Very Really Good #132: The Doctor Claps Back

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hey guys welcome back to the podcast it is my podcast this is episode 132 of very really good uh it's a good one it's it's the time where the i'm filming it in front of a live studio audience and they're all ready to go um i fit them all in my in my office and it's there's not much there's not much room in front of here so they're all very crammed together i'm going against covered guidelines to have a live studio audience um i'm just kidding guys i'm just freaking pranking you know i'm on my prank [ __ ] this morning i'm on my prank type beat this morning you know felt like doing a prank and that's all and that's all good um yeah this is episode 132. if this is your first episode listening uh this is a podcast you know i don't have to [ __ ] i don't have to explain podcast to you guys you know it's a podcast i talk about stuff that's going on i shoot the [ __ ] for a while it's not edited you know it's unedited it's raw and uncut it's 100 raw unedited curt all right you're getting bloopers you're getting the behind the scenes you're getting directors commentary you're getting you're getting credits i'm just listing things that are on uh dvds like second disks of dvds you know on the special features this yo that'd be fire dude i got a [ __ ] i got to do that uh i put out a video right and then i have a special features channel it's like the second disc of every uh of every video if if my main channel is them is the main disc you know what i'm saying and then the second one the special features channel i do like outtakes you know commentary be cool if i did a comment a director's commentary over one of my commentary videos that'd be crazy kiwi's barking for no reason um you know because that's just what he does he loves yelling and that and that's what dogs do i wish he knew i was recording a podcast because then he'd be like oh sorry but you know um i had this idea speaking of like videos on dvd i had this idea to like um i don't even know if this would be a cool thing or even a practical thing or an even a profitable thing but i had an idea to like put all my like my greatest hits my videos on like a vhs tape and you could like buy them on my website it's like a vhs tape and all my videos are in like bad vhs quality and you just put them into a vhs player and you just watch my videos and like like the best of right wouldn't that be so cool i kind of want to do that you know or volume one volume two i don't think it's very practical i think it's more like a novelty thing but i think it'd be pretty cool so let me know if you guys would get that because i had this idea the other day and i thought it'd be really cool because like i always see it in like thrift stores right like vhs of like [ __ ] kid rock will be like best hit best music videos and you're like what time the 90s were weird man i think the 80s i guess i don't know but that'd be cool so let me know if you guys want that i just love vhs tapes man so chunky dude big big chunkers you know um what happened this week man yesterday was valentine's day um which is just you know it's a it's a capitalist holiday i'm i'm you know i'm aware you know it's designed for uh you know people to buy stuff chocolate it's funded by the [ __ ] it's funded by willy wonka you know everyone wants to buy the chocolate and the flowers um it's fun to buy those people but uh so they can you know fill their pockets um but no it's it is nice it's a nice sentiment you know to you know appreciate you know your loved one extra you know because you should be doing it every day but you know extra on one day so yesterday was nice man took it easy you know made some [ __ ] good ass pasta you know hung out it was good it was a nice chill day um [Music] i tweeted this i'm not gonna show it but because i got really people got really mad at me but i tweeted this video this guy he was like doing this grind on me type thing you know in vine when people are like humping the ground and they were like grandma i'm gonna [ __ ] this floor right now you know they're [ __ ] the floor basically on vine for their 12 year old followers to watch um i saw this take talk of a guy doing pretty much the same thing he was like humping like an invisible person essentially and i posted it on twitter and i captioned it a single people on valentine's day and man people you guys got very upset not because of like i was dissing single people but it's just because it was a very uncomfortable video but um but man that's what twitter's for it's just post and [ __ ] you know people on twitter who post like you know i'm different i'll be there if for if for you if if everyone's not and it'll have like a million likes and you're like huh man what are you saying are you saying on dude what are you saying bruv um what else is [ __ ] going on dude what else is it oh we got a i'll talk about that later i guess i wanted okay dude we got let's get into it [ __ ] it um so there's this video that oh i gotta change the subject sorry sorry sorry i gotta change i gotta press the sound effect that lets me change the subject so um have you guys seen that [ __ ] um video okay let's intro so with with kovid um you know everything's over like zoom now right everything is very zoom centric you know everyone's watching the movie zoom with tim allen yeah i have a zoom call we're all gonna talk on the phone while we watch the movie zoom um do you remember that movie zoom academy for superheroes with tim allen you guys remember that one i used to love that movie but it's actually horseshit um yeah i got zoom call and you're like talking you're talking to the phone like yeah so the meeting is yeah so this week i got it and then in the background it's just like [ __ ] i gotta save these i gotta kill the bad guy can't even hear each other because you're all watching zoom come on and zoom come on and zoom anyways everything is very zoom centric everyone's doing stuff over zoom everyone's doing birthday parties over zoom everyone's delivering babies over zoom um some doctor on zoom was just like push push pretend if i was there i'd be yanking the baby out but just do it yourself um but no everything's over zoom and there was this video that kind of like went sorry to be a boomer here but it kind of went viral sort of went uh sort of got a lot of hits if you know what i mean all right got a lot of hits um okay so it's like this they're doing this i don't even know what they're doing it's like a lawyer who was doing a zoom call a bunch of lawyers and one of the one of the guys has like a cat filter on zoom that makes his face a cat which is hey why do you have that is that even an option on zoom hey guys and cat i'm cat now isn't that funny just kidding it was just a filter yeah i don't know why that i don't know maybe for people who are like vacationing away from their home and someone's like cat sitting and then you get the cat sitter to put that filter on that looks like your cat so you can pretend you're talking to your cat maybe i don't know that makes sense um oh there's something my tooth but i'll i'll just play it oh it's like a 40 second clip i'll play and we'll talk about it mr ponton i believe you have a filter turned on in the video settings uh you might want to uh we're trying to can you hear me judge i can hear you i think it's a filter it is and i don't know how to remove it i've got my assistant here she's trying to but uh i'm prepared to go forward with it that's i'm here live that's not i'm not a cat that's it i like that noise he makes when like the first noise that he makes in the in the call that's the noise you make when you turn into a cat ah if i if i hear that sound come from a lawyer oh oh also it's so funny recording of this here on the top left it says recording of this hearing or live stream is prohibited violation may constitute contempt of court and result in a fine of up to 500 in a jail term of 280 days so whoever recorded this thing y'all going to jail dude you're in jail for recording a zoom call yeah what are you in for you're in jail so man what are you in for i uh my lawyer was a cat on zoom so i i screen recorded here i am i'm doing time doing time because my lawyer was a feline all right the guy's name is rod too rod a stick a metal stick hey man i'm rod this is just like this is just like the perfect example of like i mean i don't want to be ageist here but like these people shouldn't be making as much money as they are you know what i mean you can't [ __ ] figure out a zoo it's he said it's him and his assistant trying to figure out how to get the [ __ ] cat filter off of his face it's like when you work at a if you work on an office job and then you like figure out how to connect the bluetooth printer and they're like what how'd you do that and then you make like five percent of what they make every year so how'd you figure that out man good thing you're here because we don't do [ __ ] the only thing we know how to do is nothing we know how to write letters and send them and and give them to a crow and the crow delivers our messages i don't know what the [ __ ] emails are dude because i'm 69 lol first number that popped in my head i'm a child dude this video's so funny though i know it's like kind of old news but to me like everyone was kind of just like this is so funny this is so crazy but to me it just pissed me off because it's like bro figure it out you know what like if they just spent like five minutes trying to find out how to work zoom they could do it but they're all just like hey i don't know you do it for me it's i can't wrap my head around this stuff i know i say this now but when i'm 90 years old or some [ __ ] when i'm like 70 or 80 and there's gonna be like this new app called [ __ ] [ __ ] bingo or something where you can like i don't know upload your consciousness into some robot where you talk to your friends in like some remote setting i'm not gonna be able to figure it out i'll be like i don't know you do it so i mean i guess it's just the you know the circle of life i suppose what if this guy was like the lawyer after is like i am i a cat have i been a cat this whole time just doesn't know what filters are he's like hold on hold on whoa whoa i i went my whole life i went i went [ __ ] 60 years thinking i was a guy thinking i was a human turns out i'm a [ __ ] cat turns out i'm a legit cat oh man i've been i've been spending my life worrying about the law when i should be worrying about oh wait hold on i've been rewind i've been spending my whole i've been devoting my life to worrying about the laws but i should be worrying about my paws [Music] i object i object to that joke um yeah that's very funny he legit thinks he's a cat now he buys a litter box and you go over you go he's like a judge he's like a judge in like a jury huh he's like a judge in a like a courtroom he's like sorry guys you'll take a brief recess i gotta take a [ __ ] and he walks over to this litter boxes in the corner of the courtroom and he's like and he's like [Music] and he's like any [ __ ] farts into a litter box and the jury's like whoa i know that judge is a cat that's awesome and all the jury are cats too cat court so that's my that's my two cents that's my two cents on this viral video dude um [ __ ] that's so funny um you know that guy's never gonna live it down to um okay what else can we talk oh this week was okay let's change the subject again oh my god i gotta [ __ ] remember where these sound effects are my guy so i put out a video on friday uh no thursday of it's called teaching gamers about god it was about this uh streamer uh named dr witnesser uh if you haven't watched the video you should go watch it for this full story you know for context but um brief summary if you don't want to he goes into fortnight games and he teaches his his squad mates about uh god um which is obviously really weird because you know you're playing a video game um and no one wants to [ __ ] talk about religion during a video game um but so i made a video about how it was so weird like kind of the whole thing that went on because he told a muslim child that he was going to go to hell if he didn't convert to christianity which is [ __ ] up because you know he's a kid he's a kid so you know leave him alone obviously um so he responded he he put up a response video to to to uh to my video and i was like okay good hopefully he goes over everything and uh you know talks about um everything that happened in the in my video and gave a good uh rebuttal but um spoiler alert he uh he didn't do that so so yeah this is the title curtis connor exposed and proof of god a doctor witnessed her defense so he claims that he is posting proof of god in this video um and the like to dislike ratio um it's [ __ ] a thousand dislikes and a hundred likes man it's crazy when that can happen and you can still be like i'm in the right oh you know um let's just play it though let's talk let's [ __ ] play it and talk about it all right hey guys dr winterster here and today's video is going to be a response video on curtis connor's youtube video he made in me it's a youtuber that has 2.9 million subscribers guys and he made a video uh pretty much hard criticizing what i do about going into games and teaching people the bible i hope you stick around to the end of the video though because something crazy happens at the end that is pretty much proof of god outside the bible guys [Laughter] stick around to the end of the video where i literally prove the existence of god and stick around to the end of the video so you can find out more about today's video sponsor god there is no word in the hebrew bible for coincidence and something after my critique of his video happened it's crazy guys i mean it just blew my mind so please like comment and subscribe tell me how you like the video please stick around to the end of the video guys so without further ado here we go nice um okay i'm gonna read the let me read the description really quick i watched curtis connor's video which is which was very well edited i might add and that's the problem it it paints me out to be a liar and that is definitely something i am not so here's a part in the video i have issue with why i have issue with it my proof what he said is wrong and something happens at the end of the video that is crazy that can be considered proof of god um it's so funny that he was like like the video guys and not that many people did it we have some important news it's out there so we got to talk about it somebody with about almost 3 million subscribers 2.91 million subscribers on youtube made a video about me and it's 28 minutes long like wow that's long so we have to talk about it the guy is an atheist which he spends a lot of the video talking about christianity which i don't know how an atheist can talk about christianity i don't all right so that's another thing dude it's like that's like the same [ __ ] thing as like when i post about american politics and people are like hey hold on let's pump the brakes a second how can you talk about america when you don't live there even when you don't even reside there when your primary primary residence isn't even the united states of america you talk about it huh it's like it's pretty easy man people can just have opinions right this homeboy talks about [ __ ] atheists all the time too how can you how can he talk about that how can you make a video about an atheist if you're not an atheist right i don't know that shit's so annoying man people think like that it's like i just i don't know you could just i'm not a [ __ ] duck but i can talk about i could talk about what i think about them right i think they're kind of cool i like the the the color of their [ __ ] bills man and that and sue me sue me i like ducks sue me i like ducks i'll say it i think ducks are i think ducks are not that bad you know i'm not a [ __ ] bowl of macaroni and cheese but hey can i can i give my opinions on it absolutely it's great ducks mac and cheese both very good a duck eating mac and cheese get out of here a duck eating a bowl of mac and cheese sign me up sign me up save me a seat i'm eating with them i wouldn't normally talk i wasn't going to talk about the video but there's one point in the video that i really need to address because he paints me out to be a liar and i am not a liar and i'm going to prove that i'm not a liar obviously i used to be a liar obviously i used to lie i don't anymore i am not lying about what he particularly said i was lying about so i'm going to show you his video where he paints it's so funny man because like if the whole the only thing like the only thing he has an issue with like he doesn't care that it's i said he was a bad person or like homophobic or anything like that he's like i don't care about that but he just called me a liar and that's what god thinks is wrong you know i'm totally okay with being a homophobe but if god doesn't like lying then i gotta i gotta prove myself to god it's so weird man like that's the only thing i had a problem with i don't know me out to be a liar and prove that it's just careful editing by him to make it look like i'm lying okay so here we go sick so here's his page okay 2.9 million subscribers bringing the gospel to gamers obviously here's his intent if you see the thumbnail it's me red and devil horns already you can tell what his intent of the video and then he's all like oh yeah and then i'm all like orgasm [Music] oh i mean yo he made the same sound as the [ __ ] cat lawyer oh like an atheist going like yeah oh please i'm holy and then like me like all satan like you know already you can see his intent and you can expect he handled the situation with the poise and grace of a good level-headed christian you told someone to go to hell you're going to hell so the guy that's in the stream just said you told someone they were going to hell that's what the guy on the stream said so the guy in the stream is saying i told someone they were going to hell and i said i didn't say that i remember when i told that muslim kid he was going to hell then he brings up a tick tock that i responded to which we're gonna watch about someone saying remember when you told that kid you said he was going to hell and then i responded by repeating what the guy in the tick tock said that's all this guy curtis clips that's all he clips you told someone to go to hell you're going to hell you would be sentenced to hell actually say that i remember when i told that muslim kid he was going to hell have i stopped lying all together yes you would be sentenced to hell i actually didn't say that god see that every liar see this clippage he's doing bro i [ __ ] hate that okay i'm not clip i'm not [ __ ] it's not like i'm editing him to say things that he didn't say right like i'm just i'm piecing things together that he did say that are contradictory and it's [ __ ] ah man okay he's doing all this clever clippage to make it look like i'm lying and i really told someone they were going to hell we'll have his part in the lake of fire save me a spot and okay so now that's the only issue i'm going to bring up with this video because that's the only issue i have with it i understand he's an atheist he doesn't believe in god and the whole video is just him bashing christianity and bashing me [ __ ] dude can't take any criticism either man it's like i wasn't the whole thing i wasn't bashing christianity i literally said that at the beginning of the video i was like hey if you're a christian that's [ __ ] cool unless you use for to force it down people's throats and you're i don't know homophobic and a piece of [ __ ] then like i don't know then you suck right i wasn't saying christianity as a whole was bad bashing me and bashing what i do but that's the only part of the video i want to bring up so now we're going to go to what i really said we'll look at this video first we're gonna look at the what i actually said first okay what i actually said on that one video first okay so look if you were to die in your sims today you would be sentenced to hell if you were to die in your sins today you would be sentenced to hell which literally means you are going to hell i don't think i don't understand how he isn't getting the point here and everybody is saying that like it's obviously he didn't literally like obviously he didn't literally say that but it still means the same thing right well he plays this [ __ ] high ground thing or he's like i didn't say that you're trying to trying to get me i didn't say that i heavily implied it i heavily implied it i laid it on very thick i said that if this young boy doesn't turn away from his religion and totally ostracize himself from his family and his community and probably face a really really hard life terrible life um then yeah he's gonna go to hell all right like what a [ __ ] dude bad take bad take did i say the kid was straight up going to hell like did i say for sure this kid is going to hell no i did not i said if he were to die in his sins he would be sentenced to hell did i say that dude in the comments [ __ ] comments on the left um hey bud have you ever heard of bofa i only believe in ligma oh man say the kid is going to hell no i did not there's a huge difference now listen to the rest of it and god the living god the god of abraham isaac and jacob the guy that created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh he is telling you that the only way to heaven is by turning from your sins and trusting in his son who died for your sins that's what god teaches again everybody says including curtis clips a little snippet that says me saying that you're going to hell yeah this guy doesn't understand like just [ __ ] like what's the word nuance is that the word right and like subtext right like he's heavily implying that it's not okay that's it but he pretty much like [ __ ] goes on and on and on and on he literally just repeats himself so he can prove himself that he's not a liar because he'll go to hell if he's a liar he never you know disagrees about the homophobia or anything um you know because that doesn't matter but but let's go to the part where he proves the existence of god okay all right here we go you guys ready you guys ready to see the existence of god oh wow look at look at look look somebody in my somebody invite somebody in my party look at somebody in my party dude man this is about to [ __ ] legit have orgasm um so so if you're listening to this audio someone in his fortnite party or squad their their uh their name is conor is trash just randomly c-o-n-n-o-r is trash look at the name in my and he has a thing actual proof of god on the video party look at the name in my party no way what is with this hey connor is trash what's going on okay so let's talk okay so if god is real if this loving god is real um in all the powerful things that god could do he puts a kid with the username conor is trash in his uh fortnite game that's the extent of god's power he could put anybody in a fortnight squad but it'll be the wrong spelling of the name and it'll be the and it'll just be the last name as their first name if it was someone curtis connor is trash dude i think i'd be like okay that's pretty crazy i think i'd be more inclined but just conor c-o-n and o-r spelled so god can't spell and he's also so vain that if someone critiques him um that critiques god then he's like yeah he's trash very loving god right he's very loving also one more thing uh so he he posted this on twitter okay so dr witness or he posted this clip on twitter and i responded and i was like uh i said wow i guess uh god is real and he thinks i'm trash he's so loving he responded i said i assure you he doesn't think you're trash i just thought this happening after talking about your video was extremely ironic and coincidental okay coincidental remember that word he said it's very coincidental that that happened and this is the beginning of his youtube video i hope you stick around to the end of the video though because something crazy happens at the end that is pretty much proof of god outside the bible guys there is no word in the hebrew bible for coincidence and something there's no word in the bible for coincidence so coincidence can't can happen in the bible there's no such thing as a coincidence um and then in the tweet he says it's you know it's a coinci coincidental so that's pretty funny and then he uh so then he responded in all seriousness i'd love to be on your podcast and then i said in all seriousness no [ __ ] way um because hey man i'd rather have a shoe on my podcast as a guest i'd rather talk to a [ __ ] old boot i would rather have an old worker's boot an old steel-toed boot as a guest i think i'd get more out of them i think i'd get more out of a steel-toed boot than you all right like an old steel toed boot with like [ __ ] mud on it used to belong to a guy named [ __ ] grant i would i would rather have grant's steal left steel-toed boot as a guest than doctor witness there dude and i'd have a much more riveting conversation um but it was just so funny that that's what he thinks god that's what proves god it's just like so i don't know he's so in his like [ __ ] in his own [ __ ] little world of a gods simpage i guess but i just thought it was very funny so i thought i'd go over it um oh and dude another thing another [ __ ] this guy okay trigger warning for suicide um by the way for the next like couple minutes but um so an 18 year old tick tock star dazzaria um zarya shaffer um committed suicide uh recently um which is obviously [ __ ] never like it's it's it's heartbreaking and it happens to anybody right like it's tough on the family and all their followers and on it's just yeah it's [ __ ] it's brutal obviously and then this [ __ ] guy man this doctor [ __ ] [ __ ] bag he responded to it and said i woke up to this news and it's indeed terrible but hey don't as soon as you see that as soon as you see the word butt after that uh oh hey no but no but woke up to this news and it's indeed terrible but people need to know what really happens to someone who does this she's in a better place in quotations folks if your last act in life is to break god's law it's proof you didn't love him and are not entering those gates like [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you if you're watching this you probably are [ __ ] you you suck so hard it's insane a kid i know they're 18 but that's they're young a young person took their own life because they were clearly just sad and they felt like they had no other option and then for you to be like well you're all saying she's in a better place now she's going to hell sorry she's going to hell like [ __ ] dude [ __ ] you you're going to hell you are going to hell if there is a hell i hope there is i really hope there is so i can go there and see you there and kick you in the balls all right just [ __ ] like how can you say that and think you're going to heaven right i'm spending too much time in this guy and i'm getting [ __ ] way too upset but i just wanted to talk about him because he responded did some dumb [ __ ] again so um how about we switch gears we talk about some goofy stuff how about we how do we take a trip to the curtis corner and we talked to jacob about some [ __ ] kooky stuff that's going on uh so here we go [Music] hey jacob hey man what'd it do not much how's how's it going over there i'm chilling i'm relaxing uh we do have some ben shapiro stories today so yeah okay fair warning but um this is a this is a fun goofy one okay that i liked a lot so the you've seen that um gina carano yes fired from the mandalorian right and like dropped by a bunch of people for saying a bunch of dudes you know you're dumb [ __ ] everybody who says dumb [ __ ] says the same dumb [ __ ] it's never that they no one gets fired for saying new dumb [ __ ] it's all it's been the same dumpster like the same six opinions um but she was she was uncancelled by ben shapiro she was uh he has that power he has that power um he has been afforded that ability and he uncanceled her and now he's making a movie with her or something so i don't have much to say about that but in researching that yeah by researching i mean briefly scrolling the twitter yes that's hey don't sell yourself short that's all i do that's all researching is i found out that he he wrote a novel once actually i like a fiction novel a thick well technically fiction okay it's called true allegiance oh yeah i see it um and crazy basically it's like a very transparent attempt at wish fulfillmenting himself into this book okay so it's so it's okay it's writing like a fan fiction of who he would wishes he was yeah it's kind of like fan fiction of like auto fan fiction auto fan fiction of a version of himself that he wishes he could be i guess yeah um shout out at classic liberal where the e is a three on twitter because um this person kind of made a threat about it and i didn't do that much more research into the book because i don't want to read it yeah that seems like a nightmare yeah um but looking at some screenshots here if i may let me read you an excerpt yeah let's read some excerpts here between junior and senior years of high school brett finally hit his growth spurt like his dad he bloomed late but when he did he put on muscle and height like a racehorse he sprouted five inches to six foot two he brought in through the chest filling out to a healthy 215. whoa um so that's about brett our hero and our main character okay it starts with a b it's one syllable i mean it's has the same e sound i think it's pretty close to ben bret actually it's very weird that there was a set of twins that i went to school with who i was friends with in like elementary school and their names were ben and brett are you serious i'm not joking so that is very it shows you how close their names are if twins have them yeah if your parents who are having two kids who you know are gonna look exactly the same and your go-to names were brett and ben that is scientific evidence yeah that they're almost the same name yeah exactly if you get yeah that could hold up in a court of law i think or science court of science whatever sort of course yeah you know you know those courts of science yeah uh so classic liberal goes on to detail some other parts of the book and it just sounds like a romp the other heroes are the texas government who is fighting the texas governor who is fighting the federal government while leading texas forces into an invasion into mexico to secure the border come on and a california rancher who blows up a federal building and starts a militia because of a regulation dispute with the epa is this what republican art is like i guess republicans are always complaining about how there's like no conservatives in hollywood i think this is why like yeah this sounds like it stinks yeah also it'd be so funny if in a part of the book he was like this one super handsome political commentator named gwen shishido who works for the uh popular website gaily fire who has a handsome penis which also sprouted to five five sprouted five inches okay wait till you hear about the villains of the book okay a black preacher who teams up with a crack dealing black lives matter type guy to trick a white cop into killing an unarmed black kid to start riot come on man yeah i mean it's exactly like imagine if like [ __ ] this was the story line up to like a michael bay movie like that'd be [ __ ] terrible this is why they're not in charge the plot to transformers for was much better than this yeah yeah i a little bit um there's one part of the book where a plane was hijacked by muslims okay but only one person reacted because all the other people in the plane were paralyzed by political correctness again quoting um our friend on twitter here but the passage specifically is the other passengers looked around uncomfortably paralyzed by a peculiar inability to overcome their political correctness she unbuckled her seatbelt and edged to the aisle then she got up calmly and walked toward omari before she could speak mahmoud cut her off grabbed her hand twisted it by behind her back and threw her to the ground she shouted he has a bomb okay whoa it's like that classic thing of like if i was on the plane on 9 11 i would have stopped i think i would have i would i think i would have saved the day i think i would have been the guy i actually wouldn't have because i would have been overcome by political correctness dude i want to save the day i really do but i'm just too politically correct imagine um i'm being robbed at gunpoint yeah by um a muslim guy right and i'm my we're together and you're like jacob do something just just fight back man fight that fight back man and i'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa read the room that's a little uh it's a little uh politically incorrect of you my friend curtis i didn't realize that so i know what to think of someone who is just like petrified like a [ __ ] champion yeah i don't even i don't wanna hurt your feelings i got the only way i can move is by admitting my political correctness you know what i'm not even whoa [Laughter] um and i know what you're thinking you're you want to ask jacob are there n words in the book yes the answer is multiple great and uh he he talks about black people in a weird weird way there's one passage uh i found where um somebody tried to make friends with black people and this character probably brett i don't know i don't want to read the book um recounts the experience by saying like i left that situation with a couple black eyes and several new vocabulary words all right what are the word show the words coward yeah say what you really mean brett inquiry i'm sure that ben shapiro wrote that after like hearing very basic slang that he didn't understand and he just got mad yeah this is a good one i got so many excerpts i got so many excerpts damn you're full of eggs today dude i'm full of excerpts this is how he describes one character hawthorne was a bear of a man 6-3 in his bare feet and 215 pounds in his underwear with a graying blonde crew cut and a face carved of granite this reads like smut almost yeah right it's like very in terms of like does he describe like girls like that in the book or is it only like the men he's very graphic i haven't really been able to find any women in the book um i'm not saying there aren't any but i scrolled through a few pages indiscriminately just to kind of yeah see what i would find and at no point did i find women i'm sure they're in the book and i'm sure right yeah none of them were consulted in that one excerpt the that's the one person who says she ha he has a bomb on right right right yes okay yes a woman is a hero the only person willing to stand up to [Music] muslim guys trying to grasp do you think this will be the the movie that ben shapiro makes like a sort of like oh my god every version of his book oh my god and gina's playing the plane girl dude oh my god i can't wait to see it's going to be gina and ben is cast as brett because i mean i i guess i'll do it i get it i guess he'll do it i guess so if you really want pull my uh you know twist my arm here's what it's going to be okay here's my twist my huge muscley arm gina is on the plane yep minding her business being an innocent white woman who her only crime is that the radical left uh wants her to be someone she's not um then she feels her arm being stuffed behind her face smash into the tray table she turns around who is it it's the mandalorian he takes his helmet off turbine she's the only person who has the balls to say he's got a bomb then it turns out he doesn't have a bomb it's just a random muslim guy who tripped on her and she had a vivid hallucination very racist hallucination she's fired again she's canceled yet again in the sky the book is terribly reviewed yeah uh i i spent a while just going through the reviews and it's a lot of ben shapiro fans who hate the book which that's so funny really funny not even the people who [ __ ] with them are like stoked on it universally universally poor the only positive reviews are like really positive yeah and that's how you and that's that's never a good sign dude what if the movie comes out and it's like actually incredible it's like one of the best movies ever that's what i was yeah i was thinking about that like it's like shawshank it's like up there with like you know what's that other movie just shawshank redemption what other good movies titanic there's like it's a classic like amazing citizen kane yeah transformers i that's the thing is like i'm willing to give any conservative movie a shot yeah i'm almost definitely really not gonna like it i can almost guarantee i'm gonna hate it but i shall try it if it's great i'll be the first to tell you yeah but but it's like i feel like with this type of movie it's not even just the awful world view that's bad it's also like the lighting's never good yeah it's like from the ground up it's not good right it's yeah exactly i can imagine a a movie with ben shapiro in charge that yeah the continuity is going to be bad script supervisor is not even going to be on set i'm sure it's gonna be it's gonna be a mess yeah i mean there's just no there's no world in which is good but you know i shouldn't say that it could be great yeah it could be the next harry potter series it could be the next the protagonist from childhood through adulthood there's gonna be a ben shapiro land at [ __ ] universal studios it's gonna be awesome you remember in um uh the love guru yep when there's a scene where like an adult's face is like tracked onto the best part of the movie yeah like that was mike myers when he was a kid it was just adult mike meyer's head on a kid yeah yeah uh i think that's the way they got to do it that's true he already kind of looks like a toddler oh yeah so oh yeah um and he's he yeah everything about him kind of reads can play 12. yeah he is actually two 12 year olds on each other's shoulders i wouldn't even be surprised well i could talk your ear off all day with these excerpts i mean they just keep going but yeah they're great i'll call it a wrap actually um let me you're gonna finish on one yeah let me finish on on one but let me see if this is a good one okay this yeah this is a good one this is the paragraph right after the new vocabulary word situation okay so today he sat alone until he made the mistake of looking up standing above him glaring at him was a behemoth a black kid named yard nobody knew his real name everyone just called him yard because he played on the school football team stood six foot five clocked in at a solid 280 pounds and looked like he was headed straight for a lifetime of prison workouts oh gosh what does that mean i think we know her stuff why is it every male character gets a full physical right yeah they'll name their like 280 pounds 215 cholesterol of 290 penis hung at a soft nine inches long enough to swing on scared of scared of the dark toes favorite movie wizard of oz [Music] butt cheeks supple subtle and black [Music] [Laughter] um yeah if anyone who reads this and doesn't think that pension bureau is like crazy casually racist yeah is kidding themselves yeah um i think you should um this is a suggestion for you you don't have to do it but i think you should uh fill like record yourself reading the whole book it's like a fireplace going on in the back it's a really like dramatic serious reading of the entire book it's going to be like a seven hour video um but i think that would uh i think that would go over well you should do that i yeah is there an audiobook of this yet oh my god him narrating it if we read this book right now do you would you think the same way i did i think you would right okay so save it yard has a massive hanging shalon chapter one his [ __ ] was huge his [ __ ] was epic and huge and i loved it at first it was small but when stimulated grew to a size twice its original length first at first i was thought i was paralyzed by political correctness but then i realized paralyzed by the sheer girth of that man's [ __ ] then i realized i was paralyzed by my back being blown out [Music] [Applause] oh man i think i've cried on this segment like three episodes it's so fun all right well i'll leave you there but um yeah shout out to allegiance by um ben shapiro all right well thanks for another great segment jacob um we'll we'll catch you next time peace see ya bye that was a good segment we got the crowd going wired um all right well what are we at 40 50 something i don't know i think i was gonna do advice but i don't know if i have time but um thanks for hanging out guys um that was episode 132 i believe right um yeah thanks for watching guys you can like comment subscribe all that stuff uh rate and review if you're listening um all that crap posting your stories do what you gotta do man i appreciate it so uh again thank you for listening i love you guys thank you and uh yeah see you guys later oh if you're listening i'm doing a twitch stream on thursday playing zelda ocarina of time so come hang out all right that's it okay goodbye peace
Channel: Very Really Good
Views: 393,505
Rating: 4.9802036 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, very really good, vrg, podcast, kurtis conner podcast, kurtis connor podcast, dr witnesser
Id: QFf-2uCbM0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 30sec (3450 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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