BEST Paladin Oath? Detailed Subclass Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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Paladin Oaths are a huge part of the class mainly  because they also act as your subclass but they're   also The Guiding tenants by which your character  must adhere in this video today we're going to   break apart the four O's for Paladin to help you  decide which is best for you and your playthrough   we'll go through each one of the Oaths breaking  down the abilities you get then discuss what   play style the oath applies to so that you  can help create the ideal Paladin for your   party composition or even respect one of your  companions to said oath if this is your first   time on my channel the way I do things here is  by upfronting the knowledge of my videos so you   can decide if it's the right one for you so with  that being said there is no best oath it comes   down to the Paladin you want to create so if we're  talking pure damage oath breaker is probably the   best because of Aura of hate granting plus five  damage to the Paladin at Max Charisma as well as   to Undead around them if you want to focus purely  on your own damage and not buff the party then the   oath of Vengeance grants you a lot of Advantage  roles and Mobility towards hunting down into   visual targets the oath of ancients is also great  due to its dedicated spells that crowd control and   damage such as Moonbeam so you can smash enemies  apart coupled with their amazing healing abilities   conversely if you want to focus on being a tank  with reactive damage and a lot of party defensive   utility then the oath of devotion gives you  the best abilities to do so but does lack in   any real damage capabilities outside of the kind  of innate ones you get as a paladin but that's it   that's the tldr of this entire video so if that's  all you wanted to know and you have a better idea   now of the Paladin you want to create then please  feel free to shut the video down but before you do   please don't forget to subscribe comment or like  the video 86 of my viewer base is unsubscribed   so I'm trying to change that metric this year  and every little bit helps you can jump ahead   to any part of this video that interests you the  most using chapters in both the timeline and the   description and if you need help with any others  of the Baldur's Gate 3 subject matter you can find   a link to my entire bg3 playlist below as well  as a link to my twitch where I stream Baldur's   Gate and a number of other games let's get started  here on the best Paladin oath in Baldur's Gate 3.   so to start a soft we're going to talk about  the general palette and abilities you get so   that you understand the base package that comes  with you regardless of your subclass so your   oath decision right so just taking a look at level  one we get Divine sense which is going to give us   um Advantage when we're attacking fiends Undead  pretty much things that are Unholy we get lay on   hands which is going to be a heel that is based  off about it's like it's 10 plus your palette   and level I believe so if you're level 12 it's  22 level uh points of healing Channel oath is   going to be respective to your res your individual  oath you've decided upon basically this is going   to enable you to have a special ability like  holy uh rebuke for oath of devotion and so on   so forth you'll choose your subclass as well  that's all done level one level two you get   your fighting style stuff like um great weapon  fighting protection uh dueling stuff like that   your ability to spell cast unlock to level  two you'll get Divine Smite which is a spell   and this is going to give you 2d8 radiant damage  and then for and it's a level one spell slot for   every spell slot you use above level one you're  going to get an additional 1d8 and with improved   Divine Smite you automatically get that 1d8  right out the gate so you're going to be out   basically just using level one spell side is uh  three D eight if I let's see if I got that right   um and we're using the bg3 wiki here because  it just has so much information you can jump   into yes your weapon emanates Divine might as  you strike dealing an additional 2d8 radiant   damage and Deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage  to fiends and Undead and per level slot you use   will grant you an additional 1d8 and then like I  said before once you get to improve radiant strike   this will just base do 3d8 radiant damage which is  really really lovely you'll get Divine Health here   which is going to make it so that you are immune  to disease you'll get your feet you'll get your   extra attack which means every time you do a base  attack you'll get an additional attack within it   you'll get your aura of protection and you'll get  your aura of courage now origin of Aura of Courage   here is going to help you out whenever you're  dealing with um uh the ability to be frightened   it's going to make it so that all of your allies  cannot be feared and uh your or protection here   passage that improves the Paladin and all nearby  is saving throw so your saving throw is increased   based off of your charisma modifier so if you  have let's just say 18 Charisma then you're   going to take you know plus four Charisma  to every I'm sorry plus four saving throw   to everyone's saving throw if they're within the  range of your aura which I believe is like 30 feet   and anytime you see subclass feature this is  a subclass feature that's going to apply to   whichever one of these others you choose all the  way down here to improve Divine so my battle at   11 and your final feed at level 12. so these are  just the basing that you get I wanted to quickly   outline them before we jump into the individual  Oaths but it's important to note it's also   important to note too when you get access to your  respective level of spell so you start with first   level spells level two you'll get access to your  second level spell at level five and you'll get   access to your third level spell at level eight  and you have lay on hand charges that increase   here to from three to four all the way down to  five a level 10 11 and 12. so just some basings   to know before we jump into our individual classes  so the first oath we're going to talk about is the   oath of the Ancients and it kind of sits in the  middle between outright damage and party utility   and support I think it's probably one of the  strongest Odes even though it seems like it might   be kind of a little bit more on the boring side  because you are this this holy Warrior of Nature   and less the kind of prototypical paladinent you  are maybe the oath of devotion and the biggest   thing that you're going to take advantage of here  is your lay on hands of course but oh it's right   here there it is healing Radiance so heal yourself  in all nearby allies for six hit points regain   another six hit points next turn so why this is a  very important one is if you look at this on paper   you're like that doesn't do much dude what is this  what's the point of this there's a formula for   what the amount of hit points you get here are  it's proficiency bonus plus your Paladin level   plus your charisma modifier that is the recipe  here so that's plus three for my Charisma modifier   right then another plus one because we're level  one Paladin that brings up to four and then our   proficiency bonus is two since we're at level one  right now this gives us six hit points so ideally   towards the end of the game what you would want  here you'd get your base 12 from being a level   12 Paladin you'd get your four from having a  proficiency bonus of four which you'll have   at level 12 it just innately increases right so  that right there is 16 hit points and then your   charisma modifier depending upon where you bring  your charisma it's pretty easy to get Charisma   to 20. so let's assume that's a plus five there  so you have 21 just free hit points that you're   dealing out so heal yourself and I'll nail by  allies for 21 hit points and then regain another   21 hit points next turn so if you're redlining it  the oath of the Ancients allows you to get a ton   of Health Online quickly at level three here  for oath of ancients we're gonna get access   to ensnaring strike and speak with animals two  abilities that aren't necessarily very amazing   this has ensnaring strike range but you can  do either ranged or melee it doesn't matter   and you do get the action here of Nature's wrath  so invoke primeval forces to restrain an enemy it   can't move misses a lot and it's easy to hit why  this is so good here is that your attack rules   against the affected entity have advantage while  the entity's attack rules and dexterity saving   throws have disadvantage so this is a really great  way to lock something down in addition to your   Divine Health uh this is just from your class  sorry uh you turn the faithless turn a nearby   Fae and fiends they are forced to flee and cannot  come close to you now this is an amazing since it   is a these are this is a channel oath charge um  Nature's wrath though is very nice to be able to   lock things down and be able to do some damage  to them now keep in mind though oath spells are   spells that are always prepared you don't have to  kind of push them into this prepared spell list   it's always active for you that's true for all of  our paladinos going forward so let's jump down to   level five and see some more progression for this  and just like everything else in the game level   five is when you get a really good power Spike  with the oath of ancients in Misty step which   is a bonus action so this is going to allow you to  move anywhere you want within 60 feet it's a huge   Mobility increase in both the oath of Vengeance  and the oath of ancients get this but Moonbeam is   just disgustingly strong you couple this too with  the radiant damages you can do from your Divine   Smite it's a very very good call down a beam  of light that damages any creature that enters   the beam or starts its turn in the in the light  you can use an action to move the beam 60 feet   it does require concentration hopefully you'll  have a good enough amount of concentration to   maintain that but it's a really really really  really strong ability and of course level five   this is regardless of your oath but you still  get extra attacks so these things kind of all   come together to make for our very strong showing  of level five for the oath of ancients and at   level seven for other dimensions we're going  to unlock Aura of warding here so this is a   really strong defensive capability you and nearby  allies take only half the damage from spells the   aura disappears if you fall unconscious of course  but you just got the defensive war that increases   the saving throws of everyone around you based off  your charisma modifier and the level prior to this   so you add a lot of defensive capability you now  have some good offensive capability across your   extra attack your Moonbeam characteristic and your  Divine Smite and you have some healing that the   um that the oath of ancients pours on it really  allows you to do quite a bit here so let's jump   to our last break at level nine and that grants us  two oath cells protection from energy so touch a   creature to Grant it resistance to acid cold fire  lighting or thunder damage and then plant growth   make weeds burst from the ground and smother the  area creatures moving through the weeds have their   movement to be quartered so it allows you to do a  little bit of CC here at the cost of level three   spell slot so these are some of the things that  make the ancient quite good but let's put them all   together taking a look at our character here we  have our three auras right or Aura of protection   and then we have our Aura of warding and then  we have our Aura of Courage so right out the   gate we get these three auras active and before  I jump into combat what I want you to really   look at with the Paladin and something that is  super important and I've deliberately done my   spell book like this so that you can see this you  need to really be mindful of your spells and this   is going to be true of any of the subclasses  you choose because the Paladin has a lot of   concentration abilities it's why the war Caster  feat is quite good for them because it gives them   an advantage on concentration roles and having a  high amount of concentration is going to help so   take a look at branding Smite oh sick it's all  this damage possibly marks your target with light   preventing it from turning invisible concentration  magic weapon oh man I get to increase all the   stuff concentration bless I'll get to increase my  bonus attack rules and saving throws concentration   so you really need to look at all these because  almost all of them not all of them but almost all   of them will have a concentration not penalty  but a cost attached to it Elemental weapon is   a concentration ability Moonbeam which I talked  about is really good and disgustingly strong is   a concentration ability same oh no ninja doctors  not a blending Smite there is not I thought it was   though um but protection from energy which is one  of our um our oath spells is a concentration spell   so keep these things in mind before you jump into  fights and think I'm just going to be casting all   these spells and going completely hot ass wild  it is not like that you need to be clever about   things because remember only one concentration  spell can be active and you'll shut off the   previous one and waste a spell slot if you do  that so jumping into this fight I've kind of set   things up a little bit here so it can show some  things off now I've got some options right now   carlac is in a little bit of a pinch here I could  have gone over here and used my healing ability   with my healing Radiance which you can see does 17  plus an additional 17 next turn uh of course I use   my bonus action though so let's go ahead though  and still show off what we can do by coming over   here and let's go ahead and use Moonbeam down  first I'm going to cast that right there this   is one of our our bound abilities right this is  one of our oath spells we're going to come up   close and I can use Nature's wrath to restrain her  but we can also just kind of go hard in the paint   with the good Divine Smite we've got our Elemental  weapon for if I want to buff myself up but I don't   really want to do that and then on my turn I can  move this move being this Moonbeam if you do not   know you could do that you can do that we do have  grand slam as part of that weapon that's not part   of the class so we talked about Divine Smite 22  to 49 we put another spell level into it it goes   23 to 57 we put another spell level into it it  goes 24.65 and this does have a 45 chance to hit   if I go ahead and shut this off I'll probably be  a better chance to hit let me try that again now yeah 70 this way might show the damage and  we have you needed 18 they rolled us 26.   there we go we could hit with it and did  a bunch of slamming and we did 6 0 and 19.   and we can go ahead and just chain this into  another one if we so wish because of extra attack   now that's not something necessarily very unique  to the oath of ancients but it's just another   way to kind of show you how you can pair up  a lot of the damage capabilities of ancients   with also having the capability to help out with  anything around now I did cast these auras while   I was in Camp but had I ran over here and cast  Aura of Courage I would have been able to help   out carlak to prevent her from getting frightened  let's go a little bit further forward now jumping   back into this fight a little bit we can use this  Moonbeam to cost us an action but I do want to   show this off really quick healing Radiance we are  just about out of range there so let's cut right   here healing Radiance and we'll be able to get  Carlock in on this because she's down to 38 health   it's going to give her a little bit of Health I  still have plenty of damage utility except two   more actions we're gonna move this Moonbeam just  a little bit now to get both of these targets   so we just have so much we can do with this  character right and what I really like too   is just how much utility paladins bring to the  table which is always very fun that's just for   dramatic emphasis boom so a lot of fun that can  be had with the oath of ancients and it's one   that's definitely a damage dealing version of the  Paladin but at the same time a utility one that   helps with defense and helps with healing it's  time now for the quintessential Paladin with the   oath of devotion so if oath of the Ancients is  kind of that striking of a middle ground between   utility and offense oath of devotion is really  geared towards not even necessarily utility but   but strongly towards defense with some utility  options built in your initial action is Holy   rebuke and opinion here I think holy rebuke  is unfortunately very weak because it never   scales away from one to four radiant damage if  this eventually became uh instead of 1d4 2d4   then it actually 3d4 based off of your level or  something like that I think it'd be really good   but right now Grant and Ally eventual aura that  deals one to four gradient damage to anyone who   hits them with a melee attack it's two turns  and and it casts it costs you a channel oath   charge and an action so holy rebuke is really not  that worth it but there are portions of the oath   of devotion that are worth it so let's kind of  look at the forward or the future of what this   oath looks like at level three we get one of those  actions that I was talking about and it is sacred   weapons so what you're doing is you're using your  channel oath this time and I do wish that this was   a bonus action rather than an action but you turn  your weapon into a sacred weapon meaning that you   now use your charisma modifier my current Charisma  modifier is a three and you add it to your attack   role remember attack roll is not your damage this  is the ability or this is the um the likelihood   in which you'll hit something think of it that  way so increases your attack roll so you're more   likely to hit with your sacred weapon it also  does emit Bright Light which helps in act two   um it lasts for 10 turns and it is not a  concentration ability that is one thing that I   really do like about this is that it's not tied to  concentration so you can layer this with the other   Paladin spells that do extra damage that change  the damages you do maybe the Thunder or whatever   it is psychic whatever whatever when you're going  down to frighten things whatever Choice you've got   sacred weapon layers very well into the already  existent Paladin abilities to enchant your weapon   and add more damage into it which I do love you  also get turned the Unholy turn nearby fan fiends   um they're forced to flee which is lovely you will  deal with probably morphines than Fae in this game   I will say that you do get protection from evil  and good and then you get the sanctuary I won't   lie to you both are kind of lackluster I think  I've only used sanctuary at one point in act two   for a very specific reason and saving a very  specific character um but let's move down to   oh and to uh level five for the oath of devotion  and now we're starting to get some good utility   sprinkled into the oath of devotion with lesser  restoration is fine uh cure from disease poison   process or blindness it's nice that you just kind  of always know this so you never have to prepare   it which is cool but then you get silence which  is actually quite useful you'll be able to use a   uh Circle or a sphere actually that will silence  everything around them so that you can actually   kind of hunt down any Mages whatever it is it  does require concentration as worth noting but it   is nice that it is an always prepared capability  let's jump to level seven now this is what gives   us the aura of devotion so this is going to make  it so that we're immune to charm we're at level   10 we'll get the ability to be immune to being  frightened and we get the saving throw aura that   we get as being a paladin so you see a lot of the  defensive capabilities at the aura devotion layers   in by creating a lot of status effect immunity  so your characters can move freely without being   locked locked down by charmer frightened which  are pretty common especially in act 3 you'll   deal with a lot of stuff that frightens you maybe  emotionally more than actually in the game but   whatever it is um either way too you have just  all these auras you can kick off to allow for   all this utility into your party which is nice our  last set of spells are at level nine so let's take   a look at those it's level nine though we do have  access to Beacon of Hope so that you can maximize   the amount of healing being done they also get  an advantage on wisdom saving throws and death   saving throws and then lastly remove curse so you  can remove any curses or hexes that you will deal   with maybe through the narrative or whatever it  is which you'll deal with probably a quite a bit   in act two and three depending upon what you do  like the book of the necromancy of Fae whatever   it is so these are all of your abilities as  the halogen of devotion let's bring them all   together now this time too before we start it  we're gonna make sure we use our auras here as   my voice cracks and I go through my puberty stages  these are always really important to make sure you   have active I did not show that off properly  in the in the previous portion of this video   so I do encourage you make sure that you have your  auras active around your team and not just kind of   on your own jumping into some of the battle let's  take a look at some options I've got as an oath   of devotion palette in here so I have casted  all my spells earlier all my fun stuff here   um you do have some cool spells that you can  actually cast at level three like stuff like   Warner Vitality while this or last you can  cast restore Vitality as a bonus action to   heal yourself or nearby allies use the bonus  action to heal yourself for or nearby Ally   which you can use in conjunction with um I  can't find it on here Beacon of Hope your   allies will again the max hit points possible  when healed so why that's kind of nice here is   they will just get 12 hit points so you can kind  of couple those things together if you want to   take those kinds of layering approaches to this  class keep in mind that this is a concentration   ability just I've said it before so many times in  this video I'm just going to keep reiterating how   important it is to remember what concentration  abilities are and where they are in your game   but we talked about to the ability to enchant  your your weapon so we're going to use sacred   weapon here and I used a potion of swiftness to  just keep me in the fight for this display of   things but now we have the ability to do a little  bit more um uh uh Pizzazz here right we we have   where is that thing is it not on here anymore I  don't know where it went it showed up somewhere   over here and I can't find it but now that that  sacred weapon's active we're going to have a   higher likelihood to hit I have 95 chance just to  smack this thing and my weapon you can see right   there is turned on turns into a lightsaber so from  here that was our Channel oath right I could have   used holy rebuke on uh Carlock who's in kind of  a bind but I just it's just not something that   I get the most utility out of so I don't use  it but since I always have lesser restoration   prepared for myself I can use this on will over  here who's blinded keep in mind though it is a uh   it is a melee range spell so I have to get all  the way over there to use it I could free him   up from his blindness and then just keep kind  of moving around and doing more damage I can   kind of maintain my Divine Smite enchant it with a  whole bunch of damage and am I 95 chance to hit I   can really smack the [ __ ] out of something two  as well you know I could have used any of these   concentration abilities which I have not used but  they do require a bonus action so maybe thunderous   Smite here or wrathful Smite to add psychic damage  into this to make it even more potent all sorts   of ways that can increase the damage of my weapon  and increase the likelihood of it actually hitting   something because of sacred weapon so because we  have extra attack let's go ahead and try this out   oh dude look at me about a dunk on him boom  critical hit we hit with for 18 damage now   they do our these are just Yankee so they're  just pairing things left and right so don't   look at this as like wow man it's not maybe the  most damage in the world I've ever seen I'm just   trying to exemplify like how this abilities  can kind of come together and boom there we   go 12 5 15 both slashing or triple of slashing  psychic and radiant damage and that uh psychic   is coming out from my uh sword itself so you have  an idea now here in in I'd say less of a fashion   compared to the oath of the Ancients right we  have so many little things you can do with the   oath of the Ancients but oath of devotion wants  you to get into close combat and stay there and   be bulky and in the way and have you be implacable  people can't move me you know like I've got this   I'm immune to frightened immuno charge I have a  huge saving throw uh my AC is through the roof   and I don't even have a particularly good set of  armor and gear on this is my Ranger character that   I quickly just shoehorned into being a paladin  but I'm also as far as my feet organization goes   I've gone with the heavy weapon Master which is on  or heavy armor Master which is somewhere in here   um which is going to further reduce there it is uh  increase your strength by one and reduce incoming   damage from non-magical attacks by three plus  my magic my my heavy arm here armor here reduce   my magical incoming damage by two so I'm just I  have so many ways to just hold the line with otho   devotion and it's not necessarily about me doing  the damage it's about me absorbing it or keeping   my party active and mobile and able to do things  now that I'm back in range of Carlock all of these   auras are back online for her so what you should  look at the oath of the devotion Paladin is not as   someone who's sitting there Doling out the damage  and just crushing things but allowing maybe your   fighter or your Barbarian to stay online longer  either through utility either through being healed   whatever it is that you're offering is your oath  of devotion Paladin it's what you're going to   be doing for your party the last of the generic  subclasses excluding of course the oath breaker   is the oath of Vengeance the Paladin that is  focused most of the three on aggression and taking   out the enemy if the oath of the Ancients is the  middle ground the devotion is the uh more support   and tanky character oath of vengeance is all about  smashing things apart and you get that action kind   of turned on right away with inquisitors might  you're an allies weapon attack deals an additional   three radiant damage and can days enemies for one  turn now this isn't absolutely amazing but what I   do like is that it does somewhat scale because  this is equal to your charisma modifier this   will always be three if you're at 16 Charisma  or up to five once you get to 20 Charisma and   the nice thing too here is that it isn't a  bonus action unlike the sacred weapon for   the oath of devotion is an action and it doesn't  require concentration just lasts for two turns so   it's a free like three to five damage that you can  just have turned on and it's quite nice it does   require a channel oath charge and you're probably  better off using some of the other abilities but   it's nice to get out the gate here for your oath  of Vengeance so let's jump into our level three   capabilities vengeance is going to grant us some  good spells and some nice actions something that I   didn't really talk about with the oath of devotion  is the oath of devotion doesn't really Grant you   a bunch of spells that are unique they're spells  that you almost always get as a paladin already so   that's why I kind of find a little them a little  tedious by comparison to ancients Vengeance or   down the road when we talk about Oath breaker  they're all out of the Paladin class for the most   part take for example here Hunter's Mark Hunter's  marker is going to be nice because it's just going   to give you a free one to six damage it is a bonus  action to turn on so it's a nice thing to just to   kind of have it does require concentration though  and you are already very crowded for concentration   abilities so keep that in mind because you don't  want to kind of crowd add something up I'm going   to put the hundreds Mark then go use one of  my a million spells that increase damage on my   weapon which also requires concentration Bane is  nice as well but there are a lot of ways to dull   out Bane from items that I think that using the  spell itself is not as useful and it is again a   concentration spell but abjure enemy is great  because you're gonna be able to frighten that   enemy and it'll be easier to hit and cannot move  of course because they're frightened and fiends   and Undead have disadvantage of the saving throw  and you'll deal with a ton of Undead and a good   portion of fiends in this game and valve enmity  this is the big one here that I'd probably use   over your inquisitor's mark But gain advantage on  Attack rules against an enemy this is just going   to help you kind of alpha strike them because  it lasts for 10 turns it's a bonus action you   pop it on them and you go to town with your weapon  this is really what you're going to be doing as a   palette as a Vengeance Paladin you're not going to  get another Aura as a Vengeance palette at level   seven like the other Oaths do all other Oaths get  auras this character does not at level seven they   get just a generic palette in Aura because you  probably are not going to be near your party to   take advantage of those auras or I'm sorry your  party's not going to be able to take advantage of   those auras you're going to be mobile you're  going to be moving around you're going to be   hunting things down level five is going to give  us two more really good strong spells hold person   is a very good one it's very good you probably  have access to this on a number of other classes   but it's just a great spell to have if you  don't because it just allows you to do a ton   of damage to something because you're basically  just locking them out completely because when   they are held they cannot move take action bonus  action or reaction and attacks against sanity are   always crit hits it's stupid strong it's probably  one of the stronger cc's in the game in addition   two we're going to get access to Misty step which  is a bonus action and it's just going to give you   like a pretty much a free 60-foot movement you  just jump wherever the hell you want it's very   good and of course you get your extra attack which  makes it even better here at level five so in lieu   of an aura at seven you get Relentless Avenger  if you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack   your movement speed increases by 15 feet on your  next turn how you can really kind of play around   with this is actually using your Feats so let's  jump into here to level eight now let's take a   look at some of our feet options here because  if you take a look at pole arm Master you also   make it an opportunity attack when a target comes  within range so if you're using glaves halbert's   quarter staves or spears this is a really awesome  way to use Relentless Adventure to just kind of   stack things up for you and you couple this with  polar master and Sentinel so Sentinel you gain   advantage on opportunity attacks and when you  hit a creature with an opportunity attack it   can no longer move for the rest of the turn this  is just kind of how you can really layer these   together to get a lot of really cool fun punching  power with the vent the oath of Vengeance Paladin   and that Relentless Avenger right your movement  speed increases by 15 feet on your next turn you   can really use this Mobility because like I said  before the oath of Vengeance Paladin is very much   about using that Mobility speaking of Mobility  we'll get to talk about our level 9 spells with   haste Target yourself or an ally become hastened  gain an action become faster and harder to hit   it is real nice it is a concentration ability so  you know you always got to keep that in mind and   you also get protection from energy it's going to  help you again acid cold fire lighting or thunder   let's put all this together to show off what the  Vengeance can do before jumping into the actual   fight too we'll turn on our auras like we do and  one thing I've actually saved to talk about in   this section is the way your weapon enchantments  are really going to be working and with aura or   with the Vengeance Paladin I would argue that  it's very strong and worthwhile to get them going   for yourself before jumping into combat and it's  really how you should be using them period right   like this magic weapon this lasts until long rest  I have to maintain concentration on it which is   going to be tedious but still it's really worth it  or here you know Elemental weapon and be a weapon   with elemental powers he's plus one to bonus bonus  to attack rolls and Deals an additional one D4   damage of your choice so making sure you get one  of these turned on for yourself is going to be   pretty crucial before you even jump into the fight  just like I've said it is a concentration ability   so keep those things in mind or if you want to do  something like this and turn it into a fire weapon   or a thunder weapon whatever it is here just to  kind of show off this real fast and go ahead and   do that so do these things before you jump into a  fight especially when you're playing a Vengeance   Paladin because you're going to be ripping and  gripping across the field you might as well have   this active and try to do as much damage as you  can jumping into combat we've got some wild stuff   going on that we can do the Vengeance Paladin so  we can go ahead and cast haste on ourself to move   around a little bit quicker here I've got a potion  of speed going but what I want to really make sure   you know about ABS your enemy is that it is a  wisdom save that the enemy is going to make so on   a save the target is slowed instead and they'll be  easier to hit and cannot move of course um that's   what I'm sorry it happened you frighten an enemy  they'll be easier to hit and cannot move but on   a save rather than frightened they're slowed so  they're movement speed is halved taking damage in   this condition so they don't get the benefit of  being frightened which would otherwise give you   um a little bit of an advantage when we're  attacking them right pride and enemies also have   disadvantage and ability checks and attack rolls  so it'd be easier for you to hit them overall so   ABS your enemy if I want to use this on this  get the Anki over here who has a ton of wisdom   35 resistance 40 or 30 right here 40 right here  so just kind of keep those things in mind maybe   you hit a certain situation where you're like  you know what this doesn't make a whole lot of   sense here maybe I'm not going to go with abs  your enemy whatever it is but conversely valve   enmity does not have an Associated saving throw so  I'm going to just go ahead and choose a character   well go ahead I gotta get 10 feet I got to be  10 feet away from them so we'll move over here   choose someone to valve enmity on and there we go   so now all my attacks have advantage on this  character which is lovely right otherwise I   would it would have been way harder for me  to hit so I can turn off my passive here   give me the ability to really pour on well  increase my likelihood to hit let's just go ahead   and even we'll layer in the might of a level three  Divine Smite even though it's an Overkill this guy   the one I got 28 health I got 58 chance to hit  so there's a chance this doesn't even go off and it went off just smokingly but I get extra  attack and I've got a lot of things I can do   here still so we can stay within range of  something and kind of keep ourselves open   for a opportunity attack if they go to ahead  and move within range of me but I just want   to show off some more damage we can do oh they  parried it those sons of [ __ ] but you know what   we have an extra attack we'll go ahead and  use that oh of course why wouldn't they miss   and I mean in a perfect world this would have  been a ton of cascading damage I would have done   um even surprisingly I didn't get as much of  that that going on here but still among less   you can see that now on the next turn if anyone  moves my opportunity attacks are going to become   a little disgusting right because I've gone  with pole arm master so I'm gonna have it's   gonna allow me that if they move within range  of that little circle around me I'm going to   be able to do my opportunity attack on them and  with my Relentless Avenger as well I'm going to   be able to move further that next turn this  adds to that Mobility maybe on my next turn   too I'm using Misti step just to really get in  someone's face and just pour pee all over them   maybe I jump into haste and maybe this allows me  to kind of keep things going a little bit here   whatever it is remember something that is someone  that is hastened creature has plus two bonus to   armor class advantage on decks throws its movement  speed is doubled and it takes one additional   action per turn that's basically your portion  of speed so you're getting you got that in your   pocket now all the time which is absolutely lovely  lovely so those are some of the things that you're   doing as a Vengeance Paladin you are mobile you  are getting around you are focusing down a Target   at a time typically when you're going to be using  uh this valve entity you're choosing the hardest   Target in in the lot and focusing it down uh in  this case this character was probably the one   that I wanted to kill the fastest because it had  some pretty deadly abilities so I focused it down   that's what you do with vengeance you are just  able to dish out a ton of damage now this doesn't   mean you can only dish out to one damage to one  Target and be kind of a limp noodle after that   you still are someone that can just deliver the  noise should you see fit and it's worth noting too   something I haven't talked about is that Divine  smite is a reaction that you or you can have it   as a reaction here for crit hits and stuff like  that so you can use Divine Smite in a lot of   different ways that are not just simply pressing  the button and attacking with it you have your   pull arm Master opportunity attack here and if you  get if you get a crit hit off of an opportunity   attack you can trigger Your Divine Smite so keep  these things in mind because it allows Vengeance   to really have exploding damage if you're mindful  about the way you approach this class and how you   can get this damage on board it's time for the  last one the oath breaker you have broken your   oath in whatever level or act you've chosen and  it converts your Paladin at its current point in   the game over to oath breaker you don't it's like  a multi-class it's not like you retain anything   from the previous oath you had or anything like  that basically all the levels you've invested   into another oath eventually instantaneously  convert into oath breaker so you can see that   we've just completed the oath breaker kind of  it's not a quest line but once you break you're   up you go through a little process and we can take  a look at all what we get so the first thing here   is spiteful suffering the target takes one to four  necrotic damage each turn and attack rules against   it have advantage this right here is a channel  oath charge and we have two other channel oath   abilities here control Undead use the power of  your oath to gain control over an undead creature   the undead will follow you around and attack your  enemies which is actually quite nice considering   how much Undead you do deal with in the game you  have Dreadful aspect let your darkest emotions   burst forth as a menacing pulse to frighten  nearby enemies so this is a 30 foot radius   two turn frighten which is actually very nice  and then we get Aura of hate Aura of hate is is   I don't know maybe it's my personal preference but  I think it's the best Aura as far as the the uh   subclass specific auras go you and your any nearby  fiends and Undead gain an additional three to   damage with melee weapons this Aura disappears if  you fall unconscious this three to damage is based   off of your strength modifier um I'm sorry I'm  sorry your charisma modifier Christmas modifier   and this will go up so you can have this be a plus  five if it were and the nice thing is that this is   just a flat damage bonus there's no discrepancies  there's no a wonderful there's no of this there's   no that there's no damn there's no damage type  affix to this it's just a three damage or four   or five damage outright so it's nice to just kind  of have a flat solid bonus that is not resistible   sometimes you can say hey you know what this is  going to give us necrotic damage and this thing   might actually be um resistant to necrotic damage  or maybe it's radiant damage and the resistant to   radiant damage in fact I I'll be honest I don't  think any anything in the game that I can think   of offhand so far is resistant to radiant damage  so and so I guess that's another here nor there   but those are your big actions that come with  the oath breaker in addition to that too you   get some spells some of them are great some are  not so awesome hellish rebuke is actually pretty   fun uh the reason I like it is is a re it's  a reaction so whenever someone hits you you   react and you get to blast them with fire and  you can change the level of the spell slot you   use on this this actually can become quite  strong now the only problem with this is is   that you are a paladin and a paladin does like  to use their spell slots for divine smites and   other kind of tricky tricks so this you kind  of have to think of it in mind of hey you lose   a potential Divine Smite if you choose this but at  the same time you get a very strong return hit if   you charge this with a level two or three even  just a level one spell inflict wounds is okay   I think it looks really cool on paper but it's  never that awesome uh you have crown of madness   here which is lovely darkness which is a really  really good spell of course remember it doesn't   give blindness so disadvantage on attack rolls  range of attacks and spells reduce to 10 feet   and attack rolls against Blended creatures have  Advantage so you can get a lot of really great   things on online when you blind things and you're  attacking them from far or up close and personal   and our last two things are bestow curse so  cursor creature with your touch their curse   either bestows disadvantage on checks and  saving those are all attacks lets you deal   additional damage to the Target or robs it  of its actions so it's got a lot of really   fun applications just keep in mind that it is a  concentration spell so if you use it and you want   to say maybe use any of your weapon imbuements  anything like that you will use lose those   um imbuements then lastly though you do get anime  Dead create an undead servant from a corpse so if   you carry corpses around if you're playing with a  necromancer as well you can kind of have you both   getting a lot of benefits out of Aura of hate  here because you gain you and any nearby fiends   and Undead so if you have anyone who's got um is  it plan our binding there's a uh maybe it's not   called summon fiend but there is a summon fiend  capability that certain clerics certain Wizards   certain Druids and so on so forth can get access  to this is going to buff those said fiends and I   believe also uh if you're a warlock with your pack  of the chain you go with an imp uh that is a fiend   but getting uh this buff online is very good so  now we've talked a little bit about the the oath   Burger let's kind of see some of this stuff in  action so with the oath breaker one of the big   things we're going to do even before we jump into  combat is get ready with our anime dead so this   character or this this little guy is gonna is  Gonna Last us for um as long as until they die   so we have a choice we have an option here between  anime Dead skeleton and Anime Dead zombie and the   preference is going to be the difference between  choosing a melee combatant and the zombie or a   range combatant in the skeleton now without trying  to spoil a bunch of stuff in the game If You're   Gonna Go oath breaker or necromancy wizard for  that matter you should complete the necromancy   of Fae book that you get in act one that will  conclude in act three that is all I will say and   that might change some things here so before we do  that we have to have a corpse so this is going to   be kind of a big play style with the oath breaker  if you do choose this is having a corpse that   are in some way shape or form you can animate so  picking up corpses putting it on someone that can   actually hold these corpses is going to be crucial  so let's just go ahead and animate Dead zombie   and then from this point is when we would do any  kind of buffing that we would want to do with the   zombies so take for example here will we're  going to go ahead and cast longstrider on the   zombie so now I can move further and on my main  character here I'm going to cast my aura of hate   and now I take a look at our zombie he has  that aura of hey deals an additional three   damage because members based off of our Charisma  now another thing that's based off our Charisma   that I didn't didn't get a chance to show was  spiteful suffering does get a bonus from your   charisma so do kind of keep that in mind I'm  going to activate any other auras if we see fit   right here as well and one last thing before  jumping in is of course and I've talked about   this more with uh the Vengeance Paladin but if  I do want to do any kind of weapon enchantment   it's probably better to do it now and remember it  is a concentration ability so if I use something   like this I wouldn't be able to use searing Smite  because it is a concentration spell right deal an   additional damage and set your Target on fire a  target the target then takes uh fire damage every   turn so I'm just going to choose magic weapon  here for the sake of what I'm trying to say   um like I could cast it higher to make it do um  you see casting this spell using a fourth or fifth   level spell slot increases the bonus by two and  a six level spell slot will increase it by three   so you can see that that does have additional  bonuses if I see fit then it pops up here in the   lower left even though it's not up here in my my  character it's again represented when I hover over   you can see that additional weapon enchantment  plus one right there so that's all the kind of   pre stuff I've done with the oath breaker let's  jump into combat and see this all kind of unfold   so in combat with the oath breaker we can do a lot  of fun different things we can have some well fun   while doing them taking a look at our zombie first  don't look at this guy as someone who's going to   be doing a ton of ridiculous stuff kind of think  of it more in the lines of um I guess like an   easy comparison would be something like the shadow  knight from EverQuest like this is not you're not   a necromancer you're not someone who's summoning  up fields of the undead if you cast animate dead   at level four you get three ghouls not just one  and if you cast that level five and six you get   the chances for flying Ghouls and stuff like that  so different goals so necromancers get a ton of   pets when they use anime dead it's not the case  for you this character is more meant to supplement   and attack things and divert damage away from  you as an oath breaker it's more of a supplement   to your character and less of an actual kind of  damage point and with this little ghoul we have   its slang capability that has crawling gnaw so if  something dies that is infected with the crawling   gnaw it rises again as a zombie if the effective  unit entity dies before the infection wears off   it will temporary rise again as a newborn zombie  and it's worth noting too that the newborn zombie   zombie is not the most durable it will take damage  every turn one necrotic damage until it dies but   it will follow around these the parent zombie that  attacked it so it's kind of a cool way to kind of   have exploding zombies you have this guy go and  attack a low Health thing or you have it at least   get a bite in on something your guy about is about  to Alpha strike and you get all the benefits of It   kind of raising more zombies and it does also have  internal Undead fortitude so it's going to even   though it's got 22 hit points if something were  to do 48 damage to it it would still come back to   life with one hit point so you have that kind of  capability too and again it's just really meant   to tie things up so they can't move they can't do  certain things whatever it is don't think of it   as something that's going to be doing majority of  your damage and as far as the things that you can   do as an oath breaker we got a lot here so let's  say you know this is our Hard Target this is the   thing we really want to take out well spiteful  suffering is very good the target is going to   take damage each turn that it activates and attack  rules against it have Advantage so this is already   a great way for you to layer damage on because  you're getting the innate bonus of your aura of   hate which is going to give you just flat damage  bonus and whatever Hard Target you're focusing   on very similar to the oath of Vengeance  you're going to have an advantage on four   to seven aquatic damage isn't wild for sure but  still it's nice to kind of turn on an Advantage   capability let me go ahead and press this also two  controlling Dev which we have already talked about   so if we were fighting Undead in this fight  I'd just be able to control one and my aura   of hay would help it out Dreadful aspect let your  dark darkest emotions burst forth and a menacing   pulse of frightening so the this is actually  a very good spell because of the effects of   um CC's and frightens in in fifth edition and  in Dungeons and Dragons it just kind of keep   in mind though that this is a wisdom save so in  this in this specific fight and this is the same   part that we've showcased for every single oath  it's not gonna be awesome right because all these   characters have stupid High wisdom or at least  wisdom saves to the point where this is not really   going to help them or hurt them because they  have something that's going to negate frighten   whatever it is but in a lot of the fights that  you're going to deal with in the game this is   still going to be very good for you especially in  act one when you're dealing with tons of goblins   so those are just your kind of generic  capabilities you've got so let's go ahead   and just use Bible suffering just to cut out  well it's a zero percent chance of course   it is why wouldn't it be why wouldn't  it be anything less than zero percent   um I guess we'll just do try try to get that one  all right well that's it whatever we've learned   our lesson we won't be doing it and then from  here we're really going to be taking advantage   of all the same abilities that we've had as  a paladin up to this point right we can go   for a very particularly heavy slam here with a  real deadly 20 29 to 70 damage coming out from   my weapon because my weapon now has a plus one  and hitting Chapman onto it and we've upcasted   it here if I were level 11 or level 12 level 11.  um this would be an improved Smite and we'd get   an additional free 1d8 so let's be doing even more  damage here or we could just swing for the fences   um I happen to have this really good weapon so  I've got this cool Grand Slam ability that can   just kind of shoot things around but let's do  a um nope nope nope nope nope let's do this one   and you can see the oath breaker Smite looks a  little bit different right which is pretty sweet   parried it we can just kind of keep Wombo comboing  those together if we've got the spell charges to   do so and it's just a very fun thing of course  of course I'd miss for the pretense of this   video right but still um you can see here that  this oath seems like it's okay how am I really   going to layer these things together what you're  doing a lot of really strong Alpha striking with   the capabilities of spiteful suffering you're  able to have a little companion here that's   going to be able to get in and maybe do some  just like BS damage here and there I mean it   doesn't have any kind of bonus attack or anything  like that but at the same time I could leave this   engagement and still tie this person up so they  have to deal with or be threatened by this zombie   this is a great thing for any kind of range or or  casting character to kind of just go tie them up   and you have all of your other really cool or else  that you can take advantage of especially Aura of   hate helping out any kind of fiend and Undead  play what I will say with the oath breaker is   it's really fun it's very strong I think  people are kind of I think a lot of people   think as far as pure damage goes is between  oath breaker or Vengeance depending on how   you want to play your Paladin but if you play  an oath breaker Paladin with a necromancer   it is a really fun really stupid combination  especially it's a super thematic one too and   you have a lot of fun playing with all the anime  dead capabilities that you've got mainly on the   Necromancer that you didn't supplement as a uh  an oath breaker but it is a very very fun set of   playthroughs my good buddy remortis has a whole  big video on anime dad and how it really plays   into Baldur's Gate 3 as well as fifth edition you  can find that Linked In the description below but   this is your oath breaker Paladin for Baldur skate  3. and at that it brings our video here to a close   so you've got all four of your major Paladin Oaths  and just to kind of recap here let's go through   them all very quickly at a high level and you've  got your oath of the Ancients which sits very   heavily in between a pure support oath and a more  damage Centric oath you have a lot of very fun   really good supplemental spells it can do a lot of  really fun capabilities for you you have a really   good healing in your channel oath capabilities and  you have a lot of good damage that you can outpour   because of the Spells you have active or because  of your or as in the defensive capabilities that   they Grant you then on the actual defensive end  of the spectrum we have the oath of devotion the   character that's kind of sitting as the the tried  and true Paladin the the knight in shining armor   the one that I think really fits well is not  a character dealing damage but taking damage   sitting in the middle of everything and forcing  it to really deal with that character you can   use and I know I didn't even talk about it at  all in the video but compelled a duel forces   an enemy to attack only you giving a disadvantage  against other targets so you can use that for the   oath of devotion and try and sprinkle that out  onto a really hard target so to make sure that   it focuses you and has to burn you down you're  using all of your auras to that really kind of   adds some complementary stuff to it now I didn't  want to talk about it throughout the video because   I like to try to make my videos positive I don't  want you to think you've made the wrong choice   or anything like that but I do want to say that  the oath of devotion the one thing I do I kind of   bring Brothers a little bit the only thing I think  that really is a letdown for it is the fact that   it spells that it gets access to as an oath spell  meaning they're always prepared of course it's a   little lackluster because there almost always  spells you already get so I it's just one of   the biggest problems I have and that it's oath  um God what did the rebuke capability it's it's   innate action doesn't scale with you I wish it did  it it's too unfortunate that it does into our last   one here our last standard one we have the oath  of Vengeance which is your pure damage oath that's   focused on Hunting things down Mobility that kind  of selfish damage versus the um party Centric or   or buffing capabilities of the previous two Oaths  and lastly we have the oath breaker that if we're   talking selfish they are truly truly selfish  right they are focused on raising the dead and   and something I did not bring up in the in the  elf breaker section is you can raise the dead   in the middle of the fight so if you didn't use  your anime Dead coming into it you can just kind   of continue to use it and bring them back online  and have those Undead springing around and doing   damage for you or tying things up whatever it is  but the oath breaker 2 is one that is gonna sit   in a very interesting kind of playthrough for  you you've broken your tenants you sit outside   the kind of quote-unquote law and you're doing  either good or evil in whatever way you see fit   and hopefully you can see the the O spells kind  of play very well with the style of play that the   channel oath and capabilities of the oathbringer  bring to the table so hopefully now off after   looking at all four of these oats you have a good  idea of which one you want to play which character   you want for your Paladin are you defensive are  you a partier are you a party bro um are you a   damage dealer whatever one that fits the character  you have in mind is truly the best oath not one of   these is any better than the others because it's  going to come down to what you want to do in your   playthrough of balder skate 3. but as always guys  thank you so much for watching here today have a   good one take care and if you have any suggestions  or anything like that for any of these Oaths   please let it be known in the comment section  below but again have a good one and take care thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 63,708
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Keywords: Best Paladin Oath? Detailed Subclass Guide for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 paladin, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, bg3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin class, baldurs gate 3 paladin class guide, best paladin subclass bg3, bg3 paladin, bg3 paladin subclasses, bg3 oathbreaker paladin, baldurs gate 3 paladin subclasses, bg3 best paladin subclass, bg3 best paladin oath, oath of vengeance, oath of the ancients, oath of devotion
Id: xs8aAWjKUB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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