SALT Worlds?! | Stellaris Mod Showcase | Planetary/Species Diversity + Tiny Outliner V2

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me alathrix and of course welcome to yet another mod showcase or a mod test or whatever i'm actually calling these videos today we are taking a look at three more mods while still including all the mods from the previous video and there will be links to all of these in the description because soon i'm going to be doing a full play through using the giga structure mod which is an insane mod indeed and will take hours upon hours and days to get that video together so i really want to make sure i have all the mods sorted and i'm going to have a really fun experience so today the mods i'm using are all about adding a bit more diversity to the game adding a few more options so our empire can really feel unique along with just adding a load of little things just to make the whole experience a bit newer and finally after everyone has recommended this for so long i am using the tiny outliner mud which means we can finally be a bit more efficient with controlling our empire although it will take a bit longer for me to get used to that since i'm so used to the old ui so the three new mods i'm using in this video which i've already kind of hinted at is first of all the tiny outline of v2 which means well you'll see very quickly the things that's changed once we get into the game itself because everything with the ui is just completely uphold to make it a bit easier for me to use we also have the planetary diversity mod which is why you're seeing so many different worlds over here some of which are absolutely insane and then we also have the species diversity mod which means every single species type that is to say humanoid mammalian all of that will have their own unique traits which means the species themselves can be more unique from each other the worlds can be more unique since there's so many options and a lot of them do give you extra jobs and effects and stuff like that and then the game should also be easier to run hopefully this will make the whole experience a lot smoother with a lot more options for just customizing the empire so as per usual how i'm going to be testing out these mods is i'm going to be playing them for the next 50 to 100 years in game and then giving my opinion on them will i be using them for the next full playthrough or will i try to go for other mods we'll see how i feel by the end of the video and of course suggestions for other mods and recommendations are always very welcome all of these three have came from the comments in the previous video so i do my best to try and listen to all the comments so very quickly let's go over a few of the species diversity traits i would go over all of them but we would be here all day so then let's have a quick overview of all the different species i will be going over these fairly quickly so if i miss something i do apologize there are a lot of unique traits here future latrix here so i did end up going into way too much detail about pretty much every single one of these trades so i will have timestamps in the description if you'd like to move on to the next mod or the gameplay itself just so people don't get bogged down in me just kind of being way too interested in possibly very boring things beginning with the good old humanoids we have these here natural storytellers giving more unity from jobs we have adaptive learners giving more leader experience we have creative spark which is pretty much half of intelligent so rather than giving plus ten percent for a two casting traits it gives plus five percent for only one which is actually quite a nice try because often you will have just a spare point and that is really good so i do quite like that we have electrical masters for a full four points giving plus 30 energy credits from jobs and each of these does have a full description over on the left just like all the normal trades if you would like to pause the video to read them we then have willful architects giving extra habitability and less housing usage melancholy because this species is plagued with neuroses and self-doubt giving minus five percent happiness affiliate and then we have free thinkers giving less governing ethics attraction in my opinion the humanoid and the avian are probably the most boring out of the lot but these really do fit certainly leaning on a lot of these sci-fi tropes of humanoid species i think these just do really really well and again they're just extra options which always makes me happy next up i'm going to cover my two favourites first of all we have the mollusks now with the mollusks they have something i really really love straight away pearls this species has evolved to produce valuable pearls to protect their internal organs this is an insanely powerful trite if you build your empire around it plus 50 tried value from jobs combine this with something like the ring world and a merchant empire and your start is going to be so so powerful this also increases your army health by 15 which will stack with hard shells which gives an additional 25 on top of that now normally i'm not a big fan of the army health and army damage stuff but if you're going for a very early in-game crisis and you're going to blockade them using habitats and such this can make your habitats incredibly difficult to deal with they also have poison spines for extra army damage flowing environments for extra physics research which i believe yeah it doesn't stack up any of the natural engineer stuff as it is essentially a double of the natural physicists but you can still have intelligence on top of that again very powerful with certain builds we then have tight community for less empire sprawl from populations which is a double of docile i believe yes it is and then we have the negatives delicate constitution for less habitability by 20 and lacks reactions for 15 less energy credits so there are quite a few which are just doubles or halves of the traditional triads but there are a lot of unique ones like pearls here which i really do adore although of course that is just double thrifty it just fits the empire so well and it's just something that the mollusks can now do better than any other species they can be the ultimate traders so if you have multiple species on a planet of different types you can see how you can really micromanage and specialize your jobs again i've said a lot today already really really like that the plants with in my opinion one of the most fitting thematically of all of these options we have photosynthesis giving extra food and energy grades from jobs because you know they are plants we have cross pollinators which is a double of rapid breeders giving plus 20 population growth speed and then we have this soil knowledge it gives plus five percent food from any job but also plus one society research from farmers now that's not all that much plus one society research is pretty throwaway but if you combine this with the agrarian civic i can imagine farmers becoming the ultimate powerhouse of a job especially if you combine this with other things to increase society research i really like that i don't think it's going to be breaking the game or something you should have a whole build around but again just really fits the empire which i really like we have deep rooted less trade value loss from criminals i don't think i'd ever pick that we have edibility because sometimes plants are just delicious plus one food if they are livestock oh dear we have wild growth giving more housing usage and then open perspective because they are slow to adapt like the trees they sometimes are and i think there is one particular portrait which you would probably just need that there we go if you are grooved i think you should have that going to speed things up just a little bit here because if we do go into detail of everything we are going to be here all day so with the reptiles we have a lot of options here to do with the army we have extra army damage and defensive army damage we have extra defensive armies from enforcers which just combining those two already makes these fantastic soldiers and having them everywhere we then have extra adaptability and population growth more experience gain less food upkeep but they are cold-blooded which again fits reptiles fairly well they're giving less resource output from everything i don't think i would ever pick this is somewhat brutal though it doesn't make sense because a lot more effort is going into making sure wherever they are is perfectly for their environments perfectly suited for them because being cold-blooded that is a negative if it's too cold you can't warm yourself up if it's too warm cooling down is difficult so more resources allocated for other things weak ties tried value loss from criminals increased by 100 because they have no honor among thieves this species holds no qualms about taking from others i think they should i honestly think they should be a little bit more expensive and have some other negative attached to that because i do like the concept but it's just that doesn't really do anything i think i would always pick it because again that's such a weak negative in my opinion love the concept could be a bit stronger or worse i suppose mammalians all about being a herd and all about being very scary in fact heard instinct uh less housing usage more happiness we have extra army morale damage we have pack animals giving extra worker output this i could see being very powerful especially if you're using a fairly um evil empire using the guilds or something so you have own populations that would stack with that just putting out there perfect own species here which is rather horrifying we have natural armaments giving even more army damage so i think i may have been a bit too hasty saying the reptiles are the natural army species some of these fit really well as well we have territorial because of course they are with less population growth from immigration essentially this is the double version of sedentary but it is so severe it might actually be a bit of a problem and then mammoth diet they like to eat a lot of food my personal least favorite just good doesn't really fit my kind of playstyle normally we have the birds the avians we have migratory which is a double version of nomadic we have birds of a feather giving extra ethics attraction we have more engineering research which i do like this one's plus 30 essentially it's a double version of natural engineers similar to the mollusk one with physics we have flocking patterns giving less empire sprawl from pups this is a cheaper version of the other one we have canopy born giving a little bit more energy from jobs and then we have either more consumer goods upkeep or less defense army damage with hollow bones it just doesn't really fit my playstyle though i do like this one for extra engineering research again making them a lot more specialized if you are really rushing a huge empire with loads of worlds and immigration would be really useful especially if you're friendly and have migration pacts maybe this would be really powerful it's just not what i normally go for do you want to be a bug but don't want to have those horrible emotions well if you're an arthropod you now can with repressed emotions your populations are no longer affected by happiness and this goes hand in hand with the caste system because in my opinion these both really represent the whole species once being a colony something like termites or ants or something like that where it's all about the collective but not quite a hive mind they aren't completely controlled by a single mind but they're close or at least that's what they evolved from the evolution from hive based societies has left little room for emotions such as happiness or sadness for the individuals little room left words but the point is i once again love this because i've always wanted to kind of ant empire which isn't a true hive mind and this is essentially just that and then less housing usage and stuff and more army damage it's all about them being bugs rapid digestion meaning they eat more food and fragile organs meaning they have less of a lifespan and less army health that means you'd have less stability on planets but it also makes this a great worker species again which fits the whole concept of them being worker ants or beetles in this case the fungal people next we have extra lifespan we have extra relic world habitability which is very specific we have this which is minus forty consumer goods up cave that would be insanely good in my opinion for a sort of utopian abundance empire we are trying to make everyone as happy as possible and spending lots of consumer goods that really heavily offsets it we then have eaters of decay giving less food upkeep we have psychoactive spores giving loads of extra society research and some extra moral damage and then we have something which i find really good for this type of portrait parasitic growth this species evolved from one which is parasitic in nature and the natural production of food comes poorly to them compared to simply taking nutrients from other living beings which makes sense considering you are playing the fungus here not the poor mammal underneath being controlled by it and then we have delicate spores minus 20 population growth speed but you do get four points back which is obviously a lot essentially it is double the slow breeders and finally lithoids so liphoids do have some unique traits as well although they do have all their usual unique stuff here with the rare resources they can also have loads of extra defensive army damage they can have loads of extra minerals which is really nice for lithoid species they can get less unity from jobs for two points back or they can have less happiness for their workers because they just don't care they are after all stonehearted next up looking at the planetary diversity hopefully a little bit quicker than looking at the different species traits we of course have the usual wet dry and frozen worlds but then we also have rare and there are loads of new ones within each set each of these have their own unique little bit of art for the background which i really like and then the worlds themselves look different in space just certainly make everything look a lot more interesting then after all of that which is already quite a lot we have the rare worlds now the rare worlds are where things get really interesting not only do they have unique jobs such as if we go over to the salt world which is this one here you have the job of being able to refine and sell the salt giving more tried value i believe or something like that and you also have positives and negatives just as a modifier for living on the world itself such as extra habitability or perhaps extra resource output in a specific way there's a lot of stuff here to cover so i'm going to do is jump in the game into a few of these just to give a hint of what these things offer and what we have is the geothermal world the cast world i believe is how it's pronounced essentially you are living in the cave system more so than on the surface we have the super habitable world the salt world the tidally locked world the primal world which looks amazing we have the bioluminescent world we have aquatic megaflora and storm we even have two unique origins which come with this mod the megaflora tree mod so tree of life mud and the infecting planetary hive this is only available if you are a devouring swarm once you get to a new planet you begin to infect it turning it into a hive world although there are negatives until everything is complete and the megaflora tree of life is just a more advanced version of the tree of life where once again you are converting the world you live on but you must be a hive mind so the first world we're going to take a look at we're just going to look at a few of them is the geothermal world so with this it's all frozen except for the areas where there is geothermal activity causing there to be actual liquid water allowing it for life in the first place and you get plus 20 energy credits and plus 20 society research with plus four max generator districts however you do have minus 20 to max districts hence why well you're not really building all that much on this planet in addition to this building cost and district cost is increased just because there's not many places to build things when most of the world is sheets of ice on the upside you get the rich geothermal pool which allows you to build the unique building here the geothermal slurry site which gives engineering research alloys and increases engineering research on the planet at the cost of some consumer goods next up the tidally locked world and i'm really curious is this spinning no it's not lovely that's what i wanted to see look at that oh that looks so cool so we have the scorching deserts on one side of the planet and the frozen tundras on the other and in the middle is a little habitable band where all of our society exists being tidally locked simply means that the same side of the planet is always facing the sun it doesn't rotate in a way which would well that's cool in a way which would cause a normal day night cycle as we would know it this gives us extra energy and food which is a bit interesting there extra generator and agricultural districts however less districts overall so i suppose the concept is this area is really really perfect oh actually it makes sense yeah you'd be able to get more energy from the from various things which this would cause the food bit's a bit curious but i guess just the concept is that band is pretty much perfect for us but less habitability less districts and less happiness we do however get the nightside mineral deposit which allows us to have the unique job of the nightside mining operations extra physics research along with extra physics and minerals being produced now this is an interesting one we have the aquatic world 100 of the planet is covered by its ocean and we live under the sea extra food and energy and we get the unique job well the unique building of the undersea gas mine giving extra engineering research you can kind of see a theme here our tropical world is just not lively enough for you the megaflora world extra society research and minerals extra mining districts which is actually not what i expected there and then extra upkeep for pretty much everything else the unique building here is the megaflora construction headquarters uh what does that give that's plus 10 to what now the final world we're taking a look at the world where the outer layer is pretty much inhospitable almost all over but underneath there are countless tunnels in which the empire lives now it turns out though in the previous world the megaflora world those jobs would give you extra districts at a percentage depending on how many people are working those jobs with this type of world we have the tunneler's girl which will give you extra engineering an extra engineering percentage and extra amenities percentage which is a really really nice set of jobs in addition to that extra minerals and engineering research just from being on the planet at the cost of less habitability less population growth and less districts overall wow that's a tiny planet then you'd instantly need to remove all of these and even then you only get a few districts so very powerful of a small population but you need to expand very very quickly and with each of these worlds you do get a unique preference which isn't terrible but it's also quite specific you get none of the plus 80 except for your rare world type and then for instance with this one you get plus 60 with the wet worlds but then only plus 20 with dry and cold making them basically useless for this empire so that is the main cost you don't get any of the plus 80 whereas the normal types will give you plus 80 with specific world types so this is the empire i will be testing with i've chosen the bioluminescent world and i've chosen the moloskoids because i want to try and see if that much trade value is really good even with non-corporate empires we are however fanatic competitive giving us plus 20 to our trade value this will be increased by the 40 our population will be generating we are fanatic xenophobes and we are pacifists because we are paranoid isolationists the whole point of this empire is we rapidly expand grab everything we can and then defend it to the death our value and our shinies will be kept for us this means our star bases are far stronger we can build ships faster in a defensive wall we get more influence on our defensive war and we even get more defensive platforms and more defense army damage essentially we're going to be very good at keeping the xeno out we have financial elite giving us moguls which are really powerful um jobs which will increase local workers energy output and they themselves produce a lot of trade value and we are star settlers which means star bases are cheaper and we also can make colonies a lot faster along with getting extra populations once we grab those worlds eventually we will be losing that grabbing things like police state and maybe the guilds because this empire isn't a particularly nice one it's all about expanding and everything else now originally the empire was like this it had cooperative because instead i was going to go with if i can find it immutable hierarchy this requires cooperative and authoritarian giving you extra stability and extra influence game per month essentially helping with the expansion along with authoritarian also helping with the expansion but instead i wanted to go fanatic competitive going with loads of trade value i'm actually tempted to get peaceful traders as well later on for now financial elite maybe we'll get peaceful traders along with the guilds it's gonna be a weird empire but hopefully a fun one the main emphasis though is on the species and the worlds and to see how the new ui handles which i'll be getting into when we get into the game itself straight away sold everything so we can put down the special building and then as you can see on the right this is the tiny ui it is much much smaller than the regular and it's also set up differently so things stack and go around each other better so hopefully we won't be quite so encumbered by just how much we need to get done in lighter game especially with just scrolling around which i think is actually what broke my mouse wheel just changing a few our policies eventually we will change our economic policy which is here over to free markets giving us extra moguls merchants and clerks but this also gives us less influence so we'll do that once you've spread out a little bit more so another reason why i've gone with this empire rather than just going with a standard mega corporation which would really help out tried value is just the whole idea of the paranoid isolationist i kind of like the idea of having the earliest possible crisis and just not caring allowing them to devour the rest of the empire as we hoard our shinies and live our best lives or something like that the first world we have found is the outback world a hot dry world of a nitrogen auction atmosphere most of the plant is covered in arid or semi-arid shrublands and deserts while areas around water have more vegetation hydrosphere is mostly confined to a few inland seas and natural underground springs we have our assault crystal traders giving us loads of dried value [Music] and loads of minerals actually that is a really good starter building and our amenities are off a chart as well everyone is very happy in our empire even the workers are very happy the next world is the oasis world oh look at that so the oyster world is another one the dry planets uh the hydrosphere only supports one large body of water which has a band of vegetation around it rain barely reaches the inland desert that covers the majority of the planet so basically all that is essentially lifeless but we have all these bands of life around the one ocean the one polar ocean very cool we have a glacial world over here most of life is underneath the ice and there are some permanent holes in the ice due to geothermal activity we have an antarctic world whoa that looks really cool actually love how that looks and then we have one more world here which is a frigid world i forgot to mention this since i've mentioned it in previous runs using the more ethics mod but our fanatic xenophobe does not make it cheaper to go to new worlds to grab new starbases but instead it increases our fire rate in our home territory by a whopping 40 percent combine this with bulwark of harmony and you can imagine it's very very very easy to defend your own territory okay a bit earlier than i expected but we are gonna be swapping over our economy to the free economy so we are getting an extra mogul merchant and clerk depending on how many population we have while we get multiple of them depending on how many populations we have so that's really going to help out with that trade value which is that main thing so now we have a grant of three moguls oh and merchants are back being rulers they were specialists a while ago what's changed there was it potentially financial elite not 100 sure i'll look into that in the future doesn't matter too much um just the last time i played they were specialists rather than rulers because one of the mods but they've now changed back to being rulers which honestly is for the best for our empire well that's producing loads of unity why so much unity from our merchants i had to just restart the game a second ago just to make sure a few things were actually working and yes so the pearls are indeed working correctly it just doesn't come up here as the bonus but what they're meant to be getting is only two tried value each instead they are getting three because of course plus 50 from the pearls trait then i was confused about the salt crystal traders but that trade value is simply added at the end here as you can see it's not added earlier on i still though don't know where i'm getting unity from from the merchants because these merchants seem incredibly powerful remember this this tried values after the 50 is added so it normally isn't that extreme i think it must be a financial elite it just doesn't say anywhere i can't see where else they'd be getting the unity from so without the pearl strike you can see the trade value is 8 rather than i think it was 12 year x plus 50 i could do math and also it's not producing unity and that's because of the lack of financial elite financially it seems to have the added benefit of adding unity without actually mentioning it and i think it's because it's meant to be the elite version of the merchant guild or something like that which would certainly make sense either way the point is i now know where it's all coming from so it all makes sense the mod isn't at fault i'm just being a dum-dum which is what i wanted to say still not sure why the merchants are rulers though because in this mod in the extra ethics mod merchants were only specialists and moguls essentially took their place so a bit curious about that but it doesn't matter too much my assumption is because the jobs are being messed around with with the extra planets or something like that that's what's caused the merchants to revert that's my only theory there but considering i'm very bad with mods and stuff it's just a guess really although i'm not completely sold in this empire after all it's just like test empire i threw together just to see if certain things would work one thing i really underestimated the power of is star settlers having that extra population when you establish a colony is lovely and the extra 33 development speed basically meaning it becomes a colony a lot faster really adds up when you're using colonies for extra population so i go to this hold over here which i don't want i'm now sending a colony ship it becomes a colony we send the populations back thus destroying the colony and we do it again but because of star settlers we're getting one extra population each time so we're getting three rotten two and it's being established faster as well you could get really cheesy with this thing a really large population especially if you find a system like this with three planets you don't particularly want which we have so i'm going to set up a star base here and start using it for just population construction we have found a bioluminescent world one of the worlds i was going to choose for this empire to begin with because honestly it's my favorite just in terms of its looks look at that it's such a phenomenal concept as well essentially there are spores and other inert particles in the atmosphere blocking out most of the light most of its temperature comes from geothermal activity since it's blocking out so much of the light but also so that everyone can see almost every animal plant and just almost all life is bioluminescent producing this seas which glow as it gets darker the twinkling of the forests i love that so much definitely my favorite in terms of the concept and the actual artwork there hats off just amazing so glad we found one we found a highland world inhabited by some pre-sapiens not pre-sapiens uh a primitive empire rather look at that most of the plant discovered in mystic highlands with hardy grasses and lichen plateaus hydrosphere is generally stable between frozen mountain ranges and large inland seas cool we have found a storm world and there's currently a storm going on in this system because of that fellow over there which is very very fitting this is one of the rare worlds the majority of this planet's land masses are found at either pole separated by a massive single ocean which generates powerful storms year-round while technically habitable these um these land masses can only support a few hardy plants and animals the majority of the planet's life can be found under the surface of the water very fitting the storms going on right now so here's something interesting this here the weather mitigation array so this is one of the only unique buildings i think which needs attack might be wrong there for the planets and this is for the storm world which is this one over here which currently i'm just using to get more and more populations but still it's a really cool building plus five storm engineering jobs and also increases housing by 10 just passively which is really good it gives 15 engineering 15 physics research for the five engineers and it gives a base of plus 10 engineering and plus 10 physics research that makes the storm world a lot better than it initially looks well i think it's about time that i summarize my feelings towards the mods i've been using and if i'm going to be using them overall massively positive on pretty much every single front i think the tiny outliner has been really useful uh because we've gone so micro managed heavy loads of planets in fact it's been macro heavy loads of planets constantly being colonized and then decolonizing everything else not having to scroll through all of the worlds has been lovely in addition to this the starbucks is all about science chips and everything else it was definitely a lot easier and it's a lot neater it looks better in my opinion though i am really keen to see the reaction of people in the comments about this because it is going to be a lot smaller in the video and although i do record at 1080 uh since i'm not recording a 4k i do think it might be a little bit difficult to see what's going on because of youtube's compression but we'll see how that goes planetary diversity i absolutely love it hasn't really been a major part of the run or really in your face which i actually quite like because hasn't changed things too much but i really love the diversity of the starting worlds it's almost like a whole origin by itself which is fantastic and finding the rare worlds out and about and thinking shall i colonize them even though this is a really bad habitability it has all the bonuses and everything else love that a bit so i'm definitely keeping that regardless and then finally we have the species diversity that really didn't come too much into play i think you can make a more specialized species now so it didn't know why i mean if look at our home world we're already at almost 350 tried value and it's not really a super trade value world imagine if we were a mega corporation or something our trade value would be just off the charts in sign and once you get more species within your empire that's when i think that's going to really really come in supply since you can have very specialized species but even without that i think overall it was a net positive so really happy with all those things now finally onto the game itself and my empire run still not overly keen on the empire itself but but just star settlers i have massively underestimated i'll definitely use again in the future because i have now combined that with the yut relic the starter the um the precursor so new worlds are now getting four populations that's why our home world has 79 people already it's basically bursting only 40 years into the game and we could have done that faster we really could have we could have cheesed that more by simply having worlds purely for that growth in addition to um the useless worlds i do tend to also have like one world like this which i also use for that even though we could have used it as a normal world since you can really rush population combine all that together and yeah our population is much higher than every other empire nearby you have a population of 58 well you are tiny apophylation is 226 let's say you're a large empire only 74. yeah our population is huge and it would continue to grow that fast which means we'd be a powerhouse definitely going to use that in the future so any other recommendations for different mods do you like the mods i've used today in addition to the to the ones i used before which i've brought over give me your opinions in the comments below and mostly i really do hope you've enjoyed today's video because i certainly have really loved making it really happy to be finally testing out all these mods there are so many things for me to find out so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 39,464
Rating: 4.9633532 out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris mod, stellaris mod showcase, gameplay, lets play, modded game, mod
Id: DDS7Ufw0-w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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