Stellaris | MAX Difficulty Run | Attempt 2 - Ep3 | Relic Powers & Habitat Spam!

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me or a 3x and of course welcome back to the rock Abbas assimilators in today's video we're going to be consolidating our power from the gnar Kingdom and then we're either going to be just focusing on our own systems building up habitats and peacefully coexisting or we're going to be assimilating the Star Alliance the other Empire which spawned right next to us which really really hides us and hates our allies thankfully our allies already stronger than them so they're probably not going to attack us first we have our passions which are all upgrading and our alloys are going through the roof very very soon we're going to have a very very nasty fleet athletes are nasty soon you'll be far nastier but the thing is though we do need to start focusing heavily on tech the end game crisis can spawn at any time after 2300 if it spawns near us we're dead anyway but it spawns further away we still need to get our tech up and running as soon as possible to have battleships to have ships which can counter the enemy to have all the different options and right now we just don't have that it's 2216 we are doing fantastic for that time but I've never had the endgame crisis this early so then let's continue taking over all of the gnar Kingdom then we'll take over the final world of the gnar and then we'd start building some habitats we need minerals and we need some rare resources because now I can start upgrading our buildings which sadly do cost upkeep and that upkeep is very expensive if we can't make it ourselves but first one thing we do need to do is finally upgrade our robots I was waiting around for this because I was still waging war and I wanted to make sure we had our tech but now what we can do straightaway I really want to do is just this there we are our robots no longer have any negatives they are simply mass-produced and give +5 to all resources simple as that nice and general purpose later on we might give ourselves logic engines but we do have our lipids who are worthy intelligence so not quite sure where I'm going to go after this there's a lot of stuff we could use but for now we're just gonna stick with this but so the rock bots upgrade stealing loads of extra tech as well which is fantastic so we are currently in a good excess of stored research and so we simply continue take time to save up three thousand alloys Oh No okay that's what I didn't even consider so we are now at the point where our wor exhaustion has got to 100% so very soon we'll be forced into status quo there are two worlds here though so I think I should still try and do I'm doing currently but instead of attacking all of here let's go back so take over this anyway I showed you here then go back and take over these two we can always just attack them later and grab this world there's no major issue but there are two worlds here which I really really want one of them because they 21 sized world which is fantastic and the other where are you because it's a 23 sized world which is fantastic if I can get any words out which I can't the ancient tomb continues to be excavated now is the thing will we eventually finish off this will have the relic which will allow us to spawn full an empire fleets but the cyber x war Forge is just so so powerful plus 50% pop assembly speed right now that is causing us to have a serious growth rate increase so I'm not sure if I will be using it that much I think I'll use it the first time because getting a bonus now basically means we can instantly go to war with the Star Alliance but lights are on I think I will still focus more on the war Forge whilst I'm still remembering a few people asking me about the rubric ATAR and is there any way for us to get there before we get jump drives and sadly not although it looks like it's connected to these three systems it's just because it's a really weird angle it's only connected by one hyperdrive and that goes straight to this which is in fact in the isolationists territory now of course once we have jump drives we could simply jump to the system but then once again the isolation this will attack us if we dare grab the system isolationists are fairly mean it turns out it's so nice using destroyers once ok we found the next Empire and it's a fallen Empire these fellows the keepers of knowledge a stagnant ascendancy wow we have so many fallen empires here please have a marauder Empire wake up is that mid-game crisis not these fellows ok before we risk anything then I'm just gonna go ahead and grab the final world so ground forces go and have some fun is that station attacking their ground forces miss and a goodbye special project complete excellent our robots are now upgraded actually let's go with research alternatives you little it's you actually I'm gonna keep you because I do want to eventually make you into a bastion because we will most likely attack one of the four empires purely for tech but that is in the future so you can go away the naar Kingdom has been removed from the game and now we can consolidate our forces what I'm going to do is go ahead and take over the Star Alliance oh hello is that dead end well I'm about to find out anyway so scientist survey that and then actually know what automatic you'll do all your by itself tell me what's over there my fleets returning and very soon we'll start building our first habitat or go to war as soon as we have the new relic and have used it our first habitat will be built over here now the reason why I'm not uplifting this species is because as soon as I do will give us loads of influence so I'm to do that as soon as it's necessary and by building a habitat over a world which gives us minerals we will have mining districts which is fantastic I want loads of Abbott ATS for minerals and for rare or resources as usual I really hope this is actually a dead end if so where surprisingly safe over here considering the increased hyper line density acquisition successful battleships thank you and one left then we have the new relic planetary surface we are building robots so fast that is amazing now building our first cruisers where students get 10 K fleet power which is lovely but somewhere in the middle currently in terms of our power which is fine at X doing ok but there are many Empire stronger than us so there are many empires a weaker than us we are middle of the pack lovely assimilated populations and minerals are doing terribly but thankfully alloys sell for so much now that we are part of the Galactic market we are floating our economy on that and once again we are going to be focusing on building a mineral habitats after these to win a focus purely on habitats as we can build a fleet soon using this okay lovely battleships are now there let's get the new thrusters these two worlds are already being colonized and all is well within the assimilators so how do we attack the target I assume we attack over there oh they're already oil other empires how weakened are they still equivalent so we're still going to white construction we don't want to have to rebuild the fleet cam on Orion does 60% chance now because someone lucky with these and breakthrough maybe yes yes yes we are the chosen we are the chosen and so we use the New Relic which gave us an 8k fleet so a 5k flip how do I see eight I'm just going mad one battleship and three destroyers hmm some reason I thought we got more than that either way it's that I love lead free edition and now they are inferior okay let's move our fleet out is that really worth it in comparison to the wharf Forge I don't think it is it's good but we've got a good enough Empire that we're already outpacing it yeah I think the wharf already better just getting all our worlds up and running as fast as possible and a new habitats and everything else we now have a new Civic slot so what are we going to choose factory overclocking is awesome introspective is amazing though research speed engineering plus 20% rapid replicators plus 20% to our pop assembly speed rock break is good loads of these options fantastic I think just more research though rapid replicators would get all of our worlds running so quickly especially if we're going to building so many habitats and probably ring welds eventually as well that's kind of where we're going with this now I think for now is research we are introspective Construction complete hello neighbors my color war protocols initiated they're currently being attacked by [Music] these fellows that's surprising so how far away they are why is it those no it's several empires including you so these and those okay just go straight for their homeworld it seems to be unprotected mostly clear at war with other empires already and it will be mine well that's quick I mean it's only one battleship but it's cut a focus are committed this early on which is just fantastic okay their homeworld is relatively unprotected don't want to bombard it too much because that'll cause devastation for us so it would be easy just to invade straight away you know what we're going to because we're just that mean can we please steal a research vessel I would love just love to get all that debris thank you as they desperately try to defend their borders towards the West we are here at their homeworld readying their assimilation so many populations which will give us so much unity area Bloods just don't build our second bastion so what we're going to do is go species go to you and uplift that'll give us loads of influence so we can continue to build more and more and more well that's annoying they have ground forces here thankfully nowhere near enough though yeah we claim this just in time if we left any longer the other fellows would have grabbed it although they're not a total war like we are so I don't know if it actually would have taken it by the way what we're going to do next to that fleet is this Oh a world laughs Lee really should do this and have a look see any other worlds over here yes okay so what we're going to do is take over this go around here and then down here just kind of ignoring the main war going on over there lovely we have a new world going to replace all of their current districts with our city districts for Nexus now we also no more farms upgrade that and I want more research so this will become one more tech world and send over one Latoya just to get things rolling so it instantly building robots Construction complete okay our economy is not looking fantastic and it won't do for a while but we can float it with alloys and rare resource for the most part and all the game loads more mineral super annoyed from space I just realized I said second bash in Robins second habitat I'm building my second habitat that's why I wanted the influence anyway there's a 25 guy a world here it's a holy world for the Fallen Empire but we have the special relic which will allow us to grab this without angering them 25 Gaea world well that's that's pretty lovely just uplifted the species and now we have 780 influence that's so much influence for thus three populations this is their main fleet that is quite the laser lightshow it's also really showing that we do need to upgrade a lot of our ships we have all sorts of ladies as being fired because I haven't really had a chance to grade them and so we have victory oh hello that's annoying where are you going okay I stack that so grab that attack you maybe you should go this way it's faster and it seems like they have more reinforcements over here and he welds over here so nothing too important plus we grab all this we're kind of shielding this with other empires anyway so that's fine you can grab that just keep on getting more alloys I would love a third habitat to be built at very soon building for the future just grab everything someone is now guaranteeing their independence that's a little bit light on assistants they're already at war several okay so we need to make sure to completely win during this fight otherwise next time we go to war we're warring with many many empires not really why I want honestly complete our first habitat has been completed and now we can build a new one sadly this won't be possible because it's not the main world we are now researching the battleframe army large bipedal warbots they are surprisingly fast and mobile given the heavy armaments they carry there are quite intelligence and we're known for their insidious tactics they often employ that's gonna really help out so now I have elite forces normally I don't really go for that so quickly but since we are inviting so many worlds Oh your robots rogue servitor so we have a regular machine Empire the assimilators and rogues okay yeah we will be the federation of bots how look if we've been with that okay this whole runs has been so lucky I may do another maximum challenge again the future births wow I don't think we're having it this lucky again still been so fun though from rags to riches from a tiny little Empire here to assimilating all organic life you two should find an organic species to nurture nothing warms your processors like knowing another life-form is helpless without you well I mean we're almost doing that we're just using that organic population that's all habitats habitats everywhere okay ground forces please go back to following the fleet for your own safety construction complete if they attack our station they're probably going to die no waiting around okay one more guy world which will now be ours we are truly the blessed machines well that's something I didn't know happens I just altered my lipids so that they are now natural engineers and as soon as I altered them they now have to undergo assimilation again okay I'm assuming that will give us unity again but that's just ridiculous I'm losing almost all of my resources because of that well that's horrendous and I'm glad this Wars almost over because that's gonna me for a while not great not great in the slightest okay so it seems like that happening is a glitch or unintended I don't really know but essentially what happened was as soon as of one more month went by they all became regular populations again even though that's why too fast to assimilate so many populations that was really really odd our second habitat is being colonized our first habitat has been colonized and we are building three more so of the five four of them are going to be minerals the final one is going to be energy and rare resources because thankfully with the Machine Empire you will always get reactor districts with a normal Empire you'll get tried instead so either way you're still producing energy but if you want to reactor districts in a normal Empire you'll have to build above an energy reserve for this Empire you always get reactors which make sense because you know we can't trade and stuff ok our forces are gathering there will soon grab these two worlds there's one more world over here our main force moving over gonna grab all this and that is fantastic I'm tempted to stop our aggressive expansion at this point and really focus on our worlds but at the same time assimilating is kind of our thing and taking over this area would be lovely in fact I think they have a guy Oh world yes they do a really nice one the actual temp sent research savvy the happiness of course makes no sense also for us but still our friends just broke off the research agreement Oh friends do you wish to continue being friends that's because of border friction but that's going to increase if I attack this empire here you know we can assimilate machines planetary pacification protocols initiated ground invasion units of all objectives time for the trial run in our new battle frames I see receive they two of you on this planet which I'm not allowed to look out for some reason interesting still a planet is a planet we have one more world after this you can go over there and grab that then you can return home we are now building somewhere first battleship since we don't have enough influence to continue to build more habitats it's 200 influences and therefore a habitat was it 300 200 okay the relics soon to come off cooldown as well so we have to choose between the wharf Forge and this honestly both of them are so powerful but I am more tempted by the wharf Forge gang all of our worlds completely functional as fast as possible is just so powerful one more world now belongs to us but at least this time we have more to assimilate more unity we're so close to finishing off discovering plus 10% research speed and we can grab void born [Music] habitats take a long time to get going but once they are going they can give us in the excess of 200 minerals each when they're completely finished so incomplete there is that cancel I just told you to do I don't actually want that system right now I want to make sure we have enough influence to do everything we need to do what's that researcher which is over here did it get caught no there it is any more debris and little bit over there okay grab that please thank you construction cool converting all these bastions now into Anchorage's our economy once again is looking terrible that's to be expected after a war like this we do need some time to recover now definitely and maybe we should save up these to get secret to the cyber X but that's gonna take a while get 20 more now we don't have more relics it's gonna be difficult right these worlds okay so it seems that this Empire is going to survive after all because of these two worlds here you know what I'm gonna leave them I can't dogs have such a fractured Empire well they're probably going to keep this these supervisors alive as our friends so sure you can survive here for all time and now the final world will be ours a toon world with extra research nice and that's pretty much it so settle status quo yeah we have everything we already care about that so we're done and they were instantly vas alized discovery is finished and with that void born we could grab defender of the galaxy now make sure we have it in time no I think void warranty for the best additional districts yeah it's go void born now and probably next laugh get defender of the galaxy it's early birth technologic we do kinda need it I think I'm just going to go with the war Forge we have too many worlds which have very low populations we've made a new research pact with these lovely robots you know the ones that you actually friendly with us technological acquisition successful we break this defensive back so I'm sure nothing ominous about that - 115 well at least we'll gain more influence in fact that's the reason why you broke it we just needed more influence nothing threatening all of your 13k fleet power and my hoo over 20 in fact close to 30 K Philippe our total isn't it terrible when you become redundant we've gone from friendly to completely hostile it's not that only fleet if it is we can just crush them as soon as the truce is over it is kind of a shame they helped us out so much in fact without them I don't think it's a stretch to say we would have lost oh wow the geckos are doomed well done you're destroying the geckos which means you probably have more fleet power elsewhere which explains why you're still equivalent to us okay but we're going to continue to build a fleet anyway and of course increase how many alloys were producing this established the next our third habitat which is now colonized it is nice that we're getting more influence now we don't have the pact so we can make more habitats and more fun stuff later on Construction complete okay one more population then I can finally add more replicators so we can get a proper population on these habitats there we go the mega cannon fantastic good timing we can get that before we go to war so it's focused on battleships because that is such a fun weapon construction complete there we are and let's put down the machine assembly plans I forgot these actually give it a minute as well that's pretty darn fantastic and with that I'm afraid I'm all out of time for today's video today has been far easier than the other episodes we are expanding into an empire which was already weakened and we took over everything very very quickly our habitats are now finally being upgraded so soon we should have loads of minerals from them and our economy will look even better than it is currently because honestly the only thing we are struggling with is minerals in the next video we have to ask ourselves a very important question is it okay to betray our long-standing allies without them we would have lost to begin with but they would mean to us and now we are certainly not on good terms and taking over this world will give us a Timor population and all of this stuff and remember because they're machines we don't have to waste time assimilating them which is a shame because we don't get unity we don't get the society research but we instantly gain control of all of this which is a lot well not quite as much as this because they do get a bonus for being on the hardest difficulty but it's still going to be very very powerful so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows us the LA race as a series you wish to see continue in the future in the next video we go to war with some machines how we make sure we're friendly with the others because I do want a federation and a federation fleet thank you and goodbye this is going exceedingly well but there's only 22 years until the end game crisis please don't spawn right here we could to lose this so easily I'm rambling goodbye have a lovely day do take care tada
Channel: Lathland
Views: 60,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h3o0zW9HvQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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