Baldur's Gate 3: Control Bard Build Adv. Guide || Multiclass (Bard Wizard Warlock Fighter)

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uh I've been asked by a couple people to kind of do a build video for my um control Archer um and while it kind of fully forms into its final kind of like identity form at level 10 at the beginning of act three I've decided to make this build video um it kind of morphs the build kind of morphs from act one to act two to act three so I think a build video would be really helpful um I do actually think I don't know I think that this is the strongest build in the game it's designed for solo play um you can play it with other characters obviously it just has a problem where it kind of can do everything so it kind of trivializes um it makes the other characters in your party feel really redundant um but obviously you can remove minmax options from this thing to kind of like keep it in check or make it a little bit more weak right um that's totally up to you but you know obviously it's got like it's a Charisma character so it can do dialog checks it has decks so it can do block picking it can solo large groups of enemies and single enemies um it can spellcast it can CC like I don't it kind of makes so like there you really don't need other members of your party um and that's kind of one of the problems with it as well um I haven't gotten around to doing that much more fight videos on my other account because at that point there is nothing left to fight except the last boss which I know that I can kind of like clear in in one turn so there's kind of nothing else to kind of showcase against so you know don't rush towards being too powerful especially in act three um things will be boring if you don't have anything to to style on um but anyways okay let's start this um build video so first of all it's your build um choice right I know that a lot of content creators have you know they're always being really positive which I really love and they're like you know it doesn't really matter which class you build oh you can pick anything that you want and that is generally true for this game and that is like a strong plus of the game but for anyone to tell you that there isn't a best choice I think that would be lying right um estaran is clearly by far the best character in the game because of his bite ability bite gives him a plus one to attack rolls attack damage saving throws and like ability checks it's it's like a plus two stat you know everyone chooses as ability score Improvement to get two in a point assar gets that for everything just for biting someone you can just hide and bite someone and get that plus one to everything for every build in the game aarion is the strongest character the the best race quote unquote to pick um but obviously you know if you want to do things for it's it's by quite a lot and then he gets another buff in act three as well which just makes him way better than everyone else in the game I don't know why they haven't rebalanced it um but yeah um if you don't want you don't need that extra power necessarily um it's good one good way of keeping the builds in check um but basically for every build a s is always top pick right the second character that I'm really liking right now because our build will be focusing a lot on concentration spells especially coming to act two and act three is Gail because Gail gets a free um advantage to Advantage to Constitution checks are saving throws which means that um when someone tries to break his concentration he has advantage and I really rate that to the point where a lot of my previous builds I took warcaster now with this passive ability I don't even have to take War warcaster so that's um one feet or one item completely saved um and I I really I really rate that and I think that potentially for concentration type character Gail is on par is a potential other choice other than aarum right so these two at the Top If you don't care about being fully optimized I think every other um character plus every other race is kind of on the same level it's like kind of like asarian and Gail top tier and then everyone else is just kind of like normal right so uh yeah but let's just assume that I'm picking Gail over here obviously I would have to resp out a wizard so maybe I'll just do AR storian um for staran um minor illusion is the best spell not best C trip in the game it can completely win fights just from you can win fights just by setting up your enemies before combat um beforehand I don't know why anyone else even when game first came out in Early Access it was very obvious to people who hardcore this game that minor illusion was the best can trip and people like Fireball or you no all of them are garbage my my illusion is irreplaceable um but I I try to not use it anymore because as a self-restriction but um yeah minor illusion amazing um obviously can't choose another background because it's a origin character right so for stats um I think this depends on whether you're taking the hack hair or not with this character um I I so I guess if you are playing truly solo then you can go ahead and go deck 17 um intelligence is pointless um I don't understand why you would like intelligence and wisdom and saving throws are important but there's almost nothing early game which which check against your any of your saving throws essentially except maybe dexterity and Constitution so it's not really that important um I would start this way because um I'll take um Plus from the hacks here to get Dex 18 uh and if I didn't I would just drop this and put everything into strength for carrying capacity right um this character is not in desperate need of stats so you don't really have to worry about it um too much you can always resp later but dexterity at least 16 Constitution 16 cuz we are going to be concentrating a lot especially when we get to act two um Charisma 14 because at this point in the game we won't really be casting that much it's not really that important but you want it for to make the chop shops um cheaper and to um um and to you know past dialog checks so I usually run it this way it's a very Marshal focused um thing last two stat points I'll just put in strength or carrying capacity or I guess yeah oh yeah I'll just do it this way um and then I would take um I I don't I think all of this is up to you um but I think the only one that I I always take is persuasion and expertise because um it makes a shop cheaper and I'm a huge shop fiend um I I do I use everything I sell tons of stuff trying to make tons of money um try not to use any exploits but yeah so that's when you start the game Let's assume that you know you've started your game you've gone in you've played as a rogue for a little bit because that staran or whoever you picked starts as another class or you're about to start a new character um which is not a star in or Gale um and you start as a b or after your resp this for after your respect right bar level one um if you already took minor illusion then obviously you don't need it from aaran but if you didn't then you would take it now and you would have minor illusion friends is a really really powerful can trip which doesn't cost anything and it just automatically come up to your options and I just remove it from my skill bar immediately so it doesn't take up any space um these are the only two that are really useful everything else is kind of me so um and eventually you're going to get all your can trips most of your can trips anyway I think so whatever um for your spells like I think long Strider is a must um so powerful um the extra movement speed and without using a spell slot it's like best one of the best spells in the game um it's must have when you can take it sleep is really good from levels 1 to six um for disabling someone I like I like heroism thematically um because like you know it it um it's concentration spell it's a very combat Focus con concentration spell gives you back five temp HP points every turn so if you are soloing you're taking those hits it can be really good for saving your potions and stuff like that really like that like as your main concentration thing and then take something like you know dissonant Whispers um to kind of like keep someone from moving around so that they um so you can keep them in place as you like shoot them to death I don't really think it's that important um but yeah it gives you something to do with your one one action spell slot um alternatively take speak with animals just you know get all of those ritual spells like got right um skills again I'm just going to do this 14 and then I'm going to put everything else into strength I'll just do this okay cool okay and then we're going to level up to level six now so level two um again like I said everything here is not that useful um so I would take I don't know Thunder Wave um for get out of jail free card but even if I was surrounded by a billion people I probably still would be like not sure about using Thunder Wave so i' probably Des Whispers right I'm not going to swap out any spells because I don't think anything is really necessary um it's important here that we take College of Swords um and then now we started getting into some stuff which is somewhat useful um I really like enhan ability and I think enhan ability and then I probably replace um dissonant Whispers with um whole person maybe I don't know um at this point I'm kind of like just picking spells which are very utility based for the most part the power of this build comes from just using the flourishes and attacking so like anything you pick should be something that supports you in a very highly specific useful kind of way all right um fighting style doesn't really matter bow is going to be our main thing but we will be wielding two weapons so two weapon fighting kind of makes sense um yeah so enhance ability really good for passing certain checks and then invisibility just so you don't you can do some sneaky stuff like Rob or like get out of um combat if you're about to die or like steal something if you need to without using invisibility potion um that's always good also nothing else here is worth it level four another can trip I just randomly pick one like vicious mockery I don't even look at the can trips at this point um I really like knock when you in late game because you you know sometimes I can't even be bothered to like lock pick something and something might be at like 20 so I think knock is a really really good um thing to have for utility um at this point if you're once you're at six maybe replace sleep with um nothing else here seems are useful um oh I didn't take inv yet okay grab inv feet feet you will be taking Sharpshooter it's such a huge amount of damage to pass up and um but you will struggle with getting enough uh stats for your attack role right so itemization can help with that and if you are struggling to do enough damage I would say just turn off Sharpshooter but um eventually you will build towards it by using things like blast or like items and things like that to kind of make sure you do land your hit or high ground right but if you can't cope with it yet it'll be easier and easier as you level up you can always T it off at level five um we finally start getting some useful stuff I think plant growth is a must take I think at this point in the game the amount of CC that it can offer is absurd um and it doesn't need concentration uh another spell any other spells that would be useful um heroism kind of like isn't very strong anymore at this point I think I wouldn't mind removing it placing it with something fear to grab extra like disabling characters um immediately making them drop their weapons is quite good in the gift U gift Camp um and sometimes you can loot their items and sell it but you only really need one disabling spell so it's either hypnotic U pattern or fear um and I didn't really end up using these that much but they were situationally quite strong right so six is where you hit your huge power Spike because you have your flourishes and you have your res your you have three short rests and you reset your um Bic Inspirations per short rest which is insane at level five Gloom stalker is the most powerful Marshall class or class I think at that point in combat in the game once you hit Level six it becomes barred I think um you also get um counter charm which has like a lot of uses especially in a party scenario but you're kind of solo so it doesn't really matter um it can also kind of be used as like a minor illusion enemies will just for some reason Focus down the counter charm and you won't even get hit but you don't need any exploits this build is strong enough um so don't even do that so you get your extra attack as well so so so powerful um is there anything useful here I don't really know um you could take Fain death if you want to exploit like um and Rob people blind um I didn't end up using any of these spells realistically so I would just take ritual spells like silence or just Sky self so it situationally becomes helpful right um at this point in the game um so 1 to six right we're talking about like this kind of early game um is I think that the items the only items that are noteworthy in act one not including the GIF area is um I think clicky heals are really really strong gives you something to do with your bonus action helps you kite characters and the Titan string bow um is the most my opinion the most powerful weapon in the game um I've gone through the whole game I tried all the strong bows out I was hoping praying for something to be better than the Titan string bow but it's just too powerful like it's just it's really really really good right so I think before you get to the gift area these are the only two items that oh yes there is one more item the whispering promise is quite strong as well because when you're soling you end up chugging a lot of potions and it gives you Auto bless right sorry it gives you bless and that's going to help mitigate your Sharpshooter right so other than that I think fill in the blanks with whatever you find they're not that important right um once you get to the underd dark a really I I I would I wouldn't even just strongly suggest you are Min maxing um people who don't use Elixir and say that they're not like core part of the game I don't really understand you can only have one Elixir up at any time so effectively it is part of your build to choose which Elixir you're going to use right elixir of giant strength you can get them right at the beginning of the game that's why I dump the heck out of strength in basically all my builds and um I use elixir of giant strength which combos with the Titan string bow to give you like plus four or plus five to like all damage when you get as soon as you get that Tian string bow it's just so so so powerful nothing can match it right once you get to um the underd dark you can grab the club of giant Hill strength um which can actually be off-handed if you can see over here which will put your strength at 19 automatically right which means that you don't need the elixir of giant Hill giant strength anymore which is amazing because then you can use your Elixir you can use the blood lust Elixir instead which is the strongest elixir in the game right um so this allows you to use this Elixir instead of the but before before that before you get this I think just using giant strength is better they're easier to get and these are quite rare at that point in the game um but once you get to like you know on section you can start getting a few more blood lust Elixir and crafting a couple more uh and that's when this combo becomes um worth using right um the dim also early game I love using the Warped headband of intellect I like it's just flat out stats for a dump stat and that can help sometimes with um you know checks uh uh help with checks essentially um when you get to the gift area Grace graceful cloth is pretty good um I think the plus two plus two decks is great um again helping to mitigate your uh your hit chance uh from the Sharpshooter yeah and then other than this I did experiment with the B of the Banshee from the underd dark it is pretty good but the problem is that it's doesn't work as I thought that it would work it doesn't um the the chance of frightening an an enemy does doesn't get affected by things like the helmet of AR by Arcane Acuity or your stats so it kind of is like it's cool but you could just kill things faster with the Titan string bow all right um I mean I I went through this quite a bit I was like it'd be cooler to CC them down I think if you're playing with a party and you wanted to tone the strength down of this build a little bit I think go for the both the Banshee but um realistically if things are dead then they're not moving so yeah so we're back um next I'm going to deal with the next section of levels which is 7 8 and 9 and I think this is kind of where act two is I think some people might actually reach level 10 but um since my level 10 choice is more dependent on um on act three I'm not going to go over it yet so for for seven then we're going to start U multiclassing and I think from here you have two options it's going to be some combination of one Wizard and two Fighter um the thing that you really waiting for to go wizard is whether or not you can get um a haste scroll in the right once you can almost my entire almost my entire reason for going wizard is to get the haste SC to be able to cast haste and a couple of other really powerful support abilities so um for abilities I I don't really think it matters maybe like May trying to solve quests um blade Ward and not really friends we already had that I don't even know does it matter uh doesn't really not really sure um for abilities I would pick shield shield is a really really important like soloing ability uh long Strider we already have Mage Armor can be useful especially if we're wearing this cat's Grace um and then disguise self maybe um to act you know for certain quests or utility and then other than that everything is kind of like pointless um enhanced leap can be good for solving some quests but you don't even have enough intelligence to keep all of these on anyway so does it really matter I don't really think so um for the prepared spell um so you once you get once you let's assume you hit Level six and you manage to have a haste score I would go wizard as soon as possible so that you can self haste yourself and you should be able to right click and learn um haste basically once you have access to level three spell slots right um so that's our next one wizard let's go um after that that's all we needed wizard for so after that it's just Fighter um and for fighter uh I would pick archery to mitigate the um to mitigate the um the attack roll decrease from shart shooter um and then finally we want you know the king of things like action search so we can finish the fights in like a single turn right and action search combos really really well with The Bard uh because we get it per short rest and Bard has song of rest so the way I've Design This character is to do big fights per short rest right um and that's kind of like our the resource that we are spending is short rest so we get three of these max strength uh blow out um Power thingies uh like prong rest um yeah and I think it's quite a bit more efficient than what other casters are able to achieve right so yep do this right okay no Gail we don't care about you right so essentially my skill bar um and abilities that I would probably use actually use at this point in the game is literally just brace slashing flourish range and then kind of like nothing else is that useful and you can just see my bar of here it's very minimalistic um I don't even think I would really use fear at this point this is kind of for like later down the line when you start to combo like a little bit more um that's basically it like these are all the skills that you basically need and it's a very very strong build already as is right um as you hit act two you start to get some really really important key items um key items right oh sorry I didn't mention I'm not sure if I mentioned using theem of Arcane Synergy potentially um at the end of act one but at this point we get some really key items and I've kind of I like two ways of playing this build one is like a frost build and one is like a fire build right Frost is more for more CC and fire is more for um damage especially AOE damage so first of all the fire build um it's quite easy to play I would say um you you get the hell dusk gloves or you can equip the thermodynamic gloves for heat I think both are valid options you are playing around oil of combustion um which makes it so that when you shoot a Target once with oil and then when you shoot again with fire damage it will explode um and the way that we are getting elements on our weapons which I've already done over here is by use of the Drake fire Drake throat glaive that you get at moonrise Towers right um look it up online if you don't know how to use that the other a really important item for all of the builds that I'm using is the risky ring there are not a lot of strong rings in the game and therefore it's very like the risky ring is the most powerful ins slot thing that you can have and I think that's and the disadvantage of saving throw on Constitution is the main risky thing about it and that's why I said before I really value Gail's ability to have um advantage on Constitution saving throw so we don't drop haste without that it's going to be really tough to kind of like not drop haste right um for gear in act two I don't have have it here up um there's just this year's half plate which gives you advantage on Constitution saving throws really strong um to counteract that um the risky ring right and for the fire build I think let's go fla hell dusk over here um this is more of a damage build so di demo Arcane Synergy would be the best item for you over there and this would be incredibly strong at taking out large groups of enemies right the more CC version of this is to go uh winches clutches snowb burst ring using the Drake fire to do ice on your weapon instead and then potentially helmet of Arcane Acuity so Arcane Acuity will affect the frost on the ground and makes it a very very high percentage chance for enemies to slip over so basically anything you shoot which isn't dead might fall over and lose its turn immediately or if it didn't fall over immediately then when it takes its turn it's going to fall over in its first step right it's very very strong um for this point in the game and it's a really cool cinematic build that I haven't really seen anyone talk about and obviously disting night Walkers you don't want to trip on your own eyes right and then um I think that brings us up to level nine so yeah 7 to n uh pick some combination of wizard one fighter two and if you want to resetting at this point respecing at this point is would be quite powerful because what you do need to do is you need to make sure that um you start with fighter to get this constitution saving throw proficiency so I would do fighter two then I would pick wizard one and then finish with B six in order to get your casting modifier change back to Charisma right at set now we're we're hitting level 10 I think it's very very important at this point that you go warlock or yeah that you go warlock because it's a Charisma based Caster you go fiend and then you have to take um the important skill to take here is Command right um the reason for that is that um most of you know how like in the mid game of this build where you're playing with Frost and like that kind of CC thing a lot of the enemies at this point are resistant to things like prone especially you know the the steel Watchers however command is a really strong way of like dealing with them you can make them drop their weapons you can make them skip their turns with halul it's incredibly powerful and I can't think of any other way to get command for cheap with only one point in warlock we get it right so I think this is the most valid like a great dip moment and getting at this point where you start fighting Watchers and things that are immune to prone it's I think it's really really strong and I've really benefited from going warlock at this point for the last two levels you are going back to Bard and it is basically ability clean up what we're getting by moving to Bard eight is we get an extra charge per short rest of Bic inspiration and I forget if we get anything else but um I'm just going to pick some skills over here freedom of movement BL don't really use it and then um greater invisibility I guess and for the last feed we are going to take alert so that we always move first during combat um I I I'm not sure if I said it before I don't rate ability Improvement I don't think this is a build that really needs ability Improvement hit chance has been completely solved by risky ring and plus one and like the why why do we need plus one casting modifier is just nothing compared to what an Arcane Acuity plus seven can give you right that's plus worth like seven times what ability Improvement it's worth and we're going to have it maxed like fully up all the time for sort of end game I'm not going to do like end end game which I consider like after I've beaten rapael already because real realistically at that point like a you sure he has some items that're really core for this build But like after that who's there left to kill answer is basically nobody because if you can beat Raphael the rest of the enemies will just roll over to whatever you have so like the build at that point isn't really important I might go over like what the final build is but it's really not that important I think at this point okay cool final final items um helmet of Arcane acurity this is the bread and butter of our build we are a build that both has the ability to stack the Arcane acurity faster than anybody else and to utilize it in between turns because of our band of the Mystic scoundrel cloak of displacement this is an act three item um I think it's just it's either this or the cloak of protection the half this year's half plate I use this for the advantage and Constitution saving throws and this is important to offset the negatives from the risky ring the Wonders gloves are a decent glove at this point you can also use um you could also use the the hell dusk gloves if you need more damage or if you want to play with the fire Co um with the oil of combustion coating I think that's valid um I just like it seems pretty I just didn't want to use my Coatings all the time so wonders glove is a really good way of just getting an extra double shot in there H us gloves early act three item I believe um again it's just an alternative to um it really the boots don't really matter that much I just don't want to fall over and slip when there's ice on the floor right am of The Devout um primarily because there aren't that many key amulets for this build as far as I know and plus two to Sol save DC helps even more getting 100% on our um when we are casting crowd control spells on other people Mystic scoundrel band is what makes our build unique compared to the heaps of other builds in the game you know we get like a ton of attacks and then we're able to use illusion spells with a really strong casting modifier with our bonus actions to CC whatever enemies are remaining right risky ring covers a bunch of our weaknesses and gives us a lot of our boost and we're also playing around the risky ring as well rap city um you get from cazador's area one of the best is the best in slot I think um plus three to attack rolls we hit so many times it's amazing plus three to spell save DC again like it's basically just really hammering home like how much plus DC do we need that's plus seven plus three and then plus two that's a plus 12 to anything we roll anything is going to get cced at that point right um and then we've got the club of Hill giant strength over here to kind of give us enough strength to use the Titan string boat now if you have um if you're willing to use the elixir of cloud giant strength and to forego the blood blood lust Elixir which is I mean it's stronger but maybe youve run out or you want to try something different then I think another really cool option um is to either swap the um Club of giant strength with ambusher or to swap raps CID wait why would I ever swap raps City that's silly um I think it's either um it's either Rap City and Club giant strength or it is rap CID and ambusher um and ambusher is really cool because with alert you're always going first and this actually applies to range attacks as well and in that first turn you kind of unload your full onslaught of damage at your enemies um it's really really powerful I think it's worth you know trying out right that's the item yeah in terms of skills I'm just going to rearrange this a little bit to kind of show what skills I actually use and I think that um this will I think having a really clean hot bar is uh pretty important part of the game so you can really concentrate on what you're actually uh using for this build um don't get you confused with all of the options of what we have just like keep what we're actually using for the most part love knock um fear I don't like it because it's concentration halt is just better than fear now um that's kind of why we took one point I'm sorry command is kind of like a a bread and but butter CC spell um yeah and then I think minor illusion I I don't really use minor illusion at this point I will equip whole monster on occasion depending on whether the fight requires whole monster for example Raphael um in Bard what do we use this long Strider like the item the stuff over here on the right are things that I kind of cast um like outside of combat or like you know at the start of each day fishious mockery is really nice now because it's an enchantment can trip and we have anything to use we don't want to use a spell slot in between our attacks vicious mockery is great um dissident Whispers doesn't use concentration stop somebody from moving um halt doesn't use concentration potentially you know halt up to like what five enemies and then just make them skip their turns so this is kind of my category of things that I use for my bonus actions and everything I use for my main actions is kind of just over here um just wanted to jump in and do a level 10 kind of like combat showcase um I've already kind of um put an elemental weapon fire I think I just felt like doing more of a fire Vibe um this time I'm going to do a giant strength um Cloud giant strength because I just got to act three with this build um and then because I'm using that to pump my strength I no longer need the um the club right so this is uh I think this is the base setup um going to be a little bit like meaner here to kind of show off this more fire build I don't really have to pull these guys all together but um it will let you see some big numbers um okay so we're going to self haste ourselves we are going to oil of combustion our weapon I'm going to do this thing over here I usually don't like splurging these two before the start of the round but I do want to apply the oil of combustion early I'm moving first that's amazing um I'm going to apply brace where is my little brace skill uh where is he yeah brace really good when you are very first turn focused right right um we're going to use Arrow of many kind of tap these guys boom boom and obviously I'm not using um I'm not using my uh Whatchamacallit uh I'm not using blood lust either which would obviously make this build a much much much stronger um just going to pump down this guy action surge he's almost dead already should be explosion range uh and then here's where the command comes in I'm going to Halt these three one two actually I only need to use two levels because one of them is exploding already going to Halt them so they miss their turns oh forgot about him can Shield blow this waste I don't really mind about getting hit over here doesn't really matter to me um let's Arrow of many Just for kicks sh and K so this will apply the oil of combustion onto all of these targets which is a really really cool application great for dealing with AOE he's in explosion range again and I'm just going to Halt them again I'll just use one and I can even use my warlock spell slot for that so I get it back every short rest so why don't you just stay in there and then blow up last guy and clear in slightly different way no minor illusion this time um no um oils this time as well so not using the frost of the fire I've decided to enchant my bow with lightning instead because I'm fighting a bunch of seel Watchers even though it doesn't really matter too much I'm trying to play around with the ambusher instead as well and I uh and I'm using wanders gloves I've taken off everything I don't feel contributes to this fight um and yeah what I'm doing is I'm trying to going to try to maximize brace essentially um and anyways let's see what happens I don't need this over here this should be my arrow button okay so I'm just going to start us off by tapping this character you know nothing fancy not even like a big starting move um going to start with brace and what I'm trying to do here is to get as much value out of my brace as uh brace as possible so I'm going to tap tap tap tap which Taps all of them applies my ambusher once to each of these targets really really really cool going to do it again second character is down going to go for this and I think we're going to take this steel Watcher out first over here so the six extra damage is actually coming from um the ambusher and the ambusher damage is also getting rerolled because of brace uh which I really like that kind of interaction so he's already an exploding mode and then here um I'm just going to do a two halt on these guys so they don't get to take their turn at all I tried I used to try making them drop their weapons cuz it was cool that they never were able to pick up their weapons but why even give them the chance you know what I mean like um why like yeah why even bother giving these guys the chance to move realistically I think he's going to be in explode range as well no he's not no oh okay another attack wonderful okay he's in explode range now I can can just halt using my um warlock slot which will come back once per long rest my build like I said functions off long rests anyways and then now there's just one enemy left and I just poke him down and I can either just halt him again or I can force him to drop his weapon um I don't think I'm just going to give him a chance maybe I should have made him drop his weapon for some variety uh I think he's kind of screwed anyway and obviously this uh fight could go a lot faster assuming I got the gloves that ignore um resistances against uh piercing damage I think that's one of the reasons you know it's got a lot of piercing resistance uh that's the only thing keeping these guys alive and meaning that I can't one turn them um but it's still like a very very easy fight and you can see you can imagine that anything which doesn't have those resistances is going to basically get screwed over and yeah that's the bill leave me any comments below
Channel: Silreen
Views: 8,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, build, archer, astarion, tactician, guide, cc, ultimate, insane, broken, min max, bard, bow, Astarion
Id: XqtKup5yk38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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