Living Underground To Avoid Social Interactions | Full Overlord Playthrough Stellaris 3.4

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greetings you beautiful subterranean mutants and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to the newest full playthrough using one of the new origins subterranean today we're going to be playing an empire which is all about simply staying away from all of the rest of the galaxy this is the empire you play when you've been having a really bad week and you simply wish to hide away from everyone else perhaps even underground or secretly hoping they'll burn away into nothingness this is the bliss administration an empire of subterranean mutants although they are not xenophobic in the more traditional sense they simply can't really communicate with other empires they have been in the caves for so long they have lost their sense of sight their sense of hearing and they are even mute which makes sense with the whole lack of sense of hearing thing they communicate via pheromones and subtle electric charges when nearby making them utterly alien to all of the sapient life this empire has been living in the desert world here the harsh climate forcing them into the caves millennia ago and although they established sapience probably the first sapiens in the galaxy it has taken them this long to eventually get to space with their inability to write things down their inability to really communicate efficiently but now they are finally here and ready to take over their chunk of the galaxy and defend it fiercely from all others now i won't be taking inwards perfection because i've took that so many times but i will be putting those restrictions on myself i will not have rivals defensive pacts anything like that we're basically being a fanatic isolationist in this run and we're even hiding underground of course so with subterranean new origin we get the cave dweller trait this gives us more minerals from jobs it gives us a minimum habitability of 50 in all worlds so if you're below 50 it simply buffs you up to that it's not if you add adaptive that then goes to 60 that's not quite how it works because that's how i originally thought it worked so instead we're all about making these worlds into gaia world so even our lovely blobby selves we'll be able to once again walk on the surface of these planets the end goal of this run is to have every single world absolutely perfected so gaia world a ring around it mastery of nature for more districts everything we can do to make our worlds better perhaps teachers of the shroud anything we can do to improve the world i will definitely go down the route of i will be going with pleasure seekers eventually for our civics which is a civic i'm not a big fan of but i think it fits finally giving our population a better quality of life and in terms of gameplay it's gonna be pretty simple i imagine now firstly i'm not going to go down the route of any of the major ascension paths because i've done it so many times so we're not becoming synths psychics or genetic masters we're going down the route of essentia paths i don't normally pick which is going to be weak honestly especially with us not choosing inward perfection and a few of our other ethics and civics choices i don't think this will be a strong empire but i think it'll be a very relaxing one and i think the economy will be very good and very easy to manage i think with mining guilds giving us more minerals and masterful crafters giving us more consumer goods we mine things and we make things out of what we mine it's the one thing that blobs can do well in terms of trites again all of our minerals just being added up and up again and that's pretty much it our poor blobby species is entering the galaxy we'll be ignoring most things uh we will be joining the galactic community but we will get a minus 50 modifier because i will be going with the isolationist policy type so that kind of i imagine all the other empires trying to get us to participate and we're not really able to so the minus 50 there but we can't have a proper pact because that requires too much mutual negotiation and that is pretty much it the happy fellas led by bob the blob of bloggington take to the stars after a millennia underground and of course the other end goal is to ignore the endgame crisis let it devour the entire galaxy because we don't really know about them and don't particularly care and just have a lump of space which is all we want and all we need forever happy we are fanatic pacifists and we are xenophobic now fnatic pacifist will actually help a lot as well because of the minus empire size of populations the origin actually increases that by 10 so that's nice to see where is it there it is yep cave dweller plus 10 size from populations that negates that which is very very helpful so the bliss administration begins going with all the usual stats here and you know what we're not even going to go with scaling difficulty which is going to make it a lot harder for us but let's see if we can survive in a more difficult galaxy and i'm also going to increase the empires by two so it's gonna be a busy busy galaxy with higher than usual difficulty max difficulty crisis strength everything else all nice and early will the blob survive hey everyone as is tradition these four play-throughs it is like future latrix here to say this video was an absolute joy to record this is the type of empire which is perfect to play when you've had a bad day or in my case a bad few weeks with some ups and downs there and it was just really really fun to record it was definitely up there in my top empires for just relaxing hopefully the video itself is also entertaining and definitely stick around to the end there is some twists in the mid game and a big twist in the end game which i did not see coming and that includes a time lapse in the video so definitely worth sticking around now i do have to chill for the video as you can probably tell by the upload right on this channel these videos do take a lot of time to put together and a lot of time to edit with this one taking a full day just to edit down just the whole day spent looking over my own voice so just for that likes and comments would help out a lot they are algorithm poison if they don't get interaction and your likes and comments really help me to just do these videos which i absolutely love creating it's why i like being a youtuber and thank you so much for all the support so far and now into the video and into the glorious reign of bob the blob bloggington the first and so we begin near the core of the galaxy while other beings on the happy desert would spend their nights out in the wilds our ancestors soon learned the wisdom of underground dwellings sheltered from harsh light and climates easy access to minerals below ground allowed our happy felon predecessors to industrialize unifying our species and furthering our cavernous civilization there were numerous attempts to return to the surface but each time it proved brutal and unforgiving so we remain below establishing our dominance from within our planet's very foundations now with the discovery of the hyperdrive we make our boldest attempt here to reach out to the stars and like our ancestors before us we shall carve out homes from this darkness so we begin straight next to two worlds a desert and a tomb world which will just be the 50 habitability and we begin so a pretty standard start really i should get some scouts because we're gonna need some choke points but i'm generally pretty bad at that but i'll try my best this time to actually scout ahead rather than just surveying everything nearby and hopefully we'll have some space before we meet our very first neighbors starting off with these two worlds is great any extra worlds is going to be so important but i really do think we'll probably end up building a lot of um habitats a lot of ring world stuff like that because we are going to be very limited for space and once we first build our bastions and our choke points we're not moving again that's our empire for the rest of the game even once the crisis arrives hopefully we get a good precursor as well getting the psychic one or the hive mind one would be glorious honestly it looks like there's a lot quite easy choke points in every direction so i am gonna stop scouting already but that was the fastest i've ever actually bothered to scout and fastest i've ever gave up scouting like some colony ships already our starting economy is really decent which isn't really a surprise obviously we're making loads of extra consumer goods we're getting lots of tried value and stuff from those consumer goods and i'm going down the route of domination first because this will give us some more worker output while also giving us more influence it's just a really nice one to start off with and it will still be decent in the light game i've started liking expansion less and less expansion is still good obviously fantastic tradition training but i've started moving to others to begin with these days i'm boring myself with that conversation and yeah i'm still finding it interesting how am i already tired i've only started recording we found the nuke we disabled the nuke more tech is always good and i have finished off domination and i've grabbed imperial prerogative once again i'm going for things i don't normally choose so i might end up with a grasp of the void for instance which i don't think is a particularly good ascension perk but it has its juices just a bit more niche probably going with that we might go with lord of war i know doesn't really fit our empire but it kind of doesn't know why that our military is being um basically being paid for by an outside force here rather than us having our own standing military what else are we going with definitely going with mastery of nature later that allows us to use influence to increase how many districts we have on our planets executive vigor maybe it's not particularly good though i really don't like that either just because it doesn't scale well in light game when you've got a larger empire definitely going to go with galactic wonders since i want ring worlds definitely want voidborn definitely having eternal vigilance probably going to have defender of the galaxy just trying to think what will stack up defenses in my territory the best and i think all of those probably work out i'm also going to choose the defensive tradition tree probably third going with prosperity next construct it's a difficult job but we have managed to find even more ore and now it offers us extra minerals oh we could continue i'm probably just gonna continue until that happens no matter how deep the minerals in the planet are hidden we will find and extract them it is what we do others might give up when confronted with unstable ground unfathomable depth or the logistics of maintaining transport tunnels but we do not the underground is our home oh so maybe this is for our origin then and if we know where to look it will provide the lower we go the higher quality and quantity of the ore let's get ourselves some crystals or death i don't know that was insanely early oh wow that's actually broke hour and choke points but there we go we have found the cybrics fiery crystals a new depth has been reached by our surveying expeditions on the planet as predicted we are encountering clusters of crystals that shine in vivid hues of oranges yellows and reds while light passes through them at times it looks as if abrasion is illuminating the chaos where we find them casting shifting shadows on the walls we also made a puzzling observation it looks as if over the millennia these crystals are slowly migrating towards the center of the planet we are confident that there will be more to find if we only dig deeper towards the core so clearly there's something scary at the core eating the crystals or i don't know i don't know how this game sometimes works maybe it's a black hole in there it makes no sense in any way but it could be black hole or a wormhole or some kind of gateway those make more sense than the first one anyway obviously we'll try our best the price of greed as our survivors delved ever deeper to find ore on the planet more and more crystals littered their paths finally they reached a gigantic cavern located close to the core of the planet and we lost communications the last things we know is that they were in the process of setting up lights various sensors to study the cave then screams pain death destruction the cause was soon revealed when other geological surveyors detected multiple echoes tunneling at tremendous speed towards our colonies not long after and with quakes and tremors we were attacked by a crystalline entity of tremendous proportions it is not unlike the spiceborne crystals but seems to be a highly aggressive and capable of using reconstructive capabilities of its kind to reshape its body in an instant it is one thing to find such an entity in space where our ships can bring their speed and weapons to bear but another entirely to fight them planetside it spawned tentacle-like appendages that dug through the ground looking to attack us or to absorb more crystals to grow projections are grim and we might be looking at the end of our colony on the planet seriously that bad that's a 15k invade we've lost a colony well if we could ever destroy a 15k ground force we might get the planet back welp i knew it was gonna be bad didn't expect it to be that bad okay so on this world up one which is currently being attacked by the crystalline bane i'm still able to make machines though but i can't resettle oh and i don't get any resources from jobs so no please stop doing that because you're just going to increase my empire sprawl and i can't do anything about it in fact i mean i'll disable that as well then to get my energy back oh what we got here then a ruined orbital ring around the tube that's cool then we have a gaia world okay yep we do have a guy world over here and the crystals were defending it but i've pacified them so that's good they'll be our guardians so choke point choke points there's an alien empire here this one's expanding like this i think there's one over here there's one here and one closer but there's the board as you can see so we're pretty much getting our final borders already it's not big at all but it's what we are to our right we have fanatic militarists now thankfully it's gonna take a while before they get to our borders and really really hate us though oh no never mind that it's the same empire hmm maybe a bit faster than i expected now thankfully the normal pacifists don't really mind us too much we returned their their wreckage which gave us some influence or something happier the empire down here i actually don't know what you are not just as well a little bit worried right now but uh yeah this will be our empire this tiny little blob thankfully we've got quite a few in fact loads of planets in our systems and we'll build habitats as soon as we can imperial projective is actually pretty good here because since we're going to have lots of small colonies oh good was i found devourers ooh on the upside they are bordering probably with the other empire over here so they're probably going to be fighting out and not really caring about me for a while well our tech is doing dreadfully i had to divert everything to our economy and the reason why our economy doesn't look as good as it should be right now is because most of the alloys which is pretty much all are making right now are going towards supporting our bastions that's a lot of upkeep but they are getting stronger and i am moving further and further into unyielding which is helping out a lot now the reason why i need to do this is because this is the devouring swarm next to our border so we have fnatic militarists and a swarm oh and there's another swarm over here we are in a really really nasty galaxy militarists and devourers everywhere and now a little safe blob over here it is the 19th of november 2252 and with a heavy heart i must inform you all that bob the blob of bloggington has passed however we may rejoice that their replacement bob the blob of loggington ii has now taken the reins of the empire long may they reign we are now at war they're trying to vassalize us which honestly might not be the best sorry the worst idea um we could try to become a specialist vassal and that would make us protect it right legitimately would being a vassal be better here the compact is likely currently one of the strongest empires in this galaxy i could almost certainly hold off their advances here especially since i can stop upgrading the stations over here all resources go towards this i honestly think being a vassal might be a better idea yes you know i do think becoming their vassal and probably honest at this point their protectorate would be better but i don't care we don't understand them we are the bliss administration we do not understand anything above ourselves and we will stand strong against any potential invaders we don't even fully understand what's happening with this war right now we do try to get involved because of our isolationist nature we don't even really know what we're doing and so we have low points here if they win and vassalize us by force then of course we will lose but i'm not going to lose willingly so let's see just how strong they are break yourselves upon the empire defend our spaceport spaceport lost spaceport lost spaceport lost spaceport lost is that a mercenary group wow they've used the mercenary group to overwhelm us i mean it's pretty if nothing else well that's it then yeah we're a vassal researched wow yeah the um the compact over here was one of the advanced starts they're actually a lot stronger than the devourers i've seen the devourers fleets as they've been attacking and they've gained a bit versus the empire then they lose a bit it's yeah these are definitely weaker so we can't make any deals just yet and we are a protectorate we can't upgrade until we've got more tech or just more anything else because we are just so much weaker than the advanced start max difficulty empire next to us don't know what i'll ask for i mean i'll probably ask for research yeah that's all i can really do i mean ask for some stuff in return i'll let them have holdings or something it's gonna be a while before i can negotiate anyway and honestly it's very best for us to be a vassal anyway because we are now under the protection of the compact the main upside to becoming a vassal right now is that i can focus on science finally so loads of research labs going down on our main world which is good because we are massively behind i don't know how i played this so badly i just feel like i'm a lot weaker than usual but i think it could have just been just the fact that i'm used to scaling difficulty again if scaling difficulty was on i think i would have been able to survive that but without scaling difficulty and max difficulty currently on the empires are very very strong so i really love the concept of this dlc i love what they're doing with vassals and everything but i think the balance is really off sometimes to be completely transparent now again limited experience with this patch with the dlc i am very open to the fact i might be wrong but right now this deal will go through our overlord is going to give us 75 of my research production 75 of my basic income 75 of my advanced income and 75 of my strategic resource they're paying me that almost doubling all of these in return they get four holdings our loyalty increases drastically and with the holdings they're going to be better at keeping us under their control and of course this will only last while i may i i may protect her when i'm too strong this will break and i'll have to renegotiate i believe i almost don't want to accept this because how strong it is but i've got to because i've never seen it look that silly before technology researched so there we go if you look at our economy now it is ridiculous and i'm gonna push as much tech as possible whilst i'm getting a 75 increase in it do you really find these things acceptable i mean you are ridiculously strong who yeah i mean you are the strongest empire in the galactic community by a mile sure this is how it is now okay so almost instantly i became a vassal so it's not quite as powerful as i thought because once a vassal i can't take as much as when you're protectorate that makes a lot more sense because your protectorate they can try and uplift you and get you to where you need to be it's still on minus 45 though and they clearly don't want this but too bad for a very long time they're still paying me almost 50 percent of everything so all of those alloys are going towards habitat i've been stockpiling influence for ages so all the influences now just been jumped straight into as many habitats as possible all of these worlds are going to help us out majorly in the long run and again we're still getting loads of extra tech which is good because we're really behind kind of jump starting now by being a vassal alas with everything going on the stress simply was too much for bob of the blob loganton the second they rained honorably and we shall miss them always but now thankfully we have found bob the blob london iii who will continue the legacy of our glorious leaders even though now we are a vassal and i don't know how my empire would really react to them so far the actual diplomacy has been pretty simple we've said give us stuff and they've said okay well actually we didn't say anything for we cannot speak we motioned to the shiny things which we wanted which we couldn't see we motioned to the things which felt shiny and they gave it to us that's it now they really don't like this so they're probably going to try and break all this soon but yeah when that happens i'm going to move over to being something like i don't know tech bull walk but look up interesting that's all about defense our stations are being improved okay the ravenous swarm and the devourers looking really close to each other they'll probably end up going towards each other soon technology research i'm such a parasite technology researched i'm not even helping out my overlord in terms of this i didn't realize but if you're a subject and an isolationist you have zero diplomatic light so i'm putting no white towards the things i'm being forced to vote for i am completely worthless of assault i can only assume that how this is all worked out is that the advanced empire has gave us the technology to overcome the shortcomings of our speciesism because of this at least within ourselves and our inner circles scientific progress has exploded to a level which the compact just simply didn't expect because all of the power of our empire all the power of our species was being held back by these limitations and somehow we'd still manage to make it to space we're a hardy determined species we just want to be left alone then we were given all this tech and we are exploding because of in fact we've already become comparable with our host i mean our overlord and because of that we are now converting our worlds into gaia worlds we now have world shaper since i had the tech for it already at least not that early but for this empire i think it is so as i get the energy now all of our worlds will be converted into beautiful gaia worlds so perfect that even our species with their limitations can once again walk on the surface of them we are currently in a golden age thanks to the benevolence of another who we still don't really care about we'll cast them aside as soon as we can in the meantime though i am now building a hyper relays so we are building a road system as well around our empire i also have lots and lots of habitats which is awesome which is awesome i talk for a living using various technological upgrades perhaps now our species which use electronic pulses to figure out where they were within the cave can now use the same pulses to actually see in a more traditional sense of the worlds they live in or perhaps they have now got a sense of smell or vague sense of hearing upgrading the sensitivity of their flesh in order to see what's around them or hear what's around them and as a result even these little tastes has gave rise to the pleasure seekers civic they are now a decadent species and will be getting servants from the galactic market in order to increase amenities on their worlds there we go so all species which can be ah i can't do it right now but eventually i will be swapping them all to domestic servitude oh i can excellent so if they don't have a job they just become a servant which increases amenities drastically i've also now made it so our main species is under the decadent life yeah the decadent lifestyle living standard which is plus 20 happiness as long as we have consumer goods our people are incredibly happy now i've cancelled hyper realize since now we can build orbital rings but sadly one of my goals isn't going to be semi-impossible now it turns out you can't have an orbital ring and a habitat above a world and i've already got a habitat above our home world of happy desert so i so one of our worlds won't have a ring but it's okay they'll still have 100 happiness they'll still be gaia and everything else it's not really a big deal and maybe i'll even move our capital later on because rings are very very good and not having that around the capital really sucks but you know it's fine we're still an absolute powerhouse right now since we are stealing tech and resources from our hosts the ring worlds are now being repaired with the limited upgrades to ourselves we have now became intelligence on top of everything else increasing our research we are still not adaptive and still completely alien to the other species being that we still do not communicate in any traditional sense through pheromones and electrical signals we can communicate with each other with increasing ease but we are continuing to become more and more alien perhaps purposefully well uh i didn't know this one was an option paradise made so this terraformed world is perfect this moon was terraformed to look like the creators promised land i've never seen this one happen from terraforming it must be just the best one possible so yeah plus 25 to unity i'm gonna build a ring around this right now and i'm going to give it the extra unity um district so lots of unity from this world hello shroud walkers are we in a federation okay my brain just ping-ponged all over the place then one second shroud walkers i love you don't care right now well i have never seen an ai empire be so efficient to galactic domination before so we are in a hegemon uh i never say this correctly we are in the angry federation hegemony whatever either way uh i don't know what i'm doing here says the bliss administration crying how diplomatic weight is obviously so low because oh i'm above zero how am i above zero zeno diplomacy yeah so i'm never gonna be strong enough to take control of this then so when i eventually have an uprising i'll have to leave via destroying everyone which is gonna be so oh my god you're so strong jeez i are your mental well i'll wait until the uh crisis cleans the galaxy again i don't really care i'm just sitting here not understanding what's going on occasionally nodding making weird blob noises it's this moment i realize i'm just an npc i'm just here you know occasionally they talk to me things happen around me technology researched i'm just here ships upgraded i'm never gonna kill a leviathan i'm never gonna be able to kill a uh awakened empire i didn't even realize we were at war why did that happen but did that even happen [Laughter] oh i love this play through it's so stupid so far upgraded the fleets beckon the stations are armed even our rings are ready we may have been fell before but next time we will endure as our ancestors always have i'm gonna fight all of these at the same time it's gonna be an absolute nightmare but it's gonna be glorious i need to make sure the fleets are operational i'm still building a lot of stuff right now uh the defense squid for instance only just came online as in terms of getting the tech and i need them to be fully operational it's gonna be at least another maybe 10 20 years before we declare war for our freedom until then we'll continue to drain the host before we leave it we may even get the colossus project done oh that would be good get the bubble go to war they have opened our eyes it's only right that we bubble their worlds and close theirs i'm a disease it is with a heavy heart in this the year 2309 but sadly bob the blob bloggington iii passed away though thankfully and incorrectly in their name bob the blob bloggington iv was found and has taken charge of our glorious empire once again long may they reign and may they grant us freedom from our oppressors who we are parasitically devouring because right now we are producing more tech than they are and they are still feeding us i don't even know how that works out yeah that's unfortunate for you their tech growth must be tiny they agreed to a bad deal thinking we wouldn't take to space thinking we wouldn't grow as a species they were so very wrong also yeah i've been spamming um reverse engineering arcane technology every single time i could last time was physics research which was really helpful because i'm going for energy weapon damage i'm basically going for the anti-scourge build because i also find it the easiest to build up our defense platforms since our engineering can go for defense platform hull and damage and then our physics can go for energy weapons that's kind of what we're going with and right now we have also mixed in some strike craft because they're nice and strong early on so we have battleships we're upgrading them our board is becoming more and more terrifyingly secure and soon we'll have colossus i never even thought to bombard this world ah well okay so it seems like there's some resilience to it and that much health yeah that's not gonna work i'm building some clones but that's the best soldiers we have so still not the best look at beautiful perfect worlds i am so curious how much we're hurting our own host by how much we're draining from them it's hard to tell yeah they haven't got fully upgraded stuff yet lovely obviously the main mega structure we're building is the coordination center because this increases how many defense platforms we can have which is really useful for this type of empire which doesn't want to move and this will definitely get us to 100k per sister and with systems with a ring in it as well it's even stronger so that's pretty fantastic i think i'm now strong enough to deal with the main force the problem is of course if i go towards to free myself i will be fighting all of the vassals at once but i do have two almost 60k fleets and they're going to sit there as well i'm hoping we can win by just sitting there going now what uh what's gonna happen likely as soon as this war is over which when did we get another member of this federation who joined we have five federation members since when i am slightly confused oh well the important thing is we'll be free soon also since i don't know if i actually spoke out loud about this i have now got mastery of nature and it is in my opinion one of the worst ascension perks it's fun but it's too overpriced what it does so for two extra districts on a planet it costs 2 000 energy and 100 influence and all i can think of every time i'm spending that i am spending it quite a bit every time i get two hundred one of the world's being approved why am i not just making a habitat am i wrong here am i wrong in thinking that this is just worse now before i say anything else i don't mind some picks being worse than others in fact i like that not everything should be balanced in a big game like this completely with each other because there are definitely some essential perks much better than others but this will always i don't know i feel like there should be something else to this maybe a chance of when you complete it it adds an extra benefit to the world like the rich mineral seems or something i don't know that's just my five pound fifty okay two cents yeah take that 0.02 damage to devastation so he landed 10k army power here and looks like i might actually win it was whittled down to 13k army strength i guess since it is only one although it is almost well it's like three shotting them it can't do it fast enough we have all clones then we also have a single cybrex war form which isn't actually in the fight right now hey beautiful oh nice big chunk of unity very nice 99 000 unity well that's cool after a grueling campaign the crystalline entity dwelling at the heart of the planet was finally defeated the final battle took place deep underground in the cave housing the core of the crystal behemoth and only after we managed to shatter it did the beast stop fighting its various appendages disintegrated losing cohesion at a molecular level and sprinkling crystal dust across the planet the innumerable tunnels left in the like of the crystal tentacles are going to help us a lot in our efforts to mine the exceptionally rich minerals composing this world as for the origin of the entity itself we are left with many questions but we might just have gained some insight on the why the space fair and crystalline entities are created i mean that's awesome so there we are exceptional quality minerals the world may now grow once again yes you do not need anywhere near as much ground force as i expected just for a reference there so hopefully that helps out someone because we could have took that back a long time ago based on that all fleets moving to our borders it is time to assert our freedom though this will ruin our economy though this will ruin our tech though this is a stupid thing to do we simply wish to be left alone they forced us into the light and now we're going to force them into the dark as soon as the colossus reaches the borders war will begin unfortunately war is our only option war is our only option also now realize we really went to the wrong border here that's fine make your way into their territory our bastion will hold the line i'm just waiting to see how bad the economy is going to be right now yep that's kind of what i expected okay yeah that's actually worse than i thought we we might go bankrupt over this just putting out there we might go bankrupt but i'll try my best to fix it as we go you can hardly see the colossus with this backdrop but it makes it all the more terrifying planet colonized come on there we go either they will actually accept our surrender so they'll actually accept our victory or we are going to turn every single one of their worlds into a peaceful haven of darkness for all eternity it's really up to them i don't need my ground forces on the side don't know why i'm bringing them with me i did conquer the world before i then bubbled it which is a bit silly yeah i didn't see that fleet 152 000 federation of late versus citadel i'm hoping because we have all the advantages of being in our own system despite the fact we have less fleet power we might win this space losing to venture structure right away though they just got mowed down oh the range of these shots that's why look at that we're hitting them the second they enter the system did you really try to encroach on our territory again oh some normal battles over here this will be some of the other empires i imagine you're trying to and come to the aid of their overlord petty minions [Music] well moving our fleets back onwards to the next worlds just gonna jump the glasses because it's gonna be too vulnerable i could destroy these but i'm just going to go after the world there's some nasty fleet power i love the fact the strike craft now go above the battle jeez okay i'm on a hundred percent now oh dear uh let's get you back there please i don't want my own colossus to be destroyed that'll be very beneficial there's actually shielded apparently no actual visuals there but still construction complete i kind of forgot to send in my juggernaut this entire time look we're not a warmongering people we don't quite get how this works i am building more fleets though thankfully alloys have been ridiculously cheap so just disbanding some extra battleships they'll be joining soon i am going to try and take their capital they do have enough fleet power to kill me yet they keep on not attacking me for like just hiding out in the systems next to me at all times i'm basically accepting it that if they do take out my fleet i'm done so the war's over so i'm perfectly fine with them actually doing that as sad as it is but at this rate i am going to make it sure your governors are normally pretty good i think oh yeah the psychic ones of extra stability okay you're replacing you and then you are going to be replaced with that one the two special governors these stations aren't particularly strong into the system we obliterate them one system off the home world oh they're waiting for reinforcements for their federation fleet that's what they're doing i just saw all the federation fleets moving around that's what's going on that's too slow though yep they should have just threw themselves at me perhaps it's one of those times where it looks like they would win but actually because of the composition we would win and the ai knows that i mean especially with the juggernaut there the target is bringing a lot of extra damage for the strike craft i think we need to watch this in its entirety don't worry i'll get to the research in a second oh forgot about the great calm how'd the great can do oh well they died but well done taking over all that territory i was gonna say with the tech if you don't instantly get to the tech because i know some people stress out and just leave you like this you get stored research so you do end up getting it back and done the homeworld has been destroyed they will forever be in ignorance of the galaxy after all ignorance is bliss with the home world bubbled status quo has been reached and although i could have completely destroyed this empire i've decided instead that we've certainly taught them a lesson now here's the problem they're going to hate us and because of that what we're going to need to do if we want to stay in the federation for all the bonuses we need to gain control of it so diplomatic white won't do we need to swap for something else uh now would i be able to do this if i was inwards perfection yes i actually would and i know my empire has changed a bit now so we could either leave the federation probably be kicked soon or we could gain control of it and use them as our guardians i mean after all we have proven to be parasitic so if i go with technology i think i'll become the strongest then and for some reason they all accept this i don't really know why come on don't kick me don't kick me don't kick me okay and now i'm in charge there we go we have the most shining listen to us and then we just sit here doing nothing else we're not gonna help them or anything else we are now going to be left alone eternally because we have a guard dog to the southwest and we're just going to sit here for a while so there we are we now have the federation fleet somewhere oh there it is hey federation fleet and now we can get back to just being on our own we're not going to run anything we're just going to sit here because no one's terrified of us so i've double checked just to make sure we are playing by the rules yes an inwards perfection empire cannot join the federation however if they're forced into federation they can act as a normal federation member and yes that means they can't gain control of the federation so we are still playing by the rules as if we are um inwards perfection i still haven't got any agreements with any other empire including the empires within my federation though i could do that i think maybe with the free ones forced upon you so this all makes sense bob is just gonna sit there smiling to himself everyone's gonna ask him sir what do we do about this problem and he's gonna look at them smile and then play his game boy uh i just feel too cheesy you know we're leaving it sucks because you're very powerful we could even change it to something else by bribing them like a trade lee our trade league would be glorious but no we're leaving it for two reasons first of all yeah it doesn't feel like it's the theme of this run secondly my main goal was to get 100 happiness to all of my people that was impossible whilst i was in a federation this one here the xenophobe group was incredibly upset by being a federation now sadly we do have xenophiles at the moment why okay the empire has an active non-governing faction that will pass in time so that's going to go away but most of them yeah we have more isolationists we needed to do that why do you have so many materialists is it just because we have synths robotic pups full rights for ai it's gonna be difficult to get 100 now we're close anyway even when they're upset because of all the bonuses we've got they're still pretty close to 100 so we just need less of them to be xenophiles i could suppress it doesn't make them less happy though right just less faction approval which is already really close to zero so i'm sure can i suppress multiple okay so we're suppressing the militarists and we're suppressing the xenophiles we are actively promoting the pacifists can i promote several of them because that would be good there we are so we're promoting pacifist xenophobe and materialist we are actively suppressing xenophile and militarist ideals well that's a waste um so with the shroud walkers if you're isolationist you don't get the event really working if you do the um tell us your faith thing we defy the shroud's will by remaining still and guarding our territory the progre the progress of the situation will depend largely on our relations with other empires for instance setting our diplomatic stance to cooperative will make it progress faster so being isolationist and having closed borders of everyone has just nullified the entire thing also i managed to run out of gas which is very annoying i'm now remedying it so uh yeah i'm really not sure how much footage is going to be in this video i mean i've been playing for dice now at this point but i'm just looking at the footage and just the amount of time i'm silent just managing things because there's very little to do with this type of empire insanely fun i love this kind of thing just tweaking things here and there see it's fun for me because i'm apparently very boring person but i love this kind of stuff so just making sure our worlds are all good upgrading them when i need to this one isn't quite finished yet so why fact no i'll just go ahead with this one i've put down the last the hyperlines for this section then i'll do this section over here scratching the itch of building roads yeah just making sure that our world's uh doing what they should be doing really most of anything else not much else to say believe it or not this is a tech world yeah yeah i just stopped at tech world it was a mining world obviously but i've swapped over to tech because minerals aren't really going to be a problem anymore but consumed goods might be it's really not too important though if i've done it correctly yeah we still have the low gravity mega refiners here increasing our minerals from jobs and then we have the giga mall increasing our trade value because we still get loads of trade volumes passively release a good chunk sadly there is no tech um option which is a bit of a shame i'd love if there was a tech one unless i'm missing it no it's unity food energy consumer goods alloys that's it so nope sadly no tech a really silly thing i've just noticed the federation i was a member of them briefly took control of i have apparently forgot the name of it unknown federation i'm fairly certain i wouldn't know what the federation is also they're still stronger than me yeesh okay i mean i'm not that strong to be fair i'm really banking on the in-game crisis being like another 10 years or so i mean in all likelihood i in my experience so there's no real numbers to back this up the in-game crisis seems to average about 15 years after they can spawn about there so if that happens this time i'm not confident we'll be okay but if we can get them to a single choke point and keep fighting them with the citadel all the bonuses it gives and make sure our juggernaut's there i think we'll be able to survive at that point hopefully no corona has died could not name my scientist that no reason well then a world was apparently just purged was purged of all higher life forms by neutron sweep by the spyrion colossus right is that their own territory that's you you're spyria i haven't you currently war oh they must have had the alliance here must have had some territory here huh okay then back to not caring technology isolation now it's been like this for a while but i just forgot to mention it um our machines are about 50 happiness some of them are a little bit happier because well it depends on which faction they're with but the important part is all of the happy fellas are 100 i haven't found a single one which hasn't been at 100 at the moment i've been checking all the different worlds so it seems like i think you might be the last person in this faction why must you contradict me the second you don't exist so like 99 of our population is currently 100 happiness i even have hearts and minds currently active i am really pushing for those factions to be dissolved i need to remember i can just keep on swapping between them like this i didn't realize there isn't one for um refineries either uh i guess energy is kind of what we're going with here it's anything really took right i mean we do need food quite desperately so maybe i'll turn this one more food like swap the generators for agriculture oh well i still need more food anyway look you've been apparently preparing to be at war with me now for years are you actually going to attack me or is this all just an elaborate hoax you're just angrily sitting there i don't know what he's so angry for look how happy your people are hoping all chilling shiny oh don't mess with the isolationists just let them stay there you know well this is a new one lobbyists oh this is going to be lovely many voices may be heard at the galactic community not all of them friendly and certainly not all of them are lining with bliss administration interests unfortunately it seems that the ambassador has been listening to the wrong voices eyebrows were raised when she attended several conferences hosted by the galactic mass driver association oh dear uh now it has emerged the large sum of credits traceable to the organization were transferred to her the colleagues demand that she be recalled citing trust issues however some of our more devious advisors suggest we could strike a deal to keep her in place in return for share of the part minus 15 diplomatic white for 56k energy that's a lot it would allow me to start building up some more fleets very soon which is kind of what we'd need at the moment since alloys are quite cheap um i could buy quite a few how long until the next election a good while ah yeah what's the harm in him i'm sure nothing bad can possibly happen just building a few fortress habitats now these are just going to have loads of strongholds on which will generate loads of defensive armies and it'll just be nice and difficult to destroy them however and i'm thinking of it should also have one planetary shield generator this also produced a lot of unity and because we went down the route of unyielding defense arm is now also produced 0.5 unity so that's good because currently i can't have every single edict on at the same time which is kind of upsetting once i have all these i will be able to and that is all good then i can fully upgrade our worlds as well with the ascension stuff all is lovely we are so small the sleepers awake the fools the adiks restorers we do not care for we are blob led by blob blob i'm really hoping that this empire becomes really hyper aggressive and fairly certain i have a wormhole here yeah so do need to be a little bit worried did i build uh yeah okay so i have built up a fortress here as well trying to build up more you're already fully nope now you're fully stocked initiated as one of our governors sadly passes away uh can we please get a decent one this is gonna be a lot of money unity isn't it i mean i know this has been one of the weaker empires applied for a while for numerous reasons but our neighbor who is um the pacifist is keeping up with us in tech and economy now they're huge admittedly but still that's probably some of the best i've seen from a from a regular empire in a while do i trust them to defend the galaxy versus the in-game crisis no but at least they can have some resistance really not much to say over the last few years building more habitats i'm building a ring world which is taking forever it's in its second stage now so i'm going to be able to get some proper rehabilitation there and i am building a where are you then the mega shipyards almost finished and i am building our sentry array so you'll be able to see the entire galaxy not they'll really want to but we can in case anyone death threaten us and that's it just waiting for a little bit more unity so i can activate the grand fleet uh we'll be getting loads more unity soon from our fortress worlds once they get some more people in since they are slowly siphoning of them from the worlds which have unemployment very relaxed not much to say i'm hoping that the awakened empire becomes more aggressive soon it's kind of sitting there bordering everyone planet okay that is literally the worst one we could have got um this is the unbidden why is it the worst because i have got no repeatables really done in the stuff i need now because they counter armor and they count energy weapons except for the ones go through their shields the problem is of course i don't have any of those for this large weapons which are the defense structures so we're going to have to move over to kinetic so two things first of all the midden have spawned actually a pretty good place i think i don't know about other wormholes around the galaxy but i know there's no wormholes directly to my territory here and they'll have to do this down here around here and then all the way around and then that's the first one it's not the best position which would have been literally this chunk here but it's like the second best there and there we're actually just there because over here goes to another wormhole anyway upon seeing that sadly joy bringerbob the blob bloggington the fourth who oversaw our freedom from our overlords who's oversaw this era of prosperity had a heart attack and has passed away like literally the next day but wouldn't you know it joy bringer bob the blob bloggington v has taken the reins of our empire long may they prosper and may they defeat the unbidden threat yeesh yes go that way that was much better for us this way is good i think where the wormhole see the problem is even if i did find a wormhole i haven't explored any of them so i don't know where they go yeah this is better for us right oh actually if they go up and around here they can still double back just give me five 10 years please well the unbidden are absolutely rushing through the enemy if they happen to just turn towards us they are going to be here really early uh most of my fleets are already upgraded i am changing them a little bit right now but they are all using the connected weapons everything else they look weaker than they are because currently there is the storm any system with the storm active uh shields are being nullified i am also creating titans i don't normally use that many titans lastly but i want at least a few of them mixed in just to reduce the shields of the enemy that's all 20 less shields is a very big deal when it comes to the unbidden okay well i've activated the extra kinetic damage at least oh attacking losses this time oh please no more they're spreading in multiple directions they can't possibly be sending them i still don't know how they got there it must have been the shroud right i'm saying i don't really know what's there i was something i'm missing i am building a uh sentry thing but it's not done yet you you boogers the awakened empire is taking this opportunity to expand their space um i've also just done something else i didn't think of before because i'm a dumb dumb i've stopped some of these over i now have fortress proclamation on so i can upgrade the station once again as fast as i can i also have desperate measures home terrorist home territory fire rate plus 40 that's another reason why having these habitats are so important so when the station goes down the system doesn't automatically become a unbidden territory which it will normally for instance yeah because there's like worlds here they didn't instantly become a bidding when they got around there with the storm here this is actually perfect we'll get a few more kills hopefully our communications jammer was almost ready in time them down oh we're going to lose some fleets here they're about to start hitting us back yep there we go just with okay good good they don't have unlimited fleets their actual strength by the way is far higher than 1.6 mil it's because we're instantly going through their shields but just by doing that how are they i don't understand how they're getting where they get is it the hyper lines is it the hyper lines i i don't understand how they're getting if someone could tell me how they're getting where they're getting i would love to know because i'm getting really worried because if they start hitting me at multiple locations i am done for i'm so glad i have the um the mega shipyard lease so we are producing ships as fast as our economy will let us the juggernauts now in the system and we have the communication jammer which is minus 20 speed on them we're about to also get the uplink computer which increases our range as well the juggling is also increasing our range so we're going to have a drastic range increase along with a slow down effect on the enemy that should be good right and now we also have all the modifiers properly activated why didn't i have the juggernaut in the first place honestly completely forgot about it just was a little bit stressed stressed and i'll activate the shield boost once that's actually worth anything right now without shields no real point is there oh it's just the starbase weapons range increased with the um uplink stuff i mean still worth it as long as we're slowing them down and reducing their shield so the starbucks is being there that's still good after looking around thankfully it seems like are you about to well a lot of the fleets are now in the position where they're just sitting bombarding worlds they've expanded aggressively they've found worlds which they're now attacking and they're just kind of sitting there obliterating these planets so you're probably going to go to the home world there's at least one world here oh multiple okay lots of ring worlds you'll go there blitz right that and that's slowing them down significantly we thankfully and honestly the storm helped out massively would have would i have survived about the storm i honestly don't know probably not but the storm allowed us to destroy every single fleet which was going in this direction so now we have more time and now we're stacking things up properly with the juggernaut there increasing the range of our weapons by 40 we have the titans mixed in which are all set to the same thing which is reduce enemies maximum shields they all have the same thing so i want at least one of them to survive and they normally get targeted first so they're all there just with that and all of our defense systems even this one now being repaired has the anti-shield and slow down effects on the enemy these are all such big deals we then of course in the edicts have increased our ammunition we'll increase our shields before the next fight and we've also increased that damage while we're in our home territory we might make it and every year they don't attack and they do something else that's good for us i completely forgot we were spending more volatile notes because of the whole edict thing whoopsie daisy fleet well here we go no storm this time we have everything we really can have it's just hope for the best lots of shield reduction from our titans and from the station we're already headbutting them oh god we're gonna lose so many ships for the win okay that's all i wanted to say a win that's it also that enemy was like a three mil by the way before it jumped over so clearly our um our shield weakening is drastic in these systems how much is it total so it's uh 20 from that and then the titans are also giving 20 as well yeah so it's 40 shield dampening and as long as we're in our territory puts 40 fire right from us yeah i think we're gonna be okay now that we're defending against their wives even without that as long as that huge super fleet stays away from us for a while we'll be okay i think we're gonna be okay i'm keen to see the rest of the galaxy burn technology researched ah once again getting right in there we're gonna lose so many ships are going to lose oh lord how much did you just lose then i didn't check the power of the fleet of saw there was a fleet and there goes my entire defense force please have no one nearby okay that was the only one there uh near this wormhole okay you're going that way i saw that earlier okay i think i'm good for now no go the other way five jumps away our silly little weak empire is doing everything again to prepare the station is ready weak as it is i could just stay here let them fight that that's just two jumpsuits in our territory we're done oh thank you for turning i was so certain they were heading towards us they still might though we can react pretty quickly though so technology researched oh i might need to move the fleets over there no one here though right no anyone near this one no okay so we're definitely not going to be attacked over here most of them are over here like stacked up there's like several stacks of like two or three fleets over there go the other way nope that's still this is bad so for once i have a monthly try to buy as many alloys as i can per month i've been using the war forge every time i can i was so sure that flute is heading towards me okay over here is still empty no one near no where are you all going okay you're going away you are heading towards the wormhole you're going away uh nevermind fleets return back to your original location i think this is it i can't see how we win this tank for the defense platforms for oil maybe no lost fleet lost if you're a bit like there might you're leaving okay science chip under fire this is why people don't recommend investing so heavily in um fashions research station lost spaceport lost spaceport lost so are you going to do that actually being bombarded on our fortress that is very little oh no that's just for devastation yeah it's probably gonna destroy the pops fairly quickly i'm not even sending in forces right now they'd be obliterated instantly are they not affected by the ftl inhibitors on the worlds i could have sworn i have done this before with the unbidden and they were oh my god all of my pla i'm doomed oh this is the end but my only hope is just to stay back build an overwhelming force that can destroy fleets without losing anything and just hope the enemy don't go to my capital the administration is shrinking more and more where are you going are you just using my territory as like a stop to get elsewhere okay so the portal's there so at least they are gonna fight the unbidden for a while go back defend yourselves and so the third of all of the unbidden forces are here now right next to my wormhole you oh good the 8mm fleet is here to clean out the rest of my empire i just wanted to have a fun build and rely on something silly i wanted to just about defend myself but this is literally the worst enemy that could have spawned that's what happens when you uh build something first of all this what happens you don't play metro all you don't play perfectly you just have fun but then you put all your resources towards one thing which is fighting the scourge and then it isn't the scourge you fight you no chance totally no chance oh don't don't do the thing you're about to do okay so all worlds nearby need to have a uh where is it they all need to have a shield generator like right now because it does take them a long time to chew through a world so if i can stall them even further i might be able to just just hang in there a little bit longer more likely than anything i'm just going to be hurting myself and just making the pain last longer but you know we might win technology researched hmm oh well i valiant defense there but this is our home world and so this is the end our mega shipyard and regular shipyard have been destroyed well i'm not destroyed but they're now in hostile territories if i try and spawn and think it'll just die instantly our home world is being bombarded as a multiple other hostile the world has better defeat construction ship lost into the void we go and which is going to end up winning blue green or yellow orange yellow the other oh well definitely not that one yeah the yellow one's already been highlighted pretty much just the green and blue left at this point the empire was failed and now the war is between the three factions of the unbin and so the time lapse begins place your bets on which colour will win this war green yellow or blue [Music] foreign soon i will fly forever [Music] see through my mind is [Music] yes [Music] flies [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] stop it one is [Music] is [Music] so after 100 or so years i am calling the time lapse here the green has clearly won the blue portal has been removed as has the yellow portal the forces of the green is just insanely high if we take a look down here for instance we can see some of their forces attacking they are just utterly everywhere and it's causing the game to lag out something horrible but also they're just kind of moving back and forth it's going to take a very long time they are still bombarding worlds pretty much oh there's a little bit of bliss over here as well there's two systems which currently have bliss stuff and it is just just the fortresses the fortresses are taking a long time to take down because all of the population move there and they do have defenses on them that one doesn't but most of them do so there's two systems that one and this one over here but they are very rapidly being removed as is every other empire in the galaxy so well done greens you win this day i'll be back soon and we're definitely fighting the unbidden again because i'm making sure that the end game crisis we're gonna get some revenge uh by saying that though then i end up scaling towards your bid and it makes it easier the reason why they won this times go scaled versus the scourge we'll see how i feel next time tell me how you feel should i make sure the um bin spawn or keep it random and just hope that our ancient enemy fights us again the galaxy is being wiped clean and i really do hope you've enjoyed this video so until next time i defeated lathrix scurries away
Channel: Lathland
Views: 122,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NPHSy6mduAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 35sec (5195 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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