Dr Ho: License to Practice - JonTron

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The start of the video made me think it would be him making fun of an awful video game which he hasn't done in ages.

👍︎︎ 361 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Funny it just so happens to be today that we get the new video, while people were posting that we're going into another blackout just hours earlier today...

👍︎︎ 474 👤︎︎ u/GamerNumber1Guy 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did they build a whole torture machine just for a 3 second scene lol?

👍︎︎ 217 👤︎︎ u/DynamicSparrow 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Poorly timed Hunchback of Notre Dame joke.

👍︎︎ 374 👤︎︎ u/totallynotsexpervert 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

You fast as fucc boi!

👍︎︎ 166 👤︎︎ u/Maxiscoolerthanyou 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

You motherfuckers doubted Jonathan Tronathan.

Anyway, let's all forget about the whole "Notre Dame fucking burned down, and we lost 800 years of history", we got fucking Jonny boy baybay

👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/raspymorten 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoyed the video, the whole Bond spoof also tickled me quite well, surprised he got Phil Swift to come back to be the old poker player.

I dunno why but the inflating into zero gravity and the background changing in the car got the biggest laughs out of me

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/ImAnthlon 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Was that Flex Tape Phil playing one of the card players???

👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/Heelincal 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

That singular Mario underwater scene is the closest thing he's done to video games in like two years...

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/rockybond 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] every one every dragon has a weak spot now I don't know about that one that is a large and frankly on week looking dragon with a lot of gold I warn you what's this well friends it's just the most ambitious RPG project of 2019 introducing raid Shadow Legends the most immersive RPG experience you'll find on a smartphone anywhere forget everything you think you know about mobile games because raid is gonna change it all the game is totally free it's got an amazing storyline awesome 3d graphics giant boss fights PvP battles and hundreds of champions to collect and customize now that's legendary and also did I mention you could play with me too just search from a clan tag jontron and join the party I'll be accepting people for the next few days so act fast and as a cherry on top the raid dev team have been kind enough to give me a specialized link that gets you a bunch of extra goodies just for the simple act of clicking so what are you waiting for go to that description box click that link and redeem your 50,000 silver and free epic champion alright on to the video [Music] oh crap oh my bleeding back Jesus Christ that's smarts I think one of my vertebrae went I think I can't move I I think I'm gonna need some serious help [Music] [Applause] you what well just cuz the flashy intro play do you think I'm suddenly gonna be magically okay I'm gonna be out of here no news flash I'm still extreme pain so if you'd like to help do it now or forever rest your [ __ ] peace man oh my god that's a that is a gun barrel pointed at me alright let's get serious let's come back down to earth here for a second I bet you're wondering what the hell I'm on about and I'll tell you what I'm saying is if you're living this eternal life of torment down here on earth there's only one man for you and he works at the whole clinic and he also is a ho one dr. ho still pending if he's got that MD but er he is at least definitely a chiropractor basically all you guys got to know is I found this amazing commercial for this guy dr. ho and his fantastic back pain belt apparently he's been selling it for a long time but I've never heard of it but without further ado this is a man who really believes in this product so I'll let him sell it to you this is dr. Ho's decompression belt hi I'm John Cremeans welcome to our show living without back pain hi john cremeans where's dr. ho do you suffer with back pain hip pain or shooting pain that one's down your legs I I have a pain in the brain you don't want to be up to here have years of back pain change who you are have minors shooting pains changed your character to the degree that you will just hurt someone you love who you wouldn't have heard before stop well today we have a renowned pain specialist who has developed an incredible new innovation to help her leave lower back pain dr. Michael ho is over 20 years of clinical experience girl turnover right you're supposed to do CPR on the other side people don't breathe through their butthole that man might be dead I'm pretty sure he's just tenderizing a corpse right there he's developed many well known and effective home therapy products combining innovation and clinical science much clinical science here is going on dr. ho I don't care about your chamomile tea okay I need spinal surgery he's been recognized for his ability to relieve pain safely and effectively like a hell of a lot of PhDs noticed how like the doctors with like the least public credibility whenever they're in a shot they've just got the most biggest PhDs and [ __ ] behind them you know my patients are always telling me doc I hey listen man move the frame this way get it like here cool yeah good suit again you know my patients are always telling me doc I'm following all your advice I'm sticking to the regiment to a tee and I've still got back pain and I tell them the same thing every time it's really not my [ __ ] problem I'm like dude what do you want from me all right I don't know what to do you want a refund on a frigging back massage okay yeah if you pay the restocking fee oh this don't worry about this it was like two bucks online I'll have it replaced in no time please welcome dr. Michael ho hello John hey doctor hello John I've been here the whole time waiting for you to tell me to come on let's get right to it though what is the secret to relieving back pain most back pain is caused by a combination of muscle tension stiff joints and the gentle discs the genitive days I'm not even [ __ ] around what did he say and the gentle disc degenerative tears yes but no idea what he said on the other hand John decompression attraction I hate I don't like the fact that he keeps I feel like he's gonna take my spine it felt like so who does that scorpion president know in [ __ ] Mortal Kombat predator this is pregnant I whispered scorpion right doodle win you know while taking a pill seems easy but there is no magic pill for back pain I never thought there was a pill for back pain did anybody think there was a pill for back pain I know a pill for pain it's called like heroin but I wasn't really gonna take that fur back for my back pain at least maybe just for sadness so if the cause is mechanical taking a pill is not gonna solve the problem you got that right nice job sticking to the script creamy there's an extra paycheck coming in the mail for you this month and after years of research and development I'm very proud to say I have to sign a new decompression pal that can instantly to help you relieve your back pain anywhere anytime well that's unprecedented how does it work really how really how how does it work so scam is it so at work this game no we figure this one out for John it's much more than a regular support belt how much money you had in R&D scam when pumped up the compressor joining this to help relieve your back pain this smell like a bit like a scam and my family's from a long line of smeller's when the rice is it also lived and and load the weight off the upper body off you like who hasn't been in that situation just googling something oh it strikes my belt helped to keep the back to get us a push a belt and stabilize her back to prevent this what was more impressive there is that one minute he was typing on a laptop and then you freaking go-go-gadget it into a motor vehicle okay that's what you should be talking about that should be the selling point of the belt well that sounds like something I could use can I try it absolutely but before we put the belt on I want you to step up on the posture podium here okay weird it's like the only part where where mr. cream oh just seems slightly like uncomfortable because I want to miss are your spinal alignment to see how my whole face your belt can help you alright okay I guess I'll step up on that what is it is it is that a reticule is it a target doctor what are you doing that's a laser sight that's a laser sight on me okay can you look straight ahead please okay Oh John I see why you getting back pain okay I like how this this is how it's diagnosed now can you step up there for a minute for me oh my god are you serious that's Jesus measure to come in earlier when you're slow ting you put stringing it back oh no that's not good so good it's bad is bad for you better for the bag oh my gosh it can't just say that posture podium is downright sinister alright I bet if I've been to museums seen all the medieval torture devices I'm on to you doctor oh I know what you're all about your methods are brutal at worst unethical at best holy moly dr. H when they said you were a master of pain I didn't know they meant it literally Oh freaky I want you to put my belt on we just clip the hose on okay what's my foot bum just go ahead pump it I go on Pump It Yourself it's my foot pump but you pump it I mean I feel taller my entire core feels like it's being completely stretched and supported my intestines feel a tad smaller than before as if they were being crushed by great weight Wow this is some good stuff it's not bulky at all and now how does my tell me look you're looking good man all right dr. Leigh lay off the cream boy okay you just kind of fit cruel now but this really works it's giving me great support it feels comfortable it doesn't restrict my breathing better you know what is that a plus should I really be one of the selling points when I'm buying something on the back of the box should it say that does not even restrict breathing let's try this thing I know I'm bringing it out a little early but I want to try this thing I want to be Kentucky Rose wearing it here how do you put this garbage I'm just gonna save my life this is unprecedented [ __ ] how do I get this son does that count as it being on this is [ __ ] doctor how you made this skinny asian man sighs that's close enough I guess boon Dava all right now gonna pump myself up all right I feel like this is a very flattering situation I'm in oh there it is it's pumping up its pert it's perfect for anyone oh there she goes dr. ho you've done the impossible you've taken $200 if my buddies just showed up soldier boy I didn't even send me my thing it's really good that this you know that's the most fun part I'm gonna give that a solid I didn't even know what it was supposed to do out of 10 it's a great success John my lower back is killing me because I'm King or this extra weight but if I can take this weight off my back would instantly feel better and that's exactly how my belt works see that makes sense less pressure you can't just say it and it becomes true okay they just tried to repeat that over and over that makes sense what you're hearing does not require any sort of critical investigation that's just true look at this done okay when I'm pumping it up the weight is keep decreasing off the low fat now we thought almost zero wait what is disproving what is disproving I know genuinely what is this demonstration meant to prove yeah no [ __ ] if you pump up the belt it's gonna pump up what's above it and now we found almost zero weight it's like going out to space zero gravity come on guys get real quit exaggerating it's a nice belt but zero gravity and you could let me go oh my god I'm gonna have down get me down the sewer gravity belt sir I have enough gravity under gravity i rep gravity with my whole face no belt you can use it every day at work at home cooking gardening came for your children it's a back pain relief belt designed to fit your lifestyle see I like the idea that you don't have to depend on anybody was that did that have anything to do with the last thing or was that just kind of like you know spur-of-the-moment deep-seated desire you have your whole physio belt makes home physio possible and affordable for people with chronic back pain I've got no pain and I feel great thanks man glad you can come on I have Novak lower back payment I have this belt on I'm I'm no back pain no no okay I got a pain now I have this belt so on playing with the kids I'm I feel like back bends all God working on the eye socket I need a compression belt for you know this part of my cranium I'm very surprised that to relieve the back pain I have a compressed vertebrae fourth and fifth vertebrae I got compressed air helps me blow the dust away when I get Cheetos in mckee board I realized after the fact I can't speak Latin nose so do you said cosa nostra being able to pick my daughter up is amazing and just embracing her and showing her love was impossible before praising and showing love to my daughter was impossible before dr. house belt yeah I still held down a job yeah I had to go to the bank go to the post office to file taxes sometimes but embracing and loving my daughter was impossible I think every patient back pain should be wearing this belt you didn't sound so sure of yourself there doc should be wearing this belt if that is your real profession holy crud that's one hell of a slip disc now these are some really striking testimonials okay if I wasn't sold on the peanut pump before madam and Monsieur eloquence over here really tipped it over the edge I gotta tell you for me it's been life-changing I mean I only used to be able to hold down employment in bell towers previously but my prospects are really open it up I'm working part-time as a gravedigger hey I'm open trolls Minh and I've got some prospects even coming up as a bricklayer if you're in a curse and wretch like me this is what you need for yourself because at the end of the day you're gonna be able to look back on your life and say that life was worth at least slightly more than a newts if you suffer with back pain if everything else has failed you have to try my whole physio belt why because it works with my belt you can work better play more relax and regain your passion for life this is what you need fine buy that buy this that's what you need go on buy that buy right now credit card so what are you waiting for call the number on your screen right now and you could be free of back pain sooner than you could possibly dream dude I'll kill me I'll kill myself I'll end my life buy it buy it the blood the Bloods cutting off circulation the Bloods cutting okay in this world of radiating pains arched backs and slipped discs it's hard to know who or what to turn to or if you should turn it all because your doctor told you to keep sharp unexpected gyrations to a minimum but at the end of the day everyone knows there is one man who rises above it all to meet the collective challenge we face [Music] well here's tens full of queens you can't beat that so you go home and cry to mommy now well I've already been to see my mom today but have you been to see my royal flush what that can't be impossible who are you names trunk John Tron I guess you could say I had a couple of aces of my pump-action decompression belt you cheating son of beech you cheated me I teach you a thing or two about who you can't see shocking positively shocking this will be your arsenal trauma but don't thank me really you should be thanking the good doctor himself each and every one of these items has been painstakingly reverse engineered from one of his own inventions but our most striking discovery of all is this manuscript detailing his precise method of pain relief I could have told you that he wily old busted Oh grow up trauma and do put that thing away John tell me what do you know of this doctor home only that his callous efficiency knows no bounds I feel like I'm 31 again he's pumping and lifting a vertebra is it a rate we've never seen we need you to track him down and find out the secret to his success [Music] tell me how do you expect me to talk hello John oho you're looking better relax and regain your passion for life no more pain you know John this is what you need you absolute bastard I'll get you for this [Music] you
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 11,098,606
Rating: 4.9326868 out of 5
Keywords: jontron, dr ho, dr ho belt, decompression belt, back pain, jontronshow, funny, comedy, belt
Id: xX4D8anW4Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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