The Agenda of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 3 The River of Waupun

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father I just thank you so much for tonight I thank you for the opportunity to to encounter you father I just thank you for your word I thank you for your Holy Spirit Holy Spirit thank you for coming and thank you for being inside of us I thank you right now that you are the one who breaks yokes Holy Spirit you break yokes and you take us and you lift us up holy spirits you wrap us up and you comfort us I think you Lord God as we encounter the Living God and we accept you're far from your altar we accept the fact that we're going to be changed and that fire is going to consume us the holy fire of God is going to consume us tonight and I think you follow that that's okay with us because I know that you're in the fire father I know that you have fire everywhere or not I think you that fire is good Lord we just submit to the fire we let the holy spirit cleanse us we let the holy spirit burn out the chaff thank you that we are healed in your presence we're healed in your presence delivered in your presence we're strengthened and comforted we're lifted up the joy of the Lord is your strength we thank you for the new wine right now as it's poured out in this room we all need a drink we all need to get out of ourselves over ourselves and into you father we want to know your heart we want to know what you're feeling what you're thinking right now we want to know what your plans are what your heart is and your intention is for this place and for all of us we want to know what you think we want to know what you have for us pull back the veil father and let us see all the good things that are exceedingly abundantly above what we could ask or think Lord just give us a try at it just show us Lord show us your glory show us we want to see your glory and I thank you Lord that you help us to create a resting place for you an environment where you abide not just in his building but inside of us in a strong way that we encounter the Living God we just set ourselves apart tonight father we consecrate ourselves to you we acknowledge you that you're here and we present ourselves to you and we ask you Lord to take us to the place we need to be tonight so that we can know exactly what you're doing what is it that your intention is and great waves of Mercy are coming upon this place great waves of Mercy just breathe in the air of heaven heavens in this place and the healer is here mmm thank you Father I was still I was talking to you this afternoon about how when angels show up they that there's a shift in the environment around you that creates an environment where the perfect will of God has done and no matter what there's a place you're in no matter where you're at you have to realize that when when God sends a messenger to tell you something that from that point on it's gonna change for you it's just like the Holy Spirit he's part of the Trinity but he's inside of us so in the Old Testament they used to wait for the Holy Spirit to manifest by becoming upon the Prophet and then the King was anointed but the King had to ask the Prophet what God was saying okay and then when the law was instituted we had the Holy of Holies Wed the tabernacle and then we had the high priests and then the high priests did his work so he had the prophet and the priests and the king and then Jesus came and he made a new and living way for us into the Holy of Holies and it wasn't good enough to have the Holy Spirit upon us now he's in us and we have not grasped that fact yet because you'd all be out on the floor because you know really honestly I have encountered God in my own house recently where my body couldn't take it anymore last night I got hit to where my body couldn't take it anymore and I had to go down because I couldn't stand anymore because your body can only take so much it's the same with your mind but your mind sticks it out a little longer you have to you almost have to slap it because it wants to stick it out and it sits there and tries to analyze things and your body is on the ground and you're laying there and you've fallen and you can't get up and your mind is like click-click-click-click trying to figure out and it holds on a little longer but see there's there is a point where the only thing left to operate in the environment of heaven is your spirit your spirit man is made new because according to 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 70 says that that we become a new creature in Christ a new creation it's a new species it's its old things have passed away and behold everything is new now that is absolutely true now I saw that when I thought it was too late you know I was dead I thought that I wasn't coming back and I've when I saw this I thought you know everything in those scriptures was true I started thinking about all the scriptures and I started thinking about all the classes I said it all the seminars I went to and I started to realize that everything that I had read from this word was absolutely true and that because of my unbelief did you hear me because of my unbelief because I did not trust I didn't know what I had on my nightstand and on my Kindle you know in six other places in my house now when I was when I was a single I used to take this these martial arts classes and this guy who had been a secret service he was training us and he he put this gun on the table and he said is that gun dangerous and you know everybody said yes he said no it's not and he grabbed at him pointed at somebody and he said now it's dangerous he said that guns not dangerous if it's just laying there and the Lord spoke to me about the Word of God you know what it's just sitting there it's not dangerous but if you get somebody knows how to use it you get it so you don't want you don't want to be on an airplane where the something goes wrong and the pilot goes oh my god what do we do you know no you go to your manual you go to your checklist and you know and everything has already been figured out there smoking holes in the desert where test pilots have gone through all this so that other pilots never have to if they don't want to you can you can go by the manual and it's amazing how pilots won't go by the manual sometimes because they know better and then they become statistics but see the manual the checklists are all designed with the parameters of that airplane and so they've already tested everything they they they figured this stuff out you don't go past a certain speed in a certain configuration because the airplanes been tested that way so you don't go over that because it's already been done for you so Jesus he came down here in a body and he went through the max for with the human body and with the human mind he did everything for us and when the demons would speak up and say I know who you are you're the Son of God he said shut up see he didn't want to be known as a son of God he wouldn't be known as a son of man because he wanted to come in him as a man's body and do everything according to the holy spirit he didn't do anything on his own as Jesus Christ oh boy I got pushed back on that oh Jesus Jesus didn't want the devil's testifying about who he was first of all he doesn't take a devil's testimony number two he didn't want people to know him as the Son of God he wanted to know them as a son a man why did he always taught refer to himself as a son of man because everything he did was by the Holy Spirit okay if he was the son of God you know just to prove it if he was a son of God after he was tempted in the desert why did ancient common minister to him and what what about it when he was in the garden he got ministered to he could have had he called all twelve legions of angels to rescue him from that whole thing but he went through it so whether you like it or not you're gonna find this out I'm just gonna tell you now because I want to spoil it for you you're gonna find out that Jesus walked on the water as a son of man not as a son of God that he de healed the sick he cast out Devils he raised the dead as the Holy Spirit in a house one time and it says that Jesus was in the house and and the presence of the Lord to heal was there John the Baptist said the man who comes after me he's going to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and conjunction joining the next thought and fire in the top at office is my favorite he said listen you'll do the same works I do and even greater works well we haven't gotten to the greater work shed we're still on the go-kart track we're not at NASCAR you know what I mean we're still playing with we're just trying to figure out if certain people have devils and if certain people don't or and I'm like if there's a devil Drive amount just drive them out you know don't talk to him Jesus didn't talk to him you know I'm just telling you because I saw on the other side that Devils will waste hours of your time so that you don't cast everybody out I wear you out but there's some they're so afraid of you they'll tell you hey there's eight of us in here they'll like they'll like tell on everybody because they're scared if you ask them who the head is they'll tell you I said well you and I don't know your budget just go and never come back and that's it and when they don't leave you just start laughing and you walk away you don't spend two hours talking about who they were in for the last two thousand years I'm just telling you that because it has to do with the intensity that you walk in they know it the Devils know it so angels this question gets asked all the time why how can if there's angels around me all the time then why the debt why is the devil bother me well the angels are asking the same question why are you letting them because see you have the authority did pastor Wayne did he did Jesus ever say I give the Angels authority over all the devils no he didn't say that he gave it to human beings to drive out Devils now angels will will engage with you but you know you're not ready for what I'm gonna tell you so I'm not gonna tell you but if you if you know no you not because if you if you you need you need to you need to get along with your angels now cuz you're gonna be with them a long time and I'm not talking about this life I'm talking about the next life this doesn't end none of you will be laying on a cloud eating grapes collecting a check no none of you will be you're too valuable there's been too much invested in your education down here your your qualifying for the next life okay getting back into this there's a there's a couple of things that have to that I have to go over and then I'm gonna go on from what I was talking about this afternoon there there's there's a couple of things that I got to go over with you so that you get these things because the Angels wants you to know this it is not being taught in fact the stuff that's being taught it's it's I'm embarrassed because I I saw this and I thought you got to be kidding you you don't know it but Christianity's can't become entertainment and everything about it is entertainment and the only reason that I do media is because the Lord called me to the media he you know I don't want it to sit in front of a microphone and do the CDs I don't want to do TV I don't I don't care if I'm ever recognized again I'm fine with just sitting in my back porch I don't care from recognized but listen to me the stuff that's coming out is entertainment there's books coming out on angels that if you tell them they'll wash your car they'll rub your feet and I I don't know what to say to these people if I meet them I run into these people I go you know I don't know an angel that's ever gonna work for you that way yeah they're gonna say do your own feet they stink because they were made they were made to do certain things and I'm telling you we're often we don't know that's what Jesus told me he said this generations off and they don't know it and the next generation is gonna write about this generation and how they were visited and did not discern it and he he wants us back he wants us back into the Bible he wants us back into holiness he wants us back into the fear of the Lord in the repentance into the cross and the blood of Jesus get right back in the middle of the road and spend more time on your face repenting because you're not all you think you are I know this because I used to be a peacock and walking around and want everybody to notice me and then I lost all my feathers when I met Jesus I gave him to him he's the only one who gets attention and and that's that's just the Son of God I meant I don't know I don't know who else people were meeting these days but it's not the person I met this person Jesus Christ breathe the universes into existence and he calls us his friend he suffered and died for a lot of people that are rejecting him and those that are taking him lightly it's it's an insult to him when I take him lightly it hurts him he broke up and started to cry when he told me what he went through for me he started to relive the suffering that he and he suffered and it was a shame that people didn't know what he had went through for them and so the next time that you think of sinning think about the fact that Jesus suffered for that and that this the power of sin is broken and you don't have to serve sin you don't have to serve the world you don't have to serve those Devils you say no to ungodliness and worldly passions and live an upright life in Christ Jesus is that still in the Bible okay I feel better now the reason why I'm talking to myself - but see the thing that is if if you really know God you know he's a holy God and he's always gonna be a holy God he's never gonna not be a holy God and he's got holy angels they're not just angels their holy did you ever notice think about it we we talked about God but he's not holy anymore if you notice there's no adjectives and the same one thing it's angels now it's not holy angels and now it's the spirit it's not the Holy Spirit well you might not catch that but the next generation is gonna catch it they're gonna see where we were being pulled stuff was pull what the power was being pulled out of our vocabulary but that's another book that I'm writing so I don't know how I got into that briefing one angels are sent forth to minister for children of God there you child of God well then you have angels that have been sent to minister for you according to Scripture okay that's a knee bruise chapter 1 briefing - we must earnestly grasp the truth that we have heard so that we do not drift away you won't hear that at much anymore briefing 3 what angels speak is steadfast according to Scripture they speak on behalf of God therefore what angels speak is God's Word they're not gonna tell you that they're gonna wash your car for you briefing for every transgression and disobedience will receive a just reward therefore we show how shall we escape if we neglect our own salvation this is all in the end of Hebrews that I read today chapter 1 briefing far the Lord speaks and then what he has spoken he confirms to those who heard it God also confirms his word with signs and wonders conducting confirms his word God bears witness to what he we have heard and have spoken by confirming the word with signs and wonders of various miracles and gifts of the Spirit of the Holy Spirit according to God's will so it is God's will to do miracles but see they're not miracles to God it's just God it's just his personality so when he goes into a situation that's not right it becomes righteous so he can turn unrighteousness into righteousness he can turn on holiness into holiness he can destroy he destroy the works of the devil Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil he did he destroyed them they're destroyed the devil is destroyed he's totally ruined when you get a hold of this you'll start to do some things that are crazy we were another can we were in another country we were in Switzerland and we were in Geneva you know great heritage there with the Reformation he got statues with all these guys everywhere they just had the five hundred year celebration they're you know Martin Luther and all those guys okay swingley and who else honey Calvin Lee all those guy all those John's John everybody anyway we're at this church it was it was actually in upstairs of the post office for the city right by the UN building and they said there's witches that come and do their sacrifices and all their rituals right outside the door there so when we come in we you know we have the these these witches and you know they're hindering us and I go who will take care of that where that let's go and so so where they stand where they stand and go right here I go okay this is and we took it back for God I say you know you can do this yourself we break the power there that if any been come near this place they're gonna fall on their knees and repent I break the power of the devil and um you know sometimes you know you can be this kind of person for people you you need somebody to be this way for you but then you have to match it like when Paul would come and do it into a city either they worshiped him or they they try to kill him and Jesus if they didn't say something like they threw it they try to throw him off a hill but yet at times when he said something they liked they had palm branches and they're putting them down on the street say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord but everywhere Paul went you know they would they beat him up throw him in jail so if you're really doing something for God there's always gonna be miracles happening there always gonna be something being shifted back to where it should be and it's correction all the time you know it's like it's like thank goodness that they discovered the the automatic pilot on an airplane because there's so many course corrections that have to be done that it can be overloading and so there the when the autopilot is on it's doing all these course corrections that have to do with wind and things like that and it's it's a it's amazing how how things don't just go the way that they should because this is a fallen world there's variables when everything so every one of you it's just like I was talking to a cop a cop told me he said you know in a at an accident scene you'll have eight witnesses and they'll fill out reports and you think that five of them weren't even there that they were somewhere else you get eight reports and it's like eight different accidents maybe three arcum you know a little bit common but there are things written in those reports that did not happen or they can't prove that they did but this is what these people saw it has to do with a person's perception so in this room you've got you've got all these filters that have been they've been ingrained in you and you filter through everything you hear and you see based on your past based on what is in you and that can be a big problem because in a move of God where everyone's supposed to jump in the river and drink and be completely out of your mind so while my crew members at work they're down there getting drunk at the bar I'm up in my room praying in tongues and then tomorrow I feel just like I am right now at work right now is a ministry near the power God that's how I felt at work without any hangover but then they got a hangover and I got to do their job for them too as well as mine and I'm thinking okay if you know like if your way is the way then why am i what why haven't you recovered why do you have a hangover why am I happy at 5:30 in the morning and why do I smell good and you don't you know what I mean like what what is so it you don't you you I said how is this working for you so you have to choose you have to choose your environment and you have to create an environment around you that's conducive for growth in the spirit so you you will see this I'm gonna tell you what I saw I saw that if you would saturate your environment with a total immersion in the Word of God have-have worship music playing in your house and listening to the Word of God I hear the word of God all night I hear the word of God all the time not because not because I'm excessive it's because it's necessary it's my defense because I know how powerful the mind is I know how powerful my perception is but if my perception is wrong I'm gonna miss something because my vantage point isn't at the proper place so I'm telling you this because when when you do have a not if but when you do have angel visitation you're gonna see what I'm talking about because all of a sudden you're gonna realize that man I am messed up because now I can see now I can hear because they just came from the sea in the face of your father and they've come into your presence and they've just come from the presence of God they've come from another realm they've appeared to you or they visit you or they stand beside you and all the sudden heavenly realities become it and this is not entertainment this is the life this is the way they live all the time and this is the way heaven is all the time everybody's happy up there everybody talks about Jesus up there they don't talk about themselves everybody thinks about everybody else all the prophets and apostles want to meet you when you come to heaven they want to serve you all the angels come down they want to serve you but they only can do what God has sent them to do if you don't want to do that then they can't do anything about it because of your will see if you think about it if you think about it if you were gonna mess a generation up this is how I would do it I would tell them I would tell them the things that are being said right now in Christianity I would numb them whatever God wants to do he's gonna do I would get rid of your will from the equation that's what I would do I would teach people that it it doesn't matter that your will doesn't matter because God understands you that went over well well if that's the case then when the disciples were told Jesus told him he said I'm gonna go at down to Jerusalem I'm gonna die I'm gonna suffer and die he had already told them that if you want to follow me you got to pick up your own cross he said that why is alive he told him how he's gonna die he said he's gonna die and on the third day he's gonna be risen from the dead he actually tells the disciples that they don't know when no one is there on the third day everybody leaves him while he's on the cross they all run leave him and they have already been told what's gonna happen they've already been told that my kingdom is not of this world but they thought he was gonna set up the kingdom of God and kick Rome out of Jerusalem so when he didn't do that they wanted to kill him is anybody here that's wrong perception all the sudden Jesus is not the superstar anymore and then the person Barabbas who had just were led a resurrect insurrection and was not successful he didn't get enough people behind him he got caught and thrown in jail so they released that person who wanted to kick Rome out they have Jesus crucified and they released that the man who was doing the previous insurrection but it was not a spiritual thing he was just gonna kick right he was gonna get enough people to drive the Roman Roman soldiers out but you as a Christian you want God's kingdom which is a kingdom that manifests from a spirit realm to the physical through you through your words through your actions through your steadfastness and faith well the angels understand everything I just said they totally understand that you see there there's a sign to you but they are they're gonna follow a protocol so my friend he's I don't know what he's doing now he was he was Special Forces and then he became a protocol for surfer in general and he would travel with this general and he would make sure that everything ran right and he would tell them okay now this this couple that's gonna come up to you and be sitting beside you at this dinner this is their names this is their position don't say this but you can say this don't mention this they're not to know about this and then the general just listens to okay in this country you don't use this hand signal because it's perverse in America it's not but they hear you don't do that here here you don't eat everything on your plate you leave a little bit so it's a protocol officer so he sets everything how many makes sure the general stays in line with the the regulations of whatever he's doing and he tells him okay this is only need to know so this is classified so do not say this because they don't have the clearance so in this we're gonna have two briefings this this briefing that we're doing first is cosmetic and air it actually means nothing but we got to do this so these people don't they don't have a clearance so everything you say is going to be in the papers tomorrow but then this meeting this is going to all be classified and that all these people are clear to hear this so you're you can say this system is but don't tell them this and that's what angels do with the Holy Spirit they brief you they they they cause you to move within the realms of God because we we're we're not there we need help now we're spiritual beings inside but we're not we're not our mind is not a spirit and our body is not a spiritual thing our mind needs to be transformed by the renewing of the by the word of God is everybody here okay so if you want to move with God and he want to move in the realm of the angelic they're all for it but you have to follow the Word of God and the protocol of what God God is doing and what God is doing he's telling you to be totally immersed in the holy spirit totally and it's amazing I can I can pray in tongues and fly airplanes I can pray in tongues and do anything and I you know I don't act weird but it's funny because if there's a devil in somebody they'll speak up you know a man's voice will speak up in a woman and say what are you doing don't do that do what what are you doing under your breath I was praying in tongues we don't like that oh we we know it's we we don't like that yeah it hurts well thanks for letting me know they go into warfare Thomas well I've had a lot of this I've watched people act up I see it every day I see people while acting up all the time because what's going on spiritually whether you like it or not you're gonna start responding to it I watch people respond to this spiritual environment and I tell people you know that's why that's why me and my wife we have to be a very tight team because when we go to different environments those Devils are waiting for us and they try to get you into the fight but I didn't come here to fight I came here just to take over without a fight but see you have to learn you have to learn your rights and privileges in Christ Jesus and they know if you know that so the war is is that you just show up and all the weapons are laying there and there's no Devils they just give you the country they give you the city rather than get beat up no this is not make I'm not making this up I was shown that we're supposed to walk in Dominion you know do you ever notice that we talk about authority but we don't talk about the minion Dominion is a very strong word but you talk about domains and dominions and kings and kingdoms and who's in charge and authority and weapons of our warfare and you start to talk about these things but I feel like people are really ready for when the devil raises his head he's gonna if he can't get to you he's gonna go out one level and he's gonna start to try to get into your family and if he can't get there he's gonna go out and get into your coworkers and then he's gonna keep going out until he finds somebody can talk to talk through and they're gonna start talking to you so if you have any unsaved people around you they they are going to be used it's not if it's they will be they have no resistance that the pulse said they have no resistance to the god of this world okay so they're gonna work their way out but they'll work through people that are that are supposed to know better and they're gonna say things and I'm like well why did you just say that and when you get to the root of it it was all carnally it all had to do with their mind it had nothing I said you know that was a thought that just came to you that's not even true and see that if they if the devil's can pull you into their ring they they have a better chance of winning but I don't go into their ring they have to come into my ring they have to come in no no you come to me there's anybody here so you can't fight the devil while you're sitting around with your friends smoking dope because you've just you're having communion with them no boy I can't believe I just said that but it's true anyway no you're not of this world you're just visiting your urinate they all said were aliens in this world we're strangers just passing through your home is in heaven you're just visiting your home is in heaven your father's and having your family as in heaven you know when you're down here you're dealing with the flesh it's real your feelings are real everything about this is real but it's not as real as a spirit realm so if you're fighting depression it really literally starts with a spirit but then it influences you chemically and it becomes an actual physical it's a it's real it I'm not diminishing it at all I used to wonder because I would fly with I would fight you know I flew with two different - for two different people and they were usually I'm gonna say a word when I flew with people they were usually the 85% 85% of the women that I was flying with were on medication for depression 85 percent now I was told that by someone who would know and so my friends that I could talk to they would start acting up and and I go have you taken your medicine I was joking with them they go no I already heaven it's not working well I won't we use that as a joke anymore and what I found out is when you talk to these people this stuff is real depression is real it's not something to be joked about but I found out that evil spirits will follow people that will follow the family members that will follow the bloodline and they will they when force occurs and when they're in proximity to you you can feel it it affecting you and it you think it's you and you can't yield to it because then you will have to take medication because your body your chemicals in your body follow your thoughts so when you're thinking things it starts to become real because your mind doesn't distinguish what is real and not real it just it would you think thoughts it creates it creates the feeling through your your hormones and your all your you know your all your chemicals in your brain it's it's organic and they just start secreting to make the feeling of what you're thinking when I was in heaven I saw this I saw that because I he showed me he showed me when I was little I used to think about flying and then when I flew and I would have this feeling come over me that wouldn't in my mind when I visualize it the same thing happened when I did go fart and when I visualized certain things then when it happened it was exactly like that because my brain through the visualization it actually created chemicals to create a physical response to what I was thinking and make it real is there anybody here so so when angels come they bring heaven with them and they bring a blessing with them they don't want to do anything wrong to you they represent God and God is good he's good all the time but demons they cannot be redeemed they they will never ever be able to get back they're not gonna ever make it right so they are very angry so if they can't win they're gonna make sure that everyone around them loses so if they can't win they're gonna destroy mankind if they can so they find people that are weak and so that's why I do what I do I'm strengthening the body of Christ I'm telling you the truth and I'm telling you that you've got to visualize know it this is not positive thinking like you think God got off his throne one day you ought to read chapter 9 of Genesis I mean there's a story of Babel still in there is it because they having taken that out yet okay God said listen to this he said he said they were building this tower and God said if we we don't go down and confuse them anything they imagined they're gonna do let that sink in for a minute God had to come down and confuse them because he said that if we don't stop them anything that they can imagine they will be able to do but their hearts are bent on evil please don't make me go there you ought to take note if God has to come down and do that know so he did that and then he split the continents up in the days of Peleg to get him even further away from each other he limited their age age to 120 at the flood because they were so evil because they you can't have people living that long and having babies and teaching people evil so he limits he started putting limits on human beings because they're bent on evil why because of the demonic influence and because of the sinful nature is everybody here so now that you've been redeemed you've only been redeemed in your spirit your flesh and your mind need to be disciplined and they need to be educated in the things of God and you need to get good friends around you as a support group I have a pastor and she's a woman and I have no problem with that she's a very powerful woman a woman of God when she talks she talks by the spirit and there's people that fly pei-pei to get on a plane paid up stay in a hotel to hear her speak and I can hear her speak anytime I want and I found that being under a pastor a lot of things that I used to have to deal with spiritually I don't anymore because I'm under her covering and there's the same thing with my spiritual fathers they walk in fivefold ministries and so when I sit in an office of somebody that you would know all these people you would know and they'd say Kevin what are you gonna do about this and I'd say well this is what this is what I'm gonna do until I hear from God and I tell them he goes oh no you're not gonna do that you're gonna do this and I go yeah that's exactly what I'm gonna do because in all Assizes whoa he goes okay here's what you say and like my one for the spiritual father he asked me I better get ready for because it's coming up again but he asked me every year goes okay Kevin what do you believe in for this year what do you believe in for I told him 3,000 souls that's what I wanted for this year he turns my wife what do you want Gaby what do you believe in God for so you need people in your life like that you need your people in your life that believe in angels you need people in your life that believe that God can do anything and he wants to any any any will so one day in in mark 9 a man came up to Jesus said you know if you're willing Lord you can heal my my servant or her you know whoever was or himself and Jesus said I am willing will you believe put it right back in his lap so you have to get rid of that you have to get rid of that is that God's will or not that's an extra step Jesus said no you know I am willing do you believe all things are possible to him that believes mark that Nath's 923 okay so I get under a pastor I ask a lot of questions I asked God a lot of questions oK you've graduated to this I'm gonna go on here alright Genesis chapter 12 and 13 talks about this I want to I want to mention this then the Lord appeared to Abram and said to your descendants I will give this land and there he built an altar to the Lord who appeared to him and moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel and he pitched his tent with at Bethel on the west and a eye on the east and there he built the altar to the Lord and he called the name he called on the name of the Lord at Bethel okay as in Genesis chapter 12 verse 7 8 ok Genesis 13 it says he went in his journey from the south as far as Bethel to the place where his tent had been at the beginning between Beth Bethel and AI to the place of the altar which he had made there at first so he revisited it and there Abraham called on the name of the Lord now it's interesting that Jacob you know his grandson shows up there and falls asleep and has a dream that there's angels coming up and down on the ladder and this is what he said he said I did not discern that God was in this place so we are at this in this generation we are at this point where we can forget the heritage of the people who have already built altars and opened the heavens there are people who have already ministered by the Spirit of God and spoke prophetically over this nation already have had visitations of God where God has given us this land and now the angels are visiting and going up and down the ladder right now in this room do you know how many times I've stood in this pulpit for the last several years there's never been once where there hasn't been a Knowles here so the time has to come tonight where we accept the fact that we have a heritage and that we don't have to read dig wells that have already been dug we don't have to acquire land has already been given to us we'd been lulled to sleep and I have to stay I have to shake myself all the time I have to take spiritual caffeine all the time I have to stick my finger in a light socket spiritually all the time I'm not kidding you I have to shock myself I have to say you know what I'm ready for the next step and I just had a next step but if I wait I grow cold really quickly I forget you see that word is quickened and the Spirit of God quickens our mortal body the spirit that rose Jesus from the dead that's rolling as quickens our mortal body and angels have this quickening power about them so that when they minister to you it's because they they have power from the on high they've been in the presence of your father and then when they come down here to minister they bring with them that presence and if you if you start to engage what I'm talking about when you worship be mindful that there's angels standing beside you and they're worshipping the same God you are and they have read your books they know about you I was told that I was known in heaven and Jesus told me exactly what I was known for he said people talk about you all the time I was 31 years old and I had died and I found out that I had made a stir so Jesus told me what it was and I want to tell you what it was not to brag about me but to tell you that you might want to imitate Paul said imitate me as I follow me as I follow Christ Jesus told me that because I had a character trait that was very rare on the earth and that was that every time that I was spoken to by him I dropped what I was doing and I went and I did what he told me to do then I came back and was I started with what I was doing and I never ever asked a question about it or even asked why I just did it I just did it a couple of days ago to somebody in this room the Lord spoke to me in June when I was here last so the day before I came here I did exactly what the Lord told me to do for the person is in this church I've never asked God why I just did it I'll continue to do that I'll continue to tell you the truth I'm not gonna question God I don't know why I say the things I do sometimes but the thing that is is you've got to get to a place where you take what is in the spirit realm and you bring it into this realm and the only way you can do that is by hearing and obeying and in part of obeying most of obedience is actually action no just when I said that the Lord spoke to me and I'm my response I didn't want to do cuz I didn't want to appear to be to be super spiritual to you but I so Kahler I'll do that I got that but I didn't do that because I don't want you to think higher of me that but the Lord just spoke to me and I'm like okay hard I'll do that I'll do that right away he just spoke to me he just took me to another level right now as I'm talking to you and as I give you out the bread and you eat it then he gives me more to give out but see this this is your life this is the Missis Christianity at its best this is where you pray for each other just like my friend David Hogan he he said he said he just he told me just a couple months ago he said he said I have to tell people don't raise people from the dead that don't want to be raised from the dead if they've told you not to race the because they were having problems in their church everybody that was dying that wanted to die because they were old they were raising them from the dead and he's you got these elderly people walking around they're mad I'm serious they taught everybody he taught everybody how to raise the dead in these villages and so now they have meetings I was telling you this the first night I I believe they they have to they have to get everybody in agreement that you know when I go do not call me back and they actually tell the church that if I died do not call me back what a problem he said he said that this has become second nature why because he he he lived that way in front of them and he took from that other realm and he started to implement it and it was so fun to watch him because he was just blowing on people and he say this is my job I love my job and he just get down life and then he got in his big truck that looked like a military truck and he drove to his next meeting happy and Jesus seemed to be the same way it was like there he was the resurrection and the life he didn't have to pray he just gave the command and that's what the Centurion saw in Jesus you know if you just give me the Committee of God that comes out from the Father and it is in a glorious aroma of a cloud of it's golden it's beautiful it's it's it's it's all around him Jesus has it now he shared with it him before the time began here but now he's back with it again but now it's been given to us now I I like to minister from the glory because then it's hands-free I don't have to touch anybody nothing the father comes in and he corrects things that's what this moves all about that's why I'm teaching from this this is the final move the father has not revealed himself he's revealed himself through the son and by the spirit but now he's gonna come in his glory the glory clouds coming into the churches and into all the meetings into your house now where's Cathy at there she is Cathy we will be sitting in our living room and it'll get real bright and shiny and sparkly in there and I can see she starts squinting and it's at night and as we're talking the glory will come in and I go what's everything okay and she goes yeah the getting bright in here and I go that's a glory because I just started talking into the glory and this is what I was told I was instructed by Sid Roth to do this I was instructed to do this he said everything else you'd do is fine he said but when you start to talk from that he said there's not many people that do that and so I've called people that I know have gone into this and and got instruction from them because I wanted to know like why is this happening and they can you explain this to me and they they just like huh oh yeah and they start telling me they start telling me this is what's this is what's happening right now and they instruct me and so right now this is happening right now right now right now as I'm talking to you it's happening it's different because the father's coming in to take care of you as a father okay so here's what we got to do we got to get healed we got to let go of the hurts and the offenses so that what's happening is is that the Glory's coming in and I can feel it I can see it I can taste it right now and it's gonna you're not gonna want to move in a minute but the the Lord is asking you to let go of the heard of the people that have hurt you damaged you it's very it's very real but he's asking to let go of offense and he told me that if people will hand over their case their file to him he will take the case up and he will make sure that these people are judged justly but you you need to release it see when you forgive your your they're not getting away with it that's where you this is for your benefit forgiveness is for your benefit is anybody here when I met my wife when I met my wife there was there was there was a pastor and his wife that cursed us and the Lord said get back in your car wipe the dust off your feet because you're never gonna see them again and I told my wife do not get in this card so you dust your feet up she goes what I go dust your feet off right now we got in that car and drove away and I never saw them again they died in a plane crash spear field tongue talking ministers I didn't do that I could tell you stories like that people don't get away with things we've been married 25 years so they their vote didn't count do you understand we just celebrated 25 years I'm telling you this because the angels are in this glory when they come they create an atmosphere here tonight and we need to let go of offense we need to let go of our hurts the Lord was once you released from your past they were once you release from your hurts just let it go father we just forgive we just forgive we let it go we let it drop one angel with a drawn sword killed 185 thousand Assyrians in one night because they were messing with God and His people one no-name angel so what happens if you're assigned an angel and justice starts to happen in your life what happens if God's courts roll in your favor and justice starts to happen and you have to tell people you know what it's out of my hands now you don't want to pay me back that's fine it's out of my hands does anybody understand what I'm saying I don't think you get it not that long ago I had a businessman after I spoke he ran up to me very very very very very very did I say very very very rich person he said I got a deal I'm going to Turkey tomorrow as a sign of the olive oil he said if it goes through I'm gonna give you it's 42 million dollars I'm gonna give you a large portion of it can you pray with me I said wow you don't have to give me anything I'll pray for you it went through haven't heard for him since I can go on I can tell you so it's not just you that has bad stuff happened to you I've been offered hundreds of thousands of dollars I just all I have to do is become their friend I said no I don't need any more friends if you want to give to my ministry I don't I don't get that you put it into the ministry than the ministry it's doing God's call I don't take a salary well I want you to have it well I'm not giving you my phone number we're not gonna be friends well I want you to mentor me I'll mentor you for free I have 70 CDs I'm all over YouTube no do you see what I'm saying you wouldn't but I can keep them going you have to pass these tests so one angel can be a sign to break it open for you and that's the end of it and you will be for years you will not be able to explain your friends how it happened we have stories like that all the time I'm saying all this because huge breakthroughs are have come to this room but they have to do with angel assignments but it has to do with you letting go of past hurts and offenses this this church should actually be three times the size it is if you take everybody that attended here I was sent to all those people not just the ones that come out of any particular time I was sent to everyone they used to attend this church which would mean we'd have to have two services to hold everybody I was sent to all of them I love all of them even the ones that aren't here tonight I can name them I love them do you understand because we have a purpose together I'm tied to them through destiny but every time I come here there's different faces and we're all supposed to be together as a family so we have to let go of that now I was praying in a spear one day and I was caught up and I went outside of the building I was in in my apartment and I was taken to the fairgrounds and and I stood on the fence there in a bad part of town and I'm thinking okay how does this happen I am here and I was just over there in that building praying and now I'm here how did how does that work and then I saw a man coming I could tell you what he was dressed in everything about him and the Lord said you're gonna minister to him about my Holy Spirit you're gonna tell him that the whole baptism holy spirit is for him and that speaking in tongues is of me and I was taken back into my room again and the Lord said now go I go I was just there so I had a walk to that place so I had to walk there to be obedient that I was just assured to by the spirit and so in the future so I went there and stood on that spot and watched the future play out again and here comes this guy dressed exactly as I saw it so I joined myself to him and I started to talk to him I said the Lord has sent me to tell you that the baptism the Holy Spirit is for you and that the Lord has instructed me that praying in tongues is biblical and it is for you and he stops and he goes you're an angel aren't you I go no I'm not an angel he goes how did you know he said I'm staying at that hotel over there and I came out because my neighbors been telling me that your church is telling you that it's tongues is of the devil and this whole baptism the Holy Spirit things of the devil but I feel as though my neighbors right that it is for today and then I'm out here praying and walking along this fairgrounds and you come out and he repeat what I'm praying you can sir my prayer so what's your name I said Kevin he goes no your real name you're an angel what's your real name and I go I am NOT an angel he goes Yeah right okay now listen this this I'm not an apostle or a prophet or pastor teacher evangelist I'm unbeliever that prays in tongues and I found myself being translated to another place or transport whatever you want to say and being in integral part of God's will for someone else's life to the point where he thinks that I'm from another realm so I explained the whole thing to him he gave me his card and I went back to my apartment he went back to the hotel and I agreed that as soon as I could get this book on tongues I was gonna send it to that address on his business card soon this was on a Friday night so Monday I was gonna send it out Saturday night the next that I'm praying in tongues just minding my own business and I'm assured again this time I go to the high school which is really really a lot farther away and so the Lord says you're going to that parking lot and stand I call the Lord it's almost midnight he said and I had found that book he said take the book with you now this guy was flying out Saturday morning but it was storming all day so I took that book with me walked the whole way the high school stood in the dark and a car pulls up and I think it's the cop so I'm like what am I gonna tell these cops and stand in the middle of a dark parking lot at midnight in a high school and I'm a grown and I'm a grown man what am I gonna tell him and this is what I hear I hear the car car window goes down and I hear now I know you're an angel it was that guy again he said how did you know my flight was canceled how did you know to come here I said how did you know to come here he goes I don't know I was just out driving thinking about what you were saying and I just thought I'd pull it in his parking lot and pray my flight was canceled because of those tornados so I wasted my bar part I said he I saved the postage here's your book he goes what how did you know you were gonna even see me do you see I'm not I don't I didn't have a pulpit I didn't have a board I didn't have a church but I was a believer that was operating in the supernatural okay now listen there have been so many times that this happens it happens every day now where I already know what's gonna happen before it happens and I just wait for it to happen when the Spirit of God starts moving on you and you respond correctly then I can go on if not I just stand up here and I wait and I talked to you until the Lord sneaks up on you and somehow gets on you and in you and overcomes you because you got to bypass your mind so right now you're getting drunk and you don't even know it and your body's getting light and you can't remember what you were worried about and everything's starting to get funny and I'm really being serious it's because you're being intoxicated with the new wine and and the Spirit of the Lord is in this place and he's taking you out of your world and putting you in his and he's giving you permission tonight to operate in the spirit you see you don't have to be spiritual you are spiritual so this is what's happening you're getting drunk just admit it yeah you have a problem you've been drinking of the new wine it's such a relief to just get over yourself y'all better get up here cuz I can't talk it's happening [Music] [Music] Lisa get up here and lead us in the laughs [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] with somebody just strike a chord anything keep key of age [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just field let's just yield yield to the Holy Ghost tonight all right and I'll just take a drink all that beautiful Oh heavenly wine yield yield yield yield yield yield yield yield that are you gonna do yield hallelujah hallelujah Jesus oh I have a drink that you have no not of do you think you're drunk ha ha oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahs they was there the upper room they were filled with the Holy Ghost in power filled be filled tonight with the Holy Ghost and power fire whoa yield yield yield yield yield oh just receive receive receive receive receive receive although we're thirsty for you more more and more and more and more more and more yield yield yield there it is hey hey hey there's more more and more more more more just feel deal deal deal deal receive receive receive receive right now [Music] come on oh my gosh aah hey get out of your mind it's step step in step into that River step into the river oh there's fresh fresh fresh fresh drink drink drink drink deeply in the river tonight receive receive receive receive receive [Music] Oh [Music] soompi just need to get on your face before god break all that religion and cry hey [Music] Oh right news happening right now in the room breakthroughs happening right now in the room just receive receive receive receive oh hey hey hey be receive receive receive receive receive receive receive receive [Music] and devils a loser the devil's a loser Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] or [Music] Oh Oh Oh [Music] we were [Music] that's the way [Music] we wait we wait come and joy here today while we wait for you for sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we live [Music] Oh [Applause] Oh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 145,221
Rating: 4.8495855 out of 5
Keywords: Warrior Notes, #kevinzadai, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, It’s Supernatural, Life in the Spirit, Kevin Zadai, The Agenda of Angels, School of the Spirit, Conference, Jesus, Supernatural Finances, Christian, Bible School., Teaching, Spirit School, The Mystery Of The Power Words, Holy Spirit
Id: 1EDx-GfrETI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 44sec (6464 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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