The Agenda Of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 7 The River Of Waupun

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hello everyone dr. Kevin Zeta with you welcome to my youtube channel make sure that you like and you subscribe to my channel because we got new things coming out all the time this is an exciting time we live and you're going to enjoy all the videos because God is moving by a spirit I'm gonna be teaching you how to walk in the spirit I'm gonna talk to you about angels we're gonna have lots of conferences that are gonna come to you so make sure that you always are ready for what God's gonna do for you I want I want to tell you something there's a there's a photograph that I found and I actually collect photographs of different people because the Lord spoke to me and I didn't want to be on Facebook because my company tracked me so they even knew what I was doing on my days off so they did that so that if he called in sick and you were at a ball game you got fired you know so I didn't I didn't do Facebook and things like that I didn't want anybody because their track at me I had nothing to hide but I'm just just saying it you know all my friends are in the intelligence field and I know better than to go there and unless I know what I'm doing so now I know what I'm doing but what I do is I collect photos of people that the Lord assigns me to pray for but these people don't know that I'm praying for them but he told me that he wanted me on Facebook because that was going to be that was going to be the people that he had assigned me to so it grew in one year to about eleven thousand people that follow me and because of all the other things that the millions of views on YouTube and things like that I've just I've just taken them under my wing and I I go through and I just pray for people that I've never met but there was there's several pictures that I have that have just like have you ever seen a picture and it just it just hits you it speaks to you but you can't understand it's like a language and you and you find yourself staring at it and it's doing something down here is anybody know what I mean I'm not talking about a pretty girl either I'm not talking about you know I'm talking about looking at and and God speaking through it so there was this this one photo it wasn't here but it was in another town close to here and it was a mother and a daughter and they were worshiping and the way the photo was shot you can see the profile of the mother and the daughter and they were they looked exactly the like except you know there was a year's difference but they were glowing with the glory of God and they were both worshiping but they were their profiles were sawed through the side and they were both in the glory and they the daughter looked just like the mother and they were both worshiping and the Lord spoke to me and he said this is my will for the generations is is for it to be transferred to the children and that was Brianna and her and her daughter and I stare at it you know almost every day because the Lord says you know I want you to hand this to another generation you know you hand it off and I thought you know what what proud parents because you know my parents didn't didn't have this to give to me I had to break the chain of the curse for my family no one else would do it is anybody I watched I watched all my sisters get pregnant out of wedlock i watch i my mom was was pregnant with me on a wedlock and I just watched this demon do this to my family just work its way into the next generation and so what I did when I thought when I figured this out I guess it helps to be visited by the Lord at 10 years old but I had to literally for years lock myself in a hotel room and not even answer my door I to push women out of elevators or out of my room they're trying to get in my room with me and it was just because of this demon had nothing to do with the way I looked or anything about me it had everything to do with that demon is anybody here and yet the whole the whole purpose and plan of God was to transfer from my parents heritage with the Lord to me and then for me to have children and transfer it to my children that's God's perfect will and you don't even have to pray about that don't even miss a meal about it and don't even pray in tongues to yourself right now yeah because this is the will of God but but um there are there there are things like that there are people that I pray for so I pray for the Hartman's every day but I don't talk to them I don't even have their number but I pray for them and their family every day because the Lord the Lord is speaking through the generations he's speaking through the family he's speaking is anybody understand this so you have to grasp the fact that that you being here is not insignificant at all because the Lord assigned me everybody that is on Facebook there that's my congregation they're assigned to me so I spend I spend a lot of time and money to reach people on Facebook I actually boost my posts and pay for them so that I can reach people that are not reached any other way and when they write back and curse me i just banned them and i just i just picked the sheep i don't want the goats the goats the lord told me you can't convert a go to a sheep so stop try'n he said you don't mess with the goat they're not gonna do anything you tell they're gonna do exactly opposite as soon as you grab a goat they plant their feet to go the opposite way they do nothing that you want so the Lord said you can't convert a goat into a lamb so don't try so I'm just I'm gonna feed the Sheep you know I'm going to take care of the sheep that's what I'm assigned to do it's an easy thing because they they follow you don't have to drive them you don't have to get behind them and push them they they know the Shepherd's voice and you have to learn you have to learn that God is in the families he's into the the next generation exceeding the previous one does anybody understand that or is that is that been lost you know it's not like Burger King when I was little the burger yet I use a cart to bring it to your car it was so big the whopper now now you have to buy two of them just what happened well they'd you know they didn't exceed the previous generation they they they want they want your money that's what they want a little as little as possible but it helps us because then we don't gain as much weight so it all works out doesn't it okay so there are certain things no no the reason I'm saying this is because there there is a touch on certain people's lives and it has nothing that you know don't get mad because there's a touch on certain people's lives because that's their gifting and there's no real explanation for it and you know I I wouldn't even I wouldn't even vote for myself to do what I'm doing I wouldn't think that I was qualified it I don't want to do this but that's why the Lord told me you're perfect for it because he you know you know I don't need this my validations in heaven I've already been told it's well done and good and faithful servant would you please go back and do this for me it'd be all extra credit and you can't fail and I haven't been able to and people get mad when I talk about certain subjects because I'm not limited by your opinion you know I have I have orders from heaven and the truth sets you free and where the spirit order there's freedom if there's not freedom in this room it's because there's no spirit it doesn't matter what anybody says if there's no freedom there's no spirit you have to lift the son up or the son can't set you free if you don't talk about the son there is no there's no freedom and so we got to get past this thing like well boy God really moved and you know there were people up here breakdancing and and acting like nuts and there was no spirit no I just picked breakdancing it could be anything you know that there's there's there's there's that there's an anointed thing thing for everything but there's not an anointed thing it just seems like everybody seems to go towards the fleshly thing and you can't produce spirit from flesh if it wasn't for the spirit we wouldn't have flesh that Liz God breathed into our flesh it became weak he became a living soul that's how the order of it so you have to remember that okay so you know my desire is for Breanna to come up here and play and sing for me right now because he's a minstrel because she's got a touch on a lot but I don't know she'll do it or not so I kind of look at her right now but and her husband had come up on the guitar too but there's there's something you know and there's all the others are just as important I'm not saying it's just that something happened when I saw that picture and I realized that there was a heritage there and even though their children can't always be here because they have all these activities and things and you know I'm glad that they they support their children and all the things they do because my right when I had sports and things like that I I had nobody show up and I went to state champions championships I set records that that were that took 20-some years to break in track and field but my dad my parents didn't come to any of those meetings they never saw me break the records I had plaques they wouldn't even go to the school and look at the plaque with my name on it I thought was you know and and it was weird because everyone else in my family was getting in trouble and it has a record you know police record things like that I didn't have any of that and I just couldn't understand like how I could do things right and not be honored and I just want to honor this family and I've known this it's been this has been going on for a while but I just I just I'm gonna start crying so I'm not looking at them right now but it's really touched me because I can see God in them in the marriage and then a family and I because it's it's it's like when God's in it is he said you don't have to explain it but I think about how you know what's happening with my family you know how wrong people are involved and I watched my sister's change I watched him make decisions when they asked me I told them they did the opposite and now like I suffer in my family because of that is anybody and I led all my brothers and sisters to the Lord I led my parents to the Lord but I watched marrying the wrong person doing the making wrong choices within that I watched it affect me in it and now there are people that actually mock me within my family because they're out Amalekites but you don't understand any of those do okay the reason I say this is because because you're who you are involved with and what you're doing it you don't get it but generations they they you're an answer to a previous generations prayer and so now you what you're doing now is going to be an answer to another generations prayer if you do the right thing and and so it's warfare and so the devil will fight people that are anointed and called to affect another generation and I just believe this couple is to affect another generation you know of youth okay and because I'm saying this now I'm not I'm not getting involved politically with anything and I don't that I'm speaking by the spirit but that I'm saying this I'm using them as an example that they didn't even know this until right now but they affected me because they touched the heart of God and they didn't know that they were touching the heart of God but I knew they had touched the heart of God and I knew that the warfare that that people go through is based on not just this generation but the next generation and so being in these meetings you have to realize that what you're hearing is is a is really I've come from your future you know I've been in it I've been to the end I saw everything at the end I saw the way things work toward that end and I saw the heart of God and then I have to come back and knowing that everybody's gonna think I'm a numbskull or who do you think you are and I don't I don't think I don't think I'm anybody my voice crying in the wilderness I don't know I'm just call me what you want but I got to speak and that what I have to speak from is from your future but you got to make it your now well only the Holy Spirit can do that see you got to own the Word of God that's being spoken so if you let the spirit take it off this page then you have your future becoming your now but if not it be remains your future and it continually evades you it never comes to you so you have word word word word word but you don't have the the spirit that authored the word because the author moved on holy men of old as they wrote they spoke by the Holy Spirit that's what we got what we got so it did not originate from man and without the without the Spirit we just have a written word which will all it listen to me it will always stay ahead of you you're not getting this because you'd be dancing right now the spirit makes it year now but until that happens it come it's always coming your deliverance is coming soon you know your miracles on the way you know I don't have to be a prophet to get up here and tell you that but that's what prophets do these days they're not real prophets but they'll tell you things that you you know well you know you can you can do that yourself now a real prophet will come call you out say this is what you dream last night and here's the interpretation and you know what we're not when I'm you it like what I remember last year in Canada I said where's that lady at she was sitting right back here and she's not there now she had left I said does anybody know who that is and somebody says well I know where I says well is this being recorded so I went and prophesied anyway to her I said 40 years ago you were in a car wreck you got t-boned in an intersection and you blame God for it and the Lord says I had nothing to do with that and you need to forgive and let it go and you'll be healed well I didn't hear anything for a couple months and then I got an email and she said forty years ago I was t-boned in an intersection and I lost my sister and I haven't forgiven God I repented and I got healed and I just wanted you to know that there's means I remember in Montana I called out people's names they did not answer I said if you get up here right now I know you're here you need to give your life to the Lord right now I said in fact there's five of you and if you don't come up here I'm gonna come and get you I know who you are so three of them came up don't listen to me they stood right there and I said where's Angela no answer I said so I pray for them and this first guy he's shaking and crying he's real big guy and he they all gave their life to the Lord there was either three or four of them and then there's this one lady that didn't show up and um I said um are you from here do you need you know you do you need a church because no I was actually on the highway and I saw the sign about you coming back from heaven and I had made a deal with the Lord if he ever gets me out of prison cuz I just got out of prison and I'm driving home and I saw the sign on the highway and the Lord reminded me that if I he I said if you get me out of here I will go to church and give my life to you and he saw the sign with my name on it talking about heavenly visitation so the Lord says here's your chance and he got off pulled it in the parking lot came in and I said and I I called out names and I called out his name so he gave his life to the Lord so after all of that Angela comes up after the services says I'm Angela so I had to pray with her individually and I'm thinking what would you a person do that you know I can keep on going with all these stories but this is my point is your future will come to you when you relinquish your will to your now see you're holding on here now and it's a dirty blanket it's not worth anything but see that's your security because that's all you know but how about if you yank your future into your now I know what I'm talking about my wife knows I only tell eighty percent of what I know by the tape pester you I tell I tell twenty percent because there there there is a way to live in your future now but it has to do with everything that's in here that has taken off this page by the spirit and then all the sudden I'm telling you I'm telling you Joel I'm telling you the clock stopped when this happens the calendar doesn't move the clocks don't move when the Spirit of God takes the Word of God off the page everything that you know in your realm ceases to be significant and the only thing that matters now is Jesus in his face and his heart for you and what he has plans for you too they're no longer they're no longer in their future I know what I'm talking about I've said things to people to my friends and they're the big boys they're the big profits and I'm just a pert I'm not even an expert I'm a pert and I said stuff them they said there's no one that knows that except this person and I've never met that person there's no way you can know that so what happens to you when you start to move in the supernatural to where you're acting as though you know the future what happens if you're talking to your friends and all of a sudden you start saying things and you don't even know what you're saying but there start crying there's they said that's exactly what I just told my friend I just hung up from them you just confirmed everything it's because see you you're moving in another realm that has no limitations so I'm being quiet because someone someone very powerful called me I mean to me he's the most powerful person in God right now he called me and as he's talking to me what was on him started getting on me and all of a sudden I'm not a pert anymore does anybody understand what I'm trying to say what he I mean this guy raised his son from the dead Ben he's but he was dead for two hours raised him from the dead he was tagged he raised his wife from the dead a couple times he's talking to me on the phone and of course I'm smart enough not to talk I'm just gonna let him talk but all the sudden I said you're all of a sudden I was in his house which is you know an hour and a half flight away never met this man at the time never been in his house I told him where he's standing right then I said you have a large angel on your right and a smaller angel on your left he goes no one knows that except Bob Jones and he's dead he said no one knows that only Bob Jones knows that he's the one that told me that I said well that's what that's the truth and I start prophesying to him now what what would cause what would cause somebody to start ministering to the / - you know like what would cause you to start ministering to your mentor or to someone that you look up to see the Spirit of God can take you there so do you understand that your your limited your limits are based on your nail but I've been taking I've been taking a year in advance at times to see something and then brought back and then had to implement it knowing what was gonna happen and watching people drag their feet and I've had to help them but not manipulate them but just encourage them like I'm encouraging you tonight that's what I'm doing right now I saw your future and I'm encouraging you that really there is no there is not the limitations you think there is Moses because he was on the mountain for 40 days twice God had to actually take him to the mountain and kill him because he wouldn't have died he was in perfect health at 120 and he couldn't go into the Promised Land because the law cannot go in the promised land so the law cannot take you into the Promised Land so Moses could not go the law beat the rock instead of speaking to it I'm speaking to you I'm not beating you Moses struck the rock but you can't strike Christ again you speak to the rock after he's been struck were y'all looking at me Hebrew says that the rock that followed them in the desert was Christ the walk the rock that gave water was Christ Moses struck again you cannot crucify Jesus twice so Moses did get to go in because the law can't take you into the Promised Land so your limitations cannot take you in but going to your future can so there's an there there is a obvious living way for you to walk through into the into the timeless realm of the spirit when you're fully based on the Word of God but you allow the spirit to take the Word of God and continually to make it alive to you that means when you reach out to pray for someone you're reaching out and correcting what's wrong because it isn't right and if you have compassion if you're moved with compassion to heal the sick when you reach out to someone and you pray for them the Spirit of God wants to correct it back to the original intent of God which is not being crippled or sick or anything like that that's what healing is Jesus told me he said healings really easy Kevin just reach out and let the father correct he said that's what I did I was just correcting it back to the original intent because I hate sin that's what he said I hate sin so to see sickness and he hates sin he hates sickness he hates the devil it's okay to hate the devil it's okay to hate sickness you have to despise those things because it's part of the curse which has nothing to do with God's intention for man does anybody understand that we default into it we were we are stolen from so your limitations tonight are based on the fact that religiously you've been trained a certain way you've been even trained that if if I pray for you that you'll get it when when the greatest thing that you can do is believe and receive through a visitation of the Spirit of God every act of faith every time you pray every time you engage God it should be a visitation it should be an encounter so so while I'm back there preparing I had an encounter that you'll probably hear about in two years from now I already know the name of the book it's gonna be written in 2022 I just hold pass through it I know what I'm talking about there's no limitations for you in the spirit see it's the physical and the mental that keep you in a small place but you have to allow God to release you into your future which is his now and it becomes your now so you have to do this you have to see that you're gonna make it but you're not just gonna make it you're not gonna walk across the finish line you're gonna run at your pace to where people talk about it is anybody here right now I'm talking to the violinist and I'm telling you this violinist he's gonna he's gonna run at the pace that God set for him and nothing's gonna stop him nothing in fact he understands this more than most that the limitations the limitations that are set are from a fallen world I've been to my future I've been to other people's future but when I saw Breanna and her daughter side-by-side worshiping I realized that God's intention for for this generation is to replicate itself to the next generation and to hand it off in a great fashion to where they have something to run with and that they can exceed us I know this because my spiritual father said I'm going to be bigger than him but he said because it's impossible for God not to put what's on me on you and you not exceed me because I don't believe any other way and I go no one talks like that he goes I don't I'm not afraid for you to exceed me I go you're talking like God you're talking like God does to me you know like like I go to my future and I see what am I worried about well I could say so much but I got it I got to walk you into the fire-god right now so we only got it you know we only got a certain amount of time here I just want to get in a fire so you guys are have to be carted out on electric carts to your car there's you know we're alone no longer servants were considered to be included in on the intimate secrets of God well what what uh what you need to do is start being able to accept the fact that God wants to whisper to you in the secret place some secrets which are gonna be a little hard for you to handle because you're gonna get drunk literally when God talks to me like he just did you know what I just did I mean I had this encounter back there and I didn't want to come out here because that was better than what was happening here and that's no no that's not like you know bad on you but there's only one person that I could call that would understand what just happened and now was Keith Ellis but he didn't answer his phone because it's church Sunday night so and everyone L the other Minister friends that I have they're all doing meetings right now too but I started I started to realize like why why are we here like why are we still here yeah that God has a plan a purpose so what my prayer was back there is that God would lighten your load with your physical challenges and with your financial challenges and with your relationship challenges I asked him to lighten your load so that you can focus on the spiritual things and and he said to me he said well if they focus on the spiritual things the others will lighten because I'm gonna move I'm gonna come in and move upon those things so these things they I know what I'm talking about I mean you all know that 11 years ago we were looking for quarters so that we could pay our lecture bill it's not fair we work full-time and we we are having trouble paying our bills it's not fair and we looked at each other I said there's something not right about this like like this is not this is not God's will for us to be struggling and we're doing everything we can do and so there had to become this time where we had to go to our future and we did that by praying in the spirit in tongues yeah I said tongues I might as well just say all the words like prosperity okay I said deliverance just get over it there's it's the gospel there's gospel when you got it when you got when you got bills that are talking louder than God's voice something's wrong when your checkbook can't fight the bills then something's wrong God wants to be involved with all that when you're a body when you're in painting you can't pray there's something wrong okay when you can't sleep when you can't sleep then you can't work you can't pray you can't be nice to people it's do you understand it affects everything so there's something wrong let's just accept the fact that that that God gives his beloved sleep he said it in he said it in the Old Covenant he give he K he gave he gave the power to prosper he gave the ability to prosper you know in Genesis chapter 13 it says Abraham was very rich yeah I said that word all the people in the in that left age if they left not a feeble one among them their shoes didn't wear out these are God's people so in the New Testament in order to really effectively pray and to walk in the spirit it's not wrong to be pain-free it's not wrong to be debt-free because these things keep you I don't know if you understand this but see you got understand I was on I was I was here I was here and I need to be here but I had to pray myself into my future does anybody understand what I'm saying so I had to see myself overthrow what was working against me and the Spirit of God started to talk me into my future which which was destroying the things that were stealing from me and so me and my wife we learned how to operate in our future now now the reason I have to tell you this is because the Angels know your future but to them please you're gonna have to write this down because you're not gonna get this your the Angels do not discern the timing like you do they don't understand time it's what God says and that's it whatever they're told they come to you and they try to get that over to you that's it does everybody hear that because you're not writing you got to understand they don't they don't see it as your future they see it as your now every word of God that comes they're there they're saying this is what God says but he sees your future as his now it's not his future it's it's supernatural to you but it's not to him so what he's done what he has done for you is he is it he's really literally the path he's chosen from you that we talked about in verse 5 of Psalms 139 worried he's he's designed a path and went to the future to the end it says with each one of our paths he's made it impossible for you to fail but there's no way you can grasp that because you are so programmed into failure and then the enemy comes in and makes a world system that makes it impossible for you to beat it but I'm going to share something with you and you promise me that you never do this ok you can't so I'm not gonna tell you now you understand God's not bound by your rules he's bound by his rules oh boy I can't do this I can't tell this because you'll all you all take it wrong you all take it wrong no you will you will you'll take it wrong because God can do anything he wants and he doesn't even ask for your opinion he just he tells you this is the way it is and and he there is nobody after his desk so if he tells you you can't lose that's the way it is now honestly think about it I'm not telling you a bedtime story and kiss you goodnight I'm telling you it's designed so that you cannot fail the path that's chosen from you the steps of a righteous man are ordered that word there is numbered they're ordered by the Lord you have to believe that because you're a Christian and that's the Word of God holy men of old wrote so you have the Word of God is based on inspiration of the Spirit the Jesus I met he's never designed anyone to fail and the Holy Spirit that was sent to you that's upon you and in you he has never had one thought of you failing ever so how do I explain that now to a group of people I have to do this all over the world but I'm not afraid to do it but I wonder how many of you go to your car and grasp this that an angel has never been sent to you the one that's standing beside you right now because they're actually more angels right now in this room than there are people not one of them has ever thought that they were gonna fail not one of them has ever doubted you not one the Holy Spirit has never doubted you that they're not afraid you see when you're down here in this world that you're dealing with a fallen world that's broken and it's amazing you know some of the high-tech stuff everything's fine I mean it operates beyond your imagination but the one key thing these days is electricity it's so funny is is that you know you learn all these airplanes and then I got to train I didn't get to I didn't get to actually get assigned an f-16 but I got to go through all the training just as a gift because people found out that I had walked away from so they gave it to me as a gift but as funny it is is it that when you go through this training if is everybody hear me is this on listen to me if there's an electrical failure you leave the airplane because it's not worth a thing it becomes a boat anchor they call it a yard Dart they do they call it a yard Dart it's an electric jet so you know how in airplanes they have a stick right there in the middle this one has one on the side and it doesn't move it feels the grip of your hand the f-16 fighter jet so when you hold on to it it feels the pressure points on your grip and it knows what you want it to do well that's great because that thing is designed it's razor thin at places and everything about it is high-performance and they can do 9 G's which means your head is 12 pounds it's 9 times 12 is what's you weigh in that turn that's a big head I know people are like that they don't do 9 GDP but what's so funny is is it it's amazing it's amazing like like other plants like the Lear the Lear 45 there's I have the checklist for that because I'm learning that airplane and it it's amazing when you get into Mach tuck see it's not designed to go past a speed sound that's Mach it's just named after a guy so you get to the speed of sound and then this wave that you're breaking through starts working its way back the airplane the only thing is was an f-16 the point that it's a very thin wing and everything's shaped right so it just kind of slides past it goes poof and you you hear a bang and you might see a puff of a vapor you know like you've seen in videos and everything's fine you know but not you know in a Learjet which is like a corporate jet it's the if the wing isn't designed when when you get to that but it it it takes the nose and it shoves it down it starts riding the wave the wrong way into the ground so your checklist is because you can't eject from a corporate jet is you have to put the all the flaps out all the gear out and make it make it so that it's it it'll slow down enough to get out of and then you can pull up but then you but you're bending the flaps you're bending the wings you're over stressing the gear and the plane is done but you get to walk away but see when you get into this when you get into this walk with God it's very fine-tuned that means you can't watch the things you've been watching anymore because you're feeding your spirit and your building your spirit up and you're walking with God and God doesn't sit and watch some of the HBO stuff that you watch no no I know think I know think about it I I know and you don't have to give me an offering so don't worry about if you're mad that's fine I bet I got to tell you this anyway but I got to tell you this I gotta see we want God to come - I know we got we want God to come to our church we want God to come to our house but then what if he shows up then he's sitting across from you in the couch in the living room and and he staring at you no I've had this happen I've had Jesus show up and I didn't ask him if you want to go watch HBO because he didn't come to hang out with me that way in my world he came to get me to take him to his world is there anybody here okay so everything works fine in finely-tuned high-performance things until what it is that really drives that is taken away and then it doesn't work anymore okay so if you really want this walk of the Spirit how many in here I'm being honest here I know what it's like to need a word I needed a word every every hour I was so needy and you wouldn't even believe that but now I don't want a word I'm still working on the words that were already given to me but how would you like it if you never needed another word from God because you want visitation do you know I sit for hours and and and and never I don't I don't hear a thing but it's beyond that I walk away full like I ate bread and I drank the new wine and I'm so drunk and full like when I came out here I'm so drunk in full I can't handle it and I don't know I'm like can I even do this tonight well why is that because he see you think you need a word but but I'm being honest with you please please just take this and if you're gonna throw stuff at me I like hard-boiled eggs not and those big heirloom tomatoes not that song you know anyway Youth you don't need a word you need a visitation you need a relationship you need intimacy is what you need you need validation well validation doesn't have to be words but you don't understand that because see in a timeless realm you don't operate you see those those those Jets it's it's electric it's not hydraulic it's different system so you're operating at a higher level all the rules are based on high performance so a real Christian in that really wants Jesus to come to their church or to their house or in their prayer time jesus said if you love me to the place where you actually obey me me and my father will come and live with you but see the words there in Aramaic is is that if you passionately love me to the point where you obey me I can spend the rest of the night on that verse that part of it see when you passion for God drives you to obey then then you have won the heart of the father and the father and the son that will come and live with you and if you stay that out it says they will bring their furniture and move in study it out it's permanent okay no Jesus already said it the Holy Spirit is gonna come and he's never gonna leave you as an orphan he's not gonna leave you he's gonna come in and be in you so now you have the Trinity with the what verses I just shared with you have the Trinity living inside of you and when you get this you realize that time is no longer a factor needing a word is not is not your ultimate need because they're right there it becomes heaven becomes a local call when you call I'll answer well I found God answering before I called you know even Amazon one-hour delivery is slow now it's just like those systems on the f16 you know you know I've told you this but it was amazing they told me now when you take off as soon as you get you get you get past a hundred almost 200 miles an hour you you you pitch the nose up and you have to flip the switch all this everything is on the throttle and the stick so you don't have to like reach to the panel to do anything in the in these new Jets so you can flip the gear up but you have to get it up right away because you once you get past the 300 knots it'll over stress the gear and you have to leave it down because it won't come down if you put it up then you'll have to land without to gear because you've overstressed this so as soon as you take off and you hit - how do you pitch your nose up a little bit get off and then level it off and flip that gear up right away because you're already at 300 knots and by the end of the runway you're at 450 knots if you don't pull it out of afterburner no I couldn't get my Cessna Anna and a dive couldn't get it to 140 and now this airplane wants to do it you could pitch up at the end of the runway and go to 33,000 feet 33,000 feet that's close to you know six or seven miles up okay so this is what it's like to walk in the spirit it's it's it's a different level and your commitment level to God has to be there so you have to feed yourself with that environment you have to you you have to accommodate God you have to ease your guests now in your house how would you treat a guest so you cannot you cannot be the way you were in other words God got us out of debt because he would not have it it was all supernatural my body started getting healed organ by organ they started getting healed and nobody touched me I didn't give an offering like I tell you I was just sitting back here and I was reading everything in the room without my context and I just started crying I mean still can't get over it that for all those years I had to wear corrective lenses and then because I sat in the glory in my office I knew that something was starting to happen and before you know it I don't the glory healed my eyes I had an encounter where God came and lived with me and it affected my body and if God comes and lives with you he's going to start to affect your body and your relationships and everything about you so the Angels I have to flip now to the next chapter because I got to finish up here so I'm gonna flip so if you've learned now that your limitations are based on this realm but your spirit doesn't know any of that and any of the help that you have did not have these limitations none of these these these people these persons including your angel have any limitations and they have not imposed anything on you so they don't discern the clock like you do so I'm going to tell you a story I got called in by my boss and what it happened was is I had the Lord told me one day to call it go in early and talk to my head boss just visit with him and the Lord told me is aware the Lord so the power God is on me and so I got in there early before my flight even had to be preflighted yeah I would I went there now I talked to her and I just started speaking like I'm speaking to you by the Spirit of God I don't know if she's a Christian or not but I just started talking her and all the sudden she started tearing up and I knew that God was getting her heart and so I just started ministering to her by the spirit and she's my head boss and I started speaking things that I wasn't thinking I was just speaking by the spirit like I'm speaking to you I'm just letting the spirit minister to you because you might not get this you know if you come to this church you will but it what you might not get this again for a while so I I'm gonna yield to that but I started giving her a word and I didn't know that she had just lost her husband that he had committed suicide that he was living with another woman and left her and then he died he was judged and I didn't know any of this and so she's just teared up I was telling her about that God's plan for her life and that you know and just a well Kay well that got around she told her friends and all the bosses under her so then I get called in again now it's with my medium bus and he goes I heard about your visitation with Jesus he said um can I talk to you he said um he said I I'm a homosexual and I got cancer in the groin and I believe that it was judgment and I survived it but I had to go through chemo he's telling me this I'm like you know I'm just sitting there he's saying all this and he said um I need to tell you what happened because you know no one would I know you'll you'll believe me he said but I was going through chemo and I was so sick that was having to be in the bathroom all the time I couldn't keep anything down and he said I was wrong for my lifestyle he said I'm not I'm not saying that but he said I was just asking for mercy because this that was killing me it was spreading you know and I'm he said it got so bad that while I was vomiting he said I say he said God just let me die and he said when I said that I heard I heard us flip flops on the tile floor in my bathroom come in I looked you know as a somebody in a robe so I looked up and it was Jesus and he picked me up and hugged me and held me he said I'll let you die when you learn to live and took him to his bed a ten left and he's bawling the guy's bawling so what I'm trying to tell you is if you want to walk like this then God will give you the opportunity to speak to people no this is what he told me he told me about the president of my company he said when I was sent back I knew I would be sent to the president of my company so one day they come on the airplane and everybody wants to talk to them so I just let it go on the way out because because they knew me because of some awards I had gotten for the company it was Colleen Barret she was the president Herb Kelleher was a CEO she came over and she said hi to me and she hugged me I said I just wanted to tell you what the Lord Jesus Christ told me when I was in heaven about you I said you have no idea what rewards you have rewards you have because you made this company a safe place and there are many Christians that work here and you love people she started sobbing she could not let go of me her bodyguard had to help her away from me and I gave her that word of that Lord where the Lord to her because people need to hear from God they need to know that they're they count and you can minister to people but it's gonna be from the spirit but it's gonna be something where the atmosphere changes to where these people they're captured by the presence and I know that's what you want but see it starts it starts with your personal relationship with God because God's gonna have to trust you with this glory this presence you're gonna have to walk in it okay but I have to switch here I was given I was given the ingredients for the next move and then I was I was told to write a book which I've already signed for for 2021 so I have this one there'll be 20 22 there's one 20 21 there's one for 20 20 and then there's one that's coming on in 2019 that's already done but this book has to do with the ingredients of the next move and you'd be surprised what it is it has to do with things that have disappeared out of our lives and out of our vocabulary and out of our services I was so surprised and the book is called the mystery of the power words and it's it's the powerful words that the devil fears is the subtitle and it's already signed for so you can't write it steal it steal it from me but here's what it's it was these words I was so surprised you know and I can I tell you because I'm not afraid anymore but this is what I did I watched Christian TV for two years and the Lord had given me these words and I watched for two years almost all the time when I could and I had these eight words listed and what I was supposed to do is as I listen to all you know your favorites I'm supposed to put a hash mark between beside each one of those words when they were used in the teaching I was so surprised they're not used at all does anybody understand what I'm trying to say so like the Crucified life the blood repentance the altars the holy altars of God all these were I don't want to spoil it but all these words were listed and they weren't being used anymore and I saw that Satan through fear had had gotten ministers to back off of these power words but I saw now listen to me I saw that that the demonic forces were influencing them because they could enter into their psyche their their mind through fear and manipulate them and kind of curved or morph or move them offset from the truth enough out of fear to just make it so that they don't lose anybody because a very well-known author wrote the things that you can take out of your church to make your church grow and the words that you don't use anymore which I found out what these words are listed I didn't know that like taking the cross like taking the cross off it's offensive you'll get more people if you don't have a cross and and you know I mean there's is a popular author and I was so surprised that the spirit of this world had enter in through fear so the power of the gospel is in these words the power of the gospel is the in crucifixion in the blood and holiness holiness is another one the fear of the Lord was another one and you know if you notice now we don't need to repent anymore because because God we already have and God loves us and we don't have to fear the Lord because he's our friend but you know the Jesus I met he had he had a two edged sword one was to cut me and one was to cut my enemy which means he's gonna shave me and separate my soul from my spirit see that went over well even here it I've surprised like I just got hit you know there's a two-edged sword one's for me but he told me he said don't find yourself on the wrong side of me and he's got a sword coming out of his mouth and one day he's gonna judge the world well we're not going to be judged with the world well at least I'm not you know I know you're not but see the fear of the Lord is clean it says fear the Lord it's beginning of wisdom if you understand the fear of the Lord you understand angels you understand this walk of the Spirit do you understand the fire of God the fire of God cleanses you okay so this is not Old Testament this is not revisiting the old I repent every day and I went to heaven I've had Jesus appeared to me 29 times and I repent every day because I'm not all that but I know how to move back into the center of what God has for me very quickly and not to get offense I think my hair is even growing back you know just like we're having let it go let it go walk away walk away no what are the possibilities if you listen to what I'm saying what if these these legitimate lis are power words it's Satan fears I know because I've spotted them off to them you know you know the thing that they excites me is when demons manifest you you just go ahead and unload your whole clip on them and a good a good soldier a good soldier if you're gonna die you don't want to die with any ammo I mean the guys I know they're gonna make sure that they have emptied they're gonna do all these Special Forces guys they they they could teach us so much about our walk with God because they don't fear and they do their job and they know they're not you know they know they're gonna get spit on they don't care they don't they don't in any way concern themselves with civilian affairs and that's what Paul said that a Christian should be as a soldier of Christ okay so these words are like nades going off to the enemy and so you have to talk about the crucified life and about death to self and all these things that are very scriptural and I'm being even told you know that death to self is not scriptural I'm like you could what's denying yourself not my will but thine be done you know the the power of God is manifest through through death and weakness according to Paul I mean he glory in his weakness right okay so the Spirit of God is wanting to move but he can only move on flesh that needs resurrected but y'all don't get that you see your weakness is what he's attracted to not your strength that's why everybody has ever been used to God was not used in the areas of their strength they had to die Moses was screened as an orator by the greatest university on the earth at that time which was in Egypt he was going to be the next Pharaoh he was trained to be the order to talk when he spent 40 years with sheep he couldn't talk anymore in the desert and he had to ask God to use Aaron as a spokesperson because he said I can't speak well what happened see he lost his ability but he had a visitation had an encounter that encounter no hear me violinists the encounter with God is gonna propel you into your next step this is for everybody but see your you have to encounter God it's not enough to pray in tongues staring at your Bible hoping that that is gonna jump out at you now don't get me wrong I sit and I eat the Word of God I'm not talking about that I'm talking about there's another step another step is when you go out there the same spirit that you felt in here is upon you and he's anointed you to destroy the works of the devil wherever you go and and you have a word any of an anointing it's a breaker it's a breaking annoying and then all of a sudden you feel I mean I'm telling you spy the word I'm not just I'm not just saying this I'm telling you by the word of the Lord angels are gonna follow you from this conference it's not gonna be the same anymore angels are going to assist you and you're gonna walk in this Authority and it's not gonna be the same anymore and you're on what you need to do this is the word of the Lord to you tonight you have to tell the devil that things have changed and if I were you I would just go ahead and start the pack now don't even wait for the budget office bought the truck office to open tomorrow morning to move your stuff you can just go ahead and start right now just go start moving out because I'm not limited by your limitations anymore God has set my boundaries and they've fallen in Pleasant places amen so what happens if you're literally in this service right before your eyes the boundaries are burning because the fire of God is burning forth and he's burning out every boundary that's been set against you and you realize wait a minute what if Kevin's right what if the sudden that Spirit of God breathes on me and I get swept in prayer and I get a glimpse you know wait a minute I've been watching fake news this I have four I have friends they come to my house I don't even know but they're on their white Iraq before the war starts and they're working with the CIA to get coordinates for the first strike so they're going there at night they're gonna go and live on the streets of Baghdad and what there hasn't even been a war announced in 1990 yet 91 was one a star but see they come to my house I mean I watched him he's a little kid I mean this guy when he finally got to drive him and his sister went out and he went to the gas station filling up his car when he got in he got in the backseat he was driving that's how I knew him now he's leading a whole platoon but it's clandestine so you know understand I'm talking and he's just grinning because I don't know a thing he knows he knows more than I do and he's grinning because he's not saying a word so all the things I know is ridiculous compared to what he knows but he kind of led us he said in tears he said will you pray for me my platoon and he told me some things and so we prayed right there and him and his platoon made it through that whole thing and then he became a generals protocol officer and now he teaches at the War College hello and he and when he learned how to drive even got into the backseat when he was supposed to be in the driver seat he was so excited about his new car that after he gassed it up it got in and his sister said I think you're supposed to be up here driving he's so excited you know but see what happened well don't you wouldn't you wouldn't you like to be in the know of the secrets of what God's doing okay so that's happening right now in this state that's happening right now in this city that's happening right now in the world see it's all set up for us as a nation to to flip this really quickly if we do it we only have a certain amount of time to do it then then it creates momentum but it's at a sweet point right now so my my I'm asking you watch what be careful what you watch be careful what you hear and what you see and don't listen to your favorite prophecy teachers to the point where you start to allow that to affect how you your future is because your future isn't based on a DVD series about the red dragon and the bear first in fact in second Thessalonians were written in about sixty ad by Paul and they had quit their jobs because Jesus was coming back and he said you all need a worker you don't eat that's where he said that and he said it's not going to happen until this happens and he started going through all of this in 60 ad because Jesus was coming back well where we at now I mean just think all those cans of beans you got to go get him get him out of your yard in the water okay here's what I'm trying to tell you is is we're at a sweet spot right now where you could pray and you can say you know what we're not gonna have it any other way but glory and the move of God and salvations and healings we're gonna have a visitation of God in this country we're gonna have habitation okay so how that happens is is I'm telling you now don't get me wrong because Perry stone is one of my favorite teachers and I love him I mean if you talk bad about him I'll get mad but I want to tell you something people's timing can be wrong even though they're right that he's had encounters he had visitations all these people they've been so right on but there comes this time where you're flying in something that is on a higher level and you don't know it but you have a command about your life and about the agenda of God because you got to hand it off to another generation now don't be like the Thessalonians they packed it up what did they hand the next generation do you get my point so all you know what are you gonna do give them your DVD series of the red dragon and the month you know I'm not belittling it but you understand what I'm saying is that all you want to give them or do you want to give them a heritage like like what what the Hartman's are they to train their kids to worship and they they they grow up in a godly house and then they have a heritage that they hand off to the next generation in other words tonight this is by the spirit of lord but oniy pastor knows the what I just had happened to me back there in a room I didn't want to come out here because it was a lot better back there but I saw the future and when I saw the future I saw it's pivotal this this wasn't just a conference on angels this was this was pivotal that the tipping point it's it's hilarious to me I've spoken in churches that have 31,000 people but it wasn't as powerful as this even though it was really powerful I had 1500 ministers there they have 31 pastors but it's powerful here because something is tipped did you know that in this room we have enough thought the whole thing just by our agreement but we got a yield to the fire we got a yield to the Holy Spirit where he wants to live with you in your house he wants to come to church and manifest himself he wants to start healing people he wants to start delivering people he wants people's eyes to be open so yeah Briana's never gonna give up she's never gonna give up because she's taking hold and she says my God has my children and they he will always have my children and I'm gonna hand off another generation that's the way it is oh it's a baton okay okay and and what's in her is gonna go to the next generation but if she's going to display the glory of the Lord now is the same with all of you my wife me pastor and Wayne and Lisa all of you all that will come God said you're gonna get your reward for being here because I don't consider it like you know what bothers me every night everywhere I go no matter what country I'm in it bothers me we just were in a meeting in New Jersey where people from China for some how you know they block me on YouTube in different countries but she was able to somehow view me and the Lord spoke to her audibly she got on a plane and flew 17 hours because the Lord audibly told her to sit under me in New Jersey this has happened it's happened several times this year well that that that humbles me because I know what it I know what it's like the effort it takes for you all to do what you're doing there's people in this room that have bought hotels that's that that just the responsibility for me to come out here and have a fresh word from God for you it it overwhelms me because I want you to get your package I never want you to be disappointed but see that I can't lay hands on all of you and get prophesy over all you because I wouldn't be able to do all the services it would just when every time I lay hands on somebody it wears me out you know and I don't know why I'll fix it somehow I mean the Lord will fix this but it it there's so much it goes out so I have to pray all the time so in between them praying all the time I'm praying I'm I'm constantly fat we fast we fast two meals a day and pray for a week in between services in between cities so we only do five or six five or six meals a week if that and then we fast and pray all day we don't even go outside and there's there's there's times where I don't go outside at all for four days in a row because I'm fighting I'm fighting the devil's for the next city so it wears you out after a while if you show so what we're doing what we can do but you have to understand it's not personal if I don't lay hands on your call you out because I really literally God would have a word for every one of you and he would want you to hit this anointing I don't I don't want to go back there with this on me I want to give it out but the only thing is is then it kind of takes away from my health by being out late there's many hours so please forgive me you know I I can't do that the time but I can speak to you by the spirit and it hits your spirit and it quickens you and you can be healed without me touching you and you can actually operate you don't know this but you know my prayer is I actually transfer what's on me my mantle onto you I mean that while I'm talking I'm not literally putting what's on me on you I'm not afraid I don't care if I I don't want the corner on the market I don't I don't care if you you can have my mantle you can have anything that's on me you can have that if you just sit there and listen with your spirit you know you you know it I don't I want every one of you to exceed me it would give me great joy to get a call and say we don't need you anymore we got we got fifty five people in our congregation that are walking and what you are that would just give me great joy cos then I've succeeded see but you can do the same thing in your circle so this is what's gonna happen if you make this decision right now things are gonna start to flip for you in every area of your life don't limit God and do not accept anything anything but what God would say is his best ever so if someone mistreats you you do not take it if they say something to you you do not receive it you walk away and you keep your sidearm in your holster you walk away don't be like my brother somebody tries to cut him off the highway just pulls his pistol on him and drives up beside my god don't do that he doesn't do that anymore you you don't let the devil pull you in to his ring you pull him in to your ring he loses every single time because God is in that ring okay the fire is so strong the fire is in this room right now I want every one of you to have that every one of you to have that I want it to burn but see it starts as a coal it starts as a little flame and it's fanned into a big one and you have to you have to be mindful that you must feed this fire I used to feel uncomfortable about waiting like this but I don't anymore there's so many people in here need healed and um here's the thing there are things that God wants to tell you that you need to do God will heal you but there are certain things that you're doing that are causing this so the Lord's just telling me that you need to allow the Spirit to tell you what the cause is there's there's thing there's things that the Spirit of God has told me not to eat anymore certain things he's told me not to do anymore but one of the major things is is that I don't want entertain any thought of the devil anymore I don't allow anybody in my life that's gonna speak to me that steers me any other way than where God's taken me you know I'm telling you this because I've had a walk alone and it was better to walk alone and they have somebody tell me something it was a total lie and I would rather walk alone and so I limited my friends but everybody above me believes in me everybody that is with me believes in me everybody that works for me believes in me i watch i watch how they drink water at the brook like Gideon did I watch everything about them I mean many are called but few are chosen so I need to hire twice as many people as I have but I'd rather I'd rather do it myself then not have someone who has the the vision in the heart for what God's doing through me and that's not probably that's just that's just being smart so it's the same with you God has told me tonight that he's literally hooked up with you that this pivotal point has happened and now you must yield to what the Spirit is saying through you which is going to be beyond your ability to believe so you're gonna be saying things out of your mouth that are too good to be true you're going to be speaking over your circumstances calling the things that are not as though they were you're gonna be setting the pace not waiting for someone else to you're going to be talking where you're going we know what we're talking about me and my wife when we realized this we said you know what we're just gonna write on our check that when we write our mortgage we're gonna say paid in full we had these little stickers would grow on it and we just believed our house was paid in full so every time we would go into our house we would announce to the house it's paid in full and it you know we did that for seven years you know what happened in seven years nothing nothing not a thing happened but on the seventh year our pastor walked through that door and he said every time I just want to tell you this but he doesn't know a thing every time I walk through your door I hear paid-in-full that's what he said remember pastor Randy now he was a spiritual man but think about it he heard something that we were speaking we were calling the things that were not as though they were so do you think that we were surprised when somebody paid that house off it wasn't him either and you heard the story about how I had that dream about that jet and how I ended up sitting in it okay listen to this this same guy he goes every time I pray for you Kevin the Lord just keeps telling me you're gonna get a jet do you know how long ago that was how long ago was that that's been over 20 years we just got in the house so it was he used to pray and say that and he's like one of those guys that you don't need a jet but but that's what God would tell him and I don't need a jet I have a thousand of them a Southwest Airlines and Delta an American but see it's not it's it's what's God saying to you he's calling something beyond you but it is you that's what the prophets used to operate in all the time they would be sent to the future they need to be sent back to speak to a generation that's a true prophet prophets taken to your future talked seize your future comes back and speaks to you and brings correction so what I'm speaking to you is otherworldly but it's really not it should be commonplace to you the spirits saying some things are over you there's fire it's just far over all your heads and I don't understand why you're not on the floor Burnie because I'm gonna get on the floor in a minute and burn because this is it you know I don't wait for the next conference come on everybody knows you're here and they're crazy in here so that everybody knows your part that you're part of them they already know they've already seen your car outside so they you might they already know you're crazy so your miracle it's tonight the entrance into your miracle Breanna your future is tonight I can't look at her because I'll start crying your future is now Lord is come and visited you tonight and he said your future is now accept it now it's better than you can handle but he's okay with it he loves to see you just get overwhelmed now in other countries people go into open visions and they see Jesus as I'm talking like this and I've seen him run out to their car in open visions and sit out there and shake as Jesus talks to them it just happened I've seen in Chicago I watched an angel come in and sit on the back row and listen to me speak and I saw people turn around and look and they said and I've had them come up and say that I think that's an angel back there and I go yeah you're right so after I was done speaking I went right for and I got back there they got up and took off out the door and disappeared right there be front of my eyes into the parking lot servus sat and smiled and listened to everything was being said and so you don't even know what's going on in a service did you realize I shouldn't even be here I should be dead I shouldn't even be here you should even have a conference on the agenda of angels and unless the Lord gave that title someone else to write and what I'm saying to you you wouldn't have heard unless he sent me back or he chose someone else to speak it someone who wasn't bound by any anything like money or anything else or fear because I'm not afraid of anything because I can't lose I've already won I can't lose but I gained all of you in heaven because I get everything that you produced I get part of that inheritance even though I don't need it it's just part of the reward system in heaven I get what you do with what you receive tonight and in it's far greater than riches and I don't care if I have to ride my bicycle home it wouldn't matter to me because I know the reward is so good okay so if you can produce off of this word then in heaven you'll realize while I had no idea what was happening that night but I'm glad that I took it because I'm telling you like if you will be you would stay here till tonight at midnight telling you because that's what I want to do every single night and I can't do it but I've I've had services 11 hours where I could not stop telling people about what Heaven's like and what they're gonna find out and I was trying to prevent them from being discouraged because they did not grasp the realities of their future now they did you did you know people I don't want you to walk out of here not knowing that you count and that every word that you utter out of your mouth in faith goes out and starts working and angels think about you better than you think about yourself they look at you as authority figures so when you speak they know if you're saying something from their realm from the throne of God they know that the Spirit of God wants to speak 3 so let's get up let's stand up here now listen everything that's on me go on him now in Jesus name the realities of heaven are into his spirit no limitations everything Lord show him that everything is worth it that he's gone through everything is worth it was just training that's gonna all be worth it you watch never stop speaking not the Kosovars never stop believin never stop speaking never never never hold her up hold her up that we closed about God in Jesus name oh there it is the joy joy joy joy joy oh joy hey thanks for joining me on the video I believe that God has ministered to you by his spirit just remember one thing that you will never waste any time when you listen to teaching when you are studying when you pray and I just want to pray for you right now in the name of Jesus thank you Father for everything that you're doing in the body right now and I thank you father that your love would shine upon the people I thank you Father by the Spirit of God that you minister right now life to those who need healing their body and I thank you father for healing in their soul and in their spirit and I thank you for it in the name of Jesus amen now remember that you have all kinds of material on Kevin's Ericom to look at just not on the youtube channel you can go to Kevin's and you can look at all my media I've got books and I got CDs and recordings and downloads and I've got study guides so just may take advantage of also remember there is a tab where I'm gonna be I'm gonna be traveling two or three times a month in different places all over the world and you can look at my schedule and also there's a tab called warrior notes school of ministry and that is amazing because we have a course that we're just offering more and more courses as the time goes on but you'll be able to get a certificate and take quizzes and get your get your degree in warriors warrior notes school ministry so check out that tab and sign up for that now thanks for joining me
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Views: 139,615
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Keywords: #theagendaofangels, It’s Supernatural, Jesus, #kevinzadai, Holy Spirit, Warrior Notes, The Agenda of Angels, The Mystery Of The Power Words, Christian, #warriornotes, Teaching, Life in the Spirit, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, Bible School., Supernatural Finances, Spirit School, Kevin Zadai, School of the Spirit, Conference
Id: GMCa_a7Wdcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 31sec (5731 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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