Stellaris - How To Play Tall (2.7)

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this video has been sponsored by Skillshare the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description below will get a 2 month free trial of a premium membership so you can explore your creativity today we're gonna be showcasing the elusiveness that is the build of tall yes that's right building tall is a experience on its own and I highly recommend for you to try it someday the one thing here however is that it's kind of impossible to do without having either utopia or federation's and that has to do with the type of habitation that we're gonna be building on mass in this particular build however we're gonna go over the basics today first we'll be doing all the setup for it what is important and then we're gonna go into a few examples let's dive right into it shall we let's build tall now building tall really starts off on the Empire creation screen if we go into our nice little Empire of Earth because I am the most creative person on the internet there is a couple of very important things here that you may want to keep in mind these are merely suggestions though but they will help quite a lot first of all we're going to need to take a look at the wonders of our type of government as well as our ethics I really like to go for the Imperial with tall specifically because of the additional edik capacity we will get that with dictatorial as well but the EDA cost modifier of minus 20% that we can give it Oleg our keys as well as the Democratic setup is not really all that useful because by the mid-game we are going to be swimming in influence and the amount of influence that we can spend is kind of limited therefore having an additional edict is really useful whilst not going over our Empire sprawl which I feel is rather important in addition in terms of civics diplomatic core is really starting to be the number one choice in almost every single scenario that has mainly to do with the influence that you can have on other empires as well as the Galactic community keeping anybody at bay who is your neighbor by sending in voice in their general direction incredibly useful the more employees you have the better of a bonus you can have to your relationships to your neighbors which is rather useful in addition this will be a high tech build which means that we are going to need to be a fanatic materialist robot upkeep - 20% is huge because we want to get as many pops as possible as a standard as well as a research fee plus 10% which can not be overstated on how good it is in addition the rest is pretty much up to grasp you can do whatever you want you can go for the militarists path if you want to get a lot of vassals around you you're gonna be Xena vote for those Starbase influent cost modifier not that you're gonna need it because it could be you're gonna be playing relatively small but the Pop Grove speed is very very nice in this particular case we are gonna go with Xena file because of the trade value modifier as well as the available and voice and voice of course to basically influence our neighbors but also the trade value is nice to get more consumer goods or if we want to go into a trade league get even more unity etc so all this stuff is really really nice to have in terms of additional civics Byzantine the bureaucracy is the one that I picked in this particular case because of the unity and stability bonus bureaucrats are actually kind of nice especially if you start building quite a lot of them but other options here of course with which are nice is for instance mining guilds for the additional minerals from miners which is rather nice origin wise a prosperous unification is usually a good way to go mechanist is also really really nice because of the abroad box that you can get as well as an additional bonus of robot up keep it really synergizes very very nicely with materialists but in this particular case we're gonna go with prosperous unification because we will get additional districts on our capital world and on top of that we will get for additional pops some Nando's additional districts but yeah when it comes to general setup for playing tall mechanist is usually quite good all the other ones is really just flavor you don't really need to go for it unless of course your hive mines or robots and tree of life and of course the resource consolidation is a very very nice bonus of course you can also go for the wonders of the void Weller's which is the ultimate in building tall but we will touch upon those at a later time of course we're gonna need to talk about traits as well because traits is what makes this species and that right there is pretty important first of all rapid breeders because we will have tons of habitats and planets and any sort of place that we can grow more pups is something that we want to speed up and the right for rapid breeders or that plus 10% bonus it's pretty darn good and then unruly of course which adds the modifier the negative modifier of ABing empire sprawl but due to the magnificence of bureaucrats this no longer impacts things whatsoever we can just plop an entire planet or habitat down full of bureaucrats because the bureaucracy must grow to meet the ever needing expansion of the bureaucracy and finally those two points ever gonna get from that are we going to spend on intelligent because an intelligent species is a strong species you know what an intelligent species does as well well they learn with Skillshare which is an online learning community for creative and curious people where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journeys skills share classes include in combination of video lessons as well as class projects and they are fitted to your schedule and skill level members get unlimited access to thousands of inspiring classes would hand on projects and feedback from a community of millions if you are feeling in a learning mood after watching my video and you want to use your time effectively by 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to bite your teeth into and it's less than ten dollars a month if you get the annual subscription and remember the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description will get a two month free trial of premium memberships so you can explore your creativity starting wise is gonna be pretty bog-standard here we're gonna need to make sure we have the right researchers though because right now we just don't have the right ones which is a bit of a problem we wonder I get that boy craft engineering up and running as soon as possible but also we want to get computing as well as the wonders of biology and maybe if we can a industrial one as well but yeah we already have an opening and carrier operations and void craft and that is going to be our main alleyway here so let's go and get that set up and let's get the society research up and running as well as well as the physics research because those are all bonus modifiers that will have knock-on effects in the late game and of course as a standard we're gonna get one get rid of all of our food and all of our consumer goods because we're nicely in the bluffs on those and it gives us a nice little pool of money to work with well let's get a couple liters here let's see if we can get one we can get who particles industrial and field manipulation Sally in a perfect world we would get a void craft engineer but a plus 22 is nice so we're just gonna go and replace this one with this one over here and they will start taking up the industry at least it will start learning quite quickly and we'll have an extra scientist later on that we can use to man our additional sign ship that we are about to build so let's go and do that and let's start looking around our space now we are in a very nice little pocket and we're gonna go and try to colonize this little region over here this is a very nice little startup area but sadly we don't have access to a black hole a black hole is really important because it means in the late game you can build a matter decompressor and we definitely want one of them so we're gonna need to be able to clean this black hole over here and unseal if there is one nearby somewhere else I don't see anything then well this one is gonna be the one that we're gonna need to use let's put it that way now thankfully we managed to roll the space miner trait on our leader which means that our mining stations are a lot cheaper and we're gonna be using that so you get as much energy as possible because leaders have a relatively high upkeep of to energy per month so we want to make sure that we offset that quite early on in addition the additional space technology that we can get or at least science is always nice as well we're gonna try to push out as many sign ships as we can here early on in the game and I can anomaly did we find there Oh a presence of some kind of life in a biosphere yeah that sounds like that sounds like gasps communists to me but it doesn't really matter because events are good because it will give the usual wonders of experience on our leaders and that's something that we definitely want we managed to figure out that there is a black hole over here it is within range and so this particular area over here is going to be one of our key areas so where are we gonna set up our choke notes I was thinking over here and potentially over here as well as finally over here just so that we have at least one lane of Starling behind us as well as a bit of potential of getting a few more planets and down the line planets are pretty good let's put it that way now the following choice is rather important whether or not we are going to go for the discovery traditions or the expansion traditions expansion traditions whilst not necessarily the most favorable one for playing tall finishing expansion traditions does give us an additional bonus to get the potentially very interesting habitat technology so if we go full expansion we will have 0.1% or they say 1.5 percent chance at least 100 percent yeah 1.5 is what the modifier is a chance of getting habitats early on which is really really good however we want to go full tech in this one so we're gonna go for discovery because we will get the joys all updated we'll get the joys of being able to survey faster as well as expecting up our leader is a lot quicker so leader experience game plus 25% is a huge deal and we definitely want to do that then it comes time to pick our very first building that we're gonna be building on our capital world and that's gonna be relatively straightforward it is going to be an alloy foundry we want to pump out as many alloys as possible thankfully due to the bonus to materialists we already have a bunch of science bonuses already so the alloy foundries will not really impact all of our science production sure we won't have those scientists working on the planet but it's something that we can live with any time we're also going to remove the sprawling slums on our capital world for one free pop which is always nice and we get to Grenier which is completely useless to us because well we don't necessarily need that we did find two planets over here in the Alpha Centauri system which is nice however in a perfect world if you can roll if you have the luck at least to roll the cyber x or the first league then you're pretty much in the gold because cyber x will give you a nice route to mega engineering whereas the first league will give you a free ecumene appleís which is always nice sadly in this particular case we got a bunch of continental worlds over here as well as a capital world we can turn those into guy our worlds for maximum production capacity which is really good so we're gonna go down there and we're gonna pump out a bunch of Gaea worlds within our very very tall and now since we have managed to survey our first habitable world over here in Alpha Centauri it's a size 18 which is nice it is boutique though but thankfully the Grenier will offset that quite nicely it's time to build our first colony ship yes we are going to build a colony ship off the get-go without even colonizing the system in Genoa as in claiming it for ourselves why are we doing this well it means that we can do some fast building basically means that as soon as we've claimed the system we can slap down that call me immediately without having to wait on the wonders of well having to build a can a colony ship which is going to take a full year to do so so we completely want to avoid that so basically we can skip a year of colonization which is something that is really nice and we definitely want and there it is we've managed to get our first avoid craft scientists we immediately are going to hire that person and we are going to slap them on our science immediately so there they are they are now on the science let's quickly pop over and they should get a nice little bonus of 22% because of course wait hold on they did not actually take let's do it like this reading I should do everything nicely okay so now we got a 37% bonus in the meantime we got a couple of other scientists just floating around it's not going to be particularly useful to have some of these we're just gonna put this genius scientist on here because it's going to give us a nice bonus to tech as well which is rather nice but yeah getting this hanger Bay up and running is really important because we want to go to the next stage in avoid craft so sooner or later you will need to pick your first ascension perk not a second one we already know it's gonna be void born however the first one is in fact gonna be technological ascendancy probably one of the better ones in the game what does it do it gives us a plus 10 research speed and of course rare technologies will now appear faster than the normal rate which is really nice because it means that we can get technologies quicker at least the ones that we wanted to have because some of the ones that we want are in fact rare technologies because we're playing tall it also means that we have a lot of influence spent on secondary projects and not one of those projects be what we can put them into EDX we can put them into you know habitats but there is something else that we can do with these resources that is the following there is a derelict maker structure over here and specifically it is a ruined matter decompressor now normally we would be too far away from set mataji compressor to do anything with it and on top of that this particular system and I notice already has a enemy empire inside of it so what do we do well we just sent our construction ship over there and just build an outpost in the system it's going to cost us our gargantuan amount of influence however when it comes to space and specifically resources from derelict mega structures they are incredibly good mainly because of in this particular case we have a potential a--rewin matter matter decompressor which is gonna give us 2,000 minerals per ticket in this year singularity system down here on top of that because we have the ruins mega structure we will get a bonus to getting mega engineering itself which means that we have will have an easier time rebuilding it now in this particular case it will cost us 12,000 a Lloyd sually rebuilt this particular structure but it's going to be worth it in the long run are we gonna change towards that in terms of like territory no we're gonna stick into our little bubble over here and not expand all that much beyond this point only we've kind of set our board as already we'll probably grab these three systems over here fill in the gaps here fill in the gaps there but that will be it and from there on it's time to look towards the future and into those habitats now before we actually get to set habitats we need to get something else out of the way and that is first contact situations as you can see if we go into these guys we've just made first contact with they are currently harming all relations that is rather bad thankfully they are only running nationalistic zeal and mining guilts and in the long run these guys could be a serious problem because they are in fact overwhelming however because they're overwhelming they cannot rival us at this moment in time which means by leveraging the amazingness of our diplomatic corps we can just send all of our wonderful on voiceover here send them over and become bestest buddies in addition to that we want them to be able to not attack our black hole because we want to keep that matter decompressor for as long as we can hopefully all the way to the endgame and now get a gateway in there just so that we can deploy our fleets rather rapidly at this stage it's time to go for our second tradition tree in this particular case it's going to be expansion oh this seems to be a little bit counterintuitive because expansion is really catered to those large sprawling empires at least at first glance however due to some modifiers in the code which I've already alluded to earlier on expansion actually gives you a bonus to getting the habitat attack once you've finished it so yeah if you've finished expansion the expansion tree you will get a bonus on being able to get habitat technology so going expansion is actually really important because it gives you a better shot at getting set habitat technology which in combination with our void craft expertise scientists will give us a bigger and bigger chance we're gonna be stacking those chances over time in order to get that habitat technology speaking of technology the most important one you're going to be watching out for is star old star hold is a quote-unquote gateway technology which allows to go to the next year of star bases as well as the next tier of ships but it also is the tier that is the gateway to habitats star holds is really really important if you see star holds make sure you grab that particular technology it is incredibly useful and you need to have it it's a prerequisite for habitat so once you see it make sure you grab it now once you finally properly established yourself and you have a nice look around the galaxy see what's going on the Galactic community has in fact been formed oh it's a good idea to take a quick gander whether or not there anymore otters nearby and in this particular case there are because if you're bordering Marauders you can get special events from them that will give you resources etc so make sure you have that in addition we are now 56 years into the game and we now have access to habitat technology and I will become available in 51 months now this is 56 years into the game which may be a little bit late but thankfully we have a large amount of alloys ready to go when it comes to getting our habitats down in addition we've got a lot of influence that can also take care of that so it's a really a good idea to once the first 40 of the 50 months are up just to get to construction ships on standby and get ready to plop down your first habitats usually it's a good idea to get them around these any sort of research tiles on normal planets or minerals or energy if that's what you need make sure that you don't plop them down on plans that don't have any special resources because you will not get access to any of their special habitat districts so as I mentioned we are currently building those habitats here one around Venus which obviously has that one of those tech modifiers and the other one around Neptune for some energy because we need those resources at this stage you will also start to get into some problems with consumer goods and thankfully the habitats will a be will be able to actually deal with that we have a large amount of minerals in our bank and depending on what you are playing let's say you're playing with little you're gonna have no problem dealing with any of this stuff the real problem right now is our alloy income and how do we want to deal with this well first of all most of our habitats first buildings are either going to be pup growth buildings such as robotic research labs or alloy foundries and that will offset any of our alloy income as well as long-term growth potential once our habitats are complete and as you can see here we got FEA and serendipity over here it's a good idea to go and check them out and more importantly see that you will most likely not have these two slots available these two building slots that is why is that the case well we have immediately picked our second essential perk which is void born now Vogt born is a must-have when you're playing tall specifically in the habitat build the more pups you can have in a game the easier it is to build an economy to get a tech base and more importantly when in the long run the more construction sites you have in space or breeding grounds for your pups the better it is and void born really ties in to that first of all habit habitat habitat habitat ability 20% bonus very very good then on top of that every single habitat will have two additional building slots and it's something that I talked about earlier on but the most important part of this is is that we immediately will get access to the advanced habitat upgrade why is this important well basic habitats only have four district slots and that can be very very constraining as soon as this place is completely full we're gonna run into serious trouble therefore we're going to need to continue building more and more habitats and basically fill them full with alloy plants and just start spamming them everywhere just be aware that it's a good thing a good thing to always be efficient and always build them on planets that have resources native to them sooner or later you will have your advanced habitats up and running but you won't be able to deploy them just yet because well as you can see here even though in this particular place we could deploy them if we had enough alloys for it but if we look at our second habitat here it is not already the go just yet it is completely breaded out why is that the case well we are not using all of our districts just yet so we're gonna need to build two more districts on this particular habitat and then once it's built we will get access to the upgrade habitat option but in addition to that because we are condensing all of our population to very small areas of space it is usually a good idea to build the following building and that is the deep space of a wack site the deep space black site is part of the living State technology not only will you be able to build a deep space black site but also you will get additional influence from factions which is really good but most importantly it will improve government ethics attraction as well as stability to every single habitable place within your system so these space black sites are incredibly good I would highly recommend you to build them in even your normal playthrough or in your white playthrough etc but when you're playing tall not using them would be a real shame be good you got so many pups condensed into one system and it's incredibly useful to have their stability increase just passively by building that deep space a black site sadly due to our relatively low unity growth in this particular playthrough we did not get all that much tradition tree stuff done so we're only on our third perk it's only oh it's 76 years in so we're relatively slow however we are massively ahead of everybody else when it comes to technology and that means that we can start picking our ascension paths now what is a good ascension path these days is robot good as psionic good is genetic engineering good I'm personally catering towards genetic engineering basically because of the immense pop growth that it can have specifically using a genetic engineered evolution we will get automatic access to a very very important building and that is of course the following and that would be on the cloning vats the cloning vats will increase pup growth speed on planet by 33 percent which is a huge huge bonus and we should immediately start pulling all of them down preferably even as your very first building on a brand new habitat if you can't build one you should build one because their ability to fill up your pup slots and the jobs is unmatched so yeah built those cloning vats go down engineering to know if the genetic variety now as you may have noticed so far alloys are the key to any sort of tall builds including habitats but spamming at habitats everywhere and is putting alloy foundries on there may be a good way of dealing with things however there is one particular planetoid in the game that is beyond Nunn Bar None the best alloy producer that is available and I've already selected it it is of course the ecumene appleís by getting an arcology project up and running and being able to build an acumen appleís you will be able to crank out insane amounts of alloys and playing tall like this but it's been it's a mixture of planets and as well as habitats themselves it is a really good idea to do this especially if it's on a slightly larger plan like a size 18 because you will have so many alloy foundries available at least from the district's themselves of course you can do the same thing for the consumer goods as well as the leisure districts you will get so many resources so yeah and when you're playing tall you really want to put all your eggs in that ecumene appleís basket and just roll with it because it is so good now you may say all right expect that's nice and all building an arcology project ahora nikki monopolist barnes you're gonna have serious problems filling up that particular ecumene appleís well yes and no first of all we have cloning vats everywhere and they'll be providing all the pups that we need for set ecumene appleís however the real problem here is moving all those pups to set a key monopolist thankfully the game comes with something rather nice which is of course called a grater and then ourselves we go into the galactic community and specifically their resolutions under the greater good there is greater than ourselves which is currently active because for the entire game I've been working towards this and you should be doing the same because playing tall means that you will have nearly unlimited power in terms of the senate's and that's right you'll be able to leverage your power in the Senate as well as your soft power in general to work your way towards greater than ourselves it is so good it is amazing you should definitely pick it up because once you activate it look at all these pups that are currently without jobs well let's go over here and that's select greater than ourselves oh by the way remember that bit when I said about the the type of government that we should have the Imperial yeah edik capacity plus one comes in very handy right now because now we don't have any additional issues because we picked up another edict but a pup should now be starting to rotate back and forth towards places that they find interesting and yeah basically as soon as the horizon Akim innopolis is up and running they should all start to flock over at least if there's no jobs on their planets which is exactly what we want all of these habitats are all designed and set up in such a way that well they're just generating pops 24/7 in some cases will even have entire habitats that are completely catered to just cranking out pops and then by that I mean there is just gonna be a cloning VAT on there as well as the wonders of the gene clinics and it's plus-one building because what you get out of that is approximately 66 percent on your pop growth in addition to our already rapid breather bonus which is +10 and once we go for you know genetic mastery we can go even more hand with that so yeah a one-sample sooner or later you're gonna have so many habitats everywhere that have no other function but to crank out pops for your more important structures such as EQ monopoly but more importantly ring worlds because that is your endgame now in this particular case I got very very lucky I managed to get mega engineering only 20 years past the first century you can get it a lot sooner than that if you going more optimally this is only an illustration of course but ya getting mega engineering up and running in addition to getting ascension perks +1 means that you can start getting those derelict mega structures online or built them yourselves I do I recommend trying to get the mega shipyard it is by far the cheapest and the quickest one to build but at this stage once the slots unlock it's time to go for evolutionary mastery and unlock those special trait points that you can get and as we get the wonders of evolutionary mastery and genetic resequencing it's also usually a good idea to follow that one up with the wonders of Master Builders because it will improve our mega structure per build speed by 50% which is always good to have you definitely want to have that in addition to that we can now upgrade our derelict matter decompressor which is going to give us a gargantuan amount of minerals just in time are basically districts on our acumen appleís to come up and running acumen Apple a are incredibly hungry hungry for minerals especially the alloy districts they consume a insane amount of minerals and having a matter D compressor on standby is incredibly helpful do be aware however that a matter the compressor does have an upkeep cost of energy so make sure economy is up to spec but once you've produced enough consumer goods of course thing you can starts flipping up around your your trade policy to a marketplace of ideas just so that you can get more and more unity to finish off your final tradition trees which is rather nice and then you can start looking towards your species and optimizing them for the endgame because the endgame is coming you're basically already in it and I'm sure the con is gonna wake sooner or later but that doesn't matter because at this point you're cranking out so many alloys and so many consumer goods and you're so far ahead of the technology collage achill based and anybody else you can most likely crush him relatively easily and there you have it the matter of the compressors on the line 20200 minerals it does cost us 100 energy per turn or at least per month the upkeep but it's totally worth it because we are never going to run out of minerals ever again and we could just sell any excess minerals to offset our economic impact but at this stage the galaxy is in fact your oyster and it's ready to be opened up because you of course got yourself go lactic wonders and a giant amount of alloys coming in every month as well as a dozen if not more you know habitats that are all maxed out and ready to go and our cranking out pups ready for your first ring world which you can build even more of later down the line and you will have thousands upon thousands upon thousands of pops that will be able to crush anything that comes in your general direction playing tall from this moment onwards you can do whatever you want we're not done just yet because there is another version of playing tall that is available and sadly it's only part of Federation's which is of course of the void dweller start the void dollar start is rather curious so let's dive right into that and see what are the big differences there compared to of this planetary habitat mix now void Weller's are rather notorious for their insanely tall build structure they can live on the surface area of a diamond if they really wanted to and well if you look at all the habitats that they have here it's it's pretty straightforward that they can basically live anywhere and that has to do with the fact of their special bonuses that the species to get at the start of the game which is the habitat preference and of course the void dweller bonus which basically means that all of their pop resource outputs are plus 15% which is a absolutely massive amount and cannot be understated in addition I have also made them fertile robust and industrious which means that they will just crank out resources like nobody's business but the general idea is the same here you start off building alloys going for a tech rush making sure that you have all your tech districts up and running I'm making mass use max use out of those and then up from there onwards just crank out alloys crank out everything you need and basically conquer the universe the void dwellers are very much a very small footprint type of origin you should definitely try them out the main concern you may run into is the issues with food and which is why you want to get to a ring worlds as fast as possible because ring worlds of course have the wonders of the agricultural districts which will generate all the food that you will ever need but in the meantime though your habitats will need to generate their food which can be rather frustrating thankfully they do get it a little bit of a bonus here because well their hydroponics farms do produce a reasonable amount of food for you to use you just need to dedicate some habitats to that I want to thank Skillshare but also my patrons for making this video possible if you enjoyed this video feel free to leave a comment or a like down below and if you didn't feel free to leave a comment down below as on why did I miss something maybe it was something along those lines who knows in the meantime though if you need more Soros in your life I've curated a couple of videos for you to enjoy right on your screen right now go ahead and click on one of these and go enjoy yourself until next time take a good care of yourselves and as always plate all it's one of the funner ways to play
Channel: ASpec
Views: 288,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Playing Tall, Tall, Tall Playstyle, Habitats, Void Dwellers, Voiddwellers, ASpec, A_Spec, Utopia, Federations, Tutorial, How To, Instructions, Ringworld, Dyson Sphere, Matter Decompressor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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