Simplifying Corporate Logos - JonTron

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

2:56 - 3:03 please help identify

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/etriuswimbleton 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys how you doing we got a real special one for you today but before we start i just want to thank expressvpn for sponsoring today's video and making it possible without a vpn your data is like a postcard that can be seen by all sorts of people before it reaches its final destination with expressvpn your data is encrypted and sent through a secure tunnel similar to putting that postcard into a super secure envelope and that's exactly why i use expressvpn i want my private data to remain private and i bet you do too even though your search history is completely normal and clean and could be broadcast on family-friendly daytime television just like mine yeah you still don't want this thing even though because even though there's that luckily expressvpn is super easy to use all you need to do is open it up and click to connect using the internet without expressvpn is like driving a car without insurance don't do it [Music] find out how you can get three months of expressvpn for free by visiting jontron or clicking the link in my description box below so make sure you're protected with expressvpn by going to the link in my description and signing up today okay time for the video [Music] what's that tokyo sydney sydney no that's my wife cindy not the not the country talk to tokyo i'm a high speed man i'm a high tech i'm a high efficiency man for a high speed age buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell jakarta don't get off the line no i'm high efficiency this i'm hot jakarta all this is this is confusing me what is that roman is that roman in language i don't speak roman we speak english what is this i can't understand i'm losing productivity looking at this what is this it should just be like this everywhere my mind can understand that i'm a wall street guy hey [Music] i want you to take the shares and i want you to like in play school we learn we share it with everybody for god's sakes i gotta get a coffee my bean count is low excuse me you know where i can get a coffee excuse me you know where i get a coffee you know where i get a coffee i thought this is bean city for god's sake nobody tell me why i got a goddamn coffee where am i supposed to get a coffee in the city i can't understand any of the logos what is this supposed to be dukin i can't understand this is too complicated excuse me what do they sell here coffee well how'd they go i'm supposed to know they don't have a coffee on a logo for god's sakes i don't get it is this this city is confusing well all these corporations i can't make heads or tales of any of this what is that supposed to mean all these all these companies these corporations with their freaking hieroglyphics can they make this more clear for a guy like me i got places to [Music] [Applause] be corporate logos okay these things uh i gotta say lately they've been making a you know a valiant attempt at least making an attempt at all uh to make these uh simpler so i can understand them but guys come on how many billions of dollars do you have at your disposal and this is the best you can come up with we've got to fix this guys okay that's why today i've decided i'm going to sit here and i'm going to simplify uh corporate logos because let's face it these things are inefficient these things are bulky half the time i can't even tell a company is for anymore i'm going to do a public service everyone is losing so much brain power and productivity on these highly complex corporate logos so yeah we're gonna go and we're gonna look at how different uh company logos have evolved over time and then we're gonna you know try to simplify them one further and uh you know if any of you companies out there i know you got a lot of money especially after the giant wealth transfer that happened in the last year and a half that the middle class didn't notice all the wealth transfer all the money that was being stuck from the from the middle class to the to the root to the one elite class i know you have the money let's just get to it huh you okay so let's go through the history of the mastercard logo 1966 to 1979. we had this one master charge the interbank card it's not even called mastercard yet it's called master charge i guess this maybe was like the inception of the credit card what is it 1966 the beginning of the decline makes sense and then i actually like this one 1996 to 2016. you know this one was very highly recognizable you go to like a transit hub or like a convenience store they got the mastercard the visa the mx logo there i like it they just added a drop shadow and made the lines thicker than the last one i didn't i didn't even know they changed it to that it pops out at you but i think we can go simpler here we've got our newfangled logo let's make it even better here we go it's a masterpiece i'm talented let's move on okay number two the gap 1969 we went to the moon and that was pretty much the end of it uh here we have the original i never said okay i did not know this was the original logo for the gap so here we have the 1969 uh to 1976 gap logo the gap when we're falling here it'd make more sense if there was like a chasm between the g and the a where the the was falling into that was the gap as far as i can tell here it's more of a stop gap should be called the stop gap that's my appraisal of the old gap logo then uh they they think they came to the same conclusion in 1986 they straightened out the all right here's the one we know and love uh 1986 to 2016. what did all if it feels like within the last five years all companies have just been like it's been good too long all right sorry let's go back then that's the new one we found again you got to view this one from 100 feet back to see what you're looking at it's like a magic eye puzzle disgustingly complex let's fix this son of a an instant classic just get that over there get that over there let's move on to a different one shall we okay next up adobe now in case you're not familiar with adobe this is a company very uh near and dear to our heart here because we make a majority of this stuff on adobe products we take pride in adobe we take it very seriously when adobe does stuff you know when they update stuff so uh here's the old adobe logos gross i mean come on you could tell that's photoshop photoshop's a nice blue uh premiere the editing software it's like a nice pink purple flash is red the audio software is green no this won't do this status quo won't do change it much better you're not feeling this but you can't tell you can't tell them apart you mean you can't down there on the task bar you can't tell them all apart now like you could before by sight what what is with these companies honestly like nothing was wrong with the way it was before each one had its own color you could tell exactly which program was what which is kind of important when you're working in professional programs when they're on your task bar no says adobe no it's not important by the way you can't che it's impossible to change all right i'm saying you can you can still tell tell this apart you can tell that's premiere that's after effects that's audacity that's me that won't do let's get real [Music] god try editing now try now that's a task bar now that's a task bar i can work with now i need more i don't want to be able to remember how to save my project all right if we're not doing the whole thing from memory what's the point and this oh frankly the arrow too we don't want any shortcut just cover that up it's on you your move adobe [Music] okay on to a fan favorite apple who may be the culprit behind this whole disaster of super simplifying that we're in and uh what was their first logo in 1976 well it was well it was that look at that thing does that look like apple's logo to you if you look at the logo history of apple though it's pretty interesting because it changes one year after that and never looks back so yeah they quickly changed after 1976 as you can see but they've they've been the most consistent of anyone we have the multi-colored one in 1977. 95 we get they're more skeuomorphic that's some vocab for you ironically they went it looks like the current apple logo and the one from 1998 are the same so this this is the first brand that just went back to an old logo okay so confirmed this is the modern apple logo sometimes it comes in gray uh but it's it's this so like i said we've got to be modern how do we make this even more sleek all right next up life is good an american apparel company i didn't know too much about this company it's kind of a small company but uh i had seen these logos around all right here we're bouncy we're fun we're light life is good we're wearing a beret or some nice our font is whimsical okay we feel like we're a dr seuss novel and then uh rebrand what the hell is this i'm not buying it this one feels like life is good this one's like for life is good let's fix this logo there we go we'll just have put this in the background where i think it will fit very nicely very snug i give that a nice little vignette there who needs this life is good not quite and so and we can't forget the most important part of this there we go that's more like it everyone will love that put that up i'll buy the apparel i might not wear it i might not get out of bed okay animal planet uh here 1996 to 2006 the one we know and love or at least one we know i thought this one was pretty cool this is the one i remember on tv as a kid when you watch like steve irwin and so it's the one we know and love it's with the elephants and the font it looks great it's simple but not too simple it's got the the full complex globe in there i always thought this was a good logo and then we got a redesign in 2008 that was where's the animal where's the planet you're the animal and i want you off this planet yeah this is when they made a brief detour to any three owl planet which just didn't have the same ring so yeah i'm not i don't care for that one but you thought that was bad we got one from 2018 and that's 2018 to today i'm happy to say the elephant's back i think might also just be a stain let's have a look here [Music] yeah we can't it's not it's non-conclusive it's a non-conclusive experiment so now i gotta simplify it though right first thing i notice is we've got some uh extra space that you know could be this could be shrunk down so here how about [Music] [Applause] takes care of that i'm just trying to get it in there i don't know what you're talking about this is perfect tusk all right okay [Music] [Applause] that's my that's that's my that's that's my let's move on okay next on the chopping block is dunkin donuts now this is another one that's very close to my heart maybe more so close to my stomach because i drink it a lot part of their logo is uh they say america runs on duncan well i can tell you at least the jontron offices run on dunkin because we get that every day all right here's our first logo the one from the from 1950 to 1960. i mean it it looks like a logo of the period definitely it's got that 50 60s diner vibe so in the middle though in 1956 they changed their logo to this it's like the michelin man if he was a burn victim i don't know about this logo i don't know about this logo i think they they transitioned out of that one quickly in 1960 to this guy so 1960 to 1976 okay this one's actually clever it's like you're dunking the dump i figured it out i decoded it i'm a g i'm a genius you saw it happen live think about how lucky you are and then in 2007 that's the one i recognize i really this was i don't know about you guys i think that was the best of the logos what do you think yeah i love the little little steam rising off the coffee even though probably spilling at that angle [Music] there we go safety first it doesn't even doesn't look as bad as i was expecting i'm not gonna lie to you so this is their present logo they were at hq and they're like just rip half the logo off no i know what you're thinking that looks that looks terrible it actually looks like something my eyes want to see duncan yeah that sounds cool guys it was the donuts that made the dunk and cool you can't just go around dunking without the donuts dude they didn't even leave the coffee on look at yours look at mine yours mine that's all you gotta do baby if you're not selling donuts anymore at least tell them you're selling coffee so duncan yeah you know it's a it's a great logo and all but like i said just like the others you've fallen into the trap of making this far too hard to understand so i was thinking i'll do you the favor i'm helping you out guys i'm not i'm helping you out you're not going to sell as much coffee this way i'm telling you i know i know the way that the youth are now you guys are going to get some i'm really tired i could use some don't say i never did nothing for you okay and this one on the house all the coffee you've supplied us with over the years this one i will not pursue legal action which brings us to smuckers that's right the american staple pretty much any diner you go to will have one of these bad boys so i'm pretty sure most people know smuckers this is a company that's got a place that looks like this so you know they're not gonna try to with right you're an idiot you're wrong like i said they got a ranch that looks like this this already looks great we got two beautiful strawberries right plump that's pretty much set for the next three centuries wrong that's the jam smucker the way you don't get that that doesn't look like strawberries to me okay that looks like the hot spread i get on my italian hoagie down on eighth street in jersey it doesn't look like like strawberries what's with the what's with like the green one is that supposedly unripe strawberry or some some other is that supposed to be like another fruit a pear it can't be a pair i was thinking the only thing could be is a pear all right you know i'm a charitable man even though this hurts me deep down uh i'm still gonna show them how they can improve this okay so now watch closely you're not gonna wanna miss this you take this bad boy you shrink her down okay then you just move right over here uh open this guy up uh to its limit and then you take this son of a gun and you you put it you put it there fixed what can i say i'm a good man i'm a good person okay i like to help people just make sure you close that up you don't want the smell stinking up the place you know all this gets me thinking i've got to update my branding too right i mean if it's good enough for smuckers it's good enough for me i'm just a youtuber that's smuckers they make 7.8 billion dollars a year on jam on jam which i made that much it's time to modernize my logo for that though i will need my artist's glove [Applause] this is probably going to take me a long time so you know i wouldn't wait around it's perfect it's perfecto okay feeling hip feeling trendy minimalist most of all feeling a bit like a i kind of feel like this here that if you compacted that into human form the one i'm feeling like feeling like a pelusive weather event i mean i thought i was going to fit in with like coco beep and stuff but nah just i feel like a bad person any takers one pence i'm selling for one single pence let's give it to somebody who deserves it i'm putting the i put my branding on this guy on this this be this beautiful basketball player is it lebron james that's bill russell who's bill russell [Applause] thank you sir he's a size xl xxl
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 7,437,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 31PtYw7WeLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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