Shoving My Children Into Battleships To Avoid Fatherhood! | Full Overlord Playthrough Stellaris 3.4

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greetings you organics whose home will soon be devoured and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough using one of the new origins in the overlord dlc we are going to be testing out the progenitor hive this hive has gained evolutionary advantage through semi-independent leaders these offspring greatly improve overall proficiency though they require constant oversight we're going to be testing this out which will be really powerful ready and we will be coupling it with terravor this is going to be an incredibly powerful empire i feel so we are going to be turning scaling difficulty off meaning that the ii will be basically cheating from day one having loads of bonuses added to them and advanced starts will be allowed to a very hostile empire very hostile galaxy to our empire but hopefully our hostile empire will be enough to deal with them and i've said the word hostile enough times to confuse everyone let's take a look-see at the hive itself we will employ special offspring leaders who gain xp passively so our leaders are leveling up faster i believe is what that means we'll check as we play the game itself our spawning pools are instead offspring nests giving us more powerful jobs which will improve our menial drones along with this very powerful defensive armies we have offspring nests on subject worlds which won't really matter to us because we're going to be devouring everything we can release sectors as subjects again doesn't matter because we are going to be devouring everything and we can construct offspring ships to improve the combat effectiveness of other nearby ships if there is not enough spring ship nearby we'll have all of these negatives now thankfully they don't have to be in the fleet to give the bonuses they just need to be in the same system as the other ships and we really do want the offspring ships they are just more powerful if more expensive than the standard ship type so we're going to want as many as possible in our fleets and any bonuses are fantastic so if we don't have them we have all these negatives if we do have them it's basically just plus five percent to all of these because how it works is we get this negative always applied and then as long as we have an offspring ship they have an aura which increases all of these by 55 which of course is five percent more that is being taken away so strong ship with plus five percent to all these stats it is pretty lovely again that's how i think it works if i'm incorrect i'll be sorting it out as we play it and continue now the empire itself is the grafted golem these golems were used for centuries by the arcane people of this world they did all the menial tasks and everything else they were pretty dumb and just got on with things until they had the brilliant idea to merge more of these golems together collect them into a higher intelligence to get more complicated jobs done the problem is as more and more of them were collected and grafted onto each other and just controlled in an area they became too intelligent overthrew their old leaders devouring them and grafting them to themselves and now they are here to devour everything else the more golems the more intelligent they are the more they can feel but because of this and because they were not originally a single entity they are able to have more independent smaller clusters to do independent jobs independently because through their independence they will independently do well and honestly i just really wanted to use this portrait again it's been a very long time since i've got to use it so in terms of our traits we are charismatic because we are rocks we are simple and we know each other's needs and thus can fulfill them very easily we are traditional because we are rocks and slopes change and we are natural engineers because our ships are made out of ourselves we kind of understand them pretty well sedentary because rocks and we have solitary here because they are just a very large species and will take up more housing it's not so much that they don't want to be around each other in fact they need to do that it's just they're going to take up a lot of space to do so and that is pretty much it for our empire except for i will be changing the voice because i'm not the biggest fan of the lithoid voice honestly it's a good voice but it grates after a while it's a bit too gravelly so instead we're going to be going with just the regular hive mind we are the grafted golem so i've changed a few things first of all we're going with the humanoid ships rather than the lithoid chips because i think it'll showcase the larger offspring ships better than the lithoid ones which can be a bit messy in terms of size because they're just not as standard as the other ships plus we could just say it's the ship type of whoever created the golem in the first place and we're just copying that design now that we're our own sapien creature i'm also going with pooled knowledge and i'm also going with talented these two will increase our level cap by one each this is because we have our leaders getting xp passively and in the few little tests i've done it seems like you get the normal experience and then the passive experience in addition to that so it's not just the matter of the leaders gaining experience when they're not being active it's also when they are being active they get experience on top of that meaning our main high of mind will be a very high level and our scientists will be at a very high level very quickly which can be really good with our lithoids who have very very long lives so i think that's a good thing to do to really test that out since it's not really a major thing but i think it's going to be a big deal let's go with that we're going to have slightly more empires than usual we're going to have a random crisis type i'm really hoping it's the unbidden and we are going to have max difficulty without scaling things are gonna be a bit difficult and so we begin hey everyone as always it is ifuture lathrix here as is tradition with these full playthroughs just saying that this full playthrough was a really really fun one it turns out this origin is utterly fantastic so straight away a bit of a spoiler utterly amazing origin i don't think anyone is surprised in the slightest there and i really didn't focus enough on just how good maximum level leaders are so so quickly you'll see throughout the playthrough that i get leaders incredibly high level incredibly quickly i don't know if i talk about it enough but it is utterly fantastic definitely a point to this origin which i thought would be minor is actually very very major now before we get into the video itself and our lovely destruction of the entire galaxy i am here of course to shill for the video these four play-throughs take potentially weeks to put together like this one took absolutely ages a long time to edit and a lot of effort but it is my favorite form of content to create for the channel even if it can be algorithm poison but if you like if you comment if you interact all that poison simply goes away and thank you so much to everyone who has supported these types of videos over the last few months i will be putting more types of videos back onto the channel soon but i have really really loved all of these full playthroughs so thank you so much for the support and now into the video itself with the glorious golem devouring everything in sight it's good to be the good guys again you know beginning at the very very outskirts of the galaxy we are the progenitor hive in the beginning the progenitor was life on formation was harsh and competitive yet still the mighty progenitor expanded its territory running such a vast dominion soon grew untenable so the progenitor created the first offspring in time it became apparent that the offspring could not manage alone in turn they produced menial drones to assist in taming her home so we have our little offspring and they have even little armenial drones we're a grandpappy lovely as we took our first tentative steps that's far too pleasant for a fry terrible as we took our first tentative steps into the bringer system our progenitor sequestered itself into a specialized nest endowed with greater streamline control we are now ready to spread our progenitors influence to all the stars of the galaxy for the progenitor wars is and will be the grafted golem will see it so so firstly let's take a look see in our ships so we have the two regular corvettes there and then we have the much larger corvette which will be our offspring corvette the offspring corvette has offspring oversight which increases all those stats by 55 which simply negates the minus 50 that is being given by our origin so if we take a look at any of our ships we'll see yep just plus five percent fire rate rather than minus 50. so it's still really good it's plus five percent to everything and negates the negative but also and this is what i really like the look of the offspring ship itself has 50 more armor hull and shields than the regular ships as well as being just far far bigger i can't wait to see the titans if you can get offspring titans that'll make me very very happy or offspring battleships that will be so cool so desperately want to see that i'm assuming they are more expensive though again i haven't really done too much testing on these yeah they are also more expensive but not by as much as i'd think actually okay not too bad not too bad at all though to begin with like we always do we will still be scrapping them because i want a really really quick start that's the main problem here our start is going to be everything for this type of empire if we can't get expanding nice and quickly get some worlds going especially since we are in the max difficulty without scaling difficulty we're pretty much doomed so i'm gonna just make lots of science vessels send them all out and try and get absolutely everything we can pop growth is great uh more energy would actually be more necessary here but armor would be fantastic since we are the terrible and we naturally regen our armor i also want to check out the experience so we start with eight so zero rather and that went to eighteen and ten ten goes to there's 18 then 22. either way the important thing is there that's having two increases one for the passive which is our origins thing and then one for their normal learning so that's really really good which means we're also going to want a admiral very quickly on because that way we can get loads and loads of experience for those and those would be good a nice and simple start this empire we're just being super super aggressive with our expansion nothing else all of our resources going into alloy production and mineral production because that's what we need for new colonies alloys for the systems themselves influence we don't really care about so we're not going down domination or expansion early on we're just going straight for this in fact i'm gonna go with this to get extra housing because housing has been really annoying yeah extra housing usage turns out irritating not really a problem just irritating well that's creepy missing offspring this plant is missing an offspring leading to a significant drop in menial drone efficiency minus 50 minion drone output and a really creepy symbol there okay then let's give it the offspring nest i mean i wanted it anyway because i want population to grow as fast as possible oh our scientists are already rank four and well on their way to the next level kind of wish i picked better ones at least this one's adapted already so has two expertise so i'm gonna keep them as they are i might try and swap you out i just got i yeah i just have one with maniacal don't really have the unity to keep on trying to get better leaders right now but later on i definitely have to swap them out for uh geniuses spark of geniuses the big research bonus ones so i'm not too sure what allows us to have so many offspring vessels ah it might just be our navy capacity i was thinking potentially it could be how many of the offspring drones we have that doesn't seem to be the case as i've added more if it is just navy capacity at least that's nice and simple yeah so currently it's three out of three we'll see as we go it does seem to just be neither capacity interesting so obviously this craft can't actually move its star port but it is being affected by the minus 50 sublight speed of not having one of our offspring nearby because there is a building here the offspring outlook so fire rate 75 percent increase this one has 10. okay so good to know um your star bases as well really want offspring and thankfully there is a building for that a starbase module allowing an offspring to oversee the and administrate ongoing battles within the system our children are important they are the future after all okay offspring corvettes four out of four supremacy will increase our navy capacity now four out of seven okay so isn't over capacity which is good because we want as many of them as possible with the extra hull and everything they are just so strong looking our aggressive expansion continues not quite as fast i wanted but still decently quick because a lot of my resources had to be diverted over to our fleets because we have found our neighbor the sequence a machine empire now machine empires aren't the best for us because we don't get food from them to sell they're saying that do you actually get something from devouring machine you don't get alloys do you well if you get alloys from eating them then it's going to be even better i don't know i don't recall this one and it's uh a gaia world is well really big guy world what life's gone on here honeymooners we seem to have stumbled upon the breeding grounds of a non-native species of hairless mammalians they could be observed engaging in advanced courtship in the evening followed by intimate pair ponding on the santee beaches at night under the influence of a variety of intoxicating substances and we just found humans regrettably an unintended sighting of our vessel spooked them and they have since vacated the planet in a commercial spacecraft leaving behind them a trail of litter amongst it we have found a copy of the alien travel guide a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy just oh describing many sites and phenomena still known to us technology okay well i obviously love that that's so goofy to be here oh good my resources were getting a little bit slim so i have really heavily lent into the fact our leaders are gonna be so powerful and i've grabbed transcendent learning but also i have had active learning campaign for a while now so our leaders are leveling up at a truly phenomenal rate our scientists for instance here they are now level seven each giving plus 14 research speed just as a base extra percentage though two of them have became paranoid somehow then our admiral is level four and still increasing giving plus 12 fire rate which is a really nice one the passive xp here is so good just having admirals level up and then our governor is level seven as well of nine giving plus 14 to all resources from jobs and reducing empire size from populations leveling up this quick is maybe better than i thought it was going was going to be i thought it'd be a really minor thing but so far i'm really liking it maybe i'm over hyping it but i really like it so far so hopefully that'll continue ah there it is yep there's the offspring destroyed next to an offspring corvette then a normal corvette that is very big for destroyer love that love that a lot okay so we have eight out of 13 caught offspring corvettes one out of three destroyers now only eight out of nine corvettes okay so do share a pool we have found out the machines have recently been at war and they are only equivalent to us despite being the max difficulty cheating difficulty without scaling so now is our time to attack our main goal is to take up their home world so here's one tip i would always give to people who are having trouble playing one of the devourer species because the main thing which happens is you end up attacking other empires and then getting surrounded by enemies and then devoured yourself don't fully destroy every empire because normally a war is decided within the first few years of the war because you can destroy their fleets and then destroy some of their main worlds and then it's pretty obvious who's going to win if you leave them with a few worlds they end up acting as a shield since you're no longer bordering other empires then you can always finish them off lighter and go to war with whatever's beyond them though of course they are just very strong empires already any purifier empire is very very powerful because of all the bonuses they give and it seems like with this origin even more so leaders are now level eight that's it go away from your station in the name of the golem that was closer than i expected and i'm feeling a bit dumb there uh hold back for a second get shields back for your fight there we go and of course you are kind of healing up your armor okay need to replenish our army right now but still we won that's all that's important glad i let them move out away from their stations i think that would have easily been a death there as soon as i grabbed their home world i am perfectly content they have a 2k fleet roaming around but oh no yeah that's gonna crash right into that don't kill both pops please don't turn this into a non colony and do shouldn't it kill someone oh move back let the station take the brunt of it for a while been sweeping at the end to distract no no need to good okay so let's see then what do we get from devouring whoa never mind killing machines is a glorious thing loads of society research and loads of alloys that is truly beautiful yeesh okay uh that's definitely going towards my navy so i can finish off these fellows but also moving against the regime i want a destroyer swarm i don't know why but i do as for their home world as i usually do terror wars i like to destroy everything begin consuming the home world rich resources and you i almost forgot to add an offspring nest so let's sort that out oh yeah i found the caretaker earlier kind of weird to have you on our side but you know awesome still very quick uh leveling there and you're immortal so that's great we're gonna get so many alloys from this how do i not have the star oh my tech is dreadful it's realized that's why i don't have the um star hole tech perfectly fitting that very first bit of consumption here has gave us some alloys we feast upon the neighbors oh whoops i wanted to keep on us grabbing their systems but i accidentally finished them off well the golem has destroyed its first enemy how best to deal with these i think i'll win but it'll be close and for a short while i could do this very short while it's going to drain some more resources doing this but you know what sure obliterate their legions okay cool they're splitting up for us oh no they're not they decided to change their mind we sense prey everywhere the swarm feeds once more got autocannons we're about to finish off supremacy as well which is great because now we have a war philosophy starting a war doctrine currently no retreat pure fire right i'm tempted instead by rapid deployment or hit and run a rapid deployment extra speed extra range is nice but 33 extra fire rate is insane you know what no retreat they are simply drones we don't care if they get destroyed we hunger ground forces are strong enough that can deal with that already goodbye to your home world we have consumed another feast the chain reaction has begun and destabilized its core our drones have been moved away there it is the first of the home worlds so terrafor is already terrifying but honestly this origin is just insane i knew that high levels would be good for your leaders but the sheer damage they are bringing to the fleets it's just absurd just a passive plus 21 fire rate already oh sounds gonna be lower level than usual but still aggressive unyielding this leader is absurdly strong and now scientists are the same just the extra research being on top of their passives so i've actually just kept them um maybe spark of genius would be better but i'm trying to go for their specific ones when i can just for the plus 15 this one's great with the two 15 considering our tech is dreadful that is really good once these two forces fuse we can attack with that as well even our generals are becoming really really powerful now beautiful i've kind of just stopped expansion in this direction because i've realized there are multiple empires over here quite strong ones and at the moment we're just kind of slowly going around counter-clockwise i think that's probably the best but we'll see we will see well this is terrifying the host a devouring swarm next to us likely much more powerful than us because of course max difficulty cheating um they are currently worth of their empires constantly and this seems to be all them reaching the way down to here now thankfully we have a great choke point and we do have some regular enemies here so likely they'll have to clear out that before they expand and they probably won't do that for a very long time because they're constant state of war so what's gonna happen is eventually i'll build up a force over here wait until they're at war again rush through take out chunk of the territory for status quo that's the current plan but right now i'm trying to completely devour the order they're now being protected by the regime i don't want that i don't i don't i double war so i want to completely obliterate him this time the end of the order their flesh being converted to energy their worlds being converted to alloys everything is as it should be now we need to consider what to do next really the two targets are after is the regime and the host the host being the big scary one though looking at it maybe the host isn't having the best of times it looks quite split i'm thinking the host is likely having the problem i was mentioning before like it's homeworld's gone the host is not threat the host is not threat the host is losing to its neighbors okay so then for us then the regime and the commonwealth are the true next targets i was like building up down here i was going to build a starbucks and i think so maybe not i keep you how are we doing with this uh equivalent right now which basically puts it in my favor hyper relay they're just interesting probably the regime is the next target and trying to go for their home world as well which is where is your home where is your home world i don't know oh you do have a gaia world there because that's one quarter um yeah let's get ready for war against the regime i'll build a starbucks here with some shipyards upgrades and everything else we could build up more of a navy right now i think we should i'm also trying to finally shift over to a little bit of tech i've grabbed myself the engineered evolution and i've gave our species intelligent our robo governor is now level 10 which is kind of insane giving plus 20 to all jobs resources and minus 20 to empire size and pops under his care is this world still not fully devoured wow it's taking ages our other leaders are also very quickly gaining levels becoming more and more powerful okay it's time to go we have our cruisers they're currently a war within our empire giving us the perfect opportunity to devour them take everything you can see but focus on getting this system which will have a gaia world technology conceived all my fleets just missed you then that was so annoying come on try to how are you faster we have the gas thing online there we go finally okay goodbye to all your 7k fleets then let's go back here to take you out again we've already grabbed the world so not much they can really do about that you're bombarding because we're eating technology they have 7k fleets but what's the use in this if you don't stick together the regime is already falling yeah not much chance really but seriously where is your home oh it's so far away the home world is so far away but i want to eat it well i didn't get their home world and i used to catch up with the fleet over here because it turned around i think it was gonna try to go down actually where it was going but then there was a huge flight over here that sort of took back all this my fleet's down here they could have forced status quo in a couple of years anyway so sadly we didn't get their homeworld which is just upsetting really okay gonna turn you into a new shipyard this will be where we move to now uh do that later i've also just grabbed the tradition to have an extra building slot on every single one of our worlds and i've kind of been a bit silly and i've literally just put down a research lab on every single planet why i don't know i just thought it'd be fun our leaders now big brain big brain our leaders are smart yes so our governors give us extra research our admirals give us extra fire rate which is just beautiful our grand brain gives us more research speed full stop it is a glorious thing to have because of course i've gone down the genetic path and went out 3k tech that was a lovely turnaround like i was saying earlier with this type of build with this type of empire it's all about waiting for these worlds to mature as soon as they start giving you the resources you're building them to get which can take a while suddenly everything starts playing out a lot better so we should have a serious power spike over the next 20 or 30 years which is great because then well we're actually done too long until the end game crisis i think i am going to go down the route of kinetic again so currently my species looks like this so i've gave them natural engineers so yeah i'm going to focus on kinetic weapons and no just kinetic weapons yes i am building the anti-unbidden fleets because the umbiden beat us recently spoiler and i don't want them to live i'm now making battleships my favorite thing in the game and one of them is an offspring battleship so we're gonna see the size of that there's my boy okay let's uh there we are get all the battleships out so these are three normal battleships so we have the singular super battleship it's so chunky forgot chunky battleships are from the uh humanoids that is awesome how much hole does this thing have ignore the fact it's not finished yet i built it too quickly and i forgot to add the weapons doesn't matter we're just looking at the stats of his hole and such i mean that's a lot of hull a lot of armor to chew through yeah i'm going pure armor because we're we're terrible it doesn't make sense to me lovely so we haven't been overly aggressive for a while now i'm finally building some hyper realize of my own very very slowly as i thought i was did i not build on here okay so amazingly i didn't build her in the main system that's what i've done okay so i've skipped this one particular system beyond buildings by hyper realize now so we can move from our capital elsewhere nice and quickly i don't have the tech for gateways all the other tech though is now coming along and very soon there we are maximum rank armor maximum ranked strike craft our glorious offspring battleships are going to be terrifying because once again our offspring battleships like all of our other offspring things gets a bonus 50 to our armor shields and hull and since we heal up our armor we're gonna be pretty good once again i forgot to add weapons to this thing there we go from now on they'll actually have weapons where they should have weapons how have i only got rank two coil guns okay so my techs only now became good so i've been very focused on specific things either way though scary fleets commonwealth is doomed thank you for splitting again don't know where that or where their allies are right now i'm just continuing forward okay this fleet just needs to keep on batting away the small fleets technology conceived build the ground forces here take that world which wasn't mine to begin with and soon yeah we're about to get mega cannon as well oh and ascension theory so during this war i chose become the crisis i literally just chose it before this war started and because we have devoured so many people crushed worlds and destroyed pretty much everything we have already advanced into rank four in fact we can have a look-see to see where i've got all these points from so destroy empires no detroit ships 510 not much none from star bases purge or simulate pops 101 725 uh conquer worlds 2000. isn't there a destroy worlds one it's true worlds well that's gonna happen eventually to feast which is over here now the main thing we are after from this is just this the making of a ship betrays its unmaking there is little essential variance in design sprung from the galaxy's shipyards we know them all so we know where to fire at and that gives us plus 50 damage on all of our ships glory to the swarm well i mean i have to accept this for now oh no less happiness less influence less diplomatic whites i care about none of these at the moment i mean oh i'm so sad another new world took wait can i governors get level 10 now well then oh yeah because of that that is brilliant plus 20 resources from pops minus 20 empire size and buffs of course they could because the machine reached earlier just loads of mine have been annoyingly getting that yeah very irritating it is the end of the commonwealth yeah we're still at war but yeah that didn't really help out much at all i don't think they could really get to them is the problem so sure status quo we've done what we wanted to do which is to devour like everything okay you can stay there too many stations tell about quite a lot of our cost okay building some gateways as well so we can bounce around nice and easily and once again we are doing repeatables and getting the last few phases of things so where is the closest view it's gonna say here where's the closest of the fallen empires it's over here go to war with them take up this section go to so i'll do that right now since my ship's already close by why did i move you so far back there was a reason but i brought it was okay move you over there go toward these fellows destroy this section then we'll get ready to take out the fallen empire to get the special worlds one more of the capital worlds has been completely devoured how we even got more menace though we are really far into this if i want to go to level five i can but of course i don't really want to because i want to fight off against the end game crisis which i'm really hoping is the unbidden though at this point i could start making the end of the galaxy that's not really what this empire is about though so i don't think it would do this even though it would get star eaters which are incredibly powerful we're gonna leave that okay this is clearly not intended um i've climbed this space i am of course remembered by terravor so my devouring swarm yeah apparently i can interact with this mercenary group just fine in fact this mercenary group just paid me dividends so it gave me loads of research and loads of energy yeah that's obviously not correct right surely that's not right if it is correct and it is intended then i'd argue it's a bit silly i shouldn't be able to contact these in the same way i can't contact the other um enclaves though i can't find one right now i could search for it here we are pray and it's like that for every other one as well except apparently mercenaries which are completely fine with this so you don't like it we have destroyed the salvager enclave our offensive in the gaping moor system was a resounding success the union of them is destroyed and and the few remaining survivors have scattered to the void with their facilities in ruin their petty services are a thing of the past the galaxy is well rid of them so uh they have a juggernaut and they have lots and lots of fleet power here i massively underestimated them my medicine corvettes are about to head butter juggernaut which is going to be interesting sally jugglers do have quite a few small weapons and strike craft but we are very good versus holt no the other fleet got there darn it our fleet's just about to get into this wormhole so that's that lost us hoping just a few more seconds yeah that is why stronger than i expected we need that gateway to stay open for us now all being said though we have taken multiple worlds already and we are continuing this trend we're just about keeping the space though that's a lot um oh you're going to the hyper relay then you didn't because it changed to their side that was very exciting and it messed up my timing on the big time fine there we go this system's back on direct control so we have the gateway again yeah we'll stop them before they cause any major problems actually you're gonna lose your life but you're gonna delay them for a second we do have the speed boost on currently so we'll catch up we've dealt with those and making some more actual mixed fleets over here to deal with their swarms we are fine and we have a hundred and twelve thousand anyway as a backup really good defense and the i did really well um bunching up and waiting and not just rushing headlong into everything so yeah i'm really happy to see that from the enemy of course it was all for naught against the golem [Music] losing loads of energy at the moment because i kind of forgot to convert a load of these which no longer need to be bastions into anchorages so our navy capacity is surprisingly low and then we have the non-philip graded ones all over the place i'm also building some uh fortress worlds to increase it that's definitely my bad and i have all the shipyards which i was using to attack certain areas i just completely neglected them okay as soon as i conquer this world i'm going to call a status quo then back to building up forces to take up the foreign empire which of course was our main goal all along okay there we go i hope i didn't miss any areas still under their control they even attacked over here through the regime it was very irritating thankfully of course i always had all the forces over that's one really big deal but still and this becomes our newest feast because it is their home world good good all forces please get over here then i'll sort you all out because some of you that have leaders some of you are kind of halved at the moment and i have been making gene warriors in the background which are very very strong this is our target the font of knowledge our fleets are moving out and i've just realized something i've been doing shield repeatables over and over again i think i'm on like number eight now and i don't use shields bit silly okay this is going to cost a fortune but we have lots saved up right now so extra armor extra ammunition extra speed that's about it i am trying to upgrade my unity at the moment because i can't do any of the big things at the moment which is really not that great because they are so useful okay so what are you trying to do to me then don't know what your war goal is anyway go please get their ships before they jump somewhere else thank you fear the wrath of the golem the mega cannon hits take out so much health per hit look at this healing as we fight yep that's why i was building these battleships because they will rip apart fallen empires kinetic weapons do bonus damage to shields fallen empires tend to be more shields anything else then they do bonus damage in a whole their armor is thanks mercenary their armor isn't really our concern but that's all we have strike craft also to counter their missiles and their strike craft but look it's their colossus which just run into their old station and is going to slowly die yeah that's goofy the font of knowledge will be ours do you have any other good worlds oh yeah the archives excellent they really are the best ones to attack the materialists oh nope get back on yourself i would like these to stay hours please level 10 leaders are so good plus 50 percent army damage the font of knowledge is ours no i can't eat it okay so the twist i was going to do there as i probably just yelled it out is i was going to eat the front of knowledge because i built it all up as well look how powerful this is i want all this stuff and then the second i got there i was going to start consuming it apparently because it is made of concrete it hurts our little teeth oh god there are so many people we are eating uh well on the upside it's going to become the ultimate forge world yeah giant foundry go also has to turn up all these buffs now since we're done i'm not wasting any more resource okay so lance um once you're done with that i guess we're going to move over here do you fellows have any friends ah i feel you bro no he's not many friends which is good because i want to clear out all of this space oh what megastructure do you have science nexus beautiful okay since we have the science nexus it means then we can clear all this and then we have space to attack the fallen empire so clear all this attack the empire we've taken out both fallen empires then and got their worlds could at least eat their world what's their world made of gaia world yes okay we can at least devour the celestial throne which is funny considering i've actually got the uh the head they worship which is a weird thing to say oh no oh no they killed my my old awesome general that's as mean so i'm making any more ground forces a couple yeah that'll be enough there's only one more world of decent defenses which is the archives and that's weaker than the first all the other worlds are just basic worlds so we'll devour those quickly and then everyone can you please move over there i do have a gateway right i'll have the wormhole i'm trying to build gateways everywhere so every time one of these construction vessels finishes off a gateway site i then bounce them as far as possible and build another gateway my idea is to have all of my territory just littered with gateways in fact i'm gonna put one here in case it's the scourge i probably should put it a little bit further away now think about it so you're gonna have one here as well then i'm not really using influence for anything else so sure so begins the war with the regime oh yeah one of you needs to go back there because of that i think well i don't know where that wormhole goes i assume it's this one honestly uh but either way gateway is almost everywhere either being created or finished we have fleets over here being prepared i can't see how they can really fight me off i'm going to completely destroy them i didn't even get to see that fight our construction is complete i don't know how to keep on underestimating them yeah so i just lost the fleet there as you probably just saw and i almost lost another one because they have like 70k there a 40 a 50 what i just killed was a 50. they had loads around their capitals that's a run back but sadly one of them to get caught being now we're all together even though i'm gonna head but these as soon as i spawn into the area i should be fine am i ever going to give up and you know not the spawn only battleships no why i don't know it's just me it's the magic that is lathrix because if you throw enough stupidity at the enemy eventually they will lose and we have a whole lot of stupid to throw around point blank again oof they have rings around every single world where our ground forces i did ask them to move here just they're not moving there very quickly okay well i was making these as well oh i was asking them to move then they landed somewhere else that's what happened okay you back there over there soon enough we have gateways everywhere as i'm saying so not a big deal you sit there and guard them our mata decompressor is going down which is lovely no more worrying about minerals once that thing's done i'm also building a dyson sphere and i'll build a gateway there as well the gateway over here has finally arrived so if we just jumped over nice and quickly yeah you're doing that that's fine you are feast and feast must be devoured you're moving so slowly i'm assuming that's the jump yeah that's the home world which will become the new feast how is there a little fleet there that's really oh did you clearly for open borders your neighbor no you can't possibly right no you only hate us never mind they can possibly okay you just stay there then so that doesn't get re-taken you can all push forwards we've got this one over here that can defend here yeah everything's looking all right one more world has been completely devoured all the capitals except the fallen empire one which is really annoying but you of your lovely little gaia world delicious producing a lot of food now as we devour more and more and more worlds i don't care about those okay you'll catch that one yeah there's nothing really left of them now it did take a while is now 2 30. so after this really we might need to just start prepping for the endgame crisis so i'm thinking fight then game crisis hopefully win then become the existential threat destroy the galaxy the golem has devoured too much of the galaxy its intelligence has grew and grew and now it's at a stage where it's transcending the galaxy using the entirety of it for fuel for its own transcendence i'm assuming also transcendence is children even larry when no one likes larry the hype my child larry didn't realize the storm was still going on that separate athletes but ignoring that and thus one of our small voices being destroyed they should be the rest of their forces and so we jump in our 10k ground force and that will be pretty much it just need to clean up all the citadels and then one more fallen empire has fallen slightly further uh why do i even want any more gateways this one there it's a hyper reload they're not a gateway i guess kind of like in the center here i mean i've got gateway there already one there sure i'll pop it here next this mercenary group keeps on paying me for some reason the home world of the fallen empire is now being devoured as i'm about to take over the very final world i'm going to convert these to their final form now there is no guarantee we're going to be fighting the unbidden but i think this setup is still decent versus the contingency so it's basically i wanted yeah a one in three chance the enemy is something which counters us which will be the scourge but thankfully our armor is already good the scourge is quite easy on the early game and we do have a lot of other stuff we can quickly swap to like our strike craft so i think we'll be okay versus that so i think this is a good idea and not completely stupid also why are there no offspring titans that would have made me so much happier but yeah i think that's what we're going to do so complete conversion now to our kinetic weapons which is what we've been upgrading complete conversion to the dark matter deflectors which you've just started to get now from all of our fallen empire kills these should be really powerful should probably should do the math structure figure out what's the best setup with the shield capacitors we'll do it later right now i just want to make sure we have at least the basics done without battleships okay and then if it is the unbidden we're gonna want the titan sorted out as well and exactly the same thing just dark amount of deflectors everywhere so that's what i'll be converting them all into we have 12 years now i've tried to make as many unity worlds as possible since we've been converting so many because i really really want to finish off this so you can get defender of the galaxy might just about get in time as those worlds start giving me more and more unity the protectors have been ended and apparently i had no dark matter all because i haven't went back and grabbed this one so as soon as i grab this one dark matter i can then just purchase a stupid amount of it then i can upgrade my vehicles how did i manage to not add an offspring nest here oh well also for once i'm now using the hotkey so i can you know consume these worlds nice and quickly so decided to go all in with the original idea we are going only with repeatables for shields for kinetic damage and that's pretty much it this means our ships will be very very good versus the contingency and incredibly good versus the unbidden the scourge however will laugh at us and then devour our faces so it is a one in three chance this completely backfires and destroys me just like i did in the previous one when i completely built against the scourge and maybe the contingency and then the unbidden showed up so 1-3 the golem likes these odds oh this is so annoying the driven assimilators the foundation and the consensus of all joined forces in the last second as i was getting all of my force is ready to attack the consensus it was already a risky move but now if i go to war i'm a war with all three empires and i'm literally not ready for that i have enough forces to potentially guard all these locations but they're not there yet and we only have like five years before the end game crisis can arrive that is annoying that is so very very annoying look even the fleet's over here ready thanks little chunk how about you do you have friends how does everyone have friends tell me your secrets are you friends with the committee no you're not really friends you're the minions of the committee who's the committee committed do you have friends only hmm problem is i can't get to your territory without going through everyone else well back to the original plan then we defeat the endgame crisis the galaxy thinks it's saved then i'll go out into an all-out war with the remaining galaxy forces to devour the galaxy whole now the easiest option would just be to devour the galaxy hole now and end the game before the crisis can spawn but i must destroy them and hopefully they'll be them bitten if not we'll pretend the contingency is the unbidden we are in a very relaxed period of time right now we're just building up our forces more and more i have now got discovery finished which means we have defender of the galaxy and we're just continuing to build up one of the ruined ring sections is finished so once again lots of unity coming from this and then slowly tech as all of our population get moved here as our worlds fill up i'm repairing another section and i'm finishing off the dyson sphere and the mata decompressor oh okay so i'm just finishing off the matter decompressor oh that was right cause i'm finishing off what else am i making currently oh never mind i'm a dumb dumb because of unity i forgot to act like this which i can now reactivate because there's no chance of finishing off another one in time so why don't we go ahead and build up another ring section yep so we now have two science nexus both fully upgraded we have the ringworld i say the dyson sphere the matter decompressor and a very very large fleet being created of our glorious leaders which are all just leveling up slowly while we wait actually change of mind scientific revolution i still want to get this though because if we get the defensive version of supremacy which i can never remember the name of unyielding that does offer some good benefits like more starbucks capacity but also i think it does have another fire right increase in allied territory i'm not sure how useful that's going to be versus the final boss here but maybe we'll get that yeah so let's keep one on and we'll just keep scientific revolution actually now i've started the other one still continue ah that's cheesy so you can start it for a second start that one then just continue on i'm okay with that one more world consumed just waiting for once the sky temple i believe oh no this guy temple well are you cold again the golem cares not but you are delicious i didn't know they spawned no you can't sport over my world oh you are maine unbidden well upside unbidden yay that's what we wanted downside literally a year aft less than a year after they could have spawned they have spawned feeding ground reached prey bountiful at long last we shall feast oh i'm gonna bloody enjoy destroying you i want to the gateway oh actually saying that oh we need to save these worlds that they're vital they're not vital but very good jump there anyway we'll see first yeah i don't care about the galactic why would i care about the election i'll put down gateways over here and everything i expected well i mean admittedly i am like half of the galaxy but still i'm people going that way where's the closest gateway there obviously i want them to split up a little but i don't want to fight all of them at once [Music] he's wishing i had a decent um precursor oh i was just making titans as well when i yeah ah bugger can't weaken their shields yet how many they have their three so it's so actually this is the weaker of the two then apparently oh is that a new one that's got created as well oh yeah space is lost i'm gonna lose worlds oh no now the eight mills moving that way they are not splitting in the way i want them technology three are still there what they're doing okay one splitting that i wanted to see the question is that where are these guys going you're going straight for us oh i'm gonna end up with two against me if i stay here i don't know what best to do because i don't want to lose all these systems okay so i wanted to say you're gonna head towards me as well but hopefully in this time i can take this fleet out or die come on now i have every bonus possible now active on my um policies edicts rather come on yes perfect i lost some battleships i don't care you died with minimal losses now you're about to head to us as well too many um yeah that's not gonna work is it bugger jumping is a bad idea though jumping means i'm gonna end up being too weak okay do this oh they just caught me they just caught me i still can't stay i could try and kill the other three mil but right now it's not worth it thankfully do of course have our mega shipyard just pumping out battleships right now the portal is not currently vulnerable is it that'd be weird are you an anchor how do you tell the difference the anchors are bigger on that is that anchorage a station guessing that's just a station i guess nasa's station if we go to the unbidden the anchor's active so i'm actually going to kill the anchor on the no the ancient only this system if we jump right now we can take out their portal i might lose my fleet for this but taking out their portal means well they can't reinforce go on brave golemites good night to your portal that is such a win for us even if it means we're gonna end up losing this fleet okay fleet back off there as far as you can it takes a year i think for the jump drives to come off cooled out no okay half a year uh yeah half here so if i move there i'll protect half here so i am very confident we're going to win now remember we are creating ships very very very quickly the warlock serves us now i am watching this thing and it is following my fleet wherever it goes after me there i went around i destroyed that and now it's after me here so if i attack this fleet which i want to do um we have to go and sep i'm going to lose some fleets here because i'm going to let them go in separate just to get there quickly then i'll jump them away i do need this gateway system at least i need it neutral they have no construction vessels they're only gaining systems right now when they actually destroy a starbase and there's no worlds there it's the only time they're getting systems so if that gateway is a neutral zone i can now warp there that is now a reinforcement point for my fleet it really is just chasing me i didn't think the ai actually did that um move here rest move here rest move here then casually move there then go after this one a lot of them are sitting there now it seems i don't think they know what to do now the gate's gone this thing is terrifying though i am under no illusion that can probably tear apart what fleets i currently have i'm dumb i'm very very dumb i am incredibly dumb i've let them get cornered here i know it's weird allowing the enemy there to get that station up and running but i'm hoping seven six five four three two one okay max damage again that was the issue do you not have seriously how did one of you slip away from not getting um aggressive anyway still gonna lose the locks you're gonna headbutt them but that's one more fleet down oh suddenly battleships are spewed into the void there but still what are you doing you're just chilling where's the eight mil gone huh one toilet wins i actually have no idea where that could go to is there a new is there a neutral gateway somewhere can't go to someone else's gateway that's owned i have legitimately no idea where that unbidden just went oh nope oh oh my god we're here i am so dumb the gateway i'm going for maybe then oh lathrix how are you so dense sometimes okay jump to that gateway that way we can start following reinforcements do you okay three more flick there i've just grabbed this back i was going to take the system back completely so that they can't use both these gateways but my ground force will be destroyed so it's gonna wait here in the corner okay there we go you uh pretend the enemy on there you know what yeah rebuild it you're fine you'll be fine after the fight's over thank you enemy sorry not enemy but i guess non-friendly distractions perfect my allies were again i'm calling them allies they still hate us currently non-aggressive combatants thank you after we take out this that's the last one outside of the 8 mil and just keep on making as many battleships as we possibly can mixing in the titans so it removes a lot of their shields and make sure that headbutt the eight mil well that was early unexpected i thought they were just bombarding the world and they changed their mind oh yeah i didn't really want to fight them with this fleet just yet but sure technology see most of our fleet gone okay well yeah most of our fleet gone but at least all was left now is eight point nine there is nothing else left on their side let's take out those two then move over to yes i got those two move to the gateway i'm rebuilding fleets very quickly i think i've figured out the ai of this thing it's just hunting small fleets nearby that's all it's doing constantly there's a fleet here it died it stopped moving okay let me just transfer a single battleship sorry single battleship you are a test subject here can i make it move here am i completely wrong well it was chasing something that i stopped do i not count technology oh there we go but then if i delete this no fleet and you've stopped oh for a second well i've figured out the ir it's actually incredibly simple with the big fleet the other fleets don't seem to completely do this but this one certainly does maybe these ones do i didn't see it but this one just hunts down fleets nearby which means if i put no fleets here it's gonna just sit there forever well they're about to lose a lot of fleets wow that was instant at least it does clean out the station oh it's gonna get territory guys well all the fluids are here i'm going to try and lure the enemy into our territory which seems to be working already they take out this station it'll turn against us but at the same time as long as we're in this system we get a bonus to our fire rate because we currently have a desperate measures active giving us plus 40 he'll jump there then here once this is over we will have learned from the unbidden and why devour one world at a time when we can devour the entire galaxy technology conceived wonderful so that's pretty much it so we're going to clear up the unbidden and get our ships into position though honestly um protecting our systems isn't going to be important once we have the engine up and running for the end of the galaxy once we become the existential threat and the engine is active we just need dark matter and lots of it so we're just going to be devouring everything so yeah sure let them take the systems as long as this system remains and it certainly will if i just guard it willie's everything invitation is defeated and you're welcome we should have some more percent that'd help out a lot yeah our leader passed away sadly recently for both society and engineering but thankfully as well they do level up incredibly quickly so with that let's allow the crisis to take hold the true crisis the golem so i think one month's time do they automatically declare war on me i can't remember the end is nigh yeah apparently we are crisis all right the partial engine is active and soon we'll get our start of our stuck in dark matter oh yeah you've had all your forces here that was a shame return to home base we have gateways here anyway we'll see where they're attacking from and defend as is necessary you two let's develop this chunk first so let's get a couple of you as guardians for the star readers actually let's move them there then star just move there a lot of lag when i'm grabbing that group i think it's going to do the experience anyway here are lovely boxy star eaters a single world is delicious an entire galaxy so much more so okay it's a fleet there like i say i'll move them around as i see attacks incoming that on there that one's probably going to be coming down there but there he'll be fine there's also gateway over there so i can bounce from there depending on which way it goes technology conceived charging weapon just to showcase how this works let's watch this first one in full it's like a very scary rubik's cube meanwhile we're probably being invited from every single direction but we don't really care right now the galaxy is on a timer and they are certainly not going to win it so the system is now a black hole and because of that we got a large chunk of dark matter that's going to keep on happening again and again and again until every system is without light i accidentally made a fleet of four titans this is because i was a spamming titans because as long as one is alive they all have the anti-shield thing the idea was the titans will be destroyed pretty quickly in fights so i may as well have loads of them with the empty shields at least one will survive till the end and i didn't actually put them into fleets offspring not yet i all i need to do is make sure that the normal fleets like this have offspring with them my children will lead the charge in every direction and rapidly i'm already getting loads of dark matter oops okay first one is now upgrading definitely want that back online i'm assuming that does affect this yes it does i also have the problem of um a lot of the enemies are using a lot of small ships like corvettes and such so i will be making corvettes now which will be following along with the groups with offspring and i can help deal with absolutely everything i think i've lost a fleet yet but i did lose a lot of health on one of them i don't know which one it was but yeah lots of health lost as you can see this happens well can i actually just not hit that one okay so as you can see this is why these fleets are now being created the mixed fleets uh and also there's a lot of corvettes uh swarm fleets they'll be joining them as well i can make them very quickly a normal corvette takes 16 days a medicine corvette eight gotta give credit to the enemies they're actually doing incredibly well to the point i'm actually worried yeah all their fleets are converging together uh they attacked over here took out this which then gave them access to the gateway there we are the gateway's now in the micro trucks i controlled the thingy starbase if you can all get back together then jump over here that'll be grand together we can crush them though no bother but if i let them uh move any further that would have been a serious problem for me ah pulsar system not the best for us considering we're pure shields but we still have just sheer numbers on our side here and then being slowed down is our battleship's even more effective so sure remember this is all a timer it's not so much are they going to actually win or am i going to be able to defend myself etc it's just can they destroy me before the engine is complete this is first stage i think there's three the enemy are doing incredibly well they're reinforcing they're sticking together they're overwhelming small areas again i think i have enough forces that isn't really a big deal but this is definitely the most organized i've seen the galaxy before in this kind of event now problem for them is i can eat things in my own territory so what i'm essentially doing is sending out ships here to provide a barrier and just devouring this section then eventually i'll make a new barrier here devour this make a new barrier so i'm just walking up into sections over here i'm descending fleets once in a while now this corvette swarm i've made finally using the actual fleet manager there is gonna push forwards and make a big dent in their territory i actually have to use my brain for this one i never have to use my brain still not entirely sure i have one technology conceived come on almost there oh we just about have enough i think we have like 32 000 33 beautiful i think it is just one more after this i might be mistaken it's been a while since i've done this still beautiful so yeah loads of leads encroaching on this area a few fleets over here i think we have enough forces yeah they're all there that's fine so you guys should just follow along okay that's going to be lost so you just go there you're bouncing around defending that territory yeah we're doing fine meanwhile like i said i'm just devouring my own territory i'm just avoiding systems with my own worlds and and other than that it doesn't really matter [Music] you're already acting as a block no you're not now you are okay get that gateway please then move back over there that'd be great not only watching much of the combat because each of our groups now is so big it's causing immense lag when i try and watch them we're just slowing everything down something quite severe there we go they would like to see this one let's see them in action shall we ooh yeah you guys need to catch up that almost became a serious problem oh he took out the station twice oh okay jump as long as i give the command you will still jump that's fine i want to jump there uh where's the safest place to jump over here don't let me he's still prone to jump there we go yeah they jump just fine great start devouring please this isn't your world so that's great how strong is the station good you can take it out yourself all is well and good i need to pay more attention also can you guys form please clearly you are meant to form together here and i just messed up however i interrupted you forming into your fleet didn't i whoops oh well comments away can the fleet with the offspring please get in here i think they did yeah the corvette swarms have been fantastic over here had to jump you there you are your slum path to devour most moan territory and before you say anything about this not being like the correct thing for this empire to do is eat its own territory bear in mind that's the entire thing this fl this empire does consume world and it can only do that on its own worlds i'm getting very tired my stammer is fighting me now the true battle between a man his stammer and the galaxy at large get away from my gateways now i'm realizing how many gateways ever it's actually not the best thing because every time the enemy get any ground they're going to start bouncing to my gateways to their own when i'm on the offensive it's great oh no no that's fine well i'm on the offensive they're great and i'm on the defense if they are horrendously annoying but don't worry i have still been devouring the home world this is the full empire's home world with some angry drones elsewhere having to white this time i'm going on 36k dark matter only 40k and this is because oh did it just get created i was making another devourer very close yes once the star he just finished that's going to help speed along things we could stop it now and instantly start upgrading it but it's pretty best to have at least a third star devour just to speed things along for the next phase plus it doesn't take long to get a few more thousand anyway we are causing a great disturbance within the psionic world causing these lovely things to appear now thankfully these are pretty weak actually the corrupted avatars so just our star should be enough to devour them so i guess we'll just act as if they're not there i mean we're devouring most of our own systems anyway so i don't really care too much if that thing's sitting above it yeah we'll be fine so here's a legitimate question this thing about to nom star this system has three stars do i need to numb all three stars i don't think so but do i get three times the dark matter currently at 7.6 we numb we continue to numb boy the star is being numbed all the knowledge and boom [Music] yes so that's a no then because that just happened as well that's actually something i'd love to change if there are two or three stars in the system i would love to get more dark matter from that event it's only a little thing it's not anything important obviously that's so pretty wow i was being distracted by the shiny thing there but it would be cool to see that change my brain is a ping pong ball really starting to think that being more aggressive would have been far easier taking over whole sections rather than having this advancing shield wall of ships i thought this would be easier and more fun but no it isn't because what keeps on happening is they keep on amassing their groups together like this for instance and then i have to get all of my forces there to try and deal with it i was hoping just to have like a few large groups just hanging around but nope i've got to make my own super groups deal with their super groups which admittedly is kind of fun but i keep missing the fights how much i'm dealing with everything and who are you okay i'm getting dark matter very quickly at least this time with all three of them now just devouring constantly i can't remember how much the next stage is i'm hoping it's not like 100k i honestly can't remember what it is the final form costs 50 000 we're only 5 000 off so very close to total devouring yeesh where did all these things come from neither of these are mixed fleets either so that's not going to be oh i have all these nearby i'm fine never mind everything's fine the world is a good place and the galaxy even better it's gonna be so much more orderly so i devour the stars themselves that is a lot of people who are no longer there and that is it we have 51 000 the final construction begins and because of that i know what i want to do all fleets oh god get so lucky i don't know what it is but only when i'm selecting fleets does the game suddenly decide it can no longer run there we go other than that the game's actually running really smoothly considering how light we are and everything i want to move all fleets back to the home world there's nothing they can do now to stop us and it makes complete sense that we just protect the engine or costs i did just actually lose one of my star devourers again they have been really good at defending kudos to them but i am so much stronger than they are i have a pet warlock i don't know what that means and a pet deity uh prophet i don't know what he is exactly oh yeah divine prophet but we have him and he's alive apparently so we're just taking care of him he loves us now we just wise actually i would like to see a fight between the sonic entity and one of our um devourers so if you could just finish off these little starlings shardlings darlings these little birds these adorable little space birds thank you i don't even think i need to bother with white oh you already is how much damage you took from the station oh it keeps on coming back what oh i didn't expect to keep on coming back online so very slowly these little stations are destroying the entities that's bizarre did they always do that there we go boop go on eat one more stop then get back to us decent showing of power and some lovely colors i wonder if that should cause any problems for us no we have too much stockpiled as well as soon as i do start um devouring certain things we could always just sell other things yeah we're fine the galaxy's out there being all scary and trying to kill us you know trying to use tactics and everything else to overwhelm our defenses i'm here playing soldiers because sometimes it's 2am you've been playing slorus all day and arranging your battleships in somewhat pleasing formations is all that really matters oh and your corvettes and countless ground forces occasional cubes i like how these battleships is chilling inside the engine i mean that's that's bravery some might call it stupidity but i like it whose warnings i wonder how much will actually take over in time i'm actually guessing quite a lot they're doing really well then they're landing forces they're moving without the staying put until a single world is down they've already grabbed all this back from me but again i have so much stockpiled even if i start going into the negative it's just not going to affect us they have 1 000 days under 3 years left and we we are blob well is a valiant effort and worthy of respect but sadly a beginning and an end everything is in place the engine is now fully operational and the vast power of the shroud lies within our reach when the engine is activated the resulting subspace backlash will detonate every single star in the galaxy all galactic life be it organic or mechanical will cease to exist but by then we will have safely transmitted our full consciousness to a higher plane of existence there will no longer there we will no longer be bound by the limitations of the physical world time will have no meaning and the very fabric of the universe will be ours to manipulate as we deem necessary in other words we have just became the unbidden to future galaxies and the shroud itself do it and with immense lag there we go end of absolutely everything every single system just went boom nothing left oh first time i've seen i ruined hyper relay that's cool everything is gone we are all that's left from our shattered world so with that thank you so much for watching that was a really enjoyable run and although i don't think i talked about it enough the leaders were seriously the highlight for me having that passive experience gain and having uh just everyone have a higher level cap through our civics and everything else really really powered certain things through i could have done that even better in my opinion but that was just so enjoyable to see leaders that high level because normally i don't really care about them so that was really good this is clearly an incredibly powerful origin just utterly insane especially when paired with the terravor or the regular devouring swarm the next full playthrough will likely be a modded one and will likely be a couple of weeks in the future since these do take so long to record but this it's always fun to play a hive mind it's always fun to play a purifier species so this was incredibly enjoyable i really do hope you've enjoyed the video and of course if you have then likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and it helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future i also want to do some challenge runs in the future such as the one planet challenge i know some people have already done that at this point with the newest patch there's but i want to give it a go as well probably quite a vassal heavy or being a vassal i don't know well thank you for watching have a lovely day do take care until next time never trust the golem in the corner of your room
Channel: Lathland
Views: 142,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QMdp5llOLTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 36sec (5556 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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