Stellaris | MegaChurch - GREED Is GOOD! | Part 1 of 3 | FULL PLAYTHROUGH!

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greetings sir answer s and welcome back to stellaris with mio a 3x and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough pretty much the opposite of the previous on welcome to the divine turtle conglomerates an empire which cares about two things and two things alone and honestly these two can very much be interchangeable it cares about profits and it cares about the diviner this is a megachurch this government is an oligarchy based on a curious blend of commercial and spiritualistic values in which these positions of ordained minister and corporate officer have merged into a single role an empire which essentially acts as a single organization more so than a government this of course is a corporate authority Empire and I think it's going to be incredibly powerful so what exactly is the megachurch well they are regular spiritualist they are authoritarian and they are Zeena files which means extra trade value and envoy's since we do want to be making commercial deals with pretty much everyone they are authoritarian giving them extra influence to begin with an extra worker resource output which also unlocks indentured assets and it also has spiritualist which means we get extra unity we can build temples and most importantly we have the gospel of the masses the gospel of the masses means anyone who is spiritualist as any of your populations which identify spiritualist will give additional tried value they are giving to the church at the end of every single month it also increases our spiritualist Ethics attraction by 50% so although we are not fanatic spiritualist we are going to be getting a lot of spiritualists and we will be rushing at temples to begin with building them absolutely everywhere now sadly the temple does override the standard unity building for the mega church for the corporate Authority which is a little bit sad because that can generate a lot of tried value but it also increases spiritualist ethics attraction on the planet which means more tithes for the divine conglomerate because it is authoritarian it also has indentured assets this mega corporation specializes in large indentured workforces it has look to do with the barbaric practice of owned populations these workers are merely paying off their debts indefinitely these are fellows who went against the church and are now working to find redemption we are saving their souls and if we don't have to pay them consumer goods to do their jobs and they actually give bonus output while doing those jobs then that is simply the will of the conglomerate the background of the turtle conglomerate is fairly straightforward we have the Ringworld origin because I honestly think it's going to be incredibly powerful we are trying to go for power level today to see if we can fight off the end game crisis on the second earliest year we can possibly spawn it's at maximum difficulty so when the Ringworld was destroyed with the marauding planet two of these sections were turned off line and now need drastic repairs one section is destroyed forever and we have survived on the remaining section our forerunners sadly did not make it although their buildings and their lifestyle certainly did after crawling out of the water we survived because we were in the bodies of water throughout the Ringworld it turns out they lived lives of luxury through their accumulated wealth they were living along healthy lives in which they were pampered day and night and ultimately lived pretty much exactly the life most beings want to live as the primitive turtle civilizations left the water they beheld marvels which simply were divine to them to begin with they saw the ring world itself stretched off into the distance they saw the buildings left behind by the foreigners they saw the works of art of the works of literature and everything else which would survive the Cataclysm and came to the only logical conclusion these foreigners weren't there to show the turtles where to go now over time they realized this wasn't quite the case but it was still now part of their faith they had realized that this is the ultimate goal of their species to attain that level of advancement that they can live at lives of luxury every last one of them or at least so their leaders would say at this point economy and faith had already became one for the turtles perhaps they did believe in other things such as the shroud and everything else but value was above all else their spirituality now that the turtles have developed a lot more they have space travel they have computing they are able to see the records of the forerunners a lot more clearly they realized the foreigners were essentially just another species like themselves however they still hold them in the highest regards as essentially pseudo divinity because they knew things that the turtles still do not know thousands of years ago clearly they were put there by a divine purpose clearly they knew at the way forwards but was simply struck down before they had a chance to succeed and that is where the turtles will now when it comes to traits they have enduring so they have extra life span they have traditional of course with extra unity and they have thrifty all going off what the forerunners would want of them now they do also have unruly because I believe although this Empire does have a tendency to do one thing to try and do what their divinity say so they are also going to be unruly they're going to be fighting each other for the top spots and ultimately this is going to cause problems these will change later on I'm still not completely sure which ascension perk to go with I can say it there but yeah ascension perk ascension path so if we go genetics and rule II will definitely be removed if not it may be removed we will see as good chance we will go with psionic although I am tempted to do this run without any of the standard ascension paths that is we don't become since we don't become psychics that we don't become genetic masters instead going with some of the other essentials because we just never pick them and there are some really good options now especially with edicts with the extra edict capacity it means we can have up to three if we choose the ascension perk without any Empire sprawl problems which can be incredibly powerful plus 10% research I think we're just output and everything else all active ones can be insanely good I think there's one for alloys one for consumer goods you get the point could be really powerful we could build the colossi there's a lot of stuff but we can do so how will this Empire play well the main thing we need to do now I've said this a million times they'll probably say a million times more because of how powerful Federation's are but we need to Russia Federation but we really need to Russia Federation the Trade Federation is incredibly powerful and I'll explain more of that when we get into the game itself but we need this and so what we may end up doing is something a little bit weird if we can't find an ally within the first twenty or thirty years we will make an ally and that's actually not all that difficult to do it's a very weird thing to do but it's not all that difficult what you need to do is have a sector far enough away from the home system that is in fact its own sector and then you need to sacrifice it turning it into a vassal which is actually very easy to do once its Vasa lized it will have all the same government as you have all same ethics and everything else and you can then turn them into your ally and put them into the Federation and one way of choosing this a little bit is to cut off all of these systems around a single planet this planet will then become its own sector which isn't attached or anything else so then when you sacrifice the sector it only has that one planet and then you simply build around it you are using it purely to make a federation will have no real power or anything else it's there purely to start leveling up a federation nice and early but I think it is still worth doing as much as it is very weird because again the Trade Federation is very powerful because of the trade policy it gives you but I'll explain more that again once we gains the game itself so I'm going to do start the mid game a little bit earlier so hopefully it doesn't spawn near us we have the endgame only one off being the absolute earliest I am going to have the spiral galaxy again it did make it a little bit easier in the previous playthrough but I really loved how the empires took shape I don't know that's something I will continue to do forever it's definitely not the most difficult option I think most difficult in them is just the regular galaxy honestly since it's a bit more difficult to have choke points but yeah I really do love the spiral effect and plus perhaps what we could do is turtle up I now realize could be a pretty obvious joke and try to just keep the endgame crisis away from us and just survive which would be really really fun that is to survive at the forever depends how cruel we are near the end if we could just leave everyone else to die also stay in our little pocket of the galaxy actually you know what no it's it is too easy I think I was going to go with the standard galaxy type this time around and we are going hit high difficulty maximum difficulty as well let's go high aggressiveness and I already too tired to be recording this and so we begin on the very edge of the galaxy close to the very very top so then what are our goals our straightaway well honestly the main goal we have is to build a power ring world as soon as possible some of the jobs you can get here are insanely powerful especially if you take a look at the commercial segments the commercial segments will allow you to have merchants this early on which are incredibly powerful giving you loads of trade value and loads of amenities for your empire which hopefully will also get a federation fairly quickly which means we have the ultimate version of our trade policy which will give us both unity and consumer goods along with our energy at the moment we'll just go with pure energy then probably energy and unity and then all of them combined once we have a federation so trade value is obviously King here since it gives us everything we need so let's see if we can rush that now because we do have the Ringworld as our starting origin we have the unique arcane generator which will provide you with the energy and rare materials needed to sustain one of each ring type as you can see here the arcane generator will adapt so it's able to supply the upkeep for this segment sadly only one of each but still it makes it even more important to have the commercial segment up and running nice and quickly and help with this we have some ruins the tunnels here if we clear the tunnels we get minerals and we get the rare Goods needed to build the segment still need to save up for the rest of the minerals though extra research that's fine extra research that's fine extra minerals and not really good for us since we're gonna have any mineral jobs for oil Dexter Corvette hull that's fine as well and we're gonna do the usual completely gutting our main ship so that we get a bonus set of alloys to begin with and what I'd like to do very quickly on before we have too many populations growing is I would love to build our very first temple oh I thought temples a little bit more expensive okay that's fine it's a hundred cheaper than I thought the temple will provide us with unity society research amenities and spiritualist ethics attraction right now yeah only got twenty three percent of our population being spiritualist we obviously want as many as possible since we get some free trade value out of them with the gospel of the masses that's interesting so I've never really read this one this is what happens when you find the life on other planets so I've just found some animal life sand bicycle I from this planet although it's not intelligence he's this proof but the tert lads are the Lords of all within creation yes yes it is remember our very faith stems from the simple fact that greed is good that we deserve everything we're not gonna be hostile to all while Ian's in fact if they follow our faith then it's fine they can have the exact same rules we abide by we're not particularly xenophobic in that way but any who dare to defy us or try to keep things from us well we're gonna have lasers all lovely I love this precursor so this precursor is the hive mind and it will give us the ability to turn worlds into Gaia worlds and it even gives us a few free populations from it that is actually lovely really happy of that it's also a nice one because you don't have to go out and find all the different events you get them scattered around your home systems with these archeological sites so even get a good view of the minor artifacts I think this actually might be my favorite of all the remnants is it the strongest I don't think so things like the first league giving you a good relic world and stuff like that that's also really powerful and of course the side break is giving you a ring well to repair very powerful but I think this is my favorite just for my fun perspective oh well I have enough now to build our thing are not quite so close so very very close to building our commercial districts okay so I'm thinking is expansion then either domination or prosperity and then diplomacy all depends on when we find allies now we have domination the reason why I want to go down this route is purely because of the actually influence I want to expand quickly grab as much as possible as I would love if we could go down the route of the arcology project once because I never do this it's so powerful and it's so fun but I always end up going of Ring worlds instead also I do want to be sunshine ionic as soon as possible I always try to say psychic and then correct myself the last second I want to be psionic because that way we can make a deal with the instrument of desire which is essentially slash from the Warhammer 40k universe the god of desire and with that we get extra stuff you know greed I've also been thinking as to why we are Xena philic because does it really fit our Empire and I honestly think it does because to me this represents our love of new shiny things other empires are the bits of the galaxy all have things to offer for us we are all seeking more for ourselves to better ourselves or to simply gain more property to gain more influence more power more shiny rocks we want everything and because we don't particular hate any other Empire in the slightest really I think it makes the Plitt sense that we would be classed as as oenophile oenophile with that ulterior motives yeah Xena farm advice now as a little bit slow getting the tunnels up and running I really should have done this earlier I don't always spend so much on minerals my bad it ultimately though hasn't really affected anything it just means we're about a year behind I'm building the commercial district that's not really gonna do much in the long run caminar yet though now would you have plenty of science vessels already which is pretty done lovely fantastic now our first few worlds are probably going to be dedicated to Empire sprawl and alloys since the Ringworld itself can deal with a lot of tech and a lot of basic economy so we just need more alloys more Empire sprawl anything else really even consumer goods are gonna be dealt with eventually by the Ringworld so not really fantastic now saying that we don't really need these bureaucrats right now so I'm going to remove one of you and then I'll remove the other one once we have the commercial segment and we need more people to work these specialist jobs or just before it's built anyway Oh lots of aliens found us then okay found our neighbors hopefully they're friendly with the former Federation nice and quickly with them and then found some just random hostiles that's fine Federation builders they are materialists but not fanatic materialists so we're not gonna hate us completely oh they may hate what we're gonna try and do here though okay guys both you two stop both of you survey that system then survey that system we are gonna be stealing that from them right now grab those two systems can we block them off you stop as well survey that system first so you to jump there you jump there yep it's a tumult over there that could be so if we can't get these fellows to join us in friendship and join our Federation what we can do is build up to here colonize the tomb world turn it into a vassal that poor vassal be so weak but doesn't really matter and then they can almost instantly join a federation with us if we free them and they just get that one system and I don't really care too much yes y'all even expanding this direction fan mlady tastic and of all our relics we're gonna be doing this as often as possible proclaim religious revelation giving us a chunk of unity and increasing our spiritualist ethics attraction by 50% so loads more people are gonna follow that oh yeah I forgot to put a new scientist as leader no yeah well done laugh it I don't like your name it's very close to a name of someone I know laughs okay female laughs do go ahead and be the ultimate physics researcher I mean you know it's not me because I guess technically a society researcher because I'm a biologist research actualized far more fun I used to deal with disease and rot doesn't seem like they're expanding this Y all so I'm gonna grab the system first and this one to be a little bit more efficient also my currently yeah thought I wasn't on expansionist this one's so nice that first attempts and tried value just means we can get everything done inside our borders nice and easily but this lot the one time I'm gonna keep it as expansionist I'll stop it back later so we have formed their commercial pact with the federation builders which means we can start putting down our branch offices fairly soon which can be very very powerful this early on just some loads of extra resources we're gonna be the best of friends until we betray that until we form a federation with them which I totally won't completely controlled by the end because we're good just occurring to me I actually don't quite know which one of these essential perks I want to go with I kind of want to go the arcology project because I haven't done that in ages xeno compatibility I've been in ages there's a lot of options here actually I did do a called your projects somewhat recently but didn't really use it to its max we already have a lot of worlds especially worlds we're not particularly gonna get much use out oh wait no yes we are we're gonna tell them to Gaia worlds that does make the arc hold your project a little bit worse because all of our worlds will be perfect worlds eventually so what do I really want so two points for transcendence cuz we need both of them here one for technological 7-6 it's amazing I would love consecrated worlds maybe it is really good if you find a few natural Gaea worlds you can't have them inhabited though so I'm not sure about that one so three for now I would like one vision for the governing ethics attraction especially since I do want migration treaties with other empires that'd be fantastic defender of the galaxy is almost a must excel early would set everything so then galactic wanders master bill is that does leave us with one extra oh I really don't know I do not know for now though we'll just go with the one I know I want to keep technological ascendancy plus 10% research speed and we're more likely thank you we're more likely to get the rare tanks oh you a desert dweller I thought you were ice still great it means we can grab this world and use it in commission how about no I'm not gonna be vas alized anyway you're a a pacifist you can't do anything about that you can't go to war with me to say oh I want to Vasa lies you you just can't I don't think Oh peanut oh this is the adult oh this is fantastic these both the tomb worlds and what both have populations on them that is a lovely thing to see this early this actually a really nice start not the most mind-blowing one I've seen but lots of passive stuff that's gonna help us a lot later on so we are Zeena files but does that mean I can't excellent I can still take over their worlds okay I want to grab this one first anyway but you need to start going that way so you can start grabbing that and we need to make some ground forces we're going to world occupying we have found two more empires annoyingly somewhat box in the same we have the covenants over here which I've guy we are feeling or actually after our ring world don't know why maybe they're like halo shaped things either way over here we also have the Confederation an empire which really wants to dislike us but I am gonna force them to like us anyway so I am trying to improve relations as they are trying to harm our relations and the reason is I don't want to go to war with us because I am grabbing all of these we have the ruined worlds over here which I believe can have an events to give you the racquet species at least you used to have that event I'm not sure it's still the case but oh the way these aren't really a really lovely worlds other than the fact there are two worlds but remember we can turn worlds into Gaia worlds which will be really really amazing so I want all of these as soon as possible we have the full an outpost we have the lost encampment of the ruinous core and over here we have the silent colony the decayed hub and the crumbling burrow so we have a love things there so I've been rushing here thankfully they seem to be expanding this way and this way I don't know why they would do that I guess tomb wells that how much value to them but yeah we want all of these as soon as possible which is kind of annoying though because there's a relic world there this ISIF at a world they want and there's even these two - OH - well I didn't even think about this so these primitives like tomb worlds we have two molds over here yes we need those tomb worlds we need them now these primitives are going to be enlightened given so much so that they may give so much to us it's the circle of life a circle of Commerce the circle of Shaggy it's so lovely having such a strong economy this early on so what I'm going to be doing is removing the commercial zones and the civilian industries to build two more temples remember that each temple even if it's not worked will increase our spiritualist F extraction so we'll have more spiritualists on the Ringworld right now we only have 16% which is insanely low so I really really we want to increase that so more temples more temples absolutely everywhere still rushing to build the research segment though I am holding off a little bit so rushing slower because I do want more resources to make sure you have all of this sorted out first right now just really great economy we can spread very easily only influence saltness back and even that isn't too bad what the influence one okay I got influencing from the events and I was not paying attention oh it's from meeting the crisis you get some right I don't know either way we went to get some influence well that's not great with a construction vessel now grabbing this system so soon they'll grab that Irie one all three of these what we need is a defensive pact just so they're unlikely to attack us oh never mind they are guaranteeing our independence so if they want to attack us for us to fight the Confederacy that's not gonna happen how about you do you like us enough your cordial so eventually you might end up liking us enough potentially okay stop what you do and you know what just jump over this you can grab that fact no jump over here so you can grab that as soon as possible that way we can box them off now grabbing the star base we are taking over the primitives fantastic our divine right shines true greed is good through greed we will have a better life annoyingly you do do some more rulers there for now to build temple yeah let's try turn you all into spiritualists at least you are authoritarian it's you know at least one thing and come with us not too much okay and what is this species like intelligence and charismatic quarrel suffer and I'm assuming you're gonna be militarist as well considering you two just both nuke each other into a new Dark Age seems like okay shortest authoritarian and militarist you are authoritarian xenophobe militarist okay sure a bit worse material isn't too bad sorry materialist not militarist so I'm going to resettle some of you then on to these in fact only to resettle you'll be our first colonists I mean they are charismatic they explain to us they want these worlds and we agreed that is insane that is such a good combo of things to find this set of worlds along with these is just so useful more temples I'll know the pheromone one I think this ends badly so I'm just gonna oh is that why you're not spreading very quickly they are isolationists which means even to harm relations it costs the bit fluence they're trying to make us rivals but it's is not happening because we like them too much for now well then she try and take everything they own but you know for now very very pleasant very pleasant indeed we now also have a commercial pact with the Covenant the question is we having to be hostile with you you are spiritualist fanatically you got a tear in you still like us which is somewhat surprising you call us a tyrant but you love our deals credits credits credits and they save money can't buy friendship we're gonna have more of the term of this primitive species than our main species of this race there's so many worlds being dedicated to them okay we'll give one world's the other one a fantastic start now I was tempted originally by the archaeology project but then decided not to because we are getting the hive mind precursor enabling us to make Gaia world's anyways the worlds are already gonna be more powerful but we have this many planets the arcology project is really good for consumer goods for alloys and that's about the two main things it can be used for the Ring worlds tend to win out for trade value which office is very important to us and for research we could go with both but the amount of influence we would need for that is insane each archaeology project takes 200 influence but I guess it wouldn't be too bad with the galactic wonders if we only go for ring world since they're 300 influence but you have to build the frame and then build each individual segment before building a new one that's not actually that much per year on average it's only when you're trying to do everything else like the dyson sphere's then it becomes super expensive so perhaps both is the way forward we could become insanely powerful because just this start I've such potential it's not the most insane start of ever had but maybe one of the most heavy potential starts also empire sprawl we need to fix that like now yamo bureaucrats oh we need more bureaucrats this is a big deal because we are what we are we are corporate and corporates more affected by the Empire sprawl penalty so that could be a problem you're never gonna hate us enough you're gonna keep on trying but it ain't gonna work we could have a migration treaty with the covenants that way we could use this world as well the Arctic world since they seem to have an ice preference I think yeah Arctic perhaps right now I'm using the Arctic world for free populations I keep on sending colony ships it colonizes then we send the populations back to the Ringworld to boost the ringwald up I'm tempted just to leave that as it is I don't really care about having more than one member in the Federation so going to war with the Covenant isn't really a terrible thing for us actually that is a problem with having the Confederacy in a federation they're gonna say no to pretty much every deal we might say every war we try to make you know I am back tempted because of that idea I am so tempted then to move over here grab this world destroy this system turn this into a vassal make them our Federation members they'll have the exact same ethics is us and although we are Xena file we shouldn't be as bad as they are when it comes to war because you know these are pacifists that sounds really convoluted but I figure might be the best way forward being in a federation with ourselves god that's introverted I love it so I've been having a look at my factions which I saw after school Federation's like 20 times I'll try to explain it a second ago so this is attempt 3 and I've noticed something a little bit problematic first of all the Xena files are utterly dominating in terms of support which is good because they're easier to please in the others and although they are upset at the moment they're still at 65% approval but then we have spiritualists really low in support which is the opposite of what I want I wish I was fanatic spiritualist right now be much easier to bump them up a bit it turns out they don't even like us going to Tomb worlds I never realized this before on hallowed ground so minus 5 cent happiness eventually we will at least get this the sonic pursuit but they also want to have at least 25% support it is very difficult right now so just continue to build temples try my best to support spiritualism but right now the Xena files are running away with it which I guess does make sense in our Empire since the Xena file tried valuing everything kind of represents the collective greed of the Empire they want four more the desire to collect the spiritualism is tied into that but it's not as dominant a force within the Empire we've now finished off domination giving us one additional influence per month which will be fantastic and now we get to choose a new ascension perks so let's have a quick look-see of the ones I'm definitely going to get overtime and then see how many free perks we have so these the ones I really want Zeno compatibility giving us plus 2010 population growth as long as there's two different species on the planet and producing half species with one additional track points and one additional maximum trait this is just lovely and plus 33% immigration poll if we're friendly with the other empires or at very least with our Federation member we're gonna get additional emigration which is great more population growth I want the archaeology project because we're just getting so many planets and if we do become more aggressive later on we'll be taking planets from others I want galactic wanders and I want master builders so that's four already if I have that I pretty much need that for the additional build speed after this then we have the two to become psionic which will be which are somewhere I am blind there we go mind over matter and transcendence and we're already running into a problem there so that's all taken up except for one slot so we only have one available to us and I'm thinking this time we run with executive vigor it's not particularly useful right now but it'll give us plus two to our heed that capacity and edicts are now incredibly powerful things like just this extended shifts plus temps an output from our workers and our own populations they're less happy but plus 10% is a big deal especially considering our own populations can work specialist jobs plus 10% research plus temps and alloys it's fantastic veneration of saints our priests become more powerful and more spiritualist ethics attraction and these are the ones we have now we'll get more stuff later on as well like increase population growth so having three of them rather than just one considering the effect our Empire sprawl massively for everyone to go over your limit I think that's really good so yeah gonna go with executive vigor this Empire does have the potential of really light game power housing but it's just getting there and with the early end game and early mid game I am nervous I am I feel like this might be a bit too slow of an empire actually I do want to rush towards this world but they're likely to get it first anyway and I would like to finally get this relic world so okay let's just finally grab these yes protective protect the turtles for we are spiritualist just like you fantastic oh and you still won't make any deals with us but you've opened up your borders to us and you'll no longer threatening us all around us will aid us in this early frail time oh it pays to be Xena files everyone likes yet no one looks into your sketchy past and how many zeros we put into you know certain jobs trust us this is in your best interest the trade value will spread everyone will be happy now that we have no threats we are breaking this defensive pact now that we already have some of you within our empire we are breaking this migration treaty the influence will be returned to us at the end of the month coming it's fantastic five per month now oh covenant you're being very annoying of how you're expanding how soon are we gonna be aggressive that's the questions we start moving into a lowly production now or not probably should leave in a while diplomatic grants so this is another edict which gives us one additional invoice that - sound like much but once we have the Galactic community that represents a 10% I think it's ten percent anyway increase in our diplomatic white that really speeds about just how fast we can become powerful and once we can reform our government we're also going to be adding public relations where are you there we are the public relations specialists given as plus 10% White's by default and to more envoy's this will eventually be swapped over for some of my free traders once were more powerful but for now it is what it is we're not super powerful this early in the game I mean it has only been 27 years but still but again that the potential this Empire is just insane I'm about to send a colony over here and they still become a vassals how this works is we will remove the system here this turns this into its own sector because sectors now automatic we then turn that sector into its own vassal that vassal becomes really friendly with us we release them we allow them to join a federation with us then we get the special type of trade apparently another one of our tomb worlds has a ruined particle accelerator these are gonna be good science worlds there the veneration of science is now active giving us additional priests output additional spiritualist ethics attraction we really need to deal with our Empire sprawl right now but it's because we just got so many colonies at once it's caused a bit of a problem gonna make you into an agricultural district because I've just started building up the new commercial segments which will take up most of our farmer jobs and give them too well turn them into merchants artisans and clerks that'll move attempted to remove the agricultural segment altogether and eventually I will be at least replacing it one of the others though right now is free of charge because of the arcane generator but this is gonna give us a lot more trade value annoyingly one of the final archaeological sites for the precursors is here so I can't tell them into a vassal quite as fast as I wanted maybe I really should have rushed the Federation over here rather than going domination first maybe I would have been there cold actually don't do that I would love extended shifts soon well perhaps even information quarantine +5 stability plus 50% governing ethics attraction okay it's time so I've split up this system here so now this is its own sector before it is part of the main sector going into sectors now that's this one okay vassal and done there we go lad fellowship temple oh no they don't like water aggression I they even our little minions dones well that's a problem say you like war don't you confederation and you're not far off accepting that how about we make a deal another thing to note is that even if these would vote against us we can eventually have the Federation's so it's a well it's a diplomacy of whoever's the most powerful which would be us so we decide when we go to war honestly we're not going to war for a while anyway but yeah we could make the temple part of our Federation eventually the Confederation as well since Duke your Federation seems fairly warmongering we supplied them with weapons they supply us with fighters yet this isn't sound evil and slightest oh boy we now have migration treaties with all empires around us because of activated land of opportunity those outside the Empire see the non owned populations living in luxury even the owned populations elevated to higher levels of society although of course their freedom may be compromised their living standards are actually pretty good and they want some of this it may be a chance when entering our empire but for some for the needy the downtrodden the chance is all they need that chance for a better life even if it is truly a gamble some may end up in indentured servitude but some will rise the ranks and live in luxurious utopia we don't prey on the weak from the downtrodden in the slightest we have found the home world of the precursor well I think it's actually the precursors killer but nonetheless we found the home world it gives us a size 22 world and we can all turn our worlds into Gaia worlds we also have the passive effect of plus 10% population growth speed there we go and there they are oh they are fanatic pacifists well we'll break that of them over time they are venerable they are agrarian they are delicious they are communal and the Oslo breeders but still for free populations and now our world is a guy'll world annoyingly our potential allies and our war which is gonna take them way too long to stop and thus it's gonna delay our Federation even more we can't allow this so we're going with the original about the second original plan for now it's fine we can just go with war philosophy liberation we'll change that back later it's gonna be a while before strong let's fight anyway Trade League of course and there we are we are a Federation with our former colony so with this what we get straight away is the trade League stance so if you watch my consumer goods kirlyam minus 8 and then plus 40 fan Vladi tastic and this is because now we have the trade League trade policy which combines all of them so we get Unity consumer goods and energy which is fairly fantastic it means we really don't have to focus on civilian industries and at all anymore we can use them for pretty much anything else we want you're going to be a temple I can simply minimize the jobs here in fact what I'll do is I'll put pop down the research segment now in my stammers be really obvious tonight anyway building the research segments once we have this up and running we can start moving our artisans into researchers as long as we have most consumer goods and we should do as we increase our trade value from our other worlds well this could be really good or really bad considering our Federation allies so weak so we have upcoming trial logistics remodeling so what this is going to do is give us bonuses because this is very similar to the other Federation events I've personally never had this one before so I'm not exactly sure what we're going to be given but it looks like our ally won't be able to get the basic requirements sorted participation requires a system with at least 50 trade value flowing through it furthermore the existence of an offworld trading company would mean increased statistical data and so is encouraged essentially okay I'm going to allow this obviously it's interesting the option actually but I don't think out how I can do this so by the looks of things we're trying a new project which will give us more commerce in the future by remodeling things but it will cost us a little bit in the short term for more profits in the long term well accept this and hopefully we'll be able to get this done it'll set you 50 credits flowing through a system well we don't really have that so much because all of our credits right now are being generated in our home system we are not particularly rich outside of that just yet one two three four and even if I upgrade my Starbase which I can do I can't oh sorry I'm doing I still can't reach it this one for 25 so this is going to be a bit difficult well here's hoping this is okay I'm hoping it can choose your start system hoping it counts the capital as to try to value flowing though I'm honestly thinking it might not because 50 is not much and even if you're not going to tried valium you probably have that in the lighter game Wiest had this federation very early ultimately I think we're gonna lose out on this which is kind of sad hopefully it'll work but yeah what can we do if we stop trade value okay if we take away this trade hub we can get this trade hub no we can't that's gonna say we could get all the other systems to flow together if I guess we can okay so here's the idea we make this one here in to Starbase a star port give it the trading buildings feed it into here and then over to star Oh money we also make this into a star port this feeds through here this means that this system will have over fifty right again I don't know how this works maybe I'm being silly maybe we'll be absolutely fine with the home system with the capital I just don't know okay so thankfully we were accepted and yet it turns out the home system is allowed I don't think out how I has anywhere near that tried value no because we gave them nothing to start off with like I just absolutely nothing so it's just us working alone here so hopefully I'll get something from this still so I canceled some of the star bases just cuz right now I don't wanna pound the upkeep I am allowing this star bags to finish off though just cuz I do want this to eventually be a there's a name for it then oh I want this one here actually no to be add new shipyard this is gonna be just trade hubs because eventually it can grab all of these absolutely no piracy then later on I'll have a bastion here a new trade area over here so all that trade value is safe until we can then eventually get Gateway's those put a gate way down here and I tried value is secured remember we do want to be somewhat aggressive eventually we're not going to sit here the entire game I want more space I want more stuff I want everything have they removed the ability to get extra diplomatic white from your allies well is the temple of prosperity replace that there used to be a building which would allow you to get extra diplomacy extra diplomatic value Oh or is that tech it could be a tech I'm tempted to put down the temple of prosperity but we're never going to win out because this ally here well it's their capital governing F extraction plus 100 percent this would just never really make any difference so I'll just guess more energy yeah just give us more energy please would you need some more consumer goods that maybe that have been a better option but I didn't look before I started pressing buns so a tech has been gained and a modifier has been added making terraforming cheaper the tech is o so we have the ability of lift actually that's pretty nice okay yeah give me that unity give me those people do a space for more edicts and this will allow us to pay for it out really being too bad I'm honestly thinking just diplomatic grants we really do want there's n voice very soon although we don't yet of the galactic community that's gonna be incredibly soon now because well look how many people everyone knows so I think yeah diplomatic grants for now we currently don't really have the happiness available to make sure that extended shifts doesn't cause some stability issues so I think that's all gonna go with so let's pop that one here for now oh look it's one of the the primitive civilization populations they joined us and they're already succeeding our way of life is correct sure some may be trampled and Neath it but ultimately the majority we'll be bettered and not just better better by a significant margin why should everyone be happy when a few can be ecstatic okay maybe I should have said that better why should everyone be happy when the majority can be ecstatic utopia for some decent living furthers good I'm trying to make this sound better than is we're a bit more evil but you know maybe we're not maybe I'm actually convincing myself here though for the last two empires up like this one last certainly have had dark sides think I may have messed up or just I want too many things I think earlier I didn't mention defender of the galaxy did I even if I did I still don't think I've done this correctly I kind of want everything there's just two it's not even that I've done it incorrectly so I want everything I don't think I can like I want the Colossus project as well I'm now realizing that going to war without it is gonna be a real pain but with our resources we can make the ultimate weapon so mind over matter and transcendence these are almost guaranteed because I really want to make the Covenant with longish we then want are called your project galactic wanders master builders and then it's going to be a fight between Zeno compatibility and defender of the galaxy I am so tempted by Z no compatibility instead either way that's gonna be the last one most likely so we'll decide then I always forget how much influence uplifting gives you that's loads so I've now allowed crime to rise on the circle of Commerce this allows us to have crime Lord deal from this we get plus 10 through 30 with plus 50% crime but a lot of the big negative events now don't occur or at least they're less likely I'm fairly certain at how it works either way when I have this active I never see the negative events we have no criminals or anything else it cost us some influence but yeah +10 stability on the homeworld that's just fine no to build anything else right now no just need more populations really the Galactic community is now a s so we are instantly going to try and push as best we can the Galactic commerce and the divinity of life and resolutions and the divinity of life essentially what it's doing is harming those trying to make machines and machine empires themselves whilst increasing unity increasing spiritualist ethics attraction decreasing population consumer goods upkeep and increasing happiness from biological and LaToya populations so really good for us overall since we're not going to build machines at all this run we love that extra unity less consume goods upkeep is fantastic for our profits and more spiritualists once again fantastic for our profits in multiple ways that is just fantastic for us in almost every single way now sadly these tend to have pretty weak support because you really need spiritualists and fnatic spiritualists otherwise they don't go for these now the rank one versions though most of them everyone kind of likes that's why the red shield is going to go first most likely comfort the Fallen mango second it all depends on how many starts a vote for Galactic market before the next Senate is in session after this we're going for Galactic Commerce which of course is all about that lovely a lovely trade value the end result is plus 25 percent right value it'll give us extra diplomatic weight from our economy our bureaucrats do cost more but that's fine it's not real that much anyway it's the few consumer goods our Navy will be smaller which is pretty horrendous but then here's the big thing plus 10% to all resources from jobs that's insane temps and extra research temps and extra alloy stems two extra potatoes and the potato farms it's pretty darn good then it gets weird leader upkeep is plus 50% ruler happiness is plus 50% that's our merchants and search and happiness overall is a minus 25 essentially those who are in charge of those with the most wealth become even happier everyone else less so but of course this is somewhat offset by a defined purpose increasing happiness by 10% it's weird to say but I am also tempted to allow for the science ones since we're not really against science in this Empire and these wouldn't really hinder our other things yeah we might go with this I mean that one there is really interesting unlocks the I planetary decision that consumes ro to fund extra-dimensional research at Advanced Research complex I don't have a clue what that does not too sure maybe will help it this one I mean we could go with ecological protection though this goes really insane lights or what no definitely not since we want to have 60 worlds that goes against everything honestly Industrial Development is again something which would be awesome for us since we're gonna have city worlds mostly extra alloys extra minerals yes please and minerals are likely to come from our mega structures and from our habitats which are mega structures Wow well you want loads of these things though there is things that the greater good which I mean we really wouldn't be against the greater good either it's extra happiness without really hurting our economy wow yeah this Empire wants everything well gonna be supporting a lot of the people in ok excellent our homeworld is now 40 percent spiritualist considering we will under 20% earlier that is a huge improvement for our Empire considering more spiritualists is more trying to value the Xena files are still be dominant force but yet spiritualists are now becoming more and more dominant as well I'm always tempted to just go you know what embrace the faction we're now fanatic spiritualist but I don't want to lose either of these authoritarian is amazing it's the only thing allowing us to keep indentured assets and Xena file makes everyone else like us it gives us an extra envoi and it gives us plus temp set tried value it's difficult to say no to either but I'll look up close we are taking this note nope never might have thought that was us we've been knocked fluid out here well on the upside we can do this there we go tried value becomes the first thing because the entire galaxy wants money when it's funny thing oddly enough people like it who would have thought cost of progress minus 10% tried value plus 4 percent monthly consumer goods so this is the tax which we're paying to organize the whole Federation events so really hoping something good comes from this because you know I like betrayed value do you know if I've got that across yet but I do I've just realized something one of the resolutions makes even more sense Industrial Development all of the why because we're going to have Geyer worlds and city worlds both of which the - habitability won't affect of course this Empire is like yes your harm every other world we get more alloys ok remodeling complete so now we have a trial period and then we see how the trial flied out once again though we're not gonna get any support from our allies so doubtful we're gonna get much oh hello ok so we get plus 10% now I have been sold this higher than that for the trade value I am almost certain I've seen that but still even there is absolutely fantastic so we're just getting plus temps at tried value plus 2.5 percent monthly consumer goods and I believe this is going to be permanent yeah absolutely wonderful that passive effect plus everything else from a Federation so worth it so I'm bet to find out something interesting over here you can see all of the bonuses from the Empire high stability and everything else if this increases when this finishes it means that owned populations in specialist jobs get the worker bonuses not the specialist bonuses which is really interesting because you can stack worker bonuses in a number of ways so remembering what we had a second ago it's that one last final check so the main one looking at is from the Empire it's plus 65% buzzword finishes let the month tick over just to make sure it's all gone through ok and now plus 67% you are not a worker you shouldn't have got that but I guess technically you are according to the game the reason why this might be brokenly powerful is because the final version of Industrial Development is giving us plus 10% worker output the end result of Commerce is plus 10% to all jobs and then we're increasing happiness I believe here not anything else but still that's just such an increase there and of course the fact we're a forest area our worker output is increased by 5% which apparently includes that as well our own populations are going to be very very powerful as what I'm saying and there are other ways to increase that power because our extended shifts works with workers and oh that's gonna be insane though that means when I have more happiness what I can make our people more happy we have to swap over to extended shifts that's even better than I thought it was because there's just everything happening that's pretty good we are organizing a festival across our world's increasing happiness and population growth we don't mind spending energy on others when it altom utley will help everyone in the end let's put down some art pieces so two obvious things I didn't think about no we're not going with the greater good because eventually it bans owned populations I forgot about that so I wasn't really paying attention to all of the effects I was just looking at the modifiers so no the greater good we'll have to stop after I think like this appointment even the second one's a bit of problem for us basic subsistence living standard is bad oh wait no that's fine I don't have basics resistance because I have stratified economy that's our living standard it's basically the same for own populations but under a different name and a different set of rules so that's actually fine and next to work your happiness I'm assuming the worker happiness is going to affect our own populations so yeah the great goods fine there that is when we can't go with it because this is then also the stratified economy so no we can't have greater than ourselves five-year-plan and charter for workers rights find everything else we have to stop but the final thing which is obvious like completely just ignored is this the worker output is increased so our alloys that means our own professions will be getting the bonus from both of these and combining them so plus 15% that's pretty nice we see the Federation is now level 2 giving the president one additional envoi ship speed is increase in Federation territory and we get extra trade value all lovely things I want to do as soon as possible is try and set these two majority votes war declaration to majority invite members to majority we really need the vote white to be diplomatic because that way we can overall that Ally every single time for now though we're going to increase how long it'll take for us to be kicked oh well I'm good going to move this now we're on low don't really care about the Federation fleet since our allies too weak what we can do is bribe our ally to agreeing to oh yes succession type challenge there we go we're always going to be able to outdo them a challenge currently is combat but we'll change that to either Golden Rule or thesis defense for now does the Golden Rule this is basically money which we're always going to win versus them fantastic so we have everything except for the diplomatic white as soon as we have that then we have complete control over the Federation and we can go to war as much as we want so essentially we're being peaceful up until the point we hit medium centralization then we're not need to start putting these down the processing facilities are a truly truly horrible thing but it decreases the diplomatic power of öand populations although they're not particularly unhappy yeah they're fine they're above average happiness that's nice but this still makes them a little bit weaker in comparison to our leaders who are truly ecstatic to be allies it also increases their output by five percent once again just adding so much to them so a bit of a problem we're definitely not going to get the Confederation in our Federation which sounds very weird because they are now in a federation with the regime lots of Federation's very early on this time it's kind of weird I definitely want the Confederacy because they have rivalries of all of these so that would be just inviting trouble I mean it wouldn't be no one be difficult all to get you into a team yeah apparently the Covenant actually likes us a lot and we could already bribe them to join us and our friends would allow it you are however currently a war so I can't invite you get anyway and it seems like everyone hates you as well Wow we have two buffers which is acting as lightning rods of pure height everyone hates the Confederacy everyone hates the governance with us in the middle like haha we're safe one more world becomes a guy our world fantastic buzzword standardization is already past giving us plus Phi percent ride value a more diplomatic bite from economy which is good because we're parently beating a lot of their empires with that now though we need to wait until it comes for the full and passes before we can put forward anything else I do want all that lovely lovely trainer value but yeah I think our main priority is gonna be divinity of life and pushing this for the time being I've removed land of opportunity I'm activating a nutritional plenitude although we do have a lot of migration treaties and it is helping at that growth it's not as much as the pure temps and bonus and that also increases happiness of everyone yay finally we're getting sonic theory gave more influence so from this first of all Empire sprawl from populations decreased which is lovely considering our main species is unruly which increases their empires per all but also it unlocks the ability to become Sonic's so after that we'll grab mind of a matter and I believe straight after we can grab transcendence so a bit of a drastic change to them they're going from completely non psychic to a transcendent in seconds prosperity is now finished that's why I have two of them now as well which is a great timing having plus 1k research at this point again I've done better in you know actual proper tech related empires but this is really good our economy is looking great a text looking great our future is looking good look great though mine don't matter and transcendence so at least now our main species oh I have a rocket somewhere so our main species is now psychic although it's only just about the main species in terms of number we can however convert people right yeah a simulation so default rights is now assimilation and let's just do one species at a time so believe as they're being assimilated they can't do any jobs yeah one grouper time it's still gonna cause problems but it's not gonna be the entire meltdown of our entire empire which would be nice is breaching the shroud a situation events you said it's okay there we go let's get that done as soon as possible so we can start rolling to try and find Celyn ish the Galactic market is now coming up so what I've done is I've nominated the circle of Commerce and then boosted the bid once giving us an exceptional writing since we of course our fantastic tried volume everything else here as well so hopefully we will get the Galactic market in the circle of Commerce which will decrease markets fees by 10% only temp set fees is pretty insane Oh Mikey Shroud give us a decent Oh straight away in with the presence this would be in sign if it's long we once know the sort of world no definitely not sorry two of worlds no chance you're not taking some of our stuff this is literally the Covenant I would say is the most against the ideals of our Empire we feed it stuff it gives us extra firepower no we want that stuff occasionally eats one of our world's dough now for those who don't know what psychic actually does for our populations if they are a leader they get some unique bonuses depending on the role they are so for instance our current chairman is psychic giving us extra influence and extra government ethics attraction our researchers get extra research speed our governors get extra unity from jobs and extra stability I think I add must get extra fire right I don't quite remember but you get the idea you'll get two bonuses on top of that they get +5 sand happiness which obviously is fantastic for everyone and plus temp sent research and plus temps and energy credits from jobs we're never really going to get energy credits from jobs since we're going we've tried but the research plus the happiness obviously amazing okay the next species then is now going to be oh I pressed well I'm gonna do that thing I said I wasn't going to do I'm now assimilating every single population we have except for the first two are we doing okay Wow our economy is strong just casually get a stuff most of our people from working he'll work somehow really though I am honestly surprised by this yeah there we go this world here for instance has pretty much no one working they're all being assimilated but it's fine okay our economy is the strongest economy I've ever had at this point in the game ever from any runch so right now we have this the recycling initiatives this is a little bit annoying because ultimately it's the save the planet ones which hurts a lot of other stuff which is bad for our type of empire but the first stage is perfectly fine yes it has less diplomatic weight from economy which is bad for us because we have what was pure economy based diplomatic right at the moment but that minus 5% upkeep for consumer goods is great even though we're not consuming too many because right now we have this straight flight economy or stratified economy however it's pronounced that's still really good it just adds to a lot of other stuff so yeah I'm gonna vote YES for this next up is gonna be collective waste management going down the industrial route more and hopefully but um that one's done we can force comfort to fall and to finally be up for debate certainly taking a time it's time maybe only to sleep funny thought one more guy our world fantastic research actually the Ministry of Culture fantastic and I said so often but this is really fantastic trust me it's fantastic so yeah I'm gonna build that right there this will increase unity from all jobs on the planet by 15% which is pretty ok it's fantastic the Galactic market has been established and the ring owe money there is isn't there dorable which means now our market fee is only 10% it's a bit early which is really good for this I'm already building my first ever habitat I'll take a wall of no bonuses but yeah that's gonna be fantastic probably gonna be a tried habitat no it's probably going to be a refinery habitat and most likely ok once again and we can look into the shroud and build loads more city districts because city districts make me happy more trade value please be what you want why isn't this the one that gives us the chosen one oh my god we already have two chosen one ok sadly isn't our current leader leaders who is the current chosen one that is my question chosen all currently isn't working our chosen one is an immortal leader that gets and it's currently scientists which gets plus 20% research speed plus 20% so plus 50% survey speed and plus two archaeological skill by obviously being immortal is a big deal there and it's double the bonus of the normal psychic so clearly she needs to become a new psychic leader and do physics leader rather a new psychic leader all glory to the daughter of gack now eventually we will get the events to try and make her the permanent leader but that will massively affect us will become fanatic spiritualists will lose our corporate ability it's just not really worth it but instead of just gonna have a truly fantastic leader by leader I mean research a normal leader not leader leader not chairwoman we have enough wealth now we may as well start just using it so we're building about felice fine limp and we are just putting down habitats because we may still be doing something research more likely to tacky than anyone else because no one likes you bus that's right that's my way of thinking there it may I'll attack you because no one likes you but us oh no apparently do have any defensive pact with these fellows that's annoying beauty of closed borders are like everyone which is good do you really not have close borders with the Confederation oh good you do see when we also go through there which we don't have to go this way anyway so you'll have to fight us there or there so yeah it's fun by me how about the Confederacy I think you actually have someone defending you as well right I'm sure I saw that no is it just a case of only us liking you oh man that guy's about two people who can attack glorious still need to wait though until our federation is ranked three so it need to wait a while research time to build the fleet we are now on level 3 in our Federation so straightaway we are now medium centralization which means we can go ahead and have diplomatic okay you're saying no but through the power of bribery I think you're actually going to say yes do you not you love I'm sure you love volatile modes who doesn't there we go well it just give you all that okay I overpaid then I overpaid just it's hat doesn't matter we got what we wanted in the end so now with that majority vote plus diplomatic vote wise means I can do whatever I want so if I wanted to declare war we can just go straight to well of course I'm still building up my fleece that's gonna take a while but as soon as we're strong enough I would start making some claims or we're gonna start taking sections of enemy territory I didn't even look at what bonuses were going so extra trade protection extra influence yeah or a plus-seven influence gain right now which is lovely metal break some of the migration pacts [Music] so then the month I'll up dies actualized there we go so now we're getting plus 7.35 at the end of each month just one migration pack you know what I'll leave it of you just because simply put I don't want to get on your bad side yes well I'm definitely getting our ecology projects but we can't really use that right now since we need a world with only city districts which is gonna be really expensive and very time-consuming and everything else so not rework rubbing just yet so I'm going to go ahead and grab Zeno compatibility so I have decided to not go with defender of the galaxy on a times 25 difficulty is not a good trade-off but on the upside this gives us plus 20 percent growth speed plus 33 percent immigration pool and on planets where there are two or more species we will produce half species which get plus one maximum trait points and plus one maximum traits but really it's the population growth and the emigration pool we like the most even if we don't have any migration treaties right now it's still very good even with only one of their empire and then as soon as there's two species which i think is like every single planet right now yeah I think every planet has at least two species they're all getting that plus twenty percent growth speed which is really good this is the only planet the only one so I need to just shift over someone to they're like one of you anyone here with that preference but you get the points extra population growth very powerful okay once more into the shroud whisperers of the void this is actually one I have never made a covenant with plus fifteen percent plus fifteen percent research speed plus fifteen percent influence the amount of stuff we can get good night ensign this still works at our Empire as well we're driven to better ourselves we're driven to get more with influence means we can have more of every single mega structure the overall gains are insane I don't know what the whispers of the void do though I've never again I've never made a covenant with this one as we reach out for the presence the minds of our telepaths are filled with chorus of voices no more than soft whispers our thirst the cacophony grows in intensity a thousand voices speaking in unison the voices introduce themselves as the whisper is in the void it they claim to be privy to all knowledge whispered in secrecy from one model to another and offered to share of these secrets with us if we only allow them into our consciousness a trifling price they assure us it will barely even notice their presence there is an urgency to their tone I kind of want to go with this just cuz I don't know what the effects are so the original covenant I wanted was the instrument of desire occasionally that would make a people go a little bit weird it would either give our leaders things like substance abuse or a population or even an entire world would suddenly shift ethics to random ones and stuff like that not only huge problems for the output increase but still pretty annoying actually influence an extra research speed are both very powerful see I'm trying to think in terms of balancing the game that is an insanely powerful covenants okay I'm gonna go with this I still think it fits the theme of the Empire not as well the instrument of desire but this Empire has just found this our Empire a species has found this I doubt they would say no to this cuz it's being it's a something being given to us more stuff for us and how would we even know about the instrument of desire yes we would never accept the eater of worlds but we would accept this oh god this could be terrible it is done we have formed a covenant with the whisperers in the void and already they have begun to share their secrets of that scientists and leaders we will benefit immensely from their knowledge the only downside appears to be a sudden upswing in mental illness and oh dear among the general population and some of our worlds are experiencing a flurry of unexplainable murders and assaults committed by otherwise stable well-adjusted individuals at clinics and asylums are having some trouble dealing with the sudden influx of patients oh no I actually think I may have had this before and I think leaders can randomly end themselves oh no the chosen one can't right well this is this is gonna be interesting upscaling ready your checkbooks in a few days the golden rule challenge for Federation leadership will commence starting with the current leader each empire in the Federation will have a chance to place bids int'l only one participant remains that bidder is elected as the leader of the Federation now we have a winner sorry lads oh that's interesting this is gonna happen every single time that's finished let me have a look at these bonuses then every Federation member gets 1,000 we can Wow lobster fare so this one gives us monthly energy rates plus 10% for 60 months does it also give us back for 7000 energy oh we spent 10th that no is both of the spending but yeah I did spend 10,000 or every Federation member for 12 months gets plus temps and tried value I'm taking this no actually no for 60 months plus attempts at energy credits yeah I'll take that Wow because we're the most powerful that's always going to happen we're all to win that so that is insane I love that research green can make you rich however greed doesn't make you very popular but then again it can make you rich yes exactly thank you there's our Empire Oh doesn't mean that the other members don't like that I'm assuming yeah minus 100 who cares the shroud has been fantastic to us so far will it continue this one plus 20% research made for 60 months oh this room has been glorious yeah the other umpires are definitely still too strong for us but not for too much longer the amount of influence we're getting is just insane and I love a bit of insanity I'm having to buy alloys just to keep up with this and that's why my fleet isn't really growing because we have so much influence just look at how many habitats we've got already got five here and we're going to have four now being created in the next system admittedly we had a load of influence to begin with that's why we get so many off the ground but we're still gaining a tweet seven four per month at this point in the game just wait until we have will to power to increase that by an additional five I don't think it's gonna be a problem building our Ringwald's everything Saturday our static our city worlds will be glorious and perhaps sat on apparently well there we have it the corporate embassy I'm not sure if I just missed it earlier or it was attacked but either way we got it without me even really realizing and this is an important thing because it gives the corporate Empire a modifier of plus 10% to its diplomatic whites from economy which is good nearly I am because we want to rush our diplomatic ways but later on we will become powerful enough that we don't really need this so our looks of things the two enemies we're going to face off against is the Confederacy and the Covenant the to which loved us to begin with an urged us protected us from the big bad galaxy well we're gonna show our gratitude by showing them the light of our faith showing them how much money can make their lives better under our rule the Confederation and the regime both actually quite like us so those two am most likely gonna be just there I don't know what can happen after that perhaps the nation and the world's and all these areas of here will become our next targets but athletes are increasing in power very quickly in fact we're already equivalent to them not long now until we start our assault research until then we just get more and more take oh yes mega engineering we are gonna need a lot of alloys it's time to build up the Ringworld what I need to start doing is building habitats on mineral deposits so that we can have some mineral habitats the question is where's any mineral deposits around here some minerals over here is it a world though is the question yes it is okay let's go over there pop down a habitat for the future of our species oh mighty Shroud give us something decent Oh low probability but worth the risk darn it for 60 months now we have less Armour great what we're about to go to war turns out we have to wait five years before we can go toward the reason is I completely forgot I had all the tried buildings here and I removed them and that activates a truce so right now I can't go to war insult yeah I honestly forgot that removing the buildings act as a truce you'll resort world anymore worlds for that that Germany world you haven't even habited you know yet okay this wormhole goes all way over here to one of the oh yeah to one of the fallen empires we've thought any of the Fallen Empire sir probably not found any of the Fallen empires in harmony is finished I've harmony I'm tempted just to grab Master Builders this would help out with building the power ring world the ruined ring world we have it also helped out with building the science Nexus which obviously something I really want and it allows us to build one wallet I'm yet definitely master builders we could rush no I think archaeology is probably going to be on the last ones the ecology is going to get us loads of alloys that's gonna be needed when we're building up against the scourge though saying that that would be good now but we've just had enough people we need way more people for the archaeology project it's when you want to cram hundreds of thousands of populations into a single world and give them all jobs in the foundries we just don't have that many people to cram there it'd be like just a very empty sardine can and that's sad so final three then let's confirm so I want I want the Colossus project as well but I do think our cold use can be better I want master builders I want galactic wanders and I want they are called your project we could go with the Colossus instead the Colossus would allow us to take over huge areas of space we could avoid master builders instead since we are going to go the archaeology project it means we're going to need a lot of influence to great things so instead what we could do is master builder Steiner is galactic wanders our ecology project Colossus it means we're going to build our ring worlds and everything slower by fifty percent but at the same time or at least not getting the fifty percent bonus but at the same time we do have the Colossus which means we can do total war which means we can start becoming incredibly hostile taking over everything right now weird influence to take over things you know what yeah I think the Colossus is better than Master Builders plus once we get to the Year ambitions we'll get the 50% bonus from that anyway it's not as good on both obviously and the plus one starting to think things like Zeno compatibility weren't really worth it but they're gonna help us get the populations needed they're all good that's the thing every time I think one is better than the other yeah it might be a little bit better but it's still really good there are so few ascension perks I look at and I think that's never worth the points the only ones I ever really think that of these days is peeling some fighting the stronger endgame crisis eternal vigilance is just not good enough versus the times 25 crisis nihilistic acquisition is amazing if you have a specific Empire type in mind I would say the only one I never pick is probably this enigmatic engineering it stops other empires for reverse engineering your tech which is good see don't give me a bonus after you go to war with them but at the same time it's just not that fantastic even galactic force projection can really help you out in the short term grasp of the void is amazing for huge empires based around a lot of certain things yeah I do think that's the only the only one I don't know how to ever pick and even that must some use because it gives you additional hyper line range pipeline detection range rather yeah so we're ignoring Master Builders going for arcology Colossus galactic wanders may as well grab our called you now and since it won't be too long till we finish off supremacy since our unity is fantastic and increases of every trade value we get and we're getting lots of them it is so difficult to resist building more habitats having this much influence is useful but I need to resist because I need either five thousand little one I need to have over 5,000 alloys for the science Nexus to begin or ten thousand to begin one of the ring structures I also need the influence if I build the science Nexus I need three hundred first so it's going to be quite a few months I think I'm get away building one more habitat it's like an addiction I swear how did that happen it's everywhere region to put the override mineral deposit very well glorious how does that snow built a habitat do the thing I was just saying thank you more declared as long as people don't go to war with one battle go to war they don't really care what their warring with could look of your fellows both sides up sides good luck have fun in ponding is what that was spiritualist we have now 68 percent that is really good and main wellness accepts and spiritualist just grabbing all the bits of scitech we could go with missiles who owns this ROM it's been so long since I've been saying let's go missiles let's go missiles well we could go miss house shroud give us something shiny yeah Wow nice 20 percent research speed really admittedly the shroud was very nice to begin with the shroud giveth and the shroud punch you in the face of just two more years actually just over one year and then we can declare war with the Confederacy so we're so close now also why I'll just continue to upgrade everything we have which is actually quite a lot of stuff right now we have 3k research honestly that's pretty good I've definitely had better at this point in the game but at the same time it is very very good and we are going to continue to increase that more and more quickly so yep that is pretty fantastic and look how many habitats we have any of these can we turn into research or pretty much anything our population growth is good our influence is insane partially because of our covenants with where are you there we are be covered with the whisperers and avoiding this plus 15% landfill influence which will stack with the +5 we get as in they just +5 influence and we'll get 15% of that as well the whisper is a very powerful I'm still waiting for an event to happen though okay we now have ascension theory finished that's why we have the additional thank you that's why we have the additional sanction perk so I should grab next I guess we could just grab the ecology project and start working towards that I will grab the ecology project I guess we're just waiting around now for master builders and the Colossus projects Beaufort which I can't grab just yet I want all of these things so much but to begin with you are going to grab this which will allow us to have one additional mega structure being built at a time and increases the speed they are built at so there we go it is sad not having the additional 50% build speed but it's fine especially considering we're going to try and get as many worlds as possible using the Colossus so the arcology project is gonna be consuming loads of our influence and any extra influence we have we can dispatch our tatts because I bloody love habitats oh we're about to go to war finally okay get your butt over there we are definitely strong enough to take out this enemy they have only one way they can possibly enter our territory since they have closed borders with their neighbors so I want everything you have although we could perhaps get more stuff oh that's gas in it so does that do two sets of gas would be fantastic can I potentially all I could grab another world yes more things for us we have only a customer's best interests at heart do love this adviser voice probably not too loud for people to hear at home but yeah cooperation our psychical leader in terms of our general gives plus 15% are me or Alan plus 15% damage our Admiral gives plus 15% evasion and plus 10% weapon damage yeah that is so powerful I do love psychics psychics are very very good leaders research actualized and soon we can build the psionic armies which are going to be a devastating because they focus on breaking morale so it makes the enemy run away and then just sit there as they slowly break lovely music's realizes at the moment always loved using lasers okay there's gonna be a citadel right or it's a starbase so let's go for that one has no protection my Starbase I mean Star hold I believe is the one before no star fortress then Citadel we are trying to build up to sit down a moment because of course we want the Colossus I'm waiting I mean may as well let's build more here competitors engaged let's just do this where's that Turtles nettles no that's a half turtle oh yeah we have loads of half species now Wow what are you oh my god you have all of the stuff from the species we've resurrected because if yeah I'm slow breeder sadly you also move didn't that that one not sickly good on this world but still we have so many species now yet there's the actual turtle ads though honestly I don't think it even matters anymore which one we send because because of the migration of all the different species we're gonna end up with a mix anyway which is exactly what we wanted with Zeno compatibility okay population 79 yes land the armies convert them to our way of thinking well actually discover than to be in psychics hey by making you psychic that's a pretty cool thing right right well I think it is anyway evading competitive fleet one worlds or the hours let's go this won't take up the station's or should we wait no they're not heading towards us this will hurt a lot but this is the bulk of their forces these have been at war by the light almost every single cooldown with the other empires nearby that's why they're so battered and bruised and right for the taking their stuff is ours I've had a lot of fun this empire so far can you tell greed is good greed is fun I didn't even realize there's a key to worlds there oh yeah I can jump now good I finally have unlocked jump drives at some point no that is really early thankfully not near us but ok that is a very of course we've said it as early as possible aren't we the mid-game crisis it's not actually the minimum it can spawn in fact nowhere near that but yeah normally this happens so much later so problem the Fallen Empire is now awakened the net could cause attempting to acquire planetary Norfolk's so that's why I craft like these are the reptilian strike craft look like angry buses or shuttlecraft appreciate oh mighty Shroud give us something good this time Oh either these is great Nader well how these didn't hurt at this time so that's gonna cost us 10,000 right for the first no 15,000 Wow okay yeah we need to save up alloys we need more alloy worlds for a while terms that was two worlds here as well a planet and it's habitable moon you should have stopped upgrading these but I can't help it's got a big upgrade button and the main buildings always so important to upgrade that's pretty much it we have invited every world we have decimated their woefully we named me everything we want now it could build another habitat of all hope I surround we need to save up the alloys and need to stop doing this but habitats are just so much fun to span everywhere ooh bless them sent via right thank you very much attempting to acquire planetary lost youth so few things research actualized and we are done I own oh no still one more world left gone aggressive I wish I wish I would stay on aggressive after they landed but something this kid trying to resist doing everything okay chief welcome there we are best possible outcome and now we have this lovely extra bit of territory so I'm going to do is turn this into a proper trading hub one two three four okay further back one two two but no real need to remove all of these fortresses just to make it a bit easier so I want to put all of our Anchorage's and stuff and closer to be home system just so I can manage all bit better just close like doing that so I guess I must leave these for a while but venture will do that so that's their home world taken by the way so they are pretty much done they aren't really gonna come back from this so let's have a look-see at the world so what we can do with them for the time being and they're gonna be very very upset also they're currently building machines which of course we're not going to allow because we're going to purge them goodbye so it'll be a lot of their population sadly and they are all going to be assimilated for a while so I'll check again once the assimilations have finished because it's hard to tell exactly what's going on until then of so many are being assimilated well our economy is gonna for a while some things just occurred to me we have a covenant with the whisperers in the void something which is species well all the species here had no idea about its empire had nothing to do with but now that we're converting them into psionics and they are part of our empire being a everything else we're basically forcing them into this covenant do you hear the voices too because you will our economy actually is doing okay because I'm able to sell excess consumer goods and a few other things we are keeping everything just about afloat and I've just activated Scientific Revolution giving us plus 20% research base tonight our research bead is doing very well and doing some more minerals so I need more alloys future market survey complete almost there unlocking every basic tech at least in the physics and the rest will follow soon enough the first habitable section is ready for colonization the question is do I start building the next or do I save up for the thing I was originally saving up for the science Nexus it'll give us plus 5% research speed even in its basic state and plus 100 to all science we need to just keep on saving them for this we're almost there Oh No so the Empire which awakened was the tech empire and this is a problem because the other fallen Empire is the spiritualists well they're going to war and I'm literally gonna split the galaxy in half that's great that's just wonderful on the upside though I've now unlocked one of the main buildings for our Empire which is the amazing Galactic Stock Exchange increasing trade value by 20% on the planet and giving to what merchants jobs obviously that's gonna be built absolutely everywhere and is gonna cost crystals which we're already running out of so these refinery stations really do need to be refinery stations finally we can unlock it and we can also unlock the Galactic wonders now as well I'm starting to go against this just because we have so much influence we can't really spam habitats yes ring worlds are amazing especially for their influence cast but we're getting 14.2 were influenced per month which is a lot so we can have a lot of everything else I still think I'm gonna go with it but for now though the Colossus is our next thing so that we can start the Colossus project and then we just need to wait two years until we can declare war probably when the Colossus is being finished actually no the class takes ages so that's fine also I'm now building the citadel of faith a unique building only one per planet similar to the research institutes and the Galactic exchanged there we go which gives plus 20% spiritualist F extraction that might be as high as the upgraded temples all the way five priests jobs one high priest job and that's the special on there the high priest produces essentially just like the normal priests to just more okay I honestly thought that a bit more powerful news but still fairly cool through our assistance we have managed to pass under developed system utilization observation post provide consumer goods while observing or infiltrating primitive civilizations that's interesting plus more tried valuing everything else so that is steadily going further along however this isn't whistle own yarn oh no someone has proposed that since well what's been recently either way yes Australia that going as well what do you more power we just need more just more windy more we always need more more more more I wanted to have the Tomb world's converted first but they needed more city districts so this guy'll world bit otherwise miss idli is being converted into the ecology project and will become a far more powerful when it's finished the trade league is now at level 4 giving us an additional 5 cent ride value and increasing a diplomatic weight by 10 percent there's also some stuff to do with the Federation filiz but of course I've simply disabled that so not really gonna happen also i belched midway through sentence as a good leader does as a good leader does okay I'm now putting a lot more of our resources into prepping our worlds for the archaeology project research a little bit too slow to do that honestly but it's fine the science Nexus is ranking up again and we could save up some alloys now to build ourselves a mater decompressor that would be all of our mineral needs sorted out so really only food is gonna be a problem for Empire and well look who's lovely territory we returning to farms I've swapped out one of our evicts now for extended shifts so we are no longer consuming extra food for happiness and population growth instead we're reducing happiness for extra output it's crunch time for the galaxy note that doing this instantly balanced our economy and 10% growth really isn't that what you're a big deal now we have so many other modifiers so it is definitely worth it even if people are a bit less happy well considerably less happy but still our overall happiness on our planet is fine 77% for most of our habitats six Cape sitting there a bit of a dip a little bit more here probably because of the unemployment that capital is a ninety percent so yeah we're doing just fine a bit of crime of course in the capital that's because of the crime lord deal please work that never works for me it's about time we start total war with our neighbors so our Colossus is now on the move along with the rest of our fleets I do want to see if its effects cause unhappiness even on enemy planets I really do think it does which it's a shame but it does mean that everyone will be spiritualist which will increase that right value which is currently sitting at three thousand seven hundred ninety-four the only reason why we're not getting that much energy is because we're spending lots of it but also remember that all that energy has also been converted into unity and consumer goods we don't have a single consumer good job anymore that's completely from trade and we're in excess incoming transmission the silent colony excise 23 toon world is going to be our very next arcology project that'll be incredibly powerful because it is just like huge planets as well and the arcology project is insanely strong it gives a lot of bonuses at the planet the first one is almost finished as well one more of the tomb worlds is also undergoing the change the next one after that will be the Fallen outpost we just need to remove the active volcano add one more city districts and it's ready to go as well it's weird selling so many alloys purely for minerals to do this but there we go are one more world undergoing the archaeology project that's a lot of them now after this I will be saving up influence for the matter decompressor since clearly we need an excess of minerals to get this consistently done and is also sad converting some of the Gaia world's first but they were just ready first and I do want them ready as soon as possible now the science Nexus is about to be complete we have our first city planet in all of its splendor and the Colossus is now exactly in position the Golden Age of the conglomerate is finally at hand finally we will ascend to the level of the ones who came before us those who built the circle of Commerce in the first place we are finally at their level their Divine Will has led us at this point through covenants through hardships and through a lot of greed we are now here it's time to take the galaxy and show them the true way of progress I mean through our rule we have the most economically powerful the most advanced the most technologically advanced and one of the strongest militaries in the entire galaxy clearly we're doing something right and everyone else is doing something wrong so this is the city planet 100% habitability for all plus 20% resources from jobs and plus 50% population growth speed like I said these planets are incredibly powerful and their districts are amazing per district although it just cost a lot of rare resources you get 10 a specialist jobs and 10 housing for the foundry you get 10 well of the foundry jobs for the industrial 10 of the artisans and for the leisure you get +5 entertainers and +5 culture workers these things will be able to create insane levels of alloys and I've said the word insane a lot but this run has been so much fun so far being just pure greed is an extremely fun place I'll and we have enough resources now that we can turn the decayed hub into yet and no we don't have enough resources darn it we have enough influence but not anything else well as soon as you have the rest of the resources we can convert this into yet another arcology our economy could be floated on alloys now a little bit and everything else is certainly coming together but with that I'm afraid I am going to be calling the first part of the playthrough here because I feel like of the 40 odd hours of footage of now girls I think it's gonna end up being at least two hours because of how many weird things have done here not so much weird just have to explain a lot of ideas going with the pure greed idea going with the Galactic community once again soon I'll be powerful if elegance do this you know what sure emergency measure let's try and get this through so now much more pushing of the whole spiritualism idea so tithe of the solace this is the first one that hurts a machine empires and it seems like most of the other powerful empires liked this idea and I can always bribe others if we don't quite make it in fact already got some bribes already so that would be very very useful indeed things are moving very quickly here in fact we're only two off finishing off Galactic Commerce as well I want all of these finished habitability doesn't affect us so all the extra output is fantastic the extra tried value will be insane for this empire again we are sitting at almost four thousand already and that's only increasing faster now all the habitats we are going to be incredibly powerful and as long as the end game crisis gives us maybe twenty five years before it spawns in from the earliest it can we're gonna be ready for it and with that I'm afraid I am all out of time for today's video we are entering a new era of war strife and even more profits so thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode it's going to be unending war and hopefully the endgame crisis will hold off just long enough that we can get some serious territory at very least I want the Covenant to be completely underneath our control then the nation then the Union then the realm then the Confederacy I understand go we all the way down this Federation all will be us and all will be enlightened thank you again for watching have a lovely day to take care and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 187,346
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Id: xQxsQKArChk
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Length: 113min 56sec (6836 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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