Soulja Boy Makes A Video Game Console - JonTron

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 18 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It's a Christmas Miracle!!!!1!!!!11111

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TyzianFlame ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 18 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so just for just for he starts today I wanna make quick sidenote I have to go tomorrow morning to Florida to a sort of event and I needed white pants and I have to go in about nine hours to the airport and as I'm filming this I get this little text can you zoom in there I bought those pants by the way did not steal those pants I feel like well I feel like it's gonna be a bit risky to walk into a store and ask him to take that off for me so I'm kind of stuck maybe I'll just whip that to the party I'll be the topic of the event I don't know if it'll be for the right reason though so anyways let's get the real point this video there's a new entrepreneur in town move over Elon Musk alright there's a new seat at the head of the silicon valley table and it belongs to one Soulja Boy I'm not kidding so Soulja Boy he's dipping his toes into tech who would have known and he's starting out by entering the games console industry you heard me right Soulja Boy is releasing a gaming console with 800 games on it how many games does your console come with Shigeru you don't even put Mario Brothers on that sold you boys got 800 on is and probably half a movie yours so anyways Soulja Boy you may remember him from the Soulja Boy dance video or alternatively from such famously profound Twitter quotes as in this world you either crank that Soulja Boy or it cranks you to the first person that purchased my console you just brought tears to my eyes tears of joy what what is it am i reading a Stephen King novel or a Soulja Boy tweet that was a hell of a twist thank you so much for your support I promise to continue my tech company and evolve it in the gaming world I'm just a kid with a dream he's just a boy with a dream I mean granted it's a big dream pretty damn big dream kind of dream maybe you want to be getting only if you majored in tech or business or finance but it's just a boy with a dream cut him some slack the way he's playing it is that this is actually his own product but you will find that it is in fact just something you can buy on Amazon for half the price and I should mention by the way that it's already half the price on this website on launch they that's how you know you're giving you good product I could sell you this for its retail price right away but for you anything / that half the price this new NVIDIA r-tx 2070 that's literally worth $700 / that price just for you I mean who does he think he's fooling like I've seen celebrity scams before but holy crap this is the point where like does the FBI get involved this is very illegal I mean this one here it's ultimate get ready to duke it out on Soulja Boy's new revolutionary device Super Smash Brothers ultimate is now available for purchase on the Soulja game handheld gaming console this joking is he serious it's the bet it's the best troll ever right it's just the best troll of all time the trolls so good it takes your money well if this is all you got to do to join an industry these days I'll tell you what I'll be the biggest entrepreneur there is I make fridges I make fire extinguishers I make thermostats I make Christmas oh shoot I make cats I make salsa I made the Danish I made the Danish you could say it was a joke or something but I it I purchased it right here on soulja watch calm I bought the Soulja game and the soldier game handheld listen we can raz the whole thing all we want we can take Soulja Boy to a class-action lawsuit but you can't sneeze at the features you're getting alright you can build in 3,000 plus games they can even download support I don't know what you do once you download it but you can download it built in chip baby alright this chip does not come loose in the packaging that started right in soldier boy did it for you himself he's just that kind of guy alright for you anything you got direct chain on key you got your hand rope hold it supports kinnor ting - TV listen guys I know you don't get it when you're trying to get into the tech world you got to break a couple eggs to make an omelet all right you got a guy like Steve Jobs up there he gets on stage he says it's an iPod it's a phone and it's an internet browser and then it clicks I never thought to combine those things just like I never thought to combine an audio jack into RCA cables at least I think in fact may just be an RCA jack that disappears into nowhere sort of like my money disappeared in the schoolboys wallet forever guys we're talking RM support we're talking our MVB we're talking MKV eksetera by the way just curious what about our mp4 mov hell opt-out take a jpg soulja my boy guys come on Gabriel does your xbox one run at game speed one-to-one output didn't think so I did I bought I bought I bought the handheld it's good the soldier game handheld why didn't he just call it the soldier boy I mean forgot sake he's already selling a Chinese console you can buy on Amazon can you [ __ ] [ __ ] the Soulja Boy this is what this is what you're getting all right you picking up what I'm putting down let me show you what's on there so I I can't show you these I'm a little too nervous to break the law unlike Soulja Boy but yes it is just the console with a bunch of roms on it and yes it does run at exactly half the horsepower of a Super Nintendo and this isn't actually the one soldier boy sent me it's just when I got off but the pictures are exactly the same so I'm fairly certain it's the same thing can you believe it he didn't even swap the pictures he just literally is selling some Chinese food like console and it changed the pictures is he insane well you know what I'll let you know if his version is any different if it ever shows up but somehow I doubt it will because as of today before my consoles have even shipped he's actually updated his stock and added two more consoles the Soulja game fuse on sale for a clean 399 USD that one's guaranteed 54 frames a second on Sonic the Hedgehog to make sure to look out for that one and the Soulja Boy Mini on sale for $69.99 whoa would you look at that the man listened a popular demand he didn't he didn't pull down any of his illegal stuff but he added more and named one the Soulja Boy didn't just edit the name in the old one over Bill Gates move over Jeff Bezos move over Tim Cook you guys around a business okay what does it take you like one year minimum to crank out a new device Soulja Boy who at eight can your Kindle Fire play NeoGeo or three frames a second with intermittent crashes didn't think so any yet I got the console to by the way just in case you're curious it's basically the same thing except I'm pretty sure I think it runs even slower so by the way it's been about like two weeks or so since he released this and it's finally happened Soulja Boy has reportedly been contacted by Nintendo who's threatening to press criminal charges against the rapper in the letter that was sent to Soulja Boy Nintendo's team suggested that selling the game may violate the trademark counterfeiting act and that if it can be proved that he violated the law Soulja Boy may be subject to substantial prison time how'd you end up in this [ __ ] hole serial murder and you sold soul-g game handheld boy I guess I'll just accept that Christmas is ruined my little boy will never get his soldier game and I'll never get my two 79-80 5 USD back no jontron tell you don't go ordering from soldier watch comm because honestly you can get that for like half the price on Amazon nothing you should cuz I'm pretty sure what he's selling is legal I'm not trying to implicate you watch me play or watch me dog soldier boy million people's things destroyed literally can't believe they possibly yes gotta say I'm not impressed pretty sure my calculator can't play Mario less lucky than this one or the one I put my foot possibly k seems real jail time it's not liable I'm just saying intended my C for less okay man good luck with that I don't I wouldn't have done it but you're I mean you're just a boy you're the dream can I get that I've been a boy with a dream I just did it through legal channels alright man see you later god bless soldier for life by the way do you not want soldier boy stealing your credit card details to fund his new set of grills if so expressvpn is the service for you without a VPN your internet browsing data can be tracked by your ISP cellular provider ad companies and hackers when you use a VPN your public IP address is masked so even the websites you visit won't be able to identify you VPNs also encrypt your internet data preventing others from sniffing your information over the network expressvpn is great for me cuz like anyone I like to feel safe while and browsing online it's just that little bit of extra security that makes me feel secure expressvpn is fast easy to use and rated the number one VPN service by TechRadar take back your internet privacy today and find out how you can get three months free by clicking the link in my description box expressvpn comm slash 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Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 15,801,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jontron, jontronshow, soulja boy, soulja, boy, crank that, video game console, soulja game, handheld, funny, jail, hip hop dance
Id: 3f5nIq9qL6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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