Ellen DeGeneres, Cardi B, Ben Shapiro, Smash Mouth - H3 Podcast #206

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Anyone complaining about the T Shirt is an idiot. If you go into any hot topic there will be 100’s of shirts aimed at every edgy guy and girl who hates their lives. Elsewhere on the internet you can find similar clothing. If you go to any emo kids twitter you will see them romanticize their own depression and anxiety. Entire music genres thrive off depression and anxiety. Give me a break 🙄

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/zaulik 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Has Hila ever laughed as hard as during the Ellen bit? Her saying ‘we can’t get the simplest shit’ made me die

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/mediciii 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Drawing pool.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/lasadgirl 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

people just want something to complain about. the shirt rocks!!!!!!! 🤘🏼

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/mumushmex 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

what does hila say at 46:53 ?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Tenns_ 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ethan PLEASE make an Onlyfans I’m begging you.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/TheAdorableThespian 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

People are such haters - that design is awesome and I’d for sure get it if it was in my size. As someone with Generalized Anxiety Disorder I fuck with it, but even if I didn’t have the disorder I’d still appreciate it. They aren’t glamorizing it or making fun of it or even light of it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/lherna 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I feel like I agree with Ethan in the whole "Ellen" shtick. Didnt they make a reaction video to the one dude who made his own mock Ellen Degeneres show to be on it where he called it either the "Ellen Show" or going on "Ellen"?

I swear I've only ever heard people talking about the show just calling it "Ellen" since im assuming the entire show name would be too much if a mouthful to say every time.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/RetractedAnus 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I think it’s funny whenever they do it, but is there a deeper background to the “they said we would never come back” intro they’ve been doing? It kinda feels like it’s an inside joke from an episode I missed or something.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/brokenpepper 📅︎︎ Aug 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
chris hanson here of hanson vs predators to catch a predator and have a seat with chris hanson and there's something you need to know it'd be a shame if something were to surface about zach's past join our membership program for early access in no ads otherwise zach may be taking a seat right over there this isn't a threat my name i'm just a really really good investigator i'll be watching two we're here defying the odds uh the odds are stacked against us every week we come on here especially when ela hasn't muted her phone or computer and there's like notification sounds going off like crazy they said it couldn't and by the way aren't you the one that is literally always giving me [ __ ] every episode and the minute we start the episode ela's over here blowing up so what's what do you have to say for you it's your fault how was it my fault i don't know you did something yeah it's my fault you use my laptop or something what dude you owe me a huge apology right now i'm not apologizing for anything wow all right we'll talk after the show but the one the one thing we can all agree on is that they said we would never come back we would never show our faces again yet here we are this is the h3 podcast and we will never die we will never hide our faces in shame like to thank me andes for sponsoring us and i'd like to give a shout out to all of our beautiful members we added a discord server by the way now for our members only and it's popping off like crazy what's really crazy if you do not become a member by hitting the join button is that chris hanson actually you guys saw are called open there it's incredible that chris hansen i think what he said zach is that he's willing to make uh accusations against you zack if they don't subscribe because please sign up i don't want any [ __ ] coming out yeah well he said and i'm not actually surprised they they we got him to say that because what he said is i'm not saying zach did anything but i'm a really good investigator so what do you what do you think he meant by that i you know i i have a i have a dark past so i think everyone needs to become a member and sign up because i don't want any of that coming out see the way the way that i interpreted that is that he's he's willing to make [ __ ] up about you oh well that's not good either so but the fact that you just admitted to it makes me think that i think something happened on that cruise ship yeah what was that i said there's something you're not telling us about the cruise uh you know i i don't want to reveal that there may be i got you well regardless please sign up to be a member is very helpful we need members times are tough i'm begging i'm begging you um there's some i'm kind of sad though today because something literally just happened before we started rolling we are promoting a teddy fresh shirt that's coming out on thursday that we've all been really excited and happy about and it's something that i designed the concept of here it is it's a teddy bear and a raincoat and on the sleeve it shows the fork the weather forecast which is rain it's rain every day and underneath the teddy bear in the raincoat it says i have crippling anxiety but i it's weird because i didn't anticipate this at all but um people are super upset yeah people are really angry about this shirt saying that we are uh romanticizing mental illness or that we're just commercializing mental illness but the comments are really very i mean just mean i think but no they're not mean they're just they don't like it they don't like it i guess i feel personally attacked maybe because i designed it i mean i didn't do the art but like the concept the eye of [ __ ] anxiety the thing is i guess it's hard to convey but maybe if this was like h m or something or some big company but like here's the thing i have suffered from generalized anxiety disorder my entire adult life right i see this as this bear when i had generalized anxiety order disorder so bad that i couldn't leave the house i couldn't sleep for like eight days in a row i didn't sleep i was so ashamed and embarrassed that about my condition or whatever i was going through i couldn't communicate it to my parents or even the closest people to me and i suffered so much more because of that excuse me the one thing i think looking back as if i would have just opened up and talked about it early on i think it would have helped me so much but i held it all in and i think that it made the condition so much worse it cascaded and i don't know for me what i see in despair is like it's rainy all week the bear's got his raincoat on he's got crippling anxiety but you still gotta go outside and face the world and that's kind of how i my whole attitude towards anxiety is that you can never once you surrender to it then you lose and so to me it is a very personal statement and i definitely am not trying to romanticize it but but i know i just people are so upset it's like 100 of the comments are just like uh not they're thinking the worst of it of us but to me you know i feel bad i just feel bad because i didn't expect it and obviously i don't want to offend people so i'm kind of sad about it and i'm conflicted as well because on one hand i love the design i think the design is great i mean i for me it's just something that didn't really come up for some reason neither of us really thought that was going to be an issue maybe it's because i have the condition maybe i just took it for granted yeah so the shirts are already made like it's already done so we can't change anything i see people's point in a way you know i see both sides i guess i think the fact that they don't know who i am or my story can upset people more but like someone suggested they're like here if you put this then then we would all be happy it said everything will be okay but that to me that's not really that wasn't the concept that i want i wanted people to know like i feel like people are gay keeping like mental illness a little bit they says uh we can't you can't romanticize depression and anxiety or or if you you're not allowed to wear this shirt unless you have anxiety or something like that to me the fact that i wasn't able to talk about it made it so much worse if you can just come out and talk about it and say it i think that is way more healing so i don't even understand that perspective necessarily as someone who suffers from gad generalized anxiety disorder i mean i'm on antidepressants i've done therapy i mean this is a this is a huge daily part of my life uh but i think i don't know i just it feels bad it feels really bad on the comments on instagram and twitter are horrible people are saying we're canceled and teddy fresh is over because of one design that i made and it's my fault like everything so great now i have crippling anxiety at least i can wear the shirt now you have a depression when you need to oh [ __ ] we need to make the follow-up shirt on the back it should say i have crippling depression and i'm and but now i can wear it people can't complain i the shame is though that like it's such a cool shirt um you know so there you go and by the way maybe it's the the what i tweeted the text it says [ __ ] anxiety don't mean you ain't cute but actually there's a story behind that too because some days i would get up i was so anxious i hated being alive but i would look and maybe i would look in the mirror and be like you look good today you're having a good day i swear to god i remember thinking that to myself like you know what your hair looks good today and i i don't know why that memory sticks out to me because it's just so ridiculous the the juxtaposition of feeling so bad but then having this moment of looking in the mirror and be like you look pretty good today though i didn't leave the house by the way but i'm just saying so there you have it i thought sila um i probably you can blame me for this one i probably would have changed it if i could but we can't yeah yeah i mean i have crippling anxiety i could have said keep on trucking there kiddos i don't know anyway i just thought it was interesting i just wanted to see like we totally didn't anticipate it yeah didn't even cross my mind that someone would be offended by it but there it is it's 100 percent offended here we are like it's one of those times when we you see like gucci makes this like black face mask and we're like how did no one know like in the whole of gucci's company no one said anything everyone thought it was fine let me pull that here we are yeah here we are we become the gucci blackface mask people hold on let me find it this is it this is who we are ela this is who we've become oh man um well gucci didn't get canceled over it so that's the weirdest thing oh we're the gucci face mask people [Laughter] cut that seems so much worse that does seem so much worse i have to say although judging by the comments you wouldn't think so why would you wear that why would you even wear that why would you even wear that i mean my god by the way i like gucci their clothes is like just incredible the quality and make it everything but this is a weird design i guess it's meant to be yeah it's definitely meant to be a while if i saw someone walking down the street i would like triple quadruple take them like but you [ __ ] i'm sure the designer was completely like thinking something else in in their mind and so here it is actually so this goes right maybe you can relate can you relate i guess i can now i am that person i love the mouth hole it's just so bizarre that's funny it is it's just everything the colors really make it like so insensitive probably well actually when you see it so it's just around the mouth with the picture that they were promoting it's like tucked into oh that's racist that's racist i think it's the fact that it's black and red that just yeah yeah yeah not good well anyway that's us so uh ethan and ela are confirmed uh boomer [ __ ] bags who are out of touch [ __ ] we're gonna have to run everything by ian first i feel like because ian you were saying you could have anticipated i just think you know depression anxiety and uh it's all such a giant spectrum everyone experiences it in such a subjective way that whenever there's money involved you're gonna get the whole range of reaction we didn't get the whole range we just got the bad ones i mean you were saying there was some pop yeah there was some good one actually there was some really nice supportive ones that people were like hey i have anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder and uh i like the shirt so shout out to them anyway let's move on enough about poor unfortunate counsel the h3 and let's talk about uh this great what no nothing what was that all i heard was dan go foot it's a feet feet why would dance why did you say feet because it's a meme on our show and i want to talk about feet oh we got to talk about feet that one all right jeez i mean it threw me off all i heard was feet i was like what the hell that's okay okay so we just went issued an apology and pledged to donate 100 of the profits to a mental health charity yes so that was a crisis that all happened live during the plugin and we just yeah and then came back and now we're finishing that episode recording is taking like a whole day to just do 10 minutes so far i know we've made it about 13 minutes into the show so far after starting three hours yeah we start at 10 it's 1 30 now well i'm glad we did it because i yeah i think it's the right thing to do even though i just anyway i would probably talk about it yeah we talked into that but that's why it's good that things happen people say their feedback and you respond i mean honestly we just didn't see it that way and now we do it's that simple yeah it is that simple i'm i am a pro health advocate i'm openly talking about my mental health issues i have always suffered from mental health issues i take 20 milligrams of lexapro a day every morning that's a high dosage just so you don't so just so you know my penis barely feels anything it's like slapping it against uh i mean you could put nails through my [ __ ] i wouldn't feel it i mean i take like support too yeah so we're alexa pro family by the way my mom does oh your mom's my sister does now um yeah now people are going to start saying oh well now you're advocating for people everybody to take looks pro okay hold on let's go issue an apology well there's a lot of truth it's the it's the pharmaceutical companies uh being evil there was a lot of trauma in your family after your dad passed that's when everybody started on the lexa pro yeah am i allowed to say that yes of course yeah because i just wanted only been two years yeah it's just that that was a big impact on your family oh i had to go get a saudi to [ __ ] calm me down too anyway hey it's a good cause let's give him some money i just love the shirt you could have written under anything on there like i what if we wrote under the shirt i fart on my hand and smell it that's kind of a good caption should i pull up the shirt no i farted my hand and smell it even dan didn't laugh with that yeah no dan i don't find farts amusing not amusing how about joking yeah oh yeah you should i farted on feet i farted on feet it should say dude that's a good i want to smell feet i want to smell feed is pretty funny i'm not going to utter that what about you just did though that's a sound bite oh no i hate faith just for the i don't like fit in general like you hate my feet i mean i don't have anything personal against your fit i just don't find feet i always thought i had nice interesting it's one of my few nice kids i don't like looking at fate wow feet are pretty but that's i think that's why people have a foot fetish because it's so repulsive and people like like that you know because they like to be demeaned or whatever poor female but i don't think it's a i don't think it's a demeaning thing how is it not you're sucking on someone's toes it's definitely like a submission dominant thing well i agree with that thank you zach and if anyone knows it's zach zach understands that despite the meme i don't know a whole lot about the federation yeah she sent you this is what belle said it's a therapy yeah it's like a comforting all right let's move on for christ i mean we've not really we haven't covered anything oh yeah yeah people were so upset i was just like whoa all righty so with that being said i was meaning to start with a lighthearted goof uh it's a little late for that but let's try to get back on track here hey this is the h3 podcast what do i always say at the beginning they think nobody's got it dan that we're not coming back we're never coming back this is it they said we would never be back right well here we are here it is guys uh we got mobility scooter memes what is that it's got a ferrari sticker on it what is that i love it and it just he can't even hit the curb though it's got a ferrari sticker on it i love that he was just filming he's just filming it because it's so goofy and then it tips the [ __ ] over what is that it's got a ferrari sticker on it oh god wait i gotta watch this was he trying to hop the curb or did he just accidentally it's got a ferrari sticker i don't know oh bro i don't like the i don't want the gas anymore i want a fully contained isn't this thing so cute it looks like it's awesome it's like theodore's toy but like actual oh yeah i think it's just a mobility scooter that's like all purpose what is that it's got a ferrari sticker on it i love it there's no balance there's just no structural integrity it's so narrow and tall yeah so just it took a slight small curve and just totally how frequently does that happen to them on it he's like damn it not again but that's gonna be a pretty bad impact for someone who's like you know yeah has mobility issues too i mean that's true can you even call that a mobility scooter at that point i mean that's just a car it's a that's a mobility yeah it's a car that's an automobile i believe it's called an auto mobility disability mode i love the disability mobility mobile so can you guys look up look uh zachary ian look that up let me see where what's the price and how can i buy that power wheel uh i think dan's making a joke there was a toy when we were kids uh there's more me that's actually a lot of memes that were generated from the last episode when we opened belle's uh mystery box some fan art ela the kitty girl and ethan the protector warrior it's funny because we're at the same height yeah why am i so short but people always draw us like that they always do me like tall and like skinny and you're short and chubby i mean it's pretty funny it's funny i guess that's our that's what our caricature i think first vibe is exactly i think for a girl you're tall i'm a normal hype but i think the fatness it's easy for people to be like oh he's i mean that's a pretty accurate portrayal to be honest i look pretty cool that's really cute i think i look pretty cold my sword and my teddy fresh shirt yeah it's another art which is i think conan the barbarian that's what i thought at first two but i saw other people commenting it's from uh what do you call it um oh like the mars saga thing they made a movie about it a couple years ago how's that not conan well the artist might have been the same artist that did the conan stuff too i'm not sure oh this one cracked man john carter there you go that's what i couldn't think of the name either doing the hey go what is it how's it hey go face can you try that you've never tried it i did it you don't want to try it i don't want to do it and then i'll be memed forever yeah it would be but that's good hey girl if you just do this ela like a billion people will beat off to you i don't know talk to me baby vin diesel is requesting a hegel face ben do you want to see it [ __ ] beautiful well ben diesel how are you going to say no to vin diesel all right when grandma gives you 100 bucks for christmas i i was stuck that's totally the face yeah bells tuck a hundred dollar bill in like a little teddy bear this one ian yes our ian made and first of all you know i have to commend you on the h3 ps4 oh what the hell yeah but why did you write bel why did you write delphine edition edition delphine i think it's the french version right yeah the regular dark souls cover has that on it say what it says like definitive edition and then definitive edition in french because multi-region release yeah you actually may look pretty dope simpsons hd pot damn you [ __ ] thought of everything bro it's got the fupa rating for the 17 how much time did this take you oh no like 10 15 minutes wow really in ian's is a real stamp ian is such a creative uh toward the force that i'm not kidding he's he's such a talent i wish i could utilize that more i appreciate that thank you that was a sound bite take me for real you're getting better i appreciate that thank you that was real wait it was real that one was real the first one was am i right you can assume ninety percent of the time you hear me that's the sound bite see i can i'm getting good at this try to trick me zack and then i'll call it out that should be the game all right deal anyway good job ian ela making and only fans i sleep ethan making on fans real [ __ ] i got a really weird email from a fan which i think was in earnest where he was like begging me to make an only fans really yeah whoa so it didn't seem like it was a meme he was well no he seems he did seem serious that's why it struck out what seemed serious about it because he was just he was do you want me to read i mean i could probably find it but he just was writing in really desperate language how badly he needed me to make only fan it was probably a joke but i mean i i wasn't sure uh while you were praying partying he studied the blade and podcasting i'm not very good at podcasting or blade so maybe i should have just parted that's awesome though i love the whole all the sword imagery it's so sick this one someone just goofing on me here my weird ass my weird ass my loving girlfriend a couple times i don't know why they made your arms tiny yeah just really funny i have no idea why they did that but it looked so funny i know and it got and it was like very well received i don't think there's any reasoning to it it's pretty funny i agree it's i don't know why what is it does it look like you get maybe you get the way you're standing like a dinosaur right and i have little t-rex paws this one i loved i knew he looked like i said he looked like sashquash bigfoot on the water and it's totally true look at the posture is exactly the same it's so awesome so there you have it the memes have been strong you know usually when we do these meme segments i'm like oh [ __ ] this [ __ ] this [ __ ] this but these are all good so keep it up guys also if you've gone over to the h3 podcast at discord available members only there's a hell of a lot of good conversation there sorry guys so many i just i've been chugging this coca-cola because i've just been very stressed about the whole everything happening this morning can you switch to water no i mean chug in the water um smat dude smash mouth smash mouth yes uh shrek shrek mouth you know shrek kind of like almost you could say they made smash mouth which is probably true they put them on the map somewhat that's not true they were they were popular yeah they were big but like they immortalized smash mouth i but also they ruined minimized yeah because it's just ramified they've been mummified they've been mummified in a mummification anyway you guys probably heard sturgis motorcycle rally in america 10 day festival with an estimated 200 ethan estimated to attract 250 000 motorcycle enthusiasts all around the country where sturgis stan oh south dakota is that the better dakota um i don't have a strong opinion i think south dakota has rushmore so we like are they at least well they at least have something i don't think there's really much to north dakota but i apologize for north dakota yeah i mean i could see that for saying that if that's uh if that's upsetting to you so anyway 250 000 are in south dakota the festival features motorcycle shows a roller derby drag race and poker tournaments etc nobody's wearing masks they are encouraging people to wear masks not uh requiring it and so of course nobody there is wearing masks social distancing et cetera and they have the lineup band the headliner is smash mouth apparently they just have a bunch of really kind of a bad lineup of bands but including also um drawing pool who is famous for the song let the bodies hit the floor which i thought was apt drawing pool what did i say drawing pool dry what are you saying drawing drawing is in a drowning pool though i'm reading what you wrote it's it's spelled drawing pull down oh it is drawing it's it's drowning well somebody one of you guys wrote the name of the band for me it's drowning pool it's just it's drowning pool so who wrote it uh i don't know and maybe it was me maybe it's a type of i think i i don't think that they're as far as i know there's no band name drawing pools okay who wrote drawing pool i don't know i'm not looking at the doctor i remember even seeing your ass in the document writing that called out was it you oh my god no oh all right rip like grace hanson do i need to bring back chris hanson just remember your ass is going to jail for some serious crimes is this what he's going to sit me down for is he stealing drowning i can't believe you're not going to own that zach i didn't i didn't do it i swear to god i think i think it might have been me but um but that would have been a typo if it was you dan that's unforgivable because you're the one that called me out for it well i didn't it wasn't intentional hold on you called me out for it you [ __ ] set me up what the hell that's such [ __ ] yeah i just pulled it up there the my original doc and it does saying drawing pool so that's that's my bad oh my god i'm gonna blame autocorrect for that one no all right as soon as you said it i knew that was wrong well why how are you blaming drowning is a word why would auto operate why would they change it to drawing if drowning is a typo and it just auto-corrected it too i don't know how these things work all right all right i don't know so excellent all right i know is who's going to be addressed on the next cameo do you think do you think i'm on the chopping block yeah that's very interesting point [Laughter] yeah okay so drowning pool is going to be performing let the bodies hit the floor which is awesome yeah considering um here when you see the footage of the people that are attending watch this it's just a bunch of like let's say put this politely oh there's a bunch of bikers that's no no it's gonna be more specific uh i guess they're not i was good there's a lot of fat people there i don't see many fat people here but no actually not i mean yeah but like i mean this is awesome you're in the middle of a pandemic no literally not one mask in sight everyone passed together and then someone's singing let the bodies hit the [ __ ] it's so awesome let the parties hit the floor let and then everybody's singing along and screaming it's like spitting on each other it's awesome i mean it's hilariously ironic you know if it wasn't sad but what can you do at a certain point these people just want to die yeah or die free i guess they say i'd rather these are i love these people man they think that wearing a mask is tear asking people to wear a mask is tyranny it's really highlighting just this whole concept of freedom here in america like it's fine like freedom is one thing but you can also follow science and the rules either can i ask you something the same people i'm making a generalization so take this for for what it is but it's not to me that the same people who complain that wearing masks is tyranny don't say [ __ ] when police pull up in plain clothes and throw people in unmarked vans um you just that's just the talking points on tv no but like i mean that seems way more man yeah jake paul is like oof but don't you think there's something overlapping bro that's way scarier like you said that is a generalization though and there i am i'm sure there are some that are anti-mass that are also anti-police brutality i think most liberty brutality dance is having the stance that you're not even talking about police brutality i'm talking about pulling up an un marked uniforms throwing people in unmarked vans and and taking off how many people have you asked what their opinion is on that i would venture to say well i'm just i'm saying i've seen a lot more people complaining about masks being a sign of tyranny than being thrown in an unmarked van and being taken off that's because they're being asked to wear a mask versus the other thing they don't happen well let's start let's start scooping people up and see if they object i think i think a principled libertarian would uh would hold those two positions that you're that you're stating no masks and and again no kidnappings no government sanction kidnapping theoretically uh yeah they would they would be very against [ __ ] yes good good good i love it trump loves whoosh does he love i said i love it okay all right i won't ask for clarification i want to push we have the president on the line here nobody likes me that's not true there's plenty of people that like you don't be hard on yourself all right we're probably at break time uh though i don't know if you let me finish this story um so smash so they're gonna be reading uh somebody once told me that dude next to me has coveted and he gonna cough in my face well he's breathing kind of heavy and soon he'll be on a ventilator and it won't be long before he's dead well the cases start coming in they don't stop coming the hospitals are packed and people start running they come to searches just to have some fun but then they come live and they leave dead and they leave dead that's dumb so much to do but so many need to die before we start wearing masks you'll never know if you don't go to sturgis you'll never know if you don't die insurgents hey now you've got kovid hanging out you've got kovid but don't say that you get the idea i think it's a good remix we started really strong and it was very impressive yeah it was [ __ ] dope first of all pretty good man we kind of lost steam there at the end well it's hard to keep that up hey now you got covered come spread oh that sprays is covered only shooting only shoot what do they call it um droplet yeah droplets only shooting respiratory droplets in the air don't breathe because it's in the air sunshine disinfects but not from the hair because yeah i'm [Applause] [Music] anything else oh yeah oh yeah you're gonna like this ela um here's smash mouth doing their headline listen this is him [Music] is he gonna get down and mingle with the crowd oh that's a really good that's a really good question because wait i'll read there's actually something related to that because they're up there on the stage keeping six feet so listen to this yeah he said we're all together tonight [ __ ] that covered ship yeah tonight until tomorrow people just can't breathe so listen to this the band's manager quickly tried to do damage control in a statement to a billboard he said everything backstage was sanitized the band has their own covet addendum to the rider as well and the promoter and venue adhere to all of our requests so their damage control is we were safe up on the stage but all the plebs down in on there [ __ ] over to that but we're safe i mean that's crazy [ __ ] that coverage yeah [ __ ] you guys too [ __ ] that [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa not too close not too close it's in our rider all staff members must maintain 20 feet from us we spent endless out this is to continuing the quote from their manager we spent endless hours advancing this event to make sure it was pulled off as safely as possible and we are very happy with the outcome really look at this wow this is uh this is a view from the stage smash mouth what's safe about this the smash mouth organization is taking this pandemic very seriously and has taken measures to keep our band crew and fans as safe as possible during this time yeah i think that would just mean not showing up to this or at the very least wear a mask instead of saying [ __ ] cover be like guys please put on your masks well it should be required yeah yeah but this is america it would be too round uh from what i was reading it it actually was required at the event but um obviously just nobody did it and what are you going to say wait i heard it was optional i read that it was optional on their on i don't i read differently well regardless it doesn't matter you either enforce it or you don't yeah exactly i just find it incredible because like we're here i guess living in a bubble it's hard to to really you know realize how vast and how many different kinds of people are in this country but it's just incredibly that nobody not even one person in the sea of people is like concerned i mean we just drove to newport beach and no one was concerned there either there were some people but the majority were not wearing masks it was like five percent maybe yeah but this is a huge gathering i would expect to see i guess anyone that's really concerned just wouldn't go right you know yeah they were estimating a quarter of a million people uh arriving according to that article but i'd be curious how many actually showed up like if the turnout was suppressed that does not look like a quarter million but well it's just one yeah or whatever yeah and it's a 10-day event so um hey now oh um so let's see here the hospital's got 50 ventilators and there's only five left to spare hey now you need a ventilator but we're getting short so hurry hey now you need a ventilator or you can't breathe so you'll nah it's not that funny yeah it's getting worse and worse [ __ ] does anyone else want to try i'll leave it in the car you guys leaving me in the trenches here i was grooving to that see zach's the best all right let's go to a quick commercial break and it is quick i'm telling you we don't have any ads left teddy fresh is being canceled i mean it's kind of bleak here on the h3 come on such a downer jimmy well i'm just being honest i mean [ __ ] is [ __ ] dude it's just awful chris hansen you know how much it costs for that chris hanson clip was it like 300 bucks dan i don't think oh no chris hanson was mega cheap yeah this was like 50 bucks there were some other ones that that that turned us down that were extremely expensive yeah actually we put an order out for somebody i don't want to give out the name yet because i want to be surprised but he was like 350 right uh yeah it was something like that yeah that'll be great though if it pays off but we got chris hanson to basically say i will make fake charges against you for 50 bucks or whatever it was maybe it was like so good no that was great chris hanson dude the fact that you get chris hanson to threaten anyone you want for 50 bucks is like the brave new world like is like uh how do you say it's the dystopian future that we all want to to have although dystopian is inherently bad isn't it it's a utopian future sure let's have a quick break and when we come back we're going to talk about uh so so so so so so much great stuff ellen i want this ellen do you know that ellen forbid her interns to look at her i always find that so interesting so i put together a whole list of celebrities that don't allow their employees to look at them i of course i'm on the top of that i was gonna say you're on the list yeah all right we'll be right back i got to be honest my underwear drawer before i found myandes was an embarrassing disaster and i'm going to be honest with you guys again i've carried around the same underwear for decades and you get to the point where the underwear just gets crusty it starts to disintegrate you ever had underwear for so long it just disintegrates there's literally just holes not tears like holes where the fabric has disintegrated you know have you ever have you ever owned underwear that long is that like i have seen that i probably have seen it on near underwear happening i know what you're talking about yeah well it's embarrassing and it's not fun but that's what me undies is is that every time you open your drawer it's fun it's exciting you start your day you take the shower you open your underwear drawer boom you get excited because not only do you have beautiful designs it's lush it's soft it's caressing it's wonderful your it makes your day better knowing that you're gonna have to see beautiful fabrics they're gonna nestle up on your ass crack balls and penis and let's be honest that's kind of the most important stuff to treat well it's not just for guys too well yeah and you have a butt all in a vagina yeah that's important too uh listen me undies is serious about softness they're super serious they scoured the earth for the softest fabric known to man it all starts with sustainably sourced beechwood trees that magically turn from pulp to yarn to undies you can keep your undies drawer stocked with me undies memberships a subscription that sends new pairs right to your door plus you get site-wide savings and exclusive sales me undies has a great offer for our listeners for any first time purchase you get 15 off and free shipping it's a no-brainer especially considering you have a 100 satisfaction guarantee that's means if you don't love the undies if they're not perfectly comfortable forget it send it get your money back forget about it so to get 15 off your first order free shipping and 100 satisfaction guaranteed go to meundies.com h3 that's meundies.com h3 welcome back everybody we i've come to this point in the episode we're gonna be talking about ellen ellen is the per one of those people that just gets one name thoughts on that incorrect ellen degeneres no but people call her ellen it's just like oh oh i know who you're talking about ellen you don't have to say by the way her name is ellen the degenerate pretty good right um i don't know this statement is not that great so bono edge i don't think that's equivalent ellen it's alan degeneres i guess but like who else gets that recognition by just their first name name one person you say their first name and they get that immediate recognition one first name howard no howard does not have that zach i'm sorry i think so ellen yeah people would say stern yeah people say stern every every like stern fan i meet like when you bring me mentioned john go on the street and be like you know howard and they'll be like whoo no they're gonna be all like how would you go on the street i'd say ellen people like yeah ellen there's only one ellen we all know who ellen is fair enough it's a phenomenon that i think is is worth the you know raising it's okay obama see that's that's how about hey i've got a good one go ahead gila um mm-hmm only here though there's a lot that's right yeah it's like a super common name yeah you say that here though but here you don't know it so i'm going to be like what and you we have to get you more famous i'm the only one because if you go on the street a very unique name here i found it on that you are the only one that's pretty cool does it feel cool to come here and b feel more unique and the name wise definitely i don't hate my name here in israel i feel like how would you describe how would you compare because in israel ila is almost like the deborah or something what would i compare i only say deborah because all of my friends i only say that why are you gonna do that can i explain because all of my friends growing up like all of their moms was named deborah but why are you why am i a mom i'm just saying it's a common name there's no meaning but what was your friend's common name you know why are you looking at the amanda i don't know lots of amanda's growing up yeah ashley yeah it's like that yeah are we done we're gonna argue today about everything ellen so anyway ellen she's been in the news as you guys know there's kind of two parallel distinct situations going on with ellen um one is that the workplace on the ellen show what is it her name is just the ellen show what is it called ellen show yeah i think it's the ellen show yeah ellen's show what is the official name i think it might even just be ellen no it's the ellen degeneres show oh for real yeah wait hold on the ellen degeneres the degenerate show you know what i found out when uh researching this we can't get the simplest no but what i said is true she's still ellen i thought her show was just called ellen i thought it was just helen well it's not no it's not it's called the ellen degeneres show i think they should rebrand though i'm surprised it's called the ellen degeneres show aren't you no i thought it was because people always just say i'm going on ellen they don't want that i swear they do they say they do i'm going on ellen okay i don't know i've said alan so many times it's a losing meaning okay so the ellen d can i may i call it ellen for the purpose of trying to explain the story because i say the whole name the ellen degeneres shows a lot to take in what is the origin what does degeneres mean where is that from i it's a weird name it's a weird name degeneres what's the origin of that somebody find out quick zack's working on it considering he's typing away ellen he's crunching the numbers right now it's just the last name isn't it degeneres i never met another degeneres to be honest i thought it was called the ellen show thank you ian who usually contradicts me on every single point supports me on this one the generous is french okay yeah i should have guessed it can you pronounce can you pronounce it in french de generi did you read the phonetics or was you disgusting no that was just me doing a friendship degeneres did you know that her brother was a correspondent on the daily show for years oh no i didn't let me see a picture of her brother sam's vance degeneres and he was like one of the og ones in like the early 2000s when jon stewart was first i wonder if he's a better show that his sister made it and he didn't i don't even recognize him huh i've never seen him you think she you think when you're that rich you just kick down money to your family they look i mean you definitely can see that they're siblings yeah wow definitely look at that i actually do i remember him i mean vaguely it was a long time ago that he was on the daily show but i remember he was one of the correspondents with uh you know stephen colbert and corel in that era do they both just have like whatever skin tightening cosmetic surgery because about their faces look a little tight his more so anyway she's worth about half a billion dollars you think she just kicks down that's a good question about any any problem millionaire you probably have to handsome guy this is a much better photo don't you think um than this one looks like like a little bit like a vampire in that one yeah okay vampire energy there anyway this is like let's get to that this whole episode uh lynn ellen so it's a toxic workplace environment and then the other layer is that ellen herself is a rude mean person so we're going to talk about these two issues separately if that's okay with you ela yeah i think the teddy fresh controversy really got to either broke her mind first of all ellen's show is being accused of being a toxic workplace what does that mean one former black employee claimed that a main writer once told her i'm sorry i only know the names of the white people who work here which is like so comically insane and embracist that it's hard to believe someone could even say that frankly yeah i'm sorry i only know the names of the white people that work here that's crazy bro but that's what this uh that's what this person told the reporter from buzzfeed well they wrote the current and former workers faced intimidation tactics and racism in other cases boys had in other cases that i literally said employees and you always said tax sticks employees ela in other cases employees had to struggle to get necessary time off listen to this one employee had to request time off after getting into a car accident and having two family deaths within a year they claimed that each request was a battle with supervisors in hr in another case an employee took a month of medical leave to go to a mental health facility after a suicide attempt when that employee returned to set they learned their position was being eliminated that's pretty good yeah sounds kind of similar to uh no way the whole no not funny ethan suicide attempt not joke about that i was gonna make a joke about like ian breaking his foot and we tried to fire him but um we he got hr involved i'm hr by the way is that a conflict of interest also there's been lots of sexual assault allegations that i don't even want to read because i actually need the revenue desperately on this on our podcast so i'm not going to read them but they're really really gross and heinous kind of typical harvey weinstein type of stuff from the executive purdue producers what the hell um yeah so that's kind of i mean that that's actually the big part of that allegation of the toxic workplace so if you're interested in those kinds of allegations apparently all kinds of just like really gross statements like um some producer told and a black employee oh wow you both have box braids i hope we don't get you confused like i guess about two black people i'm wondering if that could have been misunderstood i don't really see it like if it was just like that was the same producer with the other uh no oh it's the same producer i think so when i because i saw that too someone that made the other comment about uh not knowing the names of black employees because i could see that maybe them just being like oh you guys have the same haircut oh we don't get you confused but like i'm just trying to give them a benefit yeah perhaps but once you combine it with with the other stuff it's well once you tell someone yeah once you tell someone i only remember white people's names yeah that one is that one's a real heinous that one i cannot uh when the sexual assault ones um from what i know stood reading it is uh was corroborated by like a bill yeah it was like three dozen employees all said yeah that happened so it's like not just a couple people it's like yeah everybody that works on the show is like yeah that happened that's a good point dan the person who wrote the article was like 36 different employees corroborated these stories and then the next line is like the producers deny it it's like you can't i mean that's like everybody that ever worked on the show 36 that's everybody yeah so then that's part one part two is that ellen is a dick uh the daily beast isn't that ben shapiro's um or is that no that's a daily caller there's a lot of daily somethings out there yeah it's confusing these two yeah the beast the daily beast published a story detailing accounts for many former employees and encounters with her such as ellen refusing to make eye contact with interns ellen almost getting a waitress fired for having a chipped nail wait what yes what does that mean apparently the waitress had a chipped nail and ellen tried to get her fired look i i just looked it up it was actually daily wire so it's another another daily i'm gonna make a uh newspaper called the daily daily it probably already exists the daily daily maybe just take out the and replace it with daily daily daily daily daily schmutz so i know i don't quite understand why would you be offended by someone having a chip now but i'm not ellen yeah why would you it's like oh i can't imagine what well i would hate to have to see that if someone was serving me food it's like you don't want to see that i don't know i'm just trying to use my imagination i think i did actually see some comments to that effect though uh if you're at a nice restaurant okay imagine this i'm just trying to understand imagine you're out i wouldn't know this would you even look at the nail imagine you're at a three star michelin restaurant world renown thousand dollars per head you get you're waiting here's this beautiful plate of food and then what do you see a chip now as they're serving i would talk and that's why yeah that's what i had in mind and then she probably went to the manager and was like it's like a larry david moment just want to say the food was good chip nail i don't think it's worth bringing out of course it's crazy it's insane i'm just trying to imagine that even the situation how it occurs yeah of course it's the craziest thing i ever heard she fired a former head writer karen kilgraf karen for refusing to cross the picket line during the 2008 rider strike well that's douchey that's really douchey refusing to what so there was a rider strike in hollywood and uh that her head one of her head riders refused to go into work because she was in solidarity with her uh union and so ellen fired her she for load a large chunk of her crew that sounds kind of illegal like that are you allowed to protest i don't know i mean they haven't i'm not really i'm not really sure but the labor laws in hollywood and when it comes to the unions is incredibly complicated there may have been they may have found some loopholes some other way of letting them go uh yeah yeah a lot of politics that kind of stuff uh during covet she furloughed a large chunk of her crew during the crisis and instead hired non-union outfit to run the tech for at-home broadcast that's so dirty bro why'd you why'd you do them so dirty like that i mean she's worth half a billion dollars like i mean how much does it cost to keep those people on payroll for mm-hmm even a year not even a 100 billion networks why are these networks so [ __ ] cheap ass that they can't float these people for a minute um and then those who did stay on were told their pay would be cut by sixty percent and have reduced hours well the reduced hours i understand because there's not much work but why cut their pay 60 by the way and then ellen's net worth is estimated between 300 and 500 million dollars yeah that's just lame you would think that also just i don't know it sounds like she comes from not an easy way uh making it when she came out as gay she had a hard time yeah and she kind of had to like start over so it sounds like someone that would have a little more empathy for people but apparently not i mean as business owners that was something that we definitely didn't would never consider doing this stuff the covid stuff yeah the not looking me in the eyes is obviously something like i totally get that standard operating procedure right there the last time zach looked me in the eyes i told him to go home stay home for two weeks and i cut his pay by 60 he put the fear you guys can you guys can speak with authority that you've been uh you've been really good to us during this whole crisis thank you i've been waiting for you to say that a million percent yeah not to blow you too hard or anything but uh but yeah no we're we're grateful we know this is a tough time and you you there we've never had any uh fear of getting laid off or furloughed or anything so well you you shouldn't because you guys won't you guys ain't going anywhere except zach people don't subscribe and if and i'm not super it's okay not having to look you in the eyes as well yeah we don't really live with it yeah yeah i know you're not good at with eye contact anyway and so i figured she's doing you a favor you know it's because i'm always looking at my slick shoes ian what do you think about those new yeezys the white eggshell oh god please tell me that you hate it let me pull that up you know he doesn't you know he does wait hold on hold on let me pull up some people know we're talking have you seen it then yeah we were talking about it the other day oh you guys already talked about it hold on how is it possible where are they i can't even find them what are they called ian just say alien looking easy put him on his twitter uh they were still up as of yesterday because we were just talking ian what do you know what they're called of course he knows well tell me then he's muted i don't think he realizes he's muted oh oh yeah can you hear me yeah yeah it's with the basketball player derek rose okay search derrick rose easy okay are those the buzz this is the [ __ ] this is the worst thing i've ever no way do you like this here let me show this let me pull them up on my end too i need a refresher i don't believe you here i just don't here it is on twitter so ian you didn't say do you like these um it looks like packing peanuts as a shoe they're they're kind of slick oh my god those are the opposite of flick i mean you could say a lot of things about that shoe but that that's not slick it's kind of slick how much are they how do i get one i kind of want to try it there's there's another one too that he tweeted that in my opinion is even worse really i don't know if you saw that no let me just click his twitter i thought this one was tweeting like crazy uh so here's this if you keep scrolling i think it wasn't too much further down oh this one the yellow one uh no although i mean that one i don't know what got my band on that one too but it's back to this now keep going wow i'm gonna show ian's background real quick there you go this that's a sketch no you'll know it when you see it just keep scrolling it's coming it's coming there there oh oh no i think the other one i think that one is worth it yeah okay because this one is more of like a pretty wearable it's like slippers i mean so is there there's no info about price or anything on these no well yeah i think it was just there might just be concepts well i will say it's a real i mean i've never seen a shoe like that i don't know if that's a good thing or not but it's like wearing a giant tooth come on who wouldn't want to wear it kind of toothy that's gross like a shark tooth i guess i guess it looks more like a like an invertebrate of a prehistoric like sea animal that you'll find in a box see the picture like when you see um like architecture projects like in college an architecture student that would be like their that would be their prototype what they wanted the building that they would make yeah they're like trying you're trying so hard to be original and it is original but for a reason because it's a bad idea you know what i mean show yeah show this look here yeah look look at what it looks like with someone wearing it please no it's my background please tell me that do you see this [Applause] this looks so stupid it's so clunky that's not i mean you call that you can't call that slick bro if you're looking is it the uh the girl with the shoe on and the white sweater yeah no it's just legs it's from the same set of the photos that you have as your background because she's wearing the same blue leggings blue like so i think a little context i think she's wearing a size she put in her bio like i'm wearing a size 12 or 13. i think just like as a goof okay how did she get her where do we get those why are we guys these are designed for this basketball player derrick rose this is going to be the derrick rose shoe he's going to wear those while he plays i don't know if i don't know i i don't think those will be court legal but i don't know they look oh yeah i see yeah she's wearing like that's his wife yeah yeah yeah that's his wife so who's this girl why is she getting a pair of wife oh it's his wife sorry i don't yeah i should be listening more they look kind of dope i'm not gonna lie like here god come on no you've got to give it some points if someone walked by with those on that's like a head-turning yeah but ian if you walked by with a swastika on your forehead i'd also turn my head i think that's a bit of a different situation but i'm just saying like if your only point is that it's yeah turning isn't always good yeah i'm sorry but i do not like it i don't like it i give points for uniqueness try hard uh like howard hughes at the end of his life when he's all crazy and he would wear uh like those giant like tissue boxes on his feet you were seeing the pictures of him well we were talking about something about ellen i don't know okay so back to ellen um oh actually some actors even went on the record and were like yeah ellen's a [ __ ] it's crazy because you don't really see that but this dude from everybody loves raymond really this big the tall dude who played raymond's brother yeah he just strips slammed her he goes sorry but it comes from the top no and then he tags the show no more than one who were treated horribly by her it's common knowledge the generous sends emotional apology to staff you notice how he called her wait that was a quote he said common knowledge his tweet ended there they did some kind of weird like old people facebook where that's the title of the article and i don't know how that got in his tweet cabish all right and then lee uh leah thompson who's also a famous actress went ahead and slam dunked her uh brat oh this article about the tweet we just read brad garrett claims mistreatment by ellen is common knowledge and then lee thompson comes underneath and says true true story it is that's they're kind of b-list celebrities though to be honest and that's probably why they don't care to speak up right and it's right right right right it's worth pointing out the accusation is that well i guess we'll get there maybe jump in the gun but like a-listers all say she's nice of course but right exactly that's right yeah the people they're like people like tom hanks says she's like yeah of course you know she's she's [ __ ] giving tom hanks a hand job when he rolls around i guess that's always the problem when you're like well this person is nice to me so there must be nine i didn't know that they raped a hundred i didn't know that bill cosby was always a nice yeah it's like well yeah it doesn't mean doesn't that in itself isn't evidence anyway i'm not accusing her of anything except being an [ __ ] which by the way isn't a crime let's keep this in in uh well her producers seem to have have been doing much worse things than being [ __ ] the racist comments though that's pretty talkative yeah the environment too yeah dude i i'm assuming that she kind of just shows up and leaves you know what i mean but but obviously it's her responsibility to make sure that people are having a safe work environment but anyway i got fascinated by well i guess i should mention this first uh there's a whole movement to make eric allen eric andre not to change the show name or anything just to make eric ellen keep the name the same just replace him place her with him make eric ellen i like amazing i'd watch that amazing i wonder what that would do for the ratings okay but i got i got fascinated by this concept of these celebrities who don't allow people to look at them in the eye yeah and so we did some research of um of celebrities who apparently also have this reputation katy perry now what now where did you get the info on this stuff zach what about katy perry um it was just various websites you know people explaining stories people in the food industry saying they've come into the restaurant blog posts stuff like that and they're instructed not to look at them or what well it's just stories from it like oh i couldn't even look her in the eye she looked she yelled at me for looking her in the eye stuff like that like wow are you supposed to know not to look mega celebrities in the eye it's such a weird concept yeah okay so katy perry beyonce jlo we got an excerpt here um the actress and singer jennifer lopez is supposedly one super cheapskate recently radar online has posted that an anonymous source has revealed that lopez pays minimum wage to her employees as a result her staff have started calling lopez payload instead of jlo behind her back oh my god not only does lopez pay her employees an extremely low wage but she also expects them to work really hard well it sounds like she should probably just get a new job not that they're that easy to find but uh that's hilarious payload the thing is when you're that rich and famous you gotta pay people good because they'll just goof on you like what's that extra five dollars an hour to jlo you know what i mean payload payload is the best yeah that's just that's so amateur it's like if you're rich and famous you gotta leave big tips you gotta pay people more it's just it's just not worth it to to be a cheapo mm-hmm yeah i think some people getting this uh twisted like i worked hard for my money that doesn't mean that what do i got to change my behavior now that i'm rich yeah i'm i'm still a person i'm sorry but this was a 10 mac no we always tip fat when we go out now and i'm not we're not even that famous but if they know me if they know who we are i don't want them to be like yo ethan listen you don't want to be a payload i don't want to be pale klein means small so yeah it's not really can't really play on words in that it's just penis jokes and they're true sylvester stallone nick uh nicole kidman i mean these are just names really there's no information so what can you say but mariah carey has been known to require her staff members walk backwards in her presence just to make sure they don't show their backs to her something she's like the king of england that was like the thing yeah she says wait so that's the opposite of not making an eye contact she says something she considers to be deeply disrespectful is that [ __ ] is that for real zack uh according to these websites it's a gossip website we take all of this with the greatness yeah mariah carey requires staff to exit rooms back that was literally the thing in like for like english kings like you you couldn't turn your back to them you had to like back out of the room and bow i believe it coming from her mariah is pretty wild kanye uh when kanye is performing or making an appearance on tv he demands that the carpet is in his dressing room be ironed demands the carpet in his dressing room be iron what ian have you heard that way but that sense he says if there's a carpet in his dressing room he demands that it be ironed how do you iron a car maybe from the back i don't know maybe we've never maybe we don't know because we've never tried it maybe it's great you're walking on these like on iron carpets here like a bunch of crispy carpet losers ariana grande that pop diva has a pretty outrageous request that she makes of anyone whom she deems fit enough to actually carry it out believe it or not she prefers to be carried around from place is that why i know what is this stupid i don't believe any of this these are gossip websites this is what you want this is not what i wanted i said i wanted i just wanted uh to hear all the rumors of celebs i mean look in their eyes this is that this let me read this again zach can you tell me if this sounds uh real ariana request that people carry believe it or not she prefers to be carried around from place to place ariata claims that the shoes she wears are too tough on her feet so she prefers to be carried i got a little story from a friend of mine that worked i don't want to give too many details just to not get him in trouble he told me in confidence but he worked on a on a very popular television program and the uh lead actor of the show one time uh got upset because he got in his eye line essentially which is something that it's not it's not looking them in the eye but it's like actors sometimes get very upset about that because they find it distracting if like a pa or somebody is is in their eye line but this guy got so mad he picked up a chair and threw it violently at my friend yeah yeah um and yeah i mean that's what he told me that's an apparently true story well i find it useful hearing it firsthand because otherwise i i would be hesitant to even believe stuff like that this would technically be like third hand but may well maybe your friend shouldn't have been in his eye line is it like let me ask you this is it like a really cheesy kind of show or was it like oh he was doing a really dramatic intense moment um well i guess that would be a matter of opinion of how you feel about the show i really don't i don't want to say too much more for giving away but um it it was a very popular show like i would say for years was a a top 10 rated show on network television so big big star so is a big moment yeah well uh aria according to zach ariana grande uh demands to be carried from place to place i didn't come up with this ring and then rihanna zack says it is said that rihanna doesn't even bother speaking to her staff an anonymous source revealed that rihanna doesn't talk to any of the hired help apparently rihanna also falls asleep when she is getting her makeup done this is so stupid what do you mean that she doesn't talk to her staff how do they communicate what does she expect telepathy i don't understand i have assistance or something i don't know well okay she delegates yeah i mean yeah it sounds like this is a bunch of tabloid rags so who knows i'm sorry there's not a new york times article on this i guess sources on this washington post new york times [Laughter] what website did you get this from i'm just curious [ __ ] i forgot the name daily crap the daily [ __ ] oh this one says about ian that uh the celebrity known as ian the salaried employee makes his co-workers um uh speaking uh listen to jesus on repeat was going on vulgar he's done that to me repeatedly apparently ethan klein of the h3 podcast makes his employees get on their knees and bow to him before they enter a room that one's true that one i can't believe bow to me kylie jen okay we're moving on thank you everybody thank you zach for the research it was fun the one that i really have a hard time believing is the aria grande one personally i've just heard crazier [ __ ] it doesn't she might have a weird feet thing where like people are under her feet she doesn't want to [ __ ] up her feet maybe it happened once when she was wearing like a really crazy costume for a show concert that's something so she was like can you carry being carried and then everyone's like she she requires to be careful i mean i see her walking i've seen her walk in i mean i've seen it yeah i can say from uh from firsthand experience well whatever what go ahead when i was a waiter years ago uh uh i worked at a restaurant that that had a decent amount of celebrity traffic we had some pretty famous people come through and um and you know they the staff we they would get reputations for which ones were good tippers and which ones weren't and um this was a long time this was literally a decade ago go ahead but justin bieber bad tipper that is such what a dumb ass how much he tipped like like normal or like even worse than normal 15 which isn't bad i mean that that most people consider that a standard tip but like you said most celebrities do tip pretty fat and so it was notable that he was 15 percent when you're justin bieber yeah well he was pretty young though i mean this is a decade ago he was like probably changed a lot yeah so i don't know if that is still the case i guess when you're a kid i mean yeah i wouldn't don't really understand tipping or the significance i can i can give them a pass you know who did tip well though i'll give props to who came in a lot was uh khloe kardashian wow and uh well i think at the time yeah they would come in as a couple a lot they 30 like good fat tip every time wow see for me i'm thinking like i'm thinking like it depends on the bill because sometimes when you spend a lot of money like it hurts but like i'm thinking like 50 usually i mean that's that's crazy fat you don't tip 50 yeah i do you're trying to tweet your own i think so if we go out and spend 50 bucks i'll leave like a 20 25. okay but the thing is sometimes i mean if you go out and spend like 500 then right i'm not leaving 250. yeah that's maybe 200 i believe 20 is always i would leave 200 on a 500. well you're a great tipper then i i agree thank you that seems a little questionable dude on 500. honestly we haven't been out for so long that oh and but i'm the one that always orders food and i'm always i leave you are the one that tips look at the history i have no way to look it up i always leave people by the way since covet yeah it's on my phone you mean on seamless yeah and stuff like that yeah on covid since govis started and i'm like these guys are these are the uh you know the frontline workers right so i always make a point of giving them i think because usually when you order it's cheap so it's like i i think i always give them like at least 20 bucks for the delivery that's very generous and i'm making it sound like i'm a [ __ ] someone who's gonna pull up every seat then they're gonna be like somebody in the audience has made a delivery i'm telling you i'm get i'm just we're ordering food all the time i'm like 20 20 20. i just don't like making a statement like that that someone could rebuttal very easily do you think someone's gonna go online and try to refute me well you can say like you're you're trying to ethan only actually i have ethan only gave me eight bucks can you skip on the tip if uh if if they're like super late or if they're like well so interestingly enough on seamless which is really bizarre you tip before the food ride right that's true but on postmates i will i'll i tip good no matter what i don't care what happens and usually i don't open it until a few days later and i don't even remember you know i believe you you you mike mike just cut out you uh you you've you've proven to be very uh generous with tips i we've gone out to eat at restaurants and stuff and i've seen it so thank you dan i'll back you up on this one i'm not usually the one that you wish that um don't you wish that tipping just wasn't an issue of course yeah they should pay it's just employees of course well horrible not really fair to even well that's it's a pretty uniquely american thing no like the the culture in america the the whole experience in america i don't have the same in israel really i think you i think israel is also unique i mean all of europe yeah i think in europe it's it's not really expected and then in some cultures i i could be speaking incorrectly here but i believe in japan it's considered insulting to leave a tip huh like they'll refuse it like if you leave a tip they'll like run after you and give it back well you know just so stressful but i've never been to japan the most annoying thing about dining in america is the tax is not factored into the freaking price actually there's i used to think that was so stupid so annoying but it makes sense because each freaking state right has a different tax rate sales tax so anyway let's move on now that we've established i'm a very generous tipper we can move on i'm so humble i think of myself as one of the most humble uh people on the planet petitioned to remove kylie jenner from the we've got a megan okay megan the stallion that's her name yes with with two e's megan d stallion yes megan d stallion these rap kids these days man how old is she she's 25. let me get a look at megan d stallion okay you do it girl wait did you not watch the music video no i did i just i never i watched i just don't know who megan d stallion is it just tripped me up when i was reading it because like the that's right and cardi b's whap which stands for wet ass p word i'm being so careful i'm telling you i don't want to go yellow for but it stands for what ass p word people are very upset because kylie jenner made an unwarranted cameo i will say i got to say about this video i'm going to mute it and i'll kind of want to show you guys this this music video is really cool and i cannot believe the amount of you dude it's been out for like just a few days two days or four days four days but it already has 70 million views man that's wild but i will say there's a couple of of wrinkles in this music video i'm just going to play it on like times i do on mute so we can kind of watch it here's here's what i'll say about this video i'm going to get yellowed for playing it but this video was number one trending right like i don't even think i can show you guys this video but it was number one trending yeah i don't understand that i mean it's just what is the logic there's no logic it's outrageous and by the way i'm not saying this video shouldn't be on trending i'm just saying that the standard they hold us to is just so ridic they're so uh so harsh on us like damn you know like our last podcast got yellowed because and i found out it's because uh we said we made some sexual reference somewhere in the two-hour episode and here i can see kylie jenner's [ __ ] in their number one trending well you're not leaving it off the screen so anyway it's a really creative video with uh the stallion and cardi b and um then in the middle the song stops huge dramatic moment enter the queen bee kylie the jaguar what do you mean queen b i don't know queen because what's her name there's no b i don't know oh because oh i don't know why i call her b god i love her though oh that's it you see what i mean that we got to cut that i already cut away i mean the next scene is cardi b with like the pasties that are bare like her nips are just like to the to the nanometer cover by pace and then her ass she's doing splits and i mean again it's like yeah is that cgi her hair or what i think it's just fake hair i don't think it's pretty cool yeah i know yeah it's really cool anyway the video is amazing it's really well done it's super cool but um i should be number one trending but apparently apparently i'm not dressed like that i guarantee you will be so the wrinkle is that everyone was upset that kylie was in the video and they're like why is she here and i have to agree that it came out of place it was kind of funny she kind of came out like she was gonna drop do something a little verse or something but nothing happened yeah because like the music stops dramatic moment who's in the hallway you hear the stilettos and then you're like why is kylie jenner in this video and then she just just goes into a room and that's it you know so anyway i kind of agreed that she didn't fit but what really struck me is not this whole controversy about where if kylie should be in the video and people are making i mean it's really not a big deal and cardi b wanted her individual friends they're friends so yeah she's in the video cardi defended it uh but people were making a freaking petition to remove her i mean people are so weird imagine making a petition like why do you care that much just got to be more important things to do with your life and so you know you're the hardest wanted her in the video here i'm trying to find the change here's the change.org do you guys know that change.org doesn't mean anything right like like i'm so sick of petitions man it never does anything has a change.org petition ever achieved anything i mean what is this site you know they have no affiliation it's just a website i think it's all scammed data form i'm almost certain they just want you to because to sign it you have to put in your address and info and so why do people think that this website change.org has any influence they're not associated with anything it's just a stupid website people just want to have a little impact like it's so easy to do doesn't require anything from you we'll require signing a position on change.org is about as impactful as doing this i don't like her i don't like kylie jenner in that video not that funny okay it's it's equivalent to talking at a wall mm-hmm okay people don't even see it i mean like you see how fast they scroll this video was perfect until we saw k and i wanted to throw my phone she probably feels bad but anyway i don't really care about this and that she didn't ruin it or anything i punched my computer [Laughter] what i was amused by was the various politicians and personalities and all these people who were so deeply offended by the music video and while i will point out that it's just it's just so inconsistent of youtube to trend it i think it's hilarious the the i'm gonna read some of these tweets of course they're all like mega conservatives cardi b and megan the stallions are what happens when children are raised without god well that's true that part's true without a strong father figure well that's an assumption well jesus is the father figured oh god i guess their new song whap which i heard accidentally oh yeah he wanted to make that i did not i didn't make that very clear it made me want to pour holy water in my ears and feel sorry for future girls if this is the role model which i heard accidentally oh my god that's like such a trumpism isn't it yeah oh trump said that about bill maher's show he tweeted out once right i watched bill maher talking about me which i turned on accidentally i love that yeah he goes on secondly while i personally take offense to the lyrics and messaging of this song i absolutely respect her first amendment right to make it oh what a guy also surprised that twitter doesn't mind this kind of free speech but has a problem with comfort service free speech have we seen again i don't know what's with okay what i'm not getting that but anyway he's offended he needs to pour holy water in his ears for just hearing about women being sexualized cool this person deanne lorraine cardi b and megan the stallion just set the entire female gender back 100 years with their disgusting and vile whapped song how 100 years 100 years ago could women even vote uh 1920 women's suffrage happened shortly before the 1920s right so i think so okay so somebody said you fact check that zach yeah when did women get when could women get the right to vote zach let's find out how far back we've been set uh was 19 1919 okay so right around that time wow so basically that yeah we're going to take the vote away from women because yeah we better take the vote away 100 years that's awesome do not prostitute that daughter to cause her to be a [ __ ] oh god well that's good advice right it's kind of self uh without a parent oh that's that's actually pretty funny to make that the acronym without a parent wap i had no clue there was such filthy wap song out until i was alerted on ben shapiro's podcast it's absolutely vile our mainstream culture has become utter trash girls will continue to be treated like dirt and men will resent them unhappiness abounds it's not like it's funny because cardi b is so not like she's so i don't think she represents a weak uh woman to anyone like she's so the opposite of that treated like dirt i mean she's in charge yeah you know what i mean she's like she does whatever she wants no she's definitely not but she's very in charge and she's super successful that's the that's why the comment was girls will continue to be treated like dirt i mean that's an empower that right there is an empowered woman no matter how you want to cut it although i guess maybe they're saying well why does empowerment have to be sexualized sexualized it doesn't have to be it doesn't hopefully well i would like to think so but i mean it doesn't have to be but women's sexuality has been an element of uh suppression and control for a long time and so yeah i mean being able to to own and and yeah about your sexuality it's uh rebelling against that yeah i think it's a timely well it's been happening for a while but i mean like they're pushed i guess their artistic statement is pushing that all the way to the [ __ ] map yeah which is fine i mean fair enough and i love and then ben shapiro is the king right now he oh this this pension beer was trending on twitter with like a bazillion people absolutely slam dunk all the yooping grand slamming on him and i don't care whatever you think about trying to understand what you're saying they agreed with him or did no they were dunking on it okay it's getting hard to follow your language you know what a grand slam is that's good no it's well they were grand slamming on okay because he also said he's the king right now so i was like confused the king of getting done well he's the king of this whole reactionary movement on twitter i don't know whatever you think about ben shapiro but you gotta admit this shit's pretty funny he goes he reacted to this live which was super super awesome maybe i should show the clip before i read his tweets but his is his wife a doctor or a gynecologist specifically well both of those are gynecologists type of doctor yes dan you said either or i said is she a doctor or specifically a gynecologist i i guess i don't know i he talks about her being a doctor all the time so okay well um he says as i discussed on my show my only real concern is that the women involved who apparently require a bucket and mop get the medical care they require my doctor's wife differential diagnosis bacterial vaginosis yeast infection or trichom trichomonas trichomonas what is he saying he's saying that it's uh the fact that they're wet is a medical condition well i don't know i miss that somehow then as i also discussed on the show my only recons real concern is that the women involved oh this is the same thing now let me watch the clip before we kind of talk about ben i'm just thinking of this gift that people always show when like the joke flew over your head i mean here this is this clip was going around how many views does it have six million it's awesome here let's watch ben talk about this oh i muted it earlier lyrics you ready [ __ ] in this house there's some [ __ ] in this house there's some [ __ ] in this house there's some [ __ ] in this house hold up i said certified freak seven days a week wet ass p-word make that pull-out game weak yeah you effin with some wet ass p word p word is female genitalia bring a bucket in a mop for this wet ass p word give me everything you got for this wet ass p word beat it up n word catch a charge extra large and extra hard put this p word right in your face swipe your nose like a credit card on top i want to ride i do a kegel while it's inside spit in my mouth look in my eyes this p word is wet come take a dive and continue uh along these lines uh and it gets significantly significantly more vulgar like a lot more vulgar talk your s word bite your lip ask for a call while you ride that d word censored everything you really need right he already made his mind up for him he's actually making me appreciate the lyrics i love the lyrics now that i've heard it it's so funny like swipe your nose to my ass like a credit card yeah how do you not even acknowledge that that's funny bring a bucket on a mop that's funny yeah it's funny the fact for him to be like well that's a medical condition people were people were crying on them they were saying like well the fact that ben is acknowledging that he's never met and encountered a wet vagina is the funniest self-owned ever yeah that's i yeah that's what i was laughing at like hey now get your boots in your coat for this wet ass p word pay my tuition just imagine people who are his like fans of ben shapiro watching this and being like and not laughing how is what you're doing now yeah how is what you're doing meant to uh uh uh offend me i mean imagine if you're like oh it's just bro swipe your nose in my ass like a credit card keyword pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet ass b right so this is d guys this this is what feminists fought for this is what the feminist movement was i actually agree i think the fact that women he's being ironic he's saying right this is what feminism has come to but he's right the fact that women can express themselves in this way i do think is definitely a sign of of a lot of ground covered i mean it's not especially in hip-hop it's always like the guys you know yeah it's always like you'd see the guy in charge but the girls around him i went to the party but she's starting it she's like yeah why she's the exactly ela you think about you go back to like the golden days of rapport or like easy e cruising down the street and my six-four like all this is about it's just the male version of this and so and so it is ironically because he doesn't have benjamin has famously made like the most obtuse comments about rap ever actually can you pull up what he said he's clearly talking about a culture and a music and a genre that he has no understanding of so you should hear what he said about hip-hop as a genre it's not uh it's not really about you know women being treated as independent full rounded human beings it's about what aspie word and if you say anything differently it's because you're a misogynist you see i don't think you're misogynistic you're a [ __ ] idiot that's just what the song is about yeah i just think you're missing the point it's so funny what ask b word and if you say anything differently it's because you're a misogynist you see i just love that they have to frame it so that if they're wrong it's because they're uh being marginalized it's just stupid look this is what cardi b is all about that's her thing and she's taking it all the way right i'm like i'm personally not like that and i don't sexualize myself on my instagram or anything like that and no one has a problem with that you can go either way you want i mean i agree that like on a certain degree um there's a conversation to have on how when when women sexualize themselves their like instagram will do better mm-hmm tick tock all of a sudden they're starting to dance with bikinis instead of wearing clothes shame it's a conversation that is worth discussing but that's different i mean i you see the same thing with dude dudes who are jacked and look good and then they're always shirtless they get more followers too yeah it just so happens that we sexualize things different like a dude who's jacked with six-pack is a sexual being where you know you a female the less clothes they it's the same thing it's the same exact thing i mean like where's this conversation when like i'm i'm sure there's male versions where they're like wearing very little clothes and their shirts are off and all this [ __ ] i mean why doesn't that strike the same chord when dudes are all sexualized in their music videos because of misogyny so oh so maybe he's right maybe he is a misogynist well well i don't know enough about him to make that claim to be frank but he's definitely missing the point really uh really really really really vulgar okay uh you got that tweet for me about hip hop oh here it is this is [ __ ] awesome you guys are gonna love this this is the best [ __ ] ever you're gonna love this my case against rap is i have the musical case against trap and then i'll get to the cultural case so the musical case against rap is that in in my view and the view of my music theorist father who who went to music school the there are three elements to music there's harmony there's there is melody and there's rhythm and rap only fulfills one of these the rhythm section that there's not a lot of melody and there's not a lot of harmony you were so ignorant the fact they could even go on air and say that is crazy he thinks this is all rap is like like there's you've not listened to enough rap effectively spoken rhythm and so it's not actually a form of music it's a form of rhythmic so speaking the subjectivity of me just not enjoying rap all that much uh it's what i've said before is not me i remember being longer but you get the idea yeah boy wait i think i remember him having a really great tweet about it if you can pull that up uh to be honest i i think he's he's tweeted about this countless times uh i want to see him okay well he and her zach please yeah let's get it you're so kind anyway i know a lot of people like ben shapiro and again i think on this one i don't know enough about him so i'm not trying to go to war with people about ben shapiro you know what i mean i'm not i'm not attacking your uh identity as a ben shapiro fan i think on this one issue of rap he d he's very ignorant he says fact rap isn't music and if you think it is you're stupid what a [ __ ] weirdo what a weirdo we're now where's 2012 well it's still done a long time i mean yeah obviously a bad take but fact rap isn't music and if you think it is you're stupid that's the thoughts of a great intellect oh yeah yeah you're stupid anyway again so oh here so this was the my favorite thing that came out of it which the moment i saw him reading those lyrics remind me of you guys remember vince staples uh the lady what was this song i really liked that vince staples song some soccer mom was crying super offended by his lyrics and then sometimes called the north north yeah and so she started crying and then she read the lyrics to the whole song maybe i should just show it because it's such a classic i think we've talked about it on the show i think so too but just just to uh just to refresh for people who don't know because it's just it's literally so funny and skyler's in the background so if she comes up here and wants me to hold her she might okay so this is literally what ben shapiro did she was reading the lyrics about how so i'm on my way taking the kids to school and this morning i have an 11 year old daughter aaliyah she loves that 104.5 radio station it's like the top hits right i remember listening to the top hits when i was a kid like britney spears and christina aguilera and backstreet boys and then sync and nowadays also all very sexualized yeah it's not the same right not the same at all um oh they cut out her crying she started crying and this rap song comes on guys i could not believe what i was hearing and as a mom it infuriated me like why is this on here and it like i started to get tears in my eyes it upset me so much and my 11 year old daughter listens to this radio station i i looked up the song and i looked at the lyrics i cannot believe this stuff is on the radio i'm sorry okay i'm gonna read it to you and i want you to just listen to the words some of this i'm gonna cuss i'm just gonna repeat what it says trigger warning all right okay i'm trying not to get claimed here but i want to play a little bit how do i do this without getting claimed i can't yeah she goes oh we could do it for the members only and cut it members only if you want to hear us watch this whole thing subscribe and be a member and you can watch it there right dan yeah um isn't she just gonna read it though why do you think no but there's music she's playing they remix it with the beat yeah so members only go watch this epic reaction so let me play you vince's response because it was so perfect vince said it's pathetic to attack someone for having an opinion on feeling some type of way for wanting her children not to be exposed to something because i'm 100 sure my mother would have loved for her children not to be exposed to gang life the difference is it wasn't on the radio it was in our house it was outside it was in our schools it was at our churches it was everywhere that we were so it was kind of a little bit harder if i have children one day i would hope that they are never exposed to that but when you have people who are able to you know just write people off as they don't have an opinion or feeling or motive behind the things they say that's the corny part you're worse than her because she shared her opinion she never once said anything negative about me at all her statement was that she doesn't understand how this is getting to major airwaves which is debatable it's fair for her to feel that way and most of all she kind of felt bad about the fact that it was possible that things these things could actually really happen shouldn't we be you know happy that someone actually is considering the fact that the stuff that i'm singing about that really happens is being passed off as fable or just ignoring it it's kind of an interesting take he's like yeah this [ __ ] happens it is that it is that sad but i thought it was actually because people were really like clowning on her and he was he was like hardcore defending her and every time people asked him about it i thought that was sweet regardless we were here to talk about ben shapiro when i was setting that up because of course the moment i saw him reading the lyrics like that i was like oh boy again so of course dr grandi grande delivered and what in my opinion was the best one and i saw a lot of them this is this was this was by far the best one so good shout out to dr grande there's some horrors in this house i said certified freakouts seven days a week there's some wet ass keywords pull out game week yeah yeah yeah yeah you happen with some wet ass keywords bring give me everything you've got for this wet ass fur speed it up inward catch a charge extra large and extra hard right in your face swipe your nose like a credit card hop on top if i want to ride i do a kegel well it's inside spit in my mouth look in my eyes this keyword is wet come take it dive and continue uh along these lines uh and it gets significantly significantly more vulgar like oh a lot more uh here's a part where ben goes on to say that um there's something that is going on here that is not biologically normal and by the way the song is so unsexy that it frankly says china getting wet is not biologically normal what does it mean it's just the funniest cell phone ever it's like somebody describing what amounts to a serious condition that requires the care of a doctor so fortunately i know a doctor who's my wife and so i asked her who doesn't know anything about wet vagina either i mean the layers of self-own is so good and she looked at the lyrics herself and after being kind of appalled by them obviously she had a few sort of indicators here on how she could diagnose the the vaginal condition that apparently these women are suffering from so there are a few sort of giveaways there are a few sort of giveaways what is this we gotta do this dan watch the rest of our podcast become a member oh i like this i'm just gonna i'm gonna block all the video after like an hour first of all a bucket and a mop for this so he plays the whole thing but just covers it that's crazy look at this they actually do that and that is from from 30 minutes he covers the whole thing with a time stamp or watermark isn't that annoying yes that's awesome so first of all she had to clarify whether wet ass p word was a description like how badly do you need to see him talking though at the same time the pure or whether one of the clinical symptoms here was also diarrhea diarrhea bring a bucket and a mop so this suggests that there's an awful lot of um not to be too graphic but some sort of uh medical discharge that's happening here like a lot i think it suggests that there's uh humor something you're not aware of it's like it's a condition you're not familiar with i think it's a hyperbolic there ben i think he may be over analyzing the statement he's like well okay so she's got a lot of moisture down there and uh it doesn't seem medically correct so i consulted with the doctor they said well is it maybe it's diarrhea maybe it's a maybe it could be some kind of medical condition then you really gotta go to urgent care yeah that's what he's saying so i went to a specialist i consulted a world-renowned doctor uh uh jennifer dodetta we had a hour-long conversation i read a medical journal it's like it's just a joke bro watch me write a lot too much because that's a symptom of something that is not going great oh yeah there's science problems pretty good yeah um and i say that because hop on top i want to ride i do a kegel while it's inside so there's some signs of some actual clinical prolapse which is which is a problem [Music] wait is he trying to be funny i don't think so i don't think so a clinical prolapse because she wanted to do a kegel and that sounds great i mean that sounds like something i would recommend also there's some there's some talk about um where this person is putting their nose and uh and and there's some talk about smelling right there's a there's a line here about gagging and choking which suggests that perhaps perhaps there's an odor issue here come on it's kidding from putting from sniffing the butt oh dude this is hilarious but he's not laughing this has to be a joke at some point in here there's a reference to diabetes about uh about a person who uh engages in particular activity and ends up diabetic which is just a serious ph imbalance so i asked my wife oh my god this is great i really think he's kidding how could you say that there's an odor issue from sniffing an [ __ ] gagging i mean imagine this i have to imagine that you sniff the [ __ ] at a new gag that's [ __ ] incredible for a differential diagnosis for the sake of these ladies in case they need to go to the doctor i mean like this this is a problem i mean like if if this is real like there's water pouring out the front doors of this place and that ain't water guys i mean that's that's why i'm being told that ain't water so the medical diagnosis it's new it's news to be he doesn't know what it is yeah how ben is not a is not a sexy man so [Laughter] i think i don't i don't i don't have a hard time believing that ben's never encountered a wet vagina i mean when you hear him talk it's not very sexual it almost makes me think like when it's when he like performs at sex acts it's like chalk probably like chalk inside he just goes and like chalk comes out oh no that that was fine here was her differential her differential diagnosis my wife the doctor was either these women are suffering from bacterial vaginosis or a yeast infection or my wife suggested most probably they are suffering from trichomonas so just did you i don't think his wife's ever experienced being turned on before because they're both like super orthodox you know medical advice yeah put aside the empowerment put i mean i understand how empowering it is for women to sing about the the moisture state of their genitals and i i understand that anybody who criticizes this as reductive of female sexuality and or of putting out images of females as over-sexualized in a way that is negative that puts a negative image we're just watching this right now still visualize them in my head you know i know exactly i was like i love that they have to blur them out you don't want to even see what we need to do ela is do this on our show of watching him you're behind two paywalls effectively we didn't even pay for you guys to watch him at least yeah for members only we'll pay oh geez i guess that's it eh we did it all i wanted to talk about some other stuff but we gotta throw it into our special segment yeah oh well we've got a really exciting segment um dax flame as you guys know he was on the podcast recently with with idubbbz who made a documentary about him called ice cream man he is a youtuber an author a comedian he's a renaissance fan he's a man of many talents and skills and interests and so we're going to throw it to dax part one is underway and i just think that um i think it's really exciting to be able to have this be a part of our show so with that being said let us let us delve into part one back with us today on the show is the smoothie enthusiast the ice cream man himself dax flame we have what we've got a special project we've been working on here um something that i think is going to be captivating and intriguing to to everybody and maybe even to bring like some big changes to the earth it's not just entertainment we're here to actually impact the world as we see it dax how are you doing have you had any interesting smoothies lately i just had one before we started because it's morning time at the moment and yeah every day tell me what was inside the smoothie uh mangoes peaches oat milk protein powder a few other things um but yeah also there's ripple effects of what's a seemingly small thing going back to the series can have a even though you said it big effect on the world maybe even through a small thing ripple effects but yeah this smoothie was good and so i don't know well i think that we're not it's not a ripple effect i think it's a meteorite smashing into the earth but we're about to unveil here okay yeah hopefully yeah i think so but getting back to the smoothies do you drink anything do you live on smoothies no i it's my breakfast every day though and do you ever throw a wild card ingredient in there just to kind of see what happens no no no it's usually the same exact thing it's the same exact smoothie so dax um tell us about what we've what we're gonna get ourselves in here today you have a video you prepared part one for us it's kind of like a film noir i would even describe it as yeah so it's um it's a series that is going to evolve as it is made um i will be taking in any information that comes my way i want to be a neutral journalist at while while making it and i think it could potentially just come off as a tribute piece in a way that sort of just teaches valuable lessons as i learned them and i will share it but also i'm open to anything i learned and so we will really see how it goes and i'm hoping that there is some genuine change on my end and even a discovery of change on the punches we're of course talking about um charlie poof puth who is one i would describe maybe as your arch nemesis or my teenage archnemesis yeah currently i don't want to label him as anything uh uh i do have if i'm being the most honest mixed feelings but i want to just be open to anything so i like to become friends with him actually but also i'm just we'll see so you think like you'd obviously have a bias against charlie puth for all for the meanness he's he's thrust on you but you want to try to overcome that as a impartial journalist yes and also i wouldn't even i think on an unconscious level because on the surface level i'll just say no i'm fine that's years ago but i think that it's important to be honest with yourself and so we'll see we'll see yeah i definitely think of him as a villain of some sort and if i can even ask what's the deal with his eyebrow because it almost looks like a style but then when you go back in time he it looks like a like he has a scar or something from a diaper it's this yes he has a scar from a dog attack from when he was two i've been learning a lot about him so i think it was almost life-threatening wow wow so that kind of yeah that is an interesting do you know if he has a dog phobia to this day or is he is he all good with dogs i haven't seen any videos of him with dogs so i don't know interesting yeah well here's what i proposed let's watch part one and then we can discuss uh from there so without further ado we have the truth about pouth part one the beginning of an epic journey of discovery charlie puth is one of the most successful up-and-coming pop stars performing duets with everyone from meghan trainor to pitbull and recording four multi-platinum hits i'm dax flame actor author and most importantly one of the original youtube stars back in 2007 when charlie was still a complete unknown and i was at the height of my youtube fame charlie used to send me very discouraging hate messages about my singing voice i received thousands of comments and messages like these but charlie's might have been most vicious and to this day i'm still too shy to sing in front of anyone but i'm not perfect the same year that charlie sent me those messages i actually made a video jealously hating on many youtubers who had more subscribers than me i know that i've completely changed as a person since recording that toxic video and so i'm assuming that charlie has two since sending his messages i don't know that he's changed as a matter of fact i don't know much about him at all and i'd like to find out before i share my goal for this series with you i'd like to share what my goal is not my goal is not revenge my goal is not to accuse him of anything or to drag him down my goal is not to slander his name my goal is understanding like 15 different synths in the record was pretty exciting when i listen to charlie's music and watch interviews with him i get the impression that he's a very talented and funny pop star someone who i could actually see myself being friends with and hanging out with [Music] if this impression is accurate if he's the same in person as he appears in interviews then i'd like to understand the journey he underwent to becoming who he is now from who he used to be i will be open to any and all information that comes my way positive or negative but my hope is that over the course of this series i'm able to conduct interviews with those closest to charlie confirming my impression that he's actually a very great person and that i'm able to learn about what steps he took to change and that i'm able to confront my insecurities over singing and maybe even explore music as a potential outlet while also additionally maybe even meeting up with charlie and exchanging apologies over the past and potentially becoming friends and also delivering some helpful life lessons to viewers along the way lastly this is not just a series for charlie puth fans this is a series for anyone interested in the themes of personal growth forgiveness overcoming insecurities dealing with the internet hatred following your dreams forming friendships having courage and ultimately whether or not people really change let me look at this comment first of all on motivate i'm moved you're not oh so cool and that was sent to you directly or it was a comment on a video uh i would receive messages from him oh i think i know i think it was a brief uh exchange of messages i received thousands of comments and messages that were hate as everyone does um but i think since his resonated more because normally with those you push them to the back of your mind but whenever you uh see this public figure come and that you can't avoid them then it brings those things that you push back up to the surface so yeah so at the time at the time we sent you this comment which i'll read in a moment was was he at all famous well you don't have to read that oh i'm going to read it but but but but when he sent you this message was he at all famous or was he a nobody no he was not famous uh and that is the interesting thing to me is um is uh yeah the the the reasons behind it and um i've actually in a future episode i'm hoping to interview someone who is who was close with him back then that i recently that's exciting but yeah you know we could discover great things about him maybe it was a misunderstanding totally maybe we'll discover more dark stuff but the scary thing is like there are so many people whenever someone is that famous and is generating that much income and stuff there's so many people who rely on him too who will want to stop me if there is anything to hide so hopefully there is nothing to hide and like like that's that's like my just being paranoid but but no that's a really good point you know it's like but also maybe he has nothing to hide and we'll just discover great things but either way he should know we're digging yeah yeah for sure um and digging for goodness like or batteries whatever's there we're digging you know sometimes sometimes when you dig you don't you just don't know what you're gonna unearth and i think that's what he has to be aware of yes well and then again i do think because he wasn't famous i do think it's worth mentioning that this may not even have been him uh yeah there could be another charlie puth do you do you remember the avatar do you remember the face like how sure are you that this is the same booth that sent the message oh well uh because he's i remember it was a youtube musician yeah who wanted to be famous who had the name because that's such a memorable name so if anyone think questions the validity i think it's like like you'll just have to trust me and once i meet him he'll confirm and yeah we'll see okay that's convincing so basically i remember like a purple sort of avatar or something um but more than that i just remember his name and i remember a hateful connotation to it um to the interaction uh quite like messages quite negative um the thing about sending a direct message too is like it's more hateful it's more it's hidden also it's what hidden right it's in a way more than a public comment because yeah the public comment you almost don't even assume that the person will actually read it in a way yeah you know like and it's it's all it also implies the question he publicly seems to have changed when i watch interviews like i get a genuine instinct this is a nice person and i would like to know him uh but also there's lots of nice people so i can make lots of me lots of nice but yeah if he was doing that in public back then is he still doing something or in private back then is he still doing something in private now probably not it's just interesting these will be like what makes it interesting let me read this and also i would like to talk to a therapist for like if any of your audience is a therapist uh for a future episode if they are interesting interested to meet me in public i could interview them about some potential things uh and i could pay them like for their time or whatever no we i think we're we're working on finding someone for that already okay let me read on let me read the comment your voice makes me sick your latest singing video was the most embarrassing thing i've seen though and this is just the gist of what his messages were oh so he sent you multiple messages i think there were maybe if i'm remembering correctly it was one brief exchange of maybe two or three messages and so when he sent you a message like this how did you respond i probably responded angrily back yeah man i killed her to read that can you just like what would what what's a comment that you at that age would have said to him can you kind of like go back to that um if if could you read me the first sentence of what i will see yeah what is written here your voice makes me sick your latest singing video was the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen so i probably would have said like i have i have a great singing voice if my voice is not good why do i get all these views um and probably would have like and maybe i would have attacked him too i don't remember probably not actually but um but yeah i think deep down i kind of knew i wasn't the best singer but i really genuinely enjoyed it let me continue the only reason you're on the most subscribed list is because people laugh at you your voice is almost as ugly as your face you would lose in any fight and you should be embarrassed to have a voice so sad it was like nails on a chalkboard and you'll never be a professional this is a recreation you should be this is the name of yourself and then it says recreation message because the messages have been lost to time but but the pain is what matters like you're recreating the pain is real and you're reinterpreting that so this is a recreation based on your memory of the yeah i'm really reluctant to even say that it's a recreation i just wanted to say that for uh legal purposes because i think that the reason the message i know that immediately people question the validity once they realize that the reason that it is a recreation though is because youtube deleted all of the messages direct messaging is no longer a option whereas like on instagram right you can dm someone yeah uh youtube used to have that now they don't so i received messages from him and they were like that they could have been worse uh i i originally wrote a draft of that feel free to edit any of this out too i originally wrote a draft of that that was even harsher based off my memory but i didn't want to like to have it like i didn't want to use the f word in it or i don't remember if he actually did or whatever well i think you conveyed it well certainly and i mean yeah that that those are some bitter hurtful words that's a that's a young man who's clearly just very jealous of your success i would say and someone who is who who thinks they deserve your success and they don't understand uh they don't understand and were you dealing with a crazy amount of hate at that time oh yeah for sure for sure but the reason that someone like like those messages would stick out a bit more is maybe just because he became famous later and also they were very uh targeting my singing voice which wasn't as targeted by hate back then so i realized that puth i'm just putting this together was on the feature of wiz khalifa see you again which is like the you said is the third most popular video on youtube youtube video of all time and maybe the most popular in spotify of all time 5 billion almost so the booth has been out here he's been he's been out here so obviously we can't play it but this is the song that was the paul walker yeah rest in peace paul walker song why is that funny dan how dare you what would you laugh about recipes paul walker do you know how that affected people five billion views i'm just thinking back to our guests the other week who uh who wanted to erect the paul walker statue oh okay so this is furious i don't know why you find that funny either um furious seven wow how many furiouses are we up to man that was furious seven that happened so long ago and they're still making those movies so i feel like now i do i get a lot more context to um yeah you can't escape that yeah exactly that you can't escape it i'm so familiar with this grocery stores restaurants right anywhere you go graduation ceremonies i'm sure would you like possibly for charlie poof to sing see you again at your funeral well i uh don't want to think about my death oh okay fair enough yeah good good right but he would it would theoretically if i died i i yeah sure it would be great if we became friends actually and i happened to pass away uh while he still had a like great voice and stuff um then yeah that'd be great if you sing it at my funeral do you think that and that would be a great healing moment too it would just prove even though you don't pump things i said even though you'd be dead it would still be a great healing moment it would prove that we had healed already or maybe it would be just healing for him if it wasn't and that would be sad if we never made up and then he just showed up that would be weird do you think that you would share is it okay for you to share that song with paul walker or maybe he should write a new one for you at your funeral like it would be called uh like because it's called see you again maybe yours could be called uh i'm sorry and goodbye yeah it could just cover justin bieber sorry song just i'm sorry and goodbye yeah we'll think about that maybe you know be cool if you wrote a song for your funeral like and actually i would appreciate that because that would prove that before passing we had come to some sort of yeah meeting point and healed yes um it would be darker if i had passed away and he just like showed up and sang it for his own healing purposes while everyone there knows that i had beef with him like like so that would be like the bad version of it but yeah the other one like theoretically that'd be wild if just showed up unannounced to your funeral seeing pouth become famous resurfaced with him a lot of these negative feelings you associate with being hated on the internet so long ago yeah like going into a restaurant and hearing see you again come on or uh hearing it come come on over the speakers uh all of a sudden i'm taken back to like theoretically what could have been like a different career bathroom well i don't even want to go there and say that i could have had a music career but it is a thought in my mind so but there's almost like a it's almost like a ptsd trigger where i almost wonder if you even have like a lot you could probably even sue him for inflicting emotional pain on you because like the more successful he becomes the more damaging he is you every time you hear him on the radio well i don't think i'm going to try to sue him because i'm well theoretically changed and i would like him to have a good life and and hopefully become friends with him but that is an interesting thought yeah we could end the series with either a reunion or a lawsuit [Laughter] if you'll pay for the lawsuit i don't know if i wanna yeah i don't know if i wanna be better man well let's see maybe we could do a gofundme and see how badly people want you to sue charlie all right i'm thinking we would you think that you guys could be friends what do you think like i think dax can be friends with anybody if i can answer for you i don't know that this booth guy i don't know if he's ready to be friends no that'll be interesting to find out but i don't know anything that's like uh sorry i cut you off oh no go ahead do you have anything that would be a a deal breaker if he's like oh he's he wants to play video games all the time and you're like i'm out or you mean if you want to be like real friends he's uh he's all about smoking weed and you're not yeah uh well i don't see us hanging out every day or anything like i'm sure he's super busy and also there's corona so i i would be a backyard hang if anything but it could start from there like start from like a like a play interview for this web series and clear up the past and apologize and um that is important to note that there was never an apology uh not the biggest deal but we'll see we need an apology because those are hurtful words and i mean i think we i think our goals need to be apology a backyard at the very least an apology okay or and then at the very best a duet at the very worst a lawsuit and and i and i'm hoping that there's tabloids and papers we should send this out this clip too to tabloids and [ __ ] because they kind of maybe we should wait until there's a better conclusion right or whatever no no i want the story i just want people to kind of get it on the radar that you know maybe there's more than meets the eye to this poof character that's that's cool and honestly i do see it having very positive i want to be open to anything but i do see it having a very positive feel and uh i do think like like it's the last 20 seconds of the video you played is supposed to evoke the uh exciting inspiring effects that the series could have right hmm is there any chance you guys getting the octagon together if it goes south the octagon no he beat the hell out of me no he's really muscular like i don't know if you saw that he seems kind of short though we could play basketball versus each other that's an outdoor activity basketball yeah he is pretty fit he's fit but he's kind of short i don't know if you've got like that rage in you like some people have the rage and they can just overcome physical opposition no no in fighting do you think you have that rage that like inner flame that just kind of would allow you to have superhuman strength during the fight or no i don't know yeah i don't know maybe uh but i don't want to fight him oh it's important to clear up and and um yeah i think if you did send it to tabloids and whatnot i would just be a little worried that that his team might come from me and destroy my youtube channel like have talked to youtube because he's a bigger no no don't worry we have we have connections they can't touch you you're you're made man okay and it's only gonna be good too it will reflect positively on everyone involved unless there are skeletons in the closet but i don't think there are well you might be that skeleton in his closet dax mine isn't that bad and honestly i try to present it doesn't affect me at all there is a little seed inside me that's like well maybe there is there is some doubt maybe it did affect me a little bit as with any hate comment but maybe more so and so i'll just be honest open explore it well i'm excited i'm thrilled i'm excited i cannot wait to see where this goes we're going to have another we're going to try to do an installment every week as this story develops wow yeah i love how you put the clip together those uh shots of you wandering and thank you and did you see on the like title card how he he goes from out of focus oh yeah i didn't notice that oh yeah very nice detail notice that big time i also noticed the uh the building that you were hanging out in front of says uh what did it say charles's music or something yeah the day that y'all asked me to do this series i went for a hike and on the way back almost as if a sign from god i saw this building and i pulled over and started the film so every episode uh that's the after the title card i plan to introduce the episode name in front of that building episode two is called assumptions all right well we will see you next week dax we wish you well in your investigations i do want to say i'm happily reading your new book cool exciting dax flames guide to making money as an influencer yeah which is great i mean we all need help in that realm so fantastic all right dax great chatting with you we will catch up with you again next week as we become uh as we come closer and closer to the truth about the booth can we just call him the booth that's kind of a good name if you'd like to yeah the booth would you like me to change the title of the series or no all right dax take care well we've done it all we've said it all people said we wouldn't come back but here we are and next episode uh we'll be back again against all odds against all forces that conspiracy will try no we will we will prevail we will prevail so we'll see you then guys thank you for joining us as always thank you to our members see you guys on discord and um god bless we'll see you guys there thank you god bless jobless yeah ja bless oh job i thought you were making fun of unemployed people not jobless jobless okay [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,064,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: IgTdy9DElWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 6sec (8586 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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