Ask Me And I Will Do It - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] i am [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] are you happy see i i preached my little heart out on the pastor at this church this morning on leaving a legacy where were you i don't recognize a bunch of you let me tell you my name is ryan bross i'm privileged to pastor this church here and as you can see when kevin comes he uses that studio right there in fact but the building next door i sound a little loud on the building next door was where we were meeting and we could fit 120 people in there so when kevin came uh you know i've known kevin for four years when he came and preached on that side he was standing room only i'm not gonna tell you how many people were in there but it was not 120. and i said kevin could you just come over to this side this was now check this out the room you're sitting in was a i believe it was first a restaurant then it was a strip club then it was all a casino now jesus has it so anyway so kevin came in here and uh after preaching and he he walked in this filthy building this didn't look anything like this he walked in here and he said you're supposed to have this i'm like yeah i believe it and wore your notes paid for most of the upfit kevin and kathy and wary notes most of the outfit you see here and they paid our first two years of rent for this church so if you're a pastor you're in the ministry you understand how significant that is so i hope you're enjoying the place uh we're already starting to fill up with our own church in here but god's got great plans amen are you excited to be here all right pastor mike [Applause] hey everybody man big smiling faces you guys look good we are so excited you want to know why this is our very first partner meeting like this and let me tell you kevin and kathy are so excited to spend this afternoon with you and there's so many special things that we're going to talk about tonight and you know it's because of the partners and the students and those that are hungry and thirsty for the things of god that have come together so to me this is like just a great big party for all the warriors that are hungry for the next move of god amen so to encourage you get to know somebody you might not know a lot of people in here but they might be in your neighborhood or your city you might have some fellow prayer warriors right next to you and you didn't even know it right amen so a couple things for you guys we're not going to stop the service or the meeting tonight for an offering but if it's in your heart to give we will have a box out front you guys can do that afterwards in addition to that we also have the very first simulator here now it's not here here because we couldn't fit it through the door but in the back by the bathrooms it's open so i'd encourage you if you have a few minutes afterwards go take a peek because those simulators work they're being built and they're going to be released all over the country and there's going to be hundreds and hundreds if not thousands and thousands of children that are going to feel the presence of god feel the call of god on their life through this part of the ministry isn't that exciting to minister to children yes so partners and students and if you're not a partner we're just so thankful to have you guys here tonight because we know god's got amazing plans for your life and we know that god's going to do great things in you tonight amen all right doctors they die thank you all i guess i had to use the microphone thank you all for coming are you excited about partner uh fellowships here amen okay so this is not like the main the main um you know we usually have a about eighteen hundred people showing up now but i wanted to have more of an intimate personal contact with with you who are um you know to me love is action so you've shown you know by being a partner you've shown that you feel like you're involved in some way with warrior notes so because of that um i really feel that the lord would put on my heart to do these kind of things but that would mean that we would have to have frequency and availability into smaller airports and things like that so um that happened just recently may 6th okay so we got warrior jet and [Applause] and so um i'm i'm having two two pilots right now training and so they're training while we're here with another jet and i just want to thank lou lou is is helped us out this week with 100 lima juliet and he is he's helping us out and teaching me everything he knows in 24 hours so so uh just welcome lou he he's he is the man [Applause] so we we flew we flew in his jet today uh that he that he trains in it trains people in so anyway um that the lord answered our prayers to get us to be able to do more frequent things in and out real quick so we can do these kind of things every night so i i want to tell you that i love you but i want to show you that i love you because it's words are cheap and um you know the bottom line is is that faith to me is manifestation and if it isn't happening it isn't happening you know and if you don't got it you don't got it but if you do got it then it should manifest right you should light up like a christmas tree you know and so your your scores in life should show it you know and um you know but what i want to talk to you about tonight is our vision and and let you know exactly what you're a part of because it might not be clear to some of you but before i do that i want to announce that we're starting the warrior notes school of music all right so we we are training people to be you know to be in the ministry you know we've got the two-year program that's up and running we've been accredited with that we're going to have a bachelor's degree as well accredited in that so we have almost 20 000 students now in just two and a half years so give yourself a hand amen okay all right but i wanna spread out some of you might not be called to be a pastor or an evangelist you know some of you might be called into music you might be called into the children and educating the children so we're having homeschooling we're going to get accredited so that we can just do homeschooling and so all the parents say amen so we're going to be able to get accredited all the 50 states and carl and emma have come on board just recently hi carl and emma so they came from they were over in china they were over in china teaching in the schools over there and um i woke up one morning and i called their mom and i said they got to get out of china they got to get out really quick i mean i i'm talking like in three weeks and so that call was made in and they appeared here it was like a short amount of time right so we're going to be doing the homeschooling things i'm going to talk about all that but i wanted to i'm so excited about the school of music because that was one of the degrees that i had in college but it was in voice but i have acquired some friends who want to take help take me to the next step with teaching people instruments and and you know i know music theory and i can sing but as far as playing i had to learn you know that was a miracle as you know so um when i came back from from being being in the operating room when i died i could play all these instruments now but i didn't have lessons but but i do have the theory so i want to teach kids and adults too the theory so we're going to be doing that and there'll be more details on that so to kick it off in every city in every city i'm going to give away some instruments so if you saw when we were in wisconsin i gave away an electric guitar and a violin i just want to do it again is that okay okay so here's the violin and and i'm the lord the lord put on my heart that it was going to be abigail mike you know pastor mike's daughter right is she here come on down [Applause] there you go yeah you're welcome you better practice okay okay electric guitar yeah where's savannah at come here savannah this woman has a call of god on her life come on up yeah we're talking about you and their her mom actually has a warrior fellowship and they're doing great things for god and so kevin asked me and i said i know who that guitar needs to go to wow okay all right and then the stan does the stand go with it too okay in the cover right the case okay okay we're cool all right hopefully it has a a cord with it too so you can plug it in okay i want her set up man i want her set up i'm not gonna be like okay thanks a lot now i don't have anything to plug it into no no all right give the lord a hand all right okay i am in the giving mood you know this is hilarious a ministry that gives stuff away anyway um how many of you have all my books which is almost impossible because there's like 100 of them but how many have um how many of you do not have the the eight the eight that i came out with that were best sellers the eight main ones that you helped you do have it you do have them all who does not okay do you know which ones you don't have ah that's a little harder isn't it okay anyway i've worked it out with with pastor mike and pastor ryan here to make sure that everybody here gets the book they want tonight just forget amazon [Applause] amazon it is it's better than amazon it's actually a three minute delivery so okay all right so you all right this is fun first partner meeting okay all of you all over the world there's thousands of you that log in all over the world sometimes we have 13 000 people log on and i'm telling you you know you tell your friends that god is moving at warrior notes and have them log on now i want to share my my message of my vision with you uh for warrior notes and what god wants to do and i'm not am i forgetting something yeah we'll do the the communion at the end we'll do the communion at the end okay so hold on this don't don't eat it yet remember what paul said the apostle paul said you'll wait until everybody's ready you shouldn't come to the table hungry you should come yeah okay all right anyway did you get your vision book okay now this was put together very quickly and i included a portion of my first book about what happened in the operating room and um i'm not here to prove that that happened i have no death certificate so i'm not here to prove that i'm here to talk about what hap happened and what i saw on the other side that changed me when i came back and i received what i knew i was supposed to do while i was here on the earth and i i saw a different perspective than i was being taught in church okay and so that the uh i want to start out with this that god gives people vision he gives them vision but really what he's doing now listen to me carefully what he's really doing is he is a problem solver he wants to problem solve so you really everybody needs help there's those who do need help and those who will need help and there's those who don't know they need help and those are the ones i'm after is i've got to get people to a place where they see their weakness and it becomes their friend just like paul said in my weakness i become strong see it's all about humility and you can't learn something if you're if you're if you think you know it you it's a mental block and then you have a blind spot and that's what will kill you a blind spot will kill you eventually eventually it's going to happen don't we're in an imperfect world and this is what i saw when i was in heaven that's perfect this is not he's perfect we are not down here it's broken it's messed up we got people falling up the stairs getting on airplanes right okay we have people telling you to do don't do this and then they're doing it okay so it's all messed up right okay so god is perfect we are not this world is not perfect but heaven is perfect okay but jesus when he came he came to be a problem solver to be a solution to man's problem and that's what i want to emphasize is what warrior notes is all about it's not about some of the things that you see in ministry it's not something about some of the things you see in church you know i'm not against church you know i go to church i help start churches we actually have over a thousand fellowships all over the world in five and a half six months we have over a thousand right we had 760 churches start the first month of this year right was it 760 okay so i'm not against church what i'm against is when you claim to have something and you don't it's like when you have a form of godliness but do you deny the power of it is what is what is what jude talks about it's what james talks about and uh you know there are there are people that believe but see james says you show me your what you believe by what you do so i didn't come to take anything i came to give and that's what jesus did he came to give he didn't come to take anything and so problem solvers they come to give but see in this economic world nothing's free right it costs something okay so in an economic world it's really not for free because everything costs something and you know you can't go to a christian bookstore and say well you know god gave us a bible you know so i'm just taking it well you'll end up face down for shoplifting in a christian bookstore because we're in an economic world right and it costs something that thompson chain reference bible cost it costs 80 bucks back when i was in college i'm sure it's over a thousand now no i'm just kidding okay so down here we have to deal with being sick being poor being in bondage uh coming up against walls of impossibility and we're constantly encountering limitations and people that fall upstairs in leadership okay so you got all these things going on down here but you cannot judge god by that see because where he is it's perfect down here you're going to have sickness sin you're going to have poverty you're going to have all these things that are discrepancy in this realm okay but jesus said listen ask of me and and i will give it to you okay so was he just making us feel better i mean as a christian okay so if you don't want to be a christian then then you can't believe the bible if you don't want to be a christian you don't believe if you believe the bible you adhere to the teachings that jesus taught and then all all the apostles that were written and um you know their wives who were called epistles no i'm just kidding i was so i somebody told me that i'm like you you need to go to school the epistles are not the apostles wives okay now i was just like when i was studying greek i was studying greek in college and uh that student that we were talking about all the different translations there's there's so many translations of the bible and um they asked the professor well you know let's let's let's figure out what is the closest to the greek in the he and then the the hebrew is the old testament and um the professor said well actually and he named which translation it was and um this student was so upset because he didn't say king james so he stood up he goes you know what i'm sticking with the king james he's telling a professor who's a greek scholar he says i'm sticking with the king james because if it was good enough for jesus it's good enough for me and i'm like 16 11 versus 33 a.d i don't think jesus had the king james version it hadn't been written yet okay so this world is imperfect okay so the idea here is that jesus came he said to preach good news okay now everywhere he went he went around doing good it says in acts 10 38 he went around doing good and healing everyone was oppressed of the devil that's what he said it's too late it's already says that okay so jesus came as a solution he never turned anybody away but people turned him away well who turned him away religion the religious leaders of the day turned him away had him killed okay so warrior notes is about what i saw in the bible and i saw that we were we were problem solvers we were able to go into a situation and help people and be be ready to admit that we have limitations ourselves and that we will do everything we can but i can believe god and help help you to believe god agree with you in prayer i can i can um i can help you change your tires i can help you find a job you know i get whatever you can do to help and this is what jesus told me he he literally told me this he said if you take care of my people i'll take care of you and he has and that's the key here is it's all about people and if it gets to where it's about the algorithms and the sales and uh you know how big the crowds are and you know how big your church is and you know if you're popular or not powerful jesus was popular but it was actually a negative popularity at times because he said he said some things where people just said you know what we're done that's too much for me they have a choking point okay so i want to go over this really quickly with you um the first part of the book i just included some of the things that i was shared with me about how it is in heaven which is in the bible okay so the scriptures that are in the bible is is to a christian and to you as a as a a i believe all of you are ministers in a way you have what we call absolute truth okay so it's just like in in a car or an airplane or your machinery at work is a professional they have already put that vehicle that airplane that machine everything has been placed in in situations where it will start to disintegrate it'll start to fail okay just like wd-40 they went from wd-1 wd2 and when it got to water displacement 40 it worked did you know that okay so you don't have to go out and prove the manual because the manual has already been proven you don't you're not a test pilot you're not you're not in a nascar you're on the highway so you don't have to push things past a certain point if the if it says the operating manual says this is so this is there's a good reason why those are in there it's because someone had to walk home with their parachute or they had to be pried out of a car you know in other words like the limits are all set for because they've determined okay it's the same thing with you and your life that you have limitations your body has limitations your mind has limitations the people around you if they are nuts crazy people around you then you're limited and you're never going to go any further than the crazy people around you you're going to become like them so you have to determine what god has called you to do you have to determine that you're going to go with absolute truth see look at all of you you don't hear about absolute truth that much because if you knew about absolute truth in anything well then nobody could do anything wrong because you'd be like no i know exactly what the manual says do you get it so so this is how people will rule over you is they keep information from you because if you're in the know then you're like oh no we're not doing that that's how this country was founded with all these checks and balances okay god founded his kingdom with the same principles so jesus was they were bothering him remember when they bothered me said listen can you just teach us how to pray i go okay pray like this our father you know the prayer the lord's prayer but then when he gets he goes thy kingdom come thy will be done on the earth as it already is in heaven well that's revolutionary so you can't let the bar be set by everybody around you unless you're with the right people and you have the right manual okay so you have the bible you have six of them in your house just open one of them and read it and look at it if you're a christian now if you don't want to be a christian then you don't have to use the bible as your absolute truth but see there is a truth beyond what is known it can be revealed if you open the manual okay but if not you're going to stay in second gear in your car you're going to wonder why you don't get past 35 for for the next 10 years and then someone else says you know can i drive and they go 60 and you're like how did you do that um this two here that second gear you have five you're using two all the time and i'm sure it's completely worn out and shredded okay do you get me do you get it okay so you have to know your limitations but you also have to know what's already been proven because if you're going to be a problem solver a troubleshooter which is what people need people need help and you're a gift in this life you know thank god you you got up out of bed this morning and you function there's people that don't function i was given that chance to come back i was given another chance to do it right so you understand my perspective okay so with that being said the lord can put on your heart how to be a problem solver so you're actually someone's solution going somewhere to happen okay but you have to have absolute truth you have to know what you believe because adam and eve when he was talking to the serpent she was not if you read what she was saying she wasn't really sure well you know god did say well doesn't he doesn't he know that if you eat this tree and your eyes are open you'll be like him well what does this say in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 it says that god made man in his image in the image of god he made man that means that if you put the the polaroid photo of you up with god you're in an image of him well you can get kicked out of churches for that but that's how this all started and now look at us now we don't know who we are people are like i don't know who i am i don't understand myself i don't have any you know goals in life i don't know what my purpose is here you know and they sit and watch star trek all day and then they start talking like spock why because see they latched on to something that is in their imagination instead of to absolute truth so anyway this is the basis of this and so there are 36 departments that have been formed at warrior notes and they're listed here and i just want to quickly go over them so that i can get into what i also what i wanted to share tonight is this everybody good we're good lock and loading here okay so i listed in chapter one the doctrines of faith for warrior notes based on the bible so in there i address every major thing that you would know you that you would be able to as a as a minister or or a pastor or whatever the lord has called you to as partners i want you to know what you believe so what i've done is i've taken the major doctrines of the bible and listen it's okay listen i ch you know about my eyes being completely healed okay now i went to my optometrist i went to my doctor i got them to sign me off now on my pilot's license it still says i need lenses but i put them in this morning and i couldn't see with my lenses in but i can see without them they're still healed after two years my optometer says he's never seen this happen okay so even if you are not receiving healing in some area it doesn't negate the fact that jesus went around healing and that that god can heal right so you can't base what you believe necessarily on what you're experiencing because because it's it's based on the manual and absolute truth now if something is not performing not doing what it's supposed to do then it's probably not god's problem i mean i'm just joking with you it's not god's problem we have to work to a solution we're in an imperfect world there's sick sickness here there's all kinds of things going on here so it's a fight down here but you don't have to understand something to receive a miracle most people receive miracles like me i wasn't doing anything i didn't give an offering i didn't have anybody pray for my eyes i felt a wind while i was in prayer and when i went to the optometrist i could see he gave me a clean bill okay so we believe as christians what the bible says because if if something if there's a discrepancy then you then like at the airline i had to fill out a discrepancy report it was based on what's published in the manual versus what happened so i i have a discrepancy so in order to solve the problem you get me i had to report it a discrepancy report saying this is what happened and this is what the manual says and then with that then they go into a problem solving mode troubleshooting mode to to fix this whatever it is okay so shouldn't we be that way as christians if we're going to be christians we should say you know what there's a discrepancy here and um i want the best that i can have if i am in any way not not pulling my weight lord can you help me you're you're it and and i'm nothing without you you know being humble about it just saying you know what i need help okay so these these are the doctrines that that i you know all those years of study and you know i got up to my doctorate in theology so i i feel like i i did the most i could do the best i could do as far as the major doctrines of the bible and what we believe okay getting into um chapter two the school of ministry and when i graduated from college with my bachelor degree right before i graduate i graduate i was going to graduate i finished a year early so i did my bachelor degree in three years and then i stayed i stayed to get another degree because it was free i got a scholarship okay and i also was disobedient uh because i was supposed to do other realms of study i i was supposed to take journalism and i said i'll never write a book so what would it matter i did i said that and i don't i want anything to do with music i'll never need this stuff so i actually let you know got my gown and cap and the lord said to me what are you doing i go i'm graduating i did it in a year a year early aren't you impressed he said you were disobedient i told you to get journalism and i told you to get a degree in music i said i'll never play an instrument i'm a voice major i don't it doesn't matter to me it's just all math you know i wrote for the the orchestra you know did all the instruments in the orchestra and did all the the singers and then i could direct the choir and the orchestra but it was like i could care less i'm just doing like this violins come in you know and i'm like it's just all math to me and i told the lord i'll never write a book and i'll never do anything with music he said you you're staying another year you're on a time out so i was on a time out for another year okay during that year i did what the lord told me to do now he might do that to you you might think that you have done all this and that and then things like uh what just happened in the last year happen and then you have to rethink and you'll have to let the lord speak to you on what you're going to do and so what i saw it was this is education i got my i went from zero hours to my commercial pilot's license in nine months and that is working full time at southwest airlines i flew all the time i studied all the time i took my instrument rating on a tuesday i took my commercial on a thursday and then i slept for 32 hours straight and the lord said to me total immersion is where it's at kevin so that's what i do the school is about total immersion it's at your own speed it's it's it remembers you when you log on it remembers you knows where you left off where your quizzes were left off and i have a quiz every lesson i do that because it's total immersion i want to reinforce so i'm not you know my book table is not just to sell stuff it's a learning system to reinforce so that your your reality is based on what you believe it's not a mental thing see i can agree with you mentally but i can't even repeat what you just said that's not good because learning is it has to be applied it's learning has to be something that is just not grasped and that you can you can speak back it has to be something in a situation like if you're upside down you can get out of it if you're in a hail storm upside down people are throwing eggs at you can you still be a christian when you're in the storms of life can you still function can you just be nice can he just be kind okay this is about christianity this is about if what you believe starts to manifest like that and i find this out when you're in emergency you you find out what you learn you what you've already learned you know if it doesn't come out then you didn't learn it so you get you get free you freeze up when the cares of life come in do you freeze up or do you say oh you know this is just another challenge it's just another test i'm going to make it through this amen so the the warrior knows school ministry is my is is something we just started and um we have over is it nineteen thousand we reached 19 19 000 almost 20 000 students in two and a half years okay so that's that's really my heart okay now in the next two years we're going to add on to that we're going to train people to in in in them to be music leaders and uh we're gonna train them for education for kids and for the um pastorship evangelist teachers okay all right so this book to save time has all the different departments in it so i'm going to read through them quickly so we the chapter three is the warrior note school music and we've already chosen the couple that's going to be running that for me and we'll be starting the the curriculum for that in the fall and we're you know we're writing it right now so the school of music will be the same kind of idea as the school ministry all right but i'm teaching people how to in a in a worship situation flow with what's going on at the time musically which means you're going to learn every key all my instruments i can play in every key there's 22 of them so no matter what i have i mean a band can be playing somewhere and i just pick an instrument and walk up and start playing with them because i can hear it and then and that's how i learned that's how i learned i learned in the dark i learned how where everything is on each instrument and if you know i play the cello the violin the all the saxophones all the guitars flutes haven't accomplished the drums yet but i got pastor mike so i'm okay with that okay but there is a way to teach kids who have not been told they can't do something yet and that's why you know we found out in college you could teach kids how to uh how to speak foreign languages because they haven't been told they become bilingual very easily did you know that okay yeah carl you know that right you got yeah you know that the kids haven't been told their limitations so that's why you got to watch them you got to say no you don't touch that because that's hot and then they don't listen to you because they don't believe it's hot so you can use that in a child to educate you can use them to push them past they'll exceed they'll exceed this generation if you do it right the children will exceed they'll go beyond the capabilities of their parents that's what we're supposed to be doing and you remember how i taught about jacob abraham built an alder in bethel isaac his son visited there went to that altar jacob who was the grandson accidentally ended up there and he fell asleep on a rock you know in the story and he had a dream and he saw angels ascending and descending on on a ladder and he woke up and he said i did not know that god was in this place he should have his father built his grandfather built that altar his father honored that alder he did not so the third generation had lost their heritage had lost the ability to hand off a baton well that's where we're at right now if we're not careful we're about to hand off the baton and i don't want i don't want this next generation coming up falling upstairs i want them to be leaders leaders a leader is someone who has a vision someone who has understanding and has the ability to solve problems to meet a need do you have something in you that can meet a need see every one of us has gifts right okay all right so the school of of music there's going to be a school there's going to be also a school of prayer we're going to teach people how to pray biblically we're going to teach there's going to be a school of healing where i don't care if it's emotional healing or physical healing we're going to educate you on what the bible says and and then let god god does the healing not we don't do the healing right god does the healing he does the miracle we we educate ourselves on under and we get understanding that's what solomon said in everything get understanding get understanding it's not enough to be told something ask questions okay what did you just do what does that mean why is that green why is that red see you have to you have to approach god as a little child that's what jesus said that those people will get into into the kingdom when you come as a child right okay so so we have the the school of evangelism starting as well that's chapter six and those those we're going to be we're teaching people and you know of course our staff is coming a a day early you know we're going to start i've got hooked up with a food pantry that gets enough food to where we can ship pallets of food to wherever we're going before we get there and give out free food in the parking lot out there everywhere we go on a thursday then have the spirit schools on a friday we're gonna we're gonna tell people that god loves them that he's not mad at them that jesus died for their sins and if they want to accept him they can but here don't go away hungry because faith is not dead it's faith is action your faith is dead if it doesn't have action people have to walk away from you knowing there's something different if they don't then god has not won in your life yet he's got to win you over just like jacob wrestled with that angel the angel wrestled with him and he changed jacob's name to israel that's what the bible says anyway okay all right so all of these departments warrior health we're get we have we've already done the filming we've got all kinds of health professionals i'm not an expert they are they're going to give you alternatives healthy alternatives to some of the things that that that might be of interest to you okay so we're already doing that we have um um departments like like uh uh first responders all the police and the fire um we've already filmed for that those so we have police officers we're interviewing police officers interviewing uh all kinds of first responders okay so we're going to be doing warrior health i'm just randomly going through this for time sake okay the way the reason why all these things are being emphasized and you as partners need to know this is because you cannot wait for someone else to lead because everybody everybody wants to be a leader until they're accountable and and when they're when the when you know when they're ready when the opportunity arises for you to be a leader and shine nobody stands up no one wants you you'll throw somebody else under the bus you're waiting for someone else to stand up and say you know what the things need to change this ain't right you know just need one person okay every generation needs those kind of people they're like no i'm going to be a problem solver i'm not going to be part of the problem i'm going to be part of the solution okay so these these these areas of ministry all all of those are to be leaders in a generation where they need answers however i should not have to convince somebody that god is real my life should show it in some way now we go all over the world now it's just mostly the united states until things cool down but we've been all over the world it's interesting that that single moms will come up and we'll pay their month's rent like we do we call everybody up that that is a single mom or a single dad and we say we're paying your rent for the month and they're like all 30 of it yes all 30 of you are getting rent money okay you know what they start crying you know what no i my church has never asked if i'm doing okay this whole year they know i have a baby they know i'm not working they know i don't have a husband or you know a wife and some and not one not one staff member in a church has asked them how they're doing in tears okay see that is problem solving that's being a solution do you get it see to me that's faith i don't want to hear the drama if you if you talk to me too long about the drama i'll just say okay what do you need just let's take care of it you know you know we start with the dinosaurs then the dinosaurs died and then there was noah's ark and you've got all this stuff i'm like no just cut to the chase what do you need i need my rent payment they tell you everything and it's like you start crying you know like well i gotta bet you know and then you can up them well you should hear my story i mean oh i can make you cry just over what i've gone through but you can't tell that i went through anything because i don't even smell like the smoke of a fire why because i met jesus and he changed my life he changed my perspective and he said i'll send you back he said you can do it right this time and so i'm going to do it right i've not come to take from anybody i've come to give and the last thing that jesus said to me before he put me back in my body is he said just because you're doing this for me he says you cannot fail that's big words but we have a big god he's just been misrepresented but please do not judge god by your circumstances everybody that was in the chapter 11 of hebrews that was in the faith chapter you know the hall of faith hall of fame for faith those all those men and women were listed he it says that some of them obtained the promises and others chose not to be delivered they did not see the end of their faith they didn't see jesus but they were the prophets elijah all those they all built part of the foundation and then john the baptist he got to see jesus behold the lamb of god and then jesus said this most profound thing he said up until now there has never been one greater than john read it read it he says this he said but now from now on anyone in the kingdom of god because of this of of jesus coming dying on a cross being raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of god because the spirit of god comes into you he said from now on even the least in the kingdom is greater than john didn't he say that okay that means that from now on all of us are at the end of the age and when i was in heaven there were people like like that i saw that wanted to meet me because i was living at the end of the age and and there was one individual that most of my staff worked for steve hill he was so excited on what was gonna happen and he told me what is happening now he told me three three years ago three or four years ago he's dead he's in heaven he's not dead but he's alive but he told me about what's going to happen and and that has all happened and the people that he that he he knew would work for me or all worked for him they all worked for me now just like he said now how do you explain that and what's today father's day when did when did the revival with steve hill start so there's people in heaven that are rooting us on they're not dead they've they've they've gone on they they've they've passed their tests they stayed strong in faith even if they didn't see the end of their faith in this life they still had faith in god they saw him who was invisible okay so we should always believe we should always believe that's what we're supposed to do okay so all these departments are solutions it could possibly help someone and that's what i want to do so i want to tell you that i love you and i appreciate all your support but i want to show you that i love you by telling you the perspective of heaven and that is is that jesus said in mark 9 23 now if you remember mark 9 is about when he said you know what peter james and john come with me and the other nine are like well what about us you stay here he took him up to the mountain and he allowed them to see him in his pre-existence state transfigured he said i'm returning to the father and he said in john 17 he said lord you want them to experience the same unity and love and glory that me and you share before the universes were lit up well peter james and john got to see that peter did what most of us would do they said we we need to build some tents this is good that there that elijah and moses are here and jesus is like no you don't get it okay when they came down the mountain that's when mark 9 23 happened the man had asked the nine to cast the devil out so that the the child could be healed right the man did he said your disciples couldn't do it what did jesus say how long am i going to be with you you you you unbelieving generation right what is unbelief it's a lack of faith what is faith hebrews chapter 11 if you read verses one through up to six it says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence or the title deed of things not seen so it's taking what's in heaven and praying it onto the earth it says thy kingdom come thy will be done on the earth as it is in heaven now that's a little too aggressive for most people in churches these days but jesus said to that man he said he cast them out the three that were up there on the mountain they did not step and say jesus we got this we got this we'll cast it out they had just seen something that no one has seen they saw jesus transfigured into his former glory they didn't step in and say you know what i've been on it supernatural i can cast this out i've been on christian tv i can do this no they didn't step in right jesus had to cast it out but he said how long am i going to be with you he was only with them in ministry for three and a half years during that time he was mentoring them so that they could do what he was doing but they weren't doing it they weren't doing it in three and a half years because he said how long am i going to be with you in other words i'm leaving you got to get this you're going to be the one doing this he said you're going to do the same works i do it's in the bible it's in every translation even the nearly inspired version it's a new version i made up nearly inspired but it says it even says it miracles signs and wonders okay so if it's not happening but the manual says that's the performance then there's something there's a discrepancy okay that's what warrior notes is all about is i'm gonna address and problem solve i'm gonna i'm gonna troubleshoot i'm gonna create an environment where it's total immersion in any area and at the end of this all of you will be doing this and i'll stay home and the kids are going to be doing this the kids are going to have their own bands they're going to have their own worship teams we're going to train these kids i don't care how many instruments i have to buy but eventually kids are going to step in and do that that's why we have and that brings me to warrior jet and the whole warrior kids program is that it's it's really really really going to be hard to to stop the stampede of kids that are going to come to fly in the simulator so i'm building 10 of them because that's what kevin does i'm not i'm not backing off i want this generation i've already hired the people that are going to run it they're already they're already on staff the second one's being built right now it's gonna be shipped to houston at the end of this month there's there's gonna be eight more we've already it's all paid for i'm not asking for money everything's paid for we have no bills everything is paid for amen the jets the jets paid for [Applause] what if i'm right what if i really did die come back and what if i can't fail and it's not pride because i will the minute the minute i don't do what god has asked me to do i'm on my own well that's not going to last long that's not what i'm saying he told me mark 9 23. he said he said he quoted mark 9 23 to me it says if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you and peter ii peter says if you adhere to the promises that have been given to us that you can escape the corruption that's in the world caused by lust and it says that if you implement these things peter said in second peter chapter one it says that they will keep you from falling and you will succeed and enter into the triumphal entry at the end of your life into the kingdom you want to argue with peter i mean he had the foot in the mouth disease he was messing up all the time but look how he turned out so i'm sure we can all do this okay so we have to go after the youth okay so warrior jet is about that so the set is already built the cameras are already paid for we're going to start filming that and that's all because of your of your support everything's paid for we have we have we literally we literally have no no debt at all on anything in fact everything is actually producing to where one department can run everything but we have many departments so what if i was actually sent back what what if i am one of those people that actually came back and actually saw heaven and saw that the bible's true and that this is doable because i remember the four minute mile was impossible until that guy man he ran that i think he had a hat on who was that guy frank shorter or whatever his name was who was that guy that broke the four minute mile thank you was he thank you well if you look it it only took a week for everybody else to start breaking it but no one could break it until someone did it bringing me back to what leaders are you a leader does not wait in an emergency to step in when no one wants to step in no one wants to peek up over the foxhole you're all hunkered in just like king saul and the army of israel hunkered in while goliath is screaming and mocking and then david fifteen-year-old boy comes with happy meals for his brothers to the battle line and says wait a minute what's going on here i thought you guys were supposed to be fighting who's going to challenge this uncircumcised philistine who they who defies the armies of the living god okay that that man who was a boy did not have exposure to the situation he was out watching sheep killing bears and lions with a slingshot and playing a harp he did not encounter anything that caused him to doubt because he had already learned his skills in killing the bear and the lion right that's what the scripture says right okay when he played a harp demons left right they left king saul right okay when jimi hendrix played demons came but he was really good but what was it david had four strings jimi hendrix has six but david did more with four but it was spiritual and we as christians were spiritual too we can't throw out either one you weren't transported here in the spirit to get here you drove or you flew okay there's physical responsibilities there's things that you deal with you still gotta get gas or you're gonna be walking now god's not gonna put gas in your tank if you pass six gas stations on the way here do you get it okay it's the same thing spiritual you can do the same thing you cannot be so earthly minded that you're no heavenly good okay so david saw the opportunity as he could he was a sol he was a problem solver he had the solution but he was not involved in the drama and the situation like they were there he walked into it without being influenced by the environment which brings me back to total saturation an environment where you learn and it becomes part of you and you and you react that way like when when somebody needs food you just give them food you don't have to go pray about it you got to be kidding me that's why i tell you when you go to the store you buy two canned goods of everything you buy one for yourself and one for someone that might need it when i order stuff i always get two or three of everything so that i have so i can give to someone who's in need okay so this is this is this is leadership david rose to the occasion it was his platform for promotion he he surpassed the armies he surpassed the king and the and the uh leadership in the army just like you're gonna do you're gonna surpass your generation and how you do that is you do not in get involved like paul said with civilian affairs if you're a soldier in the army of the lord then you don't get involved with civilian things in other words a a person who is in military they hang around military people when i was at the airline i just hung around airline people police officers hang around police officers because that's the mindset and that's the people that understand them that's their tribe okay it's all about growth it's all about obtaining understanding and wisdom and so i i thank you for all all that you've done and this is um i've skipped over some of this because of the time i feel as though the greatest need we have is prayer we need we need we need people that can pray okay so i will i will start courses i will start classes we will have programs um you've already seen them we do live things where i show you how to pray but what's going to happen is you're going to start to see a trend where imagine this god starts answering your prayers and you're going to have to be ready for that i was told me my wife were told at christmas time you take five million dollars and you put it in treasuries right now three months three months treasuries your jets coming so when it came i called and i said i need that five million dollars and i know that it's it's it's in a three month he goes well let me check he goes it expires tomorrow i go well that's when i need it and we transferred it and and and the jets ours okay now how does that work how does someone has been in the ministry four years get five million dollars because i don't ask for it is that freeing or what so the scripture says that no one goes to war at their own expense what do you think that means so what i really need from you is i need people that can pray so i'm gonna i'm gonna do my best me and my wife are are doing these these uh these sessions to teach you how to pray but i believe in the impossible i actually never pray about money ever i don't pray about money because i was sent back and now it's his problem i didn't even want to come back i begged god not to send me back i begged jesus to not send me back to this world it's messed up i gave him the five good reasons why i'm not coming back anybody that dies does not want to come back they don't want to come back but i'm back and it's personal now all right so jesus said this and um that was my introduction no i'm just kidding we're going to finish this up with this 23 years ago my pastor called me out and he said kevin he said now think of this this is 23 years ago he said there are books and you're going to write book after book someday i'm like no no i'm not and then we started a church to help a pastor out and he walked into my house and he said this house is going to get paid off he said this house is your house is going to get paid off and it got paid off somebody paid it off he said also you're going to get a jet do you realize that this was 20 years ago you're going to have a job i don't want a jet i gave that up he said it doesn't matter you're you're going to get a jet and your house is going to get paid off and there's books inside of you all of that has happened without my help except for one thing i chose to be a leader i choose to not accept my limitations based on what people are telling me or what my situation says there is a way out of everything there's there is a solution to everything jesus said if you'll believe nothing shall be impossible to you he told me that face to face and then he sent me back okay but it's in the bible well what do you do with that well the scholars if they're not seeing the results then what they do is they have to change the manual [Applause] so you change what's written to compensate for the lack of manifestation well like i said with your car it it'll go 95 i wouldn't do that with rusty around here because he'll give you a ticket but if you have it in second gear you ain't going 95 your engine is going to go through the hood and your gearbox is going to get worn out and you're going to be smoking and everybody can say oh look at that cool car it's smoking like man has like on fire man how do you do that man it's like well there's you know i just i just changed the operating manual because it only goes 30. i'm gonna i'm gonna call the manufacturer i'm gonna tell them this is a 30 mile an hour car well see that's wha we can't do that with the bible but do you realize what has happened because of our experience we change what is really absolute truth is a foundational truth that doesn't matter if you believe god doesn't change just because you don't believe i was on the other side i met him he said kevin who told you who told you you can't do that who told you you can't win down here you know how many people i mean from running marathons i i need cartilage in my left knee but you know how many people have been healed by my hands praying over them they've been healed of the very same thing and i haven't been that doesn't make i'm not going and changing the manual because i'm not the healer okay so we need people that can pray i don't need healers i need people that can believe god does the healing that's up to him right that's his job but i'm not going to change the manual on anything that we believe because it's not happening do you understand what i'm saying okay so because we're christians and because you're partners i'm telling you this jesus said i am the way than the truth no one comes to the father except through me so when a religious leader who has millions of followers says there are many ways to god well as a christian if you're going to be a christian you're going to follow the manual if you're a disciple a disciple is someone who adheres to the disciplines of their teacher which is jesus the he was a rabbi he went around teaching the disciples adhered to his disciplines that's why they're called disciples okay john chapter 1 verse 12 says that those who adhered and embraced him jesus he gave them the power to become sons of god children of god okay there's nothing weird about that paul mentions it numerous times in all his writings you're not god you're not the son of god you're a child of god you're not god you're an image so down here we do what we're told we yield we obey we that's obedience okay so this is what jesus said he said listen even my words are not my own he said this in chapter 14 of john he said even my words are not my own but come from the father for he lives in me and performs his miracles of power through me believe that i live as one with my father and that my father lives as one with me or at least believe for the mighty miracles i have done okay now he goes down in verse 13 of chapter 14 he says for i do whatever you i will do whatever you ask me to do when you ask in my name and that is how the son will show that what the father is really like and bring glory to him ask me anything in my name and i will do it now are you going to rewrite the manual or are you going to own it and say you know what i might have to start that second engine so i can get over 300 knots in the air because you know i'm only you cannot rewrite the ma the manual you might want to look and see if you have two engines running it's the same with your car you might want to try the next gear up you'd be surprised what happens it's like david said is anybody going to confront this uncircumcised philistine a boy had to do that well you might be that person in this generation you might be the one that has to stand up and say you know what i'm standing up for what's right let god be god right okay this is amazing verse 21. amazing see i saw this on the other side i didn't think i was coming back and i'm like man we missed it down here we missed it and i'm like good luck i didn't want to come back good luck with that but i saw we missed it this is how we missed it we are trying to do what god can only do we're supposed to believe okay this is what jesus said those who truly love me not those who truly believe in me those who truly love me are those who obey me okay whoever passionately not just loves me passionately loves me will passionately be loved by my father and i will passionately love you in return and will manifest my life in you and then he says this loving me empowers you to obey my word and my father will love you deeply father god and he will come to you and make you our dwelling place okay so there is a form of godliness but denies the power thereof and paul and jude and james they all said you shouldn't hang around people that have a form of godliness but they they deny that god's power exists today in other words i need help i need help every day but i'm not waiting for you to help me i'm going to god and turn myself in and say you know what i'm in a lot of trouble i'm in a deficit here i'm seeing discrepancies in my life i know who you are i know what your word says i know what the manual says but the performance isn't there you have to reconcile that not with condemnation but to know there is a solution to every problem there is a solution and only god knows that but it says in first corinthians chapter 2 verse 10 it talks about that the the spirit knows the deep things of god and it says that that it searches it says no no um no eye has seen no ear has heard no heart has comprehended what god has for those who love him and that's what we we stop there but but there's a butt and i want to know what the butt is because the butt can get your butt can get in the way but is this it has been revealed to us by the spirit okay so the holy spirit is very important in the new testament today so i challenge you as partners i challenge you to think of yourself as a leader to think of yourself as having a solution to someone else's problem and that all we are is troubleshooters we're we're problem solving when somebody tells me they can't i know they're lying because all they're really saying is i need help and there are plenty of people around i wouldn't be where i'm at if people didn't help me what people need is someone to be a leader to someone to have a solution and so jesus he had good news to preach it says the gospel means good news so the gospel is preached as it says in matthew 24 and then the end shall come when it is preached on all the world and we're getting close to that but there are still people i mean you you realize that i've got people i don't know if there's they're they're they're there today but they were in dubai getting a facility for us to have a spirit school there in dubai why because there's so many believers over there that want us to come there are all kinds of countries that want us to come we have people partners in china japan in the middle east we got we got friends that i i knew when they were a little girl over there right now missionaries warrior notes bought her a car in iraq right now when are you coming well we're coming dubai oh we'll come we'll come right over there and then you can come to us i'm like okay see so there are people all over the world that believe in the bible and believe in miracles all i'm asking you is is what i really need from you is to pray and intercede and and to be to see yourself as a leader because that's what we're training here at warrior notes ask of me and i will do it that's what jesus said ask of me ask me in my name and i will do it is there any any asterisk there where you go down the bottom of the page and you read the fine print and says well accept i used to take soldiers for training on charter flights for southwest airlines soldiers at night we'd move the troops to get them ready to go over overseas so i would they were on their second third tour some of them they were going for training at 29 palms for desert training special ops all this kind of stuff and i asked him i said what is the biggest kicker what what was it when you first went went to the gulf i'm not talking about the gulf of mexico either and they said the biggest the biggest thing was when a shot was fired to kill me from someone that i didn't know just shot to kill me he said it hit me what war is and he said when they would come at you they would look right in their eyes they would come at you they were not afraid because they they were that religion believed you're going straight to heaven for jihad so they would come at you and they they would just they would kill them but there was no fear in their eyes he said that is very unnerving but what if you as a christian have the truth and it's worth dying for wouldn't that get rid of fear and if you could die for him could you live for him so people wait for the end to come they wait to die i'm waiting i'm just waiting to to live another day and i i'm going to do today as though the end isn't coming i'm going to i'm going to work diligently so i want to take communion with all of you and i want to tell you how thankful i am for for all your support so this is very exclusive we had to close this down at a certain amount and this is every night we're doing this we're going to do this every month and i wanted to have an intimate setting work and share my heart with you now when we take communion just like the apostle paul just like jesus when he had the last supper just like with paul it was very very important to him jesus said and unless you drink of my blood and eat of my flesh you have no part in me it says that the whole crowd left him that day stopped following him and the disciples were left at 12 and uh they were about to be unemployed if they walked away they had left everything so they had nothing left he goes are you going to leave me too and this is what they said where would we go you have the words of life so why do you believe what you believe it's because it's life jesus is the bread that came down from heaven he's the word of life and it's not just another religion to me so this is communion jesus at the table did this with his disciples and said do this as often as as you can until i come in honor of him and it's communion which means it's fellowship it's the word in greek koinonia it's partaking and honoring each other and recognizing that we're all part of of one body i am not religious i consider myself a believer religion gets you into a mode where it's predictable but just like these single moms how many single moms have we helped we we pay rent every month we pay 15 to 20 30 people's rent for the month we every child that is in the service gets to come up and get blessed with either finances or something we bless all the children every time okay this is the manifestation of faith in pensacola we bought 30 we were 50 50 bicycles i think it was 30 or 50 bicycles well that was dalton but i asked somebody it was right after christmas in in pensacola i said uh what child here was was wanting to have a bicycle for christmas and it's now january or february or whatever was and you didn't get a bicycle for christmas and there were like six to eight people six okay did you know that out of that six there at least i think half of them got they committed themselves to be a christian they got saved and then one one rededicated himself out of the six so the bicycle did something more because your actions speak louder okay so just like show me the money or where's the beef you know you know it's like where's your faith well james says you show me your faith by what you do right okay so when we partake of this we're honoring jesus but it's really something that happens spiritually too now when you get to heaven you're going to find out everything i saw and then you're going to understand me a whole lot more that i'm not wasting a second on this earth i'm not going to second guess myself i'm not going to try to explain god i'm just going to do it this is part of it is communion i want to do this with you because i believe in you and god believes in you and when you get to heaven you're going to find out that the bible was true and that you could have engaged in much more than what you did that's what i found out and jesus said well guess what i'll give you another chance and it was like groundhog day you know that movie 6 a.m i got you babe the alarm goes off and it's it's like it starts all over again and every day during that movie the same things again it's like well how long how long will it take before you get it you got it so let's do this um pastor ryan oh thank you oh that's even better i actually been practicing in the simulator for this i was going to do but [Laughter] [Music] okay so i want you to grasp the realities of what's going on here is one day you're gonna find out whether this was true or not and when you find it out you'll realize that you should have done more about what when you were here than you did okay but you it's the reality doesn't set in until you get into the situation and it becomes the reality sets in so what i need from you is to allow the holy spirit to bring you into that reality now so that you become sober minded like it says in titus 2 6 where paul told titus be sober minded in other words get be aware and and look at things and say what can i do to help someone else find somebody that can't pay you back and help them that's what we do with the warrior fellowships you invite your neighbors you invite your bosses you invite everybody to your house for that bible study and then you you find out do they need food do they need water do they need their rent pay you take a little offering you don't send it to me you keep it there and you help people in your neighborhood at your job that this is this is called christianity it's the introduction class all right so go ahead you want to you want to do i want to ask pastor ryan to do this let's take the bread and we thank you father for sending jesus lord you are the bread that came down from heaven and i thank you as dr zeta i had shared you this is about fellowship this is about communion this is about breaking bread with you right now we may not be able to see you with our natural eyes but we are filled with inexpressible joy and full of glory because of everything that you've done and lord jesus as we take this bread if there's anybody here that needs a healing in their body i thank you for working a mighty miracle anybody here that needs a healing in their mind any broken hearted ones here i thank you for bringing a healing touch right now so we lift this bread up before you and we say thank you thank you for all that you've done thank you for going all the way you didn't go halfway you didn't go three quarters you went all the way we thank you boy lord i feel your presence so strong we thank you for your body broken for us lord and we take this bread with great reverence and thankfulness of heart in jesus name go ahead and take the bread on that same night i can't even imagine what the upper room that that room that they were in was the atmosphere was must have been so heavy with the reality of what was about to take place jesus we thank you for the blood we thank you lord that according to first john 1 9 that you forgive every sin and you cleanse us from all unrighteousness we thank you for pouring out your blood you did not hold back we thank you lord for the price that you paid as kevin said you gave up glory to come and be with us to walk among us they pierced you they put the thorns on your head all for us all so we could be here today and around the world that are listening so we can be forgiven oh lord there's nothing like being clean there's nothing like living pure before you and your blood does that and we thank you for the blood we hold it up to you and we say thank you thank you for the blood in jesus name let's partake together okay so our bond our bond together is evident just like our bond with god is evident through our faith and i want i want you to fulfill what psalms 139 the psalmist wrote that each one of my days was written in a book before one of them came to pass and in verse 5 in in the aramaic which is what jesus spoke it's the modern street language of hebrew because actually biblical hebrew is is a dead language it it at the time of daniel it evolved into aramaic even in daniel in the original manuscripts you'll watch where in in aramaic it'll start to go into aramaic daniel switches to aramaic so this is like just a couple hundred years before jesus came okay so in aramaic verse 5 says this you have gone to my future and are standing there and have paved a way to it and you also come behind me to protect me from the hurts of my past wow this is the jesus i met this is not the jesus i necessarily met in church but i met individuals i have pastor friends that do preach but i'm not going to apologize for god i'm not here to apologize for him i'm here to teach people to believe and i believe that you're all part of that so i want i want um to to hang out for a little bit and and meet meet you this is a crazy thing to do when you have 1800 people but i want i want i will i want to just quickly shake your hand and then i got to go because we got to go to dalton in the morning and do this again and then we're going to tampa and then we're going to be going to houston and each month we're going to do this but you are very important but i cannot let you stay where you're at if your potential is higher i want to get you out of second gear i want to get that other engine started amen okay so i know this is a little earlier than what i thought but i i do want to meet you all and um i want to fix the problem if you cannot afford the books because uh you know the prices just keep going up so that's why we're forming our own publishing company so if you know when we publish the books there there are a lot they they you're going to buy them at a cheaper rate and you know you shouldn't have to get a second mortgage on your house to get my book you know and so so in other words like let's uh so if if you want one of my books you you can um chris chris is in charge and you know the book table okay and then they'll take care of you um if you don't have money don't worry about it just i want to bless you and thank you for for praying for us and thank you for all your support for warrior notes but i need you to pray and i need you to get it in other words like what if i told you like when jesus sent me back i didn't think i was going to be here very long and it's been 20 it's been 29 years now since i passed away on the table and came back but don't you think it's time to graduate to the next level what would that look like well it's exceedingly above paul said that what you could ask or think it's not entered into your imagination what god has for people but he told me he said people want to be valued they want to know that they're valued and they want to know they're safe he said you give them that he said and people will do the kingdom work they need to know that they're loved so i'm showing you that i love you by doing these meetings and i'm gonna give you whatever you want and um let me pray over you now okay and then i want to meet you all but just keep it short with me don't tell me about the dinosaurs don't don't ask me if jesus had a belly button he did he had a belly button adam did not have a belly button okay and um jesus's hair was almost three feet long so don't ask me about his hair just i just want to meet you don't ask me about the dinosaurs or ufos or cia any of that stuff okay i just want to meet you okay let me pray father i thank you so much for everything you're doing i thank you just bless bless your children right now thank you for your holy spirit let the let that portion that portion of that anointing be upon them that's from your throne just raise your hands right now and receive that's it is that amazing or what he's here how many heard the angels singing with us in wisconsin it's all it's on all on tape okay that's i'm telling you i this this is the same presence that's here right now it's all documented receive father you know the hearts of everyone you know what they've been through but they love you and they trust you so i asked lord as you would give them a extra portion of grace and mercy right now put them over father just do miracles that are unexplainable unexplainable miracles right now in the name of jesus don't doubt come on now stay out of your head this is a heart thing come on come on now this is your opportunity to receive from heaven the spirit of the lord is willing there it is father thank you for your portion of the holy spirit this is not an exercise this is the real thing i mean the lord's lord is saying just like he said about he's saying you know what you can do this if i said you can do it that's what he's saying he breathed you into your mother's womb he wrote a book about you before you were born and he believes in you he loves you that he has a plan for your life maybe it's time to just adhere to the manual now look at this no one's touching anybody there's not even a band there's no music no offering and god shows up this is what heaven is like what you're feeling here now this is what it was like for me this is why i didn't want to leave i didn't know that i could bring it back with me i believe in you all and i know you're going to finish your race and you're going to finish it with joy i want to see a smile on your face i want you to be nice to people and be kind and show people that there is a god an almighty god that loves his creation amen nothing is impossible if you believe god bless you all okay i'll be up here i'll stay for a couple minutes um i know some of you got to go um this is not a spirit school that's why it's not going that way i want to hang out with you all i want to share my heart with you but i want to tell you something if i shared what it's like in heaven and what god has for us down here it might be that churches wouldn't want to hear it because it would be too good to be true we're living way below listen up if a flight attendant of 30 years can do this you can do this my wife's a hairdresser all we did was trust god isn't it nice to be released from being a miracle worker and just being one that trusts god and let him do the miracles come on now you've watched me for four years amen okay love you all we'll i'll just hang out up here go to the book table get something for free did i mention free amen i love you all god bless you [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Applause] i am [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] then [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 79,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 42sec (7302 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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