How Cargo Trains Cause AND Solve Traffic in Cities Skylines!

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do you know what isn't that bad because they're spreading themselves out hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in new tea land and we've got some huge expansion plans for today and also we have the results from the vote i asked you to vote as to which square to unlock next it was very close there were lots of different ideas but if we just come out of this view and go into our which square can we unlock next view this one up here got by far the most votes and you know what that makes the most sense so we are gonna purchase that one there we have plenty of money excellent so let's just have a look along here and see what that unlocks for us so obviously we can carry along the coast here as we have been past our farm which is expanding and earning us lots and lots of money and we can even expand that even more now which is great now that we have all of this space and we almost get up to over here as well so we look in this view there we go so can we hook up to here we can which is fantastic so we get this highway that we can this highway junction that we can hook up to and do we get access to a train line don't but we might be able to branch this off down here and then at some point oh there we go look we do get access to a train line i lied excellent so that's very good we can go this way yeah i've have a look at that in a bit more depth but what we want to do is take a look at what we've unlocked recently by the way we're nearly at 9500 we're like so close to unlocking the waste transfer and all that sort of stuff our bus metro terminal so some cool things last time we unlock liberal arts and some other bits and pieces so what i would like to do is take this area along here certainly expand the farm but maybe as far as we can over this side oh do we have access to some stuff that we can put on here we've got our ferries ah not until we get to 15 000. so we can add another ferry stop down here but thinking ahead that this is going to be an industrial area here i'd like to maybe take a section of this before we open up the rest over here and really turn this into a cool harbour and turn this into a custom waste transfer [Music] [Music] facility ah there we go and to do that we need to hit this target which we've just done grand city fantastic so now we've unlocked all of these items here which is very very good i was just thinking actually could we also do something with this and because we said we're gonna put a lot of commercial type stuff here and uh stuff for tourists to come and have a look at so maybe we'll take a look at that as well but let's first of all have a look at the coverage of our trash a garbage processing status has been pretty poor the whole game uh we're down to an incinerator and a few of these recycling centers so they are most definitely going to be replaced but let's come all the way back along the coast here and just take a look at this road so i'm just sort of thinking so we've got four lanes coming there we could certainly have that as a collector that hooks up to this one here and we can upgrade that to be a four lane i don't want to sort of overload i don't want people cutting through but yeah let's see what we can do anyway let's take a look at our larger four-lane road so i want one of these that's our medium industry roads actually that one could be quite good because if we take a look at that it gives us our nice extra detail along there which could be quite nice i like that so let's connect this up there we go that's not too bad what i might just do there as well is take our node controller grab that and if i just make that a little bit bigger there we go look it's not so much yeah not so sharp and then what i'm going to do is grab the move it mod and we're just going to move all of this over and just stretch that out a bit there we go excellent excellent excellent so i just want to tweak this just a a little bit so let's use some other little mods to do that and i don't want these coming up here and going around the corner so we're going to hugo there and they'll go straight on fantastic then we're going to use our intersection marking tool so we're going to select that node there and it's been a while since i've used this so let's give this a go first of all i'm going to move these two out a bit because i know that's going to make a difference uh actually i'll leave that where it is in the middle we'll just sort of line it up a bit more with that so this line here uh hold alt hold shift drag i think if i hold shift it's going to do a yeah that's what i want a straight line like that that one's going to go around like that that one is going to go up so it's been a while since i've used this one so hopefully i'm going to get this right and then we're going to have oh let's select that again that's there no what we're going to do is here we're going to remove this crossing over here so we'll go back to node controller and no junction markings there we go excellent so we want to remove that then we'll go back to intersection marking tool and i want to add my own crossing here so i'm going to have a crossing from there to there there we go excellent oh we've got lots of different lots of different things going on here so can i change the border no i was hoping i could add a little something in there style zebra existing crosswalk what have we got let's just scroll through these i won't let me scroll double zebra parallel solid light i wanted solid lines with a zebra in the middle yeah that sort of thing what have we got solid chess board yeah let's go for that ladder excellent and then this line here i'm actually going to remove it so we click from there and there yeah and then when we go back again oh i was hoping it was going to add extra lines on this side um so it wouldn't connect up oh there we go it's done it now so it's not connecting up to there that's what we want excellent and then we're going to change this bit is going to go to there which means i'm going to move that over i'm going to move this one over and then this one is going to go to there which is going to fill this in and then we want to do a filler so if i do alt yeah that's the same so let's see if we start here i press alt and go from there to there to there to there and back again and then we're going to get that filled in what options are we going to get a shame i can't use my scroll wheel on this little thing here that would be a lot easier chevron would be nice do you know what change of mind we're going to go with stripes instead and then this one here is going to connect to there yeah excellent and that one there is going to connect to there yeah i think that should be a nice little junction so it changes from this type of road to that type of road and then they can head off onto the highway which is fantastic okay so let's continue this road in here a bit i'll probably just sort of draw it out a bit i mean if that came straight in i mean we're not going to be building in all of this area just yet i'd like it to sort of mimic that up there but then it is going to be more industrial so what i might just do is go straight out like that and we'll just deal with that for now and we're going to use this little area around here so i'd like to continue this key wall down here so let's do that okay so i've got this road down here a little asymmetrical turning on the end of course we're going to do dedicated turning lanes like that coming in and that is going to be give way so no traffic lights on there i would like to put in the waste processing complex in here now i want it bang up against the road so what we're going to do is we're going to do that then we're going to do this let's pop this road in as close as it will go fantastic all right just up to there and then we're going to take that out and move it around so it faces this way and we'll do that again hope that's not costing us a lot of money it is never mind that's it so it's facing against that road but it is smack up against this road here which is exactly what i want excellent so these are going to send out trucks to pick up waste from our waste transfer facilities which we're going to pop around the place as well so we've got lots of processing going on uh we do need to run some water pipes down here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna run one straight down the middle of this main road here and then i'm just gonna run it straight across this field and yeah let's come out down this road here and we just sort of connect that up like that that will do this as i said will get changed at some point and then they're gonna need some power so how am i gonna get power down here let's maybe run power along the main road and that can come straight out and actually go into there now i know that i get lots of people telling me about the no power mod and the power street mod whatever it's called i'm trying my best to use as little amount of mods as possible no goods to sell that's not good no pun intended um yeah to try and keep it as vanilla as possible if that makes sense while using a few mods um oh yeah we need to come down this road so let's go like that and then let's go like so there we go so that will start going i should send out some trucks oh not yet because you haven't got any waste transfer facilities haha so let's come along here and let's see let's see what have we got at the moment then so we have got not that one there this one here we've got oh this is actually taken into consideration the massive great big one we've got over there so what i actually want to do is add these up so that's 200 000 okay two four six eight hundred thousand [Music] plus that's one point something million one point two million with those four or five there garbage reserves so we've got to make sure that we cover all of that and we could sort of spread these out a bit what i'm going to do is i'm just going to delete these am i getting money back for those no no and then i'm going to put one of these in so that is 250 000. so we need at least five of those wow wow wow wow wow wow okay i'm gonna pop that there yeah actually that tucks in quite nicely there doesn't it and then i'm gonna pop another one right next to it if i can just about i'm gonna use the move it mod and hopefully not mess this thing up by getting it right up against there yeah there we go trucks are going out excellent so we can see how this is going oh okay so it's still actually counting this down here even though it's not started yet what it's like not lit up power output processing rate garbage reserves trucks in use uh it probably doesn't kick in until this has picked up some trash that is most probably it oops and by taking those out i've messed up my power so let's just pop that back into there there we go get everybody powered up again yeah okay so with those two waste transfer facilities over here i think we're going to need one more round this side um this does have an area of effect of pollution so we want to make sure that we place it in a spot that isn't going to cause too many other problems what have we got around here just some small shops and things could i fit that in there no um yeah i'm not quite sure what i'm going to do with these roads up here yet so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to connect that up on there in fact i'm going to make that this one here uh yep there we go and we'll do the same thing we'll do giveaway and dedicated turning lanes so they can connect up there i'm gonna rejig that at some point but it means i can just put my waste transfer facility on here somewhere so let's just maneuver some of these bits and pieces around here so we don't lose them i'm going to take that shiftify that all down there and then we'll shiftify all of that up here somewhere so we can use it again later if we so wish look at all the trucks coming down here now fantastic and i'm going to get this i'm just going to draw that in there so is that 90 degrees to all of this not really i'd like to try and keep it that way if i can what i'd like to do is have a lot more of these farms along here actually that does look straight yeah we'll go with that that's fine that's good and then we'll just pop it outside let's just pop it there for now that'll do yeah there we go we'll add a few more in and the pollution from that is nowhere near that they are going to be driving through here now what i could do [Music] um i mean they're gonna come through here anyway because i need to collect the trash so i'll just leave it like that that's fine and then they've got access to down here if they need it and yeah there's lots of them coming along now which is great that is just what we need i think that should easily cover us so what else could we put down here to make this look a little bit more industrial right we are going to be spending a little bit of money here so there's the pumping service which we don't have yet which we're going to pop in here and then we have to hook that up there we go that'll be fantastic there we go for the inevitability of me uh flooding the place like i always do that will keep us nice and dry and then we're going to need the and i thought this one here was quite good the waste disposal unit processing rate 48 000 a week now we've got this one here which does 5760 a week so this one absolutely blows out the water what is that going to cost us 1440 a week what does this cost us 4860 a week wow why are we even using this thing but i just like the look of it i just think this is going to look absolutely fantastic so if we can do a similar thing here let's just pause the game uh let's remove that we're going to butt that up against there and if we start finding these are too expensive we can always remove them at a later date let's just have that going along there and then up to there let's put those on so we don't get any problems yeah that'll be good and then what i'm gonna do is grab that turn it around and put it against this side excellent and then we can just hook up the power like before there we go that certainly really does give off an industrial vibe doesn't it look at that that is absolutely brilliant so that now is our trash through the roof ah yes so what i could probably do then is turn this all the way down oh and my education have i left it that low all that time i've seen all your comments i recorded ahead a few videos and i've seen all your comments telling me how stupid i am putting those all the way down uh capacity absolutely high absolutely high yeah we probably don't need it that high now do we whoops i'm going to drop it down just a bit there we go let's have it at 80 and i think that will do and then yeah i'll trash all the way down yeah we're covered we're covered uh oh oh oh maybe not that far then let's go back to 80 for that one that'll give us enough excellent right good good good so what else did i have to put in here the ferry depot now we put that all the way over here just for somewhere to put it and i really didn't want to leave it there oh can i get access to that yet i bet i can't can i no do you know what i saw this comment so often and i wasn't gonna do it but i am gonna do it because i saw the comments so often so i don't think you guys and girls are gonna mind so if we add that in uh can i just butt that up it's close all right do i want it to go here as close as possible that would be better like that oh that road there was just not quite pleasing to me i wanted that to go straight into there i'm wondering whether we could just cheat this a bit we know not cheating we're using mods aren't we just do that and then use the move it mod just to do that i'll put it this way if i hold alt let's straighten that road and that actually looks like it's built up on the side perfectly oh that's it so we're going to have that there but that now means it's not connected to anything else so if we get our ferry pathway and do this so here where we can't get across that square because look out of limits can't anakin in or anything apparently what you can do is get the movement mod and grab it and move it over like this zip and it'll automatically just extend it and then you can just attach to that now i did you know some people are going to say oh i can't believe you're doing that other people are like well yeah you've got the mod so you might as well so i'm going for the yeah you've got the mods you might as well thought so let's get this hooked up there we go so things can get in and out of the depot as normal fantastic so we also have our road maintenance depot which i would like to sort of just squeeze in there and i think that's going to be really handy so if we have a look at now which one is it here we go so the coverage is just sort of over here it's like miles away from all of this but slowly but surely these trucks will go out there we go look we can see them going out and they will turn the roads green which is what we want so let's see if they can do that for us there we go so they're now onto our roads they're going to start turning the red roads green give them a little boost i think if i remember correctly if we click on this yeah they have a work ship so they're only going to go so far let's just see how far this one gets yeah not very fast they've gone down the main road i think they're going to come down this main road over here yeah which is good oh no power over here we'll get that sorted and then as soon as they get to 100 they will head back home again so it's gonna sort of depend on how far they can travel whether their work shift counts if they're already on a road that's green that would be a question worth answering there we go this one's maintaining the road nearly up to 100 hey look at that he's worked out his shift pretty well he's going to actually get back to the depot by the time he gets to 100 look at that nice oh you've got like a little bit left to go rather than do that bit of road then go home oh there we go that answers our question it doesn't count if the road is already green look there's these roads up here you could you could do some of these other roads yeah no maybe this one down here why what are you doing oh there we go look it's going up excellent so over time they should hopefully yeah it must be random there we go look 100 then he's gonna go back home or maybe 99 to the top cool so we'll leave that one going 100 percent there we go funny even though it's 100 still changing some of the roads interesting right and also just noticed as that truck went in we need to do dedicated turning lanes there and we need to do giveaway so these people can carry on down there right the final thing that i would like to add is post sorting facility if i could say that so we need to spread around some post offices and we want them all to come back to a post-sorting facility so how big is that yeah excellent so i want that to butt up against this road here so this is turning into the little hub isn't it of factories and things there we go so as this stands at the moment it's not going to do anything but if we look over here and grab for ourselves the post office let's just make that a little bit smaller so these do have an area of effect as you can see if we pop those on here they do have some noise attached to them and but also here we go this will be a perfect spot yeah look fantastic so let's pop that one in let's turn off that and that there we go that's going to go in there so they're all nice and happy these shops won't mind a little bit of noise that goes around there cool beans but yeah we want to make sure that everybody's getting covered and these will also help with the upgrading of houses as well so that is definitely worth keeping in mind so let's find a few other little spots for the look there we go post it's getting delivered there's the post van look the little pink one so actually even though the area of effect was sort of over here he's traveling quite a distance let's pop one at this side look they're going down here as well oh that is cool they are covering much further than i thought look at that and now that we're covering more of the needs in the city our population is skyrocketing we're still making absolutely tons of money and this post office only costs 80 tea leaves a week so i am gonna pop another one in here somewhere this little section here it looks like it could be perfect and i'd like to give it its own little road so let's grab a little road here that one would do nicely next to these houses we'll go like that thank you kindly we'll make that give way and then we'll pop him off the side of there there we go and out the trucks go fantastic that is what we want to see get as much population in here as possible and then let's do it they've even had some of their posts collected all the way over here and here so they do cover a long way don't they that's fantastic we are going to pop one in here and it's going to go right there off the roundabout so these as well if we take a look at one of these they're going out to deliver their mail so they automatically leave with 100 and it's like the opposite as you can see and then as they go around when they get down to five four three two one then it will go back to the depot again excellent well let's leave them running and let's reap the rewards of even more population fantastic so we've got a couple of problems over here let's just take a look so what's the matter with these commercial no goods to sell not enough goods to sell okay well we've said before that we are bringing in goods from the outside i'm going to use this mod now to take mail off of here so we get a better view yeah we are shipping in goods from the outside and as it stands at the moment that is only going to be done via truck because the train stations we have along here are just passenger train stations um i would like to add in some cargo train stations we do have those now as an option don't we let's take a look yes of course we do so that would help with the goods for our shops or we could start making some more goods which at the minute we've got a few industry places over here but it's not quite cutting it so yeah just to add to that because we've only got passenger train stations and not goods train stations it means that effort is coming in by road which is fine it just takes a little bit longer now i just noticed that train there was backing up onto here as it was waiting to get in which is not very good so i'm going to move this node further down here just so next time if it's waiting make sure it's still connected that there's enough room to fit that train in and i know for a fact i'm gonna have to do the same over here so let's just grab these there we go there we go and do the same there excellent just to make sure we don't get any problems and here we go look you see this train could be ours but he's just taking stuff from outside the city to outside the city the other way as well so do you know what i'm thinking we should take advantage of that i just want to move this down tree out of the way there it is this big clump look it's like got an extra the middle of it's over here so it thinks it's fine it's right overhanging the rail and that one there that one that one there it is how about we have got over here train access so let's just follow where this line goes so if we connect it up to there it can go down here it can then swing round to the right and we've just got a crossroads over there and then it comes over here you can swing around again basically this is just heading out the city isn't it that's just going up there that's going up there yeah so how do we get it on our track that we've got here i'm just wondering whether we connected it up we're going to start just seeing enough stuff coming in and it might just be quicker than going on the highway let's give that a go let's give that a go unless we've got oh no we haven't got access to any of these yet every no okay let's do that then so if we pop that in over here okay so i just moved around a load of stuff here to try and fit it into this area i think we're just asking too much i'll be honest of this bit here so what i'm thinking we're going to do is let's grab some roads we're going to have a one-way road going through this but we're going to use this one for now so it's gonna branch off let's say there and it's gonna come all the way down to there and then go back in again so we're gonna give all this space for our cargo and then we're going to have it along here somewhere and it's going to come in the left and go at the right that is the way it normally works so if we do that and then we should be able to connect that line up with over there let's see how we go there we go like that so they can come in there we'll do dedicated turning lanes for coming in thank you very much it's got parking spaces along here as well but then they'll come in and leave over here um this is definitely going to be a roundabout so we are going to use well it's going to give me two lane roads we shall change that there we go uh do we need to go for three yeah i think we'll go for three let's just be better safe than sorry so what have we got here three lane road with what parking spaces on both sides no thank you no parking that is the one we want so we'll go with that and i think we've got powerline going through there excellent let's just pause that for a sec control shift left click set that all up so no no change in your notice on this node but they can pick their lane on the nodes of entry and exit let's just check parking's fine speed 40. they're going to slow down a bit there that's okay this is all 30 along here that's okay this is 50. yeah so that should hopefully keep that moving at a reasonable speed now has this got all power through here uh that is now making its own power of course well we can just connect this back up again over the top of that there we go excellent oh look at all of that look at all of that cargo coming into our city so let's just check where these will go into so to the real cereal yep that's in our city that's interesting okay she's taking stuff to that one okay what else have we got uh let's have a look here home of the stuff store yeah it's taking stuff to the store that's taking stuff to the cereal fresh food pharmacy yeah so this is definitely gonna make a huge difference to the amount of goods and we saw the train coming and going i'm just wondering whether we could once we unlock these squares we could attach it to this line too so we can have trains coming from both directions but at the moment even coming from one direction works perfectly fine for me wow there is so much coming in look at that they are just flying in they are absolutely flying in what we're going to do we're going to change this bit here once it comes out to this one here we want a two-lane road so i'm gonna change that and that and that's where they come out and then what i'm gonna say is you can't change lanes there or there so they can pick their lane when they come out and then they can also change their lane here if they wish and that just means they can double up a bit and hopefully get out a bit quicker which they are and most of them are heading this way into the city i'm interested to see what kind of traffic i'm causing down there wow there's so many coming in and now because of our train line going over the top we're causing what do you reckon our traffic's gone down 60 odd percent oh still 78 but yeah this is causing issues now so i didn't want to go above or below and sort of change the road or anything but i think that's what we're going to have to do although it's a shame because i do like i do like the detail i don't know i'm just going to keep me on in a minute and just see how it goes what's with all the stopping and the starting look at them let's just make sure that there's no um hidden stop signs in there or something like that what am i looking for this one here junctions no we're okay let's just see this one here if i tell them to keep going and like these are stopping here as well don't do that just keep going just keep going might be because i've messed around with the uh with the nodes and stuff but actually look it's not backing up because a lot of them were going up here anyway so that's fine we'll keep that little detail i like that let's fly along here and just make sure that this isn't causing a huge backup of traffic yeah you see now we've got these little tiny roads going through here and they're choosing this one do you know what isn't that bad because they're spreading themselves out oh whoa [Music] yeah so what i thought was gonna happen has happened okay so we oh you've got no power there sorry let's get you some power you go yeah what i thought was going to happen has happened so let us adjust this road along here i want a four-lane road which i can never flip and find now because i'm not using network extensions too so i don't know what the roads look like yes i think we're gonna take this one four-lane two-way road with trees um and once it gets out of the industrial area down here we're gonna upgrade oh that's like a massive one isn't it no no no no this one here that's a small one if we could let's just pause that and pop that in there i'm gonna do that and hopefully not get a ton of trees up here looks like i will get a ton of trees up here well that's fine i can sort that out afterwards i'm gonna do that all the way down to there and then what i'm gonna do is turn that back on again and if i use the move it mods and just do this it'll get rid of the trees but keep the houses yes there we go there's a little teeny tiny one that i missed right there so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do that and then we're gonna do this there we go excellent and then we'll go back to what we were put that back on move it mold up and down yeah that's it so that gives extra lanes and what we can do as well is do dedicated turning lane all the way along here there we go and then when we get to here that should be okay i might just change this to a three lane now that it's getting busier and then i've got something else that i want to do as well yeah i just went back into my into my mods and made sure that loading screen mod was actually showing me all the roads that i had because it wasn't i'd somehow turn some off and without parking which one is it no parking that one there that's the one um yeah it's going to go in that's going to go in that's going to go in there we go so that will keep things going and let's just make sure that's set up excellent excellent excellent so let's just keep an eye on this traffic coming down here for a second yeah it's not too bad it's moving we're getting a little bit of stoppages around here which i think we can do something about that so if we come in here and say look you guys keep going you guys keep going you guys keep going all the way along there then that will just get through a lot quicker one other thing that i could do is i would like to give them access to the highway now they're mostly heading in that direction so it could just be one little lane over the top maybe mirroring this and then connecting there for coming back the other way just wondering actually whether we could swing a road connect it there um let's just have a go let's just see what we can do so what am i going to need here i'm just going to need let's start off with a normal two-lane road nothing too complicated this one ah let's turn off road guidelines see what we can come up with [Music] okay after a little jiggery and a little bit of pokery we've got this two-lane road comes down here and they're gonna come out at the end there uh this i don't want doing that i don't want to use it as a turnaround so that's going to go like that so they can come down down this slope through all of these trees let's move some of these tree clusters out the way there we go excellent yeah very good yep so they can come down there and they can join onto the highway now and head that way or if they're coming back the other way they can come up this slope swing around and then just join straight onto there so we looks like we're gonna get some cars using this and what i'm gonna do as well is say just keep going just keep going so there's no need to stop in the middle there and hopefully that'll be okay i might just change that one there to an asymmetrical road so if we just do that and this one here is not the one that's going to be the right color let's have a look yeah i think that's the one and that's a pretty big one as well there we go so then we can have yeah not quite dedicated turning lanes we've got left right and straight on is there one a one two three asymmetrical road that would almost be too good to be true there is oh look at that so now they can go any direction they like i just wondering whether if we change some of these other roads as well because i'm thinking this is going to get super busy so i want four no parking there and then i want where does that go that goes down here so that's okay that's going to give us dedicated turning lanes almost there which is good enough it's just now traffic lights i think it might be we'll have a look at the sec and then the asymmetric road for the other one will be fine that one there will be okay if we're there coming in and that one there will be okay for their coming in yeah it's near enough i think that is do you know what as we've got this one and it's small enough we might as well use it here here and here and then you've got turns for everybody and then we don't want traffic lights there what do we want there i want those to give way and i want them to give way just keep an eye on that for a moment or two and see how that goes well i'm really pleased with the way this area has turned out oh look there's a load of vacuum trucks going out to do a job um this hasn't solved the problem of importing so many goods but it's a good start to our industry area here over by the port and certainly setting up this cargo train uh area is going to help a lot and i'm really liking the way the junctions are looking let's come over here on the highway you might have noticed i'm trying to not use any cookie cutter junctions intersections whatever you want to call them from the workshop but to make them myself and i think they're working out really well so let me know what you think in the comments below thank you very much for watching and be sure to check out the next video on the screen too have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 254,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines cargo train, cities skylines not enough goods
Id: 7uwwmaTevtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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