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okay before i even taste this this looks like yabby soon this is better than the spanish one it's either the czech one or the two american ones it's a very good beer this would go so well with like pork or something which leads me to believe german all right okay three two one no no no how how [Music] hello [Laughter] i just said hello okay hi and i looked over and you had a bigger smile on your face we dropped out today boys hey guys hey how are you doing um we're not even drunk yet but we may we might be later today to get drunk today why is today the worst day oh you guessed it from nevermind [Laughter] we are finally back after taking a week off because joey betrayed us and went to see chris what do you want to train when i schedule my trips with chris i do it around tuesdays joey's like plows right through the tuesdays to be fair i had no choice like chris was like we're doing it in these days i was like all right man so uh let's see how it is i see where your priorities lies right it's okay it's okay yeah was it a good trip do you have fun you're a fun joke that's great what do you guys actually end up doing that you can just ate like a lot of stuff in hokkaido yeah we went we went around to like a bunch of places in hokkaido and uh made like a video for with chris's channel and then i made a couple of videos for my channel so look forward to those if my channel doesn't get destroyed a week before that i a week before i went with chris no two weeks two weeks and he took me to this lamb all you can eat lamb restaurant oh yeah we went to the same house and like i must have eaten like four lambs like i was like so violently for four lambs yeah i i basically did vol yeah that's how much lamb i ate i i swallowed a whole one i've never [ __ ] choked someone described eating a meal like that that's how much land of course even though i was like surely chris has had enough lamb he went right back there two weeks later and assumedly he ate just as much lamb oh yeah he ate he ordered extra and i'm like chris i can't oh yeah i realized we're gonna slaughter the entire sheep population but yes uh if you're just joining us today if you can't see the title of the stream we are going to be tasting a bunch of beers from across the world um so you can see all of the beers here great idea to do live on camera yeah so we are going to be judging a bunch of beers and uh if you are prideful about your beers your country's beers uh we are sorry because we're probably going to like there's no british beers here so no worries is there no british beer it's not australian beers either no i see two american beers yes i see budweiser and miller or miller i think it's yeah it's a regular miller right that's not me yeah yeah milo and draft so what uh what countries do we have um what countries are representing today uh well we have chang that's uh that's thai thai yeah that's the only time here we have erdinger which is i think germany no yes it normally says on the normally center for the label there's normally a label eredinger i think yeah it's a vice beer so it must be germany uh i wouldn't i'm trying to find it where's the list we got uh let me let me let me let me bring up yeah okay okay ashley please bring up the list please miller we have miller which is what i i believe to be american right miller we have this one uh primrose which is belgian or is it primus i don't know which other ping-pong this is chinese and then we have estella i've been taking it indonesia malaysia malaysia indonesia indonesia no which ones are trying do you have a chinese one i don't think we have i don't think so others are chinese oh this one the three chinese beer is uh yeah the three the 333 this 331 i think is vietnamese right three three three three it's vietnamese vietnamese vietnamese right this is vietnamese i've never tried vietnamese beer and then we have estella uh galcia galicia there's spain in spanish [Music] we have what's 333 that's the vietnamese vietnamese i've never had vietnamese beer before yeah we got corona which is international now um we can't recently become international we got line style to what's what's lions felt that looks what is this that looks like europe's sri lankan australia sri lankan beer okay pretend i didn't say european uh we have dreher dreher what's what's this austrian i think or somewhere around there just name a country that sounds vaguely german it sounds it's dreidel it's what's dream what is italian italian wine okay a lot of european countries there um and then we've got heineken i never remember where heineken is from netherlands it's netherlands guinness guinness which is irish and uh budweiser again america why do we not have west america why do we not have any australian or british bees why do we not have the japanese beers uh just because everyone knows that yeah actually that's right do we have it do we have any japanese beer yeah can you bring down okay okay bring bring yeah okay we we can't do a beard taste test in japan and not have any japanese beer that's what i was thinking i was like there's a big country that's missing right now it's the country we're in so what we're going to be doing is we're going to be blind tasting these so we're going to be given one of these beers and uh after tasting it we're going to have to guess the country of the beer what about i thought we'd just guess which beer it was no well i mean it'd be easier just to say if we use it just say the concept it's basically the beer right yeah that's the point that's what i'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go as well you got the best japanese beer yeah the top great japanese when i drink a beer i go you know this [ __ ] tastes this tastes real [ __ ] italian this beer if you just naturally start to do this okay if you had to like pick a british beer to represent on this pile which one would you pick yeah because i'm curious i'm trying to figure out like what is because what are there because i only know carling and that sucks that sucks what other like big british beers are there i don't know i don't know any british beers i don't think i only know carl i've heard of carly i've never tried it what else is there connor i don't even know where it's from i just always get like hop house 13. i really like house 13. is that is that like a low is that like a local we've got a bunch of gift subs yep a poor 69 with the 10 subs and also earlier i saw someone else giving 10 seconds pretty good oh doom is pretty fishy huh thank you for the 10 seconds irish oh okay i don't know where it's from i just wanted to get it stella oh [ __ ] off stella is awful wait he's still a british of course that's why yes so what what is what would you say is the like quintessential british beer because all the british all the beers i drink in england are imported right i just realized probably like my beer of choice if i give a lot of local beers like the ones with like they change the name every week yeah like the local breakfast yeah yeah it's weird because like if i go into a pub and let's say i don't drink a local beer let's let's say i just want to drink one of the big brands that i recognize most of the time it's probably going to be cronenberg i like chronicle yeah queen of books good just unfortunately french which is french unfortunately why unfortunately french or san miguel that's that's pretty big yeah something else uh what about australia because here's the thing is fosters the only australian beer any one of us knows is foster fosters which is uh i mean i i found out the other day foster's is indeed an australian brand but never you will not catch a single australian drinking fosters i tried fosters once actually at an outback steakhouse did you actually eat oh my god australia oh joe it's just like being home isn't it yeah it's just like beautiful because it was australia day which is january 26th as anyone knows uh and my friend was like let's go to now park streetcars and i was like oh [ __ ] sake all right yeah and we went and of course they had fosters there right this is an australian restaurant yeah i was like all right i'll try it out then i tried it it is horrible like all the australians no it is it is horrible horrible fosters is like is well known as like drinking piss water yeah it's hot like i thought other australian beers taste like piss water like vb and foreign they also taste like piss water but yeah fosters is like yeah i i now i know why no australian drinks fosters because so okay so if you're in australia what's your beer of choice then is it an australian beer no import which beer asahi no oh no really yeah like okay so the only ones i can think of is i guess not including fosters is maybe vb which is victorian bitter which is just dirt water yeah and then 4x is like okay it's not my first choice but then other than that like it's it's mostly uh ciders when we go to pubs i don't know if this is a mental thing but i feel like asahi tastes better when i don't drink it in japan yes and do you feel that as well outside of japan it tastes amazing yeah these always taste better outside of the country you get them because it's like oh it's foreign all the time like a lot of beer doesn't travel right that's what i'm sure we're about to find out yeah but like for some reason asaki or like any japanese brand travels really well i don't know why yeah like i don't know why i don't like i said i don't know if it's like a complete mental thing but when i drink like in izakaya like it tastes like [ __ ] i i can't i don't know why but no it does okay well it tastes like compared to likes the other beers that are available i feel like japanese beers i thought he's like the worst you can get in japan no there's way worse japanese beers out there like what like the [ __ ] like the ones that aren't even like beer yeah like there's like the hop the hot shoe yeah the hop stuff okay but i mean like in terms of like the big brands [ __ ] it's like beer flavored it's like beer juice it's like it tastes like beer and it looks like beer but it's like okay i'm talking about like the big brands so like sapporo and like yeah uh what premium molds oh premium molds yeah premium mulch i'd say is the bottom tea no no that's like your bottoms here no i i think something i think it's just no you're too used to drinking awesome that's why premium malts is like we'd also like to add that you should drink responsibly yes please drink let's try uh this many beers also an anonymous cheerio we're not how do you find how do you how do you feel about kieran i like kieran i like kieran here it's okay it's okay i think sapporo is number one sapporo in like hokkaido oh my god untouchable yeah dude that's all i drank last week it's like every restaurant i went to sapporo like if i go to a hokkaido and you off like i'm if and if you offer me like water or sapporo i'm going to choose a supporter every time of course do we have a bottle opener a bottle oh yeah that's a good question oh yeah we have me but i can't open the bottle because i can't see what's uh being tasted yeah yeah yeah we need someone we need someone off the camera to open a forest well okay do you want to take all of these away yeah well well we just have a chat and then yeah before warm warm everyone up throw it ronin thinking sydney go on go come in come in sydney sid sydney's in the office today uh there's alcohol involved here what is everyone in the room's favorite beer mailing isn't here unfortunately mainland doesn't like [Music] bro it's really good really rooting yes really good i like yeah i like a lot of like vice spears like german vice beers are really good i forgot the name of the brand but there's a certain brand of vice beer that i really really like that's not horror garden or how do you pronounce it how do you pronounce that word i i really i like ho gardens yeah yeah i always thought it was whole garden yeah i always asked in japanese i didn't know what to tell though i'm like do i say sugar garden yeah like in japan cause i'm like because i've heard people pronouncing it in two different ways gun right you got it yeah i assume it's huge hugh and i actually think it's pretty actually i think one of my favorite beers is actually american have you guys ever had blue moon yeah i really like blue moon really style right yeah okay blue moon is like bloomin's okay but it's like um it's not my first choice it's like on like a hot summer's day there's nothing that bleeds beats a blue moon man it's it's it's like refreshing like a fruit cider but it's not a fruit cider right isn't it like you know the caterpillar cake yeah as a kid blue moon is like the caterpillar cake hold on explain what a caterpillar you know what a caterpillar i don't that's why i'm asking what what's a caterpillar cake i have to google it to show you well okay okay if we're talking about favorite beers um i don't know if this does does guinness count i guess it's it's it's a it's an ale it's an ale right is that a beer okay some people say it is some people say it's normal like these [ __ ] things what the [ __ ] is that caterpillar cake have you seen that what is that what is that what has this got to do with blue moons i'm implying that blue moon is like a children's dessert yeah and if my grandma had wheels she'd be a bike like [Laughter] good reference i recognized that i recognized that i just learned about it the other day it's amazing that's what i'm like that's a really good that's from this morning right morning yeah joey quoting british no okay yeah so okay if we were to count ales as a because some people are very anal about that okay i would count guinness can you explain to me the difference between [ __ ] music or whatever other types there are stouts isn't that just the way it's brewed right is it just the way it's brewed it's like a different brewing method it's like the different types of like sake you actually know sydney yeah have you literally okay okay you you come you come i thought it was all technically explain explain it for me please different types of beer it should all be it will technically be just just music no think of the tense it's literally like it depends on the brewing process as well as the types of sort of ingredients and hops they put inside of it it's all beer right but it's different beer but obviously some people it's like that's why i truly believe like guinness of course it's beer what else would it be it's not its own category well some people some people view it as its own category like they yeah yeah like pretentious like bee people like um ale and beer is very different it's like but it's like i'm not the one saying that but like it's like it's like the it's like the different types of sake right like you have like jungian like gishu and stuff like that it's just it's all the same process but like there's one or two different steps yeah it's like different grades and stuff like that yeah i know it's ready thank you thank you very much music nerd for the test to maybe not open some of them here because we'll hear when it's a can yeah yeah and when it's about oh we bested or upstairs somewhere yeah but yeah if i would do it if i were to count guinness but like but like guinness in ireland like on tap in ireland because i've realized that guinness is one of those beers that just does not travel like at all no yeah i've had guinness in a can horrible i've had guinness on tap in sapporo actually just the last week as i thought like maybe it's the canned variety maybe that's what makes it bad so i'll have it this place has it on tap in this pub uh so i'll i'll have it on top thank you for the 10 by the way oh they have it on tap so maybe i could do it but the the horror that i saw right i was waiting on my table i ordered my guinness like i ordered a short one because you know i wasn't too sure yeah brought it out the thing hadn't even [ __ ] settled yet it was still like i like oh i like that but that's not the way to do it though that's not the way to do it the way you're supposed to do it is you pull half of it and you let it settle and then you pull the rest of the half and you let it settle all the way before they give it to you yeah i had it the best way in ireland that's how you do it and clearly they were like they didn't do it so thank you for the five i got like my year supply of iron when i went to ireland through drinking guinness yeah i definitely drank more guinness than water that's for sure my blood was like five times thicker yeah it's like having uh sapporo in hokkaido i don't know why guinness tastes so [ __ ] good in ireland but also like i feel like the hype of being there you know in the place it might it might honestly be it might honestly be placebo i don't know i i i i genuinely think it just does not translate like i do genuinely think that guinness tastes the best in ireland yeah only taste the best in ireland because like i'm constantly like searching for that same high as when i tasted guinness in ireland yeah and you just you just don't find it i think it's also because like all the food in ireland just matches with guinness so well yeah it complements it perfectly right like you can't go to the [ __ ] hub in shibuya and you know get your [ __ ] like 300 yen like potato fries and be like i'll have a guinness please what a chat was like uh watching adult watching adults talk about beer while i'm underage feels alien to me [Laughter] you're gonna have a great life you're gonna have a great time on this stream oh your liver is okay yeah it's beer not like vodka it's like it's like juice i mean wasn't it okay okay here's a question for you guys go on all right at which age did you start liking the taste of beer because here's the thing i'm pretty sure every kid went through the same experience where you see like you see the adults drinking when you're a kid or something and one of your [ __ ] uncles or some or something is just like uh try this take a sip of this see where you can see what it tastes like and you fighting what is this what is this melon oh my god oh my god we're at the harbour oh my god oh my god i didn't know i didn't know we had a i think the person was like oh my god i think the first time i took a sip of beer was when i was like 14 maybe i think i think 14 40. first sip of beer i was like four yeah four yeah cause i'm like i'm like why is this drink bubbly yeah yeah nah dude if i if i drank in a four my my dad would have like given me an r speeding no no no not drank it but like you're you're like you choose a little you put a little tongue in it yeah yeah yeah so some of your family members like oh i'm sure when i was like a little little yeah yeah yeah because because i remember everyone does it because like every kid hates the taste i remember i remember specifically thinking as a kid how the [ __ ] can adults drink yes because it's like bubbly yeah that's so cool you're like i want to traverse the first time i was offered a sip of beer from my dad i was like 14. but i think he gave it to me knowing fully well that i wasn't ready for it well yeah i mean he's like try this you probably won't like it though but then again my my parents aren't really like beer drinkers either i mean obviously australian beer is horrible i mean like all alcohol when you were like a kid right and so i don't i don't remember the exact age where i started drinking beer and i'm just like damn this actually tastes good and i don't know what changed or if it was like a mental thing something about it i i think it got to the point where i was like it's enough smell of isis for my lifetime i think i think it's time for me to be an adult i remember like the first when i first started drinking i couldn't drink anything but smell enough ice and wkd and of course i literally could not understand anyone who wanted to drink anything but smoke off ice and wkd yeah exactly it's like uh america has that thing what is it like uh mike's hard lemonade lemonade i had that for the first time a couple of years ago and i'm like [ __ ] dude if i was if i was like 16 in america i would have gone [ __ ] up on these you know it's [ __ ] bad right like in to catch a predator they always bring the hype the mike's hard lemonade right when he mentioned that all i could think about is catch predators why did you bring mike's hard limiter to a 14 year old girl's house like imagine like do you think mike do you think mike's had lemonade had to like phone enough to be like can you stop showing mike's hard lemonade in this show about catching pedophiles please don't miss my name it's really not good for our brand image guys the next like like after the name chris the next name you hear the most in that show is mike okay uh royal casino with the ten dollars thank you the list of aussie beers include four x two is new horrible two he's extra dry also horrible uh pure blonde okay pure blonde's not bad carlton draft horrible carlton dry horrible swan what the [ __ ] is swan of course oh my god these are ones where i've never even heard of we've got a beer brand called emu bitter apparently eewoo bitter yeah i've never heard of that uh coopers and han the worst is pure blonde chad what are some british beers that are famous because i can't think of any big brands other than carling and i don't know if i'm like missing an obvious one it's like london's pride you see that everywhere in london yeah yeah exactly these are really bad but i can't beat them you know what you know this is missing connor salt yeah yeah the most basic seasoning don't don't bring that up man i'm gonna bring it up oh yeah brew dog dog's really popular yo filth lobster with the 69 nice uh deer is nice whiskey's nicer so here's a nice donation for you boys thanks man thank you very much say that yeah someone's saying listerine [Laughter] that does have some like serious amount of alcohol i don't know if that's a beer though don't think you don't think you should be swallowing that man john smith's is that a is that a brain oh yeah john smith sucks i was like oh back in the day they used to only drink beer not water well in in the uk yeah i think that's the most pleasing [ __ ] poisonous oh yeah right that's the whole beer was like the only thing that wasn't poisonous could you imagine just being drunk all day that's a that's like how did they how did they how did we get anything done or they didn't sure that's why nothing happened during that time except a bunch of wars yeah how do they how do they even like sail a boat like they were just drinking beer like who's sailing well i mean it was like one in a hundred ships actually made it to their destination right yeah like when they're like yeah lighthouse just saved boats and i don't think it was lighthouse that they got water i think it was the one dude who was like you know what i'm gonna sip some water yeah the one guy was like oh [ __ ] alcohol well um it's uh it's congratulations it it it's definitely salt it's definitely salted now that's uh it's assaulted we haven't even started drinking this whole set's falling apart try one let me try a salted one are they like that's stuck together yeah um that's probably not evenly salted um so i apologize not not my best cooking okay why do we need the staff member to toss us a [ __ ] basket oh my god oh my god we're like destroying the [ __ ] set and we're not even going stop dropping the chicken ashley for [ __ ] sake you're eating that he just dropped two pieces of chicken on the ground like an idiot it smells really good it happens actually yeah essence of floor on chicken so uh so so we recorded you like tossing it like a pizza yeah right it was like the opening of ratatouille that was good so we recorded we recorded another trash taste episode today without spoiling it uh food was involved once again yep and uh yeah we had a good episode we had a bright idea we had a bright idea of uh what would happen if we did a food three by three and uh the [ __ ] atrocities that would happen on the set when god said that in the in the episode i i like saw just very faintly like a bane mask up here on his face like he'd just like come up with some kind of diabolical evil plan i was like oh no no no no what i'm interested in is what what connor what it's the dichotomy of ashley related things people are saying in the chat so i'll be like cancel ashley save ashley free ashley anything ashley uh eventually still think of the five give subs uh guys if you haven't already you should go and watch the netflix x trash taste super crooks video oh yeah we did that already we did do that so yeah you should go and watch that when we talk about super critics yeah everyone's saying that they want to hear our real opinion that is literally our real opinion it is actually a really good show people people like i want to hear their real opinion no no that's it that was our real opinion and yeah it was so weird watching it now that the review scores are out and like the male scores are out because it was my first time that um yeah that's what we're shouting out wait is there anything more we need to shout out specifically oh okay oh you can exclamation mark netflix apparently in chat oh yeah so go do that okay you can you can watch you can watch the sp like yeah episodes genuinely like you know for people saying like i want to hear their real opinions clearly haven't actually seen the show because it's like it's actually a good show we wouldn't have said yes to that if we didn't think it was yeah yeah because uh to put it out there if we didn't like it we wouldn't have said yes to the sponsorship yeah so we only said yes because we genuinely wanted to talk about it and honestly i was just happy to be able to talk to these guys about anime once once once yeah you want to see me talk about anime give me money i'm doing that for free what are you going to say but how did you guys feel watching that without seeing any prior reviews right so so it's so weird it did feel a bit scary to be like do i actually like this is this is this actually a good show or believe my own opinion yeah yeah like like is my opinion valid you know i liked it a lot i thought it was very good very fun right but like as i i got to like episode 10 and you know it's when you like start to like maybe formulate like a general opinion right like is it good is it bad i got to i remember i got to the end of like i think it's like the second the last episode and i was thinking i said out loud i was like is this good i don't know i don't know what i think i think it's good i don't think it's good because i was like i'm enjoying this yeah what is this is it good very different it's just like [ __ ] well i'm putting i'm putting my uh i'm putting my reputation on the line here yeah and i have nothing to judge it against so i'm i'm i'm living purely on my uh my own opinions now and my instincts and what if what if they're wrong what if i'm just what if my opinion is just wrong i don't know very there's a very big difference between a good show and an enjoyable show yeah the lines are starting to blow i'm sorry they didn't pay us to do an episode about part six i'm i'm sad we couldn't review arcane yeah right right joey right it has been zero days since arcane was mentioned you need to watch arcane well the more you say that the less i'm going to want to watch it that's true shut up sydney wow because i don't want her it took me two years to finally watch demon slayer i've never watched demon sailor you've never seen a slayer what it took you two years it took me two years what's like the anime that you haven't watched corner what's what's what's like the the big animal everyone has that one show yeah i've completed anime mate i haven't watched one piece of naruto that's that's like okay that's understandable yeah because that's long as [ __ ] yeah that's long as [ __ ] right i know plenty of people who will never read naruto or or one piece uh it's understandable yeah and you know and you okay you know what i can understand if someone doesn't want to read naruto nowadays because because we're important because they have fun joey shut the [ __ ] up joey i try to keep a straight face but i realized just how dumb that sounded uh yeah i don't know i think i've watched most of the quote-unquote classics right oh yeah because you went through the imdb top 50 right indeed yeah i think i think i have if you don't count barucho as a classic i mean it is to some people it's not a classic it's not it's not have you heard of samurai seven perhaps i've watched samurai eight eight yeah samurai eight is the the other shimoda manga that got cancer i watched the movie samurai seven no no that's a different one samurai right is the is the kishimoto one which one's the movie seven samurai anime it's anime no samurai eight was never i don't know there was an anime adaptation of that's the seven samurai yeah which is seven samurai seven samurai samurai has been and it had had mix in it right yeah right right yeah what yeah it's like steampunk yeah i have not heard of this i don't know i watched it i thought it was really good wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is this samurai seven or seven samurai yeah yeah okay i get that's different i was thinking of seven like the the kurosawa yeah on blu-ray yeah so so they took the kurosawa movie and went what if we add mechs it's actually good have you watched it it's okay i refuse to believe that that isn't sure it's it's it's why it was by og studio gonzo and if you know og studio gonzo you know that uh they were pretty infamous for their cg trip um thank you ganza yeah [ __ ] up why it's good why you why are you just being a clown yeah but but kishimoto made the gomei naruto made this man called samurai 8 which was which he tried to make as a like not really successful basically it's basically think of naruto but there's samurai i guess i didn't read a lot of it but it got cancelled after like three volumes so i'm gonna guess that there were eight samurai i guess that's my guess i don't know did you read uh burn the witch yeah i did what did you think of burn the witch it's like bleach reskin kind it's like it's like he clearly you know because it's it's kubo so obviously you can't you're not going to be able to unsee bleach right yeah yeah but like i it was like he did a valiant effort to try and make it not look and feel like bleach but it's very hard not to do that when you have such a distinct art style like kubo yeah it was all right like it's like seven out of ten i guess like yeah it was enjoyable i enjoyed the manga yeah because it was like how long was the manga it was like a one shot volume one is that anyone that got the animated attraction yeah the three episodes i didn't watch it yeah yeah i thought it was okay yeah the only reason i watched it one was because of bleach and two is because they had like a scene or something in brighton beach and i'm just like oh yeah yo anime and bryson yeah let's go that's how i felt about the free movie as well they're like yo they're at sydney train station let's go well in the final stroke yeah in the fight in final stroke they're in australia i'm did they do that on purpose what they must have done the final stroke the final oh yeah of course of course they did there's no way things just keep me up at night and that's one of them yeah because that because the final stroke is like too comprehensive english right yeah yeah if it was made by japanese person it'd be like stroke at the final or something like something that's like clearly not an english title to go stroking or something like that go too strong [Laughter] i think it's an even better name why do they not call it free go to stroke too fair with some of the was it was it was it in that the english was really bad or was now it's crocodile basket where the english was really bad yeah i had a [ __ ] final stroke watching out americanism yeah what was the famous line from the kuroka thing this is japanese lunchtime russia something like that right do you not remember that that was one like one of like the favor of the famous english lines in coroca i watched it everything there has to be a clip of that on youtube somewhere because i think the best this crazy japanese lunch rush time oh my god uh it's iconic unit with the 30 bucks thank you all for these after dark streams your food sampling streams are especially fun oh he's like they play with ramen in australia we pay with cigarettes as well sometimes you're out of ramen is that the australian currency can we can i get like some water or tea as well uh because we're gonna need something to like wash the taste into me our into me so good i love indomie see i love how much msg you get in the packet man you know i tell you you're getting good stuff i i'll stand by mama's the best instant ramen i'll i'll stand by is that because you're thai perhaps perhaps perhaps but i i i don't i don't say super noodles are that isn't i the best because super noodle because british ramen sucks right yeah how can you like defend that [ __ ] but that's why i think i have an unbiased opinion here into me is the best instant ramen it's very good it's very good yeah it's indonesian right it's fantastic have you had mama i got i got i gotta show you some parma man oh god is it the next stream in this instant ramen i was thinking because okay okay okay here's the thing about instant ramen ever basically everyone i've talked to right aside from people in england of course um they say that the best ramen that they've had is from their home country so eve like i've even talked to sydney and her favorite instant ramen is american and i'm like i'm like i'm like hey yo sydney that's how we that's cow actually cup noodles is really nice mm-hmm i love cup noodles yeah you do love cup noodles what was that bombay bad boy bombay bad boy is amazing bad boy oh mate it's so good that sounds epic it's so good we should have a ramen off ramen from across the world a ramen taste test yeah that's the kind of dough barricade actually that's that's a good idea hi we're back we're talking about ramen [Music] cup ramen like worldwide armamentation chat what what what country has the best cup ramen because i was saying that everyone i've ever talked to their favorite cup ramen surprise surprise come from the home country right maggie maggie is good where's maggie from do you guys want any of this because from southern central i don't want i don't i don't want any more and i'm going to keep eating it because it's right there yeah and it's a bed because like i i will die saying that mama is like the best one of the best instant noodles in the world i think i've tried that i don't i don't like japanese instant ramen so much because like like not carp ramen are like instant like instant what's the difference well instant ramen is the one you put in like a boiling like pot of water but like it's same the same kind of comment ramen in a cup yeah we had maggie in australia i i do think i do think southeast asians have someone has some of the best instant ramen yeah yeah yeah because they don't like they've got like the flavors maybe even when you drink anyway should we get the first beer anyway uh we'll save the instant ramen talk for another stream where's our whiteboards oh we're gonna write down our issues on the website we're gonna we're all gonna say like our we think it is okay all right we're going right here okay yep yep there's three here all right where's uh okay so how are we gonna be doing this so we just take we we get a beer and a glass we have a bit of a taste a cheeky taste and uh we we need no no we need some wait do you not have your whiteboard oh that's a shame i thought we left it here clearly clearly we thought this through before we started the stream [Music] this man's on the ground looking i don't know oh yeah there we go no no no no no where was the other one i bought why is he in the thick boy i don't have i don't have a pen he doesn't have oh god sorry i just i just vomited my mouth a little sorry joe just vomited in his mouth oh the curry the car is seeing me this is a whiteboard mark yeah it's whiteboard marker oh that hurts oh sorry okay we already smashed where we started okay i think i think nabi's arse was just like full on screen he had that dummy seek on the screen all right ass crack oh no not just me connor and i had curry again okay so how are we doing this lad so we're gonna so we'll take a sip we'll take a second think about it and then are we raising it we'll discuss it are we raising it out of ten yeah yeah we'll tell our flavors yeah well what we'll do is we'll write down the country that we think the beer is from and then underneath it we'll give our personal score out of 10. oh no it was my ass crack oh no oh no no oh no [Applause] oh yeah also we should uh we should hide the chat as well yeah because i think i think you guys on chat will be able to see it on screen of what we're drinking it's off but so far this is a very light color being this this is the kind of beer that i would oh i can't get if i was uh wanting to drink like 15 beers in one night it smells a bit light it's very light yeah it's a bit lighter it's very light okay [ __ ] this is going to be hard actually i just realized it's going to be very this tastes like 15 beers why is this like fruity doesn't kind of like a fruity aftertaste or is it just me it's like a little bit sweet the aftertaste is very it's a little fruity but i think i have a general idea of where this is from i think i know what this is yeah so you can either say the name of the book i've had this before yeah have you no i think you can you can say the name of the brand or the country i've had okay i don't i don't care about any of the beers i just want to get the beer from my country right and i'm gonna drink all of this i think this okay i think we can all agree this is not like ebisu or like budweiser any other i don't think it's javascript it's not american it's not american it's not japanese it's not american i don't even think it's european is it i don't know because it's it's it's a little bit sweet i want to say it's from southeast yeah i want to save some southeast because a lot of southeast beers have that sweet aftertaste that i have a hunch and i like i don't want to write it because if i'm wrong it's going to be so embarrassing i'm i'm just going to go for it because i have no idea you know what it is okay are we racing out of 10 as well yeah so write maybe the name of the country name or the name of the brand you think it is and then underneath give your personal rating out of 10. okay okay i think it's i think it might be this god i really i really want to get at least like a few of these right yeah i want to okay i want to i want to get half of these beers i've never had so i'm not sure yeah but like you can kind of like get a sense of where it might be from i feel like certain areas kind of like a very distinctive taste or aftertaste wouldn't you say yes um okay i've got i've got my guests down i've got my guests down okay i i i don't know because like the thing the thing is this tastes so familiar right it does taste like i've i've drank this before it's it's i don't know can i say what i like i mean okay i'm torn between uh just i don't know there's a part of me really thinks this is heineken for some reason it's not heineken it's not high it's not ironic no there's no because because the thing is with heineken is that it tastes so [ __ ] different depending on if you get it in tap or can and every ever and how long it's been sitting on the shelf for i'm i'm all right all right gentlemen you got your answers i got mine okay well chat knows what it is yeah uh we can't see the chat right now so i'm betting my national pride on this really yeah i don't know if i'm writing thailand i think it's i think it's chang i think it's vietnam you think it's vietnam i think it's the bintang is it is it the indonesian one yeah if it is then oh my god this is actually way more nerve-wracking than i thought it was going to be by the way i'm giving it an 8 because it's like fruity and like i really like the aftertaste it's a bit too light for my liking but i do like the sweet aftertaste it's a five it's a perfectly fine beer yeah it's nothing exceptional i like the light beans that are like easy to drink before you tell us is one of us right do you want me to bring the bottle down just say if one of us is right or not yeah [Laughter] you're national pride man you know i'll give my i'll give out my thai passport right now wait which one was it do you want me to just yeah bring it out bring it out yeah yeah yeah we'll close our eyes and then you bring it we'll close our eyes wow really okay well okay i've never i don't think i i swear to god this is [ __ ] heineken i'm gonna kill myself it can't be hard i i i i i will eat a sock if that's high and again get high again i'll [ __ ] eat a sock if that's something i'm gonna be so sad at the time but then again as you can see it's too sweet to be honest yeah it's way too sweet hanukkah never had that like sweet aftertaste all right all right all right all right all right please don't do this to us navi okay listen now for the can or the bottle oh oh it's a model it's a bottle okay okay three two one what no what no that's not a corona it's a corona do you know what you know what you know what i didn't recognize it without the lie without the lime aftertaste yeah yeah that's the excuse we go for yeah shut up shut up all right well that was a monumental failure really yeah because kroner is the most 5 out of ten beer so i'm glad i got that no no no no no no it's it's well literally just said coroner's an eight out of ten off to a good start that joke can we see the challenge my taste buds are 15 years old you know can we just make a gentleman's agreement not to look at the chat well then we'll look at it now well i think we're going to turn it off and on again yeah but i want to that's why we're like discussing yeah oh my god oh yeah we do have the ipad yeah yeah yeah just kidding the ipad pull out the ipad joey thinks corona is an eight out of ten you know what i won't say no to them out of context clips [Laughter] okay okay here's the thing i think in terms of big brands i think corrupted bigger ones it's one of the it's like definitely above average it's better than a five i do i do think like corona is better than the five games yeah the ten right yeah not eight hours not a i would have bumped it down to a six because okay say you're at a party you have you have a bunch of beers you have heineken you have uh barge you have you know fossils or whatever i always go for the corona first first beer it's it's like such a such a good starter beer okay so now all right i'll leave this they'll leave this on the table drank oh god all right at least we can at least we can knock off corona now why are you laughing why why because i'm a white guy we trying the next one all right we're going too fast i don't know if we're going too fast we have a lot of beers we do have a lot of beers okay okay so let's uh okay so this one this one again this doesn't smell as pungent as the corona right oh you got your boys going for it already okay this smells nothing like the corona the boys are lying oh my god oh we need to turn off the thing right are you showing it to them you're showing them that i haven't been looking at chat okay can you tell me you can turn it off then oh my god luckily they haven't said anything yeah turn off the turn from chat all right okay um okay i've had this before this is a lot harder than i thought taking the sip of the tea though is is good because it comes no it completely you need to refresh your taste buds let me try it tastes blood you'll take you taste blood taste blood i think i've had this before okay so the taste of this is a bit light okay so it's not got that sweet aftertaste anymore you know i took a sniff of this and immediately i felt queasy to my stomach so it's like giving me flashbacks of having this before i don't think this is a good beer at all this is really watery it is a bit watery it's very watery um [Music] do i dare say it because i feel like it has a little more flavor than a normal budweiser yeah it's it's because my first one my first thought was this beer sucks american right on ground [Laughter] i [ __ ] breathed it in that's the best way to introduce you how do you get a better taste cover all nine thousand taste buds oh my god aerate it not because here's the thing it doesn't have much of a smell at all right what did it smell like i couldn't smell anything i'm like waterboarding myself [ __ ] budweiser i think is that the worst beer we're gonna taste today i don't know but i don't i'm not i hope it is because i don't know if we can go any further below than this okay i think okay i'm gonna say it again it's either bottle heineken it genuinely tastes like heineken from a can tastes like ass it could be miller as well but it's not mila i've never had mila i've had miller and it's like not quite this i don't think this isn't okay we all agree this is not a nice beer no no it's not a nice beer it's it's awful it's awful like again i smelt it and i felt like i i hope it's american otherwise i don't know what i don't know what country we are insulting [Laughter] i just want to get one of these right all right okay yeah i'm praying it's it's this you know that's no this that needs to be a lower score do you have it ready hold on hold on hold on come get it behind your back all right we'll go one at a time i guess well i went first last time okay i'll get first then okay i think it's heineken you think it's heineken no heineken tastes better than that really i'm going bud really i think it's also heineken actually really there's like something about like i've definitely had it before and i don't i haven't had enough budweiser to like immediately get like a trigger i don't know because it for me was a toss-up between budweiser and heinrich yeah yeah i think it's one of them could be miller as well it could be miller i've never had miller though i i've had middle light and it's definitely miller light is lighter than this well we don't have metal we have miller which is equally i don't think i think it's gonna be even lighter i gotta know are any of us correct oh it's either budweiser [ __ ] okay okay close close my eyes close my eyes your eyes close your eyes and they're both cans as well so uh are they yeah yeah oh it's a can it's a can all right all right three two one [Applause] let's go no no it's too [ __ ] to be hiding let's go did the heineken always taste that bad you know the reason why the aftertaste is like a hundred percent yeah yeah yeah similar to it i knew i knew that like queasiness in my stomach came from somewhere because heineken when it's from a can always has that weird aftertaste you know what you know what you know what you guys are right you got you guys are right i this this tastes of like this taste of like regrets i like heineken a lot right like sad nights at a pub but yeah but it is isn't it heineken is amazing on draft obviously no it's great what this what this tastes like is a house party yeah right this literally like i i knew i tasted somewhere and i'm just like and now i remind you when you guys came to my house i had heinekens did you yeah i had bottles of water would you do that to us because i like it in the bottle it was in the bottle not a can it's different it's different it was in a bottle like i genuinely believe like i'm sure i'm sure all the beer drinks will agree that beer from a can just doesn't taste nearly not good is beer in a glass like you i feel like you can tell i don't know okay okay do you think beer tastes different if it's in a can but poured into a class rather than just no yes i do actually yeah i think so yeah why did that taste like [ __ ] then well no so i think there's like it's like different levels right beer from a bottle tastes good beer in a can in a drinking out of a can is bad from a can into a glass is a little bit better that was a lot of words i'm trying to process that i'm too drunk to understand what you're saying i'm 2bsd boy all right all right okay the color is exactly the same again is this all like the same color there's literally nothing to work with here smell is completely different though i'm not going to like this one i don't think i'm going to like it holy [ __ ] that's so bitter that's such a bitter this this this smells like something's gone off you know it smells a little off yeah no i think i found oh what the [ __ ] like i smell this and i get a headache this smells like hangover like if if i could put hangover in a smell it's this one i'm kind of digging that really it the when the moment it hits you the moment it hits your tongue there's no flavor what were the beers that we had because i think this is one of the ones that i haven't had before this is like this is beer that's purely after after taste i definitely haven't drank this one before i think actually i've never had this i've definitely never had this i think i might have okay it's like all the flavors in the back of your tongue there's nothing at the front of your tongue at all wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on i'm gonna close my eyes i'm gonna like i'm like gonna go back i'm gonna go travel the world and i'm just just gonna take a sip and see where it takes me i don't know what this is actually i'm trying to figure it out as well i don't think i've had this before like i don't know i've definitely never had this before um it's like do we have the beers the list of them or you just guess the country right yeah but i don't i just want to know here to be your names just so we know that we had should name everything that we've had oh well that's we've had that yeah those two we know i don't know what it is i don't like this it's so interesting it's it's like i'm going to guess that i'm going to get southeast again but not thailand what what what are the other what are the other things there's vietnam there's indonesia yeah there is what else is there in southeast uh india sri lanka right now we have sri lankan and there's also an indian bee oh sri lanka so we have sri lankan indonesian and vietnamese i've just i've named the beer i don't know the country it's i'm gonna name the country i'm gonna name the country wait aren't there like multiple beers from some countries or no just just america the american world actually okay so i guess for america you have to name the one yeah okay so i'm i'm i'm gonna i'm i'm gonna leave my reasoning until after we reveal what we've guessed all right uh yeah do you wanna go first i think it's chain you think it's chang to be honest i don't think southeast asian beer is very good right right um that's all right chang's not even the good thai beer so if you want a good idea if you want like the better bit of the big versions it's like sing her like chang is wrong oh my singers i gave it a six but i i had a five initially so i probably have five people i gave it up i give it a five because it's like i don't i don't think it's charles it would go well with a meal i i would enjoy that it's so weird it's it's the most interesting flavor i've had right all right oh any of us correct yes oh it's like the change if if i get chang wrong then i'm i'm like i'm leaving all right if conor gets my beer before i do i'm [ __ ] all right please please please i need this come on which one is it it gets a bottle all right all right three two one a fine correct guess i'm not cheersing to that i i ain't even mad with that you know what because like i smelled this and what was what was it i said i said it smelled like hangover yeah and i was just like i was just like this i don't want to say charm but perhaps from all the hangovers you've had in thailand i was just charming i was just like i was just like this tastes like southeast because it sucks and i know that i i smell this smell this and and uh tell me how you feel after smelling this just just smell that let's go let's go can i have your thai citizenship gone i'll take it i i think i think connor is an honorary like tie now from that good beer guys six out of ten yeah it's super interesting because again it's like when you drink it like how i rated it the lower every one my national beer to be fair to be fair it's super interesting because again it's like when you put it in your mouth there's no there's like you only taste [ __ ] at the back of your tongue i will say like the hangovers you get from this beer are [ __ ] awful i bet unlike because i smelt it and i just got a wave of nausea and i was like what i'm a little sick after those like three sips out of it yeah yeah it's how how are these so cold they're like really well cooled yeah in the fridge how long are they in the fridge for all day all afternoon we found them in the fridge i must say i must say uh that beer is uh the shitty of the thai beers um we don't rep that here but it's a classic beer it says that's what they want you to think joey that's what they want any type person would know that that's cool that's a shitty gear okay i thought it was a great beer you buy that for you buy that for like you buy like a liter bottle of that or something for like 60 baht is this like the miller of it's got it's got a bit of a head going on too okay okay basically that's like the cheap one of the cheapest beers you can buy that is uh the big ones all right this one also looks exactly the same as all the other three oh this this one smells exactly like that i'm i'm not no this smells different am i crazy oh i gotta have my i got my tea i need i need a refill on the tea can i get some hot water i don't think i've had this one or can i just get water to like yeah or water or something thank you i don't know if the chang has just like coated all my taste buds and has just like not allowed me to smell anything else but oh okay this tastes better this tastes better it tastes better it's it's more of a solid flavor yeah yeah i don't think this does taste better really this one like again like chang i could only taste in the back of my tongue this one i can taste all across my tongue it's covering all 9 000 taste buds it is this one's a more balanced taste the charm was just like right at the back my throat i hated it um i don't know if i've had this or not though so are we saying the name or the country well i'm saying the country i'm saying the country because i don't what if you pick a country that has multiple beers only america has multiple beers yeah so if you say america do you say america well we know we know we know the american beers we'll say budweiser or miller if that's case yeah um i'm gonna stick with southeast i think i'll have the erosion i think so i would say i feel like european beers would be stronger this kind of has a tinge of european beer though you think so what about it does the fact that it's more full in flavor you think it's got more flavor than the i think it is less flavor i think i think a better shang i think it has a more balanced flavor i don't think so i think that's pretty bad [ __ ] i mean i'm going to be honest with you all i have no [ __ ] glass thank you i have no clue man it's all starting to taste the same okay i'll just go first with this one i haven't even written anything down before all right um this was like this was like the most five hour ten beer and i just went for a country i haven't guessed yet sri lanka because i've had sri lankan beer don't know if i've had this one before but i don't think it's very good quality so i'm i'm giving it a low score and i'm also perhaps giving it an insulting choice of what beer i think it is okay okay i think it's a budweiser you think it's i think it's i think it tastes pretty bad i'm gonna say we had an indonesian one right yeah yeah i'm gonna say that just because i don't know oh two out of ten two out of ten that's not a two out of ten pretty i feel like a bud would taste much worse than this from what i felt like it tasted quite watery there's not really much i mean so far they've all been pretty watery i i don't know that chiang was actually like you know quite a decent amount of flavor i'd argue either way whatever this beer is i don't think it's that good i've i don't i think it's like the most mid i've tasted i i think it's southeast asia but that's all i've got i would never i would never drink this there's only two southeast asian ones left there's an indonesian one of the sri lankan one right vietnam as well no we had oh yeah right the video oh [ __ ] i didn't take consideration all right all right did any of us get it correct okay all right none of us got it correct all right well what is that let's find out let's find out close your eyes oh which one's this one drea where's it from it is the italian one italian one it's not very good not very good that's not that's not very you don't like that one at least you show your beer man i didn't mind it honestly i would drink italians are crime because they probably think that they have a better beer out there is this a good beer this this didn't taste fresh the only italian beer i know is peroni peroni is good peroni is good but i i kind of get in there because now now that i now that i get the taste peroni feels like a stronger taste of whatever this is yeah there are far better ones in italy i'm italian that beer doesn't exist here i mean it's austrian this is austrian apparently oh it's austria but on the bottle it says italy on the bottle it says italy yeah there are a lot of good italian beers i think actually like piranhas is pretty decent i don't i don't i think it's great but it's pretty decent so is it it's austrian apparently this is austrian okay so sorry austrians officer should have taken some notes from germany what's going on okay no it's all right it was it was not that good it's okay it reminds me of budweiser it can't be that good right [ __ ] and ironically corona has been the best beer we've had so far honestly i think it's like pretty good no i gave chang the highest rating [ __ ] you don't really yeah i gave it to me the coroner's still number one that was that was kind of disappointing that beer actually yeah it'd be a lot nicer i was i was i was hoping high hope for austria that was yeah you'd think so right yeah i was expecting a more stronger beer quite sad and uh disappointed almost yeah yeah god if that's what i think budweiser is the quality of oh my god what am i going to think when budweiser comes up maybe i'll think it's like 10 out of 10. that's a beer this is delicious that's an amazing beer that's definitely if we don't correctly guess the american beers by their taste right yeah that's two then the americans will never get off our ass yeah they're like you gave us so much [ __ ] oh you actually like your beers okay okay that is very translucent that is that's okay that's like more of oh that is piss that's piss color okay this is not a good color that this is not a good color not navi could have pissed in this and i wouldn't have like doubted otherwise oh that's most oh what the hell's that smell do you know i've realized i've never spelt beer this clearly before yeah i like i i feel like i've smelled a lot of these from like just without having thought about it i don't think i've had that before this is also very light which is making me to believe it might be southeast asia i say that every [ __ ] one of these days we gotta be right joey [ __ ] sake i'll be honest that tastes like nothing there's no flavor at all at least at least the chang beer had the flavor at the back of the tongue this there's not even any flavor on the back of the tongue with this one i think it kind of just glides across the tongue i think this might be american you think i think so because i was leaning towards that it was it's so tasteless it's i think it's one of the okay the taste isn't like it it's not like a bad taste it just doesn't taste like anything i'm gonna be honest like i've never had like proper american beer yeah you haven't had bud no or miller no you've had buds i've had i've had miller light what do you drink out like ax and all that [ __ ] anything but beer cindy what do you think does this taste american sydney is it gonna be is it gonna be you taste america with this it doesn't smell like it doesn't smell american there's not enough freedom i wanna say it's american i want to say it's miller light i do i want to but if it's wrong as a wisconsin knight i was lived in one my initial thought of trying it was i do think it's better than bud but not by much so that's why i would kind of go so you're working a miller yeah that's what i want to go for but now we're all going to go for it yeah but like my my gut reaction was america like that because i've had plenty of miller lite and middle light is more tasteless than that but it has like this to me it has like that same kind of you you wait for the depth and then nothing comes at all and it's just like drinking water honestly it does taste like i'm just drinking beer flavored water you know i'm yeah i mean i've discussed it i'm putting miller okay you know what just just to be different i'm gonna put bud just just in case of the of the dropped ball but i will give that a two just because it's it's not very good i'm gonna say it's a one one one out of ten of what you haven't even written the name oh sorry whatever that was it's a one out of ten man i'm gonna go we've already discussed i'll i'll say i also think it's miller but i'm gonna say bud just in case we think there's a very high probability it's miller all right yeah but maybe i should put something else just to like mix it up because i mean you could you could get the lucky point yeah you could get luck yeah connor's winning colin is the only one who's gotten the point no he's got two points i got one i got the budweiser what was the was it spanish was it or something wait am i the only one without a point yeah [ __ ] me man he's got two connor's got two i got one i can't believe i can't believe this what was the uh what was 333 vietnam i don't think it's the spanish one i think i've had that beer before i don't think it's european [Applause] i think it's miller but maybe i'm overthinking it and i'm just going european i feel has like more of a rich flavor yeah that i thought i was like it's definitely not like a vice bee or anything like that so it's either american or southeast asian just means because like with southeast asian i feel like a lot of the beers i have have taste it's just not a pleasant one right i'm really shocked i'm gonna guess through three because i want to mix it up so the vegan one i think there's a very high chance it could be uh miller but i'm gonna go for the vietnamese ones i don't i'm not 100 sure all right i've had neither all right navi is one of us right yes okay okay okay all right were they just recently right get it get it get it out now today point before you be very delicate with how you place this yeah don't don't make it too obvious if it's a can or a ball oh oh okay i guess it's not bad then okay guys all right three two one what's that oh oh it's a vietnamese one three three three i haven't had it it's tasted kind of weak wow that tastes like nothing and it's five percent i'm sorry i'm sorry vietnam um your beer is pretty bad is it gonna be compared to miller i think you have to be worried holy [ __ ] that wasn't very good um oh my god again like i thought miller or something southeast asian unfortunately i didn't think it tasted european southeast asians are not representing today that's all i'm saying i got it right uh what else i get right heineken no you are chang as well yeah oh wait i'm three out of four yeah look at me three out of five oh my god i'm killing it what the [ __ ] so let me have another kind of another taste of that actually so kind of a white man so connor has three points i've got one point gone i've got none it's not very good yeah can i have some water please oh yeah yeah oh that's awesome thank you thank you honey hi honey are you trying are you trying the beers as well i am drinking the leftovers that you guys aren't drinking all of them all all 12 cans i'm stressed out i feel like because this is i feel like i should be good at i drink like the most beer out of all of us that's true i don't know a lot of it like it's just memory i've had a fair amount of these beers not none of the southeast asian ones though yeah i've not had miller but it has somehow managed to guess all the southeast asian ones you've got all the selfies and the [ __ ] vietnamese ones i'm just glad elise chang is not as bad as the vehicle so i've had i've heard chinese and i've had japanese and they in some ways i feel like they they definitely do it different to european they do not yeah it's not the same yeah oh i wonder what this one might be well we have two choices on what this is gonna be oh yeah you're right okay i don't know uh there's something about asian beer that definitely tastes like not european and i don't know about american because american just tastes bad i i think there's some really good american beers but just not the two people this is a a dark one oh i i have a pretty yeah i don't know i already know i i know what it is oh yeah yeah yeah oh all right i mean i i hope this is right i mean oh god i'm not happy yeah sure [ __ ] all right one one more taste one more taste one more time just just to make sure let's let's just let's just double check yeah yeah i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure yeah all right with the 50 donation oh thank you very much swagster for the 50 donation we can still we can still see your subs and donations so uh hey guys would you try to bring review bra aka report of the week on the podcast if he's down to come to japan yeah i like confirming taste and uh oh my god i really hope i'm right okay so i don't drink right okay actually not i'll we'll submit our answers then i'll give my my thoughts okay okay all right well it's guinness right guinness i think it's the sri lankan one really i don't drink guinness often but i don't remember it tasting like this i think it is guinness it is definitely it's definitely like familiar but like the guinness from because because the guinness we're having is from a can right yeah which tastes not as good i've only had so that's why i said six out of ten for the can but it's ten out of ten you're saying corona tastes better than this yeah [ __ ] off joey i've never drank guinness um not an island from a tap so i don't know what it tastes like i had i had i had guinness because they used to sell it i've never had guinness from a can i've only had it on top as well right sorry sorry malanka sorry i was smelling it there's only two dark l's right so one of us is right one of us okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can we can we get the other one down the other dark one down and then oh and taste test and taste it because because otherwise otherwise when he gets the next one down oh yeah oh actually yeah can we be able to change my answer if i yeah yeah yeah so we're gonna be answering the first one this one just so you know connor connor answered sri lanka still actually even if it is the shrinking one he's wrong but are you the point i am i am 99 okay so hold up so if i try the next one yeah and i think that okay wait i think this one actually is guinness yeah i think i think i think we're allowed to change a lot of change that mixes it up yeah we're a lot of changes you get half a point no [ __ ] off if we change we get half a point no no no no four points right okay because we could still very much my initial guess based on not drinking guinness is that it isn't goodness okay because i had the first time i had guinness from a can you know what now now i'm like now i'm doubting myself now i'm like she's like okay well well what are we doing look at the next one and then if you think it's guinness to be fair though i've never had the sri lankan beer before okay so make sure you keep them should be completely okay make sure you keep them separate so that we know yeah yeah yeah again i haven't had guinness in a long time and not from a can so i'm excited for this i had guinness from a can like two years ago in japan i don't know i'm it was it was horrible okay i'm gonna say this i am not going to change my answer i'm that confident it was like a watery [ __ ] i'm not going to touch it i'm not going to touch it i'm going to touch it this this is guinness this is guinness i haven't had this this is goodness this is this is [ __ ] good i'm about to be poorly that's fine so this is the other dark one right oh we can't see it it's the hard part oh it's like warmer okay oh yeah okay okay okay i'm pretty sure the first i had the i had the bubbles of this one and it's already like all right number one i'm changing my answer for that yeah that's definitely not yes yeah man it's horrible i don't know why i gave it a six it should be like a three i did sir lanker again [ __ ] you know what no [ __ ] it it's sir lanka now i'm paying a marsh i'll give a two i knew it man i just knew i knew i did i didn't change my arms okay i'm not gonna lie the sri lankan beast kind of don't know i don't like it no it's not actually quite like i really like it okay so the first one i'm gonna change my answer to guinness and the second one i think is uh sri lanka it's kind of dope it's too it's too like i don't know the guinness is so smooth that maybe like if i just had this i'd be okay with it but i'm having this after the guinness yeah like as in like like water huh that is just water smooth it's smooth yeah as like like you're drinking water right but in like it tastes like water it's not good i mean it's not there's there's like a heaviness to guinness it's definitely it's not water but the heaviness isn't in this you can still taste some of the heaviness in the guinness i mean you're basically like you have a pint of guinness you're basically having a three-course meal yeah yeah if it's from a tap but from a candle so this tastes horrible no no we all agreeing that one is guinness the first one is definitely guinness right okay um that one is like let me taste that again i'm going to give i'm going to give my okay so give your full review so we all i'm i'm giving the first one which i presume is guinness six out of ten the second one a five out of ten you don't like this really good one it's five out of ten it's fine it's not it's the sri lankan one is a five out of ten the guinness from a tap is ten out of ten um it's almost from a can the sri lankan one almost doesn't taste like a bee yeah from a can compared to everything else we've had it's easily an eight eight you know it's by far it's by far the best i'm i'm very i'm very give me give me give me that over corona anything i think i'll write about the corona i'll be honest close your eyes the first one yeah which gets which tells us everything right yeah first one is it a can yeah okay yeah yeah okay it's fine okay i'm glad i'm glad i had the option to change them this lion i don't know what it is about this it's like it's spicy is that the right word i redeemed what are you talking about i don't know it's such an interesting war it's an eight point eight percent yeah they often are like i can okay i can see why it tastes so different okay um nice that was fun you know what srilanka you did all right i actually quite like this i wouldn't i wouldn't like have you know i wouldn't have a lot of this i wouldn't have bottles and bottles of this but one bottle i think would be quite nice to have all right so far what's been your favorite well guinness easy really yeah yeah really really i don't know why i said it like that it was better than all of those i think genuinely not gonna i think corona is the best one so far oh my he's just he's just committing no i i did ask the coroner is the best one i'm surprised you like chang i don't okay like is a strong word okay i'm surprised you think it's the polaroid i'm surprised you think it's better than [ __ ] like corona and guinness i haven't given higher than a sixth right because five to me is a drink that you could give me and i would have no qualms about drinking okay six is that i'm like all right it's quite good right four is like i'm gonna drink it it's quite all right but i'm not too thrilled about it and then anything but okay so so give me give me an above five beer brandon well uh yappy sue i would definitely say is a seven or eight so when yabby su comes out i expect you to give it a seven or an eight um yeah and another beer that i know i had it right i had it a bunch i i because in in vending machines in germany i bought budva yeah which we also have i really really like that one but it's been like six or seven years since i've had it mm-hmm so i think it's gonna be pretty easy to tell the german beers apart like the austrian and the german one wait bon bar is austrian right uh no it's check i'll check yeah yeah i think i think bodvar and the and the vending machines the the vice beer one is going to be easier to yeah yeah there was a vending machine and i stayed in uh when i went to gamescom for uh for gamescom uh in uh in the hotel there was a beer vending machine was there actually wow yeah yeah and it was like one of the one of the um you know there's like in the uk we have them where it's like a robot that goes out and goes oh yeah yeah yeah like clunks out you like grab your beer it's really yeah yeah a drunk dog va no not quite uh gaijin daddy with the fifty dollars says god from your crunchyroll list you put full metal alchemist tell us your favorite scenes in full metal and why you love it so much okay so i actually had this conversation the other day um where i think right i i think that i can enter a conversation in like a random anime convention if they're talking about formatting alchemist i think i'd be able to enter that conversation and reasonably bluff my way through based on just [ __ ] that i've like memes that i've seen and just what i've heard from us most like like that question i'd be like man when uh roy mustang said it's a terrible day for rain that hit me man that hit me that hit me the time were easy that's that's that's that's how you really talk and caused fire that feels different yeah that's that's that's me like that oh my god oh my god that scene with nina oh my god guys like my heart man i can't take it the boys after four beers talking about it the only time we can talk about enemies that mean with that dude in the things like nino changed it changed anime all right welcome back welcome back to the show uh so far connor is winning with three five points five five out of seven it's not five is it yeah i'm five out of seven oh if we're counting the last one i guess five out of seven the last we shouldn't have given him that what no the last one one point each the last one was kind of obvious well i wasn't obviously until i guess both it was obviously killing you didn't pick sri lanka as the first one was the second one though no i did no after you you had the thing after you had this yeah yes so but yeah so they got it right either way five points whatever whatever i don't even think i don't even know we were counting uh all right it's got a lot of nice healthy hair there's another yeah here's another one with a bit of head it's a little bit darker this time it's not completely uh okay i feel like i already know it just from the smell can you i think i think you might be confusing it jay really i don't think this is what you think it is do you think this is yabusu no oh okay i thought it was the vice beer oh what's the vice beer german one what's the german one called eredinger oh we have that one [ __ ] it smells like an eredingo uh you want to turn the chat off by the way yeah we do right one of them is an eredingo what are the names of the ones we have i'm just going to put it down i think it's device b i poured a i this is this is my version of the chang beer for for yeah yeah not only in my quarter german but i used to pour a [ __ ] ton of vice beers when i was working at the ski fields in japan so this tastes so familiar to a vice view what's the what's the german beer that we bought the vice beer okay i'm gonna go for something unconventional here there's something about it that bites like a vice beer yeah i really hope it's the vice versa i think i think this tastes european it's definitely it's i think it's definitely european how's that it's either the czech beer or the german bee i think yeah we have an odin all right yeah that's what i thought that's the vice bee okay what do you boys have i have eredinger vice beer germany i bought i put the check it was a toss-up between the chickens i've gone spain you want spain well it could be spanish as well all right because this it does taste a bit like a san miguel you're right estella was it a stella i'm pretty sure i've had this really oh it does taste a bit like a sandwich no i don't know because we're drinking this now it's so hard to remember that small differences yeah yeah yeah i think it's spain i think so i don't know though i really like it though i really like it i really like it yeah this is the best one so far yeah for me all right is one of us correct yes oh okay okay okay okay all right come on please give it to me come on come on i need the points i need it points okay okay ready three two one are you [ __ ] kidding me yes estrella oh my spanish white man knows beer white man knows bread juice who would have thought god i can't believe this i guess i guess i guess you do know your bread connor he knows this he knows the bread to be fair it's really good it is really good beer definitely european though no because when you said spaghetti i was just like [ __ ] yeah that tastes like a sam mcgill yeah i was like it's czech or germany i forgot we have the spanish ones this is real i've never had this before that's really good it's very they do another one i think this is the one that is you get in spain but i think do they do another one that they do like internationally or something i don't know or is it some or am i confusing well that's the important right yeah what other beers do they make can i google this now spain makes a ton of like what is it they do make a tunnel i know estrella miguel um what else then this is really good though ah yes i've had this one this one oh yeah yeah yeah we have this one before oh yes this is the generic one but i think this is like a different like well that's just estrella right this is australia yeah yeah yeah the normal australia and i don't like it that much but that one's pretty good this one's pretty good maybe that's like their specialty or something yeah yeah yeah gg spain thank you very much you make good beer gg you do make good beers man good [ __ ] very polite that was easily the best one damn all right all right i i completely did not have spain in my yeah i was like czech or germany for sure it's getting easier and easier it is getting yeah yeah yeah how many how many do we have left six oh my god when we get to the last we haven't had butter miller that's what's scary yeah yeah okay okay is that i might call it good beer budweiser because amongst like the the german and the czech beers which we know are going to be good yes but how many beer how many beers are left two germans right six so there's the there's the eredin yeah there's the czech the two germans the two americans and the japanese how long no we haven't had uh vietnam have we yeah that's that's that was the shitty one that was about three three three yeah that's what i had right that i didn't like yeah so it's two americans two german czech and japanese oh i really hope i get yeah right that's anyone i really care about i drink that all the time i'm gonna be so sad yeah okay i'm not gonna lie yeah boy okay before i even taste this this looks like yeah they have all looked like no this one actually looks like yabusi it's not as strong of a smell that's not yet that's not yet [Laughter] that's definitely not certainly not yeah all right let me try [ __ ] imagine how op that would have been if i guessed it yeah that is that is not yet oh my god that's no that's definitely obviously this is a german beer i think this is a strong i've never had this before with oh this could be imagine my disappointment when this is uh miller it could be american i've never had military america i really like i don't trust your opinion god you've got everything right yeah you got everything i really like my don't pollute my good beer i i really like this i really like this this is this is gonna be bird isn't it he's like this is the best beer this is better than the spanish one um eight out of ten gone holy [ __ ] don't don't don't look at my score don't look at my bodywiser eight out of ten but i've never had this before which leads me to believe it's not the german one or the japanese one it's either the czech one or the two american ones oh it's very rich very creamy it's a very good beer like it's definitely not one that you can take a [ __ ] tan off because i feel like like this this this is like a good beer to start off with right because there's a strong taste you can this would go so well with like a like pork or something which leads me to believe german but it also could be miller you know i mean it descends from uh german origins it could be you know with uh german uh settlers bringing over beer to america and unfortunately somehow they ruined it but have we got all right have we ever gentlemen come on okay why do you think i'm gonna go to the toilet i don't think this is budvar but it's been a long time since i've had budvar what was the other beer called from germany um germany do we have two yeah germany what are the two oh we have two from germany so wait wait how many how many ones do we have left can you name them off and the countries yeah what's the two germans edinger and paulina i've not had either of those yeah yeah what's okay i don't know how to spell this but i'm just gonna do it just say the country well no because germany germany has two i didn't realize yeah yeah yeah oh yes yeah there's the odinga what's the other one pollina all right all right okay i reckon when we get to the last three should we put it all out at the same time otherwise it's going to be last two maybe last two yeah last two last two okay all right i have no idea but i know i've never had it before i've never had sex to check one okay i said it's a checkpoint as well one one out ten no seven that does not look like a seven like i was like oh my god i don't know the german beers so i'm just 50 50. it tastes german i think it's german you think it's the i don't think it's the odinga this oh i don't know which one it is i think it's the erdinger just because it sounds fun um but i think it's one of the german ones i feel like it's jack it could it could be german it's either czech or german german i'm sorry yeah yeah it's only the earding around yeah it's only the earth what's polymer from well we don't have polymer what's it where'd urging go earning is germany oh we don't have pollen though yeah we'll make that off did you make that no they did all right oh [ __ ] yeah okay okay okay i've i've had the check once yeah i've not had this beer before so it could be the erdinger or the check question is one of us correct what it's american please please no no please no okay close your eyes okay close your eyes close your eyes i [Music] it can't be bad please don't let me hear it please don't let me hear you can is it is it on the table all right ready okay three two one no no no how how how does this taste good well none of my opinion matters now end the stream and cut it cut the live feed we're done are you swearing you didn't switch or this why does this taste good i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm a cool sauce here this has to be [ __ ] it kind of you must have mixed it up it kind of tastes good why there is no way this is there's no way this is a budweiser i refuse i'm gonna become a karen right now they switched it they did no they switched it off screen they switched this come on come on come on cindy shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up sydney i've never had a like a budweiser before i have but i i haven't i always it did not taste like i never tried a budweiser up until now because all i've heard is that it tastes like [ __ ] so that's why i never tried it but now i kind of like it no it's the truth sydney is the truth i've never tried it because americans are like oh it tastes like [ __ ] it tastes alright man i'm sad man i'm really sad i um it's not too bad i'm sad bro i'm ready to get out get out get it go get it get out soon get out get out yeah get out get out you're sleeping on the sofa tonight [Laughter] i gave it a 7 out of 10. what am i doing with my life god [ __ ] it i can't even [ __ ] why am i right what the [ __ ] i can't believe that probably that's a budweiser wait wait is the candy empty oh [ __ ] it's it's a beer out of the can as well it's a beer africa it's a budweiser tinny it's just a [ __ ] canned beer it's a canned beer we can't bear like seven or eight if this is proven anything marketing is terrifying marketing holds all the power dude holy [ __ ] i don't even want to guess anymore but does it really matter who won when we were lost without i can't we all lost now my opinion can't be taken even remotely seriously that was like six like clutch points you got me nothing now you've undone all of the hard work that you did oh my god i can't get over that i'm gonna buy some budweiser when i go home [ __ ] i'm gonna drink the whole [ __ ] thing just to i need to [ __ ] drown my sorrows after that i gotta clear my thing with tea this tastes like [ __ ] and i don't know i don't know it's because if it's because of what just like what just occurred everything is going to taste like this tastes like [ __ ] give me the whole [ __ ] can i just drink it all this doesn't taste like anything right this one's really bad it's it's awful but what do i know anymore because i thought budweiser tasted okay this is the worst one so far they should give beer professionals i want to see them too this has like no flavor and then only just like a bitterness afterwards is there any southeast ones left no that's it i think there's only the there's only one eredinger yebisu miller and that's it right i'll just only check one uh okay i'm doing this help anger and help all right boys boys this is the only way we can redeem ourselves this is the only [ __ ] way if this is like episode or something yeah yeah yeah just screaming yeah yeah i don't think it's absolutely no no no no it's not it's not yet it's not every so i'm guessing it's either miller or the czech one excuse me that's what i'm going to tell myself where's gabby where's nabi nabi we need the truth this is the only way we can redeem ourselves now note that i am now tilted i have been tilted for the past five minutes no no no no i i am gigger tilted now i am actually gigger too all right there's uh you know what just put it down just put it down just put it down close your eyes i'm not even gonna ask if we're correct or not yeah just just put it down just put it yeah okay all right thank god all right guys gentlemen three two one oh no oh yes oh smile thank god oh my god wow okay boys we agreed that it actually tastes like [ __ ] congratulations thank you congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations it literally it literally tastes like [ __ ] how did the budweiser taste so much a pain of beer yeah maybe if you poured champagne down a drain you know you know what you know this sounds like it was brutal like like okay okay okay sydney sydney sydney i know you're from wisconsin and i remember when we were on the brewery tour miller hated budweiser because they're in competition with each other i'm gonna say it wisconsin should re response wisconsin should uh relearn how to make their [ __ ] beers man [Music] that really tasted bad yeah i mean not every miller light tastes you know okay you know what i'm gonna say it budweiser tastes pretty good no i'm gonna say it i think it actually actually think it tasted all right like you know what we're denying it we're denying it we all saw it shut up joe you gave it a high score you gave it a high score i gave it a high score we all saw it budweiser so sad look at that you know what sucks now though is that we only have like good beers left so it's going to be like very good it's going to be very difficult to decide which one is the best beer so we have to wish that they left like a budweiser right yeah right so we're constantly guessing okay we have left the czech beer uh which i forgot the name of i apologize eredinger from germany and yes from japan three beers right that's the wild card which one's been tank from uh sri lanka no bean tanks from no no indonesia indonesia so two of these beers i've had and i really enjoy so 50 chance i've had yeah eredinger and bintang i've never had the check on so um you know clearly clearly that hasn't helped my case at all i'm just like so tilted man that bad one i'm going to remember this for like the rest of my life you know i wonder how many screenshots of us giving budweiser at least the seven out of ten is going to be like as well i'm i'm not ready to i'm not ready which one's any pedal is it merrick to all the future clippers uh i've had a lot of beer that was not my actual opinion i didn't know what i was thinking and it was not good it was actually my twin brother sitting here tasting the beer not me i was in the toilet um so this is trash tafe uh this is trash taste deep fates um welcome uh i'm i'm on the body of johnny sims right now oh look at that what the hell oh that's that's a strong head that's a healthy that's a healthy it's like a japanese beer commercial right there that's a healthy beer damn that's like okay okay i'm going to say it it looks like yabby's that's like the back of a walmart it does kind of looks like a yeah oh that aftertaste is so weird what is that aftertaste do you like this i'm not sure anymore what do i know anymore yes i i i gave bottom a outside what do i know what i really know clearly our taste buds have committed suicide what is good sometime during the stream uh actually what's the one from germany eridanga okay uh something um so by mix-up right are you are you going to tell me that uh you didn't actually serve budweiser um yes you just yeah that was right that was mixed up that wasn't a budweiser right right uh that was no well shut up actually shut up no it wasn't shut up actually it wasn't [ __ ] budweiser is so what were the beers left ashley okay i'm gonna say something budvar is the czech one right i think okay right now you know i should let you guys decide okay let's decide first let's decide first so i've either got czech indonesia japan or germany what okay what worries me is that i've definitely not tasted this before i've never tasted this which is terrifying because that to me only leaves the czech one um no there's the indonesian one as well bintang yeah i've had bintang it's kind of been time i've had bintang it's quite it's quite rich it's quite creamy um i've had bing tang but it's a very long time that i had bing tank so i honest to god don't remember it so it could be the bintang one as well i don't think it's eredinger or yebisu i think it's the czech one or the or ben tang so wait we okay oh god yeah okay i'm gonna reveal go for it i think it's the erdinger seven out of ten i think it's seven hour time i think it's the bin tank i think it's a good beer ah i thought it was been tangible i think it's a decent beer boys i think i think it's got a good flavor profile it's kind of creamy actually and uh it goes down pretty easy i don't like it it's uh it doesn't although who the [ __ ] knows i could be completely i think i just it i think it's it's rich enough it's got enough flavor going on i think it's a bit sickly okay have any of us got it oh oh my gosh would you go for it can i change my entire no you've locked it in okay fine i okay just you might be right i might have saved your point there yeah right but for the point i think in actuality it might be everything really i'm not too sure anymore no now that you say that it's like it is creamy yeah it's creamy try it try it again all right try it again think about like how easy it's going down and how nice it feels in your mouth it could be [ __ ] i could be lying right i don't like the aftertaste the aftertaste is just like that's what you normally get from a good it's too strong oh my people but i've never had german beer so if you're chilling out my ass you guys could be right i could be totally honestly like i'm just guessing from the beers i haven't had yet um it might be here give me the german beer i i thought the german beer would be stronger right i thought the german be able to be stronger they're like richer yeah it's like a lot of like nice flavors because i've never had german beer before i'm i don't know i thought but it might i don't even know it's either one of the two it's either one of the two i'm hoping i got it oh three two one it's been saying hey it's a good beer bro that's so similar that's really good bro that tastes like it bro it's creamy you know you know what i'd like pizzner all every southeast asian beer i've had has had that same sickly [ __ ] aftertaste and that's what that about the other ones that you got wrong as well cafe eraser uh erased my shame of getting it wrong sure that's actually pretty all right i like that one though i'm gonna be drunk right now anymore i enjoyed that i don't know any more man it's a good piece i'm pleasantly surprised i'm mostly like getting a bit tipsy i shouldn't have just had the salad for dinner i'm going to drink my beer and just like after this indonesia i'm pleasantly surprised by your beer pretty decent actually i'm sure you have better beer as well but that one's not bad actually that's better than some of the other ones yeah uh i kind of need a piss you know what i'm saying the austrian beer what load of [ __ ] that was which one was that the uh the austrian beer is the one you're most disappointed with yeah this one was the summer's not good oh that's italian no it's australian oh it's austria oh that's the that's the little ball for the is that the guinness yeah it's a little ball that they have at the bottom of the can to like help to help frothing it yeah i know it's gross shout out to indonesia boys you guys make some good beer i i got very confused with that halfway through i thought at first it sucked and then the more i drank it the more i liked it oh my god thank you for the sake hey no worries indonesia bros i got you man what will it take you to admit the budweiser was genuinely good nothing i will never admit that was good actually wasn't that bad actually connor you lost your honorary asian state what do you mean i just said your beer was good as good as the german beer that's that's a high price thank you for the subs by the way guys we appreciate that why whatever oh see dog they keep saying southeast asian dogs i just got what they meant let's go all right we got we got three yeah right it's not good eh [ __ ] it does get significantly easier to drink these beers as we go on yeah which is worrying what you mean because we get you look drunk as [ __ ] i've just had like chicken breasts that's it that's been my dinner chicken breast what a beautiful color that is wow okay so we got one we got the ereding we got the german beer the czech beer and ebisu so potentially three good beers left three good beers left oh just from the smell oh what is that smell that's very flowery shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up why are you laughing i just wanted to take like a mental screenshot of the face you just gave me because it was like that that that was aggravating that face that you gave like okay wow that just pissed me off this is difficult because this is a good beer like this is good like this could be any of them i don't think it's yamasu though could be i don't think it is i don't think it is i think i've had a lot of yabby suit it doesn't taste like no the aftertaste i don't know actually the aftertaste it doesn't feel like yo sue because like ebisu doesn't really have an aftertaste i feel i feel like it does though really like a very simple super creamy though yeah really smooth really really nice you know what i'm just going to stop talking before i embarrass myself any further interesting yeah we've said a lot of [ __ ] yeah right maybe we're wrong i'm already late i've already just yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah i've i've i've made my decision i have made my decision um but it's got that kind of tinginess that could go with yep actually i'm i'm going to be honest i don't think i've had enough yeah what do you think to like be able to point it out i'll make a choice i'll make it either way i think we can agree it's a one in three chances it's a very solid beer it's a very good beer it's a one in three chance um and while you boys are writing down your choices i feel like i've had this before so i mean a four i feel like i've had this before you feel like you've had this before you clean my mouth let me taste again but also i'm like how many beers deep um i i don't have any can i get some more tea please yes please can i give away before before i finalize my answer can i get some more tea oh thank you very much this could be yabisu oh [ __ ] i don't know anymore dude joey's just going through a fun existential crisis i wish we had this first i feel like the first sip of yabby see like the first beer of the night i can i can like so do distinctly in my head but like eighth cannon i'm like what am i drinking yeah so but it's very good i do like this a lot i also realize i'm drinking more and more of the sample as we go on as well i'm locking my answer in unlocking i mean yeah you know what i've yeah i know you're going for yeah i'm i'm i'm going for it i'm going for yeah i'm really i'm i'm locking it in i'm going to say this locking it in the check what do you think sydney what do you what do you think sydney said you've been talking so much [ __ ] i will be shocked if this is the ebisu i don't remember this tastes like yeah so i'm going to say the czech one i just don't think yeah looks like this yeah i don't think it looks like this yet she just wants to drink me that's all i'm understandable this is this is what yebisou tastes like five beers you know you're not gonna lie man i've never been in that situation before so uh i don't think i've been five beers in and gone hey give me the best beer no i mean like i like i've had yep sue after about like five counts i'm gonna go because you've both gone for those answers i'm sure yeah i'm gonna go for the german one okay okay third time in a row well one of us is correct this is the first time any of us have said yep so uh yeah one of us is correct yeah no matter what right all right all right yeah one of us all right close your eyes we'll know by the sound right oh no oh [ __ ] congratulations i'm wrong [Music] [Applause] congratulations i drink that all the time thank you i also drink that all the time yeah it's it's tough again with so many beers in now where it's getting hard it really is that going being so many beers in made that easy because i'm just like this this tastes like ebisu after a few cans of beer either way eight out of ten that's a good beer yeah it's all right six i'll give it a six uh uh okay so what's that scores now are we keeping track we're keeping track why have we not been keeping track okay i thought this was like a collaborative earth no it's scores scores how many do we have left you're only saying this because you're winning yeah of course if you were losing you'd be like okay we should have both the last ones together yes yeah yeah connor's won this already so there's no way we can come back but me and joey are tied at four i don't know like i've got like two questions here right that one was tough because that was a good beer and i think all of these beers are going to be good yeah okay here we go sorry why are you sitting like that because i'm ready for the final challenge what are you doing what are you doing i'm ready for the final challenge [Music] oh my god sydney um so what do you think was the best beer so far yeah uh i thought i'd say bintang you say binta gives our fall joey i don't [ __ ] remember which way [Music] absolute state [Laughter] like recommendations corona and bud he should not be drinking it's really good i want to call you out so bad but i said bud was good as well and i hate it i hate i hate you you might have the most points mister but you said budweiser was like a seven listen it was probably one point below yeah it was shockingly good you [ __ ] fraud it was shockingly i i'm like my like i'm going for like alex jones conspiracy theory right now it's like okay you're a fake and a [ __ ] fraud okay imagine it you're the staff members you want to make good content what do you do you give the boy you you give the boys something not it's not budweiser the the good old switcher get the get you give the good ones it's this conspiracy of trash taste the first one okay i'm i'm gonna call it if one of these beers suck then i'm i'm a i'm gonna say they did a switcheroo if one of these beers sucks you guys are so drunk what if they're both good shut the [ __ ] no what is that we're not going to think about that what is it we're not as good as the bod we're not going to think about that we're not we're not going to think about that look at the head on that thing whoa okay eredinger being a vice spirit does have fat hair what the [ __ ] does vice beer mean he's a white beer okay and vice beer traditionally has a very fat head so every time you said vice i was like well it's just gta vice city what are we talking about like like like like uh vice what the [ __ ] the card game with vice starting with vice verse schwartz oh it's not like that with the w-e-i-s by schwartz literally means white black okay are you gonna give me one with the [ __ ] walmart back of the walmart here yes okay which one we trying first boys [Laughter] hey yo that smells like beer you know what this smells like it smells like beer like smells like a beer oh wow okay i've gotten to that point where i'm just like you know what you're gonna give it to me i'll drink it um wait czech and german are the ones left alright yes are we allowed to know what type of beers they both are or is that cheating well the ereding is a vice beer and the czech one is a pilsner is is check the pilsner or is it a or is it a logo what is it okay okay okay it's an original you should say on the back of something what does twitch chat say it is actually the czech one okay i think i actually know this one okay i'm not gonna i'm not we're not gonna discuss we're just going to uh so so say uh the co i've i've written the last one say the top one the they're both glasses i wrote wine glass and glass wine glass and glass cup what the [ __ ] are these called you know what i mean wine glass oh my god my handwriting sucks is this one and then the the cup the coop the cup is the this one did we find out what it was oh no it doesn't matter it does doesn't matter i know it i know it you know it joe here we go the wine glass is the check one this one is the german one okay i got the same okay we got the same because the head the head is very off the head it was the head it's the head and the fact that honestly i didn't give my ratings i didn't give my ratings i did not give them this thing also has the coloration of advice beer it's very it's like kind of uh what is it diluted it has like a diluted color that one [ __ ] slabs i love yeah the vice beer is really fun i'm gonna say i'm gonna say that one's this is that good head this isn't that back of the walmart type of head like this i really like the good head this is like in the bedroom with mood candles type of head [ __ ] is she talking candles disappeared from the bedroom well i mean i might wait why did i rub it out my reasoning is that my reasoning is that the cloudiness of this would lead you to believe that it's a vice versa yes uh so vice versa i remember do have a very cloudiness and a i just want to bear that i've rated higher than blood um and it's this player to be fair that the herding is very this is this is the okay i'm guessing because i'm need i've not had [ __ ] me i've not had either but i really really like this one the czech one the czech one's good as well actually i don't really like the check really i like the check one i want more of the uh well we're assuming it's the checkpoint all right so let's find out where the answers are let's close our eyes and let's find out yeah all right so wait how are we going to do this okay yeah so grab one of our glasses and grab one of our wine things and uh just put it next to each other excuse me oh sorry how long have we been streaming for it feels like an eternity i'm pretty confident in this if not i will i don't know give up my german heritage i don't [ __ ] know all right here we go ready three two one hey let's go is definitely the best i i agree that one was yeah when when not just because we've rated the uh i always totally forgot what advice beer was for so long until i saw it and i was like oh it's a white yeah it's like super wheaty so very wheat yeah this is like the kind of beer that i love i love like what i thought german beer is the best one i actually gave it seven i thought the other one was better really yeah i like this one okay okay okay okay okay let's start let's start from the top okay because i can't remember what ratings i gave but the ones top three and bottom three actually write down your top three top three and bottom three i don't remember in order right this this will be a good test to see if you actually likes the beers you like okay okay okay and and don't no [ __ ] for the camera right like just like legitimately pick out your top three yeah uh top three and bottom three okay sure [Music] sure i am using 100 of my concentrations i don't know why i'm just trying i've forgotten how to spell i know this is wrong but i don't know the right spelling bottom three uh and uh uh uh uh oh yeah this one this one oh my god i think i'm more drunk than i thought you boy um okay oh yeah there we go perfect okay all right here we go i got it i got it okay [ __ ] yeah let's go oh want to be good with the 10 donation who just says man that's what he said man he said he spent 10 dollars to write uh four cent uh four characters thank you thank you very much for 250 a character god damn okay what are we saying that might be drunk but i can still do it okay all right i've got top three is number one is eredinger obviously number two is the the spanish one estrella yeah that one was really good and number three i'll give it a yeah sue uh bottom three one was the worst one was obviously miller obviously that's number two yeah the from the can it's horrible from the can it's pretty bad and they're all i put miller kid whoops it was so bad i put it in twice also i realized i spelled the gunners not guinness so yeah miller gunness and miller were the three worst ones i did uh yep number one yeah i did budvar's number two yeah and i did the uh bintang as number three bintang actually pretty pretty shocking uh the worst one was miller by far yeah uh and then i had the austrian beer which i was really disappointed by yeah and then number three was corona for the worst really really no i think all of the southeast asian ones are better than chrome wow wow okay um sea dog v8 really pertaining to the seasons i can't wait until i come to southeast asia boys you guys got cracking beer all right so my top three uh the german one yebisu and uh guinness which i've definitely felt that i've definitely spelt it wrong but i couldn't goodness i couldn't figure out i couldn't figure out how to spell it right um my bottom three unfortunately chang oh you destroying southeast asia i kind of am because like i i i remember having i remember having chang uh i didn't even mention southeast asia that's just forgettable tj yeah then uh vietnam you put the chat on the screen and then miller so i love how we all proactively avoided mentioning budweiser shall we don't we we don't we don't mention that we don't we don't mention that see even people in chat are like yo where's bud if okay in in in reality if i were to put bud on this list from top to bottom it would probably be like maybe fifth i'm sorry i hate to admit but i would put that one i'm yeah i'm i'm sad as well you know i don't know what came over me maybe if i tried it again i changed my mind you know i mean because i i think we all we were like this tastes good right this tastes good and i thought maybe maybe maybe they know what they're talking about maybe they don't know what they're talking about i can't remember um but uh like i think it would be interesting for someone to figure out the like the median score out of everything and actually do like a ranking list i have bad bar at number two not budweiser [ __ ] you yeah i think it'd be interesting to see what the actual top 15 was or whatever but yeah based on scores based on our mean scores yeah i'm the most impressed beer no seven so all the beers that i rated higher than bud i we're the same or higher score yeah yeah uh i gave yebisu and uh budva both eights and bintang oh god i'm surprised you like yeah that much i i did think it was like pretty much something three it's it's it's a good beer no no i mean i i i mean it's in my top it's it's also in my top three as well um this one's great i'm gonna keep drinking the eredinger um you know when i put budweiser i was misspelling budvar that was that was my mistake i meant yeah they're both buds you know oh god yeah uh uh rutger muller with 21 that says boys boys uh you spent roughly uh how how much don't drink your [ __ ] 5.25 per character thank you thank you thank you very much for the five dollars per character that is the most expensive text in all of humankind you know like i saw a reddit thread recently which was like what is what is ex what like what was acceptable like 10 years ago yeah that is not acceptable now a lot yeah and the top answer was paying 25 cents per text oh my god kids will never understand your pain do you remember of course i do you remember text speak and having to like properly properly like condense your text so that you could send less texts and that's where like the text speech came from right oh the text lingo came from like why it just became the little y yeah yeah right why are you kids these days will never know the power of paying per message my favorite subreddit is the uh parenting subreddit no no oh no it's like parenting they'll ask questions like they'll be like so i just uh destroyed my kid's pc but who's being a bit of a naughty boy is it okay and then everyone's like bro no but they're like really [ __ ] you can make this might be right it's so good it's just like these parents being horrible parents then just going to reddit for like people to be like yeah yeah you're so right and then they're like no no what's wrong with you niche subreddit i don't go what's your okay sydney what's your favorite niche subreddit you spend more time on reddit than i think i do on youtube for sure what do you want to come do you want to come here and explain so so your favorite subreddit is divorce birds you want to explain what that is it's literally just like people take pictures of birds and then they make like a very small like less than a paragraph story of why they're divorced and what their divorce post-divorce life is like have you been to the how is there more than one of them actually you know what i like you know what i like isn't it i think it's the super super bowl subreddit oh yeah the super bowl summary yeah super bowl right but it's just a superb owl yes yeah that's my [ __ ] favorite and during the super bowl season there's just a bunch of really confused like middle age guys going on to a slash super bowl i can't remember the confused it's amazing i can't remember the name i think it's like odd never broken a bone or something yeah and it's yeah and it's just people who have just obviously never broken a bone and the posts the comments that you get when someone posts themselves having broken a bone is like the most hilarious thing i've ever read like there'll be a post that said that has like an x-ray of like a broken that can't be real rainbow cow donated a thousand dollars and said mate i might get charged back but thank you thank you very much cheers 250. [Music] if it doesn't get charged back also coco curry house with the ten dollars i don't know if it's the actual coco that says blood do not mention bud ever again the word bud is now banned in the trash taste office unless it's bad when i was when i was like when you were talking about the twenty five seconds thing do you remember when you used to text like this do you remember texting like this like ironically yeah i feel like you're saving hell of money with this let's go check what does that mean what does that mean yeah yeah yeah that's do you know what this means what are you saying sydney how much have you had sydney how much have you had is there any blood left how did how did they uh how did they sex with that back in the day i wanna i was too young okay okay people used to say wait wait wait wait wait wait there's there's there's a tiny bit left i want to confirmed if we got a prank did people used to like sext with the 250 characters yeah i think they could just only do this right like oh baby wow that's that was sexting back in the day it's like oh baby i love you okay because back in the day you know it tasted awful i mean well that was just like the little bit that was left oh yeah they would do this you basically just drank the backwash they would do this right they were like bro they're like are you are you horny now wasn't that like for every equals point it was like an extra inch exactly yeah so it's like oh i have a four right now let's go call because you had to pay like 50p a minute yeah yeah yeah so exactly like sexting or whatever you're like can [Laughter] good times i was going to say something but i completely should probably uh wrap this up before we get to monetize on youtube well yeah thank you guys for joining in this [ __ ] show uh uh don't don't send this video to the americans because i know they're asleep right now drink responsibilities you know what part to edit out yeah yeah you know you know what i'm going to put a disclaimer that you should drink responsibly and not 12 years old drink responsibly don't drink until you reach the legal age obviously you sound like the best parent of all time joey dream as possibly drink until you drag responsibility wait what do i say you know what i mean responsibly don't drink until you're don't drink that's what you drink responsibly that's what happened um don't uh but yeah this hopefully you guys now have don't drink miller don't drink milk don't drink miller miller is acid water um i'm gonna i'm gonna clean my toilet with miller tonight i'm leaving i've got some i've got some toilet cleaning i need to do yeah i think i'll be perfect for it drink uh drink german beer drink german beer drink the heritage that's the best one no don't don't mention any beer that starts with bud unless it's unless it's the good bud yeah yeah i like bud oh make sure to subscribe to the dog youtube channel if you haven't already what he said [Music] you
Channel: Trash Taste After Dark
Views: 1,583,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, Taste, Streams, Twitch, The Anime Man, Gigguk, CDawgVA, beer, tasting, tier list, around the world, different, types, guinness, yebisu
Id: qV7tml8dBao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 9sec (7929 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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