We Tried Real Tokyo Drifting and FAILED | Trash Taste Special

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I stopped watching in the first 10 seconds, this is just cringe.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Black64 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
- This isn't like in the anime at all. (screaming) - Oh my God! - Has Connor broken another car? - If Joey pulls a drift off, I'll give him another hand job, as promised. (upbeat music) - Welcome everybody to a special episode of Trash Taste, a non-podcast episode. - Yes, welcome to Trash Taste Outside. - A Trust Taste Outside, is that what we're gonna call it? - I guess so. - Trash Taste Outside. - So, today in this special episode of Trash Taste we went all the way to Northern Japan to do a drifting Trash Taste special, where we learn to drift. And if you're Joey, learn to drive a car. - But it's not a Trash Taste episode without some kind of drifting challenge, and of course the loser has to have some kind of forfeit. - And like every good forfeit, it involves food. And the loser will be paying for the dinner. And it won't be me. - So only one of us will be the Drifter King. (laughing) - Don't worry, this won't replace your normal podcast. This is just a one-off special that we are just trying out, so we hope you enjoy what you see. - Bye. - Do the intro. - [Connor] Drifting, a dangerous looking hobby you normally associate with video games, movies or classic anime, with plenty of euro beat. for professional racers and illegal street racers, but here in Japan, you can not only learn and take par in the sport, but you don't even need a driver's license, which sounds completely irresponsible. Luckily, we have a group of three idiots just for the job. - [Joey] We would have to travel up North to Fukushima to Japan's biggest drift course, Ebisu Circuit. (upbeat music) - We were about to take our first step into one of Japan's most dangerous sport, and the night before we were feeling fine. Besides, what could we even be nervous about? - Ready for Fukushima, boys? - Are we? - Yeah. Are we not? - Yeah, we are. - Okay. - How ready can we be? I've never done anything close to this. So, I don't really know what to expect, honestly. - I've like skidded a car once, by accident. (laughing) - Is this just basically go euro beat with attitude? That's what I feel. - That's what I'm gonna call it from now on. (laughing) That's the title of the video, "Go Karting With Attitude". - I mean, do you guys feel confident? Are you ready to drift? - No. - No. - I haven't driven manual since I passed my driving test, when I was 17. So it's been. - 13 years? - Yeah, like 13 years - 13 years! - Since I've last driven manual. - When was the last time you drove manual? - Last time? I've never driven manual. - What do you mean? - I'm typical Asian driver, I drive automatic or nothing. - You didn't have to do your driver's test in manual? - No! - You also agreed to go drifting. You know it's in manual, right? - Yeah, I know it's in manual. Why do you think I was so unconfident at the beginning? I know how to drive manual, in theory. (laughing) - What do you mean in theory? Like you pass the theory test of how to drive it? - No, no, no! Like, I know just how to do it. Like, you have to let go off the accelerator while you pull the clutch. - I mean, in theory I know how to like, skate an ice skate. - Yeah. - It's just one foot forward, right? And the other foot back. - I mean to be fair, I haven't driven a car, just an automatic, in about three years. So, I think getting behind the wheel is just gonna make me shit myself. - When was the last time you drove, period? - Three years ago. - What? (laughing) - I don't drive here. I live in Tokyo, you don't have to drive, let alone drift. - You're so fucked! - I am fucked. (laughing) - That's why I hope to God that at least my time in the passenger seat is gonna be very nice. - Are they gonna give us helmets? - I fucking hope so. (laughing) - I'm pretty sure how I know we can prepare though, adequately. - How? - Do you know what DK stands for? - Donkey Kong? (car engine roaring) (screeching) - [Connor] With the suitable research in place, we were ready to take on the real thing. We were ready to take on the drift course. So we're all drifting today, right? - I think this is the right place. - [Joey] I think so. - [Connor] Where's the llamas? There's a camel over there. - There's a goat right there. (goat bleating) - I can hear it. - This is a zoo. - Oh! Well, I mean, that's. - Oh! - That's nice. - Well, then. - Very nice. - Should we go drifting? - Yeah, let's do it. Why not? Very nice. - Oh, looks like these are our cars. - That looks more like it. - There's no Honda Civic here, I'm not used to driving. That's got a spoiler. Who's getting what car? - I want the white one. I wanna be pimped out, man. That looks like the most pimped out ride. - I think the spoiler looks like that's for you, Connor. - Yeah, I feel like I'm a spoiler kinda guy, right? I have a small dick, right? - And I'll take the one with the massive cone. (laughing) - I think that comes with the car, actually. - Yeah. I think so, yeah. - That cone's for you, Joey. - Yeah, yeah. - This guy's gonna crash. - I'm gonna die today. - We have no clue how to drift a car. So, the first thing we're gonna be doing is letting the pros teach us how to do it. And we're gonna all experience it one by one, at very fast speed. - This is gonna sound safe and exciting. - I've got food poisoning right now. (laughing) - He's gonna shit himself in the car. - And I hope the G's don't make my shit come out with what I'm about to experience right now. - Just squeeze it out. - It's gonna be a tradition every Trash Taste Special. One of us has to shit. - I don't know why every time we do something, one of us has food poisoning. Today it's me, I woke up with food poisoning. This is great. - It's comforting knowing that if I get, too stressed out, I can go and ride a camel over there. All right, well, gentlemen, who wants to go first? - You wanna rock, paper, scissors? - All right, fair enough. How are we doing this? We're just, whoever loses? - Winner, winner. - All right, okay. - Winner gets to go first. (speaking in a foreign language ) - Wait, no, no, no, no. (laughing) - Come on, Joey, my Japanese isn't that good. - We're in Japan. - Okay. - All right. - Rock, paper, scissors. Fuck, okay. - I'm first. - Guess you're going first. - Yay. - I mean, you won technically, but there you go. - I'm gonna die. - You get the honor of going first, Joey. He's probably gonna shit himself, let's be honest. - I think I'm gonna shit myself. - I don't know how intense this guy is gonna go, but I'm hoping it's not too intense. Let's go. - You know, when we had an idea for a Trash Taste Special, we definitely went like, for the most dangerous options straight away, didn't we? We could have gone ice cream-making, or sushi-making experience, maybe? No, let's go drifting. - We just went from like zero to 100 straight away. How did we go from buying figures? - No, chess tournament, chess tournament. (laughing) A chess tournament to drifting. - Buying figures, chess tournament- - Drifting! - Next is free climbing. - Yeah. (laughing) - Drifting first time, huh? - First time, yeah. - First time, oh, okay. - [Joey] This is gonna be scary, isn't it? - No, no scary. - No scary? - No, no. - Okay, I trust you. - All right. - I trust you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, here we go. - Oh, here we go. - Holy fuck! (car engine roaring) (yelping) (laughing) Oh my God! Jesus Christ! Jesus fucking Christ! (screeching) - Holy shit! - [Garnt] That was a clean drift. - All right, I'm good, I'm good. Oh my God! Whoa, shit! Oh my God! So much faster than I thought. (screeching) Ah! (screeching) (car engine revving) - I'm sweating so hard, and it's not just the helmet. - How was that? - How was that, Joey? (laughing) - That was. Dude, your shit's gonna come flying out. (laughing) - I guarantee that was so fun. But, oh my God! Your body just gets thrown around. - How was the G's? - The G, dude, there's too many G's. (laughing) - When he fucking accelerate into that corner, it was one of the most scariest things I've ever experienced. - That long drift was insane. He did like a 20-second drift. - Yeah, I could actually feel the car doing this, like. - Really? - Yeah. I reckon, like, one of the sides of the car actually came off of the ground slightly. - And you hate roller coasters and you're fucking. - Oh dude, like, after this I can go on any roller coaster. - Like this is just a roller coaster with no rails that can also crash. - I felt more in danger on this than any roller coaster I've ever been on. - Oh, definitely. - Well, in a roller coaster you're locked into a rail. - Yeah. - On this you can roll the car and die, painfully. So, it's take your poison. - Yeah - [Meilyne] Who's idea was this? - I think it was Garnt's, wasn't it? - No, no! - It was Garnt's idea. - If someone dies, we're suing Garnt. - Yeah. And if Garnt dies, well then- (laughing) - Well then I had it coming. - [Connor] I'm calling it, Garnt's gonna vomit. I'm betting money on it, he's gonna vomit right now. - It's pretty intense. Like I don't get car sick often, but I was pretty sick. You saw how shook I was, right? - Dude, I stood and watched this car. You're gonna shit yourself. It's insane. (car engine roaring) (screeching) (laughing) - He's like, holding his head back. (car engine revving) (screeching) - Whoa! - Oh my God! It looks terrifying, doesn't it? - [Joey] Oh my, he's going so fast. That's how fast he's going. (laughing) - Ah! Jesus Christ! - The poop is flying out of this man's fucking pants right now. - [Connor] His cheek so hard on his life. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - Oh my God! Oh my God. (screeching) - Oh my God, there's smoke coming out of that. - Oh dude, yeah the whole track is smoke when you're done. (screeching) (car engine roaring) - There's chunks of tires flying off. - I just heard, did you hear that? (laughing) - I need to see his face. I think I actually heard one of the tire, like bits of the tire pop. - Maybe we should have done, like, another chess tournament instead, you know? Just something else for a special, I don't- - Shoulda just had a day at the zoo. - [Connor] My stomach feels queasy in preparation. (laughing) - [Joey] His face is so- (laughing) - [Connor] How was it? - [Meilyne] Are you okay? - It was so much fun. (car door slamming) (laughing) - Oh my gosh. I'm like calming down right now. Like, I'm like, whoa. - Yeah I know, right? - Oh, give me a second to let this adrenaline wash out of my body. - I'm not excited for this. I think it'll be fun once I get in, it's just really anxious to like- - You're a thrill seeker, right Connor? - Yeah, I do love my thrill seeks. My thrills that I seek, that is. There's something about deciding your own fate though, and not having someone else do it? - Yeah, right. - I wanna fuck it up. If I die, it's on me. - All right off you go, man. - All right gamers, wish me luck. No death. - No, no death. - No death, please, no death. - No death, got it. (laughing) - Maybe. (laughing) - I do like my life. Oh, no. - Heaven's gate. - Heaven's gate. You're instilling me with confidence. - I think he's gonna enjoy it. - Fuck, Oh my God! Jesus Christ! Holy fuck! Jesus fucking... (screeching) - Oh my God, look at the fucking smoke coming off that thing. - It's like a fucking smoke machine. - It's so fast. Holy fuck! Aah! This isn't like in the anime at all. Oh my God! (screeching) (engine revving) - Holy shit, I'm sweating on my ass. - Well, there he is. He's got a big smile on his face, so that's good. - Very fun, very fun. (chuckling) Yeah, I'd do it again. Yeah, that's pretty fun. - Bro, you're fucking exhaust was like, there were flames coming out of it. - Yeah, you were flaming. - That clutch sounded like it was dying. (laughing) - Well, we've all got an experience of- - Holy fuck! - What it's supposed to be like. - I thought this car was gonna fucking flip. - So, we are going to try to recreate what we just felt- - No, we're not. - Yeah. - We're not gonna be able to do anything. - But first, we need to learn how to drive manual. (laughing) - Yeah. I gotta learn how to start the car first. - I reckon I can make a singular drift. One crumb of a drift. - My goal for this day is to make one sick drift. - [Joey] Yeah, one drift. If I can get one drift, I'm good. - Oh yes, learning manual through a white board. He's drawn a penis. - [Garnt] Yeah, that is definitely a penis. - [Connor] That's a dick. That's a dick, Garnt. - [Joey] That's a red dick. - Perhaps he's saying you need a giant dick to drift. - High RPM, clutch up, tire spinning. Start drifting. - Yeah, yeah. - So easy. - Can I go toilet first? (laughing) - [Garnt] We should probably turn the mics off. - [Connor] Nah, dude. I'm rude and I want you to hear me shitting myself. - [Connor] Our first task was to do a donut, which was easier said than done. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - [Meilyne] Wow. - Wow, that's so cool. - [Joey] Unfortunately, before I could even attempt that, Garnt and I had to learn the basics of driving a car. (car engine roaring) - So I'm just doing some practicing, just to make sure I remember how to drive manual. It's been a while, but seems like I remember. Joey's fucking stalling the car right now. - Oh, fuck. (car beeping) - Oh my God, what the fuck? (car engine roaring) (upbeat music) - Ah, fuck! (car engine roaring) (car engine starting) - Jesus Christ, this is hard. Okay, first gear, let go off the brakes, slowly put it up. (soft music) Okay, okay, okay. (car engine roaring) (beeping) (laughing) - That was cool. (soft music) - Hand break. Ah! (car engine starting) (car beeping) - Oh! Dude, this clutch is so fucking sensitive. - I feel like such a failure, man. How do I ever pass this driving test? (car engine roaring) (car beeping) (screeching) - On top of that I had other problems I was dealing with. At least I've stalled less than Joey. To be fair, this is the first time he's driven manual. There's a massive fucking bee. (soft music) (car beeping) - Why do I keep stalling? (screeching) Okay, got it, got it, got it. - Guys, there is a fucking bee in here right now. I ain't playing around. If anything is gonna make me crash, it's this fucking bee. Oh my God, that is a massive bee. - [Connor] Unlike these boys, however, I was just a straight up natural. (car engine roaring) (screeching) (screaming) (car engine roaring) (beeping) (laughing) - Yeah! - What do I do? Jesus! - Okay. No! Yes, I stopped it without it stalling. All right, now I know how to do it. - Please get out, please, please, please. Is that a bee? Oh, it's not even a fucking- (Garnt clapping) - It's not even a fucking bee! Yeah, that's a fucking fly. - So, it's going on about 15 minutes. (car engine roaring) Connor's the only one so far. He's successfully done some drifting. The other two, struggling a little bit, 'cause it's a manual driven cars are a little bit tricky. - [Joey] Eventually, we would all be attempting donuts, and it wasn't too bad. If I wasn't stalling the car. (car beeping) - Fuck! It shouldn't be this hard. Fucking hell, this fucking clutch. (car beeping) - Fuck! (car engine roaring) (screeching) (laughing) - Well, I completely span out. This is a lot of fun. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - I did it! Yeah! - I think Connor has already got the fucking drift down. Meanwhile, I'm fucking pissing over here learning how to drive the goddamn thing. - Take three, Tokyo drift. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - Can you see how much smoke I'm fucking making right now? Oh my God, this is so hard. (coughing) - Jeez. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - Whoa. (laughing) (speaks foreign language) (car engine roaring) (screeching) - I can't remember how many takes this is, I haven't done one full rotation around the cone here. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - [Meilyne] Here goes Joey. (car engine roaring) (car engine revving) Holy shit! - [Garnt] As for me, I was the only one who couldn't pull off a single donut. Connor's doing way better than me. At least he's not spinning out every fucking time. (car engine roaring) (upbeat music) (screeching) (car engine roaring) (car beeping) - He's pretty good. He's a natural, is that Connor. - Man, that was fun. That was scary, both. - You are absolutely sweating. (laughing) - Look at me. No, when you sit in that car, it's like a furnace immediately. Every time you do a drift, even if it's terrible, you have to pay the price of all the smoke and the heat coming. - And all the smoke, yeah, yeah. You created an artificial cloud there. (laughing loudly) - But you got the hang of it pretty well, It took about 20 minutes, - Yeah. - And you're the first one. - If I'm not the best I can at least say I was the first, right? - That's the spirit - To get it done. That's 'cause we've got to take a win where we can get one. It was fun watching Joey and just his face of distraught at the window. He would do a drift and he's like. (laughing) I wanna go and see what they're doing. - Garnt's made a cloud. - Is he getting the hang of it? I think we may have missed it. - Garnt's just been left to his own devices. - Yeah, they just left him in the car. - My guy kept cheering me on. Every time I fucked up I wanted to beat myself up but he was like, "No, no, no. Good, good." (car engine roaring) (screeching) - Look at that smoke - That was decent, that was decent. Look at Joey, he's just standing there like, "Fuck, what have I gotten myself into?" Joey looks very defeated. I don't wanna say he's gonna quit but I could definitely see Joey throwing in the towel. Oh, whoa! Joey's got- Oh, Joey just got it! (car engine roaring) (screeching) - He's got it. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - He's getting it, he's just gotta link them now. We were practicing so hard that not everyone made it out in one piece. We've got an injury, we've got to get this on HD. Come on up, Joey, come tell us about it. - I'm like, on the cusp of like, vomiting and not vomiting right now. (car engine roaring) - You're like the Manga Cove Hunter X Hunter. Like, "Oh, my thumb hurts, I can't go on." - Well, not only did I fuck up my thumb here, but this knuckle is killing me. - What did you do? How hard are you gripping this thing? - Well, really hard. - You don't even hold it that hard, you just swish it around. - Dude, I'm like struggling for dear life. - I mean, I think you're doing better than Garnt. (car engine roaring) (screeching) (upbeat music) - We should just do a thing and be like, "It's Garnt, it's totally Garnt, Garnt's doing it." (car engine roaring) - This is so hard. - Let's get the drone out, let's drone it. (car engine starting) - Joey being sick in a field. - Is Chris talking shit again? - [Chris] No, no, no. - Is Chris talking out of his ass? - [Chris] Joey's being sick. - Oh, no! After boiling ourselves in 30 degrees Celsius heat in cars with zero AC, overheating our engines, driving circles around a cone for hours, some of us needed a break. - [Meilyne] What do you call a camel with 3 humps? - I don't know, what do you call it camel with three humps? - [Meilyne] Pregnant. - What? Get away from me, Meilyne. - [Joey] That looks just like Aggretsuko. - That looks exactly like Aggretsuko. - [Joey] Well, that's 'cause Aggretsuko is also a red panda. - Kind of a copyright claim, I'd say. So, this is where you go for lunch when you're done drifting. There is a safari restaurant right there. - [Garnt] I feel seasick and food poisoning at the same time. - They have ramen, Joey, ramen. - [Joey] Nah, don't talk to me about ramen, man. - This friend's dying. - I'm actually feeling so sick. - Are you really? - Yeah. - I don't know how you have so much energy. - It's so fun, I don't know. I don't feel sick when I'm driving it. Maybe if he drifted me again, I might. I just wanna keep driving. Like just driving around, not like, drifting. I just wanna drive. Driving was fun, right? - Yeah, when I could get the car started. (laughing) - Is it harder or easier than you thought it was gonna be? - Way harder. - Wait, you thought it was gonna be easy? - No, but I thought at least you have to have the basics down at least. - Press the drift button, like in Mario Kart. Where's the drift button, right? - Yeah, where's the R trigger? - Initiate the jump drift. - I actually found that the drifting part is easier than I thought. It's just- - The driving. - The driving. (laughing) - This man can drift but not operate a manual car. - I can confidently say that drifting is easier than manual driving. - It was so funny, Joey going, "Oh yeah, I can drift it when I can get it into position. I just can't get it into position 'cause I just keep stalling out the car." - It's like I end it, right, and I'm usually like, completely spun out so the cones on the left of me, and the guy's like, "Okay, get it in position when the cone's on the right", and I stall like seven times before I can finally get it into position. - Are we going on another track? - I love Chris's- You guys can't see Chris's expression, he's fucking giggling away behind the camera at the thought of us going on the actual track. - Right, we've decided we need to spice it up a little bit. This is a stuffed animals store here. We thought we need to get a mascot each, for our car to, gum buddy to help us win. I wanna win one of the red pandas. I want Aggretsuko next to me, screaming. - I want a red panda. - I think we all want the red panda. - Then we all try and get a red panda then. - What are the choices? It's either red panda or depressed lion. Or depressed polar bear, as well. That's 150,000 yen. - Guy, that's $1,500. You could have a day of drifting or you could get that big red panda, big red panda. (whirring) - Okay. (speaking in a foreign language) - That's got me energy, right? Right, Garnt, what are you going for? - I mean, elephants are like the national Thai animals,so- - Yeah, exactly. - I guess I gotta represent Thailand, right? - I think now with the imbued confidence of an animal friend, I can drift. - Maybe I just won't throw up, that's my plan. - I've got something to throw up on, so. - [Connor] With mixed morale on the progress we've made, we thought it would be a good idea to see how the pros actually did it on a real course. And luckily there were some pros practicing just next door. - We asked if they would let us on a course and they just straight up said no, and we're probably gonna see why now. - Needless to say, I don't think we're gonna be getting that good this session. - Nah. - Oh, here he comes, he's gonna tear some ass, this red car. He's insane. - That red car has- - Giant nuts, absolutely giant nut sack. - Massive balls. - I saw the exhaust on that thing too, it's fucking massive. (car engine revving) (screeching) - I can't emphasize how fucking loud this is. - So loud. - So loud. - So fucking loud. God, I wish we were that good. - God, I wish that was me. - Yeah, God, I wish that was me. - God, I wish my dick was that big, Jeez! (car engine roaring) - [Connor] Oh, the sound of that exhaust. (car engine revving) That gives me so much anxiety when they like, spin it one way and then spin it the other way immediately. - Oh, he's slowed down. - He fucked it up, he botched it. - But yeah, when you get to that level it must be so fucking fun, right? - Like that corner is way tighter than it looks. - Yeah. - Oh, look at that. - God, the screech. - Oh my God. - That's so clean. (car engine roaring) (screeching) (car engine revving) - Look how its going. - Oh, there goes the car. (screeching) [Garnt] That is so fucking cool. - Yeah, sex is cool but have you ever watched close combat drifting? (laughing) - [Garnt] I'm just D.O. now. I've seen enough, I'm satisfied. - So aside from the fact that we are, like, 10 minutes away from getting a heatstroke because it's so fucking hot out here. I don't even know if the mics picking up what we're saying. (laughing) - I know. - It's so loud. Now that we've seen how fast these cars can go around these corners, we're gonna get inside one of those. - I'm gonna throw up and shit my pants at the same time, man. But we didn't just wanna stop there. We wanted to truly experience these courses as a pro drifter. We just needed a driver crazy enough to take us all around, (upbeat music) And luckily we found just that. Some say he watched all of One Piece in a day, and he's listened to so much euro beats he has an honorary passport to Estonia. He's not The Sting, but all we know is he's called The Drift King. (upbeat music) (car engine roaring) - Wish us luck, Meilyne. - [Meilyne] Oh, good luck. - Okay, let's go. (Joey clapping) (Joey screaming) - Our driver was an ex drift champion, and as he was showing us the track he was about to drive, he seemed to be enjoying our suffering. (driver laughing) - Why is he laughing, why is he laughing? - [Garnt] That's such an evil laugh. (car engine roaring) (screaming) - [Garnt] All that noise oh, my God. (car engine revving) - This is way worse than earlier. (car engine roaring) - Oh, my God. What the fuck? (screaming) - Oh, my God. (laughing) (sighing) - That was way worse, so much worse. - I like how he didn't ask us if we're ready, he just like (clapping) - He just said, let's go. (car engine roaring) - He's like, I know you're ready. I'm ready so you're ready, right? - That was, that was something. My man's fucking laughing up a storm. (laughing) - He was very aggressive, he was so aggressive. - I'm gonna die man. - I'm trying to like, form words in my brain right now. But all I can, like, all I'm getting is adrenaline. I'm sorry if I can't form words. - [Drift King] Next track. - Next track, let's go. (speaking in a foreign language) - Mountain roads. - [Connor] Oh my God. - My favorite. - [Connor] Your favorite? - Yes. - Oh no. - [Connor] I have no idea what to expect. - Now that I've experienced this, is sex even all that great? I don't know anymore. - [Connor] While we wanted someone crazy, we were quite unprepared for how crazy this man would be. - Like I knew I was in for something when I heard the laugh. If this is where we die and this is found footage, you have my permission to click bait the fuck out of this. - [Connor] He keeps looking at us. This is terrifying. - Oh my God. (laughing) - This is like an executioner showing like the murder weapon before the execution. (laughing) - [Connor] I think I know why it's your favorite. - Yes. Okay. - Okay. - [Joey] Let's go! - Yes. (upbeat music) (car engine roaring) - [Garnt] Hold on for dear life. Oh God! This is far too- In case we die, I love you guys. (screaming) (car engine roaring) (screeching) Oh, my God. (screaming) (car engine roaring) Oh, my God. (screeching) (car engine roaring) (screeching) (laughing) (clapping) - What the fuck? (clapping) - Let me out of this car. - [Drift King] Okay. - [Connor] Thank you. (speaking in a foreign language) - That's fucking terrifying. (car door slamming) (speaking in a foreign language) - That guy's a fucking madman, he's insane. - Imagine like, being a psychopath and getting paid for it. (laughing) - He was laughing the whole time. - Every time he went over a turn where you can't even see the road, he's like, (laughing) - Yeah. - The worst part is, right, is that half the time he wasn't looking at the road he was looking at us. - Yeah. - He was looking over at us like - He was like a predator just like preying on his prey. Like, he was savoring every moment. - It was like a psychopathic that hijack the car. I was saying earlier, I'm never gonna be able to get an erection normally ever again after that. How can you do that? - Like, on roller coasters I scream, but it's more like a, (screaming) - Get me out, get me out! - This is like the first time I've had like a guttural, "Oh shit, I am going to die!" Scream. - I'm pretty sure it will help scream, like three times. (laughing) My throats fucking dead, - Yeah. - Yeah. - So that gives you an indication. - How can I go back to my shitty little car, drifting around in my little pond, you know? - He's like, (squealing) - I can do a spin, I guess. - I can do a donut, I spin out immediately, while this guy is like, going down a fucking mountain at 50 miles an hour. - He would fully stop and then re-initiate the drift. - Yeah. - It was insane. I'm actually in awe, I can't believe it. It's fucking insane. - That was super cool. - I felt good about myself before lunch, (laughing) now I feel like, pathetic. - I'm glad I didn't eat much lunch 'cause it would definitely be up by now. - Oh yeah, it would be on the windshield by now. - All right lads, but who's gonna win the challenge though? That's still what we came here to do. - We gotta go back to our challenges, so- - I'm going to win, I'm ready to win. (chattering) - I need to do one successful drift still. (laughing) - He needs to do one donut. We got this, we got this. All right, let's go. After having our lives flash before our eyes multiple times, it was time to go back to practicing our pity little donuts. But thankfully, we had a new maneuver to learn. - Handbrake turn. - Okay. - Handbrake turn. - Full throttle, first gear, clutch on, and handbrake. - So accelerate, clutch down, handbrake. - Yes, handbrake. - [Garnt] Easy. (speaking in a foreign language) - This is gonna be easy. - Are you gonna sit this one out, Joey, or you gonna join in? - [Joey] I'm gonna watch you guys. - Oh, okay, oh, okay. - We'll see how it is. - [Connor] You little baby. - I hurt my hands, so I'm gonna watch them go head over tip, as we say in Australia. Just absolutely. (whistling) Hopefully not, touch wood. (laughing) - [Connor] Having experienced the real thing, we were now hyped and motivated to tear it up in our own cars. Well, at least most of us were. - Yeah, so, I decided to just chill this one 'cause, well, hands hurting. But also, fuck that. (laughing) - A monkey - Mine, my friend. - Friend, monkey friend. - My monkey friend. (car engine roaring) (laughing) - Oh my God. Cool. Well fuck me, it's just me now. Being the natural that I was, I was confident that I could continue my performance with the handbrake turn. - [Meilyne] Whoa! - [Joey] Nice! - That's hard, that's so hard. - I've got my lucky charm with me now, my elephant. I shall call you Drifty. - You got this Garnt, come on, you got this. - Can't fucking go if I stall the car. (laughing) - He stalled his car. - This is the exact reason why I wanted to sit this one out, 'cause I'd be stalling there on the start line for like 10 minutes before I can finally do it. - I was hyping myself up so much. (car engine roaring) (screeching) (yelling) That was hard. All right, first attempt was a failure. Joey might've been sitting this one out, but that was fine, as I seem to have channeled his driving skills. God fucking dammit. This is why I don't drive manual. (car engine roaring) (laughing) - He just knocked the cones over, that's so funny. - And I just stalled again. Brilliant. - Gas 100% (growling) - I'm waiting for Garnt, as he having a chit chat? What's he talking about? - Ah, so, so, so. - I reckon Garnt can do it. Garnt's probably gonna nail this one, he just can't do normal drift. That's such a Garnt move. (car engine roaring) (screeching) (laughing) - You've knocked another cone over. This man can't help himself. - And I was just having a great time watching the boys murder these poor cones. Garnt's like fucking murdering these cones left and right. Every time he's just like, all right I gotta go down again to fix the cone. - I can't stop hitting the cone. (laughing) - All right, you got this Connor, you got this! - I got this! Come on, I gotta do it. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - What was that? (car engine roaring) (screeching) (clapping) (car engine roaring) (screeching) - Eventually though, I might have done a small oopsie. - That was the scariest sound I've ever heard. - What did I do to the car? - I don't know, but it sounded like something just snapped. - The engine (growling) - Oh, okay. - Not good. - Oh, should I like, bring it up? - Machine change, okay? - Okay, okay, yeah. Sure, sure. - What happened there? - I think I like, popped the engine or something. I've gotta go and change the engine. - Oh, shit. - 'Cause I fucked up, I fucking destroyed the engine. Gotta say though, it's a lot of fun. - While nobody's watching, I'm just gonna secretly do it. I'm just gonna do it now. (car engine roaring) (screeching) - Connor's taking my car because apparently he's destroyed his. - [Garnt] But somehow, he didn't just stop there. (screeching) - [Connor] Too early, too early. (rumbling) - I think I stopped the car. - Has Connor broken another car? Surely you can't have broken two cars. Two cars in one sitting. - I fucked two cars. I fucked my own car and I fucked Joey's car. - No way has he broken two cars! - The way Garnt's fucking giggling away in his car. (laughing) - How does he keep destroying cars like this? This man's the most expensive thing on the shoot. - As the end of the day was nearing, we knew what time was coming. It was time to put everything we had learned to the test. Conner's destroyed not only my car, but his own car. So now we have to do this time trail in Garnt's car. - Yup. - You've destroyed this engine so much, not even the people who own this place are like, now what the fuck happened- - Yeah, they looked really confused. - Yeah, they're like, what's happening? - I don't know what happened to the first one. I think I didn't bring the clutch up and I think I just shredded the clutch, like an idiot. - Yeah - The second one, I don't know what happened. They said, they were pushing it and they were like, it's the battery, it's the battery. I'm like, "What?" - [Connor] Here's how test would work. It would be a time trial around a course. First we would do a right-hand drift around a cone three times, as cleanly as we could. Then do three left-hand turns round another cone, which we had never practiced before, except for yours truly. And then after all of that, come around and finish with a clean handbrake turn. And depending on how well we performed the maneuvers according to our teachers, we would get time shaven off. Easy, right? (car engine roaring) - That seems legit. - Easy, easy. - So the teacher just did it in 47 seconds. - He went around like five times. - And he did it more than the intended, and because he perfectly parallel parked that's minus 5 seconds so, it's 42 seconds. So that's the time to beat. - I'm gonna floor this like my life depends on it. - I'm gonna die. - I'm just gonna not be able to do this. - Do we have a punishment that we can do? Loser pay's for dinner tonight, that's how we'll do it. - All right, fine. - I can't wait to have my succulent meal provided for free, by Joey. (laughing) - Watch me eat my own words like I fucking always do. - What could possibly go wrong? - Joey, would you like to go first? It's your car, right? - What could possibly go right? - Come on, Joey. - Are you sure about this? - Yeah, yeah, why not? - I mean, you're gonna be here for a while. - Yeah, that's fine, that's fine. It's 40 seconds, right? - Yeah, we'll get to see it. - I'll be back in 30. (laughing) - With my sustained injuries and my complete lack of manual driving experience, I was the first one on the chopping block. All I needed to do was to not stall at the very start of the race. - I actually think he's gonna do better than me, 'cause he's been able to drift it. I haven't been able to do a single- - Thing is though, if you stall you lose like 5 seconds. (laughing) - He just stalled. Yes! Can we start the timer now, right? We're starting the timer now. - No, no, unfortunately not. - Three, two, one, go! (laughing) (car engine roaring) (upbeat music) - All right, he's doing it. - He's doing one more. - He's doing one more. (screeching) - Oh my fucking- (screeching) - It's a wide drift if I've ever seen one. (screeching) - [Connor] Let's go! - [Garnt] He's fucking doing it! I wanna see his handbrake turn. This is his handbrake turn. (car engine roaring) (screaming) (upbeat music) (laughing) - Nailed it. - Well done, Joey. - My hand is hurting so much right now. I can't believe I fucking survived that shit. - Garnt's going next, fantastic. Can't wait. - Seeing Joey doing a relatively clean run, the pressure is on me to not make a complete fool of myself. - All right, here we go. - If he stalls I'm gonna laugh my ass off. (car engine roaring) (upbeat music) (car engine roaring) (screeching) - [Garnt] Oh, shit. - She went over it. (upbeat music) (car engine roaring) - He's doing it again? - Just making sure, I think. Handbrake. Oh, nice! - Oh, I don't know how I did that. I forgot to speak this entire time, I forgot to even do an intro. (sighing) I was just running on pure adrenaline. - Finally, it was my turn. I've seen the other boys do their trial, I was pretty sure I could destroy them. All I needed to do was not fuck this up and keep doing what I was doing in practice, and I would easily win this. - Connor's either going to absolutely destroy us in time, or destroy the car. (laughing) (car engine roaring) (screeching) - [Garnt] Oh, no! No! (laughing) - Fuck, no. (car engine starting) (car beeping) - No! - He's turned the indicator on. (laughing) - Fuck! (car engine roaring) (screeching) - You can do it! - Come on, - Come on, come on. (car engine roaring) (laughing) (screeching) - I fucked it up, I fucked it up. (laughing) - He's dragging the fucking cone. (car engine roaring) (laughing) - I fucked it up, I fucked it up. That went well, that went so well! Fuck! Thank you, thank you. (laughing) - Oh, I stalled. No! - Connor once again, acing the training arc and then when the time really comes when it comes down to it- - Acing the fake protagonist litmus test with flying colors right now. - As the one with food poisoning, I'm glad I'm not the one that shit myself today. - Fucking plot armor, again. I've got the antagonist bullshit that makes me lose when it matters most. I hate being an antagonist. You always lose, you never win! It's 'cause I didn't have my monkey, where the fuck is my monkey? If I had monkey, wouldn't have lost that. Would not have lost that just saying. - Hey buddy. - How you doing, Buddy? - A bit sad, I can't believe I fucked it all. I stalled as well. The moment I stalled I was like, "Wow, I've gotta think of my excuses right now." Not used to the car. - Yeah - The clutch was weird. - Yeah. If it was my car, which I didn't break, - Yeah. - I woulda won that easy. - I love the fact that you started off bad and I was like, "He's gonna recover." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Then he just proceed to fucking hit the cone and just track it 10 miles with you. - You took out a cone and a GoPro. - We were like circling the cone where we were supposed to, and you're in fucking Narnia just circling there. - I wanted my drifts to be the sickest and that made me lose. - All right, Chris, tell us the results? Go second and- - Wait, why second? No. - As always put me out of my misery, Chris. - Okay. In shit place is Connor with, is that one hour 24 minutes? (laughing) - It felt like that long. - One hour, 24 minutes and collateral damage along the way. - One minute, 24 minutes, 25- One minute, 24 seconds- - Yeah, I was gonna say Chris, come on man. Don't embarrass me more than I already have. - One minute, 24 seconds, 25 milliseconds. In second place is Joey. - Yay! - With one minute, seven seconds. In first place is Garnt, one minute, one second. He's running around. - The protagonist. - The protagonist. - This is bullshit. - Proving once again guy's. - This is bullshit. I always lose in the right time. (laughing) I was the best the whole time. So, I'm thinking family mall for tonight. Nothing special, I don't wanna get near- - A5 Wagyu? - No, no, no. - Full course meal, I'm down for that. - Well. - Domino's maybe, at Mary's? I don't really want us to split the bank here lads. - We'll get the expensive Domino's. - Fine. - If each of you could summarize the experience in one word, what would that word be? - Sexy. - What? - Sexy. - I was gonna say erection, I'm joking. - Orgasmic. - Yeah. But a big, big, big, thank you to Ebisu Drifting - Yeah thank you so much for having us. - For letting us film and letting us do all sorts of wacky shenanigans like this. And also thank you to the patreons because if it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't be doing this video. - Very expensive video. - It was a very expensive video. - This was a very expensive video, and if you're wondering where the budget for Patreon goes. Like, this is just the beginning. We wanna do all sorts of crazy projects. This is just a taster, and if you liked whatever you saw then consider supporting us on Patreon. - Yeah, patreon.com/TrashTaste, Links in the description. - I'm gonna avenge myself in the next special. Next special, next special, I'm gonna fucking- Dude, why do I feel like the cartoon fucking villain that never wins, dude. (laughing) - This is where you- - The whole race, he's in first. (upbeat music) - All right, how much is it? - Fuck, that's a lot. It's $130. - [Joey] For the four of us though? - [Garnt] It's pretty good. - Divide the money. - No, divide for me guys. Great value for you for you. (speaking in foreign language) (screaming) (clapping) - How was that guys, how was that? - Hilarious and cool because I didn't lose. (laughing) - You know, I will say that I actually think you deserved to win there. I think your performance on the technical- - I don't think he deserves to win, I deserve to win. What do you mean? - I don't know, If I didn't stall, I probably could have won. - Joey mildly drove around the cones. I went for a drift, that's why I lost because I fucking went for it. - You went through the cones. You went through the cones. - You went through everything. - I'm sorry, both of you were like fucking Sunday drivers going around those cones. - And we still finished before you. And we still finished before you! - Don't hate the player, hate the game, man. - I'm the only one who went for a drift around the cones. Why didn't they drift? This is bullshit! - I will say, on a technical level, I think Joey, that second cone, you fucking did a clean drift, cleaner than either of us. - That's a lie, that's a lie. - I know, what can I say? I watched all of the initial D before we went, all right. I got in the zone. - This is fucking slander and I won't stand for it. I feel like a technical knockout with my win, but like I'm gonna give it to Joey. I feel like Joey's performance on the day- - I finally won. - was the best. Connor, you were just doing your own thing. - You were just having a mosey around on a Sunday morning. - It don't matter how good you perform before the time that matters. - [Joey] Exactly. - It's how you perform on the day. - Exactly. It doesn't matter how hard you study in class, if you fuck up in the test, you fuck up in the test, all right - This is called the drifter king not the practice drifter king. (laughing) - I'm gonna win next time. - Anyway, we hope you enjoyed that special. The reason we wanted to do this is we enjoyed the Acaba video so much that we just kinda wanted to see what it would be like if we were doing different things outside, outside of the studio. - Yeah. - And going above and beyond our comfort zone. - Yeah, exactly. This is something that we had never challenged ourselves to at all. And honestly is probably a type of content that you probably would have never seen on any of our individual channels, right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - And because all of you guys support us on Patreon so fricking much, like, way more than what we were expecting. We wanted to give back to you guys, right. - We wanted to show you what we could achieve with all the generosity that you've given because we did not expect Trash Tastes to be this popular. - I don't know if we mentioned this but this entire episode was funded by you guys on Patreon, right? - [Connor] Yeah. - A lot of you guys are like, "Where's this Patriot money going?" It's going into stuff like this. - Yeah, and this is just the first of many. This is isn't going to interrupt your regular broadcast. We just wanted to show you a taste of what's to come, a Trash Taste of What's to come. (sighing) - I see what you did there. - We have so many plans for you guys and we know that this can be so much bigger than it is. And if you want to help support that and support our craziness and all the dumb hi-jinks that we're gonna get up to go ahead to the Trash Taste, Patreon and supporters us there, - Please, please support the Patreon if you enjoyed what you saw, this was a very expensive day not just for like the cars and everything that we fucking broke on the day. - But for all the equipments and the fucking crew that we needed. - Shout out to Chris Abroad in Japan by the way. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. Shout out to Chris. Because like, I don't know if we ever like mentioned him - There was never a point in the video where it was like he was organically introduced. He was just there. - There. (laughing) - He was just like, yeah, Chris Abroad in Japan just there. - The whole Shoot would have fallen apart if Chris wasn't there to drive us 'cause none of us had a license at the time to be able drive a car. So we actually needed to Chris otherwise we would have been fucked. - So, yeah. Please go over to the Patreon and also co-subscribe to Abroad in Japan. Without him this video wouldn't have been half as good. - Thank you Chris. - But yeah, again, the bigger the Patreon gets the more ambitious we can be with this- - The more crazy ideas we can do. - We have some crazy ideas that we think we could pull off but it can be expensive. - We have some, goddamn- - Stories like these that haven't been done on YouTube - Yeah. - To say the least. - But you know, whether we get to funded or not is remains to be seen. But in the meantime, hope you enjoy that and hope you enjoy what we are able to make next. - Yep. Hopefully it'll be bigger and better than this. - Yes. - Thank you so much for watching and supporting us. Have a good day. - I'll see you in the next episode. - Bye. - Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,627,337
Rating: 4.9855142 out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast, Drifting, Ebisu Circuit
Id: sCcv9uqSBU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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