Dungeondraft - (Fantasy RPG Map Making)

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dungeon draft here i've played a lot of water draft i played around with a lot with london one drift i say play it's not a game it's a tool um but it's you know it's it's fun it's fun to kind of mess around with this kind of stuff uh the wonder draft which is made by mega sploot here is sort of the you know big world making kind of thing and dungeon draft here is is more zoomed in uh for instance there's a house you can make uh made by the same folks and you get here on on their website but uh you know it's kind of geared towards like d or tabletop style things you can put it in the roll20 that kind of things um but i've been meaning to show it off for a long time and uh today is that day so let's check it out shall we now um to begin this thing we'll start a new map here i'm just trying to just play around with this for a little bit get an idea what's happening here and just kind of show the thing off because i think it's really neat and and deserves some showing off that's the point of this today so let's go we'll turn off the grid because we're not so interested in the grid and let's go build like we can do anything like we can do any sort of of of crafty thing we can make a house we can make uh i don't know a uh um a landscape of some kind let's do let's try to show off as much as we can so let's go into the terrain brush i suppose we're gonna go into a like a settlement type thing and i want rather than uh here let's switch this up with some grass and i think we can go okay we're gonna change this this will be we'll put grass there yeah yeah that's what we want and let's put some water down we'll start out with like i don't know like i like a beach okay you know i have an idea so let's do like a like a coastline we'll put like a little island out there with a lighthouse and make like a little village that i think that'll show off enough so let's do that can i get this to be like a little bit better zoomed um no i can't fine all right so we'll go out like 50 i guess and and just be annoyed by the smallness of it um i'll i'll zoom in later and and we'll get a better look at that i hope uh let's start with some water and and we're going to go in here and sort of carve this stuff out and you'll see as you carve it out it blops some water down let's zoom in oh was that better no it wasn't but we'll like you know kind of carve this stuff out grab a little water let's go to the bigger brush and i think what i want to do is like a like a nice little coastline here we'll say like like in the middle here we'll have like a a lighthouse and then all this other stuff we'll put some water in we'll have like a bridge that goes to our mainland yeah yeah so let's go do something like this like that maybe a little too big there there we go and we'll uh we'll get rid of all this stuff uh if you do a bunch of water same time it takes a long time so i'm trying to do a small bit small small small bits uh like that okay coastline we're gonna have a little village here we'll have a lighthouse over here sound like a plan terrible with wonder draft that's the beauty of wonder draft and and this is no no different where like you know it's so um you don't have to be good it's so it's so pretty you like you go around and you you you dink around with a little bit and you end up with a fancy map um that's what i like about it so we get like a nice a nice beach here let's go crank up that intensity you know we need to some some uh sandiness here on our on our lighthouse thing oh and we'll get some rocks in there too lighthouses always have rocks so let's do something like i don't know something a little beachy and we'll throw in a little bit of gravel here and like fill this thing in mostly mostly fill it in with gravel maybe maybe not that much a little bit by the way so oh you know what we need we need music what am i doing here let me get some music start up and we know what we're playing uh age of empires somebody sent me a there's someone made i put on the discord and it was it was the um the age of empire song but it was done in like like the style of it was fantastic um i posted i think i put the main room a few days ago so go go over there check it out it's fantastic uh anyway so there's our there's our uh our light we'll start with the lighthouse they will work on the other side so we'll start by putting out some buildings so it's all really very very easy to mess with this stuff just like wonder draft is we can go like we want like a circle house because it's a lighthouse you know like that um let's go something like a little bit bigger we can change like we want like a little bit darker wood there and we want some some nice stone walls or whatever here we can also do this which is sort of like a you know like not a circle house do something like that but uh let's go with let's try something something like that can we like bump it out just a little bit that's weird um it doesn't have to be it's not a complete circle you know times are tough making making complete circles is difficult um and then we're going to put in like a um like a doorway right there hey that ain't bad i'd like a better vote but it was a better circle there we go okay so we'll put like a door over here we can change the walls as well which i just did there and we can use the color of that also um let's go put in a uh a door like something like a nice sturdy door like that thing right there i'm going to go i'm going to flip it uh flip it flip it uh rotate stick it right there yeah like that okay like a little path there or something like that now we can go and we can do a um we can like decorate the interior this place we can do just a roof um but we'll you know we'll see what we can do um inside here oh you know what we could do we could just say like the first floor so first floor of a lighthouse i want a wooden wall is that wood is that wood sort of i guess that's wood so let's go like you come into the place and let's do like that and like a wall like that and we'll put like a stairwell stairwell there which i think we can do on one of these it's in path tool and we can say i want is this the one i want yeah yeah like like this and we can kind of like inch this guy up around this way and we'll say we'll just say like stop it there because that's that this is just the first floor we're looking at so you walk in staircases right there if you want to put in like some um some little stumps there's a whole mess of objects you can put in um like um like like a globe a little globe there uh let's see we want something like if i go off i want i want let's go tags and i want some pillars so as you walk in you got a nice nice pillow over here so you could you could you know you could spend a lot of time on something like this a couple pillars there you could go all the way up you know putting pillars in this thing i won't spend too much time but you know we gotta make this thing it's gotta look respectable this is my lighthouse and the last thing i want is people making fun of my lighthouse these are not going to be even anymore which might be a little weird but as long as no one's making fun of it it's fine there we go uh a weird staircase uh let's get another door so we gotta get a door that comes in this way uh which is gonna be over here we'll throw in a portal tool and i'll just put like a nice wooden door um i want to show off the block light thing also because it's kind of cool so we'll put like a door there so if you live in the place you can come around here um my wall can i make it look a little better here like can i make it go like along this thing you think like that yeah it's fine okay so we got a door there we're gonna put in a window and we'll put one outside here so we'll put a window in all lighthouses have windows right isn't that important uh we'll put a window in here on on this side we'll put like a window there come on come on you like the goodness put one there and we'll put one like over here and one over here i mean the waves never come from that side uh i have a loud light on and then we can go to the lighting tool wherever that is i forget there it is and you can see check it out check out the fancy lighting you do see like put some torches in here or whatever you know you will say there's a torch there we'll put them in a minute check that out we can put a window we'll put like a torch there and a torch there and then so the door doesn't allow lighting but we can like put in a window over here um like a little skinny window which allows light we can stick it like right there and look at that look at that fancy so this begins my lighthouse uh when i'm done here i'll show off there's a whole website that has all kinds of these things that you can download for yourself the people i've made and i'll show that off when we get there um but let's put in we can do caves you know of course and all that there's a roof so like um well i'll show that a second let's get our lighthouse done let's go into the object tool and there's a million things in here so we'll put this like a little living room in here we'll go find ourselves a fireplace uh i think it's gonna be in furniture statues we could just we could put a skeleton outside um or like a mummy in here if we wanted to you can shrink them down if you want um oh we can't put shadows in there you can make your own shadows as well i don't know how to do that i haven't messed with this too much i messed with anywhere near as much as i have with um wonder draft um i've seen though on uh on that site people have made like giant boats this is the boats options here you can always you can get new there's like a sale um you can get all kinds of new assets out there as well dungeons might make much more speed i'll show you what i've done here how fast it is to make a dungeon because it's crazy it's crazy fast thing i'm working on here is gonna take a little while would you make like a whole map in like five minutes can you make towns and cities yeah so i'm making i'm working on mats i'm working on like a little coastal thing so we'll i'll show that one in a second oh look at this there's stairs oh look at that they don't they don't build quite like that so it's not quite as easy but look stairs that would have been easier i've got a nice little spiral staircase oh look at that uh anyway i wanted uh we'll put a table in here i want to get a like a fireplace and a little bit we'll put a table down we'll say have like i don't know he can eat over here whoever whoever lives here we'll give him some some chairs uh chairs and again this is all just the base assets there's like a million you can get but this is just the base stuff uh we'll give him a uh a nice squishy chair for his table you can sit like it's so small put like over here in the corner it's really hard to get to but it's very squishy and we give them some some nice uh wooden ones um for the other sides in case he has company this lighthouse man uh i want a fireplace uh how do i do it maybe it's in like stove statue storage structure structure uh yeah yeah okay there's a magic portal uh we want not a scarecrow but we want a oh a sundial i want i don't know where my ovens are uh let's see here it's dining there's there's food and things we can grab um go throw a desk in we'll stick it we'll stick a desk down here squeeze it like right there we'll give it a chair pizza the hut thank you for the follow and we'll go with where my chair go yeah just like a little chair here to stick at the desk sure um there's a bar uh oh a trapdoor yeah we need one of those let's stick that over it'll go right in right in the uh in the entryway here case need to go you know go in basements of lighthouses very famous very famous that all lighthouses have basements uh well it's like a cart outside you know um the lighthouse man has to get supplies as well um creatures creatures we can put some spiders in here oh i just got wrong button throw some little spiders in there over there uh i'm just looking for uh my my um my uh there it is the picture okay so we can get let's get like a nice night a brick stove over here maybe not over there somewhere over here champ freak thank you for the prime sub i appreciate that very much there's our big oven stash it over there maybe there's a big pipe that goes to the center of the um of the lighthouse that doesn't make a lot of sense um i have a better idea let's put it um i don't know let's put a stove in here nice wooden stove stash that guy over there uh we'll put in what is this thing a nice another stove sure we'll stick it over there keep the place warm you know it gets cold in lighthouses uh oh you can have an organ in here oh yeah oh yeah with all the candles on it oh there we go uh let's give them that fancy chair like a nice oh yeah one of these there we go oh yeah that's fancy i can also put down so i used just the wood here uh we can do just flooring um i think i can do it how do i do flooring i can change the color of that and make it like i don't know like a red rug i think i can do it like yeah like that uh i don't want it to snap i do i don't i want to undo that fine um i say i know how to do it maybe i don't put that back uh it might be uh it's gonna be somewhere else um pattern oh here we go here we go so let's put in a [Music] a nice red rug we'll put it under our table like that yeah it's a little weird but it you know just get with it basement into the cave under the island yeah yeah never ask what the lamp house lighthouse lamp in the basement is for um oh speaking of lighting so this could be the object tools which is a mighty list which we've been looking at here uh i want to go to lighting and we'll grab like a i don't know like a torch um which can hang is that kind of a torch looking thing that kind of is we'll let's take a torch over there we'll put some torches here we have where we have this lighting set up got candles there stick right over this way and back there and we can put um this bowl lamp here on the on the table along with uh i want i didn't see this one before there we go yeah yeah oh my there we go oh this one seems a little uh lacking now doesn't it with my grab tool this one spin this guy around a little bit just can i spin you there we go and then you need to be a little bigger too maybe spin you around this way there we go oh yeah excellent can i make him a different color than purple is that his only color he might might be i don't know actually how that works um i just don't realize just now there is a there's a kraken uh anyway so there's our lighthouse uh we'll move on to other things um unless we want to put in something like um like inside oh the cobwebs of course of course there's spiders around here we need cobwebs i just want to stash these guys over here with the spiders that right there yeah yeah no one really lives here except for these fighters good thing too because there's a cracking out there you know something like we gave it a creepy look look sardi thank you for the follow all right so we got a door we got a stairway there uh leads up to the next next level nice cozy place other than the cracking outside let's go build ourselves like a little town so we'll start out with a bridge which i think we can do with a path tool and i can set up now there's a fence we have like a like a rock thing we can do we can do a blood trail uh this is a rope i want something a little more rickety maybe a little bit bigger than that let's crank up the width just a little bit it might be a little much let's go like that right there we'll put some posts in there um i want to get let's go back over here to our terrain brush and we can put something else down here like what else what else can we do let's put that tomorrow um i'm going to avoid or swamp or sandstone dirt cracked earth what does that look like that's not what i want this one i don't really like that that's not terrible it's like a foundation and all these rocks it's kind of sudden there isn't it let me see if we can a little bit some of that there we go okay and the cool thing is you can kind of put under water and so you can see how it has a like a watery effect see that it's kind of kind of neat i don't like that let's do something like you know just some rocks into the water yeah that's right every house needs a keeper and there he is so we've got a lighthouse springs over here and then we're gonna go and build a town so i'll show you how to do a town a little bit easier again you can resize everything so this this could be tiny if i want to make a giant lighthouse with tiny things or you know we can resize all that to make it a smaller scale or bigger map um let's go to the roof tool which i think is pretty neat here and we'll just grab something like this and we'll say no we'll say there's like a little hut like right there and something like that so there you go you've got yourself a little house we can take another one over here and you can make a whole little town like this you can go with something a little different if you want like that you can change the style go with like a hip which i think is one of those which isn't what i want maybe we'll do something like that yeah that works um nice that's roof for uh for a couple folks that live over this way um that doesn't really work we can make that actually let's do this we'll go under and we'll slip this little uh little dormer thing underneath there there we go stick another house right here with it put a couple houses around here the next these guys these are a little more fancy they got wood shingles or wood things and we'll throw in a uh i put a dormer on oh no under over can i get that to go i can't ever get him to go the right way there we go there we go okay can i put a dormer on this one maybe this is the end wrong way so i'm using it where i'm not using the um the snap thing but we can do the snap tool if i wanted to go like that i can't even get it to go the way i want it to go so forget the snap like that and like that you know there we go so we got some dormers on it um so yeah like a little little village we'll put in like a well and all that stuff but before we do that we need to get some terrain down here i think we're gonna stick with the gravel for our road like this um actually it might be a better idea to go and put maybe some dirt down first and then we'll gravel over it is that dirt good anything better in here i have a little terrain swamp not a lot of stuff in here what's rocky look like that's that one all right we'll stick with we'll stick with the gravel i'll make a little path that goes through here maybe there's like the main road here comes through town like that and this is like a town square like right over here a little path to go like this way we'll have a we'll have an in there or something we're going to connect these guys up and we'll have something else over here and then let's go add [Music] um am i dirt oh i don't have a dirt in here do i so let's change this one out with dirt and we'll make like we'll put something over here that way we can also stick this under here a little bit uh it's kind of hard to do intensity can be changed a little bit so it's a little bit but it's kind of hard to get it to look like to blend real well kind of it's kind of like i don't know blotchy or something this is basically just giving getting rid of my my stones that i've mostly got but something something like that it's mostly it's going to be have to be fancied up with like um with objects uh defending with spots instruction marks but no proof of just random things move ever so slightly um the other thing we have is we have uh trees let's go to the trees and let's add in some trees so we'll go with something like these guys over here and we'll set up we'll do like i don't know just a bunch of these guys trees over there and more trees put a nice a nice orange tree in here just kind of in the mix uh what's the one over here too you know a pink tree sure and then i got one of these guys we'll just kind of fill it in there and like like that okay nice little force we put some stumps in here just maybe maybe there's some chopping going on over here i'll put some roots in just to give it a little more under control doesn't work too well uh i want under and like that there we go just kind of spice up it give our forest something and then you know maybe this will help if we put in like a i have two gravels um i don't have a sandstone let's change that out with a moss let's see if i can maybe change that just a little bit i'm doing something about that road the road's kind of kind of messed up let's crack up the intensity make it big oh my god like that yeah we go okay so there's there's our our marshy bits we can also throw some of that in here put some we maybe like like a bit of a beach over here too maybe add a little bit of sand this way like that bridge thank you for the follow so it's i mean that this doesn't work does it that uh that dirt is no good maybe i can do i've got the gravel i need something else i need um what was this one it's a little more paved i suppose we suppose we get like a little bit of that i don't know i don't like it but it's fine uh let's go put in a couple objects here so let's see can i find like a well or something we can put in surely there's a well of some kind over here water what is this oh like little oops oh yeah yeah something in the oh waterfall something i know oh oh can i do like um a little like little bloops like like that because he's he's causing a ruckus it's already got some but it needs more yeah there we go all right let's go find something else i want um oh floating things oh floating a floating person yes there we go maybe maybe oh yeah yeah some stuff's getting torn up by this guy that and we'll throw in uh like a barrel over here maybe there was a ship over here in it i got wrecked by this guy there we go okay now um i still haven't found my well i need something to fit in in town here to add something to this let's let's get a let's get a horse they don't mind the kraken over there you know another day another day in town here we'll stick some horses here at uh some sort of trough or something let me get a different horse like that and we'll see if i can find a good trough kind of thing um here let's just just do like a hitching post like that a little funny with a shadow there it'd be all right [Music] hey chip how's it going there's a there's a a wagon left up over here as well and we'll get decor maybe let me decor this is mostly like inside houses and things what is this this is a bird bath um bird bath bird bath i want a well i'm sure there's one in here somewhere probably make something that would fit well you know what we could do with the well is we could just do a uh what is environment oh and you get light there's lighting it doesn't really work on with this because of the roof tool can i maybe change i'm like i can't change like where it's set at so i can't like stick it in here and have it shine out so really that lighting only really works uh in here sadly it's cool though when it's out there uh let me see uh you know one thing we could do actually to adjust that is we could build something like we just do like this let's build a light a well that has light like a little thing like that i'm gonna put a roof on top i'm gonna stick a light in it see if this works i want windows on it i can be a good window window um [Music] can i just do something like no there like that okay and then we'll throw in this is just experimenting here we just throw in a light i want to i want a bright light like a beaming yeah a bit okay maybe not maybe not quite like that but yeah that's what we want we can change the color of the light oh yeah yeah that well that wa that well is is creepy uh let's go a little bit less intense here like that and there we go and then what we do is we just throw a roof on top of it my roof tool like that stick one of these guys on there and then ammo not a dormer i want a hip like that and there we go we got a well in town a giant well in town that emanates light that's how you do it i suppose you can probably do so i don't see a way of a lot of these things have ways of setting up like this is over and under um the the terrain is going to show here but the objects do have it where you can set what layer they're on so i don't think you can do that with the with the roof though maybe there is i'm not really uh experimenting experience with this so you know i could be we all kind of think i'm missing here but um some lava let's stick like a little lava ring over here it's a little skinnier like a little bit of something like that can i make it maybe go into the water so we got something like this sort of that's kind of weird like some sort of like a obsidian kind of kind of thing going on that's a little weird what is that oh it's like a path okay not like unlike like lava but what we can do over here uh is we can set up something explained about this before is there is a it's on crime it's in but you know we do need gallows so we'll set that up over here there we go oh he's in the gallows these are the plants from a base in kenji right right um oh boats where's my boats let's get a boat and oh look there's a there's a bridge as well again you have to kind of you can't like you have to sort of line things up like that so it doesn't really work as well as this one but let's get a boat we'll set in like a little canoe here we'll stick this guy in over here let's take another one like right there let's get this guy rolling down uh down the way we'll give him some oars let's put somebody in here there we go and you know what i know we're putting here with a skeleton in here can i have just like a skeleton oh this guy this guy right here i'm going to be under i don't want under the boat i want them under the um oh i can do that if i work it right so we'll do like we can click on this and raise it to how do i do that bring to the front just change it to three [Music] yeah and then this one goes to three there we go now we got ourselves a skelly rowing on in nice hooray okay uh one last thing i want to do uh is i'm going to throw in a um oh let's find something creepy for a little spot over here there's some merfolk in here as well uh mushrooms uh oh there's the rugs i was looking for before i want weapons so there is oh magic that's what i want so we can put in like you know a place just a place for exciting things to happen throw in like this guy over here there we go this one this is this is for all the excitement right over there and uh and we'll we'll sprinkle some some gems i guess on it uh but yeah this is what this is where the offerings take place and uh maybe maybe we'll we'll set some things on fire in the middle here well um over there we go we got a nice fire going there in the middle and there we go uh i mean that's it that's that's that's most of the things there's a lot of like little little settings you can do here which i don't know i don't know what most of them do uh that's my grid style which i did turn my grid off but if you had a grid you can change it i guess dust grime noise i don't really know how to i don't know how that does anything seems to be affecting my lighting um that's what we got over here level settings we know that is there's text we can put in here um yeah that's pretty much it though so there there you go there's a map uh sure we'll save it as my second map i want to show you one other thing though i'll open my other one this one i was playing around with just before so same kind of thing i built you know i'm toying around with this i got a dock there got some my boats there there's a bit of a you know offering thing some houses and not actually sand someone looks a little better than what i had before there's my house i made uh with bed and bathtub and and uh pig and and plate and all that on it fireplace lots of light blazing out of that thing there's cliffs i didn't show before there's some clips you can put in um let's try one oops try one other thing um this way and so let's go i want to build i want to show you how easy just to build like a cave or something so let's go grow the cave brush and i think we just go like that we just sort of build ourselves a cave so let's say let's say you enter in over here there's our entrance it's a little bigger enter in over there we'll have like a big opening you know when you can have like an offshoot over this way with some monsters around there or something you know d d style another opening over here maybe branches over this way maybe maybe it connects up over here it will have like a i don't know like a a big thing over here too uh i don't know exports in png jpeg web and universal uh so uh yeah virtual tabletop so you can put it there's ways of setting it up i don't know how to do it there's also ways of setting it up like if you're in roll 20 or whatever there's ways of setting it to where the grids like line up with roll20 um and all that uh we can also blast open so it's sort of like it does that so if you wanted this to be like a cave entrance we could come over to the [Music] the tool which was i think it was the path tool and this we can say like go like about that way wrong way like say this is our cave opening like that all right yeah let me get off this off this uh snap um i want it to be like that and then we can go whoops like that and we can say this is sort of like the entrance of the cave so we can say put in here like we'll get uh i use a lot of gravel so we'll go with let's make it snowy outside sort of snowy tool in here we want it intense there we go um i wish it was a little bit more yeah i guess that one there's a little bit so it kind of like there's a little bit of snow rolling right in there we can fix that if we need to but i'm not concerned about it um and then you get your hip so yeah cave's done there's not much not much to it and then the game also has there's my cave and you can put in you know objects if you want uh you can also set up a map wizard so we can say i would like a dungeon and complexity make it extra complex um with i don't know uh that and and those kind of walls and generates and there you go it gives it gives you a an ugly looking dungeon like that there we go we can change i think we change the color of that also uh maybe not and you same thing with capes there you go generate a crazy cave let's go a little less than the convexity there you go even more what there you go so you made yourself a cave all done so yeah fancy fancy stuff i do want to show off um the site though so this one over here is the fateful force and i just want to show some of the maps people have made so we've got like you know this kind of stuff um which is just crazy check that thing out it doesn't really take that long to do it though it's pretty quick um it's not quite as maybe i'm just used to to wonder draft because i've played i've messed with it so much um i wonder if seems like it's a lot easier to make things sort of blend but there's a lot more detail i suppose with this there's a sunken ship there and check that thing out and i think most of these it says if it was these movies were made by dungeon draft there are programs out there but i'm not i'm not familiar with them um but again some dude had a bad day there ah fancy fancy stuff uh can you import maps from don john um you can open i think it only wants a dungeon draft map i don't know how to do that so like with wonder draft there probably is a way of doing this with blender draft you can like you can import a um like a height map kind of thing and so you can bring in another map and then sort of just kind of copy kind of draw around it there may be a way of doing that but i don't know how if there is i don't know so i'm sorry i'm not i'm i'm out of the loop with that one um yeah check out some of these things check this thing out that's what i was looking at making but look it's way so much better job than i did you know the boats they made it's like carts coming in oh i need they got like cool pads with their oh neat that guy's walking backwards look at all the detail they put into this thing really cool stuff so anyway um that's dungeon draft i've been meaning to show this thing off for a long time and um i thought today should be the day for that it's just like a jousting a jousting arena uh yeah yeah yeah and there's the ah that's cool that's really cool the tents they're neat um anyway anyway that's that's dungeon draft this is the fatefulforce.com is where these maps are at um but uh that was not that's not uh in a draft anyway uh i've been being showed off and i've been there you go that is that is dungeon draft it's made by the same folks that made wanderdraft and um there they are some of my favorite people and they make a very cool some cool stuff so anyway let's um if you're here for the dungeon dungeon draft part of the stream thanks for hanging out
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 24,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wonderdraft, art, fantasy maps, map making, cartography, inkarnate, world building, map creation, fantasy tabletop, dungeons & dragons, campaign creation, megasploot
Id: _u1BU9VMm5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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