The Agenda Of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 6 The River Of Waupun

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build the Starship Enterprise in his in his backyard and it would be better than the one in the movie thank you well Lourdes is ministry to people right now and the Holy Spirit is speaking to me there's a there's a lot of people in here that that have needs they need confirmation and you know I guess I'm the one that's gonna have to do it but I don't I don't like go until 3 a.m. so every time every time that I yield to the spirit I end up into the next day I just want the flow of the Spirit I yeah I yield to the spirit one day and Sunday in my hometown and the meeting went 11 hours and I dismissed every hour and no one left I said I'm not kidding I'm done you know and nobody moved does anybody else want to preach tonight I'm serious I don't have to do I don't have to do this to make myself feel better oh it's not gonna work there is so many ministering angels here there's so much of the Holy Spirit's anointing here and there's there's so much destiny in this room and a lot of people don't know how special they are and it's kind of if it kind of seems weird to me to tell people how special they are because I know they're not getting it and you know they don't get how special they are to God and I remember I remember how Jesus showed me how he creates people and I remember how he thinks about it before he does anything and so he's very he's really a very special individual because he everything he says he means and so he thinks about it he doesn't just say something just to make you feel better and I find myself saying things that he wants me to say but I know that it feels like I'm just making you feel better but I'm not and I remember I remember the struggle I had when I came back and I and I knew God was God's favorite but nobody else did and I remember I remember how hard it was to realize that you know I was sent back from the dead I was literally sent back from the dead I mean to me I was looking at my body on the table and I wasn't in it and I don't know what else dead means you know to me and Jesus said I was that I had died but I have no proof of that you know I have no medical record that shows that because I was in a dental surgery and they don't monitor your heart but they gave me too much you know I got drunk on my god I got drunk on coca-cola I got I got high on sugar if I took an aspirin I got high I never had a beer I never had a cigarette or a joint or anything and so they gave me too much you know my body was very sensitive but I remember being outside my body and I remember being sent back and I remember how special I was to God and that he had given a generation another chance because he had given me another chance so the generation gets another chance to have someone speak from the other realm and yet to me it's puzzling not because of me but because of anyone of you you'd feel the same way you'd want to know why the stadium's weren't full of people that want to hear this not for you but for the people it's so strange that that someone who doesn't even believe in the baptism the Holy Spirit or healing could fill stadiums and people get saved in a dros under that man's ministry but yet you start talking about miracles and you start talk about healing and it's like then you're one of those weird people let you know and not thinking well Jesus did all these things he went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed to the devil the Bible says and then he said to do likewise and he said that you're gonna do these works and greater and the believing ones these signs shall follow them that believe and people can't make that jump you know for the most part so what you do is you have these groups that are you know what people call remanence or you know whatever their other names and they end up being ones who are ridiculed or you know they're not part of the whole or whatever you want to say but then I think about how Jesus couldn't preach in the synagogue's they got mad at him so he went out into the you know into the hillsides and he he did all these miracles and people got healed and you know people were raised from the dead and and these religious leaders which just follow him around and harass him and he wasn't he didn't talk behind their backs he talked right at them and called him vipers and he he do you understand what I'm saying and it's it's I don't I don't know if you get it but the religious system of the day is the one that killed of Jesus they they couldn't do it themselves because of their you know their law so they got they could get the Roman government to do it so they got the Roman government and Pilate wouldn't do it because he couldn't find anything wrong with the guy he kept going back to the religious leaders and saying you know are you sure that you know what do you own me to do with your King he said well he's not our King and he's trying to figure out he figured it out they're just jealous so he he was his wife was warning him - I have nothing to do with this like most men they didn't listen to their wife and so died of George whole they got in trouble no but I I met him I met Jesus I spent time with him and for years every year on my spiritual birthday October 6th he would come and visit me and just for a short time and he's done that every year and he is so he is so wanting people to to come to the conclusion of what I saw and heard he wants them to come to that conclusion but it's not an easy step because we live in a physical world but we're spiritual beings and so a lot of our education most of it most of everything that we're involved with has to do with this realm and keeping us in this realm and then if you start to get educated spiritually then the enemy will fight you on that and then if that doesn't work he'll go out and to find the weakest link or what link around you if he can't get to you himself he'll start to work through he'll go out and he keeps going out and these perimeters finding a weak link to get to you so if he can't come at you and win he'll have to find someone that you love and you're attached to to turn on you so he couldn't get to Jesus so he went out to him through his disciples and then he just kept you know religious leaders were you know fair game for the devil so they didn't resists the devil at all but it's interesting when you're in heaven everything has a order everything has has you know some you're you've got rank and you've got Authority you've got Dominion you got domains you got people in charge of different things and angels know their part and no one has a problem and it's interesting because these angels they do you know you you think you understand though you think you understand things and then you you you meet these beans and you realize that a lot of what we believe is not true and you know we were you don't get it until you honestly look at the Word of God and you realize what you believe is not in there and it's kind of humiliating to to think that you know it's like that it's like that lady that um she's training her daughter to make a roast and she would cut the ends off and and she her daughter said well why do you do that he goes well I don't know my mother did that and that's what she taught me you know do and come to find out they didn't have a pan big enough to fit the roast in so they cut the ends off so why do you do what you do is it because someone else told you to do it that way because you'll find out that that there are only there only a couple of places in the Bible where angels have wings and there are there's two species that are in the throne room and the angels that have come visit me and actually visit you too you just don't know it they they don't have wings they don't need them I've seen them fly in I've seen them fly out without wings and they're faster than wings oh you didn't get that they actually like BAM they're there and bam there they're gone and there's a streak of light where they where they came in and there's a streak of light when they leave there's a flash one of them came in one day in our house in Seattle knocked all that side of houses breakers and the electricity went off on that side of house where he came in he came in and blew out all the circuit breakers on that side of the house and he didn't even try to I remember an angel came well not a angel but my angel came into Germany he was four days late he didn't show up until and in one I was on this prayer line I was over here my translator was right behind me and here he comes and knocked over the rest of the line and then I let that translate hit that translator - on the way in and knocked her over and she laid there the rest is and and I had to have someone else translate and I wondered like well you know he didn't have wings but see I could get in to the country quicker than he could because he had a fight to get in I just showed my passport you all didn't get that they wore they wore for you they wore for regions they they wore because God's purpose and plan must come to pass so in this place tonight there's been great war that has gone on in the heavenly realms just for you to be here and to be part of what God's doing not just because I'm here because my goal is to work my way out of this job so that no one needs me anymore and I'm going to stay home there's two elevators in my backyard that I'd like to kill they're on the golf course but they shouldn't be there it's my golf course even though I don't play golf anyway that the truth of it is is that Jesus I met wanted me to come back and work my way out of a job to where no one needs me anymore because I've trained everybody to walk like Jesus did he said duplicate me replicate me is what he said so he wants to produce himself in you and it's come to the end of this age where we're behind the curve and so angels are coming in great numbers to be among people to accelerate them and at the end of this age so that's what's happening right now so I'm actually talking about more than I've ever talked about before because I I would reserve 80% I don't share I only share 20% because I'm testing to see how far you go with what I've given you you know made everything for free on the internet and you know this happened 25 years ago so if I was within there any of this for the money I would have wrote wrote the book that the year had happened but I waited 23 years and I didn't want to write the book and I don't want to make money off of it everything that I make I made a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in royalties last year it all went into the ministry I didn't get any of it so put that your pipe and smoke it all the all the stuff that I teach is for free on the internet if you don't have money to buy it off the book table just watch it for free on the internet because I'm not afraid I've already passed my money test it's too late to tell me that God doesn't want me to prosper it's too late to tell me that I don't need a fast and pray and give $1,000 offering to get healed because I've already been healed without doing any of that I've been healed in my own house with no one touching me okay so if that's the Jesus I met and that's the one I got to replicate then that means that your house is gonna be full of God full of healing full prosperity and if you don't like it just don't don't be healed and don't prosper it's it's okay I mean if you don't want to get on the boat you just tell Noah you know bye bye you know I'm not coming but the thing that is is is you got to get to the place where what you have in God is better than what the devil has and if he if it's if it's not that right then why is he stealing from you like I said this morning why are all his people prospering and why are all his people never getting sick and yet Christians that pray serve God they're poor and they get cancer and they they die in car wrecks might I have people that are gone it's not right now let's be honest it's a there's nothing right about it and like I told you this morning if an angel shows up and says I've been sent from the president of the Lord to make you poor you say like no Jack don't touch me he's like reaching out to lay hands on you he's like no I don't want that right and and God has sent me to teach you something so you're gonna get cancer and he's gonna teach you it's like you know what I'll just read my Bible I don't need to look it I don't need to learn something through cancer I'll just read my Bible and believe it you know because the god I met is not any of those things so if Jesus went around doing good and healing everyone that was oppressed by the devil if that's what he did then why would you say that God has somebody to be some people to be sick so why would he go around reversing what the father was doing and if it's not if it's God then why are you going the hospital to get well why are you going to work if you're supposed to be poor why you're working you got bills to pay right what are you trying to get out of God's will for I'm just being honest with you if this is not if this is not the right if this is not the right thing let's go let's go let's quit and go where it is you know what what what else is there if there's not Christianity if this isn't it let's find out what it is and let's go 100% you know but see the thing that is is I met him and he's worth it and he is it he Jesus is it there's no one else like him and he's a healer I mean you can't you can't be sick in his presence you can't you can't doubt yourself in his presence you can't you can't walk in unforgiveness in his presence because you realize that he forgave you and you have to forgive you you know and I'm being honest with you there's things that I know I know I mean I guess I guess I guess I'm just getting in a place where I know I'm gonna pay the price anyway I'm gonna get persecuted no matter what but here's the thing is is could you just go ahead and let God prosper you just so you can help other people I mean if you don't fight it don't fight it why don't you just take it all and give it away is that because that's what I don't mind doing that I used to go to the Lord would tell me to go to work and work extra and take the whole thing and give it to my pastor so don't get mad at me because my seeds coming up now because I I would I would work three days extra just to pay the assistant pastors rent or buy um tires or one time the Lord told me to buy a violin for a little girl in our church and um so I went you Lord you know don't get mad but the Lord prospered me so I was just gonna write a check for it he said no Lord said no this is gonna cost you you're gonna fast two meals a day for the nine months and then you're gonna take all that money you're gonna buy the violin with that did you can you believe that God of love will do that no I had the money in the bank but God wanted me to do this so I anyway I did at nine months I've got them I gave the violin and the dad was our pastor and he came up to me started crying because do you know what you just did and I said I spot your daughter a violin me and my wife just got your daughter a violin he goes every every night when I go in there to ask her what she needs prayer for she says I want a violin for a whole year and she's a grown woman now she's head of some music thing and so would you allow God to heal you and just let him teach you through his word instead of through the sickness you know would you allow God to speak to you there's there's people up there that talk about you and they're talking you up and you think really bad about yourself so I'm supposed to call people back to the cross that have already been to the cross but they forgot I mean this whole generation needs to turn back to God but they don't know it they're lukewarm and they don't know it and and you don't know that until you you have a coal from the owner touch your lips and then you realize you were fine until the lips got touched and all of a sudden everything's undone he's undone well what happened something from the other realm touched him and it's not okay anymore because the bar was raised so that's what these meetings are all about so I'm going into the next phase now because I've been doing this it'll be two years in January and I've only got two years left and then I'm going into something else we're going into the next phase but this phase it's starting right now it's starting early for you it's gonna start next year but it's starting early for you all and that is is that there's the Ministry of angels is going to become forefront it's not going to just be the normal status quo services like like before angels are going to accelerate the whole service because we are behind the curve we don't realize that we've been anointed for this generation we don't realize we've been set apart for this generation we don't realize that the our geographical location is very strategic for what God's doing and you've been given a voice in the spirit if you speak from your spirit by the Holy Spirit so you can't speak from your mind because anybody can do that but if you speak from your spirit you're speaking from the depths of God you're speaking from the other realm because your spirit is the one that's born-again I've gone over this for the last couple of years with with at this at this church about the difference between how you're made up with your spirit your soul in your body no there's got to come a time where you become dominant in your region and your in your in your area that you live but see the thing that is is God's got to conquer you first he's got to win you over and the only way he's gonna win you over is he's got to have to show you as goodness so that you repent because I repent every day and there's people that say well you know I've repented once that's all I go really so you're that good because because because any Jesus because I had to explain this because I got a I'm dealing with a generation that doesn't know that they are off Jesus told me that this generation is often they don't know it he told me that if I do not speak to this generation and and turn their hearts back to God that the next generation is going to be handed the baton and it's going to be in a position that's behind the curve and it doesn't have to happen and this next generation is gonna write about us that we missed it they're gonna see the you look back and you can see where you know just like Monday morning you know exactly what the quarterback did wrong but I want to tell you this I had I I was part of a professional football player my family he he was in for he was in for Super Bowls and it's amazing when you have Terry Bradshaw throw you a pass you're no longer a Monday Morning Quarterback you're a dead person because that thing comes at you and you can't catch it did you hear me I see you oh you don't even believe me you have one of those guys throw that at you you have no idea what's coming at you you want a duck it's just like I watched Andre Agassi to learn how to play tennis and I went out and played and it's waiting for the guy to sir he said I just served I served you twice I didn't even see it I have no idea what I'm saying no so so you can look back and you can see what went wrong and this is the other thing is is it the people that are use of God in a generation they want that people want to kill them and they criticize them but then the next generation calls them heroes so you know Smith Wigglesworth was hated by his own denomination see I couldn't figure this out because I gave up I gave up my career to become part of a powerless denomination that on paper was full power but as i sat there and listened to these people talk about the days gone by when God used to move and I thought well what about now now it was weird all the professor's would you know they're talking Greek and Hebrew and homebrew and I'm thinking they're telling all these stories and I'm thinking well what about now you know I just gave up f-16s so did I I gave up f-16s for this you got to be kidding this is like a school play and I thought I'm not gonna I'm not gonna you know and you you you start to think about it what do I really want to do this easy cuz when I gave my life to Lord this was my prayer Lord if you can deal with if you can beat to me what you were to the people in the Bible I will serve you the rest of my life I will walk away from the Air Force Academy I'll do anything you ask if you deal with me the way you did with people in the Bible I want that nothing less so I don't I don't ever doubt that God is gonna move because cuz to me he's always moving he's never he's never sitting still because his spirit is always willing but the flesh is weak according to Jesus so when when when I was at to his college I I went to the archives I started doing research to find out I ended up writing a position paper and got a scholarship for it but I went interviewed people that had been there from the beginning and it was interesting because we all want the best that God has for us but when you find out what it takes in a generation to do that because of the enemy in the status quo there's a there's a it's it's like you're going against the current because denominations are very powerful and they have a lot of soul powers and see when in services a lot of what's going on we claim to be spiritual activity it's soul it's not spiritual at all but we claim that you know we go what God really moved and I'm thinking he didn't move that was all soul that was in the psychic that was in the the soul power but it felt good and it's okay it makes you feel good it makes you uplifted but the devil is out there with a high-powered rifle and you know it were you trained to hold your position for this generation where you train to usher in the next move of God because those Devils don't want that to happen by the way so you know talking about the you know the how God used to move is not really gonna help me but I found out I wondered why Smith Wigglesworth books you know he was part of this denomination and I wondered why all his books were buried and nobody talked about him in class but he raised 37 people from the dead but no one was interested in that I was I was surprised and so I you know I you if you were there during those years you would find me they'd be closing down the library at midnight and I would be have all these books laid out on the floor and I had fallen asleep because I would just read and research these men of God and Smith said because Smith was asked you know why have you why have you left five denominations he said because God kept moving and they didn't and I found myself outside their building they he said I kept moving with God so he went to five different denominations and then you know so when I remember the first six months of this being at this college and I went to you know this big congregation was 3,300 people and was that it was a head congregation for the in that city for that particular denomination and all the bigwigs were there you know so the so I remember like I was sitting right over here and with my roommate and that guy walked by from the street and he was full of Devils and he walked up and just started yelling and prophesied in the name of the devil why the guy was preaching and I'm he just laid back and levitated right in front of the whole crowd and nobody did a thing and I'm thinking you know I gave up f-16s for this and so I got up and I walked up there and I started rebuking the thing I haven't been a Christian six months but I knew that I knew that someone has to stop this and so of course then his levitation didn't work anymore when I started using the name of Jesus and he fell and then he started coming at me with his words and saying how he was sent here to destroy this country and he was sent here to expose hypocrisy in this church and I said well I thought I don't doubt that but you know and it's interesting how how you are you wake up in the morning and you want more of God but if you just leave it to everything that's it that's available you're gonna stay lukewarm because you have to have your own encounter because you have to be touched from the other realm to where you're overwhelmed not more than overwhelmed overwhelmed because you get you get a jolt from the other realm you get exposed to it and then nothing satisfies you ever again and if you if you ever get to look in the eyes of Jesus you'll realize that you were created to sit here tonight and hear the truth and you were a city you were also created to go out there and and walk with God the rest of your life in full satisfaction and if you're not afraid to die you can really live so what does it take why does it take someone like me dying and coming back but I guess that's why it has to be it's a sign in a wonder but but um this is his idea so the only thing I can do is is present you just present you with him and who he is as a person and tell you that the playing field has been leveled and that there are no superheroes in heaven except God himself so Jesus gets all the credit so all of you you don't have to wait for the next apostle to come to town and you don't have to wait for the water to be stirred you can stir the water and um and I used to be puzzled by this until I had a visitation which I don't get me to share it because I cannot but what what happened in this this place up there I thought I couldn't hey I thought if I have anything else happened to me I can't handle it like right now I don't know if I can handle anything else I am like at my peak right now as far as like what I can handle supernaturally because I feel like I feel like there's a point where you can only take so much and you got to give it out but I I speak all the time but it's not enough so I'm overwhelmed and I don't know what to do about it so the only thing I do is tell you the truth even if you don't like me anymore but I got to tell you that the god you serve doesn't want you to be in the situation's you're in he wants to overthrow the situation to where you have a command about you and the devil's know when this happens because they leave you alone they really leave you alone because they they know that they'll push you into the glory it's counterproductive and when that happened when I realized I wasn't a victim anymore that he was boy things started to happen for other people it spread from my my circle of my life to everyone else's life to where now it affects everyone so it's contagious when somebody tells you you're not a victim anymore and that that you legitimately went through some terrible things but you know people people without God you know it's like my the president of my college said he said you know watching people that are unredeemed the way they act you'd think that Darwin was right and he was just joking but he said you know the way people act however when we become a Christian the they said it they took note of these disciples that they had been with Jesus so there was something different about them so whatever it is you have to offer God and it it it has to be your best but it has to have a touch on it that's beyond what the world would do so you whatever it is that you have to offer God tonight you need to do it you need to offer everything you need to just give everything over to God you need to offer it so he can touch it and it's not about it's not about what you're gonna lose it's about what you're gonna gain so you hand everything over to him and when you do it has a touch on it and you still feel the same but it has a touch on it so everything goes further everything means more it's more excellent so there's things that are happening right now that I've been waiting years for it to happen but I didn't do anything to Jimmy with it I let it happen because I knew that it had to happen and the supernatural comes more often in your life when you don't manipulate so you have you have these situations where you have to put God in a situation where he has to move because of what you've done so you do something in secret so that you that nothing can be manipulated like you do something for somebody in secret or you do it for somebody they can't repay you you make it impossible for anybody to pay you back you do things for God and you place him in a situation where he's not going to be mocked a man will reap what he sews it's real faith faith is knowing that God wants to do something and you're not going to get in a way but you make it so that only he can do it and perhaps the way that it happened for me is you is unique but I still am here alive and while I'm alive I'm gonna be an example to you I'm gonna speak to you I'm gonna tell you the truth even though you're saying well that's because you died and you had all this things happen and you know you think that God likes me more than he likes you and it's not true because if I would be disobedient I would be left to myself the minute that I start thinking this is me or I'm doing it for any other reason it's gonna stop oh because without him you can do nothing according to two John 15:5 right so you you run out of gas really quickly and so you stay in that sweet spot with God but see the sweet spot is created by your trust in God now your trust in God is developed by the fact that you you have to allow the Holy Spirit to convince you that what you believe is absolutely the truth and that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him see and he told me this is the main problem with human beings is is that we really don't trust because we don't believe that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him it's the is the biggest problem besides fear and this is in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 so Jesus wants me to instruct you tonight he's he's here and he's instructed me to tell you that you can't fail if you place yourself in a position where only he can move in your life so you you don't depend on anyone for your source except God and this is what you do this is what I do I pray in the spirit and I don't feel anything and I wait about four or five hours and then all of a sudden I feel angelic beings start to come around me and before you know it stuff starts happening and Revelation starts flowing but see the problem with with what with what people think is they think everything's instantaneous so they think well I prayed and nothing happened and I sewed and nothing came I'm still sick and I threw away my medicine see that's not the act of faith throwing away your medicine is not an act of faith oh that went over well so Jubilee I pray I pray sometimes we pray 14 hours a day and I don't feel a thing but you better won't you better just stand back in fact it you you you wouldn't even you wouldn't even imagine the power that can come into a house with only two people in it to where we have to use the walls to get from each room and there's no cameras there's nobody watching there's no journalists there's nothing it's just me and my wife the power God is so strong but we can pray ours are not fill a thing and we did we've learned to not let that bother us because our prayers were heard we pray perfect purse because we yield her the Holy Spirit and the Spirit came in and took hold of us in our weakness and prayed out the will of God when we didn't know what we should pray and so we rest in that and we wait and the Angels go to work and the Spirit of God starts to work and before you know it by evening everything is Unleashed and stuff starts happening but see you've got to believe in this enough to do it now you're looking at somebody who has prayed in tongues to where I could not speak in English anymore it took days for me to be able to speak English again you look at somebody's fasted for three weeks and been translated but I've also prayed and felt nothing it actually got worse we used to pray and then go out to eat and fights would break out and there be people thrown onto our table while we're waiting for our order and it was just all demonic because that City didn't want those spirits did not want us there but too bad they're leaving and we're staying and then when we would go to our car we never did get our food in there there there's people killing each other on our table via literally on our table where our food should be so we just get up to go to our car we can't because five police had to come five police cars there we they blocked us in so we can't even get out and all we did was rent a hotel room in a city that we don't live in we were told to go down there every month and for a week pray in tongues in that hotel and that's when we were both working full-time jobs but a week out of the month we would go to New Orleans and we didn't even like being there but we would we would pray in tongues for a week pay for it out of our own money and then go back home and then work for three weeks really hard and never see each other and we go back and do it again the next month but see look what happened because of that but I'm telling you as soon as we would leave that hotel room the demons they knew what was going on I'm telling you this to try to help you that you are going to see you are gonna see the results of prayer but it's not going to be what you think all the time but it's how it's working so there's there's coming this time where people will be raised from the dead and it will be it will be like nothing and people will be healed it'll be it'll be it'll be just the normal thing demons will try to prevent people from coming in the building because they know that if the people get in the building they they will be cast out there's coming a time where you will know your boss won't know why he promoted you do you understand it stuff will happen and I remember I could tell you stories but see it invades every part of your life and even your relationships and then you find out where people really are and that's the other thing that happens as you increase your prayer time and you learn not to go by feelings you learn to not go by instant response you learn to trust God that he heard your prayer and he's gonna answer you and you you've learned that you know like for 12 years when I was 19 when I got saved see when I was 10 years old the Lord the Lord came to me and called me and he told me that was set apart so he told me three things I don't do as a little kid so I never did them so when I was 19 I got saved and then I said well okay then I remember what you told me when I was 10 years old so you have a wife for me and she's on the earth right now so every night I would go out look under those stars cuz in Phoenix and you know and in places that I were like Phoenix I don't arrange three times a year you know so we always have stars you always there's never a cancellation for anything for rain or weather except when your car's melting but I remember like every night I'd go out and I'd pray for my wife from 19 until I was 31 in a 32 I met her or it was 31 because I had a couple months right I was 32 when we got married so I would go out every night I say Lord my wife is on the earth because I'm not gonna marry you know a six-year-old so I know she's got to be my age and so she's got to be on this earth right now and so anyway I just pray for her and I would pray every night for my wife for 12 years I did that and I had a fight Delilah's and everything else for all those years I mean untold stories that I'm not going to tell you but it was just like it was just it was supernaturally wrong but all hell was unleashed because I was praying that way and God had a certain person for me by faith I received that it took 12 years and then once I received then we had to learn to walk together and so for 25 years we've learned that but we have the same enemy and no matter how much how much we think we know we don't know everything but what we do know we ought to really engage God with it and here's what I know is is God cannot be natural this realm is fallen this realm is really not even natural because you can't explain how we work you can't explain how plants work and everything about this creation there's no way that it's natural there's no way but God when he when he comes into this realm he told me he said every time that I touched the earth at quakes so I had to bring my own platform so he has a sapphire platform that he can stand on so that he doesn't have to touch the earth because it catches on fire and and everything breaks so when he speaks I mean things split open so in a nexus 30 2014 he came down and it says that he was on a sapphire platform and I was I saw that in heaven because he he liked it so much I guess he just did the whole floor in the throne room and it's this beautiful sapphire that's very thick it has white fire going through it and it comes up and out of the Sapphire but it's a beautiful sapphire it's really thick and it's hot it's white-hot holy and Lucifer who is hello at the time he used to walk on that and you can't just walk on and it's so holy that you've you know I I went to walk on it and and I was stopped and I was it was explained to me that the qualifications for walking on that and then so then he allowed me to come but I walked onto as very it was so holy it was burning and everything in heaven is on fire everything on heaven is set apart and clean and holy and it's beyond what you could ever imagine and so I was there and it changed my spirit and in Jesus talking to me for so long it changed me and I didn't I didn't really feel like I was a real Christian because I look back on my life and I I never grasped him I never really realized who he was because he was just a two-dimensional being on a page but then he became this multi he was more than dimensional to me and he he had the words of life and everything about him was was he was for me and I'm in a fallen world and so I am supernatural because I'm I'm a child of God but I have to live out of my spirit so you have to live out of your spirit and that's why God put the Holy Spirit in your spirit everything you're ever gonna need is already in your spirit so if you would let me read this this is not for this time I am gee this is scary this Cathy do you have your there it is okay operator error okay turn with me to Psalms 139 and I want to read something to you this is for this is for this is for something I'm working on right now but the Lord just told me to do this I want to show you the real Jesus that I met the real God that designed you too thought of you and then he wants you tonight to grasp these truths now I don't expect you I don't expect you to get it all but but please give it a good a good go at it tonight grasp these truth because as a Christian you have to believe what I'm about to read you're required as a Christian to believe the Word of God but this is too good to be true for most people but this is the Jesus I met and I think you ought to hear it this is what the psalmist wrote and I'm reading from the passion translations because it comes from the Aramaic Lord you know everything there is to know about me you've examined my innermost being with your loving gaze you perceive every movement of my heart and soul and you understand my every thought before it even enters my mind that's profound you are intimately aware of me you read my heart like an open book and you know all the words I'm about to speak before I even start a sentence you know every step I will take before my journey even begins now I'm writing a book about this it's gonna be out in 2020 it's it's um I got to finish it by next month but it's called it's all rigged in your favor and that reason the reason why Jesus went through this with me so I go through it in the book to show people that there's another there's another aspect of God that's not being given to you by religion but the Creator sent Jesus down here to explain to you God's heart hit the father's heart and so this is the father this is the Jesus I met but this is also the father's heart you've gone into my future to prepare the way and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past with your hand of love upon my life you in part a father's blessing to me this is just too wonderful deep and income comprehensible your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength where could I go from your spirit where could I run and hide from your face and then he goes through all this about where you can go and I want to skip down to verse 12 there is no such thing as darkness with you think about that the night to you is as bright as day there's no difference between the two you form my innermost being shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside and you wove them all together in my mother's womb I thank you God for making me so mysteriously complex everything you do is marvelous and breathtaking it simply amazes me to think about it how thoroughly you know me Oh Lord you even formed every bone in my body when you created me in this secret place carefully skillfully shaping me from nothing to something you saw who you created me to be before I became me before I'd ever seen the light of day the number of my days were planned for me and you already recorded them in your book every single moment you are thinking of me did you hear that every single moment you are thinking of me how precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought Oh God your desires toward me are more than the grains of sand on every shore when I awake each morning you're thinking of me okay that not for dare now listen that's the truth now would you do me a favor when you pray would you be thinking about what was just said there because you're not approaching a god like Hebrews says where there's a mountain on fire and everybody's afraid but we're approaching Mount Zion where the the spirits of just men made perfect where the city of our God is and were invited in as part of the family and our inheritance has already been secured no I don't know how else to tell this because many people have come a long way to hear me I was just in a city and in the East Coast where a lady actually audibly heard God's voice as she was watching me on YouTube from China she got on a flight flew 17 hours to hear me because she heard the audible voice of God she doesn't even know who I am now what would getting the person to do that I had somebody do that from Zambia to why so so I because of this I could there's more but I'm telling because I found this out about what people will do I have to tell you the truth while I have the chance here with the mic and that's that what that is is that I was in your future I actually literally saw the end where everybody is culminated together had come together all the saints from all the ages gathered in one place in the throne room and we were all worshiping God and it was one voice and I was at the end of the age and I looked as far as I could see and there were white robes of people and we were all together as one family and and Jesus was receiving his reward for his faithfulness of buying back humanity and the father was so happy because Jesus had come and bought his family back so the father was so happy and I heard us singing the song of the redeemed together and angels were falling down and I wanted to go down there but I was sitting on a throne beside Jesus and I didn't understand that until I found it in Revelation he told the he told he who overcomes will sit with me on a throne and I went to go down there because I saw if I can just sneak down because Jesus had his eyes closed I would just sneak down so I was trying to find the floor and then I was gonna slide off that throne because I felt uncomfortable because you know I need I want to worship I don't want to sit there and so I saw that front row and all the angels I thought that's the hot spot because all the angels were face flat so I'm just gonna sneak down and I saw that he was like this so I would and he goes and he said no he said you sit here that I bought this for you and um then he explained to me that that's what this is where we come to that place in prayer when we pray we come and sit there with him in the heavenly realms it's in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 5 so don't get mad at me but in Colossians 2 chapter 3 verses one through three also refers to this because Paul wrote the same thing to the Colossians that he did the Ephesians and so both of those books parallel each other but don't get upset with that because God made us in His image in chapter 1 and verse 26 of Genesis and he made us in His image we're the only ones that are made in His image and so don't get upset if people tell you that God likes you and made a seat for you and you know don't get mad at Jesus when he prayed in John 17 and he said father let them share in the same glory that we share because you love them just as much as you love me he said that it's too late see it's in red so he we already are loved by the father just as much as he loves Jesus and the glory that those two share before the universe is lit up he said we're gonna see we're gonna give that to them that believe so that they can be in the same glory and being one with one with God as we are one so we're at one with the Trinity as they are one I mean read it and weep it's right there but we skip over all this stuff so would you do me a favor from now when you pray don't go by feelings and don't go by the fact that you're going to the second window to pick up your bag please drive up to the first window I'm Pei and then you go to the second window and there it is see it's not like that because we're gonna fall in realm the angels are like this but they're fighting okay so - please do me a favor pray pray pray pray like what god jesus said he said when you pray you should believe that you receive ask anything in my name anything and I will do it so there's a lot written about you all each one of you is so important and you're here tonight and this is historical there will never be another night like tonight there will never be another night what I feel tonight I have never felt before I'm telling you this is historical because what has happened is the books have been opened and the acceleration has begun and there's no more waiting the waiting has to do with warfare but it doesn't have to do with you receiving see receiving is something that you do in your heart because you trust God knowing that he will do what he says the waiting has to do with warfare it's not personal it's not because you are bad today it's not because you don't know how to pray I always have kids pray for me I do I have kids what I find I have kids lay hands on me and their prayers are like four or five seconds long I know that God is going to answer their prayers and so keep it simple but but your your goal of just um I'm accelerating you see you don't spend the next twenty years figuring this out I'm saving you twenty years when you pray you believe you receive you have a command about you see what happens is heaven starts getting on you because that realm touches you and then all of a sudden you're not going to be denied and you're like you're almost laughing like I have to break it's like it's like when I when I shoot my high-powered rifle i brace myself my wife doesn't even like is it vibrates I like it vibrates down the line you know it's it's crazy but that's why it isn't a spirit when you when you have a command about you it's the word ask the word ask you look it up yourself the Strong's number for ask and you shall receive that word is demand as though you already know it but the devil is holding it back when you knock see so jesus said when you ask you always receive when you seek you always find and when you knock the door is always opened that's the kind of tense that's being spoken there so it's not about like walking up like mr. Rogers and wondering if this is a friendly neighborhood are you my friend are you my neighbor no we're past that this is my town because I live here and I'm taking it over so like where we live we live this is we actually call it our town we've made it our street name our town we actually changed our street name into our town so it's really nice because when you enter in it's just really cool where we live it's like perfect but it's art it's our little town and we have command over that town which means that everybody in our neighbor you know in 30 years when they built that house the guy the bill are house for us 26 years ago he only stayed in six months and then a doctor lived in and for all the rest years and he took care of it for us but there's never been any crime and that's that there's never been a break-in never been crime in our neighborhood for 30 years ever because all the police officers live there all the sheriff's lived there like every other house has a cruiser in it [Music] I'm serious we've been out of the country and deliveries just set there for a week nobody touched them our neighbors take our garbage out we don't even ask them okay that's the kind of prayer you get into you get to where you know the will of God because you know God I just saved your life you have to know your Creator and then you know his will because you know his desires you know his heart seeing what his heart is is he brought back humanity so why wouldn't he want you healed Jesus already suffered for it and paid for it so it's not a question if God is willing on what like I told you a couple nights ago a man asked Jesus if you're willing you can heal me he says no can you believe she put it right back in his court and that's what he does he's a very strong person and I have to break this gently to the body of Christ but he's not a weak person and he's not like this is not a book of suggestions choose life today Jesus has said this to me he said he said are you in or you out he says coz fee if you're not with me you're gonna need to step aside cuz I'm gonna walk right through you I gotta go he's very very intense because he has already conquered death hell and the grave and now he's waiting for his enemies become his footstool through the church but the church is waiting on God now I know I talked about waiting on God this afternoon but that's a different type of waiting that's waiting for your instructions from heaven that's different than waiting for something that's already been done so Smith Wigglesworth I can't tell you everything but I used to have problems with something Smith said he said if God if God isn't moving I move God and I thought you know how irreverent until I met Jesus and he explained this to me and he talked to me in length about how well what he said is this too much I don't know where you're at because he's one step ahead of you all the time and if he has to turn around to talk to you it kind of messes up his pace but he does it because he loves you but there's got to come this time where you're not so needy because it's in the military you know there there's no places for babies there's not there's not you know not childcare in the military they just throw you out of the your airplane make you grow up they they don't have places for babies so now listen they that Paul said that a soldier doesn't concern himself with civilian affairs talking about the the believer now drama can be very addicting and for a lot of people it's it's their comfort for some reason it's weird but you it's amazing how people can make something out of nothing and I'm thinking you know I've lost an engine now that's an emergency but some of the stuff that people create drama over I go you got to be kidding that's it that's what that's what you called me for because because there's there's got to be this maturity and we've only got a couple years to get there because stuff is gonna start happening and the body of Christ needs to mature but see that's why we need the fivefold ministry that's why we need to be under authority we need to be in authority but we need to be under authority we need to read to respect authority in within the body of Christ but we need to discern what really is Authority what is it and you know I I have a pastor and she's a woman and she's a powerful woman of God and I sit and listen to her but we were with her every week she's a powerful woman of God but when she talks it's powerful I have people over me that are my father's I give him a call when I win so when I don't understand something I call them and ask them you need to have people in your life like that the people that are over me have been in the ministry 40 years each so the supernatural is gonna start happening but will you be venture enough to stay in there with God so the spirit just told me he said go back in and talk to them again about words and about command so I'm gonna do that the word the word of God comes forth out of you and it becomes prophetic you be you get into this place where prayer to me I mean Finney Charles Finney you know who Charles Finney was okay he actually got into this he quit his law practice because God told him to quit so when he did he realized the price he had paid so he's out in the woods and he's pacing back and forth and as he's praying I'd better get back up here as he's praying out of his spirit he said you don't think we're not gonna have revival do you Lord because he was a lawyer and he got bold he got a command about him and he is their whole Lord I'm so sorry start praying again and all the sudden he got bold and he said yeah you don't think we're not gonna have revival do you Lord because he had just paid a big price and the spirit was siding with him in a prayer that was beyond his soul so he started to go beyond his soul and his soul had to be submissive so he realized that the Spirit of God was taking hold of him and interceding but it was more like the spirit was helping him to argue his case and so you get a come in about you so I'm telling you you all are ready for this and you've got you've got you've got to start doing this so we we when we pray we pray in the spirit but we pray in the understanding too and we what we say is that this region like this region here is mine but I don't even live here it doesn't matter it's mine because God once said and somebody's got to take it so when we were in Switzerland I told you about the post office and how we were media you know the church was was in the post and that witches were doing their sacrifices to intimidate them and I said well let's just go out there and break that and I'm thinking you know you can do this yourself you know you don't even need to watch a youtube video it's so I did it for them and they and I said on hey where's there a high place at so we got to where we do this in every country now where's where did they meet to sacrifice their high place where do they meet for the country they said well that's in the French Alps so we went over into France and we went up there and I'm they said okay it's right here so I say okay everybody hold hands I'm like don't be nervous let's break the power of the devil and I said Lord the next time these witches meet here which is gonna be soon I said let the power the power of God hit them they follow their knees and repent every one of them in Jesus name this mountain is God's I claim it for God this country the city of Geneva is God's and Anna oh man they all felt it it was like it was only like it wasn't even 20 seconds I okay let's go and they're like that's it I said yeah you know it what never was the devil's so I started doing that everywhere I go and I'm we started doing that we started that this is our city this is our church you know every Church we go to it's our church now why because it's part of the body of Christ so like when you go in into Walmart that's that's your Walmart because this in your see but that's your Walmart now and in all those employees they need to know God and so you you spiritually you take it over and then you'll find that you have leverage when you go in there what will happen is is conversations will open up for you to talk to people but but it started when you took it over in the spirit is anybody getting this so like so like I pray for Madison I always pray for Madison all the time I pray for Madison all the time because that's that's my city and I actually want to work there somehow I want I want a work there like where it's a it's a hub or something you know and so because for some reason God wants Madison and when Madison falls to the Lord it's the Lord show me is gonna spread so we can all do this and you know and it's not about like checking in with the apostle of that place or anything like that it has nothing to do with that this is like this is beyond that this is God saying this is my city and these are my people and you start praying and then you let God work it out and you break the power so you break the powers you break the powers over everything everywhere you go you break the powers you everywhere you go that you say this is God's that this is my car and nothing touches my car this is my house it's paid off and nothing touches my house this is my job and I get promoted and nothing touches me and my security here and this plays prosperous because I'm here God sent me here and you start you know it was amazing like with with Southwest Airlines of when I started there were 78 airplanes and we went to 1919 cities and when I quit there was over a thousand airplanes in 120 cities and we became like the number one airline in a lot of ways and even though you know I particularly never wanted to be there you know it wasn't like what I wanted to do but God sent me there and while I was there that was my airline and that was on my watch and I made I made I made it I owned it even though I didn't feel comfortable I made it mine so I made pearls out of the sand I turned it into something that God could use so every one of you every one of you has been influenced by what happened to me every one of you is different than when I started talking tonight I know it because I don't want to do this I really don't I'm doing it because God finds pleasure in it and he he wants people to know the truth about him and you're not gonna get it from the outlets that are always available to you because people were afraid to tell the truth because they're afraid of losing control and so the Pharisees were afraid but they couldn't produce the miracles that Jesus did they couldn't produce his words had so much weight to them they were life and they couldn't match it so they were afraid and so control becomes the biggest deal here in the body of Christ but see he who the Sun sets free is free indeed in the sphere of the Lord where ever the Spirit is there's freedom okay so you have to find a church where people believe in freedom and people believe in getting together in unity but they're not gonna tell you they're not gonna tell you that you can't do this or that because they don't believe that way if it's in the Bible you then it's so like like I'm told okay I can't do this you can't do that I'm like well that's mine that's my ministry that God gave me that's the Holy Spirit and so uh you know what you're asking you don't really need me you can do this yourself so I actually told this I told this person I said why don't you just read from my book you don't need me and you would if I told you the amount of money that they paid me you'd be like well I'd take the money but I say you know you can do this yourself you don't need me do you what I said that I said just get my book and read it read it out loud because you you can do that so the authority has been given already to you by Jesus Christ so as a believer we're putting too much we're putting too much weight on certain people to do things for you when actually they're just government they're the government of God in the fivefold ministry so that there's order but that is not what Jesus meant when he said go out preach the gospel and God is going to confirm is where were sons of wonder and he said those these signs shall follow the believing ones he didn't say the Apostles the prophets and so I'm just being honest with you you don't need a word see I can tell you I mean every one of you it's just a gift I have but don't tell anybody but you can come up and grab my right hand and I will pray in tongues and I will interpret my tongues and give you a word 100% correct but that's that's because I have the gift of prey of the of tongues and interpretation and I can pray over everyone using that and give you a word I can just interpret the tongues so I can tell you what the spirits say so as I've been speaking up here and I've been looking at all of you I have a word for every one of you I mean I can tell you something would tip you over into the next level so what I do is because I don't have time to do that individually I've been speaking by the spirit to all of you to tip you over but see you think you think well I got to go to the first window and pay and then I got to go the second window pick up my bag and because you've been trained that way you think that if you don't get the hands laid on you and you fall on the floor and shake you you don't think that God moved but see God's already moved because because he you're here and I'm here and I've been speaking by the spirit for an hour over an hour and I've even scheduled extra meetings in between the meetings which I really can't do but I'm doing it because I'm gonna tip you over into your next interior to your next spot into your next movie and you don't need another word because because then you're gonna need another word but if I can teach you listen you're in a place because you're a child of God and God loves you you saw what I just read God's thinking about you all the time all these wonderful thoughts that's not that's not a bedtime story to make you feel better that is not mommy kissing your boo-boo that that is God as God telling you it's time it's time to accept my love it's time to grow up and and get a word yourself so I pray in tongues and I fight devils and I hear him scream and I told you what happened just before I came here I woke up I was waking up at 2:00 in the morning I was waking up at 2:00 in the morning and when I wake up I'd hear this blood-curdling scream in my house but there was nobody in my house except me and my wife and she was asleep and I said Lord what was that because it didn't sound like it was outside and then I really said it was an evil spirit I said what what's going on he said he knows you just woke up and he's screaming because you just woke up I go what and I thought I'm gonna hit it in tongues all the time I'm gonna wake up and pray you know it it started to get me into this mode where I'm lethal I'm a weapon because I'm alive I have a belly button it's my sheriff's badge I was born legally into this world as a human being through a mother's womb and now my authority is known in hell now I'm being honest with you a lot of you havin grass that's only half if you got it I want all of you to get it so I'll stand here and stare at you for a couple minutes until I let you just get so drunk to where your mind shuts off and you actually just accept it but here's the thing that you are lethal but you don't know it and and the demonic that I saw everything I saw that I can't explain to you now but what I saw was is that that the devil's biggest goal all these evil spirits they want to keep you in a small place so that you never realize who you are because you actually have everything you need in Christ we have everything we're complete where he actually hidden in him and the devil doesn't know everything so what he does is he tries to train you by doing things to you to see how you respond and then when he gets that he learns who you are that he learns how your buttons are pushed so if you notice people do the same thing to you but they don't know each other and they say the same thing and they do the same thing and it's a pattern that is a demonic spirit that has has developed a way to push your buttons and they now they just do a drive-by and push your button and keep going on laughs and they don't even stick around you're not even possessed by the devil they don't need to even do that they they just have they have trained you to respond a certain way every time something happens and you'll automatically blame yourself and you automatically blame God you blame your parents and your dog or whatever or you cow whatever it if you have to realize you have to own it and say no no this is because I am a child of God and I'm an alien here I'm just visiting Paul said were just aliens we're in this world were strangers in this world we're just passing through but while we're here you you just you have to own it and then what happens is you end up owning your neighborhood you end up owning your city that the nation's turned around one house at a time and so it starts it starts right here tonight and then it changes to where your family's affected and then the angelic visitation happens and the Spirit of God visits you and the angels come to bring the will of God and to implement the will of God into your life in a stronger way and then that influences other people because you start walking in your authority and before you know it it gets around and the devils start vacating before you show up and then people they want to they want to know why you are the way you are with no resistance it's because the devil's already left they already saw that there and before you know it that the church doubles because you're bringing people to church and then they're discipled and then they learn how to do this too and before you know it this your state turns and then this after the state turns then it affects the whole nation but you have to drive the devil out I don't know how else to say this but the devil just needs to be driven out you don't need to talk to him he's gonna give you some lame lame excuse why he doesn't want to leave the area he's gonna he's gonna say stupid things I mean you know he's been talking to you for years and you believe him but this has got to change Jesus said we're gonna produce fruit that lasts and and then and Jesus everything he does is permanent like he's he's not vacating just because you're not responding he's not gonna back off he's still gonna do this and that's what I like about him he just wants the people that believe he just wants the people that are sincere but he he finds people irresistible when I found out how resistor resistible I was and I didn't think I was then I realized the deception about this realm so I didn't want to come back because I knew that it's such a lie the things I feel every day the things that it's it's what you're going through is not and true what you feel is coming from the outside it's not you it's not inside you you don't even know why like it's hilarious to me when I died I I had never been married and while I was with Jesus I could care less if I ever kissed a girl again and that was the biggest deal it didn't matter because this realm has to do with that but the other realm has nothing to do with male or female we're higher than that it's the craziest thing I didn't even miss not being married I hadn't even met my wife yet and it didn't matter I'd pray for her 12 years and it didn't even matter I was with Jesus and everybody up there liked me I was just like them everybody was happy and I realized the stuff that we deal with down here is just down here but it's not us it's it's it's lame I'm just being honest with you the things that people get offended by the things that people get hooked on the addictions and stuff it has to do with the flesh it has to do with the soul it has to do with this realm but when you're free of your body and you're free of your mind their carnal mind there's nothing left but you and Jesus and all you want to do is live so why didn't you just take what I just said and look in your heart and start living from there and tell your body shut up and tell your mind you know what we're not gonna need you you can have the rest of the day off because I'm gonna pray and so you know do you understand what but don't take it wrong I'm not talking about I'm talking about your spirit your spirit is is the spiritual part of you then you pray from your spirit you speak from your spirit you are a living spirit that lives forever because you're born again your eternal you're gonna live forever with Jesus okay so that's sealed now how are you can be disqualified Paul said was you let your body rule you he said you can he said I could be disqualified from the race because I let my body so he said I beat my body I discipline my body daily so that after I preach Christ I'd not myself disqualified okay and then with the mind he said be transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12:2 I'm telling you if you if you get this I was there I'm telling you the shortcut this is easy as pushing the app button and you got it comes right up you're a spiritual being and you live in a body and you have a mind but your mind will and emotions don't rule you your spirit does your body doesn't rule you God isn't a body he's a spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth so anything you do has to come from your heart but see that's where life flows that's where the river of life comes from that's what Jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water that's what's happening in here that's how you live and move and have your being so if you're speaking from the spirit then you're speaking life which means that that things will have to change so the morning I woke up and both my kidneys were healed and my liver was held I had none of the symptoms anymore I was it was so profound to me what had happened it was so supernatural what had happened to me that when I woke up I was so happy because I already had my wife was there when I got the call that I was in kidney failure that I need to go the emergency room and I said I'm not gonna mergency room and the reason why I wasn't is because I was already told to move to New Orleans and I'd already booked our flight I already packed everything and I said I'm going to New Orleans if you want me to check in down there I will but I said I'm getting on that plane because my futures down there I didn't even know anybody except my old pastor so when this happened I was so excited and they they called me and they said do your tests came back and everything's fine and I'm like well what happened they go we don't know you know I like to I like to ask okay so I had a visitation of Jesus you don't know this but actually Jesus appeared to me in an open vision that day and you know what he said to me you didn't ask for enough you should have asked for your knee you should ask for your hair back that's what he said he did you're laughing he said you didn't ask enough so I wake up and there's no hair in my eyes every morning but I could have been I could easily know do you have to know this about Jesus it never ends you know you know you don't like sit and stare at your trophies of faith it never ends you you have to you have to keep moving into what the Lord has for you you're taking back territory I'm taking back my body is anybody here I'm taking it back the same power that rose Jesus from the dead is dwelling in you and that power Paul said it will quicken your mortal body I mean that sounds like there's a transference from spiritual to physical no how is it that I can get here with nobody laying hands on me why don't I have my contacts in right now and nobody breathed on me or you know I mean nobody took him with nine thousand dollar check for to get healed I mean you know what's going on out there it was like amazing this and this there's one one lady that I really liked she didn't believe it until my friends showed me the video of her she said if you if you give me a thousand dollars I will break the curse of death over you and I'm like I can do that for free Jesus did it for free you got to be kidding me and this is like a well-known person like you got to be kidding me but what how does a person get that way you know and cuz I don't want to do that but you see what's happening is is the control comes in to where only certain people have Authority and that's not true we've already been through this with Catholicism and every other thing and that's what Martin Luther did he he said wait a minute according to Scripture there's only one mediator between God and man and that's Jesus Christ so why do I need to go to the priest yeah you know how much trouble he got in when he nailed those 95 theses to the wall there did you understand what I'm saying so Paul said what to the Galatians he said you started well in the spirit are you gonna finish now in the flesh your race so so I believe this has encouraged you tonight now everybody's staying I want to I want to say some things we're gonna we're gonna sing we're gonna worship but here's some things that are going on in my spirit please forgive me for not calling you on individually I want to because there are certain people in fact I got to do it Janice to come up here you and your wife yeah come on I got to do it here we go 3:00 a.m. I did I called okay only people that need to get saved come up it was in Canada and a whole line of people came up and only two of them out of the whole group were really not saved the rest of them came out because they wanted to get hit by God I like keeping it that people lie and say they're not saved just so they can get prayed for it's crazy anyway this couple is anointed and um the you know you know the the devil is a mean devil and um he he he makes it really hard for good people to do the right thing sometimes because because he knows what a threat they are and I have to call them out because this is what he needs he needs to know that God is on his side and that there's nothing impossible and that you know the days of trying for him are over because now God's gonna do it for him it's gonna be beyond his wildest dreams because God is coming and living in their house with them and and he's going to do the the miraculous it's gonna be supernatural but it's gonna be by the anointing is going to be a yoke breaking annoying see what what they don't know is that they're a sign to break yokes is so those Devils are trying to stop them before they get to the place where they do that because they're such a threat so this is a this is an example for all of you is that I'm singling them out to show you all this is what happens to people that are that that do good things and they're they're just a brand-new married couple trying to make it and the devil once did and I haven't talked to them I just I just know in the spirit I've heard for them all the time but I'm telling you that this is the kind of thing that you can overthrow the devil on behalf of others I pray for them all the time almost every day but now they're in this meeting I get to see them and visit with them and I'm gonna pray over them but see you got to understand they don't want to do anything to what God wants to do but it's not easy so father in the name of Jesus I break every power and the law says it says I have caused you I have caused you to stand I have caused you to triumph and it's only starting because I'm gonna reveal who you are I am going to do the impossible as a sign in a wonder everything that you touch will prosper every word that you speak will succeed you will not see the words fall to the ground so choose your words carefully the Lord is with you he's seen your heart and he has come and the angels of the Lord are surrounding about you and they have their assignments they have their mission they have their commands from heaven and I break every power and I tell you Satan don't touch this couple ever again in the name everybody agree and I transfer everything that's on me everything that's on me from heaven I transfer to this couple may they prosper and be in health and I pray Lord God that they know how to break yokes now I pray that they learn Lord how to to go to battle for on behalf of others in the name of Jesus ha ha ha oh yeah in the name of Jesus [Music] she support elevator [Music] thank you for thank you Father you have a thanks let this be a confirmation [Music] see in the name of Jesus even their hearts [Music] okay let's let's worship some and and remember one thing you can't go back the door behind you is shut and it's sealed so you cannot go back I refuse to let you go back what you've heard tonight was from the other realm because I spoke by the spirit and you have to grasp it as the reality I
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 148,784
Rating: 4.8342161 out of 5
Keywords: Bible School., Spirit School, Warrior Notes, School of the Spirit, The Agenda of Angels, Christian, Jesus, Holy Spirit, #kevinzadai, It’s Supernatural, Teaching, Conference, Supernatural Finances, Life in the Spirit, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, Kevin Zadai, The Mystery Of The Power Words
Id: SxG6vhdVdGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 55sec (6055 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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