Our Trash Taste in YouTubers | Trash Taste #26

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That whole episode was great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thepensiveiguana πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

god I would love a Trash taste X OTV collab.

Like they bring back a special episode of that korean high school series they did just for Trash taste.

I will also say this just in case people don't know, Gigguk (the bloke in the middle) did appear on the Filler Arc with Lily and Xell and it was a great episode if anyone was interested; you can watch it here.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Desiire πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Yo what's up fam, we just hit 5,000 subs. (Garnt laughing) I think we can get 6,000 if you really liked this show. If you liked this video, don't forget to comment, like, subscribe, 'cause today, we're gonna be reviewing the windows installer. (music mimics) - What's up Mike Wazowski enthusiast? Welcome back to another episode of Trash Taste. - My favorite, Mike Wazowski. - Yeah, you're all Mike Wazowski enthusiasts. I'm your host, Joey and with me is Garnt and Connor. You know who we are. - Wow, that was just like, let's just jump right into it. - No wasting time. You guys know who we are. We're fucking, how many episodes? 25 at this point, 26? - Don't remind me man. - I don't even know. - It's just 25 I believe. - I saw a brilliant comment, I think it was on episode 21 or 22 or something- - Right. - That said... The top comment was like, "How has it already been 22 episodes? It still feels like episode four." - No, I totally agree. I can't remember how many episodes it was ago where I was like, "Yeah, were just like a month into this really." - Yeah. - And it was like episode 18 or something. (hosts laughing) - Yeah, I remember you said that was like that math don't add up. (hosts laughing) - 18 Weeks in a month, you know? That's what it felt like this year. Fucking hell. - Oh my God! - Yeah, but what are we gonna talk about today lads? - Well, this is the YouTuber episode, so we're gonna discuss some of our favorite Youtubers and just generally discuss Youtubers that we watch and the ones that we wanna talk about. - Basically we just simping over other content creators. - Your favorite Youtuber's favorite Youtuber. Who is it? (Garnt laughing) Who is it gonna be? - Still wanna bear in mind that we've said this before, but sometimes people forget it. They have to come here to be on the podcast, no exceptions. - I love all the comments that are like, "But they have a TV? You can just get them on a Skype call." - The thing about this, we can talk about the Calli episode now, cause that's out. - Now that's it's out. - And all the speculation that they were like, "Oh yeah, she's just gonna appear on the TV, right?" - And then we just fucking dunk on them and be like, "JK, she's right here." - Calli was indeed there. - Oh yeah, I don't know if we actually prefaced in that episode because it's been like what, four weeks. As of us recording this then it came out, but, yeah. For people who are wondering, she was physically sitting right here as well. - Calli that is. - Calli was, yes. - Yeah. - Meilyne he looking at me it's like I... We signed an NDA. (Garnt laughing) - Yeah, we just want to preference that, like she was actually here. - Yeah, we can say we signed an NDA, right? Okay, we signed an NDA. - I think it's pretty obvious that we would have had to sign an NDA. - Is there an NDA on us signing an NDA? (hosts laughing) - I just wanna make sure what's the NDA level? How many NDAs do you (indistinct) (hosts laughing) - We can't disclose that we've signed an NDA. - [Meilyne] You can't say how it was filmed. - You can't say how it was done, but you guys know how it was done. It's pretty obvious how it was done. - Yeah, we did it. (Garnt laughing) We did it, we nailed it. - But I've had two hell weeks back to back. - Man, you have had the worst fucking experience on YouTube. - I know. Since this is a YouTube related thing, so we will jump into the Youtubers after this, but- - Yeah. - So on the convention horror story episode, which is episode 23 I believe. - 22. - Was it 22? - Yes. - Oh, wow! Okay, well that- - I don't remember the episode numbers. - Well, that episode we recorded. I spoke about getting hired to do the Samsung ad, and were like, "He-he that's funny, I got undercharged." Turned out it was not he-he funny because the company fucking struck my video down. (Garnt laughing) And it was just, oh my God! It was almost worst that they replied to our emails. - Yeah. - Because normally you just, if it's Sony or it's a giant music company- - To explain, they contents claimed your video, am I correct? So they gave you a copyright strike. They copystriked your video, right? - And we copystriked Sea Dogs in the ad. - And normally, like as a Youtuber, especially when you've done like from... Especially someone in my position if you just used anime footage, copyright strikes aren't anything new for me. But the normal thing I do is like reply to them being like, "Hey, this is fair use and everything." And 90% of the time, they just don't reply. - Yeah. - Because they're Japanese companies, they don't give a shit. So I've never dealt with a copystrike situation- - Were they have replied. - Where they've just back to back. - I'm actually... (Garnt laugh) - I almost wished they didn't, because like, "Oh my God!" - It must be hell. - It was like this... I've never had a more rude company. - Yeah. - And I don't expect them to be nice to me, 'cause they don't owe me anything. But just being polite would be nice. - You've had some seriously bad luck with (indistinct). I mean like the whole ultra- - All of my videos have been claimed twice, so I lost a lot of money on that. And then this one obviously happened. But this one was just frustrating because they hired me. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - So the ad that I'm voicing in, they struck me for it. (Garnt laughing) And that reasoning was because I showed the footage and in my Fiverr gig that where they hired me, right? So the video was for, for people who don't know, I was doing a video where it was a Fiverr seller and I was a voice actor, and on my Fiverr gig I said like, "Hey, anything you order will be used in the video." - Right. - [Joey] Yeah. - So I was like, "Hey man, you guys know that I was gonna use this. One, you should have told me. Can you at least give me the..." 'Cause this was misunderstanding and whatever. Give me a chance to remove the footage, because on YouTube you can actually edit the video live, so you can actually remove stuff. 'Cause we we'll. - Yeah. - We all know this, right? So I was saying like, "Hey, just remove this strike, it takes one button and I'll get rid of the copyright stuff right away." - All right, right. - Like clearly this is not a big deal, let's just sort this out. And their response was like, "We're too busy." (Garnt laughing) And bear in mind, it is one button. It is one button to remove the strike, right? - But it's the button that's just so far away. - [Garnt And Connor] Yeah. - They replied with something along the lines of, "We have so many projects going on, we're extremely busy." Bear in mind, our email chain is like 20 fucking emails. We've got a huge... This is bullshit. - As if you're not busy. - It was less buttons to claim the video in the first place. (Joey laughing) Like what the hell? - And I told in the email, I'm like, "You could have emailed me, I would have removed it ASAP." And they're like, "Well we don't know that. We didn't wanna deal with talking and all that." - 'Cause there like, to explain, there are several levels of copyright strike, right? You can just claim the content and give the content creators zero strikes. And then if you do that, then they can edit out the copywrited material, and- - Which I would have done. - Yeah, which he would have done. No, but they went like the nuclear option. They just straight up gave you a strike, put a strike in your account- - Took the video down. - Took the video down, and so you have zero control over the video. To explain to people. - Yeah. And a strike is, I mean, I'm sure you all know this, but three strikes and your channel's gone, of copyright strikes. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - And I explained that to them and they were like, "Well you know, not our problem." And I was like, "Well, I mean, kinda is, 'cause you're the one who did this. And you know, it doesn't really need to be this way and it's very easy to fix." And they just kept saying, "Well, we don't really care." And it was just awful, just awful. And fuck, what else happened? God, I might have cussing while I think about the story. (Joey and Garnt giggle) - I remember you politely saying, but you know, "Hey, I probably need to talk about this on my channel." - Yes so, I told them, "Hey..." Because they were just being so uncooperative and they were even fine with the idea of me editing it out, But they kept saying, "hey, just ask YouTube to do it. Just ask YouTube." The problem is right, is that YouTube, as it should be, isn't involved with it. It doesn't involve with this issue. - Yeah, it's just a mediator. - They're just the ones who host it, it's not their problem. They kept saying, "We've gone through YouTube, so why are you contacting us? Go through YouTube's system." And I don't think they understood that YouTube tells you to contact them, because it's not their problem. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - YouTube is like, you have to talk to them. So that's what we're trying to tell them. It's like talking to a fucking wall 'cause they are like, they just don't get it. I don't think they understand YouTube's system so well. - Not only do they not get it, but it's frustrating because they don't care to understand it. - They don't care to understand, they don't get it, because they've got their result, which is the video down. - Exactly. - And then you know, after every... We sent like 10 emails back and forth. I think maybe it even caught them up and they kinda like shrugged it off. So nothing's happening. So in the email we write saying, "Hey, well, I hate to say this, but we're probably gonna have to re upload the video, which I am doing, and we're probably gonna have to explain in that video, why it's been taken down, which may make you look bad." And they immediately responded with like, "How dare you try and blackmail us?" (Joey and Garnt laughing) It was like, "We will not entertain nor give in to blackmail." I'm like, "What are you, the US government dealing with terrorists?" - We will not negotiate with terrorists. (hosts laughing) - That was literally the vibe of this email. It was so funny. - We will not take this slander. - They went full fucking Karen mode, man. They're like, "I am the victim actually. How dare you come to my house and you threaten me?" - That's literally the... They literally did the full 180. - [Meilyne] They said "We will never give in". (hosts laughing) - We will never give in. - [Garnt And Connor] We will never give in. - We will never give in. Okay actually, guess which country this company is from? I think it will make so much sense. - I don't know. - Just take a guess. What country do you think is super strict with rules? (sighs) Top of your head. - I would think in some kind of Asian country. - No, European. - Russia? - No, Germany. - Oh, okay. (Garnt laughing) - We're following the rules. (imitating German accent) - That makes sense, yeah. - And I tried so many routes. Like trying to get this done through YouTube. I have even the company saying like, "Hey, they don't care that..." They are totally fine with me getting the stuff removed from the video and re uploading it, but they just don't want to do that. They don't want to remove the strike. And so as also, I asked Fiverr, I said, "Hey Fiverr, I know that I did use that footage and it's up in the air and if it's fair use or not, whatever, et cetera, et cetera." Fiverr, even though I was critical of them in that video, I did say that I think it's wrong if Fiverr takes... Fiverr takes a bit of the tips, which I don't think they should do. - [Garnt And Joey] Right. - And they also charge 20% on everything. And Fiverr actually reached out on my behalf to the company and asked, "Hey, we know this is a problem, but hey, could you please put the video back up?" - Oh, so Fiverr had your back? - Fiverr backed me up. - Oh nice! - You know what they told Fiverr? - [Garnt And Joey] What? (Connor laughing) - They said to Fiverr, "We wanna keep the strike on his channel 'cause he tried to blackmail us. (Garnt laughing) That's what they told Fiverr. No joke, that's what they told. - Oh my God! - This company was just so petty the whole way through. It was so tragic. And so now I'm just re uploading the video and just explaining that. - So do you still have a strike? - Still have the strike unfortunately, they won't remove it. - But at least you're gonna slightly call them out right, in the video? - [Garnt] Yeah, I mean, you know- - You're probably not gonna say them by name but still- - I mean it's... If you look through the video, then you can see the name of the company, at least it's there. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Exactly. - I feel like, I dunno... Because the way I've been conditioned as... The way I was taught as a kid was to get problems resolved. It's polite, you know, to ask politely and to resolve conflicts in adult manner. - Yeah, be civil about it, right? - Yeah be civil about it. But the more I'm on the internet and the more, especially as a Youtuber, I've realized that to get problems solved and to get shit done, it goes against everything I was taught, because... - They're the best way to get shit resolved is just go out into the public and go, "Fuck you". (hosts laughing) - It's true though, right? Because we've been conditioned now to get a problem resolved is to make as much fucking noise possible. - Hey fanbase, I'm gonna give you a new target to go off. Seek em. - Yeah. - It's unfortunate, because I always as a last resort, tweet about it or make it a public issue. Because I just don't like it. I think it's really- - Because there's a part of you that makes you look bad. - I feel like an asshole being like, "Yo, but I got this following, I'ma set the dogs on this one. (hosts laughing) - Release the hounds. - Release the hounds. It feels like that's the only way to get things done, especially when it's like... I love the fact that the official way to get problems resolved on YouTube, is just to fucking at team YouTube on Twitter and just get people to retweet that, instead of having a proper chain of communication. No, you just got to make as much fucking noise on Twitter as possible. - It's not a last resort to at team YouTube, it's just a requirement. - If it's a YouTube problem, I'll at team YouTube. But this shit was kind of that company, and honestly their social media... I found their social media isn't everything, they're pretty small. If I wanted to make them known, I could have tweeted out and be like, "Hey guys, go and fucking spam their social media ask them to remove the strike." But I don't know, I just didn't wanna do that. - You don't wanna use your power for that kind of stuff. - It's sad as well, 'cause I could do that, and that would be like, I guess I'm using my power, right? But then also the only reason they aren't taking me seriously is because I'm an individual. - Yeah, exactly, - [Joey] right, right. - And it's unfair because they're a company and they think that I'm just a fly, and that they can just swat me away every time, which they just kept doing. And yeah, at any point I could have just made... The thing is, right, is that you don't want to say it, but if people search for the company's name, you could easily make it, so that the stuff that comes up is pretty bad for them. (Connor laughing) Could have easily have done that, but I'm not going to, cause I'm not an asshole. - You might be a flyer, but you're a flyer that's about six feet long. (Garnt laughing) It's gonna be a little hard to swat you away. - It's like such a thing, 'cause it's like, "Man, I really wanna abuse my power right now." (Connor laughing) - Go on a power trip. - I really wanna thoroughly abuse my power right now and make your life hell because you guys are being absolute assholes. - Cigar in one hand, (Garnt laughing) let's get them. - It's like trying to find a right balance between like... I got my integrity, you know, I wanna be a good person, but at the same time, it's just the world is making it super fucking hard sometimes. - [Garnt And Connor] Yeah. - And it fucking sucks that it's this way, but... - I mean, it's just that war between the traditionalist way of doing things and then the new age things of doing that. Because, you know, even if YouTube right now is such a massive thing worldwide, technically speaking, it's only been around for what? 15 years? - Yeah. I mean, it's just, I feel like it's just the age of social media now where it is all about making as much noise as possible, even if you are someone very much in the wrong, and your logic is fucked, - Yeah. - Somehow some people are able to make more noise than the other person, therefore they are the right ones, that they win in the end. - Yeah. - And it's a very, I would say backwards way, but it's just the way the world is now unfortunately. - I think it's just the hands that we've been dealt. Unfortunately with YouTube system, it's really sad that it only ever gives any benefit to the claimant. So it's like you kind of don't really have a choice, and it sucks because people who don't wanna do it... I mean I don't want to do it, I don't want to make a fuss about it on Twitter. And I probably might've been able to get it resolved if I just made it hell for them. If I just bombed their social medias and just- - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - It might've worked, but did I want to find out and would I felt good about it? Like probably not. - You don't wanna resort to that, right? - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, It's horrible. - 'Cause the thing about, especially with YouTube copyright, is that there's just been... Everything that's been mentioned and everything that people say is all fucking guesswork. Because the thing is, there is no precedence, because the highest level this can go up to it's like- - Supreme court? - It's like court right? And that's only happened once between one creator and one creator, which is like H3H3. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And that's been the only precedence about anything regarding YouTube copyright. We've never had an individual go up against the company. So nobody knows how that's gonna end up really. - I think because the company doesn't really want that 'cause it'll look bad for them. - And no individual wants to be the test. - Yeah, exactly, nobody wants to be the first. - Do you really wanna be that company picking on a singular dude? And then that dude also rally the internet behind him? You probably don't want that. You might win it, but everyone will think you're an asshole. - In that situation, kind of everyone loses. There is no single winner at that point. - No. - Maybe the creator can come out of it if he's willing to go through it. The creator might come out with a lot of respect and might get a lot of community support and yeah, it could be worth it, but it's such a big gamble. - Right. - Yeah. - It could also completely go the other way around. - It could also completely just ruin your life. - It could bankrupt you. - It can not only bankrupt that individual, but it could also leave an example for other companies to start abusing that, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. - It's like, "Oh well, they lost it in the court case, so let's go out and just fucking snipe down all these individual creatives." - Yeah, 'cause fucking, nobody fucking understands the law anyway. None of us really understand fair use laws. How the fuck are the fucking jury gonna understand fair use laws? You know what I mean? - So what, you used anime ghoul in your video, and this company owns said anime ghoul, but doesn't actually own it. - Yeah. - It's like, yes, your honor. (hosts laughing) - Geez, I have to mask even how world wide YouTube is. How do you sue someone that's in a different country with different laws? - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah. - What if none of you are an American company, which laws are you using? You're using YouTube's laws or? - Well that's the problem, right? Is that like- - I'm not an expert so I'd love to know. - And I think that's why at least the majority of anime Youtubers who have been caught using anime footage in their videos have managed to get away with it, because in Japan we don't have fair use laws, but in America where YouTube is hosting, we do our fair use laws. - [Garnt And Connor] Yeah. - So it just never happens. The Japanese look at that and were like, "Oh shit. Well I guess we're gonna back away now." - Just put in the work that time either to try and figure out if they can do it. - It is an unfair system because, it really just fucks over any of the small creators. - Oh yeah. - You know what I mean? And I feel like if you're a small creator, the best strategy you can go for is befriend a bigger creator. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Because if you're ever in any trouble, then you're gonna rely on them to make noise for you because you can't do it for yourself. And I can't really think of a better way to go about it aside from that. - Except just fucking giving up, clearly. It's like literally no other way of going around that. Yeah, right? - Yeah, it sucks. - Yeah, it's kind of unfortunate 'cause even creatives our sizes, it's still difficult to get things fixed. I think the only creators I can think of that would be able to get shit done is probably like Mr.Beast, 'cause he's obviously... - The Youtuber poster boy? - If YouTube's really friendly with you, they'll help you out. - Yeah. - They'll figure out a way to make it go away. - Yeah, but it's like one out of how many million channels? - That's the thing right? There's maybe like a hundred, I bet... No more than a hundred of those people who can have that kind of power. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause even we're big creators, I guess- - We're big creators in the anime field, but in the overall fucking scheme of things, we're just a fucking pebble. - We're still decently sized though. - Yeah but there's, I saw this I think in 2020, like beginning of 2020, like rough estimate, there's I think over 10,000 channels now with over a million subs. - Wow! - So we're definitely expanding more. - But you'd still think that the ad revenue that you're maybe bringing in, is more than a Google employee, so it might be worth having someone... - Right, but how many Google employees are there? - True, true. (Joey laughing) Yeah, I guess that's tough. - At the end of the day, yes, we may be big in our separate fields and maybe compared to other smaller creators, or people who don't do stuff, but in a bigger sense, the ceiling is very, very high. - It should be nice, 'cause you know, there's like 45% of your ad revenue, it'd be nice to know that they give a fuck about it. Not just host the videos. - Yeah. - I mean they're big enough where they don't care about, they don't care about. - Yeah, they don't really. - 1 million creators, 1 million subscribers, that's like nothing. - True. Yeah, I guess they didn't really care about the credits that can actually affect their reputation, which are obviously the super big ones. - 0.001%, right? - Yeah. - Because I mean, I get it when you see on Twitter, they'll be a dude with like 20 subs, you're like man, "YouTube's so unfair that the small guys." And it's like, "I mean, come on you have 20 subs." (Garnt laughing) I mean, you don't really have much to lose. I know you shouldn't be discriminating against sizes, but also I think there should be a prioritize on people who are living off it and they've use the system throughout. - I mean, I feel sorry for YouTube at the same time as well, because I'm like- - You can't win. - I'm thinking about this from their perspective and like, how do you solve every problem that you have on YouTube? Because YouTube right now is too fucking large, there's too much content to be able to know what everything, everyone is doing and everything being uploaded. It feels like it's just an impossible puzzle to solve. You jiggle around one thing and then another piece pops out, you know what I mean? That's what it feels like, where, I feel like they are doing the best that they can. And I feel like as creators, we all are very grateful to YouTube, but the sucky thing is that, if we have a problem with YouTube, we have to make them look like the fucking devil. You what I mean. - Yeah, we do. - Whereas my personal opinion is that, I know YouTube's doing the best they can, I know there's some massive problems that happen where some people getting banned or some people getting demonetized by accidents and everything, and it can affect livelihood by... I look at this also from the perspective of, hey, this platform is just fucking massive. It's gonna be impossible to solve every problem with a bot, but that's what they need to do. They need to have a bot, because you can't have actual humans looking over everything that's being uploaded. - Yeah because, hasn't YouTube in terms of stuff that Google owns, hasn't YouTube been in the red for the past four years or something? - Yeah. - YouTube's constantly losing money. - I mean, it's not the value of making money, it's the amount of information that YouTube brings, Google is priceless. - Oh yeah. It's like what, 50 hours of content uploaded every minute or second I think. - It's way more than that. (Garnt laughing) - I think it's more than that. - Way more than that. It's insane. - It's insane, yeah. But no, it's scary. But I guess that comes with the price of it being just a brand new type of entertainment, right? I'm sure radio and TV had probably the exact same problems when it first started to rise. And it's only after decades and decades of trial and error that they've kind of smoothed it out. - I mean, what I find funny is that when YouTube first started to get super, super commercialized, right? And people will start having all these problems with copyright and a lot of people taking advantage of the system. People were like, whoa, this is a fucking dying platform, let's go over to Twitch everyone. And then now the Twitch is starting to burst into the mainstream, we're now seeing like the same problems affect Twitch creators now. - [Joey And Connor] Yeah. - And everyone's like, man, Twitch is getting so hard now. - Twitch is getting axed even harder than YouTube. - Yeah, exactly. - But the new DMCA Law's are bloody ridiculous on Twitch now. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And it was the one thing that Twitch was like, "Oh, thank God we don't have to worry about playing copyrighted stuff on our Twitch anymore. And then Twitch was like..." And when Amazon kind of stepped in was like, "Yeah, about that..." (Garnt laughing) - I mean it's more like the music industry has just been stuck in its ways for like the past 30 years. - Which is weird though because websites like Newgrounds to this day, you can use copyrighted music. And they won't do anything about it. - That's 'cause no one owns Newgrounds. Newgrounds is still privately owned. - Right, but the thing is just like is like, even when it was in its prime, the music industry never stepped in and tried to do something about it. They were just like, "Well..." - Because the money wasn't there. Like when the live streaming, they see all of these billion dollar buy-ins- - [Joey] Oh yeah. - Like they are pretty same but music industry are like, "Hello..." - yeah. - Basically, I feel like it's just the contents. Everyone tries to find this new platform where... I mean we talked about the golden age of the internet before where things were less regulated and everything, but as soon as something does get popular enough, it's just an inevitability that companies are just gonna wanna get in on it. And it's going to be more regulated, and you're gonna have content creators are just gonna have less freedom. It's the unfortunate truth of the internet and it's the unfortunate truth of media. - God, I hate capitalism. (hosts laughing) Down with capitalism. - Should we get into some of our favorite YouTube channels, or the channels we like watching? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Because I feel like we all watch very different Youtubers or I guess... - Do we? - I dunno. I mean we established like before, that like the amount of YouTube the three of us watch is probably quite different. - So like what... Here's my first question to you guys. What do you guys look for in a content creator? If anything, if anything. Because I'm the type of guy, people are like, whenever I get asked who my favorite Youtubers are, especially in conventions and panels and everything, everyone expects me to say anime Youtubers. - Yeah, my favorite attitude. - Yeah, right. (Garnt laughing) - And because it's my job, I try to watch the least amount of anime content as I can because I don't want to... One, it's my job, I can't view animate content in the same way ever again. And two, I don't want it to affect my own content. - Also, so many of them suck, I'm just kidding. (hosts laughing) I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. I totally agree, like you know, my YouTube viewing time is my off time. - Exactly. - I just maximize YouTube man. Every single moment of my life I'm watching YouTube. - I don't do that. - Do you watch other Youtubers though? - A few. - Like other Youtubers that you don't know personally. Like I obviously watch your guys' content, like people I'm personally friends with, but I very rarely watch other YouTube who I don't personally know. - There's some I like, but I feel like they're not quite there yet. Like they're still figuring it out their style. - Because they're new, or? - Yeah, because they're new. - Right, right, right. - Yeah. - But I find enjoyment in watching the new channels kind of figure out their own way and seeing their growth. - I mean some of my favorite channels on YouTube are the tiny ones where they've only got update videos. - I love those, I love those. (Garnt laughing) Where they have more update videos than actual content. - Yeah. - I would name one or two, but I'm also worried that- - You don't wanna bully them. - I'm also worried that they'll get 10,000 new viewers and they won't know how to handle it. - Yeah, yeah. - But... - But you know the ones we're talking about. They're out there, they're out there. - I mean, obvious channels that we all like and enjoy just like Internet Historian. Everyone fucking loves Internet Historian. I mean like what else, what else? - Come on to the podcast Internet Historian. - Yeah. (Joey laughing) - Nakey Jakey is one of my favorites. - I remember Nakey, cause I discovered him... You know when you discover a creator who's under a hundred thousand subs, and you're like, "You're gonna blow up." That was Nakey Jakey for me. 'Cause I discovered him before he even did his fucking green screen effects, and he was just basically try a mix between donkey and John Tron. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And he was just like, he didn't show his face, it was just pure voiceover. But he was someone who I discovered really early on, and I could tell, I could tell immediately- - Personality was shining through. - His personality was shining through and he was gonna blow up eventually. And then he did like the first... The first video where I thought he was gonna blow up, was he did a video about video game dogs, which is so different from what other people were doing. - Right. - But it was just so unique. And I was like, "That's it. That's your niche, you've found it." - I just love his flow of comedy. There are some videos where it's like... One of my favorite videos to this day is the one where he talks about water levels in gaming. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And it's such a short video, it's like six minutes long. But it's just constant, constant jokes, jokes, jokes, jokes. - Yeah. - With no room for error, whatsoever. - Exactly. - And I just love videos like that where it's like, cut all the bullshit filler out, just say the punchline and then immediately move on. That's the type of comedy I strive to do in my thing as well. - I feel like everyone thinks of him as just the guy who has a green screen and sits on the ball, but as someone who's been following him for ages, he can do any kind of content- - oh yeah. - And it'll still be fucking great. - You do a lot of writing, right? So, I assume you think his writing is also pretty spot on as well. - I think his writing is fucking brilliant. - I think it's brilliant. - It is really hard and even I'm still trying to learn this too, to try and balance analytical, like your thoughts and analytics to comedy. And I've seen so many creators and I feel like even I might be one of them who sometimes it's like, okay, this part is analytical and this part is comedy. But to combine the two together seamlessly, is a fucking difficult thing to do. And to make it look natural as well is really hard. - This episode is sponsored by Express VPN. - Wow, Express VPN baby! (yells) - Okay Garnt. But I understand you're happy because it's December, it's the Christmas spirit time, which I have plenty of? - Is it the big D? - The big, what? Which means we can officially start watching Christmas movies. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeh! (hosts rejoice) - Which you know that I love. I love them, I love them. But what if you go to Netflix, Jerry? - Mhh! - This horror situation, and you discover that your favorite Christmas movie isn't available. (dramatic music) - Then I will cry and scream until I get it. - I guess I just can't get it. - I guess I have to give up on the Christmas spirit. - I guess I'll just get depression for Christmas. - That's what would happen. But get ready to have your mind blown. You can use in bold Express VPN to watch any Netflix library in the world. (puking mimics) - Are you telling me that Express VPN are saving Christmas? - They are saving Christmas. And this weekend I used Express VPN to stream a Christmas classic, "Elf", on German Netflix. - Now I know that's your favorite Christmas movie of all time. - That is everyone's favorite Christmas movie. - Very fond of "Elf". It was so simple. I just opened the app, hit one button to change my location, refreshed Netflix, and that's it, that's it. - So easy. - [Garnt] See, express VPN lets you control where you want the sites to think you're located. You can choose from almost 100 countries. - [Connor] Oh my God Garnt! - [Garnt] Just imagine how many Netflix libraries that is. - It's a hundred Christmases. - That's a hundred libraries. - That's at least, that's over five. - Oh my gosh! - And of course it's not just Netflix. Express VPN works with any streaming service. Disney Plus, Hulu, BBC iPlayer, you name it. Name it, come on, name it, I'm waiting. - Let's be honest, Joey can't name it. 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Thank you to Express VPN for sponsoring this video, back to the show. I think one thing I respect the most out of Nakey Jakey's run in, like Nakey Jakey is definitely not the only one who does this, but I think it's the type of content creator that I especially like and inspire to be myself, is the people who can writes scripts. They're clearly scripts, but they write it and perform it in a way that doesn't make it look like they're reading off a script. Like Nakey Jakey is obviously a great example of that. I think the whole reason why JonTron as well, blew up is because of that. - Exactly. - He's managed to like, as you said, mix the whole analytical side with the joke side, just so seamlessly. And if we're talking (indistinct) as well, a Demo was a perfect example of that, right? - I mean Demo kind of just started as a new wave of anime YouTube content, - Yeah. - And his style still prevails today in a lot of people's content. - Right. I mean, I certainly look up to that guy's writing. - I think every pretty much every big anituber does in some way shape or form. - But weird, not even like 10% of the way to being as funny as that. (hosts laughing) It's like, we're trying really hard, but we can't quite get there. - It's like how, cause you can copy someone's style, but you can never be that person. - Right, right. - 'Cause that's kinda like the hard thing about being an independent content creator is that you can be influenced by someone, but if you're influenced by them a bit too much then everyone's gonna be like, "Ah, you were trying to be X person." - You're just a clone. - Unlike if you're trying to be X person then in the viewer's mind, all they are going to see is you trying to be X person, you know what I mean. - Right. I mean, it was that problem right of back in the day whenever anyone tried to do any G Let's play. - Yeah. - And it doesn't matter if you were no is similar to him. Everyone was like, well this guy's just a PewDiePie clone, isn't he? He's just a marker clone. (Garnt laughing) and am just like, I got those comments. Like where I first started doing clothes party, people were like, "Oh, this guy looks and sounds like PewDiePie." I'm like, "Okay, I get the sounds part, how the fuck do I look like Felix?" - How do you sound like Felix, what the fuck? - I don't know, Apparently I sound... I mean, I can do Felix impressions, but it's not like I was trying to do them actively. Because surprise, Felix wasn't the only Let's Player that was around back then and who I watched. - Speaking of, oh go on. - Oh no, you. - Oh, speaking about Nakey Jakey, have you guys watched Scott The Woz? Have you seen him? - I've seen a few of his videos. - I've seen a few of his videos, but I'm not subscribed. - I fucking love Scott, I love you Scott. Because he's the opposite of Nakey Jakey. Almost where Nakey Jakey tries on purpose to not feel like a script, where Scott feels so incredibly scripted, (Joey and Garnt laughing) that it makes it almost funnier. I don't know, he's just so extremely consistent, and he uploads sometimes like twice a week and it's always such fucking good quality. - Right , right , right. - But they're so good. I don't know, I feel like a... 'Cause I was at one point as well, Jon trying to not upload it for so long that they turned Jon Tron sub-reddit into Scott The Woz. - Are you serious? (Garnt laughing) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause he didn't upload for so long. Because everyone would say that Scott The Woz was like Jon Tron but more consistent. - [Garnt And Joey] Right. - But it's still very different styles of humor. And I remember as well, he's like so anal about keeping the same level of consistency that he re-uploaded the whole video once because he accidentally didn't sensor a swear word in one of his outfits. (Garnt laughing) - God damn, and that is commitment. - He just seems like a such a chill dude but also Hella awkward cause there's clips of him in conventions that he looks so awkward in like... (Joey and Garnt laughing) It's like the kind of energy that I'm like, "Man, that's so honest." He can just tell you that he loves what he's doing. - That's the type of genuine Youtuber. - Have you watched any of his videos? - I feel like, I've definitely seen at least a couple of his videos come up on recommended, but... - I definitely have. - It might not be for everyone, but I think definitely you can always watch it and enjoy it, but you might not go away being like, "I fucking love this guy." But you'll definitely enjoy it, a hundred percent. He's really good. - He's definitely on my list of people. Every time he's on my recommended, I'm just like, "Yeah, I'll give you a go." - It also makes me wonder how specific of a subject about gaming can you talk about? Like he did memory cards the other day. (Joey laughing ) He did a whole 30 minute video on memory cards. - [Joey] Right, right , right. And I was like, I don't even know what he talked about. I can't remember, but I enjoyed it. But I just remember thinking this video is totally pointless. - There's another channel that's like that, which I think you showed me this Connor, but, "Ahoy"? - I was literally about like, when Connor mentioned that I was like, "Ahoy". - I was like, there's another channel that covers super niche and specific titles. - I for the longest time thought it was some like film studio that hired the sexiest narrator ever. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. (Garnt laughing) - But I think it's legit, the narrator guys- - No, I think it's just one dude, yeah. - So to explain to Ahoy, he does video game documentaries on really, really niche like subjects. I think one of my favorite ones was, he went through the entire history of exploding barrels in like video games. - That was such a good video. - And it's one of those subjects where you never thought about it until someone brought it up. Like why is it that when you see a barrel in a video game, you just expect it to explode. - Yeah. (Connor laughing) It's just something that you've just been conditioned to know, but then you think about it and you're like yeah, "What is the history behind that?" - He's also like... I'm looking at his channel now, he's also the antithesis of click-bait. (Garnt laughing) like it goes, do you know what his video on explosive barrels is called? - Just barrels, right? - Explosive Barrels. (Garnt laughing) With a period at the end. - I also genuinely don't think, and there's only maybe one or two people I can think that have the same level of production quality as him. - [Joey] Oh! - Yeah. - The production quality of this man's videos are insane. - We've mentioned before, but like, LEMMiNO. - Yeah, yeah. - That's kinda like the insane kind of production qualities where you're like, "This guy uploads one every three months and I know why he uploads one every three months." - It's legit like box levels of it. - Yeah, yeah. - It's fucking amazing. - He just did a video on what was like, what was the first video game ever. That's a very good video. - My favorite one as well is like, where does the history of chickens. Like healing here come from. (Garnt laughing) And well, yeah, it's just great. It's really weird like, there are just some Youtubers I feel that can just take these extremely niche topics and just somehow able to turn it into a video that you'd never thought you needed, but then the moment you watch it, you're like, "All right, I kind of need this video." - As I was going through my list, I did realize what really appealed to me. And it was like more so the human aspect- - Yeah. - Do you know, Noclip by any chance? - No. - They do video game documentaries that are really, really well produced about game development. And it's really reached insane production, great stuff. But half the time I end up just not really caring because I feel like there's no human aspect to it or a personality attracting me in the video. - Yeah, right. - It just feels like a documentary, which is great and it's amazing, don't get me wrong, but it's not like Ahoy, where it feels so passionate from one person and so many of the channels that were mentioned today. - Yeah, I mean, we've talked about this before about how to be successful on YouTube. And I feel like having that human connection and having a personality, even if you are doing a sort of documentary thing, inserting your own passion and your own personality into it as much as possible, is the real selling point of why people will want to come back to you. And I feel like that's why, (clear throat) like I remember when YouTube went through this whole video essay boom- - Oh yeah. - And now I think it's last starting to die down, you know. - Especially on anitube as well. - I remember when Every Frame a Painting came along and started doing video essays... - Rest in piece, but that was one of the best fucking channels I swear. Oh my God! (Garnt laughing) - And Nerdwriter and everything came along, and we have this video essay boom. And now people, they don't care so much about the analytical side of things, they care more about the personality behind it. - All right. - You know what I mean. - They care about the person telling the narrative, right? - 'Cause why should I listen to some random person's college thesis where there are actual experts on the platform now. Which brings me to my next creator, which is a video essay channel. Because they did a video essay on, was it Shazam, Kazam, what was that superhero movie? - Oh Shazam. - Shazam - Shazam Yeah they were doing a video essay on Shazam. He's called Ponysmasher. - I've never heard of this channel. - And he was doing a video essay on Shazam by breaking down how hard it is to... The little problems that need to be solved when making a movie, right? And I was just like, "Oh, it's just another video essay." And then he starts using first person perspective. Like, "So, what I had to do was I had to do this, I had to do that on this movie." And I was like, "Wait a minute, this is the director of Shazam making a video essay on his own movie." - Waw! - And I'm just like, "What the fuck!" - That's cool. - Yeah, it was the director of Shazam making a video essay on his own platform. And I remember how he ends the video is he says, yeah. There was a point where I was just super obsessed with YouTube video essays, and then I started making movies and now he views video essays completely different. 'Cause he admitted himself, as someone who has made movies, he doesn't know whether, you know, you can break down the movie's themes and all the back end of something with the movie. But he was like, "Yeah, sometimes it's just like a complete accident." You know what I mean? - It's just a happy little accident, you know? - Yeah, sometimes he's just like, "Yeah, did I mean to, was there any meaning behind making this curtain blue or something like that." And sometimes it's just, is just the only curtain that was fucking available. - I just liked the color that's all. - Yeah, you know. - That's so cool. - And hearing it from him, after I saw that video, I was just like, yeah, he's kind of got a point. When you've got actual fucking directors making video essays on your own movie, how can other people kind of compete with that at that point? - That's the point I want to get to, where eventually if I ever make my own anime or my own Manga, and I just make a video essay on my own show. (hosts laughing) That'd be the ultimate flex. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - So I know exactly why they decided to use these things, because I fucking made them, that's why. (hosts laughing) - Ambitious goal Joey, ambitious goals. - The most primary sources that you could ever get. - Also like, going the complete opposite of that, which is experts in the field. My new worst fucking pet peeve on YouTube is seeing videos of... I had mentioned this to you guys in private, but there's this new thing on YouTube where things that shouldn't be a qualification that are a qualification, (hosts laughing) like reacts to something, I've noticed. And these things will not stop leaving my recommended. It's like Japanese person reacts to every course abroad video. And I'm like, "I don't care." That is not impressive that a Japanese person watches. - The recent one I saw that would not leave my recommended is Japanese person reacts to Bill Wurtz's history of Japan. (hosts laughing) - I was like, I don't... This should not be a qualification. I get it, there's like... What was the other ones? Like doctor reacts doctors, that's fair. - Because that's an actual quantification, that's a job. - You were just born in a country bro, what do you mean? Its not like you were born in like Machu Picchu talking about the ruins or some shit, that's tiny. - My favorite ones as well is the music related ones. So I was like, I remember I saw one which was like, "Jazz drummer reacts to Tool live concert." I'm like, "But Tool is a metal band." (Connor and Garnt laughing) it's like, you don't know anything about metal. Its like you playing... Oh yeah, the other one is like, "Church drummer reacts to whatever." And I'm like, you play at your local church. It's not like, you're not even a professional, you just play at your local church. - Can somebody please make a YouTube channel out there like, "High student reacts to high school." (Joey and Garnt laughing) 'Cause I just want us to go full meme now, like it's getting ridiculous. I saw, there was a mathematician one, and in the video it was like "Mathematician reacts to", and I click on the vide and it said guy, it's just a college student showing Math, and I'm like what? - I actually wanted to make a parody of that video series, which is like "professional degenerate reacts to Hentai." (hosts laughing) - You should totally do that. - I gotta make it now. - You gotta make that before it gets taken. (Garnt laughing) - Some people saw the lawyer things obviously with like, "Hey, I'm a specialized Japanese person. I can react to..." Not bashing on any chance to do it, I just think it's really weird and not weird, but like unnecessary. - It's kind of like, okay, there's this trend that makes sense, right? You have a professional qualified person who has been doing this job for years, like a lawyer or a doctor and can actually provide insights. And then as with everything, as with every YouTube trend, people like try to bend it as much as possible to be like, "Yeah, I'm kind of like... I have a qualification in X kind of." You know when you're in that job interview and you try to buff up your fucking CV with as much bullshit as you can possibly imagine, that's kind of what it feels like, you know. - So have you had any past jobs? Well, I used to have to take out the trash every week at my parents' place. (hosts laughing) That was kind of an obligation. - Like I remember back in the bridge scene where people were just like, "Yeah, I do sound design." (hosts laughing) And I'm like, "Motherfucker, I know what the you do." - Talking into a bull yeti Is not sound design. Dude, if you're any smaller Youtubers watching, here's an idea for you, react to anything, but just call yourself "Aspiring entrepreneur reacts to". (laughing) You'll get clicks like that. That's free real estate, it's for you. Okay, but to be fair though, we mentioned this earlier, but the "Doctor Reacts to Cells At Work"- - That one was good. - That shit was fucking great. - No, like when this trend started, I was all for this. - [Joey And Connor] Yeah. - I don't often watch reaction videos, but I watched all of those because the dude was A, charismatic as fuck. I forgot the name, it was Doctor... (indistinct) - I've seen it, I've seen it. - I think my favorite one is that guy who breaks down accents and reacts to accents. - He so good, the WIRED guy. - Yeah, the guy on WIRED, yeah. Derek Singer, I think his name is. - [Garnt And Connor] Yeah. - I love those videos so much I basically ripped out your mind. - Yeah, you tell me. (Garnt and Joey laugh) - I mean, I was like, "Oh man, this is fun, I can explain this." - Not gonna lie, when I saw that on my sub feed, I was like, "Fuck, that's a good idea." - Yeah, yeah. (Joey laughing) - I wish I did that. - I mean I thought, "Why not, man? I've been doing this for years." - I was actually gonna do something similar. I was gonna name myself, "Japanese expert." (hosts laughing) I was gonna react to foreigners in films doing Japanese accents or speaking in Japanese. - Right, can you still do it. - I might still do that, but I don't know... - Are you a qualified Japanese person? - You weren't born and raised here Joey, I mean I don't know... (Garnt laughing) - I have a certificate though. - How many years experience do you have being Japanese? (hosts laughing) - Only 26 years you know. - The amount of videos I've seen that has "Japanese person reacts to Filthy Frank" is like way too many. - Oh, yeah. - There there's so many, it's like this should not be necessary. Like it's just a Japanese- - Also it's like, who cares? - And also you probably won't get a really authentic cause most of the time the Japanese people that are doing it are doing it in English. - Yeah, yeah. - So they're like, you know... I mean, I'm not gonna lie, but the foreigners that I've spoken to, or the Japanese people that I've spoken to that studied abroad, are very different to the Japanese people who are Japanese. - I love that half the videos as well it's like "Japanese reacts to Filthy Frank." And it's just an American born Japanese guy, right? It's like, "You're an American dude. You're not even Japanese." - That's an interesting point actually. I would actually like... That's interesting content. Say you take a video and actually sub it and then show it to a Japanese person subbed, and see how he reacts to it. That would be interesting I think. - Yeah, that would be interesting, but the problem is no one can be fucked to do that. (Garnt laughing) It's just too much effort. - What other Youtubers do you guys enjoy watching? - Well I have a Youtuber who is up and coming. I found him fucking, like maybe when he had less than 10K subs. But he's this guy called Johnstone. - Okay. - Okay. - And he's a Pokemon Youtuber. - Okay. - But unlike every other Pokemon Youtuber out there, he kind of takes Pokemon challenges and kind of goes way overboard. - Is this the guy who, this guy beat the whole game with a ditto or something? - No, that's Pikasprey. - Okay. - That's another guy who I also follow. So Johnstone is this guy who does these absurd Pokemon challenges and just condenses them into one video. So like SmallAnt is a guy who also does similar things. He's a massive Twitch streamer. But Johnstone kind of like, he does these ridiculous challenges. Like, can I beat the entirety of Pokemon fire red with just one Raj and shit like that. And he not only puts his own personality into it, but kind of breaks down how to do it as well. So if people want to do it, then they can. And I think it's only recently that, you know, we were talking about people who make content which is very informational, but then try and put their own personality to it. I feel like he's a guy who's like, just starting to learn how to do that and just kind of growing off of it. And it's been really cool to watch him grow. - There's a few channels like that, 'cause I watch, is it Gamechamp3000? I think I have it written down here. He does the beading like X game without collecting a coin or something. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And like, I don't know why he would do that, 'cause it sounds like pain. - SmallAnt does that too, I recently watched him do. It's like, "Can I beat Pokemon fire red with only Shinies?" (Garnt laughing) So what he would do is like he would... And he would do this all live on Twitch and then just make a video on YouTube. So every time the starters would come up and if none of them are shiny, he'd just reset the game. And he'd keep going until the startle was shiny. - That's like speed runners kind of, what's the word I'm looking for? Dedication. - Or another one was like, "Can I beat all of Pokemon Emerald without taking damage?" - Oh my God! - And every time he took damage he had to reset. - I think I saw that, I think I've seen that one. That one sounds familiar. - It went quite viral I think. - I think I've seen a few videos like that where it's like no damage dark souls (indistinct). - [Joey And Connor] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, there is always a fucking trip to watch. - I mean, I love watching those kinds of content 'cause I think I've just gotten so into speed running and like just people who are just way too good at games for their own good. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, there's a fair amount of speed running dedicated channels. Just thinking of it, none of them are quite nearly the level of obviously, Summoning Salt, which everyone loves. - Summoning Salts. - I feel like it's Summoning Salt, then kind of everyone else. - Not to be rude to everyone else, but he's just definitely doing something that's clearly appealing to everyone. - I feel like what he does so well is that he just knows kind of like how to present a story. 'Cause it's like, okay... He's one of the few channels where I'm like, I don't really know his personality, right? But the stories that he picks to present on his channel are like a banger every time. - Oh, yeah. - 'Cause if you don't have a personality in your channel, then that puts pressure to make the subject you are presenting, that has to carry your video, right? And it's normally easier to have a nice, interesting personality that people want to come back to. But if you're someone like Summoning Salt, who for some reason knows how to present the most compelling speed running stories every fucking time, I'm just... - It's like watching a movie. - Yeah, exactly. - His recent one with the perfect Mario 64 record is so good, it's really good. - Yeah. - It was so good. - I also really love his... Which one was it? The Ninja Gaiden one, the cowboy dude, I love that guy. (Garnt giggles) He's so nice and it made for such a good story. - It's so cool as well, because I found so many cool speed runners because of his videos, as well, just because the way he kind of sells them and also just kind of lays out their entire journey, is just like... I don't know what it is because it's like, truth be told, he's not the most charismatic, or interesting presenter, but he just manages to write and present and kind of tell a story in a way that you just have to watch. - 'Cause it's like, there's always the hook. It almost follows the structure of a movie. You know what I mean? - [Joey] All right. - There's the hook, there's the beginning, the middle of the end. And the end is always like a really big climax that you're like, "Wow, this was worth sitting through like 45 minutes to an hour watching just so I could have seen this climax and get invested into this story." - I'm glad I sat through 45 minutes to know that, that cowboy dude got a sub 10 in Ninja guy. (hosts laughing) I'm so glad these efforts are gonna pay off, man. It was so worth it, clap. Everybody applause. - You try to explain this content to someone who just knows nothing about speed running, and it's just like why'd you care so much about- - It's because he's tried his best man. - It's one of those things where it's like, just watch. Like I think again, this is why I love documentaries and all that, 'cause I just love the human aspect of stories and the... I guess, almost human life is more interesting because weird shit happens that you couldn't even predict. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - I think it's so interesting and obviously like... I also think that Summoning Salt is really similar to Frederick Knudsen, which is like my favorite- - Down the Rabbit Hole? - Yeah down the Rabbit Hole, which is like literally my favorite channel on YouTube. - I still haven't seen his new one. - No, I haven't seen his new one either. - I just think the sheer amount of dedication to the story and getting all the facts there is just insane. And I think every time I get drunk, I watch their "Wings Of Redemption". - That's the problem with Knudsen though, is that every time he does upload a video, it's like a yay moment as well as an oh shit moment. Because it's a yay moment because he uploads like three months. But it's an oh shit moment because it's like, "Oh, okay, what day in my calendar is free to watch this video?" - You know there are some content creators that you just watch immediately. And there's some content creators where you make mental note and you're like, "They haven't loaded it." And you're like, "Okay, I gotta find time." - Like "The Right Opinion" is the exact same thing. Every time he uploads, it's like, "oh, it's another two hour video about Right Opinion." It's gonna be a banger, but man, I'm not free for like three days. (hosts laughing) - I have so much respect for "Right Opinion" because normally I can't stand commentary channels most of the time- - yeah, yeah. - Because it's just the biggest free for all. It's like, I don't know why some people are so fucking loud and I don't know why some people listen to the other people. It's just a fucking- - And it's almost always biased. - Yeah it's so biased, it's always a fucking mess. But dude, if "Right Opinion" makes a video about you, I'm fucking listening. - I mean, I was in one of his videos. - (laughing) Yeah, exactly. - Featuring Joey. - Yeah I was in one of his videos. Thanks for that, by the way. - If I get destroyed by "Right Opinion", I'm like, yeah, "Okay I did something wrong, my bad, my bad." - But that's the thing, right? It's like when people were telling me that I was in like a "Right Opinion" video, in my head I was like, "Yay" and shit at the same time. (hosts laughing) - It's like, you got a cameo, you know what I mean? - I got a cameo but it's like, "Is that gonna be good, is my career over? Oh my God!" Luckily I was fine. - 'Cause he has such a good skill in breaking down the key components about what, you know, someone's personal mistakes. - He just tells it how it is. - Yeah, without... He is obviously biased, but every time he has any kind of bias in it, he says it up front. And in the end, he lets the viewer make their own opinion rather than telling the viewer how... You know, what opinion they should have. Like he presents the facts, he presents his biase and then he doesn't say, "Hey, you should fucking hate this person." He just says, you can make... It's kinda like you make your own opinion. You know what I mean. - Right, right, right. - I mean, obviously I watched the fucking four hour video in one go because I was dying that day. - Nikocado Avocado. - Disgusting. - I got like halfway through then I was like... - It felt like it was just repeating at times, but that's because he does repeat his real life multiple times, his mistakes. I think the only video that I was kind of like meh on, I think he made a video on the animation community. And I remember feeling like, "All right, this is kind of like, all right, kind of meh." - Was that the done as a plan? - No, no, no, that one was good I liked that. It was talking about the animation community and I think how they all rely on each other for success. And it was kind of like warning that they shouldn't... But I really didn't feel like it was like... I was like, "Okay, cool. I mean, it doesn't really say anything." But I mean, overall, yeah. He's just amazing at presenting an opinion. Also, Frederick Knudsen by the way is... Because we didn't explain what it was, he does documentary on anything basically. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - Choose a documentary on anything- - Any one personal event or anything. - It was so well done that it's just like, "Oh my God!" Again, he has a video on "Wings Of Redemption", who I had no idea who that was, but I watched the full two hour like 30 minute thing, it's amazing, it's so good. - It's nuts how people can just make a compelling narrative about anything, especially when something where it's like, "I never knew about this and never cared about it, but I guess now that I'm here, I'm invested." - Yeah, because I feel like I watched that content, not only because it's entertaining, but I also as this is my job. - Oh I can appreciate the work so much. - I appreciate because they also break down as a Youtuber, like how the best way to present yourself online is in. And the mistakes of what not to do. - Write that down, write that down. - Yeah, that's exactly the point. Because they break it down so well that you can... If this is your job and social media is your job, then you can literally take advice about what not to do and the mistakes that other people have made. - It's like a self-help guide. - It is, it really is, it really is. - All right, don't do that, noted. - Okay, wait, before we move on. Okay here's a question for you guys. Have you guys ever rehearsed a kind of like an apology video? - No, no, no. (Joey laghing) - You've never done? Even though you've done nothing wrong, even though you've done nothing wrong, right? Come on, you must have thought about it. - Oh yeah in my head I've thought about it, but I haven't sat there in front the mirror being like... - Oh no, no, no, not actually rehearsing, but like in my head. - I've thought about it. - I wake up every morning and I practice the sigh before it begins, you know the... (Joey inhales and exhales deeply) This is a really hot video to make. - In your head, you've thought about it and you've gone okay. - Well, there's a few ways to go about it. There's the double down, there's the do nothing, there's the apologize and admit wrongdoing. And from what I've seen on YouTube, it seems to be unfortunately that people always want an apology, but the people who apologized and admit wrongdoing, normally get the worst treatment. - Yeah, exactly. - I notice the people who doubled down normally get away with it. So other Youtubers double the fuck down, just go with it. (Garnt laughing) - Every time, double down. - Because I don't have anything in my past that I expect I'm gonna need to make an apology video, but nobody fucking expects me to need to make an apology video, right? So as you see, as a Youtuber, I see these trends happening. I see like cancel culture happening, and I'm just like, "But what if I did need to make an apology?" You know what I mean. (Joey and Connor laugh) - Like V-Soul's music stopped playing. (hosts laughing) I dint need to apologize, but what if I did? Do you watch any other documentary channels similar to theirs, 'cause I have a few. Actually, you know, on the note of YouTube, I think that EmpLemon makes good ones about YouTube. I don't know if I- - I know his name. I probably seen a few of this stuff. - I feel like his presenting style, I don't really gel with, but I think the way that he talks about YouTube, I think it's really well done. And he's clearly someone who is... I guess I can see parallels between me and the way that he talks about the internet and the way that like I was, from like age 10, I was glued to the internet. He talks about how... Realistically let's say, I think he made a video about YouTube likes. - Right. - So, on paper, if you see 90% likes to dislike ratio, any mathematician would be like, "That's great, that's great. That's 9:1." But a Youtuber sees that and thinks, "oh fuck." - Why isn't it 95? - Exactly, exactly. - So he basically did a whole video explaining how the actual YouTube like ratio system is like 99% is good. 98% is you've probably off a little bit of your audience. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - 95% is you've probably said something a little bit bad. And anything below 90 is like, you fucked up. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah, yeah. - Which is true. - It is definitely true. - And he made a video as well that was really well done. I don't give a fuck about NASCAR. He did a bit of a thing about NASCAR that was really good. He also made a video about Hungrybox, the smash player. - [Garnt And Joey] Oh, yeah, yeah. - And that was a really pretty good documentary. - I do like I do like watching... I'm not subscribed to any of them, but I do like watching Smash compilations every now and then. - I mean the smash documentary that came out years ago, was amazing on YouTube. - Oh, that was- - Was that the four-hour smash documentary? - Yeah. - That was the documentary that got me into- - Got me into smash. - Not just got me into Smash, but got me into YouTube documentaries as well. I dunno who made that, but it was like this very famous four-hour Smash documentary that is like way out of date now because it detailed, the very, very start of the Smash community. - Again, a human story. - Yeah. It is. - They build up the characters of the story, and it did it. Other channels if you guys like Frederick Knutson, I know you probably don't know these channels. There's "Anxiety War", I don't know if you've heard of them. Not Anxiety War, sorry, sorry, fuck. There's the- - I don't subscribe to a lot of the documentaries. 'Cause again, they just take so much time. - True, there's no Anxiety War, sorry. I'll talk about him though later, He's fucking strange. Atrocity Guide? She does videos similar to Frederick Knudsen. - I know that name. - Her voice is so fucking chilling and creepy that even the ones that aren't scary, feels scary. (Joey laughing) And it's like, (panting) what's gonna happen? What's gonna happen? Very good, and then- - I'm not subscribed to him, but J Aubrey? - J Aubrey, yeah yeah. - Every time his video comes up to my recommended, I'm just like, yeah this seems like a- - Who's the guy who did that, or who is doing the massive crochet- - Okay, I was gonna get on with it. - That's GenoSamuel2.1, he lives in Japan by the way. - Do you want to explain that? Because Connor showed us this the other day. (Joey laughing) - We'll talk about... We'll be back to Joey in some other channels. So there's a channel called GinoSamuel2.1. And like his whole channel is dedicated to the history of Chris Chan. You know who Chris Chan is, he's very- - Infamous? - Infamous online. And the whole point of, if you know what Kiwi Farms is, it's a shit talking website. That whole website was made to document Chris Chan, because there's so much information about this one person online. - He's probably the most documented person in history. That's the like, it's kind of like- - I mean we watched what, like- - Two episodes. - We watched two episodes. - We watched two out of how many episodes? - I think there are nearly 50 of them now. - How long were the episodes? Like 40 minutes. - At least 40 minutes each. - So we watched an hour and a half of this- - Prologue. - This prologue. Not even the fucking prologue, and the amount of information they got about this guy's life was just fucking mind blowing. - From like age five. - From age five. This episode is sponsored by a Apari. - shit, is that what I'm wearing right now? - Look at these clean fucking clothes we're wearing. - Look at this design man. - Look at this drip. - Is this artist owned anime inspired quality clothing? - [Garnt] I think it is. - You bet your ass it is boy. - Oh my God! I'm not gonna lie fam, this is pretty fucking... I know I mean with a little bit, but this is nice. - Look how blinging you look right now, man. - I fucking love the bucket hat. - I know. (laughing) - It's thanks to the quality fabric by the way and the original art. Did you know that, though? - It is anime inspired as well, which is nice for the (indistinct) - And Also, I'm not gonna lie, I fuck with the color schemes. - I fuck with the colors too, it's really nice. - I like the fun color code. - Honestly, I saw this design and if they weren't sponsoring me, I would have bought it anyway. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, same. - This is like so me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And they gave us a cute little cute- - This little key chain. - So me and Joey are wearing... Oh, Mayline is throwing us an extra shirt to show. A jumper, sorry. - Yeah. But this is from, me and Connor are wearing- - This is from the fall winter collection. And trust me, these boys are thick. I'm very hot right now. - They'll keep you warm, they'll definitely keep you warm. - We are inside and I wanna take this off. I'm too hot right now. (Joey laughing) So thank you, I actually love this shit. And Garnt has some of the shirt designs as he's mentioned. He also has another one. - Thank you Apari. - God damn! - Thank you Apari for sending me more clothes. I have more clothes to wear on Trash Taste, cause I am running out of my wardrobe now. And this is the shit I would wear normally. - That design is fucking sexy. - Honestly, that's some fucking sexy- - I also got some facemasks but they're at home 'cause they're dirty and I've been using them. - So put up an image, there they are. - They are really fucking cute. I had the most stylish facemask. I do, I don't wanna clown all these. But I did have the most stylish ones. And this crisp bucket hat fellas. - I do like the bucket hat. - Because, no joke, when I go in the sun, not right now obviously, but when I get in the summer, if I went out without a hat I would just get a headache. - But now you got it. - Mayline said I was disgusting one time 'cause I sweat in her bucket hat, that she borrowed me. (hosts laughing) - Apari releases new collections every season. So if you wanna stay up to date with their latest clothing, follow them on Instagram @apariart. - [Garnt] Or sign up to their mailing list at apari.com. - Trust me fellas, you're not gonna wanna miss these drops, these are clean. - Yeah if you want some slick weeb drip, then Apari is the place to go. So thank you Apari for sponsoring this episode, and back to the video. - So his whole channel is dedicated to discussing Chris Chan. And you're probably thinking like, there can't be that much on this dude. They've made biopics about some of the most interesting people and they're only two hours long. - Right. - Yeah. - Where on that pod, like it's something near 50, or 50. And the reason why his channel's called 2.1 is cause I've been watching this since like episode five- - Right. - His channel got taken down at one point. I think episode 15 or something and he decided to quit talking about it. I don't know what happened, 'cause he got out. (Garnt laughing) He came back, he came- - He just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. (Joey laughing) - And he's back doing it now. I don't know how far we are into it but all the comments. And actually Chris Chan replies to every single video. - Really? - Really? - Tries to correct details. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Didn't even question about the fact that he's making these videos, huh? - Chris Chan seems to like it. Sorry, I think it's she now, sorry for the the naming. But yeah, it's really interesting and I hope that you keep finishing the thing, you get to the end. I don't even wanna know how much a mental toll that is. - How far are we through Chris Chan's life right now? - I think maybe halfway, I'm not sure. - And how many hours of content do you think has been made? - About 30 plus at the moment. - Yeah, let's do the math. If each episode is at least 30 minutes and there's like 50, right? - There was like 15 episodes to just Chris Chan being trolled. - I mean, when you showed us that at your place, we watched the first two episodes and we hadn't even made it past age 10. - With the majority of the videos have been about trolling Chris Chan. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - It's a good chance they might reply it here but I mean, it's super interesting and if you wanna... It's so bad as well because Chris Chan is autistic and constantly says it, and constantly says high functioning autism. And in the documentary, you kinda like in the start, you really want to root for him because he's clearly just been unfortunate. - He's had a rough life. - And his parent as well, they're super questionable. And then the moment you're about to root for him, he's just like, "I don't like gays, I think that blacks are less than people, and it's like God fucking damnit. (Garnt laughing) - He had us in the first half. - Yeah he literally has us in the first half and then it's like, God damnit, man. (Connor grunts) - You're so close. - Because it's like the Tiger King documentary, right? They want you to root for Joe Exotic, but they leave out all the racist that Joe was saying. - [Joey] Right. - Yeah. - I don't think I would have rooted for him. (Garnt laughing) - It's just good storytelling, right? - What I find fucking terrifying about the first two episodes of this documentary that I watched- - Sheer amount of information. - Was just the sheer of a sheer amount of information, and the of a sheer amount of intimate information that I probably wouldn't even know about my own life at that age, let alone someone else's life. - So Chris Chan, the one of the first things that opened wide, like the whole trolling thing is that when it was all started, and I'm sure the comments will correct me if I'm wrong on these details, 'cause people are all like Historians about him. I think they call them Christorians? - Christorians. (hosts laughing) - Is what they call themselves. So... - I love that. - Internet Christorians. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - When they first started the dramatica thread about him- - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - The first thing that Chris did was- - Correct it? - Correct it by overloading it with personal information, thinking that they would get bored. But he just gave them everything. - Yeah. - And it was at that point- - Zero privacy. - I knew I was hooked. (Garnt laughing) Because I was fascinated by it. - I couldn't believe that he was the one who invented Sonichu. - Yeah, he's the one who made Sonichu. - 'Cause Sonichu was just... If you don't know what Sonechu is, there's probably a picture of it on the screen, this monstrocity. The massive meme right on the internet. And for the longest time I saw that shit everywhere- - Yeah. - And I was just like, where did this come from? But now I know it's from the brilliant mind of Chris Chan. So thank you for that. - Other good channels that do documentaries, there's a guy called Toad McKinley and he did a two part documentary on Chris Hanson and that whole debacle. It was really good, actually, that was good. - And how long are these documentaries? 'Cause I know you watched more documentaries than both of us combined. - A lot of documentaries you can leave on in the background I feel, like watching the Chris Chan ones, they're so long and often it's basically playing a whole audio clip for 20 minutes. You get the gist. - Yeah, yeah. - It's just a podcast about Chris Chan. (Joey and Garnt laughing) It's just a podcast about Chris Chan with someone else narrating his life. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. - And obviously, I watch J. Aubrey as well. I think J. Aubrey is good friends with Right Opinion. - Yeah I can tell, they're styles are similar, but different enough that, their content stands out for themselves. But I kind of respect that content in the same way where they really know how to break down, how public perception can warp an opinion of a certain person. - I think sometimes coming to channels, I don't like being told what my opinion should be. - Yeah, yeah. - And I feel like sometimes, some narrations, like I think some video in J. Aubrey, the way he narrates would be like, all right, you should think this way. I'm sure he doesn't intend to, that's just the way I perceived it. But I mean, it's still amazing videos. - It's either one way or the other way. Where if commentary channels either, I know you're a fucking clown and I know no one's gonna fucking listen to you. - Yeah. - You know, someone like Kim Star. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - yeah, right. - It's either one way or the other way. And there's so many commentary channels I see that hit that middle ground, and think that they are the fucking Holy grail of opinions. - [Joey And Connor] Yeah. - Where it's just like, dude, it's just- - And then you have some commentary channels that just kind of are commentary channels, like technically speaking, but just the way that they present shit and the topic they choose, just kind of go away from commentary. Like perfect example, who I fucking love watching is Leon Lush. - I love Leon Lush. More humor focused, I think. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - But technically he's a commentary channel, right? Like technically speaking, but the way he presents it and the topics he covers is just like, just so.. It's like Cody Ko, with like the... What's the series that he does, where he cringes at shit? I think it's just called "Cringe". - I don't really watch Cody Ko, or, what's the other guy? Kurtis Conner is the other one? That's like those three, right? Yeah, 'cause I don't really watch them. I watch a lot of... I've really like Danny Gonzales, I think he's really funny. - Mmh! - I think also the stuff he does where he bought... There's this video he made, where he spent like $15,000 on YouTube ads, that was such a fucking video. - I think I've seen that video. - That's such a good video. - I was like, I didn't know who you're talking about, but I remember that, I remember watching that video. - He has such a good personality. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - And Drew Gooden as well, obviously. Have you heard of the channel called "Anxiety War"? - No. - I mentioned it briefly. He basically does how to catch a predator. Like that's his thing. - Right, right, right. - But he's a psychopath. (Garnt laughing) I don't know how you can... He spends all day talking to pedophiles. I don't know how you can do that. Like how do you do that? That's weird, right? - Yeah that is weird. - But he goes and meets up with them and film some. And some of these dudes... There's one dude he met up with that was like eight foot or some shit. This guy's built like a brick shit house. And he turned up pretending to be a girl. (Garnt laughing) - What? - What? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so he goes up... He literally just does how to catch a predator. But instead of going there with armed police and everything, he goes alone with a camera. And I'm like, you're insane. - That's how he die. - Does he have a crew or anything? - No, no, it's just him. He took it with a handheld camera. - How many subscribers does he have? - Oh God, Like over half a million. - I think it's like Chris Hanson hard mode. (hosts laughing) - Yeah, yeah. - One health. - I think one time the predator, one of the... Sorry, one of the predators tried to sue him. One of them did. I didn't know if it worked out, but the guy's got a strange personality as well when you're watching him. I watch him just for fascination, just to see how this guy does it. But man, it's such a weird presenting style and he's constantly giggling to himself while he's recording it. It's really weird, but it's an interesting watch. I don't think it's like... It's something unnerving about watching it, because the content that he's talking about and the way that he's talking about, like... He's talking about how we told someone on Xbox, but it's actually some dude who trying to fuck a kid and it's like, okay, waw! - I'm kinda seeing a pattern when all the content you're recommending and it is very much, you just like the human aspect, a human kind of story behind it, right? - There's a lot of channels that I like that I just think the guy is a fucking weirdo and I don't really like the personality, but I think they're just so fascinating to watch. - I reckon you'd love this channel then that AKI recently recommended to me, called "Soft White Underbelly". - That sounds familiar. - It's this guy who basically... He's like this photographer guy, but he basically goes around streets of LA and stuff like that, and he picks up homeless people for whatever reason and they bring him in to interview them, and kind of like talk about their life and why they're homeless and how they got there and shit like that. So there's ones where he's like, he picks up a dude from the street and asks what he's about. And he ended up being homeless because he raped his mom or something, or did something like this insane crime. And these people just fucking break down on camera and just talking about their life. And it's really raw, but it's so fucking interesting to watch, just because you otherwise would never hear about these people's lives, right? - Yeah. - And there's like no bullshit. There's no snarky commentator or presenter being like, so tell us your story about why you're homeless. It's literally just listening to a dude, try and communicate with this clearly broken person for whatever reason, and you just... Some of these backstories, I'm just like, holy shit! How were you alive? - It's so 50-50 for me with those, especially when they're getting homeless people. 'Cause I'm like, it's such a fine line between, in my eyes being genuine or just taking advantage. - Or this is kind of like reality TV, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - It's kinda like the, I don't know, the backstory Olympics. - You know what I mean? - Like it's an x-factor audition. - Where it's just like okay, who has the worst, most tragic backstory? Who do we want to cheer for, right? - I'm already out, so I'm always like, okay, some of them I could definitely see... God, there was a channel where this guy interviews meth heads and stuff. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but that's a really good channel. But he did like a really raw, emotional issues... - I feel like with the way that you present it... I've seen a bunch of his videos and they all seem pretty fucking genuine. - I mean, if you say so then I trust you. - It's a gut feeling, I've seen the fake ones before, and this one definitely doesn't seem like the fake ones. - Just a lot of them where it's like sad music, royalty three and they've picked up some crackhead. (Garnt laughing) - No, you know, if there's fucking sad music in the back it, it's probably fucking scripted. It's like, you must feel sad now because of the sad music. It's also the sad music, you know they've gone from the YouTube library, 'cause you've heard it a million times before on like other channels. - I see you're also using Kevin Mcloud. (cast laughing) - I was in a shopping mall the other day and I was walking past this makeup section and they were using that fucking ukulele. (cast imitating ukulele sound) Fucking ukulele YouTube stock music. - Oh my God! - That's my favorite piece of music. Just because I can envision every video that uses it. It's like way too fucking white. The white balance is totally off, it's way too bright, way too sunny, the background is way too clean, and it always starts with, "Hey guys." - Hey guys. (laughing) - "Today here's my outfit of the day." - I look back to that period and just think, well, why ukulele? Why did every blogger at one point have a ukulele? - You can't be sad listening to a ukulele. (Garnt laughing) You can't play it like, "Oh shit I'm about to cry." The fucking ukulele like (imitates ukulele music). - But it's also the kind of like, my family is dying around me and I'm crying ukulele. (hosts laughing) Do you guys like "Report Of The Week"? - I love "Report Of The Week". - I love "Report Of The Week". - He is in a league of his own in terms of content. - I also think of him as like a category of creator. Like I can often compare courageous to him in the sense of that's the kind of charm that they have. - Well, what other creators do you think they are like? - Buffcorell? - I was about to say Buffcorell. I wanted to shout out my boy, Buffcorell. Okay, how do you describe Buffcorell as a channel? - It is just, you can never leave one of his videos not being happy. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - Just a guy literally Buffcorrell, that's his name, he's buff. He dances and sings. His singing is horrible, but in such an endearing and funny way that you'd love it. - But the boy can dance. The boy can fucking dance. And he's buff as fuck as well. - Oh my God! I love this man so much. - The first time you watch any of his videos, everyone goes on the same trip where like starts dancing, and you're like, "Okay, this boy can dance." - Please pause this video and go and watch one video then come back. - And then he opens his mouth and it's just like the fucking worst singing you've ever heard. But then he does it with such self-confidence that you're like, "Damn man, I can only respect that." - You know what he is, he's the epitome of this is what I do in my room when I'm alone. (Garnt laughing) But I decided to get a camera and start recording myself. - He's so happy dude. You're just like, "Man, I love it,I love it." - It's so infectious. My dream is to one day have a fucking karaoke sesh with Buffcorell. - With Buffcorell. - Please Buffcorell, come to Japan, we'll have you on Trash Taste and go to a karaoke sesh. That is my fucking dream. (hosts laughing) That is on fucking my list of things to do before I die. - And I love as well the little Easter eggs he throws around. Like the fact that he has a picture of himself on his wall. (Garnt laughing) - I love that, I love that. - The fact that the camera quality is like the same fucking low HD fucking five pixel camera. - It is like, the one thing I love is that he's not even pointing the camera at himself. He's pointing it at a mirror, (hosts laughing) that has a reflection of him. - Epic dude, epic. It's cinematography. - That's the thing. - It's channels like that. Like him and like reported the week where it's like, I don't care if this is a joke or if they're being a hundred percent serious, I'd still entertain. I can't, I like, I would be impressed if they were putting that one. Because there's no way that, that kind of genuine happiness cannot like radiate. - But it's the age old question, right? Like with report of the week, like, is that actually how he is or easy just doing this job until it catches on? - I don't want to know. - Yeah, right? But like, that's like kind of like half the fun of. - I love the memes, I love the memes of (indistinct). - It's kind of just come like this content creator who I feel like they just being themselves, but part of that personality is so infectious that you cannot watch a video and not come out happier. And I mean, I could be having the shittest day, put on a Buffcorell video, I'm like, okay, my day... How can I be sad when he's not sad? You see what I mean? (hosts laughing) How could I be having shitty day? - When totally got these sick move, right? - Exactly man. - Dude, Buffcorell Twitter is the most like blessed coast thing I've ever seen. (hosts laughing) Because like, I think like three times a day he posts a selfie of himself. - Hell yeah. - With like no captions. With like different angles. (hosts laughing) It's the most like... It's like a dude who just loves himself so much, but you can't hate him for it. - I love that, I love that. - It's like, "You have so much self-confidence and man, I respect." - 'Cause it's just like, I can't like quantify into words, but like, what is the line between like vanity and self-confidence. And Buffcorell, he fucking obliterates that line, 'cause he's so vain yet you just feel happy for him. There's no negative feelings- - right. - It's just, ah, I fucking love him man. - There's this channel like that's I don't know why, it gives me reported the week vibes. It might be an insult, I dunno, but... It's called Project Farm, right? All he does is just review like engine oil and tool. (Garnt laughing) Like, and he'll like review like different tapes. - There is truly a channel for everything. - Yeah. - And he's just so... Like there was a video and he reviews like flex tape, gorilla tape and could pass them all, and like, "I don't give a fuck about any of this", but he's so passionate about reviewing these things and it's so genuine. - What's that fucking channel that reviews all of the locks. - Oh, LockPickingLawyer. - LockPickingLawyer, I love as well. - He's like.... I feel like he's like low key, one of the funniest crazies in the platform. - He is, I love it. Indestructible lock in the title, 22nd video. It's like, "Oh, okay, all right. He's just got to pick this." - So LockPicingLawyer is a lawyer and his whole channel. He's like a lockpicking expert. - Yeah. - And he just, it's so funny because he's built up so many in jokes. 'Cause he's insane at picking locks. - Yeah. - And like all his delivery is so dry. - Yeah. (Joey laughing) - He's got like the driest delivery you can ever imagine. But that's why every time he makes a joke, it just hits every time. (laughing) - There was a video that he made for April fools, that was breaking into my girlfriend backdoor. - Yeah. (laughing) - It was like, ex-girlfriend right. - My girlfriend's back door. - Oh, it was so funny, it was so funny. - It's like, "She didn't let me in the front door, so I guess I have to go in through the back door now." (Garnt and Joey lauhing) - And then there was like rust on the key that he actually put things like, I've got to get rid of the brown residues. I was like hahahaha! (Joey laughing) - He's just gotta make sure the hole is like well lubricated so he can fit in the key and everything. - [Joey] I love that shit dude. - Like normally anyone else, this would be like third grade humor, but he's like the way he delivers it- - It's the dry shoot for me, fucking kills me. - Such a good channel, such a good channel. Fuck, Who else is like- - I think one of my favorite video of his was like when... I can't remember the exact video name, but it was like some guy who had sent him a lock that's he tried to get picked by like a professional lock picker or something- - And he said was it was impossible. - Yeah, and he said he was impossible, but I saw this one guy on YouTube do it, and he just destroys this lock in seconds. (hosts laughing) - It's like, if you can do it in less than two minutes, I think the challenge was, and he did it in like 10 seconds. (Garnt laughing) Like he just, he sees a lock and it's already picked when he picked it up. Like, I don't know how this man does it. - It's just hockey, man. He's just like hockey, like on locks. - And it's the best part is there's no to these videos. - There's no arrogance. He just he's someone that he doesn't need to flex. You know what I mean? - he Just really funny. - He's just really good. - Like there's minimal intro, that all three minutes long, but you get exactly what you want. You normally end up like laughing or giggling. Like it's just such a video. - I love this like non bullshit channels. Like, I like Daily Dose Of Internet as well, just because it's just no bullshit. Here's just like Read it top page. With no filler, you know what I mean? - From what I've seen on Twitter, he's such a nice dude as well. - Yeah. Yeah, exactly. (Connor laughing) - So, okay, this is like super... I guess it's kind of old, but do you know "Imaqtpie". - Yes. - You know "Imqtpie". He was an actually a league pro. - Yeah. - All right. - He one of a streamer now, isn't it? - He streamer now. And like, I wanna talk about him cause like, I just think he's so funny and he's like, he looks like a homeless man, that's like the joke. - Yeah. - And for like, I don't know why, but for like six months in my life, I could not get to sleep unless his videos are playing in the background. (Joey laughing) He's got such a chill voice. - He does have like that chill Jesus vibe, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Right, right, right. - It sounds like he's permanently stoned. - That's exactly what I thought. He's just so chill. - [Garnt And Joey] Yeah. - And yeah, no, I mean, he hasn't been uploading that much recently cause I think he been going through some stuff, but I love your channel, man. Keep it up, I love you, man. (Garnt laughing) Man, what are the channels do you guys like? - I mean, if we're talking about league streamers or league content creators- - Gbay. - There's one content creator I- - All right, now I head out. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - There's one content I want to shout out, which is Gbay99, which I follow. I've been following his channel for a long while. And he used to make like very, let's say like,you know- - Youtubury videos. - Youtubury leaked videos, which is just like, wrote a diamond where he basically tries to get his account to like high diamond or high master or whatever. But recently it's been... You know when you see a content creator evolve and you feel like that fat black proud father, that's been me with Gbay. (Connor and Joey) Because recently he's been starting to do these really in-depth league documentary where- - And even if you don't like league, I still enjoy it cause it's such a good story. - Yeah. Because he basically breaks down some of the most interesting stories in terms of like the league E-sports scene, because he has two passions. He's really passionate about sports and he's really passionate about league, right? So what he does, is he basically makes these league documentaries that are basically just sports documentaries, right. - Yeah. - And he goes through this entire history or this narrative and breaks down like it's a a big sporting event. You know what I mean? - If you like Summoning Salt you'll like him. I think he's also sending videos that he's been inspired. The reason why I started doing that content was cause he Summoning Salt doing it- - Right, right, right. - And obviously, you know, speed running is really specific. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And he thought, okay, well I can make it about league. - Okay. - 'Cause it's been great because I've seen his transition, 'cause he like, he used to make videos. He's one of those people that made video dailies, right? And then he got to this point where he was just like completely burnt out, and I then he became the update video channel. (hosts laughing) There was a period in his career where like every two videos was an update video. And he was like, "I'm working on something big and I'm just, there's a new direction in my channel." And then he made like his first big documentary, and then he went from uploading every day to uploading once every three months. But it's like, what every one of his videos is a banger now. - Right. - Because every one of his... Every story he chooses to present is like super interesting. And as someone who didn't... I was like, before I came out as an anime fan or something, I would like pretend to be like a sports fan and everything like that. - Right, right. - And so seeing him presents league in the same way, that's in the same depending way that I see a lot of like sports documentaries and sports fans talk about their own sports, was like so refreshing, 'cause nobody did it for him. And I thought it was just like so obvious that someone could do this basically. - Right, right. - There's also a Exil who does like super, that's more like league stories about Champions. - Still pretty good there. - Yeah, I really enjoy Exil. - But that's like hot to recommend to people who don't know league. - Yeah. - What are some gaming creators that you like apart from the Pokemon ones? Okay, do you watch Angry Video Game nerd? - Every now and then I do. I like, cause I kind of grew up watching AVGN and I liked going back cause like all of his old stuff is on YouTube still. - I know, I know, I love it. - I love going back and watching like the Spiderman episode. Like that's still my favorite one. - I think it's just nice in YouTube, where the platform which is constantly changing, everything's changing. - Yeah. - It's just nice having an anchor, like Angry Video Game Nerd. - Yeah. - It's just a constant, right? Like, you know, whether I enjoy the content, it depends on the video, right? But It's just nice having a creator who's consistent, no drama, just constantly makes bangers like. - Well, I think recently he made an earthbound video, which was fucking such a good video. - I mean, every so often I go back and see like the parallels between what happened to Angry Video Game Nerd and what happened to Nostalgia critic, right? - It's kinda crazy, yeah. (Joey laughing) - It's... - Oh my God! Oh my God! - It's so gearing to see the evolution or- - They were like the top two. - They were the top two fucking media critic reviewers, and just seeing like Angry Video Game Nerd being the anchor. and whatever the fuck happened to Nolstagia- - Did you see his game show? - No, I did it. - Yeah, he did game show. He funded it like via crowd funding. He channel called them Ralphthemoviemaker, I don't if you know who that is? He does really good movie reviews, really funny guy. Really like Gordon Ramsey asked, like just really brutal. - Yeah. - It's Pretty funny. Don't agree with this takes always, but yeah, pretty good, good channel. But he did a video about the Nostalgic Critics Game Show and it is bad. Like, it looks like a school project and they spent like $50,000 on it. - Right. - And It's garbage, like it is bad. - Have you like... Remember that period in like YouTube reviewers, where they had to have like a story behind random reviews. Do you remember that period where it was like channel awesome. - Actually two hour views, remember that? Unlike the first 30 minutes it was like a garbage skit. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Whereas Amy Jean was like, I can do that, but condense it into like 15 minutes, max. - I think it's because it's also mega cheesy. Whereas like, I think Nostalgia Critic is, they're like the same thing, right? - Yeah. - The same quality, but almost, I mean, that's kind of, haven't insulted him, but they're kind of the same thing where they're like, cheesy, obviously like- - Very tongue in cheek. - Very tongue and cheek- - The playing in character as well. - But obviously the two wanted to be seen different. - Nostalgia Critic wanna be seen as like mega professional, as Angry Video Game Nerd. This happy being like, it's tongue in cheek, it's camp. - Yeah, exactly. - [Joey] Yeah. - And that's so endearing, whereas seeing the Nostalgia Critic try to be like, you know, what's the movie he made? It was like called The Holy Grail or something, that was like two hours long and it was terrible. - I swear like, Nostalgia Critic has done so many side projects that have just ended up being absolutely shit. Like he made... (Garnt laughing) He made a fucking parody album of Pink Floats The Wall. (Connor and Grant shouting) - Oh my God, I remember that. - And I didn't, as someone who's like, The Wall is like one of my favorite fucking albums. It's an album that's adored by everybody, the movie as well it's amazing. And then I listened to that album, I got like two songs in and I'm just like, "I can't." But then I watched fucking Needle Drops- - Yeah. - As he absolutely destroying it, and I'm like, "Yes, this is why I love you, Anthony." It was so fucking good. - 'Cause it was just seeing a creator just trying to do something that was so unnecessary. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? Like it's, like you said, it was someone who obviously wanted to be respected and be seen as like someone who did something great, but it was just so like... How can I do, how can I word this? If you- - Self-indulgent. - Yeah, it was very self-indulgent, you know. - And it was extra like cringy as well, just like seeing that. Like he was clearly trying to be like funny and edgy about it. Being like, "I'm gonna trash all over this album that everybody loves." I'm like, "Not everyone likes this album dude, like just chill out." - Nolstagia Critic is a OG YouTube channel that reviewed movies, by the way. (Garnt laughing) - Did we explain that? - Did we mention that by the way? - I'm sure that everyone who's listening to this episode give somewhat about YouTube. - Never mind about him, watch TheNeedledrop, he's great. I fucking love him. (indistinct) - He was in New York times as well recently, that was cool. - Oh yeah, true, true. I almost never agree with his opinions, but hell that guy can talk. - But that's the thing I like about critics. The good ones on YouTube is that like, I don't have to agree with them, but like damn, they're entertaining. - Yeah, there Input is still interesting, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I think like there's a lot of movie channels like that. Like YourMovieSucksDOTorg. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I like his channel a lot. He's did a really good video on like the Lion King and Kimba comparisons. It was like two hours fucking long. - Yeah. - It's a really good video. I've really like a channel. I mean, obviously don't agree with all the opinions. - There's also, probably one of my favorite movie, critic guys is a guy called SpookyRice. - Oh, I showed you that right? - Yeah, I think you and AKI were like super into it. - I showed AKI 'cause I wanted that like, cause he reviewed like- - All the horrible worst horror movies. - They're are like worst horror, it's disgusting movies. - Yeah. - And he manages to be able to sit through it enough times that he can write a comprehensive review about it. (Garnt laughing) But you just, none of it comes in because he shows it as well when it happens. - But imagine that YouTube, Ukulele music, that kind of personality reviewing like a horror thing like, "Yeah, so then he ate the Shit" and it's like, "What?" Why are you saying it like it's a..." - I didn't really like that scene though. (hosts laughing) - I fucking love this wall he's intro, which is a, like, he like- - Kokue or something? - He's like cure the Kohan. (hosts laughing) And then he's like, has a logo and then creepy go horns just like shows up, I'm like... There's no, there's nothing, he just likes Kohan. I guess I'm like, all right, I respect that. - What's your opinion on like YouTube intros? (Joey sighs) 'Cause I personally don't use it. - I sometimes I think that I have to do it to explain roughly what's gonna, like the premise. 'Cause sometimes the title doesn't really explain it and I wanna explain it. I mean, I just- - I try to keep it to a minimum. - Yeah, my intro is like two, three seconds. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You know, I'm not like fucking AVGN where I have a fucking theme song attached to it. - I don't mind if you have an intro, if it likes serves a purpose, but the ones where it really, really me off, I like tutorials. - [Joey] Yeah. (laughing) - Oh my fucking God! - I hate tutorial channels or help channels that have a into. - It's not even a tutorial or help channel, fucking, I don't know why every time I would wanna look for a Sony Vegas tutorial, there's always that fucking (Connor mimics beat) - Always fucking editing some Cod footage. (Connor laughing) I don't know why it's always Cod, right? (Joey claps) - And then on top of that, they make a bullshit like four, five minute intro trying to put in their personality. I don't care, I just wanna know how to edit thing. - Okay, so you picture it, right? You're trying to install windows, you get to the guy like, "Yo, what's up fam. We just hit 5,000 subs. I think we can get 6,000 if you really liked this show. If you liked this video, don't forget to comment, like, subscribe. Because today we're gonna be reviewing the window installer. (Garnt laughing) And when we break down the windows installer..." And it's like, "Oh my God! Just tell me how to install windows." And then it's like literally like 10 seconds. - If we hit 500 likes, I'll do a windows eight installer. - You know is redundant when you Google search on I'm like how to solve X problem. And they pull up the YouTube video that you need, and literally skip a minute and a half ahead to be like, "Here, Google's like here. Here's where I think you'll enjoy starting." You don't need this fucking- - Even the Google system is aware of how shit and pointless the intro is. (Garnt laughing) - I've optimized it. What I do is two monitors, right? So the tutorial one tab, and you go to text on the main tab. So if you go through the text... And if you can find it on the text before it gets mentioned in the video, you win. - Yeah. - No, it's so fucking shitty, right? Because you have this like minute and a half of intro. So what you do, is you start watching at times two speed, then the tutorial itself, they speed through the information so fast that you're like, "Whoa, Whoa, hold on a second there." And you have to skip back to be like, "Yo, yo. It-" - It could be like a five minute video and the tutorials is like the last 30 seconds. - Yeah, exactly right? (hosts laughing) - So egregious. - Oh my God! - What are some... I have some other gaming channels that I think- - I got some gaming channels as well. - I know that you watch Darkk Mane as well. I think dark Mane is really funny. - Yeah. - Really good comedic delivery like jokes, he's literally the definition of jokes that aren't funny, but when you deliver them well, they're just so fucking hilarious. - Yeah, yeah. - [Joey] Right, yeah. - He's so funny and I met him once, I don't think he remembers because he's very briefly, but he was super, he was the exact same as his videos. - Yeah. - He blew up at Lee content, but he does general gaming stuff as well. - Yeah. - All right. - Just a really odd guy, just really funny. - Is he exactly like he is in his videos? - When I met him he seemed like that. - Okay. - I, so he does- - That's always endearing, isn't it? - He does like, a very like, what's that, dry delivery of unfunny jokes, sometimes funny jokes. - Yeah. - But either way, it's always funny. - Right, right. - And I met him in real life and he was wearing like, he was dressed up as Thanos. (hosts laughing) And he had like purple, 'cause he's purple- - Right, right, right. - He had like a glove on. And I met him, and he for some reason, he just like completely unrelated. He was like, "I'm Thanos." And I was like, "Oh, I see that." - Sick. - I was like, "Okay." (hosts laughing) and I was like, "All right." 'Cause I met his friend RedRiotRoss as well, He's really funny dude. - Right. - Really nice guy, makes great content. I think also who would come? - Yeah, one of my favorite gaming content creators is Core-A Gaming. - About the fighting game stuff. - Yeah, a funny game. Like he does some of the best analytical content on YouTube, in my opinion. Because his content is all about fighting games, but he breaks it down in a way that's so general, that anyone, that one makes you interested in fighting games, even though I have zero interest in fighting games. You know what I mean, I have zero interest, zero knowledge about finding games. I come out of a Core-A Gaming video, I'm like, "Yeah, you know-" - You are the type of dude who sees a how to tutorial and like, how to stop fishing guns. It's buying a rod on Amazon. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Like that is so gone, gone gets in. You've watched the AlphaGo documentary, right? - Yeah. (laughing) - And like the next week after I watched this documentary about geos, I want to buy a geoboard. (Joey and Garnt laughing) Let's play geo. (hosts laughing) - No, because I, like my one niche is watching videos I have zero interest in. - I like that to. - But watching like, watching a content creator, basically be able to break it down in a way that makes me interested in it- - That's true. - That is my niche and interests. And that is what I wanna do with like anime, to like with my own content. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And that's like the content creator I respect. So like with Core-A Gaming, he like breaks down fighting games on like, I think like a social level. He goes into like the psychology, of why people act the way they do in fighting games. Like he unlike some... I honestly, I think like every video he's done is the banger when it's like an analysis video. - [Joey] Okay. - But he literally like breaks down the psychology of what goes into, like the fighting game community, why salt in the fighting game community is like such a big thing. (Joey laughing) And he also has like some really interesting stories in between all of this analysis. - Right. - And it's just like the complete package. It's everything you want in an analytical video, but it's just fighting games. But you can have zero interest in fighting games and you can appreciate what he does. Because a lot of his analysis can be applied to pretty much just life in general. - Right, right. - Like he, there's a lot of like key ends. A lot of his videos with like a nice little message. You know what I mean? Which can be applied to a lot of things in life. - Like something you can take away. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I do need to watch more of his stuff because I don't think I'm sad, but- - Yeah, you gotta check them out. - I think another sure the gaming channels I like, obviously the LilKirbs who does the Mario speed runs. - Yeah. - He did the ship post of all time. Because obviously Dunkey, which we all like. - Yeah. - Is that the guy who does the bows is big- - Yes, so Dunkey did like the whole joke in his Mario maker video. If you guys don't know Dunkey, I mean you should know Dunkey. He's at the biggest gaming channel. - Yeah. - He did a video where he like made his own level and got the world record on it, and was like bragging about it. - Yeah. - And then obviously Dunkey makes any excuses in his videos when he can't beat a Mario maker level. Like, "Oh, you know, my little brother was playing. I was playing with a USB steering wheel." - I was blind folded, yeah. - So this YouTube Qaeda LilKirbs, who also is just a God at Mario. Like an absolute God, who gets like the world record on everything. I think he's won like every Nintendo speed run competition- - Yeah. - On Mario maker. - Right. - He did a video where he obviously did Dunkey's course blindfolded with a steering wheel. - It's so fucking good. Like I love that level of thing. - It was such an amazing shit post, but there's also like a second layer of enjoyment actually see him do. - Like he's actually insane. - He's actual fucking God at it. - It's sheer posting has gotten to the point where you need to be like, the sheer posting itself is just your pure skill. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - It's insane, it's so good. And also other gaming creators I like, I don't know if you see Nitro Rad. He does just like- - I know the name. - He does 40 minute like essays on gaming. And it's just like, it's not that warm feeling of like watching YouTube in 2014. - Right, right. - Just being coze it up, you know. Just watching someone talking about video games. Really like just be passionate. - Yeah. - I don't think... I think there's nothing that's like, "Oh my God, he's hilarious." Or like, there's nothing that's like mega. Like, "Wow, it should be unique." Just all round, just a great package. - [Joey] Right, right. - Yeah. - Just super such a nice guy and just seems really into it and really loves his gaming upstarts. - That's always the best, isn't it? one game on YouTube where I like a... I kind of respect for a different reason is a RelaxAlax. - [Garnt And Connor] Mmmh! - Just because like, I got into him because he did this like amazing analytical view on persona five. - [Garnt] Right. - [Connor] Yeah. - And like, I respect him because his editing is fucking next level. - [Garnt And Connor] Yeah. - And it's like, it's so bittersweet watching a dude who is like relatively not that big on the YouTube sphere. Who can just crank out like just these incredibly well edited videos, right? I mean like, the whole reason why I, you know, our editor Mudan, the reason why I got into his stuff is because that dude's editing on his videos is fucking next level, right? And it's just like, I don't know. I respect him as a Youtuber and as someone who edits like videos on One note and I'm just like, if anything, I've gotten a lot of like good editing ideas, like creative ideas from his videos. Being like, "Oh shit, I never thought to do something like that. But that's pretty cool." - I felt bad for the dude when he got in a bit of drama. - Yeah, he did, didn't he? - And I think he was like... I mean, I don't know what was right and wrong- - [Joey] Yeah. - Yeah. - But I think that he was uploading a lot of videos about it to his channel, and I was like, "Dude, I don't think you should upload this many videos." - Yeah, yeah. - I think he uploaded like two videos and the insisted for a week about it. And I was like, "No, don't do this man." - Just double down dude, we've established this, just double down. (hosts laughing) - I do wanna also mention that if we did recommend Youtubers that turnout to have done some up stuff. Yeah, we don't know that, we're just recommended based on purely content. - Yeah. - We're separating the creators from the creation as much as possible. - And also we don't follow everything going on and everything. - Yeah. I mean a lot of these dudes, we just watch and like the content, we don't keep up with what they do in their personal life. Whatever they do, that's on them. But like, yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure one of these crazy mentioned is gonna be like, "They've promoted someone." - Yeah. - They touch the kid or something, I don't know. - Exactly right. - 'Cause obviously when you PewDiePie recommended YouTube as he got in shit for that? - Yeah. - All right. - I mean, yeah, I wanna make that known that any creatives that we recommend, please hunt us for it. - [Joey] Yeah. - Also finally one, I have one last gaming creator that I want to recommend. So I've been watching this guy for like forever. He's called like Caddicarus. And he did like... His whole thing way back was just a dude who used to do just PS1 game reviews. - Right. - And it was kind of sad because I felt like he'd stagnated for a long time, just doing PS1, PS2 games. And it was kind of like, "Alright, nice." He wasn't really growing much. And then I'd say like last year he really turned it around and started doing some really good videos, like insane amounts of effort. - All right. - Right. - Like hour long videos about like skateboarding games, and it's really update. In like, the amount of edits in this dudes videos are insane. - Yeah. - and he's just broadening out a lot more and it just making some really good right now. So if you like gaming content, and also he's British, and it feels sometimes like his jokes are like British kids TV show. - Yeah. - And it's like, it's weird. (Joey laughing) Because like, you can see. - But how so. - Very stupid and very like... I don't know, very crack Heady. (Joey and Garnt laughing) And it feels very childish at times- - Right. - But it's just, it's good, and you know, if you're a 12 year old, you can enjoy it. - Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And if you are 24 year old like I am, you can still enjoy it. And it's a bit silly, but it's good. - Are we talking like poopoopiipii levels of show. - Sometimes, yeah, sometimes. (Garnt laughing) - I'd dig for that, I thought of that. - It's just like, it's just nice. Like you said earlier, it's nice seeing a creator just step it up- - Yeah. - yeah. - And really like, I just want to give credit where credit's due and- - It's especially nice to see a creator step up when they haven't made 70 videos about them leveling up. It's like, just level up. - 'Cause it's hard, right, when you're creator, when you're stagnating. I've been there- - Yeah. - But it's really hard to just be like, "You know what, fuck it." I'm gonna put all this effort in, I'm gonna take a risk. It might not work. - Just try something new. - And like, most of the time it doesn't work out, but you have to keep it up. You have to keep taking those risks to get those awards. - Yeah. - And it's nice seeing... 'Cause I can relate somebody who is stuck in doing black butler for like two years. I can really relate to getting out of it, and I really wanna give credit where credit it's due. - Yeah. - Yeah. - 'Cause I think, I feel like there is a space for update videos, but at the end of the day, the audience, like for the most part, don't really give a shit. You know what I mean? If you're gona drop something big, then just drop something big. - Yeah. - If you're not, then your like... What you can convey in an update video can be conveyed within your next project. - Right. - Unless it's gonna be like, I'm gonna be away for like a month or two. You know what I mean? And at this point, that's just like calling in sick for your boy. You know what I mean? (hosts laughing) Like, "Right gang, I'm not gonna be uploading for a month, just calling in sick." - Yeah. - It's also the element of surprise, right? - Yeah. - Like I've noticed that like whenever I upload something big or something completely different, with no pre-warning whatsoever, it usually does better than if you do give some kind of hints to it because people aren't expecting it. And therefore I think it gets people talking about it more. - Yeah. - I think it's unfortunate but at the end of the day, YouTube, it doesn't recognize the comments, it doesn't recognize any of that. It recognized clicks and watch time. - Right. - Yeah. - So if you can get that, that's a bigger statement than being like, "Hey guys, I'm gonna do some big." - Yeah, exactly. - One, one niche Youtuber I wanna recommend is Marshall McGee. And he is basically a professional sound designer who breaks down sound designs in like games and movies and anime. - Oh, cool. - And it's like, I feel like, because he's only had like 50,000 subscribers. - Okay. - But I feel like, it's because sound design is such a niche topic that nobody thinks about, but he breaks it down into like basically, he hears like a sound from like dark souls or something. And he was like, "Okay, here's how I would like make the sound." And he like breaks down this entire process of like layering- - Oh, it's really hard. - Every sound he does. And it just like, I feel like sound design is one of those topics that just doesn't get enough appreciation. - Oh yeah, it's insane. - And I feel like a channel like Marshall McGee, like breaking down, what actually goes into this, is like super interesting as well. Just like how much effort and like knowledge it takes to be like, okay, this is what I think. Like how would you take a sound that doesn't exist and like create it in your head, and like actually make the sound that you hear in your head into an actual SFX. - Yeah, I mean, it's like the cartoon sounds like a Boeing. Like what makes a Boeing sound? Nothing makes a Boeing sound effect. - Yeah. - I remember seeing a video a while back. I don't know if it's still up. It's really all video of this guy who broke down, one sound, in one cartoon and it was the fucking... You know in Scooby-Doo, you know when they go running. Like when the... - The running sound. (mimics) - That sound, it was just a breaking down how they made that sound of why it's so iconic, and just finding out what it was and like how they made it in shit, and like how they came up with that idea. I was like, how do you even think of that? - Yeah, exactly. - It's just so... It's something that you just weren't expecting. It's like, Oh, it's probably just like a bunch of mallets. It's like, Nope, completely wrong. - Yeah. - It's also strange, I mean like, we think about getting punched. When you punch, it doesn't make it punch sound. You just get punched. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Garnt and Connor laughing) There was another video where I saw like a Foley artist explaining like how the Hollywood makes the punching sounds. - Yeah. - And they break leak to break bones and stuff like that. - It's like break of saller rift and make bones crack and shit like that. It's like, shit's so interesting. - Yeah. - I definitely do watch a lot of like music based Youtubers, - Right? - Yeah, I think some music ones are like, there's a guy called Joe Jeremiah. He doesn't upload much, but he just like melodies of like games and animated shows from piano. It's really good. - Okay. - Just melodies, feel like maladies. - We counting the SethEverman is like a- - SethEverman- - SethEverman is shit post channel. - Yeah. - That's the one thing I fucking love about the music Youtuber community, is that- - There shit posting game is on another fucking level. - It's so shit posty and yet they're all so fucking talented. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - I know, right? - Obviously like Davie504 as well. - Yeah, Davie504 and like SethEverman and other one, and like, even like Jon Sudano was another one. Like the fat dude who like- - Oh yeah, yeah. - He did covers all this songs by the replaceable lyrics with SmashMallow. (hosts laughing) - Shittyflute as well. - Oh yeah, Shittyflute. - I dunno, like a lot of the music content are like consumers, mostly just shit posting. - Oh, yeah. - You know what I mean? - And music channels... - There literally so much you can do with it and they've gotten really creative with shit posting- - Yeah, yeah. - Ten Second Songs is another one- - That really good as well. - It's like super talented dude, but at the end of the day, you finish the video and you're like, "I just watched the post." (hosts laughing) That was a post, but it was so good. - But you guys to watch any like, like horror YouTubers. (whispers) - Define horror Youtubers? - Like just talk about horror. - Like Corpse Husband and stuff like that. - Not really. - Corpse Husband isn't horror, is it? Or it used to. - I mean, he use to do like creepy pasta stuff, right? - I guess so. - Yeah. - Just could pasta like that. - Like MrCreepyPasta and stuff like that. - I don't want MrCreepyPasta. I met him in real life, I think. - Oh really, did you? - Yeah. - How was he? - Thlod. (hosts laughing) - I hope he doesn't watch this. (hosts laughing) I mean, I feel like it takes a quirky personality, right? - Yeah. - He was nice but, you know, out by my British. I mean, 'cause most Americans aren't. I'm tryna save this now. (hosts laughing) You were very pleasant, but I guess you were a little bit off, right? (Garnt laughing) - Wait, don't we have an entire clip that which is like Americans are different species. - Oh yeah, we have. - Yeah, yeah, we do. - Check out that clip. - There obviously ReingBot who did the Mr. Anime videos. - Oh, that one. My unexpected cameo in that one. - Yeah. - Nexpo does some pretty good ones as well. I really like his video of Redditors Dive Into Turmoil. That's really good, have you seen that? - No. - That's about where the woman who asked a subreddit help. Man has to help subreddit take custody of the kids. And then the wife killed them both when she saw the subreddit. - Yaikes - And it's just really, really- - I know that story. - I have showed you. It's a really, like... You just didn't expect the video to go that way. It's a really just chilling video. And I highly recommend. I mean I've spoiled it, I recommend it. - We all know the best horror channel is a Chills. My boy Chills. - Oh God! (laughing) - The greatest- - No 10, burger King foot. - Dude, I can't tell you how happy I was that I was in one of his videos. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - And he said my name, I was like, I've made it as a YouTuber. Like, it's peak. - Have you seen the video where he just talks. He's such a genuine and nice guy as well. - Like- - Chills. - Yeah, because like that's just how he talks, right? - Yeah, that's how he talks. - Because everybody thinks he's like purposely trying to make this like annoying accent, but like videos where he just like talks off script. That's just how he talks. - You wanna give him a high five. - Yeah. - So nice bless him. - Dude, Chills I fucking love you. You're like, please come onto the podcast. It would be the most basic sounding podcast. - Also a guy who popped up not too long ago, Barely Sociable. He does really good videos. He did a really good video on the silk road as well. - Oh, I might've seen that. - What's a Silk road. - It was the website that was famous on the deep web for selling drugs. - Oh, okay. - And I thought it was some like mastermind criminal organization, but it turned out it was just some dudes, like petty and fighting about getting trolled. - I feel like I've seen a lot of these guys' content on like my recommended. And I've watched it. It's because like, it's not the type of content I would subscribe to. But if it's like, if it's an interesting enough topic, I'm willing to click on anything on my recommended. - What about educational channel voice. What educational channels do you guys watch? - Oh! - I mean Vsauce is the one that- - I didn't really upload. - They haven't bought in a while, but is it even Vsauce source anymore? Cause he like, he's doing like minefield or mine. Yeah. I haven't seen any other channel called Dong. Do you remember that? And then YouTube forced him to change it to like Ding, because Dong was obviously- - See was like penis, yeah. - I can't believe that, that's awful. - Are we counting like engineering video educational? - Yes, of course. - Because I feel like engineering has had like a resurgence within this past few years. Thanks to creators like Michael Reeves, Willam Osman. - Mark Rober. - And Mark Rober. - Like I wish they were around when I was in fucking university. - Yeah, right. - Because I didn't know engineering could be cool until they started making content man. (laughing) - I think especially like the posting ones like Michael Reeves. I mean I found Michael Reese when he was doing like, when he was branded as like the laser guy. - Yeah. - He made one video about a laser pointing in his eye and for like months, his channel was like everything. - He was the laser dude. Yeah. And it was so it's so cool seeing and blow up and also just making engineering. Cool. Yeah. Like William Osman and Mark Robert. - I think, I think the latest video, the latest creator I discovered was a stuff made here. I love stuff, man. He's just, he's just like someone who is just, I don't, I don't know what it is about him that like stands out like even more. Cause he's not, he's not a poster one. No, no. He's, he's like a very serious engineering one, but he just makes these really cool contraptions and some of the stuff he makes takes so much effort. It's insane. - How high the bar? The bar, like the bar for like good engineering. The explosive bat. Yeah. What the? Like, like he made a baseball bat, but it has like four shells in it when you hit it. It explodes and object to thing that yeah. Yeah. Basically he basically the concept was he wanted to make a baseball bat that anyone could use to like get a home run. Right, right, right. I'd like to, to like, yeah. Break the world record for home run. And so he, just puts shotgun shells into this baseball bat and he breaks down his entire process about how to make this feasible. And it's like the first, the first problem he had to overcome was like, he, he made a baseball bat that worked, but anyone who would use it would break that arm if they used it. Right. And it's like his level or his like knowledge and level of engineering is just like on a different scale. Fantastic presentation and great presentation. There's actually a Japanese, YouTube. I don't watch many Japanese. Yeah. But because frankly they're all quite man, but there's one Japanese Ichiba who like blew up recently or like quite recently who's like kind of like, he's like halfway between engineering and just absolute post. Okay. And, and he does these videos where it's basically just him having fun. It's the guy who like a himself on like a call. Yes. Yeah. He, he does like, he basically is like, he was the one who popularized the, if you carve out a watermelon and then you boil salt water to a thousand degrees and you pour it in the watermelon explodes, I found that he did apparently, but like the UN a recent one that he did was like, he was like, I love popcorn. So I'm going to make a, I think it was like a 50 meter, long popcorn container and just fill it up with popcorn. And then he did that and it's massive and it's all filled up with popcorn, but then he took it one step further and he invited his friends and he pranked them by making this fake room in his studio so that the popcorn would fall in as if it would keep into the house. And it was insane. And the videos are so short. He just manages like condense that it's like a five minute kind of like, it sounds like David doebrick right. Just doing it. Same thing is he, he just does the most insane. Like there was another one where he like, you know, he, he wanted to replicate the, the force of someone going into space, but obviously you couldn't afford a rocket. So what he did was he created this contraption where it would explode underneath him and it would just inject, it flew like 50 meters into the air and like almost broke his neck and he's just laughing the entire time. I'm like this guy's a psycho, but he's so fun to watch. And Japanese cubes are like insane, but that's the thing. It's like, he's a Japanese teacher, but like he can only speak Japanese and all that, but he just presents things. It's so visual that you don't have to understand what he's saying to be such an entertaining video. Like we're getting, we're now getting to the point in YouTube, where to stand out, you need to like have genuine qualifications and experience behind the stuff you do, because it's like some of these, a lot of these creators that we've mentioned can easily get jobs. - In the, in their field, in their professional field. I mean, decos, I think he's only like 18, am I like a wizard engine? - Jesus Christ. I mean, it goes to show that right. Cause like the quality of the engineering is like so insane at this point. Then you have like the top channels that doing it. Like, Oh my God. Yeah. Like I have an engineering degree and I'm like baffled. - Like apps three years. I have a master's in engineering and some of the stuff they're coming up with this, just like, man, this is, this is this what I would have done if I had stayed in my engineering course. - And he made the surgery robot. Oh yeah. what the? I, I met him as well. And he was like the nicest dude ever. Right. Like, because we were at the anime awards and he was leaving and we didn't really get a chance to talk much. Now came over just to say bye to me. Like. - It sounds like, wow, dude, like people don't normally do that. That's really fun. I mean. - And Lily Petri was super nice. Yeah. Like what I've seen the offline TV crew just seemed like great. Yeah. Trashy stuff like TV collab. When. - When the world opens, when the world opens up and we can fly to places or that I can fly to places who the knows. - So many educational channels. Like obviously like everyone wants you to CPG gray. Yeah. To watch Tom Scott. - Yeah. Where's Tom Scott. I subscribe to Tom Scott, but man, his videos will not leave my room. He says one of those channels that I just know we've got, like, I don't even need to subscribe to your channel. - I used to, I used to, whenever I used to go to the YouTube studio in London, he's always there. I just editing his videos and I never said hi. Cause I felt bad editing, but. - He seems like a machine. I respect, I respect because I respect his work ethic because he has like a schedule. I don't know how he's able to upload. So consistently with like the, the amount of videos he has. - Corona and he's somehow still going abroad. - I like, he has like really interesting ideas. So consistently like his, his video where, where it was about like this video has X amount of views that just fall back guy. He's the one he made there. Yeah. Yeah. I knew, I knew his name was familiar. Yeah. - We don't have red shirts. That guy. - And what, what impresses me the most actually is how he's able to present his information with like zero cuts it. Like without a script, just, just in, just in one test. How does he do that? - You get like a Disani video about like the Sony, the water bottle. It's like a five minute video. Does it all in one tape, down the street. And I'm like, what? Like. - How are you doing? This is so professional. So good. I'm reading off a script. And even I need like five takes to get one. - I do love the memes of like, Oh, I'm here. Have you seen those memes? Right? - Yeah. Breaking, breaking down. The Tom Scott. - Obviously this cook has got cook is because everyone loves him. I mean. - Well, we're going to notch. Wasn't he? Like, didn't he try to change his name to like in a nutshell, start in a nutshell. Yeah. I like Veritasium as one of these really good terms. Amazing. Yeah. - Real life. - Yeah. Real life. Like obviously smarter every day as well. Do you guys watch, I've seen Mike Boyd, the guy like loons things like he'll like spend like a week just learning something and you know, he won't stop the video until he does it. So like, he'll learn how there's one video where he learned to us shattered glass with his voice. I feel like I've seen that everywhere. I feel like it's really good. And he just learns like completely useless. - I know, I know a boy in a band did kind of a parody of that where he learned to sing in 30 days. Oh yeah. Yeah. That was cool. Yeah. Which was really cool. Yeah. Pretty good. - Highly recommend it. There's also like casually, casually explained is also kind of similar to like. - I, I, so like is, is he educational or is he meme? Do you know? Do you know. - Salmonella, salmonella? He does like casually explained, but. - Because, because here's the thing, I think that's the part, that's the thing like there's like, there's like engineering and what educational Youtubers are. Then there's like casualty, planes and tear zoo who are just like, I mean the, the tape, what they say is technically correct. Right. Is anyone actually watching them to be like educated? Really? Nah, probably not. Have you watched Jewish Jay foreman? I do not watch. - He does videos mainly about London, like history of London and stuff. And like, it's just so insane. How well produced these videos are. I also met him ages ago. He doesn't remember because he was like four years ago. Yeah. And he's just obsessed with London and, but his videos are so well done. And it's so funny. And like, he'll, he'll just do a shot where he's just in the middle of the street in London for like two seconds. But he has to get a camera man. He had to get, they had to set it all up. It's like, it's in the same. Wow. And it's just all to talk about London. Most of the time I'd highly recommend it. If you like just general history about London. - Fair enough. I mean recently, like I've definitely found myself. I used to not watch a lot of the YouTube videos from like the really like big like corporate channels. I didn't really like the corporate channels. I used to look at like Wyatt and Fox channels and be like, Oh, it's just like a. - Like, I want you to channel called chatter sometimes. But I feel just so sad. - Okay. That name sounds familiar. - They always do the video. Like why New York has big skylines? Why electric calls on in America? It's like such generic titles of like, I don't know why Walmart is big. And it's like, every single video is so lifeless. - Yeah. And like, it's informative. I will say there's sad. There, there is one kind of like, I'd say cooperation kind of video that I do enjoy. I'm not, I don't know if this is the name of the channel, but the name of the series is like big, great story. They actually have like really cool and interesting stories. I think one of my favorite videos of them was like, they, they, they were in Japan and there was this like Japanese person who sells painting made in Microsoft Excel. What? I haven't seen that. I've never seen that one. So there's this guy who, there was this Japanese guy who just like, he just wanted to express himself, cost zero skills of Japan. Japan. We do a lot of things in Japan, but like he had zero skills in like painting and like, you know, art skills. So he just side, like making pictures in Microsoft Excel and the actually like he he's been doing it for so long that they'd started to become really good. Right. And it was just like such a like uplifting story to just be like, it doesn't really matter what your tools are now. That is a big grid step. That is the big story. Always. - Super concise as well. They're not too long. And it's just. - Great. There's also another story about this soup that is being like made in Thailand or something. It's like 50 years old. It's like been boiling for 50 years. I don't remember. I remember watching it and it was just like, they, they didn't want wash the place at all. So the oil had been built up. So there was a mountain next to this massive pot. Have you been there? I have not been there. You're going to go back down when you go to Thailand, if you ever like take us to Thailand, which I'm sure will happen. Eventually we really want to go. I actually want to like see if it's good or not. If you guys want a channel called a captain disillusion. Yes. 3D, like. - Blender. - Breaks things down. So well. And he like. - He's too talented for YouTube as well. I think. - There were just some channels out there that are just like, like cartel digital is one that was just way too talented for YouTube. - I feel bad. Cause he doesn't upload often. But you can tell that he like, I dunno, maybe he just wants to do a bit more. Yeah. But I found them ages ago. Cause he's been uploading for like 10 years. Like his first videos are in like three 60 P Oh Jesus. So. - Yeah. I mean he came up with at the same time as like Freddie w and a rocket jump. I think, I think they didn't blow up until like two years ago. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Cause I remember, I remember he was like back, back in the day, it was like Freddie w and rocket jump, taking over the YouTube scene and then every other VX B effects specialist was like after him. Yeah. And then, you know, they, they kind of like did their own thing and then that, that like gave way to like other people like corridor digital. Yeah. - Everything like that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's also another channel. I like the, you know, the Jonny Harris, the guy left Volks, the guy used to be the boarders on Fox. Right. Challenge. It's just the same thing. Sound good. Quality. I'd recommend it. It's already been blowing up a lot on YouTube. So I'm sure you probably seen the videos and you recommended the video of like why'd you Americans eat dessert for breakfast. That blew up a ton. - I think so. Yeah. I might have seen that one, one, like, as I said, like once I never used to watch Voxer or anything, but like the earworm series is so good. Like. - It's essentially like a one person who's. - In charge of that. It's like one woman at Vox who just like does all these like really in-depth analysis, documentaries on like music history and stuff like that. It's do the editing. It's insane. It's so good. This episode is sponsored by book Walker. - Cool guys announced their year end ranking results for the best-selling e-books. - Yes. And until December 8th you can get up to 50 coin. - Back on series that made it on off. No way. So this is the top overall rankings. - Best selling books on bulk order. This year, I'll go through the rankings of the top for each element. You can start with number three. - Well, number three is my next life as a villainous old routes, lead to doom. Lighten up. - Yeah, no, I have not read this one. - I have no read this one, but I have read the second one, which is a sentence of a bulk. Woah. That's actually a really cute Lionel that is game. And it's really well received. Like really good. It's it kind of gives me like spice of Wolf fives. Oh yeah. That was really good. - The first one I can announce this one day. No, don't worry. I can announce this one. If you like, it is, you are my princess volume collections. achievement. God. Wow. Best selling ebook frame that frame that and put it on your isolation. Seadog VA number one, selling ebook of 2020. You all my princess falling water. Okay. To go with wow. Magical. Where's my flowers Malin. You know, I just want to thank. - Everyone involved me. - Shout is able to help me. I do. Wow. Wow. - There's some people involved, dude is Epic. I mean, it's crazy to me that something that I made could sell as much as other like legitimate. Yeah. The audio book version, right? Yeah. I don't know. She just, she's a scary man. I, I, you know, when you, when you make a story around a product, I feel like people are more likely to give it a shot, you know? And I think people could see my blood, sweat and tears. It's really awkward to hold. I'll put it that for now. Yeah. I don't know. Thank you. Thank you bookwork. - So moving on to the top Mongo. Well, well, well, well why did we start? Why did we start with the top overall Malin? I feel like it should have been the last category. So the top manga setting overall at number three is don't toy with me. Miss negatory. Oh yeah. That's a good Mongo. I'm surprised that's number. - I'm surprised. It's number three. It is a good mungus. It's wholesome. Tan go cute. Number two. - The cultured individuals really is interspecies reviewers at number two. Am I surprised? No. That just means there are that many degenerates on book Walker right now. I'm very proud. I'm proud of you boys. I'm proud of you, but overall. - Of course we have to talk about the number one top Mongo. I don't want to talk about it. - What is it called? mine. Oh, did she? Not two years in a row now let's go. We got also the top. - Light novels and number three is a that time I go ring cotton as a slime light novel, which I've never actually read. I've already read the manga for this. Yeah. There's a MOG is brilliant. Yes. And there was the animal. - Or the army was great. I loved it. Yeah. Animals guys. And then number two is a same one. The, my next life as a villainess, which were already established. And then number one is a sentence of a book. One, some great lineup of serious. I'm glad. I'm glad to send it to have book one. God, number one, because that is honestly, I'm surprised. I didn't realize there were that many people reading it. It's a really refreshing because no one's talking about the anime, but like my next knife has a Vanessa and a slime. Definitely got a lot more talk and discussion on crunch. Although it was quite popular. My next life is wellness. Yeah. But I'm really shocked with the, you are my princess results, man, that really did well. All right. Could you handle it. - Again until December the eighth? - You can get up to 50% coin back on series that made it on the list. So you can check out book, walk at least down in the description below. And thank you once again to book Walker for sponsoring this episode. Also congratulations to. I can't wait to frame this a four printed paper. - I can't wait to give this my naughty, not even glossy paper mailers. Seriously. It's just a PowerPoint slides. I don't actually care. - I had a great time making it. I got a banger of a video. That's all I ever wanted. This is like that, that student that turns into homework five minutes before it's like Jew, you know what I mean? - Got it. I got it. I get points with this. Right. And it's like, Hey, you've done your homework. That's homework. - Okay. Well the power of yellowy. Thank you both. Thank you very much to the sponsor of this episode book. We'll go back to the video. So questions for you guys. Is there anything else, anyone you want to shout out who has actually influenced your own content or anything about your own channel? Oh man. I've, I've so many people. I mean, like I feel the majority of at least making you sound like a panel. I go right now. - It's always a question I get asked at every panel who inspired you, Joe. - I guess I'll go first then. Cause like, I guess the first one I want to shout out is Philip DeFranco. Cause I've been watching films since 2006 and he's been like, he's been the one content creator who I've basically followed for his entire career because I followed him from the beginning and you know, he at, at the moment he's, you know, does a lot of the news and everything like that. But you know, I, I started, you know, I started seeing his progression when he was like more villagey and just talking about stuff on the internet and girls and everything like that. And I like, he was, he was like probably the biggest inspiration for me. Not, not as like for the content of my channel, but how to approach YouTube as a job. And as, as, as a business, like I probably would not be here right now if it wasn't for Phil, because basically during my break, when I was at the BBC and I was like trying to figure out how to come back to YouTube, like a lot of the stuff he said before about how YouTube was and content creators should think about their career as like a, as like a proper career and how it's like broadened, broaden their income and everything like that. I basically got a lot. - Of that from a lot of the things Phil had been saying for like years. Right. So here's the person I want to shout out. Cause he, he has been like a massive inspiration for me and I took a lot of what I'm doing now or the way I'm doing now behind the scenes from all the advice that he's given over the years. For me, it's like, I dunno like my biggest inspirations for like how to do YouTube and like how to present myself on YouTube weirdly enough came from like all of the, kind of the big OJI YouTube is back in the day. So like, you know, the AFA mentioned like AVG and like I used to watch a lot of his stuff and like, you know, basically YouTube is that everyone knows like, you know, Felix, obviously grumps, if we're talking like actual, like regular voguers, like Ryan Higa was like a massive ankle, right knee. Like I used to watch like every, he got a video that came out just cause like it's really good. And it's just like such a like personable dude. And like, definitely like the way like he used to like vlog, especially like where he would just sit in front of a camera and talk about whatever. Like I took a lot of inference from that because that's what I do. I just come in front of a camera and just talk about whatever. Right. Yeah. And like a, you know, like smashed back in the day, you know, like they had like such overwhelming power in the YouTube sphere where it was basically if you're on YouTube, like anywhere before 2012, like it was impossible to not watch them. Right. Yeah. So it was because like, I guess like when I first got into like YouTube burrs, like I never really went directly to like a niche that I was interested in. Cause I just wasn't aware of that. So I would just basically watch like all the big guys and they influenced me, you know, in small parts. I mean like in terms of like Anna CIB is probably like, probably demo was my, probably like my biggest influence, but you know, which energy of it hasn't been influenced by demos. So I think demos influenced everyone in like, at least a little way because I was around before demo. But I feel like it's even, it's impossible to like think of any two contents before demo. Like, I mean like off the demo, it's it all he changed the field completely. Absolutely. Absolutely. Come back demo. - I cannot think of my inspirations. I mean, obviously I was watching my own inspiration. No, I know I've taken like, you know, I've definitely been taking bits and pieces, right? Like definitely like pots of, you know, Peter Popsie growing up, watching him in high school, watching him do bits and pieces, I think from like a lot of different people. But I can't think of like any one of top of my head that has been like huge. - When you watch so much content, especially on YouTube. It's like, it's not just one person. Right. Because otherwise you just end up being exactly like that. Exactly. I mean, I'm sure we can distill down a lot of our influences and you know, take bits here and there, but at the time. - Maybe I can break it down and figure out exactly which ones really like gave him my style. Yeah. It's hard to say. Cause obviously I, I pivoted my content so much. I know there was inspirations there. - And you know, it's, it's, you know, it's not to say that like, you know, we, we still get inspired to this day. Right. Without new influences and whatnot, like, you know, I'm sure like the majority of the YouTube, as we talked about today have influenced us in some small way. We have just listed probably 90% like our influence. - Today. And basically, you know what I mean? Just, just in this two hour. - Yeah. Yeah. Is there any one else you guys want to shout out? I've got a bunch of channels that we didn't really like talk about that I could just speed run through. Okay. Let's buy an old gas. No brakes. God Tia challenge. Love, love, love all gas. No brakes. I showed you guys. - Yeah. He's like the modern day. Kassem G. - Donna put Kassem G but more political because Kassa McGee was more like, let's just throw a topic out there. That's funny. But like also castle actively made fun of them in a good way. Like have some GS pulled install videos. Yeah. Like some of the best content on YouTube. Actually. If anything, maybe Kassem G might have inspired me at the time. Like, I really enjoyed his way of how he would insult them, but not insult them. But honestly, he doesn't really do anything anymore. And now he's just an extra in movies. Like the transformer. Yeah. - Was he? I don't even know. You have to know what he's up to now, but yeah. All gas, no brakes. What I love about him is that he doesn't even need to do much. He just lets the stupid people do the stupid thing. I think. - Willing to go there and he's friendly with them. He gets them to talk to him and it's really hard to do. I think. And a lot of journalists just can't get them. He gets like, everyone knows. He's just going to be nice. Like he's going to show everything. - Like some of my favorite ones were when he went to like the COVID party. Oh my God. Just the biggest cesspool I've ever seen. However. - The time he goes somewhere, somehow people bring up Jews. - Like I dunno, like he'll go to somewhere. Jews. - Get brought up for being the problem. And it's like what? The first. - Is like sleep the lone man, hell. - It's crazy. And I loved it on a PO I think he was on the history podcast where he mentioned like, he, the reason like his influences that like I could go all these places all around the world, but the backyard in America is so crazy. Why would you not want to document? Yeah. It's so true. Don't blame him man. It's crazy. There's a guy called honest guys who does like videos about Prague. I've no interest in going to Prague. I've already been, but he just, he's just so passionate about Prague. - I love it. Talking about videos, watching videos that you have no interest in. I want to shout out Ristic studies who makes essays about magic? The gathering. I don't, I don't know a single thing about magic. The gathering. I do not even know the rules of magic. I've never played magic in my life. I play magic a little bit, but the way that he breaks down these concepts in magic are just so interesting. Like I think one of my favorite videos of his is he goes through like the history of like the rarest card in magic. I like how much it sold for everything in black Lotus or the black Lotus. He made a video on that and like how to like, like how people like actually verify like that these cards that's cool. And then like, cause he starts off talking about not the heat. He starts off, not even talking about magic. You start us off this video, this video talking about rare baseball cards and the history of like how these like all these cards, how these cards have sold for so much. And then he pivots that into magic and it sounds like a good dog. amazing. Like he's a great con and he's editing as God's here as well. Speaking of magic, but on the actual, like regular, this is a channel I watched quite regularly called Chris Ramsey. - I think I've Oh, is it the guy who does the opens? - He does. Yeah. He's he's, he's like a professional magician, but he also has his own YouTube channel where he, he got famous off of like get buying these like super hard, like 3D puzzles and like solving them. But he also just does these like videos where he like, he basically like he did the train before it was a train. He actually does like the professional magician reacts like magic, but like he actually has qualifications cause he's actually a professional magician and he like kind of like tries to like, he obviously, you know, magician doesn't tell their secrets. Right. But he like kind of reacts to it and says like, this is a good magic trick because of this. And like, he kind of pinpointed in ways where it's like, you wouldn't really be able to see a list. You were in the same field and like he's right. And I don't know what camera he uses, but Holy, his camera quality is like red camera. Like I want to know what camera he uses the most insane quality camera that I've ever seen. - Obviously loved Linus tech tips. So that video where he talked about possibly retiring Blake broke, that broke me as well. You know? Like it's such a, like such an honest video and you just can't help it. - Why don't, you know what that felt like? It felt like leaving. You felt like that talk where it was like, your dad's just like, so me and your mom are going to break up and you know, I know, I know it's confusing times. That's exactly what I felt like, man, like, honestly it's not your fault. Trust me. It's like, we were just, we've tried everything. If anyone deserves to retire it's lineup, the man has been. - Like a, a staple of YouTube and he's been, he's been on the grind, man. He's been on the grind and he's just like, you know, it's obvious that his, you know, the company's built up, everyone just loves to work. Yeah. It's just so great. It's so great. Seeing people like he would just see me who seemed lovely. You could be the biggest dictator at all. I don't know, but he just seems like such a genuine nice guy. - Speaking of Linus, we got to talk about his latest collaborator too mad, the mic off crack head of YouTube. Like my love to his content so much. But my God, I go out there with ADHD, one of his videos and I'm like, my attention span is destroyed right now. - Friend, who you have, who you just can't introduce to people like you're so funny and I love you, but I can't. - So he said, he's the one friend that you'll proud to know that he's a friend of you, but you're also ashamed to say that he's a friend of you. - It's a bunch of other channels value select two. I've just shown you guys a million times. This guy does like skits and he's probably the best skit channel on YouTube. Doesn't really good music. Like January music as well, just so funny. And he hasn't blown up yet. He hasn't blown up insane. And I've literally been like touting this guy to everyone. I know for like months, like every time I go to someone's house, I'm like, give me the ox code. Yeah. I'll put on a song. You've had no ship. Yeah. - Speaking of other skit channels, I want to shout out Britain, Nick, this is like, this is like a channel that's been like around for years. Right. But he, he's also a skit channel, but he's one of those videos. He's one of those channels that uploads once every year, you know what I mean? One video. Yeah. And it's like a two minute skit. Most of the time to five minutes gear. But his skits are so densely packed that it's like another level of quality. Like every, every scene in the skits leads into the other scene, perfectly. The writing is just like, so top-notch, you know, you know, when you see like a scene in a, in like a sitcom or something and you know, it's gone through like a hundred different rewrites. That's the kind of the quality I'm talking about. But because he, like, he's been around for like nine years or something, but because he only uploads once every year, he just, he just doesn't like that. You can't do that on YouTube anymore. - Right. Right. I mean, I also, I'm sorry. What's quantity, but cracked. He's like that one friend who like is just a piece of. But then the actually funny. - I don't know. I mean, I do love that you'll know that dad's complete con but then she funny crack it. He just does discord humor. So perfectly such a good. He is discord as a person. You know what I mean? - A guy who, when I used to do prank calls, he doesn't really give any views anymore. It was called house hotel. And like, he's so good at prank calling. And he knows all the like scams inside out really good way. I was influenced by him with your scam call. I used to really like his videos. And I thought I found it, like, I really liked how he dealt with it and he would keep them going. There's a few other channels as well called us, the guy kit Boga as well. He does pranks really good. And there's a guy who, God don't know his name, but he hadn't said the engine Kohl center, that video was insane. And that was really. - Yeah, there's, there's, there's a lot of content creators that I don't know their channel name, but I can name their content. Like if I say, Hey, those two Indian guys that built stuff, obviously like critical. - Well obviously we talked about like, I feel like proceeded and critical the same thing, but like different content they're talking about. Like they do the same thing essentially. Right. But pro CD is like talking about food and Adam and and like meme and critical is just. And. - I feel like critical. We could do a video about, and he's like one of the few content creatures that can literally do a video about anything. Yeah. Yeah. Like he, like, he can, he can make it like the top 10 massacres of all time. And I'll be like, man, if the Holocaust a number one, I'm not leaving this video, man. my favorite video where I'm just like, this is a video of the only critical chromate, which was a. So it was so disgusting, but so good at the same time. You're like, I hate you so much, but Dan, this is yeah. - Another YouTube. I think we've all watched is the, you won't know his name, but Q army Japan is what it's called, but he's the dude who makes knives. - Yes, yes. Yeah. Makes nice out of everything. I got a smoke out of jello. I comment on one of his videos is. - I hate to be in a jail cell with him. - There's a guy called virtually vain. He also did prank calls. He didn't really upload much. He did one recently, but he was like the God of prank calls. You did like a great African, like he did like African dictator or something for calls. It was so good. But this man is that the King of prank calls up. Do you guys know sorrow TV? - He doesn't have that. That makes that sound familiar. - Just the he's like the only channel I like that does like Reddit videos. Like when he like reads a sub Reddit, like all the other ones. - Right. Are you talking about the ask Reddit videos where it's just like this computerized voice. I was just like awful. Oh my God. This is like, whatever. Whenever Sydney does any makeup or anything, I just hear ask Reddit this time. I might be out those videos, man. - Our TV is like, actually like, you know what? A video that shouldn't require talent. She brings a ton of talent. That's our team. He's so good at doing voices and like voicing the like Reddit thing. It's like, wow. - Everyone was just dogs. Wait, wait, is it, is it actually just the same ask Reddit threads. But like this it's like a professional voiceover essentially. It's like voice to them and I'm just like, man, they, they, they leveled up. Their voice actually got boy. Nice guys. - It's actually like a guy who's amazing is like doing voices. Like you're so good at like, I'm a voice actor, but I can't do that. - It's like hearing like, like Morgan Freeman or like narrate and ask Reddit threads. Right? - He'll swap the voices really well. Soak it with comedic timing, James. He doesn't really upload anymore. - Griffin is like a guy that does lap. It's kind of sounds familiar. He's the guy who does like the one dude 50 voices or whatever. He's like. - Nana's shout out to Nana's cause now this has been around for light. knows. Hell yeah. - I remembered yanas back when she was, she was like the daughter of fortune and just, just seeing her like debut, like debut as a V Chiba, like it's it was just like, it was just like such an obvious choice. I know you didn't think about it until it happens. Right? Like the VCU I'm just like, that's the perfect matter. Of course she wants to, she was a beach you buy before Vichi was existed. Let's be honest. - I was voice acting online since like 2013, 2014. And she was still like the staple. Yeah. I pitched posting. Yeah. And that was back then. And it's crazy to see that she's like peaking now. Yeah. It's really cool to see someone doing well. Who's been around for so long a node city obviously. Yeah. Like circle tunes HD as well. That guy just a move stuff. - I really like how he was basically. Cause he, he can animate. Right? He does. He doesn't need to animate. And I feel like it's better because of that. You must see in his videos, it's the guy who has like, he he's basically like an animation Youtuber, but instead of actually animating, he just like goes into Photoshop and just like wiggle wiggles, like your. - Models around. - Yeah. That, yeah. Jenny Nicholson as well. - Up. It's not jump as good as the gaming Youtuber who like, he was the first person who actually did VR gaming videos, but just made it like he, he, like I said, he, he has this perfect line of like comedic analysis on literally just like VR games. Right. Cause I I've I've I've not seen any other content creator that focuses on VR games except for him. And he, he definitely set the bar high. Oh. - Well the is cold, but he's been at my recommended a bunch of, he like makes video games and like he made like among us in 3d and he like remade full guys in like two weeks. They didn't insane. I call them just to shut the comments. We'll let me know that guys. - Is there any one you think is like a low-key Wiebe? it's like, it's like these last couple of years, like people who we thought had no affiliation to animate or just like Yama we've forgot Carson. Call me, call us. Oh yeah. He is he's he's not a low-key weep. He's a, he's a full degenerate. Come to Japan already cast. Come on. - Hang out with, to say anyone we've spoke, you know, good about on or we like probably can. - I have to come on the podcast? Yeah. Come to Japan. Every like this, this is basically just been a video to be like, Hey, these are all the people we watch. Come on, man. Man. Come on up podcasts. - Yeah. I'll pitch to you. Not only do you get to come on the podcast, we'll take you around Japan. We'll have some good time. We could find. - We've got drunk planning. - Yeah. But I'm sure there's like, that's plenty more recommendations for you guys. I'm sure you guys watching. - I have a lot of recommendations to go and watch tonight, boys. - It's probably like, this has been like such a dense episode of like recommendations. Like write that down right away. Please slow down please. - Just rapid fire recommendations. Like. - Like I feel like we did gloss over a lot of the obvious, bigger content creators. - Many creators that I was already affiliated with. So obviously ditis and Emily. Yeah. It's amazing. I don't need to mention that. - We didn't mention our friends because you guys should know by now. If I've talked to you in a DM, that probably, that probably means that that means I already know you. You know what I mean? And yeah, I think that's probably a good, I'm just waiting for the comment being like, no, if only they did this with anime. - Do you guys actually watch that? Like, cause I watched John super eye patch. - I watched the cow. I want to shout out beyond Ghibli, beyond Ghibli does amazing animated videos. And it's, it's hard to describe like, like an anime YouTube channel. Right. Because that's what I do, right? Like how do I, how do I, how do I describe this animal YouTube channel? Basically he does amazing anime analytical content. Did a great one on recently. I think, I think check him out was pretty good. I think they have a. - Lot of misses, but when they hit, they hit good. Yeah. - I've got to give a shout out to my boy shaves like, Nope. Not going to last at times. I'm just looking forward to being on his digest in the kid section. Okay. I'll need you digest. Which is a series a where Chaves, this, this energy where it goes through basically like some of like some of his favorite YouTube videos to do with like in the anime, YouTube is least favorite least favorites as well. And this is like the one series. I've pretty much think every anime, YouTube watches, even though, even if they don't want to. - I told him I'm like everyone watches, everyone doesn't want. - Every attitude of a secretly wants to be on the good side. - It's like, did I make it onto the good one this week? - The reason I like watching it is because my taste in what makes a good YouTube or like what makes an interesting YouTube video is so. - Different. - It's a good critic. Right? You can just appreciate the cake that he's doing and don't give a about you if you disagree, which is more often than normal. I do. Yeah. - Don't worry. Shaves. I'll do more interview videos for you. I feel like the worst thing you can do as a critic is just flip-flop right, right. If people know your personality and people know what you'd like, they don't give it. It doesn't really matter if I disagree with your opinion, I'm still gonna watch it anyway, because I know what you like. And I take everything you say with a grain of salt system and respect about critics is that like, they're not afraid of the backlash because at the end of the day, that is their opinion. Right? And it's like, rather than flip-flopping on your own words again. - She's got to double down, you got to double down on Europeans being like, I don't care. - If the majority think that this is a good video. I don't think it's a good video. These reasons, you know? I mean, I've already, I've already shouted out scam Cambodia reviews before. Yep. - I like he's closed Christian pants. He's talks a lot about LGTBQ and he's like, he's just such a funny. - Person. His editing is kind of bad. - But like, man, is he funny? He's so funny. Like he's just great. He's just bring such energy to shift Tuskegee energy. He's. - Like the gay best friend, everyone wishes. - Yeah man, like if I need a gossip session. - I would want to have a gossip session with crispy nuts, man. Crispy, crispy. Now. - I'm recommended. I know that like the positivity is going to be that she's so funny. She's so good. And that's really the anatomy YouTube channels I watch, unfortunately. Yeah. - I mean, you know, we, we basically just did a two and a half hour long recommendation. - Awesome. Let's just jump right into it. We jumped right. - Today in awesome. I mean, yeah. I think I've watched Malana my YouTube channels, but I don't okay. I don't subscribe to anyone, but if it appears on my feed, that's normally means it's like a good video that's worth watching because like my, my, my subscription feed for anime, YouTube was is just Twitter. Yeah. That's awesome. - Him to watch the best of the week that shade recommends. And I'll be like, God, this is. - Because I'll take a limb on it because. - I clearly have different tastes. - I respect his work on the lights. Yeah. I mean he did two ferrous Garn Legon video. I did watch the two hour things long, but Bruce Good. I'll give him that. The men did good. Voiceover was good. - But yeah, we should probably end this video with a special thing today, today in like, that's all we're going to call it from our trash taste. YouTube Polacks you should probably blow that out. Cause there's a new dress. I did not realize that. That was just for a bit. Don't worry. Just rip it. Come on. There you go. That's it. It's an early Christmas for all boys. Susan sent us a letter what's she did it by this letter and this one, we got a letter. - John, something you've done something very few YouTube creators accomplish. You've had an astounding 100,000 people subscribed to you. Trashed taste highlights. That's some fine, fine plastics. - Two in one baby two in one the ultimate flex. - 600 K subs on main channel to get it. - Like what a quarter of a mil on the highlights channel. I appreciate that. I was going to be up on the wall by next episode. Hopefully. - Trust tastes is now sponsored by GE fuel. This is my favorite flavor. Zero calorie, dragon fruit punch thing. I'm not really sure. - My favorite flavor is the phase Berry. I want to join faze clan please. No, I don't. I like I with your flavor. I just like pink lemonade. I have nothing witty to say about it. It just tastes like pink lemonade and I like pink lemon. - So shout out. So do you feel you can use the link down below to get some G fuel for you? - We've also left a coupon code down in the description as well. So go check it out will be a real game also. Hey, G fuel, can we get our own flavor please? We want trash taste flavor that fresh tasting flavor, taste water, white food, milk, milk flavor. - T G fuel at them to let them know. - Can we have a wifi milk flavor please? Awesome. Weaves need our representation. the game. Where's the weed. - Back to the video conquers on a rant. Massive. Thank you. Thank you. - Shout out to our paid to do our patron at these awesome patrons. I've gone to my YouTube voice. Now. It's not even a gig. It's just like generic light. It's just like generic, YouTube blogger voice that, Hey guys, welcome to the video. You see the ukulele music, these patrons, they are pretty awesome. If you'd like to support the show, go to patrion.com/trash tastes links in the description. Also check out our Twitter, our sub Reddit, and also for the first time, check out our Spotify because yes we are on Spotify as well. If you'd like to listen to audio stuff, I don't think we've ever shared it out our audio only. But if you, if you hate our faces. - Five audio only though. I mean the keep popping up. - You mentioning them, but I should, I can't write it down. I feel sorry for Mouton who has just like insert like 150 PNGs of like everyone we've mentioned in this video. Shout out to YouTube who died? Sorry. Sorry, not sorry. Murder. You did enjoy this video and you like some more recommendations. Let us know, but also feel free to recommend channels. Pull over more time. We're always open to checking out new content. So yeah, definitely. Let us, if you will. One of the channels that was mentioned, feel free to hit us, hit us up in RDMS. You are interested in coming on. Yeah, definitely. Hopefully you guys enjoyed today's episode and we'll see you guys in the next one. Bye. - Bye. (bright music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,586,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: og8CYLCRXeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 13sec (8953 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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