Someone On The Crew Is A Psychopath & Papa John Calls In - H3 Podcast #229

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Ian's a good boy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 151 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Throw-Me-Again πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Papa John interview with amazing, laughed a lot listening to that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 127 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AdamMcwadam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

we all knew it was zach tbf

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 201 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/camkellley πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

AB does look especially handsome in that cardigan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 191 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alsoknownasPhoebe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wonder how moses did

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The way papa talked about his ex wife was so mature and respectful. It made me sad to realize he had the time counted down to the minute. You know he loved her a lot. He really does seem like a genuine guy, he respects his employees and franchise owners, and I'm definitely rooting for him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/boobhats πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think episodes of the H3 podcasts that deal with Trisha's personality and mood disorders are more helpful to the discussion of mental health than anything I've seen. Talking about mental illnesses and disorders isn't nearly as effective as witnessing people who have them, and those around them dealing with their struggles, firsthand. Younger viewers and those who haven't had to deal with mentally-ill people in the H3 audience don't understand why everyone isn't just discarding Trisha, taking Ethan's side entirely, or holding them to the same standard, because they don't have experience with these types of problems.

The disorders Trisha has can't be cured. They can only be managed. This is a lifelong condition. The solution for people like her isn't to isolate them or abandon them whenever they have a downturn, and as much as we want to treat everyone equally, someone like Trisha can't be held to the same standards as Ethan or Hila because her needs are different, as is her phenomenal field (subjective experience of living and life history). Mental illness is a serious difficulty that presents a range of challenges, and it requires a lot of patience and compassion to handle, which is why the mentally-ill so often end up committing suicide, homeless, addicted to substances, and/or abused. Not many people can deal with it.

Hopefully, the Frenemies podcast won't merely be entertainment (for those who do enjoy watching it), but will actually teach the H3 crew, as well as the viewers, impactful lessons about mental health and social support. I think it's already been an empathizing project for some viewers, and that's an amazing outcome. This could be the first thing in Trisha's life that finally aids her in getting on a path to some long-term semblance of stability.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MotherHolle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The crew all arguing after the testing was done is gold, feels just like a family Christmas

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mediciii πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Look for ShoeNice in the comments lololol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/g00bur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
two welcome everybody to a very special i would say a it's kind of a christmas special except i feel like this is the christmas that tears the family part so it's like well we're used to that now it's not a merry christmas it's a uh unmerry christmas to you because today right right that's of course our first lady uh thank you for that zach let's just get right into divisive politics right out they gave today's episode is sponsored by liquid iv and harry's we have back with us dr drew and dr young who administered the personality test to me trisha on frenemies they've administered a personality test to all of us here to dan zach ian ela myself a b lena also a b butt she's not here what's the deal athena's there wasn't enough time for to submit lena's okay oh hello i have a feeling she's probably fine so if i had a hunt but so so here's here's the interesting wrinkle now dr young one of us is apparently off the chart is that right uh that's correct let's stop with the pejoratives off the top well one of us scored higher than trisha correct [Music] on some of the dimensions but not on the income oh okay so this is what was the fbi we should got the narcissistic personality inventory top score what she wanted she's looking for that yeah she was exactly so um this is very interesting so we've all been trying to guess who's the psycho among us before you get to who's the psycho i i have to respond to the friend the frenemy show that went up yesterday social media is going a little crazy um so dr joe dr jew first of all hold on you just got out of a colonoscopy we need to i literally the reason i'm in like a is i literally left the hospital here's my eyepiece oh my god wait here's my i still have my i still have my stupid tag on did they tell you the results or you have to wait are they like your ass looks like i know it's all good oh that's good that's good it's called lynch syndrome so i have to get these on a regular basis and mine this was meant so far but i promised you guys i would try to come in here and i was telling ethan before the mic's heated up that the colonoscopy felt very much like yesterday's show just a moment let's go but but the uh reaming continues on social media you should know so i read the comments and dr drew is being eviscerated in the comments yeah yeah yeah well actually compared to what i'm used to getting on social media your your fans are actually kind of pleasant but anyways what do you get up to because they're going [ __ ] wild i'll tell you they're fine but the the note is and i understand why they feel this way is that i wasn't validating your feelings and i was quote siding with trisha right and in a way i was i was trying to get you remember one of the original goals when i first came on the show was to help you understand and manage trisha right right right yeah yeah no so i was doing more of that and to be fair i mean she has some stuff and she's been very open about it and it requires an approach and it does and if you don't if you don't use that approach which is you know a certain kind of containment things spin out of control very easily so well no from i will say from my perspective and all the guys also here in the studio i did not expect that reaction yeah i i was here after they finished and um everyone was saying it was so great and then we were all surprised by the comments i i was surprised that everyone was that the comments and i i feel like i understood that that's what you were trying to do yeah yeah so did you one thing do we need do i need to help you in any way support you do you need i feel like you like no i'm fine i want to say i felt that ethan was really handling her very well on that one episode where things blew out of control i think basically what it was is that he was trying to explain my position he was he i feel like he's totally fine and i do think we learned a lot from that episode with you about trisha because we actually get along really well now so yeah i think um it was just the miscommunications they kind of go out of control those little and if you remember ethan yesterday i was trying to get you to withdraw from some of that you know to know when to get get out don't don't escalate things right anyway so we're good yes we're good yeah yeah yeah no no no of course i never i was surprised by that i i understood what you were trying to do and i wasn't at any point like this dr drew doesn't get me and he's just nutritious i wasn't feeling that you know you ever need me from here yeah okay so that so thank you for clearing that up yeah guys be easy and poor doctor dude he just had a camera up his ass and well sort of two days in a row so yeah three days in a row man come on give the poor guy a break [Music] okay so now in our mets is someone and forgive me for saying this doctor is off the chart psychotic oh god no now we're trying to guess we're trying to guess who it is okay so what for example would the characteristic be of that person like how do i define it well so basically the doctor we took three personality tests no two right sorry two we took two personality tests one of them is a determinant of narcissism and then ela's worried i don't think it's you but you was worried and then the second one is called the dark triad see i learned a lot from the last episode which basically is narcissism psychopathy and uh mur and uh machiavellian which is my favorite basically like this person might murder someone yes okay no no don't let's not do that [Laughter] it is essentially again we we went to great lengths yesterday yeah i don't i don't want to be too repetitive yeah because i'm sure everyone watched it yeah but basically you know machiavellian is is like cunning it's like uh cunning you know uh manipulative stuff like that so that's just the one so the first one let's first start with the the narcissism okay so did anybody score uh high on the narcissism test and then i want to try to guess who it was uh yes in addition to trisha who got a 30 out of 40 there is one person who got a 28 out of 40. and there's another person who got a two outfit two two whoa is that even possible how can you be so selfless i've actually never seen a two i feel like they're lying though seen a five i've seen a five and i actually worry about those people i feel like they don't have a healthy narcissist right either well do you do you ever wonder if somebody's lying on this test because it too seems outrageous well you know some people say that they try to second-guess you know the the answers to make themselves right come out a certain type of way but i think the survey is designed in such a way that's very very hard to do that for every question especially under some kind of time pressure so what we try to do is to tell people just write down your first emotion you know the thing the thing that the answer to that resonates with you immediately and that's what we try to do okay so we have one narcissist and we have one [ __ ] why would they well i'm just trying to make it like like super self-hating self-loathing is how would you characterize someone with a two on narcissism are they a [ __ ] are they self-loathing how can we demean them well i don't think it's a question of demeaning them i think that that um you know these are just seven aspects of human behavior yeah yeah yeah yeah tell me about how do we demo tell me like what what would be a personality defect of someone with a two he he he may have trouble with self-deficiency i could see and uh leadership may not be a great quality right maybe hardly just leading other people uh you certainly you're gonna have issues not even issues but you don't feel great about your body and showing it that time okay this is really interesting so on the high so i think we all suspect zach is gonna be the narcissist by me just because you get up to the weird [ __ ] bro you just get up to the weird i've heard ab being thrown around in sierra too i would suspect e a b of being the uh the simp really for bach of better words the two the two no i think maybe ian no ian's crazy no i think ian's normal speak up what do you guys think what am i here passing judgment on everybody well i because i organize all of this i know the answer and so i don't feel like i should really chime into too much for a lot of fear of giving it away i am should we say uh what trisha's guess was yeah sure she guessed you ela yeah of course she did she went straight after you maybe i feel like i feel like i so don't understand myself that i could i worry that i might be both of the options like no you're not the two oh maybe because i hate looking at myself but i think i i have a lot of contradicting opinions interesting in my mind so i wonder if i'm either one you could be one of the two anomalies which is insane maybe we can break hers down mark show her the different components okay well let's all take a let's all take a guess and then let's break down zach ian i'm a b i'm forcing you guys to to take a guess well in terms of the two i mean hila mentioned on a previous show how we're both kind of self-haters right and also how she just described herself as kind of how i feel very similar like i feel like i could be either way so i kind of feel like me or else the two and then the narcissist is uh it's zach my boy zach for [ __ ] sake but what what's the evidence for that what everything i mean i can't explain everybody knows it's you and since the moment that i uh mentioned that this was the case zach i want to point out that you've said nothing but that it's definitely you i wanted to know my shrink on standby you know like well hey that's you know what i mean we're not here to treat you we're just here to call you out ian why are you not saying anything he's the narcissist well because i'm selfless you think you're the two i mean i'm i'm kind i'm loving some people refer to me as the stop well really the patron saint of the podcasts i i give i give everything of me to others i think is normal take a serious guess that's my guess so you think you're the narcissist no you're no you're no i think i'm i'm the selfless kind all giving you're the two yes i think ethan's the narcissist no i already did i i already did this yeah actually ethan yeah because he we we revealed his results with trisha yesterday so oh i guess maybe we should have made that clear i was a seven right is that right doctor seven on what out of 40. out of i should also tell you guys that there are three people ethan's one of them who have scores under eight wow there's a two there's a five and there's a seven yeah interesting so this is a very low self-esteem crew here sounds about right that sounds about right and one of us has enough for the rest of us so how did we make it this far we don't know so tell me so before okay so what's the average score uh the average the national average is 15. well we're very low so so let's start with um let's start with who got the lowest all right are you ready i'm here right what was it ian not the lowest i knew it wait he's he lost ian you lied on the test no why do you think so because i feel like he's not that insecure or i don't i don't know if it necessarily means insecure or something but i just feel like he's really he he's just such a you have so many redeeming qualities i feel like you should be more narcissistic ian's gonna be narcissistic for you yeah wait wait wait you're telling me i i don't like myself i mean that's what it seems to say although you do have a lot of issues with like the sleepwalking and everything and you caught coved obviously so tell me on the tell me about i feel like i am not surprised because i unfortunately do see a lot of um uh insecurities i guess even though i don't agree with them i think ian is great i think he's and he's very talented so tell me skip something a great great guy yeah but he's not you see it's more that he's not interested in using those abilities to get something from the world what did that mean so here's the saying as you pointed out mark if you remember uh our our lowest score amongst celebrities was that uh child actor what's his name fred freddie frank you mean this frankie nunez and and he was a very nice guy and just a you know very but very self self uh um you know a good sense of himself and was not that didn't have low self-esteem he just wasn't needing things from the world so what is the lowest score you've ever seen the two two but two is the lowest i've seen wow ian you are the lowest score we've ever seen on this test so tell me which points did he score on tell me the two that he uh so he scored one point on authority and one point on exploitativeness yeah let me hear that one what was the question so the questions were for authority i like having authority over other people or i don't mind following orders and he likes having authority he knows the authority over other people interesting and then on uh the exploitativeness um he's the question was i can read people like a book i love that question or people are sometimes hard to understand so he chose reading like a book so you're you are perceptive so this throws a wrench in my whole theory now because i thought ab was going to be the two and now really now i'm really confused let's just jump right to the narcissist wait when you say a b i'm not sure whose name that represents well abs the guy a b wave and the cardigan [Music] some surprises with you so keep keep going [Laughter] okay well let's let's go right to the the narcissist let's see who scored the highest all right well um the second highest score with a 28 out of 40 is jack we knew it we all knew it zach you narcissistic piece of [ __ ] we [ __ ] knew it okay okay one too many tick tocks my friend okay i you just think you're so good looking don't you no i i'm deeply insecure about myself from there and you think you should get all the girls don't you no no no no i i the truth be told i'm deeply insecure about myself my body image so so ethan listen to that that that's part of narcissism you have an inner core this is why there should be sympathy and not okay i'm kidding we love zach no that's here let's hear it though i do want to there's a very tender core that they protect by putting a pseudo self on top of themselves that they get to feed themselves to protect the core right and that's really how i think of narcissism so a little bit british is more on the borderline thing so there's other stuff going on but i think zach just described really what i think of his narcissism he just said he was insecure for christ okay go ahead let's hear where his uh let's hear where he where he scores off the chart for us yeah okay so um on authority he got a five out of eight um on superiority he got a five out of five oh wait read those questions a five out of five on superiority zack i love it yeah so superiority the question were when people compliment me i get embarrassed or i know that i'm a good person because everybody keeps telling me so you know that reminds me that soul reminds me cause zach always tells us anecdote how when he goes to the grocery store he's asked the cashier how's her day going and he thinks that makes her day better and we all it does and we all laugh because we're like she doesn't give a [ __ ] if you ask cows or day you gotta you gotta put a smile on someone's face okay keep going doctor young all right um the next question i am no better or no worse than most people or i think i am a special person i think you're a special person well thank you clearly so do i the next question is compliments embarrass me or i like to be complimented i mean that's fair we all like to be complimented some more than others uh the fourth question is i wish someone would someday write my biography or i don't like people to pry into my life for any reason you want a biography zack i would love a bio [Laughter] what's the storytelling well he's a young man he's got a lot of life to live yeah the fifth question is i am much like everybody else or i am an extraordinary person [Laughter] i mean yeah you are extraordinary we love you you can play guitar you're funny you're beautiful well thank you but not the heartthrob yeah we zach i'll have you doctors know was recently dethroned as the podcast heartthrob he was replaced by ab as the podcast heartthrob by a 75 percent vote now how do you guys think do you think zack is going to be coping with that well because those two are friends and i'm wondering if that's going to be causing friction between them well i think you should take another poll next week and see what happens after this episode well let's continue so superiority he got a perfect score and let me give some some some results on the other side given what jack has just said on vanity he only gets a one out of seven okay and on exploitativeness no questions at all no no marks on that interesting so what what do you mean by that you it means you're not exploitative person he's not ex exploited a person he's he's not out to use people well yeah that's nice he's just a sweet narcissist yeah he's a very nice narcissist he thinks very highly of himself but he's not trying to uh burn the world we like that about him and also on entitlement um he only scored the three out of six huh you know i'm relieved it wasn't you either i know me too i was getting worried because i i don't know what i'm kind of curious i want to ask about because i feel like i have like such contradicting thoughts sometimes like on one hand i can think oh i'm talented and then on the other hand i can think i hate everything i do and i'm just like awful so i was wondering if i'm on either side can we review ela's results on the narcissism scale sure what did so let's get a drum roll what did you score let's take a guess so you said 15 is normal everything is average 15 is average okay hit me with that drum roll drum roll thank you all right ela your score out of 40 is [Music] i mean obviously not as selfless as me but that's really nice okay nice let's be nice i feel like you shouldn't feel bad about that zach because you scored high on like self value but low on exploitative i think that's very nice yeah yeah dr drew explained yesterday that a lot of these metrics you know some of them are positive or potentially positive traits while others are more negative and you did it sounds like you scored higher on the more positive self-confidence ones yeah i i i'm here to because you guys have a tendency to put you know uh valence on these we make everything bad in judgment who failed the test yeah i know so tell me where ela uh strayed from the enlightened path would you please doctor well you know it's interesting ethan because um her scores are kind of distributed across five different categories and there's in no particular category is she high so i would say that the ones um where she got a little bit high i guess is um exhibitionism she got a three out of seven really what is that it's like what you like to be seen and look at really yeah really read me the one she she flops on there i'm so interested exhibition is amila that's a i don't know could that protect absolutely good because obviously i just think of that as a porn category i mean right doesn't everybody i don't even know the word so i don't even know i was thinking of her art to be like i mean recognized and fashioned and ever i mean yeah i mean i was thinking about porn so okay when are you not what what might not so um so here are the three questions related to uh her scores on exhibitionism the first one is either modesty doesn't become me or i am essentially a modest person so wait which so which one did she answer because those are kind of great it's a great example of how it's a forced answer right very similar but one is a predictive value in the other that's interesting so which one did she answer she answered modesty doesn't become me which is kind of like an immodest answer right not yet honestly there might be a little bit of an english barrier there yeah yeah yeah because i still even right now don't really completely understand the difference so modesty doesn't become he's like i'm not i i'm oh well the saying i'm not a modest person ah whatever what's the next one different to me a little different it's like i'd rather not be a modest person because it's not attractive on me see i don't think i understood that so what's the next one let's let's see all right so the next one is i would do almost anything on a dare or i tend to be a fairly cautious person what you would do anything on a dare i did not that's what she answered i would do almost anything on the dare interesting that's kind of bizarre i got a couple dares i'd like to ask you about later i want to smell fit i'm trying to think about it i mean i guess i guess i don't i guess you are kind of i'm not really a cautious person i don't think right i was about to say you have to think of it in contrast to the other options you probably saw that and you're like well i'm not a cautious person yeah i wouldn't describe myself as a cautious person would you i think it's complicated got to pick like the better option right that suits you so the next question is i don't care about you fads and fashion or i like to start you fed sometimes well sure that one makes sense because she's a fashion designer so it's it kind of struck a little bit too close to home so so those are the three um questions of which she chose the narcissistic choice interesting um and again kind of looking through you know the survey there's really nothing else that that pops out as being significant uh she got a two out of eight on authority a two out of seven on superiority uh and then a two out of seven on self-sufficiency see i was thinking you would hit the authority one higher because you seem because ela is a the ceo and creative director of her own company and i would assume and i you seem to handle authority fairly well and dictating to people i think i i think i do but i don't like to see myself as i like to see myself as part of the crew like even with teddy fresh i like to think of myself as like i'm in the trenches with them she's feared by her employees she rolls with the iron fist but i in my head i don't think of myself as like uh i got the i don't know so she is the prince she's both feared and loved to go back to the machiavellianism see how she scored on those on those brands yeah that um so is there any other you said there's something interesting about a b that yeah how did a b score all right let me just turn to that look at ian sitting there all enlightened i know how do you feel about your score ian he's our little buddha i'm not surprised and those sunday services really got to you huh you're not surprised really no no are you going to stick i feel like you're doing [ __ ] i guess you'll never know maybe ab hit just about the national average he got 14 out of 40. ah okay there are two areas i guess three where he got some points um for authority he got a five out of eight oh maybe uh self-sufficient to take over the show so sufficient he got a four out of six and then entitlement he got a three out of six okay tell me about entitlement well by the way doctor young can i ask you what does it mean that ab thought he got a two well i guess his self-perception is is different from the way that that he answered things when when kind of put on the spot you know sometimes very hard you have a feeling about yourself but when you're asked very specific things perhaps something else comes out do you know so i'm gonna say it's it's part of the misconception of what narcissism is that you guys reacted to when zach articulated the feeling associated with it i think that's what we're seeing here and in fact you'll see on some of the upcoming uh the other tests see my brain is not working very well i just said anesthesia um ab has some other interesting narcissistic uh let's go but again but it often feel you often feel small and insecure when you're interesting interesting okay we are going to go to a quick break and we'll be right back with our doctors and our psycho staff liquid iv boy i love liquid iv and ila i don't think you've actually tried it but i am liquid iv game here's the three flavors of life you've got the immune support the orange you've got the energy drink the green and then that one is the hydration electrolyte mixture which one would you like to try i want the hydration you do i want the energy i want to get [ __ ] napped i always feel thirsty oh yeah no so that so apparently that is supposed to hydrate you more than water itself it's pretty epic so basically you you un schmutz the top you peel the top off you pour it in so this is the the energy one's got caffeine it's got all that good [ __ ] that you look for and energy i don't have anything to stir i just didn't i'm just gonna use this i can't i mean i didn't think this through very much but the point is you mix it up and it tastes great and i get charged up you know i don't like coffee if you thank you coffee is so acidic it really messes my stomach up so this is basically hydrating beautiful water with all of the benefits of coffee this is really loud kabuto sorry but with all the benefits of coffee and it's tastes great [Music] and gets you charged up really good so when i'm hungover or i eat like a really salty food sometimes you can't i feel like you can't quench your thirst and so i drink the hydration one and i feel like it really satisfies my thirst so they've got a formulation for every need i love it it's liquid iv i hate ivs love liquid iv you know what i mean don't want a real iv love the liquid iv get it that's pretty epic you know one serving of liquid iv provides the same hydration as drinking two to three bottles of water alone really yeah they've 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[Music] this is how i feel you hear this music this is how i feel when i use harry potter no i walk into a room i'm confident i go hey girl look at that you want to go you noticed something about me cleaned up my neck cleaned up the [ __ ] neck beard oh don't shave my face but if i did there's only one razor i would use you know it's harry's hairy's razors let's go baby it's smooth and slick like the what do we call this uh this isn't really bluesy is it zack or is it blues this is a blue shuffle like a blue shuffle listen it gives you the closest shave the smoothest glide the most competitive price it's convenient they send it right to your drawer what more do i need to say about harris h3 new us customers can redeem a harry's trial set by going to harry's dot com slash h3 you'll get everything you need to feel as good as this music sounds for just three dollars honest value they were founded by two friends who are tired of paying overpaying for racers they thought the big brands were 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better place there would be a lot more lights maybe one more ambitions to to do you really you think you're up for that task huh to be honest i thought i answered that in the opposite way to be 100 honest but see what is with you guys you guys are all flip-flopping when you're not i mean i think you want to rule the world look how proper he looks today wearing his cardigan and his glasses and his watch what were the other ones talking okay so um next one i insist upon getting the respect that is due me i usually get the respect i deserve so he insists on that's what he answered yeah interesting maybe uh i mean i don't know i the way i interpret it is like you have to earn it basically like it's not just given which i respect so if somebody okay what's the next one last one is um i have a strong will to to power oh my god or power for its own sake doesn't interest me you like power you definitely it wasn't necessarily about liking power it's just that in my life i've always like gravitated towards leadership roles against my own will sort of like i see yeah like i was president of like the biggest uh organization on campus i mean these are all minor but um which i didn't want to i was made head manager at a restaurant that i worked at which i really didn't want to make anything hi i'm sorry doctor don't make me sing don't make me sing sort of yeah like at the restaurant i worked there for example i just i got very close with my uh co-workers one of them being my future wife and if i didn't step up and take that position the other person that would have would have made our lives hell so i did that even though i didn't receive as much money as i did as a waiter and it was a lot harder to be a lead manager rather than just a waiter while in school a.b are you trying to take my job stop i'm trying to be your understudy i'm trying to be your apprentice yeah we don't we all know the story about the apprentice in the master right one trip to croatia and um one road waving croatian all of a sudden you have you have money i i will like that to you guys i'm forever in your service can i can i ask why the cardigan today i'm just curious this is zach trying to come back at me for the whole suit i'm not i'm just i've never seen you wear a [ __ ] cardigan why are you wearing a cardigan today i mean she's a cardigan i know we're in the presence of doctors i'm trying to be uh respectable i mean i didn't come in a full suit that after dark last year did you buy it or you want to go toe-to-toe that's true it's like that bro well hold on i mean it's true ab you have never worn a cardigan did you buy that for this show or or did you always own the cardigan i owned it i have a few other ones if you guys want to see them yeah i want to see i'm fine there seems to be some friction between them you guys can tell though that's a [ __ ] synth because they're both competing for a heartthrob and i'm married i'm not competing no no but but in this i think a b in the same sense where he's like i didn't choose to be the heartthrob i didn't want to be the heartthrob right right i just chose to wear a cardigan today and just cut to ian who is uh basically in planes of enlightenment he is disengaged he is in the ethereal realm of a new level he's in nirvana yeah yeah he's in nirvana so let's talk about dan tell me about dan's score yeah there are two other scores we haven't done one is dan dan got a 8 out of 40. really thank you you and me baby huh you mean ethan and a little more narcissistic than you apparently one point one point dan had one category where he expected dan is a great guy well thank you mr president so where did you excel dan well he uh he actually got a five out of seven on authority oh that makes sense read those to me iron fist that's actually really good because he's our he's our producers right we like that and that's true it makes sense makes a lot of sense yeah read me the ones he he answered he hit narcissistic on and then who else didn't we read that yeah so for dan on authority and again this was really the only category in which he uh you know scored significantly first question i have a natural talent for influencing people or i'm not good at influencing people wow dan you're blowing my cover part of what makes me good is people don't suspect that i'm good at influencing them the second question i will be a success i am not too concerned about success so wait wait which one i am not too concerned about success or i am you will be a success okay yes uh the next one i'm not sure if i would make a good leader or i see myself as a good leader um then let's see dan how are you feeling authority being an authority doesn't mean much to me or people always seem to recognize my authority carbon vibes that's true though yeah and that's just uh it's actually similar to what a b was describing like i i don't necessarily uh uh it's true i don't necessarily go out of my way to try and seize authority in whatever situation i am but it oftentimes seems to fall to me and i've become accustomed to stepping up to that i guess i don't know i look i look up to you i just i just said that in that video i just said that i said i admire you very much you literally just said the same thing zack and then you insult him for saying yeah doctors get that i do think that zach holds i feel like zach holds more resentment than he's willing to admit for being dethroned as heartthrob yeah it's a little painful not gonna lie it's on the rocks though you [ __ ] it up and then so so what's up there's one more question yeah i would prefer to be a leader or it makes little difference to me whether i'm a leader or not got it that's fine so that's everybody on the narcissist scale that's everyone so i think whereas one of our narcissism scales the other is part of the dark triad right okay so on the pure narcissism scale i think we all are pretty i think we all did good i mean ian is enlightened he's on like ian is like out of having an out-of-body experience right now he's not even there he's like on mount everest or some [ __ ] looking over looking over humanity yeah there he um is no surprises there i'm very happy in ila i'm kind of i i really didn't know which way you would go but let's move on to the dark triad because this one seems to be more comprehensive this one the dark triad oh and they called the dark triad for a reason so you know uh the previous show we talked about both trisha and ethan's scores and you know trisha scored fairly high on the narcissism aspect of the dark triad and kind of at a middling level for psychopathy i do need to say that she did admit to being on xanax and percocet when she finished the test because dr drew was like your results don't really make any sense and she's like well i was [ __ ] up on xanax and percocet and i wasn't really paying attention so there is some consistency there in the scores on narcissism in the dark triad and the npi but certainly take the point okay so doctor do we have any anomaly anomaly readings here among us uh we do just in one person well before you do that there are some there's some high narcissism readings on the scale too right mark yeah yeah yeah so uh with a b he did a 3.89 and a high score on dart triad as your narcissism is a 3.68 oh so av scored high on the narcissism scale yeah above the threshold interesting aby what do you think about that as someone who thought you were too you're according to the dark triad you have narcissistic traits uh i don't know what are we able to go over some of the questions of course so yeah there's actually a lot but i mean i think before we we even do that questions on the dark triad relating to narcissism are different from the ones on the narcissistic personality inventory so sometimes it's just a question of the types of questions they're actually being asked right so let me try and pull up so how this one works is you have a sliding scale of strongly disagree and strongly agree on a scale of one to five right and so so they ask you kind of similar questions and then they gauge based on which bubble you you fill in so it's a different maybe more nuanced scale so yeah that's right not a fourth choice it's just i got i got to give up my studio in in five minutes here so okay better we better proceed with the uh reveal because uh help you guys through that okay so do you want to go through these scores now or do you want me to just go to the big reveal uh first well i'm not sure i'm ready for the big reveal i feel like all right that's okay with me uh but i'm going to abandon you guys uh i can come back to help if this doesn't go well is it this is i'm just i am just because you you go so negative on these results that's fair so just just remember here let's get a sound bite of dr drew saying something positive right well don't you don't have to i'll come back and say something positive on another day but but just remind yourselves that this is not about being good or bad person these are these are strategies for being in the world and sometimes the strategies have nothing to do or very little through with how you feel inside sometimes the way dr drew is talking makes me think that one of these guys is [ __ ] i feel like dr drew is gonna drop a bomb on me but all right turns out i didn't have the studio and i thought i did but um if if you need any emergency for me to return like uh like phone or something mark please text me okay thank you doctor thank you if you uh have a nice uh recovery yeah thank you very much i got melissa of rivers today on my streaming show and don't forget every day around three o'clock you can get it all at slash doctor drew will will be there doctor dr do everywhere dr drew is everywhere and he is coming at you live all right guys good luck bye thanks thank you wow it's that bad huh dr young i didn't realize there was still another big reveal oh there's like a huge reveal apparently okay so let's start with so we were talking about ab scoring high on narcissism on the dark triad and you were going to explain his results right i thought what i do is just you know there are nine questions um for narcissism i thought what i do is just go through the ones on which she has a high score okay uh so the first one is people see me as a natural leader okay that tracks and you got like he got a five out of five on on that question fair enough let's see you [Laughter] um i feel embarrassed if someone compliments me now that is what we call a reverse scored question you know in these in these types of survey in order to make sure that people are actually reading the questions we put in a negative and then or score it it's just a technique that psychometricians use and so you have to kind of do the reverse of that which means that he's not embarrassed when people come with him really they got you buddy and then the last one is um i am an average person but again that's reverse scored so he gets four out of five on that so you said four to five on my average person and that somehow indicates he's a narcissist no he got a two out of five but when we reverse score i see i see i see you go to four out of five i see okay again for for my money the um the npi is uh a much wider assessment of narcissism you know than the narcissism score in the dark triad simply because you've got 40 questions on the npi and here we've got nine we have a much broader range of characteristics related to narcissism you know the different categories that you know we kind of went through so how are you feeling does this all make sense to you i mean i don't i don't think i think it all is pretty pretty uh reasonable stuff yeah no i i it makes sense i feel like a lot of it goes back not trying to but my dad's sort of uh my dad's known for being very assertive and being like the patriarch of the family so i try to be a nicer version of him if you will so i could kind of see that now how okay so we have what it sounds to like to me is one person is there any other anomalies or just one person that's way off the chart and everyone else is average pretty much everyone else is average um one person got in terms of the three aspects of the dark triad one person got pretty high scores on two out of three categories okay let's hit the drum roll so i'm guessing i mean it's got to be zach right i mean that would be the most logical seems like the easiest choice yeah i mean i'm sorry zach but with peace and love with peace and love i have to say it's zach so dr young the big reveal if you would please well you're exactly right i told you i'm joker brained that's why we love you zach i think the um when you look at these categories i'll talk about them in detail in a minute um zach got a 4.2 out of 5 on narcissism and that's very consistent with what we already had assessed with the uh narcissistic personality inventory and the a kind of a high score and that is a 3.68 and he got a 4.2 so he kind of smashed the roof off of the elevator it's a reasonably high score right i mean what's the highest score you've seen on that one is that about it well i haven't administered this as much as i have you know the other instruments but yeah you can certainly you know the ceiling of course is a five yeah so the closer you get to a five you know the the higher it's going to be that's a really good high good grade i mean that's that's higher marks but so we knew he was a narcissist so what about the other two aspects all right so on machiavellianism you know this is kind of strategy and cunning the uh a high score there is about a 3.86 and um zach got a 3.66 so he is not over the threshold there he's just below the threshold um and then on psychopathy oh no zach i think you'll be interested to hear this and the average a reasonably high score is a 3.4 but you only got a 2.77 oh that's not that bad so why did doctor drew make it sound so bad i was i got afraid that zach's gonna be full on psychopath on me [Laughter] it's just that um you know the other way we we add these up is we add all three scores up together you know a total and so a total high uh dark triad score is 10.94 if you sum the three right across categories and zach's score across those categories was a 10.63 but again breaking it down we already kind of had the assessment on narcissism the fact that psychopathy is low i think is a positive very good yeah we don't so we got to turn that dial down there zach and then machiavellianism again that just really means you know strategic behavior read me the machiavellian ones you scored high on all right so zach how are you feeling are you how are you feeling about all this well i have my shrink on standby thank god um what does that mean are you kidding are you making a joke no i'm just i'm just kidding um does this mean i have to be locked up or like going to prison necessary straight jacket like houdini that [ __ ] like you know no i mean again remember these are just traits right uh it doesn't mean that you have a disorder of any kind they're just kind of tendencies and um we have to say that for the npr in particular these are stable tendencies but again doesn't mean you're a bad person or anything like that it just means that on these particular personalities and i will say zach that your scores weren't that bad i mean dr drew was leading me to believe that we were gonna have to like call the [ __ ] fbi and dig up your backyard and chat and start digging for bones well do we know is that is that the big reveal is that the big reveal yeah yeah yeah i know he's he's the highest oh well zach whatever whatever makes you up you're the sweetest guy now so so if you lost the title so zach you lost the heartthrob title but you won the crazy title i love it i love it you know i'll do anything for the show and that's why you're the greatest you're my golden boy i i have a question if i may um i'm curious how ian did on this stark triad because he was the lowest he was so low on the other one he doesn't even exist do you score super low on the dark triad is it possible to not even exist i i i can tell you that um and i want to come back to zach and compare his overall score on the dark triad in just a moment um ian got a 6.82 overall score when a high score is 10.94 and there you go so super low there too it's low but gila got a 4.76 which is a very low score really interesting ethan you got a 6.54 overall score a b got an 8.88 well he's getting up there borderline uh just to remind you oh and dan got a 7.22 a little bit high up there dan that was like the same as yours but i wanted to note that patricia got an overall score of nine point two two on the doctrine yeah but she was high she was high and zach had a six a ten point six three so exactly i am so [ __ ] no no no no no but zach exactly please remind everybody that zach you were sober and trisha was high on percocet and xanax through the last two which she said on the show i'm not like exposing her um i was so so what does it mean that i was low on this one like what what are some of the questions that i scored low on well um let me just tell you the scores in each category because it's so low um you got a a 1.88 out of five on machiavellianism so not strategic you're not a strategic manipulative person that's good i think yeah on narcissism you've got a 1.44 out of five which is consistent with your low score on the npi right and then on psychopathy again out of five you got a 1.44 so these are low low scores well below the mean so the overall score of 4.76 if i'm looking at the data here there's not too much that really jumps out um across other folks so i think in summary if you look at the overall total for the dark triad you've got zach in first place with you're coming in second and then ap third and dan actually fourth ah this is so like i'm just kind of i mean seriously how are you how are you feeling zach like on a real level or or do you do does this affect you i mean obviously we're not taking it too seriously but i'm just kind of curious uh i knew i wasn't like other people interesting so uh there's that so when you say you mean so when you av is l has excused himself um so when you say you knew you weren't like other people do you mean i guess what do you mean by that like how how did you see yourself as different than other people i'm always willing to do something somebody else doesn't want to do it could be an attention thing it could be a i don't know what it is but yeah i'm joker brain but i love that i love your joke or brain i'm joker brained i'm gonna have to get through life now it's gonna be a struggle but you know i'm gonna do it god willing and dr young have you administered yourself on these tests um i haven't done the dark triad of myself but drew and i have both taken the npi and how did you guys score just in fairness drew scored i think a 16 and i think i scored an 18. and the dimensions on which both he and i score high tend to be things like authority and self-sufficiency and you find that a lot of people who are professors or attorneys um you know kind of who have to stand up in front of people and lecture or to be in court you have to kind of have some kind of level of authority you know in order to come across as being someone who knows what they're doing right my scores were all kind of bunched you know kind of in that direction and dr young i have i'd make this a mandatory thing in the day in the year and day of zoom calls i like to ask all of our guests who are sitting on a green backdrop to turn it off for us ah as i see you're sitting in a very studious well-lit library let's pull down the curve books okay well let's see oh that looks great it's better there's even more books usually it's like some shitty rackety like you're sitting on a bed and this is a beautiful option i love your yeah yeah it's just it's very cluttered and so um it's a cluttered in a very because i'm involved with usc sports i work a lot with the tennis team and so uh tennis team is the number one tennis team that's ever played the sport at the collegiate level oh and so i'm there picking up some narcissistic traits there doctor [Laughter] well dr young i cannot thank you enough for coming in and administering these tests i'm going to get your details because i know your daughter is a fan and we're going to send you all kinds of teddy fresh and a thank you package so thank you so much i know you're busy thank you for taking time out to do this with us it was a great experience we really appreciate it oh thank you guys thank you i hope that it was a little bit instructive oh yes definitely well i know who to look out i know who to trust and not to trust if that's what you're asking all right thank you doctor thank you so much thank you thank you take care guys okay well how is everybody feeling about that i guess there wasn't really any big surprises other than actually i will say zax didn't surprise me ian surprised me the guy doesn't even exist the lowest on their record the lowest on record ian ian's didn't surprise me i have a theory what's the theory i have a theory too yeah something's off about this we all know ian's cunning and we all know ian knows ethan well and we i assumed that what happened with ethan saying can we go back and read those questions would come up and i have a feeling that ian predicted that and he was very cautious with his answers because if that's the truth then he's off the scale machiavellian right this is this is pretty much my theory is that really he understood the angle of all these questions and he's such a sociopath that he was able to manipulate everyone into thinking that he's some sort of saint well look how he's floating above the clouds i i tend to think i mean like it almost sounds like a-i-e-n took the test oh right [Music] who took the test ian was it you are aien look all i have to say really is that who'd they say had the did they say it was the last lowest score was frankie muniz right yeah that's right well of celebrities i don't know if we can necessarily put you in that echelon but all i've got to really say is frankie hold this [ __ ] l major [ __ ] you frankie you [ __ ] i'm sorry frankie but get the [ __ ] out of here i'm the new saint i don't know if you are i don't know how honestly i'm a saints it's been proven we've got it on record i am a saint i am saint slater saints i mean to be clear though they did say that an extremely low score is kind of indicative of somebody with no backbone just kind of a wimp a loser you know they tried to tear down teresa too and it's uh and i'm well i won't go there but it's uh go where i mean they kind of no i won't say it you do you have a jesus christ mentality like do you do you think you're jesus i'm not saying that well it's interesting that frankie muniz was the other one because i know he had problems where he said he doesn't even remember his childhood yeah yeah it's like frankie muniz had like like a ton of concussions and he's me he like can't remember him in the middle of a sad story actually really it's interesting because ian has different versions of himself we know regular ian ain't coveting slave walking in i mean i have a hard time believing this [ __ ] because everybody else was like kind of normal low i feel like you were trying to get a zero and just i wish you would just be honest and tell us if that's what happened or not because you're oh it's always stick like were you trying to get the lowest score possible oh why would i do that well now i believe that i don't know saints later i don't know if i believed that he was trying yeah i'm okay because isn't the test designed to even if you try i feel like if i wanted to i could i could lie on it and get a zero right but i feel like at some place they would find an inconsistency exactly and you'd probably score like a two because you couldn't get them all [Laughter] all right i'll take you at your word ian thank you are you traveling through a wormhole yeah what are you doing you're just ascending yeah just ascending all time and space those sunday services man they really got to you if you guys ever need any spiritual advice or anything exactly so zach was off the charts on everything we we kind of expected that and what that's what we love about him but otherwise pretty pretty pretty interesting stuff zach are you feeling okay i mean i'm a little thrown back to the truth but i mean jesus and i'm more satanic so like it is what it is you feel sad like what's the emotion you're feeling i mean i wouldn't say sad it's just kind of like it is what it is you just gotta roll with it you're just surprised you learned something about yourself that you didn't necessarily know i think it it's you know this whole quarantined really like it was very just you know flatlined so this kind of gave it a little spike and uh a little crazy from the stir it's gonna keep me up at night but i'm looking forward to it give me something to do you know what it shouldn't keep you up at night looking forward to it that could go back to the one narcissistic question when they're saying sometimes narcissists say they don't like compliments but they really do so maybe along that same line of thought i love compliments what the [ __ ] you talking about yeah no zack is every time i've ever complimented zach he's just very like oh i really appreciate that thank you that's true that's funny because i take any i cannot take a compliment sincerely right like i will deflect any compliment i get ever like i'll say thanks i learned to be gracious about it because it's just annoying when you try to compliment someone and they're always like trying to argue with you so i just say thank us and accept it but i don't take it to heart i just think people are being nice which is weird because i i compliment people genuinely yeah which makes it's like um i don't get it you should take it personally i don't and i don't want it i don't want it i don't know does this affect uh your viewpoint of me not at all this is exactly the exact i feel like it's just it's like a way of um describing your character in a way but it doesn't make you worse or better it's just kind of like interesting but it's part of what makes you who you are and and why we like you i mean you know each one here is kind of different and that's just you have like the crazy person yeah this is exactly what i expected i i think it shows that you can't base it off that test that kind of revealed a b is sort of like a lex luthor type of character he's trying to yeah he's a curveball too i mean he's trying to go under the radar but he was scoring narcissism authority he liked famous people getting close to important people which is something i knew i'd known because you're like a fan of everybody and everything maybe you kind of have like um what's it called when people are obsessed with celebrities you say that but i have no idea where you've got that from bro okay i hate i i i really don't i mean i'm the narcissist bro you love me you love casey neistat you're always taught you love michael jackson you never told you that yeah but i see you doing all the michael jackson moves and [ __ ] like i know you have a fetish for celebrities you do i've heard that i've heard that once in my life and it was a guy that i was arguing with that's imp yeah i don't know but no i'm you i'm not you are you ha you have a fascination with celebrity let me i get i got a good example i seen walter junior at target yeah and you texted us all made a big deal about it i'm like [ __ ] great it's my favorite show i didn't why didn't you go up to him why didn't you go up i thought it was weird i thought it was indicative of that what i thought because like who gives a [ __ ] about walter jr he texts us in our group chat all excited about you guys i can't believe that walter junior's right in front of me i was like this guy's got a problem he also sent me some like like obscure creep shot photos of walter jr that he took yeah so you took creep shots of walter jr and send it to ian and confidence i sent the ian creep to creep because i've seen his uh one with kanye well that kind of pisses me off because i didn't get any pictures i didn't get a picture yeah what the [ __ ] why did ian get it it was past 10 o'clock zach was asleep in the morning but it but zach has a natural um habit of waking up for when something interesting comes up in the chat that's true it's like oh you guys talking about porn that's a good point though i think i'm i find it interesting that you're not aware of this to because to me av it's super obvious with peace and love with peace and love i think you're 100 wrong every time we're going to interview i don't need to be there i say can i text you can i go can i work on the next episode i feel like i've done that for like so many of the guest episodes i mean i'm not saying you care about every celebrity there is there's literally i don't think you care about every celebrity but there are certain celebrities that you i think you are obsessed with with with celebrity i think you are there's like six people including you and ela that i probably ever care to me in my life celebrity wise okay you two casey al pacino de niro say michael jackson i'll give you the pacino martin scorsese yeah and not michael jackson no it's all movies so why do you why do you know all the hell jackson moves ethan and casey neistat get onto that list yeah yeah that's like a big makes sense like all the great classic filmmakers and ethan and evan my college years that was my past time watching youtube watching you guys watching okay but then when it comes to like david dobrik you know everything about him you make these very general statements no everyone knows something about david i mean he's brutal but you know i know literally i know zero yeah like like you know more about him than i think this is more about i mean what industry are we in i think you guys should know about david he's i'm a busy man right now you're getting [ __ ] confrontational he's good for the show i'm not saying he's not great for the show he has a skill set that's great but i'm just saying i'm surprised he doesn't know this about himself no not at all i mean so when did you learn the michael jackson dancing and then why did you get so defensive of michael jackson when i was calling him a predator okay because i just i never because i never said it to you that i'm a fan that's why i because it's a touchy subject of course you're a fan though you are a fan i think he's innocent let me practice by saying that i definitely think he's in he said the only thing i ever said to you was about that if abu was on the crew and the whole thing was going on i wish he was cause i really wanted yeah you know that that's that's fine but i would have loved to have had the opposing viewers yeah and your defense it's it's no one's job to have you know looking that deep into i mean every yeah i don't know i don't get into it so do you do you guys see what i s i'm saying about a b because he thinks i'm dead wrong i i see it i mean i agree with him on the pacino and de niro [ __ ] well yeah but like exactly i don't agree with ethan excu you're [ __ ] one to talk dude i'm not a yes i mean i i mean most of the time my views it's a lot harder to speak when i'm not just saying yes and not in my head oh are you okay let's see you do the [ __ ] i do buddy let me say something can i say something real quick because i know i'm gonna think me and zach are serious that has the biggest sweetheart i i mean i can't tell you yeah i started how much this guy's helping me i can't tell you every time i was freaking out on air zach has texted me you're good calm down you're fine don't worry about it you're overthinking it's probably probably just strategizing though it's meche valley jackson scored low on the manipulative but like okay i mean i i don't want to harp on it but like i mean ian dan do you guys see an ab what ethan says maybe a little bit and i and i feel like uh what ap saying uh you know we should separate the two things because you talking about like oh i would love to meet these celebrities i mean yeah everybody's got like their favorite actor the favorite director that they love to meet that that's completely normal ethan i think is talking more about the sliding into the dms uh sort of uh moves that we know you've pulled on multiple occasions i'm talking about i'm talking about and i have an antenna for this being as you know i am one of these celebrities and i always have to say it like that because it's so silly but but yeah i'm pretty big deal hey i'm low on narcissism now i feel like you lied on the test yeah i'm just kidding i always do that because i feel embarrassed to say it but ap he's there's types of people who are like who have these people as role models they're like super fans right they're like simps they have these people as role models and that they they are a fan of them to a much higher degree than a normal person would be and i believe that is a characteristic of that a b has for certain people that he like if i may interject a b have you ever had like a sexual fantasy about like al pacino or like robert like just something like some casino porn or like no no hell is this question can i hold on i think a little flustered exactly my interactions with you ethan is how i would be with everyone else now i became friends with you and met you under weird circumstances because you were like in the middle of this online war and there was like groups of people who were attacking me who are bigger than me and you were the only one we were the only two on this side from my perspective so it seemed like i was doing a lot more and i and i am a fan and but it's not to the degree like because she's the one who will really know don't know i mean like i don't know i'm a fan but i don't feel like i'm i'm the same degree that other people i feel like that's taking away from their well we're gonna find out on friday because we are doing the simp off so i kind of have i kind of want to do my presentation to clarify what i'm saying don't throw the simp off now all right let's cut let's go talk to papa john okay let's wrap this up i'm trying to add another celeb on my list please papa john is with us he's got a fire crackling in the back papa is that is that gas or is that log it's gas and it's fake but it looks good it looks great it's so real i gotta tell you we were me and ela recently went on a retreat and we were using real logs and it's such a pain in the ass you gotta throw it i mean you know what i mean gas all the way are you propane man yourself uh no that's natural gas we're in kentucky we got lots of it so papa is here today first of all thank you for joining us yeah because the transcript has been released the report has been filed and the verdict is out papa and and i think we can all hear and celebrate and say we all knew it papa john was set up papa john is innocent and he makes a god damn good pie too well thank you it's uh it was a pretty glorious day when that report came out and hit the media but i don't know a lot of people a lot of things but i do owe you and gila a big thank you you busted this story 10 months ago when the chips were down and um you know i was getting hammered pretty good with the false narrative and i was pretty well down and out man i was beat up and um you you you didn't quite exactly know what was happening but something didn't smell right and you've got a pretty good sniffer on you and um you were right on this and what's kind of come i mean you've got a pretty dollar dial-abolical mind you're not a diabolical guy but you you gotta you know you can think pr and what they did here is so horrific and so hard even for somebody like you or i to think that they did it but they did it and we uncovered it and um you know the truth came out and uh we're just uh we're delighted right now so what exactly came out so right the revelation was first of all the original call there's a transcript released now the original call you were accused of making racially charged statements right and so what happened was the transcript was released and you can read this transcript right it's available to anybody online is that true or no well not exactly there you're sort of right um the transcript was held out of public view because the company didn't want anybody to see it because it pretty well exonerated me but remember ethan there's now two tapes the tape when i was on the call and the tape that's after i hung up the um the first tape exonerates me because what i said was a disdain for racism it what i said was anti-racism and what they did they reversed what i said it ran into forbes forced printed a bad headline and the rest of media ran with it what the dumb asses did they left the tape running there was a live mic and they taped themselves and that part of the tape the second tape indicts them right and so it's real clear that it was a setup and that you know they the comments are we hopi hefn gets it let's run this to so and so and take it viral on the internet i mean it was a complete setup and the and they taped themselves wow so i have access to this transcript so how do i have access to this was this they have access to the transcript of the lawsuit it's called transcript but remember we had to file a lawsuit against laundry service to get the first transcript out in the public so people can really have to dig for it you you dug for because you know you're following the story so but but this is out there if people want to read it this call transcript right right the second call the second transcript is in the court a law and laundry service is trying to seal it because they don't want that transcript out there so you got papa john's doesn't want the first transcript out there uh because it exonerates me and you got laundry service that don't want the second transcript uh the part that recorded them out there because it indicts them so it's all tied up in the legal system but it's a bunch of bs so now that the transcript is out like so like this is great for people who are following the story but like what does it mean for you legally well the right now we're we have a motion to unseal the transcript and we should get a rule in on that any week well once that gets unsealed and the public now knows exactly what was said in the second call they'll put two and two together and say my gosh this goes beyond just not fair or right this is what they did is darn right horrific it's it's evil um what do you do from there well you first of all you just kind of slow down here and kind of go what just happened a you have the setup it was premeditated and it was uh intentional and it was a malicious second thing is we have the louis free report which exonerates us you know it gets us off the hook and then the third part to your question is damages i mean the damage they've done to didn't have this wasn't very this wasn't good for me this wasn't my idea of a good time at all but um the what they've done to my community they left louisville hanging what they've done to my employees they fired all the employees and moved the thing to atlanta so they got you know they got put out the door you know kicked to the curb and what they've done to the franchisees to this brand the last two years by intentionally setting the founder up as a racist the damages here are astronomical so so your next your ultimate goal is now that you've you've you're proven your innocence and there's more evidence coming your goal is to now take this evidence and file a lawsuit against laundry service for damages well you have to look at the different publics you you have the suppliers which they've actually benefited from this you have uh your community which i told you they lost you have me personally which is a loss and you have the franchisees and the employees um i remember all the proceeds out of this lawsuit go to charity um and so i don't get anything out of this except to give the money to the charity uh which is you know that i just wanted to clear my name because you know i have kids i have grandkids and you you just don't want that on your record because it's it's it's nonsense um i couldn't save the employees ethan i did everything i could uh i knew they were going to do this to the employees and you know they picked up headquarters they kicked these people to the street and they moved into atlanta you know we were here 30 34 years and they hurt a lot of people and the damage that this board of directors and their good friend steve ritchie did to the employees and the executives here in louisville kentucky is just it's horn it's hard now to answer your question the third party the franchisees the people that really helped me build this company and help make me wealthy i am keying this up for those guys the franchisees are going to be in the cat bird seat when i get done with this board and i get done with laundry service that you know they come in and say my gosh look what the executives of papa john's did look what the board of directors did to the company to this brand to the founder look at the damage they've done the franchisees will own papa john's international for two cents on a dollar one day mark my words the day of reckoning the day of reckoning is here we are all waiting now now papa a lot of people have taken the day of reckoning to mean a lot of things for example people have predicted maybe that you were talking about kovid people maybe one of your pizza uh contemporaries passed away unfortunately people thought maybe you had uh that that you were you were prophesizing a day of reckoning there was all kind is there an asteroid coming i mean how deep does this day of reckoning go are we talking about the stock prices or have you seen into the future something more ominous right now we have a what we call a grace period because we're in pizza delivery business and everybody's locked up at home with covet so it's it's you can do nothing wrong in the pizza business right now so that day is going to happen when that subsides in sales crash and all this other nonsense that's been going on that's really hurt this brand that's going to be magnified with the performance of the company but i you know i don't know if it's odd or i don't know if it's got look at the last six months i've been able to sell hundreds of millions of dollars worth of stock at a premium because of kovic my franchisees my partners have made more money in the last six months than they ever had and louis free the best of the best just exonerated me from all this nonsense that i've had to deal with for the last two years so it's it's been hard but it's been a great six months and i i just uh i feel fortunate now uh that the next phase the next fade is when kovitz decides and all this comes out what i'm telling you and it really soaks in what this board and what this executive team did to papa john's international what they did to the brand in my opinion that'll be the day of reckoning um we all wait with mated breath you know yeah i'm looking at the stock price and the stock price is doing quite well i mean at your peak as as the leader of papa john it's basically at where it was in papa john prime time but you're saying i mean how how can you go wrong during covet like how can you fail as a pizza company right now right what's even worse than that right now papa john's makes half the pre-tax profit and trades at the same price now you don't think that's a shell game you know you don't think there's some shenanigans going on there i'll give you two examples the ceo of papa john's comes out and says we have eight million new customers yet the customers coming in the the stores are less now than they were three years ago see it's a it's a show game we have eight million new customers well but you got less customers coming in so you see that we're going to open 50 stores why can't it just be customers who are ordering online well that's that as a percent has a gone up a little bit but let's say uh three years ago you had a thousand customers today you have probably 960 customers so even you know so it's a show game they they say we have eight million new customers but they have a lot less people coming in the door so they have actually have less customers now i don't understand what i don't understand your logic pop-up because people because it's coveted people aren't going inside they're ordering online that well their order online is a percent about 70 percent of the business you know that hasn't changed we don't have any ins uh in in seating uh a table dining ethan it's all delivery or carryout so maybe that um pre covert was say 65 35 and maybe it's 70 30 uh online versus uh telephone or carryout but it's not that hasn't changed but the amount of customers ordering has gone down the last three years so in order to make make the sales look better they jack up the price so the point is that wall street doesn't have the intelligence to go what's your traffic counts in other words the guy says we have eight million new customers and the next question is how much is your traffic up how many more customers you have coming through the door and the answer to that would be well it's negative see it's it's a it's a um it's a bad number it sounds to me like the day of reckoning is coming i arithmetic's not an opinion if you're if papa john so they're just giving out fake numbers fake numbers that's a little strong i think misleading numbers i think the real health of the business the product quality the uh is slipped the service has slipped the standards have slipped i've stopped ordering papa john's i'll be straight up with you so i'll be straight up with you i don't buy papa john's pizza anymore well uh i don't know how that makes you feel papa to be honest because that's your baby butt it used to be my life papa john's pizza used to be my life and now i i just it's not there for me i don't know how that makes you feel makes me feel terrible and i i think it's just the obvious that the product quality has gone down have you been ordering papa john's pizzas you still have the word i've ordered 600 pizzas in the last 90 days are you serious i know exactly what they're selling so to your point ethan you have one or two uh you know surveys that doesn't make you know that doesn't make a you know that doesn't make a pop up i'm captivated by what you just yeah i mean too so tell me what's your ordering strategy you live in this area you live in kentucky right so so tell me about we've ordered 600 pizzas in probably 10 or 15 states just to know what's going on so when you have as much stock as i've i've had you want to make sure that you you know you know the product quality is there and to your point you know um one example doesn't make a survey but when you have 600 you kind of know what's going on for sure anyway the product has slipped they know that the franchisees know it and the the service is slipped they have no pizza experience at the executive level or at the board level uh they don't care about the employees they just screwed them over and i'm worried about the franchisees if look what they did to me look what they've done to employees and then look what they're going to do to the franchisees the writings on the wall that the worst place you want to be in 2021 is the franchisee of papa john's international that's the worst place you want to be you're sitting on a keg of dynamite so papa tell me about the pizza ordering system do you have people in different states and then you guys coordinate you get do you travel with toppings are they undercover are they undercover like does papa john know that you're doing this like what kind of mind games are going on on a high level no papa john's doesn't care what i'm they're happy they need the business yeah no you could you could buy any service and go out and spend you know spend the money and they'll order the pizzas and tell you what they're serving that's you know that's just so you see you're doing it across it's five or ten thousand bucks to go out and order 300 pizzas so it's not a big deal but is it like uh people you personally know or no no it's it's secret shoppers independent you know people throughout the country that'll order pizza and then report what you know what they got so you're so you're running expensive yeah you're running some kind of survey program like undercover no no i'm not running i want to know i'm interested i'll get you i'll get you the i'll get you the name of the vendor i mean there's several vendors it's a service they give you i see it's a service you know papa john's used to do it but they stopped doing it because it cost money hey it costs money and b is they didn't want to see what they were serving yeah they're like we know it's bad that's bad if you don't if you don't measure it they won't do it if you don't reward it they won't repeat it papa what are we going to do so is the cheese getting away from the crust as we've seen that don't even get it started either don't get i had i had nine pizzas in washington dc last week and the the operator in dc's actually he's a colonel he's actually pretty good and he's they were slipping pretty bad they're they've slipped you to your point in don't even get you know but right now but kova's going to cover all that up ethan you know you're not you don't have to be on your game when you've got a monopoly and they got a monopoly what are we going to do i mean it's just not right i mean you pizza is a sacred it's sacred and to see this cheese slipping away from the crust like that and the pepperonis not being evenly distributed it's just it's just not [ __ ] okay well y'all also um you ought to be you know me whereas i spent 34 years of my life building this thing and to watch this do do what they're doing to my baby it's that part you can get emotional and upset about real quick i mean it's i mean to know what we had and to know how i mean we're the best place to work in kentucky for five straight years i mean the best yeah how's dating life you're gonna switch from pizza dating it's good i um i um i've been on a few dates i had one girl that i really really liked but um she broke up with me oh damn yeah that's the reason she didn't like packs oh you got you can't come after the dog that's a deal breaker oh she's doing like the dog no he burps and he's got gas and she didn't like [Laughter] i had to make a tough decision well really wasn't that tough yeah well papa listen you're a single man you got a pizza empire you've just been you've just been acquitted and uh you know what let those clowns do whatever they want with the pies because you're sitting pretty you got your own pie in the sky you know what i mean it's the papa i don't know what my future is going to be ethan i just know every day i'm thankful because it's going to be better than the past it's going to be great i don't know what it is i just know that it's going to be really really good and you guys and your audience are going to be part of it because we got through this if we can get through this game we can get through anything because this remember ethan i started in a bar oh yeah i used to get my ass kicked all the time i never had an ass whooping like this in my life i mean this has been pretty tough bud but we got it done we came out the other side a little bit stronger and a little bit better so it's good there you go reckoning the day exactly papa always stays winning that's what i say papa always stays winning papa thank you for calling in who's and i want to thank rob who looks like a lawyer is rob a lawyer is rob a lawyer no no he's a pr guy hey you didn't hit on uh judas you didn't hit a little ritchie oh do you should we take shots at ritchie you gotta take shots of richie he's the he's the he's the worst hey rob hey rob can we take shots at richie you're muted i think rob he's got the pr guy here papa can do whatever he wants hey rob why are you here what are we trying to avoid talking about rob is the best thing at all we're just reporting on our end watch ah ethan he's he's already had six heart attacks really you're sweating right there well let's start with this you have to talk to anybody the way i talk to you rob okay let's start like this i think rudy or i think judas aka uh rick richie ritchie little richie i think a little richie turned a little poori after he tried to backstab your ass i don't think you want to be steve ritchie right now i'll tell you what this dirty guy did he um um he called our advertising agency right before this went down and said hey he and shapiro and said we got to get rid of john he's a bad guy then he emails laundry service and says hey you know just get him on tape get him to talk he'll hang himself i mean he completely set me up i mean you know the guy makes six bucks an hour as a driver last year he made six million dollars and he pulls a stunt like that i mean i've never seen anything like that did you you know i i think that there's a movie here to be made i totally the p i mean this is god this is i mean this is this is the e2 the god papa what was it look at this to your point look at this you ever talk about a guy did you ever talk to him papa say what did you ever talk with him yet no no but but you're right would you ever meet with him yeah yeah i would oh of course you have something it looks like you have some things to say to him let's role play i'm him what would you say to me listen steve all the franchisees hate your guts they all know you screwed me over in the process you screwed us over and we're going to let john exonerate you but you got to knock all these other white-collar criminals out oh we're knarking i like it i love this movie i love this movie i want to watch it so are we putting so now we're now how i see is we're going to put richie we're going to put a piece on richie and send them in to get like to get the uh you know the wire send them with the wire the papa wire the pizza wire well richie and shapiro set up the other board members they you know they're the ones richie shapiro set up the taping they set up the setup and took it down and the other board members you know they were a bunch of suckers they went along with it you know they panicked and went along with it and uh shapiro ritchie left these board members hanging the bag but look at this look at this you have a guy that builds a 5 000 store chain out of a broom closet in a public board of directors setsiebup paints him as a racist and tries to take him down to where he can't even get up the rest of his life i mean that's beyond jealousy and the hatred that's that's biblical papa it's evil the franchisees deserve better papa how long how long ago was it you've been divorced now how was life how was your life adjusting now to i mean just how has that been i know the divorce is just really tough and i'm just curious how's it been for you well it was um you know a great 27 years yeah you know um and um you know she's a great woman um we'll um it'll be in two days and 10 hours and three minutes it'll be a year since i've been divorced you're counting down the days pop of jesus yeah you're counting every second well is it odd to be is it odd to be single after all this time it's got to be a weird feeling eh quite an eligible single man too i might say um i don't odds the wrong word i think you know i think it's the it's in everybody's best interest i think yeah i think she's a lot happier and i think i'm a lot happier and i know what's best for her and i love her and i want what's best for her and there's no doubt in my mind that she's happier and that she this is good for her that's nice i mean she's she's beautiful she's fit um kids and grandkids love her she's wealthy i mean she's got her own jet i was gonna my next question was my next question was how much did this how much financially did that hit that hit you pretty good probably at the divorce yeah but you know we were partners that's true 32 years yeah so she kind of yeah she was there with me the whole time so you know she gets her cut i mean that's just how it works but she's wealthy and she's got great friends she has her own jet what kind of jet huh what kind of jet is it does she have yeah i don't know i never ask i don't know where she is i know she has a jet because she keeps it over the same airport i keep my jet you guys have so you're like you know what we both got jets come on it's all good how's he doing rob is papa says pop i said rob how's papa doing just checking in on the pr guy divorce is tough and i just want to check in on rob rob how we doing papa's doing great thank you thank you that's cold for he's nervous ethan are you guys in the same room or is you guys as he's on zoom like like how clo are you guys you just looked at him didn't you papa he's in new york okay and so if he if you're going some territory where he thinks is unsafe how does he notify you you guys have like a private chat open i don't know i didn't even know he was going to be on the call rob why are you on the call ethan the chance of them coaching me when i when you interview me is like somebody coaching you it ain't going to happen so rob do you really think that you can control this force of nature i mean why are you here rob let's be honest but turn on your mic rob don't be shy come on you're on the call what are we doing here no one can control papa we're just here to watch what's going on but i mean i got to tell you that it was i mean you don't know what that's what a pr how bad a shape i was in pal yeah i know i mean i was pretty depressed i was like no man yeah i didn't know how to get out of this mess i'm like yo i have a tape just listen to the tape for god's sake and um you know i just couldn't get the media to wake up and they finally woke up so i don't know how this happened but i feel i just feel really like a ton of bricks is off my shoulders i feel like a guy that got out of jail on a crime he didn't commit you know what i mean you kind of get that freedom back it's a really an odd feeling there's nothing worse than being first of all being accused of something you didn't do but even beyond that it's like being accused of being a racist you know and so because that that's just a really terrible thing to be you know it's the worst and people rea and and people pass judgment have people really judge you for that one too so it's like you know i think i think sadly in a lot of people's minds you know it's like they hear it once but they don't hear the second chapter yes yeah um it's i mean i guess you could go to a murderer or a pedophile but i think a racist is probably the worst of all of them and i i i okay let's examine that you know say what so you so we think well yeah so being a racist is bad but maybe maybe not as bad as a pedophile though yeah i you know i i i agree or a murderer but i know what you mean people think like they say racist and then like for example let's say who's a famous pedophile um who's a famous pedophile who epstein oh epstein right so you think that your label of racism is almost as toxic as epstein's label of sex trafficking oh i don't i wouldn't go that far but i can tell you it's a bad category to be in that's not yeah for sure i would rather be you than epstein in terms of he's dead yeah i throw in the white flag on that argument yeah rob any thoughts rob would you rather be epstein or um or uh or falsely sorry the connect connection's breaking up [Laughter] rob is taking the fed on the epstein question how much you pay this guy rob no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding well i love you obviously i'm getting what i paid for right you know you know i'm just giving you a hard time rob well thanks for having me papa it was so fun i always loved hearing from you i always loved and i got to say you look happier you look relieved we love a happy papa because you brought so many great pizzas into my life and listen nothing makes me happier than pizza my wife can tell you i gotta think i owe that all to you the man with the vision in a broom closet a couple pies forget about it huh i tell you what but i love you to death but brother you got to start eating the way he literally eats you got to get on that vegan diet brother you got to take care of you come on here tonight no i didn't call you obviously you're getting advice from hold on hold on zach hold on papa zach you know hit that sound bite about pizza being nutritious i was just following your advice papa oh no go ahead zach pull the record pull the tape oh gosh pizza is actually very nutritious i was following your advice papa yeah but notice the tone of voice notice the i was kind of in my shell i'm not sure i was trustworthy in that interview okay so hey all sincerity that that um that complaint that an amended complaint is going to get unsealed here it comes in it's pretty juicy what comes out tell me what that said you know they it was a hot mic and these guys put their foot in their mouth they indicted themselves it's pretty funny so i'll send that to you when i get it but yeah uh happy holidays to you happy holidays um can we get back to the uh i just wanted to hear if you had any concrete advice for ethan on his diet oh come on health wild health there's a couple people there's actually wild health remember this name ethan this wild health bad dog papa john's promoting now yeah wild health i i don't own enough of it to want a shotgun but anyway um it's um they'll get you where you want to be mad dawson at wild health uh in lexington kentucky uh what made you rich and what made you rich pizza okay interesting but you i don't know what it means i don't know what it means it doesn't mean but but um yeah they'll uh pizza is actually very nutritious oh gosh yeah if you just eat one slice or two that's what i said you you exactly how are you it's all about monday this guy is a billionaire and he's saying oh eat one or two slices you don't get a b become a billionaire by selling one or two slices of pizza like come on you got me you people like me people that look like me pop art is why you're sitting in that pizza mansion with the fire behind you yeah all right guys half your size of why i have a jet guys your size of why my ex-wife has a jet holy [ __ ] sorry about bearing really take care of yourself happy holidays hilah get him in shape now come on oh that's hilarious thanks papa thank you papa take care have a great christmas all right i hope you get it i hope you're getting some weird ass okay at least why rob are you still here you want to say anything rob rob bounced out fast we love we love pop man that was [ __ ] funny i have to say you know the guy coming here call me fat but i can't even hear cause that was he has a good point i love [ __ ] with the pr people when they show up it's like come on well love papa that was a great call and a great personality test this was a great episode yeah this was just a fun high level i feel like this was a high level episode right i mean there was a lot i mean who gets calls in from papa john a tests administered by real doctors doctors doctors that turns me on you know what i mean like that was pretty awesome papa was apparently found out he's been slamming which is good i bet you papa [ __ ] like he probably goes crazy in the sack he's pretty fit you know i mean i bet you papa [ __ ] is like a monster that's pretty dope would you like to get railed by papa's let me finish let me finish it [Laughter] can you repeat that would you like to get real i'm not a homosexual oh well that doesn't make you homosexual just means you're going to get railed by papa for the show zach you just asked me if i have any dirty dreams about al pacino yeah you did well okay that's a different that you that's something yeah there's no porn where like ginger's involved and you know what i don't know what casino porn is the movie because i know what you're talking about i didn't know that was a genre of porn maybe knows everything about that doesn't he no i just i it just hit me when you said ginger's involved i thought you were saying like red hair but you're talking about the character the character ginger yeah is there a casino the movie like porn right i don't know it's probably like the 90s and zach i mean joe pesci said eat out my ass so i mean eat out my ass that's true all right we're off the rails um okay so uh this is coming out on thursday so that means we will see you tomorrow for after dark which technically is our last episode of the year yes sir that makes me feel sad i know and i actually don't i'm not sure that i even want like i feel sad do you want to not take a break well i feel bad for these guys because they deserve a break maybe we could just reduce our frequency for but i think i probably do need a break a break is healthy yeah well let's talk about it on friday what do you say you can let everyone else off i'll be here i don't i don't know anyone here so i'd like to take a break i i dread i dread the holidays so i'm down to these shows i think dan needs a break then it's a break and definitely does and yeah i'll take a break okay what are you gonna do too you don't even exist i'm gonna meditate [Music] hopefully we'll all have ps5s by then but i doubt it maybe annoying maybe i won't hold my breath because i'm wondering if we could do something like do some live streams or something just to just to have a fun time you know having some laughs you know i would absolutely love it i think we should just take a two-week break yeah it's not like we're going away forever i just dread the holidays so [ __ ] much why it's not it's so depressing to me you hate your family that much no no it's not a family thing it's just like why depressing it's just like most happiest time of the year it's like really real happy so you're you're upset that you're not jubilant during the holidays and that depresses you yeah yeah and it's like you know you just sit around a christmas tree what the [ __ ] is wrong with what happened to you are we joker brainy yeah i don't know if this is joker brain or if you got like molested under a christmas tree no it's just i mean you can ask these guys i'll go over there i asked them can i come over and cry in front of your christmas tree okay joker i mean a b can attest to that yeah i don't have a tree or else you could come ian has a tree all right ian how do you decorate your tree um very macy's chic oh it's subtle we keep it chill macy that means to me any like uh boutique uh little cute stuff on the tree or just like balls and we a lot of balls i love a lot of balls balls everywhere we can't put a lot on the tree because our cat knocks it all off yeah we had um we have a tree in our living room and we had these glass ornaments and theodore was grabbing them and smashing them on the floor so we had the we didn't remove them we just moved them up so the top half of the tree is very decorated and the bottom half is very bare it's uh star david's because it was saying we should be boat well i wanted to know more of a hanukkah yeah i wanted to know but he got i got him a tractor and airplanes too all right listen this conversation is uh that yeah so we'll see you on friday we're gonna have another great show planned for you like they all are this is the h3 podcast it's the only show in the world like it number 18 in the world or something i don't know 22 that's a bit higher than that no it was 22. i'm telling you it's moved up since that was like last week yeah and we moved up it wasn't last week what's happened just today's episode moved us up we're number 18 now i just said it and it's true all right we'll see you guys on friday so um hope you have a great time hey dan that's not bad huh all right guys we'll still see that thanks to tattoo
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,076,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: 4IyqvZzmH3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 49sec (7069 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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