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Still can not believe him and ASpec teaming up still lost the creator game . .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stahlseele πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I guess that does work on Ensign difficulty.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/paziek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know what the Hedgemon bonuses are, but I feel like it might have been more OP not to conquer your lackeys and get subjugate your weakest neighbor.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JamesDevitt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

By virtue of the Origin's lore, your supposed to be somewhat stronger than your federation mates - it's why your the leader of the Hegemony federation. The problem is that it is currently more profitable to just betray and conquer them, rather than continue being a Hegemon.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LystAP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It's not like Stellaris was ever balanced. Right now the DA, and DE are overpowered as hell. Considering, that it's about "federations" we can expect to have a federation start which is op.

Would be intersting, if host could make lobby rules. Such as disabling certain civics, or origins for this reason. Or even have a "competitive mode" with all bonuses erased.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jewbacca1991 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah... No way that's the only (or even most powerful) way to abuse the new origins. Early game wars have always been a good strategy, this seems like a waste of a good start. The video gives me plenty ideas for my own playthroughs though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ekbock πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

An awful title.

Unending spam of stock images.

An editing style that results in constant speech with no pauses.

Whatever that... ad-thing was at 15:50.

VERY frequent cuts to skip ahead to more "interesting" content.

Well, that was exhausting, definitely not my type of youtuber. TL;DW: Hegemon origin, guy quickly leaves the federation and in a single war annexes both his ex-federation buddies. Not much of interest happens after that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 114 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nitan17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Time to break out my yorkshire tea gold reserves.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Moonguardian866 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Surely I'm not the only person who was hoping to get an early look at the Hegemon origin.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Brit and today we're playing stellaris this is a sponsored video I know this is a sponsored exploit video the developers gave me an early access key and they would only give me a key ridiculously early access if they also sponsored me at the same time which I'm fine with that's more money for tea but they also said it would be fine if I found any exploits and lo and behold we found some exploits in this case so we're playing the brand new DLC for stellaris a fair bit early on the brand new update for stellaris as well and naturally yeah the developers have certainly missed a few opportunities here which the players can definitely exploit which is exactly what we are going to be doing today so as always I am the spiffing Brit and this is going to be a fantastic look into the gameplay of stellaris as we discover if stellaris is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or if the fact that you can gain free mega planets within the first 10 years of the game may or may not be slightly imbalanced causing your empire to be the strongest in the entire known universe trust me this exploit is wacky and it's going to ruin every single bit of balance this game once had so ladies and gentlemen before we jump into this what exploit do you think spiffs going to use today will EA go for an early war and become the most powerful person in the galaxy B become the leader of the Galactic Senate to the point where he can do infinite Palpatine references thanks to having a massive fleet size C relive the glorious values of the British Empire via colonizing and vassal izing most of the known galaxies or D all of the above and as we all know D is the best option actually waitin to that sounds that sounds kind of different oh god what have I said hop down to the comment section and vote today after all we here at spiff cove value your democracy server forever do make sure you sat back you're relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea and you're ready for this fantastic video you know what let's dive right into it so we're gonna select a brand new game you know I've actually pre-prepared an empire that's right I went and I prepared something for this game it's crazy we're going to be playing as the people of spiff co they are effectively Britt led by the fantastic supreme tea Emperor and there's nothing really too special about them other than the fact that they're a quarrelsome and they are ridiculously strong now really you can play is basically any faction with any traits and any species whatever you want the only thing that actually matters for this exploit are the origins for your empire is see they're a bunch of different origins you can have you can start out on a planet which is literally going to explode within 35 to 45 years which is absolutely fantastic that's great fun you can start as a vassal state of a fantastically massive fallen Empire there's a lot of fun little things they've added with these origin mechanics instead of doing any of that we're going to be starting as a hegemon origin well this means is that we start as the leader of a Federation which has two members which are basically bordering us these members will have of course large planets and we'll start out with a nice large capital planet as well this is part of the reason why the hegemon faction is so overpowered now of course hegemon does have some limiting factors if you're not allowed to play goosed out consciousness or basically a hive mind although that doesn't technically stop you because if you are fast enough and set up a macro you can actually click cast out consciousness and hit done before the game is able to take and process that you should be able to play as a hegemon so despite the fact that we're not playing there's a hive mind today you socially can turn on hive might pick two of these select hive minded hit done and were BAM you're suddenly in the game and trust me if you were a hive mind in this start you'd be absolutely ridiculously overpowered naturally we are also going to be ridiculously overpowered but for completely different reasons now when it comes to the people of the spiff Co Empire there of course fnatic militarists who are massively or forit Aryan this allows us to have some very very impressive fleet because our ships are going to have plus 30% fire rate which is ma fantastic as well as all of our fleet Admirals being even more powerful and of course we'll have a feudal society because why not we're an empire what great empire doesn't have a feudal vassal based system anyway so that's our lovely Empire this is exactly how we're playing the game it's gonna be great now I've set all of the game stance to default so this is a developer approved perfect way to place the laura's remember this ladies and gentlemen not only is this being paid for by the developers of this game this is also the approved an appropriate way to be playing this game it's been approved anyway decades ago when our first crude sublight probes visited the star systems neighboring our own we discover the presence of two distinct alien civilizations like us they're on the verge of developing practical interstellar travel but their government to a weak and disorganized recognizing that their strength would add to our own we began to gradually push for a political union under our supervision so basically we have two empires to the left and right of us to our north we have the AHA and to the south we have the faragon whoever they are they seem great now of course we start bordering them and we start in a Federation with them and because of that we can see their planets we can click on say the chaja homeworld over here and see that it's a lovely planet with 28 people living on it and it's actually pretty nice the same can be said for the faragon planet which has once again twenty-eight people living on it now whilst a lot of people would look at these empires and think oh these are great these can be our friends and allies and we can go and Diplomacy the entire known universe no these are our rivals and we are going to try and cook them and push them into a corner and steal every single thing they own of course before then we need to make sure we can push them into the said corner so we're going to grab Rio 2 over here and immediately send off the Sun ship to survey this region as soon as we survey this region we're going to pop down a space station to stop these empires from trying to travel there equally we're going to want to grab this system here in this system here to stop the northern Empire from also escaping our clutches we want them to expand but we don't want them to expand much we want them to build up tall not wide and so the best way to do that is to keep them boxed in little room anyway whilst this is happening also make sure to build yourself a second science ship because you're going to need it for research I'd strongly recommend sinking a lot of your early engineering research into weapons just trying to improve your entire empire for society based research pop growth speed is amazing and monthly unity is always very jazzy how when it comes to physics you can basically just do whatever the heck you want for your planet the first building you're probably going to want to get is yet another alloy foundry as alloy foundry is going to be a great way of building up our military Empire now of course our two empires to the south from the north will want to try be as friendly with us as possible because they're in a federation with us naturally we don't want to be their friend so just decline everything their lands will soon belong to us a last thing you want to do is actually become friends of them and there we go we've managed to serve a raw veggie D here before our AI friends have allowing us to build the outpost here before they can possibly get their outpost over there Ivor this gives us a great opportunity as that means we're going to cut these guys off from expanding which is perfect for us of course and of course eventually you're going to get your opportunity to pick your first traditions now the game gives us a early advantage by giving us the Federation tradition in the diplomacy section naturally just ignore all of that this entire tree is useless for what we have planned instead go for supremacy supremacy is fantastic because it unlocks the ward doctrines policy which allows us to finally use our no retreat policy which we have hidden up our sleeve trust me it's fantastic it also allows us to increase our ship fire rate by a further 10% which would make us hit 40% ship fire rate which is you know just downright stupid now I love this game it's great and now that we've managed to practically cut them off what we're going to do is we're going to leave the Federation we're just going to leave the Federation to its own devices meaning that these two factions have basically cut ties with us this is no concern of ours of course because we've managed to successfully box both of them into a corner now after boxing them into a lovely little corner we're going to naturally squeeze down and the main reason we've left this Federation is because the Federation is powerful it's powerful but what makes it weak is that it's not directly under your control you see there are two ai's which you have to counter with with their own intentions desires and aims so why not take those desires and aims and crush them and make them your own you need to look at it from the eyes of an empire the game has gifted us to absolutely fantastic planets you see these planets are huge they're controlled by our eyes am I going to be fed up and they're set next door to us they are going to grow as fast as our own planet and consequently that means we are able to triple the size of our empire faster than any other empire in the game and all you have to do to take it is invade it it's as simple as that and for that we only need a fleet building a fleet can be a bit of a challenge but trust me we're gonna be able to do it so we are now sixteen years into the game and we are ready to execute operation backstabber Rooney you see we've managed to build a lovely fleet over here in elizabeth ii system led by co CI miru is a pretty chill dude and he's offering us a free pair of 1.2 thousand which should be enough to defeat all of our enemies so we're going to go to war and quite simply we're going to attack both of these AIS simultaneously even have a nice little invasion fleet ready if we want to occupy planet or to which of course that's exactly what we're going to be doing we're going to try and jump directly into their homeworld system and see if we can destroy their fleet and their main Starbase chances are we're going to take a couple of big losses here but trust me it's worth it oh well they left their main Starbase undefended oh no oh this is going to be bad for you my friends oh this is going to be very bad for you welcome to the easiest war in the known universe right and it's even time to summon in the army as it received they didn't actually decide to build up a military force which is going to be their biggest downfall here fantastic we took the entire system without a single loss that's much better than I was even expecting now they do have a very large defense army but you know what that's going to be fine oh and we've discovered the enemy fleet it is over here in this system oh my goodness it's tiny easy even though they have actually a large amount of ships here their ships are ridiculously weak in comparison to us how they are going to be pathetic oh you know we're going to try and hunt them down we're going to take control of this fleet of theirs or them actually it looks like we've just discovered the enemy fleet oh this is lovely another opportunity to fight and here we go our first proper costly fight we've jumped into their home system this is going to cause a fair bit of chaos but it should get rid of their fleet it's going to damage our fleet and it will give us control of both home systems which will nullify their ability to build up a meaningful fleet to counter us and naturally we need to actually start taking some of these planets so it is orbiting bombardment time of course we're going for indiscriminate bombardment because we want to take this as soon as possible I'm just what defenses do these guys have in place oh they actually have 433 strength for armies in defense well don't worry once we bombard you guys enough we'll be able to take control of this planet and the bombardment of fiorina to review is actually going really quite well we've got about 30 ships in orbit and lo and behold they are raining a lot of pain down on top of this planet admittedly we have loaded stability to zero and probably accidentally killed the occasional pop but it's perfectly fine we only have a very minor chance of accidentally killing someone with each bombardment oh and were a maximum devastation well there we go that's the spirit now the planetary armies take double damage oh yes you defense Regulus you're not going to last very long at all yes we did destroy the precinct houses yes we have load the amenities to basically zero it's fine trust me this planet will be ours and once it's ours it may one day become happy again oh my goodness before most hit devastation level 100% we were accidentally murdering off the population of the planet at the same time so we need to land this army we need to land it now because as fun as it is to sit and bombard a planet to death we really shouldn't just means what we eventually end up gaining is a pile of rubble instead of a lovely planet there we go the invasion is complete that planet is now ours and it's immediately off to go rescue one of our planets which is currently getting occupied oh and good news but we got the great game we finally completed supremacy allowing us to pick up our first ascension perk naturally we're going to go for transcendent learning to make all of our leaders just absolutely crazily overpowered but most importantly what we're going to do is we're going to go into policies here you can finally set our war doctrine now of course we can do defense in depth which means in home territories fire rate is plus 10% we can do hit and run meaning we have a higher chance to disengage combat we can do rapid deployment for faster ships and longer range or the no retreat doctrine which basically means we can't escape from combat but by God because our men know we can't escape from combat they put up a lot of a fight that takes our tiny fleet up to 2k strength which is absolutely ridiculous for early game but you know it's exactly what we want anyway it's off to go rescue our colonies please you try to occupy my planets get ready to say hi to the brand-new first fleet of the spiffy Co Empire yes it's very overpowered yes this is just a massive laser light show and that's it your entire Navy is gone in one go it's just that powerful when we're going to look at the battle stats of this fight it is going to be absolutely stupid I can tell you that much yes there we go that's that fight complete we lost one single Corvette we did 13,000 damage to hull they managed 741 that's all they did we managed so much more damage than they ever could even imagine of which is so good at war so so good at war oh and they just walked an enemy fleet in on top of us oh that was a very bad move wasn't it and sadly we do only have 700 days to finish up this war before we get forcefully ejected from it but this is going to be no problem as you're bombarding their homeworlds and it is basically all going to become ours oh we need to do is drop our armies very soon and this should be perfect now we're going to land our army's worst we continue the orbital bombardment and yet this is going to be a fine assault for us lovely stuff we're going to take a couple of losses here but worry these are merely acceptable casualties ladies and gentlemen to gain control of this planet we can gain the excel in our leader pool perfect that's exactly what we want anyway this planet is now ours which is fantastic and with that we're able to conquer and achieve our war goals them simple as that ladies and gentlemen everything is now ours and with that both of their civilizations come to an end and they immediately come under our fold which takes our population from what was around about a humble 42 now a Glory's a hundred and eight this makes us more powerful than all of the ars around us about twice as much meaning invasions of these AIS well it's going to happen very easily especially because our fleet is absolutely massive ludicrously overpowered and just downright amazing we are definitely the most powerful being in the Galaxy at the moment excluding any fallen empires but because we control these planets admittedly they're a bit shaken up we're going to be gaining resources from them at the moment their production isn't going to be great because they have high unrest they're very devastated but given time these bad boys are going to be very very powerful indeed now it is going to take a very long time for our Empire to get back on track but once it does it is going to become a very crazy powerhouse for the time being however it's going to take a long while now because of course we now have a lot of different pops of different cultures we need to take the harmony unity tree because this is going to provide us with a lot of bonuses to get all of our lovely members working in a glorious group together instead of trying to murder each other which is currently what they're trying to do as stability is still zero on some of these planets but don't worry given time it will be fine and here we go stability is slowly climbing back up as we are now aligning more and more of our population with our all values basically suppressing all of the factions we don't agree and promoting all of the ones we do agree with including the Zeno friendship Network led by our own Crown Prince I know our heir to the throne is leaving a xeno friendship network we're gonna have to get rid of that with time yes here we go the planets have finally starting to come back online now of course what you must do even though we would just offered it never accept a migration treaty with another Empire especially whilst you're currently going through what is effectively a ridiculous Cultural Revolution we have annexed to massive capital planet worlds which are huge and have massive populations which are producing ridiculous amounts of resources and of course they don't want to work for us because they find us terrifying weird and scary now we've managed to actually convince them that they probably should instead work for us and that's what they're currently doing bizarre I've jumped in to the midpoint of the video when you were least expecting me ladies and gentlemen and I'm here to offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a limited time offer those people up at the top of spiff go have got a brilliant opportunity for you have you ever felt of seeing the stars and joining the armed forces defending the solar system or look no further than liking this video because liking this video today ladies and gentlemen grant you your very own Corvette I know equipped with the latest technology in jump drives you're going to be frust into combat scenarios left right and center you have no say of what you're fighting or when you have any time off but don't worry using the power of T injected directly into your brainstem you're going to continue fighting for way longer than your body can feasibly manage so sign up and join the spiffy Co forces today we'd absolutely love to have you on board oh here we have it ladies and gentlemen with 52 years into the game and we are relatively speaking the strongest faction in the game as well we have the largest population and the most power of course excluding any fallen empires but you know they're in a bit of a league of their own now when you last saw our Empire we were kind of on the verge of a massive civil war naturally all of that has massively turned itself around and all of our empires are in positive stability that's very this is a planet where the population is mostly not Brit and yet they aren't living in perfect harmony and absolutely loving life the same can be said for the other capital planet where once again it is mostly 36 pan or reef species and living their best lives and best yet all of these planets they have really low crime mostly because we have big Steve our lovely governor over here who is a righteous person meaning they lower all crime on planet any downside is their righteous and yet they are a substance abuser she kind of counters the righteousness I mean you're putting people in jail and yet you're just huffing a load of drugs behind the counter you know what I'm not gonna question you big Steve you do as you please my friend we've also managed to crack down on that Empire sprawl by getting two massive bureaucratic planets set up where they basically just do a bunch of paperwork and in doing so allow us to expand and have a massive Empire we're going to be putting this to good use by probably invading these guys over here because I mean we might as well they've got a homeworld over here we could probably take quite easily and the rest of their empire hardly look too that spooky either we are definitely going to actually start really overtaking the arrows on several fronts mostly research in the like because we are getting our research planets online very quickly our capital planet is basically going to get converted into entirely just research meanwhile our to bureaucratic planets give us enough of a reach once fully upgraded to annex most of the known universe we're also slowly working our way up to Wenk water over here where we have a Gaea world waiting for our population I know we're gonna send the Brits to colonize that bad boy and they're going to love it now we do actually have a faction down here to the south which are friendly to us the bonded merchants they are willing to do just about anything research agreements migration treaties you name it they want to be there mostly because they have an inferior economy despite being a merchant faction and technically speaking their feet is also equivalent because I haven't actually built up my footing to its maximum just yet you know we might as well do that for fun let's reinforce this bad-boy fleet it's going to spend a ridiculous amount of alloys but you know it's worth it oh and the Galactic communities just started which allows us to join the galactic community it's a good fun feature which allows us to see the rest of the galaxy and pass laws now the amount of power you have in the galactic community is basically dependent on what your empire has to offer as we're going to be massively pushing our empire towards having huge stretching borders and a massive Navy that will give us more diplomatic sway which is of course very important oh here comes the fleet ladies and gentlemen it's going to be a fun spicy one elizabeth ii shipyard well it's in full swing and the Navy is being formed and it's full strength who knows how powerful this thing will be oh but that doesn't matter because we've just gained the Galactic community suddenly we can see most of the galaxy while all of the factions which decided to join it and this allows us to actually propose resolutions I know now what we're going to do when it comes to the glorious Galactic market is to focus as much as we can on any military takes which improve diplomatic weight from fleet power at the moment our diplomatic weight is just 726 not the strongest in the galaxy we're actually second most diplomatically powerful after the arterian regime which is up here to the north and the way we become more powerful is by effectively making our fleet more valuable and by building a big fleet by doing that we're going to take control of all diplomacy in the galaxy and of course as soon as our planets level up which is immediately whack down even more glorious administrative offices I know they're lovely they're perfect and they're jazzy oh my goodness horror from the void oh no we've discovered something spooky effectively in this system right here there's an interdimensional horror which we don't want to have to deal with because that bad boy is terrifying and he has just eaten one of my scientists rest in peace oh no we've lost one scientist to the void well it was always going to happen one way or another there go the guy Ward is now under our control and we can start our colonization process so we're sending over a bunch of Brits to colonize a glorious and lovely guy world and with the Harmony tree now finally completed we are going to grab our self always would really quite like the Imperial progress as that would give us increased administrative capacity terms of Lee one vision is really useful for the increase unity but also the increase in governing ethics attraction this is kind of going to bring all of our empire into one more cohesive blob which is always quite useful but for the time being I think we're just going to need to expand our borders more its Imperial perogative time how naturally are colonizing of the planet which actually turned out to be one massive garden it turns out the caretakers aren't you happy effectively all they've told us is that we're not allowed to dig up the planet but we can produce a lot of unity so we now have a very specialist planet which we to grow it's going to be absolutely terrible for minerals but it is going to be absolutely fantastic for anything like artisanal production which we're going to be doing a lot of we've actually also discovered the precursor homeworld of volt Alma is Italy this allows us to get a system which is very overpowered it just happens to be sat next door to our entire empire which you know puts us in a lovely situation also did I mention my fleet is now massive yeah it's just huge and what a fantastic system it is look at the Volt oh my homeworld just a bunch of resources are so many exotic gases that's going to be powering our science production well that's gonna be very lovely indeed once we get it up and running now we've managed to achieve the status of being the first civilization in the entire galaxy to gain 500 science per turn which has basically put us at the leap of any potential science victories against the AI which is of course very useful as having a scientific advantage basically gives us an advantage in every other regard in terms of relative power we are the strongest faction in the entire galaxy I mean you can just see everything which is statistically inferior to us and yes we are basically in control at this point we can't be defeated we could probably take all of the heirs at once if we really wanted to now that we probably should but you know it's always a possibility and not long after us achieving a science output of 500 we now have a Sun so point of 760 yep we are basically upgrading all of our research complexes to become even more powerful each time we upgrade one of these bad boys we are increasing our science at a terrifying rate I know this is absolutely fantastic ladies and gentlemen if a bit more time has passed and as you can guess once again we are the most powerful being in the galaxy everything is under our control technically speaking we are the most powerful being in the entire known universe every single of a faction is inferior or pathetic to us when it comes to the Galactic Council well we control six cave the entire diplomatic process which I'm of course using to make the enemy of my enemy come to fruition which makes my fleet even more impactful when it comes to my own diplomacy naturally my fleet is the largest in the entire known galaxy and worried about to send it to go defeat the dimensional horror because you know we can oh he's very spooky isn't he just hiding away in his little things right come on mega fleets destroy that dimensional horror I know you've got it in yourself wait no I've also got a bunch of other stuff to do in the background don't mind babe to assign all the research which of course has to get reassigned almost every five seconds well turns out defeating the dimensional horror honestly not too bad looks like we are putting up a good fight and we should get the victory here Oh it's rough but it's worth it oh there we go we've done it the dimensional horror is dead oh my goodness finally what a rough fight that was time to immediately take control of the system as soon as possible so we are now 140 years into the game and things have gone well pretty funky to say the least we have gone from effectively being a member of the Senate with slightly more power than everyone else to becoming the entire bloody Senate we have a diplomatic weight of twelve thousand eight hundred which is seven thousand more than the next strongest faction effectively whatever we say goes in the galactic community but where enough is all of our diplomatic power coming from well it's almost entirely coming from our fleet and the best thing about having a strong fleet is that it allows us to pass even more acts to improve the weight of our fleets power basically meaning the larger fleet we have the more diplomatic we power we have the more we can pass resolutions which give us more diplomatic power for having a large fleet lo and behold this is taking us to silly levels of power speaking of a fleet we have a 33 thousand strong fleet just lying around in one of our systems and what are we going to do with it well we're going to invade the Killick cooperative over here because you know we might as well our fleets aren't even at full strength fern honestly they don't need to be we just have a metric ton of resources so what we're going to do is we're going to go to all of these bad boys but what war are we going to do we're going to of course go for Vassalo subjugation because as fun as it is to try and take control of more land we are of course an empire what good is having an empire if you can't just subjugate a bunch of people now remember this is going to be a rough fight because we're not only fighting the Killick cooperative we're also fighting the trade union over here and not just that we are also fighting the addicts our learns over here and the democratic difficut Accord this is going to be one big fight but lo and behold we're going to win it because all of these other nations have a prophetic fleet in comparison to our own and so it's time for war ladies and gentlemen oh I do love a good war it's all very exciting you know ladies and gentlemen I'm pretty sure this is it this is the end of the game we managed to of course we're now war and get a lovely vassal ization offered now the Killick empire is under our control most of the galaxy is basically just doing whatever we say because we have by far the most diplomatic power I mean at 33,000 whatever we say goes if we want to focus on the great camp then we just do if I want to oppose it then it just won't happen what I say goes in this Empire and you know what what better way to finish off the game than to actually invade to the final great card that's exactly what we've done we've sent in a good few fleets and they're gonna be having some fun over here attacking the great card whether or not we'll actually do it I have no idea but it's always a good love trying to see oh my goodness what a cheap a we've done it we've killed the great card oh we actually did it oh what a fantastic fight that was the great card has been defeated and we've that his empire will soon collapse bringing harmony back to the rest of the universe and there we have it ladies and gentlemen we are the most powerful being in the entire known galaxy and there is no physical empire out there which can stop us not even the crisis is that this game will try and throw at us we have achieved ultimate power and we've done it all whilst being sponsored by the developers this is actually probably the way DLC should have been done so good job paradox and with that I think it's time we end today's video as always a massive thank you to each and every one of you majestic patreon zoo who bankroll this lovely channel and make all of these videos all the more possible you lovely buggers and hey you know if you watch this video a new Ford I quite like this guy then why not consider subscribing and joining our fantastic community where you are guaranteed to see your tea consumption increase by up to 47% I know it's amazing and if you want what video to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be just perfect for you trust me you're gonna love it anyway I've been a spiffing for it and I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,307,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, stellaris, stellaris federations, Fedeartions are op, stellaris perfectly balanced game, stellaris federations dlc, STELLARIS FEDERATIONS IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, perfectly balanced game, federations, federations stellaris, spiffing brit, spiffing brit exploit, video game exploit, stellaris exploit, funny, montage, Stellaris game, stellaris update, gameplay, english, strategy game, strategy exploit, stellaris crisis, funny moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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