What Demons Don’t Want You To Know: Warrior Justice Spirit School -Kevin Zadai @ The River Of Waupun

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[Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] sorry we're not like other ministries we actually start early so amen are you ready you ready to pray in us okay we're going to pray in the spirit because the spirit can pray better than we can so it's better just to turn yourself in right now and and say i can't pray as good as a holy spirit so the spirit of god was given on the day of pentecost and he's not ever diminished in any way so don't let anybody ever tell you that tongues have ceased because paul said that tongues will cease when we reach perfection and i don't know anybody that's perfect except jesus himself so we're not there yet so the spirit of god is here to pray through us he's here to perform miracles he he has the his gifts that he gives each one of us and we are to operate in those in every service did i say every service because all of you have gifts inside of you severally as the spirit wills according to what paul said anyway if you want to bring him into it and so everyone has gifts of the spirit inside that should be activated when we're all together why because the spirit wants to build up the body wants to cause unity to happen wants to minister to the body so each one of you if you are a born-again spirit-filled christian and you are walking with god you can be used in the gifts of the spirit and even a donkey was used and the donkey said i have served you all these years why do you why are you beating me you know so when fluffy starts talking to you you know when animals start talking to you better obey god because that that that that donkey that donkey was talking to a prophet it's kind of embarrassing it's kind of embarrassing when a donkey has to tell a prophet so anyway the spirit of god is willing and able the flesh is weak but we are strong in the lord and the spirit wants to pray through us right now so let's do that according to romans 8 26 the spirit in our weakness not in our strength is going to come in and super intercede on behalf of god's perfect will for our lives and so this morning god's will his perfect will can be done amen all right bill yes yes lord yes yes yes yes the spirit of the lord says get excited the angels the angels are here to complete to complete to complete this task to complete this task the assignments will be given the scrolls will be handed out mysteries will be revealed completeness that's what the spirit's saying completeness get excited the angels the hosts of heaven are here angel armies dash to do the lord's open open open be opened ears open eyes open show ears to hear eyes to see ears to hear eyes to see turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around turn around a line a line a line a line a line a line purify purify thank you lord for your purifying fires your purifying fires your purifying fires your holy fire your holy fire your covenant cut in the blood we agree with everything that you paid for when you cut a covenant with us in the blood of jesus we make a demand not on you but on the powers that be that on earth as it is in heaven today today today today joy joy thank you lord for the rain thank you lord for the rain thank you for fruit that remains fruit that remains fruit that remains hallelujah okay i know you're not used to this but we're going to start early hallelujah you can't make this stuff up man i'm telling you it's so easy in the spirit it's so easy no listen to me i just turned 60 years old amen this is this is easy this is easy listen listen we're all going to die we're all going to heaven but let's enjoy it down here somehow somehow somehow let's get a hold of god and enjoy giving the devil a headache every morning amen someone's got to do it you know i've been i've been warned i've been warned by my best friends i've been warned by everybody you know you need to back off of that it's like why back off he's the devil's not backing off i mean if he had a chance he'd take me out right now but he hasn't taken me out so guess what i figured out i do the math he can't take me out he can't take me out no i'm serious i'm serious oh you're like oh boy you know no no it's not going to happen you know i'm going to go out there i'm going to get in the car there won't be any flat tires my refrigerator will not break i will my airplane will not go down i won't get you know whatever is next 19 20 21 whatever's coming next 22 i'm not going to fall up the stairs do you see what i'm saying you got you gotta i'm speaking where i'm going the power of the tongue i'm speaking where i'm going i'm not backing off you kidding me foghorn leghorn beat the dog every morning with a two by four for no apparent reason why can't we just beat the living daylights out of the devil with the word of god with the word of god i'm still i'm still i'm just telling you i'm just telling you i came back and i cannot lose because jesus told me i cannot lose not because i can do something about it man it's cold in here i gave you that check i see what happens you give them a 10 000 check for their utilities for 2022 yeah baby 56 degrees from now on 56. warrior notes is paying the bill so 56 from now on yeah yeah so wonder what that was that was meat hanging on hooks back here i thought i was wondering what that was when i walked by the polar bears are out there wanting to get in oh man it feels good no it really does amen okay gee honey do you have my scarf no this is awesome this is awesome um i want to get back into this because uh the the spirit said that they to get excited that the angel armies are here so you know that's what i i was interpreting what i was saying and um you know i don't think about these things and i don't say something unless i really feel the despair is saying it but this is god's intention you know but just like everything else you've seen god has spoken what he wants this is what his intention is but these angels could sit here and just roll their eyes off service waiting for something to happen you know because we are we we are the ones who initiate the transfer between the spirit and the physical and so a lot of times jesus walked by people and they didn't get healed i mean think about the guy at the gate beautiful jesus actually walked by that gate all the time they're looking at the tv screen because i'm looking at you i'm really i see you all i'm coming over there so you better get ready so amen anyway that that man didn't get healed during jesus ministry but he did get healed during jesus ministry because it was working through peter and john it was working through peter's shadow it was working through all those disciples and it worked through the 70 and and jesus continues to work through you he really wants to do his ministry through you but see jesus walked by many people that didn't get healed but he healed everyone it says he healed everyone so everyone he came in contact with with the intention of getting healed they got healed no one no one went away not healed jesus even prayed for somebody twice but don't tell the church that you know they'll flip out but jesus jesus said what do you see and i see men that look like trees he goes okay we're going to click her up a notch here and he prayed for him again you know nobody wants to talk about these things but it's a war down here i guarantee it wasn't jesus's fault just like this morning if the angel armies are here it's not his fault if we don't have some sort of transformation and those scrolls that the spirit talked about that are to be handed out the callings and elections you know because many are called a few are chosen and i i know this but i can't tell you this so i'm not going to but this is what i really want to tell you just don't tell anybody but angels have things to give and then they don't it doesn't happen because god's will is conditional and there there has to be a transference from the spiritual to the physical but sometimes and this is going to really i enjoy flipping people out because there's some times where you have to do something in order for something spiritually to happen well that goes over well but but and i was offended when when smith wigglesworth said this even though i wasn't alive when he said it i read it in his journal he said if the if the spirit of god is a movement i move the holy spirit but he they didn't finish his quote he says i move him by faith by my faith okay so there's got to be some sort of agreement between god and man and and i have to i have to tell you this because we're going to get into the next step of warrior justice and this has to do with with you being active it has to be with you doing something and so you you can do everything right and it still goes wrong and that's where justice comes in that's where recompense comes in and see we we blame ourselves and we blame each other we blame god we do we blame blame blame ins because we don't understand but why did moses go up with the 70 halfway up the mountain and sit there and eat and god came down and stood there on a sapphire platform and he's exactly exodus 24 10 and this is after he had told them that don't even come near the mountain or you're dead okay he he stood there it says that he didn't judge israel because he wanted to but he stood there and watched them eat and then god said moses come up so moses went up it says after they ate and he went up to where the cloud line was where all that thick black cloud dark cloud was with the thunder and lightning and it was on fire and god god told him to stay there and wait for seven days and then said you can walk into the cloud and we want to know why and the lord says it's none of your business it's the same thing that happened when he made a covenant with abraham abraham had a hard time with his age and his wife's age because the promise involved something that had to be time it was time sensitive to be pregnant but it it god still did it in his time he waited i think on purpose okay the same thing happened when he made that covenant with abraham and then lot you know was a numb skull so he they were fighting and so he said you know let's you just choose what you want well a lot looked at the green plane and said well i want that you know you can have the mountains you know it's like there's no grass up there but abraham prospered anyway well then why did lot end up in sodom and gomorrah he wasn't supposed to be in sodom and gomorrah okay now what happens is you don't understand this but essentially because of the abrahamic covenant god had to honor the family which meant that lot could not be in that city when he judged it so when all those reports from the angels came up and god came down and said we got to see if it's as bad as what's come up before us he purposely had to walk through abraham's yard and when he did he did it on purpose and abraham recognized the man in the middle because that was the one that cut the covenant with him back in i think chapter eight you know and um god did that on purpose because god was on his way to destroy sodom and gomorrah but he could not do it he didn't tell you that but he's in a pickle just like he was with moses he was in a pickle because he made a covenant and a promise and so he had to keep that so he had to work with abraham he had to work with moses so with abraham he purposely made himself visible so that abraham would run down there and say come on in and you know the whole thing after a while the conversation comes around shall we hide from abraham what we're about to do the answer is he can't because lot's there so god is limited by his word he can't lie so he had to get abraham to jimmy with the figures so they started bartering well for 50. see abraham's thinking about his brother god's thinking yeah we got to fix this thing because i can't do a thing until we come to an agreement well he didn't go low enough because they ended up the husbands didn't come there's only five so he didn't get down low enough but he did save lot so they went down there they grabbed him you know the story okay so it was too late at that point so they had to go to a city nearby because they couldn't run the whole way to get away everybody follow me all because of god's covenant with abraham okay same thing with moses covenant made made with abraham isaac jacob and joseph now those bones have to be carried out and egypt is going to lose israel so they go out and then god wants to kill them all so he can't unless he can get moses to agree that he can become the seed and and start a new nation through him well it didn't work moses said no no way you can't do that because then it's a it your fame your name will be profane you brought us out to kill us it'll it'll profane your name in egypt that's what it says right man is that a ufo so so moses said no if we're if you're not going with us we're not going and you can't kill us he said this is what he said he said moses everything's fine with us he said it's going to go well with me and you that's what it says but these are stiff-necked people and i can't be among them so the the compromise was no you're not going to kill them you're going to you know we'll send an angel to be with you but he it says god says but but tell the people he will not tolerate their sin either their sin of rebellion okay well what happened they all fell because of an angel they all fell dead all of them fell dead anyway which is what god tried to tell moses does everybody follow me it was because of a covenant that god could not do it even though he knew the people would not make it in does everybody follow me okay so here we are here we are in this nation joshua and caleb oh we can take this mountain we can we can it's a good land we're willing and able we're ready to go so that's where justice comes in god always keeps his word even if it's the you know the 30 or 40 people that were on the mayflower he will keep his covenant that was a beautiful covenant that was made right off the coast here the east coast you know with no congressional agreement yeah no no nothing no nothing just just a group of people that gave this to god okay so there's there's there is something that you can do with justice and with god intervening in your life and that has to do with a a transaction where you use faith so the reason why we have faith is because when we fell we only see one sixth of light we see the rainbow colors which is one sixth of a pie chart there's still five sixth that you cannot see and that's why fluffy can hear things that you don't hear it's because we don't hear every frequency that is available because of the fall we're separated we're down we fell okay but these things are still around us all the time and there's another world right right parallel with us and sometimes these things seep through and then the pentagon releases films of them but see this is all demonic this the prince of the power of the air is here and he desires to have every one of us but jesus has prayed for us that our faith failed us not that's what he told peter okay so faith is actually the substance of what we hope for the evidence it's actually the tangible evidence of what is unseen now i i could i could wish i could have the big brick phone that needs a separate carrier cart for it that we used to have you know the big one was like four pounds the brick phone but i could see in the spirit something that's smaller and it's so real to me but see now i have it in my hand but see i saw in the future i literally saw at warrior notes and i don't even know if we're going to be here when this happens but this is what god's intention is if we're still here is i saw a 36 inch disc that's placed right here and i can go in from my studio and every church in the world that has one of those discs i can stand on the one that i'm in my studio and it will take my image and project it all over the world and i can go live and it's going to be hard for you to tell that it's not me of course i'm going to have to stay on the disk but that's what i saw happening i saw that the technology is available to assemble an image to where you can be projected in any place in the world and i saw myself preaching in multiple churches at one time all over the world even though it'll be three in the morning in some places but you know you understand what i'm trying to say now i saw that now you know i could say that's god's intention but it might not ever happen but it wouldn't be god's fault because i was told i saw that that technology is available like i saw jesus come back i remember the morning when when all this happened it was it was not that long ago and i saw jesus come back i was i was most of my most of what happens with me is while i'm asleep i go and i i saw the sky crack open i saw the glory of god and i saw myriads of angels and saints on the clouds and then i looked and there was jesus with his golden crown on and all these jewels and i saw him coming back and when i looked into his eyes these beams came from his face and hit me and when they hit me um i exploded inside and i i still feel like right now as i'm talking to you i still feel that explosion you can probably sense it in the room because now i'm bringing it back as i talk to you but my wife who was asleep there kathy sh it the beam one of the beams hit her as well as it hit me in the in the bed as he smiled at me he's saying right now i'm coming back i'm coming back but i saw him come back already but when that beam hit my wife because i in the spirit i looked and i i saw it hit her i mean in real life from a deep sleep she started praying at the top of her lungs lord jesus started speaking in tongues at the top of her voice when that beam hit her but she doesn't know a beam just hit her she's in us she's sleeping this has happened so many times with us with different things where we have the same dream at the same time we have the same vision with the same thing at the same time when we pray with when we pray we're supposed to you know every time that we've asked the lord lord says you're paying off this person's car we've paid off four five cars in the last two months and a house for somebody each time the exact amount that i'm given kathy's given and we don't talk i mean we talk but we don't okay so you're participating in something that that is from a higher realm but it manifests physically but what if your faith what if your faith is actually you seen into the spirit and you know what if what if your life does start to show synchronization instead of chaos or randomness see randomness is actually a tool of the enemy they create randomness by the demonic creates randomness in your life to make it look like god's not doing anything it's a total facade it's it's totally fake see faith is a substance of things hoped for and the title deed it's the title deed faith is a substance it's a substance of what you hope for it's the evidence of what is not seen it's a title deed it's the title deed i call the things that are not as though they were because they really are okay so faith is why is what we operate in down here because we're fallen we're christians our spirits are redeemed and sensitive to the spirit they're alive on the god your spirit is alive unto god but your body is dying and your mind if left undone will take you where you don't want to go so you have to transform it and it has to be renewed by the word of god it's something you have to do god is not going to transform your mind your the word of god will transform your mind but you've got to put that before you okay so so there is a catalyst in this realm that if nothing's happening you have the covenant you have promises you need to put your foot down and say i have the substance i have the title deed and you know and so it's not going to happen on my watch and you have to be this way and you know it's it's not easy when there's only a few operating in this so it's it's harder for the leadership to do it initially because you have to create a wake for others to come behind you but see you're the first person that's going to get hit with everything so like if you're a father a mother if you're if you're starting a business you know you are leading something you know if you're a pastor if you're the fivefold if you're a leader and and uh you know if you if you're the only one saved it's your job you know wherever you go you have to create a wake and if you're going to wait for someone else to help you forget it and no no everyone is waiting to see if you die like anything you try they're like oh i'm going to wait and see you know people wait and they almost expect you to fail okay so if you are called of god to do something in faith then it's born in your heart and then you must must manifest it through your feet through your mouth through your hands everything has to start to line up with what god has said this works anywhere i have had to teach on on supernatural financial provision in the poorest town in puerto rico because the lord said if it works here it works everywhere and my gospel works everywhere so i had to teach them to pluck the eye out of hurricanes the first year the second year i had to teach them about financial provision supernatural provision finances i had i was told to go there and do that and then this year it's going to be huge because we're going to have a huge harvest and from what i'm told the whole island's going to cooperate okay but i had to go and teach on how to pluck out the hurricane that you the hurricanes can bypass you from now on so then that net didn't happen anymore now they have an earthquake so now i've got to go back and teach about that but i also taught about about that poverty is not god's will okay i had to do that because it's part of the good news of the gospel the the jubilee jesus it says he preached the year of jubilee which is debt cancellation okay debt cancellation is what he said on the cross he said telesty which is paid in full okay that means every area of your life to god doesn't take care of you not going to hell and then you know good luck with you know the federal reserve no he's not going to leave you i mean prosperity is is what you what you have in your hand right now you have a manual that my partner's paid for and a cd nobody else does that you don't have to give in the offering i mean you should only because god says to give i mean paul said in second corinthians nine this is for your benefit this is so it could be laid up for you you know you have to give i cannot take that away from you or god so there's always going to be an offering but you know i am not doing anything under compulsion i'm full of joy i mean think about what ministry just get pays the bills for for a minute for of church for the whole year their electric bills all that you know we do this everywhere we go but see people can't understand why i'm at 45 000 feet at 585 miles an hour right now but i'll tell you what it is it's a harvest but that's a tool okay so but i was told last year to go to training without an airplane without a pilot i went to training well thank god i did do you get what i'm saying everything is you do it in the spirit but you got to do it in the flesh i went to training i'm still going to go to training okay so it's the same thing with everything you do god could preempt in your spirit ahead of time and that's the substance that's the title deed listen i'm telling you everything everything that comes to you will get to where it's it's no big deal once you get it because you've had it for years i'm serious it's no big deal i don't even think about it abraham and moses are key to this to warrior justice sometimes we need to fall back on the covenant sometimes we need to go back and say god you did say you did say put me in my remembrance saith the lord put me in remembrance right okay so our faith is involved in this life now because of the fallen world so that's why we have faith that's why faith is very important so you move god at times by your faith so what is faith well faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen but also i have to tell you as we get into this that the centurion was the key to understanding faith because he understood authority and jesus equated his understanding of authority with great faith and no one teaches us and i've sat with jesse duplantis and i've i've talked to him about these things i talked to him about this manual i said you know what has there come a point where deliverance is permanent he goes yes i go you know what i said i'm going to write this from this point of view and he said that's right well it's the same thing it's the same thing with centurion faith which was the greatest it made jesus marvel he's not part of the covenant the centurion was not part of the covenant but he moved god the woman with the issue of blood moved god this the samaritan woman i'll take the crumbs move god not in the covenant not covenant okay so i want to show you another aspect of deliverance is that is that you you have all these things working for you but it's not being taught we have been robbed we've been robbed of knowledge okay but you have a lot of different ways of obtaining your deliverance but there is only one way to make it permanent and that is when you are transformed when you're transformed and now you are for sure a child you know it you're like you're like jfk junior he that life magazine i believe it was where he's playing with his fire truck under his presidential desk he didn't need permission to go into that office it didn't matter that his dad was talking about cuba missile crisis or whatever he was playing with his fire truck underneath his dad's desk he had that privilege without invitation and so i find myself in this place with deliverance is there's got to come that point in your life where if god isn't moving you move god and when you're done with the devil and you don't want to date him during the week and you're done with him and you hate sin and you hate sickness you hate this fallen world and what the devil has done to the point where god says okay now not only are you my child you're my ambassador now you're my representative and wherever you go you have my name use it and that is essentially what we've been given i've been given you know this this ring it's not i'm not part of a cult this is jesse duplantis ring this is my sonship ring that he gave me it's sapphire and he gave this to me and people people say why are you wearing that i go it's i'm a son so if i'm not wearing like right now he's watching he's going to see if i'm wearing it or not because he asked me because why aren't you wearing your ring i said well people think i'm in some kind of a cult they're like writing me and saying are you part of the masons or what are you i go noah jdm jesse duplantis ministries you know it is a sunship thing i don't get mad at me i didn't i didn't ask for this he he came the lord told him to come to me he said everything that i have kevin is yours so that is how god the father looks at you everything i have is yours i gave you my son there's nothing left for me to give you are you are a joint heir with jesus heirs of god joint air with jesus okay so as i've been talking to you where does the devil even fit in he's not even mentioned in the contract in fact in heaven you don't even talk about him i was told we don't we don't mention his name up here i was told you refer to him as the adversary or the enemy that's all you say you don't say his name i guess he's in a lot of trouble it's kind of like a family thing you don't mention the name you know i'm serious you could feel it up there i was told you can't say the word try i was told don't use the word try up here god's never tried anything so that's why i just came out with that book uh taking off the limitations because i realized god my father has never told me i can't do something and so jesse duplantis is the only person on the earth that is like that with me he's never told me no when i say something he goes well you're burning daylight you better get with it he does he said that's what he says right honey he says you're burning daylight you and you're never late around him and he's always early so you better be earlier than him or because if you make him wait even though he's early you're late i'm serious but see this is the way our father is is that if if you can move god by your faith because the centurion the woman with the issue of blood who's not even allowed to touch a rabbi which jesus was he's a teacher rabbi you can't touch him in that unclean state she did that he should have been sent outside the camp for seven days according to the old testament law okay the the samaritan woman she's a half breed they actually had built their own temple i don't know if you know about that but they that's why she was arguing with jesus well you say it's that your mountain it's our mountain we our mountain we can worship here lady there's coming a day where you're not going to worship on this mountain or any mountain but those who worship him are going to worship him in spirit and truth okay so these people were not part of a covenant they had no legal right but they god god marveled at their faith okay so with demons they cannot handle when you hear from god and you're fully convinced period they cannot handle it okay there's even a higher law than that love love is is the trump card i'm sorry i said that word but you know they're going to knock i hope they don't knock me off but it it it is it is over everything love conquers all right see demons can't operate in love at all so like at work people will be manifesting demons i would just love on them because you know i'm not going to have a you know a win-whirly deliverance service you know so i just love on them and and the the demon just like i'll get you my pretty why because they know they gotta go love conquers all love love dispels fear so fear has to do with torment which is a devil the devil can't stay so so they get up the devil like i've seen people get set free they're not even saved they get set free and you know that that that you know i can hear people clicking their heels right now there's no place like home yeah i did say that devils devils leave but they'll they'll come back you've got to get somebody born again and occupied in their spirit but demons are more mobile than you think they're they're they're drive by they're drive by demons they they have a whole bunch of clients and they visit each one and it's just it's the clockwork of the stars and the moon that's their calendar and they got you scheduled for a visit and all they do is push that button of yours and you go into a tailspin every month they form a response in your life so if you do not respond to them then you go on the short list of a problem child to them so then they come all at you and if you continue to resist they give up so that's why transformation is is really the end of your demonic dilemma deliverance comes when you're fully made perfect in love when you know that you're loved by god you know that his purpose is going to be fulfilled and you don't apologize and you don't have to in any way push yourself forward anymore it doesn't matter if you get recognized okay so that brings me to james chapter 4 verse 7 on page 20 at the bottom it says therefore submit to god okay so we submit that has to do with authority now now we all know we all know that this does not have to do with our current situation here in this country okay i'm not talking about submitting to to the wrong authority i'm here to preach the gospel the good news and that's what the lord jesus told me to do he said if you do that you will get through this and this this was before it even happened he said but you've got to just preach the gospel and he said you will still be standing when it's all done he said many will disappear many ministries will disappear through this and they have but i'm going to stay with the gospel the good news of the gospel i'm going to stay with it however i am not telling you i'm not telling you to do anything that the lord is not telling you to do you you can be a conscientious objector because of your beliefs it's it's one nation under god under god so god is the one who has the final authority in your life and i would rather die i would rather die than submit to the devil so submitting to god is the is the solution is is the the solution to what happened to israel in the desert the book of hebrews says do not be like them who fell in the desert because of their sin the sin was unbelief because it says it there they were stiff neck that were rebellious this sin is the sin of witchcraft this is in the body of christ and it should not be it's it shouldn't even i shouldn't even say that that lukewarm should not be part of the body of christ but it is but see you have within a group of people you have some who are hot you have some that are lukewarm and you have some that are cold the cold are taken away as goats they are divided the tares and the wheat are separated by the angels the the wise and the unwise virgins are separated because of their readiness so everything i just said is is exactly our agenda at warrior notes i don't minister to goats and i don't minister to tares i don't minister to the five unwise virgins i minister to those who have ears to hear what the spirit is saying to the churches because that's what jesus said to the seven churches in the book of revelation so jesus said he who has ears well where are those seven churches they're all gone he warned them each one of them and that was back in probably 90 a.d so now we have all these years that have gone by and nothing else new has been spoken because there's nothing else new to know just by example i am not going to be lukewarm i know the goats are the religious people clouds without rain form of godliness deny the power of it they kind of look like the same animal but they're not they're rebellious it's a sin of witchcraft they say that the spirit doesn't perform miracles anymore doesn't baptize the tongues is of the enemy really you can't say that i said it as an example but the holy spirit is the only one that you will never be forgiven if you speak against him jesus said you will not be forgiven in this life or the next so you know what i'm going to back off of saying anything against the holy spirit which means that anyone who speaks against you while you're operating in the spirit is in danger of the same sin because the spirit is operating through you and they're withstanding you paul was in danger that's why jesus came and arrested him and de-masked him on the road to damask damascus so paul woke up but his testimony from then on was i've wronged no man. i mean he would say that in his letters he said oh i was set apart as an apostle since birth and stephen's like excuse me then what happened to me right okay because paul had completely been transformed into a child that had no record of wrongs okay you got it okay so when we submit to god it's an authority thing that puts us in the same effect that the centurion was in because you walk in great authority when you're under authority okay all right all right so therefore submit to god and then resist the devil but the word resist is stronger than what we would read the word resist is when you resist a police officer who is arresting you're already done now when you resist the rest it's a whole nother charge and it just it's a goat rope it just gets tighter it's a slip knot it just gets tighter and tighter it's better for you to just re is just submit okay resisting means push back so we push back against the enemy see the religious people will teach you you know that that to treat the devil gently and then he won't bother you but he's going to bother you anyway because he has no conscience he's a terrorist he doesn't have a conscience he's never going to like you he's not going to have mercy on you you shouldn't even have these conversations just like eve if you if we were there we would have said eve you're getting a timeout get out of here you if you lie in devil you know we all now know we're like you know what eve don't say another word adam take your wife you guys got a timeout no because why because we have knowledge see we're the monday morning quarterback now we can see what the quarterback should have done 24 hours ago but when you got like like 400 pound guys coming at you and you know how to get rid of the ball you know it's a whole different thing than you sitting in your couch with your pizza criticizing the quarterback okay so now we know what we're to do so you submit to god you resist the devil and he flees from you that is the absolute truth in that order don't be like the seven sons of skiva you know paul i know now no i know i know what i'm doing here i'm getting you ready because you need to be established in the spirit see i'm not you know listen devils are devils they have agenda they they are not as intelligent as you are even though they appear to be intelligent they they are predictable they don't have a plan b if they do have a plan b it's just to leave you and find somebody easier but they don't want not want you to know that they work on commission they have to have results please do not write me okay so so i get a text from a friend of mine that you would all know he's he's he's in a meeting he texts me he goes i'm having a deliverance meeting he said there's there's demons they're like male voices talking out of women this woman the devil leaves but before he leaves he says i hate you and mentions this guy's name he goes i also hate that kevin zadai okay so what just happened there i've never been to that church you see the whole goal is get known but see jesus said don't rejoice that the demons left rejoice that your name is written or that the demons obeyed you but that that that your name is written in the lamb's book of life okay so your so your position your position will cause you to be known but you don't get known so that people know your position you it's the other way around you you're established as a child that you're written and that's why john said in john chapter 1 verse 12 he said that those who embrace jesus embraced him and adhered to his teachings he gave them the power to become sons of god that word there is the word authority not it's not it's not dunamis it's authority give us the authority to be children so now you can understand where deliverance is really permanent and and so christians should not be always dealing with things now i'm not looking down on you because i have had i've had more of a fight than anyone i believe and i know that you all probably have had more but i'm just saying to me it's been a huge fight because when i check into a hotel every demon knows that i'm there now i either i either land in that hotel like the 82nd airborne ready to fight because the war is going to happen anyway everywhere i go there's a war going on and and if there isn't there it one will start okay this is because you're known your name is written okay so either you're a child and you're playing under your your father's desk while he's doing business or you're outside waiting in line with everyone else to get in and that's the bottom line are you a child because if you're a child you don't have to wait in line you don't have to wait for deliverance see these devils that are bothering you they were assigned to you because you're lit up in the spirit they know because of the glory of god on you the gifts that are in you that you are you are a infantry you you are a target every person like the people that i call out the people that i i mean i mean i've been in churches i don't go to churches anymore this is the only church i really go to now and and it's the only reason why is because they expanded a little bit but we still we filled this up in like four days we we really have have this many more that would have come but we had to shut it down okay but the only reason the only reason that i come here is because the lord keeps telling me to do that all right okay but [Applause] but when i first came here the first time i came here i woke up in a it was like a dream slash vision it was real to me there were demons lined up outside of pastor wayne's house the whole way around this city and in the spirit i saw that this city is predominantly prisoners when you think of how many people are incarcerated in this town i mean high-level people and they each got at least two or three invisible friends and unless they're saved now when you come to a city and you know who you are and you've been sent not went you're on assignment you're lit up in the spirit okay so you're just minding your own business but it doesn't matter and what will happen is these demons will get things to break around you so like it'll look like you know you just came in my house and now your refrigerators quit their my refrigerators quit you know i have a flat tire and i'm like it's warfare the devil's trying to to mess with your perception you just keep going so i i have threatened the devil it's like i get one flight i go good i get to get a whole set a whole four tires now brand new and then all of a sudden nothing happens to the tires anymore and then you buy you buy a refrigerator but you buy the insurance on it so that no matter what they come and give you a new one then that doesn't break anymore why because you bought the insurance if you wouldn't bought the insurance it wouldn't it would it would break all the time right do you get me do you know what i'm saying see you got to start thinking that way okay so then you are encountering everything that is in the territory is going to come at you this is what happened with jesus jesus was told by the father send the disciples across the water you come up with me and pray he said i'm going to take care of the people and tell them to go home you go ahead over well if you look at how many watches went by they should have already it's a two hour it's a three hour tour they're they're on the last watch and they're still rowing so he it says he was going he was walking on the water and he went as though he was going to pass by them it says why because the father told him just to go the other side he said let us go the other side you know he did that when he fell asleep too but see the lord told him to go across so he was just going across they were laboring he was not it appeared the same way as on the road to emmaus he was just going to keep on going until they asked him in i'm trying to show you something about god here is if you submit to him he lets you in on his secrets on what he's doing and what he's doing is is that you are lit up on the map the radar of this earth as a born-again spirit-filled person now every available entity is going to come at you and i have plowed here for years to have what we have here now so has have they but just me personally coming here three times a year with 55 people 85 people up to 115. and then somebody gets mad and leaves and then it goes back down to 55. you know takes takes half the tribe with them i'm not kidding you i just kept coming but look at this now now we need a new building right okay you have to keep going you have to keep going you have to hear from god and your faith will take you further but see faith is not just the covenant you can rely on the covenant you have that in your in your court but the centurion did not have that he was not of the tribe of israel okay so submitting to god resisting the devil and he will flee from you as in terror it's not written there but it's as in terror he's going to flee from you so you need to study that's why you need other translations you have to resist the devil after you submitted to god and he will flee from you in terror it does not say that you will flee from him in terror faith has faith has to do with being perfected in love to me faith is my relationship with god my ministry what i'm doing right now is my relationship with god this is as easy as me getting up and starting to pray when i minister it's as easy as anything i've ever done it's harder to do other things than it is to do this because this is my relationship with my father jesus told me that that was his secret my ministry kevin was my relationship with my father it was not a corporation it was not a system ministry is not any of that ministry is the father having his way and his he's having compassion on you he's compassion on all of us okay i have to go on i had like three more things i wanted to say but i'll come back to it maybe maybe not okay so the foundation of deliverance is that justice of god but see really love is what motivates god to have justice in other words it's not good enough that somebody trespasses against you or against him he is not going to change so whatever he says remains the truth forever he doesn't appeal it so if he has spoken over your life and he has written about you in heaven then that is going to be the way that he will believe for you forever no matter what you do he's still going to love you and he's still going to want what he already spoke about you it's in your dna because when he spoke to you he spoke your name he spoke everything that he wrote about you and you went to your mother's womb it's all in you everything you need for life and godliness is in you okay so the enemy is going to flee from you and this is warrior justice but when you are perfected in love which means that you have a relationship with god see i don't have to ask god certain things because i already know the answer so i don't waste his time my relationship as as yours does goes to different levels where you start to trust what is it that that that you don't trust god in those are the things that are going to hurt your relationship with god if you don't have trust in certain areas it's because of traumatic events it's because of discrepancies that are happening in your life is it's because of if you're offended by by people that that are appointed over you and have failed they have failed to do their job that you elected you know you could be offended because you you you voted in confidence you voted your your right to vote you did these things it's the same thing with the lord he's he you you chose him but he really chose you first you see you found out about him but he had already chosen you before the foundations of the world to be in him but see not everybody goes to heaven because of free will so even god's foreknowledge he knows what you're going to choose but he does not operate concerning you he does not manipulate your will even though he knows he is always going to love on you he's always going to think the best of you it's going to be chapter 13 of first corinthians he's he has to play by the same rules he's going to have self-control he's going to think the best of you all those things that that love is that's god god is love okay so everything that that we we use in terminology down here the greatest of everything is love but love really is discipline because love will discipline those he loves god will discipline those he loves he's treating you as as a father treats a child so he's it says in hebrews that discipline is not always fun but god is treating you as a son or daughter okay all right you got that okay so i must allow my maturity to blossom i must allow maturity to come and what that is is is that i want to have more responsibility i want to know the deep things of god i want to know the secrets but in order to know that you're going to have to have clearance you're going to have to be trusted so can you stand because god told you to stand when everything else is getting you to to flee or or to sit or to quit you have to you have to develop in your relationship with god is is that now faith is god said it so that's all that matters i'm not moving i'm not going to move from the gospel i'm not going to back off of it i'm not going to stop giving no one's going to stop me from giving i don't care if i have to go back to work because this is not work to me okay now we're going to get into the good stuff ephesians chapter 2 verses one through three and and uh page 22 says and you and you he made alive who were dead in your trespasses and sins okay so we were dead and now we're alive that is the absolute truth that means that that anything that's happening in your body that has to do with death there there is a solution to it whether it be spiritual or physical or mental now you know i know this but i you know i i guess i could tell you just don't tell anybody else but you can extend your life out but it has to do with discipline and obedience there are certain things that you could do that can extend your life out and it's as simple as just drinking more good what pure water you wouldn't believe how many years you could add to your life by just drinking a lot of pure water because your your your your uh all your filters in your body they're they're over taxed by the the pollution the things that we eat things we breathe and if you would be able to flush out your organs that filter then they could last longer if you would curb your sugar then you're that then what happens is is that your pancreas wouldn't be overworked and it would last longer now everything i'm saying to you i'm saying from i i got stories and experience i mean almost everyone in my family has diabetes except for me but the lord told me a long time ago i want you to cut back on sugar well i didn't know that there was some sort of demonic gene you know in my family line so when i was young i just i just was very healthy played sports so i didn't i didn't drink i didn't smoke i didn't eat sugar i just you know i just went to the gym and worked out and i i was very careful and i did that all my life and so i i've it's appeared that i've resisted i've resisted certain things and i can go on with all the stuff that's just happened it didn't come near me and i was around more people than anybody that relationship will come to the place where it gets into you that you don't even think about it but the lord will tell you to do certain things i don't need to wear ten masks i just need my immune system boosted but if you notice nothing's preventative that's off being offered to you it's like it's like we'll fix it when it breaks and it's like no we haven't tested it but just take it we'll find out later if it works or not okay so that's called practice that's what doctors they have practices attorneys have practices well i i would wait i wait until they're done practicing i'm kind of kidding but i'm not you know did you understand what if what if god made you know my doctor says your body god made your body to heal itself it just needs help because see it doesn't have the nutrients it needs so we got to help it so so medicine does work surgery does work sometimes you need stuff to disappear that's in your body okay but how did it get there let's not let that happen again okay so you see i'm not against doctors i'm not against medicine i'm against certain people that make things up as they go or have an agenda but i'm not against medicine if it's to help heal the body now sometimes we need an extra something that's more powerful than you can get from a plant in your yard i understand that but the whole idea is is that the doctors that i'm under their their whole goal is to get me well and to help god it sounds kind of weird but we're in a fallen state it's not god's fault but our bodies are lacking a lot of things and it was interesting how like they took my blood because the lord told me to do it took my blood got my plasma out it and put it in my knee and my knee started to heal and they said that's all that the doctor said and this is this is a guy who is the surgeon and the doctor for the seattle seahawks and he is he's i saw him in the wall street journal and so i called him and i said i'm coming in and what he said was the body just needs this in that location and then it can do its job and so it prevented anything worse from happening in my knee from from the injury i had from sports okay but even children when they sometimes when they lose like a finger it'll grow back and there is this idea that that the the human growth hormones that are in your body the higher levels of that will cause things to regrow however because of the fall because of the fall we are lacking a lot of things that were already inherent and our body wants to heal itself because the life of god was in our body we remember we we were once not dying at all we would never die we would live forever physically so you got to remember that that that was god's intention for us never to die to never be sick to never have a need ever and own everything the devil comes the god of this world comes in he takes it from god takes us from god he creates a financial system of debt so that you never win he creates a a a medical system where you you always going to need a prescription is there anybody here to have permanent customers the banks take your money and pay you nothing for it but they're making 15 percent with your money while you're sleeping and you're getting two cents every month i'm serious it's set up that way this is this is the enemy boy i feel like we got to take a break after all that you know i know that's a lot to dump on you but see the thing it is is i got to show you what i saw when i was on the other side is there's a way to win down here but you're going to have to be able to be disciplined and and let god speak to your heart and and do things now i i got i can't share this on the air because they'll knock me off so i'm going to tell you something before we go on the air so come early to the next session and um the lord is constantly instructing people on on things that can help them and uh as soon as it is known it's taken off the market and i'm telling you this just happened there's the angel that i'm telling you by the spirit of god the lord is wanting to help us but we got to be able to listen as soon as this happened my staff has saw it happen i said you got to order this because they just they just declared it a drug and it's not it's a natural substance but because because of what it does if i told you what it does you be you know why they pulled it and it's been on the market for a long time as a natural substance at any health food store but now you can't get it and they can't declare it a drug because it's a natural substance but somehow they they're telling everybody to pull it but the lord told me to buy bottles and bottles of it before this happened and then i realized i should have bought more so i told my staff we're all on our phones in the more middle of a recording between recessions we're all on our phones ordering bottles of it right it's changed my life but it was sitting on on your vitamin store shelf for years but when it became known if you look it up on webmd don't even look it up on a christian look it up at web nd it'll tell you what it does what i'm trying to say is there's lots of stuff like this and the lord wants to lead you and guide you but see this is justice but this is deliverance and and see the demons are behind all this but you don't see the demons you see the manifestation of their presence so getting back to coming to this town okay now right now right now i'm walking in in my my office in the five-fold ministry of the church okay now if i walk down this aisle nobody's going to manifest i hope not anyway but but as i walk as i start to walk among you what what is on me it's it's going to affect you it's going to affect you by either dividing the kingdom up dividing kingdoms and exposing the darkness in the light or it's going to just build you up and you're you're going to feel something different okay but you're hearing the word go forth and you're you're being built up but if i would start talking about other things then you i can make you feel depressed i can actually make you feel sick and you're not sick i can start talking about stuff just like your family members do at thanksgiving and before you know it you walk out of there and you're like man i'm glad that thanksgiving is only once a year because all of a sudden like when i call i call certain people like i start feeling sick because that's that's their testimony they got this they got that i'm like so what what happens with you is is that if you're left alone and you're isolated the demons will pick you off like they do it did eve when you're with people in a corporate setting the demons aren't going to bother you because you've got all these all these brothers and sisters that are all have anointings you all have an anointing you all have gifts you'll have a calling purpose and the demons fear you because you're known because you you know god then you're known okay then your environment is going to divide if there is darkness there it's going to separate to where you're going to see something respond so in public if you watch i'll go into a restaurant i mean people everywhere will just start manifesting exactly and people stare at me like they're going to kill me and then people don't know how to handle what just happened they don't know but see i'm just kevin but see i'm really not and neither are you you're not just who you are you're known in hell because you're known in heaven okay so what's gonna happen is the demons they can't get to me so they lined up like i did it when i came here pastor wayne's and they were like contesting that i was in the city okay but i i didn't think that that was that important but it didn't matter right it's the same with you you take things personally when things start breaking around you when people start getting upset when people don't even like you they haven't even met you yet i'm serious you i could tell you story after story it's not a coincidence but anyway getting back to it what however however if the devil worked on me all night and he was not able to penetrate me in any way he wasn't able to hook me in my flesh in any way then he goes to the next perimeter out so then he'll go to whoever's around you and he'll keep trying to get entrance so that he can get to you he'll keep working out and that is why when you go out in public you have to be aware that anybody that is unsaved is able to be possessed like that now listen to me paul said it paul said it he said as some of you were you had no resistance to the prince of the power of the air and you were under his control he told he said that in ephesians so a person who is not saved has no way to resist an evil spirit so why are you hanging around them and calling them friends because you have opened yourself up to a dynamic demonic attack so if if the devil can't find anybody in here he'll bring someone from the outside in a witch or someone and they'll sit back there and they'll do their little thing and that doesn't work because they're going to have to bring the whole coven when they bring the whole covenant that doesn't work they all get saved so then the head honcho comes and then he gets saved okay but that's how it works it all has to do with authority this has already happened i can tell you what benny hinn has told me about his church way back what happened how that warlock got saved the head the head guy of the satanist church they sent they sent individuals to operate in the service tried to infiltrate get on the worship team try to get on the board they were sent they took dance classes to get on the dancing team and this isn't benny him but this is others i'm serious witches will train to infiltrate to become the secretary of the church to get on the worship team to get on the board the whole idea is to bring that church down because it's actually hot in the spirit so you're going to be infiltrated but it's not going to necessarily be you and a demon face to face sometimes if you resist he's going to go out and try to find a weak link in your you're going to get a call from your family member i got a call my my mother my mother's in the hospital now they don't know if she's going to make it i'm like well just let us know because this happens every couple weeks jesus told me he said you know your mother and your brothers are out there waiting for you they need to talk to you he goes well these are my mother and my brothers those who hear my word and obey it that's what i was told this morning i said lord what should i do he said these are your mother and brothers no no honestly you guys you guys came here you didn't know that i got this call a couple days ago but this happens every couple weeks it happened with my dad he got healed of cancer and he got it back and he was gone just like that he called me right before he died didn't even know he had it again my last conversation with him i said well just let me know when the celebration is i'll come i came and saw him he woke up from his coma smiled at me and then passed away that night and i said just let me know i'll fly back and do out you know they didn't even ask me to do the funeral it's okay i'll see him in heaven okay at what point do you start to realize that the devil's going to keep working its way his way out until he finds someone so i'm serious we we have it like rachel's one of our employees when i met her seven years ago i knew that she would be she'd be of a permanent relationship with us me and my family so you know we just asked her to join our staff but we met her years ago we would go and pray in tongues at a church for two hours just pray in tongues you weren't allowed to pray in english you just prayed in tongues for two hours and you just said goodbye and you left you didn't stand around and talk we just prayed in tongues for two hours we did this for years so rachel came in didn't even know her last name she had made banana bread so we're praying in tongues and this homeless guy comes in no it's impossible trust me if if we give you directions you couldn't find this room in the church but this guy comes in uninvited and he goes what are you doing in my neighborhood it's a demon talking to the guy this has happened so many times see what happened was is that satan could not penetrate that group of 20 30 people and so other things happened i can't say because they'll be watching but i we had we had onslaught for years to we ended up in a house just because we were praying in tongues stirring up the neighborhood and trust me you don't know who your enemies are until you start praying in tongues when you start getting hot and you start bringing the other realm in you're gonna find out that there might be you might think you have a nice church you have a snake pit all the sudden things start manifesting and you're like well wait a minute what happened is is the temperature just got hotter those were it was all there but you know the devil is fine with coming to the church but once it gets hot all of a sudden i'll get you my pretty and your little dog too you know all of a sudden you know are you a good witch or a bad witch well who cares you're a witch so you understand that that as as the temperature goes higher then the demons will start to manifest so you you want to be hot you want to be around people that are hot you want to make sure that your inner group you know and i'm i'm i don't want to give out all my secrets but jesus taught me what he did he said i only had one person that i trusted the most and that was john he said i had three that i trusted more he said i had 12 and i had 70. he said there was a group a circle he had perimeters but even john who he bragged at was the disciple that jesus loved he was the one even he said in his account that jesus committed himself to no man because he knew what was in a man in other words he knew a man's choking point where the sell-out point where they would throw you under the bus so i tell people all the time you know that like they they say i says you know what you have you have a sell-out point there is a point where you would sell me out and everybody that i deal with i know that i know that there's a point where they're gonna have to decide for self-preservation see because relationships are only as deep as the environment that's why special forces guys they stick together but they're trained that way and all my friends i look i think about all the my friends they're either astronauts pilots or special forces and the reason why is i know what's in them they're so predictable southwest airlines would hire military because they knew exactly what they were getting their their cookie cutter you say one thing and they they know exactly what you mean and you never have to explain it again they don't go past the manual they don't go any further than the test pilot says don't go any further you're going to be a casualty they don't have to test it they're not a test pilot they're a pilot test pilots wear parachutes you get it okay so the perimeters are already established by the word so so you have to stay within those perimeters that means you can't trust everybody and and you have to preserve what god has given you so this this deliverance has to do with getting hot letting it be exposed and then having to deal with the fact that you got half the crowd you thought you had in your life and not not you can be hurt but do not be offended people are going to speak against you i feel sorry for people that speak against people that are moving by the spirit i feel really bad for them because i was in heaven i know it i know what happens those people they they disappear they shrivel up you cannot speak against the body of christ you cannot be scattering if you're gathering you're with the lord he said paul even said i it doesn't even matter that they're preaching the gospel with wrong agenda the fact is that the gospel is being preached you know let let the angels separate the chaff let the angels separate the goats they're going to do it okay so your deliverance is already started but see it's not you coming up and going through the fire tunnel because all that does is torch a demon and make them mad because they're coming back am i right pastor sixto though you know like like he's a pastor and in the thing with jesse talking to jess i said jesse i said honestly i said this whole deliverance thing there has to be an end to it there has to be a point where you don't show up when we announce a deliverance meeting unless it's to be on staff you're in a hospital to get well you don't live there it's not an apartment what did i just say okay so with with unsaved people think people you're dealing with there's there's two things you do with unsaved people that are in your family number one is when they call you don't answer the phone [Applause] and number two as you pray this prayer in ephesians chapter 1 verse 16-23 for them i pray i pray for you constantly you mention their name asking god the glorious father this is on page 23 of the lord jesus christ to give you spiritual wisdom and insight that you may grow in your knowledge of god i pray that your hearts would be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those who he's called his holy people who are rich and glorious and rich in his rich and glorious inheritance i pray that you will be able to understand the incredible greatness of god's power for us who believe him this is the same power that rose jesus from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at god's right hand in the heavenly realms now he is far above all rule and authority and power or or leader of anything else not only in this world but also in the one to come god has put all things under the authority of christ and has made him the head of all things for the benefit of the church and the church is his body it is made up full and complete by christ who fills all things everywhere with himself and so you pray this prayer for them and then you realize that you are the ones in authority on this earth because we actually are seated with him in the heavenly realms but he is far above all rule and authority and power in any name that's been given we're seated with him and it's too late i've already been there i already sat with him up there and he told me this is where i come in prayer every time i pray he said you you come to this this throne beside me and i bought this for you he said this is your place in prayer you come here and he says you sit here until you get your answer because there are no questions at the throne only answers he said sit here until you get your answer and then take it back to the earth with you i go that's prayer he goes that's prayer well see when it comes down to it it is about authority so it's not the hocus pocus of saying certain things because the demon might even laugh at you or he might tell you he's left and he's still there he might say i'm gone that's what he did to jesse demonstrating he said pastor you got to help me you know take this this group of people and start casting the devil out he goes i don't want to do that i'm afraid of the devil he goes you got to be kidding me so he started rebuking the devil that was okay i'm gone because he said he's gone jesse says he's not gone all right you want to keep going yeah okay all right chapter two the privilege of standing in justice um romans chapter five verse two the living translation says speak that's in verse it's in uh page 37 because of our faith christ has brought us into the place of undeserved privilege where we now stand and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing god's glory okay so this is this is this is the position you got to focus on all the time is is i am set up in a place where i'm i'm having god reveal himself to me he's he's constantly walking by me in the cuff of the rock and he's revealing parts of himself to me and he's getting me up to where i can stand the glory but there's more there's always going to be more but i still live i still wake up and i live another day but it's getting to where the lord's telling me that the whole body is going to start to glow in the dark the whole body of christ is going to start their faith their faces will start to shine it's the it's the remnant it's not it's not it's not everyone but it's those who adhere to what jesus says and those people will have favor now it's not fair on the outside when everyone is given the gospel and 30 60 and 100 fold return on the seed that was sown it's not fair that some get 30-fold where others get a hundred full return it's not fair but i know i know i just can't say it because i'll get persecuted but i know that it is it is in the intention of the sea to produce a hundredfold i know that i know that it's the human it's the human error it's the human that's the whole human element in the equation that causes the 30 and the 60 because it has to do with the soil which jesus said is men's heart which is really a variable it's not a constant it's variable in other words each person is going to prepare their heart get those stones out get those thorns out get the hard ground broken up you know that's our job is to remove the trauma the disappointment the unforgiveness the the cares of this life the love of money all those things that are the in your soil it is your job once they are exposed to do something about it however when the devil comes to your soil and all he sees is that really rich black potting soil he's just going to keep walking or he's going to send devils to throw rocks and and stuff in it but he cannot latch himself to you if there is no catalyst if there's nothing there to hook then he can't he can't latch himself that's what jesus said oh that he's coming he said the evil one is coming but he has nothing and the word there is flesh hook has nothing to hook himself in me a flesh hook jesus had not allowed anything anything to receive a hook so the hundredfold return on the word of god is possible and that goes for anything not just money money is used by jesus as part of this in other parables so money is part of it but it's not the only thing because you could have money like like the billionaire that that died a couple years ago steve jobs i saw what he said on his deathbed i started crying he said after all my endeavor with my riches he said i couldn't buy my health that's my paraphrase so money is not the solution and it's not your goal as just a return on your money that you that you sow it's everything about the kingdom jesus said if you understand this parable you understand the whole kingdom this is the d it says in the the passion translation says this is the deep secrets of the kingdom have been given to you this day the deep mysteries of the kingdom is exactly what it says it's the same words that paul used in first corinthians chapter two when it talks about the spirit seeking and searching out the deep mysteries of god the deep things of god it's the same wording paul was using exactly what jesus said so i want your soil to be free so that when the devil comes by he has nothing in you i feel like that is doing more justice to the body than having deliverance meetings every quarter and even charging for them or charging you for the manual what if you just got the manual for free and i taught you how to get rid of anything that a devil desires and then he just opts out so you don't get a christmas card from him anymore you you broke up the devil just walks by now this is not a bedtime story this is absolutely the truth but what i want to know is why we haven't been taught this because this is what paul taught as i go through this you're going to see that paul thought that deliverance was permanent he said there is therefore now no case against you no condemnation against you any at the end of that chapter he said we are more than conquerors well i don't know very many people that live like that and i have to be honest that i was one of those people so i wasn't going to blame god because i already met him and you don't blame him for anything so you're not going to tell him you know that he failed you're not going to get it out of your mouth before you hit the deck and you're going to be counting and looking at the sapphire that you're standing on and you're going to say well i won't do that again you're going to hit the deck because he's holy and you're not he's righteous you're not he's full of knowledge and you're not all of a sudden this is what you'll feel even though you are righteous even though you are holy all of a sudden you say something to god that pulls him down and all of a sudden you go down because he will not he will not let anyone take his place ever so deliverance also has to do with proximity i'm going to get into this now because if the spirit starts to move in and i don't get there i got to tell you this now the word in greek is demonized not demon-possessed the lord asked me to share these things with you because he wants to know how much of the devil how much of you you've given the devil so how much of you have you given the devil not how much the devil has of you do you you don't have a devil does the devil you know you don't have a devil what have you given him he can't take it unless you give it to him because you're in authority this is the absolute truth i don't care what's happening in your life what have you given over to the i even even when i was even when i i was at work i would encounter people and the demons would start manifest and they're they're handcuffed they're waiting to be hauled away and they start manifesting and out of my mouth because i'm praying in tongues silently and out of my mouth the spirit says what have you done to let the devil into your life and all of a sudden he got he got python eyes split slit eyes and someone else starts talking to me i said i don't want to talk to you i'm talking to mark and demons started offering to leave so i just released them but then i i still was dealing with this one named raspid i said mark he tells me you want him because he told me that the demon told me he says he wants me he wants me to stay so now i got to work with the guy and his will he says well i want to keep him told me why he gets me women i'm like look at it you're kidding me you just shows you how powerful these things are i guess you know dear lord that man went to jail with his invisible friend and you know all those others came back so with a christian a demon does not have full authority over your spirit it can't ever because your spirit's born again it's a new creature in christ it's a creation that's never existed before it's a new species it literally says if we were to translate it a new species in christ the old has passed away and everything has become new this is listen everybody please listen to me this is the absolute truth as a born-again spirit-filled christian there has never been anyone with this type of classification before we are even greater than adam because of the redemption it includes us as being at a higher level through the blood of jesus because of the mercy of god you'll find this out when you get to heaven that you have an extra edge over anyone that's ever come before you because of the born-again experience that's why jesus said from now on anyone that comes into the kingdom even the least is greater than john because of the born-again experience everyone from now on all of us are greater than abraham because jesus said it okay a demon knows this but he does not want christians to know this so now that you know this all hell will try to convince you otherwise but once you go through that part of it and you get through that then from then on you're just picking them off as a sniper does one by one you can you what that happens is it's proximity okay so you don't see a lot of demon possession in america except in our government no i mean you don't you just you don't see a lot of demon possession you don't see a lot of it because in other countries it's mixed in with their religion their their government is mixed in with religion okay so it's all part of the deal to have invisible help whereas in america because the gospel was preached and there is a lot of god embedded in everything that is really hard because of the light that's here for a demon to entrench himself that deeply in a person to actually take complete control over them so what you have is you have drive-by devils you have devils that that come and go they influence they they do their agenda and they promote certain things but their names that they they had when they were had bodies on the earth are not what they're called now so you can't really say well it's a demon of this demon of that even though they take on a certain characteristic because they specialize but they're they're they're special forces on the dark side and they specialize in certain things but they can they can transform to anything they they can be a male in one person and a female and another person just to mock god just to cause confusion oh boy this is really gonna get the car ready okay so they they will do whatever so don't you can't like say what's your name because they'll have a name but they'll have another name and then they'll have another name their their their um their their real name their real name is on a genealogy somewhere they were disembodied before the flood okay so they've taken on other names that have to do with a specialized characteristic agenda that they push okay so biblically there are only certain spirits that are named we that we know the spirit of fear just one of them the spirit of python is mentioned in a book of acts so that is one too so you but you cannot you cannot say what's your name and expect the the entity to actually say the truth or say anything that's a truth so what i want you to start to think about is proximity dominion domains how much of the devil does that person have because they gave themselves over to it find out where they are in their with with their spiritual life so if a person like a witch if they've given himself over well then they just need to come up and the demons come flying out even when they come up to repent they're already flying out okay so you have to determine has a person given themselves fully as a covenant and as a pledge drink blood dud sacrifices and given themselves over the devil because if you do that you'll make it in hollywood you'll have the number one album and and i can do better in my garage with a tin can but it'll go to number one that is possession you become the devil's child that's what john ramirez he became a the devil's son he told me he said when we became friends last year he said if i saw you in the street i would run as the highest on the earth he was the highest level of warlock he said but if i encountered you i would just i would opt out i wouldn't even encounter you he said because you know who you are he said i would look for weak christians and for ten thousand dollars he could have you killed but for christians he would do it for free i'm just quoting him but i noticed that these people they don't necessarily manifest they are sold out and the head's satanist he'll just look right at you with his snake eyes and not even blink and we'll just have a stare down conference i've had them just lay back and levitate like are you done i don't see some of the things that people say what i see is is dominion and domains so for all of you your deliverance is really just about putting your foot down saying you know what i'm done with you you know if you're gonna stay mow my grass or do something useful you know pay me back seven times and then leave you know in other words like at that point when you start talking like that in the spirit then those the demons they opt out okay that has to do with dominion that doesn't have to do with like possession or uh how much of the devil you know no how much have you given the devil so even with unsaved people the spirit's asking me to ask them what have you done to let the devil in i look for the entrance how do they get in because that's the route okay now a lot of you got stuff transferred to you through the bloodline because your your uh genealogies your your relatives made bad choices and so you inherit familiar spirits that are there the the word familiar came from family family spirits and so in other countries they believe that the relatives just hang around and you can have them possess you and this is in africa you know so they they love the they leave food out for their family spirits okay so it's just like so you know of course they're gonna have possession there okay but here familiar spirits are ones that are assigned to your bloodline but you know no one believes that so just forget this whole thing but see it doesn't go away because they enforce that curse to generations the curse is enforced so whether you like it or not you start acting like your grandfather and your and your mother or whatever but you don't know why well it's because it says that the curses and the blessings go to generations god says it well don't you think that the demons are they're not going to help you with blessings they're going to enforce the curses and if they think they have a legal right to put that on you as a child they're going to do it and then you're going to deal with this stuff it's a that's a spirit they they don't die you know they they just keep going and they they are assigned that's why when jesus told them they're going he would they said well don't send us out of the area that's why they're familiar spirits you got it they have their things set up you're messing with their whole matrix which is what you want to do so deliverance like when when one person gets delivered it affects the whole city i'm serious and if you get the head honcho it might be the one that works at burger king you wouldn't even know it the head honcho could be in someone when that thing goes the whole city will go into revival if you if you would like i'm sorry and that has happened listen to me very carefully lester sumrall told us in class he said that he said i fasted the most i fasted was when i went to manila to cast that demon out of that girl and he said i fasted three days he said the power guy was on me so strongly that when we landed and they took me to that prison he said we were in the outer parking lot and when my foot hit that pavement you could hear those demons screaming in that woman in the inner cell he said when we got in there that thing in her she's like skin and bones threw six men in the air had scratch marks from some sort of animal three clawed animal hair saliva from those things biting her that you can't see but it left its hair and its teeth marks and its claw marks he said come out he said those things came out he thought it was going to take days so he had to wait for his flight that was going to leave so he said let's go play golf so i mean this is not hearsay this is not hearsay i'm within 15 feet of him he said i told my manager give me a tee time so they went he t he teed off he got a hole in one the first shot he did that the next three holes hole in one and he turned to his his guy he said i'm not wasting this anointing on golf get me a meeting tonight he said and manila it broke out in revival [Applause] that anointing affected his golf game but it was not to be used for that so manila broke out in revival now this is what he told us he said i believe that what was in that woman was the head over manila and when it fell everything fell with it and that was the thing to do was start a revival meeting in that city well that's what jesus did he he he essentially got right back into the boat after he cast the legion out he didn't go shopping didn't have lunch he it literally didn't he just turned around and got it says it got right back in the boat again all he was doing was spiritual warfare okay so what i've just shown you in this session is another angle to deliverance that has to do with with warriors that are assigned to dismantle satan's kingdom which has already really been dismantled it's been made a show of openly and jesus came to destroy the works of the devil according to scripture so essentially i want the body of christ to come to another level where where we're enforcing something that's already occurred instead of entertaining 400 different demons and trying to figure out their names and figure out why it keeps coming back i'll tell you why it comes back you leave your door open but it might be something where you need someone else to help you with it is why we have the body of christ you know and i tell people i get criticized for this but i tell people listen if you have an alien problems don't be afraid to talk to me or talk to somebody about it because they're demonic and you know what you know in a couple months when they come out with this stuff then all of a sudden uh uh you know i'm making sense but right now i'm not but i'm telling you there's nothing new under the sun we have people in churches that are having problems with these almond eyed aliens in their houses infiltrating a church and we know how to stop these things because there is only one name above all names [Applause] okay so i'm already doing this to tease you i'm showing you that you know you could do this with everything bigfoot you can do with haunted houses you do with everything you can do it with everything you know it doesn't go away just because you say it doesn't exist it goes away when it's identified and you take it out every high thing that exalts itself the knowledge of god you bring it into captivity see ignoring it does not help you it does not help anybody if there is a demon present it needs to be cast out i don't care who it's in peter spoke by satan as a disciple after he had prophesied about jesus being the messiah the day before he told jesus he wasn't going to jerusalem and die and jesus called him satan told him to get out of his way and get behind him because he's blocking god's will for his life so get behind me satan didn't say peter he was on the payroll jesus hired him all of a sudden peter was not peter anymore he spoke by satan get over it so it's all about dominions and domains how much have you given over to the devil how much did peter give over well he gave over enough that he could talk through and if jesus nailed it then we should too you should be able to discern if someone is speaking by the spirit or somebody is not you should discern that each one of your levels your your one which actually there's none and then there's one and then there's three then there's 12 then there's 70 then there's 120 then there's 500 then there's 5 000 and then there's millions they're all barriers all realms of dominion all realms of influence now preaching the gospel i can preach to millions but i may not influence everyone however the power that you give someone close to you could be your death or your life you do not trust everybody you love everybody but trust is earned and trust is something that god determines jesus didn't commit himself to anyone because he knew what was in a man he knew they would all sell him out he said you can't even pray with me an hour they didn't discern what was happening and so they failed him and when it comes to that time everyone will have to determine if they're going to stay in their position out of their obligation in their covenant with another person or if they're going to sell out and self-preserve and in the last days it says that even children will turn their parents over even your friends in church will turn you in because you have food and you haven't told the government it means it might not come in this generation but you understand that us they already had 1 800 numbers for those who weren't doing the everything you know the bizarro world that we just went through they had one hate harm nurse and there were people turning people in that were neighbors family members i'm the only one that didn't get poked in the arm in my family no one's practicing on me i'm not part of some lab experiment i'm not part of any lab experiment you know i give my phone a vacation it's all about dominion it's all about domains okay so you are established in christ you're hidden in him satan shouldn't even be able to find you we're hidden in christ we're in him it our bodies are the temple of the holy spirit so why is satan touching your temple see that's how you have to be and it's amazing how these these little little the little devils will will know to opt out but then they go tell the bigger ones and so then you you don't understand why you get hit with this or that but when you resist that then the next thing you know you got phone calls from your family i'm telling you if i don't if i don't tell you this then i feel like i've failed you but i'm going to get persecuted for this but i have to tell you that this is the demonic system that's set up it's set up to alter your reality it's just to frame your mindset that if you move in toward god you're going to lose your refrigerator and your tire that the devil is going to make you pay to kind of convince you that maybe you shouldn't go all out that you should just maybe keep quiet stay at home drink your tea on your back porch and enjoy your retirement it's like no i'm going to go faster and higher i'm going to do more and then all of a sudden there's silence from hell because it didn't work every time that we push him we push him into the glory and it just gets worse for us well what if the whole body just submitted to god resisted the devil and he fled from them what would it look like what does this world look like if if that the whole body of christ fulfilled james 4 7. resist the devil but submit to god resist the devil and he will flee from you in terror the whole body well i mean there's millions of us that still believe that the holy spirit is on the earth and ministering still believe do you still believe in miracles do you believe that god can visit you at night in dreams and visions do you believe that he can come and show you something maybe take you on a little trip or something and not have to pay airfare i i've had i have the anointing of god on my life to where i receive healing for myself you have the anointing from the holy one as well you receive healing but don't you think that like he's healed my i can see all you without context i just flew at 45 000 feet at 500 miles an hour without contacts it's the first time i've ever flown an airplane where i didn't need contacts or glasses that happened in my office like i've told you waiting on god the lord said i don't want you to pray i don't want you to do nothing i want you to sit in my glory he didn't say presence in my glory for three months i didn't say a word i'm like i got nervous yeah i got to pray you know got to get my you got to get my hours in you know i've got to read my bible you know or i'm not going to be a christian see i he said no he said i'm going to walk by you and i told you i felt this wind but there's it's in my office and what and when i went to the optometrist i didn't need contacts anymore okay this this is something where i wasn't seeking healing i was seeking him okay in that glory i could not feel a demon like right now i can't feel a demon i don't think there's any demons in here at all [Applause] at all like have you noticed have you noticed because i i've noticed this i'm not i'm not trying to exalt myself i'm just saying have you noticed in our meetings that after a while you just have no you have no there's no awareness of of your problems and the devil and it seems like they just start to fade away that's because god your creator has come to to in to intervene and and to interact with you and and it doesn't involve like someone doing something except just preaching the word and um and allowing the lord to move now you've all received some sort of deliverance and you didn't even know it that's what i'm doing this if you if you noticed your this is the deliverance session you know these are all delivered sessions but it's not the thing where you come up and confess all the terrible things you've done this week you know you don't you don't have to tell on yourself you don't have to say anything because if you would all pass away right now and go to heaven there would not be one thing mentioned about your past and you'd be thinking why was i even worried and the jesus would say yeah i was wondering that too i'm serious he would be he would be like he's like i was we were waiting we were waiting we were waiting up here for you to get to the place where you received your forgiveness and that you just were an ambassador for us and worked with the angels it's it but it's most of our life think about it most of our life is trying to maintain and survive and try to deal with our hurts in our our trauma in our lives and we can't figure it out we cannot figure it out like why these bad things happen to us well you're in a broken world with a devil and you are born again you expect your prayers to be answered you expect miracles every day you expect people not to that you vote for did not fall upstairs but you didn't vote for him so you're not responsible so see you you have to realize god always says his will but it hardly ever happens jesus went to nazareth to and you know he went there because he was sent there but that's his hometown but he couldn't heal anybody there so they hindered god god god jesus was told to go there and he went around healing doing good and healing everyone so why couldn't he heal in his own hometown well why did paul say i've longed to come to you but the devil hindered me and hopefully i can come next year okay so god is always going to speak his will so that's why i'll pick out the worst person in a congregation and the pastor is like why are you picking him out he's the one that's causing the division i go that's the head honcho the lord gives him a good word because he's going to take that strong man out the strong man is taken out because i'm going to speak the will of god over that person's life and they might split the church after i leave but god spoke his intention for that person but people you picked you missed god on that one like did i or was i calling it as god sees it because his will doesn't change so like right now we're in the desert we're in the desert circling around and everybody's thinking what just happened well someone in heaven knows the answer but i guarantee you that god had already established his will but now we're circling it and now it's separated and now the church is separated but see is it really the body see the body of christ and the established church may be two different things did you ever think about that within a group of people you have the remnant you have you have sheep well did you know that like if people have allowed the enemy in their life and they have chosen a certain way you cannot let god cannot let them be rewarded with you the same reward he rewards those who diligently seek him i mean that's what the bible says if you want to bring the bible into it okay so god calls those things that are not as though they were because they are but it it was a 12-day jaunt in the canaan so why did it take 40 years it wasn't god's fault okay do you get it in the new testament jesus went around healing everyone that was oppressed to the devil everybody that came to him he healed and yet we're going to argue because we look at the statistics of how many people in the body of christ are sick we argue that maybe we should change our doctrine but see you can't change god so no matter what i don't care if a thousand fall and ten thousand at my right hand it shall not come near me i watch people fall i've watched my family members fall but i'm still standing because i'm in a secret place i i don't visit i make it the most high my habitation it says my dwelling place i'm always there no evil shall touch me that means at 45 000 feet or right here in front of this row it doesn't matter because i'm still in the secret place and in that secret place no devil can come in there so i am delivered permanently because the devil cannot touch me it says that the evil you'll trample on servant's coins but it shall not come near you it says you have power authority over all demons serpents and scorpions all power all demons do i need to say it again every evil spirit anything that could be named i'm seated with him in the heavenly world far above all rule and authority there is no name that's been named that's higher than the name of jesus and i'm seated and you're seated with him this is deliverance now practically you guys still deal with stuff you're going to have two chicken breasts instead of one today okay but see that is self-control it's a fruit of the spirit it's also a a characteristic of love it's a characteristic of love god is love but it says that love is self-controlled but it's also a fruit of the spirit so it's there it's it's there if you use it i mean if you don't want you can stay at 15 000 feet and blow through the clouds and and and and pretty much ruin your airplane if you want to you can stay at 15 000 feet but it goes to 45 far above so you know that's what i see christians doing that's what i saw myself doing i chose to stay down in the turbulence of this life and allow things to change how i believe based on my experience but see i experience god because of what i believe i don't i don't choose what i believe by what i experience i have to put the word of god first and then that's the catalyst which brings me back to how we started this and faith is the substance faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen it's the title deed i have many things that you don't see i have it already i already know that there will come a day when everyone in my meeting will be healed completely healed there will be no sick person left i know that every person will be saved i know that people i saw it already i saw people wrapped around buildings waiting to get in for the next service not because i'm a good preacher but because of what was coming out of the people's mouths that were speaking was from heaven and people need to hear god but they need to hear his word they need it needs to be the pure unadulterated word demons understand it demons understand authority so let me pray for you and then we'll come back at two right huh can we do a two how about one thirty it's 12 now can we do 130 oh i'm fine i'll keep going until tonight [Applause] i'm serious i'm serious i i want this whole this whole group to come with me to the next step and so we'll break we'll break 1 30. i'll start at 1 30 don't be sad you know just do what you need to do but i'm going to start at 1 30 and um i'm going to do i'll do breaks and i just want to get this out i everything i do my my secret is everything i do is though it's my last chance to do it everything i do every service i ask like when i walk away when you see me walk away i'm asking lord give me another time give me another chance to preach another session i can't wait till the next session or next city because it's such an honor to preach the gospel but i can't hold back about what i know about demons because if they're known it blows their cover you know you know you know like i know i know we we we have situations where it's just recurring things and it's so predictable and it's like you just get to where you know what devil maybe you should just not waste your time anymore you'll be surprised at what happens in your finances and in your relationships you'll you'll start to see things and you won't have to do much you think it's all about giving it's not sometimes it's receiving see i'm i'm i do more giving in front of people instead of in secret the reason why is i i already got my reward in heaven i'm i already i'm already taking care for eternity i've already been there i don't have to like i'm not doing stuff in secret thinking that it's going to be even better because what i saw was good enough okay what i'm doing is i'm trying to show you that ministry should be about giving out violins and cellos and keyboards and and not charging you and giving you your your study guide and telling you you know what i don't want to ever see you again because you're going to walk in this you know in other words like you know i you know what i'm saying is like i i i don't want you to be a recurring customer and unless you just want to come to get built up but you know you're not going to need to go through deliverance every year it's not like your inspection on your car the disciples said hey listen you know peter said check to see if you're in christ paul said that it's like you know if you're in christ talking to christians john said listen we don't sin i mean if you're in christ you don't sin but if you do we have an advocate but he said we don't sin it's crazy he said that but when do you hear that that whole any of that book being quoted in a church because that's that just takes it to a whole nother level where you're accountable and and you might get offended if they preach that and not give in in the pot you know in the in the offering so they're going to stay away from offending you but jesus offended people everywhere he went why because he can do what what you needed you need to take your medicine you need to grow up because that the devil knows that he's going to lose his influence in your life amen okay father i thank you for the impartation of heaven i command every foul lion devil to leave in jesus name i break the power of trauma over the body over my friends i break the power of unforgiveness i break the power of disappointment and discouragement and depression i break depression you go in jesus name right now i command every lying devil every deceitful devil to go in jesus name right now pastor sixto get up here i command trauma right now trauma all those of things that happened the lord wants you to be healed right now there you go father we've come against it right now we just declared the love of the father over trauma and over generational curses father we just break it we break the stronghold of the trauma right now in jesus name we declare that the physical body being healed in jesus name we thank you father god that all those wounds the wounds the generational wounds are being healed right now in jesus name and father you're even removing the scars of the past we declare the bodies be made whole in jesus name those watching on facebook several of you your heart if you will put your hand over your heart right now in jesus name he wants to heal the scars in your heart in jesus name whole whole hole in jesus name set free set free in jesus name thank you father for setting them free in jesus name in jesus name lord we thank you for anyone in this room right now any trauma it doesn't matter you know you may not even thought about it if that just the thought that will come to you right now stand and receive it right now rape incest in jesus name healed healed healed healed healed in jesus name healed healed healed in jesus name set free set free in jesus name declare it with your own mouths declare it i am healed in jesus name i am set free in jesus name i'm being healed in jesus name i am set free right now in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah i'm above and not beneath declare it over your physical bodies now in jesus name in the overflow room in jesus name you'll be set free in jesus name declare it now that you are whole in jesus name thank you father for setting them free in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i come against right now for those if you have not felt the love of the father and if you've been longing for the love of your father your heavenly father if you will place your hand on your heart right now and just receive it father touch them now and let them feel your presence lord from the crown of their heads to the souls of defeat invade all areas of the body right now flood them with your love we thank you father we thank you in jesus name thank you for the overflow of love thank you lord let the river flow over them in love let it flood over them right now in jesus name lord we just come against right now any repressed memories right now lord any mind-binding spirits that would cause confusion depression oppression we command you to go in jesus name in the mighty name of jesus and we call upon the angels of fire to invade this place casting out any demons and filling every person in this place with your love father roman [Applause] i speak to all the women that experience trauma in their life as a little girl i see a little girl hiding in jesus name we bind up the spirits of little girl hiding right now in jesus name in the mighty name of jesus loose in jesus name and lord we thank you lord lord we thank you that these women come out of hiding to receive your love o god lord we thank you father for your love lord that's wrapping around them right now comforting them healing them lord we thank you lord for all soul wounds to be healed in jesus mighty name in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you father for your love thank you father for your love lord thank you lord that they're experiencing your love right now through their entire being their whole body their whole body being flooded with your love yeah lord thank you father for expelling every fear every spirit of fear goes in jesus name o god lord thank you yeah thank you for your liquid love right now pouring out over everyone in this place hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah i just felt impressed with this from last night if you guys can sit for a moment but this is a special call for men men hear my voice and don't don't miss the opportunity but if you in your heart did not receive a blessing from your own earthly father and you did not feel love from your father the lord wants you to heal right now from that if you will stand don't let the enemy win this one you take authority over this right now because you're going to have sons and spiritual sons that you're going to influence and you have to be whole so that you can pass that blessing on to those men those young men and young women that are coming in your lives i know what i'm speaking of i had a father that rejected me an earthly father he was a pastor for 10 years with him kevin mentioned the same the name of that pastor he was with for ten years he lived two hours away from me and didn't want anything to do with me but on his deathbed the lord sent me and told me to forgive him and to tell him i loved him and then the lord spoke to me and told me now i'm going to make your father to the fatherless and i received that healing and so close your eyes right now men just receive this father i declared over every man that is standing before you right now in jesus name i speak to them and i say over them right now you are loved you are loved you are loved and i declare over them right now and i stand in proxy of your earthly fathers and i ask you and i ask you to respond will you please forgive me for not showing you love will you please forgive me for my shortcoming i am sorry please forgive me thank you for setting me free and thank you for loving me now father i just ask that you would just flood them with your love and you are preparing each man now father even those watching on facebook you are preparing them for the next step that they will pour out your love to those that they will encounter and those that they will be responsible for and sons and daughters that are coming i thank you father for blessing them in jesus name amen amen amen all right we'll see you at 1 30. um i'll start then and um that's in an hour and 10 minutes should be enough to get something bless you all [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] you yes [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 36,199
Rating: 4.930131 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: 4ph5twthbI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 4sec (9784 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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