Stellaris | MAX Difficulty Run | Attempt 2 - Ep2 | WE are the aggressors now!

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greetings sir answer s and welcome back to stellaris with me or a 3x and of course welcome back to the max difficulty challenge attempts - in today's video we have one very simple goal and that is to get our economy back on track after the last war which we massively won our economy is looking terrible now one reason for this is currently this world over here has 56 populations being assimilated and not producing any resources and we have all of these districts which are all casting us energy now I could simply destroy these but then I would have to rebuild them in order to give jobs to our newly assimilated cyborgs so that really isn't worth it but for a long time now this world is going to be just devouring resources and giving us absolutely nothing in return which really isn't something we exactly want now thankfully being low on food doesn't really matter as it only has two effects it slows down population growth over organics and it makes them less happy well since they're cyborgs which have been assimilated into the Machine Empire they don't actually have happiness anyway so it's only their population growth so it's not really hurting any of our economy elements it's just making everything move a little bit slower now after the last video I had quite a few questions asked him Lee the main two though were how did I allow this to happen over here and why did I stop the war so early when clearly our allies could have taken out a lot more space over here and simply put it's because of our economy we've just won world our economy is utterly tanked and it will be for a while and once we reach zero energy our ships and our stations will be massively weakened so I don't want to lose systems I'll have the potential to lose this world just because of that so today along with trying to fix our economy what else I would like to do is grab these systems over here sadly this has already been used up the archaeological site so I'm not really going after that and I want to grab that world there but if we can grab this choke points and per bastion on its this is going to be our next way of expanding simply devour the gnar Kingdom now I don't think the nah hello and these fellows are friends in fact they're currently at war with each other so that's fantastic it seems like these fellows have friends whatsoever so if we attack them we're attacking them one on one and once this world is up and running we are going to be an a serious advantage as we've been given an entire homeworld worth of population but for now it's just going to be micromanaging and trying to get everything back up and running which may take a while where's my worker anyway oh really far away okay you get there now this world's the most important because I just want a new world then the choke point then this area over here and on a weird side note because this world here was invaded by our friends and the US we actually have some of their robots in our empire we're the very best of friends Olo is a tomb world of AF so another world we really want that's fantastic so we get two more worlds and our new world which is tanking the governing system serve a complete also I've now loaded in the game for over a month since just then recording I'd literally just reloaded the game after taking a break and our energy is even worse than I thought it was after the calculations resolved because normally wouldn't you come back to a game it takes a month for all the calculations to restart again at least properly so for a while it's going to be sell everything to get energy but once it's over with this is gonna be fantastic oh and we have some of our new cyborgs Lafley a little birdie bros well I have just learned something fantastic the food shortage does not have any effect on the lipids and since our organic populations do not care about happiness and the only two negatives are a slowed growth of the non Laphroaig organics and lack of happiness for them which again doesn't matter if we just grow lipids everywhere which we don't even have to force by the way because any species will normally prioritize the fastest growing one we can just grow lipids and ignore the factor out of food we can just ignore farms altogether just lift ID every single world we conquer and the cyborgs which are there are just extra populations the lipids will forever be our main cyborg which I'm very very happy with well that's fantastic that makes life easier for me so I will remove these farms once I have the resources to do so in fact we can do is remove them now and I will take away some of the upkeep I really wish you could disable districts until they're being used because that's so much energy being wasted I don't know how I forgot about this but since we are driven assimilators we are getting small amounts of unity and society research every time we turn one of the birds into one of the cyborg birds which is lovely because our unity is actually in pretty well right now supremacy will be finished soon then I'll most likely move over to either prosperity or discovery we're in a really good spot right now even though we are surrounded by people who hides us and machine friends will keep us safe we're buds hang on hang on a minute so with these priests IPS we've turned them into cyborgs but they're still prescience so that's as hilarious to me because I feel like the Machine Empire didn't quite understand what to do with them it's like looking at and thinking yes they can serve us we give them cybernetic implants PABs change a few limbs around we look at them and go no still too dumb and then release them back into the wild well they are fantastic though look at that rolls which means they get bonus food and minerals can we please alter them I know altering them is all well and good and I think it still gave us the bonus but can we use them could we uplift them ever I'm hoping we can uplift them as well be amazing but for now we're just letting them run around in the wild perhaps you've def wises on their heads who knows this is what happens when laughs erics becomes a machine intelligence it's still just as dumb but now it has the ability to turn things into robots early cyborgs back in positive energy lads signal the fact our cyborgs are starving cuz ain't dying and we have our adorable little it's a random side now for the first time I've really looked at this portrait since I have actually used these lots in regular empires but not really seen the merged as prescience they have four arms I was amazed to learn that I've never realized they have four on I still had two well they're special lads I know there are special lads welcome to energy oh I just turned on a load of the advanced building complete not very smart I did that mere moments before starting to talk and instantly forgot what I did that's just that's me that's me right there oh yeah only Dowell always don't worry that's just a way oh well they'll send in a little weird nothing special about these worlds that who action actually how many things do you have there you are a consecrated world does it really gonna affect us I think be amazing if it did gives us extra energy from Joel that is nice of research and energy world especially energy world okay that I like that I like very much oh wait the consecrated world means you need to actually have it within your borders I still don't think that will affect us complete are you amazing if it does cause it'll give us bonus unity I think it's been all sense of applying a spiritualist Empire but I think that's what it gives you assimilate faster ok sending in our live four hundred percent habitability because it is a savanna world lovely grab the tumult second because this is gonna be amazing when it's up and running this is gonna be just our main energy source all sort of random side map you know that relic world you must always find to begin with it's here somewhere it's in this system in the middle of a fallen Empire yep that's where the rubric Reiter is there supremacy is finished wow that's really cut into it how much you're actually getting I wish it told you and it's pay attention oh yeah one big batch of them have just been changed so I think I get a more unity diogenes thought I did which is fantastic for me I'm tempted by transcendent learning honestly getting our leaders up to scratch nice and quickly would be fantastic saying that low nihilistic acquisition is hilarious because it allow us what we're attacking the world to steal their populations and platon them on our worlds but saying that i also want to take over their worlds anyway so do i care enough to grab it I don't know grasp the void can be really useful later on master of nature later on why don't I get now I do get synthetic age but I need at least two of the ascension perks I really do want machine worlds void bones always firm defender of the galaxy will definitely need yeah I think I will go with transcendent learning especially since our leaders were immortal and the ones that aren't immortal if so long they may as well be called immortal yeah it's good that speaking of which few people also ask me why didn't I make some scientists like this which have the research speed bonus into leaders and then swap out these there's a very simple reason for this I forgot about that because I was so thinking about replacing them later anyway I just thought I'll want to throw any researchers here and we can always change them over later which we certainly can especially since I think that leaders now well yeah that leaders actually leveled up faster so that's all we gonna do now so good question I just didn't think about it basically so yeah the ultra leader is now there and the one which is available can take its part I think that's the only really good lead all viewers I want to eventually be since and the reason is a synth leader has a plus 5% research speed by default so I do want synths over here so cyborgs over here rather than machines ok we're grabbing that system and also on to grab this system obviously and then we have to choke points cutting off both these empires from us now the problem is machine empires do best when they're expanding because I can grab so many worlds oh wow the first computer files are being eradicated do bad for you lads that's happened to me last time I tried to play with all of your type of empires okay so 88 border friction is horrendous and that will get worse but we can still keep them friendly but a trident alloys once in a while you have a defensive pact and I very much doubt you're going to attack us while we're in a defensive pact with these fellows because just one of us is stronger than you the other ones weaker that's me but soon the only alloys were producing that's not going to be the case in fact we can upgrade our ships it's been a while since we've been able to do that which is nice complete Littlebear lasers that's pretty weird one more precursor in sight and then we can find the cyber X homeworld which is lovely gee a blade now someone else is attacking them as well those precursors did not last long precursors those fanatical pure eyes do not last long instruction these simulations have almost finished and we did not have enough jobs here some of the buildings were destroyed because they didn't work with a machine intelligence and we removed loads of farming districts and yet I didn't think oh yeah I just destroyed hundreds of jobs because I did Construction complete technological acquisition successful okay we now have the ability to use war doctrines for now we'll keep it in defense in depth that way for my taxes we can defend them as soon as we start to attack the enemy though we will likely jump on over to Rapid Deployment or hit-and-run I do love no retreat but it just means if you lose you lose everything nothing will jump to safety with prosperity be better more complex drone output which is lovely more coordinators which is amazing more energy which is good but then discovery is fantastic as well because research is research and research makes me a happy laughing for now prosperity then into discovering help to balance everything at the moment our energy is terrible because we have so many unemployed here and I've had to increase their energy demand to stop them from becoming very very nasty criminals our economy is slowly looking better and we're slowly fixing this planet although it is taking a very very long time indeed we're now equivalents at least in tech with which every Empire except for the other machine empire our fleet is looking ok to be honest we have four destroyers and we are now using rail guns which really really helped out with their fleet power we're starting to look a little bit scary actually which is lovely for us how did you grab that note self we should have ship borders with this empire I honestly thought our borders were already closed but apparently not I really thought they were closed I don't know when they happen but don't worry we're going to award them soon enough anyway I will just climb that back oh yeah you already on the white of these two that's annoying it should have been a little bit faster with that that's why I've grabbed everything we really wanted so that's the important thing there our energy grids are making things look why or why better gives us an additional job at two additional districts and increases how much energy we get from technicians by 20 percent hence why now our energy is looking really good at least in comparison to what it was Construction complete okay we are probably going to go to war very very soon the reason is the truce with our allies is about to break and when it does we could invite them to attack of these fellows there we go lovely so you declare war invite attackers sadly though they will not accept incomplete that is a shame there's a real shame okay how about these annoying fellow solutions no and I think you have a truce that's why the words showing my correct yep I'm correct so when we attack who will be on our own so I think I'll buy a little bit longer lovely finally Robo modding so now that we're getting all of our economy back up and running we can now start really funneling into our Navy I think I want at least another 1000 fleet power then I'm going to go to war since I really want these fellows space especially since their capital is right there our economy is finally at the stage I'm more than happy to start sending our fleets out I was still fixing things even though it things in the positive it was fragile to say the least even now we are having to spend a lot to get things up and running but we are at least making it now uplink nodes everywhere cuz I want more unit area well we just found out what killed the previous fanatic purifiers for little psycho geckos well that's horrific isn't it successful we can now uplift our species situation it's gonna take a while but will give us loads of influence which means we might as well activate capacity overload now would activate map the Stars but currently I'm not able to actually y'know survey anywhere so that's not all that great our fleet is almost ready to go in fact I think in a second I'm going to attack even if we lose a lot of athletes I feel like we can probably just rush their capital which is really great our allies are going to war by themselves okay have fun if you ask me to help I would have but you didn't and so win up I'm really nervous about going to war they are still very powerful they are equivalent to our fleet power so I think need to do is still rush the capital but most likely most of their fleets are sitting here so I should do is attack this system white on the border and hopefully they'll send fleets to attack us now when an AI does that they tend to be a bit dumb and just send them all at once rather than grouping them and then sending them which means it could possibly just remove one one or two their fleets out of the battle before we even have the main attack on their homeworld that's the idea at least I don't really know if you'll turn out as well but we can always try Construction complete well good luck to our neighbors and now we go to war with you the neighbors so we claim that then we're going to sit there most likely though go straight like that rather than round but I just think we have to take as bit of a risk sending all the ground force to follow and also that's going on we will be creating more stuff in the background in fact I should really do is just reinforce this fleet so fleet manager hello I like destroyers okay it's so rare actually to use them oh my god we were about to get the relic which will allow us to spawn in this early okay so I can't explain well I can't express just how amazing this is this will give us a relic which will allow us to spawn in a small full and empire fleet every I think 3,600 days ten years just over ten years the point is that's not that great in the light game because the fleet is just one battleship and a few I think they're essentially really good destroyers or crews are something similar so who's the highest level just chilling and helping of research that'd be you but at this early on that is that's broken the rng gods smile upon the assimilators excuse me construction workers please run away each oh and all this is going on policies war doctrine no longer defense-in-depth who actually we could leave you like this if we're going to try and lure them into this territory once we grab this this will become our territory so we're trying to lure them into a territory so get the plus temps and fire right yes then later on we'll swap over to either Rapid Deployment or hit and run technological acquisition successful we shoud bear census cuz right now can't see what's there Construction complete now is white around really hoping this works if I must take out one fleet since we are equivalent that should really work at class hey you fellows are now being assimilated oh hello I think is happening okay so two fleets not one that's a shame another thing I really want to do now have the resources to do it edik sand shield boost that is really close but if nothing else it means is going to be some debris which we can get some tech from so even if we lose this as long as I can status quo safely we should we'll be able to since of the bastion ready all of that which is popping up there's only Matt's too much since they are becoming cyborgs okay move back to healer that was actually very successful for us it was a slow fight but we did end up winning so you to merge they still our class that's equivalent those that's worrying so I did just completely forget like and just reinforce but still it doesn't matter too much they're gonna take that I wonder if they'll be dumb enough to attack us at the bastion but lest we lose the better each time really as you can well imagine ah this world is looking very finished well soon we'll get some extra housing which is good for you though we need more minerals obviously then don't really know Construction complete actually buying alloys that's so rare but I want this constantly producing new units what I should really do we start running around attacking all these systems because I have a bastion here protecting us but I'm constantly reinforcing which means we have a good time to just move out and come back with a good amount of times just move out and come back I can talk change plant get back now instead sadly though we will lose that plus 10% oh no he won't because we're here fantastic know will we yes we well ok so in that case policies probably hit and run to increase our disengagement chance since this was going to be a somewhat close fight we will lose various ships this will mean lesser than being a lost the supplies to when some of us are destroyed right not just when we do the emergency FTL well it could as do rapid deployment honestly extra range right now would give us an advantage for the fighting the starts yes real rabbit deploy them it's more fun anyway with faster hostile fleet assets engage if we take out this group we really should just move on the capital yet let's go let's go now so annoyingly they do have defense platforms here but we caught their fleet out of position again so their fleets going to be eradicated this time then we can move on attack this will lose some ships in the process but we should be able to have a drastic victory there and their ground forces are really weak which is great so we can just go ahead and invade waiting for this one for ages by the way we actually have better weapons available to us but I don't have any motes to afford it which is really annoying okay let's continue to upgrade our planets in the background though let's not allow that to just get away from us need more housing again that's gonna be upgraded by itself soon so I'm going to ignore that we're not gonna build more drone storage honestly I just want more research remember the endgame crisis is gonna be very early and at very minimum I want battleships ready thank you you should win this you are stronger but saying that defensive platforms done we do well why do you keep on not landing okay you go and bombard then we'll try oh it's cuz I have you sets try and go to this but normally you still land when ordered that is bizarre okay we've landed our forces so let's go ahead and try and take out all the stations around us because this is where the enemy can respawn from which will be really really annoying yeah this give me a definite victory all this lovely unity we're gonna get Oh on the charismatic no real helpful to us with still invasion over lovely we're soon to get the precursor insight which will be fantastic okay now you can go back to following these fellas now we don't want to take up their last world this time until we have all the space because I want all the space I don't want to have to buy it again there we are still working on our worlds in the background but not the most fun watching births it is all part of the plan they've really defended some of these bastions however on the fray the great assimilation can not be stopped okay once again let's remove all the view but this time we'll start working on actually having districts to replace them and I'd also like to move over one of my where are you one of you then if we do this and then any species that almost always pick that in fact so far of all you the world's not once has been anything but the rock parts even on worlds where there's been more options because of the lack of food could I've just invaded this yes I can okay let's do that yes so to fix the problem last time all I had to do was changed fleet stance from aggressive over to passive being on aggressive they tried to follow what friendly military fleets and attack planets by themselves if they are certain their whim but if they're not sir and they all just kind of even if you ordered them go back to following the fleet which is a little bit annoying honestly okay isola station gonna lose quite a lot there so I'll reinforce precursor discovery all by itself well then that is pretty lovely oh yeah I forgot about all these lovely debris sections so grab all of you anyway and the precursor section is all the way up there so I'll move you up to here this is going so well okay now you just Weis around there don't don't want you accidentally taking over this world over hostile fleet assets they have some more stations up there but yeah their fleets have been destroyed and their worlds have been mostly conch oh no there is a fleet over there nevermind ignore what I was a saying generally good device on its local move over there you can take them out anyway and then you can repair at the bastion eat and I would like you to reinforce which just cost me over a thousand a voice but for now why what is more research agree world really know anything but for now let's put you on rural or fringe Construction complete okay they run into the bastion which really weakened them and now we'll finish them off again okay reclaim that and instead of healing there I think you should just go back a heal here in fact what I want you to do is grab that grab that run back over here heal this station fleet unit offlined Oh what happened Oh reinforcing I kind of forgot that run right into that well that's kind of stupid and this is why I don't always use the reinforce method because they blindly run into everything and if you're not micromanaging we optically good at that kind of stuff like I am well I'm not rather then that can be kind of horrendous because good has changed some of these generators districts into Nexus would lose one of our tech jobs but then get one more maintenance and the housing will be less of a problem I'll do that when other resources to do so do you have extra arms as well you say you can't see the extra arms here can you with these fellas I kind of missed that we lose little lines on their head maybe they have a model with that even when they're sapien spurts yeah I guess we'll have to lift you in fact no we don't need to right now because we don't need the influence we'll leave you there as a future influence game if we so need you okay we're only growing yet we are only growing lives except for one we might need to force them because our habitability with the lymphoid isn't 100% it might still go with these even with the slower growth and then it's minus 20% but even then that's faster we'll see we'll see how that really works I might have been a little bit wrong with that in the past but it does still seem to favor them heavily if nothing else incomplete okay got quite a few jobs there not enough but quite a few and as we get more materials we'll keep building it up isn't that so beautiful the relic is the cyber ex war forge rubber up Keith minus 10% when activated increases population assembly speed by 50% we are of course going to activate that instantly and we get loads of unity which means now we have finished prosperity and what I would love is synthetic age making our robots significantly better we are snowballing so well right now we can still be destroyed but thankfully everyone else hates everyone else so we're kind of in the middle of everyone hating everyone and ignoring us which I am fine with okay good you have now upgraded your weapons to the advance the rail guns I shall give you afterburners I mean it would let you keep up with the Corvette a little better speed 204 108 now I'm moving to 1/9 yeah for once I'll go afterburners I rarely do but in this case probably the best option okay you are healing right now that's good just keep on reinforcing they'll grab all of your construction systems over here and all is well and soon we are going to be the chosen ones in the eyes of the spiritual for an empire construction complete which is interesting because we are machines the tomb continues to be excavated and we can now start doing this quite a lot since you have loads of spare relics each of our coordinators provides one additional menial drone output menial just being the basic drones and plus to stability on this world are currently only have six but soon that's gonna be why higher in fact no it will be way higher soon purely because we have prosperity I was gonna say we're about to grab prosperity but every twenty populations we get one more coordinator I love the coordinator system with machines I honestly think that normal Empire should have this I love the idea of them boosting the output of the basic workers because that's kind of their job a couple different species we have oh you stop trying to take by our systems that's rude you please catch up before the jump that'll be great a scientist security trying to grab all the debris fragments technological acquisition successful construction complete almost there come on yes there we go goodbye for the glory of the machine intelligence now if you have so kindly grab that back that'd be fantastic and then you can continue and we're moving to the next station once they have no stations they're pretty much just completely gone I mean they're basically they're now already but even more so well we're minerals are suffering the moments yo4 because you have way more alloy foundries and research things going on now yep yes we do okay well that makes sense okay need to make some mining worlds then good to know good to know I will get some more mineral some spice as well just good and Adnan Capet she isn't too bad we have 90 already so almost at 1k research we've only plus 15% to our tech cost that's not bad in the slightest technological acquisition and we ain't loads of extra points of research from all this debris which is lovely war is so profitable it's a wonder that it doesn't happen as often in real world it is a wonder that it doesn't happen as often in the real world was the joking line there but I for some reason forgot how to speak to be fair it is currently 7:00 a.m. I start recording this at 4:00 and blast time when I said I'll record a more reasonable hour I lied I tried but it didn't happen all yesterday there's been construction work right outside my apartments really loud construction work the day before that it was a friend's 30th birthday so that was basically the whole day it's been a bit mad around here the last few days which is really annoying more research let's try and prep more jobs and more housing cuz otherwise this is gonna be horrendous soon and you continue to reinforce please the ships here were filled of organics who thought themselves heroes or at very least thought themselves brave to try and hold to the onslaught or perhaps even just slow down the onslaught of the driven assimilators from the driven assimilators perspective they were doing them a favor destroying themselves so such stupidity was not added to the collective destroy their last bastion of hope they will be thankful in the long run when they are us okay let's grab these systems move on over and grab that these already claimed by their neighbors so whatever they can keep those we have two bastions already protecting that's fine and then all we have left is all of this almost there then look how happy these fellows are I mean they're not upset they're laced they can't be so now we need to decide what tradition tree we're going down next especially since I mean loads of unity from assimilating those dragons synchronicity you'll make everything run a lot smoother less upkeep from all of our robots our amenities usage is reduced by 10% which is really really good and maintenance Depot's give more jobs there's loads of really nice things there and then when it's all finished stability plus 5% so all of our worlds give more resources fantastic discovery plus temps at research speed was finished already amazing our researchers are cheaper and our leaders level up even faster which will stack with transcendent learning versatility is good but more for later domination is fantastic influence and mean your drone output I think for now just discovery let's really really go for tech also we can now build habitats so I'm gonna want more alloys as well so tech and alloys so basically what we've only been doing very balanced Olo oh that's a really really weak fleet more heroes thank you for your service removing ourselves from the collectiveness we thank you and also more tech for us we're getting so much tech from all of these bits of debris it's really helping here's something I really should have done earlier which would have been ways given a stuff I was already explaining population controls enabled we no longer have anymore the birds growing or any of the others so instead all we are ever going to have is lipids which is what we want since you want to look forward leaders that should change by the end of the month now so if we just keep on watching yeah I'll vanish and then next month it will become just the regular construction complete we have burst out of that cage also this wall tea is fantastic plus 20% engineering yes please hello this bit of debris four instances gave us 340 physics research and 140 engineering that is so so good the site break storage is something truly truly beautiful so it's active for 10 euros essentially it's the entire duration as long as always active plus 50% assembly speed that is phenomenal I first said 12 months per 120 months in fact default writes population controls enabled so any new speech that we get will automatically be changed okay I've just looked at the time I've just looked at how much footage you've got so far for me to edit down and wow there's a lot considering how few years have passed but I think we have done amazingly in this episode we're about to get a relic which will make a sub series powerhouse we have a relic which is already making us a powerhouse we have all of this space now as ours we're about to finish off at the rest over here and we are becoming very dominant very very quickly there's even a really fantastic world now being created the entire galaxy will soon be assimilated or at least enough of it so that when the end game crisis occurs we're not instantly dead I am now trying to research as best I can trying to go towards battleships I'm now researching cruisers and large weaponry stuff like that so at least we can do our usual tactic of just turtling up to begin with least I hope so in 40 years the end game crisis can spawn and I've never felt so ready so early this has been a wonderful run so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may helps out the channel and most importantly shows us the lara stew series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode hopefully it will be recorded and more normal time so I can speak about slurring my speech and just rambling on and on and we should be able to start conquering yet another Empire we are going to be very aggressive in other words so thank you so much for watching and good bye now if those construction workers aren't here later I might be able to record during the daytime and buh-bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 69,524
Rating: 4.962738 out of 5
Id: J7muFE_KpT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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