The Agenda of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 2 The River of Waupun

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literally you know like I told you last night I don't even pray for myself anymore at all I just I pray for other people I spend my whole day letting the Holy Spirit bring faces to me and then I pray for them and I take their place in prayer as an intercessor and then what happens is is to just say you know just a little secret just in the last 24 hours I get I get notifications online every person that gives to my ministry I start to pray for them financially because I don't need prayer financially but that other people do because I don't pray for my finances anymore that's God's that's God's issue not mine but see you have to get to that place where you don't even think about finances anymore okay so yes just in the last 24 hours just as just like a normal 24 hour period while I'm praying for you all and doing my thing this is this is what I do all of the salaries of the six people that not me my wife cuz we don't take a salary we do this for free but the other six people they get a check every month for being part of the ministry everything was paid in the last 24 hours already for next month just from donations so you got to get to that place where your job is not your source God is your source and he can choose whatever hue he wants so like right now like while you're sitting here don't think about those things that are trying to pull your attention away think about what God is saying through whoever he's chosen to speak this morning but let him work out those other things all I'm asking you is would you please consider just letting God do this for you for you to where you don't pray for yourself anymore no no no I'm not against prayer of course not I've you know I that's my forte what I'm trying to tell you is is when I was in heaven I discerned that Matthew 6:33 is absolutely true that if we seek first the kingdom and all its righteousness all these things will be added unto you and I told you last night I I I took my my Christmas money and a i-i-i-i sewed into someone else's life they can't pay me back and I'm you know I might do that a couple more times before Christmas comes but see you I'm asking you as you would consider this is start to focus on the face of Jesus and start to give him more credit in your life on and I'm wouldn't when I deliver the Word of God I mean I never doubt that it's gonna go forth and do what it's supposed to do never know know when I met Jesus if you meet him he has an edge about him he's he's very very strong person he's not weak and so when he says something he looks at you to see how you respond and he'll watch you so so he's watching how you respond to what he just told you he watches everything he he looks in your heart and he sees how you're reacting and if he if he sees anything in there where you're holding back then then he knows he's got his work cut out for him you know he's gonna have to work on you through the Holy Spirit to get that hesitation you know in different types of training we learn how to react quickly and and I you know when when I was in training for different things I learned how to act quickly or I died and that's that's what I'm trying to tell you is is in certain situations if I didn't do exactly what my training told me I was I was going to be on the wrong side of the situation and then in in my case it would involve other people so my reactions people were depending upon me to do the right thing because they had put their trust in me okay so it's what it's with you you're a leader as a Christian you are a leader you are setting the pace you are setting the bar you are the plumb line you are the standard of heaven do you understand that yeah so anyway when I when I teach I'm like like a the reason I'm telling you this is because everything I do is not to sell to make money all my stuff is free on the internet you know you can listen to all 70 or 80 of my CDs my teachings you can watch everything for free but I did that because there's people that don't have money but they still need they still need the word of life but but uh when I write something like everything that I have out on that table is it's systematically to walk you in to the truth it's systematically done so I have study guides I have prayer guides I have things you listen to it's all systematic it's it's Total Immersion now that's how I got my commercial pilot's license in nine months it's a three year program but but this captain said you know what the Lord told me to do this for you so I'm giving you everything it's $250,000 worth of of Education you can do it in nine months you can do it in three years well I just gotten out of college so I'm fresh and I knew how I developed systems on how to learn and and retain information so when I was with Jesus I learned that if you totally immerse yourself in the things of God that that's what comes out the things of God so I did this study guy because my publisher told me that we've got to hold your book another month because it's gonna be launched on TV and as a favor to the people where we're holding it you know they're waiting a month and I know I'm thinking well you know I'm not I'm not really into this I'm into just getting a word out there and getting lives changed and getting everybody to walk in this so I can go home and sit on my porch and drink iced tea that's what I want to do I mean our thirty years for a company I want I want to just rest and when God put God what the Lord Jesus Christ he told me you can retire I thought you know I'm gonna finally get the rest and then he sent me a set of new tires he retired my car and I got retired I got new tires and now I'm on that he said hit the road again you know and I've been on I've been traveling for thirty years I mean I was literally in a different city every hour I'd opened the door and it'd be another city so when I did this I did this I did this for you for this church because it wasn't coming out until January and I said well you know so I'm sitting there thinking you know okay they have their deal I respect that but what about the fact that I wrote this book because God gave it to me and the Word of God is not bound so I told Cathy and I called my manager I said you know what I said there is nothing in my contract says I can't make a study out of this book and so that's what I did i sat for four days and I turned my book into a study guide and then I published it myself and I I heard three people to come in and help me bind them and you know make make everything so that what I can teach from it you can all follow along with it and so I'm telling you this because you need to know that there are people that that sacrifice for you so that you can walk in this now you have to understand something about this book this book was not supposed to be this was not on the docket or whether it was not supposed to be scheduled to be written I had already signed for four books I'm telling you this because I want you to see how important this morning is when I when I start teaching out of this you see I'd already I have 59 titles that I have to write that the Lord gave me and some of them are already done but I just have to I can't release more than a couple of year be according to the publisher anyway so because they're afraid I'm gonna over saturate you all but I said these people are hungry they're not gonna get over there saturate you know what I mean you know so I said well you know I even if I do for a year it's not gonna over saturate the market and I'm never gonna get all 59 done unless I live to be Methuselah 's age you know so anyway I'm saying all this because I went up to my office and I was writing a book called well I better not say that cuz somebody will write it well I already actually signed for it's for 2020 it's called it's called the mystery of the power words and it's the eight words that the Satan is taking out of the vocabulary the Christians it's disappearing from sermons it's disappearing you know you won't hear it on Christian TV anymore of these words because they're you know they're offensive you know like the Crucified life and you know repentance and you know some the Lord told me to write these about these words that they've got to come back into our vocabulary the devil fears them they're very powerful words and it's part of the gospel message but it's become to the point where it's power it has to be like like friendly you know seeker friendly to where you people anybody yes I agree with you totally well you when you when you when you bring people in Jesus Jesus offended people every day and if you need to be offended then you know you need to get you need to be offended by the gospel if it's if if that's what it takes you need you need the slack jerked out of you is what my dad used to say you need you just need to stay tight and and aware of people people that inhale you know it I'm just gonna tell you this I actually saw somebody in hell and they were screaming at me they were on my airplane and they died and they went to hell and she's yelling at me in the flames she said I was on your airplane and you didn't tell me about this place oh yeah and like I said it jerks the slack out of you okay it's so every person you encounter there's a potential that that person could go to hell if you don't tell them okay you know I mean I'm not trying to flip you out here but what I'm trying to tell you is is is I took fifteen hour days for 15 hour days and I made this and mine's a little bigger because I'm the teacher but these are all my notes so you're getting the notes of how I wrote the book you know it but I reversed it back I reversed it back to my notes so you're getting a lot of this stuff so listen to me you don't and I'm not doing this to buy the book you if you don't have the money for the book then just just come and talk to me that's not what I'm doing here I'm telling you something that the Lord moved in a mighty way in July and I was sitting in my chair writing this book on mystery the power words and then after that I signed for this one called it's all rigged in your favor and in them they're already you know they're already pretty much done but this happened I was sitting there and all of a sudden I'm not in my chair anymore I couldn't feel my chair in my office anymore and I found myself on the side of a mountain and it was a dark gray slate underneath me on my might where my feet were and I looked in this the mountain is glowing bright and it's not on the top it's on the side of the mountain this flat spot and I can't hear my wife anymore I can't see my office anymore I don't I'm standing but I was just sitting in my chair and now I'm standing on Mount Sinai thousands of years ago and I watched Moses in the in the midst of this glory talking to God receiving information in writing the book of Genesis and you know he wrote the book of Genesis but he didn't even lived back then do you know that's how he got Genesis was on the mountain okay anyway that's I don't want to get into that as another that's Perry stone just talked to watch Perry stone know I'm this kid I don't know if he talks about this or not but there were these these very large beings surrounding the mountain at the top they were security for God any word I don't know if there were they elders it seemed like they were more than 24 but they were big and they were dressed different than angels were and do they they're probably worried angels I don't know I didn't ask him but I had looked and it was all white in this circle where God and Moses was and it was so like I said mrs. snow so I kicked it and it it was the rocks were glowing white-hot with holiness from God being there the mountain was on fire but in the middle it was white-hot see this is the kind of stuff that'll change your life this just happens you lied to me and for these elders or whoever they were they they came up to me and they said that those aren't that's not snow that's hot that's the holiness of God it's affecting these rocks and I said can I stay here I'd never want to leave this place it feels so good I feel home in this holiness and they said no they said you go back and you tell the people not to grieve their angels anymore and they step back into their position and I came back to my office and the Lord said agenda of angels I go what's that he goes that's the title of your next book my people are grieving their angels because they don't know the agenda of angels because they don't know my agenda so I called my publisher and I told him this I said are you in or you out I said I totally understand but in my contract I can just publish I can self publish I said this book needs to come out now well the power got hit this guy he goes you know we're gonna have a board meeting we'll call you back but this is God so he got hit by just what I told you that's why I'm telling you this is to watch what happens when you speak from the other realm something that happens to you when you speak from that place you go back to that place and it affects people okay all right so I got a call back they had the board mean the power God hit the whole board and they said they voted unanimously to have this published they said you got 30 days to write it I go what because well if you're gonna be in the season 4 you know if it's gonna be for this year you got 30 days so August 1st and I'm thinking well I got 8 churches and I'm believing the next morning for Phoenix I got 8 churches which turned into 24 meetings I said ok so I get the feeling we mean Cathy we fly out the next day we get into Phoenix we get in to the place we're staying and the power of God was pulsating from us to the point where at two o'clock in the morning was so bright in our room now listen to me it was so bright in a room we just decided to get up because we couldn't sleep there were angels in this house completely saturating this house with light and the people even said that they're missionaries they they even said that we could feel the angels in the house all night and they don't know a thing so that next morning it just it just the story goes on from there but on the way there to the first service we went to Faith Family Church right that morning right and that's our pastor that we were that we we volunteered for four years under him and he was over me Minister Lee with sociation that I was associated with on the way there the Lord says you're gonna so this whole offering back to the church this morning just so you know I go oh okay so when I get to his office and he starts briefing me okay we're gonna do this we're gonna do this you know he said I'll take I'll take the offering up for you and I'm that's okay and I thought Lord should I just tell him now he goes no I'll work it out I'll take care of it so we go I preach and when I hand him the mic he can't close a service he can't close it and I always do that like I was always in my mom thinking well good luck with this cuz you're not gonna be able to close this service because I have to icon eyes closed exactly at the very strike of the clock they tell me sometimes it's 25 minutes I said all I get so I hand it back to him he can't close because we're gonna he says uh he says the Lord told me and Kevon I heard from God the Lord told me that this is not your offering that we're we're supposed the Lord told me that you that you would be okay with this but we're gonna give your whole offering to this family back here of six they in Phoenix it was one hundred and sixteen that day that we came in and they haven't had air-conditioning in a week and they have a fail and they have three small ones and I know that I hear from God and I know Kevin that you me and you have been friends for a long time so I'm just going to give your offering to that family and get them an air conditioner for their house and that I know they you're all right with this right and I said yeah so they take it and they give it to they to the family and then every meeting those 24 means we went to every meeting the power God would would be so strong that and I would watch these churches are big churches and they would be bringing in seats and they'd have people standing outside waiting to get in and it's just me a little pert remember I'm not you know like I'm not like thinking it went on and on and on for weeks and I thought it's this angel it's just this angel thing that happened to me everywhere we went there were there were churches where they would have to sit them right beside me because there were no seats left they've never filled that church in 18 years it wasn't nobody knows anything you get it nobody knows anything about what just happened I'm writing the book so I finished the book and I send it in and I'm done you know but I'm really not because these angels they want you to know the agenda of God and this is not a book about angels that's what I'm trying to tell you is is that if you're gonna offend people you might as well just go ahead and do it royally you know because Jesus he said you know pulse' this I love Paul I know somebody my spiritual father met Paul spent 45 minutes with him when he was in heaven 45 minutes with the Apostle Paul and Paul said this he said am I now your enemy because I've told you the truth that's what he told a church that he wrote to but see that sets you free so it's better to know the truth now if I have a problem with my airplane I want to know it now and I want to start working through it especially if I'm in the air okay did you get it okay it's a sing with my walk if there's a problem with my walk and if it's something that I need to know that I don't know that it could be fixed like that I've had so many men and women of God fix me by speaking by the Spirit of God over my life that that they really all get credit for who I am as a person because they spoke into my life but that they might not even know me I could name people that don't even know what they did until they see me and they go isn't that this guy where did he come from you know and I go well it's your fault so wouldn't when I open this book is it I wanted you to know like what's going on it's just it's amazing so I wrote the book I turned it in and then my friend Keith Ellis called he goes what's going on and when he you know he has people like I told you if I I think it was here I told you I was didn't I'm in different churches every week but this when he calls I mean you have to understand every minister in the world has a call in to him because he is the most accurate prophet I've ever met and because I don't call him and ask for a word he calls me all the time but he doesn't call back you know all the big boys that need a word there's just a list and he's just overwhelmed he's just a pastor he is a pastor for 40 years in Atlanta he doesn't he doesn't want to be known but he called me goes what's up and I go well I've been to Mount Sinai he goes what I go yeah I just wrote a book he goes when did you start I go last month that he goes you wrote it in 30 days and I said yeah I said it's I said I was at Mount Sinai he says well what happened I said well the angels were there and they told me not to grieve the Angels anymore that this message needs to come out they gave me the ingredients for this next move of God so we talked for about four or five hours so then the next day I get another call it's supernatural super SID and he said hey Kevin what's going on he already knows cuz what Keith did was called him right after I hung up I go he goes Keith tells me you've been on Mount Sinai he goes what happened I said well I said you know I don't want to tell you but I said I just wrote this book and you know I'm just gonna I was gonna self publish it but they're gonna publish it and he goes well we gotta have a show and I go Syd I've been on so many times I mean it's like III you know are you sure yeah he goes yeah we got to have this show he goes what they tell you and I said this is miss he goes oh yeah he's got to be this year he said um he said oh hold on hold on how this um I'll call you back so in an hour he calls me back guys okay talk to the publisher he says you're coming down on October 2nd this is what you're gonna do and he's a commander he just tells me what I'm gonna do so he just gives out his commands he just said okay he says show up at this date he said we're gonna do this we're gonna do this he said I already talked to the publisher we're gonna do this this and this and he said okay anything else and I'm like this is the way it is all the time so within an hour all of this happened so when I start teaching I want you to know what's going on I want you to know and even your pastors here pass their way at least I I knew the Lord told me that they're supposed to be there that the filming and he told me if there were several other pastors as well he gave me their names so I sent their names in and I said please get these people front-row seats they're intercessors that need to be here for this this this show is good it's got this message has got to get out about the move of God that's already here it has to do with angels okay so I tell you that here's the you know how I write a book in 30 days I've written books in 5 days but this is how it happens I pray in tongues and then I get I get the title so I put the title and then this is what he get this is what the Lord through the Spirit of God gave me as headings chapter headings chapter 1 is the veil of secrecy we're talking about angels the veil of secrecy number 2 the absolute truth number 3 the command center of heaven number 4 the fear of the Lord number 5 chapter 5 is the beauty of holiness and chapter 6 is waiting on the Lord chapter 7 is the glory of the Lord has come chapter 8 is the word of the Lord chapter 9 is the battle strategies of heaven chapter 10 the will of God for every Christians life chapter 11 heaven on earth chapter 12 the enemies of Angel agenda so I put those on my computer and then I pray in tongues for two hours and then I wrote chapter 1 the case it gives me every scripture verse everything to say and I did that in 30 days I got all this done and that's how I write my books I'm back there right now before I came out here writing my next book it's finished it's gonna be finished here it's got to be finished by the end of January I just started so this this is this is what we do so when Jesus came over Jerusalem and he said I had long to gather you to myself but you would not have it well what would cause someone to not have it and and why is it that they killed Jesus and they killed all the prophets and now we celebrate them as heroes but they were killed and hated in their generation so the bottom line is is if I tell you the truth it might offend you but it's still the truth and you have to fix your diet so that you can have more truth so that you grow but it's gonna bring correction now like you've heard this before when I learned how to skydive when I learned how to do aerobatics when I what I learned how to train students to fly I had to learn certain emergency techniques and I sat in class for five hours to learn how to pull a silver handle and no one fifty five hundred feet was when I was falling out of an airplane at 180 miles an hour without the airplane so I jump out of an airplane and I got two things I got to do and it takes five hours of class to learn two things I'm thinking you got to be kidding until they pushed me out of the airplane and those two things are the hardest things to do as you're screaming like a little girl on the way down do you understand what I'm saying it's the same thing when when a plane gets into a spin there's three easy there's three easy things maybe four but when you're upside down and you if you flipped over and you start your spin it's a totally different thing those those hours of training are almost impossible to do why because your mind checks out and your body checks out in your spirit knows what to do but you cannot you cannot do what you intend do what you know to do so the reason that I'm doing what I'm doing it's because I was sent back to tell you the truth and to walk you into it so that you can walk in it because there are no heroes in heaven except one there are no superheroes except one everybody is supposed to walk in this and we could just start with raising the dead jesus said that those who believe the believing ones will right so if you're taking your online apostle class you know you don't have to wait for your certificate to raise the dead but there are pasal that don't raise the dead but there's believers I know that don't claim to be anything that raised the dead right so Jesus is kind of like this and I've adopted his character I've adopted his approach and he's the kind of person you know like do you know that there's three or four visitations I've had what Jesus said I can't even share because people get mad at me and I don't have time to answer all those emails but I've had Jesus appear to me at the foot of my bed and set and say to me don't find yourself on the wrong side of me oh I can't share that because God is a God of love and he's this is the you know this is a dispensation of grace God's not like that wouldn't be that's not wasn't Jesus I go really well it wasn't the Bible he was like that all the time he said unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh you have no part of me unless you take your cross up deny yourself take your cross up and follow me you have no part of me he said narrows away okay so angels are the same way angels they really could care less about your feelings do you know that let's see look what I like whoa they're not your friends their fellow-servants with you but they're they're the kind of beans that want to get it done and they don't like it when you're in the way because they see the face of your father all the time and they're fully convinced but they don't think you are they know you're not so they come back to expedite in to help so just so you don't want to get into this teaching you have to remember something that you are the only one that's holding back heaven out but you watch what happens when you let God into your finances Jesus said my people won't let me into their finances and it's obvious what why is it that finances is not something that you can let God into you know you know you're all not like that but it's amazing how you're getting the certain sensitive subjects and the Lord wants to do things in your life that are going to cause everyone to benefit from it but the biggest part is is you've got to be lit up with the knowledge of God you've got to have answers instead of questions because there's people out there that are going to hell and they need answers and they need a friend they need someone who's gonna sit with them and tell them listen you don't have to put up with this anymore I mean I knew a pastor's wife she had been fast she had been she had been she had been dieting on a diet everywhere we go she was on a diet for seven years and she's still the same weight for seven years well something's wrong so we got her a card in it it's this lady she said ever since I've been using the patch I've lost you know so many pounds like 25 pounds and she had put the patch on her mouth instead of the shoulder so we got her that you know in love in love okay do you understand do you want to get well well then you have got to allow the supernatural environment of heaven to permeate your body which means that it's got to go through your mind as well okay all right so one of the things that I was that I would that that was discussed with me is that angels are considered special forces in there under a veil of secrecy so they don't want to be known that's why you don't see them that much they they don't want to be known they don't want to be recognized they want to give credit to the Lord Jesus Christ they they don't want you to focus on them but they are here for you but they don't want to be sensationalized they don't want to take anything away from God so they will make God look good so to you that might not be known that they did something for you and you give credit to God and they just smile because they've succeeded if God gets credit for what they just did because they are there they're fine with not being recognized okay so don't the reason why I was told see if I told you if I told you all the supernatural ways that I get all this stuff this there this we would have to go to a stadium because see people sensationalized like if if I tell you that I received this from an angel and and you got to hear this you know you would have enough parking spaces but yet if I just teach you from the Word of God what's already there it's that's not you know it's not enough bang you know why it's still it's still just as powerful in eternity the Word of God so there there military forces that are assigned to you and they're all around me right now and they're all around you and they already know the agenda of God because they've been told about you they've been briefed about you Jesus is the head of this command center he's the head of the Angels and there are battle strategies there are all kinds of things that are going on and they are given according to how you react to the previous engagement and where you are your status report the Angels go back with the information and then they the Lord decides how he's going to work with you and where you are and he's probably gonna have to send people into your life in the fivefold ministry to build you up and then he's going to cause you to to mature to the point where you can start to operate in a higher level in your Christian walk now there's people like there's people in my life now that the reason I tell you about Keith Ellis in all these people is not to name-drop I'm trying to tell you you need you need you need crazy friends like these people in your life these people are crazy no are you hearing me I'll tell God I'll tell the Lord I need to talk to Keith Ellison he'll call Lord told me to call you a year ago I was being bugged you need to go to Israel or say the Lord hasn't told me together go to Israel and so finally that this person who is my father in the faith Sid Roth he said you need to go to Israel I said I'm not going until God tells me I said I'll tell you what if you take a tour group I'll go because well we're not doing that anymore I said okay I'm not going then I did that by the spirit because he was done he was done with all that Torah stuff okay but the Lord told me I'm going on a tour with him a long long time ago before I met him I would only go to Israel if I went with Sid Roth even though I'd never met him so I just by the spirit are you understanding me I was saying something from here that asks from there and everyone else is just doing their thing and I'm like I know better it took a whole year and he called me you know why I called me because the Lord had spoken to him that he's gonna have to take another tour group and so he called Keith Ellis he called Keith Ellis and he said I want you to come with me and this is what Keith Ellis said well I'm not going unless Kevin and Kathy go no no do you know what do you understand what I'm trying to say here this is all Angel activity but see you look at it like you know some people are slow some people are fast on getting it but I don't manipulate anything because I'm in the know okay so these angels are in the know about you they're in the no no do not leave this building without grasping that because this is point one the angels are in the know they know more than you just get over it you need to listen to them well that they don't talk to me oh they you just don't hear them they talk the Holy Spirit has a voice angels have a voice the Son of God has a voice the father has a voice Saints have a voice I've heard all of them now when I was in heaven I could hear the discernible so when I came back now I can there's a distinct difference between the voices even though you might think well it was just a voice of God well angels came and they speak in a first Perez though they're speaking for God they said thus saith the Lord hey prophets do the same thing they bring forth the Word of God but when you listen to them it sounds like God's talking there's talking in that first person okay so when they come they're coming in the first person they're coming representing God they have a message but see it's God told them to come and tell you that but if you don't hear that that's what I want don't diminish the fact just because you don't see them like right now they're here and they have been told something about you and they've been sent on assignment on your behalf that is the absolute truth okay so in in Psalms 91 it says this it says in Psalms 91 11 in pasion translation it says God sends angels with special orders to protect you wherever you go defending you from all harm special assignments special orders okay that is truth that has happened this morning all of you have been mentioned that's how significant you are just because you don't see angels or feel angels or hear angels doesn't diminish the fact that I just what I just told you you have to believe this it is so important to them that you grasp the truth that I'm teaching you right now it's so important to them that you get on their side with everything people they what they want to work with angels they want to understand angels they want they want they want to know all this but see you've got to accept certain truths that are in the Word of God you've got to convince yourself because God is already working to convince you but you have to allow those two steps that take you 5 hours to learn you have to learn those so that you actually do them when you're falling out of an airplane or when a student puts you into a spin you have to know those 3 or 4 steps enough to do them in an emergency so it's is with it's fine' now that when you go out to your car and you go about your day you have to be ready to act on what you've heard that is real faith that is your walk with God ok so the next the next this this next like last night I mentioned this I started this last night then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said surely the Lord is in this place and I wasn't even aware of it Genesis chapter 28 verse 16 a new Living Translation says that and that was my opening last night is they should have discerned it but he didn't the angels were there he fell asleep and his spirit saw because his soul and his body were out so his spirit got a glimpse into the supernatural realm now I gotta say this because the spirit Lord just told me it has nothing to do it does but it doesn't but he just told me to tell you he said this has to do with your finances - the Lord has everything to do with your finances but you don't still in Lucerne it he's gonna help you in angels they could care less about the subject matter so like down here it's like okay now when you come to my church you don't talk about these things I go really so okay and you've come to find out that what people need is what you need to tell them and that and it's being restricted so there's there's churches that I've been in I go back because I was told you will not prophesy you will not pray for the sick you and I'll give an altar call and the whole the other guest speakers were allowed but I wasn't I thought well you know so they think that this ministry is my ministry but it's the Holy Spirit's ministry it's God's ministry and so what they did was they they just completely opted themselves out did you get that I was given the subject matter that I had to teach from for every session moving on Lord if you gave anyone the ability to see into the spirit realm right now it would humble the person when he sees the abundance of Angel activity that's what I wrote because there's so much going on in their spirit I was so I was really surprised I was embarrassing I was embarrassing to me that I did not discern that there were things going on about me that I was that important which is why I'm Minister last night on your value because if I can get you to see your value in God then you realize that angels are taking care of God's assets which is you you're important so if you have something to say from the Lord then you need to speak it you don't need to be told you can't say that because what God told you to say is important it might be the tipping point for the next move of God and I remember the Argentinian revival your that book on that book went up to 300 bucks and I said it's worth it Lord so I was at the time you know we were saving our money just to buy that book it was $300 and I prayed and somebody republished it for 1995 and I bought like 10 or 20 I think I do about 10 or 20 of them hand them out like tracts but in that argentinian revival those people were fasting and praying and nothing was happening and the guy after a while you know he said he said something's wrong here so he said is anybody here been told by the Lord to do something and you haven't done it and you know you know this store maybe you do I anyway this lady finally she said well you know I felt for the last three weeks that I was supposed to come up and slap this table and he said we'll do it and that's how it broke out so I just saved you 300 bucks so no decision okay going on the Apostle Paul says eye has not seen ear has not heard nor is it entered into the heart of man those things which God has prepared for those who love him but God has revealed them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches all things yes the deep things of God 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 through 10 and I'm every Christian must establish the establish this deep trust that there's something going on around you that is much more important than what you know and in these the heavenly father's love for you once to give you revelation about this so he loves you and he wants you to know these things now I have to stop here I didn't write this in the book but it you know of course the Holy Spirit's talking to me he made us in the image of God in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 he talks about he made man in His image in the image of God created him I believe it's and it's that that's the verse 126 right okay now do you understand that God never never planned on failing ever he never planned on us failing he created us to have fellowship with him and never never have to go through what we're going through he so he didn't create us to fail so that's why it's hard for us to deal with failure in discrepancies and disappointment and discouragement you see he told me he said Kevin I didn't create anyone to have to deal with what they're dealing with so it's really it's really difficult for people especially when you're born again in your spirit but your soul and your body are connected to this realm in a great way and they restrict your spirit so your spirit knows what God knows you're a new creature in Christ old things have passed away behold all things become new your spirit is completely made perfect ok now he said Kevin when you put distance between you and courage it's D is it becomes discouragement so you have courage and you have distance between you and courage that's discouragement when you have an appointment but there's a distance between your appointment and you don't meet your appointment it's called a disappointment there's distance between you and your appointment so there's distance in this life there's distance between you and your destiny because of the fallen realm and in that gap has to be closed in the soul realm and in the body in the physical realm so we get taught how to operate in this realm and we feed ourselves two or three times a day but you get a cold snack in your spirit every you know once a week or twice a week or whatever and and then the the that's the the physical and then you know you know how to start your car you know how to walk you know how to run you know how to do you know do all these things get on your tractor or whatever you you can do all those things but can you can you be disciplined enough to make your mind do the right thing so in the soul realm you're being bombarded with media that's telling you what you want telling you who you are and it's not even true the only reason you want that new Mac Mac air is because it's better than the one that you have but if you hold on you'll see that every six months there's always going to be a better one and they've already made that other one it's sitting on a shelf they just haven't released it yet they got it all set up for you Ted never ever ever get the best it's the same way with the way you think demons demons in the demonic their their their entities that their whole idea is to always keep you in need always to keep you at a low value the way you think of yourself so that they can manipulate you so that your knee-jerk reaction isn't to say away from me you liar you consider it just like Eve did you consider okay maybe you can help me out God comes down every day they're made in the image of God so that God could have fellowship with them so they're every day God comes down to walk with them but she has time to talk to a serpent about theology help me out here what is she doing talking about God to an animal that it has Lucifer you know halau in him the whole thing was a man the whole thing was a setup but what was she doing because well he did say and before you know it she's reasoning out something that she should already know she shouldn't that she should even be talking to him about this and it's just like Reinhardt Bonnke Reinhardt Bonnke was asked because people are criticizing him and instead of saying well you know huh when's the last time you had a million people show up at your meeting and have 300,000 of them yet say but he doesn't say that even though that's the truth he said he said I cannot stop this giant combine to argue with a field mouse about why I should be here or not in this field though he said the field mouth is protesting that he's in his field with this giant coma and he says I don't have time to stop the combine and argue with a film mouse if I should be here nod you know the ministers were getting jealous well then do something okay so the Lord the Lord has this ability to accomplish everything he's written about you however you cannot sit and consider things that are already true you can't like rehash over is this true or not true you know all military training is is based on the fact that you are convinced fully of what your your role is and you just do it and you don't question authority you just do it it was amazing to me you know just so you know well it take troops we would transfer troops at night for extra money we would go to these these bases where these soldiers were being trained then we would get them to Andrews Air Force Base or whatever and you know all these different top-secret things and then they'd be transferred overseas but the soldiers they were they were being retrained some of them then I asked him I said listen well what what was the biggest deal about the first time after your training that you were placed in another person's country that's not yours and you had to start doing what you were trying to do he said that they said that every one of them they said when they hit the ground people started shooting at him and they couldn't believe it they go if I don't shoot back one of us is gonna die he said that was the reality that set in see so the training didn't get you the reality of your situation but the Spirit of God can do that in your situation and part of this is evil spirits want to manipulate you but if if you're strong and you're fully convinced you don't consider so you get my point right about Adam and Eve and you get a considerate you can't consider certain things that you've already should know as being fact you don't argue with a field mouse you don't argue with with the devil you drive him out he's been defeated he doesn't want you to know that he wants to display his power to convince you that God might not be telling the truth that he might not be defeated that Jesus said it I give you power over the all the enemy right that's the truth so these angels they engage you and help you with this demonic but you are the authority on this earth and see that's what the church as a whole does not want people to know so many churches in the past they've wanted you to go through them and then Martin Luther he says wait a minute he said we don't we don't need any inner mirror intermediary except Jesus we have it we don't have to go through the Pope or a priest hey they wanted to kill him okay this kind of spirit happens a lot in in denominations and things like that after a while now not all the nominations are bad or anything but I did research I did you know I was part of this so I went back to how they were formed because they asked me to do a position paper on them so I did I got a scholarship but this is the thing is I saw that people after a while were being controlled and so it gets to the place where we're back there again but you all don't know it because you wait for this certain apostle to show up in your city so you can go and get a word but I can give you a word right now you don't have to go to the apostle repent because what what God did through Jesus Christ is in first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 and 10 it says that he has things prepared for you I has not seen and ear has not heard but it goes on to say but the spirit searches all things and he has revealed it to us by his Spirit and then he at the end of this he goes to on to say we have the mind of Christ so we know these things there's angels in this room right now but they've looked at your book your books are written and then they have access to them and when they come down they know specifically the things that you're supposed to be involved with that you're not and they've got a lien on you and get you to a place where you're in obedience but part of the obedience has to do with Revelation you have to know something and understand it in order to operate in it so when the other realm is unveiled to you then you realize that the whole time these angels have been with you so my wife was with me when this happened six years ago as we were in Seattle we were in our pastor's mother's condominium and we're praying for the pastor because we're about to lose our building because 15 people that were millionaires in the church decided that the worship was too long so we're cutting it down to 15 minutes or else we're leaving and you're not going to start that school either and so the pastor's like well you know the Lord told me to start the school and we need a worship God I'm thinking about putting it to an hour and boy I'll tell you they all left and he lost that building so we're praying we're praying in in her apartment or condominium for him and to tell you the truth you know that what I mentioned last night about that portal in our house that was where certain people in the church would meet to pray for him right in that circle so Cathy and I women and people in the church we had missed meals for our pastor and we would pray I mean like hours and hours instead of going on playing golf for me and me and my wife and and her we're praying for her son you know pastor and sudden I look over cuz it's really bright so I opened my eyes and I mean there's this flame of fire it's a man he's a flame of fire and he smiled at me mrs. six years ago and I go who are you he goes and he told me his name which in Hebrew means eternity he goes I've been around a long time and he's just burning he's just a flame of fire and he smile and he's really happy yeah he's right there right now right there smiling at me if you watch some of the films of me especially in other countries you'll see you'll see this happen on the film in fact he's come in and knocked over the whole healing line so I never even got to them but do you know he didn't have wings he doesn't need him he can fly without wings angels fly without wings they look like men do you know that he has never said another word to me ever again and yet he's always with me he's with me right now and everybody can't understand like well why is this guy he's a flight attendant on even like a super apostle or anything it's because it isn't me it has to do with eternity it has to do with God's plan for a person's life and yielding to it and then he makes me look good but it's not me do you get that God will make you look good if you start to learn how to yield to this other realm well it's being unveiled to you right now as I'm talking to you so sometimes 139 verses 17 18 it says how precious are your thoughts to or toward me Lord Oh God how great is the sum of them if I should count them they would be more than the number of the sand when I awake I am still with you now as a Christian this is the Word of God you have to believe this so his thoughts toward you are as many as a sands or even more than the sands on the shore this is the absolute truth praying in the spirit the most effective way to communicate in the Spirit is praying in the spirit when when you pray in the spirit you're praying out the mysteries of God you're playing out the will of God now you you know the problem that I have is I know exactly how it all you think because I thought like you so like every time I'm talking I know exactly what people are thinking I'm like oh brother here we go you're like cuz I'm having to wade through this cuz you know I got you know like I I have to I have to win souls I have to win people over because if I win an argument and they still they could still go to hell if I win an argument I haven't I haven't accomplished anything you see I have to win you over that's what God wants me to do is win you over for him by preaching a gospel preaching the truth because the truth sets you free okay so praying in the spirit is the most important thing that you can do it's the easiest thing you can do but it's the hardest thing you do because the devil fights it more than anything the devil fights praying in the spirit more than anything because it's your secret link to the throne room and it's encrypted it's military communication they only the Spirit of God knows but your spirit understands it so before we go back in the worship here I want I want you to grab something there's never been an angel ever ever ever ever that's been sent that thought he was gonna fail ever the Holy Spirit has never had one thought of failure has never thought you were gonna fail ever I know this but I know how you all think because I was I was there but but what happens if people start to realize it I have to take that chance that you might think I'm crazy I have to take the chance and tell you anyway that it's not set up for you to fail in heaven at all this this this system down here is set up for you to fail no matter what and even in Switzerland you know like I'm teaching people over there financial freedom and in Germany I'll be going to May and teaching them on financial freedom in the marketplace because that's what they asked me to do but in Switzerland if you pay your house off early you go into the 50% tax bracket so nobody wants to pay their house off to see that so that's setup that's the world system setting it up so that there's no incentive to do the right thing right okay but hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 clearly says that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him so there's a reward system which I'm going to get into in the next session no no here's the thing I will teach as long and as often as you want because I cannot fail this is already to my favor this is all extra credit for me Jesus told me if you go back you cannot fail it's all extra credit so I will let you and the pastor determine how much I teach today had tomorrow and any day I'll just keep on going I can do this my longest service was 11 hours and I literally I literally dismissed every hour and nobody they were all glued to their chairs and I saw people crawling to their cars because they they could not they could not walk I saw them crawl every hour for 11 hours I and my Everage my average anywhere else is 5 hours that's average and I dismiss I look at the pastor hand him the mic and goes no so I'm gonna leave that all up to you but but but uh getting back to the spirit the spirit wants to get some things over to you because you have a bellybutton and the devil doesn't have a belly button see he didn't come here legally you're legally here because you were born through a womb so he took this all from us illegally and now Jesus came with a belly button and bought us all back you get it through a mother's womb okay he legally bought us back okay but when he bought us back I mean you just have to understand something I'm trying to win you over here I'm I spent I spent a lot of time with him I didn't ask for it I don't deserve it I'm not throwing this out you see you think that I'm better than you I was if I was better than you I wouldn't have come back I came back because I knew you needed to know this and jesus said these people that people need to know this somebody I mean does it take a flight attendant that prays in tongues to come back from the dead I guess it does but I'm gonna tell you the truth when you pray in the spirit you are doing the perfect will of God and you're saying the perfect will of God and once it comes to your understanding then you know the perfect well God and then your prayers you cannot pray wrongly so I saw this with Jesus I saw that because of of us having a bellybutton we have that's our badge that's our sheriff's badge we have full authority on this earth over the devil in the name of Jesus now I know people I know people there there was someone that was a lesbian and didn't want to be a lesbian anymore and was not born again but they could feel this entity come and they decided no no and they started that to treat it as an entity and she overthrew that thing then became born again so put that in your pipe and smoke it same way with people they get healed then they run up and give their life to Lord Keith Ellis Keith Ellis stand up here at the pulpit preaching he pulls out this biker dude who came in full tattoos he is sir he said you have a tumor in your left ear which was not visible to him because he is up here you got that right preacher everybody in that area heard that thing fall off his ear onto the floor because he said God's healing you he wasn't saved he runs up and gives his life to the Lord okay then Keith said another lady he says you ma'am they were here and he said the road three he says you have a tumor in your stomach and she just starts crying she goes yeah step out in the ow you're healed in Jesus name the lady falls you know and they the little lady comes over and puts the blanket over her you know the courtesy blanket and he said the whole congregation watched are you ready underneath that blanket a hand came up pulled the tumor out and dropped it beside her okay well this gets around and then major companies like you get like you like I could name them who had family members that have cancer and that's terminal they start flying in on their had jets with their wives in stretchers and puts them right there in the back of the of the church and they start getting healed and then these head of companies start getting saved so he said this one guy I mean I could name the company you would know who it was a the big satellite company he he said you know you can have anything you want he goes well this is free I'm not taking any money or nothing from you this is God God healed your wife he goes well anything you want he said I don't need nothing and the guy the guy doesn't he finances to tell you the truth but he won't tell it he won't say anything so this guy goes well let me at least take you and your friends on a fishing trip he's okay we can go on a fishing trip so he went on a fishing trip and there there trout fishing and Keith his first cast he gets a snag and breaks his rod to write it down there at the reel and so the guy goes well I'll go get you another reel you know I'll get you another rod and reel and he goes no no no I'm fine and he just like casting it out just like this thud little stub and Keith gets another snag but it's coming in real slow you know and he pulls it in and it's a brand new in the package with the price tag on it fly rod and reel and this guy says that's it that's it and it becomes a believer because there is no way and it and if you've ever met Keith he's just like you just sit on the back porch with you and drink lemonade with his dog and you know this like it's just but see that that that person that person went through so much to get to where he's at but he won but he learned how to pray in tongues in law and pray in the spirit and and it's the same with with like the people that are above me I put people above me they each have 40 years in the ministry and I meet with them I meet with them sometimes three times a week and you know what I don't say a word hardly at all and the lunches and the dinners they last five hours because they just keep talking and me and Kathy come home and we sit there and stare at each other for two hours thinking my god we just saved ourselves so much trouble is there anybody following me so you need to pray and allow the Spirit of God in these angels to start bringing people in your life that are the real thing and you start walking in this because there's people that pay the price they're walking in it but I'm finding they're not usually known they don't want to be known that's why they stay in the spirit so I remember I remember this this time when Pastor Wayne and Lisa I think it was a second time the Lord had told me we're going to Moravian Falls for the second time and we were doing a shoot down there and I said well I can go on this day if you want to go so I didn't tell anybody except you know us we just went but the spear the Lord said here's the word that you're going to give the couple that lives up there on the mountain well I didn't know it that that Bob Jones had given them that word years ago I mean I'm just a flight 10 speaks in tongues but when I got into that house there on the top there I sat in a chair in my phone rings and it's it's Sid Roth because were you at right now what's going on the power God just hit me what are you doing where are you I said I'm in Moravian Falls he goes he goes what's happening I go well I mean oh and I named the cotton up the people he goes oh yeah tell him I said hi he said as soon as something happens you call me back something is going on okay you want friends like this there he didn't even know I'm sitting I'm sitting my a my my desk and it's Keith Ellis he goes have you gone in your mailbox today I oh no am I supposed to be expecting something he said well the load told me he says your provisions out there in the mailbox and you haven't gotten your mail yet so I went out there he said oh by way it's it's a it's a lot of money to you but he said the big ones come in next week I go what he goes go to your mailbox there's a check for $16,000 in there he didn't send it he said well that's that's the small one the next one's coming next week he said remember February 14th that's when my spiritual father Bob Jones died he said remember that date so the next week I go out there there's a check in there for $64,000 and it was written on February 14th and it wasn't written from Keith see these are kind of friends you won in your life but they all believe in the Ministry of angels they all believe in operating in the realms of God keith has told me something that only Jesus Christ himself has told me he said you can never tell anyone does ever because I have never ever told anybody on the earth this except you I'm telling you this is gonna happen to you but it's you're the only one I've ever told this to on the earth you could never tell anyone so he told me I go yeah that's right that's right that will happen he goes don't ever tell anybody not even SID don't tell anybody well how do you get like that to where you know a conversation that Jesus had with you and you can confirm it and he could care less if he's ever on TV he could care less if he ever writes another book get ready to worship I'm gonna tell this story I'm gonna tell the story that we're gonna worship I have to tell this story um of you know the store already but just pretend like you've never heard it this is this is an impartation I'm telling you because I feel like this is what we're supposed to do see the Angels actually are doing this behind the scenes with your friendships in with your relationships but you don't know it because you can't see them but they're there and they're working this thing out there are certain people you need to say bye-bye to and there's certain people they're gonna come into your life that are going to be the right people for you so you know that I worked for an airline for twenty nine years every day I asked if I could quit since day one but I went 29 years because God never told me to quit he told me to go there and I could fly the plane and I'm serving cokes and sprites instead so when he does when he did tell me my spirit but my spiritual father he said no you can't quit you can't quit it's not time so one day god I just got irritated and I said Lord I said this has ground me this has ground me to nothing this job has ground me to nothing I was walking down the aisle just doing my walkthrough while we're ready to take off and demons start manifesting in people I'm serving people and they start breaking out and holy laughter and they don't even know what holy laughter is and I told my wife I said Kathy we just we had to have eight cops come on and take these 15 people off because they're demon-possessed it took eight cops to take him off we had a call we had a call ahead well we were we were going into Las Vegas from Pittsburgh so it was a long flight we almost had the f-16s come and if 15s come in escort us in because they were threatening the other customers and I I said you know Kathy Isis is the I think that is about time for me to quit because it's starting to break forth I would start talking to one person's asked me why every time you walk by do I fill this presence to where I started laughing and then I want to cry I said it's because I died went to heaven and came back do you want to hear about it and before you know it I have 24 people listening to me and I have my drinks in my hand handing them out that is supernatural so I told the Lord I said Lord listen you know what I get it you I'm never gonna quit I get it you know what so I'm gonna order my new uniforms they just came out with I'm gonna wear my new manual and we're fine I'll just stay another 10 years with all retired 39 39 years of the company that's why I'm good and I started to walk away and he goes you can you can retire I'm thinking he just wanted me to be willing to stay forever and at that point I died you see so I went that that in the evening I'm telling you this so you can show what the Angels do as soon as you come to this conclusion about your life that you're gonna submit to the perfect well god no matter what how however hard it hurts I got a call my spiritual father picks us up takes us to eat I said I said ah I know how you feel about this but I am I really have heard from the Lord but I am I will submit to whatever you say the Lord told me that it's time for me to retire and he goes yep that's right okay now listen to listen very carefully they drop us off about five hours later Keith calls and he says to me I'm still fasting and praying about when you're supposed to retire he goes wait a minute it's right now because what time is it I said it's 1157 and all of a sudden you know my employee number for Southwest Airlines is eleven five sevens of it so it's 11:50 seven he said he said let that be a sign and a wonder to you it's 11:50 seven and he goes there's something about the three minutes left there's something about three he said I see three white doves and I see three bottles of ketchup and I go here we go he goes what is going on with this and he said uh then I remembered that Bob Jones had prophesied it was a it was it was in March and it was within three minutes it was gonna turn to that day when the glory the Lord was supposed to return to the church in his prophecy three minutes so it's almost midnight he goes well what's going on I said don't you remember what Bob Jones since we've got three minutes and his prophesies gonna come true that he prophesied years ago he was my god so it at midnight the glory the Lord had we both dropped our phones and couldn't talk anymore and we practically crawled to our bedrooms he's in Atlanta I'm in Phoenix me my wife were so drunk and the glory has never left how do you figure this stuff out okay so months later we are in Phoenix Arizona and I'm getting ready to go were out to speak and it says this thing it's it's broadcast all over the world and the place is packed and as I start speaking I get a text from him that says remember the three white doves and I kid you not they have photos of three white doves flying around while I was preaching and doves don't fly at night they roost and if you can find a white dove it's so rare so how does he do this listen to me it's the timings of God it has to do with the way things work in the spirit realm it has to do with the angels bringing you around to your time when things just start breaking wide open for you so I took a portion we took a portion of that offering that night and send it to Keith so three days later he goes to his mailbox and he touches that red envelope with that check in it and a card and as he does somebody pulls up behind him in a pickup truck and it's another crazy prophet friend that travel listen an hour and a half he traveled an hour and a half because God told him to deliver three bottles of ketchup to Keith Ellis he hands them the Costco bottles gets in his truck and drives an hour and a half back it doesn't even talk to him and you're worried about your hair dryer that broke this morning they kept think about it think about it so he the word of the Lord comes to Keith as he opens that that envelope and that this is what the Lord says you call Kevin and Kathy and you tell them that the word of the Lord is I'm gonna catch you up for the 29 years Kevin that you gave to Southwest Airlines so he calls us and he says the second bottle is for Cathy's a tie I'm gonna catch you up Kathy for the 29 years that you left the mission field in Saipan and you came to back to United States became a hairdresser and for 29 years you had a hair business I'm gonna catch you up for that 29 years it's not a loss at all and then he prophesized to himself Keith Ellis the third bottle is for you and he prophesized to himself the Lord's gonna catch you up for the 39 years you've been a pastor I'm sending you to the world now as I've been talking the Angels have been working on your behalf and all of the things that bother you right now so everybody's Stan father this went a little longer than I thought it was gonna be we're gonna worship now now as we go in this you're gonna feel a holy presence that's because the Angels the Angels approve of this message they approve of the ways of God they approve of what God is saying how many in here would like to walk in what I just told you okay that is for every believer III didn't do this as a prophet or an apostle I did this as a flight attendant prays in tongues I did a flight attendants job on an airplane that I could fly but I'm walking in this now which is far greater anybody here and if you know my story because at night as a flight attendant I went out and I spent my money that they gave me for food I bought hamburgers and I gave them to the poor every night and witness to them and how I gave one accidentally to an angel and the angel warned me about both market crashes and so when I retired I had as much as if I was a pilot but I'm not that good but I was doing what God instructed me to do and that was I could feed the poor I could tell people about Jesus and God took care of me that's what I want for you I want you to know that God will take care of you but you need to hear from God about the deep things of God that the Spirit is say the deep things of God that he's saying to you might be very simple and how we can do this is is I want you while we're worshiping I want you to be be singing in in the spirit I want you to be praying in the spirit I want us to spend 10 10 15 minutes and then if you know I'm gonna give it to the pastor pastor Wayne and he can do what he wants I'm willing to come back this afternoon [Music] and continue this in addition to the evening service but it's because I want you to walk in this and it's an accelerated thing right now because but I want you to pray in the spirit because what you're doing is you're repeating your book that's written in heaven the Spirit is repeating what is written about you know God will confirm your relationship with him with signs and wonders he will confirm it your relationship with him how he's going to do it is when you pray in the spirit you're gonna firmly pray out the mysteries and then they're going to happen and God will confirm it by manifestation [Music] six months ago as tall as you want to Australia I just accepted the invite last week it took six months but I already knew it South Africa has six months I had a dream six months later I get the call you see these things are already written down amen Father in the name of Jesus thank you for your word great and mighty and powerful is your word faithful are those who surround you on your throne faithful to execute your judgments to execute your word those holy angels and [Music] I impart heaven right now [Music] go ahead and sing ladies go ahead [Music] the song be to show [Music] Oh [Music] sure [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so no there can't be a tie [Music] like better day [Music] [Music] on a tray all of our gear and right okay what about insult us will yield yield yield we're so late or not at all of our at over [Music] Oh Oh [Music] but it's shown over other idea token [Music] Calaveras Julien's feral iterations over God the Lord favors his people the Lord is favoring you enter in enter in he favors you [Music] except you [Music] yes Oh [Music] the Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she buried Rashad Oliver Agassi o-tar titre so she will about interracial total per capita so total only Barrett Rochelle Ava's all of it ashore today the Spirit says be firmly convinced be firmly convinced of what has been done for you what has been handed to you be firmly convinced that all is well [Music] holy spirit is changing your environment [Music] he's working out everything for your good [Music] the spirits saying I'm willing to walk you in will you come with me don't look back this walk with me says the Spirit of the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] basically very trivia talk Institute [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 217,521
Rating: 4.8063083 out of 5
Keywords: Warrior Notes, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, The Mystery Of The Power Words, Bible School., It’s Supernatural, The Agenda of Angels, Kevin Zadai, Holy Spirit, Supernatural Finances, Christian, Life in the Spirit, Teaching, Spirit School, School of the Spirit, Conference, Jesus
Id: 9retLq7Q58o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 6sec (6246 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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