Entering Into Heavenly Peace - Kevin Zadai

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um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we need [Music] we need your presence [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] we love your presence [Music] we love your presence [Music] we love yours [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] how we love we are lovers [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yes oh [Music] oh [Music] lord we do love you we do love you we love you so much we thank you for your presence that's been hovering here all weekend we thank you lord according psalm 84 11 that you're withholding no good thing from us that you are here with us you're here to pour out your spirit you're here to bring change you're here to set free you're you're here lord to turn us completely around and we thank you lord that it's a new beginning for all of us god we thank you for the changes that have already been made in our lives and our hearts and we thank you lord that this will last forever until we see you face to face if you believe that say amen hallelujah you may be seated just for a moment [Music] how's everybody doing are you excited it's been so good and how many were here to see these precious children earlier today wasn't it beautiful one of the things that is so near and dear to kevin and kathy's heart is what you saw i mean there were i think what was it like six-year-olds as young as six were up here and that we're training them to be young men and women of god our homeschool curriculum that's being written right now kevin said listen because we're creating it from scratch and you'll see that in the coming months about the homeschool curriculum but the thing about the curriculum is is kevin said make sure that it's weaved in all the way to their seniors in high school make sure it's always weaved in that god loves them and god values them so their entire identity is rock solid in jesus their entire life amen so what you saw here with these 30-something kids was just a snapshot of the good things that this ministry is doing it was so precious to see them and they couldn't wait to do it these kids it was so wonderful but i want you to know that as someone that's uh deeply involved and part of this ministry i work for kevin is that's his desire his desire is we do you know we do all this to to touch the children to touch next generation and i don't want to steal kevin stunder but he said this many times publicly and i'll say it again here the lord told him from now on every child that comes out of the womb is a prophet so we're training up this next generation to usher in the coming of the lord amen and so as mike shares often we we train these children all the way through the home school with the kids programs and now with uh dr wingate and different people week you can now eventually get your bachelor's degree in these different areas that's how invested we are in reaching this next generation again it doesn't matter how old you are for your bachelor's but you you can plug in you can get that degree right now we're putting everything in place and again michael share some of this with you where you can get your associate's degree right now so i mean get involved with that so we're so thankful for that one of the main things that i do here at the ministry is i help with the warrior fellowships i talked about that last night if you want to be involved with one of these warrior fellowships there's 1200 of them right now we do have them all over the united states we have them in austria we have them in australia we have them in japan we have them in mike was i don't know if he was joking or was it knew it but we do have warrior fellowships in huts i mean come on and they're in you know they got the little satellite whatever they're hooked up you know they're watching warrior knows videos and they're seeing kevin they're they're they're they're receiving from heaven and i have testimony after testimony we have two groups somewhere united states we have two groups that do the warrior fellowship at homeless shelters and and they're bringing in they're raising money in the homeless she in in the fellowship they're raising money for food in tents and blankets i mean that's why we're doing this that that's the gospel the gospel is not about standing up here and preaching it's about doing what god's called you to do amen be in the hands and feet of jesus so if you want to be involved with the warrior fellowship if you log on to kevinsaid.com you can see right there at on the home page where you can find a fellowship within a 60 miles where you live and if there's not one you know maybe you could start one and if you want to start one all you got to do is become a student and then we go from there but these fellowships are incredible they're they're they're meeting in homes they're meeting in buildings and the power of god is coming in and people are getting trained and we we even have people and i'm a pastor i pastor a church in north carolina we have people scratching their head and say you know what my pastor's not teaching any of that stuff in my church and then they don't know what to do but we're trying to bring people to the next level amen uh another little announcement here i said this last night i want to make it again online uh this clear that we uh have a couple one-night meetings coming up we still have room in virginia beach so if you're watching online or if you're here and you can make it we sign up on the events page on the website to virginia beach and orlando and so if you want to come to those one-night events do that and then at the end of this month uh end of august we do have our big conference in dalton georgia so see if you can come and be a part of that are you with me are you ready to take an offering or given an offering ushers if you come i appreciate that all these ushers that are coming forward that you see are uh i believe they're partners with the ministry so you can give them a hand uh for helping us and just so you know as we go to city to city we are relying more and more on our partners because of all the wonderful things that god's doing we need help so we may be calling on you to help with the book table or with uh offering or something like that so we really appreciate that if you're making out a check you can make it out to warrior notes you can also do text to give and the numbers on the envelope the text to give is up on the screen and i want you to know something it's somebody who's been with kevin since the beginning of his ministry uh because i used to work for sid roth and that's where i met kevin i've seen everything that he kevin has done behind the scenes all he has done since i've known him is give him and kathy give they give they give and so this is such good soil to give into the kingdom you've heard kevin say already about the the ranch where we're helping we're buying vans we're buying a house there are so many things to be honest with you when you give you give to those little guys and girls there that held the coin and held a certificate that was all for free because of the partners but when you give that's what we're doing we don't charge for these events or anything like that i don't want to go on and on about it because you already know but that's where this offering goes it goes into furthering the kingdom you you don't i mean maybe you do that little thing that those kids encounter they'll never forget that for the rest of their life and they got to meet right there a real life astronaut as well and they'll never forget that because they tie it in with the kingdom of god god must really love me to do something like that amen so father we thank you for the opportunity to give to be a part of this ministry to partner with you to further your kingdom and lord any way that we can give the devil a black eye we're all on board father lord we thank you for this ministry we bless kevin and kathy we bless this ministry lord we bless the people here and those that are watching that couldn't be here we thank you for all that you're doing everybody said amen amen thank you ushers mike amen you know uh every conference i i get so moved and and the team gets so moved when we see families with their children going after god and you know as a parent and you guys can relate this watching online and hear as a parent as a marriage as someone who wants to make a difference the presence of god is everything because if you don't have it what do you have to give to those in need and everywhere you go there's needs and so we're finding that everywhere we go that there is this this uh fire that unites us and so you guys didn't just come to a conference you guys are family and wherever we go we see family that is hungry for the presence of god and so we want you guys to know that these weekends are powerful but that there's more for you and so when we talk about partnering we talk about the school we talk about the fellowship fellowships and all these opportunities for you to get involved in it's because we know that you have a destiny and you have a call on your life you know all the time you hear kevin say that the past is behind you so what's in front of you it's your future and so when you put your eyes on future when you put your eyes on the destiny that god has for you you begin to realize that you are here for a purpose and everything that enemy meant for evil you're going to start turning for good right so with that being said we want to just take a moment with the pardon and just thank all the partners because you guys are family you guys are the ones that are helping make all this possible and in the coming months and years you're going to see so many powerful things coming out but we want you to know that we do this together as a family that's what kevin and kathy want they want you know that you are family and so if you are not a partner and we we normally don't go there with this because at the end of the day it has to be something that god's speaking to you but you heard what kevin was sharing at this the previous meeting here was about partnership and partnership is not so we can get something from you partnership is so we can be in unity because for us to change this generation it's going to take a lot of people standing up saying enough is enough i'm going to make a difference so where no matter where you came from whether you're watching online or you're here tonight we want you to be a part of this because you belong here we belong in this position to change this generation that's why you were breathed into your mother's womb you have to understand how all this comes together and the solution is that jesus sent you and he sent us amen so if you are interested in partnering i would like to encourage you you can see online you can go to kevinzati.com you can partner with kevin and kathy we have at the book table um some easy ways where you can partner with us but with partnering the reason why we look at it as a family is because it's not that we're just getting some finances from you it's that you guys are going to be a part of all the things that we are doing that isn't even public facing many of you i don't know if you know this but with the app we are producing content where your health um where responders so many things that we're going to be releasing kevin and kathy wanted to go to the partners because we consider you guys remnant we consider you guys family so i encourage you to join us as a partner because you want to be a part of this right you don't want to get to heaven and be like i wish i should have you want to know you want to recognize your moment in your time in your season amen so with that i also want to put a plug in for the school because kevin has poured out his heart you know what you hear here on a weekend he produces so many courses that you can take whether it's 2 a.m or 2 p.m whether you just put the kids to bed or you're just getting up before you go to work you can get more of this every single day of the week because it you have to be trained you know kevin was talking about a plumber earlier and you can't just show up on the job with a tool belt and say you're a plumber right you actually have to go get trained in plumbing otherwise you're going to have a very bad experience i promise you something's going to go wrong and you're going to have a lot of regrets and that can happen when you have a call on your life you need training and guess what that's all of you because everybody's been called to the ministry of reconciliation so that means if you're alive if you have a pulse and if you're not sure ask your neighbor check your pulse i'll help you out i guarantee this you have been called to the ministry of reconciliation which could be the neighbor could be the homeless it could be your marriage it could be your family it's all of these things so training and equipping is vital so with that i want you to know we've released several new courses we just released warrior women where's the women at yeah there's the powerhouses warrior women right now you can get that it's on sale we also release several new bundles one of them is the warrior justice bundle there's five courses on warrior justice we have seven courses on notes of a warrior which is incredible and we also have a new bundle rigged in your favor which if you've read the book it's just it's life-changing so these courses are designed to be in addition to that because you need to fuel the fire right because transformation is not a moment it's an ongoing thing that happens in your life renewing your mind is not a moment renewing your mind is a daily right all right so we say all these things because not because we just want someone to buy a course because that doesn't mean anything that has no eternal value what has eternal value is that you get discipled is that you go and reach your neighborhood that you go and minister to the god breach preach the gospel all over wherever you go and that might be at work it might be at a daycare it could be anywhere but that's those are the ones that need it the most so when you go somewhere know this god sent you there that is your mission field amen all right we're gonna worship for just another moment [Music] [Music] come like [Music] come like [Music] come like [Music] any way you want to [Music] boy we just want you so come look lord [Music] we just want you we just want you [Music] we just want you [Music] any way it looks we just want you [Music] any way you want to call we just want you [Music] cause i have tasted and i have seen the beauty and glory of my king and i have tasted and i have seen the beauty and glory [Music] i've seen the beauty of your face oh we can't look away we can't look away [Music] beautiful [Music] the more beautiful [Applause] [Music] the see i [Music] the see i see the more i see [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] we've come here tonight to meet with you to see your faces more we've come here tonight [Music] to see [Music] [Music] is [Music] world [Music] wow worthy of it all worthy of it all worthy of it all in one word worthy [Music] you [Music] worthy worthy [Music] you're worthy [Music] of you you're worthy you're worthy of me [Music] so worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] we will we [Music] we will [Music] we love you [Music] we've come to worship we've come to worship [Music] oh [Music] holy holy holy is the lord almighty holy holy holy is the lord almighty holy holy holy is the lord almighty [Music] so okay you can be seated amen thank you for coming tonight the lord has been so good to us hasn't he amen i'm so thankful so thankful for the staff and staff that god's given us and this this this beautiful music and worship and and people that that actually care about jesus and want to worship amen we love you all it's it's nice to know that god can get the right thing to you and this should be an encouragement to you to see what god is doing because he wants to do this for everybody he wants to do this for everyone so i want to talk to you tonight actually the lord just wants to talk to you about what what shalom means what peace means to him and the the hebrew thought for peace and the understanding of what it means to say peace to someone is different than what we think it is and i know this if you study out the word which i will kind of do that a little bit but you have to understand when somebody in the hebrew minds set says peace be unto you what he's saying is may god and his kingdom be with you in a a reigning way you know in a dominion way in other words may god overpower you with prosperity and health well-being they essentially are saying if you read it out he's essentially saying may your enemies be paralyzed may your body become healthy may you become wealthy in all that you do essentially it's it's it's invoking god into your situation and that's what if somebody said shalom to your peace peace twice it was a it was essentially the covenant be upon you so everything that it was involved with the covenant of god may it be upon you they were reinforcing what god had already instituted and um i i've always held back on this because you always get pushed back because everybody knows more than you and uh it's interesting that there is no poverty in heaven there is no sickness in heaven there is no devils in heaven so there's there's no there's no uh demonic there's no oppression there's you know i could just go on and on and on there's no sin there's if there is sin it gets cast out so there's no lack no confusion everything is in order and that order is called shalom it's called peace it's in other words it means may what is in heaven be upon you may god be upon you but that means everything about him and this is what peace means to us as a christian at the very least so the blood as it is we talk about in chapter nine of your study guide the blood is enough if the the blood of goats and rams and sheep and you know all those poor animals if that was enough to cause israel to prosper and be in health where essentially they encountered health and prosperity the enemy was afraid of them the covenant said that the enemy will come at you one way he will flee from you in seven i will put the fear of you on them and you will lend to these nations but they they they they uh you will lend to them but you will not borrow and it says this is to establish the authority of god they will always be a servant to you and fear you so if the if the enemy didn't leave voluntarily they were driven out and we see all these miracles in the bible where god came through that was because he was a covenant keeping god he was just keeping the covenant when the people didn't just submit and do what was right yeah i'll get there a similar time so if you have peace then everything is exactly in synchronization with what god has and if something becomes a fireworks display if something becomes wrong as things start to turn and and change it's broken peace but it's really broken covenant so if someone breaks a covenant with you you you lose your peace and then god has to step in but see sometimes god doesn't step in right away because he is in a different realm than we are and things are being dealt with where angels are being sent immediately and then there's a fight going on you've got to remember that that daniel didn't know why god delayed answering him but the angels told them why they were fighting they were dealing with spiritual entities in order to get to him but then they said they were dealing with entities also that if you look at the order at which the angels say they were fighting the principalities of persia and greece if you look those were the order of the the world powers that came after that so as stuff starts to happen in the physical there it was a delayed reaction to something that happened maybe years ago in the spirit so in order to deal with these discrepancies down here you have to remember that the blood of jesus was enough and that the covenant has been made if you start to lose your peace your shalom then what you have to do is fall back on that covenant not on your feelings so the secret i've asked great men of god you would know them if i mentioned them i asked them tell me your ultimate secret because i've watched this happen in their lives and they said the secret is i always fall back on the covenant and even in my office in my studio there's a spot that's about six feet in circumference and in that spot a covenant was made a man of god named jesse the planets laid on that floor and made a covenant with god about that building when he sold it to a lawyer in that spot right there where our studio is now and the covenant was that this building would go back to a man of god and he told the person he said just so you know i'm selling this to you but one day a man of god will come to you and you're going to have to sell it to him that spot is in studio a of our studios okay she would she doesn't want to sell it she doesn't want to rent it and so i told kathy i said listen go back to her and tell her my husband died and he came back from the dead and he wants this building this he knows this is his building and she started crying but we didn't know why but now we know why now she has promises she's going to sell it to us when she retires so we're just renting parts of it from her but even recently as of last week i have gone to that spot and i've laid down just before i came here and laid down on that circle don't listen to me and i said where's the god of jesse duplantis because i started to feel a push i'm not going to even talk about what it is but it has to do with our aviation department and there's a warfare regionally going on and so the lord told me be based out of phoenix your your authority is established there you put it at this airport with these people and so that's what i did and a whole bunch of really good things happened as well within making another aircraft available but see there's a regional there's a there's a war going on at that airport and i inherited his war and so i had to put my aircraft somewhere else because that man is becoming too powerful at that airport and he has so much favor that everyone around is looking and they're being they're becoming they're saying your god isn't big enough to do this and then he does that and they go any goes anything else he can't do and after a while everybody looks at that and says how is this guy able to do this and so in covenant you enter into a covenant with people but when you do you inherit their warfare as well as the benefits so you always have to remember that your covenant with god is something that you need to fall back on when you get a push when something seems to start to affect your peace what is happening it's a sign that your covenant is being violated and you you'll have to go back to the covenant and say no by his stripes i'm healed he meets my needs according to his riches in glory and the lord is my shepherd i shall not want anything jesus said you can ask whatever you desire and it shall be given to you well that desire is not need want is not need so it covers a whole spectrum of things so peace has to do with established authority in a covenant and so the blood of jesus will always be enough to and it's already established the covenant so it's already established so when you start to lose peace in any way it's because one of the areas of your life is being violated now there are in an aircraft there are a panel up up on top and it's an enunciator panel which which what happens is is that you have seven to ten systems on the aircraft they're all tied together and there's indicators one of those lights will light up to show you that it's electrical or it's hydraulic or it's fuel or it's the air it's the air system all of these will be will be either blank which is good or if they're lit up they could be yellow or red it isolates the problem to a certain system which then you can go to your manual your checklist and go through and start to isolate and find out what's wrong so it eliminates a lot of time this is what the lord does in your spirit the priest had 12 stones on the breastplate but he also had the urim and the thyme in a little bag and one of them would light up one was a yes and one was a no and david would encounter the lord using inquire using the ephod which had these stones in it it's very interesting that god gave specifications for everything to be made but he never said anything about those two stones and no one knows how they were made because everything else was assigned to be made by certain specifications no one knows where those stones went but they were part of the ephod so i believe those stones were given to moses but when they are not needed again they disappear this is the problem today david would say shall we go up against them and if the lord said yes then they went if he said no then they wanted to know why and there was usually sin in the camp you will not find the ark of the covenant because the ark of the covenant is the seat of the almighty god it is an exact replica of the throne of heaven it is a model in heaven god sits on the mercy seat with two cherubim one on each side of him and the blood of jesus is applied to the mercy seat and when the father looks at that blood it's enough so the ark of the covenant has a lid on it called the mercy seat the ark of the covenant the box has three things in it it has the law it has the manna and it has the rods that butted to show that aaron was the chosen one the covenant the ark of the covenant the covenant contains those three things because the covenant involves supernatural provision called manna it caught it also includes supernatural selection in your calling aaron's rods and it includes the supernatural tablets that god wrote with his finger his word which is called the law that is all the covenant his word his selection is his chosen and his supernatural provision it's topped off with a lid that is called the mercy seat which god sits upon and he judges according to the blood if the blood was accepted by the person that appears before him he looks down and they are forgiven and pardoned if they have not chosen jesus as the way to salvation through his blood they are not forgiven so that is why it says if you forgive sins they are forgiven if you do not they are not because he gave that ability in second corinthians chapter five when he said you have a ministry of reconciliation that means that you go forth paul said and announce that the sins of the people have been paid for you announce that they're forgiven it's a ministry of reconciliation you announce every human being their sins have been paid for you have to choose him you have to verbally confess him believe in your heart and say it with your mouth that jesus is lord and that he died and paid for your sins and you shall be saved when you confess that you've acknowledged god's way of taking care of it and you get shalom so when you go to a city and they reject you the lord said take your peace back right dust your feet and do not even take the dust from that city with you so the church is very powerful it's so powerful that paul said listen that numbskull that is living with his father's wife turn him he said the next time you get together and the power of god is present and my spirit is with you paul said that because he had that authority as an apostle he said when you gather together and the power of god is present and my spirit is there with you he said turn that one over to satan just a normal church service wednesday night service we're gonna do the baptisms first dedications and then we're gonna turn someone over to satan would the nominees please come forward it's amazing in saudi arabia they just cut off your hand if you steal they do be heavy headings every friday right there in the square it's amazing you don't even need police officers there it's a broken world and people have to be told to do right and they have to be punished if they don't this is a broken world we shouldn't have to have prisons we shouldn't have to have police officers i mean we could still have them we just hug them and you know buy them lunch because make their job easy you see perfect love honors others if you love god and you love your neighbor as yourself you fulfill all the law because you're honoring in the proper order you're thinking of others so you don't go through a red light you don't speed because that speed is calculated so that you have a stopping distance so that you don't hurt someone else and hurt yourself but see we don't if we walked in love if we honored god and we honored ourselves and honored our neighbors loved all those three loved ourselves jesus said love the your neighbor as yourself and love god you wouldn't break the law is everybody understand that that's why jesus said if you do those things you fulfill all the law okay so the reason we have laws and we have to tell people not to be numb skulls is because it's a broken world and people will not honor love they will not honor that law they don't think of others before themselves they don't honor god so god in his covenant has secured peace for you but in this broken world people will infringe upon your covenant and so in the new testament it says that the new covenant is better than the old it's based on better promises it's a better covenant through the blood of jesus it has to be better for the son of god to do what he has done it has to be better than any animal that has died okay so the covenant has to be a better covenant just like it says it is okay with that being said why do you back off of healing and deliverance and prosperity why would you do that if a jewish person doesn't even talk about money they just make it lots of it under an old covenant because abraham's their father they have no problem no problem they have no problem charging you retail instead of wholesale why because they're they're god's chosen people they're under a covenant blessings of abraham are on them but it says in galatians that the blessing of abraham are upon us us gentiles okay so when would the correction come does it come does it come when you get to heaven you find out you don't have a little cabin on the edge of glory like this the hymn says but you've got a mansion on main street and your driveway is more expensive than any any amount of money ever made down here are you going to tell jesus you want gravel this is such a waste no you're not going to tell them that but the covenant bleeds over into all the different aspects just like these these systems on the on the aircraft they it lights up so you can isolate the thing of it is is things start to overlap and infringe on other things so if you're not healthy it hurts your relationships too it also hurts your finances so don't you think that prosperity would be if you don't get sick then nobody gets your money so don't you think that is prosperity is it sometimes prosperity what doesn't go out versus always what it comes in is in prosperity just as much the the the inflow as the outflow can you control your outflow because a lot of prosperity could be there hidden in what you're paying out that god could show you and it's the same thing with everything your relationships sometimes you need to thin the herd your relationships they affect your health they affect your finances especially those who don't want to pay for their meal all the time and you have to pay so they don't believe in that prosperity they don't believe in that prosperity stuff but they'll let you pay their bill they always need money that's happened with my family members i don't believe in that prosperity stuff well i stopped giving to them you know because i want to honor what they believe no no i'm making you laugh but do you understand there's something here that see everything is tied together so i want to be healthy because it's part of my prosperity it's also part of god's plan because paul said listen i wa long to go and and be with the lord but he said i have to stay because for you it's better that i stay but i want to go and be with the lord so in order to stay here you need to keep your body healthy and god doesn't always just do that for you i'll show you why i'll show you how jesus he raised people from the dead but he said go feed them because they would die again sometimes you say go and sin no more you know now you tell somebody stop sinning and it's like boy you in trouble but jesus did it all the time okay so there is these ties in between each but see shalom covers all of those so if you look up the word which i have done for you in the strong's concordance and you know we we think of it we think of of of peace as being you know everything's going fine but the word in hebrew means safe well happy friendly oh yeah welfare health prosperity favor friends completeness contentment tranquility soundness in body a whole bunch more but you get the point so i have found when i've questioned people that have done this for a long time they've told me that they always go to god and fall back on the covenant and they remind the lord of their commitment to the covenant and so the phrase that i was given was the blood is enough and i i always say that when i'm when i feel sick when i'm in pain when relationships go wrong when certain things don't work out when people smash my cello they i go the blood is enough because see the blood cannot be crossed because it's holy but it represents a covenant that is sealed according to psalms 89 god said i will never forget my covenant in in heaven the throne has layers it says in psalms 89 there's layers in the throne justice and truth faithfulness surrounds him it refers back to the angels as being the ones that are surrounding the throne they're his faithfulness and all of these characteristics of god are in layers in his throne and he sits on it and he judges so he speaks as a king from his throne representing his dominion his domain and he speaks to his domain from from his seat of authority and he establishes his covenant according to psalms 89 and it cannot be revoked his word as he sits there in a rested position it goes out and it comes back fully accomplishing the intent that he spoke it according to isaiah 55. so taking his fast word and skipping two hours of teaching he spoke over you he wrote a book about you in verse 5 in the passion translation of psalm 139 before verse 16 where it says i they wrote a book about you it says i have gone to your future and i'm standing there and have paved a way to it and i also go behind you and protect you from the hurts of your past so to save you a whole lifetime of mystery and two hours of teaching i have to tell you that jesus is already in your future he's wrote a book about you he's paved the way step by step to that future and he did all of this speaking you into existence into your mother's womb he did all of this before you were born this is not a fable or a bedtime story this is the absolute truth according to scripture so david said i set the lord always before me and because he is at my right hand the right hand represents authority because he is at my right hand i shall not be shaken david understood psalms 89 because he wrote it the covenant has been established and he sets the lord before him and because he's at his right hand where the king's authority is he shall not be shaken psalm 16 8 i preached my first sermon at rhema bible college in class with that verse i thought it was pretty good they never asked me back but i mean that was pretty good of course i was just a student you know just a little pert i wasn't even an expert yet when i was at the assemblies of god college we were asking students to preach it got to the time where i could be asked to speak to the whole you know shebang there you know with all the head honchos and i didn't get chosen and the reason why was is i was really too strong on repentance and my message is what i was told and and this is what happens so i graduated they wouldn't send me to the mission field because i was single they said you have to be married to go the mission field i go so paul couldn't even go so they wouldn't send me they wouldn't ordain me they wouldn't send me to guatemala so i went to rhema bible college i was going to go to guatemala and as i'm getting ready to go the lord said you're going to southwest airlines and i go excuse me are you having a bad day i'm going to the mission field i got four years of college and now i got this program this two-year so i said okay i'll be a pilot he goes no you're gonna be a flight attendant and you know the rest of the story you know what's interesting when i went to get ordained by them at the time of course because i made a comment they've changed it i may i went and i said okay i'm ready to get ordained they said well you have to quit your job at southwest airlines you got to you got to believe you got to believe by faith for your income i go i i do believe by faith they're paying it they're supporting my missions so they wouldn't ordain me because i would have to lie on the application which all my friends were doing because they were working on the side that's changed now too late though so i went back to the assemblies because now i'm married you know what they said you married the wrong person she's been married before but she went on to the mission field single with y wham so god tells me to go to southwest airlines and now they won't ordain me and then he tells me to marry kathy but they say it's the wrong person because she's been married before so you have to deal with your peace being shaken i purposely didn't write a book until 2016 2015 2016 when i went to heaven in 1992 i waited till us it was 2015. you want to know why because i could make money off of it so i refused to write it because brother hagin told us in class that every time he writes a book it just sells off the charts so he had this temptation when they needed money for the ministry he said he thought this he thought i could just write another book and at that moment he said that i'm not going to write a book for eight more years just because the devil gave him that thought i didn't want to do what i'm doing because it was so personal it changed my life but the change meant that i could just go and do what i needed to do didn't have to be on a platform i didn't need to write a book i would just talk about it but i was not allowed to talk about it except with kathy okay so your peace can be shaken because of people that are not with the system i could not find people to donate food so what we would do is we started our own pantry in our house in seattle and i bought everything i bought i bought tons of stuff and i just stacked it on the shelves in our garage because the lord told me to it wasn't because perry stone said the end's coming next week i just did what the lord told me well it ends up when we sold the house we gave all our belongings to iranian refugees who became christians and escaped through turkey to canada and then came into the united states if they could we gave all our furniture our car everything in our house and a garage full of food [Applause] and we left seattle on an airplane with about 30 packages that we shipped fedex that was all our belongings and we moved to new orleans and started over again and we just met up with those beautiful people they're doing so well establishing churches and flourishing and their apartments have all they said your apartment our apartments are so blessed with all your nice furniture so sometimes you have to do things on your own and just buy food for for yourself and for others people might not cooperate when we were giving out um pain paying single moms and dads rents and we haven't done that here yet the lord i just go by what the lord directs me and i've had i've had moms come up to me and they said my church knows that i that i'm not employed right now and that i have a baby they have never once asked me how i'm doing this last year and you pay my rent for the month so now that i have explained some of the environment that i've learned about peace in you you have to be led into peace and you have to create your environment of peace as well you have to establish the covenant by obeying god and creating a place around you that it becomes a dominion a domain and then all of a sudden god starts to work in an amazing way where people that would have nothing to do with you have would not have nothing to do with me now want to merge with me and that won't happen okay but it's too late now because god came in and established my domain and i had to remain single i had to remain in the united states i was not ordained until jesse duplantis finally took me in like i was a street person me and kathy you know you guys are not ordained now everybody wants to ordain me they also want me to tithe to them too you know but i'm trying to show you something here let the lord establish his covenant with you personally based on what you're called to do it might be just sewing and knitting or painting or cooking whatever it is that you can do start to do that and start to spray and sow into people and help people even buying canned goods extra canned goods that's what we do with the warrior fellowships all over the world we tell you just go buy blankets buy water buy extra food and then each week when you meet if there's someone in your in your neighborhood in your country and you're in your little neighborhood that that doesn't have food or water you you you bless them you know don't send the money take an offering but don't send it to us just keep it there and build up a fund to help your neighborhood get people saved this is i don't know if you've no notice but this is where it has gone for you with your covenant you can't depend upon the establishment you can't depend upon government you can't you can't depend upon every church they're just trying to survive now so what is god saying to you because he wants to confirm his covenant with you does everybody hear me okay the reason why i need you to hear this is because this has already happened about a year ago and it's almost like some people live in a cave and are raised by wolves or something they don't understand what has just happened god has given the church of his of the lord jesus christ he has given the church authority dominion but he has to establish that locally not only in you but then he has to build that out through relationships so you need to prosper you need to be in health you need to be delivered you need you need to have good relationships but you have to find a couple of people that you can have common ground with that you don't have a cat fight every time you meet if you can find somebody they can get along i've seen dogs and cats get along and you come into agreement it just takes two you come into agreement and you say you say god you've established your covenant with me you've established your covenant with this other person we agree is touching this one thing and it starts this domino effect in the spirit this is what marriage is supposed to be but it's for everybody every way so everybody here you came here because you wanted to come and hear the word of god and experience the power of god but you also wanted to participate with people of like faith that had a common they had common ground where you don't have to explain yourself while you're waving that flag or tambourine or you're raising your hand or you're speaking in tongues you just want to be around people that are normal right [Applause] okay so so so the spirit of the lord wanted me to finish out with with this tonight because then tomorrow morning we're having a service here and until we find a church that we can establish in this city as being one that we can actually participate with we find ourselves in a convention center but there will come a point where there will be a church there will be pastors there will be someone on the ground and right now it's rick and mitzi who are business owners who have been so gracious to help us they were one of our first partners and so they make this possible and we have these kind of of beautiful people in every city we have contacts but they're business people they're not pastors most of them are business people that are called of god to finance what's happening at warrior notes they're just called to do that and they don't want they don't want credit they don't want power they just want people to be helped and so all of this is because god will create that amen thank you thank you rick and mitzi okay so this this front row is full of people that have have partnered with us in different cities and so we're going to new cities and we're creating this partnership there so that we can start going in doing spirit schools and we already are doing that next in the next several months we're going to probably 10 to 15 different cities we'll just have one night things and then then we establish our authority there i beat the living daylights of the devil and then you come back and you start building you don't even ask for permits you just you take authority in your region but if god tells you to go to a region then that's your region you don't have to live there amen okay so the covenant is is based remember the covenant is based what's what is in the box of that arc of the covenant there's three things in the box remember those three things remember what they represent because this was a sign that was given by god it's supernatural provision supernatural selection and calling and the supernatural word the law the word supernatural it's so supernatural that we don't get this but jesus pointed it out to me he said when he said to those pharisees when they said you cast out devils by the head of devils be islab he goes well if i do that then my kingdom's divided but he said if i cast out devils by the finger of god which in their law they said it says right there in the pentateuch it says that they received the law written by the finger of god on tablets of stone so when he said but if i cast out devils by the finger of god the finger that wrote your law then the kingdom of god has come upon you that's why they wanted to kill him he claimed that it was his finger that wrote the law jesus did this all the time you just have to study it out everything he did he was jabbing at the religious system so when god does a ministry it doesn't fail when god created and established his covenant with me it took many many more years than i would be comfortable with and the mode in which i did it i would not have chosen but then in four years it looks like it's bigger than if i've been doing it all my life and these groups of people that didn't discern who was among them they are left robbed of gifts in the body because they did not discern and they did not treat things holy and sacred and this is why they did not they did not treat jesus correctly because they did not discern jesus said you did not discern your day of hesitation he said how i longed to gather you you would you refused it he said he said you did not discern your day of visitation this is right before he went to the cross at the at this particular denomination when i was there i wondered why they were hiding all the forefathers books that started their movement like smith wigglesworth and and others that you might not know i could name they were they were kind of like hidden i had to really look in the library for them and i thought all these men of god were so powerful but they don't mention them in class in the history almost like which they were they were embarrassed okay the pharisees were embarrassed so i tell you this because where jesus had the most confrontation in his shalom was with the religious people he was confronted by the religious people continually the people the the the sheep they're the ones that suffer they just needed healing they needed help they were he said they he looked out over the crowds they were like a sheep without a shepherd but the pharisees were assigned to be stewards over them and there's a lot of prophets in the bible that talk about the condition of the church today really beating the sheep things like that and this is where you lose your peace it's not just with the world you're not going to have peace you can't get peace from the world even if they did give it to you jesus said it's i give you peace that that's not of the world my kind of peace is permanent because it's covenant so i wanted to share that with you tonight because the peace the the everlasting supernatural peace that you have is actually the covenant and you must stand on that covenant right now israel stood on it and they did not get sick for 40 years they did not hunger they did not thirst for 40 years they took the riches of of egypt out with them it says they left egypt with the golden and silver they said there wasn't one feeble one among them now i'm going to say something to you because no matter what i say about it people are going to misunderstand it but i have to tell you the economic system on this earth is based on isaiah 14 and ezekiel 28 and nobody ever talks about this but the system of this world was instituted by hillel who became satan and it was because of the multitude of his merchandising that he became corrupt and it says he corrupted his sanctuaries so he was over sanctuaries as well it was the multitude of as merchandising the word there could be trafficking and i can't get into how i know this so forget about it i'm not going to tell you how i know but i will tell you what i know is that satan lucifer he was so he was so cunning that he realized that he could start to get in between people and broker deals become a middleman and this is what he does with religion all the time he inserts himself in everything when you and i could talk and make a deal ourselves he says no i'll talk to them for you and i'll charge you 10 percent but now it's like 50 percent does everybody understand what i'm saying so you let the bank use your money and they make 15 percent and they give you a fraction of a cent to use your money and you do this with everything you give yourself over well we're going to try this and if it doesn't work we're going to try this and if you don't get better we're going to do this they're practicing you just became a permanent customer unless you have a good doctor a good doctor doesn't want to see you again the whole goal of a hospital is not to have an apart an apartment there the whole goal of a hospital is to get you well and move you out so what happens in the church hillel gets involved with a system and you got a bunch of sick people that never get well permanent customers just keep the money coming in can you believe i just said that okay so have you ever like ever thought about this that everything's set up for you not not to get better or well or anything it's just set up so that you just keep coming back because you need you need this tape series then you need this book then you need this seminar it's just like business i just got the best computer well give it six weeks just got the new iphone yeah it's programmed to have the battery start to wear down here any moment you're going to need the 11 the 12. they got it all set up you're always going to need them they create a way for you to need them because they want permanent customers jesus he did not mentor his disciples in a way where they would always need him to be there am i right he was training them to do the same thing without him being there because he was leaving and that was fine with him he didn't get he didn't have anxiety about that that the crowds might start to dwindle if peter starts performing more miracles and the crowds hey like we're going to peter jesus said like it's about time it's about time he gets in the saddle why was it after they they saw him get crucified why was it after that that they kicked in because this is what happens to all of us we have to wait until something happens to disturb our peace to go to god and go to the covenant we're not proactive i'm not preparing for the next devil's attack i'm preparing in the middle of the night attacks on his camp i'm thinking about like i'm going to loot i'm going to loot him i'm looting him look at y'all looking at me like this guy is crazy no no listen listen what if the bible's actually true what if there actually is crunching under my feet right now what if there is what what if all the provision for what god has for you is already there it's already earmarked it's just in the wrong hands and it's time for you to command your provision to come not because you're commanding god he's already done it you're commanding the devil to get his pause off of it why because the world system the way it is set up the world system the way it is set up is for you never to win never to get healed never get out of debt i'm telling you is there anybody here that is hearing this think about it you're it's set up for you never to get out of debt you you have to put your foot down and you have to sacrifice and you have to fight not one 800 pound gorilla but about four or five that is how powerful the debt system is they do not want you to get well they do not want you to get out of debt they want you to need them this is diabolical but it is is satan's device because of his multitude of merchandising in other words he inserted himself between you and i and i had oranges and you had apples and i just wanted some oranges and i was ready to trade and this guy shows up and says well you know what we can put them on a pallet and ship them for you i just need 40 percent and i'll set it up for you and we'll just do a monthly thing that's like you know he's my neighbor i can walk to his yard why do i need a pallet and why do i need to talk to you anymore but see that's what eve should have done from the beginning why am i even talking to you she should have given him the hand okay so why does it take you all your life to pay off a house and when you pay it off you pay three or four times what it's what you paid for it why is it that you even have to pay a bank for your house why do we even have credit cards you see if we were really adhering to the bible we wouldn't need credit we wouldn't need a mortgage mortgage is two words mort and gage mort means death gauge means grip so you have a death grip you have to get to the end of this of like you have seven years left before you get more in the principle than in the interest so you have to pay 20 three years poof into the air money before it really starts to hit it's like no no and all the devils say what did they just say they're like okay everybody's sworn we got a rogue we got a christian that just found out to say it's like no my my body is healing itself i'm coming down with a healing i'm walking into something that is supernatural my my debts are paid and you know what for seven years nothing happened but then it started happening and it had to do with the covenant it had to do with shalom it had to do with an environment that you have to create so this this is where it really gets fun because i want to offend as many people as possible if it if it causes them to come in if it causes them to think you see angels what they do is a general statement based on a couple of different places in psalms that are quoted in hebrews angels really are mostly defined besides the obvious psalms 104 107 and hebrews who quotes those and then the other psalms that mention angels and then also just all the stories of angels so the doctrine of angels is actually more about the documented experiences in the bible that it is about actual doctrine of what they do and who they are except for the general statements like they hearken under the voice of the lord they do his bidding their flames of fire they're ministers and flames of fire and you see the manifestation of angels in the bible however their ministry is not actually defined in bullet points on what they can or cannot do now we know that they long to look into things about salvation they don't understand salvation like we do so we know that they have to get you to preach the gospel they get you they're sent to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation so we kind of know that that they are with us they will help us with people and preach the gospel and all these other things however there are things that happen in the bible where they come down and stir the water and the first person in gets healed and this is under an old covenant this is not new covenant this is a random act of god's grace and kindness through the ministering spirits there's supernatural provision that happens there's there's um i've like i said i've i've had demonic demonic uh deliverance by having an angel around me where i couldn't doubt i couldn't fear while that angel was there i've also been healed because an angel touched me i didn't even believe in it i got healed anyway i've had angels leave me money that goes over well and it wasn't printed for my printer i know people that their whole school bill was paid by an angel that they picked up on a highway and the angel disappeared and said oh by the way you might want to check behind your seat i left you something it's a bag full of money 22 000 this is not hearsay can i tell that story it's really a cool one so so so this individual we know the the father the uh the individual the the child was coming home from school had to go through kansas where there's no lights there's nothing there and there's not even gas stations and things like that so they're driving all night he's falling asleep he prayed that he would either fight a gas station or find someone that he could have ride with him to keep him awake because he needed to keep going he's going home for a leave he owed a lot of money on his school bill so he passed an individual hitchhiking in the middle of nowhere and the lord said that was your provision and so he said well can you get me someone else and no he's driving on the highway he passes the same guy again so he stops the guy gets in doesn't want to talk about himself just says uh you know just drop me off in a couple miles there's a gas station up there you get coffee so they stop he goes in to get the coffee asked him if he wants anything he said no it comes back out the guy's gone looks around there he's nowhere there's no one there there's nothing so he gets back on the highway he drives a long way and passes that guy again so he stops and he picks him up again and that's when he told him he said when you get home he said make sure you look behind your seat and he leaves them off in the middle of nowhere and the guy disappears so the next morning he arrives and he just goes in and goes to sleep he remembers to get his luggage and all his stuff out of the car and he remembers that bag or he remembers to look behind the seat and there was a bag in there with twenty two thousand dollars now this is what happens when you get into covenant and get into synchronization with the shalom the peace of god is you do something and everything seems so hard and wrong but it is right because god is in it and he tells you to do it and the peace of god is there so you're told to do something and you're it's against all odds and so we had just flown to multiple cities i had flown and spoke got home and then i did a three-day seminar like this in phoenix and then i immediately got on a jet and i went to california to go to school for 14 days flying four hours a day and studying eight every day and it was it was beyond what i thought i could do and so i told the lord i said listen you told me you sent me back you said i cannot fail i said and in my spirit your i can hear you laughing but i'm going to ask you do i need to do something more because right now i am not ready to fly with the faa i don't feel that i can perform everything is it's a like a three-month course or a year course and i'm doing it 14 days it's a little bit too much i need to know and i can hear him laughing he goes you got this when it got to the day before i said lord there's there's something going on here i couldn't discern what it was it had to do with someone else it did not have to do with me and so i called an individual who had just done this course and flown with the same faa guy and i said get on a plane and get out here and i spent about eight to ten hours with him and he cleaned me up he flew with me and then he sat with me and he goes you know this stuff just don't do this don't say this keep it here do this this is what they're looking for this is what this guy is looking for it was interesting because the last week every day as me and my wife we're on the sixth floor you know that's like 60 feet up in a hotel in a tree that's that tall a pine tree that's waving in the wind it's a hundred degrees out there in san bernardino there is a dove that lands every day and sits there and stares at me as i'm studying no matter how much the winds built right just sat through it it's like i'm serious he looked right at us and when he needed to go a little bird would come and take his place until he came back and then when he came back then that little bird would fly away it happened what every day right it was a dove so at the breakfast i'm telling you this because i'm trying to show you this has just happened this stuff happens every day with me but i want to show you when you start to walk in this what's going to happen there will be a synchronization of harmony in peace we're sitting in the restaurant going over everything again it's a 550 page manual that i had to memorize plus all the other procedures it's an airplane i've never flown before and never will fly again trust me and a man was seated he's probably watching right now captain baker he is seated over in the restaurant he goes hey i don't mean to butt in but are you taking a check ride today and i'm like okay yes he goes well where are you taking it i said at the san bernardino airport he goes that's where i'm based i'm a 767 captain and i'm actually taking off in a couple hours and i just overheard you he said i just want you to know you're going to pass that thing that's what he said and i'm like because what's your name i said kevin he says he it's i couldn't tell if he already knew heard of me or anyway he went and looked me up and um i never i never i didn't see him after that he just left he went up and left and then we flew the plane over we were at riverside we had to fly it over to san bernardino then i had to go through two and a half hours of oral testing asking question after question i had to answer them then after that two and a half hours i had to go out and and and pre-flight the airplane and then take that faa guy for a two and a half hour flight and do all these maneuvers like turning one of the engines off it's very disheartening i had to prove that i could fly and do all these maneuvers with one engine so i'm getting the flight ready everything's really going good i passed the oral which is a miracle and so he comes out we get in and as i'm taxiing out kathy saw it she has a picture of it this 767 pulls right out in front of me and gets in front of me so now i have to back off because those engines are as big as big as a house and my little kite with engines on it you know it's like a fly on a dashboard so i back off and so now he's he's sitting there well i listen he's not cleared because he's not cleared for a while because of traffic but i'm just going to stay in the area so i was told just just go around him and i'm i'm like i ain't going around him because that blast is he goes i'm a 767 captain too the fa guy i saw i'm a 760 kevin he said you just go this much distance i said well can you ask the tower because i want to make sure and so anyway they said no we can't give you permission to do that but you can do it at your own risk and i looked at the guy i go all right you're the faa he said you made a good decision he said but i will show you a way to circumvent it and we went way around and went and pulled up beside the 767 and went through all the checks that i had to go through and this guy is not cleared and i'm i'm doing the checks and he's this guy's watching me because if i mess up i'm done with anything and we haven't even taken off yet i got to do everything just right and all of a sudden in my headsets i hear kevin is that you and i look up at the 767 and the guy's waving at me it's captain baker he goes and the faa guy is like look at me you know everybody i'm like i go he goes hey kevin you're on your check right you're going to pass it i just want you know you're going to pass that check ride and the faa guy is looking at me like okay so we're waiting for the tower to clear us and the tower comes on they said kevin is that you are you the one that's been flying all week doing all those touch and goes and are you on your check ride i go yeah i go thanks for joining me and the guy's looking at me and then they go we're rooting for you and you can hear them all in the tower they're like we're root for you're gonna pass you're gonna pass your check ride okay i passed but i didn't feel that i was ready and i had to check in with him and he confirmed his covenant with me and he kept laughing when i asked him i said lord i can cancel i can just cancel this go home and practice for another month come back and pass i cannot fail but i want to make sure that i'm doing my part i don't feel like i'm quite ready yet and the lord would just laugh at me i could hear him laughing with joy he goes you got this this was written long ago so we pulled up and my instructors there and the uh pilot that i had come in to help me was there and they're like mouthing did you pass and the and the faa guy he's a really nice guy he's a christian he i told him my testimony he's getting out of the aircraft and they're like did you pass and i go i go but let's get out of here before he changes his mind and they all just started laughing and i thought you know this is the peace this is god's kingdom i got the witness to my instructor i got the witness to the pilot that helped me i got to witness to the faa guy and tell them tell him about what happened he goes i have read three near-death experiences and now i meet you i read three books or two books on when i got back from the czech ride captain tom from the 767 had already gotten to his destination looked me up and wrote on facebook because he saw that i posted that i had that passed and he said congratulations i was so good to meet you and this is just this just happened this is kind of how it works is things seem to develop and your relationship with god is where it's at it's in that covenant it's in that relationship so when you pray in the spirit i pray in the spirit and what i learned is when i pray in the spirit then i stop and i let whatever is happening in my spirit i give it at some time and what will happen is i'll get this like bump of joy i'll get this burst of something in my spirit and i might feel sick at the time i might be upset at somebody at the time but when i pray in tongues i pray until i get that joy i pray until i get a burst of joy and peace from within in a terrible circumstance i wait on the spirit to interpret and i get this joy and this is how i develop my relationship with god over the 41 years i would say from that that bump of joy like right now it's just jumping inside me because i don't i know something's going to happen in a couple minutes i'm just actually delaying closing until it happens because i'm waiting on the lord he's he's doing his script but in my spirit i'll feel this joy and like right now i'll go oh that's good lord that's good i go i want more of that that's good well i don't know what it is but i tell them oh that's good yeah i agree with you on that lord and i start to i start to participate in a conversation with him based on the witness of the spirit not on anything verbal and this is how i lived my life i go lord you know what i can't do this but you can i can get out right now i don't have to embarrass you if if i fail it's it's my fault but i don't have to fail we need to talk and come to an agreement and that i will do whatever you tell me because there's always a way out there's always a way always every single time it's never impossible ever and then i'll fill another jump and i'll say okay i agree with that i have no idea what it is and that is how i developed the sensitivity to the spirit when i see a manifestation of a devil in a person then i know oh we got ourselves a fight we got a hot one here so what's your name because confrontation is going to happen light and darkness are going to clash in a situation though if i know that i'm being led it means that i cannot fail if i'm led but my relationship with god which is this is not being taught i have a conversation with the spirit that is he knows that i don't know everything but he is here to help me in my weakness so i say well you know what lord that is good and we're going to do that i say that from my spirit because something was just spoken to my spirit and i jumped inside but i don't know what it was it was said so i said oh that's good i'll do that yeah let's do that lord i'm in well i didn't hear anything verbal but i'm starting a dialogue with with my creator i'm checking in with my commander and i'm saying you know what lord we're gonna we're gonna win aren't we we're gonna win at this aren't we we're gonna win at this this devil is coming out isn't it lord and i found something there is a better way it's called love and so i start to talk to a person i say you know what i said do you know that god has written a plan about you before you were born and all of a sudden you could see the devil go down because you've appealed to them you've appealed to the person and he who wins souls is wise that was written by solomon in the old testament where there was no salvation there was no born-again experience so you're not winning a soul you a person becomes born again in the spirit you win their spirit but he who wins souls is wise because you win them over in their mind will and emotions and then you can get them born again you win them over in their soul by loving them when you love them you disarm the devil it he becomes paralyzed so i'm always like like you know i want to go out and minister every service every service you've been in here i'm saying lord please let me go out there and just start picking people out and minister to them prophetically i do i've done it for four years i've asked the lord and he very rarely tells me to do it and that is just an indication that the body is not to the place maturity wise where they won't depend upon that because that's what's happened we depend too heavily on the the gifts of the spirit instead of the relationship the relationship with each other and with god himself he wants to talk to you himself it is not just for prophets it's not just for apostles it's not just for pastors your relationship with god is very powerful on and i'm telling you that what i saw in a normal christian's life in heaven i saw that there would be a very short time on this earth if everyone started to walk as a normal christian on this earth that it would be a very short time before jesus would come back because we would complete the task without being a prophet or an apostle see we put too much emphasis on those as though they're the ones that are special when stephen waited tables and it says that he had uncommon miracles happen in his ministry as a table waiter to where they stoned him to death and paul saul was involved with that as a table waiter does it mention that he was even five-fold if it does i missed it so why don't you just start having a conversation with god and tell him you know what so what are we going to do about this lord you include him in on it then it becomes his problem as well as yours and then the conversation keeps going it's like well you know what i'm just gonna sleep because you got this all of a sudden now it's his and he's like what just happened no he's like that's my that's my son that's my daughter you hand it over you hand the whole thing over and you don't touch it with your thought life anymore you only touch it in the spirit dr wingate am i right you have to you have to start to process things with your relationship because the covenant cannot fail god's word cannot fail your relationship with him cannot fail oh we got plenty of time okay so peter he did this if you study it out peter said if it's really you and not a ghost command me to come to you he he pulled the whole centurion thing on jesus he must have learned something i don't even know if was in the same order but if it's really you speak the word command me to come to you and jesus said with very very powerful authoritative words he said i command you to appear before me now so peter did it and when he looked down and saw the three-foot waves and the three-foot trough which is six feet which is probably taller than him he got into his mind and he started to try to calculate his steps based on the next wave instead of remembering that jesus said come to him appear before me now immediately so when he took his eyes off of jesus as you've heard preached so many times he started to calculate his steps and this is where we fail the steps of a righteous man are numbered by the lord they're ordered they're actually numbered your next step has already been calculated see this sounds too good to be true because it's the gospel gospel means good news andrew womack says it's so good that you could hardly believe it it's that good the failure is in our inability to actually trust him because we don't really know him we don't know that he wouldn't instigate something without wanting to finish it he is the author and the finisher of our faith which means he's he starts it and then he goes to the end and waits for you to arrive and when you don't arrive his expectancy is that you still appear before him at the end of your life doing what he wrote about he still expects that so no matter what you've done or not done it doesn't matter what matters is now you make the decision and you do it you do with all your heart jesus said it is my desire it is the father's desire to give you the kingdom he said what father would give his child a snake if they ask for bread or stone some translations there are so many parables he says well if the unjust judge will do this how much more will a loving heavenly father do this you get the point of all those parables all those things that jesus said was he was trying to show you that we might be misinterpreting god god doesn't do a lot of the terrible things that we think he does people don't understand hebrew they say well god said he creates good and evil no he created human beings some of them are good and some of them are evil he created angels some are good and some are evil but he didn't create them that way he created them they have free will he created you he doesn't make you you do the things that you're supposed to be doing right now he still loves you but you might be outside looking in now i'm doing this just to get you to a place of decision tonight because christianity is a way of life it's a relationship it's a person that lives through you paul said it's as though christ has borrowed my body and is doing his ministry through me i just heard the lord say tell the people i've released them to their future i release them i forgive them i release them i release them i release them i'll release you the lord is say saying i release you if you saw how much in common you have with your creator you would repent right now i saw in heaven how it's supposed to be i encountered jesus in a sinless state i had no remorse i was complete and i was more like him than i would ever want to admit down here because if you start talking like that every devil in hell is going to come after you it starts to get real hot when you start talking about the fact that we were made in the image of god and that god's true intention that he would always have someone that he could walk with and talk with without having to deal with any inhibitions or limitations at all you walk with god and you're like yeah let's do that everything he says yeah i'm going to create i'm going to create another star a star cluster what color do you want it and because that's what he did with adam and eve he said you know just go ahead and take dominion whatever you name the animals that's what they'll be and this is the way he wanted to deal with us we were to live forever in a sinless state being able to go face to face with god and live and the fallen state has caused us to not be able to look upon his face and live it's caused us that if we lie to the holy ghost we could we could be in danger of dying early if we take the communion unworthily if we don't discern the body of christ and what happened there like judas judas didn't discern the body he didn't discern and he made a decision that caused everyone at that table to be to be in trouble see he ate unworthily when he took that bread and he ate it says satan entered him at that very moment why because he ate it unworthily he didn't discern the body he made decisions that caused everyone to have that implication and he caused all of them to go into this terrible time and that's why paul said don't do this because some of you have have passed away early he didn't mean to take a nap when he said they fell asleep it's not taking a nap he's re they was referred into the bible when you fall asleep that is death so people in the church were being judged if he said judge yourself lest ye be judged this is because we were made in the image of god there's certain things that we cannot do but yet today we find these things being done all the time and the fear of the lord has left and we've it's called ichabod the glory has departed and so you find yourself wanting to be around people where the glory is but see the glory has departed from some of the churches it doesn't have to stay that way but there's a lot of decisions being made now okay so this is what i want for you we're going to worship we're going to spend some time together i have um a bunch of prayer calls up here i'm going to pray over them and i'm not going to even charge you like some do but i'm just going to you can come up here and get a prayer cloth if you have someone in your family that needs delivered needs saved needs healing let me pray for them first and then we can come up but you'll come we i think we got enough for most if you do not have my new book and you cannot afford it you go back and you get one for free because i want you to have this book taking off the limitations now we have we have gone through most of the chapters i just haven't had you turn to each page but we've covered the material but the whole idea of warrior notes is total immersion so you you hear the word then you take the material with you the study guide and the cd you hear it and you read it and you study it and you keep backing it up and then it becomes part of you that's the whole learning system and then you learn how to pray it you learn how to talk to god it's like you know what lord i like it that you don't limit me i like it that there's no limitations with you that's what i started saying to him every book i've ever written it was from conversations with him you know we're really going somewhere aren't we lord we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna finish this up we're gonna see transformation in this in this generation aren't we we're gonna see people prosper in famine just like isaac did he sowed in famine and reaped a hundredfold that year in famine you know i'm calling you joseph i'm calling you all josephs you think you're in captivity and you've been sold as a slave but what it really was is what what he told his brothers what what what you meant for evil god meant for good and you end up in the household of pharaoh and become second in command over egypt because you had a dream and you can interpret dreams and you helped pharaoh and all of a sudden all the brothers and your father end up coming for food and guess who's in charge see it always comes around it always comes back around you just have to wait it says that the word of god tested joseph until it came to pass right that is your word tonight that is the absolute truth from heaven that is your word your joseph it's a setup you're being set apart for a time when you're needed every one of you have been in preparation [Music] you're just being in preparation i'm going to tell you something else because i haven't offended all of you yet did you know because of that monetary system that is set up [Music] i want to tell you something that i know [Music] now you know that you can give and you can receive in other words there is that whole thing where you give and you receive the lord will bless what you do and he will give it back to you but it is up to him how he does that and you don't give because you want to get you give because you love him it says that god loves a tearful giver right but i want to tell you something that no one will tell you it's a secret until tonight did you know that money down here on this earth it has more to do with authority than it has to do with giving [Music] okay think about what i just said if satan is in charge of the financial system which he is [Music] and everything that i told you tonight it's set up so that you cannot get well you cannot get out of debt you're always going to need when actually government was formed to represent you to serve and protect you it wasn't to tell you what to believe what you can and can't do it's to serve and protect they represent you so what if you take authority over your finances and you say this money is not yours [Music] and you have to let go of it [Music] what if finances has more to do with authority than we want to admit what if it is your money it's in the wrong hands [Music] okay so why do these people i can name them [Music] they live forever they won't go away they serve terms forever and they live forever but a christian who prays in tongues and as an intercessor they get cancer and die but these people don't get cancer they don't get anything except on my nerves no don't think about it why are they all so healthy i'm asking you why do they live that long and yet all my friends die early i'm just asking you why is it so hard to get out of debt and yet they are out of debt i'm just asking giving and tithing is to unhook you from the world system it's taking a portion and giving it back to unhook you because the devil cannot have that money if you give money to god then you transfer it to god's kingdom and the devil loses it that's why you need to keep the money in the body of christ you need to keep the money you need to keep everything in the kingdom [Music] i'm just going to tell you the tithe was never yours it was never yours ever it's a test it really oh yeah there's a little bit like little yeah [Music] only one time in the bible i checked it out with the hebrew scholars and the greek there's only one place in the bible where god said test me in this ever he said if you do this he said you will not have enough space to hold the blessing i'm gonna pour out on you and i will rebuke the devourer for your sake you don't even have to rebuke him okay yeah that's well that's old testament oh okay so what was abraham then because that was before the law [Music] why was adam and eve's children sacrificing when moses hadn't even given the law yet because they were told why was cain's offering not not accepted because he gave the wrong offering god said don't you know that if you do this right you correct this and you do well he said it's going to go well with you he said but sin is crouching at the door as a lion to your temple door and it desires to have you you must master it [Music] so everything that god does is to unhook you i'm telling you jesus said this he said i didn't make the sabbath and then create man to fulfill it i didn't create the tithe and then make man so that he can tithe he said this is for man god doesn't need your tip he doesn't need any of that but he knows that you do because you've got to unhook yourself it's a pledge to show that you are not part of the world system when you do that he blesses the 90 this is not an offering teaching i'm giving away my books in the same breath i'm telling you this i'm trying to show you something i am unhooked from this world system i am unhooked as a flight attendant that prays in tongues and now has a jet married to a hairdresser that prays in tongues and has a jet and is out of debt [Music] not as a minister we were out of debt before we were ministers [Music] i know what i'm talking about i know what this is it's all about authority i pledge what god has given me i give a portion back to him and much more because i am hooked to his system and you don't argue with the cashier at bucky's when they charge you 10 tax well they don't hear and [Music] they do 10 where i live i've never seen anybody argue with the cashier i'm not paying that 10 but they'll do it in church they'll argue with god about 10 but they pay 10 all the time you've let the government take 47 now when boston tea party threw all the tea overboard for like a five cent raise in taxes not percent five cents it was pence at the time which is not really a good word right now but they threw all the tea over for two reasons because they upped the taxes a fraction [Music] and they found out that the tea wasn't from india it was from china oh boy surprise surprise [Music] you ought to read the history okay so your relationship with god is not restricted by god everything he does is to help you so he has taken the limitations off but there are certain things like he said to cain if you do right won't it go well with you and i want that for you but i have to tell you the intensity that's in my spirit is is that the church is behind the curve right now in their maturity and i did a test i posted i posted because i do this every now and then i post it is a privilege to die for the testimony of jesus christ i got two likes it was from two iranian pastors who practically almost died for christ to get out of their country they're the only two that liked it then i put a picture of bambi up in the grass and it said the lord's my shepherd i shall not want and i had 700 likes [Music] so i just did another one [Music] i hope you're not here the ones that were offended but i lost some friends because romans 7 was written by paul identifying with his unregenerate self before he got saved under the law not being able to fulfill it wretched man that i am the things i want to do i can't do the things i can't do i do i don't want to do i do okay then he wrote romans 8 there is therefore now no condemnation for those in christ jesus who do not do the works of the flesh or submit or yield to the flesh but submit and yield to the spirit the mindset of the spirit is life the mindset of the flesh is death do not yield your members to the flesh okay it goes on the whole way to 15 it says verse 50 says we have a spirit of adoption [Music] we're adopted in and then by the end we're more than conquerors when you get to okay all right so i wrote i wrote this i wrote paul wrote romans 7 and romans 8. if if you identify with romans 7 right now you are in diapers and you have a bottle in your mouth oh boy [Music] now i'm mean [Music] what was the purpose of the five-fold to build up the body according to ephesians 4 11 it's the purpose of the fightful ministry is to build the body up into the unity of faith and to maturity that's their job so if i don't tell you the truth then you don't know the truth you'll have to find it another way but that's my job is to speak the truth paul said now that i've told you the truth have i become your enemy he said that he said when i come to you next year am i coming with a whip because i'm really mad right now at you he said i don't want there to be a confrontation so work it out before i come you decide am i coming with a whip or am by coming with you as a father [Music] who wants to help you [Music] [Music] so in this room right now there is the river of life the river of life flows through heaven through paradise from the throne it seems to go off the edge it comes down onto the earth and it comes up through the believers as a river of living water bubbling up that jesus said comes up through you and that's coming up the room is full right now of that river and here it's coming up within you right now [Music] so just get out of your mind [Music] there is therefore now no case against you the case against you is closed there is no accusing voice [Music] let this be the last night that you dwell in your past [Music] [Music] the lord is has a strong armed arm of deliverance he has a strong arm and he's reaching out and grabbing us by the hand right now and he is taking us on his chariot and we're going to ride with him in the hebrew it's the erebot we're going to soar the clouds you can read about it in the psalms he actually has a chariot and he rides and that's what he's saying right now by the spirit come ride with me just come with me and leave your cares behind and let me love you that's what he's saying let me love you let me reaffirm the things that i wrote about you and i spoke over you i was there when you were born i have plans for you plans for you to prosper and an expected end as it says in jeremiah 29 11. [Music] i'm surprised that more people are not being healed right now i'm really surprised because the power to heal is here jesus in that house those crazy friends they lowered that man down through the roof it says it says right there in the scripture it says the power of the lord was present to heal and jesus was in the house it says two different things it says jesus was there and the power to heal was present [Music] i have such faith to join with you and agree that it's going to change and it's going to be a permanent change in your life i have faith to believe this it's not a mental act it's a spiritual exercise i know what i'm talking about many of you made great sacrifices to be here you will not be disappointed what you'll find is is that something was deposited in you that's permanent i'm not doing this to not have you get what you need and get what you want right now i'm taking a hold of that which christ has taken hold of for you i'm in faith with you right now pull pull pull pull into this realm debt forgiveness pull into this realm healing pull into this realm deliverance come on come on you have the title deed in your hand faith is a substance faith is a substance it's the title deed of things hoped for it's the evidence of things that you're believing for [Music] come on [Music] take hold of it come on take hold of it in your spirit say lord it is well it is well everything is working out just like you want it to tell the lord that tell the lord that yeah you got some inside information you tell the lord we got some inside information don't we lord yeah yeah hallelujah is [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] spirit the spirit just said he's saying i hear it in english but i'm praying in tongues he said it's easier than they think he said whatever they agree upon right now it's going to be done by my father he said it's easier than you think it's not a mental exercise it's taking hold of the realities of jesus christ this is not a mental exercise there is fire in this room [Music] [Music] get ready get ready [Music] so [Music] [Music] this year this is your moment of access it's a supernatural access point in this place it's free [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now check it out in your spirit there's not one devil in this place there's not one devil in this place okay it's this make a mark in your spirit and remember this remember what it feels like [Music] to be free this is because you have brothers and sisters around you and this corporate anointing the gates of hell cannot prevail against the church the gates of hell can't prevail against us so you better start dreaming big you better start talking big you better start conversing with your creator about the plans that he has for you and you better start thanking him for debt reduction if you want to give your life to jesus christ you get up here right now if you do not know jesus as your personal savior get up here right now [Music] just come on up here right now and i will pray for you if you want to give your life to the lord right now if you want to make jesus your lord you get up here right now amen hallelujah [Music] okay and and since and since we have we freely invite the witches to come and then when they realize they cannot do any witchcraft against us then i also give them the opportunity to come up and turn themselves in if you want to become a christian give your life to the lord then come up here if you're a good witch a bad witch a sandwich if you want to give your life to the lord come on up if you're done with the witchcraft just give yourself to the lord right now just give yourself to the lord right now give yourself to the lord right now hahaha [Music] okay let's pray all right oh it's a family this is good okay praise god okay all right now what is your name connor and yours kendall connor and kendall that's really nice names okay we're gonna we're just gonna go and pray and um you just you just repeat this simple prayer and i will pray with you you're gonna be fine okay can you say father god i accept jesus as the way for salvation i receive him now jesus come into my heart thank you for saving me and help me to live this life in the power of god say amen okay all right [Applause] okay [Music] oh [Music] now i want to pray i want to pray for you and i want i want kathy i want you to give each of them out of our account i want you to give them each um a hundred dollars because i want to sow into their ministries i want to be the first ones to sow into their ministries okay so you give them that cash okay yeah you get a guitar and two hundred dollars yes two guitars and two hundred dollars okay all right all right let's pray father god made the holy spirit rest upon them and in them and i i i speak the blessing over them and the mantle that's on me to go on them that they would fulfill all the desires of your heart father and change this generation change this nation through their lives hallelujah take the limitations off this family in jesus name hallelujah amen all right anybody else want to get saved okay all right if if you have if you have a problem yourself either in your body or or a demonic problem [Music] and you need some sort of intervention then i want you to come up and get a cloth for yourself if you have a loved one that you once saved or a family member i want you to come up to and we'll just we'll just first come first serve but don't hurt each other [Music] and remember to get go to the table if you don't if you can't afford something i want to sow something to you so please don't leave without getting something off the table if you cannot afford to pay for it that's fine our partners will take care of that thank you okay go ahead thank you minstrels for being so patient it's time to prophesy i don't want you to sing i want you to prophesy i don't i want you to speak from that other realm [Music] there's so many things that need to be spoken tonight over the people hallelujah [Music] now those claws will work they will work because paul transferred into claws and people were healed [Music] yes [Music] [Music] me [Music] lord you heard my cry and you answer me and you came and you rescued me [Music] turn you turned it around for me you heard my cry and you came and you turned it around you answered me [Music] you turned it all around cause you heard my cry and you answered me you turned it all around you turned [Music] you turn it you always come [Music] you always oh it's the right time you always come you always come to me you will [Applause] [Music] never fall [Music] [Music] i can hear you coming close and closer [Music] i can feel you coming closer and closer [Music] i can feel you call me [Music] closer to me [Music] the closer it goes [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can try to run as far [Applause] [Music] where could i you're go there you're always present [Music] and this is what i say about you and this is what i sing over you and this is why i declare over you says the lord you are mine you are my mine he says [Music] it's who you are these are my excellent ones [Music] my noble mighty [Music] i've set you apart i've called you my own picked you out of the crowd [Music] and i called you my own picked you set you apart [Music] glorious [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i've set [Music] it's time to dance again i've set you apart [Music] oh it's time to dance [Music] it's time to dance a again is this [Music] for such a time is this [Music] [Applause] cause [Applause] [Music] is yours the victories [Music] [Applause] i broke every day [Music] my love is [Applause] [Music] name [Applause] don't you hear me [Music] yes [Music] now we'll never be shaken i will never be moved i will never be shaken god is for me i will never be shaken i will never be moved i will never be shaken god is for me i will never be shaken i will never be moved [Music] i will never be shaken i will never be shaken i will never be shaken i will never be shaken guarded [Music] [Applause] is for me god [Music] is for [Music] is [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] this [Music] is i know that god is for me god is for me god is [Music] is for me god is for me god is for me i will not be moved [Music] what could stand against could stand me me when you completely surround me tell me what could stand against me nothing can stand against oh [Applause] is that your love completely surrounds me so why should i be afraid how could i be moved when i'm standing first [Music] i cannot be shaken i cannot be moved [Music] so [Music] you always make you always make [Music] foreign oh [Music] god you are good you are so good you are so good to me you are so good you are so good you are so good to me i'm gonna live my life just i'm gonna live my life just like i know that you are good i'll never be shaken god is for me i've got the victory already [Music] my god is my god is for me got the victory i've already got the victory i've already got the victory it's already worn i've already got the victory i've already got the victory when jesus when jesus rose again already got the victory it's already been won i've already got the victory i just believe what he says i just believe what he says [Music] is i win this is this and is and over [Music] win we're winners god made us winners we win [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] just trust and believe you're gonna see my victory i've never lost a battle and i won't start now just trust and believe you're gonna see the victory cause i've never lost a vibe and i won't start now just trust and believe you're gonna see the victory cause i've never lost a bottle and i won't stop now just trust and believe [Music] tell your heart to be still and hear the words i'm singing that your victory is won cause i've never lost a battle and i'm not gonna start there's nothing too big for me oh just sit back and watch and see i'm gonna win that victory for you oh every tear you cry cause i'm your defender and i go before you oh the victory is mine says the lord so stop your doubting and quit your fear and hear me say i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming to you [Music] cause i've never lost a battle [Music] [Applause] and i won't start now i won't start [Music] your prodigal's coming back home just see him at the door can you see him can you see him he's coming home i tell you prepared the ring and the robe and the shoes for his feet cause i've heard your heart i've seen you on your knees no time was ever wasted no time was ever wasted would you feel like's been eternity has just been a spiky time and no time's wasted [Music] and i'm gonna rekindle the flame of your first love i'm coming in right now and i'm blowing on the embers of your heart and i'm rekindling the flame of your first love to love with such passion to love with such purity i'm blowing on the flames [Music] that can't be quenched a love that can't be put [Music] up [Music] never lost two [Music] you set me apart you plucked me out of the crowd you picked me you called me [Music] i'm set apart [Music] god [Music] i am yours you set me apart you called me your own you said i choose you i'll choose this one this one right here right here and i will always be [Music] i will always be [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's my wraparound presents it's all around you it's around you above and [Music] your beneath it's all around you it's all around you above it beneath you my presence you know it's just as easy believe as it is to not believe so why not why not just put a stake in the grounds [Music] not just make a choice [Music] my god is with me he made me a winner he'll give me the victory my god is for me my god is with me he made me a winner victory comes from god alone victory comes from god victory comes from god [Music] you are with me [Music] [Music] and i could never thank you enough god i could never thank you for all that you've done in my life [Music] and i could never thank you and i could never thank you enough god for all all that you've done done in my life so let me use all my days and all my time to say thank you thank you we say thank you [Music] thank you for all you've done and all you'll do we say thank you thank you for all you've done and all you do we say thank you thank you for all you've done and all you do we say thank you thank you thank you thank you we say thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 58,953
Rating: 4.9320936 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: cYuvXUp8L4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 33sec (12753 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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