Stellaris | Cyborg Cats - Driven Assimilators FULL Playthrough - MAX AI difficulty!

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me on a 3x and of course welcome to the first full playthrough of 2019 and of course the first full playthrough of the 2.2 update which has changed absolutely everything so today we are going to be playing as the LA Frisian lobotomize errs my original favorite Empire at least my favourite Empire before the 2.2 update which has massively changed how they work so I still hope I really really enjoy them and if I don't well we're going to have fun assimilating the entire galaxy anyway so of course we are the driven assimilators this means as soon as we get a planet which has any organic life on it we will begin to assimilate them into cyborgs to better serve the collective all is one and that is really really powerful because it means we also begin with cyborgs and cyborgs are very powerful since that's an entire ascension perk for regular organic empires and we instantly begin with them they make fantastic leaders they don't have the happiness problem sadly they do now eat food which is a little bit annoying but it's an ok side effect for all of the other benefits for instance along the lifespan and better adaptability they are very very good populations and of course we also start with our machines meaning to begin with we have double the population growth because we are building the machines and we are also growing the cyborgs so we will have very very fast growth to begin with in fact so much so I have weakened the growth of the machines because it does get a little bit out of hand if you don't have the tech took grade the buildings I'm speaking from experience here because sadly this is the second attempt at doing this playthrough the first one was met with bugs so many bugs at the end I had to sadly quit the game because I was playing on Ironman which is a good idea to do but sadly when you have game breaking things occur you can't restart the save at a previous state so yeah anyway we are also going with the unitary cohesion giving us boneless unity although I am very by this now constructor bus the build caste an upkeep of all buildings and districts are reduced which is really good since we are going to want lots and lots of buildings because we are going to want lots and lots of planets this by every means is a wide ply style so you know what because it seems fun let's go with a different option so then we have our machines we have power drills and we are super conductive and you may be wondering why am i making the robots the toilers why am i making them the workers here and the reason is eventually I want machine worlds and machine worlds can only be ran by machines and they have unlimited energy districts and unlimited mineral districts well it's still limited based on the planets but it doesn't take into account the features of the planet so you can have all over the districts as mining with nothing else which is really powerful in addition to a resource bonus so that is the end goal of the machines so I thought we might as well have this to begin with so if we get machine world's first before we get too many Robo points we can still leave them as that also of course our cyborgs our cats which are called the GOx make fantastic leaders anyway so they are quick learners intelligent and traditional the GOx are now part of the collective just as the machines are they are all drones it doesn't matter who is in charge really because ultimately I am in charge because I am the entity okay so I've changed things around a bit from just then so here are the laughter extreme lobotomize --is in their new form they still have superconductive and power drills but now they are luxurious and they have repurposed Hardware still which just means they cost a little bit more to make but since honestly on some of the planets we're not even going to make these I think that's ok because I do want as many cyborgs as possible the cyborgs only cost food the machines cost energy and energy is definitely worth more than food in fact there's even a special building that the machine empires can build which turn food into energy and I think is 25 food to 20 energy since it got rebalanced anyway the point is the machines are far less important than the cyborgs until we start making machine worlds and we will make them absolutely everywhere as our main source of minerals and energy with the other worlds being specialized into alloy production or into research production which of course will be the cyborgs themselves and hopefully by them we can simply remove the whole repugnant thing so that is the current plan our homeworld is the Ascension hub which orbits the star of unity we are using the mammalian cities since they look at the most robotic and that's pretty much that really we are the lava rocks in the bottom I tzer's we have a nice simple flag we are using the reptilian ships and our ruler is ascension so then let's save that let's continue and let's set up this so right now we do have Ironman mode on however I will be turning this off as people on Twitter will have found out last night well at least last night from now so about three days four days in the past by the time this actually gets uploaded I had a horrible bug we're turning planets into Gaia worlds will for some reason remove the ability to build districts on those planets and I converted 20 worlds at once essentially I went from having something like plus 300 minerals to minus 900 instantly and because it was Ironman I couldn't undo that and simply stop that from happening and it caused the entire game to utterly fail because hardest difficulty high level of crisis strength me still learning the game it was brutal now I've never played with Ironman mode on before but since a lot of people were saying maybe you should because that way there's definitely no cases of you using console commands or going back in the saves it would be best so I thought yeah because I don't do that anyway that would be fine but then yeah lots of me being less than happy on Twitter occurred so because the game at the moment is in a bit of a buggy state the bug fixes are happening quickly but right now things like that are liable to happen I'm afraid I just can't play with Ironman on if a bug occurs I will be very open about it but that's just how we're going to have to go from here I do hope you understand in the future I will be playing with Ironman on I've taken that as a really good suggestion and it's definitely how we're going to go into the future so the mid-game starter is the defaults the endgame is that these the defaults we have the victory at 2500 we are a maximum difficulty in terms of the i-ight we are medium galaxies and we have everything else as it is although as usual I do not want advanced AI starts because that is just horrendous for us and honestly just not that fun everything else I'll be leaving as it is so let's begin and so here we begin in at the very center of the galaxy ok then so let's get our stuff moving and hopefully we can find some new worlds as soon as possible ideally we want to find just every type of world we can early on we want some worlds just for our machines we want some worlds to share between the cyborgs and the machines we want specialist worlds we need lots and lots of planets that's our focus so research speed is great more unities fantastic more research is great and let's go ahead and grab ourselves some minerals to begin with ok now of course we don't have tried value because we are the Machine Empire and we also don't use consumer goods so that's two things we don't eat to focus on what did we really just start off next to Wow we started off right next to Marauders well hopefully they don't become the Great Khan in the future that would be a problem so since this is the first time playing the machine empires on the channel since the updates let's just have a quick look-see of how they work essentially to create a machine you need a replicator the replicator can come from the main building or it can come from the machine assembly plants each of these replicators will add a points each of these points will go into one point per month into creating a brand new machine they also create a lot of immunities so it is pretty good to have them around although I'm very tempted to get rid of this quite soon and go for more research at least on the main planets although honestly alloys are definitely going to be our focus forged worlds and mining worlds are going to be very very important for us small tropical world will send the cats over as soon as possible and will also allow the machines to be built for now because eventually we will have the machine world which are these lovely things and we are going to need loads of machines to get them running as soon as possible construction complete though I still want don't want to go too overboard though when it comes to the machine populations because they do cost an absolute fortune to keep running now creating two more scientists and we are going to go with map the Stars we want as many anomalies as possible early on and are most likely going to go into discovery as well so discovery expansion prosperity or discovery prosperity expansion prosperity is really nice not too sure just yet okay so we do want more cyborg leaders but we don't really mind as much for the science vessels that we do want to put these in charge of our regular science soon so for now machine leaders here although they are learning slower they are immortal so once they reach max level we have them forever so definitely worth it for the regular science vessels but cyborgs gay plus 5% bonus research beads so let's it looks very complete essentially we want spark of genius and the cyborg spark of genius is really good there we actually beat cyborg in my opinion so I'm going to go ahead and grab that and put it down here you are being replaced with you and a new sign ship can take the original well this is a very odd starting area we found a guy a world where next to Marauders and there's enemies everywhere blocking us we're sort of just going along the center at the moment our first colony is on its way though which is really really nice and I'm going to start making my first station because since we don't have tried value what we do have are solar panels and solar panels just give us energy so using alloys to make energy for the time being now what's more important to me for our minerals our minerals can either be converted into research or into alloys now alloys obviously will I'd in our expansion since there needed to get new stations they will aid in our ships and they're also worth a small fortune to sell they're actually worth a lot more than the base upkeep at least I think they are I'm not really taking into account the energy upkeep there but still they're worth alot and they're useful for everything so that's good but getting some research while we're so small at the moment is pretty good as well maybe a mix of the two so first of all then let's go with some lovely lovely alloys at first : is up and we're getting loads of growth because we both have the cats and the machines being built if we just had the machines we would only have one growth per month but since we have the cats and the machines we actually have four which is really really good in fact by the looks of things we don't get the negative for this being a new colony I didn't even realize that until just now which is really nice and I'm going to do since you're already there little science ship I would like you to assist research and lower their caravanners what do you have for us yes quite seriously is that it okay so for just 200 minerals we're going to have plus two maximum districts and plus three maximum generator districts on our Ascension hub our main world thank you well that's pretty darn good do you have to do anything was it just already added I can't remember the size of the planet to begin with but yet look slow do have more space now instruction complete fantastic it there it is well that's definitely worth it lovely speaking of which we do need some more housing do I want to I'm tempted to add a nexus district now and have more special more specialized the buildings but honestly let us go with more generators for now the nice and safe option till we have other stuff sorted I do want specialized worlds anyway sadly the machine capital will never be able to specialise because it is already specialized as the capital so more amenities less deviancy more stability but nothing else whereas things like forge worlds will be able to produce more alloys tech worlds can produce more research and so on and so forth that's where you really want to build all of your specialists and stuff also fellow who's now on the move can you please grab these two experiment ompletely forgot well that's not good we have another empire in our way and we definitely will not be a breakthrough here in quite a while that is not good as often complete and because we're on the hardest difficulty their starting position is going to be horrendously powerful can we really get this again another plus 2 max districts ok I bought it no so it didn't actually affect no no we definitely have hmm oh yeah we can now have 20 districts because we have this times 2 I was looking at the planet size before special project complete interesting no now we can have 22 yep it definitely worked well that makes our home world a lot more effective than it was before now that we need to grab as soon as possible so where is that out right there good okay so Joe first please you're not going to offer this again are you okay this can't be right oh is it because okay I think what's happening is we're building our borders so they are repeatedly entering and exiting our borders triggering the events I will accept this deal will it work again yep we now have three of them which means soon when it updates this will then have how many there are total districts 24 we could have 24 districts now on our main planet please offer it to us again well it's good to be amazing build faster we have so much space for districts construction complete so they're offering this again this has to be a bug it has to be I mean I knew is a bug before but I'm not going to go further with this this just makes me feel bad it feels like I'm exploiting this and no I can't go any further we could easily sell some stuff grab some minerals and this is now for our second planet I'm sorry but no it's clearly wrong we can't keep on getting this offered to us what's going on with you okay they're coming from there so I think that is what was happening they were leaving our borders and then for some reason re-entering over and over again which is triggering the events so gets in the way it wasn't really a bug it was just they were looped which I guess isn't exactly an intentional itself yeah okay we finally have enough horsepower to break through here action complete let's go and do that quickly so we can start expanding again well we could expand anyway but I'm currently expanding towards the enemy not exactly what I already want to say so we found the mining drones as well hello there so which are you you are what type of alien okay so that they are the ones I want to research because they give us more minerals after being researched look at all the pretty lasers Construction complete just about going to win here that is some serious loss on our path okay goodbye to you and now return home and get healed you go and research that and hopefully that world will be useful to us special project complete okay let's go to war well since we're not gonna be using this Swan as a bastion for a while let's just turn it into an anchorage shall we more research is always good and sure we aren't really losing food as well technological acquisition successful lovey I'm going to continue to upgrade our research we're not doing fantastic for research we're not doing badly we are equivalent with both our neighbors let's keep it that way shall we so how strong is their Navy compared of us apparently neutral it's not getting plus or minus Oh lovely they split their fleet attack turn around do the thing the thing with the guns that's the thing whoa they have lasers too who would have thought cama marauder fleet your ass now good timing there plus ten percent fire right just passively given to us well there goes their main fleet let's take out this while they can't defend it grab all in their defensive stations and we to buy a little bit of food yeah for the glory of random events okay it's quite a few of them there and they can probably take us but we could use the station as a defense just sit there how long until we have enough almost enough people but then construction no game food from the guy well for a while spaceport engaged so your ground forces just killed themselves okay may as well do a bit of bombardment or was sitting here although you can hopefully repair at the station since you've lost something Arama you fellows are going to join the Legion as soon as we have a ground force well that's a nice little bit of resource to discuss application and well we are going to war and say goodbye it to your forces and of course or welcome to the Legion resource silos why'd you have resource silos that's interesting either way though you are now being assimilated so what do we do with the rest of you well obviously let's give you some work you have housing apparently let's see how many jobs do we actually have available so we have five zero two so you do actually have enough jobs it's just because you're being assimilated it makes you not work that's fine and then one of you will turn into a maintenance drone because of the resource silo and because of the deployment post but that's fine as well we don't really need that so let's build some machines here let's swap that frame machine assembly flange in fact no that should be automatic as well because you have replicators now because that's one of ours okay nevermind haven't we done this before you can probably tell might make a nice energy producer could us grab an energy grid yeah sure let's just have a nice easy option of the energy grid we destroy those over here we could do some damage but with the station as well we probably lose also their unders oh that's where they're so weak they're under attack from elsewhere tempted to go and grab some of these Wow yeah under attack from two different empires we attacked it right moment let's grab these then grab both of these go here don't know why you'd over leader right now that seems fairly silly technological acquisition successful they are now at peace meaning everything is now fair game for us tempted to try and go for that I assume they're still quite hurt oh we can only just about get status quo right now so you and the fellows who are fighting whoa yes you are just make sure we have these two relationship fragments dissected well they aren't strong enough to attack us head-on they definitely would win if we attack them with their station but since they're kind of stuck there we can do this Construction complete we will assimilate all of them in time right now it's the moon which is the world okay they love their resource silos not the best planet in the world in the galaxy just put you on aggressive suit instantly attack that'll be lovely the other two planets now I believe are fully assimilated yes they are look how happy they are now to be working for C yes they are they're enduring and they are extremely adaptive okay enduring enduring enduring words so these fellows are back with a new deal technology gained data modeling technological acquisition successful what is that exactly oh that's beautiful energy credits from jobs plus 5% yes thank you glory to the caravans engage oh yeah okay you believe hurry up and beat that sadly this one seems a bit stronger than the others come on run thank you now go no not that way not that way definitely that way planetary pacification protocols they have so many planets and now we do you move there for protection please thank you these all will be fine once their people are fully assimilated we don't want another alloy foundry though honestly right now extra food to be good or just extra energy so let's pop down one of those sure that seems fine please grab that back that'll be fantastic now do we go for another planet or not either way that we definitely need to remove some of these stations we're over our limit with both stations and fleet and it's costing us but I definitely lose there I mean it'll be really close but I think so yeah either way either be a loss or really really close and paying for expansion is now finished and I'm going to go ahead and grab Imperial perogative increasing our admin cap so now we're only getting a very slight negative our first Forge world is also up and running giving us plus 5% to all alloys produced here sadly though our power output right now is utterly dreadful thankfully alloys are worth absolute fortune so it's okay well what's Wednesday for planet yes please detective well about to lose our fleet there which is annoying but we're about to grab this so it's definitely worth it station engage soon as you're done with that you can instantly leave these can invade by themselves good now get your butts back there Construction complete isn't that what you just offered us I'm assuming we can't get this again right we already have that research fine I'll find out position successful we already had that though does that mean we have that twice I don't know oh that's because they got stuck again oh I didn't realize laughs Rick stop accepting that already hello ok do we stop here I think we probably should but we could maybe take this so right now you know what let's see if we can win let's just attack no definitely can't because they just got back already darn it yeah if we attack now we just lose I think it's time to status quo and then we can sort out all these planets because my lord there is a lot of stuff to sort out other hostile fleet assets detected construction complete so when our under attack from these fellows so that's not exactly the best let's grab some bet around the please that'd be great you should be upgrading a time now your ward you're braiding or no you're not what I need is a few more alloys so let's just do this quickly and what I really need to do is upgrade you so you can finally have some more shipyards that's a bit silly honestly tiny world not much here to go with honestly um this for now I'll just make an uplink node soon just leave everything else as it is the same that we took great this there's stuff to upgrade why attack us now it's just later it's over kind of grabbed the enemy other way can you please hurry up and finish reforming our government so now let's add extra minerals lovely or extra unity no extra minerals reformed all well and good I would like that as soon as possible as well and that's always good hello there caravanners what do you have to offer us for seventy influence we will get an increase of 25% energy from technicians on Ascension hub sure I'll okay with that that's pretty darn nice so I would like one of these please as soon as possible let's to sell the excess of that grab some of that you nexus herb oh good time to move here come the enemies there's our first proper fight versus them okay now take over that again then take that back please we are out of food yeah again because I've been paying attention okay continue attempt to get some more research why didn't you take that back or disordered you say thank you at least these an out war versus them so shouldn't successful we can nor them for a while or at least we're probably have a better chance o plus 5% resources yes please how are we doing in terms of science anyway incredibly well good since basically our entire ascension her business pure science a nice new world here which I've just sent to be colonized this one's gonna hurt a bit more and no we are not attacking this we are not attacking this this is where we stop if I wish just blindly attack us they can Oh crud we just lost most of our fleet and in fact no we lost our fleet let's correct that alert station engage well rebuilding our ships now hopefully we can rebuild them in time well look which energy we have now we're no longer over the naval capacity that's nice at least technological acquisition successful Kashyap swill come back at least a fair few of them whilst we haven't lost all of them forever now a month until get back all of my money is currently going towards new fleets and okay you're about to finally catch up with this guy so that's gonna be take it out there's another fleece over here somewhere just hiding around and I'm building up my second fleet to combat that okay alert spaceport engaged hurry up I really wish I'd better thrusters right now but for some reason the tech is just not presented itself there we go goodbye you get your butt back here as soon as possible please to try and take back this section if we could we're about to lose this fight but I've got idea folks in Crystal's energy weapon damage plus 25% we're still going to lose it but it's gonna really bloody hurt them in the browser structure incomplete tsegga bites you okay welcome back to my control nevermind we won okay the folks in crystals want us that fight okay you get back a station please you do that hair okay then jump over to there my good Rex range to fight them off and status quo is within our grasp let's just try and get as much of this back as possible and we got some minerals good good there we are our complex drones now have more to go with and we are forced from them back further come on grab this and I will accept that squirm although we could potentially win again I would like ass ships to be up oh no we could definitely win but not against them and their station I will accept status quo now so pretty much nothing really happens just loads of resources were wasted and time was wasted that's about it okay so you good bye as well now I planets really need my attention so let's stop we have money there shall we we now have access to food processing facilities which will increase how much food we get from our planets which is a really nice also the mineral purification as well converting a lot of our worlds right now into fringe planets just because we do need the more basic resources at the moment then our forge world can get all the alloys are ever once eventually I won't make a second Forge one in fact though this over here this will eventually be our tech world the 24 sized planets which doesn't have too many district spaces except for Nexus so Nexus and science in fact let's begin that shall we where's our research there's our research more minerals please I love Alois being worth so much so apparently ever since we stopped warring with each other they are now overwhelming in terms of fleet power with us that ain't good instruction complete that just is not good thankfully we have some serious upgrades we now have the second to highest of lasers among some other things so hopefully that will level the playing field a little bit that'll be nice of you and I would very much like more science our first tech world is now indeed a tech world glorious and in fact I'm going to swap some unit even more tech well I really hope I get soon with research is the upgraded buildings because at the moment I'm actually running out of jobs on planets like this because I can't upgrade these to offer more construction complete yeah well how'd you talk about things a lot excellent you should augmentations completed our our ships looking right now six guy okay that's looking better now we're about to get cruisers as well so all is well and good there we haven't got tech to clear any of these hmm what I do in this planet then I guess for now drone storage because that also gives us a maintenance sure which will then lower this sorry increase this lower the problem I just realized I was looking at the wrong group still superior to us though didn't really help much their symbol is very similar for people like me who pay no attention at least change of plan we are under attack by these as well now we're at war with three separate empires right now so I'm going to try and tackle these released hold them off all but saying that I do need these darn it sure sure second fleet go down here first fleet when defend against both we're probably going to lose some stuff around there but well that's just what's gonna happen sadly what'd you have for us today a cruiser good timing thank you I'll accept that little bit of fleet power we've just used the crystals again making our lasers far more effective which is good because that's a pretty nasty looking fleet heading towards us technological acquisition successful okay goodbye do you make a move here now no that's too strong we'll lose too much just stay there that's being bombarded that's why it's upset so I'm afraid you're just gonna have to stay upset for the time being can you please grab that that'll be lovely our other fleet is moving there very very slowly but it definitely strong enough to deal with them so once it gets there it can hopefully oh you just do what it does any extra sublight speed none great get off the land I stole from you Construction complete you're not welcome here lads although I definitely have enough force now to take everything from you so I hope you happen you've just sped up my invasion please don't be talking from here construction the only thing I'm worrying about is if these actually help them they might do eventually destruction complete and I don't particularly cool you're not having this world back lads Construction complete I could take that back and just get ready to invite their home world we are out of everything are you even focusing more not really I was just upgrading these star bases as well I'll do so many things stop great what we already have but then no you had to come along I'll be annoying say goodbye to your home world don't keep much did we except for all the people oh it's gonna be a load of unemployment leave when they're finished don't did he care about that sister mala shove this it's a good-looking planet we could use it for more science yeah I mean we have the minerals sure I like science science then we'll also replace these with even more science lovely can you to form one fleece again good next planners pacification protocols fear the wrath of the machines you will be assimilated resistance is futile now here's the thing I actually don't want to grab these planets nor do I really want to grab these systems because it's just inviting an attack from these and these these are very powerful I think they're the most powerful in the game right now yes they are so I don't really want to make them hostile they will become automatically hostile if we're bordering them so what I'm going to do is take this planet this planet then leave this planet and these few systems under their control and they'll essentially act like a buffer for us and I really need some more gas wells like I said gas wells to begin with so much don't need to upgrade corrupted drones are irrelevant for now yeah they're all the plat oh hello one of our slave what these hours no these are for us to buy right then how do we sell I don't know what's happened there wait test don't think that's meant to be there guys Construction complete your landing forces it's safe to get here now I spend a minute trying to figure out how our planets are looking oh so much stuff to do good this will be the final proper fight then we can take all this as our own okay you go there you take that once again I can safely assume we're out of gas yes we are but we are rich now because huzzah for the power of alloys okay we're not doing too badly but my god this is really stressful start it really has okay so through this world extra minerals of course then this will be a mining world we really do need to make some more Forge wells though because we have loads of minerals are stacking up more science more Wow it's a huge world as well in that case I'm going to turn this world into new science world sure when up where are you research lab and for you another research lab now don't worry all those non employed people the unemployed people will eventually get jobs as soon as they artists Rinella into complete and hopefully that my speech will return to normal perhaps don't particular grade that so let's just do this now placing down these supercomputers which will increase the amount of science we get from our world all of that corruption because of the slow assimilation machine Nexus 10 too small it to be much I guess just I like alloys so that's gonna be your job forever and ever yeah we really need more research join us okay so we don't have access to here because that is a fallen Empire okay we are done sell status quo we now own pretty much all of this area which is great and you can go home most likely that next war be against these fellows anyway been at peace now for a while and somehow we've managed to get to the top of the lutely leaderboard so that's really nice for us so these fellows over here the ones who keep on attacking us is it safe for us to attack them well yeah I'll still equivalent with fleet power but they're definitely our next target these are what we're going for next then these fellows so did these have any allies the star symbol where are you now we are down you do have a defensive pact with these who could attack us but would need to go through the Marauders to do so which is going to be very very dangerous also they are really weak then I don't care then yeah next target target afterwards maybe after that I would like to clear up all of these Marauders before the Great Khan events just in case well these become the Great Khan that would be really bad I'll be really bad Construction complete so a farewell later and I'm out of influence because I've just upgraded almost all of my planets so now we have mastery of nature on nearly everything which is really really good and I am sorry glad I picked it now the problem is I need that production target I do because we're not particularly rich at the moment because we're kind of overdoing it with tech and especially with alloys so I think it's time to go to war our resources are whining and so that is the perfect excuse to destroy an a but to assimilate our neighbors to lead them to a better place to benefit both us and them good guys that's us also we now have battleships and they are using baby amoebas of doom okay machine level 1 is now finally done um I would love more minerals thank you now here's the thing is it worth doing this yet because this will take forever and so do it so we could remove the leadership gained negative which would be nice make them assemble faster which would be nice less housing usage which would be awesome more amenities that would be amazing or lower robot upkeep so minus temps and energy so what would I be right now so each one is costing one energy to sustain so 176 so temp sent oh wow 17 energy that's not major really is it but we will have more of them in the future but that's not really that major I'm tempted by the emotion emulators sure let's give them emotion emulators and they'll stay as the Ark's I like how they look at crate template apply to all and this will take me only 15 months ok cool then I will remove the old template so everyone's building the new version and now I really need to save up influence ok - one housing oh dear so you need more housing here and I don't have that even with the extra districts oh of course I'll just turn one of the mining into a housing there we go because now I'm upgrading all of our science vehicles and by vehicles I'm insane buildings I'm getting very tired right now this is becoming the end of the first day of recording it's now 1 a.m. I did not know it as 1 a.m. okay I need to stop very soon but first war to mention ahora I will call him noodles so apparently they are allied with these fellows wait no you're all of these nevermind you have no fleets left good so they're allied with people who can't possibly help them know that I'll give more than one people now who are you there mmm that could be a problem any chance you don't like these fellows you don't excellent that means you've ever have closed borders so good luck helping out your friends excellent that's what I wanted to see friends who can't be friends because there are non friends in the way okay you let's get ready blah blah blah a pair to go away diplomatically protocols in issue let's go let's go there we go thank you finally allowing yourself to go there hospital stationery oh look the saw-max you went towards a target well done guys is that being fixed I'm about being an issue before two point two that's neat now speaking of resource shortages lots of money lots of stuff let's see what type of bonuses could we give our troops here extra sublight speed yes please extra shields or why not I do so love lasers there we go that way we should be able to take out pretty much everything with no real issue I mean they're currently at war anyway so let's take out all of this section shall we don't quite know what's going to happen when I go here I imagine because it's being captured by these fellows can't we do much with them either way look we can take this then take all of this take all the planets all as well successful we should have our other Ground Force joining us soon right well I would if I had moved now I did move good never mind I'm not going completely mad after all I'm just being incredibly incredibly forgetful which is part of the course with me ah the lovely swarm we've even assimilated the amoebas oh sorry civilians you did not quite make him like ten out of ten for trying but no just no let's wait until both of these ground forces get here shall we let's fuse you first then you can go together ah it's like a family reunion if if your family is a group of psychopathic very very angry machines that live only to destroy all my guns a guy a world okay maybe not for that exact reason but still yeah guess I understand get a construction vehicle I want mass protocols now Oh who died oh no our general died well now the family reunion is ruined okay go here then here Construction complete scientists start moving towards rough get here anyway same with you lovely sauce this plate like Oh an 18 not bad at all what shall this planet be this shall be a well doesn't only have enough districts to be a good fringe world forever so we just have enough space for an affirmed nexus districts science I mean science always good so is alloys you know what I like alloys so all of those and there let's also add some maintenance drones around complete and so supremacy is finished although I am going to wait now until I can get machine world's they're saying that I would really like to see how avoid born works now I mean we are making a lot of alloys and we will continue to increase that fine Boyd born next we'll get machine world's construction complete it was like our end goal anyway so it makes sense it's at the end oh yeah we never found the precursor world construction I got kind of boxed in very early on didn't I in this game that's probably why not all that many events have happened because of that ok mr. mix ions go there please mr. mcquewick er just go and sit there and where is this precursor discovery of which they speak all the way over here so you then go and do that good sizing these fellows just declared peace with these oh you lost a bit of space there didn't you lads that's a shame that's messy my space yeah well so we can't really miss this over here oh well that's for later oh I can't get through here do I really need to declare war with these already cuz maybe I need to okay nearby scientists could you please go and discover our precursor world which is in the center of the galaxy an area which I'm fairly certain is a lot more dangerous than that would allow anyway it doesn't matter too much grab things please now you can go through there for a while can't you yeah I really want to destroy this Empire so I think I'm going to have to go to war with these fellows yeah we're strong enough system sir a complete now that's pretty probably killing YouTube's bit right but pretty nonetheless now here's the swarm what's up as our battleships and cruisers just chill sending out the assimilated amoeba look at him go well done guys really we can't settle status quo that's weird am I really strong enough to deal with both these enemies well well if I don't I'm gonna have to settle with this tiny area I mean it's something and we're about to get a guy a world which is pretty darn awesome but do Oh fine white no when did you get defensive pact with these guys oh that is so irritating is probably earlier I just missed it but no how about these fellows over here the Accord they on their own they worthless little weak and easy to squish they're all friends with you that's just annoying what those guys don't they have many friends no only you okay so if we declare war with these guys then these guys go to war and the twist is it doesn't bring any of their allies with them so weirdly we're going to war with people we don't care about you war good diplomatic cooler protocols English go to war with these fellows by proxy I really need to get the next level of soldier because these are just terrible we found the homeworld love like vacation protocols initiated very very lights we found it and that should be over here right yep and look at all that lovely lovely science so constructive boy get over there please and you finish doing that over here we're just taking all the stations next up synchronicity let's get some more stability on our planets that's allowing their forces of split everywhere excuse me I just took that very rude of you you alert hostile fleet assets acceptance alert spaceport engaged lively planets going down everyone must be warring with each other quite a lot because this is ridiculously expensive good for me though 41 km G just passively got there pretty nice okay I want all of the minerals ever please thank you very much because I would love to start building some of these because that's kind of insane and I'm going to replace you with two things the uplink node and the energy grid because this will be out Altima energy world yes so many 25 worlds here came out to grab that one I'll scare him off anyway now let's go over here because that is the force from the other fellows lair to make sure to get those before I do too much damage could you land before he engages you land land land land land land you couldn't save your people from horrible deaths oh I bet you feel so silly right now and you can just hide on the planet thank you complete good they went towards us for some reason don't know why they would really do that but they did that's fine okay let's grab this again and let's continue into their homeland I didn't even know you could have a refinery world now I do know you can have a refinery world god I need some sleep energy and refineries all good technological acquisition successful there we go now you can stop hiding there and let's go to the home world more research speed always lovely better shields even better more science cruiser stuff as well no science no the mega cannon well that's annoying we're about to lose a planet down here not particularly important planet we're about to lose it anyway to these forces that's fine because this war is about to be over and once that wars over our war with those ends I just need to be able to get into this territory once the fights over I've got this one yeah well earth the planet left I've only somewhere these photos have a planet because they're not dead that's not as well why do you have a little bit of territory right there oh that's really weirdly done I didn't notice that okay to grab this as soon as possible please I still want them to be gone yeah I know we failed over there that's fine once again not an important planet we will get them back very soon and I should have been watching my stats but I wasn't there we are and so they are ended which means we should really be out of war now right oh no it just jumps to the next one well we can settle status quo for now so they get one planet well done you we take an entire empire down with us and now we go straight after the second one because we're still at war with these fellows though I do need to start focusing on my planets yet that's a huge energy drain oh because I've got all these stations yep I really need to sleep okay I am now gonna call it a night so the next clip you see of me will be the next day because clearly I'm not focusing enough right now and there are way too many numbers and there we go let's make sure that does indeed lower our energy usage it will only start in the next month though don't care okay there we go almost back down to regular of course at the moment we are spending loads because we have planets which are just not working at the moment we should just captured yeah okay goodbye for tonight another day the same old war okay so we're about to enter the space of these fellows we've just grabbed some systems anyway and honestly most likely this will be quite an easy victory for us we are now becoming a very dominant force in the galaxy it took a while but now with our alloy production we can make so many ships so quickly we are overwhelming our neighbors now one problem which is facing me at the moment which is two-pronged actually is that we have loads of worlds now which are currently not finished lots of them we've rampant unemployment and we are losing food minerals and energy the other reason for this is I've been making way too many tech worlds way too many forge worlds and they're draining everything from me so I'm going to heavily into the final levels of tech ultimately it's kind of weird but our only real goal is to get alloys and research food minerals and energy are so just there to further the goal I guess it isn't weird it's just bizarre when I think about it in terms of management because I'm not particularly good at that kind of thing I'm also very very tempted to start allowing some of our sectors to sort themselves out yeah this would allow an auto build which would be kind of nice honestly we do have lots to deal with but I do like manually controlling them for a bit of practice I don't know either way let's take the homeworld shall we engage so you can go there landing force is it all of you please get your butts up oh good fight I do so like a good fighter well the end of the fight anyway ah look at our little amoebas I'm sorry plant people but you don't stand a chance but don't worry soon you will be cyborgs plants whoa I think that's an incoming fleet right yeah oh why did you bring your transports let's just mean they're so dead poor poor transports you know you kind of blame us for that your stations have been assimilated you're no longer welcome here yeah we really need to sort out our planets minerals almost back up to normal at least it's kind of fun seeing them just get so destroyed by their own defenses what a waste though we could have a simulator does and we're about to gain all of this lovely space let's finally start modifying our cyborgs how do we end up with only you guys again the fleet has been split one fleet going down here sorting out all this and then going into this territory the other whilst now start taking all of these systems successful the systems are far more important to me right now than the planets honestly as much I do love a planet's we have too many issues as it is yes although I do really need better ground forces but that's us really good meanwhile at Unity we are building our first habitat wait why is it being built over here shouldn't you be you know where you're being built no ok suit yourself this is probably the fastest I've expanded in this game ever oh no did you really let that go by okay you chase them down thankfully you are faster same with you you chase them down they're just respawned still though I still agree why I said this is definitely the fastest I've ever expanded we're going to take this and if the wall carries on for as long as it is we'll probably take a lot of this as well we're going to just completely infest this entire section which is lovely and there goes the Capitol and naturally it's a tech world now Oh God look at that unemployment's yeah there's the problem you lose so many buildings when you take over a planet just these issues are just immense stability almost 0% so what do I do with this world then do I use it as a tech world or do I convert it into a fringe world honestly right now I would like no the tech world even though I was just complaining about it I would like to keep up for that tech now that our admin Capwell is nowhere near being excited yeah let's go ahead and turn it into a tech world and actually let's not doing that order let's put down where are you maintenance Depot's first of all then the supercomputer then the research labs of construction complete this is gonna hurt send in the amoebas do you really still have one of the Marauders yes we do oh no they have so much point defense that the amoebas I'm not gonna stand a chance oh no well they're really countering our battleships that's a problem you can do it I believe in you void champion Alice poor amoebas I'm even getting close enough our battleships will be using cannons anyway so yeah construction complete one more world now under our control so a federation is now formed between the strongest other Empire which was some reason is well apparently lower than this whoa so probably some fellows actually have superior firepower to us that's good to know I thought I was in a very dominant position apparently I'm not yeah we're just really winning on tech and economic power that's what's pushing this up so highly okay I really need to build more ships and my lord okay yes so I was reading that wrong before because now I realize I'm not in such a strong position just keep on grabbing everything but let's up our game a little bit shall we all so we really need to clear these Marauders at the moment to get our ships from here to here we have to get all the way around which is very very annoying I think I need to build a new shipyard either here or here oh I made a mistake I just grabbed the last planet and that was an error because now I'll have to get these systems by myself whoops okay so we also really need to send our scientists again okay so let's have a look yeah scientists and let's send them on their automatic exploration yeah we are after you go after you go off you go now let's give you a random scientists as well let's go with you so many different types of cyborgs at this point well they're gone and now we can finally get machine world's I believe yet we definitely have it although master-builders would be awesome I really want machine worlds now one world over here I have set up so it's going to become our first machine world yep definitely this one so decisions or is it in terraform at and terraform okay so for ten thousand energy still awesome them finally begin the conversion so these will be our next targets the cactus people they have no allies and they are very very strong in terms of force counts so taking these fellows out would be a major benefit to us just hope they don't attack us before we attack them that's all oh my god I've just found an exploit I'm tempted not to show you this but I am going to because now I have documented proof of it you may notice I have way too many bits of energy and way too many minerals I'm about to reload my last autosave so I haven't done this because I shouldn't have this amount keep watching how much I have yep look at my energy it's now up to 54 K that's not right and now 42 km G and 12 K minerals I just gained energy by just buying and selling the same product over and over again that's not correct okay now reloading my last save because I shouldn't have done that I didn't even realize what I was doing I just sold some minerals and thought oh I know I'll buy them back suck because I need to because I simply made a mistake and by doing that mistake I found out that whoops there we are a little bit further back and this is why I don't want to play Ironman at the moment because of moments like that I wouldn't have been able to undo that and that's just unfair this time it was a beneficial bug but last time it was very very damaging okay also we can do this terraforming gasses that will give us faster terraforming as you can imagine it's goodbye that lovely Oh but now I've ran into another problem this was just before I made the mistake of taking over the last planet but that's what I did that's why I did something I'm going to do again you can return there where I was about to build a brand new station a new shipyard here here if I don't do that oldest feel terrible the habitat is complete now I'm really curious as to what the habitat will do so let's have a quick look-see at least in terms of plant size 600 so we have new districts ok that's interesting well it's all good they are send in the cats sadly can't afford a new one straight away but still habitability there we are wait oh I forgot I haven't even set up the machine world yet have I of course I haven't because the re-roll of the save that's really annoying and I definitely don't have the energy for it right now sort of spends it well I'll get that soon enough I've just declared status quo I'm far too nervous about these cactus people right now and the more we lose here the more I am in danger right now the enemy ships at all just about gathered together and we're about to kill this fleet admittedly that's my smaller fleet but still losing that would then mean the enemy probably have overwhelming force against me and would probably declare war so for now let's all collect here and let's get ready to go to war before they attack us they are honorbound warriors oh that's why they are fanatic militarists that's more like it my favorite type of battleship just canons everywhere glorious canons ok you may now upgrade in our brand new station after that I'll go into fleet manager and let's start making a much much stronger fleet we are now up to plus 345 alloys per month and that's only going to increase oh look we have the habitat glorious so it's like a normal planet man so how many ok so these give 10 housing and 2 maintenance jobs these only give jobs no housing that's not great and you give calculator jobs so research suppose for now then we should really focus on these so Oh normal buildings ok so the buildings aren't unique like they used to be so only the districts are ok for now then we'll need to habitation districts hello there what do you have for us wait forever I was just on one planet owed someone planets so 400 influence robot upkeep reduced I'm afraid I need that influence at the moment so with no Construction complete need the influence to build our next habitat honest thing the habitats don't seem as amazing as before but still I want them everywhere because I just love avatars lacking 10 influence come on hurry up and here we go finally taking out the Marauders this is gonna be a serious fight we're not that much stronger than them but I really need this area here to be safe our fleets they're basically just in the way Canon's can you focus on the big fella that's kind of shooting you in the face that'll be really helpful well there goes the station anyway yeah are none of you going to focus on that thing finally that hurt us way more than I expected honestly return there and get upgraded what is not strong enough to do this yet it's on auto upgrade of some reason it hasn't been upgrading the shields or Armour or at least the shields that's why have none of my craft been upgrading their shields that is very weird definite upgrade we also really need better weapons at the moment the increase in alloy production is massively increasing our fleet size so let's begin shall we this thank you please focus on the big fella oh this is gonna hurt so much this is their main system at least now the shields are properly updated as well did I mention that I absolutely love canons because I love canons that's the big fella are we just going to ignore again of course we are much better this time and you have anything of interest this time nope Construction complete it's amazing they go for these last every single time there we go nope never mind there's something else they're being distracted by yeah better go for this tiny little station why are you not actually fighting what are you doing this is really weird okay can you please actually fight thank you okay the fleet AI is really messing up some reason they're just circling I think they keep on changing targets well I'm losing fleet power because the game isn't working correctly that's not pleasant go for this fellow or at least go for one specific target that's all I want I've lost so many battleships that's all it would take to kill it there we go oh that was horrendous that was utterly horrendous destruction complete and they're gone lovey lost all of our destroyers most of our cruisers not happy right now gotta be honest not happy at all our scientists still searching the systems or do I need to redo their order okay and can you do this that's interesting our plasma accelerator is being called a caravan cannon and E is why stronger than I expected with no negatives to shield is this showing me the wrong weapon or do I actually have access to the caravan cannon now I just lost damage then nope okay so that is incorrectly telling me the weapon it's actually the plasma accelerator some reason though it's coming up as the caravan cannon okay still I want to move over to these and soon I really want the autocannons as well so trying to upgrade the auto cannon soon then I will move over to plasma accelerators and autocannons from just our laser spam but it's like lasers pleat synchronicity is now finished let's take a look see what we could have synthetic aged wouldn't make our machine significantly better galactic contender is always good because I do want to take out I fall and Empire soon they're really defender of the galaxies probably what we're going to go with although I'm definitely getting domination next anyway so I'll get that later master-builders is amazing as well since we could go into galactic wonders we have three left so he could go master-builders galactic wanders and then defender of the galaxy I would like to see some of the new mega structures I don't want to pick well well well look what we have we have psychic cyborgs that's really good okay I want you to be intelligent to go along with your sonic prowess and I would very much like you to be and maybe strong or perhaps just further with the science mindedness rapid breeders yeah rapid breeders new worlds will be conquered by these fellows create template and apply that to all of you which shouldn't take too long at all oh yeah lovely I've also decided with our Central Perk I am going with master builders which means our mega structures are built faster after this I will then grab galactic wanders we are going to have all the shiny things also we are now getting ready for war fleet our fleet is almost ready and it is more than powerful enough to take out everything the cactus people have so let's get into position we are now at war with the cacti and I've decided to edit our robots as well so now the robots will have the delicious amazing ability of costing less minerals basically more made for us which is always nice ship fragments is really hoping they don't go this way to attack us back well if they do we're just going to split and capture more and more anyway so it wouldn't be in their best interests this is a citadel well then thank you very much for this is they'll grab that and then continued the machine world is complete lovely that is so so cool which means now our populations will get a lovely bonus to what they produce and we can have unlimited districts when it comes to generators and mining of course still based on the planet size but we no longer care about planetary features because there are none well apparently we're being raided well that's us more annoying than anything else honestly I'm also now finally upgrading some of our buildings on our initial forge worlds lots and lots of beautiful ships we made very very soon in addition to loads and loads of habitats and eventually mega structures the writers and our current enemies are currently fighting well thank you write us and then we come along and finish the job okay let's go into their home world as soon as possible please that'll be fantastic of you Construction complete useful beautiful cannon-fire they may not be the best well I just adore them domination or versatility is our next tree so if domination we have this menial drones output increase by 5% which means more minerals more energy more food which is obviously fantastic we also have governors with a higher level cap in fact know our rulers level cap is increased which is really good since we're almost max level now and there'll be more unity and more edict duration which is really really nice we also have the governor level cap and our maintenance Depot's also increase housing all of that is fantastic very nice but with versatility our upkeep of all jobs is reduced which means less minerals to turn into alloys less minerals to sound science less energy for unity that's fantastic we also have this less housing needed and lowering our market fee and considering we use the market so much that's a lot of money in the long term so I think I will go with versatility even though I really want domination as well [Music] Construction cool well we are about to get a lot of cactus people and more foods always good to accept leads more money in long-term construction complete come on hurry up I want to see what he's destroyed when we get this oh I see why we're losing buildings we're losing buildings we can't have ourselves so we're losing the commercial zones for instance so we should get to keep the research labs and the founder is right let's find out yeah we lost things which produce consumer goods and we lost things which produce trade value that is why we're losing buildings interesting a new building the waste processing center produces 10 energy 10 minerals and gives two tech drone jobs but they want some populations deal a drones of a sale let's have a look-see at this waste processing the facility then shall we if I can find it there's now we are ooh planet limit per oh so we can have one on every single planet that is really nice so it's giving us ten energy ten minerals and giving us two jobs which will produce more energy yep I meant want one of those on every single planet that is why too much money not to use waste reprocessing Center and the joy of dyslexia oh my lord look our resources now that is because all of those beautiful reprocesses were just finished at once Thank You merchants now can you please catch up meanwhile are there new capital lovely you know I have a really bizarre feeling that this planet already has a planned colony this planet already has a plan colony this planet already has a plan colony this planet already has a plan colony this planet already has a plan colony a new machine world has been created bask in its polluted glory so I would like you to be an energy planet please have fun with that and that's pretty much that okay lovely oh so it can still be specialized as well that's nice to know so the Machine world itself will give a bonus to all of our machines working there but also eventually this will become a generator world in addition to that adding loads more additional energy in addition now sadly we can only have robots on these worlds and no sidewalks I have tried and suddenly the cyborgs simply can't survive show us your wares No and there we are it's done with only one system which wasn't quite captured first and let's grab this as well shall we almost every single planet is also being colonized now which means we are going to get so so much more money so our next goal then most likely will be to go after these the Fallen Empire I really really want their tech so we definitely need a much larger fleet than we have currently we need at least 200,000 to be safe so perhaps another target first do you have any friends hello there sir do you have any friends at all let's find out shall we you no you don't know you do not excellent so this our next target we are consuming all things and look at how many different species has now been assimilated these are just the Empire species I've now finished research on something truly truly lovely the jumpdrive oh dear the problem is also incredibly incredibly expensive so what do I do Ben we could swap one shield for one armor or we could use the reactor boosters rather than the whole tissue but I really do love the whole tissue especially for drawn-out combats not sure I'll think about it later for now though we're about to go to war once again take out this group well I just sold over 10,000 alloys and now we're doing something quite fun all of these new machine worlds are now stacked up that's going to be absolutely glorious when it's done our Empire is currently expanding towards the West taking over this Empire over here since our previous fights with them and their allies they had pretty much nothing to defend themselves with so this has been the easiest fight thus far by a long shot and I would love some Titans thank you actually let's go with the round one first after we've dealt with these fellows which shouldn't take too much longer I'm going to start setting off our fleet to attack the full and Empire I also don't know where the second forward Empire is which is pretty weird I'm assuming it's going to be here it certainly got enough space to be here it's just a bit weird to be so close to the other fallen Empire and to the Marauders normally they're a bit more spread out I guess it could be here if it's the no I don't even think the Machine Fallen Empire can fit there maybe here either way we need to destroy the fallen Empire to get their tech Construction complete now that's a serious upgrade cost so now I've been swapping over to the the autocannons in addition to the plasma weapons it's a very very expensive change after this I'll also only be using the jump drives on my craft so we now have a jump capability Construction complete let's go after you very soon this will be over these will return to upgrade and then we need to start going towards the border here systems definitely going to need more ground forces as well I have a colossus it's called the egg of death they've called it the egg of death what type of weapon global okay it's called the egg of death and yes it only uses the global pacifier you are not good at naming Oh oh hello 188 population the auto forges 250 energy oh my lord that is beautiful okay I'm missing or this is the most beautiful world I've ever seen and it will be mine it will be assimilated everything they are will be us glorious interesting we get a decision for two thousand minerals I have no idea what this does sure let's figure out what this even does let's go to our home world well that's a rather pretty whoa plus temps and energy credits that's actually really good in our home world is this permanent yes it is no 120 months it costs a lot low and honestly we're not doing too bad for energy at the moment so it's good that we have that for the future if we need it births right now we don't mega war forms are being generated the war is over and now our empire looks like this and all of athletes are being upgraded or at least moving into position the fall one Empire is going to fall a lot further very very soon well I say very soon they still have a ridiculous fleet power so in a while that's going to happen anyway before 2400 least on the old year accounts wow that is one worthless world so it seems like only their main world has all those lovely upgrades I mean to be fair that is normally how it is but still the font of knowledge wasn't that's a secondary planet for these a while back aha the archives is a gaya world lovely so we have a Gaia world then they have a city planet both of which I want well I just found out something which I've has been changed or I am misremembering but apparently a cyborg psychic does indeed get both of the benefits at least as a governor oh dear we want all of our leaders to be those lovely lovely rats now of course I already have too many of them so getting leaders of any role from those is a little bit difficult anyway but as they get more numerous as all of our habitats have them and any new colony has them as well we should be able to replace all of our leaders with them eventually so look so any chance nope still not one here yet well in fly have a chance to see one I'm just gonna keep it as it is I really should get rid of the excess leaders we have I'll do that a moment with every single last benefit from the edicts actively our fleet looks like it might and I mean just might be able to take on the Fallen Empire it's going to be an absolute bloodbath on both sides they're saying that since that one just got upgraded that looks for really nice that's I call that heavy fleece yep trying to be as balanced as possible though we have cruisers we have destroyers we have two Corvettes we have pretty much everything I think we can do it I think we can just about do it especially if the enemy is silly enough to break ranks if they send one fleet one way one the other if we can just assassinate one of their fleets we win and then this beautiful reward will be mine oh look you can see little ships in the atmosphere as well that's cool that is cool and so it begins the war against the fall and construction complete okay all of you merge please construction compare leave the main fleet well of you anyway I did not realize that what's good in a way don't quite know what they're doing on it's like building they're going the long way around why oh yes that's it beer dumb-dumb send your fleet to one at a time he please focus on the guys with guns not the construction vessel whoa over time of course they have a Titan they're a fallen Empire that's what they do so it's three verse to here we'll be in better to be four but still okay grab that first world off them which is great I think it's fitting we'll turn this one into a machine world eventually who was sky de whoa 20 housing 20 amenities that's pretty awesome not good time orbital trash dispersal I have no idea Liz but sure we accept your deal I have no idea what that research that research is this orbital bombardment management system spams our planet with millions of minut high-velocity projectiles overwhelming planetside defensive grids so it's a weapon well plus 25% bonus orbital bombardment damage well it's not a weapon it's an augment but still that's actual pretty cool dope if we want it right now but still last few ships already how long until we can for status quo that's good that means we can hopefully keep whatever we take okay this will be a big chance whilst they're nowhere near home let's see if we can go straight for their capital that's all I really care about after all well there I'll take a while to repair earth that's fine by me okay this thumb goes together please that would be fantastic you're following automatically right yes you are and I will teleport you in as well we want to be able to attack their planet as soon as we can Wow 3,000 garrison strength that's pretty horrendous for us cannon fire lads lovely you to merge please hostile will you automatically yet you think you can already win that's great for us everyone to sit there just hold them off until we capture that planet where are they gone is that a wormhole nearby I don't know what they're doing on I'm very happy they're doing it like this but still bit confused okay versatility is now finished so now we can tank where are you galactic wonders wonderful we'll check on that afterwards planetary pacification protocols initiated we do have a number of mega war forms which are very very powerful do we move out to attack this it is on its own if we could grab them again sure make a move construction sending a Titan with just three battleships well say hello to our cannons which normally miss the smaller vehicles well you ain't small lovely okay once again go back here and could you please sit there and heal up as fast as you can and they'll be great Construction complete oh they're talking us again fine bye mate Construction complete all will be assimilated even the ancients useful now the archives also has quite a nasty army there so the weakest among you can you please stay here and begin bombardment you three get ready for a bad time because incoming the rest of their fleets make sure to choose the station in fact you know what we just want to keep this planet so everyone get back here including the weakest right on time ground invasion units have achieved all of lovely so what happens to this them because we can't only build this type of world oh god all of you goons have to be converted Oh your synthetics I have no idea what happens to synthetics servants whoa you have so few jobs here you all deserve happy aren't you are you not being a similar you're already cyborgs you instantly became assimilated oh it's just so beautiful so what do we have here we have the industrial whoa consumer goods and well the kooky I love alloys out of this so much food as well though nope we're keeping this is I like it as he's already it seems that most of those buildings don't actually require leaders though just kind of weird oh no now they're being converted I think know that it's unemployed suppose they aren't there and they're all jobs here it's all automatic that's worthless all a place there in a little while same with the two fortresses which is not neat consumer goods contrived and use them don't collect them okay we can order for status quo which is great though I do want access to this world so I will hmm transport fleet when you can move there I'll be after this fire let's grab the guy our world and try to keep this little line here under our control then I will happily accept status quo Oh will I yeah I will don't care too much about the other planets and we already have the research available to us which I'll get as soon as the war's over taking a bit of drastic action here to try and save my ground forces go on teleport already thank you can complete nope the ground forces are dead okay once we take the station we have to do status quo alert lovely so we've gained their Gaia world and we've Group we've gained at their city planet and that's all we can really want we have housing because of these so I guess I could put the people here to work just mining farming and getting energy other than that though there's no real need to build anyone else so decisions cistrome production the same with the other one oh yeah there's give me some serious crime problems need to move these out and the synthetics we can move these synthetics at least to the Machine world so they're quite easy to move see from production status quo except lovely we've done it we've gained everything we wanted there so it's creates a brand new scientist and let's get all this research done better shields better weapons better I can build a Titan did I even get the Titan research well obviously I must have looked they'd be tight and research in the end I just completely forgot anyway let's actually make a couple of scientists let's get all this stuff done so I've moved a lot of sins away from the font of knowledge the problem is with the archives I just can't remove them because we don't have enough population to keep all of these up and running all these lovely really really powerful buildings so I'll just leave it as it is that let's continue to be this now one thing which would be good I suppose would be getting deviancy under control so perhaps changing one of the fortresses into a sentinel post then converting these into unity and into where are you everything else lovely yeah font of knowledge definitely need something similar to happen we do not want to collect any more consumer goods although is it worth it I mean it's not too much of an upkeep for so many consumer goods we can sell them but that's just extra steps which I really can't be bothered with so then which one of these are we going to build first I think I would like the art installation this will give us lots of unity plus under secure spell it looks like honestly no idea what the strategic coordination center is I feel like someone once said it was something to do with star base it's about star base defense or something similar to that so anyway sentry or I don't care about too much the Dyson Sphere is pretty awesome there will be a lot of energy and we could also build where are you the matter decompression site essentially allowing us to mine a black hole for a ludicrous amount of minerals we don't need any of that too much so I'm thinking either science or art and since I've already done the whole science one before let's go Bart say goodbye to you and say hello to art currently in a bizarre position where I can't simply spend all of our money fast enough ooh that wormhole there goes to somewhere in their territory though honestly I'm not really too interested in anymore in getting any more land right now does a grading everything I have though I did just say I'm having trouble spending everything position successful but there's still so much to sort out so for now I am content with the large amount of space we already have research has been finished so let's upgrade our ship shall we that's the Titan I'm currently building elsewhere so then new reactors new the useful shields and even new thrusters that is absolutely fantastic the art installation is in its first stage there we go 131 unison and it's quite pretty I'm keen to see the finished product now honestly next stage thankfully we still have the money for it I'm fairly certain I shouldn't be offered this because I can't ever use it anyway let us grab this for now we are now at our level 2 of the art installation and sadly I can't afford the next level the very first time I've just spent a lot of alloy to make some brand new ships because I'm now making a fourth say a fifth fleece which should be just as strong as the others with its own Titan and I've also sold loads for energy for other stuff ok so I am making way too much food at the moment that's good to know let's do this we need 15,000 yeah I should really just wait okay let's just do this this sure why not I am oh you have all of these to sell there we go again which I believe is the last level now there we go certainly an interesting design not the most erm grand out of all the different mega structures but it's nice it's neat just not overwhelming with power still as long as we even say that's all that matters we are now on domination we are two levels in and soon hopefully we'll finish that so we can get defenders of the galaxy before the end game crisis I'm really at a stage now I don't really know what I want to do next I think it's about time we invade someone else so the easiest enemy will of course be this hive mind over here because no one likes them absolutely no one does though yeah as you can tell it's now the next day out of recording hence why so much time is passed in game as well so I've been doing loads of kind of background stuff which isn't particularly fun for the video yep you are weak in every way and you have association association site of status wow that is a real tongue twister for someone like me association status but I don't think that mean if I go to war they will help you note they weren't excellent in that case all of you except for the really weak fleet lets us move you out get over here and then one of you so let's say this one get over there so you can make sure the enemy can't get around us and the weakest fleet I said the weakest sleek to stay there and all is good as you can tell I'm still waking up at the moment normally I'm falling asleep today I'm still waking up Construction complete this makes the third day of recording on a side note this is certainly a big project also somehow still don't have the ability to go through wormholes this is crippling me I need gateways I need wormholes as soon as possible so for now let's just grab the really easy bits of tech I need my physics to get really really sorted now also finally started grabbing some of these as well although I do eat influence for other things having these huge gaps in our domain just looks so weird and silly now moving our Empire even further into unity and tech the reason is we now have the Ministry of Culture which increases the unity of the planet in addition to giving three jobs which produce both science and unity and I am putting them absolutely everywhere the problem with this is that they're also draining our energy very very quickly which is kind of painful honestly okay so what here is more storage because I'm slowly converting all of our districts into research districts it turns out the habitats fantastic for science and unity now are we about ready to go to war with the hive mind I believe we are which is great hello there also it turns out one of the reasons why I was not getting the wormhole travel was I didn't have the research needed to unlock it or at least to allow it to be an option that's my fault for rushing into the repeatable so what's so early on the upside our energy damage is really high in addition to our shield trend but we don't have the tech we need which is a little bit annoying anyway I've mind I'm curious to see what happens I'd send a hi mine into a cyborg diplomatically time for some science ok so you're going to go and go straight to there you can go here and up ok you there you there in fact let's split you into two you can go this way our fleets fence is much higher than it was and I don't even have any of the bonuses on the currently hostile fleet assets engage ok go straight for the capital they have habitats they have habitats absolutely everywhere but we have titans construction complete okay well that's a problem so it turns out we can't turn the hive mind into a cyborg they just died Oh bunny upside as their purge they give us imaging okay they are living batteries let's look at look see then what else can we do then with the whole Parigi thing chemical processing or extermination apparently it's the same speed decline speed plus 300 percent plus 300 cent so plus 600 presents I would rather have the energy though most of these planets then are going to come barren interesting there are a couple of cyborgs each time I wonder why we instantly get a few small populations from our normal groups I wonder if that's because we're attacking a high of mined area curious but still we could convert loads of these worlds then into the ever-loving Machine worlds I mean if they're going to become mostly barren anyway why not the art installation is now complete lovely let's take a quick look see them oh so we lose the center piece but we get three identical okay again it looks neat it looks nice it's just not particularly overwhelming I like it I like enough okay so what mega-structure should go for next I'm tempted by the simple and beautiful ring world or maybe a Dyson Sphere that would generate enough energy to keep us going pretty much forever yeah let's go Dyson Sphere I so rarely build these and I'll just build it here what's there is that the ruins sentry all right we could fix this thing up but absolutely care about it too much and it will stop us from building the sphere and [Music] you know what let's build a Dyson Sphere here if I can it would be nice of a good science Nexus where is what I'm after I am there it is ok now simple all we need to do is destroy this goodbye this was our precursors home world at least home system so naturally now let's go ahead and turn it into our main energy producer in the center of the galaxy resistance is futile we have now almost completely taken over this whole area I'm now making some more ground forces mostly made out of the beautiful mega warframes and that will take the rest of this once we're done with this we are instantly going to war again taking out the consumers over here sorry the customers siliceous oh poor poor fellows well that's lots of planets and you are a war also we are now researching the ability to construct our own gateways and as we take over these fellows we will also be taking the gateways they've been making the entire galaxy will be assimilated we really need more of these fellows in charge ship fire 8 plus 5% ship weapon damage plus 10% evasion plus 15% cyborg psychics very powerful need more everywhere just finishing off these fellows now gain all our forces to reconvene over there and soon we go to war yet again oh no these fellows will also attack us how could I possibly resist that oh they're already being invited decides okay I have a force here to defend myself but now they've already essentially lost oh I love that okay you read join us fellows okay so the majority of you go this way one of you will stay behind and do this construction complete once I've grabbed this I think I'll most likely stuff my expansion because I don't really need much more I don't think I do the only thing really holding us back is just our naval limit and well as we get more machine world which can produce more energy and everything else we can turn more of these star bases which are just there to generate energy into even more naval capacity I think we are essentially fine especially once we have defender of the galaxy to take on the end event now one reason for this is that the enemy III has still been less than perfect I've noticed that quite a few of the enemy ships are still using medium level tech which they definitely have better or least should have better and that's causing us to kind of crush everyone we even look at slightly weirdly I would like more energy because again the whole more Navy capacity although getting this really high as fun as well okay let's make our ships even more elite guys not telling you how to do your job you know I respect you engineers but that's the Sun you're not quite no that's not can't say that's in the right place planetary classification protocols it issue an apology what instruction complete oh that's your holy star well too bad but we're not sorry I don't have the capacity to feel sorry we're doing this galaxy a favor uniting it so no more Wars will ever occur it's not my fault if you cling on to some weird belief with the Sun let's finally get to work putting down some gateways then shall we putting down a gateway here we're putting one over here right now and a second lot we putting one up here essentially we just want to be able to go to any corner of our galaxy easily or at least within our territory the worst thing that could happen is perhaps if an invasion starts over here during the endgame crisis and all my fleet stuck down here it'll take a very long time to get there but through the power of gateways that's no longer the issue now one thing I've just realised where was the mid I'm events special project that's not it but seriously where is the mid-game event I haven't seen it situation no I didn't forget to research the void clouds until just now you're all going crazy will this move afterwards I assume the reason why this in the wrong place is because it's being built around this and not the star to begin with kind of star through the stuff there we go well then lads sanitary settlement procedure procedure so here we are I have now grabbed a defender of the galaxy although this is certainly one of the more boring options I really don't want to lose at this stage this has been a serious learning experience for me this entire playthrough and by far it's been the longest playthrough thus far just by a long shot because I'm still learning so so many things okay we're now building a new gateway down here we're about to start building a gateway over here yeah I split right here and then you just want to make sure everything is nice and connected so we have one there one there one there about to have one there we have one here so the only place really left is somewhere near here as well okay lovely still producing more fleet power as well we are definitely strong enough to deal with at least a regular endgame crisis and we still have so so many years to go hostile fleet assets engage hello again fallen Empire I want your stuff I thought I may as well deal with these fellows and honestly I think it's about time we attack the council as well I still think the other fallen Empire must be here I mean I can't see where else they could fit at this stage so we need to get there and the only real real way is through them the really real way of course this doesn't mean going to war with these fellows as well but thankfully athletes just that powerful what I'm going to do is just have one of our fleets attacking this way one attacking through here then I'll have one attacking through here and one here yep I think even splitting our fleets like that we should still have victory there they are the custodians that's who I was after lovely we have found the ruined matter decompressor hello them complete you will eventually be generating us lots and lots of minerals speaking of which I wonder how far the dyson sphere's got now she'll be close so it's first stage yet the first stage is almost ready which is good since right now we are really struggling for energy since I went a bit overboard making more tech and more unity that and I haven't been able to afford the capacity overload or production targets for a while so let's grab a will to power loads more influence because we are really going to need it so a little while in this fight is honestly the most annoying thing ever since the enemy's keep on popping up too much everywhere since we are fighting the entire galaxy but we are very rapidly winning even with the annoyance we are definitely winning we're gaining their gateways I found another Dyson Sphere over here so I can have two of them there's loads of stuff we're getting over here was particularly annoying I actually lost a good chunk of my fleet because I forgot they had a federation place then I ran right into it repeatedly because I'm a dumb-dumb so I lost a tiny little scouting fleet and then almost lost the main fleets yeah Federation fleets are very very scary at times anyway we are still very much winning and honestly all I really wanted to do was just to make sure we had access to these because this is our next target I want to destroy the other fallen Empire so we can get all of these lovely lovely ring worlds which are mostly online just lots and lots of caretakers I suppose look at that though yep that's what I want right there the Alpha at the Alpha complex loads of energy minerals food everything influence wait this is producing influencing influence there's three is that because it's your capital maybe that's the reason I don't think I will get that influence if I do they'll be fantastic I don't think I will wow it's even making living metal somehow yeah this sand next target so honestly I'm going to end this war fairly soon I kind of want this section here so it's not in the middle of our empire anymore just do some damage over here make sure they won't be able to fight back laser and then regroup and attack the other fallen Empire the other empires continue to dissolve away all being assimilated we have so many planets right now which are just completely not working because everyone is still undergoing the beautiful assimilation process so many things I want make sure to grab all the gateways we can see as well that will help out since then we don't have to make them ourselves well it can't let the empires have all the fun hello Marauders still haven't seen the mid-game event not sure what happened there but you know we're gonna prevent it from ever being able to happen because these are the last more orders and after this we're going after the last forward empire also apparently I just killed an empire I don't even know which empire that was but it's gone now so doesn't mean that's too much slowly absorbing everything although I am tempted to stop soon so really want to go after these fellows and like I say if we do take these out I think that will prevent the mid-game events because no Marauders no fallen empires so we can't have a fallen Empire why can we can't have a Marauder become a great card interesting and so the Raiders were finished lovely okay you can rendezvous with most part of the forces over here very very soon we're going after these lovely almost finished the Dyson Sphere now with the other sphere the one over here does that in wow that instantly go to max okay we're saving up and we're going to activate this one first pacification protocols initiated how strong are these not particularly strong hats why don't quite know why you all just jumped out of the world there that's fine by me okay I believe this is the last habitat under the enemies control so now there we are the end of one more Empire of fact that's all of the regular empires now dealt with almost left is the Fallen Empire and then we're absolutely done what kind of Titan does this have this has either Neutron sweep and of course by Titan I meant to say Colossus yeah you're not that strong honestly we could take you out right now and I'm currently reinforcing although I am also using minerals to do everything else right now I'm trying to fix all of these planets I did have a quick test using the governor so using the AI for all of the while they called over here the sectors and honestly wasn't a huge fan they did some weird things and you still have to give them resources manually at least it seems like you have to do that it's not the best well I need stop doing is pausing the game it's making this take way longer than it needs to okay so I still want loads of research though so it's just span everything to do science and oh never mind I thought I didn't have these done yes I did obviously my mind now is already melting once again I'll just do this for now okay all forces please get over here to be reinforced and then you can go off and prepare for war versus last fallen Empire Construction complete yet we are the galaxy we have assimilated the galaxy the galaxy is us and I'm okay with that so I've just jumped all of my forces right here and we are now just waiting until the jump cooldown is off and we are back to our normal power level and then we're going to uh turley obliterate the full and caretakers I can't really see how we could possibly lose this game now especially since yeah we control pretty much everything all the planets and Alex finally coming back online I don't think any crisis even a time to bring three strengths has a chance right now so I am very tempted after this honestly to call it die and say I am victorious the reason is this has taken four days now to record and I really want this out before the weekend so I am very tempted there since since I don't think seeing the Fallen Empire before Empire the end game crisis is really going to add all that much at this stage I'm still debating it internally we are now at war with the full-width Empire and they've kind of a split don't know why they've done that fine by me because it means we get to do this yet their station versus our forces with absolutely nothing in between a very very good for us all those lovely cannon hits all their Defense Forces gone and now down to their hull already and say goodbye goodbye now you are aggressive you should be able to capture these quite easily go for the Alpha complex first ya nowhere near enough defense there so what's on this planet then oh yeah all the cryo chambers in search Wow 900 energy I said that loudly that's a lot of energy AHA their forces return Oh from both sides I I please handle this well please no no no no just keep going towards one target please one thing that's all I want you to do okay several their battleships would have been stopped at Corvettes are reaching the target lovely destroyers always seem to die first on a sign out anyway continuing well all of that point defense what are you even using that for just to attack I suppose because I don't think I have any weapons which point defense will trigger off alt danglers health yet you're going away very very quickly defend the Colossus civilians for ground forces well that's pretty much of that can you two get there before you get stuck in the fine so they'll be great we could you go over here and grab the processing unit oh the glasses has already been destroyed it's all Bernie okay speed up time they shouldn't take too long on it's like planetary pacification meets our mega war forms which is pretty much my entire army ah an TIG son of MIG ah Thea TIG son of MIG now that's a terrifying sigh instruction complete TIG son of wow the lag when I'm in the fast forward right now that is horrendous so there's the rest of their forces they're not going to get back in time and yeah there we go the Alpha complex is now ours so what happens to these drones will they be controlled by us yep instantly there are lovely although there were why too many of them once again I think it's all did the Alpha complex just lose all this buildings well that kinda sucks on the upside we could just replace the nexus districts with the generates districts so no big deal really we'd get almost unlimited energy from this would have 5151 total yeah so we'd have 51 generator districts that's a ridiculous amount of energy do we get to keep these at least okay so these we get to keep and the processing units we also get to keep those okay oh wait no this wasn't done yet well let's find out shall we Construction complete could have micro managed all that gas art better as well I mean for instance you could have do an automatic purchase at the end of each month I don't like doing that and of course I could actually produce the gas and that's them don't know look we do actually get a victory so yep that's what I'm going to call it right now the game that continues to freeze at the moment and it's going to be ours morgue of gameplay before the crisis occurs and there's no chance the crisis would ever win against us my fleet is maybe half the size of what we can currently sustain and it wouldn't be difficult to make we now have all of these as well it a complete victory so I hope you understand why I'm calling it here I know it's a bit annoying not to see the end game crisis the next time I play I will play with the end game crisis occurring a little bit earlier same with the mid-game crisis to make sure we can see it I will also most likely be using a smaller Empire type so we can do some proper micromanagement near the end I had to just stop myself because there was so much we could do I could have micro managed everything a lot better but there was so much it would take why wait longer and if this wasn't for a video I was just playing him a half time I probably would have done less but sadly after four types of recording it does need to end so I really do hope you've enjoyed this video now begins the editing process honestly I've had a load of fun with this I do love the new updates but my god wide empires need a serious amount of just attention to detail and I'm not particularly good at that so perhaps now it's time for me to begin liking the taller empires and that the wide empires by the way if you have enjoyed then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and good bye tell me what type of empire you would like to see next time robots [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 259,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 18nCivMagxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 11sec (8411 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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