Stellaris | MAX Difficulty 'Impossible Run' - Attempt 1 - Human Hivemind!

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs 3x and of course welcome to one of the least original things I have ever done in the game today we're going to be trying our hand at the impossible run now what is the impossible run well it's something which has been popularized by many a true nerd and it is as you can well imagine a run where everything is absolutely insane we have 30 IIM pyres 30 advanced starts maximum fallen empires and maximum Marauder empires our habitable worlds asked what times 1 but we don't have any guaranteed ones our end game starter is at the very earliest you can set it same with the mid game the crisis strength is a maximum there we go almost made a mistake our difficulty is a Grand Admiral which it's the highest the scaling difficulty is off which means all of those bonuses are instantly applied and we have AI aggressiveness on high on top of this I will be ensuring there are at least two fanatical purifier empires within the system so then this is going to be an absolutely horrendous run which we very well could simply fail at so this is gonna be a very interesting series indeed the two empires which will definitely be joining us in this lovely huge galaxy are the laughs eradicate as the determined exterminators and the anti laugh Legion that the devouring swarm so very minimum these two will be here and of course there could be a lot more in terms of the devouring swarms and such because there are going to be 30 empires I really don't know how to win this on a side note but everyone keeps on suggesting I try this so it's going to be a matter of learning learning very quickly in fact I haven't even made my empire yet to play this so I'm not quite sure how we're going to do this two things spring to mind either we can be incredibly friendly and try to get defensive packs very early on or we could go down the defensive and insane route ourselves of going with the devouring swarm or something similar the reason why that can be defensive is because this gives us loads of bonuses to our own ships we can turtle up and with that bonus we can hopefully defend our own space but everyone will hate us but we will be very very strong so the options are friendly or extremely aggressive and defensive friendly insane friendly insane insane insane we are going to be the hungry hungry humans I don't know why that this made me laugh and that is pretty much what guaranteed we're going down this routes so we're going to be rapid breeders we are of course going to be the devouring swarm which is going to be really helpful as well a population growth is already increased by 25% this will increase it by an additional 10% which is going to be so so helpful and we are going to be I'm honestly tempted by extremely adaptive remember we do not have guaranteed habitable worlds around us which means if we find any world we need to get on there as soon as possible that's probably one the better wise yeah we just need to get sheer numbers we need our humans to spread very very quickly like the disease they are however how we're going to do so it could be repugnant because we're already going down the route of here that we're using 15% less amenities but that's gonna be brutal as well so I'm thinking instead we just go with normal adaptive for now we rush genetic traits as fast as possible so maybe sociologists and then what - twos can I even pick up only that low we of course the only - - now because we have rapid breeders will be repugnant which I don't really want maybe that would be the best option then though I am still very tempted by other things other than adaptive and just rolling the dice and hoping we get worlds this helps out a lot you know what I don't think I will start off with adaptive I think I will go into adaptive as soon as possible instead we just get something which will help us out even more food will help out since we will have a lot of policies which require a lots of food very early on being intelligent will be fantastic because we need tech to defend ourselves there's so many options we need ok so here we are rapid breeders and intelligence our ruler is the regulation human laugh tricks we are the devouring swarm I don't think this is the right call honestly now you may be thinking laughter akhil going down the route of the devouring swarm surely in the most difficult way of playing the game you should play something a bit more fair but here's the thing we are going to start off so weak compared to the other empires they are going to want to exterminate us as soon as they find us so what we need to do is use advantages we have to very quickly turtle up and then hope we can survive long enough in my opinion what would be the easiest way to ply this at least to begin with to guarantee survival is to go down the route of Xena file I will actually fanatic Xena files specifically and then a regular level of one of the other ethics the reason is if you're fanatical in anything else there's a chance that other empires will just absolutely high two beyond belief whereas if you're just regular you can normally get away with even the opposite not hating you as much now there are exceptions to this but that tends to be the way of going with things and fanatic Xena file means people will really really like you so a lot of defensive packs early on you can simply sit in the corner of the galaxy and probably survive quite well then simply turtle up from there but going down through to devouring swarm we're going down the opposite we're going for a lot of bonuses which will help us with the endgame crisis but the regular empires will become more of a threat because of this I actually think this is a more difficult way of playing but I also think it's a silly way and a fun way and calling ourselves the hungry hungry humans is hilarious perhaps this will be the only episode with the hungry hungry humans and will get absolutely bludgeoned to death in the first five seconds let's find out another thing I'm gonna change is high plane densities no longer run times one it's on times 1.50 when people were suggesting this run I've had so many people suggesting this run a lot of them suggested I change this the reason is with the hyper line density increasing it means you can't have as many choke points which is a very very big deal if it's in you can't quarter off a section of the galaxy quite as easily the problem is I also think it messes with all of the enjoyments of the game one of the major strategies and changes how the game works in general even for the eye I just don't think that's very fun so I'm increasing it slightly to make it more difficult but I still think it should be around they're not completely maxed out for instance so I'm going to make a quick change before we get going rather than starting off with intelligence we're going to be agrarian since I am going to have the bonus to give us more population growth right that will increase our food consumption by I think 50 percent or something crazy like that anyway it's been a long time supply the hive mind so going to go with that and now with that everything is as it was a second ago and let's get going actually galaxy shape now let's leave it like that go okay so I missed something there so I've had to very quickly abandon the game we're just loaded in since I instantly realized my mistake advanced neighbors on which means even the Empire's around us will have the advanced placement they'll have systems already than and they'll have things up and running okay let's see if we can survive more than five seconds I really don't think the devouring swarm is the way to do this I think I am going to have to go through bribery or and/or friendship but let's give this a go and so the hungry hungry humans enter the galaxy and that is not where I really wanted to spawn honestly I was hoping of being the very center or around the very outer rim but nope we're here in the middle where there's probably everything around us now let's go ahead straight away and start super aggressively expanding now there's two ways of doing this really the first of which is to send some scouting vessels find the other empires figure out where they are and figure out where we're going to set up at choke points which is going to be more difficult because already I'm seeing way more connections so that's gonna be kind of nightmarish or we could try to fly under the radar not allow other empires to ever see us at least for the start and just try and grab every system we can focusing on alloys giving us a chance to spam or vets trying to get to maybe 1k fleet power remember we are the devouring swarm we do get bonuses by being lead devouring swarm because we devour and stuff and are a swarm ok better deflectors that'd be fantastic population growth also going into the genetic route of things and my next station output might be really really good especially if we're grabbing lots and lots of systems so mining station population growth better deflectors now what I was really hoping for honestly was the Quayle guns here because that's a huge bonus to our Corvettes but no next stuff now this is gonna be weird but I'm tempted to actually sacrifice like Corvettes to begin with even though I will have to rebuild them lighter so that we get more alloys so that we can sell them for more minerals so straight away we have our first alloy foundry up and running spend money to make money and all that Food Policy is going to go into nutritional plenitude giving us extra population growth and yeah let's do that so also generators off we'll call this scrap because that's exactly what it's gonna be no weapons nothing there no FTL capability absolutely worthless except for the fact that as I do this it'll cost me a little bit to begin with which is weird but then as it upgrades there we are loads of alloys in return allowing us to spread a bit faster and of course right now we're gonna sell these and just get loads and loads of minerals and do everything we need to do ok I suppose now we'll just wait until we find another Empire I do think the scouting is the way forward so although this first science is going to be on survey mode the next science trip will be just trying to figure out where we're going to go oh yeah that's one reason to not play that ice swarm or actually any hive mind you can't really use any artifacts to begin with normally you can sell them for extra unity influence energy so in this case nothing yeah I'm starting to think this is not gonna be a good run just cuz I really don't think the devouring swarm is the way to go but if we win with this I'll be super happy I just don't think it's gonna play out that way so some quite rubbish systems to begin with I'm really really after is minerals and energy I just need the resources to begin with expansion or supremacy now expansion is the obvious choice but I think we're going to be fighting very very quickly so getting an additional temps at fire right and making a ship upkeep lower is really nice let's go with that we will reign supreme in an non advance start on the hardest difficulty I'm sure that'll be fine first well located and is a savanna so that's a no one more science vessel then I'll stuff because they do have an upkeep which I really don't wanna keep on spending yeah upkeep is to for the leader itself I faced like one for the ship something like that anyway oh yeah there we are upkeep one no we're not going to research anomalies just yet thank you stop just finding physics why don't some it useful another Savannah the habitability of areas are so low it's not really worth even considering the population growth will be terrible the upkeep will be horrendous and the resource output would be so low it's just is it worth it all another savannah world why all the savannah world's at twenty five savannah world as well of all things humans learn to survive there even if they did have adaptive honestly still wouldn't be worth it so at least I'm not questioning my choices this early on I want to grab another alloy foundry well yes and no getting a little bit of research a little bit of unity would get some of the really useful stuff or early on which is nice so could go down the route of synaptic nodes that turns food and energy into unity and science but we don't have food or energy to spare if I build an alloy foundry that's gonna take people off the basic jobs only one person still okay sure more alloys more spreading more everything oh no how close is that to us well we found lipids that is why too close okay I am officially worried okay so their borders are over here their science vessels are exploring around it seems like they're here there is a pretty substantial force here at least enough to probably dissuade them going through so we should make a bastion right there yeah that's what we're gonna do we sense prey sadly it's us Oh Deary Deary dear advanced neighbors everyone why normally don't play with them on the phone we're doomed the second they have borders with us they're going to attack us spread this way look at this nice corner of the galaxy isn't it lovely look at the outer rim we have the hunter's eye' and we have overwhelming force so hunters I will increase our star base damage by 20% and overwhelming force increases our ship right fire right by temp sense also makes that star bases cheaper to upgrade which is nice not that we have their tech for this although does that also count as the first upgrade oh it does lovely oh no I just saw it secretary Dan why more useful Corvette hull points plus 100 at the moment we only have 375 so that's a pretty darn nice okay I've made a new construction vessel and another science vessel what we're going to be doing is trying to expand aggressively into this section and this section and hoping we don't find any other empires if we're lucky the empires are perhaps over here or there clustered elsewhere if we find another Empire quickly though we're kind of doomed please focus on alloys and energy all costs are now trees oh that's good they just grab that system so we instantly have a border there now domineering this empire believes that we would make a fine vassal can you even do that sir a devouring swarm twenty-two tropical world okay we have a world we can advance to beautiful absolutely beautiful okay I would love this for capacity overload we'd only have the influence for it and this is more of a light with a light game but when some starting to establish more colonies just plus twenty percent yes place although blue laser increasing our weapons and that would also apply to our station I believe this will make us safer to begin with this would lead us into the future we need to be safe right now they're not attacking us yet which is a little bit confusing maybe it's because of that bastion I'm not too sure they are meant to be unaggressive they could be doing something else oh okay that's fine that's the full Empire so that's gonna block that direction that's actually really good Sally the system still go around but that could be taking in the place of an empire they will also close their borders to everyone because they are the militants isolationists if I wake up later we're doomed births for now that's actually lovely to say well that didn't last long okay you get there we need to fight with the station it's our only hope and honestly I don't see us winning this not only will this be I think the first time I've completely lost in a stellaris playthrough on YouTube at least I've lost plenty of times and just messing around this is gonna be one of the earliest losses now the reason why this is gonna be so difficult to play as a devouring swarm is purely because of advanced neighbors if we get one this close they had to move one system to get borders with us that just is so awful maybe if we focus on research more so we can make our stations stronger try to think of how to make a devouring swarm work I don't want to go down the route of bribing everyone around us now I do think that's the right way to play this I think being a Xena file and focusing on tech because of everything happening so early is the option so I'm thinking of a really friendly lift for Empire because lipids can inhabit every planet okay please say the enemy don't have a fleet stronger than we have her be lovely well here it goes make sure you're fighting note note you need to drag them into the fight apparently attack there we go nice draw don't run out of energy otherwise our ships will get weaker not bad not bad at all we're gonna lose our Corvettes hopefully most of them can escape using emergency FTL but our station will suffice hello peaceful traders can you please remain peaceful okay so you're the peaceful traders how peaceful are you exactly you are fanatic pacifists lovey we don't have to worry about you we hang our shields back here on our stations that's gonna be nasty can you please heal up as fast as possible that would be wonderful come on station you can do it I somewhat believe in you somewhat [Music] we survived barely know in the estate is quote by 83 okay that does stop with some healing bow so actually despite the fact that was not really a fight there has stopped us healing for that moment could one of you go there and start grabbing those bits of debris that would be great okay let's light we're gonna expand this way mostly so you go there and you already grabbing that fantastic that's the last six one system and now I want that energy now of course each station does also take energy I believe it's one energy for the regular station I think how much you cost I honestly don't know I'm sure you've got something I something mad which could be the case oh not another Empire that's not why I want to see all well this is good the debris are giving us all sorts of stuff we really really want not only is it giving us a little bit of extra research which we desperately need it's giving us progress in blue lasers and ceramic materials in other words armor not good militarists are now here I guess put on a bastion here that way they'll have to go all the way around for them to attack us we can start expanding and go this way ourselves obviously that's not the focus right now considering all this fanatic pacifists can't fight to end threat can they I've just realized we're not a normal heme pyre we're a devouring swarm okay I've just got blue lasers does that mean yet the station now is using the better weaponry hopefully that's gonna help somewhat but notice if it does should have put these cool bits a bit further back after they healed up because they ran way too early and why to further ahead and well happened well they take far ahead Rob and further ahead but films should have 100 I don't think we're gonna make this you know I don't care if you're healed on up just go over there as a destruction force stop them from attacking the station yeah swarm is lost I know I've honestly think we've lost this one 15 years into the game I think we put up a valiant effort but then being so close if we had just a couple more years before the war broke out I could have so easily been able to fortify this and start doing anything but as it stands it's gonna lose system after system now our resources are faltering all there's even another fallen Empire they're blocking people this wasn't a bad start honestly I just I don't know what I could have done differently I really don't well we're about to run out of energy that'll be really bad maybe they'll just give us and go home nope they're now attacking our home system and our station is terrible but we need to fight with it not alone from now on you're not going on a hostile there we are really sure doesn't matter earlier wouldn't have made that much of a difference honestly with those fights but what I helped we've lost the home system we can no longer make ships oh that was so bro now we get that maybe focusing a bit more on research would have helped a Corvettes having plus a hundred two whole points for instance maybe that's a little coulda done differently but then without those alloys who couldn't have spread as easily we couldn't have set up that Bastion which is really expensive let's start building some lesser stations let's make it a little bit further out so it doesn't get lost should then this as well they're saying that I've been tree have the resources very reason we've got the alloys backs cuz that got cancelled just doing this to build a shipyard essentially we build a shipyard there we'd start making Corvettes again but I'm not getting this back they have the station as well now so I think it's safe to say hungry hungry humans or wiped out very quickly I am disappointed next time we're not playing the devouring swarm because I can see this happening in time and time again well maybe a will try again I don't know next time folks a bit more on research it's hard to say what to do with such little time I think if I survive this war I survived that attack I probably could have bounced back and started doing other stuff like for instance this would be set up as as a research world lots of things I need to consider for next time oh not another Empire white as I said this two clusters oh wait half as well of an eye just to make it more difficult for myself I guess we have to do that the Empire's are spawning in in clusters so there's blinding forces waiting for bunny up side of us some research done laughs erratic hairs turns out you weren't needed well well then well then what are we going to do next tell me in the comments below are we going to give the hungry hungry humans another attempt and now that we know what we know and the fact that advance neighbors are just the most brutal thing ever will we have a chance knowing that we need at least a little bit of tech because our ships were so vastly outgunned we were just utterly obliterated but at the same time we still need alloys I think a more balanced approach might be the way forward rather than what we did but even then I still think we've had a few more years we could have been the aggressor we were actually surprisingly okay at defending for a short while I thought it'd be just overrun instantly remember with the difficulty bonus we are giving them at the moment their economy research and navy capacity has huge bonuses and then if they have the advanced start it means they have more space I think they get yeah it's just a better start they better start in terms of spice which means they're right next to us cuz they're neighbors which makes me think that devouring swarm is just an awful way to go not impossible but just stacking it against ourselves well my thought process kind of got away from me there I was trying to say it should we stick with the hungry hungry humans or should we go they more diplomatic approach getting defensive pacts and ultimately fighting the latter a Decatur's and the anti laugh Allegiant remember these are just two guaranteed eradicate there's probably many more in the galaxy I really should have went in to observe or something at the end there and just had a look-see at what else was available in the galaxy since when you lose you do get the option to go into observer mode and I think you can do that in console commands yes you definitely can excite so we did the time-lapse I just go either way we could have done that to have a look-see but I'm just not sure where to go forward I think the hive mind especially the devouring swarm does have a chance although maybe regular hive Minds have a better chance so not especially it's all but I also do think that being more friendly is probably the best way to go so tell me and with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows us Dolores as a series you wish to see continued in the future I'm gonna go off and have a bit of a think and then we're going to start again
Channel: Lathland
Views: 71,599
Rating: 4.9644818 out of 5
Id: Tai5VvZAitE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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