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from all over the world from here in this awesome town of dalton georgia via the internet and the the smart people at youtube they think that they are going to capitalize on our worship and so they've said if you play any song in a certain time that anyone else is written while you're on youtube we got to pay those people well that's good youtube because i don't want to sing a song somebody else has written [Music] so guess what we're going to give youtube this morning we're going to give them the sound of heaven [Music] you see something unique happens when we stop worrying about what we're saying and we just stand on how we're making the sound [Music] let's go back to jericho it didn't say they sang a song that that someone wrote and the walls fell it said they lifted up a shout [Music] it said they lifted up a shelf [Applause] see that's what i'm talking about right there that's that dirty stuff right there the enemy doesn't like you see he doesn't care if we sing words that are on a screen because our heart is far from what we're saying what he cares about is that we don't make a sound because when we make a sound his gate shake [Music] so we may not say any words other than yahweh or yeshua or holy or worthy or glory or hallelujah but the important thing is is that your fingerprint your vocal cords begin to rattle [Music] see there's no mandate in this place that says you can't worship yahweh there's no state mandate in georgia that says you can't worship yahweh there's not a state mandate in georgia that says we cannot lift up our voices there's no state mandate that says we cannot worship yahweh there's no state mandate that says you have to keep your mouth shut there's no state mandate that says you cannot lift up your voice so lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice lift up your voice come on lift up your voices lift them up that's it come on don't stop [Music] he is worthy of your praise he is worthy [Music] now come on lift up that lift up that tongue come on [Music] tell me worthy the only one worthy worthy come on tell him he's the only one worthy [Music] is [Music] you receive the highest praise the only one worthy you're the [Music] you're the only one worthy you're the only one worthy [Music] you're the only one worthy this is what i want you to do it takes no talent or gifting to say oh come that sounds like on shofar come on so far come on come on that's god's breath blowing over dead flesh come on [Music] is [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] psalms 91 5-10 [Music] don't fear the terror of night it says don't fear the arrow that flies by day [Music] though a thousand may follow your side ten thousand at your right hand nothing come nigh you're dwelling [Music] [Applause] see it doesn't say the arrow's not going to fly it doesn't say the terrors aren't going to try to come at you at night what it tells you is nothing will come nigh you're dwelling it also says before those verses that his majesty is a veil that we can run into and hide this place is a place of majesty this morning see we don't have to tear the veil back we're already behind it [Music] we don't have to ask for permission to enter in we're already in the middle of father's heart so whatever it is you've came for today you've not come here for a man you've not come here for eloquent speaking you've came here to encounter the presence of yahweh he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's [Music] he's worthy he's worthy it's like incense unto the lord your sound is like instance unto the lord oh make a sound that smells so heavenly make a sound that smells so heavenly make a sound make a sound make a sound oh make a sound make a sound right now make a sound come on make a sound right now that sound that sound right there it shifts atmospheres oh so we lift up your name name forever [Music] you are [Music] [Music] worthy [Music] the only one worthy [Music] right now some of you are experiencing the euphoria that comes along with aligning yourselves with the frequencies of jesus ephesians 2 tells us that we're seated in him come on take your seat in heavenly places seated in heavenly places [Music] heavenly places were seated in heavenly [Music] places [Music] seated in heavenly places the only one worthy [Music] the only one worthy [Music] breathe [Music] take me into the places [Music] you're the only one worthy [Music] [Music] so [Music] i can see your face [Music] [Music] you oh worthy you're the only one worthy [Music] come on come on lift it up you're the only one worthy you're the only one worthy jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] solo twitter [Music] [Music] [Music] come on this is what heaven sounds like [Music] [Music] me [Music] know only you are worthy [Music] away [Music] sure [Music] holy holy holy is the lord god almighty [Music] is holy holy holy you are holy holy holy is who was handed hand is to come holy holy holy is the lord god almighty who was handed hand is the lord god is holy holy holy is is [Music] he's holy he's worthy [Music] hey are you excited to be here or what i mean come on i've never asked this before and those of you who are watching online have never asked us before but how many of kevin's crazy friends are here at this conference [Applause] are you excited well listen we are we are um it's morning here in georgia and i want you to turn around look at that camera because they can see you and wave at everybody around the world who couldn't be here we love you and there's people watching from all over the world because of the time of day here obviously people are watching in england and africa and so on and so forth and many lives are going to be touched in fact before you're seated i was sitting right there and the lord said tell them that they have what he has prepared for you at this conference is off the charts i'm telling you you're going to leave with something so amazing it's going to change your life forever amen all right you may be seated this is one wild bunch let me tell you [Music] we we like crazy we like crazy as long as you're not a weirdo we have security for that but uh uh we we love you my name is ryan russ i work with kevin zeta i am a pastor in concord north carolina antioch community church and i'm just excited to be wherever kevin is and wherever our people are and just uh i'm telling you something special happens here in georgia every time we're here and i want to make an announcement this just went up on our website that kevin will be in tampa bay florida in january for a conference so if you live anywhere those of you watching online if you would live anywhere in the united states tampa bay we're going to be there the weekend of january 15 through the 17th at the hilton so please come and see us in tampa bay it'd be nice and warm there not like it is here um one of the things that i am privileged to do with uh dr zadai is i am in charge of warrior church how many are familiar with warrior church i mean let me tell you something mike cowan our dean of students is going to be talking here in a minute we we have over 16 000 students and we talk we're we're utilizing them first to say hey listen who who of you students wants to plan a warrior church bible study in your home and we launched that just a couple weeks ago in hundreds in hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people signed up saying i want a warrior church in my home i want to buy warrior bible study and now we have them in korea in china we have them i'm telling you seattle we have them here it took off and so what happens is kevin comes in your home whoever is hosting it every every week whatever you determine that day of the week and we have a video where kevin teaches for about 25 minutes and then it's like a little home church where you're supplying for your community you're winning souls you're the leader but we just launched those and over 500 warrior churches have now begun all over the world i mean come on take that devil we're just going to have church everywhere and there's several people here that have started one so thank you for that uh we we love being a part of that and we also love to give how many love to give for those of you watching online you can give is the number should be up on the screen you can give online to warrior notes and uh obviously the convention center didn't say hey you can have it for free you know everything uh costs money and so we just thank you for participating for those of you who are here everybody got an envelope and uh the blessed warrior knows you don't we're not gonna pass anything the book table over there is a there's a box so at your convenience we'll remind you throughout the day at your convenience if you could put if the lord lays it on your heart you know cheerfully you can go over there and you can drop that offering in the box over there and if you don't have any money just reaching the wallet of the person next to you and give like you've always wanted to give so let's welcome pastor mike well here we are dalton georgia had no idea what was about to go down today you showed up right and that means the church showed up and that means jesus is here and matter of fact that means devils are running so fast and so hard because greater is he that's in you than anything that's in this world amen amen oh man i'll tell you it's gonna happen today guys it's going to happen exceedingly abundantly above let's keep climbing that ladder amen [Music] well on behalf of doctors 8 i and his wife miss kathy and the warrior notes team we are so excited to be here because we know that this is going to be a day of transformation we believe the power of god is going to transform you inside out when you leave you won't even when you look in the mirror you'll be like i don't even know this person anymore because you're going to be glowing you'll be on fire because that's your destiny as a son and a daughter amen well all this is possible because of our partners and we always want to take time to honor our partners because when you see what dr zadai is setting up for 2021 it's not human it's only by the holy ghost but it's our partners that are making this possible and so if you're a partner will you raise your hand real quick man thank you guys look at all you guys you guys are awesome you guys are awesome tampa all these places that are about to be announced you guys are making this possible you guys are literally building the kingdom of heaven on this earth you are partnering with dr zadai and the warrior notes team to make this possible so thank you and how many of you got a free book and a free cd today yeah partners thank you you guys did that thank you so much transforming the world as a family matter of fact i think that's what jesus wanted unity in the church amen so you heard ryan talk about warrior churches and we're pulling those warrior churches from our warrior note school of ministry students and man i love my students so if you're a student let me see your hand real quick how many students we got holy smokes we're taking over the whole city [Music] man you guys are awesome and if you don't know much about warring oak school of ministry we want you to join us because what dr zadai is doing and his heart to reach the world we're using students to plant churches we're going to be doing a lot of things with our students and with our partners so we want you to join us because heaven is moving and you don't want to look and think oh my gosh i just missed it because if you blink you might because the holy ghost is on on the move amen hallelujah all right here comes the handoff [Music] i just feel like praying in tongues it's really thick up here well hi i'm david and i'm part of the body christ in dalton georgia and we want to welcome you in the name of jesus it's great to get together and see new faces and then faces we know that show up every time and so we're thankful to all the volunteers there's over 50 volunteers at this event today that sacrifice a lot of hours and time and thank you and our praise and worship team thank you guys and i want to thank the whole warrior notes team for being here and kevin and kathy zada i mean wow you're in for a treat um they always give me a list of announcements and i forget them every time i come up here so i think you can probably find the restrooms i know that's one thing i was supposed to cover the resource tables will be open prior to each session okay so the next session it will not be open afterwards we've got to vacate this premise you do have to take all of your personal possessions okay so they kind of come through and do a cleaning and so forth i know a lot of people like to leave their stuff here but they've asked us if you'll do that and appreciate it if you need any help look for somebody with a button we'll be glad to help you in any way after each session we will have prayer you know if you want to accept jesus into your life if you want to prayer for anything if you want to be baptized in the holy ghost we'll have prayer right over here on this side of the stage so um as i was thinking about this event and getting going and started you know as long as i've known kevin and kathy there's a foundation to their ministry and as i've gotten to know him over the last four years it's just a real simple foundation and and i was a football player in college and i also coached in college in high school and i found that you know when i taught football i always kept it real simple and when i think about simple that foundation is the character of god that's his foundation and so when i was coaching football you know the easiest thing was just how do you even get into first things how do you put your helmet on you got to do that before you play when i think about our father in heaven as simple as you can get do we have anybody as a plumber any plumbers in here we got one plumber right here we have a medical doctor anybody a medical doctor i don't see any medical like well i mean if i could ask one of you i mean you're a plumber what do you do he fixes things so if you're a plumber you plumb if you're a doctor what do you do your doctor you do what you are so if we want to know whose image we were made in let's just go to genesis first chapter in the beginning god created and guess what you are you're creative and how did god create he said let there be light guess how you'll create with your words if you read down through genesis 1 6 times it says and god saw that it was good see if you've heard of the latter day glory the latter day rain anybody ever heard that term you know you know the rain has started but we know if there's going to be a lot of people ushered into the kingdom there's going to have to be one thing because what leads to repentance it's the goodness of god that leads to repentance there's going to be an explosion of understanding the character of god that god is good jesus went about healing doing good and healing all who were oppressed at the door why'd he do good because he came from goodness and he is goodness so that is our alpha and omega turn sideways that's our foundation and our banner that god is good and may you taste and experience his goodness today we're going to have communion now if you've got your cup it'll take a little bit to figure out but my brother and pastor and a great great man mario miller is going to lead us through communion [Music] praise god that's a little deeper i also do radios get the radio voice listen let's bless the lord amen as you get your communion cup ready i want you to have an air of expectation [Music] an air of expectation i believe [Music] the word of god begins to minister to us [Music] i'm looking in [Music] john 6 51. jesus made some bold statements [Music] he made it before people that had seen miracles happen before [Music] father god had come and fed the 5 000 or more that were there and now they were in another opportunity jesus kind of went away but then he come back and they were looking for him to feed them again seems to be how things are i'm looking to be fed feed me give me what i need supply what i'm missing in my moment anybody hearing holy spirit what is it that you are finding yourself in need of lack of [Music] confused about need and direction clarity maybe we have lost our foundation our footing doesn't seem to be as sure as it used to be a year ago and 2020 has hit figuring this thing out [Music] we know who he is we know what he's done before and providing but you're here [Music] right here and then jesus threw a monkey wrench in the boat he throws a monkey wrench in their concept where they're thinking of getting physical food he began to share with them about a spiritual transformation a spiritual transformation when he began saying i am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i give in my flesh is my flesh which i give for the life of the world the jews therefore strode among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh tea then jesus said verilovel i say unto you except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink the blood you have no life in me whosoever eateth my flesh and drink my blood hath eternal life and i will raise him up at the last days for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed [Music] he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and i in him [Music] they were looking for something just like most of us even right here and right now we're looking for something you're even here at this moment in this place looking for something can i get an amen you didn't come here just to get nothing right you came here with an expectation of something right but how many how many i want to let you know today i want you to be encouraged that god got something more for you today he just don't want to give you what you think you need he wants to give you way more than what you ever imagined having he wants you to partake of who he is in such a way that it doesn't just transform your life it transform all others that all around you you are set right here in this moment for a set up to do something that is greater than any man on this earth could ever have seen it's you baby god has set you in a place to bless you so that you can be a blessing to somebody else yeah we may not know what we came for but we can't come on now we may not know why we're here yet the totality of it the meaning behind it but you are here somebody say i'm here come on you need to let the devil know you're you're here come on now you you need to let the devil know you are here hallelujah i'm here i'm not going nowhere i'm standing my crown i'm believing that what god has for me is right here and right now [Music] jesus knew that what he was about to say and what he said to them was controversy he knew the leviticus law in 17 where it told them they are not supposed to eat it's not supposed to drink any blood but yet he still said something to them but yet he still walked in true humility [Music] sometimes the thing that god is wanting you to do requires you to step past you and watch this do what he is telling you to do no matter what it looks like to someone else what is it that he's put inside of you that is trying to transform you that it may begin to transform other because i believe that when we take up the of the the bread and the very blood of jesus christ the body and the blood that there is transforming power within that blood within that body the life of jesus christ [Music] every life transforming you into his reality i'll say that again transforming you into his reality seek a sickness is not in him amen he was not poor that's another time to preach the very life of christ is inside of you [Music] if you can let's stand and let's minister to the father about his life [Music] the eternal life of christ transforming us by faith this is his blood this is his bread which is representing the body of jesus christ broken break take and eat this is the blood of jesus christ shed for the remission of our sins that we may partake of the resurrection life take and drink i want you to imagine very thing that you know he can do for you is actually coming to pass come on now what are you believing for begin to see it come to pass [Music] begin to see father doing the very thing that you have needed in jesus name father we thank you for the power of that which you've done the very blood of jesus christ and the very life of christ that is flowing through us now we give you glory honor and all the praise in jesus name amen [Music] good morning thank you all for coming amen [Applause] would you would you do me a favor this means so much to me if you would just stand one more time this is not this is not for you this is for the lord i want it to be noted in heaven right now that we raised our hands and we acknowledged him as lord god of this [Music] nation lord you are god you are most high there's no one like you there's no name above the name of jesus we acknowledge you as the lord creator of heaven and earth and we thank you for the 41 men that signed the mayflower compact and we thank you lord that you honor that covenant right now and it starts in this state right now let the dominoes fall jesus name amen thank you you can be seated i wanted to come down here because i feel like you're my family and i know that all of us we don't like to go to war i remember when the draft notices were going out and i just finished high school when i thought well you know several times i had to count the cost of what it's like to be an american and one of them was the the threat of being drafted i call it a threat because it messes up your world going to war messes up your your your life in the sense that you have plans but see the thing of it is is we all have to discern how important we are to a generation and we have to be willing to answer the call when we have to defend and the problem has been the problem has been as it is in every generation it's been throughout the whole bible people forget the price that was paid for what they have so we experience freedom because someone else sacrificed for it and this is this is the case okay so when it's time to go to war you really can feel the price and then you have to do some sort of audit because you've got to determine if what you believe is worth dying for do you get what i'm saying here okay so everything's fine until you have to stand up for it and you have to be counted and these last four years have been a rocket ride straight up for me but i want to tell you i didn't want to be pulled into this but someone has to stand up in this generation and listen i was willing i was willing to give it all up on the altar and be counted with all of you as an american and stand up for what is right now i have been counseled by people that are way bigger and better than me and they have counseled me stay out of politics stay out of this but see this is in politics it's everything's fine and still it starts to to confront your faith and then then it becomes personal to me because i met jesus christ and my assessment of him in 45 minutes with him was that i would die for him he was worth dying for i looked into his eyes and i said for the first time in my life i became a real man i became a real christian so you have to understand i didn't want to get pulled into this but the lord kept telling me no you have the people pray you tell them what the lord's heart is for this election so i was faithful to say no i know what god wants i'm not going to tell you the outcome i know what god wants and i know his mode of operation we have to wage war with the prophecies that we've received that's what the apostle paul told timothy and so i got i got called into this because someone someone has to stand up and be a leader but i didn't know it would be a flight attendant praise in tongues you know i didn't i don't deserve this but i consider it an honor to preach the gospel but see the gospel if you study it it means good news so i don't have any bad news when i prophesy i don't have any bad news i'm going to tell you what god wants i'm going to tell you what he showed me about the future but you got to mess with it you got to you got to jimmy with it down here because satan is going to try to stop it so why are you surprised that every time god speaks to you things go the opposite way the devil that's what he does he steals kills and destroys so while you're sleeping these stuff in ballot machines okay so you're upset about it and you're upset that everybody's folding and falling over and rolling over and whistling dixie walking the other way this is this is because evil has been entrenched where's my backpack okay i think i know where it is listen okay okay he's going to look for it listen the lord intentionally drags you into things because he trusts you and so before i start the lesson this morning i just want to tell you that war has already started so it's inevitable but see it shouldn't have to happen within our own country we shouldn't have to revisit what we've already gone through but it has come to that the lord told me to buy this and so i'm going to start out with a prop you've got one man that goes to the bottom of the swamp and he pulls this okay so what happens is what happens is that beautiful little lake that you have it ends up being a swamp did i say any more okay i'm not supposed to be in front of these speakers now listen to me one person pulls us everything's fine until he pulls this and then all of a sudden as the water starts going down it's jurassic park jurassic park jurassic park was in this beautiful lake everything was fine until it infringed upon your faith you see you can't look the other way listen even your cat knows there's something in the bottom of that lake okay so remember this weekend because someone pulled the plug and things are starting to be exposed this is what you prayed for it's what you prayed for amen this is what you prayed for see most people can't handle the truth to quote a famous person in a movie but see if you do want the truth you can have it but are you ready because you're probably going to need a couple clips for your for your gun in other words you're going to have to take out these satanic monsters you're going to have to do it in the spirit but see i don't need the 32 000 that were in gideon's army i just need 300 crazy people amen okay amen all right so you all i can see the all you all are are caught up in what god is doing okay so it's already begun and i know that he has chosen this place this convention center because of the history here you've already been here this town has already been here with civil war okay but see we keep it in the spirit but like i said for the last several months jesus warned me if we do not pray not only not going to pass our tests this fall which we're in now but evil will prevail and will be stolen from and so i constantly told people no it's not about who's going to do the second term it's about are we going to pray for overthrow because we're dealing with monsters that have come out now that were there the whole time come on now you can't pretend anymore i mean just think about it nice pristine lake but it looks like t-rex doo-doo in your yard every morning you're thinking where did that come from it's because there's swamp creatures there's things in the spirit that are bigger that only the body of christ can take out [Applause] i'm telling you the truth so i need all of you to agree this today this weekend i need you all to agree so i gotta i gotta teach you for a couple sessions get your faith level to the point where nothing is impossible and then we're gonna take these things out as a body of christ okay so what will happen is things will start to topple here and they will spread to other states because we need to set a precedent here okay and then it'll topple because people need to know that someone is brave enough to stand up and say is there anybody going to wake up and smell the coffee is there anybody here going to be brave enough to be a whistleblower and see it's happening here every hour here in this state it's happening every hour now because it's a tipping point okay so that's my raw raw speech now listen to me all of you are very valuable not just to me but to god that it's very important that we discern and and allow the the anointing that was on the sons of issachar to be on us i want i want a bottle of that anointing i want to know the times and the seasons and be able to interpret where god is in his plan because it's only been appointed to the father according to acts chapter one the father knows his times and the seasons that were set before it he even knows every person that lives in every generation okay so that's said in book of acts all right now don't you think that if you ask for wisdom you're gonna get it hello don't you think that's a pretty easy prayer it says if you ask you're gonna get it but when you get it are you ready for what you get because the swamp has been drained are you ready for what you got to deal with now not individually but corporately now i'm there's there's there's 80 80 90 there's 90 some percent that i cannot share because they're they're going to come after me because of what i know but what i will tell you is this what you know is enough if you watch 20 minutes of the 12 hours in each state of the evidence 20 minutes i was i was livid in 20 minutes but it went on for 12 hours so if the truth is out there don't you as christians want to know the truth because why because it sets you free right okay so at what point does everything around you start to infringe upon you in your faith well if you do not agree with me today and pray you're about to find out because it'll only take a couple months for you to know why you should have been praying and fasting because we have an opportunity to see an overthrow but it's bigger than what you thought it's not about the election it was about what was at the bottom of the swamp which is way bigger and has been there the whole time okay so the church the church that is supposed to be the one that is the most powerful entity on the earth the most powerful on the earth that the gates of hell can't even prevail against it one day they're camped with their king saul and they're in their tents at the battle line and the philistines have gathered and nothing's happening because no one not even the king wants to stand up and take on the giant no one so they're in their tents the church drinking tea in and having their their uh singles doubles adults children programs the king won't go out none of the soldiers will go out they're all waiting for someone to make the first move so a little shepherd boy gets pulled into this in default because he was sent to give his brothers some happy meals so when he gets there you know he's not really involved with all this political stuff and all this military stuff and you know king and that king because why because he's already been anointed king he ends up being the delivery boy how do you think he felt did samuel miss it no if i were him i would have never washed my hair from that oil because it would have reminded me that god's word is true okay but what happened see just like samuel samuel was never exposed to the world he was put in the temple by his mom and never left so he was flipping out with all the stuff that was going on with eli and his sons and all that and then because of his environment he never missed it not one word ever fell that he spoke samuel okay same with david he's out feeding sheep watching sheep shooting he's sitting there i saw him sitting there picking targets and and hitting them practicing hours a day with his slingshot i saw him pick up his harp and that anointing oil from samuel started getting into his plan and it started getting into his shooting and he started getting more accurate and he might only had four strings on his harp but he played it like he had a 12 string guitar okay but his environment was controlled just like samuels are you following me listen to me so when he gets there he cannot believe the condition of the church why because he wasn't into the politics of the church he didn't pay to play he never encountered the christian mafia see because he he was untainted he hung around sheep he was in touch with the sheep so when he was in touch with the sheep it's really about the sheep so when he goes and he finds out it's really not about the sheep it's politics it's who you know don't say this you'll offend people no he shows up and he goes wait a minute is there anyone going to stand up to this uncircumcised philistine now when he said that it was just like the people in the bible that always got healed when they said thou son of david have mercy on me they were saying messiah jesus when they said son of david they were saying messiah they discerned who he was okay when david said you uncircumcised philistine what he was saying was you you you being that is not in covenant with the god of israel how dare you defy the armies of the living god now he called all those tea drinkers with their programs in the tents armies of the living god so this reminds me my introduction when i when i when i decided i'm not going to the air force academy and i went to bible college i i was in chapel because we had to go to chapel every day so in between we'd have two classes then chapel and then we'd have another four classes so i did that for four years no during that time i had people that would stand up in the chapel like i didn't understand all this prophecy stuff but there'd be people who stand say thus saith the lord you know after the worship song and some of them are really powerful but some of them are really scary because they would say you know thus saith the lord don't be afraid to tell you truth sometimes i'm afraid too then the guy sits and the guy sits down well god's not afraid god's love so i'm thinking i'm a brand new christian i'm thinking that god is love there is no fear and perfect love because perfectly fear casts out love i mean perfect fear for every love casts out fear so god is love so what's this guy saying well he's not speaking by the spirit okay so david comes out and he has no fear because he's perfected because he's never experienced fear he's taken on the lion the bear and he's going to take this guy out okay okay now listen the spirit of david is in all the believers in heaven i mean in heaven everybody's like david because they're now they're transformed renewed they're new creatures in christ they're the redeemed of the lord they're in heaven they're perf they're performing as they originally were supposed to but see down here we're dealing with all kinds of stuff so the church is waiting for someone to stand up and take the first hit take the first shot and no one will do it because everything's fine why didn't you just leave i mean i you should see the stuff i get why don't you just let it alone because there'll be civil war in this country if you let god i mean they say it if you let god put so and so in just let the other one go be in because i'm like what okay so you want the lake to just be stay the way it is and let the swamp creatures just go ahead but see what you what you really wanted you got but now you got a fight on your hands now you got to wage war with the prophecies you received okay well that costs you some doesn't it clint brother clint police officer clint i love you you are my you are my friend thank you for coming he's everywhere i mean there's people in here every country i go to they're there so the war has begun you see now you're obligated to stand for righteousness you had a chance to do it voluntarily but see you were fine with going to the voting machine but that wasn't when the fight started the fight started afterwards because it was such a blowout that they had to kill steal and destroy someone just got killed yesterday in this state okay so you wait a minute so you gotta kill kill steal and destroy to get what you want okay well you've just labeled who you're from now all you have to do is watch one video just one of them out of the hundreds read one affidavit sworn sworn affidavit just one is enough so david stands up and says i'll take him out this is nothing how could he do that because he didn't watch fake news he didn't he didn't watch fake news he watched sheep and now his battlefield is going to become his platform of promotion he walks right into it by default because no one else would and i'm here to tell you that for you being here you have the spirit of david amen okay okay now there are some things that i went over last night with with staff and the volunteers that i have to reiterate again so you got to give me some time to reiterate what i said last night because you need to hear this and then we'll go on into what the lord has given me for this weekend however this is history you might not discern it because you you need that anointing you need a gallon of issa card as an anointing right now but you got to get it you got to get eyes at sea and here's it here jesus said to the seven churches every time he told john just to write he said if you have ears to hear hear what the spirit's saying all those churches are gone now in northern turkey they're all seven churches are gone well they must not have heard but they could have now listen to me they could have any one of those soldiers and saul could have said how dare you you uncircumcised for listening you're uncovenant philistine you're not in covenant how dare you defy the army's holy god not one person did right but david did because his environment was controlled so i have to go over some things with you in the last several weeks the power of god has been so strong that i feel as though i could go and be with the lord at any time any time it's that close why because he's won me over he's won he's won the battle within me i really don't care anymore except for what he wants so he's getting what he wants but it's a little messy it's a battle because someone needs to stand up does it have to be a flight attendant that prays in tongues does it have to be a shepherd boy i guess so right but see it's for all of us to stand up see now we're being forced to reveal our position so i want to talk to you a little bit about the fact that failure is already in the equation god already compensated for failure in your life he already messed with with the whole calculation it still ends up correct at the end because all things work for the good to those who love god and are called according to his purpose so if you have those two things you qualify so because of that it's already in the equation it's hidden however you need to love god and know that you're called according to his purpose that means there's cooperation there's relationship there so it's not fair to not do your job and hand it off to another generation in a bad way because you have an obligation so what happens is is if you realize that things have already been jimmied with they've already been messed with in the equation that you can mess up and god can still have his way so it's never too late so the equation has variables they're hidden and einstein found this out at the end of his life and i saw this when i was in heaven i was i was i was shown things that that just blew me away about science because science is really just observation and if you talk to a scientist they're just observing and gathering data but that data can change based on observation and as we get more data then we can extrapolate and interpret we can take the data and we can form where things are going and where they were okay with that being said and if that was all just greek to you don't worry about it but listen to me einstein's theory of relativity stated that there was a constant which is the big c and the e equals m c squared the c is a constant which is the speed of light which is 186 000 miles per second per second just really fast so an angel in order to be seen has to slow down so that you can see them but if they speed up past the speed of light they arrive before they left to us because it has to do with where our vantage point is so welcome that was einstein's theory in three sentences okay so the bottom line is where you're standing what you observe is only a part and it's only your perception but the constant is the speed of light well guess what i saw that the speed of light is not a constant and einstein i found at the end he said there's a flaw he said light is slowing down because it's it's it's got matter it's it's got photons it's got uh properties that can be manipulated so what they did was they took the the clock the the clock at the naval observatory they took it up to 35 000 feet which is about seven miles up in an airplane and it's sped up because what they're doing is they're taking i think it's a season atom they're taking the rotation of one of the electrons and i might be wrong so please don't rhyme you don't waste your digital ink but i you get the theory of it is is that a one rotation they take that and then that's the accurate most accurate but it wasn't accurate anymore when it was taken to another place where there was less gravity as you got up higher and higher things started changing and the clock sped up does everybody follow me or at least nod your head say okay so it's not a constant but he thought that god was light so he thought that photons were light too and that was god but see knowledge wisdom of god is light god is light so that is a constant but physical light is not it has properties it can be manipulated so you can bend light black holes they are huge very bright suns that are so dense that they pull the photons back into itself and it looks like a hole but it's not it's a sun like ours except it's so dense that light cannot escape so it never reaches your eye so we call it a hole but it's not a hole but see if i some of you didn't even know that but it takes eight minutes and six seconds for a photon to come from the sun and hit your eye so the sun can go out and for eight minutes and six seconds or more you wouldn't even know what happened but it happened do you know how many millions of years it takes for that to come from the center of our sun the whole way out of the sun it takes a huge amount more time just to come from the center of our sun and we're one of the smaller sons so truth is constant it's absolute in heaven if you look at what's happened in our country it's been a war on absolute truth well that's your opinion you know what about all these other people that were born this way or this happened or that and they start to make it a circumstance based on a fallen world well i don't want my standard based on a fallen world because it's gonna it's gonna fall worse and then everything all the all the data is gonna be worse do you understand as you gather data science gathers data i mean our magnetic field of the earth is is deteriorating every day so it's not even as strong as it was at abraham's time you could lift more you you could take a breath and hold your breath for a long time after the fall in the garden the air was saturated where you could live for a minute probably without even having to breathe again i know this for a fact but i just don't have scripture so forget i even said it but that the atmosphere if you extrapolate and you interpolate backwards so you take data and you work your way back to abraham and adam based on the deterioration stat statistics you could see that we had four atmospheres to our one now at the time of abraham if you drill down like a scientist i know did he drill down took the ice from thousands of years ago and it's clustered water he put it into a tank you would know this man if he melted that and put it into a tank of water and the fish grew to four times the plants grew four times as large it was clustered it had a like a geometric shape when you look at it under the microscope that's that's gone now because the bond isn't there on the earth like we can't we can't make gold you know lead is right below it you all you have to do is up at one on the periodical chart and make gold but we can't do it why because the bond on this earth is not strong enough now to to operate we have eight eight electrons i think the most i don't even know if we have we might have ten but there there is material that's come from space it has 22. well that had to come from a bigger sun with with a a bigger field so what is a constant it's god okay so so saul should have known the constant of god but david did but see it was because david wasn't caught up in the politics he wasn't caught up in the fake news he was caught up in god's covenant he had a revelation of the covenant and that's all he needed was that in a slingshot and a harp does everybody follow me all he needed was a covenant a slingshot and a harp he became the greatest king besides jesus himself so the holy spirit helps us in our weakness as it says in romans 8 26 so i want you to turn there in romans 8. i want to i want to get into this and um i hope you're not in a hurry today you know we were all here everybody knows that we're here and who we are anyway so you can't hide you um you you're there in 8 26 of romans listen this holy spirit now i'm not using this study guide right now this is new material that should have been in the study guide so you guys are getting new stuff so i gave you the study guide so you can study because that's what it is it's a study guide so you study but i want you to listen to some of the chapters that should be in the book the holy spirit is a real person who is here right now and is just eager to help you eager to comfort you okay so if you don't feel comfort guess whose fault it is not the holy spirit because that's what he does okay so he's come to comfort us he's come to be our advocate that is a lawyer term he's come to defend our case he came to enforce the blessing the covenant the holy spirit is is also a vicious lawyer yeah that's all new to some of you because you think it's some little dove that wants birdseed but it is not he is not he's a person that is called alongside you to be a standby to be an advocate to to argue your case so that you'll never have any time to doubt fear or not have words to respond in why you believe what you believe you've been empowered from on high to testify and to walk in the supernatural this is the way it's going to be regardless i mean do you do you realize i'm still the same even when we had a president that didn't even have a birth certificate i was still the same when we had a president said i did not do that to that woman even his finger was crooked now think about it we've been through this before but now it's come down to stealing i'm sorry not on my watch in other words not so fast sit down roll the tapes have the witnesses come forward this is democracy every witness in heaven that has signed a document for our country is cheering us on right now did you ever think about that the ones who put all the checks and balances in our democracy that made it to heaven they're cheering us on right now jesus came back for the people he didn't come back for the religious leaders he said who's warned you that coming he was mad that they had been warned of the coming wrath he said who warned you you brutal vipers who warned you he was mad that someone had told them he said you go around the world to get a convert and when you find one you make them twice the son of hell you are that would go over in your local church that would really go over well wouldn't it you're seeking converts jesus didn't say go throughout the world and get converts he said make disciples that sounds a little more permanent don't you think so david showed up saw this was his entry point so he didn't use the conventional weapons of the day but see he knew what the constant was in in the equation it was the covenant the sea is the covenant it is the constant absolute truth it's god himself so you put god into the equation and it stays true it comes out just fine okay so the holy spirit is here on standby to enforce the covenant and to divorce the blessing in your life so he leads you into all truth okay so he is the spirit of truth and he leads you to all truth so why are you upset with what's happening it's because it doesn't match what the holy spirit has already shown you is the truth right okay so you can't let it go see david listen everybody go like this okay good you're awake okay you you can't let this go david didn't let it go thank god he didn't it started a domino effect that day and before you know it all of those giants were extinguished they became bird feed then they say that i'm going to feed you to the birds today as he's running to him a boy so david was promoted that day but see really he was promoted when the anointing came on him from samuel okay so you can't judge your life by what's happened and what's going to happen you have to judge it on the constant which is god himself now i could tell you things but we would have to shut the cameras off and i'd have to whisper but i could tell you things that i know that you'd be done with everything right now i could tell you things that i know from people who are involved with it air force one pilots cia operatives that if i said it i'd have to turn everything off because i'd be escorted out of here within 20 minutes because see what you know doesn't hurt you but what it does is it exposes what's hidden that's been going on all along and you're just finding out about it maybe but see these things don't happen overnight well the stuffing of the ballots do here but but besides it just doesn't work into that when when when do you discern that you were set up that you are set up that your battlefield is your platform when will you discern hopefully today you see it just takes believers standing and saying no we're not going to have it this way on our watch we're going to all agree is touching this one thing and it's going to be done for us no questions asked there is no hearing there is no court case the court case is we agree is touching anything and it's done for us by my father which is in heaven who he is a spirit of truth want to i want to ask you something my wife knows this i wake up in the morning and i for i even forget there was an election it's not even in my spirit i have to educate myself with fake news to know that there's this conspiracy going on because in my spirit all is well i have dreams about water flowing up the waterfall i have dreams about people getting healed i have dreams about the next millennial reign of christ where i'm stationed just like you are we're all working with jesus christ in the next dispensation and yes the earth is round i just do that right now then to have people just it's amazing poor god he made you can look through your telescope you can buy it on amazon 69 bucks you can look at the planets at night and they're all around but poor god he made the earth flat you got to be kidding me i mean didn't christopher columbus take care of this in 1492 didn't he have an argument with the queen about this i don't know or oh that's right they took that out of the history book so that yeah see okay all right now we cleared out all the chaff all right andrew's back there banning okay all right so the spirit pleads with with us he know the father knows our hearts and this is what it says the father knows our hearts in romans 8 27 that he knows our hearts and he pleads for us believers in harmony with god's own will he synchronizes us with god's own will by the spirit so he's doing that right now yeah even why the governor is hiding in a cave he's synchronizing your spirit with with with god your father so you're synchronized with god okay i'm trying to tell you the secret to david the secret to david was he wasn't wrapped up in the circumstance he was wrapped up in god and his calling he was wrapped up with samuel's anointing on him where he didn't even want to wash his hair why we have that deposit in us it's the evidence of of us getting the full the full thing one day the full inheritance of the saints it's been a deposit put in us the holy spirit guaranteeing the full payment so in our hearts we cry abba father because we've we've been adopted in but see it's not evident right now that we're going to see him like paul said but we're going to also notice that we're like him we're going to have that revelation but see that happened to me which is why i'm standing before you today i i saw that i was like him and i saw how messed up we are down here and jesus asked me to come back i didn't want to get into this fight but i found myself being sent with happy meals the gospel to my brothers my sisters and i i saw a conspiracy wait a minute is anybody going to stand up against this and i could have just hid in my cave you know you could i could have just prophesied and then hide think about it prophesy and run and hide no no no paul said and this is where the church is making the big mistake right now wage war with the prophecies you've received [Applause] wage war wage war well if it's in stone why would i have to wage war if the prophet spoke it then we'll just wait and see no no david had to show up and he had to start swinging okay paul said you got to wage war with the prophecies you've received timothy well if a prophet prophesied over timothy then it should be in stone but see that's old testament prophet new testament prophet speaks the heart of god it's mixed with faith and the people wage war with it that's the body of christ the gates of hell don't prevail against the body the church it's listen hello it's conditional timothy was also told by paul hey you know that gift it was given to you by the laying on of hands he said you got to fan that in the flame right now well wait a minute paul if you really are an apostle and you really have the stuff then it should just happen if it's god's will then why did he tell timothy to fan it in the flame well maybe it's because it wasn't in a flame okay so here's what you see when you go to heaven is this paul really blows them away here i'm continuing on talking about we know that god causes everything to work together for the good of those who love god and are called according to his purpose for them for god knew his people in advance now we know that we have a choice but he knows that choice but he doesn't manipulate us he stands back and lets us choose choose life this day do you want blessings or cursings two choices on the menu and you still stand there and say what can i have a couple days you've got to be kidding me god made it very simple so why would it be complicated in the new testament god is already revealed to you by hundreds of men and women who have prophesied what god's heart is it's the new testament way the prophets are part of the fightful ministry paul said that the five full ministry of the church is set by god to what to build up the body in into a synchronization in the unity of the faith and maturity to mature the saints period fivefold so everything i say i'm building up the body i'm speaking to the body because that's my job i speak to the body i speak thus saith the lord this is what the lord saying i'm taking what is in the bible and i'm speaking it out because i'm bringing correction the correction is that god is right and you're not that's it okay it's that simple but why have we made it to where you have to have a 12 dvd set think about it i don't know but like i said i just entered into this four years ago so when i showed up and the churches having their programs and having tea with the king and i just give my brothers the happy meals i'm like hey how many how many listings have you killed have you talked to any of them no we don't talk so what are you doing with my tax dollars here you got tents set up and you're sitting around talking about the old days when god used to move get the car ready no no i'm serious i've just i just entered into this why do i have to pay to play i'm serious i have to pay money to be involved with with whatever this is no i'd rather just be the sea in the constant in any generation there's got to be a remnant that keeps the torch going but i guarantee it's not a tea party it's not having tea and talking about the old days it's talking about thus saith the lord this is what the lord's doing tomorrow this is where we're going i see fire i see a lot of fire i see holiness i see a call of repentance i see people getting saved people being healed with no one touching them i see single moms getting their houses paid off by ministers i didn't come to take from you i came to give to you when did it become about taking i hear the tables flipping over in the back of the synagogue but if you can't afford something off the table then you just take something just don't do a shopping cart but david discerned just like the church the church needs to discern now that it just takes one person to start the domino effect it isn't amazing that israel extinguished all of those hybrids so the purpose of god was he knew the people in advance and he chose them to become like his son it says here so that his son would be the firstborn of all those many brothers and sisters us he was the firstborn so when we see him we're going to be like him but i'm not going to i'm going to tell you don't wait until you die go to heaven to find this out find it out now and be a king david stand up for what you know your generation needs no one wants to be brave enough thank you god bless you how do you okay uh a single mom take care of it you see her right there okay all right listen the other 800 of you are going to be coming on board here any minute now you know it okay so the the chosen does not necessarily mean that you participate saul was chosen but it took a shepherd boy a took a flight attendant the praise in tongues see what it what it takes is literally i know i'm just a catalyst i know i'm not a hero i know i'm just a catalyst to give you permission and just so you know just so you know right now right right now this right here i had a dream about this a year ago and i was i was looking at this man right here and i went like this and when i did i went right into the dream a year ago this was pre-ordained more than a year but a year ago i pointed right there at that man right there you see with your head on yes sir right there stand up if you can there you are thank you now that man was ordained to be here a year ago okay do you get it you had this stuff happen were you all the sudden you walk into a scenario and you've been there before and you already know what's going to happen next that's happens in other countries i told my wife okay right up here is there's this we were here a year ago and there's a sign that says this and right up here is the tomb of this person and it just it was in germany it just fell into i'd been there already my spirit had gone to my future david was living in his future because the anointing that was put on him placed him there in advance so don't wait till you get to heaven to find out what you could hear today from the gospel message you call the things that are not as though they were because they really are faith is the substance it's the title deed of what you hope for it is evidence of what you can't see i have it i have been places and done things that have not happened here on earth yet i'm not going to go away just because a president who doesn't have a birth certificate gets in but really god has a has a plan that can be implemented today which will be that will start a domino effect and it starts at a battleground and what is the street that we're on here what's it called the street here in front of the convention center battleground battle battleground is it [Applause] testing is this on testing [Applause] is it it is it's battleground right okay so what happened here years ago with sherman didn't didn't you all just want to succeed from the from the union wasn't there like a big thing that happened here of course there was so god like sends you here today to dalton and then sends trump to georgia today and sends sidney powell and lynn linwood no i'm asking you can you make this stuff up we planned this a year ago how did you know to be here today i've never seen you before except in a dream okay so how do you do that how do you deal with this i'll tell you it is the fact that god foreknows and if you cooperate with him he makes you look really good but if you don't cooperate with them if you don't get the people to rally if you don't set an example and show up with your happy meal the giant doesn't fall do you get it it's all in the equation okay so having chosen him he called them to come to him he just calls them now many are called but few are chosen we know that people go to hell but they don't have to go to hell the price has been paid our our ministry all of us is a ministry of reconciliation i mean according to the apostle paul if you want to include the bible in on it but second corinthians chapter five the whole chapter is a is is our assignment we have a ministry of reconciliation which means that the price has been paid paul said we have to go out and announce it and tell the people to come in that they don't have to go to hell for their sins that the price has been paid and so if they confess jesus as lord and believe in their heart they're going to be saved if they don't they go to hell but they don't have to go to hell because jesus died for everyone the price has been paid but we have to announce it it's called the preaching of the gospel it's not for the five-fold only it's for the believer it's for the believer okay so we're all believers we're not unbelieving believers we're not that hybrid race of unbelieving believers we're true believers why we have the truth within us and i'm hooked up with the truth you're hooked up with the truth you know truth when you hear it you knew truth when you see it okay so at the end of this verse three it says having called them he gave them the right standing with himself and given them the right standing he gave them his glory can you believe that's in the bible okay this is going really slow i hope you're ready for for these sessions because i'm gonna i'm okay all right so all right so we have that we have this situation where you're starting to see that it caught the anointing causes us to act it causes us to be in synchronization with kevin's plan and then we find ourselves being pulled into war but it's god's will but david did it got in it by default but it was really a setup it was his entrance into his kingship so saul killed his thousands but david slew his ten thousands and that made saul mad so what's going to happen to the religious crowd when you come with the head of the giant say hey it's over you come out now you watch you watch what happens because it's the remnant it was the 300 of gideon that won he said listen you got there's 32 000 he said the lord said there's too many midian is huge they're all in their battle embattlements down there in that valley and god says hey gideon time to thin the herd so he says everybody that is afraid tell them to go home well that's like three quarters of america but but it was it was 22 000 out of the 32 000 left that day okay yeah but it's not over yet because what what god said there's still too many he said i want a special forces so take them down to the water and see who's careful to bring the water up to their mouth and keep looking around for the enemy rather than just bury their head in their their their dairy queens sunday this is great man we get to sit in our tents all day and drink tea while the the giant just rails on us that's see that's what that's what he got rid of he got rid of the fear 22 000 then he got rid of the ones that were not special forces quality they didn't they did they weren't mindful of their environment you talk about spiritual things and they freak out you just say you know what a spiritual person is not subject to any carnal man's judgment because you don't even understand the holy spirit you think he's a bird that's what you tell people you say listen he is a person he's the trinity he's part of the trinity yes there is a trinity says unsubscribe down there right there he said there's a trinity you can't figure it out down here because we're in a fallen dimension when i was in heaven i had no questions about the trinity i had no questions about any doctrine i had all the answers why because up there there are no questions i couldn't think of a thing now down here i have questions like how somebody can be in office for 47 years and do nothing and get and get yanked out of a race because of plagiarism a presidential race because of plagiarism and everybody forgets that and now he runs again it's okay and he's like honest okay so this is the kind of thing that you you you can't deal with this broken realm by the broken realm you got to deal with it spiritually okay so what happens is we just we we watched a disease come to separate us so that we couldn't be in agreement couldn't communicate correctly and dumb us down and then steal do you guys see this or no okay so where did i get this i got this because i'm not attached to the broken realm i'm attached to god just like you are through the new birth so they think you're crazy anyway because you believe in a new birth but you can sit in a tent all day drink tea with the king and discuss what god has done for israel that's fine and have your little club oh i got another tea time of two so we gotta finish up here are you done you done talking because i need to go and they just go from program the program and process you through and they entertain you with smoke machines and light shows saying this is the day that the lord has made this is the day that the lord has made there's fraud so god's in control oh yeah god's in control you got to be kidding me you're you've got to be kidding me god's in control so he's killing the babies you get it why is it and then i gotta back off so the men in black don't come why is it that we don't concentrate on building our immune systems up with when when there's a disease that attacks your immune system why can't we just build the immune system up well that's too easy because you can go to walmart and do that you don't you don't even have to buy it from an mlm you could just buy it on amazon and boost your immune system well you can't patent anything that's natural so where's the money in that but if we can get you something to mask your symptoms you'll be a permanent customer get the car ready okay i'm giving you little bits here and there so and i hopefully they just don't knock us off but i'm giving you little bits to show you something are you going to be a david or a saul [Applause] because the church is ready to receive you as saul but it's not the church of the living god the church of the living god the messiah is the one that the gates of hell can't prevail against so you just do the math is god in control not of the world paul said that the god of this world small g is in charge satan and you he said you used to be under his control until you were transformed and translated into the kingdom of light you used to obey every desire there was no resistance did you hear me no resistance to that spirit paul said but now but now there's resistance but it's not just resistance it's dominion and i'm not talking about the machine the cheats i'm talking about the kingdom of god that has given us dominion not the machine the cheats okay so peter let's just go on here does we're just discovering here but peter is in prison for his faith and it was in caesarea maritimo where we were just at when we were in israel and i preached from that coliseum where herod stood and let the people worship him and he was eaten with worms i i stood on that platform i didn't get eaten by worms because i took care of that pride problem so i actually came out worm free but i preached up there and and the power of god was shaking inside of me because i thought man i used to read this all the time and now i'm standing here and i had the privilege to preach in that coliseum but see just a couple blocks away is where peter was being held and he was going to be beheaded the next day he was on trello and it's interesting that an angel had to come and strike him to wake him up wake him up on the last night of his life and why do you think that was i'll tell you why because he remembered the day that jesus was preaching and all of a sudden jesus went like this and he goes okay we'll do that he said let us go to the other side and they get in the boat peter 2 and halfway across jesus is sleeping on the pillow that the pillow guy gave him and he says don't you care that we perish but see the lesson that peter learned there was that jesus was told by the father because he never did anything he said it unless he heard his father say it he did it he only spoke what the father was saying or did what the father was doing he didn't do anything on his own why to teach us but peter remembered that jesus was asleep because he knew he was going to the other side because his father told him to they weren't going to perish everybody get it peter are you ready i don't think you're ready for this peter was asleep because he remembered the lord what he said to him before he died the lord said him when you're old and you can't walk around on your own others will take you well he wasn't old yet come on now this place should be roaring he wasn't old yet so he knew he wasn't going to die the next day do you see are you starting to feel the faith in the room see we have to be built up because we got to take out a giant today okay now this is relationship this listen you think you understand faith but there is steps beyond faith that has to do with looking in the eyes of your lord who redeemed you and knowing you can't fail whether you live or die it's all game where nothing matters except to look in his eyes and him for him to say well done thou good and faithful servant that's all that counts that's all that counts that is it so peter has to be kicked by an angel he wakes up and he thinks it's a dream but it's not he's actually he figures it out when he gets past all the guards he's chained between two guards those chains fall off he has to go through two other places when he gets outside the gates the angel says go down the street and there's the house you want to go to he some translations add that so it goes he goes there now it says that mary and the whole crew is there praying what do you think they're praying about peter that he would because he's about to get his head cut off okay so they're praying and peter knocks on the door and he tells dorcas where's the dork is who was it okay sorry it's the veggietale thing you know rhoda rhoda doesn't even open the door he goes it's peter let me in she runs she doesn't even open the door hey peter's at the door like no no no our prayers couldn't be working no think about what i just said okay if i would grab your hand and say can you agree with me with that there is no doubt in my mind that i'm gonna get what i agree with there's no doubt why because i wouldn't do it if i didn't know i was going to get it and i wouldn't choose you if i didn't think i was going to get it because i got to have two or more if you're not one of those more if you're not one of the two then i'm not going to choose you because i got it okay but that's relationship that's many years of being in the same situation over and over again and seeing god be faithful every time it's his faithfulness okay so they back off of well maybe it's his angel okay so now it's an angel so peter is delivered from prayers from a hybrid unbelieving believer group unbelieving believers they didn't expect it what did jesus say when you pray you should believe that you have it when you pray not after you pray and you have it you have it before you pray did he not is it still in red did he say it okay so why did you come here today did you come to to see a weed that's just bending in the wind with every wind of doctrine or did you come to hear something that was going to stir you to go on with god and get some things done you want fed right well you're not going to see somebody is just waving in the wind what do you want to hear and i'll tell you i want friends here just here to make friends jesus didn't say that in his opening remarks he said i came to bring a sword to your family okay so peter was delivered he said go tell james and the brothers what's happened okay now right at the end of this it says this and this is all in acts 12 6-25 it says at dawn at dawn okay that means when he's supposed to be on trial and beheaded there's a great commotion among the soldiers of what had happened herod agrippa ordered a thorough search of him when he couldn't find him herod interrogated the guards and sentenced them to death afterward herod left judea to stay in caesarea and he stayed there for a while when herod was angry he sent a delegation and a personal assistance and an appointment to with herod was granted then when he arrived in his royal robes he made a speech in that coliseum and somebody said it's a voice of a god speaking and herod took it into himself and it says that he was struck with sickness and he died right there this is all really quick okay so is it really ever over until it's it's not over when the fat lady sings it's over when jezebel is thrown down amen and let me tell you something there is a lot of hidden truth in the fact that when the prophet said throw her down it took eunuchs those are guys that have been snipped it took eunuchs to do it that's all i'm going to say about that that's how powerful jezebel is it took some girly men to do the right thing that had no attachment to her to her beauty to her seduction have i said enough see there's hidden meaning in all this they could do it they're like yeah i'll just throw her over the wicked witch of the west i'll throw her over see it takes it takes someone who's detached it says to live an upright life in christ jesus it says we've been given everything we need for life and godliness that we can be partakers of the divine nature and not fulfill the less the lusts that are in the world the seduction of the world we've overcome that we can overcome that we can't be caught up in that we got to do what god says to do if the prophet says throw her down you got to throw her down but it helps if you don't have that that attachment of the flesh you follow me or no okay hezekiah so god's will was done even when people who were praying they were praying but when they got their answer they didn't expect it but god still answered it but it's not the best way but hezekiah hezekiah it's hezekiah was an amazing king in in second kings 18 it actually says he removed the pagan shrines he smashed down sacred alders he cut down astral pulse he broke up bronze serpents that that moses had made he because people were making a sacrifice to it he trusted in the lord and oh he drained the swamp so the lord was with him okay so what happened to hezekiah well i'm glad you asked second chronicles 32 24-31 you don't know this verse because many don't they know the one in kings which i will read but this is the one that tells all what happened to him hezekiah became ill he prayed to the lord who healed him and gave him a miraculous sign okay we know about that but what really caused it hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him and he became proud so the lord's anger was against him and against judah and jerusalem then hezekiah humbled himself and repented of his pride as did the people in jerusalem okay so that's the one you don't know about the one you know is in second kings 19 9 says that talks about what was going on in the warfare here it says that this message is for king hezekiah of judah he got this message this is what you're getting every day don't let your god in whom you trust deceive you that the promises of jerusalem will not be captured by the assyrians he said don't let your god deceive you he's telling hezekiah this how many of you have been told don't let your god deceive you that this is going to be turned around that assyria has not taken over can you believe that the boldness of someone to write the king and say don't let your god deceive you you see the fight was picked okay so you know this second kings 20 says he became ill isaiah was sent to hezekiah said this is what was said this is the lord telling a prophet to prophesy thus saith the lord set your affairs in order for you are going to die you will not recover from this illness did i mention you will not recover from this illness thus saith the lord did i mention that okay i forgot okay i'll say it again it says here isaiah go to the king and say thus saith lord set your affairs in order for you are going to die you will not recover of this illness see you don't understand the workings of god because you're judging it off of what you think you know but you have no idea what a prophet does but you're about to find out he delivers it hezekiah heard this he turns his face to the wall and prayed lord remember o lord how i have always been faithful to you he he went back on his relationship with god he went back on the covenant and he said that i've served you single-mindedly always and done what's pleased you then he broke down and cried and wet he wept bitterly okay isaiah was in the middle courtyard which is on the way out the lord comes to him he doesn't say thus saith lord i have changed my mind he said this is the message go back to hezekiah the leader of my people oh now he's the leader of my my people something's happened here tell him this is what the lord the god of your ancestor david covenant are you getting this i have heard your prayer seen your tears i will heal you and three days from now you will get up out of your bed and go into the temple of god okay well what has happened did isaiah miss it no but hezekiah was about to do you get what i just said what changed hezekiah changed hezekiah repented he changed and then the thus saith the lord changed it made him look bad it made isaiah look bad what do you think happened with jonah jonah was more concerned about his accuracy record but see repentance is always in the equation because failure is already in the equation so if you fail and you repent it's already worked into the equation you still work out it works out great are you all catching this do i need to go back through any of this do you get it okay so do you understand that god will speak his heart based on how it's going but he has to have your cooperation but if he gets 300 crazy people to agree on anything it will be done for them if he gets two crazy people right doesn't it say that that will be given to them does it have any like asterisks where it says well there's a waiver and then if it's 72 degrees or above and your three-year-old is crying it won't happen no there's no like there's jesus when he said stuff he there was no way out you couldn't weasel out of it he said this is the way it's going to be if you do this if you abide in the vine if you're in me and i'm in you you can ask whatever you desire not what you need whatever you desire and as you shall have it you can't explain that away if you look at the commentaries no one will touch that because they have to admit that it's limitless if you'll believe jesus said all things are possible to him who believes so is it too late to overturn this election okay why did you know that the delay is actually built into the equation [Applause] so this gentleman this gentleman was supposed to be here a year ago this was already meant to be today i've never seen that gentleman before in real life but i saw him in a dream and as i went and i went like this he was on the top of my finger in my sight i didn't shoot him i just saw him so do you understand how god works with a prophetic he speaks his heart he tells you repent if you don't then this is what's going to happen he pulls back veils in may he showed me he pulled back he said if people don't pray this is what's going to happen he said they're not going to pass their test this fall he said this whole thing from the spring was to get people ready to see that something's not right here and are we going to fold and build us up to get ready for the real thing i said on national tv the real thing is in the fall so when it happens and i say well there'll be a signpost amy bear will get in like that miracle then on the night you will not know the election it will go to court it will go the supreme court i said all that you will not know it'll be disputed okay so all that happens but that is not the the end the process is not the end the process is for you it's for you to grow it's for you to see what's in you and to judge it judge yourself the end is god's the end of it is god no one will be able to get credit for this but it you will agree with god and you will never ever let babies be killed ever it'll never be right it'll never be right for someone to say you can't meet and talk about the lord malachi 3 16 through 25 says that those who spoke well about the lord if you if you read malachi 3 you you find out that the lord had several things that he was upset with them one of them was your words are stout they're against me you've spoken terrible things about me and you say well what words have we spoken against you lord he said i'm glad you asked you say serving god does not pay it's not worth it yeah did you ever read past the one on tithe that you get beat on every week about in the offering teaching do you know there's more than just the tithe so those people it says a book of remembrance was written about that that group who had met together and spoke well of the war of the lord they were prophesied they were speaking from the spirit who was speaking the truth speaking where we're going speaking the desire of the lord it's always going to be that way jesus listen see those kids right there on the floor maybe you can't but i can but they're they're right there they have no concern about the election they're coloring and they're fine they just want to do their little thing that they do the lord could i mean i'm going to do it don't dare me i will go over and prophesy over her and prophesy that the both of those kids i'll prophesy their life to them and jesus could come tomorrow and you're not going to even care about if i missed it or not but see i didn't miss it because i'm speaking those things that are in heaven even though they're not down here and god's books are written as though we're here all forever because we our books are written all the good things all the works that were predestined in christ for us to do they're they're written and jesus doesn't know when he's coming back so please do not ask me anymore he doesn't know i mean he really doesn't he told me he doesn't know but he told me there were signposts along the way one of them was china was going to come in that the walls would fall not physically but they would fall and that that there's a huge amount of people he said it's if there's a tipping point which is about to happen where you get to the can you believe this 50 of the country it's getting close to 50 percent christian when it when it flips it flips then it changes the influence of that spirit just like in this country in this place today it's changing the influence that that territorial spirit has over you because of the the amount of people that are in agreement so i could prophesy over them i will read the books that are written about them and jesus could come tomorrow but see that's because you don't understand the ways of god you don't understand prophecy the spirit speaks the truth the truth that is not but he speaks it as though it is because it really is but to to the hearers they have to mix faith with it because it's beyond you when you get prophesied over it's beyond you that's prophecy when you hear the gospel it's so good it's hard to believe that's the gospel that's what it means it's too good to be true it's good news that the price has been paid there's no accusing voice against you there's no case the case is closed against you that's what it says in romans chapter eight verse one it's done there is no case there's no docket number there's nothing the judge doesn't know who you are when you go and say you know hey are you sure i'm exonerated the judge goes well what's your docket number were you supposed to be here today it goes no this was resolved last week i just felt guilty and i want to make sure you were still okay with they're like what get out of my court when that gamble comes down that's it even the judge knows that so what are you feeling guilty about he doesn't even have the file to bring it up is there anybody here okay so prophecy is going to speak as though you've never sinned jesus talked to me as though i'd never sinned i spent 45 minutes with him and i was wanting to spend eternity with him because he saw me perfect he believed in me more than i believed in myself and that's why some of you people say you have an attitude yeah you have an attitude all right because you ain't going back to load a bar you're not going back to being po paul said i pray that the eyes of your spirit would be blasted with light in ephesians chapter 1 verse 17. he said so that you would know the glorious inheritance that you have in the saints that sounds like a lot of abundance i want the wealth of the wisdom of the ages inside of me because it's there i just needed to come up but when it does it starts drawing lines because you're either in or you're out are you is it worth dying for okay is it worth living for then well let's start living it let's start swinging okay so hezekiah recovered even got a sign god says you want a sign you want forward or backwards he said i'll take backwards 10. so the sundial moved back okay whoa and then he said go to whole foods and get an anointment from figs didn't say go to the pharmacy he did he just said right there ointment from figs and put it on the boil and he recovered no prescription that has nothing to do with my message but did isaiah miss it what happened repentance say it again sir let's say like a prophet [Applause] see that the whole process is for us the end result is god's so how are you going to come out of this because my god can't fail [Applause] so if he's working it i'm going to work it with him and it's still daylight and i can still work so i'm going to work it i'm going to have i'm going to have part in an historical event that will be talked about forever i if it takes water flowing upstream i'm going to watch it happen the delay is built in okay i feel like i've accomplished that part of it now i'm going to start my lesson for this weekend what time is it oh it's well that's my time so oh wow okay i got 40 i'll do 45 minutes with this i had to i had to deliver this so that you could see the ways of god and that we are involved in this to show you that we can't be like the people in the bible where we want to be like the people in the bible but there there are certain things that we don't understand about god and how he can change his mind but see he didn't change his mind he was limited by our mind paul the apostle he said i longed to come to you but satan hindered me you got to be kidding an apostle that wrote most of the new testament was hindered by satan so why are you worried when satan enters you he hindered paul he hindered jesus jesus couldn't even preach and do miracles in his own hometown why because of their unbelief did i say is this on unbelief because of their unbelief i thought he was the son of god because of their unbelief he could not operate it says he didn't do any any extraordinary miracles he just did a small small it was small things like uh you know something wrong with your nose sinuses minor elements some people are minor elements some people irritate you jesus will heal those they're just minor elements but the big the big things come with your cooperation oh come on listen to me did you hear what jesus was limited on doing miracles in his own hometown because they discerned him as the son of a carpenter instead of the son of david the son of david remember the people that got healed said oh thou son of david have mercy they got healed was because they discerned him as a messiah which had healing in that covenant in that promise of the messiah so i discern him as the son of god and i get big miracles if i so if i if i want him to do a table and chairs for me in my living room that's all i get so what are you looking at do you want a table and chairs or do you want a miracle okay so then he's a son of god he's the messiah you all follow me see this is what the holy see i'm really prophesying to you i mean we might as well just form a line and it would just be no different i am prophesying to you this saturday i'm speaking by the spirit and i'm telling you but you think oh we got to line up and wait three hours for him to breathe on me or put his jacket on me and give me a word no you got a word you got plenty of words you need to put feet on the word and start walking it out in power in power in power your prayers count if you if you say no we're not going to have it that way the lord says wait a minute wait a minute i hear faith they're like lord there's many people touching you no no not this one this one drew the power from me none of those others did okay so the title of this conference is faith that finishes the race and i'm my subtitle is don't be an unbelieving believer paul said when you run the race you run as though you're going to get first prize every runner runs to win he said that referring to the christian faith so if someone's cuts in on you if you lose your curls you finish the race the curling iron will be there when you're ready but it you might not look the best but the goal is to finish and to win paul said win he said run as though you're going to get the prize right so he said a soldier is not concerned with civilian affairs because he's a soldier so they educate themselves they hang around their their buddies who are military the police hang around police firemen hang around firemen musicians hang around musicians why because it breeds the environment for productivity and it's safe but the but the enemy wants to get people together that want to concoct and build an agenda and it works because it worked in babel babel it says that they are bent on evil and if if the godhead said if we do not go down there and stop them confuse them anything they imagine they will be able to do and they were evil so god said if we don't go down and stop them there's nothing that they won't be able to do is there anybody here okay don't you think the devil knows that doesn't he know that the body of christ has the truth they have the right agenda their their their they're protecting the life of unborn babies and all the other 30 things that we protect we stand for life we stand for god okay so don't you think the devil remembers what happened to nimrod okay so god had to separate us so we couldn't communicate he had to geographically separate us and communication wise separate us so that we couldn't agree he separated our languages he so that we wouldn't talk and agree and meet together so the devil knows we have the truth but he knows if we get together and worship together and be taught and speak the same thing that there's nothing that we imagine it won't be done [Applause] if i have i strayed here don't you think that when jesus told me that that on the day of pentecost he told me i reversed babel i gave everyone the same spirit the same language in the spirit unity the body of christ was formed [Applause] the church was formed and that if will agree is touching any one thing it will be done for us don't you do you see it now do you see why i came today do you see why this is all set up okay so so this you know i can get i can get all of you i will give you i will give you a million dollars if you can get on this and just stay in the yellow which i can't do because i'm drunk in the spirit right now but now you could walk you could walk a mile like this but if i put this over the grand canyon and i give you 10 million nobody's going to want to do it why because of what could happen if i'm wrong so where's all the prophets now no i'm just asking you because i'm just a flight attendant praise in tongues and i just was bringing happy meals to the people and i couldn't believe there's no confrontation they're in their tents with tea the young adults group then i'm going to the young marrieds and when i walk out of those i'm no better because i need transformation from the spirit now i'm not saying that those are not valuable because they are if they're spirit-filled spirit-led spirits taught so i need a word from god because i need to wage war with that word okay so i need a word from god i don't need a coupon to chili's i don't need do you want earl grey or orange pico i go um do you have anything with holy fire okay so you get my point right so what you most of you have traveled and it's a great price for you to be here i don't i don't i never saw this day i can't believe that this many people come hear me speak but the thing of it is is i have to speak by the spirit but then i have to wage war with it so once i proclaim something then i have to get ready for goliath's father and his three brothers to come because you can find in the scripture his three brothers and his father so when david went down to get five stones he wasn't planning on missing he knew that it wasn't killing goliath it was the fight that he started that would end up being a war for years so he was going to take out all of them when they came when they found out goliath was taken out they were coming after him he didn't plan on this and he had five stones because there were five giants is there anybody here this is the spirit of david so what happens is you can do this but you can't do it over the grand canyon but you can do it because the cost of failure isn't as dear if you fail which is really judging you on where you are and nobody likes that so you still come out and hear me though why i'll tell you why because you want transformation that's what i'm finding out about people they want change they want to be changed glory to glory because they know that staying where you are is not going to cut it it's not paying the bills it's not healing my child's body i don't have the child i have all of you but i don't have a child but i have compassion for people who are praying staying up praying for their baby and they're single parents they've lost their job i have compassion for people that can't pay me back because i know the secret that i knew in heaven was if i give to someone that can't pay me back god has to get off his throne and pay me back because he's not going to be mocked a man will reap what he sows that's not negative to me it's not negative i'm not worried if the lord if the lord told me to do this over the grand canyon trust me for 40 years i've been doing it here in this convention center and you didn't even know it i've been practicing i've been practicing at my job i've been practicing where i have to pray in tongues two hours just to go to a prayer meeting in a church of unbelief i gotta pray two hours in tongues just to get myself to where i can tolerate going to church to a prayer meeting did you hear what i just said me and my wife got to be so full of the spirit that we're practically drunk just to go pray with a church no not the church that i'm at now but don't even do the research on because i've been to many churches but here's the point why would you have to pray two hours just so you could tolerate unbelief lord somehow some way you know what somehow some way no i'm in you lord you're in me you said whatever i desire this is what i desire i want every single mom's house paid off but i'll start with just a payment here and there but i want money coming in so that i can pay off people's mortgages that's what i want now yeah it's right okay now listen do you know in this last month you know how many people have been healed of the same problem i have with my knee that i prayed for three but i'm still limping it doesn't bother me i just keep practicing because one day you'll see me walk over the grand canyon think how does he do that because you you saw me for one hour but god has seen me for the last 40 years i've been practicing i've been passing all my tests so that's what happens in a generation but see now at the end of the age we need a whole bunch of people to stand up see each one of you you know they divided gideon's army up but see what you don't know is the leader of of of a a detachment or a legion was a large number of men and one one man would hold the torch over that whole platoon or that whole legion imaginary line right here i can't go over that anymore so when you see 300 torches you have to multiply it by thousands do you get it okay then you break the pot bam what was that as some secret weapon but here's what i want to tell you what you don't know that you're going to know is that they sent spies down there to the midian army at night and they heard two soldiers talking in their tent they go dude dude i had this bad dream last night and they're like waiting for john paul jackson to interpret it you know but he's in heaven rejoicing now over us but see that guy's like well i i can interpret your dream not but he did but listen he said i had a dream that this big loaf of bread came rolling down the hill and and knocked my tent over and this guy you know being a professional dream interpreters oh that's easy that's means that israel is going to defeat us like what that's what he said he goes that means that god has god has given the victory to israel read it so what was happening was is see what's happening now you guys gather you do everything you can do you stand up we're going to do some proclamations we're going to pray we've taken communion every service we're going to set ourselves apart we're going to be build up in faith and we're going to make some propaga proclamations and then we're going to to tip the first domino in this state okay then the angels will go forth and start to enforce what we have decided you know we didn't invite the leaders because the church should be the most influential and and most authoritative uh a government on the earth they the government should be coming to us and having us pray for them so we're going to make these proclamations but the spirit is wanting you to know that at night just like this man he said he was afraid that god had chosen israel in this war and it had been going through the camp and undermining their confidence at night with dreams so that when they saw the torches and they multiplied each one by five thousand and then they heard the pot they freaked out because fear was already in their heart are you following me so what you don't know is certain things are happening that god promised when the angel lord would come because there is an angel that's assigned to this that has been sent and he's waiting for your call he's standing by for your call and he's a deliverance angel he has been sent to do the lord's bidding but just like hezekiah we have to change our mind god already has made up his mind he's spoken it many times through many people years and years ago over somebody that didn't they didn't even know would ever be in the position he's in 2006 prophesied for a 2015 announcement does a hundred people get it wrong they're speaking what god's will is however the turning to the wall is us and it's in it's it's the leadership too of course okay when that happens isaiah gets a text from god he doesn't say i've changed my mind he said hezekiah has repented you follow me now how many agree that you didn't understand prophecy as well as you do now because it i'm telling you you have to you have to listen to what people are saying but then once you mix faith with it you agree with it it becomes binding whatever you a permit on the earth is permitted in heaven whatever you forbid on the earth is forbidden in heaven jesus said if you forgive sins they're forgiven what does that mean well you go and you announce that people's sins are forgiven and that they don't have to go to hell just confess jesus is lord he's the only way he is the only way you know and yet the greatest leader in the world i heard him on tv say i closed my eyes and said there's many ways to god and it's the antichrist that that those words are what the antichrist said there is only one way jesus now listen to me only one way jesus martin luther nailed theses to a wall because he said listen i just found this in scripture it says there's only one mediator between god and man and it ain't you does anybody forget this stuff one man stood up and said hey yo you're not on this short list of mediators well you see what that caused okay but we enjoy freedom today because of that man okay so who else do you know has stood up and given us freedom well there is a man right now that's holding that plunger that that drain plug all he did was stand up and say no i want to know what's at the bottom of this thing right am i right okay listen when's the last time you stubbed your toes and swore i hear ministers do it all the time he eats at mcdonald's so what his hair is growing back he stubs his toes he swears he swears okay did cyrus did cyrus was he was he like hezekiah though the greatest king they ever lived obeyed the lord toward down all the asteroth poles all the altars pagano was what was he a hezekiah cyrus but yet he was anointed of god to do what he did right but he wasn't a hezekiah so are you mad at cyrus okay so let the level of the water drain you want to see you got to fight on your hands because the revelation will cause you to act okay first kings 18 21 says this then elijah stood in front of them and said how much longer will you waver now this is not me talking anymore i'm actually at five guys ordering my burger right now because i'm not doing this for myself i want to be beside a fire right now with my friends in dalton that's what i want to do but i have to do this because the passion of god compels me for a generation that doesn't discern this is their day of visitation they crucified they killed all the prophets but then jesus said you celebrate them as your heroes after but you killed them that i sent to you don't wait to be recognized god recognizes you okay elijah said how long will you waver hobbling between two opinions if the lord is god follow him but if baal is god then follow him but the people were completely silent just like now [Laughter] i captain shields are up truth has been established before you were born it wasn't something you were invited to in that meeting you weren't invited to determine truth god determined truth based on who he is well who created god i don't know if i'm going to argue with someone who just stepped on this earth and said light b but you know that the same person who said light be and at the end of creation he said it's all good and he rested but then he brought man and he said listen i'm giving you dominion over everything and he he named all the regions of authority he said i give you dominion over everything the god that created all this gave man dominion over everything so jesus comes back and walks in that and we think whoa but don't don't you remember that he came back to buy back adam he came back to buy us back so the same god that created everything didn't ask you for your opinion does it without you is the same god that said you i'm giving you dominion over everything and we still blew it okay so when when when he destroys the world earth destroys everything noah gets off the ark and the first thing he says if you look it's the exact repeat of what he told adam the same command again be fruitful and multiply have dominion over everything subdue dominate jesus comes he says i give you authority over serpents and scorpions and over any any of any part of the enemy nothing shall by any means harm you and he says whatever you say that's that's what goes doesn't that sound like the abrahamic covenant or does it sound like the the the adam come the damage and the noah covenant doesn't it sound the same so jesus goes and he hands it back to us again and now two thousand years later we're silent no please help me out because i've been just sent us to give out happy meals just the gospel just just tell the good news and hand it out and all of a sudden i see a giant that should have been taken out the tea party is in the tents and nothing's happening for 47 years and this is my leader 47 years and and in the tent listen do you realize the boston tea party that whole rebellion do you realize that was over three pence which is is like one that's not even a penny tax they raised the tax three pence on the t and the people in america freaked out you've got to be kidding no taxation without representation so they freaked out over three pence and they found out it wasn't even indian t it was chinese tea read it read it there ain't no parallels what's going on here okay so they threw all that over and said no over three pence and you're going to go today and buy something at walgreens and you're going to pay a 10 tax and you won't even argue with the cashier over 10 cents 10 percent on a dollar 10 percent of a dollar is 10 cents i never seen anybody argue over that at the cashier but i've seen people argue about the tithe in church 10 percent see i'm just and just help me out here i'm entering into this i'm just bringing happy meals but all of a sudden i'm like is there anybody going to confront this uncircumcised giant right amen i know it okay so think about this in the natural realm we see all this stuff going on but in the heavenly realm we've got wonderful people we've got the best of the best in heaven right now looking over and watching this and they've run their race and they haven't run it in vain but they want us to add to what they did and wrap it up so at a time when your battlefield is about to become your platform for promotion it's not the time to back off it's the time to enter in knowing that you've been practicing in the convention center [Music] for the day when you will cross the grand canyon because the cost will be no greater because you are seeing him who is invisible who's you're you're looking for a city whose builder and maker is god this is what the people of faith were known as and known for in the bible they're written in the book of of of uh the 11th chapter of hebrews so i don't look paul the the it's paul but nobody knows that hebrews doesn't they don't know who wrote hebrews but it was paul we look away from the natural realm and we fasten our gaze onto jesus who birthed faith when within us and who leads us forward in faith's perfection his ex and i'm reading from chapter 12 of hebrews i'm going the whole way through 13 if you can stand it if not we can break and you can go eat this he endured see his example is this his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his so he endured the cross conquering its humiliation and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of god so consider carefully how jesus faced such intense opposition from sinners who opposed their own souls so that you won't become worn down and cave in under life's pressures after all you have not been reached a point of sweating blood in your opposition to sin and you have not and you have for and you have have you forgotten his encouraging words spoken to you as children when he said my child don't underestimate the value of discipline and training or get depressed when he has to correct you for the lord's training your life in evidence of his faithful love and when he draws you into himself he proves that you are his child his delightful child and we fully embrace correction as training and so i i want to hold myself accountable today that even though i find myself in this i want you to know that every step of the way the lord has led me into this and i know what god's heart is for this nation i know his plan for the harvest it's all about the harvest that's coming so i'm already i'm already doing warfare for the next the next president not not this well i already know what god wants for this one i'm talking about when two terms are over i'm already praying for that person to come forth because i plan on continuing with what we've been called to do because i know god's heart and it's never too late do you understand that faith doesn't just look at what's up before you faith sees the invisible you have the substance of what you hope for you have the title d the evidence i have it because it's a spiritual exercise the real reality the real truth is in the spirit you have to pull it into this realm jesus said okay all right i've got a lot of emails you want me to teach you how to pray so jesus said i'm going to teach you how to pray and he you ha you call it the lord's prayer and you make it some religious thing a lot of times you know but there is so much truth in what he said he said he said he dresses the father and then he says this thy will be done he says thy kingdom come on the earth as it is in heaven as it already future tends now as it already is in heaven i want it on the earth okay so that's prayer to me but it has it's an edge it has an edge it might not be it might be too much for some people but see to me prayer is i got it i gotta i gotta get it now into this realm i gotta i gotta see manifestation of my faith faith without manifestation is dead faith without working it into this into this system it's dead see the overthrow happens when god shows up but god shows up according to his personality which is his word so he's never going to go against his word but we can okay so you all showed up you did what you were supposed to do but it was stolen okay but it's not over the the journey is yours for you but the end result is god's drop the mic so see whether i live or die it's christ if i stay here it helps you out but i don't need to be here i didn't come back for for myself i came back for you it and so the message is the pure gospel which is good news which means i will always have good news and if you're going to come up to me and say i've sinned i've done this i've done that i'm going to say repent now let's go eat i'm going to say i'm going to say okay thus saith the lord because you repented this this and this and i'll start prophesying your future because you stirred you you pushed my buttons because you repented but i'm not going to stick there and stare at jesus on the cross for the whole day in a church because he's not on the cross and to tell you the truth he's not in the tomb either he's seated waiting for your enemies to become his footstool i mean i mean i learned this in sunday school and i'm a flight attendant that prays in tongues my wife's a hairdresser that prays in tongues why has it come back to the simplicity because it was always simple it was always it was always easy to obtain the truth but living it is hard because you got to pull it in and you got to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and live an upright life in christ jesus that sounds familiar because it's in the bible okay so let's let's go on so that you can you can um break here i i don't need to eat because i i'm i'm full with this the word of god i'm i'm receiving from god right now but you need to go out you need to hold your torch up because you represent in the spirit five thousand and you need to break that pot and you need to announce with the shofar jubilee and you need to start prophesying to your enemies because they have had bad dreams about you coming in in every relationship it says here go and get back into hebrews 12 in every relationship be swift to choose peace over competition and run swiftly toward holiness for those who are not holy will not see the lord oh boy see you never hear that quoted okay but that's what it says watch over each other to make sure that no one misses the revelation of god's grace make sure that no one lives with a root of bitterness sprouting within them which will only cause trouble and poison the hearts of many be careful that no one lives among you in immorality becoming careless about god's blessings like esau who traded his rights as the firstborn for a simple meal and we know that later he wanted to inherit the father's blessings and was turned away even though he begged with tears that day is coming for it was too late to repent but see it's not too late right now okay so i'm going to share something with you and then we'll we can break for a while and then we can come back whenever you want because i'm not going anywhere because to me to go and lay down for 15 minutes and have to come back and do that is just really torture compared to just staying in the glory so i've done i've done 11 hour services and it was like i did nothing but doing one every two hours is like because you have to get out of it do you want do you want onions on that hamburger and then you get there and they didn't even give you the hamburger you know it's just fries so i don't want to have to go through that but i want to tell you something i hardly ever share this but i want to tell you something i i have a problem with truth being presented and then it not being able to be applied okay so so the problem is is that think about this think about how many times you've watched shows where a person had this amazing encounter and you wished you could be like that you wish that could happen to you and it's showcased but there's no real application okay so what you do is you showcase somebody and you think wow well god god's a healer god's a revelator god is you know whatever you get out of that show or that book or whatever okay but if you walk away not thinking that that could be you there is a problem because the body of christ needs the fivefold ministry in the church that's set by god it says god sets in the church some to be and names the fivefold ministry of the church apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists they were they were instituted to build up the body so that they we become one in faith one mind and mature did i say mature so i see a lot of immaturity happening when i when i see things happen and people back off because this is the platform that was just destined for them to to stand on so i was taken when we went to israel my wife and i in that hotel in jerusalem i was told by the lord that i would have a an angel visitation and i told someone else that they were going to have an angel visitation that there was going to be an angel there i had this happen to me so when i got there every night we couldn't sleep because the room was so lit up and the presence was so strong in jerusalem that we could not sleep because an angel was standing there but it it didn't happen to the other person at all and i remember the places where i went where jesus i could feel jesus was there and then i could look at the building where this happened i'm like that was just built like 20 years ago this is not where jesus i mean you know it would take a five-year-old to figure it out the bricks said made in china they weren't even like out of that like no you you get what i'm saying there's traditional sites and then there's you know so anyway i felt jesus at certain places mount of olives capernaum and mount carmel to name the ones that stand out i felt the power of god i felt elijah come on me on carmel i i felt jesus in capernaum because that was his headquarters that's where he lived that's where he stood up in the synagogue and taught i felt him on the mount always because that's where he left and that's where he's coming back and it's going to split i can feel him there so when i got home back into the states we hit our pillow it took two days to get home because they haven't asked me how to run an airline i'm talking about application here it's like no one knows how how to build an airline better than you do if you fly a lot no one knows how to take care of a baby unless you had a few but watching somebody on a show talk about something and wishing you could be like them that doesn't cut it anymore there's got to be a transfer when you read a book there's got to be an impartation to where you're included in on it okay so the fivefold was sent to build the body up then the body is the believer the believing ones have these signs following them not the five-fold it says the believing ones will have these signs fall on them they're gonna raise the dead heal the sick and cast out devils right not the fivefold okay so at what point do you start to encounter your god without reading my book when do i finally work myself out of a job and you rent this convention center and you start prophesying from the fire and then you say let's break for lunch and then come back and i got some more coals from the fire to share with you okay so when does that start happening it happens when it's applicable what you're hearing so jesus told me you go back and you work yourself out of a job but see i don't need i don't need anything from you except a yes if i know that i have a yes from you then then then you're a disciple disciples are permanent disciples have babies disciples have students too they become teachers so when we hit up the pillow back in the states i was exhausted and immediately i saw the spirit came and took me back over jerusalem again and i said lord why didn't you just do this in the first place i'm not kidding and you don't have to believe this you can click your heels and put your fingers in your ears and say there's no place like home i don't care i have to tell you because i've not shared this but i was taken back over jerusalem and this is what god said to me the father which i've only heard his voice a couple of times it rumbled jerusalem i was over the holy city i saw the city of david was mount zion i saw that the city of david which is on the side of the mount was mount zion is there did you hear that is it you hear i watched jesus not with a cross like you see it i saw a cross bar strapped to him with his arms out and he was walking through the streets and he hung himself on the cursed tree for us my and my f your father my father from heaven he said my son cursed the tree because cursed is he who's hung on a tree and then he hung himself on it for you and your mind now he said i bought my man back i bought my man back it rumbled jerusalem and i looked on mount zion and all the way down there there was the spirits of just men made perfect standing on that mountain on display all the men and women who had passed their tests they were standing there as trophies on mount zion we've come to the city of our god we didn't come to mount sinai hebrews says it said we came to mount zion where the spirits of just men made perfect are the redeemed and i saw that the plan for man that god had accomplished and he said profound things to me and then took me back to my bed and my trip my second trip to jerusalem was better than my first because i heard my father speak his whole plan for man and i realized how i intricately fit in so i want to announce to you that the lord has told me to take 800 people on a trip to israel in february of 2022 and i'm going to go to the sites where david killed goliath i'm going to go to the sites that no one else wants to go to we're going to have a spirit school like this for three days on the sia galley on on caperna in capernaum so i'm going to open it up to my partners first and then the students and then um i'm gonna i'm gonna take it from there it started out with 200 and i realized it's probably going to be thousands but i got a we're already up to like 15 buses but i'm doing this because there was an impartation in capernaum there's an impartation on the mount of olives there's an impartation on mount carmel because men righteous men made perfect pass their tests there's an impartation because they made a way they made a way for us to do that too the bible is applicable do not rob yourself of thinking that it's just for a few people i never was on any program to make you think that i failed if if you walked away thinking that's for him but not for me i never go on a show excluding myself and putting myself on a pedestal it's always been about the body and what i'm doing here in dalton is because the war the civil war was here and the battle was here and the lord wanted me back here to announce today that there is a way out there is a victory if we will all agree and wage war with the prophecies we've received don't be an unbelieving believer don't doubt jesus said this why did you doubt constantly why did you doubt don't fear and then he would say oh she's not dead she's asleep and he would ruin funerals he would ruin them he said to the man i am willing do you believe nothing shall be impossible if you'll believe at that point can you imagine that man looking at jesus and hearing that well jesus told me that he quoted himself to me and he said kevin if you believe nothing shall be impossible to you and he sent me back so i'm always going to be there for you i'm always going to tell you good news i'm always going to tell you to keep believing i'm going to always tell you wage war with the prophecies you've received i'm always going to be there to help you along but my goal is not to get you hooked on a prescription where you need always in my job is to get you off of everything and on to god to where i don't have to show up anymore that is the absolute truth oh you feel the power come on lady come on come on come up here come on come on up here come on up here she's got she's got the fire on her man come on [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] because [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] everyone here has been called by an appointment [Applause] sunday oh thank you holy spirit [Applause] he said [Applause] let him prophesy through you hey hallelujah jesus jesus yes let him step inside of you oh yeah let him step inside of you let him work through you let him sing through you let the lion oh my yasada [Music] [Applause] step inside of you okay now you've heard what the lord's saying to this lady listen we need to make some proper clammations i am putting i am putting the enemy at notice right now that he can go no further and that he might as well gather up his stuff and leave everyone in agreement [Music] amen so we agree is touching this one thing silence we drive you out [Music] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] we push over that first domino satan is defeated we drive you out of this town we drive you out of this state we command you to leave in jesus name we bind you angels of the lord go forth turn over every rock turn over every hidden thing and may the righteous judges stand up may the righteous leaders stand up [Music] and make just judgments amen [Music] the lord in the midst of you is mighty mighty all right so everybody as we worship i want you to hold up your hand as you have that torch let the devil see your torch i want you to stomp your foot in symbolism of breaking that pot and i want you to worship the god who sent the victory the victorious warrior the lord zephaniah 3 17 he's a warrior hallelujah hallelujah mighty in battle amen we'll see you 2 30. [Music] the amen [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] higher [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] then [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] you hold us in your arms in your arms you'll see [Music] is [Music] so [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 149,276
Rating: 4.9121504 out of 5
Id: gSOR57W86Vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 25sec (13105 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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