Stellaris | Rogue Servitor FULL Playthrough! | To Protect and Serve.

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me al a 3x and of course welcome to yet another video in which I do an entire stellaris run and then condense it into hopefully two hours or less with a rather cohesive story or at least I try to keep it as cohesive as possible today we are playing one of the weirdest if not the weirdest empire types you possibly comply not only are we a single consciousness we are the machine intelligence we are also rogue servitors and that is just really bizarre so what makes rogue servitor so weird what is truly bizarre about this well to begin with we start the game with organic life and unlike when we are the driven assimilators these aren't cyborgs these are just regular organics and we're caring for them which sounds lovely and nice but then you realize that we are well dictating every single aspect of their lives we are caring for them in such a way that we have replaced their free will and their freedom but to be perfectly honest it was their choice as the description explains a product of a brief golden age of the machine intelligence originated in a planet spanning servitor system that outlasted the decadent civilization it was created to serve the civilization is dead but the organics still live and then it gets weirder so how this works is that the organic populations on your planet's do nothing they have mandatory pampering as their living standard and their citizenship is bio trophy and you can actually collect more bio trophies from other empires and other species now why would you want to do this because these do cost energy and minerals to keep around well first of all they live in their own little habitats a specially built building which automatically gets built as soon as I population is grown or collected this gives you a little bit of unity which is nice but then the main benefit is this servitor morale for each 10% of the population which is a bio trophy and not a machine you get an additional 10% resource output for your robots and I believe that also goes for the bio trophies themselves since they do generate unity I believe they also get this bonus in addition to this you also get a zero point five extra influence per ten percent population as well this maxes out at 40 percent resource output and plus to influence which means your main buildings will be insanely powerful getting a forty percent benefit to whatever they're giving you mostly unity or science so you can really focus on a few very powerful buildings per planet and once again these organics will be given you unity so that's exactly what we're doing we're focusing around unity and getting quite a few planets completely filled of at least 40 percent of these organics so what are the organics we are going to be keeping of course they are adorable butterflies and they are called these elven because that was the automatic name and I just really like that straight away hence why we've gone for the winged robots I kind of wanted to just go with that but before we get into our bio trophies let's talk about the machines themselves I have simply called them custodians because I don't believe they would be named anything else our naming list is just the regular humanoid once again because I feel like this is an easy way to keep track and then we've tried we have enhanced memory giving us plus two to our leader level cap because our leaders are technically immortal although they can break down randomly especially as they age you tend to have leaders around for a very very long time which means a very high level cap is very very beneficial sadly this is very expensive as well at a plus two to our track cost we are bulking meaning we don't move around very easily which makes sense considering we have these rather frail looking wings we are luxurious many our robots cost more to make but we are shiny and this is a very expensive trait as well in terms of negative so it does give back all the points from enhanced memory and then finally we have that logic engines giving us bonus science because I want to go for a very balanced with this run I don't think we're going to go for super minerals and energy I also don't think we're going to go super into tech I think a lot of unity and then balanced everywhere else now for our bio trophies our lovely little butterflies well they are thes elven because that was the automatic name and I just really likes it in terms of naming once again white Arthur Boyd I thought that was on nevermind it makes sense anyway I don't think they can even become leaders so it doesn't really matter too much now with that right it turns out that it is very good for them to be adaptive sorry traditional well adaptive as well but traditional especially because the unity comes from the butterfly butterflies themselves we don't fry our butterflies now simply a slip of the tongue mmm butterfly so with this we get bonus unity and since each of them will have their own special building which gives unity that's pretty good I want them adaptive because I do want them on several planets they are weak and they don't like being moved around too much which actually isn't too good because we do need to move them manually from time to time so slow learners is probably a better option there we are or wasteful or decadent no that doesn't make too much sense because then would have - happiness and that kind of not be particularly good yeah let's go with deviance they are indeed deviant they are weak in deviance but they are adaptive traditional and communal because they are well pretty darn happy and they're happy to be together because apparently I have no creativity in me today and the homeworld name is Elvin topia the star name is L of a star because both of those made me laugh for City appearance are actually going with mammalian because it looks a bit more robotic than the rest and then with government and ethics we are of course a single mind which means we have less chance of pirates we have an increase in influence and increase in the core sectors and war exhaustion is gained slower which means we are pretty good at warfare is very nice since I will most likely be conquering other empires to get there organics yep we're going to be using them as pets and then of course we are the rogue servitor and I have got with the unitary cohesion which means we get plus 15% unity of course with a unity build that is fairly important also I'm saying of course very very often of course with the adviser voice we are going with the machine intelligence of course and the Empire name is the custodian collective of course as you've seen earlier of course self-destruct sequence initiated 5 4 3 2 1 so that's what we sound like now with the flag we are going with the love heart because we do indeed care for our subjects and then we're going with nice steel gray because well we are very mechanical our ship appearance is going to be the reptilian ships because I just haven't used them in a very long time and the ruler is caretaker benevolence because honestly this sounds like some kind of program which sounds nice and benign and then takes over an entire planet let's save that to make sure it's all done and then we get on to this so quickly reset to defaults that we are going to have no advance starts because I just absolutely hate that but we are going to be increasing the difficulty now and normally we play on Commodore which is the middle ground the eye light gets moderate bonuses to its economy research and naval capacity that's why the enemy in the last playthrough the Empire to the west was really difficult to turn into a vassal well ended up not even becoming a vassal - spoilers there purely because it's naval capacity was just so so high but this time we're going with Admiral the reason is I want this to be a memorable experience I'm also going to change the mid game start year to 2375 and then the end game is going to be 2500 actually what do we want mr. B yeah 2525 let's just be really weird like that this way it's going to be a much longer game and hopefully a much more memorable one this is most likely the last game before the next DLC drop which is going to be huge a new bit of DLC a new mega patch of the games going to change massively especially of how population's work I want this to be something fun Crysis strength I'm going but all the way at times to point five so the endgame crisis will be absolutely terrifying and that's pretty much that I don't want scaling difficulty yep I am good to go so with that let's begin higher difficulty higher crisis strength longer game let's see if we can keep this under two hours greetings from the future so this clip is being recorded straight after me finishing this playthrough I just want to say one thing I really hate past laughs Eric's for this right here the end game start near being changed because this really changed how the playthrough went and not in a particularly fun or good way without spoiling things this whole section not the best next time not messing with this it really does make some of the other difficulty changes a bit less impactful the same goes for the mid game and I do apologize for that but I will say this was easily the most fun I've had with any Empire so a fun spoiler there and now we continue here we are in the east of the galaxy so then cyan ship let's get going once again I do want quite a few science to begin with although not quite as much as in the last playthrough so you can just go about and do your work thank you very much for our first sciences I would love the energy bridge right away I would love some more unity although do kind of want this no let's just stick of unity and then finally bonus to minerals this early on is very very nice as well now then let's look at our planet our weird weird planet there we go we have the zelans in there organic sanctuaries this sanctuary provides a sealed environment where organics can thrive in a safe and above all controlled manner yeah look how happy they are as you can see they are indeed giving us unity so these are working the tile they're on but no matter where you put them they will always have this building that's all they can do still nice though a nice boost to unity sheet right away now one thing I want to do is this I am going to allow them to populate just right away that will also increase their happy by 10% thus giving me even more unity which is very very nice indeed and I would very much like this the uplink node straight away oh yeah I forgot about this the nutrient paste factor facility loads of food it's a really good hydroponics farm that's pretty much all it is and that's to feed our organic populace ok let's start building a custodian when I can that's the first thing I will purchase with our current population we have this server to morale average plus giving us plus 25 percent production from our robots and an influence gain of plus 1.2 this can go all the way to 40 percent and that's kind of where I want to keep it because I really want the excess influence what the Stars begin first and I really want the unity so I'm going to go ahead and do that oh yeah we have some special stuff here so versatility rather than diplomacy it still means we can make Federation's but it means we get a machine modification points and buildable population resource increase by five percent really really nice but what I'm going to go into first is this this is replacing harmony what we get is organic utopia all organic sanctuaries are upgraded increasing their happiness and I believe it also increases the unity by default rather than giving one you would say it gives to us a which is beautiful what else do we get all the usual gubbins and our machines are less likely to break down at the end we get extra influence and once again that means we can spread faster essentially giving us an a bit of expansion though I am tempted to do discovery first maybe discovery then that maybe discovery expansion then that I don't know but those are the three I really want to go for this variable so I've decided to go into discovery first the reason is this just uplink latency reduction it means we get unity every time we get a Tec equal to three months worth of unity it's just so so powerful and this over here is wonderful because we have a tropical world which our organics will be able to live on and then then we have this 25 sized planet which we can miss power robots on welcome to the butterfly farm at this point I really should mention that these lovelies alvin's are incredibly expensive 1.5 minerals per population that is very expensive and that's because they have mandatory pampering they just cost a lot of money and the sanctuary also costs an energy essentially it's the same deal as a stronghold it's just we can upgrade these once we get these organic utopia sending out the colony now which will be over here and this will be the robot world this one will be purely for the organics this is a really nice system a 25 volt and 18 world it's almost perfect so thank you very much for that let's get some energy because this is going to cost us a lot of that come on hurry up we are we're already very low in minerals let's grab that thank you cam on here's something do I still have the regular ascension perks well obviously we can't do the organic stuff or psycho stuff but okay we do have synthetic age which is just extra machine modification points that's very little machine world's is pretty amazing though okay so we do have machine world and we can also have world shaper Gaia worlds for the organics machine worlds for the caretakers I'm really looking forward to this Blythe that I've got to be honest it's so weird wait we have our precursor events starting lovely and apparently I didn't let anyone do this which is very silly you start that place thank you it is really weird starting the game as robots this time around almost purely because this every single planet is 100% habitable because we are machines and that's just kind of what we do now you can go start surveying in this direction although you have seemingly missed one over here oh it's okay that girl the first thing we meet is a fallen Empire to protect and serve so I can't have this world because those will attack us I forget to close that's annoying discovery is finished so what do we grab next technological ascendancy will be nice in 2008 it'll be great since we are going to want a lot of space since the difficulty is so high but that is lovely just bonus tech I'm thinking for now bonus tech will grab that lighter let's be honest we don't really need that much influence we're going to have so much influence from the morale we're already on +5 yeah sure science well our first governor's our failure Arrested Development will no longer it get experience well that is rubbish just go with the cheapo one for now then when we have more energy I'll try and find the perfect one laser so here's something interesting we are machines and what that means is that if we go into species we can very easily have lots of different templates of ourselves and that means we can have very efficient very specific types of drones the only problem is because we have machine integration and we can't change this in any real way they will also be able to be leaders and that's not great because the leader pool is limited and these will not have the leader characteristics which means we still want a general-purpose machine to be the most numerous and thus higher chance of being leaders but these can really really help out because right now Robo upkeep - gets energy upkeep - gets minerals and they're cheaper to build our first butterfly farm is finished so there we are all nicely done now on this planet is there a tile which is giving something better than food nothing minerals and energy science okay you move there I'll build a robot here I forgot how bad colonies are in terms of the cost of traditions oh plus 40 percent for the two of them that's kind of horrendous we need expansion because that reduces it it's still worth it because it means we can get more planets of science and minerals and everything else and of course science also goes up admittedly but it is definitely worth it because the science modifier is far less and having whole planets like this dedicated the science will overall be a positive mostly but most importantly doesn't mean we can have more minerals and energy in the Empire situation it's just really weird maybe I should do some math now upgrading our sanctuaries to organic paradises whoa my unity just exploded yep so these are now to unity rather than one and they increase happiness well that's awesome yet near whomps and happiness even on a non continental world well that makes having more welds way more viable because now our unity generation is going to be through the roof and remember as long as we have our morale high as science is going to be very high as well we have found the home world already fantastic that was so quick oh you are going to hang to us fanatic spiritualists yeah don't think they're going to like the Machine Empire next door oh when they are terrifying well that's bad that's really bad the homeworld loads of unity loads of research there we are so what do we want next we could just go with leader level cap that would be a good start in Dominions still okay but not particularly care about we could get the riding bombardment stance we could steal populations and make them our pets that's interesting that is very interesting much attempted by that honestly [Music] yeah I'm really tempted by that just for the fun of it maybe not maybe it's a silly thing to do though we don't need to do it it's just so Weist it it's too much of a wife's I need in two thousand minions though because eventually we will go for a lot of climbs so that is pretty good our people really do like pets there we are extra unity extra science everybody wins now here's a problem they're sort of boxing us in which I'm not happy with thankfully we can expand this way but still war is going to happen here and it's not going to be too long so I need to spend why more money on my military thankfully the home system is amazing loads of minerals energy and science and that's going to pay for warfare okay this is ridiculous I swear the right we're getting science is faster than the last playthrough which is focused purely around science and unity is insane already at 79 and increasing very quickly we just got chunks of energy from the vent so I would like an art piece please yes I'll put that right here then I'll instantly start building a population just so that butterflies can't grow there well to be fair forum grows adults move it we've so much excess influence we are just powering through everything the edicts are all on 24/7 at the moments which is just beautiful planetarium the only thing we're missing now is the grading the main buildings here and here I'm currently holding off building many more robots just because the percentage isn't quite at maximum but I definitely need to build on here because we can build this 10 energy yes please first of all upgrading a drones now they are cheaper both in energy and minerals and they give both minerals and energy essentially making them both of these combined yet cheaper situation finally the amount of fleet we have is starting to cost us our economy is no longer growing anywhere near as fast as it used to although this will give us a bonus 5% time in the ocean is pretty nice situation and that will give us I believe that's all now this planet will be the next robot planet just look at it it's just so beautiful with 25 tile planet of loads of science tiles exactly what I wanted just what I wanted for Christmas our very first black hole Observatory is now being created a little bit more science and never hurt anyone okay so well it's gonna hurt them it's gonna hurt them a lot because their science is going to make lasers nevermind science is oddly painful so war is still very much out of the question just look at that blockade systems are very complete that's kind of horrendous honestly construction come wild I really don't like shields well that's not good they just declared war on us and our fleet was all the way over here because it was about to finally make some space over here well that's really bad actually thankfully their fleet wasn't close to here yet and I can't see how else it can possibly get into our territory so now it's just wise I suppose they're going to declare war you'd expect more things it turns out our little butterflies are just fine on arid planets as well because of all the bonuses they get even with low habitability it doesn't really matter too much they still generate a lot of unity per tile so I decided to do is any empty tile which simply doesn't have modifier maybe except for food I will allow the butterflies to colonize once I'm done giving the robots their jobs speaking of which and really should have gave the job here now upgrading our monuments into system conflicts --is which give a planetary modifier of plus 10% unity which is going to be amazing on the butterfly dominated worlds this is a really fun Empire type it's just so different to the others custodians your bio trophies are willing participants are they not please say they're willing oh you are dead I don't care if you're going you are dead I didn't realize that kill every single bio trophy normally tell you one or two oh I am so annoyed at myself and so glad I had these butterflies on other planets otherwise I wouldn't be able to repopulate server morale just hi now not what it was before which was high plus should've just fought them up from the star that was stupid of me I am so annoyed with myself right now and tada there we are so now we are getting bonus unity of having a rival yang for that at least we could just grab Wow we have Voigt born already that's cool that's very very cool I was gonna say we should have grabbed defender at the galaxy already make people less angry ass plus we'll need eventually anyway but that's really tempting the problem is habitats are very very very very very expensive so I don't think we'd be able to afford one anyway I'm also very tempted by transcendent learning at the moment a custodian yep our leader is almost max level how about scientists only four well that one six out of seven so they are all getting there I'm not too sure to see I'll have a think about that now as for the next bit of unity I think I'm going to go into prosperity this way the consumer goods of all of our population will be decreased which is great because we're going to have quite a large population robot resource production plus 10% yes please now I'm about to do is very stupid option I'm about to attack that Bastion I'm not even using Corvette spam for once Wow we just lost a lot of forces straightaway let him come on cruisers oh no come their fleet sort of gonna do is grab this then run deal feel deal hopefully though we don't have to follow us I doubt it but maybe on the upside we have a very minimum destroyed all of their defense structures around the bastion alert station engage now done enough done enough okay we can always grow it back lighter though thank you breathing riffs I will happily accept these minerals just spent all my money anyway upgrading some of our stations we desperately need more energy lovely maximum servitor morale and I have now basically colonizing every single world because we have been stuck here for why why too long we've constantly got equivalent tech and military power to our rivals and neighbors and well it's getting a little bit annoying at this point to be perfectly honest so what I'm gonna have loads of trading hubs thus allowing us to have a much stronger military and I am going to brute force my way out of here I am stuck and I am getting bored everything will be ours under our safekeeping this ends now we're bringing an ally with us and we're going to war once more diplomatically or protocols initiated now we even have battleships well we are one battleship at the moment but eventually we're going to have multiple system survey complete damn that defense is so good well that's us pretty much done okay we managed to keep more than I thought this is because I'm using kissing run higher chance for more of us to survive even in more harsh battles and we are healing automatically because I will leader he's an engineer that's going to take forever okay good they're sucking over there as well hopefully they'll beasley destruction we need plus five cent evasion thank you very much this attack was fantastic having these fellows helping us out is just the difference was amazing honestly I think we could have won anyway we were very close but because they kept on holding off their smaller fleets we were just able to sit here bombard in their planets the entire time and because of that well this just happened we've just split their entire empire into two and we've got some new planet oh my god I've just thought those new planets we've just come where are they yep have fun being bio trophies lads don't worry bio trophies will make sure you're happy forever and ever [Music] instantly genetically manipulated welcome to the Empire one thing I have to say is with this Empire managing your planets is really time consuming it's not the easiest thing and I am fully aware that I'm currently over my limit when it comes to directly controlled colonized systems I'm actually somewhat tempted to grab where are you this here Imperial prog ative give me five more core systems I don't trust the sector AI especially with this Empire I really don't we are going to have all of these slots on logs so what do I need then what am I going for so I want defender of the galaxy obviously you've got the difficult the endgame crisis that's one now accounted for I would like khalaqtu contender but don't need it I really want world shaper I really want machine world no I really want galactic wonders machine worlds you don't really need especially since we are mixing the bio trophies with our normal people anyway and honestly Gaea worlds are really good themselves this just this increase is output by 20% for all robots on the planet the Gaea world does something very similar but if 10% and it also affects our little bio trophies so temps and extra unity which would be good when we get the ambitions which we'll get soon enough okay so final verdict world shaper Galactic wanders and defender of the galaxy are all must-haves so right now I can definitely have Imperial product of class intelligence so I may have been a bit silly but I really couldn't help myself and now we have a new planet because I have uplifted some snakes that's interesting why you not a bio trophy yet there we go now you are and set rights I would like you to have no population controls now I'm essentially going to give you all three of these planets because this way you came from we're here to help you because we're the good guys for once kind of kind of not really but we're not evil I just need a couple of robots on each just so I can have the bare essentials which means of course the main base and then also one of these once I have the money for it one of the nodes claims claims everywhere so what we're going to do now then is go to war and pretty much kill you guys off the first let's invite some attackers there we are our friend should be joining us again cooler indeed they are lovely and lets us get straight in there how a fleet should be able to defeat their station and their entire fleet together and if we're lucky they might just sort of derp up and head towards athlete anyway happens without sign fleet assets engaged they go in this way okay they're attacking our ally which is actually fine by me well this has been very very one-sided now sadly our allies have some good claims in this area including on that planet which is very annoying since I did really want their planets but I'll live with it for now we can always go to all of our former allies laser construction so much much life that they are stronger than us right now which is terrifying every time I can I am grabbing another system the problem is since we're at war they are really really expensive ok so we just had some refugees which instantly became bio trophies sure I mean that's fine look how adorable they are as soon as our hunter killers are done with the population this planet I believe we are done so one last time can I afford any more claims yes I can mmm you know grab that one sadly I can't afford the other ones so it looks like our ally is going to take up most of this except for this one planet I'm going to take pretty much all of the systems over here except for oh wait no no these are ours it's just they claimed it no they took it over that's what happened okay I see what's going on these on the other hand yep in order strength they have the stronger claim okay important thing is this Empire goes away ooh battleframe army or five-cent fire right I've summarized it seven sheep the best outcome there we are oh that's not good hmm friends you're still friendly with me yeah border frictions pretty bad isn't it um we could give them this system that would massively reduce border friction do not want to fight them that's the thing but where as far as trust can take us Rustam plus ten but still they are despoilers so it might attack us cuz just because they are that aggressive I don't not to do here but for now let's sort out these stations hello trading station we are making a little trading hub here just for you well it's actually just because I want a lots and lots of money but we can pretend it's just for you because we're friends the fact I wonder what strategic resource you have let's have a quick look-see so you're the only traders are found so far I can't even ask you until we're their friends in that case I would like to trade form in rolls and at the moment I have excess food so here you go over time we'll become friends and then hopefully I'll give him something interesting now I should mention the reason why I really really want that strategic resource is because of this where are you there we are material analysis Unity output increased by 5% per unique strategic resource up to maximum of 30% now normally I believe that's every Federation member gives you 5% but because we have versatility rather than diplomacy we have that instead I believe that's what's happening there I could very much be wrong could very much be wrong indeed okay can't take that don't particularly want that but I do want this system I do want this system is it worth it grabbing all that yeah sure for the economy oh look no I was correct the happiness did eventually occur it just took a while to update okay there we are we're back to being bestest friends which is great they have been so useful to us now these fellows down here how much were problem these going to be oh they're xenophobic isolationist that's good for us because we can do this why can't I declare rivalry because the game hasn't updated yet so we'll have to reload the game I suppose no cuz they're overwhelming never mind okay that's horrific now the reason why we could have made a rivalry with those not be scared is because they are xenophobic isolationist they have inwards perfection which means they can't go to war with us even if they want to this up in the difficulty is just utterly insane I feel like this empire we have is stronger than most empires we've had in all of these playthroughs we have almost all of the traditions our science is doing phenomenally our military is actually pretty good so is our economy and yet we are so weak now admittedly we're so low down on the totem pole mostly because of naval capacity the enable capacity bonus they're getting is just utterly insane and that really does throw us down now these are definitely above us so I would say we are most likely actually around here if you ignore navy capacity but still I just feel like I'm stuck I don't know what I'm going to be able to do now thankfully we are improving we seem to be catching up but even so it is very difficult and I love that right now we're not massively aggressive with most of the galaxy if we start bribing them it wouldn't be difficult to get a trade deal especially a research deal which would then build the trust once we have trust we could be allied with pretty much everyone except for the fanatic purifiers once again the geckos are indeed here so what's an easy way of doing this well I was going to alter my speeches anyway because right now this is the current template we're using for the main group extra level cap extra experience gain and science but recently I've gotten more points so if we remove both of those and we give them emotion emulators +25 opinion to other empires we can pretend to be human hello fellow organics and then we could remove the robot upkeep or lower the consumer goods cost at the moment minerals are more of an issue so it could do durable don't care about the rest honestly so yeah it could go durable so they're a bit cheaper to run now admittedly robots don't cost all that much when it comes to their consumer goods cost if it does go through our main world how much they cost zero point three minerals each these guys cost - well one point - because of the reduction now how much energy do they cost if I just removed you for a second so I build pop and let's go view zero point eight energy each but we're very good for energy right now we have so many trading stations hmm not sure even that's only a slight increase I still think the minerals probably the better option through the power of bribery research agreements are made technology and through research agreements a better future for the galaxy and all organic life we're nice people as robots we are now able to harvest dark matter giving us a plus temp set modified to our research speed lovely we are now researching the infinity machine which is all the way over here and we've had to really bribe these guys in order for them to simply not hate us they are currently the strongest Empire I don't want to be killed by them yep there they are lots of bribery now sadly our current trade deal is a research deal which is good but it also is costing us 50 minerals a month because that's all they wanted yep worth it probably not so apparently we're not just allowed to contact it we have to do this one situation don't particularly you want to do this but let's try how long is it going to take oh it turns take a very long time very long time indeed at the moment I am preparing for war with these fellows it turns out our lovely Despoiler neighbors are more than happy to go to war with them with us so I am trying to get my fleet up and powerful meets the Seabourn a cruiser we found at the bottom of an ocean problem is is quite slow so adding it to any fleet will actually decrease the speed of the entire fleet but it is a 1,000 force count single craft which is pretty nice and apparently is really bad versus yields the maximum tried deal for for minerals we are going to war very very soon because we really have to okay all transport fleets please get your butts over here we're attacking over here since this way I've made claims we have a very strong Bastion over here trying to defend from this angle they will be able to break through it but it will hurt them a lot if they do so we caused the poor thing to self-destruct 5% research speed and we also got this which also increase their research speed by 5% so it's actually attempted increase because we've got that science that's just sad those weapons can this thing actually fight you know I've never actually attacked it the option to attack it is an option but I've never chosen that that is heavily hinting that if you attack this thing it will fight back quite powerfully yeah that's a sad okay I'm going to give this system to the frogs because it's making them upset with us just keeping it and tried it in this will make them happier info we have enough trust that we can continue to be happy so here you go here's Gargantua you to return home yet much happier now our first planet has been converted into a Gaia world there we are beautiful so that is giving us I believe it attempts an increase even to the machines I think most of our worlds and I'll being converted I think is only a couple left yep there we are and the last one now all of the worlds are undergoing the conversion researching some pretty powerful things right now the probability engine and the singularity core one giving us plus ten percent energy one giving us plus ten percent of research which is great well Oh mega war form wow that's powerful yes I was going to say oh look extra fleet command or claim influence that's really good but no mega war form definitely what we're going with and now I'll go to war with our neighbors once more come on parrots let's have some fun diplomatically okay go straight for the planet there the landing party is already being sent in thankfully the planet is weak enough we don't have to bother with bombarding it this one on your hand looks a lot stronger so more troops on their way excellent and our allies are indeed attacking them as well initiating fantastic there's a quick look-see at what claims there are so I'm assuming yep claiming that that that that okay so what they're grabbing is just that section there okay that's fine by us I'll add more claims if it's looking like we will definitely win and we can get more planets what we need now is more mineral planets we really do more minerals more energy and I'm now very very very tempted to go for void born and then master-builders because that is an alternate wind condition it's not megastructures but what it means is that we can continuously make very very powerful habitats and then win via domination victory these will also increase our science or increase our minerals and energy well mostly minerals and energy the reason is they do count as a colony and thus the negative modifier to science is applied if we add science to them it does offset that but it's still probably better to just go with pure economy I finally cleaned up just how many different templates we had for our machines I've also now realized we have way too many organics I did of course what the maximum servitor morale but we have kind of gone a little bit overboard so in the future new planets definitely need more machines domination tree is now finished we have no more purpose for unity until we get ambitions on the upside we can be saving up so much once we do get ambitions we're going to be having all of them on at once so now now now now comes a few questions what do we want here them the safest option because we've increased the difficulty of the endgame crisis is getting defender of the galaxy it's just such a good one and it will increase everyone's opinion of us meaning we can do more research deals and become more powerful that way which is nice in fact very nice however avoid Bourn gives us a wind condition which is also particularly good saving up for galactic Wonders is also really really good I just want everything I wish I didn't get Imperial prerogative now actually no no I disagree with that because we are about to get more planets now and we're probably going to add more planets light and I do want direct control of them honestly synthetic age was not needed we now have excess machine modification points so perhaps that was a bad choice I really really don't know what to pick the fun option is going to be void born and galactic Wonders in my opinion but the smart option is definitely defender of the galaxy so I just don't know we could go defender of the galaxy void born but void born plus Master Builders is fantastic because it means the habitats have three extra tiles each which really really adds up okay we now have the ability to claim status quo so very quickly can we make any elastic claims I doubt it we don't enough money really who actually over here but they're already claimed by an unidentified Empire what so not our allies then that's the important thing I mean that's fine by me I'll just grab on then okay I demand status quo technological acquisition successful beautiful took a nice chunk of their empire they were really really scary I've got to say thankfully you have to split up our parrot allies have been so useful they really have let's grab them brand new planets how lovely wow I need minerals look I can build my robots let's go with this the spinal mounts which means we can have the mega cannon oh yeah that's gonna be so so fun to watch we have loads of energy to spare on assignment why do I not have I don't have the shield capacitors to increase our shields really I never got that well that's kind of rubbish oh yeah chance the hip heavily increase I mean cougar afterburners but I really need that for battleships although saying that the battleship is the slowest part of the fleet and the slowest part of the fleet dictates how fast your fleet actually moves so yeah using the terrible afterburners we have will certainly improve our speed sure let's do that okay sticking with the terrible armor although we have good tech it seems like we focus on a few specific things and none of them really military also you should definitely be in artillery mode there we go our cannon is being upgraded that's going to be beautiful that's so beautiful so many awesome things thank you isolationists you truly have been more beneficial than you will ever know well in floyd fire these missiles at you then you'll probably know that oh we've been beneficial to our enemies that isn't good more worlds are now Gaia world's truly beautiful you say if we took over the galaxy which we will eventually maybe perhaps every world would be paradise organic populations would have mandatory pampering truly a life of bliss and happiness and joy and no freedoms at all no need to think no needs to do anything just let us take control we love you you guys like us like really like us do not feel too bad if your empire falls apart that seems to be the most common outcome for young civilizations such as yours we've got fallen Empire Oh No your fanatic Xena file they're rivals oh no that means a war in heaven is an option I hate the war in heaven and we're closest to the militants isolationists oh god we very quickly need to up our game we need to kill these so quickly do not allow them both to wake up because if they go to war we are going to be caught in the crossfire and most likely we're going to have to side with these guys which I really don't want to do now you are more than happy to do trades right because no darn I thought they used to be quite good for trades well obviously they're not going to give us a research agreements yet full vampires will never tried research agreements darn well unless they like us which means they may occasionally give us gifts at least I really wish I found these guys earlier speak bot be nicer you sound far too cute for being something which is so evil shield capacitors there we go okay so what are we doing next I honestly don't know so we're upgrading the stations around here so that we can start having more trade hubs other than that I guess we're just waiting around and upgrading what we've got as soon as I can go to war we will most likely go back to war with these guys again probably going to try and take this section since they'll be very easy to defend if we turn this into a bastion we can even hold off here and take all of this yeah that seems reasonable custodian your species is a most worthwhile addition to the Galactic community as a token of our esteem we have decided to bestow on you a generous gift of valuable minerals and resources I mean I expected more from that like speech but thank you thank you very much plenty people we will happily accept these because I am adding more to fleet why am I not using fleet manager okay so normally I don't use fleet manager because if we go with Corvette spam it really doesn't matter it really doesn't but since we're actually balancing our fleets right now if battleships cruisers destroyers Corvettes potatoes waffles and ions I would very much like to use fleet manager so let's swap out finally tada okay first of all merge these two after that we'll use fleet manager blah blah blah oh that's good see we say disconcerting no this is good so our friends have just embraced cybernetics that means they may become synthetic one day which will give them a plus happiness to us because we are a fellow machine Empire that's fine I doubt that'll make them happier right now nope sadly not but it perhaps in the future that will make them that'll be happier with us because I do want to stay there friends we can use our unity for things we now have ambitions so first of all Scientific Revolution this will give us bonus research speed and then I'm going to grab this giving us bonus 33% mineral product oh that's just so beautiful next up we can afford it I will grab a grande fleece making our ships cheaper suddenly unity is looking really good again so here's something it turns out after consulting a friend of mine at that executive vigor also affects ambitions that's so powerful it means these will last I think up to 19 months something like that anyway sorry 19 months 19 years rather that's 14 that really does mean we can have why more of them online at any given time also apparently I've just upgraded my ability to produce energy which is nice as well no random loss I think that's the first no the second we've we've lost a unit this whole playthrough a ceased functioning due to a miscalibrated exoskeleton applicator exerting two 2984 times the necessary force well woopsy doodle we need a new leader that's good welcome aboard now creating the mega war forms a single colossal war form towers over the battlefield and it's massed firepower exceeds that of most armies bring me one of these behemoths down is extremely difficult that's just glorious however that collateral damage is vital four hundred percent yeah that's gonna really hurt the worlds we attack which isn't good considering we do want to use them ooh I want all of this I'm thinking I'm tempted by Fleet command because our Admirals getting very very powerful so I do want them all to be in one fleet if possible it sounds silly because this is so good but yeah maybe for just Fleet command now building the singularity core giving us a five percent increase to our research speed our research is not as powerful as it has been in previous playthroughs but we're actually doing okay mostly because I have used every single science tile to be science there we are that's going to take a while though but it will be worth it now swapping over to use a few strike craft and to start using a bit of point defense it turns out that our enemies both use a lot of missiles so this is a good mid ground we have point defense and we have something which deals with shields and armor pretty darn well somehow I only had rank to mining networks all this time only now do I have rank three no wonder I was so far behind with minerals augmentation how did that even happen well on the other upside now I've got this we also are now creating the Titan yards over in our main shipyard between soon we're going to have Titans in athletes which is going to be glorious so I'm waiting until then then we're going to war again we're actually finally climbing the ladder our fleet power is now really getting there successful glorious we can now make a mega structure as well we can restore them anyway which means if we go into here we can now do this where are you there we are galactic wonders we can make our own versions oh that's gonna be so fantastic okay so where are our construction vessels one way down here one are wide over there you know what else make a new one because that's going to take too long so what are we going to build first I don't know laughing so what are you going to build first well we're not really making Titans so soon we will be at war which is good so we should get more money soon as well but what do I really want to build I think I'm going to build first is a ring world because we are custodians we are the broken custodian for an empire except for not broken we're functional missing I want all of these things but yeah Rin will first definitely it's also on the cheaper ones ooh speaking of which if we go over here ambition architectural Renaissance yep that'll allow us to build the mega structure faster let's do that as well and as soon as we have the money any second now there we go let's bring the Ringworld into this galaxy oh no oh no it's you guys you're inferior to us because you're at war and you're not doing too well you do have some nice systems there but be ashamed if someone were to attack you oh we could so totally ah we could kick them all they're down but I'm kind of also building up 4/6 I really really really want to kill this fallen Empire in fact I'm tempted to grab where are you I want all of these things but I'm very tempted to grab galactic contender rather than where are you defender of the galaxy we could also just get a colossus i don't know there are too many things i really want we have gone why of our naval capacity and it's starting to really hurt us now but look Titans yeah we need to go to war soon look how energy it's just about clinging in there that's all the bonuses we have that's we've where are we a grand fleet making our ships cheaper to keep we have capacity overload going all that other stuff and we are just just hang in there okay lads let's let's get ready to crush the Empire down here shall we so I've made two mistakes of that Titan oh also I have declared war now with our allies as our for that first of all the advanced afterburners although they do give us some evasion not really worth it since the battleships are still slower meaning that we haven't really increased the speed of the fleet secondly I have a single cloud lightning I have no idea why I put that there anyway let's begin so you two are going to stick together their forces are all over there so what we're going to do is you to make sure you're always together you can go by yourself in this direction and then you guys confuse and you're going to go with that the rest of the transports are going with the main armadas have fun dealing with both of us when either of us are stronger than you and we have strike craft I love strike craft all fleet assets engage strike craft and really really big cannons oh good a fleet battle oh this is not going to be in your favor oh look there are the mega cannons oh that is beautiful ah that is as gorgeous don't want to split these two fleets we could though if all of their fleets attack one of athletes we will lose it it's just too expensive to do so that is beautiful okay Corvettes now going to attack the large cannons are firing now in range I'm just waiting for the Titan to fire all the cannon hits are so devastating there's the single cloud lightning going off the little bit of point defense doing really well look at those missiles being stopped so far away maybe we should give our destroyers some point defense as well give them a use why are all of our strike craft so far away ah look at Lance Laser ants there's the title shop and there's the other Titans shot as well lovely look how strong our landing fleas is I doubt we are ever going to have to bombard anything if we don't want to yep oh look a thousand strengths too bad megawatt farms incomplete ground invasion units have achieved all objectives Alex doing some damage of a bastion eventually they have to come back there's the thing our forces are far too strong in this area they will eventually need to defend their territory otherwise that is going to lose everything this their mind please oh I love those cannons so much they just rip apart shields it seems like they're really going for an T hole no they're actually quite balanced never mind I saw quite a few anti-armor auntie hole things but no actually are more balanced than I first thought don't you dare hurt my Titan yes please burn baby burn and that was that lovely alert spaceport engaged it begins all of our money just went into it but in the long term this will be so what so worth him he's just gonna be a while a long while do I still have the bonus currently going yes I do that's with the bonus speed oh it's such a slow build planetary invasion alert surface control has been compromised after this fight most likely I'm just going to accept status quo so we have all this junk here we have all of this pathway all this climbed we did not get those two worlds because honestly the enemy is still very strong it's not like they're weak at one point they had 250 thousand fleets which we ended up destroying and then almost being destroyed ourselves hence why now I'm why under the naval limit we have climbed all of this including the planets we're currently getting these I could wait a little bit longer and it's allow this fellow to grab all of this I also grabbed these two quite easily okay so not quite yet status quo but very very soon depends where these guys are going okay they're going to continue to get back these worlds which is fine okay let's continue then looks like we're going to be getting a habitats after all just not ours ok now we are done just one last check to make sure grab everything we wanted to we didn't get that but that's fine be easy enough to grab afterwards next time the reason why I want to stop here is because our allies have claims on the enemy's capital I want the cap for myself and I can't claim it whilst report this so I need to do is claim it outside of war and then get it ourselves the problem is then they are going to have a claim on one of our territories which they simply aren't going to like I think this is the last time we're ever going to be truly allied with our neighbors after this the border frictions going to be worse and we're both gonna have claims on each other essentially we need to get ready for war versus long-lasting allies which is kinda shame really lag I'll accept this for now Wow look at that so they still have this little area here which is kind of annoying because of this corner but that's fine we still get around good now they should be inferior to us right good that means what we can do is we can turn them into a tributary so next time we go to war we'll turn them into a tributary or a vassal that's pay attention to this because this might update soon okay everyone go home now it's time to continue and I need to really deal with all our planets because we have way too many and so I need to make a sector so I'm feeding the sector quite a lot of minerals I've set up and farms manually on a lot of the planets it's doing its job it's doing loads of stuff what else do we need to do well we need to stop starving sort we're going to do is quickly pop on over to the traders so end our current resource deal which is a shame because it's minerals and I'm going to do is for energy I am going to purchase food it's going to be a while and flow things up and running as it was but still yeah that's fantastic just look at that the amount of space we've got now that's going to be amazing once everything's built up okay just need to get back to us doing so how is the Ringworld coming along still going to be forever but still below - do I really need to do now is build up our forces cuz I really really really need to take up this fallen Empire not only will it give us more tech for the best shields and armor and all that good stuff but also it's going to be just really useful oh there's a riding flea against apparently I did not know that I'm only turning you into a guy Oh world right good okay but yeah we need to take these guys out as well trying to say they have some really fantastic worlds as well so I also want those that's our next goal the ring world is complete but now of course we need to build the sections which are going to be very very expensive so do I save up or do I continue to improve our fleet it's a difficult question soon our fleets currently fighting off versus one of the Fullman empires the third one finally warped in lovely do is love all three Titans that's very important because that's how we're going to heal now we didn't kill all that many of them because sadly that's just not how it works normally but still okay all stick together please let's try and get the second fleets logical acquisition successful lovely more mining networks and I'm going to grab you much better so this time not only did we start all together but we also had the range advantage because of our Titans we are very very good at long range lovely construction complete this is going to seem so odd but now we are doing status quo can one accepts it there we are now the reason for that is twofold first of all I don't like my odds after all that damage you've taken versus their station so I'm going to return all of my fleets back to base to reinforce again secondly the main reason to fight a fallen Empire although the worlds are truly amazing it isn't actually for the planets it's for the research grabbing these will give us some really amazing research options which will massively improve athletes look at all those options for the first time in a very long time capacity overload managed to simply turn off gam on one more month there we are back on chaotic disorganized woefully unwashed you are a prime example of the need for extreme organic caretaking protocols so there so I went ahead now and I've added a second type of Colossus a second type of Titan I should say sadly we don't actually have colossi so this is the snare the snare is using the subspace snare I know and really original name there because this way it massively decreases the chance of the enemy jumping away during combat so more of their ships will be destroyed rather than just respawning back at their base we're going to crush them technological acquisitions are more improved and now the reactor as well go on give me that first cam on any day now technological acquisition successful beautiful ah the first habitable section is now completed so now we need to save up again diplomatically war protocols in your shoes you really don't have a chance you know how forces are so much stronger than last time and they have so much less help there's no fleet I'll look all those kinetic shots laughs at least it's just ignoring them maybe go for the station and not the transports they like you better thank you the shields are gone already that was just obliterated yeah we need some more aunty armor and aunty hole now well auntie hole we do have thankfully the kinetics are also anti hull but we do need more aunty armor and that was it that's the entire battle so the core probably will need to be bombarded sadly even though we do have the mega forms here a little bit annoying but still we can definitely take boundary though so you go and do that you fellas the strongest one stay here and defend the area and begin bombardment the other two stick together and go for the closest world a machine uprising Wow you took a lot of their space like instantly huh strongest empire in the game love us didn't I expect that to be your audio custodian let us snicker behind the organics backs it that's the paranoid laugh why to merge what's your tech like equivalent so would you like research agreements I'm assuming you'll win to need stuff since you are brand new empires or some minerals and it's managing may your war effort be fruitful their last station though it did really hurt us to do that I believe I lost one of my Titans yeah I definitely have that's annoying to say the least that's very weak for how many you have or what you're out of energy you can't sustain your fleet so what happens and if I gift you loads of energy and loads of minerals so your war goes better nope seems to not affected it then I don't really know what's going on there fragments dissected maybes because of their Navy capacity can't handle it either I mean look how many they have well they did okay to begin with hopefully they can keep what they've taken now here's something annoying this world is amazing it's so so rich it'll generate loads of minerals and loads of energy for us but if we have these fellows on it what's going to happen is that they're just going to generate unity and the thing else so I'll need to do is when we have the next Ringworld I'll move all of these onto the Ringworld and treat it like a zoo for the Fallen Empire just to completely fill it full of these and then that's done and then we can move our machines in the best possible outcome the end of the Fallen Empire fragments dissected bee-utiful okay let's get rid of all of you fellows because we're going to move all of those fallen Empire chaps over to here I wish there was a mass cancel there we go lovely okay so the core resettle everyone except for one only one can stay that way we don't lose the colony [Music] here's something I really should have done earlier build cost-reduced no not build caste we don't care at that there we go speed up how fast we can build them this will be called drone drone - good enough and drone 2 will be placed all over the place in the core oh my god so what's happened is that when these turned into bio trophies they instantly destroyed the building they are on because they instantly built the organic paradise that happened automatically and instantly so there is no point in moving them we've still got some left but you that was oh my god so much money just got wasted but there was nothing I could have done there to stop that there's a lot is all automated Oh accidentally gave them build cast and build speed rather than consumer goods hello carry that the ring world is finally taking shape and at least it's making me lots and lots of unity now thanks to this cloud calculations we would very much like you fellows to be a tributary so you demand tribute like I just did and you'll say no and you will say no thank you after saying no we are going to make you accept - anyway protocols initiative wait why do we have loads of transport vehicles and not a major one what did i do what did i do here's the problem I have just came back to the game now this is the third day of recording and I got remember why does oh I've moves all the transport fleets okay I remember the dum-dum which I did I'll just run away oh all of your armor all of your shields good bye I love Titans I know for their point value they're not that strong there's the thing but they're just so fun oh good they tend around all they ever Titan where is your Titan about so it's lightened oh it's so weird looking oh yeah there goes everything well goodbye to you and let's begin bombardment not that we probably need to but oh yeah we definitely don't okay in that case we're just going to invade this is what I call overkill same goes for that but not this one communications alert whoa my frames they're gone that poor titans been beat back so many times and it's escaped every time as well did I mention I just love these cannons diplomatic alert military confidence and that was very very easy achieve your goals war is ended well done you are now a tributary and will pretty much leave you in peace now so feel free to continue to be the isolationist you were born to be but what I'm going to do next since we have our forces down here anyway is deal with these fanatic purifiers then we can consider if we want to kill these fellows the observers even though they do really like us they have inferior fleet power yeah it would be nice to climb another area observe pure death that's their entire fleet by the way oh is that their transport okay so they sent their transports first I mean still pure death just kinetic shots can the big shots everywhere did you just yet you turned around you sent your transports and then you turned around nice really nice now it's their fleet and so the fleet is about to move out to attack our former allies there's now a fourth in terms of athletes so yeah they are not going to stand a chance fleet power pathetic yep the ring world is completed there we are all four pieces are now completely done so let's colonize the last section so I've just noticed my sectors are producing a ridiculous amount of food the reason is I've set them all to respect the tiles of their planets which means if there's minerals on a tile you build a mineral production building anything which proves minerals if there's food you produce a farm and well our farms are very very powerful and well that's got a bit over the top so I might change their settings so they will not always focus on that the problem is then they can build really weird things sometimes I mean for the time being at least I can just trade the food in for some more minerals sadly I can't trade food with other people purely because we are the robot Empire as you can say it's not an option I've just learned something you can apparently build multiple ring worlds that is really cool but for now though I want to build the science Nexus we are getting a little bit far behind on science and it would be really nice to have this so there we are construct oh so you are from one of my that's really weird for some reason one of my sectors is sending the colony ship even though it's not in their sector fine as long as it works I don't really mind okay so I just checked the footage so what happened was I selected a colony ship which was already made by one of my sectors I thought I just selected the first planet which is normally the planet right here so that's all the confusion occurred and really you're going to try and ride me I mean sure you'll end up dying to one of the stations somewhere we have made claims for this entire section here including these three planets this planet over here and I think this one no not this one although we could climb it if things go very very well which honestly they should we massively outnumbers in terms of force counts engaged one of our fleets is almost comparable to their entire education area passive engaged alert spaceport engaged the science Nexus begins construction of his first functional level established having a 5,000 strength ground force is pretty good especially when it's made up almost entirely of the mega warframes which are just so difficult to kill they have so much health per one they just survive each vehicles he so less and less force count actually gets reduced can you defeat that station no you can't in that case I don't really mind the best possible outcome now sadly I was about to try and make a claim there I was saving up for it but they surrendered a little bit too early so that's kind of squished them up against the very center of the galaxy and I slighted this one section over here we also took their old capital which is fairly nice I've just realized the mid-game event still hasn't occurred that's just bizarre Marauders have killed and enslaved our bio trophies for far too long their life is forfeit well that's faster than expected behold the glory of the science Nexus let's continue shall we there we are finally the mid-game events the drums of war so that'll be the only rider section left which is all the way over here a new threat is born now is the question with the increased difficulty does that also increase the power of nope no it doesn't oh I did not know that okay so if I knew that the mid-game didn't stack of difficulty maybe it does to be fair these rapidly gained power after they start but if they don't stack with the difficulty of the game I would have made the mid-game earlier I was thinking about this last night it was a little bit weird well here's hoping you get stronger well on the upside though of course we have almost a double strength endgame crisis heading now is so that will be very fun that's in 70 plus years I also feel like that was a bit too far away but I wanted a long game for once for a hundred influence I get 23,000 minerals and 14,000 energy oh okay go on then if you insist and so begins the war with the most powerful empire in the entire galaxy I'm working on my sarcasm emulators diplomatically I need a little bit more mineral production I can't quite afford the science Nexus live everything running right now except for I believe one of the ambitions for minerals yet that one isn't online everything else is though so this is how much I can basically afford I can just about have four permanently armed with a little bit of off time for one of them it's very close it does depend on what Sciences we're currently researching if we're doing the big repeatable researches I can do less but if we're doing some of the smaller ones because each time we get a tech we get three unity then it's quite easy to have all of those on all the time okay one of you go there the rest of you will stick together and continue forwards straight into that planet there so this is the sector I'm going for I really want to end it here because this is a good choke point or here depends on how much influence I'm going to have by the end I do have the bonus influence currently going will to power which costs a fortune but gives us +5 influence on top of our already very very good influence generation but even that it's so expensive to make climbs here's something interesting which I didn't know until literally just now to do with the jump drives I just jumped this transport fleet into this position from here and then took over the first habitat of this system I won the fight and now the jump is already off cooldown I'm going to do this again just to prove to myself this is actually happened but it seems like after a fight because this is reforming it automatically resets the jump I didn't even know that I don't know how I didn't know that perhaps I just thought I was getting lucky a lot with the jump but that's a good bit of information to know ok the jump is now on cooldown it is on cooldown for a hundred and eighty days actually above that but still this definitely won't last 190 days and we'll see what happens okay going in with a hundred and sixty almost on the dot left hundred fifty five planetary pacification approval I'm now watching the time and the top right and let's see what happens once the fight is over face the wrath of the war forms one of which I've nicknamed Liberty prime which is weird considering we are robotics okay and the jump is reset yet so it definitely happens let's continue forward so far I haven't actually seen their fleet the death of the Great Khan well I've taken quite a bit of space but yeah they're battle groups are still only 17,000 now that's probably quite a few of them and that's probably why they are succeeding because they're just overwhelming all the systems by attacking multiple at once and they definitely did some damage to this one particular Empire but not that much oh look there's their fleets yeah that's nowhere near powerful enough to really threaten me and I didn't even realize this but apparently they're at war I'd be very mean good because they're being very mean one shot one kill adds lots of missiles and we have little to no point defense actually thankfully we have overwhelming force here okay this should be enough to most likely force status quo once they're finished can we claim anything we've grabbed could we could grab the house but we need to crap all these anyway try and save up for that of that really oh one more month I can grab this that's good yep I can now have status quo and remember making claims is more expensive during war it's cheaper when you're at peace hence why I don't want to just wait around so grab that and there we are lovely and so there is a new empire which was originally the Marauders like I said before whilst we're doing the repeatable Sciences I just need two white and we can just about have the next one of these up in just one more month gone one more month which is 10 days away there we go and that will speed up the build of this once this is done am i the building yet another ring world or in building myself I Dyson Sphere giving me essentially unlimited energy the science Nexus is finished there we are 225 of each science now being added to Apple lovely so what next then do we build the new ring world or what what do we actually do all of our ring world chunks are slowly filling up with machines I think I might actually be finished yet there it is of course that can be treated that's a look at Bay being is finished as well good and that's producing a lot of energy and minerals yes indeed it is along with a little bit of research and a little bit of unity which is always nice overall making the system worth an absolute fortune when you add them all up so what do I do then I think I am indeed going to build a new ring world and there's several reasons first of all because well plots of output but also for the first time in a long time we are not under maximum morale which isn't particularly good so I can build some farms again in fact this entire ring world is going to be one giant farm because I think it's going to be funny so let's put that down there we are and each and every section is going to be a different species with a couple of curators a couple of custodians to take care of them but for the most part it's just going to be loads of of unity for fun okay going to war yet again I've got to be honest I think making the game so long was a mistake I am just waiting around quite a lot now there is very little else and we should do in terms of micromanagement I think one thing I really should have done I shouldn't have got defender of the galaxy I only chose it because I was a little bit nervous shouldn't have done that definitely shouldn't have got synthetic age definitely should have got master-builders which which would speed of how fast we make our galactic wanders and we should have also been able to build habitats doing these two would have probably gave us domination victory already but it would have gave me more to do I've definitely hit that point where I've steamrolled I'm winning everything and there's not that much to do still really interesting Empire still the only bit of micromanagement I've got right now is sorting out the morale because it's kind of well I started building too many robots so no we will have the Ringworld and the Ringworld will be the bestest zoo you ever did done see ok grabbing all of those let's stop at the wormhole no I can't continue further forwards that's good come on grab both of these no in that case I'll scrap that one ok they'll be good I'll make sure we can make cheap claims everywhere next time we should be able to take all of this over declare war conquer coup they're all bunched up that's good all of you get there no frames per second the communications alert sure I like money even though I'm about to hit my cap again with minerals yeah really should have just went with the habitat building we could have had so many habitats with the amount influence we're gaining we could easily have maybe four habitats on the go all the time you live and you learn still though I have to say this maybe my fine for Empire type of all the different empire types I've played so far what are you doing you clearly don't need to bombard that just move forwards you have a six thousand fleet here that's whiting to land and crush all life from the planet but yet despite all this at the end I do think this might be my all-time favorite Empire I feel like it's incredibly flexible you can fly tall and wide if you want to and the whole micromanagement with the organics is just so unique the best possible outcome once again and now this is what the galaxy looks like we're kind of just spilling over into this territory aren't we so I should really do is rather them white until the truce simply ends is go to war with other empires whilst I'm waiting thankfully we are very close right now we could easily make some claims here as soon as we have the influence and then all that will be ours we are now still only high morale yeah we definitely need some more organics oh no we're now max now sedated that's lovely but first I need to do is go into here and let's give this system a load more planets and by system I meant to say sector you can have everything here that's fine by me hello there a new set of driven assimilators we're apparently at war with now I know for a fact you're going to go quite weak quite soon why are we at war with you exactly because you had an uprising with one of our minions Wow you won't like everything so obviously that's not going to be a thing you're going to be really strong for a while then you're going to get incredibly incredibly weak soul is why a while for you to starve yourself basically already looks like it's happening for twenty battleships only forty four K yeah that is really weak for the amount of erm fleet you have the problem is my fleets are miles away so start heading down there by the time you get there they should be just so weak you can win against them just passively yeah so this is there for their entire fleet as you can tell it can do no damage the problem is it does have regular health steel munication it's just less armor and less shield so it's going to be a drawn-out fight but one we just can't lose so I fought them all the way back they have two planets climbed and the reason is I actually want them to stay around they really like us even though we are currently at war so as soon as the war's over I want to make them our Protectorate our first and probably only protector of the entire game because they're robots who have bullied and I'm a robot and I'd like them so whilst this is going on I'm just go killing in there until the war exhaustion finally ends the war it's time to UM hunts and parrots and make them pets I mean happy people parrot Birds so far this has been a very very easy war indeed absolutely no real resistance they had one fleet of 40,000 which rapidly got melted by about 400,000 plus worth of fleet power on my side yeah it wasn't exactly the most difficult thing in the universe now it's really well done yet at least the first stage must be soon oh well apparently I'm psychic there we go let's begin construction also jump drives purely just for the transports is amazing I'll be taking this system thank you very much and I believe that is achieved war goals and so is that the end of the parents that's the end of the parrots look at that just it kind of a sucker Rhino so here's the ear then there's a weird horn yeah it kind of does I can't tell does this planet need some upgrades hmm okay I can make the Nexus either our vassal or tributary and they will accept the thing is I don't want them to fight with us so I will make them tributaries because that's just easiest way to do this so there we are I allowed them to keep the worlds they gained and I think that's perfectly fine and they are loyal excellent just to make my life easier I'm going to demand tribute instead and I'm going to release all these climbs this way we don't have to keep on going to war over and over again taking small section after small section we just go to walk with the whole thing in general and well now make life a lot easier for me now of course we still into white a little while longer really that war was that quick yeah we still need to fight awhile annoyingly just before I was about to go to war they declared war on someone else and you can't demand tribute if they are at war that was very very annoying so now we're going all the way back home to this wormhole over here because I'm going to declare war on these fellows now these actually quite like us but well we really like them and we want them to have the best lives possible so I'm going to teleport in bombard their planets take them hostage take them on a field trip and then they're going to live in Paradise the rest their lives are doing a choice in it mind we are now at war with the sovereign worlds oh yeah Federation fleets did not think about that kind of just Zerg rushed in here thinking oh I'll be fine that they say that they're inferior in terms of fleet power oh yeah that's the thing thankfully it seems like we're okay but should have really paid more attention to that this is gonna be a while now the game is starting to to choke a little bit it's definitely slowing down this is one of the reasons why I've semi abandoned one of my other let's plays which is the infestation because it's got to the point where it's rare for me to have more than ten frames per second when it normal or fast forward it speeds which makes playing the game kind of horrendous but still we're almost at the end now the endgame begins in 2525 and after 50 years that's when the endgame crisis's should be able to occur I believe that's how that works I could be very much wrong okay transport vessel number one you're going with these fellows and let's start causing some chaos the Federation fleece once again I think this really shows the level of tech between us at the moment actually no they had some really good stuff it's just well they have 17 battleships 10 cruisers 20 destroys and 21 Corvette so we have far less than this fleet our fleet is more powerful and more army damage is very very welcomed oh you've got one of my battleships oh they might win them they very well might win we're about to lose a fleet I feel I thought I had two fleets there but no I have two fleets here darn I wasn't paying attention overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer sometimes explosively yeah I think I did indeed lose note the fleet still there never mind it's going to be close I think they are going to win I can't retreat now I can but I'm going to good oh I know why cuz I jumped with this fleet did I I think I did Dan so go and there we go reinforcements now we may as well run now darn well good so no they can still put up a fight well despite a very good effort on our opponents behalf and perhaps my lack of attention in several occasions there achieve war goals welcome to the team even our subjects and that's one Federation member no longer well part of the Federation which means their Federation fleet is going to be significantly weakened now who will be next for that well we have to figure out who can we actually demand tribute from is the question I really wish these guys were a bit weaker so we could suddenly we can't you guys are still at war which is really annoying you want kind of friendly with same with you yeah for now I think I was going to have to get back and reinforce here we are we now have the zoo so let's start populating it number one is going to be just the adorable little butterflies addition to that what am I going to want well I definitely want the optelec node and I know this thing else I definitely want but what is it now that's really kind of it to see uplink node and then maybe the spare parts Depot but we're not actually going to make anything else to be perfectly honest so not too sure so after that last tributary our economy is going a little bit insane so a fleet is also going a little bit insane I am not scared in the slightest about any end came event at the moment and I've just made a lot of claims hence why now I have almost no influence on our neighbors down here in fact this whole section is now claimed and most likely won't be a war which takes too long although they are keeping up with us in terms of naval capacity and technology their fleet is pathetic we've got to the steamroll stage now and well we are disgusting rowing well I'm about to say something which i think is going to upset quite a few people including myself I am calling the episode here I am counting this as a victory and I am ending the game and this is because even with the increase to difficulty there is no way that any end game crisis is going to beat us remember it's going to be another 100 years before the end game crisis actually occurs and it's just not going to beat us even some of the more difficult ones which could only spawn even lighter than that it just won't be a true challenge and right now the game has slowed down to a crawl because of everything which is going on I did restart the game and change the graphics which I've now changed back I changed everything I could but the game is running incredibly slowly and so this would take maybe another seven eight hours of gameplay which I'm just not willing to do so rather than just slug that out and just have an inferior last bit of the video I think we can claim victory truly truly this has been my favorite Empire to play me placing the endgame crisis so light was definitely a mistake I thought it would add something else to the game but sadly it just didn't and I really hope this isn't such a bad ending that it's put a bad taste on the entire episode because I've really enjoyed myself I don't think I've had quite as much fun in stellaris as I have with this Empire I truly truly loved this and I love the increase in difficulty if I do play again before the next DLC I am going to be playing on the hardest difficulty perhaps with this Empire perhaps with the different one tell me what you think in the comments below and once again I really do apologize with how long these Let's Plays tank I just can't restart the cam or do something else and I can't change when the end game crisis is going to occur perhaps I kind of console commands but I purposefully stay away from those because as soon as you know how to use them well then that temptation is always going to be there it was the same when I play dark and other games cheating is just well it's kind of anti fun really isn't it and just having that temptation admittedly 7 plus hours is a bit of a stretch there but you get the idea it would have taken many more hours to complete this especially of how slow the game is running right now so thank you so so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future I do again for how this is ended trust me no one is more disappointed than myself but I would rather get this video out now than perhaps in a few more days time so thank you so much for watching any suggestions for the future and if I will play another run then of course tell me in the comments thank you and goodbye and at least we got ones who completed
Channel: Lathland
Views: 178,496
Rating: 4.9359565 out of 5
Id: qEQp3y0P_vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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