Stop Abandoned Buildings & Goods Problems in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and we're here in new tealand and today i have some big plans we are going to sort out the problem that we have not having enough goods in our city i've got some cool warehouse assets and some other ideas to help us with that and we're going to expand our farm we're going to try and make as much money as we can see if we can get going with some factories so much to do so let's follow this donut see where he's going and then we will dive right in [Music] okay so as we can see we are getting what is this guy doing here we are getting a lot of deliveries coming in and for some reason this guy is not going is that accidentally a traffic light on there no you can go just keep on going it's like this guy's broken down well there we go rescue rescued your tractor for you i don't know what he was doing but yeah we need some goods because if you remember from last episode we've got a lot of buildings like this which aren't very happy they've abandoned there are no goods to sell and to do that we need some generic industry so what i'm thinking of doing is just utilizing a little bit of space around here this other entrance off of the highway and just getting some generic industry in here so let me just see if i can put a road structure together that is going to make sense [Music] [Music] okay so in here we're just gonna put a small little industrial zone nothing too complicated there we go we'll just fill this bit in and just try and make some goods ourselves that is the idea so i'm going to take all of this here and what i don't want to do is set it up as any speciality at all uh we do have some need for industry so that's fantastic and that is definitely going to help with our look over here of all this industrial stuff and also we've got some warehouses and things that i've downloaded so what we're going to do once these grow in i'm just thinking about popping some in there as well yeah let's do that and let's do that and let's see what we get okay there we go we have a nice selection of different looking warehouses along here which is great i'm liking this i'm liking this and what i do want to put over here is we are going to be making a lot of goods as we mentioned now these are all going to be complaining about not enough workers because workers can't get here yet but we're going to be fixing that um so let's have a look what we've got in here so i've got a load of cargo stuff and some warehouses as well let's have a look old brick warehouse i think that would look quite nice with some of these buildings over here let's just put one of those in yeah i like the look of that i want a few of those along here and then what we should be able to set these two is zoned industry um i thought i could set them as good i can set them as goods here so actually i'm gonna do that because these are gonna produce goods and then they're going to get sent over here and because i'm using the more effective transfer mod i think it's called they will rather send to a warehouse first and then the warehouse will use its own trucks to take the goods out to the places where they're needed so i think that could be pretty helpful so i'm actually gonna plot in another couple over here and we're gonna go good and we're gonna go goods there we go so i'm hoping that these are going to fill up first that's the plan just wonder whether i could fit another one in there or would that be i can it's going to get rid of the rocks but that's okay so let's set that as good as well and we're gonna leave them all unbalanced for now we'll see how many goods this provides for us um and that's eventually it's not gonna make a huge dent but it's gonna stop us having to import as many goods now last episode this was up to like 1 300 or something like that so we'll see how much that changes at the minute these are going to be important because i put them on balanced um but soon they will have enough in there to then send into the city and then using this view again but looking at our whole city we can then see where those goods are being called for so these shops along here are calling for our goods uh these shops here over in chestnut hills are calling for goods and this chai waterfront area with our run down buildings they are calling for goods as well and what i'm thinking of doing is popping a couple of just teeny tiny small warehouses in here that can be a little local stuff these are massive a little local store of goods for us oh i thought oh that's like the smallest one is there any other smaller ones i mean the next one would be like a little yard but that's pretty big that's pretty big um okay it might need to be just a little one like this let's just see how that looks so it's in a it's in a monk star come and have a little cup of tea grab some ice cream um i'm just wondering where there's a better place to pop that i'm just wandering over here actually let's just leave it there for a second if we can just run a little tiny industry row down here off of this one where's the node it's like right that close let's use the movement mod which is going to shiftify that along a little bit and we're going to draw that in right there and we'll see what we can do let's just maneuver this around oh by the way i did see the comments saying that i'd accidentally connected these paths here to this road so people could get in here without paying but i've sorted that out um so let's then move it mod this uh move it mod get the node stretch it out yeah i don't want that to join so i'm gonna link that over there let's just see if that is big enough to take our little warehouse where is it there it is let's grab that move that over here i want that just to fit in there without messing up any of this that is the plan so let's just do this there we go that should be okay perfect there we go so it's own little side road thing there we go just change the angle of that a bit it's pop traffic lights on there or we don't want that so let's go like that there we go and then we'll do this the same and we're going to set this to filled with goods so here we go so once that other thing over there has got balanced i mean this is going to be calling for the goods as well but then we'll have a nice store of goods here which will help with these buildings for absolutely sure that would be plenty for those and then we just want another one in here somewhere okay so i'm looking at this little bit of space up here which is between the railway line and the highway i'm thinking that's not going to be the most desirable place to live but a nice little industry area over here would be great because then that's giving let's turn it around the way that we used to that's giving this whole area here more access to industry what you'll notice is a good tip is i'm spreading out the industry we're gonna have some there got a little bit there we're gonna have a bit more over here so that is gonna cut down on traffic a lot but as we have a cargo train terminal here if i could squeeze one into this little section here and we don't even have the hold of the square so it is going to be a bit of a squeeze that would be good so let's see what we can do looking into the future i would like a road coming off of here and then running round this way and then it would go over the top of the highway to give access to there but we don't have that at the moment so i'm gonna have to just make do with a little tunnel type road going under there [Music] [Music] right after a little bit of finagling i've got this thing sorted out and until we own this bit of land over here it's going to be this little tunnel that goes underneath which is working quite well brings the people into here with all the cargo and the stuff and then that can unload any cargo trains coming in i can see nothing ah here we go this one over here let's just speed that up a bit there we go so that's going to unload a load of cargo for us and here they come and then we'll turn it across and turn around at the end ah okay that's fine actually because it means it's not blocking anybody coming in i'm just wondering whether we could just do a little turnabout for them here like a little mini roundabout how about something like that a highway ramp that would do pop that on there nice and small yeah we're gonna need to make some space here i don't know whether this is gonna fit in let's make that oh no let's not make that that high let's go down a bit there we go yeah nice that just fit in perfectly didn't it well let's just do a bit of finagling there you go we'll just go with that i don't know whether everybody's going to use it but yeah hopefully that will help a little bit so now they're going to bring in their cargo in here hopefully the people in this area are going to get much more cargo delivered to them and then what we want over here in case we all forgot which i almost nearly did was we want a little tiny warehouse in here which let's try one of these oh look at that that will just fit in that spot there that is perfect you know what i reckon i could fit two in there oh i bet if i cheated in with a bit of anarchy mods because that should fit in there perfectly fine nice so now we can have i'm gonna have both of those on field and filled and auto save quick sip of tea yeah there we go so that's going to give us a bit of a stock of some goods over here as well which i think is going to be really handy and because i've set those to feel it won't be long before we get some cargo trains coming in and filling these things up which would just be great let's just double check over here how this is going has this been filled up with goods yet yeah almost almost so we'll come back to that once that's filled and hope it's gonna start helping over there then let's come all the way back down here to our industry area there we go and nobody's complaining about the lack of jobs anymore they're all nicely upgrading as well which is fantastic but what i wanted to do was to add a bus line coming down this way so if we just turn that off and grab this hmm i'm gonna have the bus line come all the way over to here actually we need that on otherwise we can't see what we're doing and then i want that to head out this way so let's have it stop there opposite this one so people can come into that farm if they so desire and then i want that to run all the way back over here here we go so let me just check where that's going so that's going to go up around the back oh okay well if it's going to go up around the back let's stop it out there outside the train station and back there and then all the way back again let's just do the opposite yeah that'll be good we'll do that we'll stop opposite over there and then we'll bring that all the way back down here to finish that off excellent so that is going to our new district let's change the name of that and we're gonna do a nice little we've got that already let's go a greeny color we've already got green what haven't we got blue it's what it started off with so this is harb to industry until we get a name for that how many vehicles is that going to have 21 vehicles i don't think so we'll go with five and we'll see how that goes once we've expanded this whether that is enough right so now we've got this area along the back here this is called our gray industries because it did have our industries in here but we are just going to do a little bit of a change i'd like to add a park and a few other little items in here so let's dive into our unique buildings and i'd like to pop in the hyper market which will be good that will sort of fit over here somewhere we've also got the cinema that i'd like to add in as well which would be nice and then i want to put a park in the middle i'm not sure we may sort of possibly sneak something else in here as well we shall see but i want to start with the park and i'd like that to be right out the front here as we come out before we do that i'm just going to use the movement mods just as you would start there just to straighten up those out a nice little slope there we go that's better than the other side is probably fine we'll do it anyway a slight adjustment that's fine we'll just make that same height as that there we go so i want the part to be here so let's just take a look at what parts we have available to us if we have something a bit nice bit eye-catching that will look good there right so as we're going to be doing shopping here how about the statue of shopping and let's set this up with some park paths that they can use to get in and out and i quite like these ones here the standard part path we're not going to charge people to come into here so we'll just run those straight off of our road here um i'm going to go [Music] perhaps as wide as this let's just turn off road guidelines don't have that going up to there we might lift that up a tiny bit in a moment and we're going to put this on here must be placed inside a park area or roadside ah okay well we can make it a park we don't have to charge people to get in here do we so let's just mark a park zone there we go that's looking good and then this can be off the pack off the back surely we've got enough space to put that in that's why i was laughing yeah there we go so we're gonna pop that in there we have to do a bit of smoothing out of the landscape as well i think let's give ourselves some space around here [Music] there we go it's a good start and then i'm gonna take these ones here and i'd like that to come up either side i can do that without destroying anything yeah there we go that's fine let's just move that along a bit and line that up that's good and then we can have let's have a look let's see if our hype our hypermarkets will fit in off of here that is gonna need a bit of space as well let's do a bit of smoothie smoothie along here i think that should do there we go excellent we can just extend this road a bit using the move it mods fantastic and it's got some parking outside as well which is good and i think i've accidentally destroyed a bit of this road here so we can put that back in there we go very good yep that looks nice and then on the other side let's go back into here we can pop our cinema now how big is that that is not too big so what i'm thinking of doing is popping the cinema there and then see we can get like a little parking area in here but i don't have parking roads so we're going to do this the old-fashioned way so we've got earl grey industries which we're going to change the name of we're going to set um how shall i do this yeah we'll leave it as earl grey industries but we're going to set this in here as organic and local produce there we go and then we're going to mark in here the size we need i think actually that might be just the size we need let's see what we get growing in here oh there we go chai key has reached level three fantastic so we've got some more items we can pop in there there we go it's two by two or two by three so i've got a two by three there which i've then marked as historical and i put another two by two next to it and over here let's see yeah we've got one coming let's keep that one and then we'll destroy these ones and see what we get and i'm gonna run some parts up the middle here as well once these are all in there we go i think this area is looking quite fancy so we've got all this parking down here we can see people popping in with their personal electric vehicles got some other paths coming up here without gates you don't need gates everywhere i want it to be a free park anyway and then we've got our yeah a little attraction over here people are loving the hyper market already they're flocking over here and how is the cinema going yeah there's people turning up wonder what they're watching can we find out no but there's a whole hundred lot of people in there which is brilliant uh what i want to do here is try and get a park this end to give these guys some park coverage as well so i'm just gonna take uh the bus depot from here because that was an industry area but it isn't anymore and we're gonna bring that all the way over here and that can just pop in let's just pop that in there and we'll just extend that road a bit a little bit of extra coverage there we go that's good so then all oh wow i'll tell you what this map has been fantastic to build on i've gone too far here we go so now we've got access to all of this and what i'd like to put in here is a friendly neighborhood park and the area of effect there is almost going to cover all of that so let's just do something here so right so now we've got a nice little park over here with a nice little walk through this area which is great they can come down here look up at the lovely mountains and we are gonna be building up there at some point pop over here to the cinema check out the local park come shopping at the high pair mache if they wish to do that looking very very swish i have to say and then just out the back here let's have a little something for the kids we're gonna have a road coming off of there and we're gonna have now gonna find this thing again i know it's in here somewhere here we go this was the one a skate park which is just gonna run off of that road there there we go fantastic yep they're gonna love coming over there and playing in there and then if we have some sort of other kiddies type park next to that oh i'll tell you what we could do is we could pop in some tennis courts yeah let's do that so if we just run that along there and then we could have one there and the other one right next to it as well i'll imagine coming here to play tennis right below the mountains here that would just be absolutely fantastic and then on the other side this little spot here will we better fit this in how much bigger is it oh it's quite a bit larger isn't it um i tell them what i'll tell you what we'll do we'll get this and we'll go down there to there we'll use the move it mod to get that as far over as possible without it actually connecting and then we'll go this way oh yeah look at that nice i'm gonna grab this one here and extend that as well let's have a look at that nice little sporting complex i can just imagine walking over this bridge with my kids can we stop over here can we go to the skate park and go and play some basketball they would absolutely love that and we've still got a bit of space over here so how about another sort of park here that we can have some paths walking around there i think that'd be nice let's pop in a large playground i mean these up here are pretty much covered for park usage but we'll get that in there as close as we can yeah that's good and then we can just add some little parts and things in here as well so we use the same one that we've got and yeah let's just sort of run that maybe just a bit round up there and then we'll have another bit coming out up here no maybe not we'll go along [Music] there [Music] there we go i think that looks really nice i think that looks really nice indeed [Music] excellent do well i think this little area down here is looking fantastic i've just renamed it to al gray gardens as that is now what it is which is great let us come over here just to check out how it's all going with our cargo um our commercial goods i should say these two buildings here still yeah still abandoned although i think one of the one or two of the others perhaps not abandoned where they were before i've set this to balance now so hopefully these freight trucks won't be in use all the time and we'll be able to come out here and deliver some goods but i'm sure give it some time that will sort itself out and then if we go over to here um other two little warehouses yeah i've got those on balanced as well now so give those time and that will definitely help as well look they are using the roundabout just what i want to see wow there we go so what do you reckon to those builds let me know in the comments below thank you for your continued support and why not check out another video on the screen as well have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 134,709
Rating: 4.9789758 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines cargo train, cities skylines not enough goods
Id: 47xOWNQ9A2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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