Angry Farmer Children - Lathrix Is A Parent!! | Part 2 | Reassembly 2021

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greetings sir anserats and welcome back to reassembly with me lathryx and of course welcome back to our lovely little farmer faction currently trying to take over some territory from the reds in today's video our main goal really is just to keep on upgrading and to get some brand new weapons right now we are using the smaller lasers but we have loads of other options there's the rail guns there's the heavy turrets which i really want to use eventually there's the factory so we can just create swarms and there are larger missiles lots and lots of stuff to choose from and i didn't really mention everything there so yeah there's still a long way to go now a lot of you mentioned that we could go down the route the solar panels of the seed planters and there are plenty of builds so you can get resources pretty much instantly and in like 10 minutes you could have almost a fully upgraded ship but i don't really want to do that because i feel like that would be a little bit boring at the moment but instead what i want to do is just continue to fight and upgrade that way so right now we are a kind of a brawler we're not as sturdy as i'd like to be but we do have enough lasers to take out a lot of enemies in short range pretty much everything but the enemy mother ship at the moment we can take out which is really good for us let's see if we can keep on taking this territory now sadly we're not going to see any agents this room because of the wormhole thing being broken apparently the agents can can be corrupted as well and that seems to have happened in this save so no agents but we do have all the different factions still so far scarier things than the reds are currently out there maybe you should go with the sniper that would be really interesting i don't really ever go with the sniper build so there'd be something different york thank you just gonna steal that from the clover looking thing let's see if we can check out this eagle then already we've got loads of resources but looks of things on the map we are spreading our influence as well oh so close i'm getting slightly better at controlling this thing not by much but slightly there we go yeah definitely like to see some other enemies you know what if i'm going to be so nomadic i think we really should just unlock the factory that way we don't have to go back to the station every time to get resource yeah that's what i'm going to do so you need just a few more kills to get the resources for that then we can get our own factory then go back to war but this time there's a very angry mother there we go now by the end of this play through with this faction we will be going full unbroken uh using the seed planters and other solar panels just to spawn in ludicrous amounts of units are you just spawning in me over and over again no no one's just spawning the doom squid but definitely spawning in this brawler a lot okay well for now though how much oh 105 okay so maybe what i should do then is a little bit more in terms of size of the craft then we can add that but right now we can add more lasers or more shields or more of pretty much anything actually i'm going to do is unlock the larger thrusters as well since i believe they're more efficient so i remember correctly from a very long time ago for seven resource let's put them next to each other so seven versus five this has 80 this has 40 so you double the thrust for less than double that's what we definitely need doesn't quite fit though which is annoying but that's fine there we are that'll make us a fair bit faster and because i just like how it looks let's go with that oh you can descale these that's useful now where i'm going to fit the rest of this resource uh honestly if we add another generator we can easily then afford at least two more shields on one the front in fact you probably do three going for pure defense yeah we are going to be so dif wow we can't see ourselves but we are going to be so difficult now to take out which to be honest we was before as well but now even more so also thanks to everyone who mentioned about uh like holding down alt to copy things rather than copying them in otherwise like before i was doing literally control c control v it's been a very long time since i've played so a lot of the shortcuts for instance i just kind of forgot so thanks to everybody who warned me about that because yeah i was wasting a lot of time sure more shiny lasers more thrust and more shields is that one generator facing the wrong way oh that's so annoying now i've noticed it and now you've all noticed it let's just notice it together not gonna fix it fine i'm fixing it aha cycle controls i think that may help me but also there's a self-destruct button apparently good to know so r and j do not press self-destruct why i can't remember which switch ah okay there we go see i think this might be better for me um just because i like to point to my cursor all the time at things just to i don't know it's just the youtuber inmate believe it or not i'm actually a youtuber so yeah i think this is actually better control something so far liking a lot more it also means when you're i'm static and you want to aim at something you're not constantly turning where you're aiming which i like a lot especially as the farmer since apparently i've been told you can use the medic gun on the plants yeah i've heard conflicting things about that so i'm curious about that and that would be really irritating if it comes wow i didn't realize how much turning power we actually had in this thing until i swapped controls also we are just brutalizing everything nearby the red faction i love them to bits they might actually be my favorite faction but yeah they're just at least the actual faction in game not the custom ships you build they're just so frail they're just you just call them out so quickly doesn't matter how much firepower they have because well they're gone okay oh stuck on that corpse there oh dear oh dear nope too many things honestly if i didn't have the new control scheme then i would have just got stuck so happy with that still crashing traffic because now i'm getting used to a whole new control scheme because i'm a genius like that haha station protect me lovely look at resources off straight away this game is so addictive it's deceptively simple and i love games like that because i was gonna say i'm a deceptively simple person but no i'm just a simple person you know let's uh let's not do that why smoking okay my controls are really messed up right now every time i try and turn it doesn't do it oh that's gonna be a lot of resources if it dies nope too many big enemies just when i was saying the reds are not particularly powerful faction but when you fight their largest craft as an optically large craft yourself then it's a bit more extreme okay there we go at least we've got the smaller one but there's no chance of surviving this oh i know what the problem is i forgot to replace a lot of the uh smaller thrusters as well for just normal turning so i'm constantly kind of strafing and i keep on losing the backwards thrusters that doesn't help just kill some alarm there we go got a revenge kill oh in a rough position now but at least we can already afford the factory i think one more size up though i might just build a brand new craft from scratch especially now i've changed the control scheme i i need to stop saying control schemes i've said it so many times already okay new craft time so one question is does the factory only create things where it's got space because if so we can easily arm this thing up and then just have the back section to release probably also going to stick with the lasers for now just because they're our strongest weapon kind of thinking about like the shape of some of the juggernauts from stellaris never going to be able to really recreate that especially right now because we're not that big but yeah a lot of them are very um very wide so if we imagine just going like this not too sure kind of looks more like i'm building a beetle at the moment but you know what that's fine that's kind of the thing i end up building all the time anyway so sure okay remove you extend a bit further like that have more thrusters on the edge so here we are in our new little mothership and yeah i think it looks really unique i actually love how it's ended up so there we are i'm not too sure about the two sides but yeah really like how this has turned out turns really quickly has a decent max speed for its size and an okay amount of weapons not as strong as the older design but of course it does have the factory attacking up 100 ship resource along with more shields more generators everything else so it should be much harder to kill so the first thing we can do is if you press c i thought you would see oh no i have to go to another station to trading the resource unless what i can do for myself is i can now spawn in minions let's go with the valkyries for now just haven't seen them in a while how do i actually summon them in oh um how do f apparently f so i don't have enough resource let's go get some resource that we can summon in the minion and you can actually instantly sell them if you want so they're no longer part of your party and that will give you resource as in uh credits should we start saying resources and credits as separate things considering they are okay boop there we go creating the core we drop the core off and there's our craft it's currently in our party in the top left you can see uh fleet of one orders engage my target i don't know how to cycle the orders but you get the point ah and uh one of our missions now is spawn a ship of its own factory to complete the cycle we can't spawn ourself actually because we are cheap enough to spawn ourselves but yes that's it so uh this fellow will try to keep up with me when it's finished come on follow me really slowly uh i might just sell you for now only 34 well yeah isn't exactly a one to one ratio i quite like how this looks actually and nobody said that but yeah surprisingly happy with it which is rare for myth just think that sides need to be a bit less um steppy a little while later not all that much has happened i managed to spawn in something of a spawner basically clone of myself and now it's just a matter of getting some more resource again so we can play with some of the larger weapons we are slowly taking over the territory and now every time i spawn something in which by costs a fortune it's uh like 800 resource they themselves can spawn in more units oh the bees we're at the b place yes these are like little towns this is the b faction actually a playable faction wow the cities have loads of armor and that is a large crafted assault so i'm gonna back off hello raptor come on almost there oh we got right to the core but it turned just the right moment oh this isn't good yep quite a few factions here almost got a revenge kill but will we survive yes we will okay that was worth it we attacked their cities a little bit we took our red darn it hi raptor how you doing i really need to increase my uh ship size so i can add more lasers again i hate how weak we are right now i want more damage there we are we have one of our old designs now following us should provide a bit of protection considering it's well stronger than us yet so i target it and i'll instantly go in and fight it so if i let's say target this enemy here will you yep go for that one now go for this one lovely it's good to have a minion and because it doesn't have a factory and it's in my fleet i believe if i get close yep it'll give me its resource oh it's dying at range because it stole one of their weapons which is a long-range weapon that's kind of annoying actually you don't really have that much strength without one little weapon being very slow very methodical okay there's a broken down station nearby let's slowly go towards it we're currently in farmer territory which is very nice there we go i really should buy the larger shields but instead i sold the child i made and i've invested in increasing our ship size so now we have way more lasers than we just had much better there we go i think we're basically back to the same strength as the uh the regular craft one thing i'm gonna end up doing is uh for now let's not make that cause it's just too expensive really uh probably just the starter craft might actually be the best option here it has a shield it's um it's decently controllable so it shouldn't get lost and stuck all the time and it is designed for the ai to use so yeah that's one of the other issues oh yeah we are so much nastier now all right give me that resource back thank you son oh yeah plus they have missiles as well so they can start fighting at long range which is lovely okay you two follow me actually got the eagle if you get wow i just i pushed it right into a rock i'm a great mother oh you're doing really well well done smack their face with a rock yep that's that's our parents work right so three of them a little bit more resource always just i see a little bit of resource there kind of mixed up which way it was forward then for a second there we go so now i have four of them you are you all following me yeah you are good i'm getting flashbacks last time i applied even using the ai ships of them getting stuck on rocks and stuff for me going miles away i think they get um sold automatically if you go too far though i might be wrong with that i might be missing just misremembering that completely what design is that oh these are doom squids ah because the doom squids are currently um alive and well oh children you're meant to be the meat shield for me not the other way around thank you yeah having them fly with us with their missiles is actually lovely we have now quite a few sets that's probably what we should make then a custom a custom craft which is just thrusters and missiles so it's nice and agile doesn't get stuck too much and then just spams missiles like this i'm not even gonna fight my children will do it for me destroy the raptor children i believe in you all i'll stay here and watch i don't know the raptors running away oh mother ship uh yep that's it just keep on going towards this raptor let's not go towards the enemy mothership which is still too big and too scary for us honestly if i had the sniper weapons we could probably take that out but yeah go after this nurse please this is very chill it's like having drones but permanent and with more missiles i mean we could maybe take out the the mothership now we have so many missiles it's going to be taking up all of its lasers which are both point defense and its main weapon i mean yeah if i had any long-range weapons it'd probably a lot better there we go taking the raptor spawning more children i'm preaching like a rabbit oh i think no you didn't die excellent oh oh no children yes we killed a mothership it's like a weird competition where i'm trying to kill the other mothers and i'm succeeding i'm a very competitive mum i can sell all my children right now for a lot of resource they probably should but look at them they grow up so fast wow it's loads yeah imagine if all these had solar panels or something you can see how that would spiral out of control very quickly quickly mob of the mother again yeah since all those missiles are incoming it can't use its lies against me as much oh no i think i'm gonna die defend your mother get revenge yes worth it absolutely worth it what happens to all my children if i die so the start of a really bad life insurance advert um i lose them oh but my children i need to be more careful i keep forgetting i'm still oh yeah look they're all just going their own why now they're all flat they've all fled the nest forgot the proper term for that i'm still here to try and protect them and they still give me resource even if they're not in my group or yes they do okay good as long as my kids still pay me they can do whatever they want we have so many of these starter craft now around here i am now just selling them though this time there we are we start spawning in the little drone and sell nice and simple maybe i'll be a bit more cheesy next time with the whole resource thing but i think next time also i fight a different enemy so we we are now capable of destroying them in mother ship and i have an absolute uh swarm i guess of these missile guys but we are still pretty small so oh let's back away from that mother oh no getting far too much into the red territory right now that's when we start seeing these motherships so much i need to start sticking closer to our stations oh dear what's the thing maybe just need more point defense a lot of drones keep on hitting me i do have four of the point defense weapons but i missed just not enough okay so for now i'm afraid i am already all out of time today's video like i've mentioned previously this series is pretty much being recorded in my free time i've just recorded the first of the from the depths adventure series so hopefully that should be out before this one but i have had so much fun today i've only been playing for two hours but yeah super super fun really hope you've enjoyed as well next time i should have a bit more time just for reassembly so a lot more progress to come especially now we know how the factory works and everything else consider this a bit of an introduction i've got a lot of plans for it and with a bit more time maybe we can make some designs which aren't quite as weird i really do hope you've enjoyed and if you have then of course likes favorite shares comments all this all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that reassembly is a series you wish to see continued in the future and i am in fact the best mom thank you for watching and goodbye yep that's how the outro is going to go today just that kind of day you know
Channel: Lathland
Views: 50,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZfLddw2dwVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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