Baldur's Gate 3 Beginner Class Tips for Every Class

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 video I'm going to be giving you some helpful beginner tips for the class of your choice and these are going to be helpful things when playing your character in and outside of combat this is not a how to choose your class video we've already done a ton of those on how to select your class this is more like you've already decided to play a class now what are some things that can help you get off to a good start with that class so first up is Barbarian assuming you decided to play a barbarian I want to take a look at unarmored defense here this is you gain at level one as a barbarian and essentially what it does is it increases your armor class by your Constitution modifier as long as you're not wearing armor so if you're playing unarmored you're going to gain extra armor from your Constitution and you're going to gain extra armor from your dexterity so generally speaking when you play Barbarian you're going to play a strength based Barbarian mostly because you'll probably be using the throwing mechanic in this game and that is based off your strength but if for some reason you're not you're you know using dexterity then please disregard this but if you're playing a strength Barbarian you're going to be dumping a lot of points into strength and you're going to be dumping a lot of points into Constitution and because dexterity adds to your armor class and you're going to be unarmored you know or you're going to try and be on Armored if you're using on Armored defense you're going to need a lot of points in dexterity in order to get your armor class up this means that you know best case you'll probably have 16 dexterity and 16 Constitution which means that you would gain six to your armor class on top of your default 10. so you'd have 16 Armor class when you're unarmored and that's a few like kind of sacrificed to get as much dexterity and Constitution as you can but if you play with like gideki half plate for instance on your Barbarian you're gonna have 15 armor from that plus two from your dexterity that's 17 armor already and you didn't really have to like kind of [ __ ] your strength in order to do that so I think there's a good case to play as a armored Barbarian early on and kind of disregard on Armored defense early on in the game and another tip I want to give you is about rage you only have a couple of charges of Rage early on in the game so you might be tempted to save them from you know for the combats where you really need them the reality is when you're playing Baldur's Gate 3 you typically long rest after about every one or two combat encounters depending on how hard they are particularly if you're playing on balanced or higher so you can use them basically every encounter and you're gonna long rest before you run out generally anyway and then when you get to level three and you're choosing a subclass I recommend taking Berserker if you're a brand new player it's just so straightforward it's easy to use it'll just make you really strong and I recommend that for a new player but if you want something a little more interesting than just straight up Berserker I think wildheart is a great choice here and that's because it can add like a lot of different variety of things you can do to combat take something like wolf art which makes it so that when you're standing next to enemies other melee attacks from your friendly characters that are close to those enemies they have advantage on those roles that's really huge particularly if you have like a melee Rogue that uses sneak attack and melee range that means they can get advantage on like every attack as long as that Barbarian is next to a character so there are a lot of ways this can help benefit like Melee other melee characters on your team and it's a little bit more Dynamic than I think Berserker is so I would recommend one of those two sub classes and another thing that I'll say is that if you're playing a barbarian you should probably be using a two-handed weapon I think most cases it makes the most benefit to use a two-handed weapon with a barbarian you can certainly play dual wield if you want but I would highly recommend playing two-handed and one of the things you might want to consider doing at level 4 is picking up the great weapon Master feat which allows you to have like a penalty to your attack role in exchange for a lot more damage and an extra I bonus action if you kill an enemy or critically hit with that attack if you're playing Berserker this is much less relevant because you'll gain an extra attack as a bonus action anyway while you're raging but if you're playing Wild Heart then this becomes more relevant and because Reckless attack gives you advantage on your attack rolls that minus five penalty becomes a lot less important because Advantage gives you a huge increase to your hit chance effectively because you're going to roll twice so consider taking that at level four if you're not Berserker if you're playing wild heart still pick good pickup you can still take it on Berserker for the extra damage if you want as well and lastly barbarians gain an extra attack at level 5 as long as they use it their attack action in a turn so that's going to increase the damage output they have particularly if they're using Reckless attack as that's gonna give them advantage on their attack rules and they also gain increased movement if they're not wearing heavy armor so that's going to help with their Mobility so I would suggest not multi-classing a barbarian before you hit Level 5. okay moving along to Bard first thing about Bard is they have a unique can trip called vicious mockery which you can deal a little bit of damage to a Target but gives it disadvantage on its next attack roll and this is really really effective at preventing you know a really hard hitting enemy from like throttling your melee unit or whatever they're close to because it's going to make it more likely they're going to miss which will prevent damage you can use this every turn kind of locking down a very difficult enemy because it's a can trip and you might want to consider that and also the lines that are spoken when you use vicious mockery are just amazing so make sure you use vicious mockery when you need to don't use it when you don't but you will need it sometimes and make sure when you're preparing spells that you minimally prepare healing word healing word is like the best early game heal spell because it's a bonus action and you can use it at range and it can pick up Fallen targets so throw that thing at range if somebody goes down it'll pick them up you won't have to spend the action of walking over to them and then using the health action to end your turn and then they get up you can use a bonus action to do it from range and then you can still use your action to do something else on your turn so make sure you have healing word speak with animals also not bad if you want to talk to animals in the game and you don't have another character that you can you know do that and choice of subclass I think I would recommend really comes down to like what your need is for your group if you need more of a spellcaster college of lore is the way to go if you need more martial capabilities in combat uh you're definitely going to want to take College of our College of sorts so I think that really depends on your party composition and like what you're kind of lacking in your group and another thing that I would suggest if you're playing a Bard and you're like a newish player I would recommend not multi-classing a Bard until like after level six and this is because College of lore gains magical Secrets at level six which is really strong allowing them to pick two spells from another class so you get like Fireball or something like that and on College of Valor and College of Swords you gain extra attack so that's really really strong that's going to give them an extra attack every round so I recommend new players don't multi-class this class until after level six regardless of the subclass so moving along to cleric I personally really like for new players either life domain to further boost your healing um and also giving you heavy armor proficiency or I like light domain if you want to be more of an offensive spellcaster this will get you more involved in combat I think one of the things that clerics can kind of have an issue with early on particularly if you're not familiar with the class is being very effective in combat light can help you do that as you get a little bit higher level and get some more potent spells and then if you want to have a more martial focused cleric I would suggest Tempest or war and I like War a bit better than Tempest simply because you can use your bonus action to do another attack a certain number of times before you need to rest it's usually about three it's your wisdom modifier so if you had 16 wisdom movie three times or you need a long rest and that gets you more involved in combat and you know that means at the beginning of the game you're gonna have like two attacks a couple of rounds where your fighter will only have one and it actually really gets you involved and again because you tend to rest after like one combat or two combats in pg3 particularly in harder difficulties you'll get this back a lot faster than you think and it'll just keep you more involved in the Marshall side things when you run out of spell slots or when you don't need to catch the support spell and spells you really want to take on your cleric healing word is another good one You definitely want to have guidance guidance can be used like pretty much constantly in this game and it'll affect outside of combat dialogue checks and it'll affect like you know disarming traps and picking locks with that character you can actually use it as the role is going on that really helps tremendously also enhanceability is really good also on BART you should get it here they forgot to mention the support enhance ability is really good I like to run enhanced ability on my highest perception character so I'll throw it on them and it just stays on them until I concentrate on something else so when they're running around on the landscape if they have like the owl version of it they'll actually have advantage on their perception checks making them more likely to spot hidden things so that's one little tip there make sure you absolutely get enhanced ability on your cleric and guidance both of these are very very strong I also want to mention guiding bolts on cleric particularly if you're not playing a martial focused cleric this thing can absolutely hit like a truck you can use it with level one or level two level three spell slots so it gets stronger the higher slot you cast it with this thing is an absolute monster early game and if you want to Shell out a lot of damage with your cleric guiding bolt is the way to go so talking a bit about Druids Druids have some similarities to clerics in terms of some of the Spells they can gain not all of them the same but one I highly recommend picking up on your Druid if you're playing a druid is healing word I've recommended this on all the support classes it's really really strong in this game being able to pick friendly unit up from the ground with a bonus action from across the screen is invaluable so make sure you get this one as soon as you can speak to animals is also really good if you don't have anyone else in your group talking to animals it seems like a druid would naturally be able to do that so taking that is good that gets you a lot of interactions outside of combat that you will really enjoy in the game so make sure you have this on at least one character and if you have a druid it should probably be that character goodberry is also a very effective heal here I highly recommend that if you're looking to get a little more healing on your Druid I also highly recommend getting guidance on your Druid if you're playing a druid and that'll help outside of combat with dialogue checks it'll help with trap checks and disarming traps and picking locks and you know perception checks and all that stuff so guidance is really good on your Druid as well and if I had to recommend a subclass I think it's going to come down to circle of the land or circle of the Moon and that's really going to depend on like do you plan on wild shaping during combat or not if you're planning on wild shaping a lot during combat then Circle the Moon is the way to go but if you're just like trying to like figure out what do I do with Druid circle of land is a good default selection it's definitely one that's you know going to be more towards the spell casting side than shifting into combat and stuff like that and I think it's probably a little bit less complicated for a new player since it's just gonna play like a spellcaster generally other good spells to pick up on your Druid enhance ability for the same reason I mentioned on cleric this is really really strong make sure you have this Moonbeam is really good too I really really like Moonbeam this is a spell that like does a small AOE and then you can kind of move it without recasting the spell and when an enemy starts their turn inside the spell they take damage so you damage them initially and then when they start their turn they take damage really really strong especially since you can move this without using extra spell slots early on in the game when you don't have a ton of spell slots okay moving along a fighter fighters gain a class feature at level 2 called action surge which allows them to take a second action in combat which they typically use for an attack this can only be used once per every short rest highly advised short resting between combat encounters because again you typically long rest every one or two encounters anyway so you definitely probably won't make it three encounters before long resting so you might as well short rest if you're not long resting between encounters to regain action search an action surge is extremely strong once The Fighter hits level 5 because they have extra attack at level 5 if they take their attack action on a turn so if they attack with their action they get an extra attack so they get two attacks and then if you use action surge they can take that attack again and then they get an extra attack for that second attack so at level five you'll essentially gain four attacks when they use action surge which is another reason you should definitely short rest before combats or in between combats in order to have action search ready particularly after level 5. when it comes to your fighting style I like five of the six of the fighting styles I don't really like protection that much it's a little bit harder to pull off earlier on in the game and remember that if you choose dueling this all also applies if you're using a shield so that extra damage you gain will also apply if you're one-handed and using a shield and when it comes to your fighter subclass I highly recommend Battle Master for new players it gives you a lot more Dynamic things you can do in combat Fighters typically early on with gamer move and attack moving attack or attack and don't even move depending on what's going on this can give you some like other things you can do in combat besides just attacking these will modify your attacks in some way some of them are like support Buffs and things like that champion just has passive effects that really aren't going to let you do anything other than move and attack and Eldritch Knight even though it's really cool and more Dynamic than either of the other two can be kind of complicated to play early on for a brand new player so unless you're a little bit more confident highly recommend going Battle Master and lastly because Fighters gain extra attack at level 5 you probably don't want to multi-class your fighter until after level five because you want to get that extra attack as quickly as possible there are probably exceptions to this but if you're a new player highly recommend getting to level 5 first so moving along to monks monks also have unarmored defense just like barbarians but instead of constitution being added to their armor they have wisdom so they're going to want some wisdom and dexterity but because monks are primarily dexterity focused class they're going to have a higher Armor class probably than a barbarian will be because of all the extra dexterity that they have so they can play unarmored a lot better and in fact I definitely recommend you play your monk on Armor and then when you're talking about choosing a subclass I highly recommend way the open hand is good early on because this I think is going to get you the most overall damage early on in the game and although way of the four elements is really cool and they have some spells they can use typically what ends up happening is that you can't get into melee range to use your bonus on arm attack which is one of the benefits of a model so it's kind of difficult to play a ranged monk with some of these spells you could pick more close range ones which I highly recommend if you're playing that subclass I feel like way of the open hand is good early on and then way of Shadow is better later once you get Shadow Step at level six it becomes a lot stronger but you don't get that until level six so if you want to play way of Shadow I highly recommend going way of the Open Hand early and then just respecking into way of Shadow later and monks gain an extra attack at level 5 just like barbarians and Fighters do so you probably don't want to multi-class your monk until after level five because that extra attack can be huge for them okay I'm moving along to Paladin I personally like to take the dueling fighting style my Paladin and use him with a shield and sort of make him the tank that gives him extra damage when he's you know using a one-handed weapon which is nice you're gonna get the bulk of your damage on your Paladin from the Divine Smite uh class feature so you know using a two-handed is not really necessary and I like to take like the tank roll if you will as a paladin kind of soak up damage and do a lot of damage on the front line using to find Smite and a couple things about Divine Smite remember that if you miss with Divine Smite you don't consume a spell slot so sometimes like if you have a 50 chance to hit it's still worth using Divine Smite because even if you miss you just miss the attack and if you connect then maybe you killed the Target and it's not you know something you have to take into consideration when gambling with your attack and the other thing is that you can use Divine Smite from any spell slots you have so if you multi-class with a full spellcaster maybe like a Bard or a sorcerer you'll have more spell slots that you can use for spells but also that you could use for divine Smite so if you're gonna multi-class maybe consider one of those two classes you can also multi-class with warlock very well but they do not have many spell slots so you won't get as many uses of divine Smite from it although they will be stronger Divine smites one benefit of the Warlock though is that you can gain your spell slots back on short rest so you can pick up the Divine smites very easily on short rest and when it comes to selecting your subclass I think they all kind of play very similarly in my opinion from what I've seen so far that is to say you're mostly a good character I think both a Vengeance gives you a little more freedom to kind of be a dick now and then but you know you're still not going to be able to turn around and murder one of your companions and or an NPC and everyone's like that's fine so you know if you're like playing a paladin and you're worried about the restrictions of the decisions you have to make as a paladin because if you don't follow your Paladin oath then you know you're going to be an oath breaker not everyone wants to do that I would suggest going with oath of Vengeance because it gives you a little bit more freedom to play around with you know doing horrible things but not you know not quite in the evil realm of things and if you're just talking about subclasses in general I really like oath of the Ancients and oath of Vengeance the most although the Ancients gives you Moonbeam at level five I really like this spell now you I mentioned this before on Druid but you can cast it and then you can use another action to keep moving it around without consuming more spell slots and that's really really handy when you don't have a lot of spell slots Additionally you gain Misty step and that allows you to like teleport so you can teleport to an enemy and get in range paladins don't have the mobility that monks and barbarians do so being able to like teleport to where you need to go to position yourself essentially if you're playing a tanky Paladin super valuable also gain uh Misty Step at level five which is really nice but you also gain hold person I don't know if you know this but if you trap something or a character with hold person and you attack them in melee range you do automatic Critical Hits so if you cast hold person and then your you know other characters attack them and mainly they're gonna get messed up or if they're still being held on your turn again you get two attacks at guaranteed crit which is really really nice also they can use Hunter's Mark to increase their damage as a bonus action this is great because Hunters Mark if you kill the target then can be cast again without using another spell slot tell you rest so you could use this a lot without using a lot of spell slots and you absolutely should if you're playing oath of Vengeance so paladins gain their extra attack at level five but something else to consider is that they also gain Aura protection at level 6 which gives them their Charisma modifier to all of their saving throws that's huge and this is an aura around them right so this also affects characters around them that is a lot of extra protection against negative effects and spells if you are playing a paladin you might want to wait until after level six to multi-class because that is a really really strong class feature [Music] and that takes us to Ranger for Ranger I like to choose to happen fighting or archery for my weapon style like my fighting style I think Rangers make very good archers and they also can use uh two weapons very effectively they typically can play dexterity they can also play strength if they want um but dexterity gives them the flexibility to use two weapons and archery very very effectively as far as your favorite enemy goes I would just choose the one that you like the Proficiency in the most the other bonuses are not super important unless you really want to wear a heavy armor then Ranger Knight is a good choice I mean you could always give yourself that flexibility particularly if you're planning on playing a melee Ranger but for natural Explorer I would take the the fire resistance first because there are a lot of fire consumables and explosions in the game from early game enemies and that can protect you from damage a lot and for subclass I highly recommend either Beastmaster or gloomstalker these are both really really strong subclasses Beastmaster is going to allow you to summon an animal companion these different Animal Companions have different abilities and that's like an extra body on the battlefield that soak up damage from the enemy that can deal damage on a turn that basically gives you five characters while your Beast is out and that's really really strong additionally Gloom stalker on the other hand makes it so that on your first turn in combat not only can you move further but you can deal an extra attack and it will deal with more damage and this is not part of your attack action so you're actually going to gain extra attacks on Ranger and then at level 5 when you actually gain the extra attack feature you'll be able to do that first attack on your first turn for free doing extra damage then you can take your regular attack and then you get your extra attack so you'll actually have three attacks per turn at level five with a gloomstalker which is pretty strong in my opinion and just like other Marshall classes that gain extra attack at level five it's tough to want to multi-class out of these classes at this level because or before this level because you're level four and one more level is going to give you an extra attack every turn it's hard to justify whatever you gain on top of that because you know having an extra attack is huge that's a huge power increase for your character so if you're gonna multi-class Ranger also at least you're if you're a beginner player I highly recommend that you wait till after level five okay then moving to Rogue let's talk about sneak attack there are really two ways you can gain sneak attack on your Rogue first is by having advantage on your attacks there's a lot of ways to have advantage on your attacks probably the easiest one though is going into hiding and at level two you actually gain cutting action hide on Rogues so you can actually hide with your bonus action at the beginning of your turn if you're not already hidden and then attack with sneak attack and you can gain this most of the time now you might need to move first and get out a line of sight to do this sometimes you can just do it where you are and keep in mind that if you go into hiding and then you need to move to shoot a Target you move a lot slower so you're not going to cover as much distance but doing hide with your uh bonus action and then doing sneak attack with your main action with like a bow or a melee attack usually this is a lot easier to do with the bow so if you're playing a new player strongly recommend kind of favoring the bow on your Rogue early on until you get the ropes and you using the you know bonus action hide keep in mind that there are as a height as a regular action and then there's counting action hide so make sure you use the right one and then try and use sneak attack the other way is if you shoot a Target that's next to a friendly unit and that's a lot easier to do but you don't have advantage on that attack so you're less likely to connect when you're with your attack roll so I try and get Advantage every time I can that means when I'm playing my rogue I'm usually trying to hide anyway even if the character is standing next to my target just so I can have a higher chance of connecting now when it comes to subclass I highly recommend assassin to new players and that's because what it does is it's going to give you advantage against any Target who has not taken a turn yet in combat so this is going to be the first round you're going to have Advantage which is going to make you more likely to connect and meets the criteria for sneak attacks whether you're hiding not hiding whether your friendly unit is near the Target or not you're automatically going to have advantage against any enemy that hasn't taken a turn and that's going to help you easily trigger your sneak attack without going through hiding or having to wait for a teammate to get there or anything like that it's going to make it easier for you to play a rogue if you're a new player one other tip is I try and take down one target with sneak attack and the beginning comment like I find the squishiest Target and just try and wipe it out because it's a really high boost damage and it's a good way to do that and it makes it so your party is going to take less damage and also if you're talking about multi-classing a rogue they don't have an extra attack at level five so their damage is really going to come from sneak attack which increases at every odd Rogue level and which means that they can multi-class at any point it's just that what's the best point for you you know it's probably going to be after level three at least so that they can take their subclass and you know how much sneak attack do you want to lose by multi-classing that's the decision you need to make that's up to anyone but they don't necessarily have to go to level five like some of these other Marshall classes where it kind of makes more sense to multi-class after that you could do it a bit earlier on a rogue if you want okay moving on to sorcerer the first thing you're gonna have to sign on sorcerer is what subclass to choose I personally like draconic bloodline the best it not only gives you more armor class where you're unarmored but it's also going to increase the damage you deal with the element that you choose and Firebolt is kind of like a staple can trip for a lot of casters and if you pick fire you're gonna add your charisma modifier to the damage of that roll that's just gonna help it out a lot I'm at that point though the fireball can't trip will deal about double the damage it normally does so it's less important at that point but I do really like that one or storm sorcery if you plan on playing a lightning Mage if you're playing a new player while magic is a bit rough because you Channel or you create random effects when you use your magic and they could be good or bad and I'm not sure a new player having these random effects is going to help them as much as they think it will and another tip I would give early game Sorcerers is use your sorcery points to create extra spell slots if you need them this is a great way to gain extra spells and sorceress can get a lot of spells because of this so early on in the game you know by all means ever you need to rest and don't wait on resting as I mentioned before but like if you're in the middle of a fight and you need spells use your sorcery points give yourself some spells ask those spells or you're not just standing there doing nothing in terms of spells I really like cloud of daggers it's a really strong control AOE spell it's good to have basically on any class that has it magic missiles also great to help you connect to you know hard to hit targets or when you really just need to take something out or maybe you need to split your damage up between multiple targets it's a really really useful spell so both of those are really good early game spells you will also be able to select enhanced ability on your sorcerer if you don't have enhanced ability on a class like what if you didn't bring a class they can use enhanceability these are bar Druid or cleric take it on your sorcerer it's super super useful as well and another tip is like if you want to gain some armor on your sorcerer an easy way to do it is by selecting a race that gives you armor proficiencies like gith Yankee um and that just gives you easy armor so maybe you don't want to have to worry about dexterity for Armor class you can get rid of it and you can pump Constitution and Charisma maybe get a little extra wisdom or intelligence for skill checks Etc so if you want to get some armor and like increase your armor class maybe you don't care about you know the draconic bloodline you're playing uh different subclass whatever that's a great way to gain extra Armor class as well okay moving on to warlock warlock I recommend taking the fiend if you're a new player for a couple reasons first it gains a lot of offensive spells like fire spells that are really fun to use in combat and deal a lot of damage additionally it gives a class feature that gives you like extra Health bubble when you kill enemies which can help keep you alive which is really good when you're first learning the game you're definitely going to want to take hex early on as one of your spells and hex is great because you throw it on an enemy and then when you deal damage to them you get extra damage and it's a bonus action so you can throw hex attack with your Eldritch blast or a weapon attack whichever you're using although I do recommend Eldridge Blast for new players and then if you kill the target then you can recast hex without using another spell slot so you can kind of keep reusing this spell without consuming another spell slot so you'll use one to cast it initially but then you can just kind of keep recasting it and your damage over the course of a fight or like a longer fight it's really really strong four Eldritch invocations early on I recommend getting agonizing blast to increase your damage and repelling glass to knock enemies backwards when you hit them with Eldritch blast this is great because you can knock enemies to their death a lot of times or you can propel them away from you where you're safe and both of these are just really strong early on eventually depending on what race you picked Devil's sight is also very very good to give you Superior dark vision this is going to make it easier to hit enemies with Eldritch blast in the underdark and in other dark areas of the game so it's definitely worth picking up if you didn't select a race that has dark vision or Superior dark vision and again I know I've suggested this a few times here but cloud of daggers really strong spell good for area denial and damage over time make sure you pick this one up if you can and I know there are a lot of players out there that are looking to use pact of the blade because they gain an extra attack at level five when they have packed of the blade with their packed weapon and I don't recommend that for new players I think it's harder to play a warlock unless you really know what you're doing uh with a packed weapon obviously if you're familiar with 5e and you've done this before on tabletop then you're going to be very familiar with how to do this in this game and I'm not speaking to you but just brand new warlock players Eldritch blast is really really strong and I think you should probably lean into that rather than trying to do like you know attacks with melee weapons or something like that if you pick pacto the Tome instead you'll actually gain guidance which is great if you especially if you don't have a support class that has guidance as I've talked about guidance a lot in this video and you'll gain vicious mockery so you and bards can use vicious mockery and that's just a really fun spell it also gives targets disadvantage on their next attack role which is really strong against you know enemies that are really hard hitting okay and then we come to Wizard and a couple really good spells early on for Wizard or magic Missile that's a good one to pick up definitely recommend taking that uh Greece is not bad it's a good early area control spell that you can drop for people to walk into that you know they'll either slip and fall go prone or I'll knock them prone when you landed on them it's good early for area denial and again cloud of daggers is also a really good spell and as you get higher level Fireball is a great one to pick up if you're talking about subclass for Wizard I really like evocation for new players because essentially what it does is just protects your friendlies from AOE spells that you use like if you throw a fireball into your fighter and three dudes then your fighter takes no damage and that's great because you know you can put your tank out front enemies Will Group up around them and then you can fling your Fireball and you don't have to worry about nuking your tank that's it's really easy to use for a new player and it makes things a bit easier in terms of positioning and another really solid Choice here is divination what this is gonna do initially is when you long rest you're gonna gain two random dice that you can use to either change an attack roll or a saving throw and these are gonna be random from one to 20 every time you rest and what you're going to want to do is like give an attacker an enemy attacker a low number so they miss or a friendly unit a high number so they hit or friendly number a saving throw so they succeed at their saving throw that's high and that's the general strategy with it and again because you rest so much in this game I think you're gonna be able to use both of these like in a combat or in two combats and then you're gonna rest anyway and get them back so I think it's really really strong and just like sorcerer you know don't be afraid to get armor on your wizard like if you want to take a race during character creation or multi-class with like a fighter for one level or something in order to pick up some armor proficiency it's not a bad idea to give you more protection and unlike sorcerer Wizards don't have a school of magic that's going to give them extra armor like the draconic bloodline will so it's really a lot better even on a wizard than a sorcerer in most cases so consider doing that in order to give yourself a little more protection so that wraps up our beginner class tips I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I gave you some ideas on how to play these classes effectively since I know a lot of you are going to be playing them over the next few weeks and you know maybe you just need like oh I can't really figure out what to do with this class I really want to play it or maybe you just want to play it a little bit better hopefully these tips helped you stay tuned we have more guides coming we have more mechanics guides coming we have more class guides coming beginner class levels and advanced class level guides including multi-class and we have a multi-classing guide coming so if you want more guide content stay tuned it's just around the corner and I want to know what you guys think about the video are there things that I missed are there tips I should have given people that you would give them let me know in the comments below so that players can benefit from those tips [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 544,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 classes, bg3 class guide, bg3 class overview, bg3 class tier list, bg3 classes ranked, bg3 classes and subclasses, bg3 classes explained, bg3 class breakdown, bg3 class builds, bg3 classes gameplay, bg3 classes and races, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 class overview, baldurs gate 3 classes explained, baldurs gate 3 class breakdown, baldurs gate 3 class builds, baldurs gate 3 classes 2023, baldurs gate 3 classes and subclasses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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