Steven Seagal: Certified Tough Guy - JonTron

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There’s other wild stuff that Jon didn’t even get into such as:

β€œAdditionally, while serving as stunt coordinator for Out for Justice, Gene LeBell allegedly got into an on-set altercation with Seagal over his mistreatment of some of the film's stunt performers. After the actor claimed that due to his aikido training he was 'immune' to being choked unconscious, Lebell offered Seagal the opportunity to prove it. LeBell is said to have placed his arms around Seagal's neck, and once Seagal said "go", proceeded to choke him unconscious, with Seagal losing control of his bowels.” (From his Wikipedia article)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SBtist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Steven Seagal worship in America is always so weird to me. I understand Chuck Norris, Jeane Claude Van Damme, and Stallone because those guys look like and COULD kick your ass, but Seagal has always looked and moved like a geriatric old man.

I don't doubt he could probably kick MY ass since he's a 6"4 fat dude, but I doubt he could chase me for more than 10 seconds without keeling over.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CarnivorousL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What about Jon's boat license 😀

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cr3at3daNacc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aw yeah, Jon covering the poster child for r/iamverybadass

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PWBryan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am only 3 minutes in and I know Steven Seagal is wack, but Aikido is a very legit martial art John :(.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deleted_my_account πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jon saying his Raid referral bonuses in a different order than how they're shown visually annoys me more than it should.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OH_ITS_MEGACRUNCH πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

this one had some high quality echs

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LittleMissRileyx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hot damn! That fucking headshot was brutal. My boy knows his way around the bb gun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pyarsa1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

My favourite part of the video was when they called Sheriff Joe a "Police Chief".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xnamkcor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 02 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
before we start today's video okay i want to give a big shout out to today's sponsor you know who that sponsor is okay you're not going to believe this that's rape shadow legends rage shadow legends is a free-to-play dark fantasy rpg game available to play on your phone tablet and computer with cross-platform capabilities you can switch from playing on your phone to a computer with ease and brand new to raid is the tag team arena tag arena is the next level of competitive pvp battles where you face off in a best of three 4v4 battles whichever team wins two matches wins the series and as you progress through the campaign you'll collect new and unique champions and gear so you can customize your team the way you like to play if you're a competitive player you can earn special rewards if you finish high in the rankings so what are you waiting for okay go to my description click the link and download rage shadow legends today oh if you're a new player you'll get 50 000 silver 50 gems five mystery shards one energy refill one day xp boost one clan boss key and free champion executioner this champion is super strong and like i said you'll get them completely free by signing up with my link below you'll find your extra rewards here in your inbox for the next 30 days only this guy okay steven seagal i don't know how he's been the places he's been and accomplished what he's accomplished i always just knew him as a 90s action movie star with the likes of jean-claude van damme and arnold schwarzenegger you know beating people up being awesome well bruce putting asses in seats at the movie theater generally not being batshit crazy afterwards you still fine yes i do you still dangerous but steven seagal could not manage that last bit unfortunately so uh here you have it the many sides of this fragmented man may we try to piece them back together like humpty dumpty he is kind of an egg guy from being honest so steven seagal is trained in art called aikido uh or so he says it's basically an art where you just you just flip a guy you just you just throw a guy that's basically that's what it is dude i'd be careful if i were you that's a dangerous man uh but i'd be remiss if i didn't point out the central aspect of aikido in which uh that it is a fakey fake not real [ __ ] martial art ironically if you look at it most of the real skill here comes from the people pretending they're falling so uh that's probably a good sign of things to come so you thought steven seagal was an action star huh get it man well what about steven seagal the uh musician that you're gonna have to see i got 700 babies [Music] it's quite easy to do soul singing you know what i'm saying before i was born you got a boy child's coming the [ __ ] it's like started soulful but ended with a thread it was like you better watch your back literally actually seriously watch your back yeah that's what i'm saying [Music] okay that one was straight up gibberish i believe i heard that's that's genuinely what i heard i'm russian my family are from vladivostok in belarus and you know i'm a russian mongol and i'm russian my father was a russian mongols so these people are russian mongols that's right it's real that's vladimir putin shaking hands with steven seagal how does it even happen was vladimir putin just like a fan of under siege or something quite some time ago i like to think vladimir putin just has no idea who steven seagal is he's just like okay yeah who is this again foreign minister to switzerland okay first i'd like to congratulate you on this occasion mr putin wants you to know that uh he thought you were the foreign minister to switzerland uh and he was mistaken but he's going to go ahead with it anyway congratulations mr seagal yeah bye jesus i act like you're at least a little happy to see him vlad i mean i know i know you're not in reality nobody would be but at least act happy i mean for christ's sake it well what's with the [ __ ] gnarly thumbnail you're gonna go and meet the the president of russia and you you come with the [ __ ] [ __ ] keeper fingers especially when it's gonna be like up close on television what the [ __ ] you know vlad's like looking at like his gnarly thumbnail like please i'm gonna have to shake that hand oh there it goes i'm weak so happy to see him again that's all it's really been a pleasure by the way just saying huge fan of your annexation of crimea you are a great big fat man around i thought was strong strong slim men no you're like a russian potato but believe it or not old vlad is actually not the only eastern bloc president that steven seagal has graced with his presence as seen here when he visited the president of belarus alexander lukashenko at his official residence in minsk because this you can't make it up really you can't make it up okay you go to the white house all right you go to downing street they're gonna give you a cup of coffee and a cake not so in belarus all right you go to the minsk palace all right they're gonna shred you a couple carrots live look at this man how does he look so out of place everywhere he is okay look at that posture all right that posture asserts i don't know where i am i want my mommy i'm lost i told you steven go easy what the [ __ ] did did you skip lunch how hungry were you um he looks absolutely lost he's like yes yes oh it's time for the watermelons dmitry good boy bring steven the watermelon nice check that thing out all right we don't have much of a gdp but check that out that's some soil we got in my backyard oh i keep i keep it i i oh all right cool look up all right yeah that's your thing watermelons carrots it's a bit [ __ ] weird but but he's not only russian okay he apparently had a brief stint as a cop or something on the new mexico border i don't know what made him qualified for such a position but somebody apparently thought it a good idea to hire him which is why we are now going to be treated to a video titled and i quote steven seagal trains americans how to stop school shooters using guns and martial arts good luck stopping a school shooter using martial arts i'm just saying stop boy oh oh that was a high caliber round america's war on gun crime is being fought on many fronts but now the world's most powerful country has a new weapon yes all action hero steven seagal what the under siege star took time out from the bright lights of hollywood to train posse volunteers in arizona posse volunteers what do you mean volunteers i thought these were cops wait better question what the [ __ ] is a posse volunteer the maricopa county sheriff's office volunteer posse consists of non-compensated positions made up of people from all walks of life who want to assist law enforcement as a way to give back to their community now is school shootings really the proper domain for the volunteer contingent of society shouldn't the most absolutely highly trained veteran forces be taking on these kinds of tasks and shouldn't steven seagal always have literally nothing to do with it yeah you're not doctors and lawyers you're cops right now you take that hippocratic oath you scrunch it up put it in the trash you're here to shoot the child but only the child with the weapon when you yell at somebody get down on the ground they've got to do it if they don't do it you're going to make them comply quick for every second that goes by you could be losing children i like how steven seagal you could see him just for a moment they're calculating the optics of talking about mounds of dead kids for every second that passes we're going to be losing children that's good right good it's good for the tv the most precious asset we have as a society and as human beings as our children which is why i've come here to this playground to recapture my youth uh but he's a dangerous youth don't get me wrong are you boy of 12 with a shotgun unhand your weapon don't make me do this son of a [ __ ] if they think they can keep extorting the children of this community with 10 cent price hikes on spongebob pops but they're dead wrong it turns out pretty cool guys actually but not everyone agrees it's the brainchild of controversial arizona police chief joe arpaio dubbed america's toughest sheriff i'm going to say it again for those protesters we are here to protect the children that's the main mission they can say whatever they want but i'm not going stop and with a six foot four seventh down black belt is his sidekick who would disagree with that how long has steven seagal been standing behind me why is steven stegall standing behind me but if that weren't enough uh he had his own series called steven seagal lawman i've been working as an officer in jefferson parish for two decades under most people's radar said seagal in premiere episode the way of the gun okay once a year every officer has to qualify with firearms in order to use their pistol on duty and next week is alex's test see how it goes right where i want it yes sir right there now most people don't know this but when the bullets are in the gun okay watch closely did you see that most people don't know that if i don't pass weapons qualification i'm afraid mr skull is going to hurt me really he's a scary man he's an intimidating man he's also if i i could use a turn of phrase off his [ __ ] rocker i'm trying to pass down some of the secrets that have made me a master shooter i don't want to just help alex pass this test but i want him to be a better marksman for life that's kind of the idea isn't it [Music] both in the same hole buddy good luck chap [Music] not through the bullet hole it's a failed test nice try oh guess who's buying beer tonight boy damn damn i guess it's me i guess i'm buying beer damn that's steven's the gas hole racket isn't it he just tells someone to do something impossible they can't do it and then he goes hey oh look who's paying my mortgage this month haha chiefs were all right there cheese for all right there cheese we're all right there he knows what he's doing and he knows how to put lead on target lit on talk [ __ ] sake dude you know being a lifelong practitioner in martial arts i try to teach everyone not to fight to recoil the weapon but more to become one with the weapon and let it be an extension of their body which is exactly why uh in case you were wondering my hands look like this okay when they said firearm i didn't know they meant it literally yeah no but i do miss eating food normally after what i seen today he could take a nat off a fly's ass you got the asian kind of zen lesson you're not doing this anymore you're doing this okay we were seeing a lot of this kind of movement right now we're seeing a bit more [Music] from the time you started till the time we finished i felt like he learned something good see i believe that was the point i think so good all right okay so we've heard about steven seagal the all of those things what about steven seagal the man you know the person the human being behind it all we always ask what is steven today but we never ask how is steven today right so let's watch an interview uh with the man himself it's an interview he did with the voice uh should get a little accurate representation of who he is right welcome to scottsdale arizona welcome to the voice versus hello everybody i'm michael chavello i'm glad you said your own name mate because i wasn't going to be able to pronounce it so sit back and strap yourselves in for the longest interview ever conducted with steven seagal before he got distracted and left okay we had him in that chair for like 26 minutes straight stephen seagal thanks for joining me on the voice as an absolute pleasure pleasure to meet you yeah how did it come to be aikido that was your chosen art well actually i started studying karate at a very young age i um [Music] don't hurt yourself do it all right we don't want smoke coming out of those years this is your longest interview ever we're only about 15 seconds in sort of lied about my age and got a job washing dishes at a uh restaurant i think it was called the wagon wheel or something like that and um there was a uh a cook there because back then in america you didn't really have dojos around i was working at this restaurant uh don't remember the name of it there was a cook there but back then you didn't really have dojos right understood stephen understood they were all sort of underground or quietly teaching okay back then it wasn't sanctioned okay it wasn't exactly legal bit taboo you go on the street you say the words kung fu all of a sudden you're in the back of a swat van one of the cooks there was a guy called sakamoto and he was a shotokan guy and an okinawan shodin guy in short this guy was a guy he saw that when i was washing the dishes and moving around that i moved very fast hey that guy back there is he is he a karate master no he's just a dishwasher no how exactly do you wash a dish in a fashion that will impress a martial arts master we demonstrated karate at this place that they had which was a theme park like a japanese theme park you know it was like a regular theme park you know like with roller coasters so it was japanese you did an aikido demonstration and warner brothers was blown away and boom steven sengal became a movie star is that true and if not i hate to admit it that is true okay you met bruce lee tell me about your experiences with bruce and what was he like and how did you get on with him i i thought bruce a really great guy really cool guy and i thought james coleman was a great guy too and i'm really sorry they're all gone and when brandon was killed like that they called me a few minutes after it happened it was in carolina somewhere they called me in the middle of the night and they said you think it'd be more like even steven steven but it was it was we think that he's dead and but the guy shot a blank gun at him and how could he be dead stephen we need to talk to you dude okay we shot like a gun a blank gun at brandon lee and now he's like bleeding from the stomach and dying dude why is he dying what do we do no we didn't call an ambulance we're calling you dude i said you will find a projectile in him you'll find a bullet in him they said that can't be you're crazy uh steven what are you gonna tell me pigs are flying next okay all we did was shoot a gun at him we're gonna find a bullet why didn't even call you instead of the paramedics and i said you will find a bullet in him and they called me in the morning they said you're amazing and i said why they said brandon's dead it was a bullet you're [ __ ] you rock dude i can go through the whole story on what really happened which most people don't know but i could go on all day to tell them about bullets and my friend you don't want to hear that but do you because i'll i mean i'll keep going who's the most legitimate hollywood tough guy in your opinion when you say tough guy do you mean martial artists or just i mean you could tell just like right out the gate he's like uh it's steven seagal but like i thought you knew that so like are you asking for me to confirm it steven seagal or you're really curious because it's pretty obvious i mean stephen for real if he was on the street and there was a situation you wanted this hollywood guy by your side because he could defend himself [ __ ] hell look at this guy's [ __ ] eating grin michael dry white can i laugh in your face can i laugh in your face really really really yes my thoughts on jean-claude van damme can i laugh in your face oh my god stephen is such a [ __ ] chuck norris i mean chuck is in his mid 70s probably 76 years old i don't think anyone with a sprayed on hairline has the authority to be going around calling anyone else geriatric oh that chuck norris all right last i see it was using a walker so i mean i don't really want to get into on film anyway uh you know who's a tough guy do i think michael is a tough guy no do i think he's a martial artist no do i think jean-claude's a tough guy or martial artist no only one guy left who could be the tough guy this guy's response on the other end it was just are you always armed yes right now if i was to look around this room would i find an arm of some sort you've brought with you yes thank you for joining us on the show today and it's been an absolute pleasure guys [ __ ]
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 9,181,007
Rating: 4.9189243 out of 5
Id: xz2JyPgUmH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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