How to Fix Traffic When you First Upgrade to High Density in Cities Skylines

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just gonna wait for this one to calm down we've caused the traffic jam we have caused a traffic jam hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here we are in the city of teaport and again expansion is on the papers we need to really expand our city we've got some targets that we need to hit and let's have a look what are we up to 5286 i really want to get to this 7500 the next area we can start our campuses we get all sorts of other things unlocked it clusters fantastic so before we dive into that let's just have a very quick look at our area down here that we made in the last episode slightly changed the roads around here i'm sure some of you commented if you'd watch the whole video you'd see i realized my mistake i turned off parking on these streets up here so people couldn't come and drop visitors they couldn't come and get out of their car so you need parking for them to be able to do that so i've got a little two-way road here one-way road little system going on so they can drive up drop people off and leave and it causes no problem at all um not many people came to the last concert because of my mistakes so their popularity has been dropping down like nobody's business and we didn't earn much money if i remember we'll check out the next concert in a couple of in-game months time but yeah we need people because we're starting to see these little pop-ups here like this one so not enough workers they need more workers to come in there's another one here yeah so that is something we're gonna do today so where are we gonna build we've got all of this space up here and we've got this road already built in with this junction bringing cars over this side so maybe this would be a good spot and we've got huge demand residential demand very high and medium commercial demand as well and also keeping my eye on we've got the train line through here which of course will be something we really want to hook up with when we get to 11 000 population oh and by the way nearly up to half a million credits we are making so much money with our farm over here it is nuts why are we short on crops we should have more crops and we know what to do with let's have a look yeah there we go they're coming out we've got crops everywhere uh since we put our bakery and this thing is harming away and making us so much money it is absolutely fantastic but don't forget we're still trying to fill up 550 workers here which at the moment we're struggling to do so yeah definitely we need to concentrate on our expansion first right let's make a start on this area over here i would like to put a nice big roundabout at the end let's use this pre-built one here let's just check out our what have we got going on anarchy is off all of those are on excellent so let's just grab that roundabout and pop that on there that'll give us a good starting point and we can make that a bit of a focal point as well and i'm thinking again as they come down the highway what are they going to see here by the way this side we've had our commercial tourism buildings grow here look at this so that's looking fantastic going together with our shopping centers very cool very cool and so let's maybe just sort these roads out we've got these two lane each direction coming in there and i'll be honest with you that can go out each direction too we've got the three-lane highway going around that's fine let's just set that up so traffic manager by the way to turn on and off these options down the bottom just click that little uh question mark there so we're gonna grab the priority signs control shift see it highlights the whole thing and left click there we go and now we've got giveaway signs of people coming on dedicated lanes for going off and it all sets it up nicely for us which is what we want and then we want parts people to get around on this as well because as you can see they it's a highway road so they can't walk so i'm going to use the pedestrian bridge builder can i use that with the park paths unfortunately not okay so we'll click that button down there and we've got some options we can do a star and let me just show you there we go so that will do a star in the middle there let's just delete this and i'll show you the other option i quite like the uh the other option that's on there so let's try that one in a roundabout there we go it looks like a little ring around the roundabout like that so it's nice and quick you don't have to walk all the way to the middle i like that one you can also make it higher or lower you can make it a tunnel and you can make the slopes less slopey but that to me looks fine so i'd like to sort of mirror what we have here because we've got the highway going down and then we've got this road that sort of mirrors that with a space in between so i'd like to do something similar down here again okay so we've got some road layout to work with here let's just make sure we set up our junctions correctly so that'll be give way on and that will be giveaway on there we are going to want to give people access to walk over to the other side what are you complaining about down here is it still not enough customers yeah still not enough customers don't worry we are going to get more customers over to you very soon that is what we're working on i'd like this to actually be let's just come into this view here we're starting to get over into this side of the river here where i'd like it to be the high residential we don't have that unlocked yet that is what our next milestone is also going to give us when we hit 7500 i believe yeah there we go so it may be we need to yeah we're going to make it with low residential which is what we've got at the moment but then we'll change it to high residential when we get the chance so i'm going to upgrade these roads here [Music] i should have kept the giveaway signed yeah i think it has and what we need to do as well is dedicated turning lanes so control left click with that tool bish bash and bosh there we go excellent yeah slightly nicer roads over here also so you've quit super t nice there we go okay so in the middle here i'd like at some sort of park and we haven't actually used our parks yet we've got our city park that we can actually put in here and build and use and make things of um i'd like to keep it maybe a square shape so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take this one here i'm going to take a road off of here so that will give us some connections into here plus the fast row around the outside and then i want to make a square about so we're going to take this one here [Music] and that could be our park area in there like that that could be quite nice and then have all the high residential houses around the outside looking in and enjoying that i think that'll be good let's take this here and you give away a dedicated turning lanes and whoops there we go control left click dedicated turning lane and you give way this one down here you give away dedicated turning lanes and this one here dedicated to any lanes and haha you give way this here is yeah we'll do dedicated turning lanes here so one lane for out and one lane for carrying on round this won't be super super busy there we go excellent cool well let's mark this out i wasn't planning on doing a part today but why the flipping neck not we've got the option why is it i see other people doing this and it always makes it nice and neat but when i do it it like brings it in so far it never lines up nicely i don't know let's just do this we'll eyeball it and then we'll press escape and you'll never have to see it again there you go never have to see it again right let us put in main part gates and as always it's not going to line up right in the middle but i think ping there we go we're going to get all these options now nice i'm pretty 99 sure that if we use the move it mod and do that it will still work excellent and then just to get us started and see whether these are all lined up i'm gonna now i want load snapping on please now i'm gonna draw these from one side to the other okay so we've got to get this to upgrade like our industries so we need 500 visitors so that's just a waiting game we need 220 entertainment that should not be too difficult so let's just put some nice paths in here okay so we have all the parts placed we have it all nicely fenced off so they have to come in the way that we want them to come in um i'm gonna grab so let's put down some of these items here we don't have a choice of many but uh let's plot them in and that was gonna go there excellent we've got that little section in the middle and we're probably already yeah look we've already at the entertainment level over the entertainment level that we need for the next one we're going to add that up to the max and yeah we'll leave it like that when we need some more entertainment level we will add some more items in so we need some houses and we're going to need services we're going to need all sorts of things in here uh on the asymmetrical road so that's going to come off of here we'll have that come out and turn that around we've got lanes going in each direction we'll use this one here control click watch that arrow there dedicated turning lanes and then we don't need traffic lights we'll just make that giveaway coming in like so then we're going to use let's have a look let's do something different this one here with the two lane road with grass and maybe put together a little school there it's quite sloppy here isn't it so we might have to do a little bit of working on the shape of the land let's just draw something out and see what we get so if we go with something like that we can have something interesting in the middle let's just move this out so we grab our landscaping tools this one here is level terrain we're going to use the smooth tool instead soften terrain there we go and i'll turn up the strength that's it and it uses its algorithmic brain to work out what needs to be done that should be okay because we're working on a slope i don't necessarily want to flatten everything out i'm quite happy to work on the slopes and then what options do we have for school-wise i want the big one that's this one isn't it the big elementary school slope too steep no it's not there we go excellent we'll just smooth that out again there we go and then off of that we're gonna have the big elementary school i'm gonna just move this whole thing over a bit with the move it mod give me a sec yeah i think more like that because then it's it's lined up straight with that but comes off this road up here i think that'll be okay uh let's just select just that node and we'll move this up a bit so it fits in yeah that's better that'll work better and then we'll just smooth this out again good good good and then we'll also have a high school which is this one here oh that's a high school i'm an idiot okay elementary school there we go we have got a big high school and a smaller elementary school nice there we go we'll need to do some detailing around that but that will do for now now as this is going to be high-density stuff at some point i'm not going to use the bigger items that we've got here for our services healthcare emergency and police and i think that will look much better there we go once we get there so [Music] well well well this area is coming to life lots of people moved in it's certainly going to look better when it's uh high rise and we can feel some of these gaps as well but that is fantastic what are you up to 6 310 and still growing we need a little bit of commercial so maybe let's just take these sections down here add some commercial in we could do that along the back here as well just a few until that demand goes down that is fantastic we are creeping up on the 7500 and if i'm not sure if i left the sound in or not but there was lots of bing bing bing as everybody was upgrading their houses which is great that's not the button i want to press what i'd like to do there we go there's another one bing yeah i think i was going to add a road down there let's use up some of these spaces we can get some more houses in we can get some over here as well so let's just draw a road out like that maybe down at an angle like that behind the shops yeah why not let's fill that in very good very good oh water and power okay we haven't upgraded these at all recently electricity availability water availability and i think we're going to need to add a little something electricity will be fine water we finally need to upgrade the water that has been ages well i can't even remember where our water comes from um down here oh we've still got this little area down here look we will do a dedicated water area at some point at the moment it's just going to be it is what it is you know more electricity let's just bump that up there we go that should oh wow we're using so much electricity let's put it all the way up and that's barely barely giving us enough plenty of water okay what else can we put in uh we're going to use this area here and we are going to add in so we've got this now ah the geothermal power plant because we do have a selection here of coal power plants three of those have we put in an oil no we haven't but i want to jump straight to the geothermal so let's grab that i'm gonna keep adding to this section with a mass of roads for every single thing until it is just a mishmash of roads everywhere um let's have that along there there we go when people come along this path they can check it out there we go let's just put a fence around that to make it a bit safer there we go much safer walking along there now fantastic fantastic we could even add just a tree or two alongside that path it's a medium-sized wool not that many it's a medium-sized trees just to sort of hide what's behind it let's use the prop line tool there and there there we go excellent that looks good so that should have taken care of our power and water yeah we are through the roof on both of those spending tons of money good and look at the needs again look we still need very high demand for residential zone nice how's this going 27 visitors we need 500 hopefully there hopefully this is working you know this car's part there is always a worry when you move the entrances with the movement mode that they're going to stop working i'll keep the eye on it if it goes up i'm 27 we shall see what happens yeah it's working fine a few minutes later we've got 30 visitors no problem at all i tell you what i'm going to do as we do have other items available i'm going to put some of those in as well so we've got a cafe let's pop that over here amongst these trees that would be nice very good let's also add in a restroom so let's pop one of those right over here on the corner very cool and then we've also got the park info booth let's just pop that one down here there we go so the cost of this is going to go up a lot more but hopefully that will attract more people and get it leveling up which is what we want now to help these people here that are living right by the highway it's worth keeping in mind how noisy things are so if we have a look at the average noise pollution this will make people ill and they're right close to the highway down here the commercial buildings won't mind but yeah they're getting a bit close so we do have i think yes we have the three lane highway with sound barrier so if we upgrade these like this all the way to the end probably don't need to do that side you'll notice there we go look the red line doesn't quite reach as far as it did let's speed this up and it's a bit easier to see there we go look at that hardly any sounds coming off there at all they can just concentrate on complaining about our lack of water fantastic i just missed that we have a traffic light here although the traffic isn't too bad in here but i do want to give these dedicated turning lanes and i might just leave a traffic light there why not just to make it a bit interesting there we go it's all moving well enough that's fine what is the traffic by the way on our city 82 which is brilliant there we go and for those that aren't using this same version as me of traffic manager 11.5.1 if we just hover over this one here currently no despawning that means hard mode bigger traffic jams that is the way we like it and we're at 7313 and we still have a huge demand for more residents although we are struggling with our trash so let's have a look at our trash options that we have so we've still only got the basic recycling center and the landfill site we need something to cover over here uh let's go like this and like that nothing too complicated and we may change that a bit later on and we just pop that on there that'll be fine and hopefully you'll start sending out some trucks yeah there we go excellent and we may incorporate that into a water area that we end up building at some point oh and sewage treatments becoming a problem well over here in our uh oh we need to change the name we've got the hugo there traffic school we've still got this called evergreen district and somebody gave me a fantastic name this can be cool because we're putting all our utility buildings in here so utility t there we go utility park utility park yeah there we go that fits in well so we need another one of these inland water treatment buildings let's add that in there we go that's the one and maybe we could squeeze that in opposite this one there we go that fits in well excellent hey there we go excellent we have hit 7500 so we can buy another square we have our campus district which i'm pretty sure if we get the campus district oh intercity bus yes it clusters fantastic do we not get the university at this level so we get all the high density things which is what we want uh incineration yeah university there we go so that is definitely something we want to be working on we get all the metro things prison saunas oh my goodness there's so much stuff mit hot air balloons post sorting areas wow and the waste disposal things that is absolutely brilliant and then we're on our way to 11 000 next flipping egg there's a lot of stuff that we need here so i'm just wondering whether we're going to pause this a second i did want this to be all high high density over here so i'm just wondering whether we could just switch this up a piece at a time so let's take out let's use this one here we take out all of that all of these and change those to high density and it is going to affect the traffic look some of these houses are upgrading sorry people sorry people you gotta go there we go and watch our population start to rise and then these along here i'm also gonna change those to high density commercial so let's get rid of all of those there we go and we'll pop these back in excellent there we go okay so we are starting to get a little bit of traffic coming through here because we've got a lot more high density buildings now so what i'm going to do is i'm going to change this and we're going to use the priority sign we're going to click on there and go give way so these people keep going we've already done the dedicated turning lanes so that should be good that should work a lot better let's just make sure there isn't a traffic light hidden under there no we're totally fine so that'll keep this moving lots of people walk in which is what we like to see we're also going to use this tool and say no lane switching right there so control s stay in lane there we go yes you can do one side both sides but we're gonna do control s hugo there they can switch lanes at this node here they can also pick their lane up there so that should be okay i also want these to give way they are giving way sort of yeah i'll tell you what we don't have turned on yet if we just go into our settings for traffic manager so we're going to our options traffic manager settings so i haven't had to change these yet so far but we've got the advanced vehicle ai we're going to enable that and put the dynamic lane selection up to sort of about what's that 70 percent uh disabled despawning which is what we want and then simulation accuracy we'll go for medium that should be okay and that will help now with the giving way and the pausing and the picking the lanes and all of that sort of stuff are these cars parked here i think they are i don't want parking on this main road going through i'm sorry you'll have to find somewhere else to park plenty of other streets where you can park oh do these not have parking on and i've used these everywhere haven't i i have do you know what i'm going to do i'm going to change those maybe let's change a couple of these side streets like these ones here just to give them some parking let's do this one going through here as well um yeah that'll be good but just keep the parking off the main road just because i want to that's basically the only reason there so we've got some high density stuff growing up along here which is great not enough educated workers so yeah we're gonna have to get our university going but that is starting to look a lot better i'm liking that and as i'm getting more need for these commercial buildings i'm actually putting them all in along the front here by the highway what are you doing come on now seriously uneducated team well that flipping explains a lot doesn't it are you now going to walk across the you're going to float across the highway what is going on what is going on you've broken the game now look at that you've decided to float oh okay you fixed it again i'm sure that was an auto save yeah you're floating over there somewhere you're visiting i have no idea but there we go uh that reminds me actually we could do with helping people get across from one side to the other and this would be a perfect spot oh there was an error thank you very much um so let's grab our bridge that we like to use which is the zoo car part this one here nature reserve that's the one that's the one there we go so they can get across the highway there's no lights or any weird things in the way no that's good that gives them access to get over there and then let me just check oh look at all these cars coming in oh my giddy aunt oh this is gonna start getting busy you see we're really gonna have to keep an eye on the traffic and things like that so at the minute they're gonna go up here go around there and they can get to places this might just be people moving in so i'm not gonna overly panic but what i am gonna do is i'm gonna upgrade this road here so we've got the two lanes going all the way up we'll then do control click there so we still get one lane off but then it splits into the two lanes and do i want them lane switching at weird spots no so i'm gonna do hugo there if you go there hugo there so when they come off here they'll pick their lane and then they'll stick in it all the way up until they get to the top section and it'll be interesting to see how this junction does because i didn't actually plan so far ahead to think that this was going to be like a really super busy junction and so you might have to see you go there hugo there let's start spreading you guys out a bit oh couple of cars disappearing could have confused the living daylights out of them and we could also have a slip road down here look uh let's grab that let's grab that you can like come off of here and just head up it whoa what's going on ah pop and tree and the key is on let's turn that off and then let's use the movement mod to do that there we go excellent so if we just move this over a little bit there we go so that can make they can now come off of there what i'm gonna do i don't want to downgrade this to two lanes i'm gonna just upgrade this one here to four lanes just to give them a slip road to come off there we go excellent they can come up there they can come down here hit this junction and head off wherever they need to go but yeah that should be too bad once everyone's moved in and this side as well looking pretty busy let's upgrade this road it may be that i just need to end up changing this junction uh control click there we go and then you go there you go there you go there stick in your lane keep on going left and right excellent we'll see how that pans out this isn't too busy here and we've got 8 000 people already it might be that they're coming over here for all of the commercial stuff that we put in that might just be it but we'll see oh this is getting busy down here now look we've caused a problem right i'm gonna put some time traffic lights in here we're gonna do control left click there we go automatic time traffic lights and let's just keep an eye on this junction for a few moments do you know what actually it's not as bad as it looks because you've got all these parked cars here so what i'm going to do is just for the first section of this road either side oh me thing's gone a bit weird hey we've unlocked the next level of the park as well fan flipping tastic i know how to fix that there we go so what i'm gonna say is for parking i'm gonna say no parking i'm not gonna hold shift if you hold shift it would do the whole road uh like that see the blue line goes all the way up to the next junction i'm not going to hold shift and i'm just going to say no parking right by the junction so we're going to do that on all three sides there we go oh some of these cars got a bit confused and then it's not too bad then you can see and that'll keep moving that'll be fine how we doing on the old uh on the old traffic let's have a look 75 percent okay well once everybody's moved in hopefully that'll calm down a bit there we go look this one here has calmed down just going to wait for this one to calm down oh we've caused the traffic jam we have caused a traffic jam it's because these people coming down here let's use the in-game tool let's grab that one let's just grab this road and see where they're all going so loads want to come up there to get to these places but they've got to wait for these cars coming out this is like not the best junction ever so what we could do here as well is let's just have a think we could help these people out by just having a little slip road so if we grab it and get it as close as we can to here like this and it's going to go underground like that is that going underground i would like to go underground if that's all right there we go thank you so underground let's use the underground modes we can see and then i'm going to curve this around like this this is like a real and then this is going to come in up here people aren't going to like this but there we go we're going to lose a couple of houses there like that so they can snake their way around and come in this side similar to what we did up here that could just come straight off that should be fine and then what we want to do is make sure that these cars can get out okay um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the built-in tool here and we're going to say you have to go this way just keep going and then i'm going to say that you have to give way so you just keep going yeah that'll be good so once people realize that that's there they'll be fine i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to control click in there so we get a dedicated lane for coming off because all of these people they're just never gonna get going and we're gonna say hugo there this one a hugo there just to get them moving let's just see oh and also before we finish that this here is then going to get super busy so let's get parking let's say no parking in the whole of that junction so i'm going to hold shift that time not hold shift here so just this first section and not hold shift there just left click and then we're going to do this one control click dedicated turning lanes and then a control click again quick setup for the traffic lights for all of these cars that i know are going to be coming down here and i'm also going to do this so i'm going to change that to two lanes yeah so what do i want i want this one here there we go and then we'll go back to our lane connector thanks trees you know anytime you want to just drop in that's cause i turned off collision and then we're gonna say that one goes there that one goes there so they go straight into their lane and then if you go through there we go hugo there no lane switching okay right how about what is the traffic at because of this 75 that's horrendous i'm going to keep an eye on this for a few minutes we do it here so we want to watch this junction and we want to watch all of this and see whether those little changes have helped there we go if i put this junction this junction want to keep an eye on and all of this hopefully to go down [Music] hmm [Music] okay so i would say we probably got rid of about half the traffic maybe just a little bit more of that and we've managed to divert half the traffic i mean over to this side so i suppose what's probably going to happen is anybody that wants to come in here is going to use our little wiggly road and come through here but anybody that wants to go this side it's still quicker for them to go down here so maybe we can do something with this junction i'm loathe just to rip it out and put in a uh put in a roundabout maybe if we just did a little time traffic light let's try that control left click and let's just see whether the default setting of a time traffic light will get rid of all this traffic that's running down there let's keep an eye on it [Music] because what you got to keep in mind as well is you've got obviously with the cars coming the other directions on this junction you don't want the time traffic light running so bad that it then blocks up this which blocks up that which blocks up down there but there look it's got rid of all of that down there so that's fantastic that is fantastic oh what's that farty grove has been upgraded as well excellent let's close that there we go clothing factory maintenance buildings bars and stuff we're upgrading everything level four well that isn't too shabby actually is it i've also noticed this here has got a straight on again which it shouldn't have darn it when did that happen well let's use the tool to select that turn off the straight on so you should only go left or right if you want to go straight on you stay on the main highway as this one also had that happen as well no that one's okay at some point i've accidentally changed it and there we go that's working okay i've stopped lane switching in the middle and this is all going fine this is working perfectly well yeah really pleased with that and this isn't backing up down here how's this going yeah this isn't backing up up here this junction's clear let's go all the way down here this road's clear and this roads hitler here as well look at that so basically we solve the problem of too much traffic with giving them extra ways in either side so they're not all going through that junction and then a couple of time traffic lights so yeah really pleased with that nine thousand oh look at that suddenly the demand in our city is going through the roof and that is brilliant i tell you what i'm so glad that you are all enjoying the slightly longer episodes you've been doing on tea port because there is so much to do i've really been enjoying building this city thank you for your continued support please leave a like subscribe if you're new and check out the other video on the screen as well we'll be back on saturday with the next episode thanks again and i will see you soon have a good day take care bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 278,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to make money
Id: N15U3ZsZjoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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