The Absurdity of BuzzFeed Quizzes

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what's up guys welcome back to my channel if you're new here hello what's up nice to meet you and if you're coming back hi what's up how are you good to see you again how's how's your how's your family good that's great you see how how close I am with my subscribers dude it's crazy you should subscribe if you're not already please ignore my hair I went to the hair the hair dresser the other day and they were like hey what's up what can I do and I was like you just give me her cut and then she was like okay and then after I was like oh what the hell is this she's like sorry what wait what you I thought you said you wanted spaghetti noodles on on your head and I was like no I wanted a haircut and she was like oops so that's that's what I'm dealing with we got a spicy video for you today if you've been subscribed to me for a while you might remember the video that I made about BuzzFeed but a year ago they posted this article this absolutely horseshit article bad talking Jim Halpert from the office saying that Pam should have ended up with Bryan which is absolute utter lies so I made a video about it it's like my oh my hi sweet videos so I'm coming for BuzzFeed's neck again we're talking about BuzzFeed again is this what I do on my channel others some on the internet that I don't like kind of well I'm gonna make a ten minute video insulting it here we go this video is gonna be about BuzzFeed but more specifically it's gonna be about BuzzFeed quizzes I don't know if you guys have ever taken a BuzzFeed quiz but they are by far my favorite things on the entire internet because they're so stupid but so amazing I'm just I'm just so fascinated by them and the people who make them and the people who take them I just think they're they're really the hidden gem of BuzzFeed um the videos you know they're classic those articles they do you know I can't get enough of them I love it BuzzFeed they're feeding us so much buzz like sometimes it's too much my son I'm like dude easy with all the buzz my stomach can't handle it and they're like here you go if buzz like ever gets a cooking show it's gonna gonna be called buzz be [Applause] I'm sick it's not my dog just threw up cool yeah but so much is going on right now if you know what BuzzFeed quizzes are they're not like skill testing really there are some but not really it's not their main focus they're not like math quizzes or English quizzes they're quizzes that like they just ask you random [ __ ] and then you find out some other random [ __ ] about you it'll be like tell us your favorite Nicolas Cage film and we'll tell you how you're gonna die and you're like all right BuzzFeed can't wait so I thought we'd go through some BuzzFeed quizzes I'll take some and we'll just go on this thrill ride together cuz I'm so excited I'm being I'm not being sarcastic these are a lot of fun even though I hate them so much I also love them for some reason you know it's like it's like me I hate myself some days but some days I'm like dude you're alright I am a BuzzFeed quiz personified so let's get into it let's [ __ ] take some quizzes let's find out some stuff about ourselves and let's watch school you okay prime example bake a cake and we'll reveal if you're Harry Ron or Hermione you know because of all the baking they do in those in those books contrary to popular belief the Harry Potter series they're cookbooks they're baking book they tell you how to bake things so that's let's take this quiz really quick I'm Harry Potter holy [ __ ] did smelly honest well that quiz was a piece of cake okay next one here we go we know if you're an introvert or extrovert based on the Disney songs you choose let's see bibbidi-bobbidi-boo that [ __ ] bibbidi bobbidi slaps guys some bare necessities is a [ __ ] banger under the sea be in the peace only world yeah how many [ __ ] are you gonna do every Disney movie ever Jesus Christ extrovert no you're wrong buzz feed your buzz feeding me lies and that is a joke that I made in my other video there buzz feeding you lies I'll see it then I'll say it now and I'll probably say it again just a warning I don't care okay I get like design a nightclub and we'll teach you which all matches your personality what the [ __ ] what are you saying BuzzFeed I don't know how they come up with these ideas for the quizzes but I feel like there's this okay there's this episode of South Park they make fun of Family Guy and how they how they write and they use these manatees and they just randomly pick these idea balls and put them together and that's how they make a joke on Family Guy and that's what they do here okay they just have a I feel like they literally have two piles of random [ __ ] ones like Harry Potter themed stuff the other ones like food themed or whatever a vacation themed and then they're just like okay pick your travel destination and we'll tell you what your Patronus is there you go oh that's work for the day build a weird sandwich and we'll tell you if you'll become a billionaire here's the thing if I was gonna become a billionaire I wouldn't be taking BuzzFeed quizzes and making me your sandwiches okay here's a great one what should your major be based on how you cast a sitcom what should your major be based on how you cast a sitcom is that a real sentence that I just said does that make sense it feels that I feel like it doesn't but it doesn fortunately at BuzzFeed anything goes anything goes dude it's so funny to think about like someone in grade 12 who's like having a serious crisis like a problem like not knowing where to go for school and like yes house good enough grades to get in anywhere but just doesn't know where to go so they just Google like how to pick my major and this co-host bumps up and and that's what they use dude here's the thing BuzzFeed they're the kings of clickbait okay and these are literally the exact same things that I used to do on this site called quiz Ella when I was like a [ __ ] seven year old okay I don't know if you guys know remember quiz illah they had so many quizzes such as anybody could take and they're all kind of like this they're like which superpower would you have or like what UVO card are you and I would just take them and I would retake them until I got the outcome that I wanted okay cuz that's how quizzes should be BuzzFeed makes a meaningful [ __ ] dude I respect both speed so much more if they had a quiz being like answer these math questions and we'll tell you if your [ __ ] dumbass or not you know what because that's real okay real [ __ ] or like tell us who your favorite youtuber is and if it's not Curtis Connor then you're an idiot dude that's the quiz that I want that's the quiz that we need right let's do this one which time period do you belong in I've always wanted to know so here we go BuzzFeed pick a TV show oh I wonder if if I pick an old TV show than it meant it then it would mean that I belong in the UM the old times you know if I pick like a medieval show then I belong in medieval times I wonder dude I wonder if that's what it is I'll pick Game of Thrones I'm gonna just to be you know just to see pick a movie um hmm we'll do the gladiator yeah I like the gladiator pick a musical um I don't know let me zurab let's try that one Oh a Disney movie hmm I don't know let's do Hercules Oh ancient Rome Oh weird so where did that happen we're period you actually belong in BuzzFeed is just like the [ __ ] are you doing here man go back there go back to ancient Rome dude [ __ ] off you don't need you in 2018 dude hey what are you doing so on this webpage football now I'm cursed with this knowledge knowing that I should have been alive in ancient Rome now I'm now I'm alive here now what do I do time travel yeah right if I get time travel I'd go back in time to before I took this quiz all right guys that was fun hope you learned some things about yourself hope you learned some things about me I love obviously the one thing you did learn I loved BuzzFeed can't get enough of them see me that bullets maybe that'll be it for this video thank you so much for tuning in I've been Curtis Connor if you want to subscribe that'd be awesome just press that subscribe button obviously and then you'd be subscribed it's crazy how that happens you know I try to make a video every week sometimes that happens sometimes it doesn't but you can enjoy this video press the like button or if you didn't like it press the dislike button I prefer you press the like button now and leave a comment that's the best the best things happen in YouTube comments everyone knows that check out the description for the links to my social media and my podcast everything that you needs is [ __ ] keep up with me dude alright yeah thank you so much goodbye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed this you can press scribe button means a lot also there's some other videos on the screen that you can click and watch alright peace see you next time
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,276,901
Rating: 4.9824023 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis, conner, kurtis conner, buzzfeed, buzzfeed quizzes, buzzfeed quiz, quizzes, buzfeed reaction, buzzfeed cringe, buzzfeed kurtis conner, commentary, buzzfeed bad, bad buzzfeed, disney, quiz, test
Id: M19vkFCfvPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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