Defeating EVERY Boss in Don't Starve Together (Speedrun)

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don't starve together as a survival game where the only real goal is not to die now how do you not die you may ask well it's very simple just just don't let your health hit zero in this randomly generated world there are lots of ways that you can die but if you survive long enough and have the time and resources you can go and kill one of the many bosses in the world now because i'm an omega gamer and i have like 2 000 hours in this game survival is easy for me so in this video we're going to be killing every single boss in the game without much diddy dallying around it all starts with creating our own new world now there are lots of world things you can change to make it easier for yourself but we're not gonna do that other than make the world smaller so that i don't have to uh run around as much and it reduces the rng of the run now there are lots of characters you can choose and don't starve together but i chose the big russian man wolfgang because when he has a full belly he does double damage now double damage is kind of a big deal especially given that this game is balanced to be a multiplayer and i'm here soloing all the bosses so you know double damage is going to come in helpful now this game heavily relies on its crafting system so you know what we're going to do for the first few days gather materials there are tons and tons of materials that i'm going to need to set up a little base and get out and start killing bosses oh hey look at here found chester now chester this is the eye bone that spawns chester and chester is basically a mobile chest so he holds items to me so this will be good for a gathering but first what is this my screen is turning dark so in this game there are day night cycles and uh if you stay out in the dark without a light source you're not gonna have a pleasant [Music] time basically there's a night creature that deals a whole lot of damage and uh you can't tank the creature because she does just she does way too much damage so long story short i will always need a light source when it is nighttime next i found a piece of rock that resembles a nose kind of so i'll actually need this later on to spawn one of the groups of bosses that i need to fight and holy moly what are the chances i found another piece of rock that i need to find to spawn the before mentioned boss now much like the meteor destroyed all the dinosaurs i'm going to absolutely wipe out this biome and steal all of its gold you see gold is very important and we're going to need a bunch of it what is this two sleeping robots well i'm just gonna steal one of these gears we'll need that for later so right here i find the next piece of rock that i had to find and so we'll keep note of its location so you know how i said this was a crafting game so i just put down and built a science machine which basically just unlocks more crafting recipes and we have stopped in this forest because we have found an evil tree and it must be exterminated uh no just kidding but he drops a rare kind of logs which we'll actually need like they're actually essential for the run so yeah we gotta grab those chop that poor tree down and dig him up and now i'm going to commit haven't paid rent in time this pig's house man he didn't pay his rent so i'm just going to steal his house so structures in this game you can knock down with a hammer to get back half the resources that it would have cost to build it so um i just made one of those pigs homeless and uh this isn't a one-off i'm gonna be committing this crime over and over again because pig houses they give some really good resources man what is this i've been told you have to pull it sharply up oh oh goodness oh oh i killed it man yeah we're gonna need a couple of mandrakes man i'm getting hungry i'm sorry i really want some fresh bacon i can't believe i've done this i've turned just such a monster the second mandrake has been murdered and added to my collection knock knock is there anyone home apparently there's no one in this nest during these first few days i will be absolutely slaughtering every single spider and destroying their homes as i go not only because they become pests later in the game but i actually kind of need to silk and hey look at that let's dig up some mushrooms we all love doing mushrooms am i right what is this sorcery well actually it's not sorcery yet but we've crafted basically an upgraded version of the science machine which unlocks even more recipes so now i have made a bat made of ham so that i can uh beat people with my meat after committing california all over this forest uh we're just gonna chop down the remains because we need a whole lot of charcoal and this is the only way so i can't help myself man i just need the charcoal it may look like i'm destroying their homes but actually i'm saving their homes from a fiery death and since i have geared myself a war with my hamburger and my battle hell mitch so that i take less damage i can slaughter two bigs at once well well actually i kind of lied you can see that i'm like dodging their attacks so you can do that in this game most attacks you could just step back up to avoid um you need to time it right so the armor isn't actually doing anything right now wow these hairy cows sure do look juicy i better kill some of them i bet they're gonna give me a bunch of bacon one noob i didn't even dodge the attack i got hit more hairy cows it's time for a feast murdering time now right here this is huge so those three rocks that i mentioned before they could have spawned anywhere in the world and the map is pretty big and i found them within the first five days and that right there was the place that i need to bring them all to so i got extremely lucky kind of trying to find all of these glommers statue uh we will be coming back here on day 11. day 11 is when the first full moon will happen and a lot of goofy wacky events happen on the full moon and one of them is that glommer will spawn what the heck is that ball oh goodness it's an abomination let me just oh goodness got hit let me just uh commit thievery and steal its baby oh he's angry because i stole his egg [Laughter] uh let me just this might make him a little bit mad but i'm just go oh i just ate your child i'm so sorry it's for survival oh good he broke my helmet he's getting revenge for me stealing his child and eating him also damn usually these uh these creatures don't uh chase you this far i have made the executive decision that we are going to base here when i say we i mean me and chester and all the souls of the bosses that i'm going to kill now our base location is kind of important in general i want to be near a sinkhole which is right above my base and i want to be kind of in the middle of the map so that i can run to everything relatively fast speed building time [Music] i'm here little birdie you are now my prisoner get in the cage so here we've built a bunch of crock pots they're basically just little little oven ovens you can put in a bunch of raw ingredients and it'll usually make a meal that is better than the sum of all of the components and also a fridge that makes my food spoil uh slower so you're in this game the food that you have to eat to stop from starving uh it spoils over time so uh yeah okay listen i'm gonna get pretty lonely in my base so i'm gonna want four pet rabbits exactly four into the trap you fooled you thought i wanted such sentiment as pets no no no we had to use those rabbits for a recipe so now we can commit sorcery i have built a tier one magic machine so i can become maybe as good as harry potter i'm sorry mandrakes daddy needs some pan flutes so this item is absolutely key for the next boss fight because what it does is you blow on it after a short animation it puts everything on the screen to sleep or kind of on the screen its range isn't very big but you know it's big enough silly prisoner bird take my meat i mean what sorry i'm force feeding my bird meat because if you do that he poops out an egg and we need eggs for a recipe now the reason we're getting these eggs is so we can disappoint gordon ramsay by making a nice recipe or maybe a bad one and what this recipe is is perogie and it heals you for 40 health which is huge it's like one of the best healing foods in the game so darn right we're going to be using that for most of the boss fights did someone say boss fight time so after clearing out the surrounding bees of this area we're going to turn on the music first and then we're going to slap the bee queen's booty to wake her up yes you can call it a booty for and the fight has begun the bee queen likes to spawn these minions so what we're going to do is uh put the minions to sleep and her to sleep kill all of the minions except one of them and then she won't spawn anymore so you only have to deal with one minion now this only works for the first phase and there are four phases in total but uh we'll get to that when we get to the next phase [Music] we have entered the second phase of b queen so in the second phase you can see she poops out two times the minions if i kill more than one or two of the minions she will just keep spawning more so the strat now is to just keep putting everything to sleep getting like three four maybe five hits on b queen and then repeat rinse and repeat so that's why we built two pamphlets [Music] third phase you'll notice in the third phase a completely different attack happens because you saw i just got shredded basically the b queen will intermittently scream causing her grumble bees to move way faster and attack a lot faster so they'll just chase you so the strategy is when she makes her grumble bees move really fast i run far away to separate her and her minions then i put the minions to sleep and then i can one-on-one be queen until the grumble bees get back and then i rent to repeat [Music] now that screen right there indicates we have entered the final phase and uh the final phase isn't actually that much different than the third phase in fact it's exactly the same other than the fact the bee queen will scream a little bit more often so uh i have less time to attack her and then eat food to heal up before she'll scream and make her crumble bees chase me again [Music] yes got em all right let me take care of these grumble bees i can pick up all of my delicious loot in peace so the bee queen actually drops a blueprint which unlocks a crafting recipe called the bundling wrap the bottling wrap is kind of insane you'll see me use it later on but what it does is you can package up any four stacks of items including food and it keeps them in their current state meaning you can bundle up four items of food and they will never spoil as long as they're inside the bundling wrap hello hairy cow there's a reason that you were spared from my wrath earlier it's because i needed to ride you ride you into the sunset no um you know there's four rocks we have to move uh to that one place i said basically if i try to to move them by myself i will move extremely slowly uh to the point it's absolutely not worth doing but if i ride a beefalo i travel at b flow speed which is slightly faster than my speed so we're going to be using these to move all of the rocks to that one set piece that i pointed out earlier kaboom night piece has been delivered and the big rook piece uh kind of delivered he kicks me off right the last second bishop peace delivered and he blocked me off wait look what day it is day 11. good thing we're at glommer's statue full moon tonight a flower has appeared on his statue oh my goodness it's glamour now in all of my runs i always get glommer only because he's cute he doesn't actually do anything look with a recent boss that was added glommer is actually kind of not essential but he's very nice to have because uh glommer poops occasionally and if you eat his poop it reduces your sun ebay a lot which is a big deal later on come my trusty hair cow we must now slay a dragon after we get bitten by a ghost stronghound please ignore my terrible fighting skills all right it's time for the second boss beefalo it's not safe please stay back here all right time to go mighty so i get double damage and here i'm making lots of backup armor because if i mess up i don't want to have to craft alma halfway through the fight there he is the big bad himself the dragonfly okay so this boss hit super duper hard and uh you can kite him but uh how kiting this boss works is you have to wait for him to start his attack animation before you move because if you move before his attack animation he will just slide forward and if he is moving while he starts his attack animation he will continue moving meaning you can't dodge it look at this coward he's running away wait what are you doing three or four times during the fight he will spawn out larvae which um they set you on fire uh they make you take fire damage and they hit you oh and they can set you on fire meaning you take even more fire damage luckily i am wolf gang so i can kill them in five hits so i can dodge one attack then do five hits and they're dead um now unluckily here i have to deal with two larvae at once which is unfortunate which just means i'm gonna have to take some damage but as a safety precaution i put dragonfly to sleep and i put him to sleep just in case he spawned another one while i was trying to deal with the first two anyway now the fight continues as normal the second larvae phase will this larvae phase be any cleaner than last the first one was a clean kill my beefalo is just hanging out at the edge of the arena oh that's unfortunate so dragonfly again spawns two larvae from the same pool which didn't give me a lot of time to deal with one before the other one spawn and look at that it happened again but just there dragonfly after sporting a certain amount of larvae she'll come after you like normal so i had to put her to sleep before she hit me so that i could deal with the rest of the larvae but anyway the larvae dealt with back to the fight again this has turned into an ever slightly more dangerous nighttime fight now luckily when the larvae die and when they're alive they give off a lot of light so uh it's not too dangerous this is a pretty clean larvae phase he didn't spawn multiple out of the same pool so right here i tried to do a neat thing and i tried to show you what happens if you don't put dragonfly to sleep when you kill her last larvae but um i messed up and ended up just taking a bunch of damage and by doing that i accidentally uh triggered dragonfly to just do another larvae spawning phase but hey while i deal with these larvae i'll go into a test world and show you what happens if you do not put dragonfly to sleep when her last lava dies so here we have dragonfly and her last larvae so let's just kill the larvae and not put dragonfly to sleep oh goodness uh well let's look at our health oh wow that's a lot of damage oh man so um yeah this version of dragonfly moves faster attacks faster hits harder and has an attack that hits three times very hard and always sets you on fire that's why you put her to sleep so she doesn't become enraged so after seeing that definitely gonna put a sleep kill the last lava okey-dokey there should be towards the end of the fight now the last stretch [Music] and the dragonfly has fallen now there is good reason why we did the dragonfly now because what we're doing next requires gems and dragonfly always drops gems in fact he always drops at least one of each and always two red gems so now the race is on after making some delicious food that will keep me sustained on my trip we're gonna head straight into the caves there is one thing we're looking for in the caves and we are on a time crunch because we need to be back before day 20 because on day 21 something very magical happens so after running through the caves not finding what i was looking for for a straight 13 minutes i finally found what i was looking for the ruins now you can determine the entrance of the ruins because there's lots of monkeys around it and there's that statue that indicates you're on the right track now in the ruins there are a lot of magical equipment there's one piece of magical equipment that we're specifically interested in called the magiluminescence it gives off light and it makes you move faster but it takes up your bodies a lot which means i can't use a backpack among other items like better armor and stuff there is also a boss down here but we're not doing it yet so after very carelessly uh running through the uh running through all of the enemies that i saw flawlessly dodging all of their attacks i found what i was looking for some nice dual sight now this weird rock metal stuff you need to make like every piece of magical equipment down here other than magical staffs now next i found a pseudo science station which is basically the science machine of the underground to make all of the magical equipment and so the broken version of the station you can only build some of the stuff not all of the stuff so i built one major luminescence and i continued exploring these little monkeys they like to steal items so i baited him with a light bulb and then swiftly slaughtered him here you can see the edge of my screen turn kind of red now if you look at my sanity bar which is the orange one i am very insane meaning my sanity is running low when you're insane all that happens is a shadow creatures will spawn and aggro you and they'll try to kill you fortunately these enemies aren't super strong and they're quite easy to dodge so if you're comfortable with fighting you could just ignore the sanity bar and it will restore itself after further exploration i gave up trying to find a pseudoscience station that is already fully repaired so instead i just fully repaired this broken one and we're gonna craft everything we need at this station right here so after crafting what i need i have two star cooler stabs one deconstruction staff one full site body and one three thousand crowns and i'm gonna leave all of the gems here because these gems can only be used in crafting recipes down here or some of them now on the way out of the caves i find a bunny village that is looking far too peaceful so i am i once again commit haven't paid rent i destroyed four of the hutches and i kill the inhabitants of course we can't let them live now that i've returned to my beautiful base we're gonna use those supplies we got from killing those four hutches or from breaking them and build two of our very own rabbit hutches so you know those pesky bats that spawn in the evening time from that cave entrance the bunny men will come out at the same time as the bats and they'll kill each other meaning free stuff for me now since it's day 18 so i came back from the ruins very early um i'm gonna set up the scaled furnace we got this from dragonfly after we killed dragonfly he dropped a blueprint which meant we can craft this and this item is really good it gives you infinite heat but in a short radius around it so if you're close to it you'll always be nice and warm now that i have some time to kill before day 21 i use that time to dig up a bunch of saplings and grass tufts i build a nice farm plot so i can grow fruits and vegetables later if i need i abuse chester i stab my bodyguards i tilt the fields ready to plant some seeds and here you look free stuff from the bunny man war i craft a magical staff of ice that we're gonna use very soon and then i dig up some turf around the base to help give it some structure then off i tread into the wilderness and all of a sudden it's day 21 the world looks slightly bluer and that is because ladies and gentlemen it is winter in this game there are seasons and we have just entered the second season being winter and the first one was autumn in winter there's a very good mob that spawns ah there he is we're going to absolutely embarrass him by freezing him so that he doesn't attack me and then just slaughtering him so normally that means so normally that enemy has a range attack which is pretty hard to dodge so idea is you freeze him to make so you could just kill him very easily kill his guard dogs because they are pathetic and big mighty wolfgang wins once again now luckily for me in this world i got a biome which has three of these guys so the reason why we're killing these guys is because they have a very good drop that you can craft into a speed buffing item and speed in this game is kind of everything if you have lots of speeds you can basically dodge everything said speed item only has a 25 chance to drop but luckily after killing four mac tests we did indeed get the speed item we needed and we're just gonna use a blow dot to quickly kill his child for the meat what is this the moon is completely gone well that must mean shadows are here to play so on day 21 is a new moon meaning the new the moon is completely uh not visible and on this night we're going to fight one of the big bad bosses i actually forgot to put these rocks on these statues but uh it's fine i'm doing it now and so this boss fight consists of three separate bosses but they all fight as one unit and so we're going to mine them to release them from their statue in prison first we're gonna kill the knight because he's pretty he's the easiest to kill first and the hardest to kill last so as you can see we killed the knight oh no the other two leveled up and became more powerful and this is fine i have planned for this i swear so next we have a rook and a bishop the bishop hits lots of times but small damage the rook does one big hit which is very easy to dodge as you can see so we're gonna leave the rook till last oh goodness chester got hit the bishop has perished so now the level three rook has come out to play now this level three rook is really big meaning his hitbox is huge so that is why we need lots of speed bonuses to dodge his attacks but since we have so many speed bonuses i didn't need to eat any food so let's just speed run through this fight and the level three rook has been defeated why did we kill this boss well because we're killing all the bosses but also see that heart pumping on the floor there we need that to actually spawn another boss later on in the run so we'll keep that safe oh i've been jump scared by some penguins we're not going to slaughter them because penguins are actually really good at killing you look whenever penguins spawn they always spawn some ice glaciers which will give you some ice which is very good food for putting in the crock pot now we don't actually have a lot of things to do until day 30. i'm spam dropping a bunch of dead trees and that is because every time you chop down a tree you have a 1.3 chance of spawning oh well there it is good example a tree guard and you know those logs that i said that were very good earlier on in the run yeah these guys dropped six of them so you're damn right i'm going to be killing a bunch of them with my newfound living logs we're going to create a nice tier 2 magic machine and oh um so this sack spawns a boss and it's spawned right next to my base to forget about that situation i'm gonna plant a bunch of trees to make the lorax happy and these pine cones i got from chopping down all of those dead trees so you know i didn't devastate the forests i'm just planting new ones and we will not be chopping down these trees ourselves we will chop these down uh you well you'll find out later how we're gonna chop these down after being jump scared by a mag dusk i head into the desert to get some bone shards which we'll need later and then what the heck random two random hat three random hounds yeah so uh in this game there's periodic wave hounds uh so every usually five to eight days or so um a big wave of hounds will come to attack you no matter where you are unless you're in the cave so you have to always keep your guard up and then what is this some nice goats well these could be my pets or they could be my dinner so uh yeah we're gonna slaw all but one of the goats because as everyone knows as long as you have one animal then it can reproduce because everything is like a snail they're all hermaphrodites so the reason we're slaughtering these goats is because it's because they have a unique drop which is the 25 chance of drop called a volca one and we're gonna need like four to six of these um or maybe even more and uh you know that's a lot of goats we need to slaughter please ignore my just horrific hiking skills i got hot hit so many times by these goats after returning to my beautiful base i found that some of the plants i planted earlier had fully grown so i picked them for some fresh pumpkin potatoes and carrots and next remember that sack that's born next my base well i need to find some deer to steal their antlers so i can plug it into the sacks to spawn the boss but those deer can spawn in one of three biomes you know i might have to search all of these biomes you know it might take a while like oh i mean uh that was fast but literally i took step into the first biome they could have spawned in and i found them immediately so i was kind of lucky so we're gonna steal one or two of those antlers and we will use that to fight the next boss i mean if you're just gonna stand there let me kill you i'm not gonna pass up some free meat so the next boss is like a demon santa claus looking little boy after getting rid of a pesky shadow creature i start the boss fight so if you try to enter his second makes him angry and he spawns now you can see he is accompanied by two deer with gems socketed into their head and oh what's happening here the one with the red gem unsurprisingly makes fire appear on the floor guess what the blue one does the blue one makes ice appear on the floor both of the attacks are pretty uh pretty bad you need to dodge them the fire one sets you on fire and makes you overheat me meaning you take more damage the ice one freezes you meaning you take freezing damage and if you're left frozen in place so he gets a free hit on you but claws himself is quite easy to dodge you just have to step back when he does his two swipes and while he's doing his casting animation i do a lot of hits and dodge at the last second so the magic spell appears where i used to be not where i'm going and now because he is a weak baby man he spawns into baby demon santa people to try to kill me while he's giggling and now for the rest of the fight it's the same [Music] and he's dead easy fight there go check my treat wait what's that noise oh goodness he's alive and he has a new attack so uh this is the second phase of clause he has a terrifying new attack where he screams and jumps at you across the screen now uh luckily for me once again i have a lot of speed bonuses so that i can dodge that attack but that attack is pretty tough to dodge without speed bonuses otherwise the fight is the same he jumps at you and tries to fight and he'll occasionally scream but yeah otherwise the fight is the same [Music] santa claus has been slain for this year and now i get the actual uh like deer antler stack thing that i need to open the the sack now what is in the sack four bundled up uh suppliers so basically four presents these pesky nightmare creatures so i take care of them all right now let's open up these four presents so two of these presents will always drop charcoal and gold maybe a life-giving amulet which can revive you but i don't die and then one can drop boss loot random boss loot and that's what that one was but uh wasn't too helpful and the last one could drop the best backpack in the game unfortunately i didn't get it and it's the best backpack just because it has like a bunch of infantry slots now for a fire safety precaution i built an ice flinger mag which throws ice at fire so that my base is now fireproof and i planted all of the saplings and grass tufts that i dug up earlier and then i went mining because we're gonna need a lot of rocks later then i came back to my base to find that my plants had somehow grown into giants so when you farm in this game you have a chance that your plants will grow into giants if you keep them particularly happy or not a chance it's guaranteed if you take care of them properly but hey that was nice and i got lots of extra food then i just you know peacefully farming tonight then wait did you hear that um something's growling in the distance i should probably get away from my base [Music] holy guacamole what is that over in the distance it almost looks like a cyclops with deer antlers this is the first seasonal boss that you're going to encounter in this game every season has a boss that will spawn and come for you in the season and dear klopp's is the winter seasonal boss so i could kill him straight away but let's use him as a lumberjack first so all those trees i planted i'm gonna have him walk over the top of them and because he's a big bad boss he uh destroys them as soon as he walks up so you know that's some easy wood chopping right there as for the boss fight itself dear flops is actually the weakest boss in the game or one of the weakest bosses in the game he has not a lot of health compared to the bosses that i've already killed the eclops only has 4 000 health whereas the dragonfly had 27 500 and he has no special effects he just attacks and then attacks [Music] and the pathetic deerflops has fallen and now he does drop a unique drop being the deerclop's eyeball which we will save for later now next i'm going to build a bunch of chests from all of those logs that deer clubs got for me and while i was collecting all the logs i did some farming and i'm gonna bundle up those vegetables for later then we're going to build a crucial piece of equipment being a lightning rod because soon lightning will hail down upon us now we're just going to dig up some turf to make the base look slightly prettier and then day 36 oh it started raining that must mean it's spring so in spring it's basically autumn except it rains occasionally now if you don't have any rain protection then you will get wet and getting wet means you get cold which means you start freezing and taking damage and you go insane and if it starts raining heavily lightning can happen which means you get struck by lightning luckily dear klopp's eyeball crafted this hat which protects me from all of those things but also there is a different seasonal boss oh goodness there it is a surprise moose who's at the bottom left of my base since he was too close to my base i slaughtered him now his attack pattern is you attack three or four times depending how fast you can move and then you run away um and then he has one unique attack where he honks and it makes you drop whatever weapon you have equipped but then he's dead easy and next i slaughtered its children because its children have the same drops as the muscus but in less quantity but they also have like 10 times less health so they are basically a lot easier to kill they're more a lot more time efficient the muscus has 6 000 health and their babies have 525 health but that's not all throughout the entire map multiple mu schools reside so next i went around the map that slaughtered every single muscus and all of their babies now here this mother had eight babies and i had no armor so this is quite the risky fight but you know i did it anyway after that i decided to go on a quick trip on my boat oh my god zeus has struck town upon me and set my boat on fire not only that but i came back and it had been completely destroyed next i welded the power of lightning myself and electrified some of these goats now when you kill these goats when they're in this electric form they drop some goat milk and you can use that to make ice cream and ice cream is one of the best sanity foods in the game which we'll need for a boss fight soon then i went underground and killed lots of spiders and stole their home that is because their homes contain the fossils which again will need to spawn with one of the big bad bosses next i went around the map slapping these big tentacles because they effectively work as wormholes that take you to a random part of the caves but this one took me to the boss room of basically the final boss but uh we're not ready for him yet so we're gonna leave this area but we'll mark it on the map so that you remember where it is now here i'm crafting some stuff for one of the fights we're gonna do soon so there's a nightmare amulet i just made that forces you to be insane a weather pain fires out a tornado which is very helpful for the next fight and dark swords are the best weapons in the game so we want the best weaponry day 51 is closing in so we're going to prepare some walls because we see this rock in the middle of all these walls i'm building we need to defend that from uh some creatures pretty soon on the night of day 51. the night of day 51 is a full moon after all then i went mining and i found a moose goose that i hadn't found and killed so uh you know what time it is cheeky noggies time [Music] oh would you look at the time day 51 so i'm gonna place a staff inside that special rock and what's happening the moon is beaming some energy into my staff so what's happening right now is my staff is being transformed but uh i have to defend the staff while it's transforming from all of these moon hounds and were big now because i built up walls and fossils it's actually blocking them from getting to the moon stone because what they're trying to do is they're trying to get to the moonstone and break it to stop the little upgrade ritual so uh yeah so i'm blocking them from doing that i also forgot to upgrade chester on day 31 if you load them up with nine nightmare fuel he turns into shadow jester and all it means he has more inventory spaces which would have been nice earlier anyway the event is complete but these golf star hounds turns into moon rock so we have to get them out of the way and then we get to the staff pick it out and we will need this for later but for now it's basically a star caller staff but the opposite instead of summoning a star which warms you up it summons like a moon which calls you down which is good for the next season coming up soon then i headed into the caves of what is this a big rhino looking boy so uh here's the next boss that we have to kill he's actually kind of easy there is a way to kind of kill this guy super easily um you can see how he runs towards you uh he hits really hard but he's very easy to dodge but what you can do is you can get him stuck on an indestructible object and then just carry on hitting him without dodging but uh that sounds like cheating to me so instead i killed him legit so after he finishes his charge i hit him three times then i step back before he melees me and then i hit two more times and then a bunch of spiders jump on my kill so i let him kill the spiders and the fight goes on as normal now unfortunately i killed him too close to the edge of the map so his unique drop actually fell off the map and disappeared uh luckily for me his unique drop isn't what we actually need it's not absolutely essential for the run so we'll ignore that otherwise he gave us a chest with randomized ruins loot but you get 100 chance of getting an ancient key this is essential we need this item to spawn the next boss among a lot of other things after getting all the necessary items we headed back to that final boss area that i talked about earlier now this boss fight i'm gonna play in its entirety because it is a boss fight where there's action happening all the time there's no boring parts and it's also one of the hardest bosses in the game if not the hardest i will briefly go over all of this boss's attacks before i let the boss play without interruption so first of all he has a normal attack where he just swipes you with his skull he has a bone cage attack which immobilizes you because it traps you in a cage of bones and you'll notice i'm wearing a staff this staff was an upgraded version of the walking cane so now that i can teleport with it but i can only teleport with it 20 times and he can summon bones from the ceiling now that's just phase one when you hit phase two lots more attacks happen so he can make himself invincible and to stop him from being invincible i have to go insane and to kill some shadow hands that appear at the edge of the arena and there will be up to 16. but if i stay insane for too long agent fuel either can mind control me which completely immobilizes me for a lot of seconds and he can heal for a ludicrous amount of health he can fully heal himself in like 10 seconds if i mess up so he spawns a bunch of minions and if one of these minions make it to fuelweaver he will eat them causing him to heal for 400 health for contrast one of my hits deals about 100 damage and he spawns up to like 10 or 20 of these healers so uh yeah i can't let him eat any of that being said here's the ancient fool of a fight in its entirety [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] boom now there are two hot what i would consider actually tough bosses in this game and that was one of them the other tough boss is uh it's coming up but not yet anyway this guy drops a helmet that makes you go insane but it also makes shadow creatures um not aggro onto you so they're passive but you can still attack them and bone armor which negates one instance of damage every five seconds so you'll see me utilize that against a few bosses from now on oh goodness i come back to the surface and it's so hot and bright that is because it is now summer summer is the fourth and final season of don't starve together and uh expectedly in summer it's the opposite of winter you get hot you can overheat everything in the world could potentially catch fire and that's why earlier i built that ice flinger mac in the middle of my base if anything in my base catches fire that'll put it out otherwise i just have to stay cool which is quite simple with that staff i got earlier what the what the heck is that is it looks like a lion but it also looks like an ant it must be antlion so antlion is the summer boss he actually sits in the desert with the goats in it and during the summer this desert is covered in a sandstorm which makes you move slower so i'm about to do this boss with a limited movement speed so it's not ideal now this boss is kind of a meme he's kind of the easiest boss in the entire game because he's stationary as i feed him a cold thermal stone so he is frozen and then we start killing he traps you inside of his arena with a bunch of sand castles and then he summons sand spikes from below you which actually hit really hard but um you can very easily dodge them just like if you move ever so slightly uh you probably dodge them i say that then immediately immediately get hit by his hand spike but anyway there's not much more to this fight other than the longer the fight goes on the faster he attacks well now that he's dead none of his drops are actually very useful at least to me in this run so uh we killed him just for the sake of it uh not because we want their neighbors drops now next we have a checklist we need 10 11 cactus flowers 10 marble 10 butterflies a flower salad and off i went onto the ocean then i found a bottle this bottle told me where to find the crab lady and we found the crab ladies island fortunately she was asleep so i did tasks for her while she was sleeping and bam there she is a good night's sleep i hope now it looks like i need ten cookie cutter shells to build her first stage of her house so before that i planted some butterflies gave her a flower salad landed eight berry bushes and was on my way to find some cookie cutter shells and i sailed and i sailed oh and i accidentally found where one of the bosses i need to kill can spawn so i will come back there later then i explored so far that i found the edge of the map but finally i finally found the cookie cutters and i was selling for six days straight one day in this game is eight minutes which meant i was sailing for 48 minutes straight now i showed those cookie cutters who's boss for days until i finally got 10 cookie cutter shells which only have like a 25 chance to drop oh by the way that took so long that now it's awesome again so one default year in don't start together is 70 days long so day 71 is autumn again yeah no more overheating from summer now we're finishing off this girl's house so that she'll maybe like me just a little bit more then i'm pissing out back to the mainland i will come back to crab island during winter now we're gonna deconstruct this moon court staff to get the gem that's inside of it this is the only way you can get this gem it looks like a diamond but i think it's actually an opal but it's called an iridescent gem now we're heading into the caves oh look a spooky mushroom by him very cool we've got our way blocked by some wrong so let's just mine those out of the way and look at this we found the archives and hey this pedestal looks like it could use a gem socks didn't in there so let's put it in and see what happens well that noise is us starting world war three out in that mushroom by him next i click on all of these machines that they poop out some knowledge then this stupid centipede keeps attacking me so i'm gonna heck and slaughter it stay dead all right now we're going to unlock these forgotten knowledges by doing a quick puzzle well it's not quick and it's not a puzzle it's actually a memory game but there we go now we actually needed to unlock one of these forgotten knowledges not all three but i did all three anyway each of these forgotten knowledges gives you one blueprint and the blueprint that we want is called an astral detector which we need to find pieces of an altar to spawn the very very last boss oh goodness so now there's nightmare creatures spawning in this mushroom biome but it's okay because the moon version of the nightmare creatures are attacking normal nightmare creatures then as soon as i come out the caves i'm greeted with a raw and who is it bigger of course so bigger he doesn't appear in your first autumn but in your second autumn he is the autumn seasonal boss you might call this cheating but i'm not gonna kill bigger myself bigger is very good at chopping trees because he has a very big hitbox and when he runs he knocks down lots of trees which angers the lorax so i think five or six lorax spawn and uh ambiguous succumbs to the forest [Music] deforestation results in death so i finish off the lorax so i can get some free living logs and then head back to the crab because it is raining and that means she's getting wet and that means we need to give her an umbrella so that she'll like us a little bit more so let's stay outside of the house and listen to some spooky music and her umbrella and then uh let's just go for some sailing and oops uh i've committed titanic and then i'm gonna commit titanic and uh rather than fixing the problem we're just gonna abandon ship now we're gonna have chester take refuge on the lunar island while we go and defeat the next boss so remember that boss i could spawn from this fishing stroll so i just need to fish oh um okay so that's kind of rare sometimes this boss has the chance to just spawn but uh the way you're meant to spawn her is you have a 10 chance of spawner every time you catch a fish from this shoal but hey we didn't have to fish because she was here so here we're going to utilize the bone armor switch between the bone armor and normal armor to block a lot of damage and whenever she flies away we're just using ice to have to get her aggro not to actually freeze her now this boss fight is very fast because she only has like 5 000 health and there when she's nearly dead she does this dash and dashes across does a lot of damage and if you had sales on your boat she would break your sails luckily for me i do not have any sails and just like that very fast boss fight uh the only hard part of that boss is finding her but i got kind of lucky now this boss does have quite a few good drops none of which i'm gonna use in this run but i'm not wasteful so i'm gonna pick up all the drops so now we're heading to the lunar island where there are other altar pieces that need mining out so i help them by uh freeing them i need a spot on this island where there's three celestial fishes in a triangle like right here so i'm marking it with the science machine and heading back to the mainland uh oh i popped a hole in another ship golf darn it well again we're gonna abandon ship remember that blueprint i was talking about astral detector we're gonna make one of these bad boys so this is gonna point towards some altar pieces that are hidden underground so all i have to do is follow the arrows [Music] and after a lot of arrow pointing if you get the right spot it will dig up one of the older pieces now luckily there's only two altar pieces that you can find this way so i only have to do this one more time now i hammered the after protector here so that i can get the resources back so i can build another one since one astral detector only has 10 uses and bam there's the second piece found now remember how i transported those heavy statue pieces before yeah i used to be flow remember where i left that beefalo next to dragonfly now i went back to the dragonfly i couldn't find the beefalo only the saddle and the wreckage of my last boat so i went to the savannah where i only found a baby beefalo with no parents so i continued exploring and i found two struggling parents with uh how many is that six baby beefalo so i did them a favor and stole one of the parents now i will utilize this beefalo much like i used the other one by moving pieces except this time i have to move five pieces and all these pieces i need to move to where i put the science machine on the lunar island yo we're leaving a soldier behind one of the baby beefalo followed this parent all the way and so uh we're gonna have to abandon him on this side of the lake now we need three complete altars in total we have five pieces which equate to two of the altars so once we socket them in place a little something magical happens you'll see a little line appears between them wow so now we have one last hole to fill right anyway where is this last alter hiding well we can use the actual detector to find that out but first we're heading back to the ruins because for one of the next boss fights we're gonna need a lot of armor and hey you know how i talked about i couldn't find that station that was already fully repaired i just found it but it's kind of useless now because i already repaired another one and so all these statues and creatures are here again because once you kill fury that everything in the ruins respawns while mostly everything like statues and all of the monsters including my old friend the ancient guardian it's my old friend the rhino boy uh we're gonna kill him again because um he has good drops and i'm gonna skip through the fight because we've already seen it but uh what's funny is i ran out of dark swords i was close to running out of dark swords so i had to use a spear to finish him off or i used the spear for most of the fight and hey we got some foresight from him so we can make some more armor so i finished off my crafting and left while all the monkeys are turned into shadows for monkeys which are very scary so we're going to use the after protector and it's pointing to the west so i'm predicting that the next boss is over there and oh look at that it's snowing because it's winter so let's head back to the crab island give her a nice warm vest a bam we are now best friends of her we are such good friends with her that she gave us a pearl now this pearl is essential for this run if you don't have the pearl you can't do this now here is the place i predicted the next boss to be and there he is currently he's passive he's the crab king now this guy is basically equivalent to the fuelweaver but he's on the scene some don't like this boss because if you mess up an agent if you leave his fight uh you you get set back a bit he might heal whereas if you mess up in this fight you have to restart the entire fight and i swiftly leave because i'm not prepared for the fight and a shark is following me after accidentally eating two raw cactus then cooking some cactus and then accidentally nearly setting my boat on fire and then finishing off cooking all the cactus i am finally ready for the crab king boss fight again before the fight begins i'm going to explain his attacks very briefly so that you understand what's happening so i'm going to play this fight in its entirety so the catch with this fight is that you can basically buff him how you want you have to socket nine gems into him one of which is going to be the pearl because without the pearl he won't drop the drop we need which is the final alter now every type of gem buffs him in a different way the attacks that the purple gems buff we're gonna be cancelling that attack anyway whether we buffed that attack or not speaking of that attack it's his most common attack it's a geyser attack he will summon geysers behind or under all of my ships and try to poke like up to 20 holes which means your boat boat leaks and eventually will break and that means you sink and that means you have to restart the fight so to cancel this attack we're going to use ice staffs to freeze the crab king that's simple but that'll happen throughout the fight his next very common attack is one where he summons six claws in a hexagon shape around him and these claws will clamp onto your boat and slowly damage your boat over time now you have to get rid of these claws because otherwise they will damage your boat too much and again it will break your boat causing you to sink meaning you have to restart the fight now since he spawns his claws in a hex gun shape there is a position i can position my boat so that only two claws will ever clamp onto my boat this is crucial because it means i only have to deal with two claws and not three so i'll be positioning my boat throughout the fight you'll notice that the crab king's attacks don't actually do damage to you except this next one this next attack is the freezing attack where he will freeze everything around you and the way to avoid it is i just have to run away and wear a beefalo hat which keeps me nice and insulated so i don't get cold and start taking freezing damage now the most devastating attack is not an attack uh the crab king can heal himself for 750 like every second or two he does this by lifting up rocks and repairing his shell the only way to cancel this is to hit him more than two times per second uh to break the rock before he can repair his shell and therefore heal for 750 health that is why i've brought along some weather pains because weather pains hit a lot of times but they do very low damage so i'm gonna be using that to break his rocks to stop him from healing because me just hitting him with a dark sword won't be enough to cancel his rocks all of the time in the inventory the only notable things are of course the ice dash the weather pain my weapons and boat patches he will be damaging my boat over the course of the fight and boat patches are just the best way to repair your bow and i have food so i can stay at maximum hunger so that uh i have two times damage throughout the entire fight before i start the fight a goldstar shot comes out of nowhere and kidnaps me no kidnapped ambushes me so let's just take care of that with that being said i'm gonna let the crab king fight play out in its entirety so so hey so oh so oh my goodness finally i was about to say he needs to die soon because i was running out of reason we didn't eat all right i'm happy with that that's kind of clean i'm not gonna lie that's kind of clean sick look at all this meat i'm good man my heart is kind of pounding though because i hate crafting he's like the only boss fight where i'm still nervous doing it because it's so awful live commentary jokey said it all it's like going up against jad on old school runescape for the first time you're very nervous it's the only boss fight in this game that still makes me nervous because one slip up throws the entire fight away you see that blue thing floating in the ocean there uh like in the middle where crab king died um i need a pinch and winch to grab that thing because that is the last altar piece which we need for the very very last boss and so i skedaddle out of there go to pearl buy the blueprint for the pinch and winch give her the cracked pearl and that makes her very sad because it turns out the crabby lady right here used to date the crab king but he was corrupted by the moon probably so now she's sad but now we have achieved friendship with the crabby lady so it's fine so i pre-crafted the pinching winch went back to where i killed crab king picked up the altar and then transferred the altar to the lunar island where i found my beefalo that i had abandoned there but luckily getting his friendship back was as easy as giving him four twigs now i'm just gonna be quiet as i socket the last ultra and something magical happens whoa what the heck and i just opened up where the moon used to be so if you look at the day counter now the moon has opened its eye it recognizes that we're trying to steal its power of some sort so it's keeping an eye on us literally it's watching us whatever it is and you'll notice rather than night time now we have a full moon every single night and this will continue until we fight the final boss and then as soon as i get back to my base to take a little rest we hear the familiar growl of a deerflop so we quickly just uh dispatch him real quick what a pest am i right and now since we made the moon angry there are random lunar storms all over the map or well they appear in parts of the map now as you can see i move extremely slowly inside of the area so i need to make some ash struggles which require a potato so i plant some potato seeds and then i head back into the storm to farm some materials some of the materials spoil in 30 seconds meaning we have to bundle them up otherwise they will disappear and by the time i've collected all the materials we need then my potatoes have grown so time to make struggles and do the event inside the moonstone oh my goodness who is this that couldn't be wagstaff don't starve without going too much detail into the law wagstaff is a very uh law bound character but anyway he's here and he wants us to help him with his science experiment and we need to do this three times to get all the materials we need to summon the last boss now unsurprisingly soloing this guy's event is actually pretty hard when you're soloing because you're constantly getting hit by a little birds that are trying to hit his experiment and if they hit the experiment too much that means you fail the experiment and you have to start again meanwhile wagstaff will ask you first random tools i say random because they all have the wrong names and he'll ask something but uh you don't know what he's actually asking for but anyway the first try we failed of course because all of my bunnies died so i recruited backup when i say recruited backup i mean i went and pillaged the rest of the bunny village downstairs and with my new found armored up bunny army i completed the second attempt no problem so only gotta do it two more times um but then this happened you took my own an immediate oh frog rain a frog just fell from the sky oh no oh and things are on fire and i've been hit by a frog oh and i got hit again bunnies just distract the frogs yes good bunnies yes right the bunnies are gonna die oh what a mess this is like this is like the definition of dope style just everything goes wrong and i'm getting hit by everything can you just stop just take the take oh my oh my goodness okay this is a lost cause this is hell on earth all my bunnies are dead so if you haven't noticed it is spring and during spring when it heavily rains that the chance that frog rain can happen which is exactly how it sounds lots and lots of frogs fall from the sky until the rain stops being heavy and as i completed my third and final event the frog started raining again so anyway i let the frogs kill another moose goose and i looted up all of the meat and man this frog brain took forever to stop to the point that all of my fridges were full of meat had so much meat even my bunny bodyguards couldn't escape the wrath of the frog after that we skedaddled back to the lunar island built the incomplete science experiment then started assembling the lunar siphonator so we're gonna siphon out all of the lunar's power all of the moon's power so this is where we needed all of those materials so there's the first stage and then we gotta build the second stage and then uh something's gonna happen [Music] and that there is the celestial champion whatever the moon is it sent him to protect the moon's power from being siphoned this is the final boss we've been leading up to but first i'm not quite ready for the fight so we're just gonna go to chester and we can do this because the celestial champion kind of just he doesn't despawn and he'll just wander around attacking anything if you move too far away he'll eventually just de-aggro anyway so once i was ready for the fight the fight began now i'm not going to explain any of this guy's attacks because all of his attacks are very basic he's a very good boss in that all of his attacks hit extremely hard but they're all very dodgeable we can dodge all of them so we're just gonna play this fight spit up [Music] hey and we got him easy boss am i right lads all right well where's the loot come on cough it up come up the loop [Music] wait what what the heck is this is this phase two so now i'm gonna describe phase 2's attacks because this guy can extremely easily kill you even through full sight helmets so his most devastating attack is his buzzsaw attack where he spins around and hits 500 damage every single spin it's not going to be hundreds and hundreds of damage if you don't have enough speed bonus to outrun him which i do so it's fine and he has a basic attack where he will just hit you and you can dodge it though you have to dodge very quickly then he has another attack where he slams the floor three times and summons three waves of gestalt which will hit very hard but it's quite easy to dodge you can move between them and the last attack where he stabs the ground causing damage and then makes walls appear which you kind of need to stay away from because if he does his buzzsaw attack and you get stuck on those walls then you're gonna be in trouble [Music] um [Music] finish him off with an assist from a salad commander what a nice little lizard look at him waddling back to his pond a celestial champion what are you doing do i need to mine you to break you or something not again oh good this must be the final phase phase three again he has lots of different attacks and this one can even more easily kill you than the last one so as you can see he summons these pillars if i stay next to those pillars it makes my character sleepy and eventually will put me to sleep if i stay too close to them for too long so what i should have done is bring a weather pain to break those pillars from a distance but i didn't nice and he has another attack which is the basic melee attack he plunges himself into the floor and does some damage if you don't move and his laser effects his laser attacks do a ludicrous amount of damage and they hit you multiple times so um if you don't have armor you'll get absolutely shredded or if your armor breaks you will get shredded and if you make the grave mistake of staying right in front of him as he shoots out his three lasers every single laser will hit you twice which is about 600 damage or so and his last attack he plunges into the floor which i get caught in right there he plunges into the floor and tons of gestalts will come out and attack you luckily my crown protects me i did go to sleep but yeah i could have died there if i didn't have full-sized crowns also yes this is the fight where i have to eat glomers poop to keep my sanity down otherwise i can get put to sleep very easily [Music] the celestial champion diego is from me and gets on chester and gets a really big hit on him so gesture is pretty close to death right now oh look at those crystals chasing me and oh they talked to chester again so chester got obliterated and he dropped everything not to be wasteful of course i turn off the lantern not to waste its fuel [Music] okay now here i pick up my living logs in uh because i'm kind of scared that one of his laser attacks like that is going to it's going to destroy my ends when the celestial champion spawns he destroys every item on the ground around him including dark swords uh [Music] [Music] is that it is he finally dead wait who's this it's wagstaff with the lunar siphonator after all that wagstaff steals the power of the moon and disappears now because we stole the power of the new of the moon now instead of it being a full moon of the entire day this is now new day where there is no moon usually it's on day one and every 20 days after that but now we've changed it so now it's on day 118 and every day every 20 days after that and that's it that's the run done except it isn't because i actually forgot one boss because i killed the bosses out of order so we've killed the final boss but you know we didn't we actually missed this boss this boss is right there it's that little mushroom on the floor and after some preparing oh goodness it turns into a massive frog so here is toadstool he has 50 000 health so um he takes a lot of hits to kill but uh his attacks are very basic so he has one attack that you're seeing now where he throws out some mushrooms that do big damage but they take ages to explode so you have a very long time to react then he has an attack which summons a spore bomb on top of you and then after a short time it will explode leaving a spore patch on the floor if you get caught inside of this spore patch it will deal with some damage and it will spoil food in your inventory though because i'm wolfgang and i'm moving so fast that i'm in it for like a fraction of a second so it barely spoils the meat that i'm holding so uh i can still have food in my inventory and now his next attack he summons trees now i have weather panes to deal with these trees because you could chop these down but that's very slow um each one of these trees that total spawns he gets more speed more damage he summons more mushroom bombs and he gains armor aka damage reduction um which is huge he can gain a ridiculous amount of damage reduction so the trees absolutely have to be taken care of so that i can do full damage otherwise he's just a big damage sponge so let's speed up the fight [Music] [Music] now here we see a new attack we've got toasted such low health that now he's desperate and he does a ground pound attack where he jumps and he does aoe damage all around him uh it's quite predictable all of his attacks are so it's very easy to dodge in fact that's why i'm barely wearing armor but just to be sure i put on my full site crown right here just in case because i don't want to throw the runaway by dying right at the end [Music] and there he is was that day one two three get a timer on that so i killed what every single boss in the game except misery toadstool i guess mizzou tails was the same boss as this if he has two times now and now we dance and then we left because it was so easy so there it is i said it day 123 all of the bosses are dead this is the quickest run i've done i say that i've already done like five full boss runs killing every single boss but my next fastest one was day 141 which is significantly slower than this one leave a comment which was your favorite boss fight and yeah i've been editing this video for three days straight so i hope you enjoyed it i hope it was entertaining to watch if not i hope it was at least educational if you'd like to play this game then i hope you learned something from it maybe you'll play a different way now but yeah i enjoy doing boss runs go follow me on twitch i do boss runs on there sometimes and uh yeah i worked very hard on this video i hope you found it educational entertaining and uh yeah thanks for watching i appreciate it much lately i'll see you in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Jakeyosaurus
Views: 1,500,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jakeyosaurus, Jakeysaurus, completionist, update, PG, Family friendly, dst, don't starve together, don't starve, bosses, ruins rush, boss rush, bee queen, shadow pieces, rook, dragonfly, enraged dragonfly, panflute, klaus, deerclops, moosegoose, malbatross, crab king, celestial champion, lunar island, lunar altars, ancient guardian, ancient fuelweaver, toadstool, farming, potato, guide, how to, speed run, boss rush speedrun, high level
Id: ofPC6WhN244
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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