Reverse Lane Mathematics & Capital City Challenge in Cities Skylines!

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yeah thanks again hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me before thank you very much for joining me here we are in our city of new zealand and we've got absolutely tons to do today one of the things is working on this area that we've just gone past here as many of you commented we unlocked this square here to get more population in our city and then we decided to fill it all with their industry so i've got some plans for that also got a couple of fixes that you've been putting in the comments which were a couple of videos ago because i've been called ahead as i tell you but we're going to get to those and one of them is in our new area that we built and i love following these trains along and seeing this is what we built if you didn't see this last episode with all our parks and our commercial stuff people can come and spend their money yep loving it looking good so over here let's come all the way over here to this industry area okay had a few comments and i thought this is a fantastic point is i've got a bit of a problem with the slope of this road going down here trying to fit it under the bridges you know i think i've done a pretty good job of getting it underneath but someone said why don't you just put the roundabout on the ground and the highway over the top and i thought flipping it you know what i never thought of that so let me switch this around and i think that's going to help our bridge slope situation here [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go a little bit of finagling later let's put this back to how it should be and that should work much much better now they can go over the top and when they come down here this road can be a lot lower so what we can do as well is grab that one with the picker mods we're going to upgrade that to connected to the ground and i think there's another one in there there we go and now there's going to be a lot more space for getting underneath and we can even lower this roundabout down a little bit if we need to just to level this out so let's just grab that node that node that mode and that node let's just slope those nope that's lifted them up or tell you what as they're all connected and selected let's just drop that down a bit there we go much much better i'm liking that they're all good grief not so much that let's just put that up a little bit there we go excellent suggestion we could lower this corner down here as well and that one there cool okay so that was one fix thank you very much for that the other one is all the way over the other side of the city here okay ignore all the um buildings that are abandoned because not enough workers will be working on that in a bit now this guy again has broke someone here has broken down again that is weird that they're doing that but as you can see i've had this commented to me which is a little bit odd let's just pause it here for a second so we set this up so they go in this lane and that lane and what they should do is change nodes there but they're not every single vehicle coming in let's just use the in-game tool select that road there every single vehicle coming in is going left look oh we've got this one here oh we've got one who isn't oh look he's coming through so all the trucks coming out of here are all going left and as you can see some of them are going all the way to the end to turn around and come back again so that's a little bit odd but i wanted them to stay in their lanes there so what i'm going to do is use this tool we're going to select this node and say as you come through here you can change your lanes and just see whether that makes a difference ah is anybody gonna come i might just have to remove those lane connectors there let's just wait for the next cargo train to come in here we go no they're all gonna stick in that lane that's slightly annoying okay i'll tell you what then we'll just delete that we could do it there instead but we'll do that and then hopefully they'll change there we go like this tractor here he's gone round there okay much much better there we go new cargo load coming in so what that means now is is not all of them are going to want to go through the city i'd probably say about half of them are now coming down and going along this other road which means they do now have an easier access to the highway if they need it so that might help the little problem we had along here of traffic although we have sort of solved that anyway so that's good by the way our traffic in our city here is 85 so not too shabby at all so the other little fix was this little intersection that i built over here and i thought it was good and most people were like yeah that's really good yeah well done i like that um but then of course this one here has to unnecessarily go across the highway again to join this road which you know if this road was already here you could see how that would be the case and i did go to lots of pain to try and get this thing to line up properly over there but what we should be doing is if i grab this let's just do a bit of finagling finagling that seems to be the word of the day doesn't it so if we just grab this over here and just connect this up a little bit differently there we go so now coming up here this is just one lane going straight over joining the highway there and now this one coming up this side can just join straight there and it just makes that unnecessary little extra road that we had uh not there anymore you know so that's good and then maybe we could just straighten this this out a teeny tiny bit i don't know it looks okay cool good that was the next fix and then the other thing that was mentioned was about my ferry stop so we have ferry stops we've got one there one there and we now have it connected all the way around here to our ferry whatever it's called over here depot so we could have add some more ferry stops in which we will do but i want to build over here so when we unlocked one of these squares this square here we unlocked this area and i think we can put some high density residential in here because we are desperately trying to get to 15 000. we've done the one before yeah that is our next target we can unlock another square we get access to a whole load of extra cool stuff so we need to see what we can do here to get on and off of this highway and i think we are going to go for let us grab these rocks let's grab these little things here let's grab okay some of those things are going to disappear we're just going to put a small little junction in here nothing too complicated okay there we go nothing too complicated let's just make sure this is set up i don't want to downgrade this road we've got two lanes coming in one going off i don't want to downgrade that one so we're just going to do a dedicated turning lane off there dedicated turning lane off there and then when it comes back on we're going to do reverse lane mathematics we're going to grab our highway road and we're going to upgrade that little section there so we've got an extra lane coming on and this bit here isn't going to let me darn you game i'll tell you what uh i could finagle it with the move it mod but forget it that'll be fine uh let's just make that a little bit longer there we go and then we'll just do some hugo there so they'll get elaine to come on then they merge down there and i think that will be absolutely fine let me just check the speed so it's 100 through there 80 up here i'm gonna drop this down to 60 60 60. so we get no chance of somebody thinking oh this is quicker i'm going straight up and over yeah we'll see how that goes anyway okay so now we have access to this area let's maybe just draw some extra roads in here [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dear oh uh what is going on i think we've had a fire in our sewage treatment plant that's what's going on although they still show us working oh they're here look putting them all out oh my goodness me that's what happens when you've got no redundancy and you're relying on one thing there we go we're sorted and now there's no power what the heck okay this is working again i think we're okay that's okay that's okay garbage is okay just a load of fires please put the fires out we're not a fan of fires over here okay right so this is gonna be like our main sort of road around here and then we're going to try and use this space as well as possible i think we are going to go for a sort of gridded design with trees as that's a nicer road increases land value how are we gonna do this okay i'd like the square to be sort of lined up with what we've got going on here so i'm gonna take that road like that and then we're just going to start building some squares in and see where we end up with this shape [Music] right so we've got some roads laid out here don't forget that basically our aim in this area is to just try and get our population up as much as possible let's get some of these roads at a good height there we go i'd like this all to be flat so let's use our move it tool we're going to do that we're going to select nodes and we're going to just go all the way along here and set that all to the same height we're gonna do that one there we're gonna do this one here there we go so that should sort that all out oh that's gone down let's leave that up this one here is a bit horkey bulky as well so let's grab make sure we don't grab the wrong nodes all of those i want the height of this one yeah that's okay and then this one over here we can go from there to there to there and we can use the slope just to slope that up and then we can just use a little bit of smoothing just in a couple of these places we'll do the same here there to there to there and slope objects yeah that's okay and then we'll just set this all at a similar height all around here a bit of a beach front going on fill in that hole gonna put some services up here right by the highway we've got this space along here which will be fine because that can come off of this road of both sides so we just smoothly smooth that bit smoothly smooth this bit and i think let's make this a little bit bigger here and this bit over here is fine bit of extra land i think we'll be good to go yeah nice so let us get a district in here so let me know some names for this district what have we got what features do we have we're on this little peninsula i suppose you'd say over here we've got these two bridges which i think look really nice i like the detail on these bridges very very funky i have to say um yeah and we've got the highway we've got the train so something related to all of that and t is the way that we want to go and how many people do you reckon we're going to fit in here well we can check it all at the end we've got zero population at the minute we've got 5 000 left to go can we do it with what we've got i hope so so before we get people moving in we want to make sure that they have got all the coverage of all the different things oh do you know what we don't use the child health care center in the elder care center enough do we we've put them over here and we've got them over there no i'll take it all back we've got plenty um and these have got a huge area of effect so we are going to put them definitely in our new area so let's start with our child health care center i like that little spot there that would be good the elder care center i want to put that over here it's got the railway line behind but it's got a lovely view of the bay i think that is just fantastic we've got a crematorium which we need to sort of squeeze in i want this to be sort of services and things so i'm going to pop that right at the end by the highway over there so that's everything we need really from this area yoga how big is that that's got a reasonably nice area of effect as well could i squeeze that in over there why not and then a community pool where are our schools gonna go um i think our schools are gonna go over here i've got to be careful not to take up too much space with all of this sort of stuff and then find oh that's good i like that we'll do that one there and then we'll pop a high school right opposite do you know what i'm changing my mind on that and i tell you why this is very high quality land isn't it along here if we look in this one here and the one with the money on it this is very high land value and i don't need to take it up with schools whereas over here we could put in a little school area couldn't we let's smoothify this little spot here down a little bit more like that and then we'll take a nice road we'll take this one here just noted that's not connected properly we'll fix that in a sec and we're gonna have a little road come off of here literally run along there like that and then this one here we're going to reconnect there we go we're going to go in properly yeah that's improperly i think the rest are okay i'll double double check at some point yeah and then we're going to move these over here so you're going to go right up against the highway because you kiddie winkies really won't care about that i'm going to grab another little road up there get some nice trees why not we're gonna pop that one up against there and then we'll have our pool right next to it there yeah that looks like a nice little complex and then we'll just extend this road there's a slightly there we go cool we can detail that a bit as well nice so we've skipped one here we need some emergency services in one fire engine will be perfectly fine over here that is going to go in our little services spot i think that really can fit in there if we just anarchy that in let's just have a look oh yeah that's fine that is absolutely no problem at all and then we need a police station let's go for one of the more modern looking ones and that is also going to squeeze in there excellent let's just cover up that little bit of tarmac there there we go nice and then we've done the schools buses we haven't got parks yeah let's put the botanical garden is huge and that would cover the whole thing let's put a couple of small parts because as we said we want to make sure that most of this is for people to live so we're going to pop that one there and i'm going to do some area did that cover most of it so if i put one sort of along here that'll mostly cover everything else and then we're gonna move this rock uh let's try that again do this one here that rock is gonna come up there i do like to save the rocks i haven't placed many rocks in new zealand oh auto save quit i haven't placed many rocks in new zealand but we've certainly saved many rocks i think that is going to be okay for now what about walking paths i want to get all these sort of things sorted before we just chuck a load of people in and then we have to remove it all i'm just thinking whether we could have a path that comes under here let's do that and let's come round here let's turn off the road guidelines so we can sort of come through the trees and along the back join this path where the school is straight along there and then it can sort of curve around and join let's go straight again wait straight come on we go and then you can curve through here like that connect that bit to there let's have a look this is all connected okay maybe we could just do another little one up by the highway just to sort of get to that crossing there that'll be fine um i think in a quicker route for these to get over to the train station could we add a little crossing over here i think that might be a good idea so let's go up like this and over the top don't mess with the box okay you go down there if you come along there like that that's gonna be perfectly high enough and then we'll just go straight down yep and then this one here we'll go straight down just go and connect there yeah there we go so they can get over the highway get down to here walk through to the train station anywhere else we could add some paths in underneath here yep for sure a space and then maybe another one over here anywhere there's crossings and i think yeah you know want to save a bit of walking good excellent that looks good to me so let me just add some water pipes in i don't believe we have any here at all no [Music] so that's all covered but then of course we need to get water from over here and oh my goodness me i mean there is no easy way to get from one side to the other with the squares that we have so for now we are going to commission a huge underwater pipe that's going to get all our water coming over here let's hope we've got enough water is that all going to fill up i mean we could have do you know what actually because i always yeah i want it all connected to the same grid i was going to say we could put like a large water tower over here but i hate having the separate grids because it sort of messes up the budget and stuff i think that is everything we're going to need in here apart from one more thing i'm going to put a bus line in here so let's put that back on let's select that oh we do oh that's a train line so we're gonna have which way is that gonna go yeah this bus line here is gonna run through these little estates that are here and i tell you why that's gonna go in and go there and then that one's going to come in because that has an area of effect as we've discovered before let's go up to that park let's stop right outside the school so all of these houses in here are going to benefit um and then we'll go there and then we'll just go back the other side of the road they're all going to benefit from having this right outside their abodes and then we'll go back and actually won't get there we'll just go all the way around to that yeah excellent excellent excellent excellent so then finally finally finally we are going to go for some high density commercial which is going to be here alongside the noisy highway so we're going to put that in in a couple of spots like that and that should be enough for an area like this and then we're going to take all of this and we're gonna do that one i'm just gonna draw the whole lot in i don't think there's any odd spots yeah there's gonna be a couple of odd spots so let me check for any odd spots and remove those so i'm just going along and checking where the house is being built and just adding any more terraforming that we sort of need along the side just so it doesn't look too weird there we go i expanded this bit here let's do this bit here as well and then i think we're good to go and see what we're gonna get anything weird over here yeah like these ones here i'm gonna take those out gonna take those out they're gonna be small shops let's try that again they're gonna be small shops some of those uh yeah let's change these for small shops as well and those right under there and i think that's going to be fine so let us see i want this to be green is that not green it is different color green yeah let's see what we're gonna get do [Music] ah there we go nice new area all looks so good doesn't it well let's troubleshoot what we've got because i think we're going to have a few little problems in here i think this is probably going to be oh electricity really electricity available i did connect it up over the highway oh where's my highway connection of electricity i did that before and it's gone that is very weird let's pop that in no wonder everybody's dying and abandoning their buildings there we go and then this little section down here should hook up as soon as these buildings fill in so we'll just give them a bit of time uh yeah i'm gonna leave that one empty so let's just stop the sun for a moment so we can see what we're doing and while we're waiting for the electricity and nothing has to kick in let's just troubleshoot some of our junctions that we've got here so things could get a little bit busy so we're going to get this one here and give them dedicated turning lanes there and there we've got traffic lights at the top which aren't really needed we're just going to do giveaway signs for the people coming up uh where they join eventually we'll put three in there like we've done this side but we can't at the moment we've got dedicated turn in lanes and give way there um dedicated turning lanes there sort of but that's going to be too busy let's just do where is the node this is like a weird shape sort of work this is not right at all is it look at this there we go that looks more like it doesn't it let's just adjust that a tiny touch yeah there we go excellent so let's do giveaway on the little roads coming on uh we'll do the same there we'll do the same there and this one we can definitely have dedicated turning lanes this one we can definitely have dedicated turning lanes that bus was like nope i'm changing my mind i'm going back that one we can have giveaway in dedicated turning lanes that one we can have give way and dedicated turning lanes and then we're back up to here again which is fine these little ones around here i'm not going to bother too much uh any abandoned buildings you'll be growing i'm going to get rid of these and hopefully they'll come back quicker now that we've got electricity oh my goodness so many abandoned buildings not good not good at all well actually we've fulfilled our needs and unbelievably our population is not risen at all what the heck we've got people living in here they have got road access they've got access to the highway cars and stuff are coming in maybe it's just going to be a bit of time oh look here the car is starting to come in now and occupying the houses i think he's just gonna need a little bit of time to work its way through was that abandoned it looked like it was abandoned and then hopefully we'll start making some money and we'll start building up our population so maybe i'll just let this run for a little bit while we're waiting for that let's just check our new bus route because that is probably going to be too many vehicles for such a little round-robin trip like this look they're mostly empty i think two would be absolutely fine as far as i know the amount of vehicles on a line it doesn't affect the sort of area of effect here look everyone's coming in now the area of effect that we have to help them upgrade you can hear them going ping ping looks in flashing green there we go a couple just did it there even if you can't hear the ping you should be able to see the flash is green oh yeah that means they're growing they're growing they're coming in excellent excellent excellent oh we've also got a little flooding problem over here which is blocking up all the traffic because of the truck what is going on okay let's just lift that up there we go and that's going to be the same height as that as well maybe not quite as high on that one whoa a little bit higher i'm just wondering whether we just need to build the latte oh dear we just need to build the land up a bit here i think that might be a good idea let's take this height tool take the height of this and we're just going to sweep all the way along there there we go so we've got more of a slope down to the beach now let's just extend this bit out yeah i think that's gonna be okay and then we can just lift this up sorted sorted sorted sorted that's what we want and that'll stop everybody backing up down here excellent i wanna hear they all come look every now and again we get another huge swathe of cars coming down our little junction here wanting to move into our area which will stop the buildings getting abandoned of course which is great oh look how many are coming in and even with this huge influx and some more water trucks coming in as well my little you know not the most amazing junction you've ever seen or intersection whatever you want to call it it's still okay you know that traffic is going down so yeah i'm happy with that [Music] you know what i could do is this little road here is put a two-way road on it oh we've actually got straight on there we could just turn that off although nobody's going straight on which is good yeah we could put a two-lane road on the end here and on here just so you've got a lane dedicated lane for left and right but look once the initial influx of cars has come in that is perfectly fine now look that is dealing with the traffic absolutely no problem at all eleven thousand heading up for twelve thousand brilliant now i'm just wondering whether there's any nice little special features we can add in here i think we could uh what sort of waterside type park features do we have along here let's have a look we've got some riding stables beach volleyball court let's maybe check out that so we've got this little spot down here i reckon let's just add something along here so we're going to get this road we're going to have a little lane coming out of there sort of right down to the beach we shall then smoothie smoothie this out just a little bit more there we go and we're going to add a beach volleyball court on the end there there we go very nice very nice excellent and then what else have we got we've got here a restaurant here i think that needs park area or by a road do you know what this little bit along here let us just repurpose this here slightly so i'm going to grab a nice little small park thing i'm going to delete that end and that end and we're going to add in a small main gate um yeah that's going to go there oh darn it's going to get rid of some buildings yep that's just the way it is let's oh already has a main gate of course we'll do that one there and then we can still use this path that's fine [Music] there we go that's okay and then we'll add in here where's it gone this one here that can now oh make the park area a little bit bigger this park is bigger look what's the problem why can't you fit in inside the park or roadside come on done it there we go look how happy everybody is so we get a nice little pier outside there very nice very nice and then maybe we could just run this path down here and make this whole sort of front here a sort of walk through park type area and what that's going to mean is is we're going to need another side gate along here let's extend the park zippidy doodah do you know what actually i'm gonna bring that all the way along there and i'm gonna bring that no not the fires no please ah let's put a fire tower right in the middle here there we go right up high so we can look over all of the highway and we're just going to run a little path oh my goodness you can hear them coming just along there to get to it ah helicopters are out in force the buildings they've literally just moved in to whatever this new area is going to be called and it's already gone ptong okay okay okay let's just not worry too much about it let's get some side gates in there and you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna extend that road enough so i can put a side gate there yeah excellent let's do that and we'll grab this put that there and then we'll just connect all of this up i'm now wondering whether we could extend this all the way around to the other side if we could just bring that round to here as well i think we might get a lot of people using this park sort of like a beachfront walk up to there i think could be reasonable yeah let's do that so let's pop one in there as well and connect these up yeah i think we need to disconnect these and make these two separate little parks let's do that so we're going to destroy that one we're going to put a main gate in there that will give us a new one there we go and we'll just connect that one up to here because there's no easy way of getting past this sort of pier area over here so yeah i think that'll work much better right i think this area is looking rather nice just trying to add a few more attractions in here a few minutes ago you might have noticed these were complaining about the tax rate over here so what i did is add a tennis court in over here it's increased the land value a bit and they're not complaining anymore which is really good i'm just thinking over here so people are going to get the train over and we could have something like the boat museum just along here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to pop that in like that i'm going to use the move it mod just to sort of move that around a bit oh man we're spending all our money good gravy that is going down a lot so i'm going to bring this in up here and try and sort of connect this up like so so it doesn't complain about no access does it need road or need to be in a park oh it looks like it needs road access as well i thought it was going to make do with the park road i'll get that really close is that not going to do it no okay there we go we just add that to a little road like that is looking nice i'm gonna add a few little trees along here nothing too complicated and in fact i think i probably need to go around the whole of this area and add a load of trees in but we'll just do this for now just to sort of finish this bit off here let's put prop and triancy on there we go thank you very much so yeah that's gonna definitely bring more people over there we go just a couple just a couple excellent so we do have our train line that we set up if you remember over here i wonder how many people oh we've got lots of people at the station wonder how many people are now using this to get from the other side of the city to here so let's take a look this is main island to east island um so as you can see that goes all the way around all the way outside the map and then comes back in let's close that down through here stops over here by what we built last time and then stops over here and goes back again so how many people are using it lots of passengers lots of people standing around waiting yeah we definitely need i would say at least one more train even perhaps two let's put that up to five yeah and that'll be fantastic that'll really keep everybody moving around nicely which is what we want wow it's still growing which is fantastic we do need to take care maybe of a little bit of trash collection over here can i just squeeze something in over here i bet i could if i was clever enough let me just grab this road i'm gonna bring that out to there and then bring that along to there and we maybe could just stick a recycling center right up against the highway entrance there we go these are going to move yep excellent we'll just go like that very good very good also giveaway and dedicated turning lanes excellent what else could i fit in there that might be handy let's just drop this bit of road down there we go we'll just pop another police station in there as well to cover this side of this area and are people using our walk-in paths they are oh my goodness me they are in bucket loads which is fantastic what about our little park that comes along the front here let's take a look oh and there's another pier over here by the way oh yeah people coming to watch the volleyball fantastic yeah people coming through here as well in our park bit overgrown down here maybe we need to come along now and sort of trim things up a bit let's follow this one along here see whether people like this one not so much a little bit busy when we get down here where there's a few things for people to go and see so maybe that's something we need to check out wow that is going to be whoever lives there it comes with on street parking with a possible free car wash thrown in as well if you're unlucky and the boat museum's got some visitors yeah it's just okay so i've done the little teeny tiny bit of terraforming just follow it around this way as well this is looking rather swish i have to say with these buildings as well the international buildings looking nice looking oh look at that view look at that view isn't that just a place where you wouldn't mind coming for a walk screenshot i think it is i think it is i think there's one more thing we could probably put over here which would help the helicopters get here a bit quicker is a nice fire helicopter depot although they've made it they've made it over do you know this didn't burn down at all until i started building here and i didn't add any of this russian trees in this little middle section yeah thanks again do [Music] and barely a couple of minutes later population of 15 000 we are now a capital city fantastic access to ships access to land access to all sorts of extra stuff that is absolutely brilliant and it's all down to this little build over here which i think just looks fantastic and there's still more we can do to help we can add fairies in we didn't get around to doing that this episode we'll have to have a look at that in the future so let me know what you think of this little spot here and don't forget to subscribe if you're new to my channel and i like is always appreciated thank you for watching have a fantastic day take care bye you
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 171,993
Rating: 4.9718785 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, cities skylines top mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, urban planning, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines what mods, cities skylines mods, cities skylines how to start your city, how to, cities skylines cargo train, cities skylines capital city
Id: QMa0o9NC3CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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