BEST RACE Choice for Each Class in Baldur's Gate 3

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that wasn't intentionally clickbaity title I apologize but I wanted to get your attention to tell you immediately that there is truly no best race that makes you better that any one class than any of the other ones this should save you time on this video or any of the other ones in the future and today I'm going to go over or tell you how certain races can get a leg up compared to the other races when it comes to particular classes but since there are no restrictions on your ability scores at the beginning of the game it just comes down to racial passives which are mainly nice to haves more than anything else if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things here is by upfronting the knowledge of my videos to see if it's the right one for you so with that being said three of the top performing races right now are Forest gnomes for their innate speak to animals cantrip as talking to animals is very strong in any illarion game the wood sub-race of either full or half elves or increased movement speed you get five more meters or however many feet that is and then lastly the half orc for just disgustingly strong Critical Hits outside of that everything is just kind of purely up to you if you truly want a min max you can pick one of those three but this is a role-playing game and it's such a juicy single player narrative so I can't encourage you enough to please play the race that you want and not the one the internet tells you that you should we live our lives with enough constraints on them so let your escapism be exactly how you want it to be you spent your money on it after after all but that's really it that's the tldr of this video if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and get back to enjoying your time in Baldur's Gate 3. before you head out please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things does truly help me out in a very very huge way and I greatly appreciate it you can quickly navigate to any part of this video that interests you the most using the chapters about the timeline in the description if you need help with any of the DND terms that are brought up in this video I have a full breakdown on the terms linked in the upper right hand corner lastly don't forget to follow me on Twitch where I will be doing giveaways and streaming Baldur's Gate 3 the next few days let's get started here on the best races for each class in Baldur's Gate 3. so just loading into the game here I'm going to quickly take a look at the ability scores just to talk about this I'm going to just clear this all off and put it like this so without assigning your plus two and your plus one bonus everyone starts just like this so for the most part regardless of your race your ability score won't matter if you're not familiar with this and you've not played um any of the DND games in the in the more recent days uh I believe it's like Tasha's cauldron of the hell they change it all to being like this you assign a plus two and a plus one it's no longer bound by a specific race or hey you know what um an elf can never be truly as strong as a half work because of their racial bonuses now your racial bonuses are right here in the race features section or if you're playing like a half elf you go into the sub race and you go and select those and you're going to get a specific sub-race bonus as well as your additional race features so I just want to quickly go over this here before we break into each and every individual subgroup I've set up for this video but let's just come gel information up front so rather than me breaking this apart into individual classes or individual groups of classes I decided to break this up by race and I think this is probably the easiest way to talk about a set of benefits that one race can apply to types of classes rather than saying hey if you're playing a barbarian you should just choose a half orc which I mean that might not be a bad idea anyway but taking a look at the Alves we get some race features to take a look at and we're going to talk about all those real quick so basal Race speed is 30 feet so you always will have a base a base racial speed of 30 feet unless you are a small race like a dwarf halfling no they all have 25 feet per turn now the elves then also get dark vision and they get Elven weapon Mastery or weapon training I'm sorry which is going to give them long swords short sword short bow and Longbow which would otherwise be broken apart by simple and martial weapon uh proficiencies respectively now Fey ancestry will have us an advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and they cannot be put to sleep so imagine can't put them to sleep but that also means narratively they cannot be put to slap to slap to sleep you might be encountering things to say Hey you know do this drink this potion it puts you to sleep but your Fey entrance ancestry makes you immune to such things now into the sub races we have both high elf and wood elf because drower on their own and the wood elf one I'll just talk about first gives you five more feet that's actually very strong so you move you're the fastest moving thing in the game for the most part right you move 35 feet base as a Wood Elf which is actually quite strong if you're playing any kind of melee class but this is also great if you're playing a stealth based class like a rogue or even like a gloomstalker for the Ranger and you're just trying to get it in and out of combat with sneak or whatever it is you have that increased movement speed which is nice but this is also reflected into like a ranged or a casting class that allows you to get some distance from something maybe move on to an upper ledge so that you can get Advantage from height or at least the increased damage from being on a height or the height Advantage wherever it's called plenty of things that can be given from Fleet of foot now with the high elf you get access to can trips now if you don't know what cantrip is it is a level zero spell meaning you can cast it any number of times um in a day like you don't have to do a long rest to recycle them you can cast a fireball every turn if you want it just simply takes an action and then you have access to quite a few can trips here and these can shoots are pretty good but if you're a fighter you're like well I don't need spells I mean this is based off my intelligence that's not going to help me well having low intelligence doesn't hurt you so this is a minus one disintelligence checks so this isn't going to do less damage because of that and on top of it we also get stuff like true strike where if I am a Melee character I still I'm not going to gain advantage on my Attack rules so playing a high elf doesn't mean that okay well I'm just going to be better at casting spells sure you get a can trip but it also makes you a better combatant because of stuff like true strike or maybe even blade Ward here which helps you take half damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks things that you're going to deal with when you are playing a melee class since we're talking about the elves let's also talk about the drought now drow have the exact same things for the most part when it comes to being an alpha the ancestry that the elves do they get Superior dark vision because they live in the underdark and they also get drow weapon training so they have Rapier short sword and hand crossbow and crossbow being particularly good because of the crossbow expert and the Sharpshooter Feats which are quite strong um and they move the typical 30. their sub race doesn't give them any difference here so the the drought though doesn't necessarily make them any better at any one thing when it comes to a race selection right getting access to rape your short swords and hand crossbows is cool and then increase dark vision is great but like I've said here before this is an example of a race that you're just picking the job because you like the drow the sub race thing is a lore thing and it has nothing to do with their capabilities within the game it might mean something as far as narratives go and I don't want to spoil that for you so you'll have to discover that for yourself but the drought would be no different than any other race for the most part just having access to Rapier short sword and hand crossbow if you want to use those weapons or say your Bard your Rogue your Ranger because these are all dexterity themed weapons you'd want to use something dexterity themed with that keeping that in mind you can use your strength or something that prevents you any finesse weapon you can use with either dexterity or strength whichever one is higher so when you are looking at those that's what you want to think about because you get Proficiency in them automatically the tiefling is a pretty cool race here because they get this hellish resistance you have resistance to fire damage taking only half damage from it and fire damage is very common in the game so whether you are someone who's going to be running up close and personal and you're running over say a barrel that's exploded and now there's fire on the ground well you're going to take half damage from that which is really nice or someone uses a fire spell against you you'll take half damage against it or maybe their weapon attack is Enchanted with fire like one of the characters in the very beginning of the game well you're gonna take half damage against it you also have dark vision which is great so you can see in the dark but you've got three sub races and these sub-races will each Grant you one specific can trip now this is again going to come down really to your decision from a lore perspective do you want to be a zaryal tiefling tiefings from zarya's bloodline are empowered with martial strength and can Channel steering flame to punish their enemies or Mephistopheles or asmodeus so it's really up to you the can trip here thamaturgy is pretty good for Advantage on intimidation and performance checks so if you are playing a character that is going to be the main character which you will play because that's how this game works then this is going to help you out if you are trying to lean into any kind of intimidation or performance with your maybe a Bard or maybe if you are a fighter or Barbarian you're choosing intimidation as a proficiency you have these options to get advantage on them which is great now this is a can trip so it's an action so when you go to do the role you'll cast this you don't have to always be casting it oh man I didn't know I was going to do that check before I got into that conversation when it comes up in the conversation for the role you can go ahead and do that uh use Dom attorney the cantrip and remember since it's cantrip you can just keep using it you don't ever have to rest to do it again Mephistopheles has magehand which is pretty nice because it's a hand that will go and interact with objects for you uh pick locks open levers get a backpack that you maybe can't reach out of your way it has a good 60 foot radius too or uh distance too so it's it's got a really long radius so you can actually use this to manipulate things or get things that you maybe otherwise cannot reach as modius can trip I don't like this one as much it's produced flame a flame in your hand that sheds light in a 30 foot radius and Deals 1D for fire damage when thrown throwing the flame immediately after you conjure it does not cost an action so it's like a free 1d8 fire damage more or less um and it is a light source which is cool and all but I think I'd much rather have the utility of the other two if I'm speaking purely about the can trips here but you should definitely be choosing your sub race of tiefling based off of these things uh based off of the Laura really of these locations because maybe you want to be more of a zaryl tiefling because maybe you're going with more of a Fighter character none of these subraces are going to be better at casting than any other one or better being a rogue or any of the skulkier races or a cleric or a Jew than any of the other ones human is very Bare Bones seeming they can move their typical 30 feet they get civil militia which gives them weapon Proficiency in Spears Pikes halberds and glaves which actually are quite good weapons uh Spears versatiles can be used with one-handed or um two-handed but Pikes halberds and glaves gives you extra reach they're really really nice weapons and they can do a lot of damage and you can stack them with some really fun Feats but armor proficiency with light and shields which is lovely you just kind of get this out the gate so if you want to be maybe a sorcerer or a wizard that does not start with light armor this would give you access to that and allow you to cast spells because that's what armor efficiency does it allows you to cast spells if you have that proficiency so this is very nice you can kind of lean a little bit heavier into an armor range which maybe we're not able to access or maybe if you selected a druid or a cleric and you wanted access to Pikes halberds or glaves you can now get that through the Civil militia perkier but you also get human versatility so this is very nice so you select additional skill to be proficient in and your carrying capacity is increased by a quarter the carrying capacity thing is pretty negligible since you've got three other characters you could just spread your carrying capacity across easily but this means we go to this location we get right here skill with proficiency another one because we are this is like the symbol for race so it's because we're a human we can go okay um if I can see right here if I go Athletics I can choose to do my racial one here or use um my innate2 2 is your standard skill proficiency that you'll get for a class certain classes we have more like a I guess a rogue has three um like a Bart I think may also have three um then the actual one we get here is because of our human Heritage so this is not necessarily good for any one class but I will say a class that is focused on a lot of skill proficiency Being Human allows them to even more focus on more skill proficiencies so let's get an example here right let's go ahead and go to this so now I get four skill proficiencies because I'm a Bard and if I kind of look at this with my background and how I can manipulate this with my background I technically get six in total right because background is going to grant me two skill proficiencies whichever background I choose and then I've got my three skill proficiencies as a Bard and my one skill proficiency as a human so if you're trying to play a class that leans very heavily into skill proficiency again Bard and Rogue would be two very good examples you can really pull a lot out of this by going human and getting even more bang for your buck since we talked about elves and of humans let's talk about half elves now half elves take the kind of Best of Both Worlds when it comes to humans and elves they get the Civil militia training so they get access to spear your Pikes Albertson glaves as well as a light and a shield armor proficiency they get dark vision and they get Fey ancestry so there's a lot of really cool things going here now depending upon which sub race I choose I go high half elf and get access to um my can trip here whatever cantrip I want to get access to I grab it in this location um and this is nice right like you can go high half elf get some of the benefits you want from um going half elf in general right with the Civil militia and then Swap this on over now narratively too I think that I personally if I were to say hey there's one there's one race that I think is the best it's half health I just think it's so they they can kind of Dodge a lot of things so for one elves can't have beards half elves can because they have human ancestry in them so if you wanted to play an elf with a beard just choose a half elf um you can typically get a pass on a lot of things like oh you're you're a half drow so I only half hate you drows in general suffer from a lot of racism in this game and being a half elf you kind of like all right well you know what maybe you're not happy maybe you're half bad you know so this is kind of an interesting way to kind of skirt the lines of being one or the other to get maybe The Best of Both Worlds but there are also situations where you'll encounter things in the game and I go oh you're goddamn half elf so pick what I said with a grain of salt because I think too the wood half health is really strong you get the high half Health can trip you get the draw half Health Dancing Lights which is I don't it's okay I mean I'm not gonna lie my my Bard is a drought half health because I love drow half felt not because they're good but because I really like drow in general and I like half the lore of a half elf so wood half elf though is really good because they get the five movement speed and then all the other benefits here of dark vision to the militia and of being a half elf and kind of sitting on that interesting racial line between the two where a lot of points in the game where you would be biased for one or the other you can kind of get a skirt by and that's another thing to kind of consider with races that not a lot of people talk about is that there's a lot of narrative Nuance to your race selection it's one of the only things that cannot be swapped out outside of your origin when you respect because so many decisions in the game are based off of what your race or your race is and everything prior to when you want to Respec can't be undone because you swapped your race so that's why race is always going to be locked in for you switching over to the half Fork this is one of the races that is newly added with the launch of the game right the Dragonborn half work and the half Fork is spicy because you get Relentless endurance if you reach zero hit points you regain one hit point instead of becoming down and when you land a critical hit with a melee attack your damage dice are tripled instead of doubled that is so good and then dark vision as well as your base ratio so I'm not gonna lie to you I think of all the races the half work is the race that is is a fighter because if I were to choose a wizard or a warlock a wizard or a sorcerer and and never go into actual melee even if cleric or Judah never really go into melee I'm wasting one of the things that makes half work so strong is that they triple their melee critical damage so any melee class just thrives as a half orc keep in mind though all classes Thrive with the ability to basically get a single get out of jail free card here right if you reach zero hit points you regain one hit point instead of being downed and this is every long rest I believe it doesn't say here but I believe it's every long rest and that's a really strong capability so it kind of allows you to you could you could be sitting at one hit point and then something comes up to you and does 58 damage let's just say 58. it doesn't matter it brings you to zero and then you come right back to one because of Relentless endurance so it's a really nice way to take an over splash of Splash of damage like if you're saying you're in a fight you're like man you know what I got two characters right now both are really weak I'll throw my half fork in front because he can't die this round no matter what he will stay the next round and I can heal him I can do something to try and counteract the damage that's done versus that thing hits my other character that doesn't have Relentless endurance and they just get ko'd so this is a nice way to kind of skirt that line and again it's it's why the half work really thrives being up close and personal but of course too like I said if you're playing a Caster character this is still a great way to say oh you know what I don't have many hit points I was able to get back online very quickly because Relentless endurance kept me alive in order to heal myself or do whatever if Yankee are pretty interesting um I think they're like corrupted elves from what I understand lore wise they have this Marshall Prodigy and that they get armor efficiency with light and medium armor which is is really nice right so you can be playing as a warlock and get medium armor right out the gate then they also get Proficiency in all swords short long and great swords which is again really sick playing on warlock I can now pop into each one of those if I don't want to go back to the blade which would otherwise give me a Proficiency in that weapon but I think too it's really fun to just be able to get access to any of these weapons that you might not get access to if you're maybe playing a druid or a war a cleric that doesn't get that unless they go down certain circles or domains so it's nice to kind of see your see that ability kind of turn on for you so it's a it's a cool way to get access to those proficiencies and pull those proficiencies into classes that don't have it again sorcerer or wizard getting access to your light and medium armor which you otherwise would not get can't Trip 2 you get a mage hand to uh very nice we talked about it just a little bit ago but it's the ability to more or less manipulate things at a 60 foot range so you can trigger any levers you can pull things for you that that you can then use um there's another instance in which I was you can you can trip up things that you don't actually have to go and do the Trap yourself whatever it is you can disarm you can pick locks magehand is super useful in this game especially a game that is really about manipulating and using an environment in so many different ways so magehand do not sleep on it you'll get it if you're an Arcane trickster you'll get it for this character you'll get it for the um the tieflings it's a very good ability but then they also get astral knowledge so it used to be if you played Early Access you just got access to a special skill proficiency so what this does let me explain it for you if you if you're maybe new to DND gain Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability let's go ahead and go to abilities here let's take a look at change and we'll go unclick that so these are organized in order strength dexcon intelligence wisdom Charisma as that type of skill so Athletics acrobatics all the way down it just follows that same exact trajectory here so all of my dexterity ones are right online here and it goes into intelligence then it's gonna go into wisdom and then I'll go into Charisma so if I choose hey you know what I want to use my astral knowledge here oops my astral knowledge and I want to choose Proficiency in Charisma I gained proficiency I gained two proficiency again your proficiency bonus which starts off at two and becomes three and four later on you gain that two in all Charisma skills which would be deception intimidation performance and persuasion and you get it until you do a long rest it's sick and it doesn't require concentration either you just have it it's it's like a ritual it's just like if you did uh speak with animals it's a very powerful capability now that doesn't make them any better than any any one class but it does make them very strong if they are your player class where you're saying maybe maybe you're going with a sorcerer or a warlock or a um Bard and you have a ton of Charisma and then you choose Charisma proficiencies then you just get way more bonuses to all those if you don't already have a skill Proficiency in them or maybe you're playing a fighter or a barbarian and you have got no skill proficiencies in any charisma skill boom you turn this on and you're good maybe you're not playing or maybe you're playing a wizard or you're playing a cleric or a druid and you don't have sleight of hand and no one in your entire party has sleight of hand use astral knowledge on dexterity skills and get a Proficiency in those skills to pick locks disarm traps and allow you to get through portions of the game you otherwise would kind of get hung up on time for the small races you now have the dwarf so the dwarf has some cool race features we get Dwarven combat training which is Battle axes hand axes light Hammers and warhammers dark vision and then Dwarven resilience you have advantage on saving throws against poison and you have resistance to poison damage you will encounter quite a bit of poison in this game especially in the early portions so this dwarf racial feature as just a regardless of your sub race is actually quite good but then we have our three sub-races so the gold dwarf your hit point Max increases by one and increases by one again every time you get a level so gold dwarfs actually make amazing paladins and Fighters characters that are kind of upfront and personal and taking more damage but it also makes them very good Sorcerers and wizards because it allows them to have a higher Health pool to pull from so they don't get killed as quickly so you can always kind of look at something like this don't think of the subtext as oh this means I have to play a tank character no this just means that you're better at Staying Alive as any character you choose the shield dwarf here gets armor Proficiency in light and medium armor this also matches with all the Hammers and axes that you get from the Dwarven combat training so a shield dwarf if you're playing a fighter or a paladin you already have up to Heavy Armor proficiency if you're playing as a ranger you already have medium but if you're playing as a rogue you don't so you do this and now you're a rogue with medium armor proficiency but keep in mind that might also limit your ability to sneak just keep those things in mind if you look at these armored proficiencies don't go oh I can get a heavy armor on my character somehow and I'll be a rogue that might make it hard to sneak because it's metal armor so you can look at these armor proficiencies get granted by these sub-race features as a way to crack into an armor range that might help you out more than you thought it would or something you didn't think you'd ever had access to Sorcerers and wizards being examples not getting light and medium the durger here are your underdark dwarfs and they're probably my favorite ones everything in the dark's cool of me for some dumb reason because I'm edgy but the resilience here you have an advantage on saving throws against Illusions and being Charmed and paralyzed and honestly Charmed and paralyzed is one of like one of those things that you'll encounter quite a bit in this game in general but it's also very nice to have an advantage against saving against because losing control of your character in any way shape or form is always very damning in any Dungeons and Dragons Dungeons and Dragons games aren't so much about healing through damage they're about using full control of your character across both your actions action and bonus action to maximize your damage output to kill the engagement as fast as you can healing is a nice to have but losing control of your character is just a damning thing to have all the way around so having that is quite nice we also get Superior dark vision here as well so going down with a dwarf you can choose any gamut of classes here but getting more survivability is a gold dwarf Shield dwarf giving you more armor and durger giving you some better resilience Makes You Hell or helps you choose maybe you want to use this character because you're going to be up close and personal and you're not going to have innate um charm resistance which would come from having wisdom wisdom is typically wisdom intelligence are typically the stats associated stated with making a save against charm so if you're playing a fighter or you're playing a paladin who will probably have good wisdom to be honest or you may be playing a barbarian you might not have high ant and wisdom these will allow you to save against it next up is the Gnomes the little Bros now these guys have gnome cunning you have advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws which is actually all very strong because all three of those abilities are typically associated with abilities scores or anything that would some way give you a crowd control effect or a persistent like debuff of some sort any kind of like General like oh like a bane I think is like a wisdom one or Charm is a wisdom or an intelligence uh Tasha's hideous laughter all these things are they fall into intelligence wisdom and Charisma so having an advantage rolling against it remember advantage means you roll two die you pick the better of the two is a nice way to dodge those things if again you do not have corresponding High ability scores in each one of these abilities having a high ability score kind of negates it but now you have an advantage so it makes it even better sub-races though we have the rock gnome they also have deep fission or dark vision but this helps out with a add twice your proficiency bonus to history checks which there are a good amount in the game I think I have encountered more investigation Arcana and perception checks organically than I have history so this I think to be I'm not going to say there's there's a bad race because there's not I've said in the beginning of the video I've said about this whole video many times all Races apply to however you want to play enjoy it as far as a sub race feature I don't find particularly useful This falls into it just like the draw one does but like I said draws like my favorite elf so I still chose it so just keep that in mind Forest gnome like I said beginning forced home is one of the strongest in my opinion because you get access to speak with animals just out the gate and that might seem really stupid oh well why do I care about that larion games have a stupid amount of interaction with animals to circumvent portions of the game get access to things that you would not otherwise get access to get followers you would not otherwise get access to and get information you otherwise would not get access to and there are tons of things in in the first 10 minutes of getting off the illited ship you're gonna speak to an animal guaranteed you will encounter it because you'll have to get one character and you'll have to talk to an animal and then you can talk to animals throughout a lot of act one which are really going to help you out with a lot of things owl bears bears all sorts of stuff it will continue to return for you throughout the entirety of the game and again it's a ritual so you use it and it stays on You Until you long rest and then you just use it again because it's a it's a can trip too uh I think she actually says it's a spell but still I'm pretty sure this counts as a cantrip uh all said and done it says spell right there but I don't see it uh either way you just use it because the fighter doesn't have any spell slots I would think of it as a can trip nonetheless you use it and you get access to it it's great deep gnome though gets you Stone camouflage you take advantage on stealth checks so this wouldn't be an example of one in which I'm particularly going to take a lot of advantage of if I'm playing a Ranger a Bard or a rogue ones that would typically have stealth checks on now you can play stealthy Fighter characters or multi-class into anything on this list of course and had to take advantage of some of these these racial sub features but definitely having any kind of stealth check and getting advantage on it is a huge bonus with stone camouflage because I believe in the fifth edition Stone camouflage worked with you had to be on Stone terrain you don't hear you just simply have to go ahead and do a stealth check and you get an advantage to the roll so it makes it particularly good if you want to sneak around as a gnome next up is the Dragonborn the Dragonborn are a badass looking racer one of my favorite looking races look at these guys their eyes are so sick but I will say that they don't really have a ton of crazy racial features this doesn't make them bad for any one class it actually makes them totally fine for anyone class because they just nicely applicable to all of them because they get an action which is a breath attack followed by a subclass or a sub race feature which is a resistance to that same element so most of them will say share two of the same element with I think three of them having um uh three of them having lightning and three of them having fire I believe it is because gold red and Brass all have fire elements bronze copper I know those bronze black I guess just bronze and black yeah yeah it was blue and bronze are blue and bronze are lightning copper and black are acid and white and silver are Frost with green giving you access to poison now like I said you just kind of choose whichever one makes the most sense for you none of these are going to be anyone better than than another at another uh that any other class I will say that there are effects in the game that will be more prevalent like I've said before fire and poison are pretty pretty prevalent but there's also effects in the game that you get from armor that will boost certain things like I have one um I think it's a pair of gloves or a pair of boots that will actually if you do poison damage it increases the amount of poison damage you do so that'd be pretty good for a green Dragonborn whereas otherwise I would have said this is only going to be good on a class that can actually cast that specific type of damage so there are definitely instances where this can work another example be a pair of gloves let's say when you do unarmored unarmed or electric damage you do additional bits of damage here and there with certain other things making blue and bronze particularly good for those types of gloves so this is the kind of interesting thing about Dragonborn is they're not particularly amazing at any other rate class in other ones but they have certain things in the game that give them access to stuff that other classes wouldn't have as a virtue of that class not doing that thing what I mean by that is those gloves they increase your poison damage well you know what I'm a fighter and I don't innately do poison damage now I can with poison breath so that would be an example of how the Dragonborn can be used for specific classes that don't get certain things and I saved the Dark Horse for last deliberately because everything I've said on this this video is kind of a lie the halfling actually is like the best race and the reason that the halfling is the best race is because of this lucky when you roll a one for an attack roll ability to check or saving throw you can re-roll the die and must use the new value what does that really mean okay for an attack roll you probably don't see it but when you're doing an ability check or a saving throw if you're trying to maybe do a specific dialogue or narrative thing where you have to do a saving throw because a reading from a necromantic book or maybe you have to do an ability check so that you can do an intimidation role or whatever it is to get past a certain thing well if you roll a two you get to pull from all of your bonuses guidance or your proficiencies all those things if you roll a one it's a critical Miss it's a critical failure you don't get to pull any bonuses into it so if something has a difficulty of three and you roll a two you can bonus past it if something has a difficulty of three and you roll a one you you can't bonus past it so getting a free re-roll that you don't have to use your inspiration and inspiration are linked to your background you'll do certain things it'll say hey here's an Inspiration Point you can use this to re-rollability checks and what have you but getting that just just a default thing you don't ever have to use that is really strong and this is accounts for stuff like opening locks disarming traps pretty much everything in the damn game it's a really really good one and this doesn't have a recycle you just you just use it you just have to take the new role that's it so if you have multiple things back to back you're just constantly re-rolling so yeah truly this is the best race from a die rolling perspective Brave you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened which will be decently common you also get light foot halflings to have an advantage on stealth checks so if you want to stealth around and also get an advantage to any or I'm sorry re-roll anytime you're trying to pop a lock or a disarm or anything like that um this is right there for you and strong heart halflings have advantage on taping throws against poison and resistance to Poison's damage which you'll get in Spades so I think probably the like I said it's the Dark Horse I think it's the one that people are probably going to play the least because it's a halfling I don't find halfling's terribly interesting but they had the one of the strongest abilities in fifth edition and it rains true here in uh Baldur's Gate I think if this had a long rest that you had to wait in between it it'd kind of curb how good it is but it truly is the best damn ability because it defies what class you're playing all classes benefit from being able to get an auto free re-roll from a one like that is so damn good so if you really want the best race I'm sad to say it's a truly a halfling but hopefully this kind of helps you out in choosing your race as you jump into um Baldur's Gate for the first time because as I've said it's one of the only permanent choices you can make in the game outside of your origin but truly choose whatever you want to play choose one that's gonna resonate with you or the kind of character You're Gonna Make You know do you want to be a heroic dwarf Paladin do you want to be a skulking tiefling Rogue do you want to be a half orc wizard then just do it don't let anything that you read or or digest about how to make your character discourage you from playing the character you want to play like I said before we deal with enough restrictions in our life player Escape isn't how you want you spent your money on it you do your day-to-day I don't care if you're 12 years old or you're 42 years old enjoy this however you want you deal with enough responsibilities and in a day play the game that you want to play but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take care [Music] thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 185,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST RACE Choice for Each Class in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 classes, bg3 best race for each class, bg3 best race, bg3 best race for paladin, bg3 best race for druid, bg3 best race for bard, bg3 best race for rogue, bg3 best race for wizard, bg3 best race for monk, bg3 best race for sorcerer, bg3 best race for barbarian, bg3 best race for warlock, bg3 best race for fighter, bg3 best race for cleric, baldur's gate 3 best race, bg3 race guide, bg3
Id: orGBA_ReTgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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