaven jesse kevin and tony kemp were standing there with jesus and they said to me you can't come it's not your time and she came back she doesn't know so she passed monday i believe was monday right ryan's mom but she we talked the lord said call her so i called her a couple days before and this is what she said she said why are you grieving and i explained to her i said she says you don't back off of you don't back off do you realize what you're doing and she started prophesying to me so last i talked to her this has happened over and over again so this week before i came here the lord told me you're going to write a book this is the name of it you're going to make a cd series this is the name of it so i want you to do the cd series and i need you to do this course called this i don't say this because then people take it and write it so i'm not going to say anything okay so i do this course 25 sessions on deliverance and then he said i do that and when i'm on to the next last session so i did do ten sessions a day so two days of ten sessions a day and then one day of five then lord so i do that on the last next last session it's it's on film i'm by myself in the studio because everything's set up it's automated so my staff lives all over the place and they they can control our studio remotely so i don't need anybody there i can film all day and people that work for me can can control the whole studio so i'm filming and all of a sudden i i look i look and there's this bright there's this bright flash at the door but there's no one there but me so i i look at my phone at the cameras and my wife is not there her vehicle has not pulled up and so i keep t i'm teaching the whole time and i'm looking there's someone standing right there and all my hair is standing up except for my forehead which doesn't have any but i i'm like thinking no one is going to believe this then this person starts singing the song of the lord and it's the most beautiful song i've ever heard and walks right past me and out through the wall and you can hear them singing outside and they just fade away there's nobody there i've heard that song before twice about 20 years ago we were assistant pastors and we were praying for the service the next day and we were we were praying no one else in the building and all of a sudden this angel just comes in and sings the the same song above our heads and just keeps going like this over and over and over again i've heard this song three times this has happened three times it just happened this week again the same song but i can't tell you what it is negative ghost rider the pattern's full no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not going to do that because i can't there's no way i can because it was a rhythmical it was not it did not have a staff timing it did not have it was beautiful it was it's elegant it's tapestry it's like a ballet dancer you don't know what's going to be next but you know it's going to be good and um this is what happened this is what happened this week and then when i went home i did this the cd series have you been to the altar lately two cds said when i was done with it i couldn't walk or talk and i have not been able to do much since then and i came here under this i came under an encounter that i can't explain i just did a cd set i've done hundreds of them but nothing like this but the next one's going to be better than that it keeps happening people 40 years of walking with the lord and something happened this week that i cannot explain to you i can't sing the song to you the reason i can't sing this song to you it wasn't from this realm like all the albums i've done there's four i believe there's four albums now i've done each of them because the spirit of god came on me people in my church they sit and watch me play instruments that they know i can't play they watch it and if i can't find someone to play it i just do it myself oh don't worry about i'll play it you play this and sometimes i do the album all myself but when you listen those albums i know there's no way i could do what i just did and they're so from the other realm there's no way that i can take credit for it but see what about you what else is there that is coming forth out of you that's beyond what you can think it's in your spirit so we all need to make an adjustment and grow up and be mature right now and we need to understand something that if you can't trust god if you ask for help he will help you lord i do believe can you help my unbelief okay can you say help okay well that's a really good prayer why does it seem like a big step to go toward god but it's huge amounts of steps easy steps to get away from him why is it easier to be unholy than it is to be holy why is holiness not transferable why was the priest he couldn't transfer holiness it says by the law you cannot transfer holiness but a priest could become unholy or unclean by someone unclean touching him or if he would touch something was unclean it would make him unclean but yet he couldn't transfer holiness it says in the law you cannot that the priest cannot transfer holiness to someone else did you know that that's there okay so why is it easier to lose it than it is to get it why does it cost something i'll tell you why the lord is doing you a favor he's making you diligent so that you can overcome the flesh so you can overcome your fears and your doubt it strengthens you to be released and escape and i want every one of you before you leave and come back tonight i want you to determine that you're going to escape the corruption that's in the world that's caused by lust by partaking of the precious promises you at what point do you not care if you're rejected anymore at what point do you not care what people think what at what point do you just know if you're pleasing god that's all you need at what point do you escape when you overcome you overcome within yourself you yield to the spirit and the spirit causes you to go into overthrow it's just a mode you go into there is enough in here there's enough people in here to have anything we ask for brother hagin taught a group of of women to pray in his his church before he started school and he would train them how to pray and it got to where he told us in class that he had to announce that the prayer group was meeting monday morning he said so get your prayer requests in but this is what he had to say now listen to what i'm saying here he said you better make sure that this is what you want when you turn it in because you're going to get it and they it didn't matter what it was you would get it because they didn't understand doubt and fear they didn't they were and i i saw i saw i saw glimpses of things in heaven that the people that have established the foundation in which we we live and we believe everything that's been established was by people that were moved by the holy spirit and they wrote and they made the foundation of what we now have built upon and we build upon and they were of a different spirit a spirit that represented what jesus talked about in john 14 15 and 16 and 17. i saw that john had tapped into something that was not recorded in the other gospels it's journalistic but it's not theology like john is i mean everything jesus says is theological but you understand that if a person is going around keeping note that luke being a doctor is going to mention more about healing and mark you know his is pretty short so it follows the personality but john john knew that he was the one that jesus loved the best he was the favorite and if he didn't believe it just ask him he'd tell you and in moses he was the most humble on the earth just ask him he'll tell you he wrote he wrote the first five books of the bible he wrote genesis and he didn't even live during that time so how did he get it from another realm the angels gave it to him did you hear me moses wrote genesis moses wrote psalms 91 the secret place why because he encountered that what he wrote was from the cleft of the rock i just saw the lord's foot come down and everything in creation knows when he does that they understand that even if i don't i have i have seen things that i didn't understand but i have to tell them to you the spirit of the lord is saying i am willing but the flesh is weak the spirit is so willing to go further and acquire in prayer whatever you desire but you have to frame your world by the word of god so that you are in the vine you you're tapping into the vine and we're the branches so we're in in the lord and he's in us we're one we're tapped in and there's an agreement and it gets rid of a lot of paperwork it's a short button i'm waiting i'm waiting just a couple more minutes i'm delaying it i wanted to go a long time ago but you have to make a decision don't wait for congress you've got to make a decision the church is the most powerful institution on this earth the body of christ is the most powerful entity on this earth the church of the living god the gates of hell can't prevail against it that is the absolute truth that is the absolute truth it doesn't matter how many times you've been mowed over in the last three months it doesn't matter to god it doesn't matter what he said is true i have to believe him i live and move and have my being in him i'm moved by the spirit so are you you love because god loved you you're taught to walk in the spirit because the spirit is in you and is your counselor always ready and willing i saw that in tampa while all this was happening in my studio all these recordings i saw how much it's up to each individual on what they encounter here but i saw that a lot of you are dealing with trauma you're trying to figure out what just happened i'm going to tell you what just happened but because of the algorithms i'm not going to say i'm going to tell you a story if there are any witches in here you need to repent and come up here and let me pray for you if you're not saved and you want to give your life to the lord you need to get up here right now this is a story when i was 15 years old i had been beaten up so much because see the lord had anointed me just like he anoints you just like king david just we're all anointed to serve but see kids don't know why they do what they do most grown-ups don't even know what they do why they do what they do but i got beat up all the time and one day when i was 15 years old i just got tired of it and my parents couldn't afford much of anything i was already working at 14. and so i made a weight set out of the gallon jugs of milk i filled them with water i got a metal pipe and i put two on each side six and a half pounds i think well that's fuel so i don't know what a what gallon of water is it might be a little more is it like eight but anyway six and a half for fuel or whatever and so i put water in there and i started doing curls and all kinds of like military military you know put you know everything so i i just did well i started on purpose in may when school got out i ate everything that didn't move i worked out three times a day yeah and when i got in september when i showed up they thought there was a new guy in the school and i kid you not i had no problem anymore because i did something about it i didn't have to i didn't have to do a thing well maybe i pumped up a little bit in the bathroom before i went to class every morning but you know i'm serious i'm talking like 30 40 pounds of muscle and this is what happened it was fine for a while and then i asked if i could be on the senior track team and the diving team and the swim team when i was really you know you're not really supposed to do that when you're in the lower grades but i said you know why don't you just get your stopwatch meet me after school and i'll change your mind and i ran and i broke a record as a tryout and then they gave me a shot put then they gave me a poll for pole vaulting then they gave me a discus they said you can take that home i want you to practice a lot here's a javelin too well what happened what all of a sudden i went and i i went into diving and i beat the people that were seniors i went to states my second year of diving i was in states okay then all of a sudden something else happened it changed again now the big guys they were wanting to challenge me for a territorial thing i kid you not i'm like no they were mad because they would go out drinking all weekend and then monday they'd show up for the track meet and i would beat them because i drank milk and weight gain from joe weeder i didn't drink so i wasn't drunk i didn't take drugs so i would get off the school bus as a junior and a senior and behind me was a car with one of these big football players and they're like i'm going to kill you was i did i do something wrong was it what right at the bus stop the road split into a triangle went down and split my house was up there this kept happening and i would lay these guys out and then the next one would come next week and it got to where i'm like you've got to be kidding what happened well i just went to another level you don't do you understand what i'm saying or not you see i thought i was resolving one problem so this guy he is so much taller than me so much bigger than me and he's a football player he goes let's go and i'm like no i don't want to fight you you're my friend you were my friend a couple weeks ago until your testosterone kicked in now you got to prove and all the girls are cheering and i'm like this is like a sport well i turned in the cod van dam and i i don't know what happened but he took a swing at me he took a swing at me now i don't know if you understand this but i was called at 10 but i didn't get saved till i was 19. i don't understand that and please don't ask me about it because i don't know but all i know is when that man threw that punch it was matrix i knew what was going to happen because i saw it happen before it happened and the guy was knocked out laying at my feet and they had to tell me to stop or i would have killed them and all i wanted to do was finish high school and go to college and go to the air force academy that's all i wanted to do i didn't have a i had ch track records but no criminal record i just wanted to keep it that way okay so what happened see it's spiritual atmospheres that you don't know anything about okay so years and years later i'm in college i'm having this dream about that triangle and i'm always having a dream about standing in that triangle in my own hometown and i'm still i'm having dreams i'm sitting in this baby desk in elementary school and i'm a full grown up going to the air force academy or now i'm in college i didn't go the air force academy and i'm having these dreams for years i'm in college getting my bachelor degree when i was getting my two-year degree above that i was still having this dream and there's kids all around me and they're like dude you know don't you have a job and i kept going to that triangle in my dreams and the lord said that's your battleground that's the devil you got to take out you haven't you haven't graduated and so that day i ceased to be a victim and i've never had those dreams again i graduated i don't have those dreams anymore of that triangle because i took out that giant because i am no longer a victim you're not going back if you're having recurrent dreams it's because you are stuck and god is showing you you need to graduate if you're having dreams about going back to your school if you're going back to that place where where those those things happened it's because you need to resolve that and go on you are not a victim you get it father in the name of jesus i thank you for the power of your spirit right now the power of deliverance i speak to every evil spirit that has attached itself to these these events that happened as a i break the power of trauma right now in the name of jesus and i command you evil spirits to leave right now i break i break the power of the enemy i drive you out right now you must go i see you and you must go you cannot stay i release the children of the most high god i command you to leave them go now in jesus name the blood of jesus seals this holy spirit occupy those places fill them right now and the lord says i have been waiting for you to come to me i've been waiting to reconcile i have such great plans my purposes stand i love you i believe in you walk with me i will explain i will reveal myself trust in me let me love on you receive me the lord wants to love on you right now if you'll come please father i thank you so much as as your love is poured out right now in this room and you heal us your visitation it restores our spirit our heart right now [Music] i mean honestly you're really too good for this world the world doesn't deserve you they're not going to treat you right no one is going to treat you what you're worth no one's going to pay you what you're worth but the lord will the lord keeps track of everything i am telling you i was in heaven i'm telling you god keeps track of everything and he will repay he loves you and he wants you to know that this is not a bedtime story i am telling you the truth nothing escapes his notice he remembers the sacrifice when you stood in faith when you loved where you thought you couldn't go any further and you still loved when you stayed in there even when you fell he saw your faith you got up you kept going there's a reward for that i'm telling you you know you know what's you you wouldn't you would believe it i would turn on tbn because i needed a word from god and and r.w schambach would say you know what you need to do and he'd point right at the camera he says you need to swing out over hell and spit the devil in the eye [Music] i'm like something would rise up in me and i'm like wow that that is like not from this realm that that is faith and listening to a tape of a man say i believe this bible so much that you can drop me out of an airplane in the middle of desert and come back and pick me up in three years and i'll have a city there i'm like oh my god i just met that man like three weeks ago finally that happened in 1982 when i listened to that tape changed my life that man changed my life kenneth copeland and i just met him three weeks ago okay another man another man when i would listen to him i could pray in tongues for three hours but without that tape i could pray 10 minutes i'd feel the power of god on me so strongly that i felt like i met the man but i never met him i listened to him for three years that tape over again for three hours every day and i prayed in tongues three hours a day i missed two meals a day for three years and prayed in tongues i s i spent 12 midnight to 7 a.m armed security and then checked my sidearm into a safe and went to class until 2 pm i stayed up all night armed security and i went to college from 7 to 2. still found 3 hours to pray in tongues with this man the power of god was so strong on me that i decided that i would abandon everything and do what those men had done then one day this man walked by me and it was the man that was on that tape benny hinn and the same power and presence was on that tape that i prayed for for years and years and years was now before me and he looked at me and he said the lord told me i have to talk to you so he sat with me an hour and the power of god came on me and he prophesied over me and he said the lord is telling me that you're going to have my anointing so i'm going to give it to you and he transferred it to me in 1986. he does to this day does not know it was that tape he does not know why he had to talk to me the same power that was on the tape came on me with the man when i met kenneth copeland the same power that was what he said on that tape came on me when i shook his hand it was the same spirit it was recorded on the tape so that's why i have the book table that's why i have the cds is because i know i listened to andrew womack until i started talking like him [Music] i am so excited right now [Music] i could just run around the room i listen to him i have everything mcafee knows it kathy can i work an extra three days so i can buy his tape series and all his stuff i bought everything that andrew walmack had for 10 years i saturated myself with it and he gave it for free but i wouldn't take it for free i wanted to pay for it so i would work extra and buy everything he had i said someday i'm gonna have a set with a fireplace behind it must sit at a table nice and cozy i'm gonna have i'm gonna have a shirt that has warrior notes my logo nice shirt and then wear the matching t-shirt that shows right here like he does i want to be just like him i want to be just like brother hagin except i wanted my belt to be a lot lower like he wore his pants up here shortly i noticed that all my friends when they went in the ministry they all had their pants up here and short ties all my pastor friends you know like no it's the anointing man that's not the dress just concentrate on the anointing [Music] so i realized i realized that what is happening here is what the lord said through benny hinn he told me that in 1986 what is happening now is because of him it's because of brother hagin's because of andrew womack and a whole bunch of other people each person each general jesse duplantis all these people my pastor kathy duplantis she's a woman she's my pastor i still have the anointing on me with a woman pastor can you believe that a woman a woman a woman my pastor think about it you know and it's so funny is it's so funny as is it in college it's like uh they would send the women to the mission field you know to be eaten by the cannibals but they won't let them be a pastor in the united states no i'm serious my denomination they you could be as a woman you can go to the missionary field and and not be somebody's lunch send them into harm's way but you can't be over a man in the united states [Music] think about it what is it in your spirit that's going to rise above everything right now you're going to walk out of this place in your destiny because you're going to judge now that you can do something about it it's not too late you can you can let the lord reroute you if god knows where you're at because of you know our visa knows where you're at then god knows where you're at so why can't he reroute you right now why can't he start to give you instruction [Music] oh i've been there man i've been there i've been there where my instruments went out and i had to rely on the controller to tell me what direction to go because i had no i had no i had my instruments went out i had a trust on that voice i just i told him i said man i'm trusting you you got to tell me [Music] that's how you navigate through this [Music] life it's a still small voice it's a voice inside your heart the lord is speaking right now he's saying come away with me let's visit and talk together the whole idea if you do any kind of study on the secret place if you look at the verb age and if you look at some of the things that david wrote it's the idea of sitting on a couch with a friend and sharing your heart intimate secrets with god i tell them everything i tell them everything every time i'm standing back here before i come out here i go it's going to be a mess if you don't come with me it's going to be ugly and it's going to be documented on film be a big smoking hole if you don't do something [Music] but my heart for you is the heart of your father is that you would produce fruit in keeping with repentance is that you would display your father as he wants to live through you and show the world that he is the only true god [Music] [Music] [Music] come away with me [Music] on the wings of the spirit come to me i will give you rest those who are heavy and laden i will teach you take my yoke upon [Music] and learn of me i am easy and gentle the wings of the spirit we will fly together i'm coming i'm coming to take you away with me my love [Music] i long to be with you i want to look into your eyes my creation i want you to know me i want to show you many things that you know not of i want to explain things to you i want you to know how good i am come away with me my love [Music] the world does not deserve in his presence caught up in the counsel of god [Music] nothing else really matters except to see your smile to know that you're pleased [Music] the glorious church shall prevail the body shall prevail the cloud of witnesses right now is yelling and cheering us on the cloud of witnesses saying we did it you can do it we did it you can do it come on we did it you can do it hallelujah we worship we worship you father hallelujah we worship the lamb holy and righteous and worthy is the lamb that was slain waves of the spirit of god are washing over you right now just raise your hands everybody stand everybody stand and just raise your hands [Music] prophesy prophesy [Music] don't you hear me calling out your name to come away don't you hear me call lean out your name to come away come away oh i've known you since the beginning of creation oh i formed you in the palm of my hand i've held your every moment would you come away [Music] [Music] can't [Music] won't you come away with me i know you're beginning [Music] let every other thing fade away fade away [Music] everything else fades away so come away [Music] yes i've been waiting for this moment i've been waiting for you to let go and come close and come close i've been waiting for you to [Music] let everything else let everything else faith fade away [Music] come reveal the mysteries of your heart [Music] take me [Music] take me [Music] take me take me past where i have been [Music] raptured in your glory raptured in your glory [Music] i'll come away with you i'll come away with you you have my four years you have my full yes [Music] absolutely nothing less [Music] [Applause] [Music] absolutely nothing less [Music] [Applause] [Music] absolutely nothing less absolutely nothing less absolutely nothing less absolutely nothing less [Music] you're worth [Music] and you're worth my yes [Music] [Music] you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy [Music] you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy you're worth the price we've paid you're worth [Music] i hear the lord saying you're gonna get dug before your troubles everything that's hindered you everything that's delayed you everything that's tried to stop you he's pouring out double for your trouble double for your trouble we received all for every trouble oh every hindrance every delay in every line that's trying to stop us we say double double [Music] upon us you're pouring out even more even more even more oh cause nothing can stand against us no nothing can stand against us no nothing [Applause] [Music] and nothing can stand against us no nothing can stand against us oh nothing can stand against [Music] who us this king of glory that stands in my defense who is this king of glory that comes to my side every [Music] you are my justice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] today [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 60,807
Rating: 4.930131 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: pMY8dh7fr2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 10sec (10390 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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