Stellaris | FULL Modded Scourge Hivemind Playthrough! v2.2.7 | MAX AI & 5xCrisis Strength!

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greetings all of you lovely nutritious edible sentient creatures out there and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs Rex and of course welcome to the Scourge playthrough today we are going to be playing as the scourge themselves except for in their infancy as if they started off in this particular galaxy our only goal is to devour every last planet in the entire galaxy a simple goal a wholesome goal a kind goal to allow all things to transcend and become one with gluttony so we are using three months to allow us to happen we are using the scourge ships mud which allows us to use these scourge ships rather than any of the others we are using the bio forms hive mud and of course we are using the aye-aye mud which we use in every other playthrough which should make enemies at least somewhat scary to us our goal is to consume every planet I don't want any planets by the end of the game to not be a bio hive so for those who have not seen my recent video covering the bio form hive Empire mod it's essentially this you can now use food for almost everything and each of your worlds will be converted into a living bio high of the bio high of start simple and need to be matured over time which is very expensive but by the end it means every planet will be 100% habitability so amenity is housing everything like that is really really powerful by the end but honestly the start can be a little bit slow and look at our adorable little face to quickly cover the bio form Civic it is as follows our starting worlds a bio hive and bio hives have bombardment damage reduced by 75% they cannot be invited and they have custom districts however if they take enough damage the world will revert to its initial state so if we infected a continental world it will turn back to a continental world we will lose all populations there and all of our districts at least that's how it seems it works from my previous play test it was a little bit difficult to find out and I'm sure we will see that in action throughout the playthrough we can colonize all 0% habitable worlds which is good because all worlds are 0% habitable towards us colonies become young bio and we can grow the young by Ohio's using to planetary decisions these are incredibly expensive and incredibly slow but if we don't use them the young bio hive gives us a minus 40 percent modifier to our population growth and to our resource gathered so it makes the world's pretty useless but once we have enough world's going our economy will start to really spiral out of control it just takes a while to grow the worlds into the perfect paradise that we eventually turn them into now with our economy we cannot use the Galactic market which we wouldn't be able to anyway since we are using the devouring swarm our internal market fee however is set at 75 percent this is absolutely brutal and it means balancing your economy is incredibly necessary because it's just that expensive our food stockpile is increased by 50,000 and ships alloys cast is reduced by 60% although ships will also cost food you will notice very quickly pretty much everything costs food districts building star bases ships all cost food and exotic gases which thankfully the bioform world's the bio hives can actually produce by themselves so although it is a difficult to get resource at least we can make it naturally via districts for our lovely scourge we are going into the following we are agrarian meaning we get more food because that's the whole point of this Empire in this particular species we are all about harvesting everything we can find we don't like moving because well look at how the scourge is built can you imagine that moving around too easily because I can't we are fleeting because I just thought that would be a nice extra one there rather than slow learners or quarrelsome since we are a hive mind and these two don't really fit too well and some of them just again don't seem to really fit in my opinion and then we are charismatic giving us bonus amenities and I've got to admit charismatic are you am tempted to remove for rapid breeders purely because I don't think it fits very well at least in terms of the theme this is not charismatic however hive minds have terrible amenities production it is very difficult to get your hive worlds to be happy or at least very very stable and this really held but I guess for now we will go with rapid breeders just because I don't think the other one fits at all of course our starting world is Foodland which orbits the invasion points and with that let's begin so we're going to be going with a large galaxy we're going to be going with a ring galaxy we're going to have all of this as default however we're going to have crisis strength on max mid game starting 50 years earlier and that's the same with the endgame and then the eye eyes difficulty will be a maxed out after that what we're going to do is have the eye eye aggressiveness on high at the end of the day we are the Scourge things are probably going to want to kill us before we spread everywhere we start at the very corner of the galaxy we are truly invading this place okay I want more science as soon as possible please and to rush that as much as I can except for you population growth fantastic and let's get moving out now with the hive capital I know it's a bit weird but I am going to focus quite a bit on science early on because I want some of the early tech done as soon as possible look at our lovely science ship isn't it adorable our construction ship is also working away we have spent a lot of food so we can get all of our stations up and running as soon as possible as well and let's get a new sign ship as usual we will be going with expansion to begin with although honestly this isn't bad either less food consumption and extra stability is pretty lovely considering we're going to be so population in the world heavy even less amenities okay expansion this adaptability may be once again some food and then supremacy so probably supremacy first so you you you you or you you you you you either way expansion let's go the default choice and for those who have not watched my video on the by Ohio's before this is how we have our district set up we have the high of chambers giving us housing and amenities we have the geothermal tendrils giving us loads of energy and minerals we have the bubbling pools costing us energy and alloys to produce gas and then we have the most important arguably the growth chambers giving us loads of food at the cost of energy and minerals so everything is very very interconnected once again balancing your economy early on is so so important first I'm playing this I didn't and it was an absolute nightmare okay let's grab our first whirl a 24 sized world here yet let's grab that that's gonna be very expensive to convert but let's get it done really zone a has been discovered on --kavitha well however anyone wants to pronounce this particular thing I think I'll actually lose all of these anyway because as soon as you turn a world into a bio hive it removes all of the planetary features both good and bad it eventually turns more into creep like the Zerg but still that happened that was cool now one thing I want up all the time is this bonus food 200 influence though which is going to slow us down a lot but oldest 20% food is pretty good when everything costs food well here's our influence back thank you our instruction so we're not the prettiest species out there to be perfectly honest that we're functional and that's all that really matters let's get some bear weapons cam on give me those lovely decks thank you I'm gonna grab that and there we are bonus growth rate we spread like a little aureus glorious plague that's what I should have done to begin with change at governor because honestly we don't have owned populations we eat populations and crime isn't a big problem until way later with a hive mind and honestly even then it's not a huge problem so can we sell enough thank you and let's grab ourselves the bonus food governor instead shames we're getting rid of a level-3 but since that cost upkeep yeah there we are more food lovely our first colony has been created our first new bio hive but sadly it's just a simple young bio high of population growth minus 40 percent resources and minus 40 percent making it all but worthless so grow by Ohio for 1,000 minerals and 200 gas over 720 days that will reduce it's only minus 20 then we can do that again for the same cast at least I think it's the same cast maybe more I forget and then it will become mature and then just a basic world again but for now we're just gonna kind of sit there waiting there looking all infected and stuff devouring swarm that's a good neighbor to find you're not very nice well I've cost everything we had but the first colony is now going to be matured fantastic the second colonies about to be finished and the colony ships are on the way to start investing two more worlds we need way more gas we're really slow at maturing these things one vision to eat everything but honestly I want more unity and I would love if the amenities usage was dropped drastically I forgot how creepy the Corvette's look and the station's look yep we've definitely got the creepy factor down so right now I am super nervous that the enemy is going to try and invade us so I'm making a station here which is going to be a bastion I'm building up our fleet which is really hurting our food income and hopefully we can hold them off long enough that our economy can start bouncing back maybe well at the moment they're not actually attacking us so hopefully they'll give us some breathing room went a little bit faster now we're on negative food income because we went over our naval capacity and ship's cost food for upkeep two of our planets though are now growing some more food districts and we're about to increase our naval capacity so it should balance out in a second Wow good timing at least for us to try and reinforce this still gonna be bad though please build faster so the war so far went as followed they attacked us we defended against them thankfully because of our station we lost a couple of ships but not too many and now they're just sort of sitting here waiting for us to attack near their station which is never going to happen I'm also spending all of my food right now purely on our ships and nothing is stopping me from doing anything else this war needs to stop as soon as possible please for some reason my recordings we're just crashed so please see I can be polite they're sending in single ships why I don't know what just happened I look away for one second and apparently they finally sent a couple of decent ships both fleets and that station wasn't engaged until near the end which was really stupid so if I was paying attention would have lost far far less still important thing is we've won don't care about you right now fellas it may seem like we're winning but they are still overwhelming to us any reason what we are doing well is because our station is fully up and that's it man this station is just carrying me stay with the station oh not another one the station and the fact the enemy will not send everything at once they're the only reasons we're kind of staying in here still losing a lot of ships though no in their status quo yet our construction zerbies oh no incoming more just move back and and heal up for a while we can't lose these ships thankfully of course we do also heal because we are devouring swarm ourselves but still we can win this we mark out status quo really sure starts reinforcing these fleets they'll send the ships over by default but I keep the gang I'll do that next time I'll come on stop already grabbing autocannons growing fusion reactors due to this lovely research here we should be able to get the basic combat computers from this as well yeah I mean overall there is a lot of stuff we've got from this just not as much as we've lost so just to cover what's been going on then so with that war after looking back we've essentially lost literally years worth of food income so everything is slowed down we have massively stopped just doing everything but on the upside of course we did win and the only reason we won is because of this lovely station in addition to the fact the enemy kept on sending in wave after wave of about 2000 fleet power or less they definitely had about 5k total which would have just overwhelmed us but because they kept on sending them slowly we were able to win and of course the fact we are a devouring swarm our ships healed between the fights though we still lost almost all of our ships and had to continuously spend all food on ships so we are way behind where I want to be right now so I'm just gonna kind of turtle up make sure all of our worlds are finally upgrading make sure they are all becoming mature and getting their normal bonuses rather than the negatives and soon we should be back on track we can now make destroyers lovely although it looks of things most enemies aren't currently using missiles so let's just stick with this lots of water cannons and a single laser I don't know why gloop bug clip then just realize we're going down this route is actually fantastic because now we have bulwark of harmony as long as we are within our own borders we get plus 15% fire rate with our ships that is fantastic now we're going to grab technological ascendancy fantastic as well and let's give you one more research oh look so you do get to keep the positive planetary features didn't know that very good to know in fact let's see how they like it excellent we'll take that on it's going to avoid that on asleep so don't take any excess damage want to make sure our ships are nice and ready for the final flights maybe not like that how about instead you do this then I lock you out of here and then you go back I must clear line towards their first world so you ground forces get moving it's a pretty weak station we could maybe just attack everything at once this would destroy everything they have because our landing forces sure let's give it a go why not our construction is Lalit's nice structure hostas warm eh our instruction is complete you may be a devouring swarm but you ain't the scourge though we are going to take some serious losses here still going to win this important thing and we have taken over this world fantastic and now we're eating its populous wonderful so all we need to do now is save up so we can start converting this into a bio hive at the moment we have 0% habitability which is terrible as you can well imagine but still loads of food since they have loads of defense forces on their capital I'm just going to go ahead and take as much space as possible we can status quo whenever we want change of plan I really want in that homeworld so we're going to bombard it for a while it's gonna take a while an absurd I am growing some more soldiers next door so eventually we're going to take it their homeworld is ours all I need to do quickly is remove all these districts the reason is once I convert this into a bio high of it's not like we actually keep any of the district's they'll simply vanish we don't convert and currently they cost us gas and food except for the hive districts which are just energy but still everything offline all those destroyed lovely look all that beautiful food we're getting fantastic ok so what do you want now um I mean it is is honestly probably the best thing we can get naval capacity is fantastic but eventually wiggins have loads of star bases because of our population so yeah let's go with that one more world is ours lovely so we have one world left so what we best now then it just to make sure we can grab all the other systems ooh there's a mega structure there a very good one for such an aggressive Empire nice very nice in fact you know I love about this we're currently devouring people right there and that biomass is instantly being converted into this cruiser swarm it's the cycle of life if life got just a little bit more brutal just a bit more and so the high of mind has been devoured although we now have a new enemy ready to kill us which is not exactly very good no upside though I do have my cruises and stuff ready so if we can just get on the border I want to attack them before they attack us the drums of war just activated and so one of the more water empires has fully awoken all I overhear least concerning event I have ever seen a little while in the future and the zealots are attacking us and they're doing something weird they keep on moving from here down to here then back again because they don't seem to understand how to get to invasion points if we go over to their ships as you can see moving to the invasion point system and it seems like what they're doing is moving in relation to these two fleets since these two fleets can easily kill one of their fleets and they have two fleets it's a little bit weird honestly if they stuck together once again they could probably destroy everything we have but thankfully they're not really doing that so I'm going to do is post this fleet over here and move these two down and hopefully we can catch them off guard I'm also hoping that when we attack them with our cruisers we see that our strike craft are the Scourge strike craft because that would look awesome if they're not then they're not but if they are I'll be very having okay now they own both ways interesting remember we do have bulwark of harmony so what you really want to do is lure them into our territory so you guys just stay there lovely that's what I wanted to say hello there okay let's see our strike craft look like yes they are indeed the scourge strike craft beautiful well obviously now then we need to focus on strike craft because that's just the most scourge thing we can possibly do just look at them can you go and attack the enemy oh yeah I forgot these also attack incoming projectiles because they're the Scout craft anyway go this swarms everywhere yet we are definitely focusing on swarms which is some things I never really do you heading towards a sexual okay so once again to stay where you are the bull look of harmony is definitely something we need to take advantage off as much as possible we're now also able to upgrade to the basic strike craft essentially doubling our damage lovely currently I can't upgrade our lasers because I don't have any access to crystals ya can purchase them at the moment so until we can use crystals I'm kind of just stuck using quite basic weaponry which is really annoying so right now then just taking back essentially what we lost so nothing really to see here just fine honestly if we can just take all this back then we can start preparing for the next war honestly I would rather take up these fellows so yeah coolest of the hoard is doing some good work over there have fun guys scourging the rights horde in the left nowhere in the galaxy is safe and you need some more housing as soon as I have the food to do so well that's annoying I knew that was going to happen our construction is complete excuse me fellas can you just lose this fight so I can status quo please one more pointless war okay most likely yep status quo good good good lost loads of athletes should still be enough left though to repel the enemy yet definitely but it's gonna take a long time to get there that is really annoying so how much damage they're going to do before we get there probably won't take a world but will likely take all of the space so it's going to be just that cruisers getting that space back lovely swarmers okay so there's acting as a distraction so I really don't want to lose our planets okay you're going that way our ships are almost there to reinforce once they get there it should be a pretty decent victory for us maybe we can even grab one of their worlds or at least a lot of their systems over here I think I gained one system from this war and lost a lot of food in the process still using the basic strike craft here which isn't exactly great but still we have enough of them that we're still going to win goods we take that back over now there's a five thousand fleet on the way but that's fine over here we've scared off one of the fleet's but the second fleet here which is strong enough to kill us mm-hmm yeah we're not doing fantastically that's terrifying I can't get over how much I love the strike craft just wait until we have battleships which should be fairly soon actually if we are really going to focus on strike craft so much we should really transfer into missiles and disruptors the reason is the strike craft ignore all shields and do bonus armor damage so really using lasers is kind of stupid because that just does almost no shield damage and get stuck on the shield whilst the basic strike craft go through the shield and do all the real damage so the lasers do nothing in the course of the fight really that's definitely what we need to do transfer away from lasers as soon as I have some better tech just to prove to myself that yes the Scout versions of the strike craft definitely attacking missiles which I don't think any of the further upgraded versions do sadly but when they're dealing almost double damage don't really care we now have the ability to create clone vats because we've just grabbed engineered evolution we now have plus three to add gene modification points which is really really good and by the looks of things we're very quickly taking over everything over here so you go there and continue forth we have a huge section of cruisers over here and soon we're going to start building out battleships which of course are still going to go strike craft and disruptors the cruisers are eventually going to turn into missile craft so that will be missiles and strike craft and of course disruptors just need more tech first of all so let's look at look see our species what can we do with you or first of all let's remove for leasing now what do we want in return we could go appear science we're already doing pretty well for science so increasing our science by 15% so it by 10% isn't exactly bad the same time though it could increase how many amenities we get which is really really good but we could just go with unity or resource output I'm thinking science honestly we're already doing really well of science let's just continue with that upgraded our strike craft which is making our craft a little a lot stronger yet we are going up in power very very quickly normally this rare research isn't really anything amazing but with this particular Empire plus 15% food from jobs is pretty groundbreaking however feeling like very very soon these enemies are about to really regret attacking us this is their homeworld this is the scourge a combination I'm sure they're not particularly happy with and once everything's dead begin bombardment all these lovely tomb worlds which will soon become our new hives and wrath gasps we're doing really well for food at least at the moment but yeah we need some more gas production again sure attacking down there okay you head over there start defending this direction once again the zealots are attacking us and this time was gonna be a serious problem since we are currently still at war I really want their homeworld but we might need to status quo for now but we're so close okay as soon as you grab the homeworld we're moving down hopefully we can defend ourselves we definitely have enough power to defend ourselves and destroy everything they have but they're going to claim a lot of our territory before then once again the planet is ours and I've moved off most the population purely because we weren't getting any food here for some reason and so right now what we're getting is 471 food and 115 Society research lovely going to climb back these systems so we have all this nice and connected and then that this fleet is going down here this our main fleet we're also now building up some of our battleships so many strike raft this is not a good fight for us we should win this but we're going to lose a lot of our cruisers yes warm spam definitely not the meta but still there we go that's one of their main fleets destroyed our battleship fleet is very quickly being created which is lovely and the other fleet is moving down to help out we should actually be able to take a lot of their space this time I'm not letting them get away with this we are going to destroy as much as possible when they attacked us we we simply took over their homeworld when the devouring swarm attacked us we took over huge sections of their space and now they're attacking us we're gonna eat their faces off all future battleships will be using the ion disruptors and all future cruisers will now be using missiles and the disruptors and of course lots of strike craft our battleships have finally reached here and now pushing in the enemy's back sadly though our cruisers have had to run away because there's a fleet after them which is more than capable of simply destroying them our main Cruiser fleet is still slowly heading on down we need gateways this run definitely so as soon as I see that tech I'm going right for him an upside as well better shields for the future lovely we may actually win this fight this was the fleet which is chasing after our cruisers the thing is they were using a lot of missiles and we are using strike craft which attack missiles along with loads of flak so a lot of their first volley simply didn't land so although they had almost 2,000 extra fleet power than we had we're doing okay might not win but even if we lose we are going to destroy a lot of them the swarm is endless now battleships here as well now taking over all of this finally the main Cruiser fleet is here Ok Go and chase after these two please they're taking far too much then take all of that back there we can start pushing into their territory then vengeance we have finally found the precursor homeworld that took a very long time there we are and let's continue to upgrade this so I really want is that they're complex drone output plus 5% so I'll have that very very soon [Music] ok that's their main fleet I think it's the only fleet they really have left so once we take out that we have pretty much free reign to do what we want at least until war exhaustion finally hits us so go straight for this world and then straight for the homeworld did you guys really just try to ambush my battleships you're going to die before they've sent out all of their strike craft they're still sending more out yep that did not go well for you however some reason I didn't actually claim that territory which is very silly now this is going to be a fight sadly these battleships are still the old versions with the old weaponry and one level below the max for strike craft but still they're very close in terms of fleet power my money would honestly be on the enemies but it depends on what weapons they're using oh yeah these are still using cannons not the best choices oh okay the enemy are using lots of missiles a solution we have non flak point defense in fact just for this one flight I'm going to change the war doctrine from no retreat over to hit-and-run I do like no retreat though bonus 33% ship fire rate which I believe is also transferred over to the strike craft but yeah I don't lose as many battleships you know what no no retreat we are the scourge we don't run from battle oh poor battleship tall kind of creepy space whale looks like we are going to win though yeah behold the power of the swarm but don't worry we have a brand new swarm already heading you away go go brood Lords now that's a proper swarm sadly war exhaustion is now hitting so we aren't going to be able to do quite as much as I intended but still we have drove them back and we have taken over some of their space and more importantly we have a new wormhole which leads us to a whole new empire and straightaway there's a lovely world there filled with delicious sapient life so cruel to our poor creatures it's almost like we've been eating their brethren or something the war is over I've claimed a nice chunk of territory for myself including a pretty good science world so to grab that and that'll be ours nice and soon we're now at 3,000 science although our Empire sprawl is pretty painful to look at to be perfectly honest what we really need to do is start actually you know expanding normally grabbing all these worlds because there's a lot of places we've just sort of left so for now whilst the truce holds because I think the truce is also with these fellows we may as well work on ourselves lovely the max level phase disruptors and we're now building some fleets which are both battleships and cruisers again I'm not saying this is the best thing to do but it is certainly the most fun whilst playing as the scourge if two fleets over here just waiting for the truce to fall off then we're going to climb as much as this as possible Wow or at least what's going to be left of this place those fellows are doing a lot of damage to them right now since when did fallen empires have such powerful fleets two hundred and thirty six thousand one hundred and fifty one thousand okay that is terrifying and I want to devour their faces but that's a little bit too scary for me at least for now a little while later and our research is doing great also I'm going to do very very soon is attack this fellow here the dimensional horror apparently someone's already attacked them a little bit just fine by me they hold the swarm wow that is just like bees that smaller ants on a suit is how many there are oh yeah I was gonna stop you from having artillery mode since you have such short-range weapons forgot about that that's all I need to do next there we go we are victorious the swarm always wins I don't have no scientist nearby well that's pretty darn silly isn't it could've sworn I had one right there oh no I had all over there but then when the enemy attacked it run away that's what happened fantastic okay let's start researching the jump drive so the great car has died but before they happened they managed to take over a large section of the galaxy and apparently also became the star on a Christmas tree that is completely off the map well done Matt you did well the Horde has splintered seemingly into two empires well they'll make it easy to eat lighten you are now able to grab evolutionary mastery and of course this is because we've just got the ascension perk or research completed lovely so with that we can grab this time to make the ultimate versions of ourselves so let's increase our lead level cap our research output and start having some bonuses for our leaders I then want to increase our leader level cap even further then it's a hard choice between fertile and robust robust will give us this plus 5% resources from everything and a leader lifespan increase although so far we've had no leaders died from old age if you play is the scourge portrayed does that somehow make you immortal it doesn't say that anywhere maybe it's just weird but yeah I've had no leaders died of old age yet which is kind of bizarre considering some of them are well over a hundred maybe they're just very healthy who knows so definitely going with that def increasing our leader level cap and I think I will go a fertile just because then we're going to have loads of our populations and then I also want to increase our society research let's add fleecing Oh note we're simply out of things to spend okay never mind then so that is pretty much why once sadly I have no trait picks left so what I'm going to lose well this will lose us some food but in return we're going to increase our research drastically and increase our growth rate yep I think it's worth it sure you may have killed some of our very angry space whales but here's the thing these are the less evolved versions these the ones using the old weapons the old armed our old shielding you're essentially killing our week so that we may become stronger just covered in very angry bees once again all of these fleets here are the old versions the new one is the one which is about to be guarding the wormhole our first world has already been conquered look at that lovely lovely food they're far too kind to us you strong enough to deal with this oh yeah definitely their capital is now under siege can you two please take back all of those and then go back to defending the scourge has been improved which means now if they're a governor they get plus 5% to all research if they are a researcher they get plus 5% to research speed our leader gets plus 5% research speed on top of that our Admirals I believe your fire right and so on and so forth all of our leaders are now much more powerful and of course we're just getting plus 20% research from everything as well because a populace is better as well excellent now you go over there and let's colonize this world once we have a Starbase available so we now have access to Tyson's and they are absolutely terrifying looking just look at that thing thankfully I recently got cloud lightning so there we are so we can still ignore shields for the most part gonna just give you a mix of shields and armor because why not and let's go with regen even more regen we heal so quickly you know what let's have you not slowing down the entire fleece how about that lovely and so prosperity was finished so what do we want next I'm tempted by the Colossus project purely cuz I want to see if we have a scourge version of the Colossus which would be terrifying but I don't think that's the right answer honestly I'm very tempted by transcendent learning just having max level on all of our leaders especially on the hive mind itself would be immensely powerful on top of the plus 50% experience gain bonus yeah let's max out all of our leaders I think that makes no sense as we get more members of the hi of mind you only make sense that the hive mind becomes more powerful and more intelligent with every single assimilated subject or at least everything we eat wow I haven't seen this bug in a while so we should be fighting back here but if even if I try to order it we'll just stand there haven't seen that in ages now thankfully it's fixed very easily by simply going to a different system than going back or just go into different system in general but I've actually lost fleets because of that but ages ago the enemy are just using battleships as well okay haven't seen that before you are investing why too much into shields we ignore them completely okay so sadly our war exhaustion is getting up there the chance of us getting everything is slim we may be able to but it depends on how many fleets they keep on sending against us so turns out that their allies eventually arrived and completely wiped out that one fleet of ours now once again that was our weakened and old Fleece they were definitely not at current standard but even so the war exhaustion is almost 100 percent and honestly I'm happy with what we've got and I really need to focus now on destroying at the Fallen Empire which has a lot of fleet powers so I'd rather to stop now get all of our fleets together we do have our Titans now to bring with us and soon we're going to get some lovely lovely full and tech well to answer a question I had earlier nope our people are definitely not immortal there goes one of our leaders which is a real shame I've just realized the reason why we haven't seen any die from all dangers purely because we can have such young leaders because we are a hive mind we're sending in drones we can have them I think it pretty much any age my corrected that's 15 12 there 17 15 13 10 even with the Machine Empire you can have ones which will look just like a few years old but I think that might be true for hive minds by the way as you can tell our leaders are being recruited incredibly young in comparison to a normal Empire we now have the ability to restore ruined mega structures the problem is our alloy production is kind of rubbish because we don't need them and most of our alloys are either being used in ships in very small amounts or to produce gas to build everything else how am I gonna do this I really want this though this will increase our Navy capacity how many Starbase we can have how many defense structures we can have around those star bases and even our sublight speed of our ships I guess save up and hope for the best maybe start making us a proper hello world's because I really really want this I wonder what the Fallen Empire thinks when it looks its borders and sees this for different Titans in one fleet loads of battleships loads of cruisers all of them with a rather hungry looking glare what do you think fellas yes yep this is why you're a fallen Empire laughs Eric's actually bothering to do the Gateway construction clearly the Scourge his intelligence is wearing off on me like rubbing off on me damn it at one moment of intelligence and it was snuffed like a candle I think some chocolate milk and a cookie I just realized something I've been looking at my food stalks and having a look at how many populations were still devouring and came to a pretty bad conclusion once we're done devouring the last of the populations we're currently devouring we're going to start starving we do not have enough normal food production to survive we really need to eat some fallen ones really soon you will sustain the scourge for many many years your life has led up to this moment a true noble goal the preservation of an entire species an angry angry species well another reason why we're starving so quickly of course is because of the simple fact we are so over the naval capacity which is kind of horrendous yes go food now so you we're hungry this is gonna be so many strike craft construction look at that lovely light show not all that good though honestly a Titans are kind of worthless because everything else ignores shields so then hitting shields with those beams not that great although it does mean of course we can set our our swarms a little bit earlier oh look at that [Music] we will blot out Suns like seriously we will blot out sons we are the swarm and you we're about to be devoured suddenly not all that many populations there but still food is food and who are we to turn down a meal it'd be rude to do so honestly okay all you get there then line up that you've moved away from the capital because they're dum-dums although saying that because we are a total war they will be able to start taking our systems no humiliate are they not a total war with us do they need to do claims but yes surrender is humiliate so we don't even lose anything this is why you're a fallen Empire two fleets worth of reinforcements are arriving very soon although both looks of things we're about to be attacked and there's no chance we can move away in time so that's gonna be fun it'll lose quell a lot here but we should ultimately win wait for the reinforcements get here then attack there next station yet the swarm very rapidly dealing with the enemy is fantastic now's their main fleet honestly Point Blank is not a problem when you're using pure swarm still don't think the swarm is a particularly great option to spam but it is a lot of fun okay you're getting there soon you can teleport and start moving as well and you can reinforce that's all we have isn't it no we do have this fleet here noise like it strong fleet but still quickly devouring all the defense structures reinforcements fleet finally arrives and that should be that lovely okay so looking at these we can probably take out one of these straight away with the ground force so attack one of the weaker ones which you're already doing fantastic the rest of you start bombarding brother and cradle honestly I didn't think we were going to be able to take their homeworld the main goal of this was just to get tech which we already got so even if we lose here this has been a great success honestly that's two worlds sorted just one left shouldn't be too long now cradle is being invaded and I've just realized this is actually solving our alloy problem all those lovely lovely fabricators and also forges fantastic my Titan all we wanted to do is get some food you're so cruel nelle - already but yeah time to reinforce and status quo and we can still con status quo right now though so that's up to them those who we devour become the new ships although we have lost many in the process our new ships have something special about them they have dark and matter reactors soon to have dark matter shields and dark matter thrusters basically they're going to be way more powerful and status quo has been achieved they have one system left in one worthless little planet all in all a great success now I have four separate space stations all making ships for me because I am so weak right now and I want to go on invading again now I assume you two are the best of friends now yeah as it looks is that the case or am I going mental well more so than usual yes you're the overlord so best friend is a weird way of putting it but you are on the same side but the thing is you have no other defensive packs and you're both incredibly weak so I can take out both of you and take over this entire section in one fell swoop okay let's build a power fleet so we have several fleets to go at once and then we'll take all of this as you can see I finally grabbed all of the systems in this area sadly it's a gap there which is really annoying but still I'll take out this in a second grab that then I'll put our forces there and there then we'll take over one more Empire well I need some Dark Matter oh look black holes everywhere Titan you please stop rushing ahead we have the most aggressive Titans probably because they're in a fleet of only battleships just what they're gonna do well done Titan 10 out 10 5 points to you I'm a dumb-dumb you see battleships that's what you shouldn't do let's be fair maybe I should start making some more balanced fleets you know with back with battleships alongside of destroyers and everything else lovely beginning the reconstruction will take a long time it'll certainly be worth it I also now have enough fleet power I can probably take up this Empire and this Empire at the same time which is the plan now I believe that these fellows the ones with the web actually own these guys yes yes they do but they have ok they have a federation so what happens if we go to war with these well go to war with the whole Federation or just oh I can't declare war these so I need to declare war with these so yeah I will go to war with the entire Federation that's kind of annoying but the rest of the Federation is so far away doesn't really matter all that much ok good sir so just break through here devour all of this then break through here devour all of this then that will be a nice war for that I can't move you over there the fleet will go with you this fleet should be done now fantastic you can move over here these fleets yep all go to here since that's the only entrance points you can stay back since you're still being reinforced first war now active you go this way you attack here and then you'll split off as you enter ok go go this one should be incredibly easy honestly so likely a lot of skipping in the video now why aging war with the enemies towards the south we are waging war with enemies towards the north and eventually towards the west I would say towards the east as well but there's no fun really just punching the void Corvette spam chase down these annoying people are just teleported over there discovery is now finished increasing our research speed by 10% and what we're going to grab next is the question Galactic wanders would be interesting but I already have the resources to really do that defender of the galaxy just to make sure we can defeat the end game Crysis would be interesting as well galactic force projection I mean Navy capacity is great especially with our modifiers to increase that grasp the void once again that would be more Navi capacity honestly there's not many things here I'm particularly interested in mastery of nature would be good we do have a lot of spare resources this would also allow us to have two extra districts per planets this would make the planets insanely powerful we do have a long time to go before the endgame crisis occurs a very minimum we have 70 years well just under 70 years we don't really need the Colossus project since we are just that powerful in terms of grabbing planets as the devouring swarm yeah let us go mastery of nature I suppose so now if we're going over to our homeland there we are increasing our districts by two so beautiful so decided we're going to take this anyway we keep on seeing ships disappearing and taking one system after another so I'm just going to go ahead and grab these systems normally using a construction vessels I'll but we could just grab them now something that can get very far okay you never mind you back to passive takeover the capital and the last world of this Empire shouldn't take too much longer there were nuts done we can start invading their masters all of this will be ours as well when do I lose you're a draw you know well without realizing it we are now facing off versus the Federation fleas I'm afraid I really want to keep the system because I want your gateway that was painful Bert once again this is ours might leave the war for now at this stage what I really want to do is focus on the planets again which is difficult to do in a constantly waging Wars and focusing on building more ships the coordination center is restored for aggressive Empire that is such a lovely bonus more star bases more Navy capacity and more sublight speed so we've made status quo down here we've grabbed two gateways and loads of worlds and we're still currently fighting up in the north and by the looks of things we're going to tank absolutely everything so that would be one two three empires completely devoured by gluttony somebody just opened up the L gate that's worrying I'm actually going to go through right now some way too busy of other things but still here's hoping it's not one of the more aggressive L gate events so if how long this is taking I've got to be honest there's a very real chance we're not going to infest every last world during this playthrough purely because it would take maybe an extra day or two to get this video out which would be a little bit annoying to say the least Nessus structure the high of mine has been removed and now we're taking over its minions so very soon we'll have all of this banks all to ourselves we can start focusing on our many many many new colonies there's a lot to get through well since I can't find their worlds and apparently they do indeed have zero colonies and zero empire population I've ended the war I've taken over this entire section and now what I need to do is save up loads of gas to take over all of these planets along with upgrade the planets we've already captured this is definitely the time now with a swarm should be looking inwards and improving itself it can't keep on affording to expand and expand and expand because we're not keeping up with the resources needed to grade our planets so a lot of boring micromanagement and soon we'll be ready again to start conquering that was a very good set of wars now a third of the whole galaxy is now ours all the swarms now back home being upgraded and there's a lot of them so I'm very very tempted to convert our battleships into something like this so we're going to lose one set of hangers so I actually noticed one hangar and then in return we get the focused our committer which is just ridiculously good against so many endgame crises we can also change the back section front of the cloud lightning essentially we're mutating into space electric eels but still focusing heavily on strike craft we still have two hangars also a bit more generic point defense you know I think I'm going to do this we still get to keep the theme but we're a little bit more competitive ah but then we're going to lose strike craft per battleship and that really annoys me so we could stick with this and just have a single cloud lightning that's so weak and this is so strong no we're definitely going with this it's just it's such a good way of doing things also really need to speed them up well the game certainly thinks these are a lot stronger as soon as they upgrade yet the fleet power goes through the roof / upgrade yeah this is definitely the way to do this still heavy focus on strike craft and point defense but now we're also a little bit more competitive versus some of the endgame stuff well think we found a bit of a burger yet with the destroyers if you have the large artillery bow and use the cloud light they suddenly become a floating turret I kind of love that but no let's avoid that we can't see the cloud lightning on the battleship can we no okay that's good least that is so silly so many worlds still need to be grown even though we're getting over 100 gas every single month we're still so slow to mature our worlds I would say at least maybe a fifth of our worlds are currently not fully matured yet Oh an entity look io world hundreds in habitability that's weird is that scientist is not caring about the giant evil thing here evidently so you do you you do you the swarm grows bored of grading these worlds let's move up a fraction of athletes let's take over the consciousness here we will be the only hive mind and you will simply be dinner mainly brunch so after seeing our current path things trying to go over here I'm now building a gateway right next to our home system is this dangerous yes does it mean we can strike out against anyone in almost any section of our Empire also yes certainly worth it I'm building some more over here as well here's one of the regular gateways why is that red how do you fix it Oh your stuff to repair it some reason I thought there something special about disabled gateways of them just press repair that's me being a bit done there and yet there's still more worlds we need to conquer over here as well every world with that territory will be infested originally I planned on taking out every single world in the entire game but after realizing that would take me maybe an extra day of recording and this weekend I'm pretty much away from the computer well I would like this to be out before the end of the weekend Wow look at that you see here's the problem we're not sharing the mind of every member of your Empire your fracture despite the fact at least two other empires have got all of the L gate research is sorted no one has done this so you know what we're gonna open it we certainly have enough forces to spare as an L gate or right there so let's get some scientists and construction workers over there as soon as possible because we are going to be opening the L gates probably before we go to war finally getting some use out of the mastery of nature this is now the sixth world which I'm upgrading so about that whole L gate thing before the war I changed my mind oh that's shockingly good sorry a valiant effort in defense worthless but valiant which means that wormhole goes over here Oh No for you el gates to see in events I've never actually seen before happened we have the el Drake's emerge the El Drake's we'll go into different systems trying to find something though we have only one choice it will find only death so I'm going to just let them go I know there's definitely multiple levels for this event so I'll try to keep an eye on what's happening but most likely we're going to be sore just leaving them from now on okay send the scientists through I don't think we're going to need our ships for this so I guess we may as well send them along and take over this territory there we go have fun oh you shouldn't have you lovely hive mind you've completely fixed up the science nexus for me oh you are so kind now if you could get your friends out of my territory before I blast their faces in that would be good as well the science nexus is now ours which means you're getting plus 15% to our research speed lovely considering our rather terrifying Empire sprawl that's nice okay so this is getting a bit messy right now so reclaim all of that climb this area which will completely destroy almost all of the consciousness care for these two worlds and just keep doing damage over here then I'll probably status quo gain love ground but we need to sort out the planets again so remember how we left a single world of this fallen Empire they've just awoken with their single world yeah honestly not really too scared of you so a recap of the war everything's going well except for one problem which was me being very silly although I did climb this area of the L gates I forgot to put down a station which means that basically every enemy could use the L gates just like we can and thus they are attacking absolutely everywhere thankfully their attack forces are fairly mild and we are beating them back now I've realized what's going on so I'm clearing out that clearing out that we've just taken the home system of the Second Empire we're at war with we've almost completely destroyed the consciousness I think they only have three systems of planets left after this I'm putting down a bastion here so this won't happen again other than that just pretty straightforward nothing really to report bit of micromanaging in the background and that's it continue on so everything is cleared up now which is great I don't think there's any enemies left in our territory no one is apparently left must've just moved in as we grab that back what else is it to do we've grabbed back the L cluster about to build a station over there so I think once I grab this little bit of territory here so we have an easy way to move around without using the gates all the time I'm going to call it status quo because we really need to sort out the planets I'm trying to sort out the planets as we grab more of them but because we keep on getting more and more and more our resources are being stretched thin and I can't change them so we end up losing loads of resources yeah okay just do that status quo and then micromanaging planets adaptability is now finished and so we have one more choice and honestly there's not much here I particularly want I really feel like we've sort of won already at this point defender of the galaxy of course would pretty much guarantee our victory but I think that's a bit boring let's see if we can win without that this time void born really don't need that right now galactic wonders I suppose would be interesting we already have the science nexus though unless that was a repaired science Nexus if they just built the science Nexus then they can't build the new one however I believe you can build a second one if you repair the first so for fun laughter wonders let's see then can we build a brand new science Nexus police say oh yes we can well that was definitely the right choice and that's gonna be some serious science now I'm not sure if the bonus research speed the 15 percent research speed stacks if you have multiple science Nexus so if nothing else we're gonna do a bit of science right now with the science Nexus science the stellar devourer it's in that territory so thought may as well all of our point defense they're attacking its missiles and there are our lovely swarms we may be using lightning now but the swarm should still be a significant amount of our damage start focusing on the Titan it's missiles being shot down lovely and down she goes and you can reserve home as scientist should be on the way already well we lost that cyan Shep but there we go the star Sheree back online leading to loads of lovely lovely worlds speaking of which whatever grab this one in the future we have forty-three thousand science now so even though our empire sprawl is horrendous with that amount of science we're still getting loads of the repeatable Stern we've almost reached three thousand naval capacity as well which is very very nice the problem is I am kind of siphoning away all my minerals and food for our Navy and our science that will eventually be fixed most of our planets are still in the early stages of population growth so when so that's sorted then that should be okay I've saying that we also eating a lot of things very very quickly there's steak with a bit of mushroom on the side so a small correction for earlier not this really making too much of a difference in the galaxy right now it turns out these fellows were not the ones who awoken instead it was these fellows who were the science fallen Empire over here I only thought it was these because of the huge minus opinion of us but of course that's because we claimed a lot of their worlds and they've put claims on our worlds so that's why they're so annoyed at us no it's over here these are indeed the awakened Empire lands although both looks of things they're not really a threat to us so you keep on being you tempted to grab it though we could attack this Wow look at all of those Federation's huh we could do we just don't need to there was a machine uprising and now loads of this territory belongs to a brand-new machine intelligence so well done to you the problem is we've closed the borders through them so although they are at war with their neighbors the ones they've simply swapped from they can't really do anything about it that is kind of sitting there so well then you're free to do absolutely nothing in the meantime very soon almost all of our planets are now finally finished maturing out so what we could do is send some of the ships up here and take over this section not only is this a lovely bit of territory but also we could go after the awakened Empire and all of their fantastic buildings the problem is I'll cost us loads of food to get moving since when these aren't docked they cost a lot more so we can't resend all of our fleet right now because we can't afford to yeah we need to sort out our food and minerals there are two things that are really struggling at the moment and thankfully we have all these new lovely planets we can focus on so whilst we're waiting around for the endgame crisis we may as well destroy the machines now sadly the machines won't give us any food but at least they will give us some alloys so we are essentially scrapping them I think though they are alloyed with a lloyd allied with these fellows down here where are you there's the one you are allies in the sanguine Alliance with you and you yet which means we need to get some forces down here as well always that'll be really annoying not they have particular strong fleets anyway and I have one fleet moving in so we may as well start it's not like they're a real threat to us you aren't allied with them in them how did I Oh the sanguine Alliance there's two of them the Alliance and the compact well that's just odd okay then well that makes life even easier for me our construction is complete our construction is soybeans sometimes it paying is to just watch advice most likely keeping that in the end of video even though I didn't talk endless glory to the swarm okay so there's an alternate fallen Empire over here the militant isolationists and we are going to devour them so I'm doing is sending almost all of my fleets over here we're going to jump to this system and then take over everything and our ground forces in our 11,000 which means we should be able to take out pretty much anything without even bombarding so that is pretty darn awesome even if our leader is apparently a bit weakened at the moment so for now status quo you're welcome and you move over there with the ground forces so their main fleet just went right past us completely ignoring the main swarm that's fine because all I really wanted your homeworld honestly if I grab your home mob is a very real chance I'm just going to ignore the rest of you because that's all I already care about I want these buildings that's it well saying about your defense and hello to my new worlds gogo Jean warriors another machine uprising well aren't you silly speaking of which we have now gained control of the core the boundary and we're about to take over this system here just to make sure we have easy access to the Fallen Empire if we ever so desire well the awakened Empire anyway also would not like to be on that planet shiny there's their fleas just one to four status quo in this is easiest way sadly we did this jump so we are currently weakened but again she a number oh my god although strike craft that is horrific okay good that means we get everything you wanted the science Nexus is complete so then let's have a quick look see if indeed we get doubled the bonus yes we do so plus 15% plus 15% this is really weird we have such a huge Empire sprawl but at the same time we have so much tech it's kind of feeling like a more normal Empire at least in terms of science yeah the extra admin cap really isn't helping +15 admin cap when you've got 1990 and growing empire sprawl it doesn't make all that much of a difference yeah you better look away you weird weird scientist making a new coordination center which should give us even more sublight speed even more navy capacity and even more star bases once again pretty darn gross this is our station defending the L gate one more machine uprising not learning from their neighbors apparently all three of these now have had machine uprisings treat your synths better strike craft damage plus 140 percent strike craft attack speed plus 110 percent okay he's so yes strike craft attack speed plus 140 percent look at those modifiers strike craft damage increased by one hundred and forty percent strike craft attack speed by a hundred and ten percent the shields are strengthened by 85 percent and the armor by 40 percent those are some nasty strike craft scientific revolution online and now the grand fleet as well lovely the coordination center has begun its construction lovely so it's at the first stage a little bit of extra naval capacity little bit of extra star vivacity now I want to see is that also increasing our sublight speed plus 20 percent I think that's more because I think it normally only get to plus 15 percent well it might be wrong there and now we need to save up from it domination is finished and so we get Master Builders the Coordination Center continues to be improved and so now we can really check if our ships are indeed getting a bonus from both yep supply speed is now 25% rather than just 20 lovely really think that I should have set the onion crisis maybe 75 years early rather than just 50s at the moment we could take more space it would just take more time to get all that done and sorted once again I am on a limited schedule right now since I can't record over the weekend and I really want this out like Friday or early Saturday but yeah we could have set the endgame crisis 75 maybe a hundred years early but since this is the first time properly playing through this mod I didn't want to get overwhelmed in case the models a bit weak it turns out at the start the mod seems quite slow in fact I would say it's slower than a regular devouring swarm and it's a bit more difficult but it scales really really well once you get to certain thresholds of certain resources so now we're just sort of waiting the Coordination Center is online and we are on over 80,000 science now yeah that's getting a little bit stupid to say the least yep now I'm plus 30% sublight speed fantastic subspace echoes the scourge of the endgame crisis well then let's see how our hyper upgraded scourge deal verses the enemy scourge oh I just realize the enemy scourge you're going through really good versus shields in fact they pretty much ignore shields completely so I guess it would be probably in our best interest despite how upgraded this is to move away from shields and go straight for armor which makes us more like them but then we're kind of countering it and we're already so powerful honestly this is going to be quite easy find the Scourge the easiest to defeat quickly but one of the more difficult if you allow them to have a head start for a while fine we'll go on we'll go with armor about what we're going to do is we're going to send fleets against them we've similar fleet power to theirs make some fun fights just the thought but now we're fighting enemies which don't have shields themselves really it would be best to get the final level of the plasma accelerator and then probably use those the only reason why I wasn't using those before is simply because normally enemies have shields and these ignore shields so all it's going to happen is the plasma will do almost no damage to the shields and never get through then the enemy will die too all the getting through stuff but now it fighting those maybe it would be best to go with this yeah that would be significantly stronger even though these are ignoring armor because these aren't and these are the vast majority of the damage yeah let's go with that Plus that looks quite better approaching the outer rim okay they are almost upon us and where are they please be their territory okay good yeah because I'll take them almost all of these straightaway so we just need to get over there that is absolutely fine so our many many many many many many many many swarms of might cut off so much fleet power is this the most powerful I've ever been at this point because it's a good chance it is really picking it through that's fine I'll just jump once we get to there that's no real problem honestly so warp gate to warp gate to L gate oh so many jumps and eventually getting there okay so glad we have this gateway here that was so useful now honestly we have well we still are countering the enemy a little bit here well actually quite a lot but honestly even if we went with an absolutely really weak build against the enemy we had anti shield stuff and we had shields ourselves we have so much flea power they don't stand a chance so I am going to make sure that we fight the enemies with similar fleet power to us I won't try to overwhelm them just so I get a few good fights out of it I won't be waiting into they have a foothold and all the other swarms come through because that will take too long honestly at this point I am rushing a little bit but I want at least a few good fights they've scourge vers scourge a science hive is lost ok I've just found out so much more interesting it turns out one of the wormholes is directly attached to their territory so instead we're going to just go and wipe them out because this will be way way easier I still try and get a few good fights at least but that's and new plan everything going over there the problem is the game is actually crashed twice now and the lag is pretty extreme so I think the next full playthrough it very least I'm going to have a smaller galaxy so current plan smaller galaxy and an even earlier endgame crisis so a more difficult endgame crisis and less things to take over because the game just I can't record under these circumstances or I can but it's very difficult as much as I love this type of thing still have IO or lots of fun this playthrough I look away for one second and ants everywhere all very angry ants Oh lovely a319 oh no she knows is terrible I was hoping we could fight that with a very select amount of force okay good there's another one over there okay continue now when my cruises you meanies structure it's just a swarm oh that is gross makes me think if when I feed my mealworms because I breed mealworms because I have several animals of to eat them and they're far cheaper to just give scraps to and breed but yeah that kind of is why think of they're just a feeding frenzy a really gross feeding frenzy you know maybe it would be best if we just went and just attacked them straight wide for the second wife I really want to see a fight a bit more clean it's never going to be clean but still you get the idea tell you what one of you so where's the weakest fleet okay you're still damaged but that's fine you're close to them you go there so they'll be a close fight and then we'll send two of the regular fleets forward okay so it's about 400 K versus three hundred and thirty thousand and then 170 versus 168 good enough on the other side one more fight with the game seemingly wanting to break at any given moment meanwhile one of the more balanced fights honestly that Armour like that we might be losing this and that is a useless title that's a Titan which weakens the enemy shields well done you did nothing so this is the 170 versus 300 68 and yeah we're going to just about win this oh maybe not come on swarmers just about Wow okay everyone else though okay they're ambushing us so let's ambush them you guys jump on through let's take out that as well we've pretty much won now there's only two fleets left so let's continue before the game breaks again we are currently in the enemy territory I've had to declare war on this machine empire because annoyingly they had a world here which hadn't yet been converted which means if we were to take back the station and we weren't at war with these fellows it would have went back to these fellows control and because they have closed borders we would have walked out as you can see it's currently under their control again so I'm at war with them to be friendly with them so what I'm going to have to do now is jump out of the system rather than move normally because I can't wait until their world is dominated by us in fact I believe there's multiple worlds the other stations we need all of this gone otherwise the second wave is about to appear which is gonna be really annoying our next wave let's speed the surf as much as possible please then you two going over there so one of you go over here oh no you know what all over there that's fine I do half damage we've got a lot of force power here then missiles and their swarms being countered by how much point defense we have which is lovely and it's so weird it's like a heartbeat and we are victorious and so ends this run at least officially this was an experience I've got to say so a few thoughts then about the Mart about this run and about everything so my overall opinion then of the bioform hive mod honestly I think it was utterly fantastic especially in terms of the theme being able to devour other populations which then instantly became your ships was a really really great feeling because it felt like a proper devouring swarm so when coupled with the devouring swarm it is utterly amazing every time you grab a population grab a world filled with other species you will devour them and then you get more ships literally made out of what you've just devoured that alone makes it a really fun experience if you're in a more cruel sort of mood but also the bio forms because it was so slow to make the world's to sort out all of the different districts because you're being forced to do the balanced economy it also felt more purposeful and a bit slower in the early game honestly the devouring swarm next to us would've eaten us alive very very easily but they kept on sending ships against that station and we eventually won purely because they lost so many ships but they were definitely ahead of us and in the early game I would say applying a non bio form Empire is probably a lot stronger than playing a bio form Empire but then as the game progresses you get rewarded because these worlds scale incredibly well and then you become incredibly powerful arguably a little bit too powerful I certainly think that the fact you can be on 0 minerals and not really have any consequences is a little bit worrying of course you are making less alloys which are still needed for ships and still needed for station components but after the mid game you really don't need that many of them so I think that's something which needs to be looked into at least a little bit because if I knew how inconsequential that was I probably would have went with it a little bit earlier perfectly honest the last thing I'll say is I really wish I played our a smaller galaxy and I had the endgame crisis a little bit earlier because both of these really affected my gameplay and kind of tainted my opinion near the end clearly I was getting a little bit tired a little bit bored of waiting I don't really want to do much else because the game had started to slow down so significantly and that's because there was so much going on in the large galaxy I think the next time I do a mod playthrough I will definitely do a medium or small galaxy just to make it a bit fairer but yeah that's my opinion it's a really great mod loads of fun especially when you get the hang of it and I hope to see updated more going forward so with that if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and good bye now I'm gonna get some sleep and then there's a lot of editing to do thank you and goodbye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 221,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K7pcDcG7uC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 40sec (6340 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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