Stellaris | FULL Lithoid Terravore Playthrough! MAX AI & Crisis Difficulty!

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greasing sir ants rats and welcome back to stellaris with me allah 3x and of course welcome to the very first full playthrough of the new avoid species today we are going to be playing as the laughs ID hive the terror force the devouring swarm which is unique to the lipid species itself this is very similar to the normal devouring swarm we have all of the normal bonuses but we can also begin to devour the worlds themselves causing damage to the planets and making them less habitable but giving us minerals alloys and even the odd little population we are also going with the - - the amenities usage because I mean it is unnormal II what I really hate dealing with when it comes to the hive mind our appearance of course has to be one of the lipids to unlock all of the traits and I've chosen this portrait for a very first attempt although I was so close to picking this one instead it's just so alien in fact honestly all of them are just so alien compared with what we are normally used to there's something about this look so grand and so inviting it as it devours your face for our species name of course we are the laugh IDEs and flower traits we have farts we are very good miners and we are strong meaning we are going to have loads and loads of minerals I really want quite an aggressive start with this species and I think this will really help especially since the hive mind uses minerals directly for their tech and I truly believe because this species can climb pretty much every world we are going to go very tech heavy very fast despite being a wide Empire I really want to ramp up very quickly and going down this route also means going down the route of alloys will be very very easy we are sadly repugnance and we are sedentary so we don't really want to move around all that much we are of course lipids meaning our population that right has been decreased by 25% our habitability has been increased by 50% our army health by 50% and our leader lifespan by 50 now sadly you can't choose adaptable and you cannot choose rapid breeders as a little I really wanted to go over dapped of all the idea being you would get pretty much a hundred percent habitability on most it's which would be really really nice week Irma from laugh stone orbiting laughter yes I'm just giving in to the laughs in this episode I have to say City appearance we're going with the lymphoid City which I completely missed in my first look because I'm a dub for our voice lifts ID and that is pretty much that our ship types of course will always be with ID so let's save that and let's begin we're going with this difficulty so maximum difficulty for the iiiii aggressiveness on high we have the mid game as early as I can and the endgame at 2275 so incredibly early but I think this species is strong enough it shouldn't be too much of an issue we could have it earlier but this is my first time playing is what the lipids properly and I just wanna have fun and that's already difficult enough thank you so with that let's begin and let's see if this Empire is as strong as I think it is and so we begin near the center of the galaxy now then before we even begin what is our battle plan here honestly I think it depends on how many planets we find early on if we find a lot of planets in this little cluster around here we could weirdly despite the fact we are devouring swarm stay fairly limited in the size of our Empire because loads of worlds in a small amount of space means that our Empire sprawl isn't as bad as you would expect and we could really ramp up research really ramp up alloy production whatever we want to do if there isn't enough worlds or if I just become a little bit bored we could try and take absolutely everything at the end of the day we are a devouring swarm we may be called a Terra voir but we have all the same bonuses in combat we are very very scary once we get going so then with that let's start exploring around us and hopefully we get a good precursor the one I don't want is the one which gives us the relic which essentially just decreases ship upkeep when it's activated and I think it helps with colonies as well and although we're going to colonize loads it's in my opinion the worst precursor just can't remember who actually gives you that so I'm just hoping we don't get that anyway some extra research why not extra unity that's fantastic early on and extra research again I don't want to be completely behind in research early on that can really happen if we're focusing on constantly getting new worlds three worlds in our first system I'm okay with that that's very agreeable okay so here's my plan our original world laugh stone is going to be completely alloy foundries I may even convert our research lab into more alloy foundries we need to spread quickly to begin with but then the first few worlds I'm probably going to focus on either basic resource or research and probably all quite a bit of research considering despite the fact you get all these bonuses if you get out research by enemies suddenly your ships get literally devoured and we're meant to be the ones doing the devouring now with these worlds I don't think there's any of these I particularly want to start consuming there's the thing we are the terrible but I do feel like we're not going to use consumed world all that much unless we find a truly worthless one that's the weird thing the smaller planets you may think oh that's the perfect world to consume because it you hardly have any space to do anything there but then you can't consume it much because you can only consume it as much as it has districts so even then it becomes a bit worthless for it I feel like though if we do start consuming the world nice and early it will give us loads of minerals loads of population alloys and all that other good stuff and will basically give us a head start so I am still looking for something to eat we begin to sell our farts good I think this is the one which gives you the relic world if I'm not mistaken either why though I'm almost certain this isn't the one which I didn't want to get so all the others are fine so I'm more than happy with this way it was well this planet is horrendous that's a lot of tile blockers I don't think though we can consume a district if it has a tile blocker in place yeah this seems awful why would I want this is this something we're going to devour anyway I wonder what that does the odd composition of minerals provide ample amounts of research well I can't see anything there but maybe later on events will happen to make it more useful Our Stars has been annoyingly slow since we need to try and colonize every world as fast as possible in my opinion to try and get some serious amount of research and everything else as fast as possible before the endgame I think we do need to consume a world or two because that's going to massively increase the speed of our first colonization it'll give us so many minerals it will allow us to get every single station as fast as possible it's just incredibly greedy because you are literally destroying the world which then you can't use later but let's say if a world gives us 2,000 minerals and only 2,000 minerals and maybe a hundred alloys total that's still a lot it only costs us 37 influence to spread through a new system and because there are a hive mind we get a plus-one to our influence to begin with and although we are weaker than other empires in the light game when they have their factions everything else that still means we can spread very very quickly so unending expansion building a new construction vessel a new science ship still focusing on alloys with the homeworld all other worlds will be more balanced but we definitely need a lot of research since our empire sprawl is going to be absolutely horrendous but we're going to have loads of resources because of this later I could start consuming this world to begin with adorable and very very friendly in terms the first fallen Empire at least what do you do oh you're trying to get to that what what logic are you trying to use to get there I just gave you in order to get here but then you got blocked off so now you think you can run down here and jump okay get home and I'll give you another job at least we now know there's no enemies down here so focus our expansion efforts a lot there come grab that yep that's fine I'll grab this instead when I can in fact I'll scrap that now lovely we begin the consumption of an entire world the swarm consumes the world trembles we grow now starting to concern us is this just these jobs here now synapse drones are kind of fantastic in my opinion when you get a new colony you're instantly greeted with these synapse drones which are the equivalent of the populations from monuments to my regular Empire so we give you unity and they give you society research which is really nice as the initial colonists most planets from most species don't give you anything near as good the problem is they do consume energy and minerals so I just need to be careful and if it's too bad I can just literally turn off their job I'm going to start renaming any world we devour as a feeder world so feeder oh one this way when I'm looking at the world so I can quite quickly see which one I'm not really using for anything because even when we consume the world and it's pretty much not inhabited I am still going to keep it the reason is as long as we have one drone here we will continue to very slowly grow drones I mean may as well keep that around then we simply resettle them somewhere else in fact that might be what we should do now since we're not going to keep this around every time a new population grows here move them to a world where I am going to keep them around we'll see and that is for a relic world we have ground forces and remember our ground forces have plus 50% health since we are lipids and we have those because we found a lovely primitive world currently in their industrial revolution and now their food and they're apparently butterflies and food case you didn't guess they are food ok that's interesting so we still get food from populations we are eating I mean that makes sense to me but it would be nice if we've got minerals something else but it doesn't make sense we do of course also get society research which is always fantastic I'm just gonna turn these are for sudden you can't turn off districts I was going to destroy them all since we can't afford all the energy upkeep right now they're saying that with all that food we can we could devour this world as well the first world is being devoured and honestly it's helping out a lot I've got the 500 mineral one twice now and that's why we're being able to do so much so you know what we consume your world as well so this will be another feeder world expansion is finished and I'm grabbing one vision extra unity population amenities is reduced and governing ethics attraction not that really matters although transcendent learning is amazing because we have a hive mind having a leader level at faster is really really powerful in fact I'm not your best and because our leaders live for so long huh normally I would go for one vision almost guaranteed here but that's great ok how leaders up and running faster from now yeah let's go with that we are a very long-lived hive mind let's stick with that Oh looks like we had some bonus alloys a second ago which is great now let's see what we get from this consume world I didn't see I think I might have got a population yes because you had zero here now we have one so that was a free population that time we continue to consume okay so this tomb well despite the fact it has the metal boneyards which is awesome is so low with habitability it will once again become a feeder planet go visit some minerals if we're lucky with the consume worlds that'll be grand now normally I'll go supremacy since as soon as we find another Empire we're going to have to really go all-out aggression but prosperity with how much space we're going to have is fantastic to begin with instantly mining stations give plus ten percent that's great they would get more energy our complex drones give us more in the other words more alloys I think since we're going so wide prosperities probably worth it the first of the feeder planets has been completely used up I can no longer consume the world so I'm going to do is just keep one drone here all time so we're consistently growing very cheaply a new laughs I'd look immigration I didn't even know that could happened with a hive mind I'm apparently very dumb either way then it's still worth it something to do is one two one two yeah yeah ah that was because of the housing so we're growing a laugh I'd at two point five perma which is pretty low but not terrible and all we're paying is three minerals and almost to energy for a single drone just be sitting here I might move you into a cheaper job though just because minus 50% resources there's no need for you to try and do anything here but for now I'll leave you there but I always change it later if it becomes a nuisance both of the original feeder worlds are now completely consumed and so are their just to get us more laughs IDEs who the relic well Desai's 20 fantastic and soon we're going to have the tomb world which will be our next feeder we've just found a 24 to world which is going to be a truly fantastic world to consume because as I mentioned before the size of the planet dictates how many times you can consume it and every time you consume it you add a certain amount of these lifts void devastations once there are no more districts left you can't use it anymore and it seems to be random how many ads let me read this devastate a world creating one or more blockers yet you can be very unlucky with that or very lucky a 24 toon world is perfect for this because it's a toon world only 50% habitability which is rubbish but loads of districts to wait which is good because my minerals now gain a little bit low because I've started to finally make some research labs our worlds are maturing and because of that we need more basic resource to feed them good timing there feeder world there to be consumed had to slow down our growth a little bit right now just because we simply didn't have the resources for it which is really annoying honestly I've got used to a certain speed now and now we're having to slow down it's really really irritating minerals are now back in the positive because we are building the ever fantastic mineral purification plants okay we found our first enemy Empire we'll be down here so soon when you start constructing some Corvettes this is interesting I can't send my ships past here I'll know just you why you trap oh dear Specter isn't that Oda it's kind of all over the place where is it I think that's something that can essentially destroy stations oh that's horrible to see so early on a weird way to slow me down game yeah there's the specter seems to be mostly ignoring a station though this is going randomly everywhere evil jellyfish just rolling into my territory all that isn't that wonderful okay you move there they're trying it behind afterwards that is so exciting okay thankfully it seems to be going back this way now so we're going to be all right for a while I'm now building my fleet of anyway time to upgrade what we already have I suppose since I can't really safely expand this way oh dear had to trap them all here isn't it so science vessels you kind of stuck birds need to get you all back so if I do this it should teleport you but nope since we don't know where it is well once I know where it is I can then use return and it will allow me to go missing in action I'll get them all back here I'll soon have a fleet strong enough to deal with this so then we can just expand this way so we're stopping our expansion in this direction there's an asteroid there and because of that I can go missing in action all my science vessels can get back here then once I've dealt with the asteroid I'm going to jump and attack this which means then we start expanding in this direction how did you get there I am confused I'm very confused but okay oh you're the ship which I set to have passive fleet stance so the enemy must be stationary yet and it could just kind of stuck there still best to kill them though so let's go and do that I'm assuming they had an advance star because that's a lot of space for their type of empire okay I'm gonna be quite risky now I'm going for this tomb world and for this tropical world I don't know where the spectra is anymore but this is just such a good choke point it'd been saying Natsu I would love these worlds as well I'll probably devour the alpine world because 65 percent is meh I think that's kind of my cutoff point if it's below 70 percent by default I'll just devour it speaking of which I wish you did stack these Oh No a feeder world 3 is now finished as well there we are getting one more from feeder world to because I managed to remove one of its of regular blockers look I can do those next to no good welcome to worlds trading 500 energy potentially 500 minerals or a population which is worth even more we have found hidden worlds oh this is the Oracle interesting this should give us quite a lot when it's finished seems like our neighbors having a bit of trouble which is fine by me I'm just continuing to be quite greedy starting to expand properly again now after the slowdown which was so annoying and our research and alloy production continue to increase we truly have an insane amount of worlds right now okay we do need small relics though so where's the next relic gonna be over there okay well move there as soon as you're done with what you're doing grab that and the reason why we want more relics is because we want to be able to discover precursor insight essentially allowing us to get one of the sites instantly so we go from four to five to six then we get all of our lovely bonuses and we also do this artifact to realize synapse drones on the planet each provide plus 1% mean your drone output and plus to stability and we have quite a few of those purely because we have prosperity every 20 populations gives us one extra synapse drone relics are really good right and to be honest they're good for everyone I've only realized this is in fact to feed a world by my own standards so it should be number four I believe okay that's fine this world over here will be the exception because although it is also 65% it has plus 10% minerals to make up for it which is fantastic so we're leaving that so the Oracle is an interesting one if we keep it we get a very special immortal governor which will give extra stability and extra unity at the cost of research and that's not great for us considering we have research and almost every single planet and we're going to continue to stack that but it is a really powerful bonus that extra stability means more resources in general and if we can find a good sector which has almost completely either this unity or basic materials or maybe even the alloys and it's great but we could just get loads of research loads of influence right now and alloys which is what I'm going to do so we've just destroyed it essentially how would that influence reform governments one mind plus 15% unity from now on seems good to me sending all extras from the feeder worlds over to our relic world and I think that is that for now okay just realize that accidentally had two feeders Oh fork now we have four and five we will accept the inoculations as a chance they'll make us far more powerful plus happiness doesn't affect us so until the effect is either positive or negative it won't do anything normally it's negative up until the event so that's fine well that was easy this isn't a particularly fast fight I'm saying that their damage was terrible we were healing automatically since we are devouring swarm and we took almost yet only four casualties from that whole fight that is really good show me can't start devouring worlds until you land on them guess it would be really underpowered but still okay now discovery is finished I think I'm actually going to go into synchronicity supremacy is the obvious choice but this will instantly give us minerals back and it will increase the stability of our planets considering how many we have that's really good and this fight is really taking a toll on our fleet thankfully I've converted this into a star base that's feeding us you there there there then stay there because that was like nasty station you send one of the fleets over here can you escape this although it looks like you're stronger you have no armor left and your fields are pretty much down come on run away as long as you can even if you end up fighting the mold rather happy you have your shields and armor back up thank you since your are the devouring swarm we are healing automatically that includes Armour fantastic hey we're just gonna make it not quite but at least we've got a better chance okay that's gonna be horrendous move back please we can probably status quo now and then regroup the next time we can just push everything into their territory and just crush them at the moment were not really a good position to do that so I think status quo for now but the smart thing to do make sure we keep both of these worlds and potentially these two then we can come back later I expect a still around you moving or nope you're just wedged in the Sun okay discover precursor insight finally let's grab that then we can get the homeworld which would give us loads of unity and I think a relic world I think wait did I never apparently I'm just missing worlds now My Mind's kind of slipping it's getting quite light at this point for the first recording session and I am missing obvious things more than usual so I'm going to swell let's get the homeworld then probably get myself some sleep need some more alloys be focusing on research and finally getting that up to a reasonable level especially considering how bad our Empire's brawl is 1000 although it's quite early to get a thousand kind of it's not as good as it looks trust me oh no no we need maintenance Depot's I forgot we are repugnant normally you can do one more then you go with the maintenance but because you are repugnant we are giving less and mean it is or it should be right you are producing five events get more than five or is that bugged this gives three jobs given 15 our species is repugnant so it should be giving less than five oh I think I see a bug okay I will still be removing repugnant lighter even if it isn't actually affecting us because I'm not gonna take advantage of that I probably have been just by playing the game but I can't see a way around this oh dear can't confirm if is a glitch just yet though I'll talk about more later once I've seen proof either way okay the home system is over here so stop what you're doing please go and grab that you move into place hopefully this is indeed the one I want it to be need to do something about this planet as well yet do that eventually we will be able to upgrade the alloy founders and the research labs get more jobs we just need to move the regular districts of why we've just found the homeworld but one second I've just realized we can check if this is indeed glitched out so that's giving me plus 60 from there I'm not getting any from here plus 4 so I'm getting plus 64 how many am I getting no Pittsburgh yet plus 64 oh but though that's with the unity of purpose giving me plus 5% but even then it should be lower than that because we're meant to be gain minus 20 it really does seem to be glitched either way the homeworld no it isn't the one which you view the relic world it's the one which gives you the bio weapon and just research passive effect lead a life Sam plus 20 which is great and and then the active effect is the PAC's orbital bombardment which is an anti organic weapon which just destroys life well destroys biological life very very quickly and they add you can just destroy a planet very quickly with that but we don't really want to do that because you want to eat the populations for research but you know it's still not as bad as the other one in my opinion because of the lifespan increase but yeah the drums of war the Great Khan is here where is here I don't actually know where you are oh there it is okay we are now the strongest regular Empire All Shall fear our might rationally beating a few of the other empires even with tech how well the odds doing well under God and we've enough cruisers now so soon we're going to go to war with these fellows again this time with the express purpose of completely wiping them out and so we move is gonna be interesting to see if we have unique strike craft if we are the lipids lipids our about to attack because these fellows are just declared war on their neighbors so they're gonna be busy and we're gonna be busy eating them okay right now we have plus 35 on our amenities from jobs and I'm about to finish off our species modification which will remove repugnance let's see what happens then white was removing repugnant has made us give less amenities it went down from 35 now it's 28 yes that's definitely a bug okay well that was well worth it wasn't it I don't know what to do now so yeah it's almost as if that repugnant was giving the charismatic bonus night and his drone jobs five jobs banks production 20 therefore each job should be giving four I must have misread that earlier has offered its lecture in search because I thought it was meant to give five but no it's meant to give four each but we were getting five yes so repugnant was essentially giving us charismatic either way we go to war and we should realistically about to absolutely crush them although there is a small fleet there which is annoying so you can change places to defend over here this is already being defended by a bastion about to build a bastion over here as well we should be fine so this is the lift I'd strike craft it's kind of cute it's like a little crystal where's your homeworld let's go right for your homeworld okay grab that colony it seems like they're withdrawing their forces to defend but by the time they get here it's gonna be too late cats gonna fall quite easily even more so we will likely win the straightaway but let's do a little bit of bombardment just in case let's speed this along a little bit shall we war drones making them do 15% more damage what a wonderful home world you have feeder Oh 6 consume and destroy everything I think I should do this to every home world really lovely they're all but doom now engineered evolution of void born I don't think really two neat habitats we have so many worlds as it is but saying that habitats are the best for rare resources mastery of nature can be amazing later if we have enough influence but I really do think engineered evolution the age of our governors are suddenly dropped fourteen years old is kind of insane yes please I've kind of just given up then we continue to devour charismatic that should bring us back to where we were originally with the bug at least I'm not taking advantage of it now I've paid to have the effects oh look it's like an electric market shame we can't use that even after we capture this but still there we are sell last world so I won't take that just yet since I want all of these systems first our Empire sprawl compared of our research now it's just horrendous yeah we're not going to win by a research we're going to win but it's having so many alloy production facilities spineless cowards that's be fair most of you is gone so spineless cowards I understand why you're being spineless cowards but you're still spineless cowards the great Carm died and now they are a regular Empire probably very powerful when I imagine yep second only to me though I do have superior fleet power do we continue our war now to attack someone else or do we start to just chill upgrade what we already have not sure okay you all grab that as one you take out this then we're done and maybe we can fight off the specter finally the last world is being consumed after we failed to take up the spaceship it'll be easy just to grab it in a second after the war's over now there's a lot of micromanagement to do because I have a very large empire and most of it is not being managed correctly and a lot of it's only just being gathered by us so this is gonna take a while the homeworld is completely consumed we've a lot of drones to move around ascension theory is now being researched and the homeworld has been completely devoured everything is looking better now by a long shot well they're doing terribly for research rotting terribly for alloys but I feel like to take a little while now for all of our planets to fully come online I've also taken this little bit of peace to try and make our borders look a little bit better less random holes in it for instance evolutionary mastery is now active and with that we're going to grab genetic resequencing so we have the advanced traits though sadly I think the rapid breeder advanced trait and the robust trait are not allowed if you are a little but we still get the one which increases research output and allows our leaders to have special bonuses just be doing loads and loads of micromanaging with the world's over the last five or so years and these are looking really good I think soon our Empire is going to be nonstop of warning right now we're already very much in the lead of all of the other empires of most of the other empires even have inferior tech but we are now superior with fleet power against everyone and hopefully if we continue like this we're going to be very powerful versus the endgame crisis one thing I definitely really really need though are gateways our Empire is way too big with this annoying thing here in the middle I can't really get around it so two things these happen I gateways be destroy these a little while later we are building our very first habitat over here because I want Lee refinery habitats over here we have our ships ready to kill the specter and if we take a look at our species we have now been fully upgraded this will be the final form now sadly we have lost strong but instead we have plus 20% research or output and our leaders have special bonuses if they are researchers they get plus 5% research speed our grand leader is also giving us plus pipes at research speed at governor's I believe are giving us yet research and even our Admiral summer bonus which is extra fire right so overall really really good now let's move out and see if we can deal with these guys well we're now also using the regular strike craft so I'm keen to see if we have different models for that as well if I could talk and so we began okay so look see and yeah that is a different model ah adorable look a little crystal in them proper strike craft yay okay so the spectra is made out of armor and hold no shield which is good for us since we are using a lot of anti armor stuff and it's already melting and it is gone what do we get we get plus 5% physics research speed which is really nice plus 5% energy weapon damage once again really nice and just plus 10% energy credits from jobs that makes up for all of the annoyance earlier and more thank you as all of our little Shrike crafts run back home there we go and now the systems for grabs although doesn't seem all that special sadly do that grab that all of the food has been used up we now on 7k research which is pretty bad for our Empire sprawl but still beating the regular Empire's our fleets are looking pretty nice honestly and we have at very least seven more years before the end game crisis I think we're going to be okay especially since now we're going into supremacy we're about to get the plus temps and fire rights we'll definitely have that before then again crisis and make athletes stronger I still don't have gateways and trying to go for it but I'm just not getting at the moment which is really irritating since it's a rare Tech but as soon as I can I will get that and our worlds continue to get better and I've moved loads and loads of our populations over to our stations mostly from the feeder worlds finally gateway travel okay so another thing I want to do is move you two over here we're going to get the rubric ATAR which will activate its defenses so go ahead and do that there we are gateway construction are finally thankfully we have a very high-level scientist there so this shouldn't take too long or once all of this is complete it will activate the enemy which we should be able to crush here with almost a hundred hopefully power it occurs to me I'm being a little bit too harsh on myself in terms of the position we're currently in before the endgame crisis occurs I keep thinking that normally we are in a much better position just before the crisis appears and we can definitely fight them back even if they spawn in that territory we can at least hold them there for a while or put up a very good fight right now if they appeared we would be dead simple as that at least if they appear in our space which is not the most unlikely event ever but then I remember that normally I have at least at least 25 more years before the endgame crisis occurs this is the earliest I've ever set it along with the let's play which is currently going on on the channel as well at the time of recording so actually we're doing ok especially in 25 more years when the worlds are a bit more developed now in terms of things I should have been doing differently and I'll try to do now though is a little bit too light I really should have used the spawning pools and where are you the cloning vats and that's purely because obviously as lipids we grow very slowly but what I didn't really take into account until now is we don't get a load of the other bonuses for population growth I'm not allowed to use food to increase the right of growth a lot of the text which increased growth don't seem to be here at least seem to have been changed and loads of other stuff like for instance now we have gone through genetic mastery I could give them rapid breeders and normally I do allowing them to really increase population none of these are presents so that normal minus 25% here isn't a big deal but the lack of all of the other bonuses has really stifled me and I didn't realize how much of an issue that is should have noticed earlier and now I am building clone bats and everything else because they're amazing they really are just his 33% growth speed and then the other one over here the spawning pools is plus 25% really should be on most planets above let's say 15 in size and then just having feeder worlds as well like proper free the world so not ones we've actually devoured oh yeah I can do this again yay but still perhaps even here getting to five populations and then having a clone vats things I've definitely learned for the future because normally is a high of mind at this point you're looking at so much more than we're currently getting in terms of growth this the fastest growth I've got and that is not that fast now we begin to build our gateways so one here so we connect to that nice and easily one over here somewhere one over here we definitely need one over it's actually getting those very annoying and then two there yeah I think that'll be enough so we're never too far away from anything then maybe one near the core here as well so one two three four five six six or seven in the end which will be quite expensive that will definitely be worth it we need to be able to get around our territory quickly talans from the void let's talk to it just destroy it it seems a bit confused there we are we have a brand new relic and well actually perhaps use and like this one which it was pretty nice then if we use that so we can then do secrets of the irathients so let's see what we get from that then I have no idea what this gives could be something great it could be rubbish population growth plus 5% and plus 20% research in the biology which is going to be pretty rubbish now but still the population growth is lovely thank you that's passive so sooner just notice this apparently hi of mines have reacted districts by default which makes sense since normally you have trading districts which can't do anything for I mind so I'm very very happy with that now what I need to do is try to sort out a mineral production at the moment it's really slowing us down I don't really have enough time to go for megastructures and try to build the matter what's called the matter decompressor though it is incredibly powerful we just won't have enough time the endgame crisis will occur before then and we will just be crushed so what we need to do is start building habitats around mineral rich planetoids nope not you it needs to be the main plan it can't be a moon can you please stop being moons moons and asteroids can we have one regular mineral planet please there we go with lots of our worlds still not giving us their maximum output we are really struggling in terms of economy now thankfully our alloy production and research production continues to increase but getting the basic resources is becoming an absolute nightmare and alloys are worth very very little because this is the internal market you can't really float your economy simply on alloys like you can sometimes if you weigh more regular Empire who can trade with other people also I can't sell food right now which is really annoying because I have no farms you have to have at least a little bit of income of a certain resource for it to pop up here so I might quickly make one farm just to sell it all off then change the farm into a mine still though we are continuing to get stronger I think my decision to stop expanding for now is the right call just because otherwise we'll overextend and then everything will break down and we're already kind of wide enough honestly we have enough planets and now we're building habitats that should be great bioreactor that's what we can build that will devour our food and give us 20 energy which is definitely more than we get from selling it so until we run out of food I'll just keep a couple of bioreactors running then later on destroy them build something else for those wondering we're always use refinery stations as opposed to refinery world just because worlds can be a little more flexible I find so I'm a little bit more reluctant to use all the building slots for the refineries but also the refinery world itself only has a minus 10% upkeep modifier to your different refiners whereas if we go on over to the habitat I believe that is instead 20% yep so it's a little bit cheaper less resource for the same amount of rare resource which i think is certainly better also I love habitats we are about to create our very first Tyson now we've been very lucky with the egg and crisis simply not occurring I'm still very tempted to try and attack one of the fallen empires not quite sure which one but we really want that tech we want the Dark Matter reactors the shields and the thrusters which are all really really powerful the moment we're just using basic stuff which is less than ideal there we are the little Titan and that means way too bright to look up properly that is really nice here it is with this escort of battleships apparently forming one triangle now could you spread out a bit more no okay well there we go probably the size comparison we now have defender of the galaxy active and we have domination finished next we're going to grab supremacy so we at least have the temps on fire right bonus before the endgame crisis okay I'm not quite sure what's caused this now but all of our new leaders all of them seem to have really young ages at the beginning of the game they were in the 60s 70s and even 80s now 10 perhaps after the first wave become non viable in other words they die we get a new wave of them which then have a more regular hive mind aging system which is a really really young age well any new leaders I make now are definitely going to be here till the end unless they get killed almost all the gateways are now ready yeah - one more month so I have enough energy nope actually two months so never mind let's do this so now we can teleport here here here and here our ships are looking much better as well and they're currently being upgraded to be counter to the fallen empire which also makes them counter to the unbidden since they're basically going pure anti shield did someone have to do that this may be silly but think it's gonna be fun we're going to use galactic contender damage Delta fallen empires Plus 33% now with supremacy finished policies war doctrine and as soon as it's activated no retreat plus 33% fire right oh yeah we are going to really really hurt them we have declared war with the first of the full empires we're going after these fellows first trouble leave are the nice ones the Xena files look adorable they are ah apparently I've ceased to amuse important thing is that we lose ourselves like as all the shields now there goes everything else yep that's something up pretty well okay you can land there whilst our Legion continues to move ever forwards Oh unless they're heading towards us which means we don't have to fight them and the station at the same time that's very lovely oh yeah the cruises are still using some anti-armor stuff there everything else using anti shield just the cruisers o2 Titan hits to deaths I do love Titans if they're actually efficient is up for debates but I do love them we lost two cruisers nine destroyers for Corvettes and then three more cruisers after that but ultimately we did defeat them okay can you all please regroup sessions I call that long and we are doing bonus damage because of one of our edicts so we should be able to crush them fairly quickly and charge before they heal up please wowie fast-forward that is amazing because hail of bullets I love cannons I know that a lot of the time they're not the best option but I just love them the preserver primitives that's actually a pretty rubbish world in terms of what's already there but at least we guess a twenty sighs Gaea world okay you and unaggressive are you but you're moving lovely almost no defending armies there so as soon as this war's over land over there by warm and say battle and then we have mother cradle brother sky father and sister and this is what I want look at that two of every rare resource including okay did this always give dark matter living metal and I've cart Rembert last once called the psychic one I mean that's wonderful cradle gives everything you could possibly want yeah I now remember what we should have done this earlier don't get ready also need a scientist please where's that closest scientists we can just jump them in get there and start grabbing the debris because that will allow us to have all the dark matter weaponry and such hello forward Empire home system bee-utiful okay so I would love you to do right now is go ahead and start bombarding every one of their planets and this is gonna take absolutely ages so you three do that the stronger fleet you can be on guard duty all I want you to do is just to sit there and make sure if the enemy appear over here we can take them out okay ground force move you Burt can't believe you actually lose your general weight but sure but you don't have that bonus do we have any members of the species lit yeah we have 22 of them what you don't have this bonus which means we have a chance of getting leaders without the bonus which is very low but somehow I still managed to get that and it's on the one I wanted because butcher is amazing glory seeker isn't really as good as it seems because we don't have morale but still 5% damage is better than well 5% damage is better than 10% since we also have this which gives another 5 yeah that's I'm trying to say I'm tired I forgot my forces were unaggressive and we kind of invaded brother a little bit too early so we've lost a lot of our ground forces but at the same time we are going to win so brother is already being devoured which will give us loads of alloys rare resources and minerals and a really nice guy world it's only size 10 we can have loads of generator districts here ok now that we control brother can we instantly start making armies from here yes we can okay so it's get some more minerals start making some more ground forces to recoup our losses I'm already doing that in the background as well that makes like the fifth world which are currently making clones really should have grabbed gene warrior army before this gene warriors are immense at least we'll have them before we face the other fallen Empire which are both so conveniently placed for us to devour so this may be a bit weird but after we've invaded these two I'm going to end the war the reason is if they do awake I think I can still do that even though the Marauders did the same and then the endgame crisis occurs they will fight Bing and Crysis and stop attacking us and they probably will never be strong enough to actually attack us anyway but if they like then they get a few hundred thousand fleets which are nice and I really want this as soon as possible because these worlds are amazing oh here's a thousand energy here is broken cryo chambers oh yeah I forgot you've done this oh wow hundred calculators why can you have that interesting why can you have a hundred calculator jobs on the on the Alpha complex then in production we have more of these type of things but yeah that is lovely and we do have the ability to fix these ring worlds as well don't know how you sort of actually going to be for us but still it's a ring world it's cool our first Jean warrior has been created adaptability population housing reduced that's good habitability really don't need any more resettlement reduced that's nice but not fantastic for two points in one free building slot would just wreck our basic economy I mean look again we are struggling for energy and minerals so no instead I'm going to go of Scientific Revolution increase our research speed by 20% and we get one more alternative as you can probably tell by our energy and everything else we now own cradle which means we own this system and all we're going to do now is grab the reserve the preserve rather and then we own absolutely everything we want so gonna grab that move our fleets over here which we already are thanks to the gateways love gateways need to use them more often and then we can fight these fellows although they are kind of just turtling here which is a bit concerning but with our bonuses it shouldn't be a big problem and our new fleet is almost ready anyway so we should be ok and so status quo we let ourselves get too involved in this let us pretend as if it has never happened yep we're fine with that just pretend we didn't just start devouring most of your species angry they are these are some truly amazing worlds it turns out we get alloys from devouring robots so since we're apt to destroy some robots that's really nice to know lovely okay yeah we need to start moving populations over here as soon as possible so all feeder planets will now go directly to there in fact any world with any excess population is moving over to there Dark Matter deflectors Dark Matter thrusters Dark Matter reactors just declared war on the robots and they instantly split their fleets okay it's not quite splitting them fully but still where are you going now oh you're going to go like this okay in that case you move there and intercept that fleet if you can if not it means we can go for their homeworld they're going to take some of our stuff but their homeworld okay.we it completely missed that fight but apparently we obliterated them and this fleet is going to come back now to try and help out fantastic and [Music] obliterate it well this was stupidly easy why can't I move you into there Oh evasive that's why okay instantly invading their ring worlds now using our gene warriors which are so much stronger than the others good good with the war drones active the first of the Ring worlds is ours so we have researched segments and generator segments that's all we can personally use well along with hi that's just housing still we get all the class four singularities so all is well ground force about stack the next section already so if that let's send in our fleet and make sure we can grab these two systems before we're done otherwise left to purchase them ourselves normally which is less than ideal okay we now have the world's oh that's why we have so many researchers there because it's only research segments and then all of these cryo chambers which are utterly worthless they have the long expired remains of billions of alien specimens frozen in time so frozen long ago if I've actually read and their loads of food which honestly I am going to remove I will keep these for now just make sure we can get our fellows here as fast as possible they did end up waking up I mean if they try and attack us we will just utterly obliterate them they can try if they like we've definitely now reached the point where the game is snowballing out of control our research is increasing incredibly quickly so is our alloyed production and even our fleets we have over 600,000 fleet power right now and that will increase dramatically as soon as they start building again right now I'm just building gateways and trying to sort everything else out with a lot of micromanagement we've been very lucky with the endgame crisis starting so light but the problem is it started so light that we've kind of lost a bit of the threat which is a real shame now what does the scavenger BOTS actually give Alcindor flees over the ghost signal okay now I am very very glad that we got so much time to prepare the ghost signal in my opinion is one of the hardest if not the hardest of all of the endgame crisis events soon we're going to fighting a killer AI with their machine legions and that's gonna be absolutely terrifying and I have no idea how you counter them I really can't remember at all do have armor do they have lots of shielding do they have lots of Hull I know they definitely have shielding but I can't remember anything else now I could look that up you know what I'm gonna go in blind so going to continue to build my anti shield fleets and if that turns out to be wrong well we're doomed or at least it's gonna be a fun fight two things first of all we instantly defeated the scavenger without me even seeing the fight second of all we're now under attack from the awakened Empire yeah it doesn't stand a chance although one of our fleets is far faster than the other so I have to make sure that isn't going by itself analyze the remains nanite repair system and we gained two of the following text Marauder missiles and but now that repair system oh just a really good heal Wow although we don't have nanites so I don't know where to get those so that's not the most useful can you please return home I love having gateways once okay all of you just build up there for a second they're going to try and get back their planets so actually no Russian right now well that was a strength almost 200,000 fleas now it's gone now I actually want you to survive as weird as it sounds because I want to see what you're going to do once the end game crisis arrives okay so stop didn't lose anything did we no I didn't have that before okay status quo you guys return home synthetic disappearances step two of the event is now here the arrival hello there how are you so where's it gonna spawn that's not it that's just a regular Empire oh yeah I forgot about that okay that's what I should remembered but yet that's the whole problem getting blind I need to remove these so believe we're now under an effect Wow sinful populations are being absolutely destroyed but then ships using safety and combat computers - 50 % firing right okay let's tone it down by one shall we thankfully this is an incredibly fast upgrade so there we are machine world that is scarily close at least we can instantly see what they are okay so they're fairly balanced honestly mmm well lots of armor and lots of shields so really what would be best would be anything which ignores all the armor and all the shields most likely missiles for instance would be very good against this or even a lots of gold strike craft so perhaps I'll start swapping out our battleships after the first few fights I could they go in this way this is thankfully already a bastion no it's not that's an anchorage that's a bastion darkness okay well what I might need to do then is change this into a shipyard instead fully into a shipyard turn it into a citadel and that's like shipyard citadel then maybe change these buildings as well okay so you guys go there to upgrade because that's we're going to be attacked second machine world thankfully very very far away good news bad news good news I've realized that all of the enemies are terrible versus shields every last thing they have is off of a shield and that's where the good news ends the bad news machine world right there in my territory so all of my fleets please move to location instead you please we'll get there and group up because you need to stick together for this you probably can take down one of their fleets quite easily together but I'm not sure about the main fleets the guard fleet we just need to stop them from spreading if we must keep them in that system that's all I want so I'm just doomed one more of the machine worlds are within our territory so we have one which is very close to inside our borders and a third over here I'm also now going to be spamming cruisers for fun well Ridge needs me just for fun but I think it should work they have strike craft and they have missiles which should be good versus this they essentially ignore shields and do bonus damage versus armor and whole so yeah for now though fleets move out and good luck well here goes nothing okay please at least destroy this fleece this area is forfeit but can we destroy this whilst we start to make our new anti them fleets the new fleets are heavily shield based and they have weapons which should be good versus them these fleets do not and some of them are still using the AI by the way so they have minus 50% fire rate but bear in mind we are the devouring swarm and we have defender of the galaxy we have a lot of bonuses on our side I've activated all the edicts so possibly can to help out and that's that I am terrified you know it's bad when you see several Titan shots hit one target and it doesn't die why are you even here well it's drawing some fire stupidly but still take that your shields are doomed see told you these fleets aren't too scary on their own but remember this just one fleet this is one fleet there's two spawning per world and it will make more as it continues if I can defeat this one or at least hold it back well I've gone to very close quarters which isn't very good for the battleships or the Titans but still did I just miss with two Titan shots I was worried okay okay how much don't lose lots of Corvettes that's to be expected okay that wasn't too bad at all so what are they doing now if they're just gonna sit there with that of the fleet I could risk it and run off to try and take up this it wouldn't take too long either no okay and after teleport using the jump otherwise can take too long to get back okay so jump get there then run away and regroup because if they go there straight away we're doomed since after the jump we have - oh no we can't do that because it's going to instantly crush us so instead go back the long way regroup near the gateway actually jump to the gateway then wait until your jump drives are back offline online then we can go again I am too tired for this words are difficult the hive knows all I do love that how can a synth possibly try to sneak into a hive mind if I can't read your thoughts you're not one of us so I wasn't quite fast enough they've managed to build their base in the system thus I can't use the gateway I thought I'd get there just about fast enough but just as I was able to jump it sadly was built so what they waiting for oh they could be waiting for this to be completely consumed or is that just going to be a guardian forever I don't know if that's a cigar diem forever though we might be okay because we took out that nine system so early oh they now have access to the L gates well that's problematic well looks like they're more than happy to move around so yeah destroy this fleet if it's still there - hope it is then run over there and try and do the same though at this point our fleets are going to be quite badly hurt okay here's hoping they're right they're still either way though it is that gateway back okay thankfully we can annihilate those gateways incredibly quickly deftly use the Gateway if it's grabbed another gateway it could have teleport somewhere else not too sure still let's do that then can I use that gateway even if it's not under our control specifically yes I can okay so neutral gateways I'm still use great I really don't think this is the right thing to do but it's gonna be fun to see if the strike craft really are that good in such high numbers my first few cruiser spam groups are almost finished which is great and I'm trying to stack up their damage although seems to be a bit difficult sometimes you're all here so now you can upgrade into your shielded and non-ai forms well I've taken over the old gate well at some point they managed to retake the Gateway so what I think we need to do is as soon as I have at least two or three fleets of the cruisers to follow the battleships I'm going to go here and try and take out this world it's gonna be really dangerous but if they keep on using at that gateway at some point they're all gonna teleport in and cause absolute havoc well this is bad they've just sent out two of the 500k fleets one of them though seems to be damaged so I'm having to retreat back over here so this now becomes a mayor threaten though the Gateway is still really really problematic as you can well imagine attacking the world right now I actually believe would discuss killed I'm just about to send in the fleet but looking at what's here it was just this maybe just maybe I would but right now there's no point so it's just a matter of destroying the fleet's they keep on sending out that's all I can do so I think what's best is to jump them all over they're white until the jump comes off destroy that and just keep on upgrading airships our research is still going up and look eventually that they'll be stronger more shields more damaged you know I'm starting the battleships are still the best option just make them more ante them I honestly didn't think I'd lost anything then until I looked it's like they get killed in one shot okay well they've forced them away from here at least again it seems like they like to finish off everything in an area before moving on so if they're still devouring populations they will wait until everything is eaten before moving ok so I think I'm going to stick with the cruisers just because I it's something I never really do and be I really just want to see if it works they seem to be more preoccupied with other areas as you can see so they're not really attacking just as much as you might expect this gives us time every time I get one of those repeatable is done it makes us so much more difficult to kill 5% extra shields or attempts and extra damage from the strike craft or even temp set from the missiles is a big deal realistically what it really needs to do is white into light enter our territory then attack them because bulwark of Harmony is amazing it's plus 15 percent extra fire ice which is pretty lovely you know I think I've been going about this all wrong since I just so wanted to strike craft but instead what I'm going to do now is build battleships which are still using the same nine weapon where the battleships going to show you hello but then they have the hangar core so it's the focused are committer then two sets of strike craft and then disruptors actually pretty good we can destroy their regular fleets now with very very minimal casualties which is great because we're going to need to move back there right now yeah let's put this for now as a no-fly zone then get give it over there please thank you did I just say you can't go through there there we go and they're talking over there as well burger burger and more burger whilst I'm trying to defend the galaxy from this threat the awakened Empire attacked us my curiosity has bit me in the butt I had to give up as they were about to take cradle and that would have just sapped so much of my resources unbelievable and now I am a signatory which normally I don't think you can do as a devouring swarm I'm not sure maybe you can either way though you may notice all these borders are open because now people might not like us but they'll accept us for a while soon as the war's over of course will disburse through our shackles and devour them because we are many times stronger than them I have pushed my Navy capacity to its very limit I do think the cruisers were a bad idea either way though let's go please focus on one thing at once nope into they go for that I mean even killing that's fine we have every bonus we possibly can even using the relic bonus at the moment which is that their find military applications so we're doing bonus damage versus armor since this is made out of bulk Garner there's the missile swarm the missiles to do a fair bit verse yeah I'll come on take it out finish it off yes okay one things been done great time in there too around minerals since that's gonna apply a negative modifier for a lifting going any longer okay we have lost so many ships but gone yes there we go okay I am really happy of that can you tell destroy that world now okay I also need to get back to micromanaging the worlds I've been so focused on everything else notice it there that's fine by me oh look he doesn't have a health bar anymore I assume then now it's just when it reaches 100% devastation meanwhile being attacked over there well there goes one world okay forces avoid that sort of teleport straight over to there get ready to go after this one next now I'm trying to get back into micromanaging the world so hopefully we'll continue to get stronger anyway I'm a nice you have so many titans still live honestly how many they lose mostly just cruisers yeah the cruisers that were definitely not a good idea let's push them back to the gateway and then decide what to do next you're just going to sit there in flight construction vessel gets there but your construction vessels I've seen are all over the place constantly running out of resources moving all of our fleets into position we have way more battleships than before now which is very nice they seem to be completely focused on this area over here and this area over here they are ignoring here completely which I'm very pleased by them if we take out this knowing folks on this world next then there's only one left trying to afford the dark matter is becoming my worst bottleneck it's very very expensive now thankfully you don't need too much per battleship but you always need him and it's always expensive and I don't have access to the regular trade things now another thing I've noticed which is really irritating is that right now a lot of the other empires have closed their borders to us which means getting over here is going to be a nightmare where's the closest ell gate my thought is we can jump through an L gate which they're definitely using there then declare war with this but I can't because I'm currently working for these so I'm gonna have to kill these yeah declare war for independence how which means we'll be at war with everyone okay so we can get there we just need to make sure our fleets are ready to just go straight through everything but first let's figure out where all the wormholes go the machine world has been destroyed they're looking at athletes most of our fleets were as well so once again we are very very vulnerable okay all of you get over there at least now we're only defending from one side well the rest of the galaxy is definitely not doing as well as me which fills me with a little bit of joy I've got to be honest we just need to remember we have to focus on their main worlds we don't need to focus on all of this although that may be a way of us to actually get that last world silt room decide how to do that oh okay so this wormhole here goes all the lights are there so he could use the L gate to get there then simply go through there we can avoid most of their fleets honestly despite the fact it's in their territory from there to there and then straight to the world I think that was the sterilization herb right yes it was trying to micromanage all the worlds while some also paying attention to everything else was it's getting very very light and I'm getting very very tired it's becoming very very difficult at least now we do have a plan the enemy seemed to really not care about this area so I'm just bulking up all my fleets here we're going to go in destroy that and then we have access to the L gate the L gate means we can go straight over here then from there we have the gate white which means then we could just go straight to there in the future to be nice and easy go all the way across probably jump there once that moves then we can get over to here seems reasonable it's a shame you won't let me into your territory and I can't open my boys to you which would normally make you open yours - mine oh here's an easy way to get there l gate there we'll definitely be in range to jump and continue from there we've now been attacked by four regular fleets thankfully once again though these are incredibly good versus them although we are going to lose ships continuously weathering us down with that well destroyed it's now time to jump on over to here so we jump there then we wait until our jump is off cooldown so we're no longer being penalized for that then we make a move that was surprisingly easy okay well that's fine that we still whites anyway I think we're strong enough to deal with that as long as it doesn't have any outside help but look no landing forces this time will go much smoother here we go attacking the final world so much more damage dealt by our initial attack the hub is almost completely removed shame isn't though oh come on final attack just one more hit there we go face the wrath of the swarm beautiful lost quite a few battleships though that was really painful but with that we can begin bombardment of their final planet which will then reveal their homeworld then we need to set up an attack for that which will be difficult the heart of the contingency with the destruction of all four machine world scientists managed to juice the origin point of the ghost signal it must be neutralized so where is it hopefully it's close to me is that there that's good as close to me but the problem is I have no access without jumping so I have to jump into their system oh that's not gonna work hmm I guess what I'll need to do is declare war with these fellows and then just sweep in there actually what I should do is declare war with these destroy them because that'll end the war then I'll be under truce which means I can then go through here and destroy this unless you're not part of them oh you're not even better I'll just declare war you can just go straight through so I forgot one thing these fellows won't let me go to war so I'm going to go to war for my independence so we're going to break them apart just sending one fleet up here to do some damage over here which would hopefully force a victory turns out all we needed was status quo to guarantee our independence so everything else and move out I am though honestly tempted to just jump in because the final cork is mostly armored there's a defense network here I think that's always defending it I can't remember if there's a fleet on us can one of you get a little bit closer so we can have a look-see that would be lovely oh right I forgot we won't be able to see inside because it's not how close super are in terms of the space it's how many jumps you are in that case transfer one singular ship I'm sending you in to have a quick scout you are not going to return I'm afraid seven six five four three two what and hello yep so it's just these and that's almost completely armored no almost completely whole I should say okay oh is this still glitched it says one fleet power it's meant to be really really powerful obviously this happened a long time ago if I recall correctly I think I landed one shot on it then it died nope it doesn't happen now I can't really go out on this fight please don't fire on the main cool that's DPS turn seem very high we could just jump in make it easier on ourselves but we might just lose because of that so I've decided we're going to do something incredibly stupid we're going to jump right in the reason is a lot of their damage comes from their strike craft and every single one of our battleships has a flak artillery and a guardian point defense we are very very good against strike craft so I think we can just do this and if not it's gonna be hilarious seven six five four three two one okay there we are beginning to release a swarm which is kind of just guarding us joy maybe a go play with the Nexus maybe perhaps oh we're moving so slow because that's a neutron star okay incoming their strike craft and look at all of that point defense hitting it they are not gonna last longer oh and there goes a swarm finally attacking them Oh looks like everything's being hit quite a lot that we are mostly focusing on the main core c'mon man cool go down now lovely as soon as the armor melted away these things just crushed it and that is terrifying if we just pause for a second then do this that will remove the trials Wow okay yep you're being devoured so with that bombard Nexus 0 a1 and there we have it the end of the contingency and with that I think this run is over we have defeated the endgame crisis which thankfully opened up a lot lighter than it normally would have and I think I've done ok but I've learned a lot about how the lizard's work the biggest thing to take away from this is that it's not the minus 25% population growth which is the big deal it's the fact that so many of the normal bonuses are just disabled so every bonus you can get you need to try and get and that took way too long for me to realize and really really slow down everything but in the end the terror force were victorious now I will definitely be doing another lift I'd play through in the future I think I could have done so much better and hopefully all the stuff I've learned this time will translate into next time and I'll make less stupid mistakes and one thing I think I've also learned is that consumed world is really really powerful in the early game that just gave us such a huge boost to begin with so I originally didn't think it was that great now I think it's an absolutely fantastic ability which makes the terror war very very powerful in the early game but sadly it does lose relevance mid game to light game still though really fun now if you have any suggestions of what Empire type I should play next within Latoya's then please tell me in the comments below I am torn between so many different ideas which I think will work to flee and having even more ideas might help or make it even hard to decide either way tell me maybe there's a really good idea out there so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite chairs comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future and now I'm finally off to go and get some sleep so I can talk normally again well normal error
Channel: Lathland
Views: 254,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris dlc, stellaris lithoid, stellaris terravore, stellaris playthrough, stellaris run
Id: QcO-g2Q0zY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 20sec (5900 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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