Baldur's Gate 3: Jack Of All Trades Achievement Run - Part 4

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what's going on everybody I believe I should be up and running here with any luck anyway trying to make sure I've got the last of the settings sorted out real quick but I believe we are good so pretty much right where we left off with our absurd play through Zexal and the chance of let's go Junior galacto says in my undirectable path DirectX 11 yes um that is what is recommended for NVIDIA last I checked which is what I've Beyond as of right now DirectX 11. okay so loading up our play through here before we Dive In we left off we had just gotten to act two and hit level seven I believe main output says best RPG Creator on YouTube hands down that's nice of you I appreciate it oh Josh shiv says back at it again hope your day is going well so far it's going well Junior galactos reporting some people mentioning that there have been reports of some crashing with the latest hot fix but we'll see if we run into anything order man says hello what's going on Robert says never knew you did streaming so cool love your content I appreciate it it's kind of you we don't do a lot of streaming by any means but to catch everybody up to what uh we got going on here one level in every class so we can get the Jack of all trades achievement that said there is an easier way to do this that has been confirmed but that's less fun than streaming it for everyone so as of right now these are the levels we've got and we just need to get on with act two really so into the shadow cursed lands we go press ahead no day and while we don't have a torch or anything to at least get you moving the astral plane is silver life-giving and wondrous in all directions nothing like this next there's an absolute content I appreciate it that's kind of your tightness let me know if there's any problems with the sound because I noticed I don't have any sound barely think straight Shadow heart sometimes the very Shadow curves can cause you problems but they don't seem to be harming me Brandon asked how many playthroughs is this now um this one is technically the fourth I've got three completely completed and I've got one that I literally just started today that I haven't gotten very far in mind you David visas does your 100 entail things like Shadow heart killing Lazo uh yeah I mean most of that's so the thing about characters dying off is that uh that doesn't actually change as much as people tend to think it does it just means that character is not there moving forward but uh yeah generally that would catch things like that but almost in every instance characters just being dead substantially less interesting across pretty much every game uh okay let's talk to Shadow Hearts if she gets that explanation oh these telltale signs of dark Justice that we've been seeing having a hard time believing they're a coincidence still do I think the evil path is as fun as the good path I do actually so the light before you get the blessing that protects everybody with the lights because otherwise you're constantly getting thrown into turn base because of the curse I got a fight coming up here which is kind of one of our introductions to the area hold on guys I've got to adjust the sound a little bit my my sound isn't working at all but the last time I played it reset a bunch of my settings so they were a little off give me just a second okay there we go I think I should be okay but if it's still a little loud for anybody let me know XX says OMG it's the goat that's kind of you all right so there's a fight right here that is kind of annoying I don't know how it's gonna go but we shall see stop who's that follow my voice semi-automatic says how close are you to 100 of the game so far um I mean achievement wise this is literally all I've got left is the one we're doing right now um playthrough wise I still have a lot to go Joshua says hey what kind of features quality of life do you want to see in the next few patches uh there's a variety of things mostly around the camp I think switching party members could be a little easier accessing party members inventories in Camp would be helpful just a lot of stuff like that really oh okay so we've got the Shadows these guys can be annoying because if they get too far away from you they'll just blend into the shadows and you won't be able to see them but Shadow heart here should be pretty well set up to destroy them because she's got Divine smoke sounds really like this Druid build glad to hear it I had a lot of fun playing around with it for the most part I think the first few levels are a little slow for my license otherwise it's a lot of fun [Music] [Music] all right so our guy here foreign [Music] so I don't know how Acts 2 is gonna go with this particular build because that's where things start ramping up a little bit so with these classes all over the place how it's going to wind up it'll be a learning experience for everyone I suppose uh jawah says or do I still consider Wrath of righteous my favorite game I haven't decided just yet I think this one definitely has that potential I've mentioned this a few times here and there but once I'm done like actually playing through all of it I'll probably make a video kind of talking about it that kind of thing ah cyren says what's the funniest bug I've seen um I really personally haven't encountered much besides like frame rate issues but the funniest one I've seen that didn't happen to me was there's a bug where NPCs will kind of look your direction sometimes and some of them will like break their animations and like turn themselves into an L shape to look at you which is really funny [Music] all right should pretty much be it for Lazelle uh David Friedman says have I seen the bg3 10 minute Speed Run yes I have um the funny thing is when I first heard about the speed run I was like that's probably possible if you do one particular ending and when I looked at it that was in fact the ending that they did so that was kind of funny all right so Gail [Music] honestly look like I don't probably just have him Fireball they wouldn't want to waste a bunch of spells here yes yeah Peter asked what choice did I have the hardest time making in my playthroughs uh for me it was whether or not to help out will and his dad I don't want to spoil it too much because there's like more going on there we're not really to that part in the Stream yet so I don't want to say too much but that was that was a rough choice to see play out oh you're going for level one Smite there that was Overkill but we've almost got this Eric says which act have I pla do I like playing the most uh act one for sure you can just tell it's a little more uh polished than the rest of them The Unbelievable Beaver says just starting act two yeah we got right to act two last time we were playing all right so we got one Shadow right there and then the other one is hiding in these Shadows somewhere I didn't see where it went but there's that one I'd love to see what it out yes if there's no nearby light they blend into the Shadows which is kind of annoying foreign which is one of the sort of Hub areas in this place who says do I stream on Twitch no I don't know just grabbing some loot here before we head that way we're gonna head to the end pretty much straight away though I would like to grab the uh General protection that doesn't require us to be in control of Shadow heart the entire time of Shadow heart before I forget TJ says howdy gamer how's it going I have a good grief this is why I like to get the blessing as quickly as possible because I constantly forget to switch to the person with the land or the the light in general Dan says any tips for running an evil character um my cleric build video that I posted is what I used for an evil character and it worked really really well but uh beyond that it would mostly just be real General stuff like take the evil option okay so this is an interesting encounter what we're gonna have as soon as we interact with that Raven it should be super easy because you get uh swarmed pretty much immediately but everybody over here this is easy XP for the most part because we get swarmed by all these Ravens but they all only have one alpha and because we have that with Sandra Mage they get blamed or blinded rather from getting close to us Danielle says every member of the party needs to be one of every class or just the main character um technically it doesn't have to be the main character at all it's actually pretty easy to get this um if you just like don't level up a companion or get a hireling in the last act you could do it right there like if literally all you care about is getting the achievement um that's pretty easy to do but for the sake of this run we're doing it specifically the hard way which is going through the entire game that way as the main character but technically it could be anyone as long as you do it Okay so Gail got a pretty bad initiative role there but [Music] [Applause] he deserves it Victory awaits with one if Gail had gotten a better initiative role there we could have just fireballed and killed all of them in one go but that's a big deal oh Waterman says wait uh no need to be the main character yeah so I actually wasn't sure about it when we started this run but uh over the weekend there was uh some confirmations that I was able to uh find and kind of sort through so you can do this with a companion or a hireling in the last act like once you get to level 12 and they level up with you as long as you haven't leveled them up to that point or don't respect them you should get it however that's no fun so we're going to continue doing it the hard way all right so gotta heal up real quick drink that on the wrong person that's a nice chunk of experience you don't have to do much for our star says hi and have a nice stream thank you I appreciate it this place is abujanti says what would I say the biggest differences from Pathfinders 1e to the DND 5e system are ah I mean there's way too much to go over but uh one e is a lot more math heavy whereas fifth edition tries to simplify a lot of that with advantage and disadvantages all right so this is where we meet Jahira this can play out a couple of different ways depending on the ways you got here but in our case we helped the tieflings out all here we'll come vouch for us what's in the house is that tell me why though I will say the way they introduced jihira really like if you're trying not to like reacting to how people are reacting to you she makes a terrible first impression it's very easy to justify I own help I've draw enough to see us through Carl Ryan says have a nice stream or watch it while I'm having dinner I appreciate it that's kind of you Ian Warner says what classes have I done so far uh for this or do I have so far for this playthrough I will show them again in just a moment but oh yeah it's right at the top here kind of breaking the UI but fighter Rogue warlock Ranger cleric Bard and Barbarian all right so we can get rid of all of this junk we haven't been using I'll play r09 says how many times have I beat in this game uh like I've done three complete playthroughs and then I've also saved scum to see like a bunch of different endings at the same time but like technically three full playthroughs I guess is probably the correct answer there CJ says what are my thoughts on saves coming if the game allows you to do it and it's clearly built into the mechanics who cares I do you guys know you can like save in the middle of a conversation you can save in the middle of a cinematic the game does not restrict saving in any capacity so clearly they had it in mind so I just don't see what the big deal is so what we're looking at I really like that scale mail that's a really cool medium armor you can get right at the start of Act 2 here but I don't think we need much from this vendor but the other one here is pretty good we will grab our cloak of protection though [Music] take care now all right now before we go see Jahira who will give us our next task we can wander around a little bit there's a fair bit to see here in the last Light in foreign including the strange Ox there it's actually really cool to if you interact with this Ox there's a lot going on there but it's best if you leave it alone to like act three because if it makes it all the way to Baldur's Gate there's some more interesting stuff going on with it all right now we can buy happy to help them better heavy armor [Music] there's another one we can find upstairs as well that we'll probably grab for Lazelle [Music] if it's better or not then I think we're just about good on everything else because she's got yeah pretty much everybody's great really the party setup we're using here has a really great early game weapon selection so we don't really need anything else K Bar says sweet stream time indeed it is I assume nothing blazel's got the good stuff [Music] Nova trap says do Traders always sell the same gear um yeah for the most part I'm not sure if there's any variants to like the the regular stuff but they pretty much always have the same magic items that kind of thing but I can crack that open uh MB says what is this build a hot mess one level in every glass and then you can also get this by coming up here which is pretty much just vendor trash for us to be honest we've already got better we will send it to the camp just for now though what am I going to do Van Gogh fat says under darker Mountain Pass ah the correct answer is both because you can do both all right then you can find some of the T fling refugees the ones that made it to the last Light in anyways all right so the in itself has a bunch of conversations to be had which is the bulk of what there is to do here this kind of getting the map explored a little bit just about all right we'll go ahead and go in and talk to Jahira but first of course grab everything we can right [Music] and talk to all of the tea flings that made it like alfira right thank goodness wait they took his eyes first he said he stayed in the Grove because how do you do it if they're not dead they're in thank you just and they can set you on the trail of the tieflings that got captured in an ambush which Roland here is pretty upset about as well Nova trap says blood of lithander is probably the best mace in the game yet in my opinion it is I think there's one or two in the late game that could be arguably better in certain cases but generally speaking I think it definitely is okay so Raphael's having a chess game with uh you all here more not really much we can suggestion was inspired all right did you hear besides them what tell me oh apple of my and you can tell mole that you know that's the devil so you know I don't trust me Raphael's offered me a partnership in it I lost him with you the funny thing about this is now that we've got so many glasses starting to pop up we're getting all these options which is kind of funny it's for you there aren't any other options I took some notes from your inventory management from X playthroughs finally my inventories you're welcome I'm glad it helped out Alexander Jensen donated five dollars at haymortem love your channel could you tell us a bit more about myself and where I'm from um I've talked about that a great deal in videos but when we get that not much to know really I love video games I play them all the time I used to do sales I have a son this is my full-time job these days sort of just pouring my heart out into the microphone here I'd say that's pretty much the common stuff but uh there's a few videos especially the ones for the 100K and 200k Milestone where I talked about uh just kind of some stuff that I've been through that might be more what you're looking for all right [Music] not just about handle the interesting conversations in here let me go talk to Jahira [Music] wonderful please do your very good health barbarian's always got fun stuff going on dialogue wise uh so Jahira here if you pass these checks you can realize that she uh spiked the drink with like a true television more or less the blade in the ribs or arrow in the back some prefer poison he doesn't spoil the taste if that's what you're answered me through and do not lie the parasite is changing but if we're to survive we drag them to this Angel but ultimately she just asked you to take out the absolute which is without you she came here on the good path anyway so together we she's not much to know but she asked us to go infiltrate moonrise Towers to see if we can't discover the source of catheric Thorne's immortality so he can actually be stopped Cool Breeze says had no idea you streamed uh well to be fair I don't stream very often this is pretty much a special occasion this is the very last achievement I need and we're doing it the hard way so I thought it would be fun to stream it for everybody but yeah I mean realistically I don't stream very often abujanti joined as a member that's very kind of you all right so this is Isabel she's going to give us the blessing to walk around the shadow uh curse without having too much of an issue but the problem there is that as soon as we talk to her there is a fight and ideally we need her to not die something's on my mind Roman says what platform are you playing on we are on PC the truth is pretty much a given at the moment as it doesn't launch or uh I'm just launching PS5 until September 6th I think the Early Access starts the third though many comprehend the task of steadfast face our lady has granted me the ability to protect speaking of oh kevar says the uh toxics gave her more Health that's nice that was actually a pretty neat change I hadn't read over the patch notes but but that's a nasty little terrible MB says why not die I assume you're asking why then blessed she doesn't want to die you can be tan come with me and true soul my instructions are clear so the reason you don't want Isabel to die is because if you do it drops the protection on last bite which makes act too much much harder oh yeah they did give her a little more Health she had like 30-ish I think before this and you could get unlucky and she'd basically die before you got a turn which was incredibly annoying what should I do all right if we hit with Shadow hard that might just be a game over for this guy this fight is tough one of the recent achievements I did called leave no one behind you have to save all of the tiefling refugees as possible to save and I had to reload this a couple times to make sure none of the tieflings died in this fight which is uh annoying can you be a paladin of a certain deity you have to take a level in cleric to make it happen but technically yes paladins don't pick a deity on their own but if you multi-class it into a cleric of a certain deity it will count and you'll get dialogue options as a paladin of that deity Brothers okay which first things first let's grab Gail do what Wizards do best which is throw a fireball thanks this is the I don't know if it's because I'm streaming but this is the first time I've ever noticed that that guy's death scream is very over the top so much for Pace all right that was a really good Fireball on our on our part so I think we've just about got this [Music] because they don't get another turn until Shadow Hearts turn rolls around and then I can heal Isabelle which she'll be okay they were pretty much good to go do I recommend taking a level or two and cleric as a paladin or maybe better to take uh nothing else so I have a build around Paladin and cleric called The Terror of cmat which so it's a really good combo all right well I'll be doing a build recap video of this build yeah that's kind of the general plan I think provided this actually works out really well then yeah I'll likely do a guide covering it for anyone who would like to try the same thing instead of grabbing the achievements [Music] Lucy moose says you're a tariff team that builds really fun using it on my second playthrough yeah I had a blast with it it's uh [Music] it's very specific like you're trying to do one very straightforward thing but uh I don't know I had a ton of fun with that awesome Mondays wasn't liking the build reviews yeah it's been it's been fun making those videos I I will say that like doing a video for the build that I played through the game with like just oh basically I'll finish the game and then like immediately make that build video it's it's been kind of a fun way to sort of recap what that playthrough was like combat-wise so it's been fun for me as well what's better Berserker or fighter uh I mean that depends on who you ask I suppose but uh for me I I really prefer fighter honestly I think the the damage is just so incredibly reliable you don't have to worry about like spell slots or rage charges anything like that all right so the annoying thing about the back half of this fight is that it's actually difficult to get to these is two on the bottom here but I think the NPCs should just about get this last one uh Greg says what video was the terror of tmap building Terror of tmat's in the title you can just search it on the channel it's very straightforward all right so Spirit weapons I can never do anything jabrielle says love your crpgs videos are you looking forward to Rogue Trader I am very much so I've pretty much covered it as much as I can cover it uh right now basically everything there is to know uh really all I'm waiting on there is a date for the release I don't know if I can oh it's just out of range I think can I move a little bit forward [Music] run up here to talk oh there she is Jim says Mort's In the Flesh that's what they tell me all right find out that uh Isabel is actually catherick's daughter as multi-classing necessary for tactician mode uh can I make single classes work yeah you can definitely make single classes work um I really like honestly my tactician run the only class I multi-class or build a multi-class was my own the other three party members were just full classes I think taxation mode really comes down to knowing what you're about to fight and setting up for it more so than it does like a hyper focused build anything like that it's mine I don't even notice we're gone okay so there's that prison and that got us our blessing of saloon which will protect us from the shadow curse uh web Chef donated twenty dollars said what I consider doing a no save playthrough is it even possible on tactician catch your vids all the way to work every morning love your in-depth analysis cheers for Michigan I appreciate it that's very kind of you uh I mean technically yeah I mean it depends on how you want to define the playthrough because I mean you can speed run it in like 10 minutes apparently someone did so you don't really need to save for that uh as for like a full run I don't think it would be easy because the game is so long sort of just like leaving your computer running or something uh okay so we should pretty much be free to go explore the wild area before we move into the town portion of this map as this map is kind of divided into there's like a river that runs down the middle here and you've got like this wild brambly nature area and then like a town over here I bet that close watching us do I think larion will add in an Iron Man that kind of thing isn't exactly what I've read an ambush say the word splint Harper's this particular kind of game is about so I don't know if they'll bother to be honest with you but it's certainly possible I suppose website says uh full run no save only re-rolls if offered um I mean again technically I think it's possible I think the real issue you'd run in there is the uh the length of the game more than anything else all right this is the remains of these things that got attacked unfortunately you cannot save all of them how long is act three for 100 I mean it depends on exactly the route you take but generally my first time running through act three was about 20 hours it doesn't take as long as that now now that I know where everything is RB skills says I've played through all of Acts 2 and didn't realize I'd left the underdark they thought this was the underdark that's funny to be fair I can see how you might arrive at that conclusion if you're unfamiliar with uh D and D okay so this fight coming up can be a little bit annoying because of the dryer specifically because it likes to cast sanctuary which prevents it from being hit with direct damage you have to do like aoes but someone says is it possible to save all the tea things from the growth all of them no some of them die no matter what you do it is possible to save a great many of them though yeah we're boss Sammy moved up there will not go into the dark enough oh give me my queen but I had to do all right so the big enemy here is the brighter they can do some serious damage and also this is annoying it'll cast Sanctuary on itself which will keep you from hitting it but luckily we have a and Sanctuary like it keeps you from targeting it directly you can still hit it with the area of effect spells but it does make things much much harder and also it's got a pretty high AC naturally well compared to most things up to this point so it can be a little hard to hit good job what's the best Caster might be Source uh so I mean that really just depends on what you prefer that's a hotly debated subject let's say but personally I think it's the wizard sorcerer is probably the most fun though all right well I was really hoping she was going to be able to actually reach someone but it is I guess all right nice critical I don't know I was gonna hex it but I don't know what it's using for its attack rolls which is ideally what I would have wanted to know all right let's pass the turn that the Harpers do some work so picky about where you shoot the Fireball from Redford says hi mortise I'm glad to catch the live stream glad you could make it as well Chris says oh my god he has a face and a body hi everyone yeah that's what they tell me sounds like a lie all right [Music] that guy just killed himself with his own cloud of dagger like why would you do that I've never seen the AI try that but that is an option oh how do you could know who uses what for roles generally it's their highest stats so like if something has a higher strength and dexterity you know it's probably using strength need sure so now because he's got Sanctuary on we can't hit him with anything directly very annoying we're probably gonna have to rest after this one maybe jonty says there's tons of YouTube channels that cover gaming and fall into click baits focusing on drama appreciates that I don't do the same I try not to I mean I can understand why people do it I don't really uh make any judgment calls there at the end of the day especially if it's your job I can like you want people to kind of know you exist I just personally I haven't really found it necessary thankfully people have been uh kind enough to stick around and help me out in that department uh Austin Monday says do you play with the karmic dice uh I mean usually just because it's on by default and a lot of times I forget to turn it off but like honestly I've done both with and without and I really haven't noticed much of a difference either way all right he's got sanctuary uh good grief can I get in the right position there's that guy gone and then that just leaves the dryer red friend says do I know game ranks recommended my channel for one of the reviews uh yeah yeah I believe it was uh aliens Dark Descent my memory serves okay so poor Gale is gonna get obliterated on his turn but before that happens has two Targets on Eldritch blast yeah uh cantrips scale with your character level as it turns out which is why eventually we should theoretically get three though without the Warlock invocation adding our Charisma bonus to it it's uh still not going to be incredible or anything whoa what a crit this is all right and now I think that's pretty much it for the drive Gail don't kill everybody okay and now we can loot the alternative method for protected against the shadow curse which is the lantern only likes the way when I am hurting night and day cannot be more pain than my own ears from that insufferable rhyming but we can realize that they are using a pixie to get their magic to protect against the curse and by freeing this one we can get a permanent buff instead of having to use the moon Lantern to do so which gives us a second version called pixie blessing which is a little bit better for getting into the more cursed areas I guess would be the way to put it loot everybody then we will rest up real quick before we get moving on to more exploring it's spelling sort of like we used to ravage this battlefield Imagine The Glorious gen of it all this dreaming banners the charging Knights the piles I want to say it's on the roof but you can get the key to that chest not there's anything good in it okay our technically we have short rests available but like everyone has dropped a bunch of their spells already because of the con the combats we've been in so I'm just gonna go ahead and do a long rest Russell so there's no downside to talking to the picture yeah there really isn't it's kind of a kind of crazy house much better that simple decision is doing well relax us argue on Will's behalfs and we try to get him out of his pact here interesting now why should I go letting my favorite pet off his leash ah no I've never seen such a fine you've heard it all right she agrees you'll find out why later people to talk to reference says how do you change your dice um the lower left corner when you do to go to a dice roll has an option to change the dice skin if you had the game in Early Access you have access to a couple already it's a mockery of everything the blade stands for Sachin can already feel her scheming one of those mindless I always knew what my future the we can learn a lot from fairy tales don't you think refuse him no matter how tempted you but the devil won't take see what karlak has to say we we're supposed to risk she also is kind of tied up with mazora or at least used to be a starry and wants to talk to Raphael I believe though it doesn't actually matter if you do you know you might be a little naive in the ways that so I was thinking what would be that order man says how to save Will's dad if I don't mind saying that is Major Spoilers and we're not there yet parasites in our heads whoever's waiting for us at moonrise Towers control you can't tell me that doesn't of course this all so I know people's uh opinions differ on the subject but I find a story and just so annoying paper says big fan mortem I appreciate it kind of you [Music] okay pretty much it uh Withers is up this is by the way just as a random aside of all of the camp layouts throughout the game this is like my least favorite everything's way spread out The Voice dream visitor is a brave thing each wave is in any case now we get back to exploring Bruner says so many years and this is the first time I see your face I mean In fairness the videos exist not it's not a difficult thing to find a video with my face in it uh Greg says why is valo still there uh so valo hangs out until you get to Baldur's Gate if you save them regardless of whether or not you uh took his help okay all right the most annoying fight in the area in my opinion is like right there so we'll hold off on that one foreign people saying Volo left um so if I recall correctly if you if you take the surgery where like he replaces your eye he does like a like what looks like a lobotomy honestly um if you let him do that completely he'll be like oh no oops gotta go and then bail on you uh but if you don't do that and you decline his help I've never had him leave after that but either way he shows back up in the act three there's not much up here besides some chests walking into a military history Greg says it's a good eye yeah so the surgery he performs is awful but the uh the rewards you get for doing it is actually pretty good it does alter your character's appearance though something to keep in mind all right we got to be kind of quick when we head down this way because uh rolling one of the T Flings should be down here getting attacked I believe okay they both hit in the shadows that is really annoying oh not everybody's in combat either Keys Shadow heart s sometimes when you jump down from places not everybody likes to follow so now I gotta run Shadow heart all the way back I was like where's everybody else am I doing a worm Free Run no we've already got a couple Russell says what do I think about the two true love rings in this act that Grant Warden Bond I mean they're okay I don't I don't personally care much for them honestly but uh you know I don't hate them unfortunately I don't have the vision to see exactly where these guys are ready let's roll in my favor and we're just gonna Dash up and join the fight here jelly J man says love the stream I appreciate it that's kind of you I'm glad I'm glad people enjoy it like I don't know I I feel like I'm a pretty boring guy on camera but some people do seem to enjoy it so I appreciate it all right here are our two we'll go after this one first so Roland doesn't die oh no it was a critter just didn't say just hedge says would I recommend this for a first time crpg player not used to these games uh yeah so this like as far as crpgs go this is about as easy to get into as they get and honestly only gets harder from here so this is about the best place to start foreign people saying they like the stream I appreciate it Bobby B says I like you because you're boring you know believe it or not I get that a lot uh some people appreciate the fact that I don't uh bring a lot of the over-the-top energy that a lot of other content creators can bring not that there's anything wrong with their approach there's space for everybody all right so I think a sneak attack should pretty much do it nice don't stab it all instead Roland's Maddie couldn't save his friends and he feels like a failure but once you save him here he goes back to last late ah Cleveland says people have been criticizing act three is it the weakest act out of the three of the three yeah I mean unsurprisingly that's the part that obviously got tested the least so it is a little bit rough by comparison I still think it's really good but there are definitely some spots where it's like all right this doesn't quite work as well as the rest of it foreign says come on just attempt to go over the top for like five seconds tops you know you know what's funny is that sometimes I'll record like uh audio or something for a video where I'm like oh man I was like super pumped and then I listened back to the recording and it's just like the same as ever all right I guess we'll go this way and I can show people the fight I dislike the most in this area but I think we need to [ __ ] up here a little bit Boris says it's Barbarian more boring than the others because of the lack of magic uh no not necessarily I think Barbarian is one of the more interesting like Marshall classes just because of the rage mechanics and stuff how can I help I mean you compare them to something like a fighter who literally just presses attack all the time I think there's at least a little something going on with a barbarian but in general I'd say it comes down to preference are there spiders in this asking for a friend and not my own crippling fear there are quite a few spiders and I don't think there's an Arachnophobia option either like they're not overdone but there's definitely a few jelly J band says finished Eldon ring because of my review I appreciate it glad to hear people got some enjoyment out of that one Elden ring was a lot man that was like I know life that game when it came out as I'm sure a lot of people did okay so this fight is probably my least favorite in the area because these guys are really annoying real quick we're gonna heal up Gail a little bit because he's going to take some damage for sure these things have stayed interesting yes I shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times okay what I think we will do though is circle around to the other side where it is a little easier to hit them uh well I do a review of the Elden ring DLC I mean I'll definitely play it I don't know so like so DLC reviews are tricky like a lot of DLC like just to be real just isn't worth the time investment like I'll play them on my own usually but there's usually just not enough there to make a video on all the time unless it's just like something big for the channel but in the case of Elden Rings DLC I think it'll likely be the case that I'll do something for it brasses are you aware of the bomb pouch technique yeah I've seen a lot of the crazy stuff people have been doing I think my my favorite recent like it's kind of silly thing is that owl Bear video where they jump from like really high up to do this damaging ability that's like something like 10 000 damage because of the height it was really silly Boston Monday says did I stream Eldon ring no no I uh I don't stream a ton honestly making videos as often as I do pretty much takes up all my time so spending like four or five hours a day on streaming instead of working on a video or playing something for a video uh can be a lot because even when I'm streaming something you might think that that is something I could turn into a video but then I can't necessarily use that footage because my face is in it it's not really in line with the rest of the video and then there's all sorts of stuff like that you have to think about about my magic okay so we are going to open up with Gail here let's see if he has a scroll we can make use of really to be honest I'm on a wall of fire I suppose but these guys teleport around so while the fire is not super useful Fireball it is the last time I streamed the Wrath of the righteous challenge um I want to say I did some Wasteland stuff after that but it might have been the midnight aisles thing it was one of those two uh for absurd which dad is my highest and how did I decide what to prioritize um I am focusing on dexterity and Bows because they get a lot of arrows and things that can be useful kind of regardless of your class so that was kind of the gist of what I went with I talk a little bit more about it in the uh the first video I think actually William says nice to see the person behind the content after all these videos I've watched thank you so much I appreciate it thank you so much all right um hardt's turn I think they're surprised so I still get another turn after this it's not bad I'm gonna move her a little closer oh good creep if I could do some decent damage that thing would die [Music] you got it yeah this actually hasn't been too bad got a good few lucky hits in there that might be worth a look on my way to hit myself with us all right so these guys teleport to you and use this skill called garot [Music] and then try to teleport away with you which was incredibly am I doing jack of all trades with all my characters uh just the main one all right so we should be able to sneak attack that guy he's gonna go after Gail I bet yeah he's gonna teleport away if we don't kill him next turn we get the things I don't fancy their chances all right now the the downside of the Garrett is I can't cast any spells which is why they usually go after your spellcaster with it what class am I currently using uh a bunch of them there we go foreign to heal Gail but I think I'll just let him take the damage so as you can see they teleport super far away to try to single you out and get you subject to the curse but because we have the curse protection it's not that big a deal so it really comes down to if we can actually hit the guy Gail got a melee critical which wraps that fight up that was uh not how I was expecting to into that but all right how much damage did he do yeah hit him for exactly 14 and that's how much life he had left well played Gail it was pretty much all he could do but I wasn't expecting it to be that effective I wonder what the next move is [Music] by the way since I've never been able to catch a stream live I just wanted to say thank you for being objective in your reviews as a Die Hard Dragon Age fan thank you for driving more of my friends to try it I appreciate it I'm glad I could help out I think uh I mean the main goal of the channel really is to talk about the games I enjoyed so seeing that push other people into trying things they might not have otherwise and enjoying it can be a lot of uh job satisfaction for me just a step all right so looks like we're not gonna get the check for it but there is oh no okay there it is okay it's just being I heard Shadow heart in combat say something about it but there's a little stash right here which has a key to this chest over here reaction and this sets you on a quest I believe if you read this note about a cell unit resistance that was going on at the time the curse actually got put into place so these are pretty cool gloves we don't really need them right now compared to other things we are doing Jake says I've been running Thief College of Swords what build is my main uh my my very first playthrough was just a pretty basic warlock build to be honest um I would say the build I put the most work into so far was my cleric Paladin Terror of Tiamat because I was using that one for tacticians so I put a lot of work into like mid-maxing that and trying to make sure I was uh having a solid role play theme at the same time and I think that kind of shows in the video to be honest okay still a lot of stuff to explore but making some good progress here power I keep forgetting about us still breathing all right we're gonna try to give everybody psionics backlash so we'll start working our way there [Music] Peter clay says we enjoy the same game so my favorite channel has been for a while I appreciate it kind of you to say this might be a little bit biased but my channel is also my favorite Channel all right and then if we had taken the mountain pass it would have led us to this path but there is a fight over here we can get into good and also a bunch of stuff to loot so realistically nothing too crazy forsaken to the curse so that their owners could escape with their lives of traps please another one of the refugees some people asked earlier so if you want to change the dice skin just over here on the left and then if you had Early Access or like you pre-ordered or whatever you have a few the default one is scuffed metal and then you have these uh extra ones on the side here they added uh bahir blue recently I don't know if that was like special or they forgot to put it in with launch or whatever but they mentioned adding that one over on Twitter uh what level am I right now uh level seven the max you're gonna get in act one is pretty much level seven we haven't been in act two for very long uh act two is quite a bit shorter you'll leave act two probably right around level nine this Beast didn't go down without a fight because Act 2 is the shortest one in the game so if we had taken the mountain pass this is where we would have uh come out at I mean technically we did go to the mountain pass but we entered the shadow cursed lands through the underdark because that puts us closer to last Light in uh how many acts total are there there are three Acts act one with the Druid and the Goblin uh conflict and then act two is what you're seeing here the shadow cursed lands and then act three is the city itself okay so over here there is some Loot and a fight and then we can also loot this Camp if we had come in through the mountain pass there would have been people here but those are the people we killed in that Ambush earlier and they could have tried to guide us to moonrise Towers which can lead you to the sort of evil route for this particular Act as red says you can do both yeah you can do both the underdark and the mountain pass and I usually do because you know experience and items but uh you can ultimately only enter the shadow cursed lens from one of them and I usually pick the underdark because it puts you closer to the main Town hub Jake parkerson says level nine I'm barely level seven and act three I don't know how you manage that I'm spot for an ambush which do I think is more rewarding um overall I would say the mountain pass the mountain pass has so many great items that I use for a lot of builds but the underdark also has some really great stuff like the Grim Forge forged items that can be a little more tailor-made and then there is the disintegrating nightwalker boost that drop off of an enemy there which are just insane boots I think yeah these ones you get those in the underdark those are incredible boots all right so there are enemies hiding in the bushes here foreign we'll start with a wall of Fire most of them are over there and they're gonna walk through that fire to get to us but since I have a 90 chance to hit I think we'll go ahead and do level three nice and then we'll switch to Lazelle Phoebe make it all the way over there ah I missed that second attack that sucks all right and then uh we'll leave the spirit weapon for now all the fire just like instant death to the little ones all right sneak attack on I don't know I think I'm too far away deep even though she's right next to it because of the the lights Maybe no Gloom all doom s what level armor uh we're level seven right now better than Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous uh different I wouldn't necessarily say better I'll make a video kind of breaking down what I think of each one when I get done with this but um there are things I like more about Wrath of the righteous I mean the rule set for starters but uh other things as well how hard do I think a kill everything run will be uh probably not that bad to be honest with you especially if you like Min maxing it where you're doing the quests and everything for the XP and then killing things afterwards I think you could actually wind up being a bit more powerful than you might normally be in that situation but the experience a little tighter than it was in something like uh Divinity though but I don't think it would be that bad if I can change Shadow Hearts class to Tempest Claire does it break her story or Gail to sorcerer uh no not really you're not gonna break their story it's just gonna be like a little awkward in places but for shadow heart I think tempus cleric is a great change because that domain change doesn't change the fact that she's a cleric of char which is what her story is about so the domain in that instance doesn't actually matter and Meister says oh catching some live glad to have you here what is true says the mission shipment Quest from act one I didn't get the dialogue to complete the shipment can I still steal it was in the cave ah off the top of my head I'm not sure I want to say yeah because I know there is there's a thing in act three that if you don't get in Act 2 shows up and there's a lot of stuff like that so I would say probably but off the top of my head I'm not sure thank you all right so we got that guy over there cast our one guidance another fight nice [ __ ] and broke the concentration nice whichever to Gail who will uh I think just a regular old magic Missile would probably do it here that thing's gonna blow up and do a little damage it dies one HP [Music] okay I am Fury I am death oh come on way more damage took 26 to the face on that Christ sometimes there now all we need to do is put a little bit of damage to this guy can't keep up thanks okay we'll give it a short rest to heal up a little bit there that was a really big explosion hit they don't they don't normally do quite that much foreign all right and then all you really get for that fight is this Frost Prince necklace not that we really need it because it just lets you cast ice knife but that's not that crazy Rex has one HP hate it when that's having it yeah it's uh it's happening a lot on this particular run that's pretty much it for over here so we'll teleport back to last Light and then start exploring up in the top area there eyes open it's Sharp and I just I think I can play Pathfinder better after Baldur's Gate three um I I it'll certainly help you wrap your uh head around the Core Concepts though in general Pathfinder uh the games especially are a little more rules heavy but the Core Concepts more or less Translate there is a single Quest over here for us to pick up but also oh crap there's a fight over here almost forgot about it more guys hiding in the vines back up a little bit you have my attention there's a couple up here one over here the big ones over here somewhere I thought oh no there it is and a couple more in the bushes it says sup what's going on ah Caleb says I think Wrath of the righteous has better companions um it has about the same to be honest uh there are just more companions overall in Wrath of the righteous and there's a few more that I think nothing will have a more in-depth story lines but I wouldn't really consider any of them like better than any of the others how to take stock to where everything is here I think we'll cast a very boring Fireball grow up a guardian weapon to distracted them another fight let's go of course I would miss right there I want them all to kind of group up for me before I really use anything big ah Fizz FFA asked a question in chat that is heavy spoilers but I will say that no that is not possible for the ages wood they're all trying to attack that weapon and grouping up right where I wanted them that besides that all right [Music] or she would only do two games last but not least we've got Gail the fireball didn't do a ton of damage there Gail kind of Let Me Down David says like they're asking you to Fireball them well that was the idea but we got a pretty uh uninspired Fireball roll there of course one HP so I was trying to kill this one to set off that chain reaction and one damage shy because why wouldn't you keep going these are the short rest there and then directly we'll have Gail Arcane recovery his uh level four slot Corey calcum says Celestia Druid versus bg3 Druid um probably bg3 just because I think the wild shapes have more going on but I will say that uh Druid is a hard class to pull off in a game at least for me because what's that a lot of the mechanics have uh potential outside of combat that can be kind of hard to pull off and while Baldur's Gate 3 I think does a decent job with it even still a lot of it's kind of like awkward in places so none of them are really uh doing it for me to be honest what's a good class to prioritize archery uh I mean there's a bunch of them fighter Rogue you could even make a Spore Druid Archer that's a popular one these days if I could stop failing this check I'll have to guidance this Nova trap says Pathfinder must be very good if it can stand up to this game uh so Pathfinder is a little more uh classic with its crpg approach so it's not quite as uh cinematic or high production value as this is the murdered lies so this guy asked us to go find a through it I can summon William Ledger that will prove This Woman's guilt in a crime and we can choose to help him out with that and that leaves this last area to be explored with I believe one more fight with the shambling mound Shadow blight creatures all right once we get that area explored we can head into the town area which has a lot of fun stuff going on Cleveland says he seems like a lovely fella that is certainly one way to describe the guy Remy says hey everyone what's going on man all right so other than that I know there's actually two fights because there's one with some Shadow wraith and then up near this Tower this is the bigger fight with that guy who's a proper shambling Mound salutation this particular fight can be a little bit rough because there are a lot of enemies got three there those two the big guy that guy those two and these two corpses will rise up in just a second as well come to person [Music] at the ready do not have a good angle on most things there and it doesn't help that you start this fight on low ground my path be true probably on a playthrough on the original unfair difficulty in Wrath of the righteous um I want to say yeah I mean I don't know exactly like what patch it was when I did it so I mean depending on your qualifications of original there but yes I've done an unfair play through can't say I enjoy it much to be honest definitely uh prefer core myself have I tried oathbreaker Paladin yet yeah there goes are Spirit weapon but okay I was worried they were gonna break her concentration there that would have sucked Waterman says I learned a lot of tactics from how I play I appreciate it glad to be of help honestly wow there's finally broke my concentration that sucks all right luckily though all the explosions which killed most everybody else I was a little worried it was gonna kill Lazelle but somehow she managed to tank through that I was hoping I could push him into the chasm over there but it looks like I can cut the concentration on the cloud daggers only so I can start moving up a little bit here Elliot says why do I prefer Pathfinder for bg3 um well I wouldn't say I prefer one over the other just yet but uh generally speaking I prefer Pathfinder to 5th edition D and D the rule set that is just got a little more going on and while they've done some fun things with it here I just think there's more to Pathfinder which can make it a little more replayable from a combat perspective time to strike they're probably gonna down at least one person here I'd be surprised if they don't that one's playing like cat and mouse it just kind of keeps running out of range uh what's my least favorite boss in this game um I wouldn't really say I have a least favorite honestly um maybe the spider matriarch like you either one shot it or it's a really annoying fight mostly because of the level you're at like around that time I don't think I've ever really enjoyed that fight in particular but beyond that I mean most of them are fine you play through them enough you kind of just learn how to work your way through it uh what my favorite Act is I would say act one for sure it's by far the most polished nothing important is ever easy I am Fury I am dead there's one down concentrate Took a ton of damage there but I feel my way not too bad All Things Considered how did I distribute ability points for this um very carefully now so uh Charisma and dexterity are primarily what we're worried on so dexterity we're using bows and things to use the arrows and stuff that that way we can use the different Arrow types which is going to be relevant kind of regardless of your uh build is kind of the general gist and then Charisma to pass some of the checks since we're not really a going to be doing much else those annoying things she loves good for you all right trying to move through there getting caught on Vines talking to Shadow heart when I don't want to uh Rivera said that I have trouble with the artist's mansion in act three the poltergeists were very annoying um so I found the best thing to do there was to kind of like lure some of them out the back door or down into like that back hallway so like even if you didn't know exactly where they were because they were invisible or everything you could kind of just AOE them down but what annoyed me more about that particular Mansion was the traps that would constantly push you around that were very difficult to get rid of because of their sturdiness stuff David said how long is act three uh depends on how much you do but uh the first time you're going through it I would say at least 20 hours if not more okay so there's that and then we got one last little route to go through over here which is going to bring us to the last fight as well as another checkpoint the very plates of the Earth have been Shattered by the magic of the Shadow curse utterly fascinate unless you happen to be standing on it of course dead duragar up there our checkpoint and in the last fight right over there that we will rest before we do that [Music] that gives you a Quest if you don't already have it all right now we're gonna go to camp carlak wants to chat I think that's pretty much it some neostatic says love your stuff I appreciate it kind of you oh my God Soldier V Jahira don't you know the whole story oh let me ask if I have a preferred route for the game uh I mean kind of it's it's super variable so even if you try to do something um the way you have previously it might not necessarily go the way you think it does if you uh fail a rolls or something like that here and there so even if you try to do the like a way through the game that you have a preference for it can still kind of turn out a little differently for you all right all healed up we have find familiar but we're not using it too much honestly whatever comes I'm ready let's move uh how do I play crpg so fast takes me ages just to finish them I've played a ton of them is pretty much how your says live nice love your videos and the work you do I appreciate it glad you could make it have I figured out a use for the brains in jars yeah um there is a use for the brains in jars and it is at the end of this act you can hook them up to a machine and they will give you a bunch of unique dialogue we probably won't get to that today but uh when I get to that point which is the end of act two I'll show everybody what I'm talking about so if you bring the brains and jars that you find on the Mind flayer ship and the tutorial uh you can get some unique dialogue out of it all right last fight but will you play with me not that kind of playing silly I want to play make time no he is important later but this is just a fight at the moment don't want to be too close together with the start of this fight which is unfortunately we kind of already are but other than that this fight's not that bad hold off on that bonus attack because they like to jump up onto the roof which is really annoying and then they hit you with that AOE oh oh we got the crit there so it just Auto divine smited thanks the worst thing about this fight is trying to get up to the roof ridiculous foreign [Music] [Music] I usually don't do that but that helps us out a lot trying to jump right and lose the least amount of HP there all right dinner time one HP again and he'll just disappear after that happens uh core history donated 20 Canadian dollars so thanks again for your work as somebody who loves Wrath of righteous is this moving closer to it in terms of ranking or still a ways yet to go uh it's definitely close I'd like to do the 100 first but it's definitely getting there oh Lucas gifted uh five memberships that's really kind of him I so rarely stream I kind of forgot that was a thing until just now so appreciate it Lucas all right that's pretty much it for right here just gotta unlock this chest and then we will be off to the slightly more interesting half of Act 2 which is the town look of the rest [Music] uh what was the 100 I hated the most um all right nothing really Springs to mind right this second uh pretty sure I made a video on that says your Channel's rapidly becoming an instant click since I found you a little over a year ago looking forward to uh the videos every day I appreciate it always happy to hear stuff like that man all right so come down here to the bridge cross into the town and that's where a lot of the more interesting encounters happen there are like three optional bosses here that you can just talk to death that is to say there is an option to kill them via dialogue crates and Caravans the town tall house surely one of its earnings can still be found and of course there is the actual moonrise Towers over here creeping up on level eight slowly but surely battle over here one of the bosses in the toll house which is one of the easier ones to kill even if you don't do the uh dialogue option foreign man says can you show how to do the achievement with each boss um only two of them have achievements two of the three I can I can walk people through it the one for the boss right above us is really hard I had to reload probably 30 times to get it from behind it was very annoying yes the the like honestly probably the key thing to know about the achievements for these bosses in this act is that you have to actually fight them if you kill them in dialogue it doesn't count okay we'll save just in case this goes badly but first up we have the toll collector which is this gold-plated monstrosity so in order to get the achievement for this boss you have to in combat kill her without getting hit by any of her abilities and in order to do that all the floating skulls around the room called the visages have to be killed first so you lower her health total and then you can hit her like once and she'll die but you have to do that without her hitting you for any of your abilities uh you could probably technically like kill her potentially as well just straight through her health total but because she has like 600 I think Health it is before you kill those visitors uh that's difficult but basically for the achievement you have to kill her before she hits you with any of her abilities which is surprisingly difficult I took it took me probably more tries than any other boss achievement was trying to get this one um we'll toss a gold piece and then we'll say how much do you want then we'll get some persuasion options which can be a little difficult but as you can see uh we've got a lot of persuasion bonuses so this really shouldn't be that bad and that's before we even add guidance or potentially voice of the circle but we'll hold on to that because I feel like our 12 to 15 bonus here is probably going to be enough yeah 22. let's go and then one more which is a little bit harder but we don't get our favorable Beginnings on this one roll the 32 and that's that guys in dialogue and then the nice thing about not uh chewing through her health normally is that she drops all that gold when she dies someone in chat mentioned that that boss one-shotted them that is because you had a bunch of gold on your person uh probably the most annoying ability that boss has is called like jealous avarice or something like that and it does damage based on how much gold is on your character so because I have like thousands of gold she'll attack that character with it and because of the gold amount she'll wind up dealing like a thousand damage in a single turn which is just a one shot for everyone Anzac says howdy what's going on foreign there's nothing in here really besides just like a little bit more gold which is a little disappointing to me because like there's just not that much gold at this point in the game since like they give you that big save and then the reward for it is uh underwhelming do I usually stick with the same companions or switch it up I switch it up I have done three full runs of the game so far not including this one and every single one of them has been a different uh set of companions the only consistent one has been Gale because he is a convenient uh caster but otherwise different ones each time you can break those Boards of course and get down into the lower room but uh honestly there's just not that much down there and then if you jump in from the outside you can loot this room but same thing kind of a disappointing amount of loot down there all right now we'll continue exploring around town still quite a few things to do here moonrise Towers is over that way we're close I can feel it out the back of this whole house there there's an alternative entrance but we can grab the power is strong here Waypoint uh do I play games on Consular only PC pretty much PC like I have a Nintendo switch but that's like honestly mostly just for my son I'll give it a shot ah what difficulty am I playing on uh we're playing this on balanced just so I can try to do the Jack of all trades run without doing it the easy way oh yeah so if you wanted to try to sneak into moonrise Towers you could uh go this way and do that which will take you down to the dock area which leads into the prison without too much of a fuss order man asked a somewhat spoilery question the answer to it though is uh technically yes all right and then this is the second of three bosses we can potentially talk our way out of this one is a little more difficult and we'll see how it goes what is this uh big hulking Guy this is a bold here you basically have to either out drink him or pretend to outbreak him baby thank you so you can pass a bunch of different checks to either drink what he's brewing or just pretend to drink it and basically you're trying to get him to drink enough of it that he dies are you playing with hot picks for uh I'm not sure if my game updated I actually didn't check and I didn't realize it was crashing until somebody in chat mentioned it so the fact that we haven't crashed and we've been at it for a few hours now leads me to believe that it's probably fine but we shall see all right uh I have so many options here and all of them are pretty good I think we're gonna go sleight of hand though not one on that that sucked 21. so the reason this one's a bit harder than the other uh options that you have to pass so many checks for this one foreign it's a lot harder to uh sort of inspiration your way through it will I consider this game 100 when Jack of all trades is done uh no jack of all trades is the last achievement I need but there's still a lot of guns all right now that we've passed those we can ask some questions then we have to do another check here another Nat one followed by 22. 20 screaming says I kind of hope that he fights this took me forever I would say of the of the mini bosses in this area I would say this one is the hardest of the bosses that are here ask question this should be the last round of checks here I don't know if we'll get it though pretty much only got the one more chance of this nice there it is got him through dialogue took all of our inspiration to do it but we did get some back just for uh shooting it done getting closer and closer to level eight this is The Ledger for that uh creepy guy out in the uh naturey area oh am I uncovered we have to go sell some junk if there are serious story consequences in using some of the illicit Powers uh I made a video talking about that specifically I won't spoil it here trouble now there's just potion ingredients back in that room there's really not much back here if you read his Ledger you can learn how to create a poison but the poison isn't that uh super interesting honestly let me put this off to the pet book there's unfortunately a deep all right so what we will do because we are running out of inventory space clear out the map here then we'll head back to last Light sell a bunch of stuff and then go turn that ledger quest in uh J ramble's asked if there is a way to get menthara while saving the tieflings um I haven't tested like every possibility yet I'm told it's possible to recruit mintara if you completely skip the Grove stuff like you just like go straight to act too like don't even bother with all the quests and stuff there um I don't know how true that is but I have had someone mention that to me but I have not personally tried it out yet but as far as I'm aware no in terms of actually saving the tieflings all right so there's sadly not much else in that bar to discover but there are a lot of rooms and stuff you can get into that said teleport back to last life there's a quest we have up here for investigating the n and that is if you go into this building there's a small underground portion that leads to a single fight that then sends you over to a building right up here so it'll need to I don't usually bother doing that intermediate steps and then I tell you what while we're here we'll actually go get carlak and talk to Damon as part of her Quest [Music] people were asking me about quality of life features earlier and I mentioned uh swapping out party members and this is kind of what I mean because in order to recruit carlec now I have to go talk to one party member dismiss them and go talk to carlak you can tell that to the next one we cross path difficult to say like conversation for her Quest and then may the darkness protect recruit right afterwards it's just a little bit uh fine annoying now there she is Jake Parkinson says uh the pub guy is tough because of his Elemental damage so what's on your mind the boss we just killed in dialogue is meant to be uh sort of just tanked for the first few rounds until he gets drunk at which point you'll do like double damage to him well two things but the first few rounds you're just supposed to survive I won't stop trying to figure out he basically tells karlak he doesn't have any hard solutions for her I'm so happy for me too I don't expect now we can sell all our junk Lois if you need something sharp I have a few things left laughs which is a lot of this because we don't need much [Music] I like that ring I don't use it a ton but I do enjoy it I will send that to Camp we'll send you to camp in case we happen to need it but we'll see we might try to see if Shadow heart can make use of that I'll be here if you need to be it though and I think that'll have reduced our way to substantial amount foreign [Music] [Music] can't sleep so I might as well any other class recommendation Berserker um I haven't tried about it I haven't tried it personally yet but because they get that extra attack on a bonus attack it could be interesting to go three levels of a thief Rogue uh just for the extra bonus action which could theoretically be useful [Music] I'll be here if you [Music] shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times all right cool now we'll swap our party members back out what's on your mind did I do the Druid playthrough alongside this one off stream uh more or less I had just started it when I started streaming this but uh because I hadn't been streaming the past few days because I couldn't I actually took the time to finish that play through then oh come on and we'll grab Shadow heart again finally yeah wits and Blades always shop have a lot on my mind and well in it we can head back out to the shadow to Battlefield Okay so oh yeah last Light was actually closer but we got to go turn that Quest into the creepy guy in the woods I always forget exactly which path leads to that guy because it's kind of twisted up right there gone down and says will and karlak leaving is why I won't be able to do the evil playthrough yeah I mean I can't say it was a surprise but it was a bit of a bummer to see them go we will leave soon enough me no not until we've dealt with modeling the ass does Intrepid we can give him the Ledger judge at which point he will bring forth her uh spirit the woman he was talking to the doctor at which point he wants us to do anything to take it back anything you broke her most thoroughly all right there we go let me get a little bit of reward depending on your uh choices there you might wind up having to fight that guy but it's uh it's not it's not like a terribly difficult fight if you do but not much of a point in doing so all right so there's that and now we will head back to the town do the Masons Guild which is where we can investigate the saloonite resistance I believe they call it uh do I like any of the newer Assassin's Creed games uh I haven't played enough of them to give like a a serious opinion they started just like pumping them out one after another and they felt a little uninspired which is when I stopped playing them the last assassin's creed that I like genuinely got into was too enough let this be a warning those who defy Shaw's will shall suffer Darkness without her blessing now In fairness to the Assassin Creed games though uh like I haven't played any of the newer ones so they just don't interest me on the face of it so it's not exactly like I've given them a fair Shake either they might be good for all I know Black Flag was great I've heard people enjoyed Black Flag all right so to investigate the resistance we got to come down here to the basement come over here to this obviously fake wall I forget where it is but I know I found the key to that before [Music] that brings you back here that chest is trapped and empty what's that and then there is a fight with these wraiths and shadows and there's a couple more on the sides too I believe I'm ready all right so laughs ready and willing the annoying thing about the race is that their immune or not immune but a resistant to Elemental damage or like the main forms of it it's hard to hit them with a big AOE to start the fight which is something I usually like to do all right guys dogs laying down dog came into the room to lay down next to me and uh push the green screen a little bit all right yeah so you got the ones up here and then The Wraith there of course Patrick says the live stream never had the pleasure before so it's quite supposed to be surprised glad she could make it it is true that I rarely live stream you the engineers says hi do you guys approach to fight in it um I won't get to the end of it um if all goes well I can still stream for a while I'm hoping to get to The Gauntlet area before we stop which is basically the town and the tower Explorer but not actually jumping into the uh bulk of the big dungeon here Shadow Hearts you should be able to just one shot this thing we'll hold off on using anything else all right I always gotta check some Undead or like completely immune to psychic damage thank you and I always forget which ones it is Gail can't do anything kind of lagged out though for a second Deja Vu says hey what's up love you appreciate it uh Jay ramble's Universe asked if I play MMOs I stop playing music yeah mid League stories and monetization I used to play a lot of MMOs um I used to play World of Warcraft all the time I played videos too I played Elder Scrolls Online I played a bunch of them these days no not really uh I don't know as I got older I kind of just got tired of the Endless grind involved in them yeah uh and that's kind of when I stopped but I used to play them all the time yeah I played Star Wars the Old Republic I have I played Star Wars the Old Republic a ton I played all of the character stories all I believe eight of them completely through I had the title that came with it I think it was like legendary or something that was a lot of fun I did a bunch of the in-game stuff but uh probably around like 2015 2016. I I kind of just stepped away from MMOs was eating up too much of my time will I sacrifice insert spoiler uh probably not because Shadow heart is with us and I'll probably just let her do her thing there but there's honestly not a lot of reason to Okay so we've got one more to kill and I don't know where it is it's probably up here somewhere unfortunately Zell doesn't do his franchise rolling but just so I can find it nope moved up farther than that that sucks oh I hate these things [Music] there we go enough time all right now that that's done we can read this log on the table which finishes up the investigate the resistances quest this place is that sucks trapped to the face do it all for that Helm we don't even really need probably wind up selling it to be honest [Music] inventory is bugging out a little bit says I have 24 Potions there but the hot bars uh got the correct number I believe all right what to do and there's a secret room over here with some treasure as well uh do I think there's going to be an expansion with an epilogue and all um I mean they've said themselves they're not working on one I wouldn't say it's impossible but I wouldn't really expect one especially anytime soon foreign I embraced the urge or try to resist uh initially I resisted like for the bulk of the playthrough but what I wound up doing afterward is uh saves coming to see all the options and stuff but for the most part I would say resisted pretty much it for down here and then we can keep on exploring the town proper which we'll just teleport out to yeah it was right before I forget about it for store Gales uh fell swamp or at least his big one anyway for a dull moment stopped me yes already all right so we've got this fight in the middle a secret to do with that statue and the house of healing to do yet these guys and then I don't remember where they're at exactly but there's uh some more wraiths over here as well I believe well now if you're far enough away sometimes it takes them a second to notice you which is why we basically almost killed that guy [Music] ah Jake says his Raphael a friend I suppose you'll have to find out [Music] Shea says could you resist most and still get the achievement for uh doing the bad stuff for the dark urge uh yes that comes down to a single decision towards the end that you can make have I ever found it difficult to give up a game that I don't enjoy due to money invested I mean not really like at that point I can just be like uh I don't want to play this anymore here's why and that's like as valid an opinion as anything else really which has happened a few times but not often [Music] that's it step by step all right these guys are not super well grouped up I think we're just gonna hang back for a second should I do that [Music] nice [Music] gondon says would love a video about dark urge at some points with spoilers and everything a lot of people don't want to play it but the story is crazy ah I've thought about it I've also thought about making a story or like a story discussion Style video but it's so full of spoilers and I'm a little concerned that uh people aren't quite ready for a video that's like full-on story spoilers just yet because I did a video on some of my favorite bosses recently and it didn't do well comparatively and a lot of people told me that the the reason they weren't watching it specifically was because they didn't want to spoil themselves just yet so I mean it's definitely not going to rule it out but we shall see I wonder if the gods are watching me the amount of enemies I've killed was one HP with this run have been ridiculous let's see if we can get I don't be able to get close enough but right buddy gets to it oh nice wish I would have seen that before I walked right back abujanti says classes ranked video went off surprisingly so that class is ranked video is crazy well um hit hit the 10 day uh the pending trap rather like number 27 I think at one point it was a lot stupid step to it ah forward like I don't know what it is with this run and leaving enemies at one HP but like it keeps happening curious ridiculous all right there's that done all right so there is a puzzle with this statue that you have to uh click these plaques in the right order which is just middle right left memory serves opens up I can bottom here Shadow curse and then there are these statues around the room of char that we can interact with where we have to pass some checks or fight an enemy except Shaw's test of your intellect these will it'll come down to luck I think to be honest I don't have a ton of bonuses to these and I'm out of inspiration I think no I got one it's wisdom intellect and Charisma yeah but passing them gives you a huge bonus to them for the rest of the day plus five which is a lot uh J ramble's Universe asks is it me or does tactic should not seem very hard I haven't wiped yet uh tactician is a lot easier than why is enough even something like divinity original sin too thank you nice one more which is the one I actually have bonuses to so naturally watch this be the one I roll in that one on yeah it's in the corners of your mind you Patron knows a thing or two about turning people Diana cleric really helped me out there so that unlocks this room if you pick up that dagger you get attacked and it's actually a pretty difficult fight but if you just do this you get some free Rewards that's pretty much all there is down there we are so close to hitting level eight oh that took the edge off heal up a little bit and then we're gonna head north a little bit but we're gonna do the house of healing for sure there's a fight on the beach I want to do and then there's a quest involving house and I'd like to get to as well Arabella if you saved her is here sorry or she's learning some dramatic Magic she's looking for her parents and you can invite her to your camp which I would recommend you do uh sadly her parents are not alive though which you'll discover just a short ways away in the house of healing over here [Music] then we can loot the graveyard a bit not much we need in here to be honest but still stuff to sell if nothing else then before I walk too far up there we need to switch to a Starion for a second in battle damn it just what I need Charles blessings upon you if you're sure because a Starion has a conversation here and it's yours your last chance to have it before act two is over but it's not a huge deal if you miss it preparing their rights because Raphael is up here a new grip I've grown quite fun it would be pointless of me to truck if it chances are many more Graves than you in truth it is Carnage incarnate it's great now a story and wants information about the Bruins and Raphael is asking you to kill a specific enemy in that dungeon up there but that's probably where we'll get to when we end for today I need something I'm darling shows blessings upon you gondon says they always make Shadow heart a rogue in their playthroughs ah I mean yeah fair enough all right it is interesting that they let you freely respect uh you fell long ago in services as well as another way into the house of healing over there but where we are headed is the beach what is this this place makes me feel smelling Joel says that was the first pool party wipe they've had in the game fighting the enemy uh Raphael just asked us to kill him I believe it that fight can be a little tough all right so we're about to be ambushed here but it's a really funny fight time to walk around to the side there it is more kuatoa is it worth multi-classing thief and Berserker for the frenzied attack bonus action um I haven't fully tested it yet but that is likely that something I'm going to try personally for a build so uh I can't say for sure yet but I'm hoping so there's a ton of these guys but they're not super strong and if you can line it up you can get Gail to kill a ton of them with like a lightning bolt all right though this is the chief here my only concern here is hitting myself with the lightning because I'm a little too close all right time to strike we got him snared because of course she did all right can't give up not now will probably long rest after this mostly just waiting for Gail's turn here what do I think the best Gish is The Pact of the blade lock again um that's probably one of my favorite ways to play it depends on what you're looking for when you say best though really all right so this is a little bit over there's level eight with a little more positioning you can line it up where you can get like most of them in a big lightning bolt hit which is really satisfying Dan says a mate from Australia happy to catch a live stream just wanted to ask what my opinion would be on a fun second playthrough uh I did an evil playthrough with a cleric of Tiamat myself but I also think dark urge if you haven't tried it yet is also super fun [Music] what's up they're cheating is just doing a whole lot of nothing switch to her weapon is there a class that's good for dark urge or any I mean you can do it with any but I would recommend either Paladin which you've already said you've done or warlock I think is a really fitting one [Music] I got this wrapped up [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] concentrate kind of should be that nice boots here we go you don't get a ton for that one but uh the fun fighting nonetheless [Music] all right grab the gold long rest and then we will do our level UPS before we go check out the house of healing followed by moonrise Towers Palm rest oh yeah ah and now we will level up I don't know what build we're gonna go for here all right what class I should say I don't think it matters much at this point to be honest with you I'm tempted to go sorcerer though [Music] I think storm makes the most sense there because then you can uh fly if you cast a spell but that's mostly because these other ones don't really help us out much but at this point our build just kind of uh is what it is uh Gary golden said warlock we've already got a level in that Okay so that added a bunch of spells to our bar some of which we don't really need [Music] all right and then luckily everybody else is level up so a little more simple all right for her level eight feet uh she's got strength so at this point I usually like to pick up Savage attacker because it will when we make weapon attacks which is pretty much all she does uh effectively get advantage on the damage roll where we'll roll it twice and take the higher result that's just a flat damage increase another cleric level for shadow heart she doesn't get much this round just uh more spells really what subclass do I have on fighter uh Lazelle is a battle master we'll pick up wall of fire and really all we need right now to be honest with you because we have pretty much everything else available through a scroll if we really need it uh we've got warcaster already so we will round out his uh odd scores still breathing this one all right that's everybody all leveled up give it a quick save leave camp and get back to it Gary says love to The Tempest cleric build it was a ton of fun John lamb says love your stuff mortem all the best that's kind of you I appreciate it how do I build a house and um I haven't really used him in the party very much like he he's only involved in a couple things so I don't usually take him with me but uh I would probably put that Druid build I put out today on him Dan says have I tested any pole arm mastered C weapon fighting combos uh not yet really I haven't had the chance honestly all right so we're gonna pull back to the Grand mausoleum pop down this way pick lock that door and then we'll head into the last sort of mini boss area Joshua luepto says how many runs are you at I'm on my second uh I just finished up my third one yesterday started the fourth one today and then the one I'm working on right here for the stream actually give me trouble now all right lock that door crit success then we can pick up a key which will unlock the other doors that one in particular and then we can talk to the final mini boss of the area this guy has an achievement for uh fighting him and not letting him use a specific ability which is pretty easy if you show off his sisters first via dialogue and then just start the combat with only him standing so if we talk to him we have the opportunity to pass some checks to get them to take each other out so I wonder all of which we have tons of options for this is what on that one of course uh this is why we took all of those Charisma all right and then they'll kill him and that's the mini boss dead the datsu says thanks Mort love your videos we'll make a video about romance ranks um probably not like if it was closer to Valentine's Day or something where I could do it and kind of make it funny I would probably try but as it stands I don't have much interest in making a video like that all right so we need to loot for a quest that's important and then this amulet is really good because when we create something we can uh paralyze it for two turns which is pretty handy and paralyzed targets uh also take further criticals so we'll swap out hers for that one and then before we leave the house of healing we will go over here and talk to the other nurse so we can find arabella's parents are right here it's arabella's father not dead merely medicated to ease the day ah Surendra says when my when's your Shadow Gambit review coming out um hopefully this weekend I'm not sure how much left now [Music] ah speaking of Shadow gamut the Embargo technically lifted today so I pretty sure I can tell people I got a review copy for that game but I haven't been able to uh finish it up completely because I've been so busy with Baldur's Gate three [Music] okay so there's a fight here and there's a fight here that I always save for a last because it's actually pretty difficult before you're ready to leave this fight isn't super important it just leads to the mausoleum might as well do it for the XP before we go turn that loot in I don't know if you take a little too long to uh actually hit them they'll heal up they didn't see me at first because it's dark hit him with the old Sunbeam serendra has gotten to crpgs and trpgs because of you and your channel so thank you for the videos that's kind of you uh always happy to hear stuff like that I think pretty safe to say that the uh like one of the main goals of the channel is to make these games a little more accessible for people always nice to hear that it's working [Music] [Music] [Music] two in a row left with one HP but it's getting painful oh get a hidden guy there Gail can't do anything because he started combat spear Guardians radiance and that one will not leave Gail alone [Music] disadvantage how it's dark [Music] I figured it would try to move out of uh Spirit Guardians there [Music] not too HP that time I guess it's a little different day it's a build for my face character uh this monstrosity mostly we just pumped uh Charisma and proficiencies and talking skills persuasion that kind of thing that way would get the big bonus and then we got favorable Beginnings from the illithib powers to sort of max out our attempts to use those uh xiaofang says that I have to roll back our saves because of hotfix 4 they fixed it um I honestly I think I probably never downloaded it because I was uh I was busy when it actually dropped and then they rolled it back pretty quickly so I think I was already safe so to speak all right over here leads to a harder fight we don't want to walk over there just yet uh Eugene K says it doesn't actually have to be the main character or does choosing a hireling work technically choosing a hireling uh should work and I think not leveling up a companion and waiting until your level 12 also works but where is the fun in that give it a short rest Gail recover his spell slot all right and that leaves us with that dungeon and moonrise Towers but before we do that we're gonna take that loop back to last Light where we can turn it in for a quest I forgot to pick up while we were here earlier this way going even if she did it doesn't matter mold needs us this is no physical ailment [Music] so he is uh you know him please explaining fist member that got hurt and then that loot we picked up off the surgeon is his and if you play it for him he'll wake up out of his uh coma more or less and ask you to go get halson yeah if you uh went the evil route and don't have housing that just kind of ends right there there's nothing you can do about it but if you went the good route and house and is with you you can bring house into him which leads you to a chance to cure the shadow curse cold sun says love your videos more reviews on all thanks for what you do I appreciate it uh Dan says what do I think of the resting system does it feel a bit cheesy how easy it is uh so I mean that's a system where nobody's ever going to be completely happy with it I think they did fine with it there's places you can't rest where it makes sense but beyond that it's a video game so I mean no matter what you do there it's gonna happen okay so tell house and to meet us over there and then he'll just walk into the room and talk to the guy I'm not sure and then howson will tell us to meet him by the lake shore over here where he can perform a ritual to hopefully cure the shadow curse or at least attempt to uh is bg3's story like Remnant 2 whether it's RNG and you get different stories no that's not it's not like that at all it's uh it's Choice based so you'll make choices and get different outcomes based on the choices you made but it is very much so not procedural in any way all right so lovely day this but now this fight coming up can be pretty difficult but I think we've more than got the spells for it at this point I think we'll likely be okay best be on my way I'm ready whatever we are gonna split the party a tiny bit and throw got to keep moving Shadow heart kind of over here I have the Magic Touch and then we'll get this show on the road we'll give it a quick save first though what level are we at now we're at level eight dinosaurs Allison's basically going to go into the shadow fill rescue a spirit of nature that is part of the curse here the challenges that are waiting and all we have to do is hold out for a few turns which winds up being a little more difficult than you might initially think s uh would I recommend taking physical classes first and saving magical classes for last um kind of you want the proficiencies from the Marshall classes first thing in this run in my opinion and the Magical classes don't get as much because we're just not putting enough levels in them to get much uh key entertain says hunger if a dog carried yeah it definitely can my druid version like my druid run of this was actually super easy because they got Spike growth and all of these little enemies will just murder themselves on it but basically anything crowd controls we'll wait on the action surge all the fire nice so the nice thing about this is that they don't really stop to fight at all they mostly just try to get to the portal which is what they're trying to kill Swift and lethal in my best interest another fighter let's go Victory awaits only a couple of the Shadows really try to fight you here pretty much everything else just kind of runs for it most of those guys will just kill themselves the dogs on the other hand I don't think I'll deal enough damage nice ran right through Shadow Hearts thing and then hit the firewall foreign ER says didn't know you streamed though I wouldn't have to follow the channel for almost six seven months now um I don't stream a ton by any means uh I really just special occasions I'm a little too busy to do it like constantly and that should pretty much Beat It I haven't even hit the portal yet so I mean realistically even if every single one of them did right now they still wouldn't have enough damage most of them are going to kill themselves in the portal anyway or the firewall rather a lot LOL talks as well you can throw stuff like that indeed you can just picking enemies off at this point all right now we'll try to kill as many of them as we can for the XP but it's pretty much they all despawn after those fight ends like the timer runs down but the more you kill the more XP and I think we're gonna just about kill all the one of them thanks but no okay all right so we're not done yet though there's a whole lot of enemies hey none of them dropping anything good is divine Smite on Shadow heart procking and not using a spell slot no it's it's using a spell um It's Just Happening automatically because the reactions are set up for it to happen automatically on a crit so because I don't have a ask checked it just it just does it so if it critically hits it just automatically does it because I'm always going to want to add damage to that drop let's get going while the fire and group everybody back up time to rest calm slow down and just that fight can give you a ton of XP so we're already halfway to level nine Joshua says when you do so many playthroughs how do you even decide what content to do not do so much in this game uh I mean years of experience I usually kind of know the kind of things people are looking for so it's a little easier but mostly you just kind of learn what people want to watch and what they don't that helps out a lot Okay so exciting choice a long way to go still running low on our best spells launch which kind of sucks but still doing okay now we've got to go talk to your house and first Swift as my feet can carry me and then we can go do the other part of this which is also a relatively simple fight put on says miss most of the stream guess you're deep in act two at this point when will you reach the main city of the game uh yeah we're pretty we're pretty far into acting the Shadows we still have a lot left but it's stayed behind you I would say it's more than halfway out of him the absolute and this is where he can actually start joining your party as a companion if you want but now we can go back to where we thought that shadow kid earlier for round two how did it still not I want to do an update for some reason and you'll still suffice if there is a ruins perhaps it can be right now he should be showing back up yeah there he is all right we'll save before this fight I have to enter a portion of the Shadow fell fight the same two enemies as before but also we gotta break into the left Dome Shield there but attacking these Shades will reduce its health for us [Music] just you watch although that does require me to be able to hit something there's damage as we kill them there will be a lot more little Shades here soon but these two are the big ones what do I have disadvantage from because it's dark it shouldn't be dark God Holy Light standing right next to the thing Josh as far as scrapbook levels can be kind of tough yeah especially on tactician I mean once you get a few levels under you though and start getting your powers sorted out it's uh gets pretty easy all right so these guys only have one Health each and that'll do a bunch of damage to the breaking things shell s now we can't attack the Dome directly and kill the shape through this is your end [Music] my card always be a gentleman foreign 's five every turn so you do kind of need to be a little quick here shouldn't be a big deal but if you like to let it go on too long you can get overwhelmed you can't make me even when we convince him to go back here would he even want me back and then there is that sorted out and now we just speak to house and one more time and that is dunzy's to press ahead and doing this once we complete act two will result in Shadow curves being lifted Daniel rests well I well still anyway and I'm glad to be had all right and that leaves us with talking to Arabella over here who joined our camp crew sadly we have to inform uh her parents who passed away no I don't believe you yeah and then we'll talk to her again a little bit later which leads to uh pretty decent outcome for her all things considered all right and that leaves us with heading towards the actual Tower first long rest laughs yeah cool all right so good amount of stuff to do in the tower itself but you can pretty easily convince them that you're one of them until you discover what the weakness is for Catherines like myself you'll find Jarrell in the audience this is the place this is the central room is where we need to go but we can kind of uh the disciples look around and explore a little bit remove the vendor right here if you have coin then show it I don't think he has anything better than what we've got for the moment though that's a pretty good halberd um but because we're using Lazelle that Soul breaker Greatsword is still better in my opinion it means I don't think we really need anything from this guy to be honest but we can't sell a couple things while we're here I was a farrier in disarin Valley and the dreams came Dan says love that halberd yeah that Halbert is very good um if you are playing against Yankee I think the soul breaker Greatsword because the extra sidekick damage you get from being a get the Anki from that sword I think makes it a little bit better but otherwise it is still very good yeah kind of exploring around uh this cat right here steel claw has some hilarious interactions if you're playing the dark urge which is kind of funny but mostly just clearing out the map here all right this lady is mind controlling Knowles do you like him to do you no Barnabas not doing it uh it's the best you could possibly do which means she has to kill that one and here is a bunch of supplies well in it that's the gods we got another interesting vendor over here who really wants to talk to uh a story in particular one can you give her a drop of your blood among the many crimes tallied against so let me adjust my offer we can learn exactly what so truth I know and she'll give you a uh a special potion and then she also wants to talk to a Starion as well welcome back true soul you've come in the spirit and she sells some interesting stuff nothing we desperately need by any means that one's actually pretty good actually in some certain fights anytime but for now because we'll head into the central room before rescuing everyone you failed to retrieve the artifact you enough so they're real mad with the uh goblins from act one not doing what they sent them to do with it you also get to see firsthand the fact that Catherine is mostly yeah you can do whatever is here to be honest occupied by a general that cannot be killed we can head up and talk to Israel which will give us the next task which is going to explore the Dungeon me so earlier but we're gonna rescue everyone from the prison before we do that I itched General Thorne's prayers even you this excellent the Goblins no her mind should explain yourself regardless of what you do to the Goblins you can kind of toss your way out of it if you can pass the check every emotion soaks into her mind's tired but there is purpose she gave me everything I um play along the closer you can get to the general the closer you'll be but we have lost contact with okay and she sends us after a relic important to catharik while also allowing us to explore the room over here which will give you a moon Lantern if you don't have one she entity says they missed the prison the first time and ended up going back to a previous save to get it like four hours later that's rough all right so this is where you'd grab protection from the curse if you went the uh evil route and came to moonrise first but we can solve a small puzzle here putting a human heart in this altar we can get you some more loot back here such as this hat again not much that we really need but still and then you can also get an improved version of the tadpoles Moon Lantern there with you Gail but they were already imbued Henry's Magic so where did that magic come from and then from there we can head down to the prison and gets a rescuing thanks okay so the prison is down here and then we can get a few really good things in the prison specifically we want to go out of our way to kill the warden down here for an item she has so I've found that the easiest way to do this which is to say rescue the T flings and also the gnomes at the same time is to just kill these guards stealthily or as stealthily as you can anyway think ing which is uh easier than you would think game to cooperate [Music] still breathing despite everything [Music] we'll let him come to us because there's no real reason not to scale can magic Missile that last eye [Music] [Music] foreign he's probably holed up somewhere planning to burst in spells Ablaze and rescue us a bloody hope not I'll never hear the end of it and that pretty much does it for the guards there is one more over here but you don't really need to bother with him much okay now all you've really got to do is scale this wall and then we can pretty easily break the prisoners out so we got a few uh low strength guys here so we gotta get a little creative sometimes it is very finicky about you jumping on top of things it just does not want you to do it really inconsistent in that manner but Lazelle isn't going to have an issue the problem is uh Gail and my guy who don't have a lot of strength I've got a long road ahead I guess it's too high uh we do have some potions though light on my feet don't love burning them for this but uh he is easy frankly and we can run back here with haste and break the walls to the backs of the prison to let the inmates out people pointing out in the chat you can uh hit shifts to climb things but either way all right and then now we've just got to get these walls down I said might as well however yeah bludgeoning or Force damage is options for the most part and I don't think I have a mall I don't know if shadowheart can do enough damage in a single hit to be honest there you go you got just enough otherwise we would have used the gael's magic missiles and then we can run around and grab the other one to let the Iron Head gnomes out if you talk to them and get them a hammer they can also break themselves out but it's it's pretty easy to just walk back here and do it yourself foreign for now is to hide out on the water all right then we can tell them to head to the Inn you can then turn back around and uh get everything else done plus once we do this we can go talk to everybody in town there to get a nice XP buff which we will do later or more XP specifically not like literally an XP buff Joel says I always kill the warden that is what we are going to do next because for those who are unaware the warden and the central tower over here drops an incredible amulet that will restore any level of spell slot once per day very good in my bed all right so the warden here enough waiting I crave blood witnessed assaulting someone he's now paralyzed and thus already done and now we can loot the spell Crux amulets which is again just crazy good abujante says everything about covering things like audio and voice acting to your reviews uh not really I've talked about this before but uh I I have a little bit of hearing hearing loss from my time in the Army like nothing significant but it can be hard for me to talk about things like music and feel like I know what I'm talking about I get a little self-conscious about it so I try to avoid it yeah somebody asked in chat how we just did that she is in fact multi-classed with a little bit of Paladin for divine smite [Music] a couple people asked in the chat there so Shadow heart uh did 18 regular 49 bludgeoning for about 70 damage or so and that's after Lazelle paralyzed her so it was guaranteed critical okay but now Gail can throw on that amulet which means we can Arcane recovery and use the amulet to recover one of any spell slot which is crazy good now we are going to go back to last Light to talk to the people we just saved to collect some Rewards we can talk to Wolverine [Music] oh now was this something else but even Braun does it you should look for me once we're in the city that's iron hand known business but our four bears were hours he has some more stuff for us in act three now that he's been saved and then now we can talk to all of the County flings we just saved which gives us a ton of Rewards but in order to get us clear out of your questline you actually have to talk to all of the groups thank you no one but us and last but not least actually like when I first do this it took me a little while to find the last group of tieflings but they're usually over here near the water thanks my God that is oh you're right it was like a good moment to talk you're all right me too but we're here now this is the first time you've helped us where's that out of our Quest log anywhere my love my love and leaves us with I go a ton of loot also a pretty great robe if you are a Charisma Caster so if you're like a sorcerer or you're doing like a spell focused warlock your can trips will just be getting your charisma modifier it's more for a sorcerer like a warlock's already gonna get uh Charisma to Eldritch blast which is likely what you'd use anyway but a pretty cool robe for like a sork [Music] that though pretty much leaves us with just doing the final dungeon area which I think is a great place to leave it for today because it's getting a little bit late and I've still got another video to make but that should pretty much knock out most of act 2. so I will be streaming tomorrow uh tomorrow it will be pretty much the gauntlet of char and then the last sort of climax to act two which will get us into act three so we'll almost certainly be in the actual City tomorrow and we'll probably hit Level Nine before we even get there so I hope you enjoyed the stream today and I mean realistically we'll probably have this run wrapped up uh this week because I'll be able to stream the next few days in a row so I'm hoping to get this done pretty quick as this is the last achievement I need at this point but so far it's been going surprisingly well and I appreciate everybody stopping by to watch so that's gonna do it for today hope you enjoyed it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing night see everybody
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 56,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG1, BG2, BG3, Baldur's Gate, Baldurs Gate, Mortismal Gaming, Mortym, baldur's gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3 new reviews, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 1 & 2 before 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldurs gate 3 launch review, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 release showcase, baldurs gate 3 review, bg3 classes, bg3 gameplay, bg3 multiclassing, bg3 review, bg3 story
Id: GBNySglMjzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 12sec (13092 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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